#the ros would probably be arouses/scared
the-kingshound · 10 months
The hound asks someone to tie their hands behind their back then tells the other soldiers to charge them with wooden swords and still ends up winning with a bunch of broken swords at their feet. And the Ros just watching like the things they can do without even using their hands.
Nah, the Hound could face a steel weapon without using hands, break it in half with their teeth and snap in half the body of the attacker... they be so terrifying...
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eyesofshan-if · 1 year
NSFW so ignore if you wish!
How would the Ros react if they had a nsfw about the mc (crushing stage)
i assume 'had a nsfw' meant an nsfw dream so here it is!
hansol: would have a complete mental meltdown. in his eyes, even a stray thought in that direction is a violation of mc's honour. he'd try to push it down at first, but every time they interact or their eyes meet he starts to get hot and uncomfortable and aroused and guilty. would want to confess to mc but would also rather impale himself on his own spear than ever speak about it. goes to the temple and prays multiple times for the goddess beomram to please please please take away those thoughts. sits under a cold waterfall. would try to avoid mc as much as possible and attempt to arrange their duties separately.
yongsun: goes into a more contemplative mode. instead of focusing on the physical aspect of it they would wonder what this means for them, and their feelings towards the commander. in a way this scares them, since the mc would be the first person that they have ever felt such a desire/attraction for. they hide it well on the surface, but in the privacy of their quarters, after the lanterns are blown out and the night air is warm and humid against their skin, well...
wooyoung: laugh it off. having such dreams after interacting with mc often is nothing surprising. the commander is physically attractive — they have a nice build from their lifestyle of training and such, and those silver eyes are very, very hypnotic. he likes the way they look at him, the way their lips move when they smile, and — oh no. and then he laughs it off again, because he doesn't know what else to do.
raon: raon is a physician, so she tries to frame it in a purely scientific basis at first. strong legs. shapely body. firm hands. a result of diet and regular physical exercise. skin roughened from the elements. they are physically attractive. she just... admires the commander's body. it's a fine physical specimen. and then the dreams start recurring. and then fuck. becomes more sharp tongued/blunt and short tempered with the commander in an attempt to compensate
no-eul: immensely entertained and amused. would tell the mc in an attempt to get a rise out of them, wants to fluster or embarrass them for laughs. is 100% trying to convince themselves that the attraction is completely physical and nothing more, and that they are still in control of themselves (spoiler alert: they're not)
????: shamefully aroused. in their mind, the mc is something precious, pure and sacred that they keep so close to their heart. to defile the memory of the mc with these thoughts... ???? would probably punish themselves for even thinking in such a way. still, the nights are so quiet and lonely and hard sometimes, and they find their hands wandering over themselves, wishing that they belonged to someone else's
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aelinschild · 10 months
You'll be Fine - Drabble
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A quick little drabble inspired by my afternoon; AKA when I fainted after getting blood drawn for the first time. It was an absolutely ridiculous experience and thoroughly amusing, so I'm using it as content :)
SYNOPSIS: Who knew Aelin's greatest enemy was a scheduled blood test? WORDCOUNT: 1.2K WARNINGS: Very fluffly, Mention of needles but not descriptive whatsoever, fainting
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A late Tuesday afternoon, after both Rowan and Aelin had finished work. Her boyfriend had been happily waiting in the parking lot of her office, a packet of chips and a sparkling water set on the passenger seat for Aelin. He normally picked her up after they both finished work, but the snacks were an added bonus. 
She had forgotten, obviously, the scheduled blood test Rowan had booked for today. Her boyfriend, ever astute, had noticed her balance had been particularly horrific in the recent weeks. Noting the bruises littering the soft skin of her body when they went to bed. Where his shirts wouldn't cover. 
A quick appointment with their general practitioner had rolled into a referral, which was where the couple would be off to next. 
Skipping along, Aelin made her way to the black sedan Rowan tutted over like a mother hen. Opening the door with a practiced gentleness, she slipped into the warmth of the car and leaned over to kiss her boyfriend.
“Someone's happy,” the rumble of his voice filled her insides with warmth. “What's got you so worked up?” 
“Just happy to be done for the day…” She murmured against his jaw, kissing down his neck. 
“As much as I-” She cut him off with a nip to the sensitive skin between his jaw and throat. “Slow down there, love.” Pushing her away gently, Aelin let out a whine. “Later, I promise. But for now, we have places to be.” 
“What?” Moving away from her exceptionally attractive boyfriend, she went for the chips. Tearing the bag open with a ferocity only achieved by working in an office. 
“The blood test? Your appointment is at six, and traffic is hell at the moment so if we want to-” 
Aelin tuned out the rest of Rowan’s verbal planning, her heart dropping and any previous arousal washing away quicker than blinking. Blood test? What blood test? 
“You with me there, Ae?” Rowan's large hand made its way to her thigh, making soothing movements along the muscle. 
“Ro, what blood test?” 
“For the dizziness, and lightheadedness, and bruises. You remember, don't you? The doctor's appointment…” 
It came back in a flash, and the anxiety that pulsed under Aelin's skin was a beast. Closing her eyes, she avoided counting her pulse. 
“Hey,” Her boyfriend's tone was a measured gentleness. “It's going to be okay, Ae. It's quick and painless” 
“I promise,” His hand moved over to her jaw, pulling her to look into his deep green eyes. “I'll be there if you get scared, but I know you will do great.” She could see the sincerity and love that lightened his irises, but it didn't wash away the rising fear. 
Sitting in a cool leather chair with an extendable arm that fell over her lap, Aelin practiced breathing patterns. Deeply in, hold, out. 
Over and over again. 
“You're going to make yourself lightheaded before you ever start,” Rowan commented, trying to lighten the mood. 
Her boyfriend was seated next to her in a similar chair, just without the extra arm, as he would not be getting any blood drawn. This was the moment Aelin cursed her immune system. 
“What if we just hightailed it out of here right now? They can't catch us both.” She heard Rowan snort. When had her eyes closed?
Before he had a chance to respond, a nurse knocked on the door, and it clicked open. The woman looked older, with lines on her face that probably came from the large smile she wore. 
“Hi there Aelin!” Moving over to the little desk to Aelin’s left, she began putting on gloves. “Oh, and company! Who might you be?” 
“Rowan. The boyfriend.” She could hear the smirk. 
The kind nurse chuckled, preparing her tools and checking over Aelin's referral. Aelin just closed her eyes again and leaned her head against the wall. She could feel her blood again and she just wanted this to be over. 
“... Are you alright over there?” The nurse's voice was slightly muffled by the ringing in her ears. 
“She’s a little afraid,” Rowan said at the same time as her. She peeled open one eye to glare at him. He just gave her a reassuring smile. 
“Oh, don't worry. This can be hard for some people. It's all okay. I'll make it as quick as possible, sweetheart.” 
“Thank you,” Aelin whispered. Rowan’s hand came to rest on her knee. 
“Okay,” the nurse started, swiping some alcohol over the crease in Aelin's elbow. She tensed at the cold feeling. Wrapping a blue elastic band a few centimetres higher than where the needle would go, she tightened it around Aelin's bicep. “It will be quick I promise. Don't look, sweetheart.” 
Taking a deep breath, Aelin nodded and turned away. She heard Rowan murmuring gentle encouragement and ‘I love yous’. Just as his hand tightened on her knee, she felt the prick of the needle. 
It was over before she knew, and she let out a great heaving sigh. The deep breath that escaped her was one of extreme relief. Laughing a little, Aelin opened her eyes to her lover smiling at her. She offered a smile back before turning to the nurse. 
The movement set her off, her head suddenly feeling lighter and slowly she felt herself leaning forward. Her awareness cutting out, before she relaxed onto her arm, the world going dark. 
“Aelin, Aelin, Aelin, Aelin…” she heard, repeated over and over again with an undercurrent of concern. The voice was muffled like being underwater. She didn't want to wake up from the deep slumber she felt herself in. 
“Love. Aelin, Aelin.”
She gasped, sitting up abruptly. Her head swam, dizziness surrounding her vision. She felt warm hands guiding her backwards to rest on the wall. 
“... Slow down, yeah, there you go. All right, sweetheart.”
“Did- did I… I faint…” Trying to focus and not let the weird swaying take over her senses again, Aelin moved her eyes slowly to the direction of the voice. 
A low chuckle, and a yeah from her boyfriend. The kind nurse just smiled at her. Aelin groaned. 
“I've never done that before,” moaning out, she closed her eyes again. Why is it so hard to keep my eyes open?
“It's fine. I promise. You had just worked yourself up a little too much beforehand, yeah? Though, you got through the needle part before you fainted.” She laughed lightly. “How are you feeling now?”
“I'm sorry, I can't believe I just fainted.” 
“Ae, it's okay.” Her boyfriend reassured. She let her eyes slowly open to see him standing over her now, looking slightly distressed but amused. 
“Ughhh- god.” And she snorted. In front of the kind nurse and her ruffled boyfriend. She let out a devious giggle, unable to help as the laughter took over her. I can't believe I fainted!
“Well, I guess you're all better now.” The nurse laughed alone with Aelin's ridiculousness. “And, boyfriend, she shouldn't drive or lift anything heavy for at least a day. Just make sure she-” a look at Aelin, “rests. Thoroughly.”
Rowan sighed fondly, “Sounds good, miss. Thank you.” 
Aelin giggled.
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Taglist: @backtobl4ck , @goddess-aelin
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Thanks for reading!!! :)
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cyberth0t · 5 years
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River clattered the bowl down on the table and pressed his hands against the poly surface. He looked around at Falemalu’s tiny living space. “No windows. Reinforced carbon steel. Is this place a loophole?”
“Can’t be too careful, when you’re a PI. Plenty of people want me dead.”
“Well, the people that want me dead are triple the amount that want you dead.”
“Quadruple, I’d say.”
That made River laugh. Falemalu felt an outsized surge of fondness for him and didn’t attempt to quash it this time. The sound of his laughter moved through him, pulled a smile to his face, and then they were sitting there, smiling at each other like fools, like they weren’t doomed to die very soon.
“The moment we leave the building, they’ll have me pinged and you won’t stand a chance of getting back to the border.”
“You have a very defeatist attitude, detective.”
“I’d call it a firm grasp on reality.”
“Maybe you should get a firm grasp on something else and lighten up a little.” He winked.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed how well that works on me by now.”
“You mean that it doesn’t?” River leans forward and rests his chin on his fists. “I just love making you uncomfortable.”
“Clearly, since you go out of your way to do so.”
River looked for a moment like he had another crass follow up, but he hesitated. His expression grew solemn. While they sat in silence, Rowan’s gaze never moved from his face. He couldn’t bring himself to look away anymore.
“I—I have a plan, but you’re not going to like it.”
“Try me.”
“I want you to turn me in.”
The detective blinked.
“And I want you to let them kill me.”
“Very funny.”
River got up, his eyes bright and his jaw set. “Hear me out. You know that intel I ripped from the DSX? I only got the bare minimum of what the agency wanted because the rest of the disk was full.” He fished the tab out of his pocket and held it up. His cheeks were flushed red with excitement and Rowan hated himself for loving the sight of it. For being aroused by it.
But something was wrong. As the detective’s eyes moved to the black square in River’s hand, he felt a sense of foreboding he could not explain.
“What exactly is taking up all that space?”
“I had the DSX9 access my—well, everything in my head. And then I ripped it. My entire consciousness up until the moment the machine turned off yesterday is stored right here.”
Rowan fought to keep his expression calm, but couldn’t mask the horror in his voice. “Why? Why would you—”
“I thought it might be useful. Turns out I was right. You can put the intel you need on another tab and hand it over to the agency when you turn me in, but keep this one safe.”
“River, this is—”
“Tell them you had to outrun Lewis and hide here. Tell them it was the only way to get the intel back safely. And then let them assassinate me.”
“No. No.”
“My genetic code is in here, too. I know a guy—outside the hub, illegal cloning. If I’m right—and I’m like, 87% sure I am—Ms. Singh-Smith has uncovered the Fountain of Youth. That’s why she knows her machine is going to remain in purgatory for the foreseeable future. This is going to work, Ro.”
Falemalu stood, his heart pounding. There was no reason for him to be so fucking scared, but he—the thought of harm coming to this kid—this man—he was wild and stupid and deserved to be dead five years ago, with the stunts he’s pulled, and now Rowan couldn’t stand the thought of him dead. Couldn’t stand it.
Keeping his voice even took effort. “What if your cloner can’t bring you back?”
“Then keep the tab for a rainy day. Get your hands on a DSX9 someday and boot me up. Or delete me. All I know is that this is my only chance. I’ll never make it out of the hub alive.”
Rowan takes a step toward him, compelled as though a wave upon the shore. “You have no idea what this has done to the shape of your consciousness.”
“No. I have some guesses, but they’re probably all wrong.” Up until that point, River had this gleeful smirk on his face. Trickster makes the world. But he became somber again, and his beauty, now apparent in his stillness, set him apart sharply from the world he inhabited, and Rowan could only stare.
“What I do know is that I can’t let you sacrifice yourself to save me. This way, you’ll have finished the job you were hired for, and then you can get the fuck out of Dodge. Hopefully to bring me back. But even if that doesn’t work—I don’t want your death or dishonor on my conscience. You didn’t ask for this.”
It crashes into him gently, silently, like two stars colliding in the quiet of space. “You care about me.”
River titled his head. “Is that difficult to believe?”
“A little.”
“I liked you since the night you came to my door and flashed that stupid badge in my face.”
“Weeks ago, now.”
“Feels like years.”
Rowan takes another step, like a sleepwalker. Pulled, compelled into his orbit. He could count River’s eyelashes if he wanted. “I can’t watch you die.”
“Then look away when they do it.”
They stare at one another and Rowan knew, unthinking, that if River kissed him now, he would not stop him. 
But River does not kiss him. He breaks the orbit, he pulls away. “I’m gonna shower. And then—then let’s go.”
Would you hear of an old-time sea-fight? Would you learn who won by the light of the moon and stars?
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Caramel Skin Under A Vanilla Sky prt 18 full draft
Sitting across from Keith as they ate dinner, Lance felt like a quiznakking moron. Not only had he droned on and on about his problems, he'd pushed Keith away when he'd finally kissed him. No matter what the others said, Lance wasn't completely stupid. From the way they were laying there facing each other, Keith's hand resting on his hip as they held pinkies like morons, and the soft and secret whispers they'd shared. He knew it was coming. He could feel Keith's breath against his lips, he'd definitely needed a mint, but it wasn't terrible... so why did his brain need to short circuit the moment Keith's lips brushed against his. The kiss hadn't even been forceful, just a simply soft pressing together of lips that had sent him flying into a panic and running like a moron. The bath he'd disguised as a swim lasted long enough that Keith was visibly worried when he returned to camp with Kosmo. His lips blue from staying in the cold water for far too long. No matter how he'd tried to calm himself, Lance hadn't been able to stop crying as he sat on the edge of the river. Guilt bubbling up in his gut as arousal simmered in the background. He hadn't thought he'd feel arousal ever again. He didn't want to feel arousal. Not when he and Keith were... this. Keith was too fucking good for him. He truly wanted to help, Lance could sense his honesty in his words, just as clearly as he could smell it in his scent. And god... Keith smelt good.
 "Lance? Kosmo's going to finish your dinner for you at this rate"
Lost in his own thoughts, he looked up to find Kosmo inching closer to him, his two front paws out as he dragged himself across the grass. There wasn't much left on his plate to give the dopey beast, his stomach simply unable to handle a proper meal from months of abuse. Placing his plate down, Kosmo dived right in
"Lance! You need to eat..."
Crossing his arms, Lance glared
"I ate"
"Barely anything"
"I still ate"
"I know it's hard, but you need to eat"
"I ate. I can't eat that much anymore. If I do, I end up throwing it all back up"
Rubbing his face with his hand, Keith sighed
"You're mad. About earlier, aren't you?"
"Do we need to talk about it?"
"I'm sorry for kissing you"
Apparently they did need to talk about it...
"It's ok"
"No. It's not ok. I scared you"
"I feel really shitty for doing it. I'll sleep in the ship tonight"
"I shouldn't have done it. You were so close and I didn't think"
"Keith! Calm down. I get it. Ok. I get it. I'm not mad at you"
"Then why are you sitting over there"
Lance groaned, stupid Mullet wasn't making this easy
"See, you're mad"
"I'm not mad"
"You ran away"
"Because I was scared! You tell me you love me! You're being all nice! I didn't not want it, and it scared me. I can barely stand being touched, but it... it isn't that terrible when it is you. You can probably tell I don't like things against my lips. I also don't like having my hair touched, or things around my neck. So just shut up about it"
"You're not mad?"
Keith was deaf. Or going deaf. He'd spent too much time in battle and his hearing was going. That was the only thing Lance could conclude from continually going round and round in the same stupid conversations
"Not at you. You don't have to sleep on the ship either... but for the love of Quiznak, can we just stop talking about my problems. I'm fucking sick of talking about myself"
"What are we going to talk about then?"
"You? Your missions? Has anything interesting happened?"
"Not really"
 Falling into a very awkward silence, Lance started picking at the scar on his wrist. See. What could Keith possibly want out of any kind of relationship when they couldn't even go two quintants without him balling his eyes out, or them ending up in this stupidly awkward silence. And when Keith figured that out, he'd leave him to go back to his own team. This was stupid. He was stupid
"Lance, I can see you thinking too much"
"Mmm... it's fine"
"It's not fine. You look upset again, and I don't know what I did wrong"
"You didn't do anything wrong"
"Then why aren't you saying anything?"
"Because I... was thinking"
"I told you you can talk to me"
"That's the problem though, I don't know what to ask you about. I asked you if anything interesting had happened, and you said no"
"That's because it hasn't. You know what it's like. Go to that planet, help them out, then move on to his next planet"
"And none of them are interesting?"
"Not really. I think Axca's going to ask Veronica out, but I already told you that"
"Yeah. I honestly thought you two would end up together. She never left your room after that battle with ro-beast"
"It didn't do her any good. I already liked you by then"
"Have you... always liked guys?"
"I don't know. Maybe... I wasn't really good at feelings"
"That's an understatement. I seriously thought you were dating Shiro for a while there"
"I loved him, but I didn't know what to call it. It wasn't until after I met my mum that I knew I loved him like a brother. It confused me... because it wasn't how I felt about you"
"Geez, Mullet. I don't know whether to be offended or not"
"How about you? When did you figure out you liked boys?"
"You. I mean. I found myself watching you. It's confusing though. I mean, men look at other mens bodies and compare themselves all the time. You look at a photo and you're like "damned, he's ripped". But I like girls too... I guess I'm nothing really now... I don't mind girls and guys, but I'm more interested in the person for themselves. It's silly"
"It's not silly. I... uh... I think I'm more attracted to you because it's you..."
 Lance was glad the fire was between them. His cheeks warm at Keith's confession. Anxious to take his mind off Keith being so sweet, he tried to redirect the conversation
"Who was your first kiss?"
Lance shot up in shock. Keith was ridiculously good looking. He was sure all kinds of aliens would be throwing themselves at him
"What?! How?"
"What do you mean how?! How... people do it normally?"
God. Keith had him struggling not to smile. Huffing, Keith kicked at the dirt in front of him
"Don't be like that! Who was your first kiss then?!"
"Hunk! When we were in the Garrison"
"Hunk! Your first kiss was with Hunk!?"
"It wasn't romantic or anything. We were sneaking out and he was worried. You know how he rambles when he's stressed. He was rambling that he was terrified he'd have to kiss a girl when he'd never kissed anyone before. So, I kissed him"
Keith's laugh made his heart flutter
"Oh my quiznak! I can't even picture Hunk. What did he do?"
"He stopped talking. But it was too late, one of the teachers heard us and we ended up with detention"
"I'm not surprised you two got caught. I never would have guessed Hunk was your first kiss, though"
 And Allura was his second... Why was it that everything had to happen as he was finally preparing to move on?
"Who doesn't love the big guy?"
"He seems really happy on the Atlas"
Lance already knew this. Hunk was far too busy to talk to him. He couldn't blame him. He'd been taken by Shay the moment they met, and now he had the opportunity to show her the whole universe
"That's good. Shay's got herself a great tour guide"
"We could call them, if you want to?"
Nope. He really didn't want to. He was dreading the arrival of the Telula because his damn anxieties didn't know how to handle everything, yet he couldn't wait for the arrival of the Telula because he had his own private quarters there and wouldn't be stuck in all these awkward moments with Keith
"Nah. They're probably sleeping or busy"
"Are you sure? I know you're anxious but I'm here"
"Thanks, but I don't even know what I would say. I don't know what I would say to any of them"
"That you're an intergalactic man of mystery?"
Lance snorted loudly, unable to stop himself
"I never thought I'd hear those words from you. You're more like an "intergalactic man of mystery" than I am"
"You could tell them you've been working with the police?"
"That won't work... I'm not sure the Erathian police would welcome questions"
"You never told me what happened. Only that I got you in trouble"
"They got mad over the software at the club. Accused me of being a spy for Daibazaal. Said that I was trying to make them look bad, and that I'd caused more trouble than I was worth. Which wasn't what they said when I was bailing them out of their messes... anyway... they tried to have someone else off me, it backfired and now they can't go after me again because they're the police who are supposed to be the good guys. So now I need to stay away from Erathus for a bit"
"They tried to kill you?"
 At this point, Lance was kind of used to it. Shrugging, it didn't really change things
"It's fine. It's not the first time"
"Lance, that's not fine. All that for a little tech"
"A "little tech" that hacked where they have an agent working from. The place belongs to a relative of a friend. But I've had a few missions in the club. People coming in dealing stuff. Drugs, gun, human trafficking. Not just the "bad" guys, the police did it too. Jeff at the front desk would call Kre'el, then Kre'el would go from there. Sometimes if someone was getting too rough with the prostitutes, I'd help them out..."
 Swallowing hard, Lance took a moment. God. He missed Kre'el. She and Keith would have gotten on so well. They probably would have both ganged up and lectured him insistently over his lack of self-care
"I've heard you mention Kre'el. She's an officer?"
"Yeah. She wanted to try something different. Which was the polite way of saying she pissed her bosses off again and got herself fired. She wasn't very good at following the law"
"Then why was she an officer?"
"She thought she could change the system. You know. Stop the corruption. After a while it gets repetitive. She probably wanted to make sure that the people being taken to the prison weren't being falsely imprisoned"
Because Kre'el was stupid like that. Stupidly trying to go against the flow. She would have made a fantastic Red Paladin
"I'm sorry about your friend"
"Yeah. She was good friend..."
That he didn't want to believe was dead... chopped to pieces, stored in a tube for preservation until they could cut her up further
"... I think I'm ready for bed soon. I need to go take my pills"
"Can I help? You didn't take them last night, or the night before. I should know what you take in case something comes up"
Keith would want to know what everything did, something Lance wasn't quite sure of. He knew whatever he was taking kept Allura away. It hid his marks and it stopped his weird heat. He knew Keith wanted him to stop drugging himself up. That he wanted him to feel everything and work through it, yet it was a thought he didn't want to entertain
"It's only a couple of pills. They help with sleep and the anxiety. Daehra makes them. They're like herbal supplements"
Keith bit his lip, Lance wanting to ask what he was thinking but scared of what would come out his mouth
"I'll be back soon. Why don't you get ready for bed? Maybe put some more wood on?"
"Alright. But we're going to talk about this"
"Yes, mum"
When Lance didn't come back within the varga, Keith went looking. Curled up on the thin bed in the ship, an open pill bottle sat on the floor beside it. If Daehra mixed the herbs, then she probably had some idea what she was doing... He hoped she did. She wasn't from Earth, meaning she had no idea how it would affect a human. Picking up the bottle, he sniffed at suspiciously, unable to find a name for the scent coming from it. The contents weren't one of the blue or red pills he'd had scanned, instead these were yellow and white. He couldn't get tell if Lance had meant to pass out, but he was kind of annoyed he'd fallen asleep on the pod, rather than returning. It felt like Lance had run away again. Taking off Lance's boots, he placed them by the end of the bed, then pulled the last remaining blanket up to cover Lance's shoulders. Had he forced Lance into sleeping there because he kept asking questions? Maybe this was him running away politely? He didn't want to upset Lance repeatedly, but he had no idea when they'd be able to talk honestly and openly without the risk of being overheard. If he back off on the Telula, Lance would be able to hide away in the control room. Lucteal would most likely run interference the moment he set eyes on Lance, while Daehra would get caught up in the middle of it all.
 Residing himself to the fact Lance would be sleeping on the ship, Keith returned to settle down by the fire. They should have most of the quintant, if not all of it, before the Telula came. With all the talking Lance had done, maybe he should back right off. He kept causing all these awkward silences between them, like two gears not connecting properly in a mechanism. These problems had plagued Lance for phoebs, so he wasn't as stupid as to think he could fix him. He just wanted him to let him. Covering himself with the blanket Lance had had around his shoulders, he sighed to himself. Tomorrow was a new day. There was nothing he could do until then, even if he knew he wasn't going to get a good night's sleep.
   Falling asleep near sunrise, it'd been a frustratingly long night. Lance had turned in far too early. Waking a few vargas later, he climbed from the makeshift bed with a long yawn. The fire had died during the night, Lance having not fed it when he woke. Going about getting ready for the morning, the water was freezing as he bathed. Lance's towel hanging on the line in much the same place it'd hung the day before, with the stones beneath it dry. Meaning Lance hadn't come down for a bath...
 Barely washed, Keith towelled himself down and dressed in the same clothes he'd worn the day before. His eyes sore from the lack of sleep the night before, with his head beginning to throb as he jogged back to camp with his focus firmly on Lance as he did. Not slowing down until he'd jogged up the pods ramp and into the space, he found Lance sitting on the edge of the bed he'd left him in. Pills scattered across the floor as Lance stared blankly across the space. Walking straight over to him, Keith squatted down in front of Lance, finding the other male's eyes red and puffy as scratched at the lines on his left wrist
"Lance, Buddy, you ok?"
Hanging his head, Lance shook it as he sniffled. Placing his hand on Lance's knee, he flinched away from the contact. Keith swapping to hold both hands up so Lance could see he didn't have anything in his hold and wasn't about to hurt him
"Ok. You're ok. Tell me what happened"
"My pills..."
"You spilt them?"
"I went to take them... then... I started thinking about how mad you'd be and I couldn't do it. I can't cope without them"
"Aw, Lance. Of course I want you to stop taking them, but you can't rush these things. I've seen what it's like when you do, and it's not good for you"
"You know?"
"Yeah, Buddy. When I was in the foster care system, there were a few here and there who couldn't cope with no one wanting us. I've seen a lot. Self harm. Suicide attempts. Overdoses..."
Lance let out a small gasp
"Oh god. I... I didn't know..."
"It's not something I talk about. I haven't told Shiro all of it. But I do know you can't stop taking them instantly without bad side effects"
"I must look stupid. Crying over pills"
"No. Here, stay there and I'll pick them up"
"I should..."
"I don't know how to explain it, but I can smell that you're not having a great morning. Did you have a nightmare?"
"Yeah... you were in that tank. Pounding on the glass and then they cut you up. I tried to take my pills..."
No wonder Lance was rattled. Thankfully he hadn't had the same nightmare, or he'd probably be clinging to Lance right about now
"I'm ok. I promise I'm ok. Let me pick these up. How long have you been awake?"
"I don't know"
 Moving to start picking up the spilt tablets, Lance continued to sniffle from his spot on the bed
"It's still pretty early. We can go back to sleep for a few more vargas"
"Is it?"
"Yeah. I thought you said Daehra's pills helped you sleep?"
"They do. They calm me enough to sleep. It's been phoebs... sometimes I still feel them on my skin. Sometimes I wake up feeling as if they were dragging me from my cell. It gets a bit mixed up when I'm not on the Telula or on Erathus. It took phoebs to get used to sleeping at home"
"It took me a while to get used to sleeping on Daibazaal too. There's way too much purple there"
"What a fine pair we make"
 Dropping the last tablet into the bottle, Keith rose to move back to Lance. Sitting down beside him, he looked at the bottle in his hand
"Put your hand out"
"Put your hand out"
Doing as he was told, Keith turned Lance's hand so his palm was up
"What ones do you take in the morning?"
"You're letting me take them?"
"You don't feel safe here. You need to be in a safe place if you want to go off them. Which ones do I need to give you?"
"You won't be mad?"
"No. I don't want to be mad at you. I can't help you if you don't trust me"
"God. Ok... one of the light red, one of the dark red, one of the dark blue, two of the round white ones, and one of the yellow squarish ones, and... three of the yellow long ones"
"That's all?"
"Yeah... its bad, isn't it?"
"It's not as bad it could be"
9 tablets of unperscribed pills wasn't great. Placing each pill into Lance's hand, he noticed how bad Lance was shaking
"I'm not judging"
"It's anxiety... I know it looks like a lot. The three long ones are vitamins... the red and the blue help with the pain... I don't know how to go off them..."
"You start with the ones you've been on for the least amount of time"
Lance shook his head
"I can't"
"You can. We don't have to rush it"
"No... I can't..."
Quickly Lance moved to dry swallow down the pills. Keith wincing at the idea of swallowing that many tablets without water
"I can't. Ok... if I go off them, she'll come back. I don't want to see her. I can't"
Closing his eyes, Keith tried to ignore the throbbing as he wracked his brain. If Lance wasn't going back to sleep on the bed, he just might
"Allura? You said you saw her"
"Ever since she died, she's in my head. I can't stand the marks she gave and I don't think I'm strong enough to be able to go back to seeing her"
"Maybe you won't?"
"I will... I don't want to, yet she's always there. She doesn't leave"
"What I mean is, maybe your brain shows you Allura so you have a way to cope with everything happening?"
"I don't want to see her. I have no control. She's just... there"
"Did you see her when you were taking the other medication? Before Daehra's pills?"
"Then we'll start there. It's going to take phoebs for all of it to clear your system safely"
"Then why should I bother? I'm not going to get better"
"You don't know that. And I'm one hundred percent committed to being here for you"
"You can't say things like that"
"I can"
"You can't. What if the Blades need you?"
"I told Krolia I'm staying"
"Fine. What if Shiro needs you? Or your team?"
"Then we'll go together if it's something I absolutely can't avoid"
"That's what this is, isn't it? Like when you didn't want to rule Daibazaal so you started humanitarian runs"
Clicking his fingers, Keith nodded
"Yep! That's it. You figured it all out"
"You're a dork"
"Maybe. Do you think you can sleep?"
"I don't know. I feel gross"
"Do you think you can sleep if I stay?"
"You want to stay?"
"I can't be bothered walking back down to camp"
"Won't this chip into your knife sharpening time?"
 Placing the lid on the bottle, Keith climbed around Lance to lay with his back against the wall
"I need sleep. You need sleep. Go to sleep"
"Always the charmer"
"I try. Here, get under the blanket"
Lance slowly complied, covering them both with the blanket as he did. Laying on his back, he was practically a board as Keith inched closer. The thin cot was definitely not made for two adult males
"Don't worry, I'm not going to kiss you again"
"I wasn't thinking about that"
"Good. Close your eyes already, I'm going to hug you"
Lance squeaked in alarm
"Hug me?"
"The bed isn't that big"
"But... what if I freak out?"
"Then we'll deal with it. I'm too tired to do anything more than sleep"
"Can... you maybe lay on your back? I don't think I can handle being held from behind"
"Sure. Here, come here"
 Ending up with Lance nestled into his side, Keith was pretty damned happy as he held him close. It'd been a few long doboshes to begin with, but slowly Lance had relaxing into his hold. The now shorter male, resting with his head against Keith's chest, ear over his heart. He could probably hear how fast it'd been beating to begin with, slightly scared he'd pushed too far again by asking Lance to cuddle up to him. Warm, and comforted by Lance's weight, sleep came soon for Keith, and Lance shortly after.
Having slept through most of the day, Lance was a mess when they woke early in the evening. Keith keeping his distance until Lance got his bearings enough to settle back down on the bed next to him, preferring to sit up instead of remain laying like Keith was. Pulling out his communicator from... somewhere, Lance frowned at the device
"What is it?"
"Daehra hasn't checked in. I'm just wondering if they're ok"
"Why not call them?"
"Because we're in bed together..."
Biting his lip, Lance's thumbs hovered over the keypad. Nothing had happened while they'd slept, other than him getting the best sleep in a long time. Even Lance looked somewhat refreshed despite having shared a bed which had to be a big move for him
"Send her a message then? Or I could leave?"
"No. I mean... you don't have to. You look pretty comfortable"
"The bed isn't as nice as the ones on the Atlas, but I can't deny I slept like a log. You seem to have too"
"I... yeah... it probably seems stupid"
"No. Not at all. It makes me happy that you're letting me in, but we don't need to rush anything. We didn't do anything, so you have nothing to feel bad over"
"How did... right. I said "we're in bed together""
"Yeah. Are your nerves ok? I really don't mind moving if it's all too much"
Lance looked down at him, placing the communicator back under his pillow as he did
"Keith, it's fine. I... actually slept better than I expected. I was thrown because it's... I haven't slept that long without... you know, waking up screaming"
"Then you should sleep next to me more often"
"That's pushing it. I'm just being stupid"
Pointing to his head as he spoke, Keith moved to take Lance's hand into his
"You're not being stupid. You're worrying about your team, and if I had to guess, how they'd react to you sleeping next to me given you don't like touch like you used to"
"How did you know?"
"Because I can see it in your eyes"
And it was a hell of a lucky guess. Lance had woken and promptly pushed him away before moving to the edge of the bed where he sat for a few long doboshes. When his team hadn't messaged, and mentioning they were in bed together, it was kind of a natural jump
"They've done so much for me"
"They're also empaths. If I know you, like I do, then you're worried about what they'd pick up when they touched you. Not only that, you're still processing what happened. Sleeping next to me isn't some great controversy. We didn't do anything other than sleep. You do not need to feel guilty. You haven't done anything wrong"
"I know... but, Lucteal..."
Keith couldn't give two shits about that slimy alien bastard who clearly wanted in Lance's pants. He might be important to Lance, but he'd hardly considered trying to keep the peace for Lance's sake
"Lucteal isn't here. You also haven't known him as long as you've known me. I'm not saying you don't trust him, but I hope you know by now that I have your back"
Rolling his eyes at him, Lance took his hand back
"You're ridiculous. If I go take a shower, can you organise dinner? There's supplies in the catch under the trapdoor"
"It's pretty cold outside. Maybe you skip bathing"
"I said shower. This pod does have a shower"
Keith heart skipped a beat. He'd seen Lance practically naked. His fingers sliding over the thin scars he found across Lance's soft brown skin. Now he knew what had caused them, he wanted to see them all over again. The scars that showed Lance had survived it all
"I can stay?"
"The fire is outside. Things will need to be heated through"
Groaning at him, Keith drew himself up. That seemed like far too much effort when Lance was sitting right beside him in bed. Plus, he wanted to be there to prevent Lance from hurting himself. Lance, however, had other ideas as he slipped from the bed
"You're lucky you need dinner too, or I'd be campaigning for staying in bed"
""Mister I-Live-To-Train" actually wants to stay in bed? Humanitarian work has made you soft"
Being Lance had made him soft. If they'd been on his ship with his team he would have been working out. Instead, he was hoping that Lance wouldn't see him as a threat. That he'd let himself relax enough to recover from what had happened at the outpost
"Maybe. Maybe it's because I know if something happens, I have all the back up I need"
With reddening cheeks, Lance glared down at him
"Get out of bed you lazy shit. Go make sure Kosmo is alright. The swear I'm going to punch you if he's hurt"
"He's a big boy..."
"He's not a "big boy". He's "best boy". Now give me some privacy"
"So demanding. Fine. I'm moving"
 Climbing off the bed, Keith moved to the trap door Lance had opened before they'd entered the outpost, opening the panel, he was amazed at how much stuff was crammed in there. Everything from clothes to weaponry was stuffed down there
"How am I supposed to find food in here?"
"The red box is food. The black one's a first aid kit. Don't open the blue one, it's a life raft that automatically inflates, and trust me when I say you don't want to be trying to flatten it out again"
"I'll take your word for it"
Keith doubted there was the space for a raft to inflate, let alone space to deflate and refold one. The red box in question was buried at the bottom of everything. Sliding it free, he went to pop the clip on the lid
"Open it outside. I want to shower before it gets any colder"
"Alright. You'll come down afterwards, right?"
"Yeah. I'll find you something else to wear while I'm at it. We should wash your clothes before the Telula lands and we're back in the game"
"Sounds good to me"
 Keith didn't know if it was a slip of the tongue or Lance was looking to the future, but it didn't change the fact he'd said "we're" back in the game. Uncharacteristic butterflies erupted in his stomach, thanks to the words of his crush. Every little thing Lance said lingered in his mind, whether he knew it or not.
  Wanting to make sure Daehra was safe for Lance's sake, Keith went about building a new fire for the night, before calling Daehra as it caught. Not answering his call, the half-Galra found himself more worried than he'd thought he'd be. Daehra was supposed to answer. He'd been preparing himself not to sound too stupid when she did. Calling through again, Daehra answered with ticks remaining before the call would have rang out
"Keith? You are calling? Is everything ok?"
"Hey, Daehra. We're doing fine, I was actually calling to make sure you were ok. La-Leandro hadn't heard from you, so he was starting to worry"
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Daehra shook her head. She looked thoroughly done
"Sorry. Sorry. As humans would say, it is my stupid brother's fault. Lucteal, he acted like a... We are fine. We shall be approaching your location a quintant or so behind schedule. Lucteal and Zak decided they should play with the engines. Lucteal was most anxious to make sure Leandro was fine. It was not enough after they set the wire on fire. It did not go well. We will need to land and rest the Telula"
It almost felt like being on the Castle with Pidge, Hunk and Coran tinkering on things
"If you guys need, we can come to you. Leandro is a little shaky, but he's doing better than he was"
"Would you mind? I did not wish to interrupt your time together. Leandro always pushes himself too hard. He needed the rest"
He needed more than rest. He needed to step back and take a break from it all. He needed to allow himself to heal. The Telula actually needing to be worked on, was a blessing in disguise
"He does. We're about four sectors out from the outpost. Is there somewhere safe you can land?"
"Yes. It is a short trip to our home planet. Annla would much enjoy seeing Leandro again"
That wasn't what he had in mind. A whole planet of empaths. He might have confessed his feelings to Lance, yet there were a whole lot of things Lance wanted to keep hidden
"How far from where we are, would that be?"
"About two quintants. The sectors around the outpost experience time fluctuations. For you, it has been three quintants or so, for us, it has already been well past a movement. Lucteal has been most impatient"
Keith didn't want to think about how many days it'd been between calls then. No wonder Lance was worrying for his team
"Lance has the coordinates, right? We're not going to take off and find ourselves lost"
"No. No. They are also in the navigation system. I must go. They are arguing again. Lucteal will be mad that I have spoken to you. He is most frustrating"
"It sounds like you need a break too"
"If only. Please notify Leandro that we are indeed alright. If the Telula is going down for repairs, do not rush. We have time"
"Thanks, Daehra. We'll see you all sometime soon"
"Be safe, Keith"
"You too, Daehra"
 When the call ended, Keith wondered if he should have been using their codenames. Lance had been almost fanatical about it, yet there he'd been, casually talking to Daehra without a codename in sight. With the fire having caught, there wasn't much point putting it out again. Lance could do with some dinner anyway.
  With a prepacked meal heated for both of them, they'd cooled back to barely warm by the time Lance came down to join him. Kosmo whining and thumping his tail as Lance approached, suffering for his own greed. The wolf had come back to the fire at the smell of food. Feathers stuck to his fur as he stretched out to warm his belly, before for shooting Keith a weary and pathetic look
"What's wrong with Kosmo?"
"He got into space chickens. He's so stuffed he can't be bothered moving"
Snorting, Lance bent to rub the fur between Kosmo's ears
"I told you to leave them alone. You just couldn't do it, could you"
Whining at him, Kosmo flopped down to his side. His belly fat from his feast of chicken
"Yeah. You're lucky we're sleeping outside tonight. You'd be kicked right out of the pod if you farted in there"
Continuing the few steps more, Lance sat down next to him. Keith holding out the plate of food
"It's cooled down again"
"That's fine. It pretty much tastes the same either way. It just needs to be cooked through first"
"I don't know if that's reassuring or not"
"I love Daehra, and she's an amazing medic, but food is pretty hit and miss"
"It can't be worse than purple goo. Speaking of Daehra, I gave a call"
Lance perked right up, his words coming out in a fast mess
"Is she ok? Are they ok? Is my Telula ok?"
God. Lance was adorable and he had no idea at all. His eyes practically shone as he waited for Keith's reply
"Yes. She's ok. Apparently Lucteal has been driving her crazy"
"He does that. And my Telula"
"She's not so ok..."
Gesturing wildly, Lance barely kept from upending his food on the ground
"What happened to my ship?!"
"Lucteal and Zak got to the engines..."
Groaning, Lance deflated
"... and now they're going to land to fix them properly"
"For fuck's sake. Knowing Lucteal, he wanted to get here as soon as possible. Zak would have bitten, saying he could do the engines on the fly... my poor ship"
 Keith knew it wasn't just Lance being over dramatic. That ship was his home and his safe haven. It'd been the ship on which he'd found himself again. However, he didn't expect the tears in Lance's eyes. Nudging him gently, Lance didn't meet his eyes
"Hey, the Telula is going to be ok. Daehra said they were going to land down on her planet, and take the time to fix things properly. She said we can just meet them there"
"Her planet? Her planet isn't exactly made for ships Telula's size..."
"I asked if she had someone safe to take her. It's better than bringing her out here, and risking making it all worse"
"I know... I'm being stupid again. But she's not just a ship"
"Lance, she's your baby. Like the Atlas is Shiro's baby. I get it. I'd be sad if something happened to my ship too"
"It's feels like the castle again"
"It's not the castle again. I'll help out with repairs. I may have gotten pretty good out here"
Nodding, Lance forced a smile for his sake
"Thanks, Mullet. Do you mind if we leave after dinner? If we're headed to Daehra's planet, we're going to need to take a detour or four"
"She said it should only be able two quintants"
"Closer to four. Her pod wouldn't hold up in a real firefight, so we'll go the long way. We'll need to pick up supplies too"
Supplies... Supplies reminded of him Lance's pills. He seemed to have plenty
"Are you going to be ok? Do you have enough tablets to make it to the Telula?"
"I... uh... yeah. Yeah. I think I should"
Sour citrus drifted of Lance as Keith nudged at him again
"You don't need to be embarrassed about telling me these things"
"How do you know how I'm feeling?"
"A guess?"
"You've been guess right far too much. What's going on?"
"It's going to sound creepy if I tell you"
"Mullet. Tell me"
"It's not a Mullet"
"Keith, then. Please. It's important"
It was important Keith embarrassed himself? God. If Lance didn't already think him a creep, he would now
"I can smell it. It must be my Galra genes or something. You know how I've got better senses and stuff. I can smell when your mood changes. And just saying it out aloud makes it sound even worse"
Wrinkling his nose, Lance seemed to be forcing that horrible scent as hard as he could
"You can smell it? Like, properly?"
"Yes? Right now you smell like a whole bunch of oranges and lemons left outside to rot"
Lance placed his food down, his bottom lip trapped beneath his teeth
"Lance, what is it?"
Shaking his head, Lance let it hang
"Is this to do with what happened? You said I wasn't acting right because of your scent, is that it?"
"Kind of... you can tell how I feel with my scent?"
"When you're sad, you smell like rotten fruit. When you're ok, you smell like juniper berries and like salt at the beach. I don't really go around sniffing people, so I don't pay that much attention"
"They sniffed at me a lot. They kept telling me I smelt good... I can't really smell me that much..."
"I don't mind. And I'm not going out of my way to sniff you. I guess I understand why it's pretty uncomfortable to talk about"
"I didn't have a Galra I could ask... they were more concerned with..."
"If I hug you right now, will it be too much?"
Nodding, Lance went as far as to shuffle even further away
"I'm sorry"
"You don't need to be. This smell thing is new for both of us. Can you smell me?"
 Nodding again, Lance moved to draw his legs up. Resting his left cheek against his knee, Lance replied softly
"You smell like a fire. Like a bonfire we used to have when we were kids. The whole family would be there. We'd cook over the flames, and launch those fireworks you used to get in the tubes. Everyone was always so happy"
"Were you?"
"Kind of... when you're the baby of the family, no one wants to hear your complaints... but it was fun. We toasted marshmallows and eat way too much sugar. Marco would carry me to bed. He'd draw on my face... and everyone would laugh"
Keith frowned
"That doesn't sound fun"
"They were happy. That was the main thing"
"It's not the main thing. You're allowed to be happy too, you know"
Lance shrugged, deflecting his words
"It's ok. They're all the back on Earth, and we're hiding out here. It'll be nice to see Annla again. She reminds me so much of my niece"
Wracking his brain like he'd never wracked them before, a name came to mind
"It's Nadia, isn't it. Luis daughter"
Lance's eyes widened at him, making it all worth it
"How did you know that?"
"Because you told me. I know I was dick, but I did care. It wasn't easy at first. I was in the foster system. Not everywhere was one big happy family. Too many kids and not enough money. After my dad died, I was so angry. Mum was gone. He was gone. They passed me from house to house like I was nothing. Hearing about your family used to piss me off and I guess I locked it all away"
"It's not fair you had to go through that. I really didn't think you'd have remembered. I talked way too much"
"Nah. You were trying to find a way to fit in, we all were"
 Keith would pay a million GAC to see Lance laughing, flirting, and talking non-stop like he used to. A billion more to see him smiling that carefree smile he'd smiled when they'd watched the sunset together
"Yeah. But I was so annoying. I hate how I was"
"Don't. Do you think you can eat some dinner before we go?"
"I feel pretty queasy"
"Probably because we slept all day. Besides, if I have to eat this, you have to too"
Lance balked at his words
"What? No. That's not how it works"
"I think it is. Then we'll take Kosmo for a walk, unless you plan on leaving the washing behind"
Lance gave an exaggerated sigh
"Fiiiine. You know, for someone on my crew, you're pretty bossy"
Pulling out the best Lance move he could, Keith made a gun with his left hand, firing and throwing a wink in Lance's direction
"Damn right, I'm pretty"
Gaping at him, Lance left him hanging long enough for Keith's cheeks to grow warm
"God. That was awful. I promise not to tell everyone"
"How was that awful?"
"Because I didn't say you were pretty"
"You did too. You said I was "pretty bossy""
"Yeah. Bossy"
"Ah, but you said "pretty" first"
"And now you're can add "pretty annoying" to the list. If I try eating, will you go back to being normal?"
"Half the plate, and you've got a deal"
Forming a gun with his left hand again, all Keith had to was raise it slightly for Lance to cave
"Fine! Half. Just. God... no more"
Raising his finger gun, Keith made to blow across the top, before "holstering" it. Reaching out, Lance shoved him lightly. His lips turned up at the edges in the smallest of smiles. The sour smell of citrus gone
"You're so fucking weird"
"At least I made you smile. Besides, no one will ever believe I made a finger gun"
"I hate that your right. On both accounts. I can't wait to get back to the Telula. I'm going to have Lucteal follow you around"
"Lucteal doesn't like me"
"Which makes that arrangement perfect"
They both knew that Lance wouldn't send Lucteal after Keith. Keith was sure that one way or another, Lucteal would be coming after him at the first chance he got.
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thebrandings · 6 years
What would the ROs think of secret tattoos or piercings? (Like tramp stamps or nipple piercings or such)
Hello! To sum it up, the ROs either wouldn’t really care about either, unless the tattoo had a secret meaning, or would find it pretty arousing cool. I wasn’t sure if you meant secret as in, in a secret place or a secret meaning so I just went in the general direction, I hope that’s okay.
Anyway, thanks for the ask!
       Olivia/Ollie/Oliver (She/They/Him)        Tattoos        They’d cringe at the thought of the pain the MC had to go through, but would love running their hands over it. They would like it so much that they’d think of getting a small one, something cheesy like a heart with the MC’s name in it.
       Piercings        Again, they’d cringe at the pain. They’d like to gently, like poke it but it’d be very gently because they’d be afraid of hurting the MC. Probably wouldn’t get one themselves
       Victoria/Tor/Vick (She/They/Him)        Tattoos        At first, they’re more interested in how it was done. Like, does the skin feel a bit raised, is it sore, etc. If it had inner meaning to the MC, they would accept it more than if it was a drunken, last minute tattoo. They would love it if it was somewhere hidden, so it’d be like a private secret between them but they wouldn’t get one themself.
       Piercings        Like the tattoos, they would be more interested in how it would feel and what they could do to elicit different reactions. 
       Christine/Chris/Chris (She/They/Him)        Tattoos        Unsurprisingly, they would be all for tattoos. Against everyone’s wishes, they’d get their own, a big one right in the center of their back. Probably one you’d choose as a joke or drunk. They’d also probably get a matching one with the MC.
       Piercings        Again, they love it and would probably take it way to far, piercing everything they can. And I mean everything. They’d probably brag about it too.
       Fable (She/They/Him)        Tattoos        Wouldn’t really care but they’d start looking into their own. They might compliment the MC’s tattoo, commenting on the style and asking questions about it.
       Piercings        They’d think it’d look cool but wouldn’t get one themself. Would definitely enjoy playing with it.
       Aila (She)        Tattoos        She wouldn’t really pay attention to it, unless the tattoo had meaning then she’d ask about it more often, brushing against it every once in a while.
       Piercings        She’d like the look and feel of it, definitely more than she’d admit and want. Would think about getting her own and if she did then she would only wear it for the MC.
       Hayden (They)        Tattoos        Would think it’s pretty cool. They’d want to get one themself but would be scared because it’s permanent and they wouldn’t know what they’d get.
       Piercings        They’d see it as a weakness on the battlefield and would suggest the MC take it off during training or heading into battle. But when the MC isn’t fighting, they wouldn’t really care.
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panic-angel3314 · 7 years
Once, Twice, Three Times Blessed- The Shield x Reader- Part One/?
Parings: Alpha!Roman x Alpha!Dean x Eventual Alpha!Seth x Eventual Omega!Luna(OC)
A/N: So the idea that sparked this was literally me wanting to cuddle the fuck out of each of these men and just I am greedy and fuck and just want all of them to my self lol, my wrestling babes no I would definitely share :p As always thank ou to my eternal inspirations: @theworldiscolorful , @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury , @inxcogitationibus , @monsteramongmen-tamer , @empress-with-the-crown and many more I love you all so very much <3
A/N 2: Also when I was dreaming up the idea of Luna, I couldn’t help but picture Kida from the cartoon Atlantis. To me, she is the embodiment of a strong powerful moon goddess so yea, I hope yall don't mind :)
Warnings: m/m, m/f, ABO Dynamics and all including Knotting, NSFW, 18+ Only please, Smut, Unprotected Sex (No glove no love y'all c'mon), Fluff, Maybe Angst? But not much, Cursing and I'll add more later when the grittier parts come up.
Summary: Luna has been told all her life how special she was. Her crazy prophecy spewing grandmother mother even said the Moon Goddess would bless her with not one but three true mates. What happens when she finds those mates but they’re already in a pack together? Will they let her in? Will she join the pack? And what interest does a certain Bayou pack lurking around the shadows take on her? Will love prevail or will evil intention of another pack come to fruition? Find out in this story about love, prophecies and the rising of one pack above another....
Word Count: 9k+, Sorry guys I don’t know what a short chapter is :P
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Tagging All My Beautiful Babes: @theworldiscolorful | @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury | @monsteramongmen-tamer | @inxcogitationibus | @panda-girl1999 | @empress-with-the-crown | @meremaidqueen | @glowrioustrash | @eshia16 | @just-one-string-in-a-silent-sea | @loki-kaz2y5 | @wwedeanambrose | @kingslayers-angel
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"Fuck! Ro, you smell that?" Dean exclaimed to his Alpha taking a hefty whiff of the air around them.
Ruffling his lunatic's hair and laughing at Dean's dog-like actions he replied, "Easy Uce. It's probably whatever's in catering. Plus, I could practically hear your stomach screaming for food just a second ago."
"Hey! It's not my fault The Big Dog Alpha had to prove his dominance earlier. We worked up quite the appetite." Came Dean's reply with a wolfish grin to match his statement.
 "Believe that!" Roman said kissing the smirk off the younger Alpha's face, making sure to keep it brief because he didn't know if he'd be able to handle a worked-up lunatic, especially on an empty stomach.
 The pair had just exited their locker room in search of some much-needed fuel before their match that was set tonight. Having to go up against Team Hell No and John Cena was not at the top of their to-do lists. The food however, was plus they had gotten a very over-enthusiastic text from their fellow pack member Rollins, about some new chick that had moved up to the main roster. The boys didn't keep up too much with the ongoings of NXT, so they really weren't familiar with who she was. Rollins, however, was very eager for his mates to meet her.
 Walking through the door to catering the Pack mates were not prepared for the sight or smell that invaded their senses the moment they stepped foot inside.
There, not 10 feet in front of them, was their pup mate talking to a devastatingly gorgeous woman. Her striking features were otherworldly, with her long stark white hair, golden tan skin that looked so smooth to the touch, and big grey-blue eyes that nearly rivaled Roman and Dean's alike. It wasn't just her looks though, the scent, of something akin to lavender and fresh rain, that seemed to be radiating off her had each Alpha's mouthwatering and their nether regions stirring to life. Not only that but their inner wolves were screaming...
 ...MATE...CLAIM...OURS... OMEGA....causing matching rumbles escape.
 Both Roman and Dean looked towards each other to make sure that this wasn't some sort of dream and if each mate felt the overwhelming pull towards this mystery woman.
 Luna's POV
The minute they walked in she knew. She couldn't tell you how or why but the minute they stepped through catering, it was as if an electric current was set off into her body. She didn't know if she'd be able to survive their added onslaught.
Already the Beta, at least as far as she could tell, in front of her had her heart racing and throb begging to make itself known in her nether regions. Never in her life had she smelt such an appealing male.
Her she-wolf was absolutely over the moon at the prospect of a potential mate, it was the only explanation, right? Unfortunately, somewhere in the back of her mind the crazy ramblings of her, all seeing, all knowing grandmother came to mind.
 "You, my Little Moon have been blessed by the moon goddess threefold. She has blessed you with not one but three true mates, all unique in their own way. Don't be scared my Little Moon embrace it, embrace them. They will protect you and love you for the rest of your lives and beyond."
 She also told Luna she'd be a late bloomer and she wasn't wrong. Here Luna was 23 and still hadn't presented Alpha, Beta, or Omega. When people asked she usually just says Beta to avoid the pitying looks.
 The twin rumbles coming from the two electric Alphas had not only broken her out of the thoughts swarming around her head but had her knees weak and an answering mewl begging to be set free. But, she wouldn't let that happen not on her first day as a part of the main roster women’s division. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass herself in front of these three Adonis's.
Seems she wouldn't get that chance because before an excuse could be made to leave, while she still had her wits about her, both Alphas were making a beeline to her and her companion, Seth, who she had met earlier when Triple H had 'pawned' her off on him.
 The one with crazy auburn curls and panty dropping dimples, was the first to speak, "Well who's this little Kitten ya' got here, Sethie Baby?"
 Then, it was the Samoan sex god's turn,
"Behave, Dean, Hey Babygirl, it's so nice to meet you and welcome to Monday Night Raw."
 The baritone of each Alpha's voice had Luna in need of some clean and dry panties because the ones she was wearing were soon to be decimated. She only prayed that none of them could smell the sweet scent of arousal she was sure was pouring off her in waves. She was also quite convinced these three beautiful specimens were used to girls turning to putty at their feet.
 Seth began introducing the woman that was practically glued to his side. When had she gotten there.... he had absolutely no qualms about it, happy to be as close as possible to her. Reaching an arm around her shoulder to try and ease her nerves, he felt an electric spark run through his body where his calloused hand met the soft tender flesh of her arm. Seth did his best to suppress it, but the interaction did not go unnoticed by his two mates and he could see the hint of jealousy pass through each of their eyes. Not just because their pack mate was touching another but the fact that he was the first to touch their Omega mate. Seth just chuckled and tried to ease the building tension by rubbing the hand that was on her shoulder, up and down her back. The motion more soothing than either of the pair realized.
"Guys this is Luna Selene Nightblood, she's just moved up from NXT and will be traveling with us for the next couple of weeks until she gets the hang of everything, per Hunter's request. Also, she's from Texas, an only child... oh and a Beta."
Even as the word left his mouth he wasn't convinced, and his fellow mates seem to share the same sentiment.
"Luna, huh? With a beauty that rivals that of our moon goddess I can see where you earned the namesake." Roman spoke reaching out to gently kiss the knuckles of her soft delicate hand, a hand he never wanted to let go of.
"My names Roman Reigns but you can call me Roman or Ro, Babygirl and this lunatic next to me is Dean Ambrose."
"Dean is just fine, Kitten."
Every pet name that left each of their mouths had Luna's cheeks flushing and thighs clenching in earnest.
"Seems you've already met Seth."
"I-it’s so nice to have met all of you but I must get going. Got to get ready for my debut after all."
And quick as lightning she was gone, leaving an empty feeling in the pity of each Shield member's stomach, as well as her own.
Roman already missed the feel of her small hand in his, while Seth missed the way she slotted so perfectly into his side. Dean could barely sniff out her lingering scent of lavender and fresh rain which had his inner wolf twitching in the agitation of being away from his mate, their mate.
"Don't worry boys, like I said she's traveling with us, so we'll see her soon enough. Let's get you both fed and find a TV set to catch our Little Moon's debut."
Not happy but satisfied enough the Alphas headed towards the awaiting food. Packing two plates each and then were off in search of a TV set to watch Luna’s upcoming match.
What the group had completely missed, too caught up in everything that was their little mate, was the pack of bayou wolves taking an unnerving interest in their Little Moon.
 Luna's POV
Rushing as fast as she could pass the three gorgeous men and out towards the locker room, Luna was met with a wall that was six feet two and nearly 230 pounds of solid muscle, which nearly had her on her ass.
"Careful hon, with all the hustle and bustle back here, you really need to watch where you're going," Shane told his frantic friend.
Shane always was a very kind natured Alpha and the way he took care of his superstars only made her love and admire him more. He always was such a great friend to Luna.
They had both met in his time away from the WWE and had bonded over their love for all things wrestling even the shared goal of making it here, but for him, it was about returning home.
"You want to tell me what has you all frazzled hon."
"Uhmm yes, sure. Just not out in the open, this is something I'd like to keep more just between us if you don't mind of course." Luna was quick to add, not wanting to cause the Alpha any extra grief tonight.
"Of course, Lulu, you know better than to ask me that. How long have we been friends now?"
"Quite some time Shane O'Mac, quite some time."
"Ok, so you remember that silly prophecy I told you my crazy grandmother would always recite to me as a child. Well... Now I'm thinking she's not so crazy."
Luna had divulged everything the minute they had walked into the makeshift office Shane had acquired for the night.
"Are you sure, Lu? Three mates, The Shield no less?!"
His questions were like rapid fire towards the smaller girl and she couldn't help but become anxious by the whole situation. It wasn't unheard of having more than one true mate, but it was definitely rare and to find all three of them already in a pack and mate-bonded to each other, as well as in the same profession?! Luna was sure no mistake had been made. Question was, was she ready to pursue matters of the heart. She had just moved up to the main roster and she'd hate for this to ruin any chance of momentum with the company.
"I know that look Lu, and don't even think about it. If The Shield is truly your mates, then there's no way I'm going to let you deny them or yourself that happiness. And if you're worried about moving up in the company don't. You're too damn talented to ever have to worry about that and I'm saying that as a boss and not a friend."
Luna let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding at Shane's declaration. It put nearly all her fears to rest, now came the questions of what her true presentation would be and if The Shield wanted anything to do with her in that regard.
Shane spoke again seemingly reading her mind for the second time tonight.
"Trust me Lu, those boys have been waiting for you for a while. They may not have known what they were missing but now, if they've figured it out, there is no chance in hell they're going to let you slip away."
Shane went on to easy her qualms about presenting as Omega, even going so far as to set her up with the on-call doctor so that he could prescribe Luna all the medicine she would need for her first heat. Medicines like suppressants just in case she didn't want to have an Alpha help her through it, scent blockers so no other Alphas could sniff her out besides her mate(s), and heat control to prevent any unwanted pregnancy during the time of heats.
With all the preparation and medicine now in her possession, Luna finally felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. And now she was ready to make her debut and kick Paige's ass. She was determined to be put into contention for the Diva's Title, maybe even start the Women's Revolution all by herself.
The Boys' POV
"So, what do you think Big Dog, you think she's really a Beta?"
It was Seth who spoke up as each Shield member huddled around a TV set, that was set up on an empty table. Roman took a moment to muddle over the question, taking a hearty bite of his food while he did.
After a minute or two going over his thoughts, he finally addressed Seth's question.
"No, I think she's just an extremely late bloomer kinda like you Baby boy. She's probably sick of all the pitying looks. At least with us scenting you, people just assume you're a Beta or an Alpha but maybe now that we've finally found her, you might present too. Besides when you scented her wasn't your wolf screaming at you: Mate, Mine, and Omega?"
"Well I knew she was mate, but I wasn't sure about presentation. I'm not an Alpha like you guys, my sense of smell is shit compared to yours, but she did smell pretty freaking good. And when I touched her my body was on fire. It's still pretty hot in here, to be honest."
"Yeah, we could tell," Ambrose grumbled in the corner as he was staying quiet for most of the conversation.
"You jealous, Lunatic? You're also quite silent over there, perhaps you'd like to share your thoughts with the class." Roman rumbled, upset that his mate isn't weighing in on such an important matter. Reaching over he ruffled his grumpy mate's hair to get some type of reaction.
"Hey, go easy on him Ro, you know it's hard for him to let new people in."
"I do know that Seth, but I also know that she smells like mate, our mate. But..." he said looking over at his Lunatic, "If anyone has reservations about it then we won't pursue it. I know it's rare to have three true mates but it's also not unheard of. The moon goddess herself had three true mates and Luna is just that, our little moon goddess."
The group became silent as each member finished their food and waited for their little mate to appear on the TV screen.
Roman wasn't satisfied with Dean's silence so he began to poke through their bond link and try to get to the bottom of the Lunatic's hesitation.
"What is it, Dean? What's got you so closed off to the idea of her?"
Roman felt so much as heard Dean's inner grumble.
"I don't know, Ro. Don't get me wrong I know she's our mate, God do I know but to be honest, I'm Fucking terrified of letting another person in. Another person to worry about. We have such a good thing here, plus I already worry about you both enough as it is, I don't think I could add another person to that mix."
"I know what you're really scared of is being happy. You're always so afraid it's going to be taken from you, but I wouldn't let that happen and as pack Alpha, I promise no one is going to take me, Seth, or our Babygirl, away from you. So, will you give her the chance, will you give us all that chance?"
Both Alphas were boring into each other's eyes each one holding nothing more than love, respect, and devotion in them.
Before Dean could give an answer, Seth spoke up, "Guys look! She's about to debut! And against Paige no less."
Seth's enthusiasm was quite contagious, and it had each Alpha just as excited about the prospect of watching their little mate kick butt. Before they gave too much attention to the screen Dean gave Roman a subtle nod in answer to his question. Roman gave an equal nod but couldn't stop the proud smile adorning his face.
As their little mate appeared on screen, each man was taken aback. There in all her glory was a spitting image of the Warrior Moon Goddess, Selene. Making her ring name even more fitting than it already was. Her appearance was absolutely breathtaking from her stark white hair braided back like she was ready to wage war and her bright grey-blue eyes were surrounded by traditional style black war paint making her look not of this world. Then looking further, they saw all the intricate tribal tattoos etched across her golden skin paired with the perfect ring gear to accentuate all the right curves on her beautiful little body. One look and they were convinced she could bring any man to their knees in submission, with just one look. The boys couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to explore her body so intimately, to get a closer look at all tribal tattoos adorning her body, preferably with both their hands and mouths.
Now more than ever each man was over the moon excited to get to know every side of their little warrior moon goddess.
Bray's POV
Walking away further into the dark hallway they had occupied near catering to spy on their enemy, the faction known as The Shield, Bray addressed his Wyatt Family.
"You hear that boys? Seems this little moon goddess has captured the attention of The Shield boys. And she couldn't have been delivered to us at a more opportune time. Now with Kane out of the way, we can focus ourselves on destroying these so-called Hounds of Justice. Dare I say, boys, we might have just found their Achilles heel in the form of that pretty little thing."
The only answer Bray received was two twin grunts from Rowan and Harper.
Bray, on their other hand, was giddy with excitement and mischief. This whole time he had been begging Sister Abigail for guidance and now here was this otherworldly creature nearly dropped right into their laps. The minute Bray laid eyes on this... Luna. He could feel the power radiate from her and it's seemed he was the only one. Many of the other superstars just passed by her like she wasn't the moon goddess reincarnated, meant to be worshipped in every regard, come to clean them all of their sins. The power Bray could feel gave him hope that maybe she was the key to setting Sister Abigail free once again. Unfortunately, the Hounds had set their sights on her, no matter, Bray was a patient and methodical man. No good would come from him trying to rush such a delicate process as this but, he was damn sure come All Hallows' Eve, he would capture the little moon goddess and harness her power to reincarnate the very worst of all nightmares.
Luna's POV
After thoroughly kicking Paige's butt via submission, putting on a fantastic show, and putting herself in the running to become the next Diva's Champion, Luna had hit the showers and was talking to Charlotte about catching a ride to the hotel with her. The pair had hit it off and Luna thought rather than burden The Shield boys with her presence, she'd ride with the women from the roster to build better relationships in the locker room.
Charlotte had just handed Luna the keys to her rental, so she could stealthy put her luggage in the SUV, thus avoiding the two hulking Alphas and the equally hulking 'Beta'. She was way too wound up and nervous to actually travel and room with any them, at least for right now because she could not for the life of her quell the ache in her core that had begun the moment she met each Shield member.
The coast was nearly clear until she heard a familiar growly voice call out, "Hey, Luna wait up, where you goin'?" Seth called from behind and as she turned to look back, she bumped into yet another wall of muscle. Only, the mouth-watering scent of Alpha hit her nose before the deep rumble in his chest could be felt.
"And just where do you think you're going, Babygirl?" Roman asked with a deep commanding timber, but instead of answering, it was Dean who spoke up from right beside him,
"Yeah, I heard you were traveling with us and stuff." He grumbled trying not to show just how much he really cared, earning a reprimanding look from Roman.
Scrambling her brain for a valid excuse, still too flustered from being body to body with the Powerhouse, Seth had finally caught up to the bunch and she replied, "Oh, that! I thought it was just Seth being nice and I didn't want to be a burden or anything just because Hunter asked y'all to look after me."
Seth looked like a hurt puppy by the statement and Dean couldn't help but scoff, however, it was Roman who spoke up with an Alpha authority that nearly had her whimpering into submission, sad, that she might've upset her potential mates. "Listen here, Babygirl. You are not a burden nor an obligation. The boys and I would be more than happy to have you ride along, travel, AND room with us. Besides, we were hoping you'd give us a chance to get to know you better. I don't know about you, but we can all feel the connection between us, this pull we can't explain."
By the tail end of his declaration, Roman made sure to soften the tone of his voice, not wanting to scare his little mate by any means.
Luna couldn't believe her ears; did he really just acknowledge the four of them could actually be true mates? She was speechless.
Damn, these men were actually trying to kill her. She could barely survive five minutes surrounded by these Demigods without being in serious need of a cold shower, and now he was asking her to room and travel with them. They were absolutely going to be the death of her.
She was just about to politely decline, still too nervous about the whole mate thing, but each man gave their best efforts of puppy dog eyes and soon Luna was powerless. Between that and their alluring scents, she was helpless to deny their every wish. And the more she thought about their effect on her, the more it had her believing her crazy old grandmother's prophecy, especially now that the elephant in the room was brought to light.
After the boys confiscated Luna’s luggage and politely returned to Charlotte her keys, their little moon was sequestered in the back seat of the SUV with Seth, while Roman drove and Dean rode shotgun. The group was shrouded in silence but something about it just felt right and comfortable. Unfortunately, Luna had left her jacket in her luggage which was in the back and while usually, she doesn't get too cold, tonight she was only dressed in a light t-shirt and soft short-shorts. Her plan was to hop face first into bed the minute she arrived in her hotel room.
The air conditioning was causing her to shiver every now and again. Roman had taken notice which causes his Alpha to begin clawing at the surface of his skin prompting him to speak up. The urge to protect the pack overwhelming him, especially their little omega, "Babygirl, you alright back there? You need a jacket or something?"
Looking up to the rear-view mirror through long, surprisingly dark, eyelashes, Luna shyly shook her head no, not able to find her voice due to the chill in her bones.
A resounding protective growl resonated throughout the SUV and before the boys could say anything, Roman was pulling over the car to the side of the road, parking, and then going into the trunk of the SUV to grab a jacket for her but not just any jacket, his jacket. In his mind, it was a way of staking claim subtlety and conveying that she belonged with the pack.
The back-seat door on Luna's side was soon being wretched opened and Roman was wrapping his jacket gently around her smaller frame. Luna was frozen in shock, not expecting the Alpha to have such care for an outsider of such a tight knitted pack. But still his gentle touch was soothing and the heat radiating off him brought an indescribable warmth to her bones and settled in the pit of her stomach brewing into something more building of the continual ache she felt in her core. Again, the musk surrounding him smelt like home, Mate, and safe, much like Seth's and even Dean's when he would get close enough to her. Reaching out Roman gently cupped Luna's cold pink dusted cheeks, though his hands were so big they nearly covered the surface of her neck while still being able to reach her cheeks. Lightly he started rubbing his thumbs back and forth along her soft skin to help warm her up.
He and all the boys felt a constant ache to be near her, protect her, and love her. They craved her touch and affection, from the moment they scented her as their Omega mate, their Luna.
All three men noticed the visible shudder Roman's touch gave Luna and the way she moved into his touch, practically purring in content which had them nearly growling with satisfaction. Her scent was driving them all crazy with the heavy hints of arousal as well as the feelings of 'safe' and ‘happy’ she was giving off.
The more than pleased Alpha spoke up with a slight smirk on his devastatingly handsome face.
"That better Babygirl." The timber of his voice had Luna keening and his touch made her heart soar, she was in such a daze, but it was the next words that came out of her mouth that shocked everybody.
"Yes Alpha, thank you." It was so soft, so sweet, so Omega that Roman's inner wolf was swelling with pride, it also had the semi he had been sporting since earlier, twitching at the prospect of claiming his little mate and showing her just how he earned the title Alpha by each member of his pack. Fuck did he just want to dominate her and bite her so that she could bare his mark for the world to see. He felt his mouth watering at the thought as well as the beginning of fangs protruding from his gums.
The other two men in the car were quiet throughout the whole interaction, one because they were all linked as mates, so they knew each other's thoughts and feelings, and two they were just so mesmerized by this woman in every aspect.
Each one of them anticipating the chance to get to know her better and begin the mateship they knew was inevitable. To love her and care for her in every way.
Making sure Luna was tucked in and warm, Roman made his way back to the driver’s seat and was off once again to the hotel that awaited the four superstars.
Through the bond link, Ambrose felt Roman's excitement, arousal, and pride, it was so palpable that all he wanted to do was reach over and kiss him, maybe even beg for Ro to dominate him like their little rendition from earlier in the night. Roman was just so damn kissable when he was in a good mood. He'd become this big lovable dork and Dean and Seth loved nothing more than when their Alpha was like that. While the men all had silent conversations through their bond links none of them noticed their little omega burrowing herself deeper into the Alpha's jacket, even snuggling up to sleep against Seth as her eyes began to droop. The first touch of skin had Seth nearly jumping out of his seat in surprise, the heat of it settling into his core simmering just under the surface, but once he realized what was happening, he was all for it. Anything to be closer to their Omega.
 The minute Seth was introduced to Luna by Triple H, something in the Beta began to stir, something he had never really felt before. His wolf had always been dormant and lax, which complimented his other mates. But now with her here this instinct began to grow within Seth and he wasn't sure what it was. He'd have to have a talk with Roman before bed tonight since his Lunatic was rooming with their little moon.
Seth hoped Dean would let her in completely because as much as Dean tried to hide it both his mates saw how enamored he was with the Omega.
While Seth was occupied with watching their sleeping beauty, he gently started running his fingers through her long stark white hair, further putting her into a sleep-like state, while Roman and Dean were having a one on one chat through their link.
 "When we get to the hotel I want you to share the other room with her," Roman spoke up through the link, causing Dean to look up wide-eyed and confused.
"What! Ro, you're the Alpha shouldn't you be the one to do that I mean-"
"No Dean, I want you to try and bond with her a bit. She seems to have warmed up to Seth already and the exchange you just witnessed shows she's open to my Alpha. Now it's your turn I want to see if she'd be able to handle the prospect of three mates. I also want to see if you like her. Look, I know it's hard for you to let people in, but I want you to try. We're a pack and it's all or nothing with us, and you're going to be the deciding factor on this."
"Ro, I don't know if I can handle that type of pressure...but ok I can do that, for the pack, for you."
"That's my boy." Leaning over Ro gave a quick kiss to Ambrose's chapped lips, proud that he'd try to do something as hard as letting a new person in, but Roman knew Luna was the one they had all been waiting for and now that she's here he never wants to be without her. The Alpha in him had it bad for the little omega. Hell, why else would he stop in the middle of nowhere just to fetch a jacket from the trunk for the shivering girl? That's just it though, she was more than just some girl, she was their mate, the one meant for them. She’s the one who’s going to love and care for each of them as much as they already do for her. So, with that in mind, Roman reached over and intertwined his fingers with his Lunatic's, hoping to ease the nerves he felt coming off his mate. The skin to skin contact seemed to always help, so their hands stayed like that for the duration of the car ride.
Seth's POV
He couldn't help but to tune out the bond link between his two mates. He was just so enthralled by the angel sleeping snuggled into his lap. Not being able to really help himself he began to stroke her stark white waves, taking care to massage her scalp at the roots as he went. He could tell she was enjoying it with little purrs of appreciation that split out her mouth periodically through the drive, even little whines when he paused in his ministrations. Seth could not wait to cuddle, kiss, and love on his new mate.
He'd prayed Dean would decide soon as to whether they would be pursuing her as a pack. With the draw that Seth felt towards the little omega, he couldn't imagine what it was like for both his Alpha mates. Never before had Seth, a 'Beta', at least that's what he classified himself as since he never truly presented, craved an omega as much as the one sleeping peacefully in his lap. But again, since meeting Luna certain feelings and tendencies began to stir in Seth, Alpha tendencies.
 Dean's POV 
What neither of his other two mates were able to pick up on was that Dean had already fallen, HARD, for the little moon goddess sleeping in the backseat. Nevertheless, his self-deprecating nature and fear got the better of him. Dean believed he didn't deserve any of the love or care his mates provided him with. Hell, he was sure The Moon Goddess would never bless him with a true mate let alone two, well now three true mates.
It took nearly a year for Seth and Roman to break down the walls Ambrose had built by the time they finally found each other. Now here was this girl; or woman, who merely flashed him a smile and his walls came down faster than you could say 'Kaboom!'.
It was more than just her smile but still, Dean could feel it the moment they locked eyes; she had cemented herself into his heart. Dean knew if he ever lost one of his mates especially their little moon, he'd fall into a darkness not even Roman could save him from, so that's where his only reservations stemmed from.
The boys had finally made it to their designated hotel for the night. Not caring that they still weren't in the comfort of their own room or shielded from the public eye, Roman got out of the parked SUV walked over to the passenger's side, where Dean was also making his way out and stole a demanding kiss from him. The kiss was filled with raw passion and Roman took his time coaxing out a more relaxed Lunatic, because he knew Dean's nerves had kicked in about sharing a room with Luna and about being in such an intimate proximity with her. Once Roman could feel Dean's body and mouth become pliant against his, he broke the kiss and looked him straight in his stormy blue eyes, "I proud of you for at least trying, ok? And I know you can do this, ya hear me, Dean?" He emphasized his claim with one more hard kiss to the younger man's mouth then he was gone. Heading to the back of the SUV, leaving a breathless Ambrose in his wake, to fetch the luggage, calling out to Seth for help over the link as to not wake up their sleeping Babygirl in the backseat. Seth carefully removed himself from their Omega and went to help his Alpha unpack the car. Luna began to make distressed noises at the loss of her mate's warmth and security, causing Roman to prompt Dean to check on her and carry her to the room.
 Little noises spilling from his Kitten's unconscious form had his heart aching and he wanted nothing more than to soothe her distress. So, without thinking too much about his actions, he was climbing halfway over the back seat to scoop her up bridal style into his warm embrace.
Almost immediately she was nuzzling her sweet face into the side of his neck where his unmarked scent gland was, the same scent gland that was meant to bare the omega's mark of the pack. Damn did it feel so Fucking good to have her cuddled so tight against his body and her face nuzzling into his most sensitive spot, a spot that has gone relatively untouched until now. Dean was rumbling deep within his chest in joy, which earned him a little mewl in response from his sleeping Kitten.
Carrying her into the hotel was easy enough, while his other two mates took care of the luggage and checking in. Dean made sure not to jostle Luna too much while he waited by the elevators. He was too entranced by his little mate to notice a rival Alpha and his pack walking up onto the pair.
It wasn't until the Alpha spoke that Dean's whole body went rigged and the hair at the base of his neck stood on end.
"Well, what do we have here? The Lunatic Fringe and a-," Bray paused looking down at the little omega before him, taking in the angelic features of her face and her pure white hair to match, "a beautiful little lamb. Say Dean where did you find such a special little moon goddess such as her?"
A growl released within Dean's chest before he could even stop it, causing his little mate to stir about and whimper in his arms. Turning further into her mate, Luna's arms wrapped tightly around Dean's neck as she whined against his unmarked scent gland.
It took everything in Dean not to react to his whining mate lest he let his guard down, something he would not let happen especially in the presence of the Wyatt’s. Luckily, before Dean could speak up, Roman had walked up to his two awaiting mates, clapping a hand on Dean’s shoulder soothing the agitated Alpha.
"I think we both know that's none of your concern Bray." The deep Alpha tone in Roman’s voice commanding the rival Alpha to back down but also causing Luna to squirm further in her Lunatic’s hold.
Reaching over Roman began to smooth the hair at the crown of Luna's head trying to soothe her back into a more peaceful slumber but never removing his glare from Bray’s form.
The action didn't go unnoticed by any of the Wyatt’s.
"Oh, I see, you think you've finally found your Omega mate? The missing piece to your little band of misfits, is that right?" Scoffing Bray continued, "No chance in heaven or hell a little goddess like her would be lumped together with the lot of you. What she needs is someone of equal stature, not you mere mortals. She deserves a God to be her equal mate and followers who would worship her as is her right to be worshipped. Not a bunch of hellhounds that would only taint her." He spat the last words and before any of the Shield members could retort, the Wyatt Family patriarch and his pack were entering the elevator, but not before Bray spoke one last cryptic message, "You tell the Little Moon Goddess her throne is awaiting her return." And with the devil in his eyes and a smile upon his lips, Bray waved goodbye to the Shield Pack.
The whimpering that was heard from the little omega in Dean's arms paused all the murderous thoughts running through their bond link and each mate reached out to their Sweet Omega, trying to comfort her distressed state.
It was Roman's alpha timber that finally broke through her fear.
"Easy Babygirl, you're safe." He kissed the crown of her head, "Alpha is going to protect you. Always."
Nuzzling herself impossibly further into the crook of Dean's neck, Luna finally settled back down and just in time for the next elevator to arrive.
Loading themselves into the metal box, each Shield mate was still on edge and Roman could feel the worry of his two other mates.
"Don't worry Y'all. I'm not gonna let a damn thing happen. Not to either one of you and especially not to her. You have my word." The authority Roman’s words held behind his promise gave hope to each of his mates.
 At the Alpha's reassurance, each mate felt the tension leave their body, but it also left them drained and ready for bed. They were all thankful they decided to shower at the arena as it was one less thing to worry about after the stressful encounter they’d just experienced.
 The Wyatt's have seemed to be taking the onscreen rivalry to whole other level and now with the added interest in their little mate, none of the boys could afford to let their guard down. Roman especially as Pack Alpha.
Walking into their suite Roman saw their little mate cuddled tight into Dean's stronghold. He stood and watched, taking a moment to bask in the peace shown clear as day on her mesmerizing face. His heart tightened at the thought of something putting her in jeopardy. There was no way Roman was going to go to bed tonight before having a contingency plan in place, especially with the Wyatt's lurking around every corner. He loved his mates and the life they’ve built together, too much to let anything ruin it, especially with the final piece to their pack finally in place.
Reaching over towards his Babygirl snuggled securely into Dean’s embrace, Roman gently ran his calloused fingers gently along her cheek, still in awe that she was theirs and that they had finally found their Omega.
"Dean, go set our Babygirl down on y'all's bed and come to mine and Seth's. I'm not sleeping a wink until we have an affirmative course of action set into place. C'mon Architect follow me."
Roman ordered before placing a quick kiss on to his lunatic’s lips and sending him off to the adjoining room.
Dean's POV
Bending over to rest his Kitten on the bed caused her to stir in his arms, whining firmly against his neck, "No Alpha please."
"Shhh Kitten, I just need to put you down for a second, so I can talk to the Big Dog."
Whining again she murmured against his neck, plush lips dancing along his heated skin. Dean would be lying if he said the way her lips brushed against the sensitive skin of his neck didn't have an effect on him. He couldn't stop the visible shudder her actions had created. Not only that but the heat radiating off of her had begun to spread a warmth into his own body, heart, and soul. So, not wanting to deny his little mate anything, Dean adjusted Luna in his arms and headed towards the second room that held his two awaiting mates.
Roman's POV
Walking into their own shared room, Roman dropped his bags by the door and turned to speak to Seth, "So what do you think-". But was soon cut off by the young Architect with a searing kissing that had the older Alpha reeling. Never had Seth been so bold, so abrasive, so very Alpha.
"Easy Baby Boy," Roman panted while unconsciously molding Seth against his body trying to steady himself to keep from getting too dizzy. "W-what was that about Seth?"
Instead of answering Seth merely groaned, burying his nose into the scent gland of his Alpha mate, clutching tightly to both of Roman’s biceps to keep himself close. The skin to skin contact was the only thing quelling the fire in his belly at the moment.
Roman began shushing his younger mate by combing one hand through his hair and the other rubbing his back to calm his racing heart. Roman could suddenly feel the subtle change in Seth’s body temperature. The slow warmth that began to radiate off his mate’s skin could only mean one of two things: either one he was running a fever because he was getting sick or two he was in the early stages of his very first rut. Given the intensity of the kiss they'd just shared and the fact that they had finally found their Omega mate; Roman was sure it was option number two which caused a proud smile to adorn his face.
"Well will you look at that, Baby Boy is finally presenting and an Alpha no less. I'm so proud of you, Seth. And don't worry we will all help you with the transition."
Roman was quick to soothe and comfort his anxious mate. With the news of Seth's presentation, the Wyatt issue got pushed to the back burner at least for one night.
Eventually, the mate pair was broken from their little moment by the bedroom door opening to reveal their Lunatic Fringe who was still holding on very tightly to their little omega mate who was cradled ever so carefully in his arms.
"She wouldn't let me set her down, Little Kitten begged for her mate, all her mates. I think her heat is about to hit soon because she's starting to get a warmth about her."
"Well she's not the only one, seems our Baby Boy here has finally decided to present Alpha."
Dean gave a cheeky smile causing both dimples to pop out, "Is that so? Looks like you and me, Big Dog, are going to have our hands full the next couple of days."
"In more ways than one Uce, in more ways than one," Roman answered with an equally cheeky grin. He couldn't wait to fully consummate the relationship between the four of them. Of course, it would have to wait until morning when Babygirl was awake and their Baby Boy got proper rest before his first rut.
"That's all well and good but let's get our little mates to bed and then in the morning we're going to have a serious talk about everything."
 Seth looked up towards Roman indignantly protesting his mate's earlier sentiment, "I'm not little."
Dean had finally come up behind the pair, gruffly whispering in his mate's ear, "Trust me Baby Boy we know just how 'not little' you are."
Dean finished with a quick nip to Seth's earlobe causing the young man to give off a pleased rumble from deep within his chest.
"Hey! No teasing Dean! Rest tonight and playtime tomorrow. We clear?" Roman asked raising an eyebrow for emphasis.
"Of course, Big Dog, you’re The Alpha after all." Dean winked cheekily as ever. "Now what are the sleeping arrangements going to look like? Do we need to keep our two pre-cycle mates in the middle together? Or separate in case they trigger each other to go full blown cycle before they're ready?"
Dean was curious as to how the four of them were going to situate themselves on the more than big enough bed the hotel provided.
"Well that's hard because Babygirl and Seth need to have some sort of skin to skin contact with me to help sate the underlying hum of need within their bodies, but it looks like she really doesn't want to let go of her Lunatic at the moment."
The smile that graced Dean's face at Roman's statement was so heartbreakingly beautiful, not just that but the happiness that showed through had the Alpha's heart soaring.
And just as Roman spoke the words Luna nuzzled further into the crook of Dean’s neck, purring in delight at his scent and warmth.
"Look Ro. You sleep in the middle of these two and I'll take the other side of Luna while Seth takes the other side of you."
Dean finally decided, he was absolutely drained from all of today's excitement and he really did just want to catch some sleep, preferably snuggled into the little kitten purring in his arms. Most people would assume Dean to be an emotionally closed off person but, cuddling with his mates was one of his favorite past times.
"Okay Lunatic, let Seth and I get ready really quick and then we will hunker down into bed."
Roman called over his shoulder as he headed towards the bathroom with Seth to change.
"Just sit in the recliner by the bed for now," Roman instructed patting his butt and ushering him towards the chair. Dean easily obeyed not having the energy to protest.
Waiting for Seth and Roman to finish up in the bathroom, Dean found himself once again enchanted by his little omega's beauty. Never before had he seen such soft tan skin and angel white hair, that fell in thick waves to the middle of her back. She really was the moon goddess come to earth and the fact that she was theirs was unbelievable. A task none of the men would take lightly.
As Roman and Seth walked back into the room, they were greeted by the beautiful site of both their mates snuggled into each other. They could see poor Dean had nearly fallen asleep where he sat.
Now that both men were in nothing but a pair of comfy pajama pants, they were ready to get settled into the awaiting bed.
Reaching out towards Luna and Dean, Roman began to scoop her out of the Lunatic's arms; however, he wasn't expecting the reaction that followed.
Whining once again Luna grabbed at her Lunatic's shirt, stirring the man underneath her awake.
"Easy Babygirl it's just me, Just your Alpha trying to get you to bed. Come on baby let’s get you settled so we can get you both to bed." Roman declared, molding her closer to his form.
"My Alpha?"
"Yea Babygirl, your Alpha." He reiterated, purring into the crook of her neck where her mating gland rested, placing a chaste kiss to emphasize his claim. Eventually, Roman was finally able to calm her down enough and move them towards the bed.
Because of her sleepy daze, Luna was pliant to her Alpha’s instructions.
"Babygirl, is this what you want to go to bed in? I think we should take the jacket off, so you don't get overheated at night. Sounds good?"
Mumbling a yes, Luna was soon divested of Roman's jacket and her shoes, while Dean began to get ready for bed himself, which in reality meant stripping down to his boxers.
Roman laid himself and Luna down into the very middle of the giant-sized bed taking care to pull up the covers, which also consisted of a nice fuzzy blanket for Luna to use later when she began her nesting phase.
 Shane had presented the blanket to the boys after his talk with Luna and told them to make sure to scent mark it for her to use during her pre-heat rituals. It was one of many Shane had the staff keep on hand for her in case she went into unexpected heat while on the road traveling.
The boys were unbelievably happy that Shane was so accepting of not only their relationship with each other but also the addition of Luna into the pack as well. Luna’s new mates knew what a great friendship the pair had so it meant the world to have Shane O’Mac’s stamp of approval.
 Roman positioned himself on his back while Luna was curled up on the right side of him, her head perfectly resting on his chest piece near his heart. Next was the Lunatic barreling in, not so subtlety behind their Omega, molding himself against her body like two puzzle pieces coming together. Gently he ran one hand down the side of his little Kitten’s curves until it came to rest perfectly at the bend in her hips, while his other hand moved underneath his head so that his elbow created a makeshift pillow. Roman couldn’t help but muss up his mate’s hair not even caring to reprimand him for his childlike actions. He knew Dean was just excited and exhausted from it all.
Finally, it was their pup mate Seth’s turn, crawling up slowly like a predator towards Roman and his other mates. The dark look adorning both mate's eyes did not go unnoticed by Dean, but still, he waited and watched to see just what would unfold.
Once Seth reached to be face to face with his Alpha, he stole one more soul-searing kiss, literally all tongue and teeth as well as the added pleasure of their beards rubbing against one another creating an oddly satisfying sensation. Their actions nearly causing all the mates to moan in unison, which even had the unconscious Luna squirming in her place from the intense arousal that began to permeate the air. Luna’s squirming unintentionally caused her bum to rub up against Dean’s thinly covered crotch which in turn caused him to slightly tighten the loose grip he had had on his Kitten’s curvy waist, burying his nose into her hair he quietly tried to suppress the deep groan caught in his throat caused by her movements.
Growling Roman spoke to his pup mate,
"Seth, as much as I'd like to take care of you right now, you need rest more than anything else. So, get your bubble butt in this bed and lay down before I go full Alpha mode on your ass you hear me?"
Smacking his mate's supple ass for added effect.
Moaning deeply Seth answered, "Sorry Alpha. Can't help it."
"Shhh, go to sleep pup. I promise I'll make it all better in the morning."
Roman placed his free arm around Seth’ shoulders while guiding him to lay his head on the left side of his chest to mirror their Little Moon. Not being able to help it though, Seth leaned over to place a chaste kiss on his little mate's forehead before murmuring a sweet goodnight to all his Alpha mates. In her sleep though, Luna reached over to grab her Architect's hand that laid beside hers on Roman’s chest, causing sleepy smiles to plaster themselves on all her mate's faces from her subconscious actions.
Before each of the Alpha mates succumbed to the pull of sleep, they all wished the other a ‘sweet dreams’ and ‘goodnight’ as well as an ‘I love you’.
Roman was both happy and anxious about what was to come of the future. Happy because he finally found the missing link to his pack and anxious because a rival force was threatening that happiness not just for him but his mates too. Roman would be damned if he let anything come in between his mates and their happiness, himself included. But before he could dwell too much on his dark thoughts, a movement from beneath him broke his reverie. Looking down towards his Little Moon, he saw her shift further into his neck, inching further into his mating gland where his scent would be at its purest and as she did it her scent began to change into something amazing. Her lavender and fresh rain scent began to mix with chemosignals of ‘safe’, ‘happiness’, and dare he says ‘belonging’. It was as if her subconscious knew something she didn’t, that she was finally where she was meant to be, home and surrounded by her three true mates, who are dedicated to protecting her and bringing her a happiness like no other. She may be a little warrior in her own right but now she had not one, not two, but three Alpha mates who would go to the ends of the earth to protect and provide for her.
Roman knew that all three of them would spend every day of the rest of their lives proving that sentiment. But first thing is first, and that was to have Luna accept the mateship of all three of them and then get her at Seth through their prospective heat/rut. Roman knew he had a big job ahead of him but if it meant they would finally be able to cement the pack as a whole, every second of hard work would be worth it. She would be worth it, their Little Moon Goddess.
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ok so first of all i am sorry for not participating in the challenge !! i had fall break vaca and was super busy but anyways ~ hi im loving this cast so far and i am so glad that i get to play with some new faces! & also some old ones too. im just going to do a brief cast assessment rn so i can record my thoughts on everyone initially:
emily - i love her so much! she is super sweet and i think she is going to be super invested and great at this game which means she could be a potentially strong ally for me moving forward! we have chatted a lot and i really like her andreas - literally havent spoken a word to him yet so we will see .... ian - pharmaCY KING! i was able to bond with him a lot and i think that we have the potential to have a very good dynamic, but it needs to grow organically jordan pines - i have played a few games with him before and he is such an amazing ally as long as he thinks he can beat you in the end. with him i always try to play dumb and act like im bobo the fool [even tho like 50% of the time i actually am bobo the fool so it isnt a full on act] and let him think that he controls my votes so im hoping that works in my favor again lily - no comment honestly i don't care for her and would love to vote her out but idk if i am going to get a wise opportunity for that madeline - she seems super sweet and also she has a really strong personality which i like but we haven't been good about replying to eachother so far so we will see what happens moving forward, id really like to work w her and get to know her better kai - i literally love kai he is so sweet and kind and perfect and i hope we finally get the chance to work together in this game bc we have tried and failed so many times in a row so fingers crossed! rhone - rhone is so fun! i have wanted to play a game w them for the longest time bc they are so iconic and smart strategically. i have hosted and played with them before so i think i have a good insight as to how they play the game. i'd love to work with rhone moving forward toph - toph,,,,ok so coming into this game i was nervous about toph because he is such a crackedt and forward player from past experiences but in my last game i was kind of mean to him so i genuinely apologized to him bc i do feel bad bc im p sure he is much younger than me and honestly i was a little shit when i was his age so if he does decide to forgive me id love to work something out with him the bottom line is that i am down for anything with this game. i always make it my thing to work with people i have never worked with before so hopefully that can happen woo! also i feel like now im an easy vote off since i didnt participate in the challenge so hopefully i can work that to my advantage and make people think im a person who is just a number and a sheep for now. until next time!
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I'm SO ready for a tribe swap.  I like my tribe mates but I'm just wondering how hard they are going to try to go in the future ughhhh
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Alrighty! Im way to tired ro film anything and im watching the office so whoops not my problem! Im just kidding lol! So right now as per usual i feel like my game is going to be extremely paranoid which I learned to from my queen Emily in azore I SEE YOU QUEEN. The last time me and her played together i was way to ott and now im more calm and reserved. I feel paranoid right now as to what the hell this dang twist could be!! And i feel like im at the bottom of the totem pool here on this tribe. I’ve been chatting with everyone which is good but jordan pines scares me so much and i know we have to keep him for awhile, I really don’t know how to feel about other people right now. I like nicholas and i can actually talk to him now since ff but i think if ruthie from there tribe survivers and me and emily survive we could be a killer squad. I think jordan pines is the most scariest things on this tribe every because he is so intense and in your face if  you like it or not and its scary. I feel like there already are alliances formed and im scared as fuck by that. Im just going to keep my foot tapping and praying to the jesus that there are no majority alliances former already. Jordan pines can lead an army and that scares me so if I don’t get close with him im screwed man! Rhone dosnt really respond to me so I kinda feel like he might not like me. Lily seems cool and i really Like madelin but Tophily is here to play and float a bloody way to the end lol! Lying isn’t a strong suit of mine so im going to not lie unless im talking to the person going home. I glad we won immunity because I won’t be going anywhere and not be a first boot. My goal Right now is jury but i have to go one day at a a time and take It SLOWWW! Lol!! With this immunity challenge no one can do it so i think i will have to and im okay with that but if we lose and they start blaming me for losing im sorry I actually don’t have a life to live while you guys do! So im just gonna bite my tongue because i have a shit ton of liquids in my fridge which is a plus for us lol!! My family of 6 is now a blessing? Like what the heck!! So there's my thoughts for today and the past day. Im just going to relax watch the office and wait for my Prince Charming to come out! Lol! Whatever happens in this game. Oh fuck wait! i have some tea to spill and you will be quaking in your loafers! So i was doing the puzzle for the idol ajd Someone already found it! I was shook! And Emily is now getting an advantage while ill be snuggled up like a bug in log that’s being tugged on by a slug! That made no sense LOL! Okay now i think all my thoughts are out for now but who knows ill be screaming in my head about not saying something soon lol! And with that and my future boyfriend goodnight and farwell!
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https://m.popkey.co/8a68bf/Ao9Xg_s-200x150.gif It's probably a good thing that I have the super idol. Literally no one is talking to me. I'm a little annoyed because I've done pretty much nothing wrong, except not submit for the challenge?? I guess Jack's influence that not doing a challenge is pretty strong over this tribe. Hm. Although I have this idol, there's no guarantee that I'll ever have to use it, and honestly if I go to tribal it's probably best for me that it doesn't become a priority to play it. I really don't want to play it if I don't have to, because the tribe could easily just vote me out the next chance they get. I also told Raymond about the "regular" idol hunt I did today, where he could jump off the cliff and get a number or whatever it was that I did exactly, and he was like "LETS GO ON CALL" but like... I was playing Roblox so Skype 10/10 wasn't gonna let me do a call properly. So I was like... sorry bud but just go search anyways! And he never messaged me back, so I have no clue whether he did or not. Right now, I trust Raymond a lot. I don't know how I feel about Madison or Dan. Amanda is a nice woman, I really wish I had a better relationship with her though. I don't trust Logan (and I know Logan doesn't trust me) and I don't like Jack all that much, unfortunately. I figure that someone is gonna go after me -- potentially Logan. Logan and I have a history of playing games together and while I never once wronged him (at least not by my knowledge?!) he doesn't ever want to trust me in games. There's literally no point in even bothering playing with him because he doesn't like playing with me all that much. But I know Logan would be united against players that I don't get along with, like Nicholas and Jordan Pines. Those two would be my most desired boots from the other tribe just because there's no chance I'd ever align with or trust either of them, plus Jordan has made the end of this series so many damn times already and it's maddening. My personal goal this season is to make it to 9th place. I got 11th last time but I want to break into single digits, a very rare occurrence for me. Like obviously I'm winning this season, but I wanna set some small goals just to make the journey to finals a little less treacherous. Anywho, I think this confessional is long and boring enough. I'm gonna go talk to Jack and see if anything happens. Maybe I can try to understand him a little better, lol
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Sorry I've been a bit quiet so far uni took over but it's the weekend and I can catch up. The tribe seem ok, really quiet though not really what I am used to. I found the challenge hard as I didn't really have any time and there was like nothing DC around, guess the UK is a marvel fan! I'm shocked that JG had to go, I love him to bits and was looking forward to working with him but he has his reasons. Hopefully the next challenge will be better for us
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Heyyyy sunshines~~~ Just a quick one. I still don't know a bunch of people on my tribe, but I got to chat a bit with Madeline and Tosh. Life is good. I'm pretty sure that somebody already found an idol inside a library book, but I can't tell who it was so whatever :) I can't participate in the next challenge sadly, but that's life. I am taking the social game a lot slower this time around and I feel much better as well now. There's no need to try too hard. I am a bit concerned that I am in touch with too few people, but we shall see about that. JG got eliminated, which makes me sad. Not much to talk about rn. Cya soon!
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This game has been pretty exciting so far! It hasn't been like most survivor games where I'm in a rush to talk with everyone in case they decide to murder me in cold blood, so that's nice. I still feel like I'm going to get murdered in cold blood, but it's whatever. My tribe is pretty nice so far, though I'm not the biggest Toph fan and Nicholas seems to be nonexistent. Everything's great otherwise, though. My one idol search had me getting caught by the guards, and I'm honestly not too eager to go out and search again. It'd arouse too much suspicion towards me.
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I hate you Charlotte for what you made me do. Not drink those drinks, but that was my last snack pack! You owe me pudding. My fellow competitors Madeline and Toph have earned so much of my respect for doing that challenge too!
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If someone has already submitted this then just ignore me It’s the anti-antilopes vs the lit hippos
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Okay, real confession. I think Billy might come for me, but he won't if he's smart. I'm good at contributing to challenges in the tribal phase. Don't fucking touch me. That being said, I don't want billy out. I think Jaiden should go. He won't be helpful, he's not social, I'm not into it. I love him, I do, but as long as he's here, we might as well keep losing. The other option is Amanda. While she's sweet, she's never online, which is understandable, you know? She has kids, she has uni, etc, but that's... not valuable to me at this point in the game. I need to win, I need to escape this tribe alive, I need to not be seeing the VL again ANYTIME soon.
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Okay so here’s the deal, I like everyone on our tribe. I guess. Billy can be annoying but he’s going through a lot so I can’t ask people to vote him out. Idfk, all I know is these basic hoes couldn’t win this damn challenge? Worse has been in my mouth than honey, bbq sauce, and water and I wasn’t complaining!!!!
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I’m Logan talking in the tribe chat but flat out ignoring my messages. Yeah, I think I might get votes tomorrow, but the only way it’ll come out is if myself or Billy receive the majority. The reason why I’d play it on Billy is simply because I feel like I can trust the guy, and not to mention he also has been preoccupied with a freaking funeral, like... what heartless monster votes him out after that? Hopefully I DON’T have to play it, but I’m ready and willing to play it if I have to.
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thanks JAIDEN for saying you didn't know I was in this game why would you do that. You make me look either inactive or like I'm stuck up or something UGHHHHSDFJSLDF
can i just...idol abbey out of this CHAT?
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We Hippos won immunity, Yay. It's good because I haven't quite found my footing in this tribe, I didn't want to compete but everyone was asking to not compete so I might as well step up and do it, I'm not one to shy away from a good challenge, especially when people are, should give me staying power right? At least I did it. I digress, A swap is coming in the next round or two, I can feel it. I need to continue to play as my sweet friendly self, cause deep down I am that guy. My main worry is that when the swap happens I might get targeted buy members of that damn Antelope tribe. My plan to remain consistent but not over the top in challenges might have gotten a little hindered by this on since I did compete. Raymond needs to be premerge booted, the guy killed it in this challenge and we don't need a comp beast going forward. I'll cross my finger he gets got soon. As for life on the Hippo Tribe, I have still kept my clue to the idol secret, if I happen to find it then I might share the clue with someone. If I find it, I sooo want to idol out the person I shared the clue with, this hero archetype player can be a villain given the opportunity. Madeline is cool, she's nice, but she is a talker. Talkers make me hungry, I think my game can benefit by keeping her close and dropping her when I need to. Rhone is cool, started talking to me about sports but I'd vote him out. Nicholas is probably on the menu for our first boot at tribal cause he's MIA at the moment but I want to keep us immune until I have a chance to work with him. Toph, I could take or leave, same with Emily. They don't impress me much. Kai and Andreas, I love ya dudes but you do seem like sheep for the slaughter this game, Andreas less so. JORDAN PINES PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1. I am curious to see how far this snake can go or if I'm a mounted trophy on his wall or if I can mount him on my wall.
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OHHHHHH FUCK ME SIDEWISE, I accidentally sent the real clue to Madeline instead of the fake one I had written up.
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Oh god I'm making meninist moves and a meninist alliance. The VL is going to hate me
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Okay this is a proper quiet tribe you've got here, so not used to this! So I am going to have to do what I didn't want to do and take control of tonights vote... wish me luck.
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Amanda about to get her ass beat by this vote. I'm a rat, I'm a snake, I'm a roach. But her ass is grass WHEW. I just don't want Jaiden to go because I actually talk to him. This is MENINISM, but *SHRUGS this is TRUMP'S AMERICA
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Okay Amanda got to go tho, this hoe is messaging me saying all this shit about how Jaiden isn't going home because of some advantage he has. Bitch you're the one going home so I'm confused. I'm just gonna sit here with Cheetoh dust on my fingers and watch this all go down. I mean I could for sure go home, which would be so fucking funny, but like I'm just gonna be #Confident, thanks Demi Lovato
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OKAY I KNOW THIS IS LIKE THE THIRD ONE IN 15 MINUTES BUT AMANDA IS ON TO ME, AND NOW I'M SHOOK. I talked to way too many people about this plan and I think it's backfiring lol Oh well, I think she'll be going tonight regardless, if not it's been real lmao
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So my name has come up, but I also have a little trick up my sleeve called the Themyscira Oasis! Basically, I’m telling Amanda that I’m going to be playing my Oasis on myself tonight in order to avoid being voted out. Then she spills literally all the insight behind alliances, inner workings of multiple relationships, and so on, just so she can blow her game up on her way out the door. However, I don’t WANT Amanda to go home. In fact, I’d rather blow up my own game in order to ensure that someone in my corner stays in the game. Amanda is actually trying to save me, regardless of if I use the oasis or not tonight. I’m telling her that I’m using it no matter what, when in actuality I don’t have it to begin with. My target right now is actually slowly shifting from Logan to Dan, because I just don’t have a whole ton of trust with him just yet. I’d rather keep the devil I know (Logan) around because I can always prepare for what he’s gonna do next. I can’t predict anything with Dan because I’ve never met him before. As Amanda pointed out, Dan herself and Ruthie are clearly working together because they had a “group think” moment where they came up with my name as the vote to go home. She didn’t say specifically who brought my name up, but that it was a process of elimination which makes sense imo. Anyways I was mid-way writing everything and Logan and Dan called me stupid and crazy, and that’s the story of how I told Amanda they were gunning for her. So now I’m going to blow everything up, publicly, because I have nothing left to lose. I said I wasn’t gonna be a mess this season but I’m back into my old habits, I suppose 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sound the alarm, Hurricane Jaiden has made landfall!
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me after that blow up made absolutely no sense but I’m still working it https://78.media.tumblr.com/5d766478fb350acbddd66160284749ba/tumblr_o7887f1gRR1sdmszbo1_400.gif
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Apparently Logan thinks he's in danger? And so does Jaiden? But everyone's voting Amanda? God I hate premerge.
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today has been so wild all I know is that this ENTIRE TRIBE is full of snakes and I have to watch what I tell ANYONE cause it will get back to the other people.  Amanda told Jaiden that Dan and I said his name but UMM, she gave us TWO OPTIONS. but now things I'm telling Jaiden are getting back to LOGAN and Dan is going around telling Billy everything I say and this is just wild these people are crazy and no one knows how to keep their freaking mouth SHUT! I want to find a ride or die I can tell anything too but that can't happen if they're going to keep comparing notes.
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So I trusted Jaiden and voted Dan. Is that a bad thing? Probably not considering I heard he was throwing my name out there. I'm kind of glad he's gone, he always does well and then never wants to work with me. So bye :* time to get serious, I need to prove to everyone I'm here to play this time.
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NOW THAT'S A FUCKIN' TRIBAL! Super good for my game, even though I would've kind of liked to work with Dan, because Amanda still remains a major target, and now Jaiden has made himself a much bigger target. Combine that with me getting closer to Raymond and Logan because of this? A big win in my book.
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"Actually, wait... I am gonna play my super idol on Amanda" https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SnarlingDarkLarva-max-1mb.gif Oops, sorry Dan
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WHAT THE FUCK, JAIDEN?  WHAT? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT. I keep telling him 'ooooh hehe it's fine, it's fine' but like WHAT now Amanda is going to hate me, and just ugh I hope the announcement is a tribe swap get me away from these people they talk about what each other say too much. I can see why he wanted to use it but WHY DAN?
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Jaiden has thrown that shade stick out and I'm very cautious about him now. Tho he tells me that it wasn't an attack to me or anything but like...if we're close why wouldn't you tell me what you're going to do. Low key just bummed out. That bastard.
0 notes
CSUAVS update
Sitting across from Keith as they ate dinner, Lance felt like a quiznakking moron. Not only had he droned on and on about his problems, he'd pushed Keith away when he'd finally kissed him. No matter what the others said, Lance wasn't completely stupid. From the way they were laying there facing each other, Keith's hand resting on his hip as they held pinkies like morons, and the soft and secret whispers they'd shared. He knew it was coming. He could feel Keith's breath against his lips, he'd definitely needed a mint, but it wasn't terrible... so why did his brain need to short circuit the moment Keith's lips brushed against his. The kiss hadn't even been forceful, just a simply soft pressing together of lips that had sent him flying into a panic and running like a moron. The bath he'd disguised as a swim lasted long enough that Keith was visibly worried when he returned to camp with Kosmo. His lips blue from staying in the cold water for far too long. No matter how he'd tried to calm himself, Lance hadn't been able to stop crying as he sat on the edge of the river. Guilt bubbling up in his gut as arousal simmered in the background. He hadn't thought he'd feel arousal ever again. He didn't want to feel arousal. Not when he and Keith were... this. Keith was too fucking good for him. He truly wanted to help, Lance could sense his honesty in his words, just as clearly as he could smell it in his scent. And god... Keith smelt good. "Lance? Kosmo's going to finish your dinner for you at this rate" Lost in his own thoughts, he looked up to find Kosmo inching closer to him, his two front paws out as he dragged himself across the grass. There wasn't much left on his plate to give the dopey beast, his stomach simply unable to handle a proper meal from months of abuse. Placing his plate down, Kosmo dived right in "Lance! You need to eat..." Crossing his arms, Lance glared "I ate" "Barely anything" "I still ate" "I know it's hard, but you need to eat" "I ate. I can't eat that much anymore. If I do, I end up throwing it all back up" Rubbing his face with his hand, Keith sighed "You're mad. About earlier, aren't you?" "Do we need to talk about it?" "I'm sorry for kissing you" Apparently they did need to talk about it... "It's ok" "No. It's not ok. I scared you" "Keith..." "I feel really shitty for doing it. I'll sleep in the ship tonight" "Keith" "I shouldn't have done it. You were so close and I didn't think" "Keith! Calm down. I get it. Ok. I get it. I'm not mad at you" "Then why are you sitting over there" Lance groaned, stupid Mullet wasn't making this easy "See, you're mad" "I'm not mad" "You ran away" "Because I was scared! You tell me you love me! You're being all nice! I didn't not want it, and it scared me. I can barely stand being touched, but it... it isn't that terrible when it is you. You can probably tell I don't like things against my lips. I also don't like having my hair touched, or things around my neck. So just shut up about it" "You're not mad?" Keith was deaf. Or going deaf. He'd spent too much time in battle and his hearing was going. That was the only thing Lance could conclude from continually going round and round in the same stupid conversations "Not at you. You don't have to sleep on the ship either... but for the love of Quiznak, can we just stop talking about my problems. I'm fucking sick of talking about myself" "What are we going to talk about then?" "You? Your missions? Has anything interesting happened?" "Not really" Falling into a very awkward silence, Lance started picking at the scar on his wrist. See. What could Keith possibly want out of any kind of relationship when they couldn't even go two quintants without him balling his eyes out, or them ending up in this stupidly awkward silence. And when Keith figured that out, he'd leave him to go back to his own team. This was stupid. He was stupid "Lance, I can see you thinking too much" "Mmm... it's fine" "It's not fine. You look upset again, and I don't know what I did wrong" "You didn't do anything wrong" "Then why aren't you saying anything?" "Because I... was thinking" "I told you you can talk to me" "That's the problem though, I don't know what to ask you about. I asked you if anything interesting had happened, and you said no" "That's because it hasn't. You know what it's like. Go to that planet, help them out, then move on to his next planet" "And none of them are interesting?" "Not really. I think Axca's going to ask Veronica out, but I already told you that" "Yeah. I honestly thought you two would end up together. She never left your room after that battle with ro-beast" "It didn't do her any good. I already liked you by then" "Have you... always liked guys?" "I don't know. Maybe... I wasn't really good at feelings" "That's an understatement. I seriously thought you were dating Shiro for a while there" "I loved him, but I didn't know what to call it. It wasn't until after I met my mum that I knew I loved him like a brother. It confused me... because it wasn't how I felt about you" "Geez, Mullet. I don't know whether to be offended or not" "How about you? When did you figure out you liked boys?" "You. I mean. I found myself watching you. It's confusing though. I mean, men look at other mens bodies and compare themselves all the time. You look at a photo and you're like "damned, he's ripped". But I like girls too... I guess I'm nothing really now... I don't mind girls and guys, but I'm more interested in the person for themselves. It's silly" "It's not silly. I... uh... I think I'm more attracted to you because it's you..." Lance was glad the fire was between them. His cheeks warm at Keith's confession. Anxious to take his mind off Keith being so sweet, he tried to redirect the conversation "Who was your first kiss?" "You" Lance shot up in shock. Keith was ridiculously good looking. He was sure all kinds of aliens would be throwing themselves at him "What?! How?" "What do you mean how?! How... people do it normally?" God. Keith had him struggling not to smile. Huffing, Keith kicked at the dirt in front of him "Don't be like that! Who was your first kiss then?!" "Hunk! When we were in the Garrison" "Hunk! Your first kiss was with Hunk!?" "It wasn't romantic or anything. We were sneaking out and he was worried. You know how he rambles when he's stressed. He was rambling that he was terrified he'd have to kiss a girl when he'd never kissed anyone before. So, I kissed him" Keith's laugh made his heart flutter "Oh my quiznak! I can't even picture Hunk. What did he do?" "He stopped talking. But it was too late, one of the teachers heard us and we ended up with detention" "I'm not surprised you two got caught. I never would have guessed Hunk was your first kiss, though" And Allura was his second... Why was it that everything had to happen as he was finally preparing to move on? "Who doesn't love the big guy?" "He seems really happy on the Atlas" Lance already knew this. Hunk was far too busy to talk to him. He couldn't blame him. He'd been taken by Shay the moment they met, and now he had the opportunity to show her the whole universe "That's good. Shay's got herself a great tour guide" "We could call them, if you want to?" Nope. He really didn't want to. He was dreading the arrival of the Telula because his damn anxieties didn't know how to handle everything, yet he couldn't wait for the arrival of the Telula because he had his own private quarters there and wouldn't be stuck in all these awkward moments with Keith "Nah. They're probably sleeping or busy" "Are you sure? I know you're anxious but I'm here" "Thanks, but I don't even know what I would say. I don't know what I would say to any of them" "That you're an intergalactic man of mystery?" Lance snorted loudly, unable to stop himself "I never thought I'd hear those words from you. You're more like an "intergalactic man of mystery" than I am" "You could tell them you've been working with the police?" "That won't work... I'm not sure the Erathian police would welcome questions" "You never told me what happened. Only that I got you in trouble" "They got mad over the software at the club. Accused me of being a spy for Daibazaal. Said that I was trying to make them look bad, and that I'd caused more trouble than I was worth. Which wasn't what they said when I was bailing them out of their messes... anyway... they tried to have someone else off me, it backfired and now they can't go after me again because they're the police who are supposed to be the good guys. So now I need to stay away from Erathus for a bit" "They tried to kill you?" At this point, Lance was kind of used to it. Shrugging, it didn't really change things "It's fine. It's not the first time" "Lance, that's not fine. All that for a little tech" "A "little tech" that hacked where they have an agent working from. The place belongs to a relative of a friend. But I've had a few missions in the club. People coming in dealing stuff. Drugs, gun, human trafficking. Not just the "bad" guys, the police did it too. Jeff at the front desk would call Kre'el, then Kre'el would go from there. Sometimes if someone was getting too rough with the prostitutes, I'd help them out..." Swallowing hard, Lance took a moment. God. He missed Kre'el. She and Keith would have gotten on so well. They probably would have both ganged up and lectured him insistently over his lack of self-care "I've heard you mention Kre'el. She's an officer?" "Yeah. She wanted to try something different. Which was the polite way of saying she pissed her bosses off again and got herself fired. She wasn't very good at following the law" "Then why was she an officer?" "She thought she could change the system. You know. Stop the corruption. After a while it gets repetitive. She probably wanted to make sure that the people being taken to the prison weren't being falsely imprisoned" Because Kre'el was stupid like that. Stupidly trying to go against the flow. She would have made a fantastic Red Paladin "I'm sorry about your friend" "Yeah. She was good friend..." That he didn't want to believe was dead... chopped to pieces, stored in a tube for preservation until they could cut her up further "... I think I'm ready for bed soon. I need to go take my pills" "Can I help? You didn't take them last night, or the night before. I should know what you take in case something comes up" Keith would want to know what everything did, something Lance wasn't quite sure of. He knew whatever he was taking kept Allura away. It hid his marks and it stopped his weird heat. He knew Keith wanted him to stop drugging himself up. That he wanted him to feel everything and work through it, yet it was a thought he didn't want to entertain "It's only a couple of pills. They help with sleep and the anxiety. Daehra makes them. They're like herbal supplements" Keith bit his lip, Lance wanting to ask what he was thinking but scared of what would come out his mouth "I'll be back soon. Why don't you get ready for bed? Maybe put some more wood on?" "Alright. But we're going to talk about this" "Yes, mum" "Good" * When Lance didn't come back within the varga, Keith went looking. Curled up on the thin bed in the ship, an open pill bottle sat on the floor beside it. If Daehra mixed the herbs, then she probably had some idea what she was doing... He hoped she did. She wasn't from Earth, meaning she had no idea how it would affect a human. Picking up the bottle, he sniffed at suspiciously, unable to find a name for the scent coming from it. The contents weren't one of the blue or red pills he'd had scanned, instead these were yellow and white. He couldn't get tell if Lance had meant to pass out, but he was kind of annoyed he'd fallen asleep on the pod, rather than returning. It felt like Lance had run away again. Taking off Lance's boots, he placed them by the end of the bed, then pulled the last remaining blanket up to cover Lance's shoulders. Had he forced Lance into sleeping there because he kept asking questions? Maybe this was him running away politely? He didn't want to upset Lance repeatedly, but he had no idea when they'd be able to talk honestly and openly without the risk of being overheard. If he back off on the Telula, Lance would be able to hide away in the control room. Lucteal would most likely run interference the moment he set eyes on Lance, while Daehra would get caught up in the middle of it all. Residing himself to the fact Lance would be sleeping on the ship, Keith returned to settle down by the fire. They should have most of the quintant, if not all of it, before the Telula came. With all the talking Lance had done, maybe he should back right off. He kept causing all these awkward silences between them, like two gears not connecting properly in a mechanism. These problems had plagued Lance for phoebs, so he wasn't as stupid as to think he could fix him. He just wanted him to let him. Covering himself with the blanket Lance had had around his shoulders, he sighed to himself. Tomorrow was a new day. There was nothing he could do until then, even if he knew he wasn't going to get a good night's sleep. Falling asleep near sunrise, it'd been a frustratingly long night. Lance had turned in far too early. Waking a few vargas later, he climbed from the makeshift bed with a long yawn. The fire had died during the night, Lance having not fed it when he woke. Going about getting ready for the morning, the water was freezing as he bathed. Lance's towel hanging on the line in much the same place it'd hung the day before, with the stones beneath it dry. Meaning Lance hadn't come down for a bath... Barely washed, Keith towelled himself down and dressed in the same clothes he'd worn the day before. His eyes sore from the lack of sleep the night before, with his head beginning to throb as he jogged back to camp with his focus firmly on Lance as he did. Not slowing down until he'd jogged up the pods ramp and into the space, he found Lance sitting on the edge of the bed he'd left him in. Pills scattered across the floor as Lance stared blankly across the space. Walking straight over to him, Keith squatted down in front of Lance, finding the other male's eyes red and puffy as scratched at the lines on his left wrist "Lance, Buddy, you ok?" Hanging his head, Lance shook it as he sniffled. Placing his hand on Lance's knee, he flinched away from the contact. Keith swapping to hold both hands up so Lance could see he didn't have anything in his hold and wasn't about to hurt him "Ok. You're ok. Tell me what happened" "My pills..." "You spilt them?" "I went to take them... then... I started thinking about how mad you'd be and I couldn't do it. I can't cope without them" "Aw, Lance. Of course I want you to stop taking them, but you can't rush these things. I've seen what it's like when you do, and it's not good for you" "You know?" "Yeah, Buddy. When I was in the foster care system, there were a few here and there who couldn't cope with no one wanting us. I've seen a lot. Self harm. Suicide attempts. Overdoses..." Lance let out a small gasp "Oh god. I... I didn't know..." "It's not something I talk about. I haven't told Shiro all of it. But I do know you can't stop taking them instantly without bad side effects" "I must look stupid. Crying over pills" "No. Here, stay there and I'll pick them up" "I should..." "I don't know how to explain it, but I can smell that you're not having a great morning. Did you have a nightmare?" "Yeah... you were in that tank. Pounding on the glass and then they cut you up. I tried to take my pills..." No wonder Lance was rattled. Thankfully he hadn't had the same nightmare, or he'd probably be clinging to Lance right about now "I'm ok. I promise I'm ok. Let me pick these up. How long have you been awake?" "I don't know" Moving to start picking up the spilt tablets, Lance continued to sniffle from his spot on the bed "It's still pretty early. We can go back to sleep for a few more vargas" "Is it?" "Yeah. I thought you said Daehra's pills helped you sleep?" "They do. They calm me enough to sleep. It's been phoebs... sometimes I still feel them on my skin. Sometimes I wake up feeling as if they were dragging me from my cell. It gets a bit mixed up when I'm not on the Telula or on Erathus. It took phoebs to get used to sleeping at home" "It took me a while to get used to sleeping on Daibazaal too. There's way too much purple there" "What a fine pair we make" "Yep" Dropping the last tablet into the bottle, Keith rose to move back to Lance. Sitting down beside him, he looked at the bottle in his hand "Put your hand out" "Why?" "Put your hand out" Doing as he was told, Keith turned Lance's hand so his palm was up "What ones do you take in the morning?" "You're letting me take them?" "You don't feel safe here. You need to be in a safe place if you want to go off them. Which ones do I need to give you?" "You won't be mad?" "No. I don't want to be mad at you. I can't help you if you don't trust me" "God. Ok... one of the light red, one of the dark red, one of the dark blue, two of the round white ones, and one of the yellow squarish ones, and... three of the yellow long ones" "That's all?" "Yeah... its bad, isn't it?" "It's not as bad it could be" 9 tablets of unperscribed pills wasn't great. Placing each pill into Lance's hand, he noticed how bad Lance was shaking "I'm not judging" "It's anxiety... I know it looks like a lot. The three long ones are vitamins... the red and the blue help with the pain... I don't know how to go off them..." "You start with the ones you've been on for the least amount of time" Lance shook his head "I can't" "You can. We don't have to rush it" "No... I can't..." "Lance?" Quickly Lance moved to dry swallow down the pills. Keith wincing at the idea of swallowing that many tablets without water "I can't. Ok... if I go off them, she'll come back. I don't want to see her. I can't" Closing his eyes, Keith tried to ignore the throbbing as he wracked his brain. If Lance wasn't going back to sleep on the bed, he just might "Allura? You said you saw her" "Ever since she died, she's in my head. I can't stand the marks she gave and I don't think I'm strong enough to be able to go back to seeing her" "Maybe you won't?" "I will... I don't want to, yet she's always there. She doesn't leave" "What I mean is, maybe your brain shows you Allura so you have a way to cope with everything happening?" "I don't want to see her. I have no control. She's just... there" "Did you see her when you were taking the other medication? Before Daehra's pills?" "Y-yeah..." "Then we'll start there. It's going to take phoebs for all of it to clear your system safely" "Then why should I bother? I'm not going to get better" "You don't know that. And I'm one hundred percent committed to being here for you" "You can't say things like that" "I can" "You can't. What if the Blades need you?" "I told Krolia I'm staying" "Fine. What if Shiro needs you? Or your team?" "Then we'll go together if it's something I absolutely can't avoid" "That's what this is, isn't it? Like when you didn't want to rule Daibazaal so you started humanitarian runs" Clicking his fingers, Keith nodded "Yep! That's it. You figured it all out" "You're a dork" "Maybe. Do you think you can sleep?" "I don't know. I feel gross" "Do you think you can sleep if I stay?" "You want to stay?" "I can't be bothered walking back down to camp" "Won't this chip into your knife sharpening time?" Placing the lid on the bottle, Keith climbed around Lance to lay with his back against the wall "I need sleep. You need sleep. Go to sleep" "Always the charmer" "I try. Here, get under the blanket" Lance slowly complied, covering them both with the blanket as he did. Laying on his back, he was practically a board as Keith inched closer. The thin cot was definitely not made for two adult males "Don't worry, I'm not going to kiss you again" "I wasn't thinking about that" "Good. Close your eyes already, I'm going to hug you" Lance squeaked in alarm "Hug me?" "The bed isn't that big" "But... what if I freak out?" "Then we'll deal with it. I'm too tired to do anything more than sleep" "Can... you maybe lay on your back? I don't think I can handle being held from behind" "Sure. Here, come here" Ending up with Lance nestled into his side, Keith was pretty damned happy as he held him close. It'd been a few long doboshes to begin with, but slowly Lance had relaxing into his hold. The now shorter male, resting with his head against Keith's chest, ear over his heart. He could probably hear how fast it'd been beating to begin with, slightly scared he'd pushed too far again by asking Lance to cuddle up to him. Warm, and comforted by Lance's weight, sleep came soon for Keith, and Lance shortly after. * Having slept through most of the day, Lance was a mess when they woke early in the evening. Keith keeping his distance until Lance got his bearings enough to settle back down on the bed next to him, preferring to sit up instead of remain laying like Keith was. Pulling out his communicator from... somewhere, Lance frowned at the device "What is it?" "Daehra hasn't checked in. I'm just wondering if they're ok" "Why not call them?" "Because we're in bed together..." Biting his lip, Lance's thumbs hovered over the keypad. Nothing had happened while they'd slept, other than him getting the best sleep in a long time. Even Lance looked somewhat refreshed despite having shared a bed which had to be a big move for him "Send her a message then? Or I could leave?" "No. I mean... you don't have to. You look pretty comfortable" "The bed isn't as nice as the ones on the Atlas, but I can't deny I slept like a log. You seem to have too" "I... yeah... it probably seems stupid" "No. Not at all. It makes me happy that you're letting me in, but we don't need to rush anything. We didn't do anything, so you have nothing to feel bad over" "How did... right. I said "we're in bed together"" "Yeah. Are your nerves ok? I really don't mind moving if it's all too much" Lance looked down at him, placing the communicator back under his pillow as he did "Keith, it's fine. I... actually slept better than I expected. I was thrown because it's... I haven't slept that long without... you know, waking up screaming" "Then you should sleep next to me more often" "That's pushing it. I'm just being stupid" Pointing to his head as he spoke, Keith moved to take Lance's hand into his "You're not being stupid. You're worrying about your team, and if I had to guess, how they'd react to you sleeping next to me given you don't like touch like you used to" "How did you know?" "Because I can see it in your eyes" And it was a hell of a lucky guess. Lance had woken and promptly pushed him away before moving to the edge of the bed where he sat for a few long doboshes. When his team hadn't messaged, and mentioning they were in bed together, it was kind of a natural jump "They've done so much for me" "They're also empaths. If I know you, like I do, then you're worried about what they'd pick up when they touched you. Not only that, you're still processing what happened. Sleeping next to me isn't some great controversy. We didn't do anything other than sleep. You do not need to feel guilty. You haven't done anything wrong" "I know... but, Lucteal..." Keith couldn't give two shits about that slimy alien bastard who clearly wanted in Lance's pants. He might be important to Lance, but he'd hardly considered trying to keep the peace for Lance's sake "Lucteal isn't here. You also haven't known him as long as you've known me. I'm not saying you don't trust him, but I hope you know by now that I have your back" Rolling his eyes at him, Lance took his hand back "You're ridiculous. If I go take a shower, can you organise dinner? There's supplies in the catch under the trapdoor" "It's pretty cold outside. Maybe you skip bathing" "I said shower. This pod does have a shower" Keith heart skipped a beat. He'd seen Lance practically naked. His fingers sliding over the thin scars he found across Lance's soft brown skin. Now he knew what had caused them, he wanted to see them all over again. The scars that showed Lance had survived it all "I can stay?" "The fire is outside. Things will need to be heated through" Groaning at him, Keith drew himself up. That seemed like far too much effort when Lance was sitting right beside him in bed. Plus, he wanted to be there to prevent Lance from hurting himself. Lance, however, had other ideas as he slipped from the bed "You're lucky you need dinner too, or I'd be campaigning for staying in bed" ""Mister I-Live-To-Train" actually wants to stay in bed? Humanitarian work has made you soft" Being Lance had made him soft. If they'd been on his ship with his team he would have been working out. Instead, he was hoping that Lance wouldn't see him as a threat. That he'd let himself relax enough to recover from what had happened at the outpost "Maybe. Maybe it's because I know if something happens, I have all the back up I need" With reddening cheeks, Lance glared down at him "Get out of bed you lazy shit. Go make sure Kosmo is alright. The swear I'm going to punch you if he's hurt" "He's a big boy..." "He's not a "big boy". He's "best boy". Now give me some privacy" "So demanding. Fine. I'm moving" Climbing off the bed, Keith moved to the trap door Lance had opened before they'd entered the outpost, opening the panel, he was amazed at how much stuff was crammed in there. Everything from clothes to weaponry was stuffed down there "How am I supposed to find food in here?" "The red box is food. The black one's a first aid kit. Don't open the blue one, it's a life raft that automatically inflates, and trust me when I say you don't want to be trying to flatten it out again" "I'll take your word for it" Keith doubted there was the space for a raft to inflate, let alone space to deflate and refold one. The red box in question was buried at the bottom of everything. Sliding it free, he went to pop the clip on the lid "Open it outside. I want to shower before it gets any colder" "Alright. You'll come down afterwards, right?" "Yeah. I'll find you something else to wear while I'm at it. We should wash your clothes before the Telula lands and we're back in the game" "Sounds good to me" Keith didn't know if it was a slip of the tongue or Lance was looking to the future, but it didn't change the fact he'd said "we're" back in the game. Uncharacteristic butterflies erupted in his stomach, thanks to the words of his crush. Every little thing Lance said lingered in his mind, whether he knew it or not. Wanting to make sure Daehra was safe for Lance's sake, Keith went about building a new fire for the night, before calling Daehra as it caught. Not answering his call, the half-Galra found himself more worried than he'd thought he'd be. Daehra was supposed to answer. He'd been preparing himself not to sound too stupid when she did. Calling through again, Daehra answered with ticks remaining before the call would have rang out "Keith? You are calling? Is everything ok?" "Hey, Daehra. We're doing fine, I was actually calling to make sure you were ok. La-Leandro hadn't heard from you, so he was starting to worry" Pinching the bridge of her nose, Daehra shook her head. She looked thoroughly done "Sorry. Sorry. As humans would say, it is my stupid brother's fault. Lucteal, he acted like a... We are fine. We shall be approaching your location a quintant or so behind schedule. Lucteal and Zak decided they should play with the engines. Lucteal was most anxious to make sure Leandro was fine. It was not enough after they set the wire on fire. It did not go well. We will need to land and rest the Telula" It almost felt like being on the Castle with Pidge, Hunk and Coran tinkering on things "If you guys need, we can come to you. Leandro is a little shaky, but he's doing better than he was" "Would you mind? I did not wish to interrupt your time together. Leandro always pushes himself too hard. He needed the rest" He needed more than rest. He needed to step back and take a break from it all. He needed to allow himself to heal. The Telula actually needing to be worked on, was a blessing in disguise "He does. We're about four sectors out from the outpost. Is there somewhere safe you can land?" "Yes. It is a short trip to our home planet. Annla would much enjoy seeing Leandro again" That wasn't what he had in mind. A whole planet of empaths. He might have confessed his feelings to Lance, yet there were a whole lot of things Lance wanted to keep hidden "How far from where we are, would that be?" "About two quintants. The sectors around the outpost experience time fluctuations. For you, it has been three quintants or so, for us, it has already been past a movement. Lucteal has been most impatient" Keith didn't want to think about how many days it'd been between calls then. No wonder Lance was worrying for his team "Lance has the coordinates, right? We're not going to take off and find ourselves lost" "No. No. They are also in the navigation system. I must go. They are arguing again. Lucteal will be mad that I have spoken to you. He is most frustrating" "It sounds like you need a break too" "If only. Please notify Leandro that we are indeed alright. If the Telula is going down for repairs, do not rush. We have time" "Thanks, Daehra. We'll see you all sometime soon" "Be safe, Keith" "You too, Daehra" When the call ended, Keith wondered if he should have been using their codenames. Lance had been almost fanatical about it, yet there he'd been, casually talking to Daehra without a codename in sight. With the fire having caught, there wasn't much point putting it out again. Lance could do with some dinner anyway. With a prepacked meal heated for both of them, they'd cooled back to barely warm by the time Lance came down to join him. Kosmo whining and thumping his tail as Lance approached, suffering for his own greed. The wolf had come back to the fire at the smell of food. Feathers stuck to his fur as he stretched out to warm his belly, before for shooting Keith a weary and pathetic look "What's wrong with Kosmo?" "He got into space chickens. He's so stuffed he can't be bothered moving" Snorting, Lance bent to rub the fur between Kosmo's ears "I told you to leave them alone. You just couldn't do it, could you" Whining at him, Kosmo flopped down to his side. His belly fat from his feast of chicken "Yeah. You're lucky we're sleeping outside tonight. You'd be kicked right out of the pod if you farted in there" Continuing the few steps more, Lance sat down next to him. Keith holding out the plate of food "It's cooled down again" "That's fine. It pretty much tastes the same either way. It just needs to be cooked through first" "I don't know if that's reassuring or not" "I love Daehra, and she's an amazing medic, but food is pretty hit and miss" "It can't be worse than purple goo. Speaking of Daehra, I gave a call" Lance perked right up, his words coming out in a fast mess "Is she ok? Are they ok? Is my Telula ok?" God. Lance was adorable and he had no idea at all. His eyes practically shone as he waited for Keith's reply "Yes. She's ok. Apparently Lucteal has been driving her crazy" "He does that. And my Telula" "She's not so ok..." Gesturing wildly, Lance barely kept from upending his food on the ground "What happened to my ship?!" "Lucteal and Zak got to the engines..." Groaning, Lance deflated "... and now they're going to land to fix them properly" "For fuck's sake. Knowing Lucteal, he wanted to get here as soon as possible. Zak would have bitten, saying he could do the engines on the fly... my poor ship" Keith knew it wasn't just Lance being over dramatic. That ship was his home and his safe haven. It'd been the ship on which he'd found himself again. However, he didn't expect the tears in Lance's eyes. Nudging him gently, Lance didn't meet his eyes "Hey, the Telula is going to be ok. Daehra said they were going to land down on her planet, and take the time to fix things properly. She said we can just meet them there" "Her planet? Her planet isn't exactly made for ships Telula's size..." "I asked if she had someone safe to take her. It's better than bringing her out here, and risking making it all worse" "I know... I'm being stupid again. But she's not just a ship" "Lance, she's your baby. Like the Atlas is Shiro's baby. I get it. I'd be sad if something happened to my ship too" "It's feels like the castle again" "It's not the castle again. I'll help out with repairs. I may have gotten pretty good out here" Nodding, Lance forced a smile for his sake "Thanks, Mullet. Do you mind if we leave after dinner? If we're headed to Daehra's planet, we're going to need to take a detour or four" "She said it should only be able two quintants" "Closer to four. Her pod wouldn't hold up in a real firefight, so we'll go the long way. We'll need to pick up supplies too" Supplies... Supplies reminded of him Lance's pills. He seemed to have plenty "Are you going to be ok? Do you have enough tablets to make it to the Telula?" "I... uh... yeah. Yeah. I think I should" Sour citrus drifted of Lance as Keith nudged at him again "You don't need to be embarrassed about telling me these things" "How do you know how I'm feeling?" "A guess?" "You've been guess right far too much. What's going on?" "It's going to sound creepy if I tell you" "Mullet. Tell me" "It's not a Mullet" "Keith, then. Please. It's important" It was important Keith embarrassed himself? God. If Lance didn't already think him a creep, he would now "I can smell it. It must be my Galra genes or something. You know how I've got better senses and stuff. I can smell when your mood changes. And just saying it out aloud makes it sound even worse" Wrinkling his nose, Lance seemed to be forcing that horrible scent as hard as he could "You can smell it? Like, properly?" "Yes? Right now you smell like a whole bunch of oranges and lemons left outside to rot" Lance placed his food down, his bottom lip trapped beneath his teeth "Lance, what is it?" Shaking his head, Lance let it hang "Is this to do with what happened? You said I wasn't acting right because of your scent, is that it?" "Kind of... you can tell how I feel with my scent?" "When you're sad, you smell like rotten fruit. When you're ok, you smell like juniper berries and like salt at the beach. I don't really go around sniffing people, so I don't pay that much attention" "They sniffed at me a lot. They kept telling me I smelt good... I can't really smell me that much..." "I don't mind. And I'm not going out of my way to sniff you. I guess I understand why it's pretty uncomfortable to talk about" "I didn't have a Galra I could ask... they were more concerned with..." "If I hug you right now, will it be too much?" Nodding, Lance went as far as to shuffle even further away "I'm sorry" "You don't need to be. This smell thing is new for both of us. Can you smell me?" Nodding again, Lance moved to draw his legs up. Resting his left cheek against his knee, Lance replied softly "You smell like a fire. Like a bonfire we used to have when we were kids. The whole family would be there. We'd cook over the flames, and launch those fireworks you used to get in the tubes. Everyone was always so happy" "Were you?" "Kind of... when you're the baby of the family, no one wants to hear your complaints... but it was fun. We toasted marshmallows and eat way too much sugar. Marco would carry me to bed. He'd draw on my face... and everyone would laugh" Keith frowned "That doesn't sound fun" "They were happy. That was the main thing" "It's not the main thing. You're allowed to be happy too, you know" Lance shrugged, deflecting his words "It's ok. They're all the back on Earth, and we're hiding out here. It'll be nice to see Annla again. She reminds me so much of my niece" Wracking his brain like he'd never wracked them before, a name came to mind "It's Nadia, isn't it. Luis daughter" Lance's eyes widened at him, making it all worth it "How did you know that?" "Because you told me. I know I was dick, but I did care. It wasn't easy at first. I was in the foster system. Not everywhere was one big happy family. Too many kids and not enough money. After my dad died, I was so angry. Mum was gone. He was gone. They passed me from house to house like I was nothing. Hearing about your family used to piss me off and I guess I locked it all away" "It's not fair you had to go through that. I really didn't think you'd have remembered. I talked way too much" "Nah. You were trying to find a way to fit in, we all were" Keith would pay a million GAC to see Lance laughing, flirting, and talking non-stop like he used to. A billion more to see him smiling that carefree smile he'd smiled when they'd watched the sunset together "Yeah. But I was so annoying. I hate how I was" "Don't. Do you think you can eat some dinner before we go?" "I feel pretty queasy" "Probably because we slept all day. Besides, if I have to eat this, you have to too" Lance balked at his words "What? No. That's not how it works" "I think it is. Then we'll take Kosmo for a walk, unless you plan on leaving the washing behind" Lance gave an exaggerated sigh "Fiiiine. You know, for someone on my crew, you're pretty bossy" Pulling out the best Lance move he could, Keith made a gun with his left hand, firing and throwing a wink in Lance's direction "Damn right, I'm pretty" Gaping at him, Lance left him hanging long enough for Keith's cheeks to grow warm "God. That was awful. I promise not to tell everyone" "How was that awful?" "Because I didn't say you were pretty" "You did too. You said I was "pretty bossy"" "Yeah. Bossy" "Ah, but you said "pretty" first" "And now you're can add "pretty annoying" to the list. If I try eating, will you go back to being normal?" "Half the plate, and you've got a deal" "Half?!" Forming a gun with his left hand again, all Keith had to was raise it slightly for Lance to cave "Fine! Half. Just. God... no more" "Good" Raising his finger gun, Keith made to blow across the top, before "holstering" it. Reaching out, Lance shoved him lightly. His lips turned up at the edges in the smallest of smiles. The sour smell of citrus gone "You're so fucking weird" "At least I made you smile. Besides, no one will ever believe I made a finger gun" "I hate that your right. On both accounts. I can't wait to get back to the Telula. I'm going to have Lucteal follow you around" "Lucteal doesn't like me" "Which makes that arrangement perfect" They both knew that Lance wouldn't send Lucteal after Keith. Keith was sure that one way or another, Lucteal would be coming after him at the first chance he got.
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