#the salt book wip
annlillyjose · 9 months
Rock Salt – WIP Intro
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hello again! on today’s news, your girl has a new wip aka something to fixate on and mould her life around for the next couple of months (or years). and because i cannot keep any exciting news to myself, here’s a wip intro.
but before we head into that, here’s a little backstory to how it happened. i finished writing dairy whiskey, i worried about my brain being incapable of forming new book ideas, two to three days after i get this new book idea that i’m totally hooked on, struggles to find a name, names it, decides to go forward with it, so again, here it is – rock salt!
here are the specifics:
disclaimer: this is an original work of fiction. plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. don’t be a pathetic loser.
genre: literary fiction
pov: first person retrospective
structure: probably going to be just full-length chapters
projected word count: 50k
concept: identical twins rain and norah move out of their family home for college where they purse two different degrees, live with different people in separate homes, and fall in troubles of their own. these begin to affect each other and they grow apart, being forced to navigate the the most confusing part of their lives – their shared existence as twins.
aesthetics/vibes: indigo skies, the beach, moths, seawater, salty breeze, chopping off one’s hair because existential crisis and queerness, lesbian relationships, house parties, fire, gloomy days where you feel like it’s going to rain but it doesn’t, cheap housing, bad grades, rotten food in the fridge, the moon, hanging plants, weed and local flowers
if you’ve heard these names before, no you haven’t, but again, they’re from twinepathy – the short story i wrote nearly three years back and scrapped afterwards. i tried to create new characters for this book but they feel like the perfect fit, so here they are.
lesbian, she/they
her real name is eleanor
the protagonist and the narrator
studies political science
shoulder-length black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
always wears basic t-shirts or sweatshirts with a pair of mom jeans
distant, secretive, in constant disapproval of everything
strives on academic validation (and is being too hard on herself to bring in good grades)
also 18
aroace, she/her
her real name is lorraine
studies painting and the applied arts
long black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
is a goofball, sunshine and rainbows, has a lot of friends, is extremely talented in her art, golden retriever energy with some drama to be unleashed
cannot keep her mouth shut so ends up in trouble with norah
don’t want to introduce them officially, because they’re not key characters, but here’s a little info on their older sisters –
is called harp
is a high school geography teacher
engaged to her college boyfriend
oldest child in an asian household (i guess that’s saying enough)
is called viv
the neglected middle child
in her last year of a nursing degree
wanted to study music but was too scared to bring it up to her parents and ended up being stuck at a hospital
plans to go abroad and marry a rich guy
well, that’s all i’ve got for you today. i haven’t started writing this book yet and i think i won’t until i finish editing dairy whiskey in august. i think i’ll start in september and then hopefully do nanowrimo for it in november. i’m super excited to work on it because it’s so different from dairy whiskey in a lot of aspects. but i’m discovery writing (as always) and we’ll just have to see where it goes. but until i come back with an update for this book, you take care, stay hydrated, water your plants, and eat a second dessert tonight.
– ann
general taglist (ask to be added or removed)
@shaonsim @heartfullkings @vnsmiles @dallonwrites @wannabeauthorclive @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @silassghost @ambidextrousarcher @zoe-louvre @writing-with-l @magic-is-something-we-create @femmeniism @frozenstillicide @wizardfromthesea @rose-bookblood @coffeeandcalligraphy @rodentwrites @saltwaterbells @snehithiye @at-thezenith
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miramisaki · 2 months
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85(-ish) days until Charlie...
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mgalatwriting · 1 year
I printed out my manuscript (all 374 pages, thank you local library!) and now I'm ready to do the final edit! It feels crazy to hold so much paper in my hands and know the whole thing is my work. The plan right now is to do a Kickstarter in May, which will act as the pre-order before I do the first printing. I'm working with my artist to do some neat rewards, and soon I'll have a cover to share!
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renegadeguild · 1 year
Renegade Edible Book Day 2023
And that's a wrap!
(actually, it's more like a taco?)
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While efforts to wrangle the first annual Edible Book Week may have been a bit half baked, some of us are calling it a success! Two baking classes, a number of WIP edible photos shared, and enough puns to choke on-- we're here. April 1st! Edible Book Day!
Members of Renegade did not disappoint! Behold the tasty treats offered for your viewing pleasure!  And if you'd like, feel free to vote in our joke poll -- it's all for fun because clearly every entry is a winner!
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Sushi Book 
created by  rhipiduridae
i like sushi and normally it’s smol and round and quite おいしい but now it’s flat and tho i’m shook i pick it up i lik the book
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The Breakfast Pages (Pancake, egg, green onion and cilantro)
created by Lauren
If I would attempt this again I would experiment with adding flavor to the pages and the pancakes. While edible unseasoned and basic, not the most tasty.
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Renegade's Other Motto
created by Daemonluna 
Nori cover ornamented with tofu skin, corn tortilla pages and mushroom letters attached with umiboshi paste, bound with cilantro stems.
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I Don't Actually Like Ham
created by Lark
I would not make this again
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A Sweet Snack
created by six
Dehydrated mango covers, crepe pages, pamphlet stitch with Twizzler. Very tasty!
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Gingerbread tablets
created by Rachel Kadel
Writing practice, some cuneiform and some roman alphabet.  The cuneiform is mostly gibberish but says "Ashurbanipal" at least once.
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created by anonymous
dyptic made of shortcrust and salted caramel, text written in blue food colour
My naym is Dyptic  and when of old  the peeple were sick scrolls to hold They split in half  now don't be schook a piece of wood to make first book
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orcaofmyheart99 · 2 months
Good Omens WIPs from August 2023
WIP #1
Everyday by Buddy Holly
Insert the song lyrics while writing the story. Comfort/fix-it fic
Every day, it's a-getting closer
Going faster than a rollercoaster
Love like yours will surely come my way
A-hey, a-hey-hey
WIP #2 (Kind of did this one already but with a fix. It was called Torna a Casa)
Hurt/angst fic. Idea from Sonny and Raphael SVU
End with You idiot we could have been us
Bring them to tears no fix it
After a little while then write a fix it possibly just to be nice 🙂
WIP #2 (Take Me) To The World 
Video editing idea
The world is better here. I know I’ve seen them both.
When Crowley and Aziraphale first join humanity. Maybe Crowley is proposing to Aziraphale?
It was a nice day
Crowley and Aziraphale were standing on a luscious green cliff overlooking the ocean. This small scottish island had become a sanctuary. Clouds floated above them casting shadows upon the water, sunlight filtered through the nearby trees casting a soft golden glow. The water rippled. Sunlight made it sparkle. A soft sea breeze was blowing bringing the smell of salt and sea air towards Crowley and Aziraiphale. Moments like these is what Crowley cherished most. Earth was a beautiful place. But it was made perfect by being there with Aziraphale. As he gazed out upon the water, Crowley began to remember a song he once heard. Aziraphale had put him in charge of the book shop one day while he went out. Crowley had put on a random record. He had not realized that it was a record filled with various Broadway songs. One song stuck out in particular to him and was now filling his head currently.
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thatbanditqueen · 3 months
A Basic Training Snippet
Life has been very cruel and gotten between me and my favorite pastime... writing delusional scenarios in which I, I mean my original characters, dated Elvis Presley. So I thought for fun I would just share a very short snippet from the chapter of Basic Training I am working on, in which Elvis invites Bess to spend the weekend with him in Waco at the house of his friend, DJ and TV host Eddie Fadal.
This is very rough, I am not sure if it sounds like Elvis, I need to go back through it once I finish the chapter. I haven't even had anyone alpha this. However, I had at one point told @be-my-ally I would participate in the writing prompt "weather" and post Sunday (yesterday) and so this is my very pathetic attempt to just post something that at least mentions weather in passing...
If you want to read or catch up on this WIP you can find it here
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“Well, you know I’m mainly a legs and ass man, through and through, but boy oh boy, Bessie is stacked. I tell ya what. Fa sho. I don’t know how it's possible, but they’re even bigger when you got ‘em in ya hands. Why you nodding Lamar, you ain’t ever gotten to second base, quit lyin.”
The rain had stopped by the time Bess opened her eyes again to find the bed empty, though she could still hear the drip drop of water through the hole. There it was, like an inverted nipple in the middle of the new glossy pink wall, a perfect round sphere with layers of drywall caved in around the edges where the firework had shot through. The smell of cigarettes wafted in from outside, along with a set of men's voices.  Bess was about to call to them when she heard Elvis say the word “Anita.”
There was laughter, then the sound of slaps and skids along concrete, as if a scuffle had broken out, followed by more laughter.
“Shit, but you’re wrong, Rex, cuz there are really only two types of girls. See, with ‘Nita, she is a good girl, but she puts it all on the table. If I’m happy, she’s happy, that’s all she wants. She let's it all hang out. All I gotta do is look at her and smile and she’s gonesville. But then, then there are the ones who keep it all tied up. You know, you saw it Lamar, when I come down here, Anita was ballin her damn eyes out. Now Bess, Bess’d never let you see her cry. Not if she can halp it. She plays it cool. But when you touch her you can feel her vibrating underneath that ice, jus enough to know her motor's running. And boy, when you get it going, what a motor. When she cries out, man, you know ya really earned it. Know what I mean?" 
There was some muffled laughter, and Bess couldn’t quite hear everything, but what she did hear made her face flush a deep crimson red.
“Oh, well I found out last night.  I swear, Bess tastes so fresh and sweet, I know I’m the first guy she let touch her.”
“Nah, a college girl?”
“What do you know, huh, lardass? Reckon I been with seventy five, no, I mean a hundred or more girls. Trust me, I know women, that girl spent college with her nose in her books.”
“Now you got your nose in her - OW - what the fuck?”
“I don’t wanna hear you talk bout her like that, got it?”
“But you just -”
“But you just, but you just, just mind ya goddamn manners.”
Bess sat there, unsure if she wanted to keep listening, but as she turned she was distracted by a dark set of eyes staring her from the doorway. She pulled the strap of her nightie up, and smoothed her hair back as she smiled at Janice Fadal.
“Mommy told me not to wake you up, so I’ve just been sitting here waiting. Ready to do my make up again?”
Bess nodded, relaxing as she stood and patted the little girl’s head.
“Sure, just let me get dressed, huh?’
Then Janice’s slick little tongue curved up and licked the bottom of Bess’ wrist.
“I don’t think you taste like ice cream at all. More like salt. “
more to come, let me know what you think....
@whositmcwhatsit @vintageshanny @from-memphis-with-love @peskybedtime @shakerattlescroll @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @lookingforrainbows @arrolyn1114 @moonchild-daniella @richardslady121 @ab4eva @i-r-i-n-a-a @eliseinmemphis @kingdomforapony @everythingelvispresley @dkayfixates @artlover8992 @freudianslumber @amydarcimarie @toreigh @18lkpeters @yynneessmons @ashtag6887 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @returntopresley @rjmartin11 @bigromansgirl @louisejoy86 @notstefaniepresley
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marketfreshfics · 3 months
Loving him: Sebastian
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image: @starrysallow | More in this series: Ominis | Garreth (WIP) | Andrew (WIP) Includes mild nsfw content
Your love for Sebastian was always apparent; looking back now, it was abundant.
It’s a duel more of wits than spells, and he is the worthy opponent you’d craved crossing wands with. He’s a clever one, you realized, challenging your abilities with cunning finesse, goading you with a sharp tongue. Though you best him, he’s a good sport, even offering to accompany you to Hogsmeade for an errand or two.
It’s noticing how the afternoon sun brings out red tones to his hair, how he tries to keep up though he’s the escort, a playful tug on the hood of your robe to keep in-step.
It’s a midnight rendezvous in the library’s restricted section, sneaking close to him under a shroud of disillusionment, a hand on his back for guidance, warmth bleeding through his shirt. A close encounter is prevented with a firm tug of your sleeve, hiding face to face with bated breaths, with hearts hammering both for the fear of being discovered and for the sudden proximity.
It’s sitting across from him the morning after, his freckled cheeks a wash of pink, eyes warm and reminiscent of the coffee you sip. The clamour of breakfast time is rendered mundane din, the rest of the world vignetted around him. You’d never considered seeing the world through a gaze of affection like this, having scoffed at fairytales that depicted such folly, but now you’re not so sure.
It’s in the damp of a cave, the must of a tomb, eager to explore the unknown on a path towards a paradox of dark enlightenment. A moment of uncertainty brings you pause, a question of morals, of what is truly forgivable, but those eyes hold more knowledge than you suspect and he asks you to trust him. And in that moment, you oblige.
It’s evenings spent on his down comforter, books scattered about, dozing on his leg until he finds a passage that piques your interest. And his calloused fingers brush the hair wisps from your face, the earthy smell of ancient parchment clinging to the salt of his skin. Eyes meet, and an exchange of words is not necessary.
It’s what gives passion heat, and heat is all you understand in his embrace. It’s those exquisitely resourceful hands everywhere, gripping, tugging, attempting to caress though he cannot soften this all-consuming need. Its limbs that tangle of their own volition, a bed frame that creaks when he thrusts, and lovemaking so ardent it pulls the sheet up from the mattress. There are no hesitations here, only desperations. There is no doubt, only certainty. He’s a fierce friend, but as a lover, he’s never been more determined.
It’s following him with little regard for your safety, little regard for other obligations. Your heart is a foolish compass and he is magnetic north, though he guides you anywhere but home.
It’s watching him raise the dead from soil, all pulled up like roots, and caught somewhere in the fragile seam of fear and fascination, in awe of the downright awful. You wonder, as he stands surrounded by idle Inferi like some prodigal child of darkness, if you’ve underestimated him all this time.
It’s realizing then, when he felled his own guardian, that your underestimations knew no bounds. It’s running after him as he flees, frightened of the implications, of the circumstances, of the blood staining his hands. It’s not cowering in fear of him, but the sympathy you are quick to offer wholeheartedly, providing gravity when his world turned to hang in the balance. It’s reasoning his innocence to the law itself, seeing his guilt, the shame spreading.
It’s picking up the pieces after the fallout, reconnecting the bridges burned, plank by patient plank. It’s watching him grow, and with you he develops an understanding of the dark to counter it with light. He sees the errors of his ways, the forks of his path that led him astray, and you regret not having the foresight to divert him elsewhere.
But then, he shows you his love. Dedicated and devoted, the bond you’d forged unbreakable, built on trust. It was always there, waiting.
It reassures you. And it’s everything you want.
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📚 QUEERBOOK 2024 is hereee! We made a book by and for LGBTQ+ youth! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Last year, we asked LGBTQ+ youth: what's your idea of a "queer utopia?"
Not gonna lie - with more than 150 bills introduced in 35 states in 2023 that aimed to restrict student access to inclusive and diverse books and other library materials, the theme felt pretty radical.
And you DELIVERED. With the help of our Youth Voices (amazing queer youth activists from across the country), we compiled your amazing submissions of poetry, short essays and letters, visual art, photography, and more into Queerbook 2024. Like a yearbook, it captures what queer youth are feeling, going through, and hoping for - right here, right now across the U.S.
It's also no accident that it's the perfect small-ish size to stash in your locker or backpack so you can crack it open any time you're looking for some queer connection. :3
Read some more about the book and grab your own limited-run copy of Queerbook 2024 now here.
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Another lovely year in this wonderful fandom. Here’s a little recap of how my year went:
My Writing:
Depth of Reason - Mature - 70k
How to Avoid a Scandal - Teen - 43k
Episode 3: The Diplomat, A Star Trek Redemption story - Teen - 13.5k
This list is much shorter than my list of fics written in 2022, but my fics last year were much shorter. Also, this word count is deceptive, because I wrote about 22k of Depth of Reason last year and about 20k of How to Avoid a Scandal last year as well. But! My writing goals this year were to finish these two WIPs and not take on any other projects until they were finished and I very nearly did that! Took on two projects (and more below), but I still finished these before the year finished, so pretty good!
Total words:
About 83k. Last year was more like 120k.
Other works:
Podfic of Petrichor - Teen - 34 minutes
Finishing long works apparently! One was for my 2022 COBB and the other for my 2022 CORB. Even though these were started last year, they are the longest things I wrote since my first fic (49k) back in the second half of 2021.
Also, trying new things! Writing sci-if and recording a podfic felt very outside my wheelhouse at the time, but ultimately, I’m glad I went for it.
Top 10 fics I read in 2023:
Someone Wicked - Explicit - 60k by @artsyunderstudy
Three Months or 3,000 Miles - Gen - 3k by @larkral and art by @theimpossibledemon
Blood, Salt and Hummingbirds - Teen - 32k by @hushed-chorus
Restoration Ecology - The REmix (Baz’s version) - Explicit - 62k by @royalasstronaut
Good at Something - Explicit - 19k by @larkral
A Gift From the Propheseals - Mature - 6.5k by @skeedelvee with art by @letraspal
What Remains After the Storm - Mature - 86k by @hushed-chorus art by @erzbethluna
To Do, to Know, to Want - Mature - 8.5k by @facewithoutheart
Mishaps on Zoom - Explicit - 10k by @eelwinks
Swords Into Plowshares - Teen - 6.5k by @ileadacharmedlife
WIPs I’m excited to keep reading in 2024:
I Knew A Boy, I Knew A Man - Teen, by @shrekgogurt
Hiding Out In The Open - Mature, by @cutestkilla
A Little Bit Deadly- Explicit, by @emeryhall
Basil Pitch’s Diary - Teen, by @bookish-bogwitch
Other notable fandom things:
I helped to run @carryon-reverse-bang again with @angelsfalling16 as well as helped to put on a new event this year, @caught-on-tape-fest with @cutestkilla and @sillyunicorn
I met up with fandom friends while on a trip this past summer. Making personalized friendship bracelets as gifts, doing fic readings and crafts, and putting on our own Lady Ruth style tea party were some of my fave moments <3
I did a book club style reread of some of my fave fics with friends. I hope we do a few more in 2024!
It’s safe to say I engaged with this fandom everyday of 2023. I might get quiet on the main Discord server or Tumblr, but I’m certain I read, reblogged, wrote, DMd or otherwise participated in some way, shape or form throughout the entirety of the year.
Goals for 2024:
Read more fic! This fandom has such a wealth of works, my TBR list is a mile long and isn’t organized. I’d like to formally rework my AO3 bookmarks to exclusively show recs and either utilize the Marked for Later function or make a spreadsheet or something to better organize a proper TBR list so i don’t lose track of what I want to read next. Currently, having a dozen tabs open on my phone and another dozen on my iPad doesn’t really work well. If anyone has a brilliant system you’d suggest, please enlighten me!
I also want to read all of my physical canon books this year. I’ve only ever listened to the audiobooks! I’m currently reading my anniversary edition of Fangirl. (I think this is the prettiest book I’ve ever owned.) Up next, the Fangirl Manga, followed by the trilogy and Snow for Christmas.
More fandom meet ups! Already planning for June…
I don’t have any writing plans currently, so we shall see if/what I decide to create. I have a few ideas rolling around in my head, but nothing I’ve felt urged to put down in words. I’m sure I’ll write something, I just don’t know what it’ll be yet.
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siriuslysmoking · 5 months
Holiday Baking with Robin
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A/N: Day 10!!! I am officially back from my cruise! I’m trying to finish up meddle about part 2 and other WIP but I’m really enjoying Ficmas so far!!
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“Flour in a separate bowl.” Robin reads to you. You’ve entrusted her upon the duty of reading the instructions, the easiest way for her to not mess anything up.
You look up at her, waiting, “Flour in a separate bowl.”
You raise your eyebrows, “How much flour?”
“Oh! Um…” she looks, her eyes glancing at the recipe book. “Two… cups?”
“Are you sure?” You ask, trying to get a glance at the recipe but she quickly hides it, she insists that it’s her job.
“Yes, I am sure.” She huffs, putting the book in her lap, you glance at her from where she sits in top of the counter. “Positive.”
You shake your head, measuring the flour and dumping it into the cup. “Salt next, 3 tablespoons.”
You look to her in question, “don’t question me, I’m good at my job.”
You shrug with a smile and start to measure the salt, right before you are about to dump it into the dry ingredients, “Shit! Wait! Three teaspoons, my bad.”
“This is why you never get a job.” This is the first year of participating after three years of being kicked out of the kitchen.
“Yeah, yeah, now mix the bowls… poring the dry into the butter and eggs in batches of three.”
Once the cookies are baked and cooling down on the counter you peck a kiss onto Robin’s lips. “I didn’t ruin it this year.”
“Well we haven’t tried them yet.” You laugh, smiling into the kiss.
Taglist: @bunnyweasley23 @arinexeisnotworking
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wolfpants · 3 months
friday wip snip
So @tackytigerfic shared this absolutely devastating wip snip (seriously this fic will kill me, I cannot wait to scream about it when it's released into the world), and I got in the mood to share something too, so, here we are. for @dronarryfest - pro-Chess player Ron (who lives abroad), journalist/writer Draco, layabout/man about town/inventor Harry. Pining, Malta, 60s and 70s vinyls, and plenty of smoking. Here's an entire scene - a dream sequence of the longing variety. Draco and Harry have just arrived in Malta and are travelling from the Portkey terminal by car to meet Ron.
Draco is wandering through the empty Hogwarts library. There’s a light, just up ahead and out of reach. It looks like a lamp; one of those little things with the pleated shades, the kind he would use when he was reading the much older books, because the text was always broken up and faded in some way, difficult to see without extra light and his glasses.
Back then, no one had known about his glasses. No one except him.
A whisper. Passed casually against the shell of his ear. Warm breath. Fingers tickling at his back. The shelves around him fade, fold in on each other. The room’s different now.
“You’ve got freckles here.”
They’re in bed. The curtains are closed, but a Lumos orb bounces and bobs above their heads, rolling against the canopied hangings like it has a mind of its own. It casts Draco’s bedmate’s hair into different shades—vermillion, russet, amber, gold. It falls against Draco’s naked shoulder, his name whispered again, this time hotly and against skin.
Draco stirs awake, gulping a great mouthful of stale, hot air.
“Draco,” Harry says. He laughs. Cranks the gearshift. The car shudders then stills. “We’re here.”
“Sorry.” Draco wipes at his eyes, unfolding himself from his sprawl against the seat to sit upright. “I fell asleep.”
“You sure you want to go to a bar?” Harry says. He unbuckles his seatbelt and reaches for him, brushing hair from Draco’s forehead. “We could just go straight to bed instead.”
Draco grabs Harry’s hand before he can pull away and turns it, brushing a kiss against the inside of his wrist. Harry’s mouth softens. He curls his fingers around Draco’s.
Draco can smell his shower gel—their shower gel—lime and basil and sea salt. Any remembered scents from that bed in the old Hogwarts tower fade; Draco feels bad for wanting to chase them.
“No, I want to,” he says. “We should at least say goodnight to him, you know?”
Harry pulls his lips into his mouth and nods. He lets go of Draco’s hand.
“Let’s drop our bags and go,” he says.
Tagging the FrotCotLot, @wrapped-up, @skeptiquewrites, @oknowkiss, @getawayfox, @thehoneybeet, @citrusses, @the-starryknight and anyone who feels like sharing their wips!
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shady-tavern · 9 months
For anyone who wants an easy overview of my stories.
Fantasy stories:
Missing Piece
A Deal of Games
Deals and Revelry, Quin's Backstory
Healing Hearts
Vampire's Lullaby: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Drabble
The Tailors on Baker Street, Drabble
Winter Star
The Fall of a God
Learning to give Life
Lich Mage and Melina: Part One and Part Two
Symphony of Song and Music, Drabble
Amnesiac God-Spouse
Seeking Shelter from the Dragon
The Miracle Dealer
What makes a God
The Royal Oracle
Hero and Villain Stories:
Heart Song
A Dash of Villainy within A Hero: Part One and Part Two
Perfect Nemesis: Part One and Part Two
Villain providing an Out for Heroes
Villain Roommate
Silver and Hero: Part One and Part Two
Space and Aliens:
Going Home
Psychological Warfare Chess on Crack
Sneak Peeks for Patreon Stories:
Dancing with Stars
Holding Curses with Gentle Hands
Salt and Iron
Dark Waters
Woven Magic
Doll House
The Price of a Life
The Magic of Consequences
The Shape of a Soul: Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Want to read more and support me at the same time? Want more awesome, fun or wholesome stories? Want to lord your support of an artist over your enemy's head as you laugh at them from the top of your metaphorical castle tower?
Or perhaps cackle in the woods while a disgruntled woodcutter shakes their fist at you? Head over to my Patreon!
There will be a new, exclusive short story every month (and occasionally a surprise second one!) while I work on upcoming books and more stories that I will post here!
Also, you get bragging rights. For what, you decide, but I am handing you a blank writ for bragging rights.
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📚 QUEERBOOK 2024 is hereee! We made a book by and for LGBTQ+ youth! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Last year, we asked LGBTQ+ youth: what's your idea of a "queer utopia?"
Not gonna lie - with more than 150 bills introduced in 35 states in 2023 that aimed to restrict student access to inclusive and diverse books and other library materials, the theme felt pretty radical.
And you DELIVERED. With the help of our Youth Voices (amazing queer youth activists from across the country), we compiled your amazing submissions of poetry, short essays and letters, visual art, photography, and more into Queerbook 2024. Like a yearbook, it captures what queer youth are feeling, going through, and hoping for - right here, right now across the U.S.
It's also no accident that it's the perfect small-ish size to stash in your locker or backpack so you can crack it open any time you're looking for some queer connection. :3
Read some more about the book and grab your own limited-run copy of Queerbook 2024 now here.
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annlillyjose · 8 months
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hello there!
following through with my tradition of posting a new writeblr intro every single year, here we go – a brand new reintro where i talk a little bit about myself and my current writing projects. so, here we go, onto all that good stuff!
about me
i'm ann, a twenty-year-old writer from kerala, currently based in kochi
i live with my husband, who is a musician, and lead a very creative life of sorts
i'm an infp, enneagram type 2
i write literary fiction and poetry
i'm a discovery writer and have a thing for sad stories with traumatised characters
i work as a content writer and social media manager for a wedding company
you can find all my published work on my linktree
my aesthetics: wilted flowers, fallen leaves, silhouettes, shadows, gentle friendships, indie music, unplanned trips, birds, fireflies, annotated books, old libraries and buildings, post-colonial literature, voids, romance
my wips
i recently finished a litfic novel called dairy whiskey and am editing it right now, hoping to get it ready for agent submissions in a month or two. i put my heart and soul and blood and bones into it, so if you’d like to dive into the story and read a few excerpts, you can check out the intro here and every other excerpt here!
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rock salt is my main wip since finishing dairy whiskey. it is the story of identical twins rain and norah as they move out for college and navigate their lives on their own, which ends up in them growing apart. if you like complicated sibling relationships and the struggles of growing up, you’ll love this book!
i so badly want to start writing it, but i don’t think i’ll be able to until dairy whiskey is in a more secure position. so, there probably won’t be any updates for a few months, but you can read the wip intro here.
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this is a gay vignette novel that i started writing back in 2021 as a source of personal joy. this is the story of how a singer-songwriter desperate for normalcy meets a boy with a heart heavy with guilt. this is the story of how they fall in love and it’s honestly quite wholesome <3
i haven’t worked on this book in so long and i’ve been trying to sneak some words in, but it feels like the book needs a fresh start. i don’t know, i just might start it all over again. but until then, here’s an outdated wip intro.
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green room is a literary/experimental memoir documenting my teenage years as a writer. it is a deep dive into craft and how it affects life, particularly how it moulds you as a person. i haven’t started drafting this yet, but here’s a wip intro for now.
so, that’s about it!
if you’d like to be pinged when i drop a new publication or a wip update, just send me an ask to be added to my general taglist and i’ll tag you in those posts.
thank you so much for reading. i hope writing has been going well for you. if not, here’s some strength, some kindness, and some caffeine to keep going!
– love, ann.
general taglist (ask to be added or removed)
@shaonsim @heartfullkings @vnsmiles @dallonwrites @wannabeauthorclive @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @silassghost @ambidextrousarcher @zoe-louvre @writing-with-l @magic-is-something-we-create @femmeniism @frozenstillicide @wizardfromthesea @rose-bookblood @coffeeandcalligraphy @rodentwrites @saltwaterbells @snehithiye @at-thezenith @subtlefires
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dalishthunder · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
I tag my beloved mutuals @wanders-in-stars and @totally-not-deacon
I know it's valentines day and I wanted to give you a little romance, but alas my brain cannot concentrate on it at the moment so take this instead
He found you curled up on his bench, motionless save your… infrequent breaths, and the occasional shudder. It was so rarely that he felt unsure of himself, but as he took a step forward, he was… not worried, but concerned.
He knew how you were feeling all too well.
The helplessness.
The injustice.
The rage.
“Are you alright?” He asked after a moment of watching you. You were silent for a while, breaths shaky, chest rattling as though you were ill, and he found that his concern had begun to slide uncannily close to worry.
Ramattra took another step closer.
You were so small curled up like that. Like a millipede or woodlouse rolled into a protective shell.
“They didn’t even play our message…” Your voice was hoarse as you spoke, quiet and cracked, cloak wrapped snugly around you, hood up.
“No… they did not.” Many other news stations internationally had mentioned your message, but none of them had played it on air. Tentatively, he sat on the edge of the bench, chancing a look at your face. The shadows cast over your face by the hood only faintly illuminated by the dim lights of his array, he could still see droplets snaking their way down your cheeks. “We have disseminated it in other forums though. The people will hear us.”
It was unlikely they would listen… they so rarely did.
But you….
He reached down, brushing the pads of his fingers along your skin, tears collecting on his digits.
You felt so fiercely.
The injustice.
The rage.
The desire for change.
You blinked and more droplets fell from where they had precariously perched on your lashes. It was tackier between his fingers than distilled water, clinging the same way that salt water would…. It was almost poetic.
Emotions tumultuous, deep, and ever shifting like the waves of an ocean during a storm.
He remembered you liking poetry. There had been a books on your shelves.
He wondered if it would make you smile, or if it would only further drown you in your sorrow.
“Am I a bad person?”
“No.” He grasped a fold of the cloak you wore and gently wiped away some of the wetness on your cheeks. “I have met many, many people, few I would call good, but you are a rare find.”
“Then why do I feel so awful?”
He paused in his ministrations before letting out a sigh, “Because you are good, and it never should have come to this.”
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mgalatwriting · 1 year
Meet the villain! Vartan likes long walks by himself, regretting his past decisions, and willfully continuing to make more regrettable decisions. What a guy!
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ilovebeingaturtle · 8 months
I'd love to know what you think the birth order is of the 87 turtles
Oh man I think my age order headcanons change for them by the minute AHA, I love all interpretations! The popular idea of quadruplets that change the order/take turns on it whenever they feel like it is so fun. I think in regards for canon? My stance is the turtles both don’t know and never even thought to know. We barely get them to acknowledge they’re siblings, let along establish an age hierarchy. I don’t think the topic has ever come up AHA that feels the most in character
But like-delving into fanon?
The back of their toys lists Leonardo as 16, Michelangelo as 15 1/2 and Donatello and Raphael as 15, so that’s a fun order if you want to go off established info! Even if the info from the toys can be taken with a grain of salt. Similarly, you could also go via height order? Raphael and Leonardo are 5’1, Michelangelo is 5’0 and Donatello is 4’10 (again according to the toys and Cowabunga Collection this time)
Oh also! I read once that apparently one of the books lists Leonardo and Donatello as 16 and the other two as 15, but I was never able to find a source on it plus that’s just even more of a reach in general. Leonardo and Donatello you can definitely read as the oldest two, however Donatello does give me like. Third oldest middle child energy a lot, he can a brat /pos plus chill second oldest Michelangelo is just something I’m biased to, in the least he’s not the youngest in my mind.
In fact I’ll always be a strong advocate for Raphael being the youngest, he’s just got such “baby of the family” energy AHA so I do love assigning him that at any opportunity
OH ALSO! If we go by the air dates of their birthday episodes, Michelangelo’s birthday is November 6 and Raphael’s is December 19. For whatever reason the turtle wiki lists Donatello’s birthday as November 8? Still can’t find out why, but that’s another semi canon order too! I haven’t found a date for Leonardo yet
I think my personal favourite interpretation for their ages though?
It’s gotta be Michelangelo as the oldest, Donatello as the second oldest, Raphael as the second youngest and Leonardo as the youngest. Something about it is just so amusing to me and secretly youngest Leonardo is adorable, so it’s probably the order I’m most fond of!
O also I said this on here one time? Which I also definitely still enjoy as an interpretation AHA
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Oh, and! Last year I made this comic WIP about their ages, I never finished it and I was still new to the fandom but honestly I don’t think I’d change too much if I remade it today, so have it too!
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So the uh. TLDR my answer on their age order is Yeeeees…..?
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📚 QUEERBOOK 2024 is hereee! We made a book by and for LGBTQ+ youth! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Last year, we asked LGBTQ+ youth: what's your idea of a "queer utopia?"
Not gonna lie - with more than 150 bills introduced in 35 states in 2023 that aimed to restrict student access to inclusive and diverse books and other library materials, the theme felt pretty radical.
And you DELIVERED. With the help of our Youth Voices (amazing queer youth activists from across the country), we compiled your amazing submissions of poetry, short essays and letters, visual art, photography, and more into Queerbook 2024. Like a yearbook, it captures what queer youth are feeling, going through, and hoping for - right here, right now across the U.S.
It's also no accident that it's the perfect small-ish size to stash in your locker or backpack so you can crack it open any time you're looking for some queer connection. :3
Read some more about the book and grab your own limited-run copy of Queerbook 2024 now here.
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annabtg · 2 months
Tagged by @kay-elle-cee, thank you! This looks so fun!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
I have no actual WIPs to update, but I'm going to add the WIPs I'm working on/planning to work on.
(to be taken with a grain of salt)
Drunk With Power - micro I hope to write (and finish) today. James gets the Head Boy badge. Just got the idea for it after being assigned Prefect on the @jilymicrofics Discord server. xD
The Big Little Moments (working title that may or may not stick) - my Alight With Happiness fest fic. Jily's wedding night.
Oh My God, She's Insane - Jily Order AU, pre-relationship, comedy/shenanigans.
??? Le Maître de forges AU - this literally did not exist until yesterday when I mentioned this book to Kelsey. Document still does not exist, but I'm thinking about it and it's looking some flavour of viable.
Jilychallenge Fairytale AU - also a document that does not exist, because I'm still waiting for my prompt, but I have high hopes for it. 😁
Upcoming Scenes and Details
James being an insufferable prat for shits and giggles. We all love to see it!
The ending, in which James is like I'm married 😍 to this wonderful woman 😍 this is the life 🥰
I absolutely want to write James transforming into a stag and standing still, hoping to pass as a statue. It's going to be - wait for it - insane.
Lily getting in a relationship with a man she barely even tolerates (James), just to get one up on Snape? You know you want to see it 👀
No clue but I really hope there will be some magical elements! Like enchanted items and stuff.
Tagging: @theresthesnitch @mppmaraudergirl @roalinda @jmagnabo92 @abihastastybeans @siriuslychessi @fiendishfyre @uncertainwallflower @practicecourts @chierafied!
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