#the rookie 3x12
bronx-bomber87 · 11 months
Happy Saturday Fandom :) Zero Chenford in this one but good separate SL’s for them both. Really good growth for Tim though which at this point you all know I love. Let’s dive on in.
3x12 Brave heart.
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Tim is paired with Nyla today since Nolan is otherwise occupied. They visit the hospital since Harper wants to check in on John and his son. Tim is annoyed cause they’re gonna get roped into something just being there. He takes a phone call while Harper checks in. It's the venue he booked for Angela's bachelorette party. They're calling him to say they're canceling and keeping his deposit. Tim was already grumpy being here and this is not helping.
Harper rejoins him and he asks her opinion on venues and she's got nothing for him haha They're about to leave then Lo and behold they spot guys with concealed carry’s. Tim mutters how it’s been less than 5 minutes since they arrived. Grumpy Tim has arrived and isn't leaving anytime soon. I do love how he walks up to them. Hand on his duty belt as they approach. Me likey. This man makes me a puddle just walking. My god. How does he do this? The man tries to charm them both. Saying how they must be recruiting from modeling schools now.
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It's not working in the least. He then adds on between Tim and Nyla he can’t tell which one is prettier. Harper cuts him off and says clearly her HA! Tim looks so offended. His reaction is the best part. He low key knows how handsome he is. Except when women announce it then he’s shy af. He looks like he took it so personally. LOL
No Lucy around to help him lick his wounds. It's ok Tim I think you're the prettier one hehe They quickly find out it’s La Fiera’s body guards. Their cop spidey senses immediately going into overdrive. Tim groans because now they’re gonna be here all day. Harper asks him what he thinks she’s doing here? Tim says 'Nothing good'… We know that’s right.
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Lucy and Jackson are also at the hospital. Their rolling stop turned into more. She took off and destroyed city property. She injured herself in the process and cut her arm. They’re now stuck there until she is patched up. Jackson says he’s gonna grab breakfast since he didn’t this morning. Lucy questions him skipping a meal. He replies he didn’t have a choice Tamara is eating them out of house and home.
Lucy apologies for thrusting her upon their living situation. Jackson is trying to be sweet about it says it’s ok… but wondering when she’s going to be leaving? Lucy says it’s so hard to get ahold of the housing program. They have crazy long wait times to check on her application. Jackson mentions using right now to check since they’re stuck anyways. Lucy lights up says that’s a good point. She gets very excited only 3 callers in line. She is so adorable I can not.
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Jackson makes his way back to Lucy. She mocks him for his terrible breakfast choice. I mean it's not a great one ha Everything seems like it’s lining up for them. Their suspect is all patched up so they are ready to go. Their suspects runs just as Lucy’s phone call is answered. Poor Lucy that's some bad luck. Lucy hangs up losing her place in line. They chase her all the way to the parking lot where she passes out….They find out she’s a drug mule and that’s why she collapsed. They’re gonna be at at hospital even longer now especially waiting for a Narcotics detective to show up.
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Angela is made aware of La Fiera’s presence at the hospital. Walks away from her OB appointment leaving Wesley hanging. She finds out she’s here "Just for her son." Angela doesn’t believe that for a minute. Wesley comes and finds them all angry she missed her appointment. Tries to ask Tim if this was work related? He makes sure to stay out of their spat LOL Tim is beyond adorable as the scene continues. He lost Angela’s venue of choice earlier. So he tries to make it up with a sports bar LMAO
Oh Timothy, Look at that gorgeous smile of his when he tells her his plan. Tim is so damn proud of himself and is shot down quickly after. Angela's face has me cracking up so very much. Tim gets nervous and says he was joking… He would never....The way he backtracks has me rolling. Watching Tim quake in front of strong women always gets me. What makes him such a sucker for Lucy. Also she is not around to negate his terrible idea's atm and it shows haha
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Harper rolls up with security footage of La Fiera clearly not at the hospital "Just for her son." They spot Mack Daniels as one of the guards…Tim’s face is everything when he sees this. Clearly hasn’t changed his ways at all working for a Narco boss. SMH.
They roll up and Mack looks high as a kite. He lies about knowing who his client is. All he tells them is it’s not La Fiera. Tim tries to get him to cooperate. Saying he doesn’t need anymore trouble i’m sure. Mack cracks and says he’s work for Tomas Madrigal. All three of them groan. He’s the kingpin of drugs in Southern California. Multiple investigations going on for him. No way Mack doesn't know that.
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He then starts the pity party about why he had to take this job. How it’s all Tim’s fault. He comes at Tim SO hard. Tells them he can’t be picky about the money he makes. Up to his eyes in debt. Tim tells him working for the enemy isn’t the answer. Mack goes on that his client is dying cancer. He’s only there to make sure no one interrupts his final moments. Mmmhmm sure…
Angela calls him out about La Fiera coming by. Mack tells her she only came by to pay her respects. Ok sure Mack… and I don’t find Tim attractive. We’re both telling lies today aren’t we? Clearly she is here to make a play for his business before he dies. They get interrupted by Tomas’s son telling Mack to get back to work. He sends more daggers Tim's way before disengaging with them.
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I adore Nyla checking in on Tim. Asking if he's alright? His body language is stiff as a board. Poor love having to reface that decision he made back in 3x06. It was the right call but doesn’t make facing Mack’s wrath any easier. Also seeing how much Mack has fallen from grace since he last saw him. Taking jobs like this. Too bad Lucy isn’t there to help him. Since she’s not he shakes it off and pretends he is fine. When we all know he very much is not. But once again his girl is not there so he will clam right up.
I do love this trio working together. Only thing missing is Lucy. I hope in s6 we see Lucy make detective. Then these three BAMF women and Tim with metro can all work together on a case like this. Be amazing it would. Sigh. A girl can dream can’t she? Anyways Nyla says she certified for wire tapping and they have their next move.
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We return to Lucy and Jackson waiting out their suspect. She now has to pass the drugs before they are able to leave. Plus they need someone from narcotics to show which they haven’t. Lucy tries her hand again at the phone call. She’s told she's 46th in line….Jackson says he’ll check on narcotics to see if they’re coming anytime soon.
After he’s told no update he pulls out his phone. Looking back at Lucy like he’s doing something wrong. I mean he is....lol. Lucy notices right away he’s looking at something. She comes over and asks what he’s doing? He lies and says Tiktok Lucy is incensed when she see that is NOT what it is. It’s clearly him watching Tamara. She just doesn't know why. This isn't Jackson's best moment I'll say that.
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Lucy is instantly in protective mama mode over Tamara. She's so mad at him. As she should be honestly. I would be pissed too Lucy. WTF Jackson. He tries to cover it up by saying he’s testing their system. Then she pulls a line from Tim’s playbook. Calling Jackson a lying liar who lies baha Also she can break Tim Bradford when he's lying you are not going to fair much better my man ha I’m so offended for Tamara tbh and for Lucy. How Jackson assumes she took his Baby Yoda figurine. Just because of her background.
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Jackson decides to step it in more with his next set of words. (Stop you fool....) That she shouldn’t trust Tamara cause she lived on the streets. How he wants her to trust Tamara. But she probably had to do a lot to survive on the street. Lucy is so upset he didn’t tell her how he really felt. Also the way he's coming after Tamara. He continues his witch hunt saying baby yoda is missing. Lucy snaps and says he isn’t. That she broke him. Didn’t think he would notice like he did. She was gonna replace it soon. Then does a Mic drop of a line leaving Jackson stunned. Rightfully so IMO. Not your best moment good sir....
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The SL with La Fiera’s son is tragic af. It's all her fault (not that she is going to see it that way.... ) She brought him into the line of fire. Using him as cover to make her dealings. He gets caught in the middle and killed because of it. Tomas's son comes after her and Diego is the collateral damage. Wrong time wrong place for that kid. Its pretty damn sad.
Angela was there talking to her when her son is shot to death. So she blames Angela for the death of her son. He was away from her when the shooting began. (Couldn’t have been the deal she made of course…) This sets up the finale and 4x01 and why LA Fiera comes at Angela like she does. Even though Angela saves her life Diego was in the crosshairs and dies.
Angel gets pinned down and calls for backup. Luckily Nyla and Tim are still in the building. This little moment between them is too cute above. I love their rivalry with one another. Tim saying he’ll take two leaving the third for Harper. She has to over compensate and say she’s got the big guy. Tim’s reply ‘Not that big’ LOL It is sexy af to watch him in action not gonna lie. Dispatches his two pretty quickly.
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We return to Jackson and Lucy waiting for their suspect to get out of surgery. Lucy is still on the phone waiting for a call. They finally answer her and she finds out Tamara is in. That she’ll get an email by weeks end. Her little dance of excitement is so damn cute. I swear that is just Melissa coming out and I friggin love it. Jackson takes this opportunity to apologize for being a suspicious jerk. Good man.
Super proud of him for doing this. I love that he wanted to make it right. But grateful Lucy had the foresight to stop him. It would break her heart and Tamara wouldn’t feel ok staying there. Be the worst idea ever to tell her he felt that way. Love Lucy looking out for her in that way. ❤️ His heart is in the right place but it would crush Tamara.
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This final scene with Mack gets me right in the feels. Tim waits for him to leave the hospital. Wants to try and get through to him one more time. Mack giving him every excuse in the book why he can’t go to rehab. Tim battles back with more logic. The same kind of logic Lucy would throw at him in a situation like this. Like 3x07 where she destroyed his every point. Asking how many times have they seen junkies act like this? Say the same things? How many actually got out of the hole without going to rehab?
This is such a good scene for Tim. We once again get to see his good heart come out. Watching what’s become of Mack is eating away at him. Tim had to try one more time to help him. To save him from himself. He does a damn good job with his speech. Gah it’s so good. Eric crushes it per usual. Pre-tears in his eyes as he passionately pleas with his friend. Killing me softly.
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Look how far Tim has come. I can not. This scene is proof of that growth. Also the good heart he had before it was beat up by Isabel and all that trauma he endured. He's confronting Mack even though he knows he's going to bite his head off. Because it's the right thing to do. Even tells him to use his hate for him. Especially if that's going to be his drive to get better. To get clean and go to rehab finally. That he refuses to give up on him.*heart clutch* You can see Tim slowly getting through to Mack with his unwavering support.
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it really hits home when Tim tells him to be a better example for his kids. The way Eric delivers that line. Gets me good. To take his lumps and cowboy up. The beautiful mixture he has now of logic and empathy. It gets through to Mack and he pulls him in for a sweet hug. This hug is the best part. This gets me right in the feels. Lucy would be floored by him in this moment. For Tim to even think to reach out like this. To be there for Mack in this way. My damn heart.
Letting that empathy and good heart of his to see the light of day again. It was always there but it got buried in his trauma. I saw a quote the other day made me think of Tim. Also of the impact Lucy has had on him. ‘I think the most beautiful thing in the world, is watching the light come on in someone’s eyes after they’ve been in the dark so long.’
If that isn’t Lucy and Tim and the impact she’s had on him idk what is. She’s re-awakened this part of him he thought was long gone. The light in his eyes is back. I mean for Tim to even think to reach out like this. His growth always blows me away. He couldn’t stand the thought of his friend drowning. Especially after his hand in it. Needed to be apart of helping him heal. So he took a chance and it worked.
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Even when they’re apart Lucy’s impact on him shines through. This scene is absolute beautiful proof of that. This man is wonderful and refuses to let his friend suffer. To go through this alone. So he makes sure he knows he has his back. The scene ends on a sweet note though. Tim asking if he knows any venues for bachelorette parties? Mack giving him same answer he already tried LOL So Cute. I can not.
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Lucy and Jackson make it home. This is the cutest part of the episode for them. Tamara has made dinner for them both. it’s a very sweet thing for her to do. Tamara tells Jackson she has something for him. Saying she knows Lucy broke his Yoda thing LOL Then panics and makes sure he knows. Lucy confirms before she continues. This scene is too funny. Tamara got him a cute plushy to replace it. He is floored by her kindness. The fact that she felt the need to replace it at all. Even when she didn't break it.
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She says it’s to thank him for letting her stay. It’s the first time she’s felt safe in forever. You watch the guilt wash over Jackson. How much he regrets ever thinking badly of her. He wants to tell her but Lucy stops him. I love the way Lucy gently puts her hand on his arm. Like 'No she doesn’t need to know this.' He course corrects and says she can stay as long she needs to. The smile on Tamara’s face says everything. It’s so sweet.
Jackson geeks out and ask if she’s seen The Mandalorian? She says it’s based on a movie right? Jackson tries to keep his geek in check and says he has a lot to teach her haha it’s very cute way to end the episode for this trio.
This ep although apart was super good for them SL wise anyways. What I love about them. They stand up so well as characters separately. I always prefer them together but I’m not miserable with their SL's apart every once in awhile.
Side notes-non chenford in this case this whole ep was this ha
I do continuously love how soft Nyla has become for Nolan. She drags Tim to hospital to check on him cause Henry collapsed.
It’s cool that Bones is Henry’s mom LOL
Thank you as always to those who support these review’s through likes, comments and reblogs. I love them so much I shall see you all in 3x13 crazy 2 eps away from being done with s3.
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
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Tim and Lucy in every episode of The Rookie 3x12 || Brave Heart "You are a lying liar who lies!"
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nocticola · 7 months
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Sarah Nolan (Emily Deschanel) The Rookie 3x12 Brave Heart (2021) 5/ 5
Directed by Lisa Demaine co-written by Paula Puryear
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mostowa · 4 months
_This might not be popular, but I really think that something shifted in their dynamics in late S5 (and I genuinely believe it was also always partially missing) and I think the break-up really helped to dig into this problem._
Please could you write more about this? What do you think has changed between them? When did this start and why?
Hello Nonnie!
So... Yeah. It's quite a hard topic for me, because I really don't like being the one to stand out in a cheering and positive crowd that this fandom has been. But, I will do my best to explain what I mean, too.
Disclaimer is that I binged The Rookie until 6x04 and I really believe that when you binge things you might miss the details, that with this pairing has always been important. In short: disclaimer is that I might be wrong.
I also need to say that my views come from a place of being an anxious person that has often been dismissed regarding her feelings and even belittled.
With all that in mind, let me try to explain my mindset a bit. Some of the parts I have already explained in this post. So if you've read it it might be kind of repetitive.
While I've loved Chenford since 3x12 and Green Dress, I've always found it disturbing how Tim approaches Lucy in her low moments. It's not that he approaches it bad. I just honestly think that his approach has always been quite bantery (17st place) and definitely more action than words style. There is nothing bad with that, I just don't truly believe this is good for anxious Lucy. I really think that Jackson was always the best kind support for her. I think the core thing for me was that Jackson always acknowledged her feelings and tried to be supportive, before providing solution. For me the part of "acknowledging her feelings" is the part that I haven't seen that much in Tim.
I think I noticed it hard in the documentary 5x18, when it almost felt like Lucy was in denial about being so optimistic about their relationship, while Tim was grumpy and protective over himself and his image. I think this is where I saw this shift (not sure if it was also the shift in the characters), that maybe Tim might have some serious doubts about their relationship.
For me, this is this surface level relationship problem that dr London called him out for. It is that he does not know how to be together, how to be deep in a relationship. He tried that once and look where it got him (it was not his fault by any means).
For me, it carried in the late S5 and early S6 so much so that it led to their break-up. That Tim chose to put up some walls instead of finding resolution. And, again, it's not that I blame him for that. Hell, with kind of childhood and past that he has it is incredibly in character. But he is also a grown up man that needs to take responsibility of his life and people around him. That's why 6x10 made me so excited: the dynamics are a-changing. He is starting to tear down his walls brick by brick and learn what does being together actually means.
Because I feel that as anxious as Lucy sometimes the "being together" is what she understands at her core. Hence the hug, the jump and all the big things she's been doing for him (after the break-up and before too, of course). Of course, she is not crystal (Nyla is, lol! sorry for the dad joke). She jumped on this train very quick and very enthusiastically and they never really had a real convo about their feelings.
I think it really blew up with Ray, when Tim just ghosted Lucy and kept her in the dark for so many hours. It's not a good communication, let's say straight forward it is just a really encyclopedic example of bad communication. He gets wrapped up in his own world and cannot quite wrap his mind about what Lucy needs. I hope that will get changed, because, well Tim was not a good partner then.
Just to sum this all up. I've already started to see some progress with Tim's character and I really really hope they keep on showing this in S7. This is my biggest hope for S7, actually.
I really, really hoped I answered your question. Y'all! Tell me if I'm wrong, please!!!
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karihighman · 3 years
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The Rookie 3x12 promotional photos “Brave Heart” ©️DGE Press
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Wesley was actually in some scenes in the latest ep of the Rookie? Am I watching the right show?? And [spoilers] but the scenes were great! Super cute wedding stuff and baby stuff with Angela, and my man actually got a borderline whump scene (at least the closest to whump he's gotten all season) where he's tricked by a ex cop mob affiliate into a darkened parking garage and he leads him to his van full of creepy murder tools and threatens him (sadly let's him go with just the threat even though I was rooting for Wesley! abduction, but that's what fic it fic is for though amiright?)
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chenfordsource · 3 years
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2x05 | 3x12
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sab-carpenters · 3 years
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piscesangelina · 3 years
Chenford stans last night after hoping that we’d get some crumbs in the new episode:
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 In Progress seperate link at bottom of list.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 09/20/24
Works: 106
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
Season 6 Separate Post
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justawhatsit · 7 years
McNally: Why are you drunk at 8am anyway?
Collins: 'Cause I was still drinking at 7! HEEEY-OOO!
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nocticola · 7 months
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Sarah Nolan (Emily Deschanel) The Rookie 3x12 Brave Heart (2021) 1/ 5
Directed by Lisa Demaine co-written by Paula Puryear
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farannir · 3 years
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the rookie 3x12
(i gotta say, this casual open hostility intermingled with some grudging mutual respect dynamic is really working for me)
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karihighman · 3 years
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I. Love. Wopez. Please. Protect. Them.
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prequelappreciation · 4 years
The Clone Wars Cheatsheet
Here you’ll find a list of episodes I recently made for a friend who wanted to watch Season 7 of The Clone Wars and understand the context of it without having to muscle through the entire show. If you’re curious as to why I added or omitted a certain episode/arc, let me know, I’m happy to answer! Bare in mind this isn’t necessarily context for Revenge of the Sith, just context for Season 7 of The Clone Wars.
Feel free to use it and share it!!
3x01 Clone Cadets
1x05 Rookies
1x20 Innocents of Ryloth
2x05 Landing at Point Rain
2x06 Weapons Factory
2x07 Legacy of Terror
2x08 Brain Invaders
2x12 The Mandalore Plot
2x13 Voyage of Temptation
2x14 Duchess of Mandalore
3x02 ARC Troopers
3x10 Heroes on Both Sides
3x12 Nightsisters
3x13 Monster
3x14 Witches of the Mist
3x18 The Citadel
3x19 Counterattack
3x20 Citadel Rescue
4x07 Darkness on Umbara
4x08 The General
4x09 Plan of Dissent
4x10 Carnage of Krell
4x14 A Friend in Need
4x19 Massacre
4x20 Bounty
4x21 Brothers
4x22 Revenge
5x01 Revival
5x14 Eminence
5x15 Shades of Reason
5x16 The Lawless
5x17 Sabatoge
5x18 The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
5x19 To Catch a Jedi
5x20 The Wrong Jedi
6x01 The Unknown
6x02 Conspiracy
6x03 Fugitive
6x04 Orders
6x10 The Lost Ones
7x01 The Bad Batch
7x02 A Distant Echo
7x03 On the Wings of Keerdacks
7x04 Unfinished Business
7x05 Gone with a Trace
7x06 Deal No Deal
7x07 Dangerous Debt
7x08 Together Again
7x09 Old Friends No Forgotten
7x10 Phantom Apprentice
7x11 Shattered
7x12 Victory and Death
@f1fan0455 @cheesypeeps you asked for a list like this, here you go! :)
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londonrih · 3 years
Tbh i think I’m losing interest in the rookie 😞 I didn’t even start watching the show for chenford, I watched it because I thought it was good and the characters felt like family and only after I fell in love with chenford. But these days the show is more comedy than drama, the dynamics of the team are all over the place and I don’t like it, they give us chenford stuff only to act the following week like nothing happened and fuck continuity. I genuinely miss the s1-s2 vibes and how they used to deal with the team
I understand what you mean, anon.
I don’t really like how they’d make up a chenford scene and then the next episode they don’t even communicate..
Just like when they did the last few episodes of season three, two episodes without chenford interacting with each other?? One episode, Brave Heart, (3x12) everyone was in the hospital the whole episode.. not a single chenford scene???not them bumping into each other unintentionally.. NOTHING!!
The writers and Alexi knows that half of the fandom is rooting for chenford/ wants them to be endgame, but yet they barely pay much attention to them, nor do they listen to us!
As much as I do love some comedy, I do want some more drama.. these last few episodes, with the Wesley and Elijah storyline has a lot of drama. To be honest it’s stressing me out- but, I feel as if that’ll ruin Wopez since they got married.. I guess.. since we didn’t get to witness that.
But I’d like to see more dramatic scenes, more than comedic scenes. So again, I do understand what you mean, anon.
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