#the same can even be said for her 7 year university streak
fayevalcntine · 7 months
I don't actually think the show does well enough in terms of handling Claudia's backstory and internalized feelings re: a lot of what happens in the latter half of the season, but apparently that's an unpopular opinion of sorts in this fandom.
To put it simply, Claudia reminiscing about her past life prior to being a vampire in all but 6 lines is not a proper exploration of said life. In comparison to her parents getting a more expanded view of theirs (Louis thankfully had at least one episode prior to being turned while Lestat's backstory is even going to be repeatedly hinted at in season 2), she mentions a dead mother all but once (twice if you count an easy lie she tells in 1.06), an aunt beating her, having to deal with perverts at the rooming house she stayed in, and not having any more children to play with during the night because she's now a vampire. Again, all this is explored in less than 10 lines total. This isn't really us getting enough info on her so much as barely getting the most basic information that we can get on her past, and again, it's also not a proper exploration of a child suddenly going from an abusive poor household to a rich people's home, with two strangers that suddenly become her parents, and her becoming completely estranged to the life she once knew. Claudia remembers her past life in comparison to her book counterpart because she's 14, yet somehow I'm supposed to accept that she is completely fine with all of these changes until she suddenly isn't?
Subtlety is also not this show's Forte nor is it even the thing it's remembered by: we have Louis referencing books that are clearly meant for us to look up, we have a 10 minute domestic violence scene where the white vampire deliberately tries to kill his Black partner. This just makes the lack of info on Claudia obviously glaring because she is also raped, but her rape is never even talked about BY her. It's hinted at by Louis, it's nagged for more information on by Daniel, it's mocked by Lestat. The only time we even get Claudia referring to Bruce is in a scene that is clearly meant to serve as a not-so-subtle hint that Louis is being raped by his husband? So again, a hint of a moment that Claudia gives is again turned into a message about what Louis is going through. When a show has more men talk about this traumatic incident that happened to this girl than the girl herself, then yeah, it IS glaring and unless Rolin and Co. make some effort to rectify a general lack of attention they give her, or turn it into some commentary about how a Black girl's story is shaped and disfigured by all the men in her life that abused her, then it's still pretty glaring and lacking.
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leaderoffestivals · 3 months
Poltergeist Chapter 15
The Neverland of Grudges Ch 7
Arashi: It’s just like Neverland, isn’t it? An island of dreams one has to leave once they grow up. 
Scenario Writer: Akira Season: Winter Characters: Mikejima Madara, Narukami Arashi Content warning: Murder/Death, child labour
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Arashi: Well, let’s not dwell on that. The pressing matter here is that the children of Dancing Cranes Home still bear the traumatic scars of that terrible fire.
That’s why when the scene in Snow White was read to them—the one where the evil Queen was forced to dance on the red-hot iron plate—
It triggered flashbacks to the fire that day, causing them to cry or throw up uncontrollably.
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Madara: It hasn’t been that many years since the fire, after all. The children who witnessed the fire wouldn’t have had time to heal their emotional scars yet.
Arashi: That’s right... Moreover, only the older children have experienced the fire; the younger ones moved in after the incident, so they don’t share the same psychological trauma.
Madara: That narrows the group of affected kids down to the ages of ten to fourteen years old. 
Apparently, when the kids here turn fifteen, they’re forced to relocate to other facilities that focus on training and labour support skills.
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Arashi: It’s just like Neverland, isn’t it? An island of dreams one has to leave once they grow up. 
Madara: Well, not quite. Dancing Cranes Home may have set the age for children to leave at fifteen in their charter, but the reality seems to be that the children are regularly sent off to the other facilities once they turn ten years old.
Arashi: That’s indeed the case. Dancing Cranes Home is fundamentally an institution dedicated to the providing of care for children—
However—“We want these kids to pull their own weight and fend for themselves as soon as possible”—is the wretched truth of what the adults here really think, deep down inside.
That’s why the children are turned out to those other facilities for labour training as early as they can, all so they can earn their keep as soon as possible.
That's why there’s only one child of middle-school age (1) still remaining in my Rafflesia Group, and one other in your Kaijuu Group—
—meaning there are only two such children in the entire facility right now.
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Madara: That does seem to be the case. It’s possible the terrible experience with the fire caused the older kids at Dancing Cranes Home to evolve into such troublesome characters—
—with twisted personalities and violent streaks a mile wide.
In that Kaijuu Group of mine, all of them are older kids except one, and they exude such terrifying auras of killing intent for their age that it shocks even me!
They’re really out for blood. 
Arashi: I don’t believe the children’s hearts were distorted to such an extreme because of that one tragic experience alone. 
These children absolutely loathe adults. 
… … I’ve heard it said that lo~ng ago, there used to be a girl who was dearly beloved by all the children in Dancing Cranes Home, like she was a goddess, or perhaps a princess. 
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Madara: Yes, I’ve heard about her as well. She was the centre of their universe; an existence akin to a leader for them all.
The eldest boy in my Kaijuu Group said something to that effect as well. “I’m just a stand-in for The Boss”—those were his words—
—and it’s only because “That Person” isn’t here anymore that he had no choice but to step up as the acting leader.
Arashi: That’s so. The identity of that person who seemed such a central figure to them all remains unknown. All the records have been meticulously erased, and not a single photograph remains.
She’s such an enigmatic figure, you know? It seems she simply appeared in Dancing Cranes Home out of the blue one day. Also, she’d been living at Dancing Cranes Home longer than any of the staff or children.
She was given incredibly preferential treatment, with specially prepared meals and everything.
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Madara: Fufu. It aaall makes her sound as if she’s the illegitimate child of some aristocratic family. From what I’ve heard though, despite the special treatment, she was an ordinary child through and through.
In fact, it should be said she intensely despised the special treatment, and feeling isolated, actively strove to get along with the other children here—
Even going so far as to share the fancy sweets she alone received with everyone.
It may sound off-putting to liken what she did to setting out lures to entice the others closer, but that's how everyone came to love and accept her.
In the beginning, the kids probably saw her as someone who would hand out the occasional treat and their grateful feelings towards her started from that. 
Arashi: Even if that’s how it started, genuine bonds formed between her and the other children over time.
She would make use her position to resolve disputes within the facility for them as well.
For some reason, she had a lot of authority. She would get the staff who mistreated the children fired and bring about the construction of facilities which the children wanted.
Madara: Haha! She removed the unpleasant things from their lives and gave them joyful delights. If so, it's no wonder she was revered like a God—
—or perhaps, like a beloved hero, whom all boys aspire to be. 
Arashi: Yes, indeed… ... To this day, all the children who’ve interacted with her still speak very highly of her.
She was a dearly beloved friend to everyone in Dancing Cranes Home, and their fondly cherished princess too.  
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Arashi: … … But then one day, that child suddenly passed away.
No, she was murdered, in a fire made to look like an accident.
Not only did the adults declare it a mere accident, but for some reason, they insisted that such a girl never existed in the first place.
They silenced the staff and children, destroying every single record that could be associated to her—
So they could erase every trace of a forsaken child from the world.
That's the reason why all the children who loved her are still enraged, to this very day—
—at the adults who tore their beloved person away from them and tried to erase all traces of her.
Madara: ——Murdered in a fire, and the death made to look like an accident... ...
Would Anzu-san have any idea of who that pitiful child might be? 
Well, no need for that. I think anyone who’s been a student at Yumenosaki Academy would recognize that child’s name immediately.
Arashi: That’s right. It seems no one knew about that child’s real name; she was always going by a nickname—
And that nickname, apparently, was "NEGI."
The child who was beloved by everyone at Dancing Cranes Home, and is now deceased, was Anzu-chan's friend, NEGI-chan. (2)
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—————-To be continued——————
Chapter 14 / Chapter 16
Translator’s Notes: 
Middle school age in Japan is 12-15 years old. So Madara’s Kaijuu kids are made of one 12-14 year old, four 10-11 year olds and one <10 years old?
A new character who appeared in EnStars Main Story 1.5, together with the character, Hitsugi. Arashi interacted with NEGI/Hitsugi during the Seven Bridges Tour.
This chapter isn't proofed, so if you've any feedback, please get back to me.
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pillage-and-lute · 3 years
An Ever Fixed Mark (Part 11)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, (here)
Read it on Ao3 HERE
                                                     🐺 🌼 🐺
Geralt didn’t even make it a day.
He left Oxenfurt behind at dawn, riding Roach, alone, just like he always was. There was water here, a river, and trees. They were willow trees, weeping over the sludgy river, bending to sweep the water and Geralt thought of Jaskier’s mother, of the flash of an opal ring on Jaskier’s hand. The Pontar was wide and slow here, and Geralt thought of a hidden pool, far in a forest, and Jaskier talking about his mother. 
Maybe he wasn’t half dryad, maybe he was. Maybe it wouldn’t mean anything but...but what if his life was longer than a human’s? Geralt didn’t want to have to lose him anytime soon, but what if he wouldn’t have to? 
Geralt realized he’d already lost Jaskier. He’d betrayed his husband’s trust, kissing a witch and leaving him. He was still injured. Melitele’s tits, Geralt was an asshole. He’d hurt Jaskier. On purpose. 
A clean break, what the hell was he thinking? They were married, there was no ‘clean break’. They’d have to see eachother eventually. He’d look into beautiful eyes and they’d be full of hatred. He’d see his husbands solid frame and watch the posture become closed and standoffish. Perhaps Jaskier’s words would even turn cold. Toss A Coin would never be heard in taverns again, instead something else. Witchers Are Selfish Bastards could become the next hit. 
He couldn’t protect Jaskier though. The doublet was just that, a doublet. It was a pretty thing, not armor. Geralt could wrap the entire bard in basilisk leather and he still might never be safe. 
But at least you’d be there to fight for him, whispered a treacherous part of Geralt’s mind. He spurred Roach faster, as if he could outrun the thought.
What if there was a barfight? Sure, Jaskier could take care of himself, but if there were no knives around? No weapons? What if he got jumped in an alleyway, or fell ill and he was too sick to find a healer?
Surely having Geralt there was better than nothing. 
Jaskier might not even want Geralt back, not after he’d run like a coward and a fool. 
Without his permission, Geralt’s hands had turned Roach’s reins back towards Oxenfurt. It was dusk, they’d ridden without stopping for food to escape Geralt’s wretched thoughts, and he felt bad for riding her so hard. 
“Treats for you,” he said. “And the finest stable in Oxenfurt, I swear it. Just get me there.”
Roach didn’t seem to mind. She didn’t even need Geralt to nudge her into a gallop, she turned and ran, bolting across the damp earth like a streak of lighting. Jaskier surely would have called her a heroic steed. Geralt would be sure to tell him, just as soon as he was at Oxenfurt. 
Geralt’s heart felt lighter already. He was racing, the wind in his hair, rippling across his face. He wasn’t leaving Jaskier, he’d never leave him again, not ever. He’d bundle him in all the finest things, armor him with dragon scale if he had to. 
Jaskier would sit by the fire in Kaer Morhen and Vesemir would teach him the old songs. Geralt would hunt for him, buy him baked goods, make him fat and happy and shining through and through with joy. And if he got old Geralt would love him. If Jaskier grew too old to travel, Geralt would stay in Kaer Morhen year-round. He’d carry Jaskier up stairs if he had to. He’d learn to play music if Jaskier ever couldn’t play anymore, he’d tap out rhythms if his husband ever went deaf.
His husband. Geralt loved him. He loved him so much and his eyes were streaming. It was so rare that a witcher could cry but he was. He loved his husband so much that this one day without him had been the worst of his life. He’d thought it had been seeing Jaskier hurt, fearing him dying. That had been awful, but if death took Jaskier from him, Geralt would fight death itself. 
There was a story, he knew, of a bard who took his love back from death, leading her from the underworld. He’d looked back, so the story said, to make sure his love was still with him. Geralt was a witcher, though, he wouldn’t need to look to know Jaskier was there. 
Jaskier being gone from his life was an almost unbearable thought, but Geralt could live with it. If Jaskier died or left of his own accord, Geralt would survive. To push him away, however, to be the reason Jaskier left him, that was unbearable. 
Roach’s legs moved like a landslide under her, hoofbeats so fast they merged into one. Geralt’s slow heart matched pace. He would go, he would lay himself prone on the floor of wherever Jaskier stayed, and he would beg forgiveness.
He would earn his forgiveness. 
And if Jaskier ever forgave him, and if he ever returned Geralt’s feelings, Geralt would kiss him. 
The thought gave him wings. 
He would kiss Jaskier. He’d wind his hand in that thick, dark hair, loop the other arm around his waist, and dip him back, the way fancy gentlemen did. He’d kiss him the way he should have kissed him on their wedding day. He’d kiss Jaskier so that there could be no doubt in his husband’s mind that he was the most important person in Geralt’s life. And then he’d kiss him again, and again, and again. 
Geralt would learn about poetry and art and music so that Jaskier had someone to discuss it with. He’d teach him witcher lore and monster zoology, so that they had the knowledge in common. He’d teach Jaskier to fight, not just bar fighting, he’d be able to defend himself if Geralt ever failed him.
Geralt was never going to fail him again. 
The lights of Oxenfurt were visible. When Geralt had last raced to the city Jaskier had been wounded by bandits. Now, his heart had been wounded by Geralt’s own hand. 
He pulled out his xenovox, pressing it desperately. 
“What?” she snapped. “It’s almost midnight, can’t you go a day without bothering me?”
“Where is he?” Geralt asked. “Where is he staying?”
“You just got rid of him, now you want him back?” 
“Yes, Yennefer it was a mistake, I can’t lose him where is he? Tell me!”
“Essi Daven has a placement at the university, she may have quarters there, ask her.”
Geralt didn’t even thank Yennefer, just stuffed the xenovox in his bag and turned Roach, her ironshod hooves ringing against the cobbles. 
The bulk of the university lay across the city like an old dog lying on a rug. Geralt headed for the living quarters, dodging Roach around drunken students and midnight revellers, sometimes the same people. 
A man was sweeping in a quiet courtyard. 
“You,” Geralt called, almost falling off Roach in his haste. “Essi Daven, where can I find her?” 
The man looked up, eyed Geralt with distaste, and pointed toward a wing of the building. Here, there were doors, facing the coutyard, each door marked with a name. 
Yes, dormitories. 
Geralt ran up the row. They were organized by name, two on each door. He’d started at the wrong end. He passed Willow and Worthington, Umber and Urdock, Smith and Silverly. He sped up. Marx and Mannock, Lee and Lorntin...
He skidded to a stop.
Davidson and Daven. He hammered on the door, shaking it on it’s hinges until it was swung open. 
There was a small woman there, glaring at him behind a mane of golden hair. Only one eye was visible. 
“What do you want?”
“Essi Daven?”
Like a snake, she stepped forward, into Geralt’s space, putting a long knife to his throat. 
“You’re here for Jaskier,” she said. 
“I made a mistake,” Geralt said. “I need to see him.”
“You don’t need to do anything but leave him alone,” she hissed. “I ought to slice you open like a pig.”
“I want to make it up to him,” Geralt begged. “I have to, please, I love him.”
“You abandoned him,” she said like poison. 
“And if I do it again I swear I will deliver myself to your door so you can gut me with your knife but please,” Geralt reached up a hand and lowered her knife, which she allowed him to do without stabbing him. “Please, if I lose him because I was stupid and drove him away, I think I’ll just have to lay down and die.”
“He’s crazy about you,” Essi said, eyes narrowed. 
“I’m crazier for him, I promise,” Geralt said. His heart was soaring. Jaskier was crazy about him.
“He cried his eyes out all day,” Essi said. Geralt’s heart landed with a thud. 
“Let me make it up to him,” Geralt said. “Please.”
“You’re going to need more than a pretty face.”
“I’ll do anything.”
Essi snorted. “He’s not here, he’s at the Fiddler’s Bow inn. If he wants to see you, go ahead, if he doesn’t leave him the fuck alone.”
Geralt nodded solemnly. 
He had to find something that would show Jaskier how he felt. Something perfect. He mounted Roach again and she nickered questioningly. 
“What do you get someone you love?” Geralt asked her quietly. 
She whinnied. “Oats,” she was probably saying. “And a nice stable.”
Geralt rode her down streets, ambling rather than searching for the inn. He’d find it, but he needed the perfect gift first.
He’d know what he needed when he saw it. 
Oxenfurt never slept, but many of the shops had closed for the night. Geralt trotted Roach past them, until he saw one. It had a large, paned glass display window, an expensive luxury. Inside were weapons of all makes and sizes. 
Geralt thought about purchasing a dagger for Jaskier, but daggers weren’t special enough. They were a good gift, not a great one. Geralt dismounted and peered through the glass. A light was on in the back, and he knocked at the door. 
There were shields and axes in the shop, but the lacked the grace that Geralt wanted. There were swords, some covered in jewels, which were certainly beautiful enough, but the decoration would throw off the balance. 
Geralt heard clattering from inside.
A little old man opened up the shop door, peering up at Geralt.
“You’re a mighty big fella,” he said. “Witcher are ya? I’m closed you know.”
“I know, sir,” Geralt said. “I apologize, but it’s a matter of the utmost importance.”
“Ah, broken a sword have you?” Said the old man, sticking his hand out to shake. His grip was like iron, despite his age. He was definitely the swordsmith, then. 
“No sir, I need a gift, true love is on the line,” it was a horribly florid thing to say, but Geralt couldn’t bear to lie to the old man, who reminded him oddly of Vesemir, despite his bent posture and small size.
“Ah, dueling for her honor?” asked the smith, hobbling to one of the display stands.
“No, sir. Begging his forgiveness.”
“Do you deserve to be forgiven?”
“...maybe,” Geralt said, reluctantly. 
“Aha!” Said the shopkeeper. “Slept with someone else have you?”
“Lied to him?”
“Not that I can think of.”
The man leaned close, strangely pale eyes searching. “Killed someone he cares for?”
“Never, I...I abandoned him. I left him alone, I shouldn’t have,” Geralt admitted.
The old man tutted. “Not the easiest mistake to remedy, young man.” 
Geralt realized that he and the man were probably fairly close in age. 
“But,” the man said. “Not without hope, I think. And you want to give him a weapon?”
“Yes,” Geralt said, mouth dry. “Something that can keep him safe.”
“In case you can’t?” 
Geralt flinched. “Yes.”
“Is he a warrior like yourself, your young man?”
“A poet and bard, but he can fight as well.”
“Mhhm,” said the old man, running his hands over his stock. “He likes fine things?”
“Yes, but not at the expense of practicality.”
“Indeed,” said the man. “And he is right handed?”
“Left handed,” Geralt said. 
“Aha,” said the man, softly. “I have just the sword.” He lifted a long, thin blade from a rack. 
“It’s an unusual style,” he said, holding it out in both hands. “A rapier, it’s called. They’re thin and light, and this,” he held the sword by it’s handle, a strange, twisting cage of metal protecting his hand. “This crosspiece will keep his poet’s fingers from damage.”
“I’ve never seen it’s like,” Geralt said, carefully taking the proffered sword. “It’s so thin, will it break if he parries?”
“It is unlikely, the blade is damascarine steel, the blow will merely deflect down to the crosspiece.”
Geralt observed the blade, witcher eyes letting inn all the light from the dim shop so he could see the wavy pattern in the thin blade where the steel had been twisted and folded back on itself. 
He turned from the shopkeeper and raised the sword, feeling it’s balance. Much too light for him, but for Jaskier...Geralt turned the sword tip-down and measured the height of the crosspiece. Yes, it would be about at Jaskier’s belly button, the right length. 
“It’s perfect,” Geralt said. The sword looked like a line of moonlight, the handle was elegant with it’s swooping, twisting lines, and it was deadly. It was Jaskier, through and through.
The moonlight coming in through the windows glinted off the sword as the man took it back, gently, sheathing it in a smooth, black leather sheath. 
Geralt paid the asking price without haggle. For the craftsmanship, and opening his shop in the middle of the night, the price was more than fair. He would have gladly paid double, he’d never seen an equal to the sword he carried now.
Geralt didn’t hold it like a sword as he remounted Roach. He held the rapier flat across his knees like an offering to the gods. 
He stayed there a moment, astride his horse, and closed his eyes. He breathed in. He breathed out. He was about to open his eyes but...there, chamomile and sun-dried grass. 
He opened his eyes, afraid the action would dissipate the scent, but it was still there. Jaskier had been nearby. 
He trotted Roach forward, seeing with his nose. He lost the scent by an irreputable ale house that smelled of sick and stale beer, so he turned and looked around. There was another tavern down the street and he rode towards it slowly. Music poured from it, even at this late hour. Jaskier would have come here, instead of the other alehouse. 
Up alongside the tavern he could smell dry grass again, mixed with salt. Jaskier had cried here, but the salt-scent left, trailing down the street. 
Geralt’s heart was heavy as he followed the smell of his husband’s tears. He’d done this, he had to fix it, and he had just the one chance. It couldn’t wait until morning. If the sun dawned and this wasn’t fixed, Geralt just knew he’d have lost his chance, Jaskier would be lost to him forever. 
The tears stopped. 
Geralt loked up. 
The Fiddler’s Bow. He didn’t even speak to the innkeeper as he walked up the stairs and gently knocked on the door. 
He could hear the familiar beat of Jaskier’s heart behind it. His own tried to match time. 
A bedraggled and red eyed Jaskier opened the door. Geralt knelt and took one of Jaskier’s hand’s in both of his. 
For a second that was all there was. 
Then Geralt spoke. 
“I was a fool,” he said. “I saw you, hurt, and I was frightened, because I hadn’t been able to protect you.”
Jaskier tried to pull his hand from Geralt’s grasp, but Geralt didn’t let go. “Please, Jaskier,” he said, gold eyes meeting blue. “Hear me out, and then if you never wish to see me again I swear on the medallion at my throat you will never have to.”
Words weren’t easy for Geralt, but he prayed he’d be granted just a sliver of the power Jaskier had over them. This was more than life or death, this was love or loss, and Geralt couldn’t bear to lose this.
“I am in love with you,” Geralt said, looking Jaskier straight in the eyes. “The thought of losing you scared me so badly that I turned like a coward and ran, but,” Geralt swallowed around the lump in his throat. “The thought of losing you,” a sob, “Because I pushed you away, Jaskier, it’s so much worse.”
He pulled out the sword in it’s scabbard, placing it tip down on the floor and holding it like a cross. “I want to teach you to fight, so that you can’t be taken from me, and I want you to teach me to sing, so that you won’t grow bored of me.”
“Please,” Jaskier,” he said, shoulders trembling. “I swear on my soul, I swear on the soulds of the men who raised me, I will never abandon you again.”
Jaskier was crying, rivers of saltwater, silver in the moonlight, trailing down his cheeks. A drop fell on Geralt’s hand as he proffered the sword. 
“I love you,” Geralt said simply. 
Jaskier stood there and cried, chest wracked with sobs. Then he took the sword in both hands. His fingertips brushed across the back of Geralt’s hand and the witcher shivered. 
“You kissed her.”
“The Law of Surprise,” Geralt said. “I had just pledged my devotion and care to you, it was your great windfall. We thought it meant I love her, but I don’t.” Geralt stood, reaching forward one large and travel-stained hand to brush the tears from Jaskier’s cheeks. 
“The kiss just made me realize how much I never want to kiss anyone but you, ever again.”
Jaskier leaned his cheek into the cradle of Geralt’s hand. “I forgive you,” he said. 
Geralt stepped forward, taking Jaskier’s sword and setting it aside, then he wrapped his arms around Jaskier, admiring how they were of a height. 
Jaskier leaned his forhead against Geralt’s, and the pair just stood, breathing the same air. 
“I love you too.”
It was whispered, but it shook Geralt’s world. 
Jaskier’s arms came up and twined around Geralt’s neck, drawing him even close. 
“Please,” Geralt begged. “May I kiss you?”
He felt Jaskier nod. 
Geralt had imagined a kiss on his desperate return. He’d imagined how Jaskier’s hair would be so soft under his hand, how Jaskier’s arms would feel so warm around him, he’d been right. 
He could never have imagined the wonder of kissing Jaskier, though, not truly. Joy flared in Geralt’s heart like a wildfire, consuming him. The world burned around them and Geralt didn’t care because having Jaskier in his arms, kissing him like this, this was the only thing he could ever want. 
This was everything the kiss on their wedding day wasn’t and should have been. All the sounds of the city rushed in Geralt’s ears and he didn’t hear any of them, because Jaskier’s lips were sweet and warm and slightly chapped, and Jaskier’s hand was digging oddly into his ribs, and it was perfection. 
                                                   🐺 🌼 🐺
Almost done! I think there will maybe be one more chapter to tie up all the loose ends. Although I suspect at some point I’ll be unable to resist writing some husbands-in-Kaer-Morhen fluff. 
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57 notes · View notes
hollandsrecs · 4 years
completed series masterlist (1)
links last checked 16/12/2020 | more masterlists here
2 hearts, 22 calibers by heyhihellowhatsup0
summary: despite discovering the new owner of the club you work at may have his own secrets hidden, the temptation to get closer to him outweighs your trepidation...
12 days of christmas by keepingupwiththeparkers
24 hour, long lasting by madmadmilk
summary: a clumsy you, a tube of long lasting lipstick, a small case of stumbling, a stain, and a boy you never imagined to meet.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
against the agenda by cosmetologynerd
summary: he was tom holland; love was not on the agenda. 
all of the lights by spiderboytherescue
always, yours by angelicholland
summary: you always knew you loved your best friend but you figured that he would never feel the same way, so you set those useless feelings aside. how will you cope when you find a box of letters that tells you otherwise? is it too late to let go of the butterflies trapped deep within you? would he even feel the same way anymore?
apartment 509 by sweetlysilent
summary: tom brings girls home almost daily, something that bothers you to the end of the world; whereas on the other hand you rarely go out, spending majority of your time focused on your studies, something that drives tom insane, the tension between the two of you becoming thicker, even more when he finds out you have a study date.
attachment by hazinhoodies
summary: maybe you held on a little too tight. you were only trying to salvage the most important relationship of your life.
beneath the waves by cosmetologynerd
summary: “please, i wish to be free.” 
black beauty by blissfulparker
summary: tom, the king of hell, has no time for love or any woman in his life. he spends his days finding new punishments for the people who deserve it. you, spend your days in heaven making everyone happy. never wanting a soul to feel down. what happens when heaven decides to send you down to join tom in hell? why would they send their best angel to the devil himself?
born king by spiderboytotherescue
breaking curfew by wazzupmrstark
summary: when you got the job to be a counsellor at the summer camp you’d grown up attending all your life, you expected to see some familiar faces. but you certainly hadn’t counted on having to work alongside the boy who had made it his life’s mission to make your life a living hell every summer. in fact, you thought you’d never have to see tom holland again. but he’s is in the cabin right across from yours with campers of his own- smirk, jawline, and all. if you didn’t know any better you might’ve thought that he applied for the position just to spite you, but who were you kidding? what kind of asshole would do something like that?
clear by peeterparkr
summary: y/n is in town for summer, she wants the sea to wash away the pains of the past, however when a certain surfer comes into her life, the remaining salt might not decant, but maybe some sweet surprises might come to shore
complications by loserparker
summary: being roommates with tom was easy, fun. that is until feelings started getting involved. throw in the fact that both of you suck at communication and things are bound to get complicated.
contrapposto by madmadmilk
summary: you desperately needed a figure model for your upcoming art final and you find a friend willing to pose for you.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
dare you to move by starksparker
summary: friends with benefits is supposed to be just that. friends with the benefits of fooling around and not having anything more than platonic feelings. easy, fun, thrilling, no one gets hurt…right?
determined by blesshimnorris
summary: you are enjoying university life with your fellow housemates, except for tom, who seems to avoid or tease you every chance he gets. but with your birthday slowly approaching he finally tries to make amends.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
dine and dash by blissfulparker
summary: tom comes into your diner every tuesday and thursday, it is no secret that he only goes for you. when will he ever be brave enough to say something, when will you ever be brave enough to let him in?
eighteen by angelicholland
summary: y/n is tom’s math tutor and needed a date for sunday dinner. tom has tattoos all over and just looks like the type of guy who would piss off her parents. will their fake relationship turn into something so much more?
eloped by worldoftom
summary: you and tom have been in a secret relationship for a long time, but what would you do if tom proposed unexpectedly during your vacation in casablanca, morocco?
every step of the way by sunshinehollandd
summary: you and tom are best friends, and you have been for as long as you can remember. after one night, everything changes. but, tom is by your side every step of the way.
ex on the beach by heyhihellowhatsup0
summary: eight months after your ugly breakup with tom, you find yourself stuck together for two whole weeks at a private beach house. just you, tom, some mutual friends, what could possibly go wrong?
for king or country by avengers-sweethearts
summary: from the time you were a child you always lived in the castle. your mother and father were both servants and even after they died you stayed on as one yourself. prince yom was always someone you admired from afar. he was the nicest out of all the holland royalty and incredibly handsome. along the way of your daily duties the prince begins to pay you more attention when you save him from an awkward situation. things get more complicated when his jealous betrothed princess zendaya comes to court and stirs up trouble for the forbidden romance. will prince tom follow his heart or stay true to his country? most importantly of all, will you even make it out alive?
forbidden rose by avengers-sweethearts
summary: if there was one person who knew how to throw a party, it was tom holland. in 1922 partying wasn’t uncommon, but a tom holland party was like none ever seen before. the young billionaire thrived off of rumors and speculation. despite the parties being held weekly, no one had ever seen the mystery man. tom intended to keep it that way until one night an enchanting woman caught his eye. but what happens when her cruel fiancé is tangled up with demons from his past. will their love be enough to overcome the trouble that lies ahead?
forever by starksparker
summary: what happens when a fuckboy with some anger issues and a bad streak is forced to work alongside someone who’s his opposite? and what happens if they can be ripped from him in seconds?
ground rules by madmadmilk
summary: you just love holding someone, and being held. It’s not a hard thing to ask for, but it sure can be hard for someone to understand.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
happiness is a butterfly by blissfulparker
summary: you and tom spend your whole lives looking for your soulmates. how could you not see that you two were right under each other’s noses both coming from a mob family?
heart eyes by madmadmilk
summary: tom holland is a friend that you only see once or twice a year, but when the stars align and you finally start to get close to him again you realize that… you’ve never really known each other at all. he has an emoji tailing after every contact on his phone… but none for you. hm. a soft and bumbling story about how you get to know him, and how he gets to know you.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
heartbreak weather by t-holland2080
summary: after getting out of a rough relationship, you meet tom, who pulls you out of your heartbreak weather.
heavenly yours by tomsrebeleyebrow
summary: angels live in a perfect world. in a complete ivory tower. but loving someone else is forbidden. a true sin.
hostility by starsholland
summary: everything was going well in your life, living in LA, trying to make it big as a journalist, but all of that is foiled when tom holland walks into your life bringing drama and negativity. how much will you be able to take before you finally lose it?
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
hotlanta by hollandorks
summary: a fun night in atlanta forces the reader into a fake relationship with celebrity tom holland in order to save both of their careers.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
how to unlove someone by whatevsholland
i only feel you by stuckonspidey
summary: a world in which soulmates feel their other half, physically and emotionally. y/n has given up on finding her soulmate, given up on trying to decipher the sensations he feels and the lifestyle he leads–prompting her to give up on him. her other half, she’d come to find, is the leader of the holland crime family, and in no means the easiest person to love.
kiss currency by madmadmilk
summary: swapping underwear with your best friend’s best friend, while maintaining your cool composure. he’s cute, he’s funny, and you’d be down to kiss him at least once. :)
chapters: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
lacuna by thollandss
summary: being friends with benefits with a celebrity isn’t easy. nobody said it was.
limits of desire by peeterparkr
summary: you met tom a night he was trying to sleep with you, it didn’t work and you became best of friends. wedding bells might be ringing for when you both realize how you really feel.
london boy by tonguetiedholland
summary: you’re a famous singer and actor whose break up with ex boyfriend, shawn mendes, has just hit the media. when it all feels a bit too much you do the only reasonable thing you can think of, escape to london and lay low for a little while. who knew that tom holland, the boy you’d only met once but had you in the palm of his hand when you did and vice verse, would also be in london at the same exact time?
lucky number by tomhollanders2013
summary: what happens when one of the world’s most famous celebrities accidentally dials your number instead of his new assistant’s... is it a happy accident or a recipe for disaster?
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
miss yer kiss by angelicholland
summary: a one-night stand turned something more, you and tom meet again against the odds. an aspiring tattoo artist and a famous actor with “i miss you” on the tip of your tongues meet again and again as you slowly realize what love looks like.
model for me by thollandss
summary: in which you are a photographer for GQ, and during a private session with tom holland, you find yourself getting to know him very well.
money can’t buy you love by hilllsnholland
summary: y/n has worked her whole life to get into the prestige university of her dreams. nothing can stop her, right? maybe tom holland, son of billionaires and the poster child of privilege, who has made it his mission to woo the ‘scholarship baby’.
more than i know by lauras-collection
summary: you need a date for your sister’s wedding and the stranger in the coffee shop seems to be the perfect choice. until you see pictures of yourself and him all over the internet because apparently he’s an international movie star and now the whole world thinks you’re dating. and you have to give the people what they want, right? even if it’s fake.
naughty or nice by avengers-sweethearts
summary: the holidays are the worst time to be alone, especially in a brand new city with a brand new job. when an unexpected meeting with famous actor tom holland ends in the exchanging of phone numbers you find yourself in the dangerous position of falling in love with hollywood’s hottest and most eligible bachelor. unable to help yourself, you being to fall for the handsome actor and will do almost anything to earn his affection. trying to balance work, love, and the holiday proves to be more of a challenge than you had initially thought. the million-dollar question is what side of tom’s christmas list will you end up on: naughty or nice?
of broken promises and heartbreak by softspiderling
summary: it’s been six years since you and tom broke up, six years since you’ve last seen each other. a lot has happened, tom got insanely famous, making countless billion dollar movies, attending one red-carpet event after the other. but now he was attending one event, he wasn’t sure he was ready for. your wedding. and he wasn’t attending as your groom.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
paint the grass green by lauras-collection
summary: a complicated relationship ends when tom breaks up with you after a fight. but it’s about to get more complicated. because how are you going to tell him that you’re pregnant if he won’t let you talk to him? so you don’t. years later you run into harrison, and there’s no denying that it’s tom’s son who’s tightly holding onto your hand. harrison gives you an ultimatum: either you tell tom, or he will.
peppermint by hollandandi
perfidy by peeterparkr
summary: tom and you have been sworn enemies since you were young. however you happened to be best friends with the twins. when one of your friends challenged you to break tom’s heart, you immediately accepted to get back at him for all the times he’s hurt you. old feelings might come back, while both of you try to go past your pride and your lies.
philanthropy by museinmind
summary: things seemed to be going too well in your life when you became your sorority’s president. so of course something has to go sideways somehow, and you end up having to take a chemistry class if you want to graduate next year. so what better person to tutor you than tom, the frat ultra hot boy who hides the fact he has textbooks nearly memorized?
pinky promises by sunshinehollandd
summary: being a single dad to a four-year-old isn’t easy, but tom figures out a way to make it work with the help of his best friend.
season of reunions by unbelievableholland
summary: you were adopted by 2 mysterious agents. you knew you were adopted and you never thought about your original family. being content with the life your parents gave you, why would you? that was, until your parents are killed and you’re left to fend for yourself and with a lot of questions unanswered.
seeing the thing by angelicholland
summary: you’re stage-managing your school’s spring show, almost, maine when you’re taken out of your element by a cocky boy with a dazzling smile and a way to your heart that makes you hate him before you can see the thing.
sincerely, by whatevsholland
summary: you and tom were childhood best friends. but when he started dating the girl who got everything you ever wanted, it began a falling out between you and tom. now he’s back home in london, just in time for your sister to host her engagement party.
single all the way by heyhihellowhatsup0
summary: when tom finds out he has to go home for christmas, he decides to formulate plan so he doesn’t have to run into his ex alone. you.
soulmate by spiderboytotherescue
summary: sometimes finding your soulmate doesn’t always happen where you expect it too. and sometimes, you’re just not ready to fall head over heels in love just yet.
sweetener by keepingupwiththeparkers
summary: okay, so maybe lecture hall proximity and roast calibre weren’t the only reasons for your frequent visits to this particular coffee shop. maybe there was a certain brown eyed brunette who worked there, and maybe he always gave you two stamps on your loyalty card instead of one, and maybe you liked watching his back muscles shift under his stupidly tight t-shirt while he pumped sweet vanilla syrup into your cup. maybe.
take me out by angelicholland
summary: you killed people, people who deserved it, but you killed people and that was your reality. killing is a job for one person. add another and it gets messy. things don’t happen by chance, not in your line of work. you held people’s lives in your hands and made the active decision to end them. what happens when you team up with a gorgeous man with a charming british accent to take out a prolific user of a sex trafficking website? but it was not by chance that you fell in love with him, it was the worst decision you could’ve ever made.
the fame game by duskholland
summary: there’s just something about tom holland that makes your blood boil. he walks around like he owns the world, always with an unhelpful quip or irritating smirk on hand. you can’t stand him, and your feud has burned hard and bright for three years. everything changes following an explosive evening at the oscars, when a questionable encounter with the paparazzi lands you in some hot water with PR. the only way to save your shattered public image is to agree to the unthinkable: tom will be your boyfriend, and you will be his girlfriend - and this might just be your hardest performance to date.
the jar series by libertybarnes
summary: tom holland, notorious mob boss, meets a single mother and her bubbly child and has to learn to live life with something to lose.
the king by sadchappuccino
summary: y/n is an angel who fell from heaven, tom is the king of hell. will they put that aside and fall in love?
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
the missing piece by avengers-sweethearts
summary: when you graduated with an elementary education degree you were lost. you thought you wanted to be a teacher but you weren’t entirely sure if it would make you happy. as you’re in between jobs, you’re lucky enough to stumble upon the opportunity to be a nanny for the very rich and very handsome single father, tom holland. tom is busy running a company and he doesn’t want his daughter ella to be alone or sent to a daycare. things get crazy when you move in with the little family. between some secrets about alla and the undeniable attraction between you and tom you’re not sure what your role is to this family. do you keep it professional or do you risk it all and take the chance of falling for tom? only time will tell if you’re the missing piece.
the situationship by fairytelling
summary: a cup of tea can solve just about any problem. except, it can’t solve your confusing, headache-inducing ‘situationship’ with your university flatmate, tom holland.
to new beginnings by petersshirts
summary: it’s time to settle down and when your best friend asks you to have a child with him, how could you say no?
two lies and a truth by lauras-collection
summary: you wanted a fresh start. and uni seemed like the perfect opportunity. until you bump into tom. he says he’s sorry for everything he’s done to you. but can you trust him?
untitled by marvelbws
summary: suits, smirks, and a major sex appeal.
vlogs by spideyyeet
summary: being in the vlog squad was dope af but having david dobrik run into tom holland and getting him to surprise you was a whole other thing. now let’s see what’s it like to have tom meet the vlog squad and be with the girl that’s making him rethink some decisions.
we’re only kidding ourselves by wazzupmrstark
summary: you work as a production assistant for the spider-man: far from home crew, or rather as tom holland’s handler. the two of you don’t get along very well to say the least, but you won’t quit and he can’t fire you so you’re stuck with each other.
wicked games by captainmarvels
summary: in which tom holland, overwhelmed by his personal demons, seeks comfort in the only ways he knows how; spending money and rough fucking. the hotheaded ceo with major daddy issues can’t seem to get it quite right when it comes to you, but is there hope for his heart?
with love, tom by thollandss
summary: when an envelope addressed to tom makes its way into your mailbox, you realize he has enlisted in the army. your walls begin to crumble down at the idea of him leaving you like this. alone for eight weeks. he makes a promise to you, a promise that every week he is gone, he will send you an update letter... but soon enough, you start to not receive them.
yellow roses by grussell63
summary: tom’s mother has him participate in a bachelor-like dating competition, because she is tired of him sleeping around. furthermore she decides to bring in his best friend to spy on the contestants. is tom going to find the one amongst the 12 candidates or is he just going to play his little games?
chapters: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | EPILOGUE
201 notes · View notes
a-cupof-jo · 3 years
Set Up My Heart Pt. 8
PT. 7 – PT. 8 – PT.9
College volleyball player!Johnny Suh x reader
Fluff and angst
Synopsis: Ever since that fateful day Sophomore year of high school, Johnny Suh had been an insufferable thorn in your side. Once you made it to college you thought the two of you would never have to see each other again. That is, until a sudden school transfer has the entire university buzzing
We’ve been seeing Y/n’s story in college, but how did she and Johnny become so combative with each other? Will Johnny’s high school story tell all?
First part to Johnny’s side of the story.
Johnny looked up as the door swung open, “There’s no way that the team will win.” Two girls walked in front of his seat as the bell ran for the start of class, “They haven’t done anything decent in 5 years.”
“Isn’t there that new girl on the team,” the second girl asked. “I heard someone say that she transferred here from across town. What was her name?”
“Class,” the teacher stood from behind his desk. Johnny noticed a girl standing next to him. Her eyes were slightly narrowed and her shoulders were pulled back tight. He recognized her immediately. Y/n L/n, recent transfer from RVHS, sophomore who was the youngest starter for RVHS’s volleyball team and who had helped bring her previous team to a state championship. Based on what he had seen, she was full of herself too and reports from her former teammates stated that she claimed all the glory for herself. Johnny didn’t get along well with people who weren’t team players, “I’d like you all to meet your new peer, Y/n.”
Johnny watched as the girl gave a slight wave the small smile on her face disappearing as she looked into blank eyes and empty faces. Johnny gave a light scoff. She couldn’t have expected to be welcomed with a parade. While she may have been a big deal at RVHS, nobody cared at SJHS. She didn’t get to parade in here as if she was going to make a difference in the high school.
“Okay,” the science teacher coughed. “Why don’t you go sit by Mr. Suh?” Johnny startled as the teacher motioned to the empty seat next to him. Johnny frowned as he pulled his backpack off the seat. There were plenty of other tables for Y/n to sit at. Why did he have to give up his empty seat? He watched as she set her bag under the table and moved to sit on the raised chair.
His eyes widened as he watched the chair slide back and she gasped. Next thing he knew she was on the ground, the chair she had been sitting on lay in pieces. He heard a mocking gasp before small laughs echoed around the room. He glanced at the two girls from earlier laughing and pointing to the now splintered wood. “Are you okay?” he extended an arm towards her.
“I’m fine,” Y/n said curtly, embarrassment heating up her cheeks. She ignored his hand pushing to stand. The hand she had held to her chest came down and wiped dust off her pants. She scowled with a glance around the classroom. Laughs had turned into titters and pointing fingers turned to grab pencils.
Mr. Byun stood hands hanging by his side. He coughed, “Well, just leave that for now.” He motioned to a chair on the other side of the classroom. “You can sit by Mr. Nakamoto instead.” Yuta didn’t look up from the playbook in his lap. Soccer season was starting soon and he was already preparing. “Okay,” Byun clapped his hands as he turned back to the board. “Let’s get started. Can anyone tell me what noble gases are?”
Johnny leaned his head on his hand zoning the teacher out. He caught her eye as she glanced worriedly back at the broken chair. The intimidating look on her face from earlier had turned into a concerned, almost sad, look. Johnny raised an eyebrow at Y/n. He wondered why she kept looking back here. The chair wasn’t going anywhere. Maybe she was scared the school was going to make her pay for it. Which is ridiculous when they have probably close to 100 sitting in storage that haven’t seen the light of day in 40 years. He watched as she turned toward him again. This time her eyes narrowed and glared at him. Johnny was confused to say the least. What was with the sudden hostility? Johnny shrugged, his chin jutting out.  She rolled her eyes before looking forward again.  He let his eyes slide away from her and back over to the front of the classroom, Byun had moved on to explaining the periodic table.
“Under extreme pressure these gases will not react well,” Byun pointed out on the table. “Which is why we must be cautious. If we aren’t careful, these gases will turn against us and once they do that, they are not very forgiving.” Johnny rolled his eyes. He barely caught the look Y/n sent him. He sighed as he looked to the clock, only 20 minutes had passed.
The camera shutter clicked before Johnny pulled it down to his chest. “I heard there’s a new girl on the volleyball team,” a boy sitting across from him slightly twisted the lens on his camera. “She’s supposed to be good too. I heard one of the seniors talking about her though. They said that she’s not very personable.”
Kun sat next to Johnny, his hands clanking away on a keyboard, “So she’s not meshing well.” He hummed as he continued to stare at the screen. As a co-editor for the school newspaper Kun tried to stay in the know about all school affairs. “She will eventually. They still have a couple of weeks before the first tournament of the season. That’s really gonna help us know whether or not Y/n’s addition to the team is going to be beneficial or not.”
Johnny fiddled with his camera again. Obviously, Y/n had left a big enough impact on the local sports community that everyone knew about her. How could they not? Last year she started out on varsity as a Freshman. Her team had gone to the State Championships and won. She was the prodigy child, but that doesn’t answer Johnny’s biggest question. Why did she come here? RVHS had a respectable sports program and academics, SJHS’s girls volleyball team was less than respectable. “I don’t know. Y/n is a good player. We can see that from her stats, but if she can’t get along with the team then they’re going to have problems.”
“It’s her first week,” Kun gave a kind grin. “Give her some slack. We won’t come to a consensus about the team until we can watch them actually play.” He turned back to the screen he was editing. Kun was right. Johnny knew this, but he couldn’t help but remember her glare at him as she sat next to Yuta in Chemistry that morning. Can’t she get along with anybody? He didn’t even move, but she was acting like the chair breaking was his fault.
“I wouldn’t be optimistic,” Johnny shrugged and stood from his chair. Kun gave him a confused look. “I have some pictures to take. I’ll be back before class ends.” Escaping the classroom and the questioning looks of his peers, Johnny sighed before wandering away from the journalism room.
To be fair, he probably should have been paying attention in class, but all he could think about was the bomb Kun dropped on him. How was he supposed to know that Kun was going to want him to go with him to the girls volleyball team to their first tournament? They had never done that before.
“We want to be able to track how the team is doing with their new superstar,” Kun had told him. Apparently, Kun was trying to feed into all of the school drama surrounding, Y/n L/n. “You’re the best person for the job. Think of it as a resume booster, Traveling Reporter.” Johnny had rolled his eyes at Kun, but ultimately agreed, if he wanted to be editor next year, he was going to have to make some sacrifices.
“Mr. Suh, can you please tell me the answer to question 2,” Mr. Byun had a hand resting on the whiteboard and an eyebrow raised. Johnny had glanced down to the textbook. Calorimetry. Great, he spaced out on one of the most important lectures of Chemistry.
Johnny glared at the page. “Umm 8.23 to the power of 10.”
The teacher shook his head, a disappointed look on his face, “Please be paying attention, Johnny. Y/n?”
“8.314 J mol -1 K -1,” Y/n glanced up, her voice pitched in a panic.
“Correct,” Byun scribbled on the board. “Next, we are going to see if-”
Johnny couldn’t help but send a small glare to the back of her head. He didn’t understand how she could continually have no self confidence in the classroom, but be cocky and egotistical outside of that. He scoffed lightly rolling his eyes as he watched her smile at Yuta.
She turned slightly towards him. Glancing at him from the corner of her eye she gave Johnny a sour look. Johnny tried to ignore her as the class continued on, and succeeded, until a group of guys from the boy’s volleyball team met him at the door. They all spoke to each other as they tried to get closer to Johnny. “Hey guys,” he grinned as they walked out of the doorway. He glanced away from the group to see Y/n running into an open locker door as she tried to push around the group. He tried to stifle a laugh as he saw her apologize to a kid and rub the growing spot on her forehead. Johnny watched as she sent a withering look to the group before moving on to her next class.
He had to admit, albeit begrudgingly, that this year’s girl’s volleyball team was good, shockingly good. It took two tournaments for Johnny to decide that Y/n was a vital part of the team and their success.
Now he watched as Y/n passed the ball up to the setter and the team made a kill. SJHS was in the lead. They had won the first set and the third set, now, all they needed to do was lock in the 4th and they would be on to the state championships. How they got there? Johnny had no good answer except that Y/n were on the team.
While his admiration for her on the court had grown, he could not say the same for in the classroom. Week after week he watched as she floundered through Chemistry and supposedly thrived in the rest of her classes. Not only that, but Y/n seemed to have a clumsy streak. It seemed like every time Johnny saw her, she was running into lockers, doors, or shelves. He could still picture the look on her face when an ice cream she was eating for lunch flew out of her hand and landed on the shirt of the girl sitting across from her.
“Game point,” the up referee called before motioning for SJHS to serve. Johnny took out his notepad jotting down the server and the point difference. 24-21, not a bad lead, but if the team messed up here their chances for state champion finals could be over. The server sent the ball floating over the net. Johnny knew that the libero’s float serve would throw any team. It was an almost surefire way of winning. Almost. The ball bounced off a hand laying flat on the court. SJHS cannot allow them to make a play off the ball. Johnny watched as the opposing them was able to get the ball to the middle hitter. His breath caught as you dived for the ball screaming toward the floor. Y/n scooped it up and gave it to the setter. The opposite side rushed to the net and before Johnny knew it the ball hit the floor on the other side of the net. SJHS had taken the point and were now on their way to the State Championship game tomorrow.
He stepped down the bleachers as the team made their way back to the locker room. His notepad crinkled as he stood down the hall from the room he watched the team go into. He needed to speak with a few members for a post he was going to write on tonight’s game and, if he’s optimistic, the state championship game. Johnny looked up as the door swung open and several of the team members came out. Y/n came into his view first, hair hanging down by her shoulders and a smile on her face.
“Hey,” he greeted the group. “Could I get a quick comment from a couple of you about tonight’s game?”
“Sure,” the girl he recognized as the varsity setter grinned a hand resting on her hip. “But please make it short and if you need a picture get my good side.”
Johnny snorted as she turned to the left, “I don’t think I want a sweaty volleyball player as the picture for my article.” He laughed as the girl swatted at him. “Great I need, you,” he pointed to the setter. “J. Lim, and.” He glanced around the group, his eyes settled on Y/n’s, “and M. Lee.” Y/n rolled her eyes and he raised an eyebrow at her, “and this should just take a few minutes. We’ll worry about longer comments after you win the state champs tomorrow.”
tag list: @beyond-gethsemane , @lanadreamie , @michplusb @qianinterprises @jaxminskale @stayctday @nanascupid
*Reposted from previous blog*
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tessisawriter · 4 years
Invisible String, Part 1 (Colton Parayko)
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Request: Can you write an imagine where the reader is John Krasinski’s [niece] but she’s dating Colton Parayko and like she has to breaks the news and John acts mad or something and scares them but then he says he’s joking and he’s fine with it? Thanks
***NOTE***: I changed some details in the last scene b/c I moved the timeline up from October 7 to September 14.
A/N: I’m back! The protagonist is an OC but I decided to call her Y/N instead of giving her an actual name b/c John Krasinski has nieces and/or nephews irl. I already planned the entire plot but idk whether the series will be 2 or 3 parts—I’ll post an update when I know more. This series takes place from March 2018 to June 2019 and is loosely based on Taylor Swift’s “Invisible String.” Here is the playlist.
Warnings: Six swear words, rough breakup, alcohol, loneliness & homesickness
Word Count: 3.4k
March 21, 2018
You were impervious to the mix of pitying and derisive glances from passersby as you sat on the curb. You knew you looked like a cliché, crying in front of a restaurant because your boyfriend broke up with you on your 22nd birthday, but you didn’t care. One question gnawed at you: how had six words upended your seemingly perfect day and relationship?
Your brain was buzzing with activity, wondering if Max had given you any clues that something was amiss. This morning, you woke up in his Cambridge apartment to him singing “Happy Birthday” while kneeling at the side of the bed. As soon as Max finished singing, he kissed you before grabbing his backpack and hurrying out of the room. That didn’t mean anything, though: Max was one of the only seniors to have the misfortune of taking all morning classes because his major was Theater, Dance, and Media. He was also (as usual) running late.
The rest of the day unfolded like any other Wednesday as you followed your schedule of lounging in bed, studying for an hour, going to the sandwich shop across the street for lunch, and heading to campus at 1PM for your classes. Afterwards, you went back to the apartment to find Max waiting there, already dressed for dinner. You quickly showered, curled your long (Y/HC) hair, and changed into a dark green dress and black booties before taking his hand and going to an Italian restaurant in Boston’s North End.
There were no warning signs at dinner, either. In fact, everything was perfect until you were waiting for the check and Max said with a detached look in his eyes, “I think we should break up.”
You didn’t want to relive what happened next, but the images of you acting like Elle Woods when Warner broke up with her in Legally Blonde popped into your head unbidden. You closed your eyes in humiliation and shame as you remembered Max, the man you dated for three years, abandoning you at the table and fleeing the restaurant. The other customers stared at you, some sympathetic, others scandalized, and the rest in pure shock.
You snapped out of the flashback when you felt a large hand rest on your shoulder. You whipped your head around to find a young man with blonde hair and black rimmed glasses squatting next to you on the curb.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
The panic faded as you took in the man’s features. He was definitely in his 20s, probably a few years older than you, and his blue eyes were filled with concern. Something about that concern, though, made you snap.
“Do I look like I’m okay? I mean, come on, look at me!” you demanded while pointing at your face, which you (correctly) assumed had giant black streaks of mascara on it.
You fully expected the man to walk away and leave you be, but he sat down on the curb instead and said, “My bad, that was a stupid question. I’ve got some tissues if you want them?”
That made your attitude soften. He was only trying to help, so you nodded and he handed you a pack of tissues from his pocket. You smiled at him, took the tissues, and wiped your eyes and face. As soon as you were satisfied that they were clean, you broke the silence. “Thank you…?”
“Colton, and it’s no problem. What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You held out your hand for him to shake, which he did. After a pause, you asked: “Why did you stop? Surely you have somewhere better to be tonight.”
He chuckled, and the sound of it made your heart flutter. “I was just heading back to my hotel when I saw you, and I figured I’d stop and make sure you get home safe. That is, assuming you live here?”
“Yeah, I live in Cambridge.” As soon as the words left your mouth, you realized they were no longer true, so you amended your statement. “Well, I lived in Cambridge until about 15 minutes ago when my now ex-boyfriend dumped me. On my fucking birthday.”
“Shit, that sucks. I’m really sorry.” He paused before adding, “I’m assuming he isn’t here.”
“Nope. He hightailed it out of the restaurant as soon as he got his credit card back.”
Colton shook his head. “What a jackass.”
“I know, right? I wasted three whole years with someone who not only broke up with me in a very public setting on my birthday, but also couldn’t be bothered to ask where I would go! He probably assumed I’d go to my parents’ house, but still.”
“Your parents live here?” Colton asked as he fished his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it.
“Yeah, right by Boston Common, why?”
“I’ll get an Uber and drop you off before going back to the hotel.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that,” you protested while going through your bag for your phone. “We just met! I’ll pay.”
“Nonsense. You’ve been through a lot tonight. Let me take care of it.”
You stared into Colton’s eyes and realized he wasn’t going to back down. It took everything in you to suppress your pride, thank him, and provide the address. Colton typed it into his phone, waited for a moment, and said, “The closest one is around the block.”
“That’s good.” Your burst of energy dissipated as quickly as it came, and you fell silent. From the corner of your eye, you saw Colton open his mouth as if to say something before the headlights of a car momentarily blinded you.
“That’s the Uber.” Colton stood up and offered his hand, and you took it. You couldn’t help but notice how well they fit together as he pulled you up and off the curb, but after regaining your balance, something else grabbed your attention: his height.
“Gee, how tall are you? No one’s ever made me feel like a dwarf before,” you joked as he led you to the car, your hands still intertwined.
He chuckled and opened the door for you. You let go of his hand and slid into the car. After Colton slid in next to you and shut the door, he replied, “I’m 6’6” and no one’s ever made me feel like I’m not a giant before. You’re what, 5’10”?”
“6 feet, actually,” you corrected him. “So, where are you from, Colton?”
“St. Albert; it’s just outside Edmonton in Canada, but I’ve been in the States for a while. I went to the University of Alaska in Fairbanks before moving to, uh, St. Louis.”
You noticed Colton’s hesitancy and the fact that he lowered his voice when saying “St. Louis,” and you were about to ask why when you thought better of it. You were protective of your privacy, too, especially whenever people commented about how funny it was that you shared the same last name as John Krasinski. It wasn’t a coincidence—he was your uncle, and the two of you were extremely close—but you went along with it and never corrected them because it wasn’t their business. So, you let it go. “And what brings you to Boston?”
“Work,” he said before changing the subject. “What do you do? Are you still in school or—”
“I’m a senior at Harvard,” you cut him off. You generally didn’t drop the “H-bomb,” as you and your friends called it, with people you didn’t know well, but this was a special case. Colton just confirmed he was hiding something, and after looking at him in better lighting, his face seemed familiar, which weirded you out. You had to get back on equal footing, and the H-bomb almost always unsettled people.
“Wow, you must be really smart,” Colton said, seeming impressed but unphased. You couldn’t help yourself from raising an eyebrow as he asked, “What’s your major?”
“Government. What was yours?”
“Business administration.”
“Ah.” You fell silent again, this time on purpose, as you racked your brain for where you might have crossed paths with Colton. He wasn’t from Boston, not even close, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d seen him before, and recently.
Colton didn’t let you ruminate for long before reviving the conversation. “What do you want to do when you graduate?”
“I’ll be a lawyer one day, but I have to be a paralegal first. I’m looking for jobs right now.”
Before Colton could reply, the car came to a stop. You looked out the window and saw your parents’ townhouse and your childhood home.Your time in the car had flown by, a sensation you rarely, if ever, experienced. And there was something between you and Colton, a connection you couldn’t quite describe, that made you want to spend more time with him. But your time was up. “This is me. It was nice to meet you, Colton, and thanks again for the ride—I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem,” he replied. “I’m glad I found you.”
You were overwhelmed by an intense desire to ask for his number. If only he lived in Boston or somewhere in the Northeast. But he lived in St. Louis, so you moved to open the door, only to feel Colton’s hand wrap around yours and hear him say: “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You turned around and locked eyes with him. It was like being in a trance, and your heartbeat thundered in your ears.
It felt like years, but it was more like a few moments before Colton let go of your hand. “Good luck with the search. I’m sure you’ll find a good job.”
You wanted to let out a sigh of disappointment, but you just said, “Thanks,” and smiled at him before getting out of the car.
The smell of bacon finally lured you out of your bed at noon the next day.
It had been a rough night. The reality of the breakup hit you like a ton of bricks when you rang the doorbell and all but collapsed in your mom’s arms when she answered the door. She brought you over to the couch, where your dad was waiting anxiously. As soon as you sat down, you grabbed your mom and cried for an hour straight as she held you and stroked your hair. You knew Max wasn’t worth your tears, but it had more to do with you. Despite his major, he wasn’t that good of an actor, and yet, he fooled you into thinking he could be your person. You took immense pride in your instincts, but they failed you with Max. How could you have possibly fallen in love with such a heartless person? More terrifying, would you have ended up marrying him a few years down the road if he hadn’t broken up with you?
You didn’t know the answer to either question, so you stopped crying and began venting about how the breakup went down. Your dad almost hit the ceiling after hearing that Max left you at the restaurant, and you had to talk him out of driving to Cambridge to “give that little shit a piece of my mind!” That wasn’t to say you weren’t thinking about revenge, but your dad potentially getting arrested was not helpful. After that, you started crying again, only this time out of frustration, and didn’t stop until you practically passed out on the couch. The last thing you remembered was your parents guiding you up the stairs to your bed.
Thankfully, you had no classes on Thursdays, so you were able to sleep in and be, if nothing else, well-rested. Your stomach rumbled when you smelled the bacon, so you got out of bed and made your way down the stairs to the kitchen, where your parents were sitting at the table and watching the television.
“Ugh, why are you watching the news?” you said as a way of greeting while making a beeline for the bacon.
“Good morning to you, too, sweetheart,” your dad replied. “I’m waiting for the sports report. I missed the game last night and Uncle John wouldn’t tell me the score. He said he’s sorry about, I quote, ‘the scumbag’ and he’ll call you tonight.”
“God, I miss him. And you,” you addressed your mom as you shoveled a load of bacon onto your plate, “are the best.”
“See, honey? I knew bacon would cheer her up,” she said to your dad.
“I didn’t doubt it. Y/N, we have to figure out a time to get your stuff from that piece of shit’s apartment. I’m not letting you go by yourself, but do you want to let him know ahead of time or just show up?”
“Who did the B’s play?” you sat down at the table and changed the subject immediately. You didn’t care about sports, but your dad and Uncle John were major Bruins fans and the mere mention of Max gave you a headache.
“The Blues.”
“Where do they play again?” you asked as you ate your bacon. It had to be a team from the Western Conference, but the only teams you knew there were the Canucks and Blackhawks because they were on your dad’s shit list.
“St. Louis.”
You almost choked on your food. “What?”
“St. Louis, sweetie. You know, the Gateway Arch—”
“Yeah, I know, Mom,” you recovered. “That’s the team Jenna likes, right, Dad?”
“Yes. Shh, here it is!” He didn’t need to tell you twice; you doubted Colton was a professional hockey player, but your curiosity won out as you intently watched the television.
The score flashed on the screen—an OT loss for the Bruins—and your dad groaned. “Ugh, I’ve got to turn this garbage off.”
And suddenly, a few Blues players, including one that looked awfully similar to Colton (albeit without glasses), flashed onto the screen. You didn’t get a good enough look at him to be sure, though, because your dad changed the channel. You let out a noise of frustration.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” your mom asked, and your dad looked like he had the same question when he turned away from the television.
“I’ll text the scumbag and tell him I’m coming this afternoon, if that’s okay with you, Dad,” you said. “I want to get it over with and besides, I need my laptop and textbooks.”
“That’s perfect, sweetheart. The office doesn’t need me today, anyway.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back; my phone’s upstairs,” you called out behind you as you raced back up the stairs. You did not want to text Max, but it was better than telling your dad that the man he praised for making sure you got home last night was potentially part of the team responsible for his beloved Bruins’ loss.
You locked your bedroom door and grabbed your phone to pull up Google and the St. Louis Blues roster. Part of you thought there was no way a professional hockey player actually cared enough to bring you home, but the Blues being in town and one of its members resembling Colton were too many coincidences for your liking. You tapped your foot impatiently as the phone loaded the roster, and you scrolled through the list until you found a name of interest.
“C. Parayko, 55, R, 6’6’’…”
It cut off after that, so you scrolled sideways to see the other information. It left you without a shadow of doubt, but you clicked on the name anyway to view a picture. Colton’s headshot and full first name stared back at you as if they were looking into your soul.
It really was him. You had to have seen him on the little television at the sandwich shop’s register yesterday.
But what did this information mean for you, really, besides discovering his identity? It was nice to know his full name because it confirmed that he was a real person instead of a delusion your reeling mind made up, but it didn’t change one important fact: you lived in Boston and he lived in St. Louis. Barring a radical change in one of your lives, which you didn’t see happening, that was the reality of the situation. It was time to stop dreaming and confront your immediate future.
You pulled up Max’s number and began composing the text which, after several drafts, read: “I’ll be at the apartment today from 3 to 5. My dad’s coming with me, so make yourself scarce. I want my shit back.”
6 months later: September 14, 2018
You were miserable only two weeks after relocating to St. Louis.
It was funny how one phone call could completely change someone’s life. In your case, said phone call involved an extremely attractive job offer with a clear path for advancement within one year. The offers you had received from legal firms in Boston, New York, D.C., and Philadelphia were underwhelming, to say the least, and you were only a week away from graduation. You had already endured a lot of change this year, so why not one more?
After nearly giving your parents a heart attack but ultimately receiving their blessing, you accepted the offer and moved to St. Louis on September 1st. Uncle John had been especially supportive, enlisting Jenna (known by the rest of the world as Pam from The Office) to fly out from L.A. and show you around the city last week. She made sure you knew the ins and outs of the city, which you really appreciated. You also loved your job. You were doing important work every day, and your boss was already hinting at giving you the promotion you wanted. 
So, why were you unhappy? It was your social life, or rather, lack of one. You didn’t know anyone in St. Louis, and while your coworkers weren’t mean, they didn’t make you feel welcome, either.
That seemed to have changed earlier today when two of your desk neighbors who were around your age, Harper and Ellie, invited you out for drinks after work. You couldn’t have been happier. You went home after work, did your hair and makeup, put on your favorite royal blue mini dress, and met them at the dive bar you recommended. You were so excited on the way over that you could barely sit still; maybe you’d make friends with these girls and finally feel like you fit in in this city.
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Harper and Ellie abandoned you within less than five minutes after two guys came over and asked them to dance. You were now sitting at the bar alone, nursing a cocktail and despairing over your situation.
It was times like these when you thought about Colton. It had been six months since you’d met him in Boston, and you didn’t want to risk looking like a lunatic by slipping into his DMs on Instagram, but you were getting desperate. It was bad enough that being from the Northeast made you stick out like a sore thumb, but the loneliness was eating you alive, and the combination made you feel unmoored. Maybe a familiar and friendly face could change that.
As if God had answered your prayers, you heard a commotion near the entrance. You swiveled your stool in that direction and saw a group of tall, good-looking men in their 20s entering the bar. The tallest one had blonde hair and black rimmed glasses.
It was Colton.
Your brain screamed at you to look away and approach him after he settled in, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of him as he laughed at something one of his friends said. It was as if he felt your stare because he suddenly looked in your direction and appeared to gasp.
It was only then that you turned away and faced the bar, drinking the rest of your cocktail in a few gulps. You were so embarrassed; he probably thought you were a stalker or something. You were about to flag down the bartender for another drink when you felt that familiar large hand rest on your shoulder.
You turned your head and found Colton staring at you, his blue eyes full of incredulity and…happiness?
“Y/N. It’s really you,” he breathed.
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jd-arts319 · 3 years
Transformers oc Renegade
Designation: Renegade/Nirenia
(As a Cyber ninja):Cybeswift,Switchblade Former name: Artemis Enigma Nickname:Renny,Switchy,Switcher Age: 20(past)
        26(future) Gender: (Mech, Femme)Femme Status: (Single, Taken)
             Single(past)(before orion(optimus)asked her out)
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Color of Optics:Turquoise
(Others):she has teal & white lumiscient hair that is 2-tone hair,with one white streak on the leftside of her hair
She sports a well endowed & athletic, voluptuous figure with some busty parts,she also has a angelic face(she felt awkward as she remembers only being busty,not voluptuous nor athletic,& she also remembers she is plainly beautiful not exotic type).
Her holoform
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Size: 7ft Alt Mode:triple changer
-sports car(Corvette stingray)
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-jet(windblade & slipstream VTOL alt mode) Speed Limits: - at altitude:Mach 2.35(2,500 km/h,1,550 mph)
-at sea level:1,400 km/h,872 mph Weapon(s): - multi-changing staff(an ancient relic of unknown origins,but believe to be forge by solus prime) -Energon fan(special),scythe,daggers
As Cyberninja
-enegron fan
-hidden blades & weapons
Fighting style:-Panzer kunst,Krav Maga,aikido,Brazilian jiu Jitsu,jeet kune do
Universe: (G1, Animated, Prime, Beast wars, Beast Machines, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Bayverse,RID,Cyberverse)
-All of them
-Main:Transformers Animated
-she use Aura(Mana) as her basic power,her minors but common power are telepathy,telekinesis,teleportation/spatial,divine prediction & recognition,however their is one uncanny power that she used,but is came from the spectral meter pendant given by vector prime,she recognize it as sci twi’s pendant from mlp eg friendship games.
Faction: (Autobot, Deceptcion, Neutral, Own creation)
-Neutral(but is part of N.E.X.U.S team,she can either stay at autobots or decepticon)
-Autobot Neutral
-(alt.universe)decepticon Primary Class Function:Triple changer,Cyberninja (point one percenter) Secondary Class Function:Warrior,scientist
As Cyberninja:Warrior,espionage,scout
Subroutine Function:Mystery Personality: - an enigma,at first she is seen apathetic,impulsive,dumb & is nihillistic,but once she is focused she is very intelligent,cunning,calm,sassy,kind,nice,sweet,& empathetic,her attitude towards things but she is very much like ratchet except,unlike him she results in more passive-agressive way,she is shown to have at least patience,undersganding & consideration,aside that she will be protective to those who wormed their way into her spark,not only that but she deosn’t easily keeps promise because she knows their some promises aren’t eash to keep.
she has a humorous side as she likes bad puns & good jokes,aside from it their are times she comes off arrogant or who doesn't care but deep down she shows she cares,she isn’t fond of attention as she is currently self-aware who she really is,but she is rather uncanny of her unique abilities & talents.
(there times she questions why optimus end up choosing her among the three well-known femmes as she tries not to have his attention but alas is inevitable,but in other universe,she is a bit like pearl from steven universe,despite she done everything for optimus,he ends up choosing someone else & this cause her to feel ignored,she is now comping of moving on from him & their war all together ) Background story: when she was just a human,who likes anime,transformers etc. & many other things,but suddenly she was transmigrated into a cybertronian,it turns out the primes & primus,saw something in her as she understood about the lives of transformers & their each different unique aspects of their lives in the continuity,because of it she is transmigrated in tfa,as she woken up as artemis & unknown to her,she was gonna change everything.
She soon starts her life slowly as she tries not to get attention from others,but after saving bumblebee from wasp & ironhide up to offering a friendship to orion,she soon gain others attention as she slowly curses of herself,she did not realize she had taken the spark of a certain handsome blue & red truck bot.
As time pass she gain more attention from others as she tries to live her life peacefully while having some odd misunderstandings occurs.
Optimus prime
-great friends/lovers(<in another community),met earlier years before the show begins,she & him become really great friends to one another,however at the starts of the show,she enters the autobot boot camp after optimus enter first,she caught every mechs attention including sentinel,she also met elita who once had the reputation of being the most beautiful & intelligent femme in the boot camp,until she came but she stays close to optimus most of the time,however the arch 7 incident begun & because she wasn’t there at the time,despite knowing what happened she couldn’t help,even though she admits to the three she felt something is not right,it happend & she helps him trying to recover while she gave sentinel a visible dent under his chin,fast years go by she is now in 2nd command of ultra magnus.
Optimus really care for her than he thought because she still believes in him more than anyone else.
(in another timeline ren & optimus are together,but mostly i others she just mostly friends with him)
Bumblebee & Bulkhead:
-friends & respect with admiration,,when she was the sergeant in the boot camp,she always help both bumblebee & bulkhead out of trouble everytime both wasp & ironhide(she saw hope in him),including sentinel who in turn cant talk back to her,she once told wasp if he keeps it up with his bullying he will get karma,months later wasp was arrested for something he didn't do,while ren felt she knew something might happen & after this she once talked to bumblebee about this & said ominously”once you saw wasp again,give me a call,kay?”she gave him a special device to call her,bumblebee still clueless as to why but ren did help him & bulkhead out all time so he kinda owe her,years now when he saw wasp remembering her words he called her & she helps the two,bulkhead admire & respect her because she was the only one who believes in him.
The two are grateful to her & they respect her more than ultra & sentinel.
Prowl & ratchet:
-Friends & respect,prowl had once met her as she was training under yoketron,he thought she was one of those snobbish nobles,however he was proven wrong when she shows tactic & precise through training,over time of their training the two gain each other respect,on the endgame with her help she & prowl manage to save the allspark,Ratchet on the other hand it was a different story,while she may asked for a personal training in medical,but im truth it took awhile for the two to grown each other,she was the one who keeps on a tab on arcee’s state,hearing this he decided to to be acquainted with her & soon they become at least good friends.
They are fine with her,especially since she always helps them.
Sentinel prime:
-love-hate relationship,while the two are torn because of sentinel actions,there are a times they end up acting like they used to,still she was still pissed at him.
Elita one/Blackarachnia:
- same with sentinel,she & elita are once close but the arch 7 incident happens & when meet again their friendship torns apart,while blackarachnia snarky tries to still pins the blame on optimus,Ren decided to give her a run down on everything,reminding her that she also the one insisted,experimented on others,nearly trying to kill others & especially others,she told her that its makes her monster not because of her appearance but mostly her actions,she also remind her she almost have to be saved by optimus far too many times,however she have a little faith on elita.
-Respect,friends-regardless of their factions,he owes her his life,,it was unknown how the two meet or why,but both stayed in touch most of the time,there isn't much of information about it.
-Friends,Respect-she saved him before she enters the autobot boot camp,she found his bleeding in a planet where he suppsoed to start his mission but in a unfortunate time,he was bitten by a scraplet,while he kiled the scraplet he was bleeding,she found him & fixed his bitten part of his body & the two become acquintained,to its whether or not she knew he was decepticon.
Strengths: - her friends
-her powers
-the people she cares for
-self-awareness Weakness: - her mind
-her friends
-her empathy
-self-awareness Family: - she was forged & was taken care by the Enigma house -she is a Crescente
-her parents in house of Enigma,is Axel Enigma & Copper 
Friends: - Orion pax/Optimus prime(friends/lovers(?),bumblebee,bulkhead,thundercracker,skywarp(she questions why),starscream(this one as well),Megatron(back then,she don’t know about now(tfp & idw),shockwave,lugnut,blitzwing(bruh??),
Enemies: -tfa(sentinel,council,blackarachnia(mutual)---0
-IDW TF(black block consortia,djd,overlord,sentinel---) Favorite Quotes to say: - “....i still think they are cybertronians regardless of their factions,they are like us in many ways of ones,we aren’t that different to begin with”(about the decepticons,autobots,& humans with aliens) Other: (other things about the character) -she was a Crescente & she doesn’t remember her real name,but her bracelet number code is SW1TCH814D3 she is fond of this name but she doesn’t use it,but she was always called Ren,Switchblade was her secondary name & nickname from her full name she can’t remember
-the “Celestyn”was her middle like all her ancestors starts from her 1st ancestor who had Celests,as their middle name
-”Crescente” was named after the moon,they history of their name & family is still mystery
-she has a counterpart who is a cyber ninja known as Cyberswift,born from enigma house & is the student of dai atlas
-she mostly use the energon fan given by dai atlas,who said it was made for her
-she has kids with optimus prime,their name is ortensia,a girl & artemis,a boy,they only exist in tfp & tfa au,rescue bots & rescue bots academy
-their relationship between ren & optimus,is portrayed as romantic in some transformers community & but their relationship is complete platonic in others
-her main universe is tfa & tfp
-the name “enigma”is special since it was rare to have “enigma”part of your name,it was name of the family she is”born”in
-some other universe,megatron becomes her lover instead,they had a kid named terminus
-her real name is Nirenia but changed into renegade,she still kept her real name though
-her nickname”Ren”is shared with the creator(me)regardless of her creator is sometimes called”rei”,but whenever the creator is referred to their other name”Ren”,renegade can be referred by her other names
-she is a point one precenter
-her cyberninja side has an extra but short bio about them
-she is the only one had two counterparts,her real-self & her cyberninja form
-Switchblade was someone else name.
Her other forms
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
-rescue  bots
-rescue bots academy
-bayverse! 1&2 vers.
Renegade (c) me
Transformers(all media types) (c) Hasbro,michale Bay
27 notes · View notes
stillness-in-green · 4 years
The MLA(/PLF) Headcanon Post (1/2)
In response to this nice ask about whether I have any headcanon or thoughts about the current members of the MLA/PLF, I spent two weeks blithering 16.5K words of exactly that into a Word file, because when it comes to underappreciated characters I love, I do not understand restraint.  This post and its follow-up will cover all ranked ex-MLA members of the PLF, as well as Original Flavor Destro and Curious, since I wasn't going to leave them out of a project like this even if they aren't "current."
The ask only mentioned having previously read The Lore Post, the last exercise in ridiculousness that I wrote at the tail end of MLA Week, so I wrote this to summarize everything that doesn't appear there—which is to say that a lot of the material in these two posts will look familiar to anyone who's read my fanfic about the MLA cast.  There’s still plenty of new material to go around too, though!
So, I don't have much in the vein of askblog-style headcanons where I can randomly tell you stray trivia about a character’s favorite foods or their love languages or what have you; that stuff either comes up when I'm writing fanfic or it doesn't.  That said, below, please find a mix of thoughts I keep in mind when writing characters, facts that have only turned up in my fanfic/notes so far and not the Lore Post meta, and a selection of lightning round headcanon provided by cross-referencing a random number generator with some old questionnaires I keep around for OCs and tabletop characters.
In this post: Destro, Re-Destro and his advisors, and Geten.
General Thoughts The whole "revolutionary leader" thing came very naturally to him. He was committed, charismatic, very willing to risk his life and safety for the cause, and he cared about his people. All that said, he absolutely had a pompous, prideful streak, especially where it came to his justification for terrorism.  You only have to read his own words to see that.  Still, he was in large part reacting to the world he lived in, one of greater violence and danger than the current day. 
I like to think that—because he was genuine in wanting freedom for all—he would not approve of what became of his Army.  He'd be able to see how they got there, and he would probably have made much the same choices if he'd been there with them, but while he would have agreed that his role should be remembered—that's just Due Credit—he would never have wanted to become the nigh-on religious figure his followers turned him into. Continuing to fight the good fight for his ideals is one thing, but secret salutes and isolated villages and being raised from infancy to know your life has only as much worth as it can contribute to Liberation…  Well, it's just not what he would have wanted for his people, much less his descendants. 
Family Situation Chikara was only around 7 when his mother was killed, the event that would shape the rest of his life.  He wasn't hiding in the closet from the mob, either; he was kicking and punching and biting, his motivation to save her overflowing—but he was still only 7, and eventually overwhelmed.  His own life might well have ended there with hers, but for a group of neighborhood vigilante types (at least one of whom probably went on to a career as a hero, after legalization).
He went most of his adolescence without getting involved with anything more sinister than student newspapers, founding a secret meta-rights "club," and attending the odd larger protest, but when the government started talking about passing laws restricting the use of meta-abilities, he started getting very radical very quickly, and when some absolute snake started to use his martyred mother's words to bang the drum for banning quirk use outside the home outright, he went off the deep end.
Lightning Round (Randomly Selected Headcanons)
Favorite book genre?  Memoirs and biographies—he wouldn't have written his own if he didn't appreciate their value.  The intimacy of the personal juxtaposed against the broad scope of history appeals to both his regard for individuality and his revolutionary mindset.
Most prized possession?  Thoughts on material possessions in general?   He doesn’t generally prize material possessions—in fact, he’s something of a skinflint.  His most prized possession is an old pair of gloves that belonged to his mother, which he'd been wearing at the time of her murder.  He didn't come from money to begin with, but his mother’s story made enough of a splash that his financial situation was improved by well-meaning sorts sending along donations and contributions and the like, as well as government officials knowing they needed to be sure that he wound up somewhere at least semi-reasonable lest they court further outrage by mishandling the son of a martyred woman.  The money all went towards school and living expenses, though, leaving him quite experienced at balancing a budget, which would come in handy for that whole ‘leading a violent uprising against the state’ thing later on.
Academic Background: Got all the way through college!  Was involved in student groups as far back as middle school, and only got moreso the further in school he got.  Majored in Human Development; he was intending to go into the public health and policy sphere before the appropriation of his mother's language pissed him off so much he got into terrorism instead.
General Thoughts A huge amount of the way I write him is influenced by one single thing—his characterization as described in the second data book.  His personality is summed up there as "sokoshirenai yami"—bottomless darkness, or, as a friend translated it for me, "unfathomable gloominess."  That really, really stuck with me, because on the one hand, it's so opposed to virtually all of what we see of him on the page, where he's being cheerful or scornful or sycophantic; the closest he ever gets are his brief tears for Miyashita, Curious, and his other followers.
On the other hand, it makes so much sense that the man we see—the man who talks about the heavy burdens of his legacy, who was handed that legacy when he couldn't possibly have been any older than 6 or so, who willingly straps on a self-designed torture device to wring out more power, who all but worships the ground Shigaraki walks on even though Shigaraki is the reason Re-Destro no longer has legs to walk that same ground with—should be "unfathomably gloomy."  Of course he's gloomy!  He was never allowed to be his own person!  He has never in his life known true freedom, only existed as a vessel to bring that freedom to others!  And he can't really even talk to his closest friends about it, because his closest friends are still his followers, and he wouldn't want to weigh them down!
With that context, it makes all the sense in the world that he'd be so devoted to the man who relieved him of that burden.
Family Situation He loved his mother Yukie a great deal, despite knowing from early on that he was carrying the weight of the title because she believed she couldn’t.  (Perhaps growing up hearing about the martyrdom of Destro’s mother left him wanting to ensure the happiness of his own, for her happiness was very rare.)  He was 10 when she was killed in a Villain attack; she’d been on a daytrip over to a neighboring city to visit some of her erstwhile school friends.  The requisite mourning period was 49 days, and as the only surviving family member, quite a lot fell to him even before considerations of his role as Re-Destro.  it was perceived as better—for both the Army’s morale and for his own stability—for him to be involved with as much of the work of transition as possible, but obviously he couldn’t do it completely alone, nor should he.  Thus, for two months after Yukie’s death, the previous generation's Sanctum[i] stayed with him in his family home. Afterward, he moved in with Anchor (one of his grandfather's advisors), where he would spend the rest of his young adulthood until moving away for college.
Claustrophobia The name of that literal-iron-maiden deathtrap he brings to bear against Shigaraki is no coincidence: Rikiya developed claustrophobia over the course of a stint of abusive training when he was thirteen. He generally has a pretty good handle on disguising it, thanks to a combination of people being unwilling to ask him questions they don’t actually want the answers to and the fact that he had to learn how to operate through it in order to complete the training at all. He has never told anyone, largely because he’s never been able to recognize that it was abuse, and so his abuser remains a figure of some influence.
Education He was largely taught by private tutors, in his home and in theirs, rather than attending school, but I think he probably wasn't completely home-schooled.  Particularly once he'd decided that he did want to attend university—and not just some little local technical program, but a major school in a proper city—he probably attended classes a few times a week at his local high school just to get a feel for being around other people his own age. He'd been friends with Koku for several years by that point, otherwise he probably would have been pretty hopeless, but he was still a pretty odd duck by the time he got to university.
This, incidentally, is why he never pushed Geten too hard about school—his own experience of it was so weird and piecemeal that he mostly thinks of school as relevant only for the education it provides, and less so the crash course in social dynamics.  Since Geten doesn't care about getting an education (nor, indeed, about learning how not to be a rude little troll), and has a strong enough quirk that he'll never lack for a position in the Army even without a formal education, Rikiya is perfectly happy to let Geten have his way and just be minimally learnèd.
Stress His powers operate by infusing his body with the characteristic black matter of his manifested stress; he can increase his size with this (his so-called Liberated Form isn't just armored up; he becomes physically taller and bulkier), as well as throw handfuls of the materialized power.  A side effect of this is that his stress can also infuse itself into his bodily fluids. The stress matter is a highly dense particulate, so if Rikiya is not in proper control of himself, his proverbial blood, sweat and tears can be literally heavy with the weight of his power.
The Value of Life He cares very much about the lives of his followers, but those genuine feelings are filtered through both the mental compartmentalization required by an emotion-based quirk, and an upbringing that taught him to care about his underlings in the same way one would rare goods.  Valuable goods, certainly, goods worth being proud of, goods to be maintained with care, but still, ultimately, things that can be sold or traded or bartered off as necessary to further one's goals.  Even his own life, while "objectively" the most valuable of them all, isn't an exception to that policy—the Great Cause is more important than any individual life, up to and including his own.
On a Personal Note He’s something of an obvious weirdo to outsiders—his enthusiasm comes off as strident, his smiles overly polished—but despite that, he's bizarrely hard to dislike once they start spending real time with him.  He's not anywhere near as prideful about himself as he is the legacy of the MLA, for a start; he's actually pretty self-deprecating when he's not performing the whole Heir of Destro's Great Bloodline routine at people.  He's also happy to go along with other people sharing their hobbies (because he doesn't have any of his own).  The more you get to know him, the more obvious it becomes that he's a total basket case, but “total basket case” is still an improvement over “self-absorbed 1%-er CEO” that people like Spinner come in expecting.
What Are Boundaries? He has very little understanding of how to enforce boundaries around his private life, or, indeed, of why such boundaries might ever be necessary.  Oh, he can do the double life thing, keep the CEO of Detnerat separate from the Grand Commander of the Metahuman Liberation Army, but when it comes to the MLA itself, he's so groomed to devote himself to the cause that he doesn't really distinguish between the responsibilities of Re-Destro and the needs of Yotsubashi Rikiya.  Rather than being the egomaniac you might expect of a man with the absolute power over others he has, he instead struggles to assert himself as his own person at all.
Issues with boundaries are not uncommon with the MLA—they're all raised to see themselves as warriors to advance the cause before they are, like, “human beings”—but Rikiya’s are particularly exacerbated because he was raised by adults who were getting pretty paranoid about his bloodline's tendency to die young, and thus were always checking in on how he was doing, dictating his schedule, weighing in on his plans, and so on.  He just wasn’t raised with reasonable expectations for privacy.  Even as an adult, he'll give his apartment door code to pretty much anyone in the MLA who has even a semi-plausible reason to want it—certainly quite a few of the elders know it!  And it isn’t only the elders, either; Rikiya's phone and several of his accessories carry tracking chips courtesy of Skeptic, which Rikiya knows about and doesn't think is at all untoward.
While his experience dating Koku definitely taught him some hard lessons about how much he could allow himself to ask of people who would obey him without question (they broke up over Rikiya’s realization that Koku would never deny him anything, thanks to a cracked rib Koku didn’t see fit to tell Rikiya about until Rikiya hugged him a little too hard), he never learned how to value his own autonomy in turn.  Oh, he's the Grand Commander, and everyone around him has been raised to venerate his bloodline, so most of them would never even think about trying to take advantage of him as such, but it's absolutely the case that people who are bold or familiar enough to try can basically run right over him with minimal efforts made at obscuring the fact.  His life is full of people who do and have done exactly that, some to a net positive effect, and some—well.  See again the entry about his claustrophobia.
The abjectly terrible state of his sense of self-worth is also the reason the Claustro exists.  While he was relatively capable of trying to work around his phobia when he was younger, the older he got, the more it started to feel like leaving doors cracked behind him or only working in offices with big spacious floor plans and oversized windows was, in some way, Letting Down The Cause by allowing his fear to control him, rather than embracing it so he could properly stockpile it for later use.  A dinnertime chat with Curious about turning one’s trauma into a weapon for the good of others catalyzed this, leading to the development of the “burden-enhancing steel pressure mechanism,” Claustro. 
(It also means the clone of him made by Twice to handle Detnerat after Deika is bizarrely okay with its circumstances, which I will almost certainly write more about one of these days, but I’m still kind of reeling from that reveal, so more on that another time.)
Lightning Round
Religion?   He doesn't identify as being of a religious faith, but he was brought up in the same peaceful marriage of Shinto and Buddhism that the majority of Japanese people are, and like many, he adheres to a number of traditional practices more out of habit than devout faith.  There are two celebrations that demand significant emotional investment from him.  First comes the New Year's celebrations, important because the MLA prides itself on looking to a brighter, freer future, and it's a period when he can let himself think that maybe he'll be just that little bit closer to Liberation by the end of the year than he was at the start.  Second is Obon, a summer festival for honoring one's departed ancestors. Since his authority and his life's work derive entirely from his bloodline, he's obligated to care about this one, though in practice, he tends to shy away from thinking much about Destro (who he has very twisted-up feelings about indeed) in favor of less emotionally fraught waters.
What did he dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?   He never really had a significant period where he thought about being e.g. an astronaut or a doctor or a hero; in fact, it came as something of a surprise to him the first time Koku asked him what he was planning to do when he grew up.  He always just had the nebulous expectation of, "Be the Grand Commander," and the elders were happy to leave it at that until he brought it up on his own.[ii]  
How does he behave around children? He likes kids!  He’s wistful about the freedom enjoyed by happy children while also being sympathetic to ones that seem overly burdened.  He’s not the most natural person in the world with them, but most of them can tell that the awkwardness comes from a well-intentioned place, and will treat him as a funny-looking man who’ll let them bother him at length without getting mean.  It turns out he’s actually pretty good with them, then, if only by virtue of being easily bullied.  (This, notably, goes for non-MLA-affiliated children.  Everything’s much more formal within the cult, though it didn’t Geten long to suss out the “easily-bullied” part, either.)
General Thoughts The largest factor in how I write Koku is, of course, the headcanon that he and Rikiya are ex-lovers, and neither of them is 100% over it even all these years later.  Beyond that, though, Koku is the most temperate of the group, the one with the most easy charisma (MLA members are more swayed by Re-Destro, but Koku does better with outsiders who aren't predisposed to hanging on Rikiya's every word).  He strives to come off as The Sensible One, and given the extremes the rest of the inner circle are capable of, it's not hard for him to maintain that title.  He's as messed up as any of them, though, second only to Rikiya in levels of childhood grooming.  He thinks of himself as a practical man, but he is deeply indoctrinated, the boundaries of his expectations very much defined by his upbringing, so he never really sees it coming when he gets clobbered by something from out of left field.
Family Situation: Koku has the largest family of the identified members.  Aside from his grandfather (called Old Man Hanabata, the founder of the Hearts & Minds Party, and passed away by the canon era), Koku has cousins, nieces, nephews and more, courtesy of his uncle, his older sister and her husband, and other extended family.
He’s also the member most accustomed to wealth, power and influence.  He's from a rural area, certainly, but being in a family of hereditary politicians (and with that family not suffering a string of untimely deaths and disappearances like Rikiya's did), he was raised from the start with ready access to money and nice things.  Still, for all his family's sway in a major branch of the MLA's operations, they're not First Families, and thus don't have any elders in their ranks, making them still somewhat subordinate to said elders when it comes to orders about the Great Cause.  (He’s working on it.)
Meeting Re-Destro Koku and Rikiya met at 12 and 10 respectively, when Koku tagged along with Old Man Hanabata for a meeting RD was likewise accompanying Anchor for.  It had been the better part of a year since Rikiya's mother passed away, but he was still strikingly melancholy for a boy that age, which—along with all the weight given to the importance of the meeting—left quite an impression on Koku.  Koku thus became Rikiya's first real friend in his own age group, a friendship heartily encouraged by everyone around them.  Koku was well-behaved, intelligent, a little older but not too much so, and set to become influential without a danger of becoming too influential; he was seen as a good choice for a friend.[iii]
The Break-Up Painful as it was at the time, there was a silver lining to his and RD's post-college break-up: it got Koku out of the elders' pocket.  He’s been groomed for one thing or another all his life, but after he became friends with Rikiya, he was always getting leaned on to report back to the First Families about how Re-Destro was doing, and to try to influence him towards actions the First Families approved of.  In a very real sense, Koku was part of the apparatus keeping Rikiya from any real freedom.  Their break-up and subsequent estrangement meant that the elders had far less to breathe down Koku's neck about, and by the time they reconciled, Trumpet had gotten his feet under him, as had Re-Destro, and they were both better able to fend off such background meddling.
This doesn't mean Trumpet's not still carrying a torch, however.  He thought he was handling his long-banked feelings pretty well—being Professional, being the advisor Re-Destro needed and as much a friend as Rikiya would allow—right up until Rikiya scared the life out of him by nearly dying in Deika.  He's all but glued himself to Rikiya since, as much as he can get away with given their respective responsibilities.
As an Advisor Other than leading the HMP, he does some work with internal politics and reputation. It's not, strictly speaking, his actual job as advisor—Re-Destro or the elders would probably be sought for more formal or critical mediations—but he and the people who report directly to him do enough travelling around to see constituents that they're often in a position to field those tensions before they get big enough to require attention from higher up.  Koku's happy to do so, in fact—not because he just loves handling petty arguments about resources, but because the HMP is a faction of the MLA in and of itself, and mediating is a boost to that faction's standing and autonomy.  (Also, it's that much less on Rikiya's ever-overburdened plate.)
Lightning Round
What would he do if he needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?Ahahahahaha, “make dinner but the kitchen was busy,” please.  Any time there could feasibly be someone else occupying a kitchen he has any business being in himself, it would be a housekeeper, and s/he would be making food for him/his family.  It’s not as though Trumpet has never cooked—he did live alone for some years after school—but outside of a scant few years in university, there’s never really been a time that kitchen use overlap would have been a problem for him. 
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging. Probably gourmet cuisine, especially imported stuff. He’s had tailored clothes all his life; they’re just part of the job.  Expensive alcohol also doesn’t wow him; it wouldn’t be strange to find some sake maker whose family has been doing it for sixteen generations in the village he grew up in.  It’s a lot harder to cultivate a true gourmand’s palate out in the sticks, though, no matter how rich your family is.  Living in actual civilization affords a great deal more variety—and anyway, nice dinners are one of the few things he can reliably tempt Rikiya into accepting.  As to his feelings about indulging in general, he’s broadly For It.  He works very hard, he seldom gets real time off, and it doesn’t help the Great Cause for him to deny himself nice things, unlike some people.  (He’s maybe a bit bitter.)
Does he like to be the center of attention all of the time? Not especially.  Oh, he’s very good at it, certainly, and he doesn’t dislike it, but being the center of attention is practically always going to be tied up in The Great Work, so he desperately needs to get out of the spotlight from time to time, if only to be able to turn off the persona.
General Thoughts There are two main factors in how I write Chitose: her practicality and her rapaciousness.  I write her as having an appreciation for good moral character in other people, especially when it makes a good story, but not considering herself particularly bound by conventional morality: her moral compass is Liberation, and she follows it unswervingly.  I also write her as predatory, lusty about a lot of things, often to the point of overstepping.  It doesn't hurt anyone that she likes hearty foods and strong alcohol, but she also doesn't have much regard for peoples' boundaries, and even less so when she thinks they have something to offer the Great Cause.
While that trait isn't without its benefits, it can get pretty ugly, too, as we see in how she treats, and talks to, Toga.  Even with Rikiya, the only person she thinks of as 'above' her in any meaningful sense, she's not at all above manipulation.  She's respectful of him, but knows him too well to always take him at his word.  He plainly can't always see what's best for him, but what's best for him is best for Liberation, and therefore, as a Liberation warrior, it's her responsibility to sometimes make decisions for him.  He'll appreciate it in the long run—he always does.  (Skeptic and Geten have similar views—Rikiya makes it easy.)
Family Situation She probably has the best actual relationship with her family of the group—her mothers are removed enough from the heart of MLA politics that her relationship with Rikiya doesn't color her family life the way Koku's does his, and she's much more sociable than Skeptic or Geten.  She doesn't get home much—just the major holidays, work permitting—but she's in frequent enough communication for a grown woman, and chats with her younger sister more often than that.
Meeting Re-Destro She met Rikiya properly when they were 21 and 27 respectively.  They were living in the same city at the time (him running Detnerat, her in university), so of course she'd seen him at the odd MLA event he turned up at, but when she landed an internship in her junior year, she cheekily turned up one day in her reporter capacity to interview him as “a local rising star of industry.”  It was the first chance they'd had to talk one-on-one, and would not be the last, as she frankly elbowed her way into his life and gradually sussed out that here was a man with Problems.  He and Koku were still in a distant patch at the time; she is largely responsible for getting them back on friendly terms as a way of showing her Pure Intentions.
The fact that her Pure Intentions both land her a square position as one of RD's advisors herself and get Rikiya to a better place emotionally is calculated, but not, therefore, untrue.  Ironically, while she was concerned about looking like a gold-digger, the MLA elders were probably thrilled and relieved to hear rumors that Rikiya was getting romantically involved again.  And with a lovely young MLA woman!  They wouldn't even need to worry about surrogacy arrangements!  (Not having grown up around the Yotsubashis, Chitose is unaware of exactly how pointed an interest the elders take in the matter of securing that bloodline.)
Feelings Today She loves Rikiya dearly, and prizes his regard more highly than anything in her life, but has not devoted much thought to the idea of being in love with him. She's married to her work, as they say, but she's also keenly aware that Rikiya would, for a great many reasons, be a lot of work to be in love with.  She's decided it's generally better for his mental well-being, and therefore also better for the Great Cause (she’s much more capable of reading that relationship reciprocally than Rikiya is), to make sure he's eating at least one good meal a week and getting some proper socialization in outside of MLA meet-and-greets.
As an Advisor She handles external politics and reputation--it's her job to prime Japan culturally for the Liberation agenda in ways more wide-reaching than Trumpet (he's head of a political party, and that's not nothing, but that party is still a small minority on the floor of the Diet).  She pulls attention to stories that benefit the MLA, and diverts attention from stories that don't.  This is far broader than just publishing Destro's memoir; it also means poking holes in the broader Hero Society narrative.  She does this by providing as broad a platform possible for stories about the tragedies of excessive regulation, the evils of quirk-related bias, the abuses of power heroes are capable of, and so on.
Lightning Round
Does she remember names or faces easier? She’s quite good with both, actually, but I’d give names the advantage because she works primarily with written rather than visual mediums.  (Also, BNHA names being the ridiculous puns that they are, you can probably tell more about a person in HeroAca Land by analyzing their name than their face anyway.) 
Is she more concerned with defending her honor, or protecting her status? Her status, absolutely.  Impugning her honor hurts no one but her; she can laugh that off because honor is a silly social construct anyway.  Threatening her status is a much more dangerous prospect—her status is long-cultivated to enable the advancement of Liberation ideology; it lets her keep an eye on Re-Destro, who needs as many people looking out for him as he can get; it’s what she’s worked for all her life. Curious will fuck you up if you threaten her status.
In what situation was she the most afraid she’d ever been? The time she got in trouble for nearly exploding some dude’s face off for stealing her purse.  She was 17, had spent very little time in non-Liberated territory before, and was not raised to wait on heroes to solve her problems.  She wasn’t afraid of the thief or the hero, really, but she was completely terrified that she might have just blown over half a century of secrecy by not performing Helpless Civilian well enough. The terror was pretty convincing to the police interviewing her about it, anyway.  On the whole, it was a very valuable learning experience!  
General Thoughts Tomoyasu is a character I haven't written extensively yet, but what I think is most interesting about him so far is the contrast of his hyper-modern methods with the bone-deep zealotry for the cause.  See, Rikiya, Koku and Chitose all grew up in the sticks; Rikiya and Koku had money from a young age, but it was old money, tied up in trusts.  (Geten didn't have any of those, but Geten's a different story for other reasons.)  Tomoyasu grew up in a major city from the start; he was a technological prodigy from practically as soon as he could hold a tablet.  He has very little respect for the old ways of doing things when he knows there are newer, better ways of advancing the Cause. However, none of that makes him more likely to break from the MLA's ranks—if anything, his idiosyncratic approach just causes him to approach Liberation in really weird ways, ways no one else would ever come up with.
Pressganging Bubaigawara Jin based on a plan to clone Re-Destro?  Who else would that ever even occur to, much less such that it became the basis for an elaborate psychological assault?  But that's Skeptic in a nutshell—respect the old for what it did at the time, but don't think that means you have to use the same methods they did forever as you pick up the torch to carry it forward.
Family Situation He has an amicable but not intimate relationship with his family.  His parents are very proud of what he's done for the cause and how he won the confidence of Re-Destro, but they don't make much claim to understand how his mind works.  In turn, he recognizes the value of their support over the years—he certainly made a lot of waves with his unabashed venom for the MLA leadership's hidebound traditionalism, and his parents' staunch backing meant a lot for him being able to take the stands he did—but is not very emotionally close with them.  Might find himself with an older brother, if I ever occasion to write about his family situation in more depth.
Education He graduated a four-year university program for getting his computer science degree in two very intense years, during which he did virtually nothing for the Great Cause, his intention being to better position himself for maximum ability to advance Liberation afterward.  See above re: battles his parents fought for him while he was busy modernizing.
Meeting Re-Destro He met Re-Destro via Curious.  He was 22, just a year out of university and already climbing the chain of command at a young telecommunications company.  Rikiya was 33, working on the Claustro, and needed proprietary comms built to a higher standard of security than Detnerat was focused on.  Curious, who was always better positioned to be keeping up with the local personalities, introduced them.
Tomoyasu attempted to keep a civil tongue in his head the first few times he and RD met, but he'd been running on bile and energy drinks for years by that point and was hard-pressed to stop just because he was meeting his Grand Commander.  If anything, finding out that Rikiya was okay with his direction and his mouth eventually helped him chill the fuck out, marginally.
On that note, Skeptic is absolutely the advisor most willing to backtalk Rikiya right to his face.  (Rikiya loves him for it.)  Oh, he'll still accede to Rikiya's wishes, and Re-Destro's orders are his highest priority, but that doesn't mean he feels obligated to be diffident about it.  Like Curious, he has a highly developed sense of, "It's fine if it's for the greater good," which will and has led to him taking things into his own hands when he thinks he knows best (which is always).  He's not going to explicitly disobey orders, but he will creatively interpret them if he feels strongly about them, and he will try to "anticipate" orders before anyone has time to give him specific ones, the better to tailor his efforts towards proving his methods and goals correct rather than being stuck with orders he hates.
On Names I’ve definitely evolved some in my approach on this since I started writing the MLA cast, but at current, Skeptic and Geten are the only ones I consistently write as using and thinking mainly in terms of code names rather than given names.  Trumpet is too familiar with the public/private divide, and has too much intimate history with Rikya-the-person, to default to Re-Destro; Curious is too trained to look for The Human Heart of the Story.  Re-Destro himself, ever since breaking up with Koku, has always tried to use code names for people (himself excluded, because he has enormous self-confidence issues about measuring himself up to the original Destro), but can slip into given names when he’s vulnerable.  To Skeptic and Geten, though, the code name is the real name, for all intents and purposes.  The cover identity is a fake; the whole point of the code name is that you’re proving yourself worthy of taking up your proper place in the Army.  Of course the name you win for yourself is the name that counts.
Lightning Round
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? You’d pretty much have to lock him in a room with nothing but paper and pencil in it for that to be his first resort rather than whatever item of personal electronics he’d otherwise have on his person.  But assuming some actual plausible scenario—couldn’t bring his electronics into a government building, let’s say—he would find trying to do something productive on paper and pencil rather beneath him, and he’s an inveterate fidgeter.  I mostly see him folding that ludicrously tall frame of his into a chair and setting to using the pencil to poke about three hundred holes in the sheet of paper, meticulous and orderly, while muttering complaints to himself the whole time until something annoys him a bit too much and he jabs the whole pencil through the page. 
Who does he see as his best friend?  His worst enemy? I headcanon him having a very reasonable, functional, productive relationship with his No. 1 advisor, Red, and being reasonable, functional, and productive probably goes a lot farther on making you Skeptic’s “friend” than any amount of emotional intimacy.  But “best friend” is not really the kind of language Skeptic uses for his relationships; if you were to ask him who his best friend is, he’d probably tell you, “Iced coffee.”  As to his worst enemy, that’s just whoever is annoying him most on any given day, from difficult clients, to people annoying Re-Destro, stodgy elders, that hero grinning like a tool, that couple walking too slow in front of him on the sidewalk, etc. And Skeptic is pretty proactive about dealing with enemies, as much as he can be.
Has he ever been bitten by an animal? How was he affected (or unaffected)? lol he is a city boy and always has been.  He probably tried to pet a stray cat once out of curiosity, and because it seemed like the sort of thing people did, and then has never forgiven Animals In General when it bit him and then ran off. 
General Thoughts Another one I haven’t written a great deal about yet, particularly in the present day, though I’m looking for that to change soonish.  One thing I’d like to explore is Geten when he’s not seething with rage and shame because he failed to bring Re-Destro a victory in Deika. The fandom tends to write Geten as an always-angry attack dog barely contained beneath a chilly veneer, and that’s fair—ever since we got the face reveal, ever since the MLA’s defeat at Shigaraki’s hands, Geten has been an always-angry attack dog barely contained beneath a chilly veneer.
But if you look at Geten from before we knew what was under the hood, you find a different story.  “Chilly and angry all the time” is not at all how he acted when he was fighting Dabi!  At that point, he was talkative, even chatty.  He engaged in a lot of snide smack-talk; he was obviously confident in himself and he spoke very proudly of the MLA as a collective.
He was still quiet at the dinner he attended with Rikiya and his advisors, yes, so I don’t think Geten’s done some kind of full 180 on characterization.  I do, however, think that Geten has a sense of humor in there, has a sense of camaraderie with the MLA rooted in more than just his relationship with Re-Destro, even if Re-Destro is obviously his most important person.  I don’t know if we’ll ever see that in the manga proper, given everything that’s happened, but it’s worth remembering in terms of what Geten is like when he’s solely among allies.
Family Situation Orphaned at a young age, and a problem child from then on.  He passed through a series of foster parents and state facilities before eventually crossing paths with the leader of the local MLA branch in Kesseru, Beacon (more on him next time).  This encounter would lead to him being sent to a group home with a reputation for being good with such difficult cases, giving them Structure and Companionship and Meaningful Work.  (Spoilers: It’s Liberation.)
Despite evening out considerably after a significant meeting with Re-Destro when he was 7[iv], Geten never got particularly close to his adopted family/the other kids at the group home.  He's very favored by the Grand Commander, for one thing, and he has the strongest quirk in the home for another—and since he learned the quirk supremacist stuff from them, that’s a pretty significant part of the dynamic!  Both of these factors mean there's some distance between him and the rest. Still, he's not on bad terms with them—indeed, his foster parents are quite proud of him—and he would probably tear out someone's throat with his teeth for threatening them, if only as a matter of pride.  
There are 4-6 other kids there at any given time; for the bulk of his young adulthood, there were two older than him, the others younger.  He doesn't have much time for Big Brother Pastimes, but is not completely immune to them, either, particularly where the youngest kids are concerned.  His tolerance for Little Brother Antics, however, is nonexistent—if the older kids think they can ruffle his hair and treat him like a kid, they can square the fuck up; he is Number One around here and don’t forget it.
Education Geten never went to school, but he's not completely uneducated.  He had some tutoring in the group home, some more from Re-Destro personally, and has a pile of books he keeps at his bedside, mostly strategic in nature.  He finds them vexing at times, but is slowly reading through them anyway because Re-Destro asked him to.  He’s been a bit more diligent about it since he was made a regiment leader, because lord knows Dabi isn't contributing much.
On Re-Destro Re-Destro became fond of Geten for the same reason he became fond of Skeptic and Curious—Geten was willing to push back.  He really did make some attempts early on to keep Geten at a proper distance, mindful of anything that would look too much like favoritism.  And Geten knew, in the hard-headed way of a child, that Re-Destro was being a grown-up about things, trying to be mature, trying to be impartial.  Geten just didn’t care about any of those things.  Every time, he would listen very seriously to the things Rikiya told him, nod attentively, repeat back what he’d been told, and then go on about doing his own thing anyway.  And his own thing was, typically, to keep coming back.
Of course, if there’s anything we can tell about Re-Destro from the way he treats Shigaraki, it’s that Re-Destro loves people who take the choice away from him.
Eventually, of course, Geten grew up (mostly; I peg him at 19 now), joined the MLA officially, and had to settle into the structure of the Army.  It began to lead to trouble for Re-Destro, when Geten blatantly disobeyed him; it stopped being cute.  Still, the sense that he Knows What’s Best lingers, so Geten works himself very, very hard to be everything Re-Destro needs him to be and more, so that maybe Re-Destro’s burden will be just that little bit lighter.
On Quirk Supremacy (and Re-Destro, still) Here’s the thing about Geten and the whole, “A life without a strong meta-ability has no value,” line, and this continues to drive me mad because of how people getting it wrong influences the bad takes on the MLA in this fandom: Geten is not a reliable witness.  He is not one of the leaders of the MLA, nor does he speak for its rank and file. Even if you assume the absolute worst about his implications there, far worse than is justified by the text, Geten’s very name, Apocrypha, means that he cannot be presumed to be aligned with MLA orthodoxy.
The only one of the people close to Re-Destro who wasn't born and raised MLA, he still manages to come off, in some ways, as the most zealous of the lot of them.  But really, it’s very noticeable that Geten—unlike Re-Destro himself, and unlike even Re-Destro’s close cohort—never talks about the original Destro, never even mentions him.  When he thinks about his leader, he only ever thinks about Rikiya.  Geten doesn’t follow Re-Destro because of his bloodline, because of the tenets; he follows Re-Destro because of personal loyalty.[v]
So how best to do that?  Well, think about it: Geten is not terribly intelligent, nor wealthy, nor well-connected. He and Trumpet are the ones most influenced by the quirk supremacist line of thought, Trumpet because his relatively weak quirk comes off as exponentially stronger the more he can surround himself in people it works on, and Geten because his strong quirk lets him mentally justify Re-Destro's investment in him despite his other insufficiencies.
Compare this with Re-Destro, who only ever talks about quirks in terms of freedom. Even more prominently, look at Skeptic and Curious, who are not at all defined by their quirks and how strong or weak said quirks may be.  Indeed, those two devote scarcely a thought to the matter because they contribute to the cause in much more important ways and seem to be perfectly comfortable with where that leaves them.
Geten may not be very smart or influential, but he’s very capable of looking at what strengths he does have and focusing hard on those.  That, I think, is what really lead to his embracing quirk supremacy, even in the face of evidence that he doesn’t have the whole picture: the search for a way to measure himself up to the movers and shakers Rikiya is otherwise surrounded with, and not come up drastically wanting.  
“Apocrypha” Geten has been Geten for a long time, since long before the MLA types usually take up their code names. He’s also an outlier in the MLA for having a name in Japanese instead of in English—the only one who does!  My headcanon, unless and until we get some other members with Japanese code names, is that he got the name directly from Re-Destro—possibly even in the conversation that lead to him imprinting so hard on the man when he was 7—and insisted on keeping it before any other code name that was suggested to him in later years.
But yes, he does have a normal Japanese name on file at the group home, which he’s obligated to answer to on the rare occasions that someone from Child Services is checking in or he and Re-Destro are out in public.  I don’t plan to bother coming up with it unless I need to, as I expect we’ll get it in a character profile one of these days.
His Quirk While a lot of people like the vibe of Geten and Dabi being somewhat equivalently vulnerable to their own quirks, and I agree it makes for good fanart, in truth, Geten is only as vulnerable to his ice as Endeavor is his flames.  Which is to say, he isn't immune, but he's certainly more resistant to it than the average person would be!  There’s already plenty of good material to contrast Dabi and Geten without pretending their quirks are more mirrored than is actually the case.
Lightning Round
How does he treat people in service jobs? He doesn’t, because he’s never in a position to interact with people in service jobs.  There have been times he’s gone out with Re-Destro, but in those cases he’s mostly let Re-Destro handle the human interaction.
What does he dislike in other people? Laziness; the lack of a higher purpose of some kind.  (It’s possible he’d thaw out on his disdain for Dabi considerably if he knew more about Dabi’s plans to undermine the whole of the Hero System than Dabi is inclined to tell him.)
Is he always there for a friend in need? Sure, as long as by “friend” you mean “fellow Liberation warrior” and by “need” you mean “in need of an icicle punched through one of someone else’s desperately fleshy body parts.”
[i]  Sanctum II's tastes being what they are, this probably means Rikiya is the MLA member most likely to be able to perform traditional Japanese tea ceremony.
[ii]  And there were elders who would have been happy to leave it at that permanently, I'm sure.  There are always going to be those regents who have trouble relinquishing power back to the boy prince when he grows up and becomes king, you know?
[iii]  And, when it eventually got out that they were dating, a relatively solid match, give or take the surrogacy arrangements that would eventually need to be made.
[iv]  I’m hoping canon gives us some details on this eventually, so I’m not planning to iron out more headcanon on the matter unless I absolutely have to.
[v]  This, incidentally, is a large part of why Rikiya does keep him around—it’s soothing to have someone around who never brings up his ancestor.  Anyway, after Geten evolved his quirk, people stopped complaining so much, even though RD never did get around to, like, giving Geten any formal responsibilities.  Geten, who knows very well that Re-Destro’s real advisors have real jobs, mostly took this as reason to be all the stronger, in hopes that he’d eventually be given one.
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maribatshipper · 4 years
Trollhunting Lantern Chapter 1
A/N: This was written down long before Wizards, about two/three years ago, so this is an alternate universe.
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“It’s Marnie & Campo, on River 94.9!  We play the best music mix from the 80s till now!”
The song “Hungry Like The Wolf” starts playing as two strange figures fight in the early morning light. Technically, morning shadows. They don’t touch the light.
“Yield, Trollhunter Jim!” One of the figures exclaims.
This figure is terrifyingly tall, has glowing yellow eyes, and a crimson coloured armour all around him, only revealing the glowing eyes. He has a long sword in his right hand the same colour as his armour.
The other figure, who has now been identified as Jim, replies, “A Trollhunter never yields, Venjo! I’d rather die!”
Jim is a tall creature that looks like he was once human. He has teeth pointing out of his bottom jaw, blue skin, horns on the top of his head, messy black hair, blue eyes, and red/black armour on with a sword made of the same material as his armour.
A human female with brown hair, a white streak and hairclips in her hair, reddish-brown eyes and purple armour jumps into the fray.
“& I’ll kill you if you kill him!” She exclaims.
Venjo smirks, “Terms accepted Trollhunter. Flesh-bag! This is not your battle!”
Jim smirks, “I can take him, Claire. Get out of here. Stay with Blinky.”
Claire smirks, “And let you have all the fun?’
Venjo jumps at Claire, who dodges and slams into him with her armour.
She smirks, “I gotta thank Merlin for the armour.”
Jim scoffs, “You’ve already thanked him a dozen times!”
Venjo slams into Jim, causing Jim to come dangerously close to the sunlight.
“Master Jim! Careful!” Another male voice calls.
Jim jumps away from the sunlight and slams into Venjo. Venjo gets thrown across the ground. Jim holds his sword towards Venjo.
“Your reign of terror will soon be over, Venjo!” Jim frowns.
The sunlight touches Jim’s armour, causing it to burn. Jim panics, & Venjo takes this opportunity to kick him in the face. Jim flies away, close to another beam of sunlight, with his sword in the sun. Venjo gets up, ready to run into Jim. Jim reaches into the sunlight to grab his sword, burning his hand. Claire keeps Venjo occupied while Jim shakes the sparks off his hand. Venjo hits Claire away, into the sun, which doesn’t affect her has much as it does the other two creatures.
“There is nowhere left for you to run, Trollhunter! Give me the Amulet!” Venjo yells.
Jim looks towards the circle on his chest. He jumps up a tree, trying to get away from Venjo for a short while. But every now and then, the branches snap underneath his weight. Jim stops and looks around for Venjo, when Venjo hits him from behind.
“OW! That was worse than your breath!” Jim groans.
Claire jumps on the branches too; her weight being supported more than Jim’s and Venjo’s. Venjo pushes Jim close to the end of the trees, where the sun is shining.
“It ends here, Trollhunter. It’s either me or the sun. Either way, you’re doomed.” Venjo laughs.
Claire hits Venjo away from Jim, who is burning.
“Doesn’t matter. The Amulet will find a champion. That Trollhunter will stop you and your schemes.” Jim groans.
Claire gasps as she realises what he’s saying.
“JIM! NO!” She screams as he jumps into the sun.
As he burns, he turns to stone. He smashes as soon as he hits the ground. Claire runs towards Jim’s remains.
“No! No, Jim, no.” Claire cries.
An alarm goes off at 7:00 playing “Eye of The Tiger”. A girl climbs out of bed. She has brown, curly hair, blue shining eyes, and looks like she’s only 13. She sings along to the song as she gets changed. She slides to the kitchen and cooks herself some scrambled eggs. She sets the table for the rest of her family, with six plates on the table, at six chairs, then she removes a plate. She puts milk, Milo Cereal, oats, and Rice Bubbles on the table. She continues to sing. Her family comes out with a smile on their faces.
“Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'till we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive!”
A boy slightly taller comes out and yells, “Shut up, Scarlett!”
The girl now identified as Scarlett ignores him.
“It's the eye of the tiger, it's the dream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger!”
The boy yells, “If you don’t shut up, Scarlett, you’re gonna regret it.”
Scarlett stops, then looks at him.
“You know, if you had taste, and were a proper brother, Nick, you would be encouraging me, not patronising me for being happy. I have every right to be happy. You, Nicholas, should be happy too. But you have no idea what it’s like to be happy anymore. You don’t even know what it’s like to work at Maccas! I had to slave over a grill, a HOT grill, & clean it while it was still on!” Scarlett frowns.
The boy now identified as Nicholas smirks, “How many jobs have you had?” thinking he has the upper hand.
Scarlett retorts, “How many jobs have you kept for more than a month?”
Nicholas stumbles, and two young girls laugh.
“Thank you, little sisters. Now I must be off, to my ACTUAL and real job. Unlike your big brother here, who, A, I didn’t put a plate out for, because he needs to learn to do things himself, and B, is a freeloader.” Scarlett smirks.
Scarlett walks out the door with a satisfied smirk. She grabs her bike and sees someone.
“Hey Greeny!” Scarlett exclaims.
A girl with short red hair, a yellow shirt, blue eyes, and a few bruises rides up and sighs, “What did I say about calling me that? I’m trying to keep my secret, and if you blurt that all over town, they’ll figure it out.”
Scarlett giggles, “No one’s gonna find out, Bracha. When someone calls someone else a Greeny, they think the person is either a vegetarian or a person who cares too much for the environment. Not…”
Scarlett points to a little green ring on Bracha’s right hand.
“I get it. I just don’t like it. What if there are other people who know about them?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett sighs, “It’s fine, Bracha. Talking about Extra-terrestrial’s is all the rage now. People are even going to storm Area 51 according to the internet. They won’t find anything. It’s all been moved to Area 49b.”
Bracha asks, “What makes you say that?”
Scarlett giggles, “It’s what my Arcadian friend Eli told me before he told me that he had to study abroad in Cantaloupia.”
Bracha asks, “Cantaloupia?”
Scarlett giggles, “I believe he actually meant he was visiting an alien planet to be the human ambassador or something. Speaking of, have you visited any new planets?”
Bracha smirks, “Akaridian-5. The species there are made pretty much entirely of energy, and their hearts they call “Cores”, and if someone dies, as long as their core is intact, they can come back to life through regeneration chambers. Or that’s what I gathered from the peace treaty. Queen Aja seems to be a wonderful queen. She recognised me as being human though.”
Scarlett asks, “Are they blue?”
Bracha falls off the bike in surprise.
“How did you know?” She asks.
Scarlett hops off her bike to help Bracha up.
“I’ll show you later. Let’s just say, Eli knows two. He was surprised I was actually sixteen. He swore I was alien.” Scarlett replies.
Scarlett stiffens.
“Did you hear that?” Scarlett asks.
Bracha shakes her head.
Scarlett notices a few rocks. She points to the rocks and sneaks over, as if a snake were going to jump out.
Scarlett gasps, “Rocks are saying my name. If I get a ring from digging in that, and it’s green, I’m requesting to be on your team.”
Bracha makes sure no one is around and whispers, “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light.”
A green costume forms around Bracha, and a mask appears over her face. She thrusts her ring towards the pile of rocks and what appears to be a laser goes over them.
“I’m getting an energy reading, but it’s not a Lantern energy. It’s something else. It registered the stones as k-spar.” Bracha frowns.
Scarlett turns and sighs, “Take that off. Someone could see you.”
Scarlett picks up a rock to show a glowing blue object.
“An amulet?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett sighs, “I thought it would be a ring. I was hoping. So I could hang out with you more often.”
Bracha’s green outfit disappears. Scarlett looks up and sees something white in the trees, then it disappears.
“Ever get that feeling you’re being watched, but you find no proof of it?” Scarlett asks.
Bracha nods.
“Let’s go. I’m gonna be late for work. Besides, if something does happen, I’m sure we can fight them off. Or you can.” Scarlett jokes.
The girls hop back on their bikes and ride off.
Meanwhile, above in the trees, a creature with blue skin and six eyes gasps.
“It chose a female human?” He asks.
Claire sighs, “I’ll keep an eye on the green girl. You keep an eye on the new Trollhunter. I have a feeling this isn’t going to be like Jim’s time as Trollhunter.”
 Scarlett smiles, “Will that be all for today, Ma’am?”
A woman replies, “That’ll be all honey. Too much damage to my account.”
Scarlett giggles and receives the payment. As the woman leaves, someone pats Scarlett on the back.
“Well done, kid.” A guy smiles.
Scarlett replies, “Well, like you said, Jack, at Macca’s, we strive to put a smile on every seat. Correct?”
Jack smirks, “Good job. You going soon?”
Scarlett sighs, “I gotta do some mopping, but I’ll go after that. Red bucket for customer space. Right?”
Jack smiles, “Right again, Scarlett. I’m going on break. Seeya tomorrow?”
Scarlett replies, “Sure Jack.”
Scarlett washes her hands and gets the mop. She mops the customer’s area, and a familiar figure comes up behind her.
“Anything interesting happening in there?” Bracha smirks.
Scarlett rolls her eyes, “Nothing really. I barely even know anyone outside of work. They are all old enough to be my cousins!”
Bracha smirks, “That’s rich. You have, like, fifty cousins. Half of them are much older than you. And they are on your mother’s side. I haven’t even met your father’s side.”
Scarlett smirks, “You & I both, kiddo.”
Bracha frowns, “I hate that nickname.”
Scarlett giggles, “I call everyone that looks young kiddo. Especially if they are younger than me. Like you.”
Bracha sighs, “Alright, Alright. But I still don’t like the name.”
Scarlett rolls her eyes and sighs.
“I’m done my mopping. I have other work to do. Seeya later, Greeny.” Scarlett smirks.
Bracha sighs, “Don’t call me that.”
Scarlett walks away and notices a young girl sitting down with a white stripe in her hair. It reminds her of Disney’s Princess Anna. Scarlett continues walking into the staff only area. She goes into the staff break room, where her workmates are having fun on their breaks.
“Is she still following you around, Scarlett?” A girl with blonde hair asks.
“She’s my friend. I’ve told her she can stay around as long as she doesn’t come into the staff area and doesn’t pick any fights. Besides, it’s safer when I ride home.” Scarlett replies.
A tall guy sighs, “Well, it’s none of my business, but a girl seems to have taken an interest in the two of you.”
Scarlett sighs, “Who, Caillou?”
Caillou replies, “A customer. Her name is Claire. She’s got a white stripe in her hair.”
Scarlett frowns, thinking.
“Could she know? No, she couldn’t know. Or maybe she does know Bracha’s Identity. Maybe that’s why she was looking at us.”
Scarlett sighs & realises her shift is almost up.
“Got to go, guys!” She smiles.
“Seeya later, Strange Scarlett.” Everyone smiles.
Scarlett laughs as she goes & grabs her bag. She shoves a jumper on so people know not to go to her for food now. She signs out & walks into the customer area.
“Scarlett! You ready to go?” Bracha calls.
Scarlett sighs, “Sure.”
 Scarlett frowns, deep in thought while riding.
“You okay, Scarlett?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett answers, “Yeah... I’m fine. It’s actually about a customer. I’ve been told she took an interest in us. She had a white stripe in her hair. Funny thing, I could’ve sworn I saw her in the forest, but no one was there.”
Bracha stares at her ring.
“Well, maybe the ring went haywire and didn’t see her.” Bracha suggests.
Scarlett smiles, “Well, we gotta split now. Seeya, Bracha. Good luck with the GLs.”
Bracha smiles, “Call me if that thing does anything.”
The girls split up and go to their separate houses. Scarlett opens the door and walks in.
“Hey, Scarlett!” Her father smiles.
“Hi Dad! How were the busses in Brisbane today? Anything special?” Scarlett asks.
Her father says, “Just your normal day. There were a few grumpy customers. I met a weird old man. I think he was at a costume party. He had armour on.”
Nicholas comes in and says, “Hi, Michael.”
Scarlett gasps, “That’s Dad to you!”
Michael sighs, “I’ll deal with it, Scarlett. How about you tell your mother about your day?”
Scarlett smirks. She knows not to get her Dad angry. She walks into the loungeroom.
“Hi Mum. How was Joshua today? Did he give you a hard time?” Scarlett asks.
Her Mum says, “Not really. He was actually quiet today. And you know that’s hard for your brother.”
Scarlett nods.
“Hey, Heather, where are the Wasabi nuts?” Michael asks.
“In the pantry!” Heather answers.
“I’m gonna put my stuff away.” Scarlett smiles.
“Alright honey. Your dad and I have to visit someone. Can you take care of your sisters tonight?” Heather asks.
Scarlett answers, “Sure Mum. As long as Face-ache is gone before you go.”
She walks to the room she shares with her sisters.
“Scarlett’s home!” The youngest exclaims.
“Hi, girls. Oriel, did anything happen today?” Scarlett asks.
The girl with sandy blonde wavy hair replies, “Sophie wanted to hang out. But since Nicko’s here...”
The girl with straight brown hair growls, “I really want to-”
Scarlett sighs, “Crystal, I know what you want to do, but it’s not that simple. If he hurts you again, do all you can to fight back. Just use a broom to whack him. By the way, I’m in charge tonight.”
Crystal frowns.
“Ring-ring-ring, Ring-ring-aling. Ring-ring-ring, ring-ring-aling. Get your phone! When someone calls. Get your phone!”
Scarlett answers the phone.
“Has it done anything yet?” Bracha’s voice asks.
Scarlett sighs, “Nope. Nothing yet.”
Bracha asks, “You’ll tell me when it does something, right?”
Scarlett giggles, “Yes. Should I Pinkie Promise to ease your worries?”
Bracha sighs, “Alright.”
Scarlett rolls her eyes, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my eye I will tell you when it does something.”
Bracha giggles, “Thanks. I’ll ask tomorrow. Got to report in for the corps.”
Scarlett smiles, “Got it, Bracha. TTYL!”
Bracha hangs up.
“She still a Lantern?” Oriel whispers.
Scarlett’s sisters are the only other people that know about Bracha’s secret.
“Of course. It’s rare to be fired from her job. She’s still one of them.” Scarlett smiles.
“Girls!” Heather calls.
All the girls run towards their Mum.
“It’s time for us to go. Scarlett, you’re in charge while we’re gone.” Heather smiles.
Crystal hugs Mum & Dad first and gives them both a goodbye kiss. Oriel gives them a goodbye hug.
“What? No kiss?” Michael asks.
Oriel exclaims, “Yukky!”
Everyone giggles. Scarlett gives them a hug & a kiss.
“Seeya later guys.” Scarlett smiles.
Michael and Heather walk out the door. Scarlett’s sisters almost immediately run to the TV. Scarlett pulls the Amulet out of her pocket.
“What exactly are you?” Scarlett whispers.
Suddenly, all the girls hear a crash in the basement. They see Joshua is sitting on the couch. Crystal and Scarlett grab brooms and Oriel stays with Joshua. Scarlett opens the door and walks down with a torch in her mouth. Crystal stays behind in case something comes up behind Scarlett. Scarlett holds her broom like one would a katana.
“I hope it’s not snakes.” She mumbles.
She goes over to a pile of boxes and looks behind it. She notices strange footprints on the floor. Meanwhile, something comes up behind her.
“Lady Scarlett!” It exclaims.
Scarlett turns as fast as she can and whacks the creature with the broom. She now sees it has six eyes.
“Ow… Master Jim wasn’t so violent on his first encounter.” It comments.
Crystal comes down and goes to hit it when Scarlett grabs Crystal’s broom.
“Before we start attacking, and sorry, it was instinct, what are you?” Scarlett frowns.
The creature smiles, “I am Blinky. A troll. And you, Lady Scarlett, are the Trollhunter.”
Scarlett and Crystal exchange glances, look back at “Blinky”, then laugh. Blinky frowns in confusion.
“Sorry, Blinky. We just had to get that out of our system.” Scarlett smiles.
Crystal grips the broom again and goes to hit Blinky. Blinky winces when Scarlett grabs the broom, again.
“As you can see, Crystal’s prone to hit things that she doesn’t understand. I have adapted after living with her for thirteen years. Now, better explanation please before she hits me.” Scarlett asks in a deadpan voice.
“You have to fight evil trolls.” Blinky replies.
Crystal seems happy with this answer, then runs upstairs.
Scarlett sighs, “I’ll grab a mattress.”
She pulls a mattress out from behind some other boxes and puts it near the stairs as Crystal pulls Oriel and Joshua downstairs. Joshua acts like nothing’s different, and Oriel screams, promptly fainting on the mattress.
“You need to go before my parents get home. Either that, or get another beating, only from my mother. GET!” Scarlett orders.
Blinky leaves.
 Scarlett throws water on Oriel, and Oriel gasps.
“What was that for?” Oriel coughs.
Scarlett replies, “Simple. You fainted after seeing a troll. Crystal’s fault. She showed him to you. If I end up hanging out with him, getting rid of evil trolls, you two have to cover for me. Especially you, Crystal.”
A knock is heard upstairs.
“Mum and Dad!” Crystal gasps.
Scarlett orders, “Not a word. Oriel, shower.”
They run upstairs. Scarlett prays it’s not Nicholas. Oriel runs to the bathroom and the others finish running to the door. They open the curtain to see-
“Nicholas. I jinxed it!” Scarlett mumbles.
They open the door and scowl.
“What are you doing here, you monster? Didn’t Dad tell you that if you’re not back before Eight, don’t come back at all?” Scarlett asks.
Crystal growls in a growl that sounds like a lion’s growl.
Nicholas scoffs, “You’re not Dad.”
Scarlett feels her face go red in anger when suddenly, Crystal jumps on Nicholas and pulls his hair out, little bit at a time. Scarlett stares in shock when Oriel comes down, shower finished, and stares, slack-jawed.
“Is Crystal…?” She asks.
Scarlett nods, “Uh huh.”
Oriel pulls Scarlett’s phone out and records the ordeal.
“This is going to be awesome.” Oriel smiles.
“What is going on here?” everyone hears a voice asks.
Oriel stops the recording and hides the phone while Heather and Michael stare at Crystal and a boy that looks like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing.
“What did you just do?” Heather freaks out.
Michael just stares in shock.
“Uh… Mum, Dad, He had it coming for eight years. She’s done enough for both of us.” Scarlett sighs.
She pulls Crystal away from Nicholas and takes both of the girls to their bedroom, and collapses on the floor.
“This day went from normal to the craziest day I’ve ever had in my sixteen years of living. And I bet this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
 Nicholas comes back from the hospital, with his face and left arm in a cast. Heather walks upstairs and sits on the bed.
“I’m very disappointed in you girls.” Heather sighs.
Crystal frowns, “I’m sorry Mum. But he deserved it after all that he did to us!”
Scarlett keeps quiet, feeling ashamed.
“I know, but it wasn’t right. I know you have… issues, honey, but you should not do it. Scarlett, I know you were in shock, but please, take her off next time.” Heather frowns.
Scarlett nods. She walks over to the window and stares out.
“I understand Mum.” Scarlett frowns.
“I hope you all will be more responsible in the future.” Heather sighs as she walks out.
Oriel facepalms, “I can’t believe we let this happen.”
Crystal frowns, “Not my fault. He had it coming for years!”
Scarlett just continues staring out the window, a blue glow emanating from the amulet she now has in her hand.
“We have bigger fish to fry now. Like what showed up in our basement.” Scarlett whispers.
The girls stare at Scarlett.
“So, what do we do, Trollhunter?” Crystal smirks.
Scarlett giggles. It’s funny how her family can be upset and angry one second, then can be happy as Larry the next.
“Well, first, I need to find out more about this thing. It seems to be connected to Blinky. I have a plan.” Scarlett smiles.
Oriel frowns, “What are you doing?”
Scarlett whips out the phone.
“Hi, you’ve reached Bracha. Unfortunately, I am unavailable at the moment, but I will call you back as soon as I can. *Beep*”
“Hey, Bracha. Big news. I have to tell you something in person. One question I have to ask though. Ever heard of a Trollhunter?” Scarlett says into the answering machine.
 Scarlett looks at her glow-in-the-dark watch and sneaks out the window. She looks at her sisters as they put pillows under her blanket. Scarlett gives them a thumbs up and walks as far as she can down her yard. Living in the middle of nowhere gives you a fairly big property to live in. She stops near the dam. She never goes this far from fear of snakes. Especially at night. She looks at the Amulet, which is glowing blue. A language comes up, which Scarlett finds familiar. Maybe Japanese or Chinese. It changes to another language, and another, then English.
“For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to command.” Scarlett reads.
A few blue lights start going into the left side of her chest, and she floats into the air. Armour appears around her, which is slightly bigger than herself. The Amulet is right where the blue lights went. The armour glows blue, then changes its size so it fits perfectly.
“Awesome. Now my sisters will want one.” Scarlett laughs.
She holds out her hand and as another blue light goes into her hand, putting a sword in her hand, only slightly bigger than she can hold. It drops to the ground, making her groan in pain.
“I hope it works for this sword too.” Scarlett sighs.
The sword slightly shrinks to fit Scarlett’s muscles.
“Much better. So this is what that guy meant.” Scarlett giggles.
She waves the sword around and gets it stuck in a tree. She relaxes, then the armour and sword disappear, and the amulet falls onto the ground.
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
On Top Of The World
Heya gamers - sorry for the late update, I’ve been a bit busy today but still wanted to write so, here’s Chapter 7 of the Varigo Coffee Shop AU! Once again, thank you for all your support! Now, onwards with the chapter!
Word Count - 3587
Moonlight paved the way for them as they walked through the darkened streets of Corona, still holding each other’s hands. Varian’s infectious laughters rang out and disturbed the darkness of night as Hugo told yet another terrible joke. Hugo joined in the sympathy of laughter, giving his boyfriend’s hand a small squeeze and resting his head against the others. At least it was his day off - now he had all the time in the world to spend with the younger teen and, as he looked down at Varian, he swore he could see the whole universe in his eyes. A little sigh left his mouth, happiness forming butterflies in his stomach and bubbling there. 
  He knew he was thinking way too far ahead (after all, they’ve only been together for a day) but all he wanted to do was to keep Varian forever. He knew he’d never have enough of the boy and he could never have enough of the boy. He was unique in the best way possible - with his buckteeth that still retained even now, despite his insistence they’d go away by senior year when they were freshmen, his little nervous chuckle he’d give when he said a joke followed by a little snort, the small blue streak that sat so defined against the mass of black hair on his head and stuck out amongst the rest. Stunning, Hugo thought. Absolutely stunning. Hugo’s train of thought was derailed by Varian’s voice finally speaking up.
  “So, where are we going then?” Varian finally questioned, his eyes glancing up at the blonde with an excited smile on his face, “You’ve been awfully cryptic about this ‘date’ and usually you’re gushing about your ideas the whole time, so care to enlighten me to the madness of your mind?” Hugo’s breath hitched. Should he tell his boyfriend about his plans or should he keep it under wraps? One glance at Varian’s puppy dog eyes made the guilt well in his stomach and he decided, screw it, he’d have to tell the boy now. Goddamn that adorable face!!
  “So, you know how it’s Christmas time? And usually the park puts up all these pretty lights that seem way too excessive? I’m gonna take you there. We can talk or buy some food or just relax and cuddle while we look at the stars. Whatever you want to do.” Hugo said with a smile, looking down at his boyfriend who, by now, had a wide smile on his face. It was a sight for sore eyes, seeing the boy’s eyes light up and look at Hugo as though he’d put the stars in the sky. It looked perfect against his scarlet cheeks from the bitter breeze and December weather. Hugo decided, in that moment, that he wanted to be the one to put that look on his face each and every time it graced his features.
  “That sounds perfect Hugh. But first, I have to ask that we make a stop.” He requested, not even waiting for an answer for the other before moving in front of him to pull his boyfriend along. He tugged his arm and pulled him along the pitch black streets. Well, now it’s time for Varian to be mysterious about his plans, Hugo thought as he was tugged along by the boy of his dreams at 10pm at night. That was a sight he could get used to, the dark haired boy leading him to god knows where. No one else but them around.
  It was almost unbelievable, really. A guy like him really didn’t deserve Varian - what, with all the bad things he’d done in his life. It wasn’t fair that he was keeping Varian oblivious to everything he’d done in his past and was doing now, especially after he’d opened up to him only the night before, but...Varian didn’t deserve to be dragged into his mess. They were his mistakes to clean up and he’d do it by himself. Maybe one day he’d confess all his problems and mess ups to his boyfriend, but now wasn’t time. He couldn’t risk losing the boy. Not now, not ever. 
  “Okay, here we are!” Varian declared proudly, stopping in front of a building. It took Hugo a moment to adjust and steady himself before he realised where they were: the infamous coffee shop. The thing that had brought them together. A small smile tugged at the corners of Hugo’s lips as he was, once again, pulled around and into the warmth of the store. It ran through his body like a rush of pure ecstasy and a pleased groan left his lips. As he looked around, he found it was virtually empty, except for a raven haired woman and her unusually silver haired girlfriend sitting at a table. One who Varian immediately recognised and called out to, running over to her with his hand leaving Hugo’s. The older groaned at the lack of his boyfriend’s warmth, walking over towards the counter to order their drinks - a vanilla latte for Varian and a black coffee for him. 
  “Cass!” Varian called out when he ran over, pulling the older woman into an embrace and closing his eyes. He relished in the warmth of his friend - it being a stark contrast to his body temperature, which felt sub-zero. He’d missed her so much since the...awkward dinner from over a week ago. A little noise of shock left Cass’ lips as she was virtually caged in a tight embrace on par with Rapunzel’s death grip. Little chuckles escaped from the woman accompanying Cass, before it broke out into loud laughter. She threw her head back, almost falling out of the chair as she did so. “Oh, who’s this?” 
  “Varian, meet my girlfriend, Irene. Irene, this is Varian.” Cass explained, her hands gesturing to the pair, a wide smile on her face. Oh, so this was Irene! She seemed lovely, piercings littering her ears which were almost covered by her curly locks falling over them. Freckles were dotted all over her face and hands, where a small, rose gold ring sat on one of her fingers. It was beautiful - diamonds embedded into the design which was bent into an infinity shape. A rose winter coat covered most of her figure, jet black leggings covering and protecting her legs from the chill outside. On her feet were some matching boots - heels giving her a little bit of extra height. She was really beautiful, Varian thought, as the woman put her mocha down and held out her hand. 
  “Oh, you must be Rapunzel’s little brother. I’ve heard so much about you from Cass, Eugene and Rapunzel. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the infamous Varian Ruddiger!” she commented, a slight accent ringing through as she spoke that Varian couldn’t quite place. It was beautiful though - albeit a little unrecognisable. Still, he eagerly shook her hand, happy to finally meet the woman. 
  “It’s a pleasure to meet you too!” he declared, Hugo sauntering over and standing beside him. “Cass, Irene, this is my boyfriend, Hugo. And Hugo, this is Cassandra and her girlfriend, Irene.” he turned to face his boyfriend with a smile, pecking his lips and taking the vanilla latte from him with a hum of thanks. He sipped it and let the taste fill his mouth. Yep, he’d never get bored of that heavenly flavour, he’d associated it with Hugo by now. The taste of it brought back all their recent memories of dates and endless joy when around the boy. It brought a flush to his cheeks as he smiled and continued to take little sips.
  “Oh, the pleasure’s all yours.” Hugo commented with a grin, laughing at the push he’d received in return from his tiny boyfriend. “Ow! Jesus Christ, hairstripe, I’m holding a coffee!” he laughed and leaned against the boy contently. “Jokes aside, V never shuts up about you. My theory is he has a shrine dedicated to you somewhere with how much he loves you.” Hugo whispered, much to Varian’s annoyance as evident by the eye rolls and folded arms. 
  “Noted. So, how did you two meet then?” She asked, Varian willingly indulging her in the ‘dramatic love story of Varian and Hugo the star crossed lovers’, as Hugo had put it. A smile crept onto her face as she watched the two boys interact, her arm looping around her fiancée. He really had found his soulmate, hadn’t he? She kept her eyes on the boy as he rambled on and on about every little detail. She’d never seen Varian this happy in his life, Hugo attentively listening with a ghost of a smile curling on his lips. They both clearly loved each other, she decided, as Irene shuffled in closer to her and rested a hand on her shoulder. 
  It has been four years since she met Irene, three since she asked her to be her girlfriend and exactly one week, four hours and twenty-seven minutes since she had proposed to her. She loved her unconditionally - Irene being the one to support her after her breakdown and crime spree in Corona and helping to put her back on the right path. Irene was all she could’ve ever asked for in a partner: kind, loving, understanding of her past...she was simply divine in every single way. And from the way Hugo looked at Varian, she could tell that he felt the same way as she did when she met Irene - happy beyond compare. It was adorable in her eyes - from the way they had met to their dynamic and how they seemed to compliment each other. Where Varian was shy, Hugo was confident. Varian easily responded to Hugo’s sarcasm and (terrible) jokes. It was a sweet sight to behold.
  “As honoured as I am to have met you, me and Varian have a date to attend so..alas, we shall have to depart.” Hugo called out, dramatising every word with the back of his hand pressed against his forehead and his back pressed against Varian’s right arm. Varian just scoffed, shoving his boyfriend off his and shuffling out of the booth to stand. “Ow. A loving display from my beloved boyfriend. I can’t believe it!” Hugo gasped before standing beside Varian, reaching up to ruffle his hair happily. 
  Irene giggled, a welcome noise to Cass that just made her love the woman opposite her even more. “Aw, what a shame. You two are adorable and it was lovely to meet you!” she cheered happily, waving to them as they headed out of the store after saying their goodbyes. They sat in a comfortable silence before Irene spoke up, her eyes still gazing at the door. “He reminds me of you with the way he looks at Varian. It’s so full of love and affection...just like how you look at me.” She said, a smug grin on her face before taking her future wife’s scarred hand in hers and placing a gentle kiss against it. “It’s adorable. I think they’re cute.” 
  “I know they’re cute.” Cass responded as she pulled her closer. “We should invite them to the wedding, y’know. They’d make great guests.” She commented as she leant back against the cushions decorating the booth. “My god, these are so comfy...I love it.” with a satisfied sigh leaving her mouth as her girlfriend cuddled into her. She could get used to this..maybe she should invite the boys over for Christmas.
  After a few more minutes of walking, Hugo and Varian turned a corner and gasped in shock. Lights blazed like a thousand tiny suns from string lights in the park, hung from the trees along with small Christmas decorations placed onto the trees. Varian grasped his boyfriend’s hands as they walked through the gates to the park and admired the beauty of the decorations. 
  Snow began to fall from the sky as they walked hand in hand, Hugo pausing to remove his scarf and wrap it around his boyfriend’s neck in a kind gesture, Varian noting that it smelt like cinnamon and apple - similar to the smell of Rapunzel’s house in fall. He let out a contented sigh as he moved closer and closer to his boyfriend, neglecting to notice the snowflakes landing in his boyfriend’s hair and on the end of his slightly crooked nose. 
  They passed decorations of reindeer, sleighs and toy soldiers in awe, linked hands and ran through illuminated arches in fits of laughter before eventually settling down on a bench with a perfect view of the lake in the centre of the pond. A hand snaked round Varian’s waist and he leant into his touch, resting his head in the crook of Hugo’s neck placing kisses to it. “Thank you so much, Hugo. All of this..it’s just been perfect.” he paused before adding in a whisper, “I love you so much, Hugo.” 
  “I love you too, Varian.” he muttered as he pulled his boyfriend closer to him, gazing out at the lake with the other teen in his arms. He bit the inside of his chest, feeling his heart hammering against his ribcage as he took a small box out from his coat pocket. “Hey so..I know we haven’t been together long, but...Varian, I adore you. So I brought you this.” 
  He handed a rectangular blue box to the other boy, tied with a green ribbon. With an eyebrow raised, Varian untied the ribbon and raised the lid. He was met with the sight of a necklace. The necklace in question had a vial the size of half of his pinky attached, filled with a teal liquid. He slowly raised it to his eyes, shaking it gently and gasping in wonder as it began to glow, casting a luminous blue light over anything in a one metre radius. It was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. He cast a glance over to see his boyfriend’s nervous face.
  “You have no idea how long I had to research to make that liquid in the vial - I mean obviously I made the necklace myself, but I wanted to make it unique for my equally unique boyfriend. So...I added that luminous liquid into it! I..really hope you like this.” Hugo explained, rubbing the back of his neck and gripping the fabric of his coat tightly. “Please like it, please like it, please like it.” he silently pleaded as his eyes stayed fixed on his boyfriend, who was placing it around his neck with care. “So..what do you think?” he inquired.
  He was knocked back into the bench, Varian peppering a billion kisses over his face while Hugo laughed and tried to push him off. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, filled with nothing but love as the snow fell around them. It was perfect - a moment that felt like it could be in the movies as they, for that one perfect moment, imagined it was only them left and everything else had fallen away.
  The kiss eventually broke, Hugo squeezing his boyfriend’s hands with quite possibly the widest smile Varian had ever seen. “I should get you back, V. Just in case your dad tries to kill me if he finds out I snuck you out.” He uttered, rising to his feet and helping Varian stand too, his lips meeting his forehead. “You can keep the scarf too, by the way. It looks way better on you, love.”
  “Thanks.” Varian whispered as they strolled back through the park, one arm linked with Hugo’s and the other fiddling with the vial around his neck. Hugo had really gone through all of that effort to make him a necklace by hand. He could feel himself falling deeper and deeper in love with the boy every second he thought about it, and at this point, he didn’t even want to stop falling in love with the amazing man walking beside him. He was so kind to him all the time, despite the way he acted around other people, and he cared so much about Varian regardless of how much he’d deny it. He really was everything Varian had ever wanted..huh.
  Far too soon, they arrived back at Varian’s house. Standing on the drive, the boys silently said their goodbyes, placing kisses to each other’s lips with neither wanting to leave the other alone and be apart. Varian’s arms wrapped around Hugo’s neck and Hugo’s in turn around Varian’s, fleeting kisses becoming slow, deep and warm kisses after a few minutes while snow continued to rain down around them. 
  “V, I’ve gotta go, love. You’re making it hard for me to go-”
  “Well then, don’t go. Stay with me for tonight. My dad leaves before I wake up on a morning, so it's not as if he’ll be here tomorrow morning to see you’ve stayed. Just..please. I don’t want to be alone tonight.” Varian muttered, his hands trapping one of Hugo’s between them as he gazed up at him with desperation in his eyes. Hugo uttered a small string of curses under his breath, the offer truly tempting and, combined with the boy’s desperate expression, he finally gave in with a little nod. 
  The two climbed the lattice, opening the window and entering trying to be as silent as possible. As Hugo turned to close the window, Varian changed into pyjamas and lay down on his bed to silently watch his boyfriend remove his coat and shoes. He looked so breathtaking even when doing normal things, something Varian truly couldn’t comprehend as the other boy moved methodically, folding the jacket and resting it on the desk. As he turned, he smirked at his boyfriend, who’s face flushed red and looked away. “See something you like?” he muttered as he moved to lay beside the raven haired boy.
  “Maybe I do, what are you gonna do about it?” Varian challenged, letting Hugo pull him back into a kiss - however this one felt different to the rest. It told Varian everything Hugo wanted him to know without saying anything at all, filled with unspoken lust and passion towards him. His cheeks flushed as he let the older boy take control, a small whimper-like moan leaving his throat as the kisses trailed further down to his neck. “Hugo. Hey. We should get some sleep.” he muttered, however his legs wrapping around the blonde’s waist told him what he truly wanted.
  “Alright, hummingbird.” the other whispered as he laid beside the younger boy, relenting and disregarding the lust bubbling in the bottom of his stomach. His arms wrapped around Varian’s waist, securing him in a tight hold as he nuzzled his face into his shoulder. “You’re so beautiful, love. So beautiful..” he muttered as he slowly drifted off to sleep. “Goodnight Varian, I love you..”
  “I love you too.” The other murmured as he lay awake in his boyfriend’s embrace, though sleep was finally starting to catch up with him. Everything was perfect - he had the best boy in the universe sleeping beside him, his family (bar his dad) loved him and everything was going swimmingly. Yet, he couldn’t help but feel a storm was brewing. Nonetheless, he pushed the feelings aside as he let sleep take him far, far away, his boyfriend’s embrace being the last thing he remembered.
  Quirin rubbed his face as he let out a groan. Disappointment was settling in as guilt twisted like a dagger in his chest. He hadn’t meant to be so harsh towards his son - he was just worried like any sane parent would be if their child just one day spontaneously didn’t show up to dinner with his brother and sister. He let out an exasperated sigh and began the trek upstairs, fully intending to apologise to Varian. 
  He knew it had been hard for his son - the divorce from his mother having its toll on the boy along with his coma and involvement for the saporians before he’d even turned eighteen. But Quirin was trying to relate to his son, to mend the wounds that had formed between them, but it was difficult as hell when his son only saw him as strict. He just wanted what was best for him - even if he didn’t get it across to him in the best way. He loved the boy with all his heart - that's why he’d completely redecorated the basement of the house as a makeshift lab for this year’s Christmas present, but they just had no common ground. He loved farming and the simple life, whereas his son loved alchemy and all things science. He was just like his mother, Quirin thought, with a soft chuckle leaving his throat. 
  He knocked the door to his son’s room gently, pushing it open a crack to see two boys in the single bed in the faint light provided by the hallway. The stranger, a tall, blonde boy, was laying on his back fast asleep with an arm round Varian, whose head was resting on his chest and snoring. A soft smile crept onto Quirin’s face as the pair slept, resorting to closing the door as silently as he could. 
  So this was the mystery boyfriend, Quirin thought, as he walked down the hall to his room with a smile on his face. The boy seemed nice enough, though there wasn’t much you could learn about someone while they were asleep. Nonetheless, he walked into his room and shut the door. He’d talk to Varian about it tomorrow, but for now he needed to get some sleep.
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iatheia · 3 years
EDA reviews Part 6 - books 47-55
Previous part 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
47) The Slow Empire - Uh, couldn't really follow this one at all. There are books when the first person narration works, but not here - too many jumps in setting, too little connective tissue, most of it told from the POV of a person who is barely connected to the protagonists? And that's even before they started repeating chunks of text wholesale between various parts - and I couldn't figure out if it was intended, or if it is the ebook was acting out on me. More than half way through the book, I still couldn't entirely tell what the story is supposed to be about, or if the plot has even started yet. Even having finished it, I find myself somewhat aghast. There are a few glimpses of something interesting, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what. 4/10
48) Dark Progeny - Also not really feeling it. It's not a bad story, but I do rather prefer a Doctor Who story to actually feature the Doctor and the companions front and center, whether they are POV characters or not. Here, though, they are barely in it - it's even more egregious than the previous one in actually giving the supposed protagonists stuff to do, and even on rare occasions we do switch back to them, it is all pretty generic. Anji developing telepathic abilities and the Doctor trying to calm her down all the while Fitz is freaking out in the background? Yes, please, more of that. Following around 20 interchangeable OCs that have nothing to do with the trio? No thank you. 6/10.
49) The City of the Dead - If you are invoking magic in a sci-fi universe, you need to be able to handwave it. It doesn't need to be awfully complex, "something something aliens, something something energy" is usually enough, but without it, you can't just throw magic about willy nilly. There are rules.
There are moments when it is a beautiful story, evoking a lot of dream-like wonder, and if it managed to remain a hazy dream, it probably would have been better for it. At the same time there is something very uncomfortably cynical about it, to the degree it left a bad taste in my mouth. There is a narrow line between not shying away from the ugliness of the world and deliberately making something ugly just for the sake of it, and often it felt like it was leaning towards the latter. Dunno, I started out wanting to like it, and feeling rather conflicted about it, but by the end became utterly indifferent. 7/10
50) Grimm Reality - Pure crack. Mind Robber wishes it could be as hilarious and off the wall as this story is. It throws every cliche fairy tale narrative device in the book at the characters and expects them to take it with the straight face, all the while realizing that the rules of the world are completely bonkers. And it manages to sustain this energy throughout, which is a no small feat. It's actually pretty exhausting by the end of it. Fairy tales stories do not belong to a lengthy literary genre, and even taking time deconstructing them, at 95K words becomes it becomes just too much - figuratively, and, on occasion, literally. Still, pretty great, I wish more books had its energy 9/10.
51) The Adventuress of Henrietta Street - *sigh*. My expectations were pretty low to begin with, and I still am somehow disappointed. Credit where credit's due - it is probably most coherent of the books from Miles. And at least it's better than Interference. That's really not saying much, though.
Honestly, if you've read any story about prostitutes, murder, satanic sex rituals bordering on blatant pornography, eastern culture and "mysticism of female sex" used for fetish fuel, written by a dude who clearly gets off on all of this - you've read all of them. There is really nothing revolutionary or compelling about it. On the list of "plots I never want to see in Doctor Who", they are definitely up there. And the Doctor is dying again, because it wouldn't be Miles's book without it. And he's, uh... living in a brothel, trying to marry someone, in order to, uh..... ritualistically tie himself to Earth, for, reasons? Did I read that right? After over 100 years of living on Earth and wanting to do nothing else than seeing the back of it, right. And writing books not quite about sex but definitely about sex. Because that's the thing the Doctor apparently does now. Self insert what self insert. And Fitz and Anji are just... there. On an occasion. All of it exposed on in a dull faux academic style without a shred of characterization, all the while absolutely nothing of note is happening, despite being a singularly longest EDA.
Just, if you hate the characters so much. If you don't understand what makes them tick to this degree. If you don't even care to learn. If you consider any established emotions they should have about the plot you are putting them through beneath you. Why are you writing in a shared universe to begin with? 2/10
(I did have an unintentional moment of hilarity with it, though. There is a character that is referred to as Lord ______, as if his name is censored. TTS would always pronounce it as Lord Underbarunderbarunderbar. Always gave me a chuckle).
52) Mad Dogs and Englishmen - A hilarious story, a very easy read, flowing from scene to scene. There are several occasions of fridge horror treated with levity that I would have rather have avoided. Plus, it is as incestuous as a book about books can get, and yet.... It is just absurd enough to work.
Plus, the whole, “His books are full of black magic, mind control...and perversion - moral and ethical and sexual. He is polluting the atmosphere of our group”, “What’s next? Rewrite War and Peace so it’s about guinea pigs?” - Oh, the shade. It is a good book in its own right, but just for this alone, 10/10
53) Hope - It's a pretty average book. Not outstanding, not horrible. Would have made a decent episode, all things considered, in a bread and butter sort of way. It does have some great ideas - the refuge of humanity, the conflict between Anji and the Doctor finally coming to light - not quite the type of conflict I was hoping for, though. If only it had a bit more nuisance, without neatly delineated black and white, if the antagonist didn't end up being a mustache twirling villain, if the Doctor didn't end up strong-arming everyone in a much more macho manner than he normally goes for (with a rather clunky dialogue). It had potential, even if it didn't end up being realized in full. 8/10
54) Anachrophobia - Very meh. The set up was fairly contrived, it never made me care about any of the characters, including whatever the hell the Doctor and co were doing, not to mention any of the secondary characters. Not terribly engaging, after a point I was mostly flipping through it. There is some big conflict brought up at 95% mark, and it is resolved in just couple of pages via a deus ex machina and a paradox. Overall, I might have said that I would have liked it better if I was in a mood for existential horror, but I took a break in the middle to listen to the Lease of Life - and it actually touches upon several similar themes, but with and outstanding character drama and much more graceful execution, which made this book look even more poor in comparison. 5/10
55) Trading Futures - I will give the author all the points for keeping an eye on the future. Perhaps, in 2002, predicting tablets being used as menus in fancy restaurants wasn’t that big of a reach, but I absolutely had a spit take when TTS has read to me something about “eye-phones”. There are some modestly clever moments throughout the book. Too bad that the rest of it is a complete rubbish. Not terribly original, either - a lot of ideas are copied directly from other books and other franchises. Reasonably entertaining, all things considered, but in a much more slapstick sort of way than was probably intended. 7/10
Overall impressions so far - This batch is, for the most part, fine. Some stories are worst than others, some better. With one exception, nothing horrendous, but nothing to write home about, either. They are, for the most part, serviceable. Individually, they have decent enough plots. But. There is very little character work. They can generally be read in any order, or dropped entirely, and you wouldn’t miss anything. The Doctor is mostly coasting from the excellent streak in the last batch, always in a spot light. I am starting to tire of the whole amnesia arc, though - it was good, but it ran its course, and at this point, with everything functionally back to norm, with barely a stray mention of it here and there, we are starting to be overdue for some semblance of resolution of all that. Henrietta Street is entirely a step in the wrong direction - not only it does nothing worthwhile for the characters, it’s just getting unnecessarily further into the weedworks, adding yet another plot thread that is forced on other writers to carry (they mention it occasionally, but it’s not like there is much to build upon) - rather viciously reminding of the previous mess of an ark “don’t you dare to think that it is over”. And I am so over it. Just, move on.
The companions fare rather worse. They are decent enough, they participate in action, in each book, they are mostly staying in character, with a handful of neat moments here and there (in a blink and you’ll miss it sort of way, though), they aren’t written off as an unnecessary burden to carry, which is an improvement. There is nothing meaty given to them though - they ask the necessary questions, do the things required of them, and generally stay out of the way when they are not needed. I guess Anji has at least some character driven moments, even though most of them are reduced to “I miss my dead boyfriend”. Which is... fine, we’ve all lost people, we all mourn them in our own way, but it has been 14 books since her introduction, and she is leaving in another 10. To have her character reduced to just that bit from her first book, with barely anything else to offer.... Plus, all the while, she rarely felt like she integrated into the team - because she is constantly eying her exit and returning to normality (even though she always decides to stay just a little while longer due to circumstances), it’s like from the very beginning she had one foot out of the door.
But while Anji is a bit of a one trick pony, at least she has that much. Poor Fitz gets absolutely nothing to do. The last meaningful book that addressed his character in any way was all the way back around book #42-43, and even that was just catching up on plot after his prolonged absence. He’s been essentially frozen since early 30s books. He is generally a fun character to have around, and does good supporting work, but can he please get something more impactful any time soon? Heck, by this point I’ll even take the recurrence of “finding a new love interest number 20 who will inevitably die by the end of the book” - it has been overdone, and it is certainly not a very exciting plot, not to mention reductive, but at least it’d be something. Though, I guess only one companion is allowed to carry that staple at the time, and right now Anji is it, two dead lovers is just an overkill.
And it is an absolute shame - especially when considering that on the other side, Big Finish was in the middle of streak of some of the best stories. Over the same time that these novels were published, we had audios such as Project Twilight, Eye of the Scorpion, Colditz, One Doctor, Chimes of Midnight, Seasons of Fear, which were full of character.
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1. How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET
Fun fact: I started out as maybe and moved to the ship category while writing 
2. What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Grass is Greener Verse: 
Theater, as shocking as it is that they can fixate on something where the eyes aren't on either of them. Well, there is the pre-show ritual of Kairi talking about how well she would have done as a stage actress. Vanitas more often takes a supportive rather than sarcastic response to this, and tells her she should go to some open auditions. It's far from too late. She's young, hot, and talented (He presumes the last one, but he'd never bet the opposite...and after he sees the one movie she did and some of the commercials...he'll just keep his mouth shut on talented). Sometimes, she'll beam, call him right, and make plans she doesn't follow through on. Sometimes she's noncommittal. Sometimes she'll glare at him, deciding he's just trying to end conversation or mock that she is all talk. Post-show there's also talk--this time from both of them--about how they could have done better in certain roles, which is a couples bonding activity all on its own. HOWEVER, these types of fantasies are not why they love plays. They think is an engrossing form of storytelling, that make worlds come to life and put you in them more than movies or tv. Also, they are simply dramatic nerds at heart.
They also play tennis. Primarily doubles, though you would be foolish to play against them, but they enjoy competing with each other too.
Rock climbing, but at an indoor rock gym. Anyone who asks them if they are training for something/ever planning a trip receives incredibly incredulous looks and scoffing. Not because of the potential danger, because of the very idea of them out in the wilderness...though sometimes Kairi will counter this by mentioning that one summer she worked for her father's, now Axel's, landscaping business. That was getting dirty in nature. Vanitas's response to this is not for this headcanon space
A more canon-verse approach (what do you mean Vanitas not joining the guardians of light post-kh3 is not canon?): There is a lot of sparring. Vanitas helps Kairi advance her keyblade training and just plain get out some of the anger in the grief of losing Sora. Van doesn't go easy and Kairi likes that. Kairi helps Vanitas with any gaps in education without talking down, pitying or even mentioning his strange upbringing, or, the worst, comparing him to Roxas or Xion (because he has identity issues too). I'm not even talking traditional education, though that too if he wants, but education on social situations...which he's not a complete idiot about. He's actually really good at reading people. He just needs a little guidance on what way to use the info, because he only has like five moves and not every situation calls for "taunt" or "threaten loved one". Kairi makes him a much better manipulator. Thanks Kairi. There's also a lot of snuggling, because I say so, that's why. I just see them both as a bit yearning for physical reassurance in their lonely spells, and also the least likely to say it for their own different reasons, so they read it in each other and  just give each other what they need but won't ask for.
Read More before this gets too long
3. Who does chores around the house?
Grass is Greener: Neither, as much as it can be helped. It's a stand off about most of the regular chores, and periodically they have a cleaning service come through that is more thorough than either of them are. More often than not, Kairi is the one that "breaks" over keeping the kitchen clean, and Vanitas about cleaning bathrooms and straightening living areas. Vanitas is very neat as a habit, and Kairi likes her surroundings to show a little bit of how she likes chaos--she just is grossed out by dirty dishes, grease stains, and food crumbs. Cooking is a bit of a fifty-fifty with both preferring quickly assembled meals. Laundry is taken down to nothing-to-wear levels, and then it's whoever needs something first. Though sometimes this all goes out the windows, and Kairi goes through "Look, I'm a fifties housewife" sprints where suddenly everything's spotless and she's cooked a three course dinner and did it all in a cocktail dress because she didn't realize you're supposed to change into the dress after. 
Kinda-canon: Vanitas. He has a lot of pent up emotions and sometimes you have got to stress clean or cook. Kairi would help, but the arrangement of Vanitas doing the lion's share and it seeming to help him definitely works for the self-described lazy bum.
4. Who’s the better cook?
Grass is Greener: Vanitas. Kairi is a bit careless following recipes and doesn't have the innate "cooking sense" in regard to estimating amounts, flavors, heat, or time to freestyle. Vanitas, when he does cook, tends to get really serious about it even though he prefers the simple to assemble, like I said in the last answer.
Kinda Canon: Kairi. Vanitas is slow to adjust from the “food is only fuel not pleasure” mindset and Kairi starts out with a base of her adoptive parents having taught her some things. Vanitas has a sharp learning curve though, bullying Little Chef into helping him (because he's not going to lose) and not realizing that the bullying is what makes Little Chef more reluctant and ensures Remy doesn't teach him all the secrets he does to others.  Anyone can cook, but if you're mean you are taught to cook less well. Once Kairi gets Little Chef tutelage, it's all over.
5. Who’s the funniest drunk?
Grass is Greener: Both and neither in a way. They both have a very high tolerance. They tend to act out more on purpose out of the excuse than act out because of a truly altered state. Alcohol isn't magic. It just lowers inhibitions and neither has those to begin with. If I had to choose though, Kairi is a funnier drunk, because Vanitas's mean streak becomes more developed the drunker he is, whereas Kairi's mean streak, when she chooses to have one, is more practiced and purposeful cultivation instead of a natural harshness.
Kinda Canon: Vanitas. He is not prepared, and once he loses his filter everything spills out, and it's a lot less ugly than some people expected. Kairi just gets giggly and slightly louder, but otherwise doesn't change.
6. Do they have kids?
Grass is Greener: :) :D  Listen. Listen. If Shaky was the one who carelessly put "I don't think it fits me the way it used to" on the Vanikai picture she drew. SUPPOSEDLY this was done for cleavage and for the "help you take it off" joke but I know a dangled plotline when I see it. 
Kinda Canon: That partially depends on the state of the worlds and how many other keybearers there are when they are older. Even in a stable universe, I don't see them having kids young and it being a long discussion of whether they want kids at all, not the least because of the implications of Vanitas's powers and whether they are only his or would be passed down--what could happen to an infant that could summon Unversed and not know how to retract them even if they were loyal especially if it would be hurt by them being vanquished. I see them adopting orphans from other worlds and saying fuck world order more than having kids naturally. 
7. Do they have any traditions?
Grass is Greener: Annual trip to Vegas to recreate the way they met under new created identities.
Kinda Canon:  Vanitas calls every tradition he's introduced to stupid without fail. Vanitas also gets VERY into every holiday, and Kairi is all too happy to indulge. Then, he starts nudging her about teaching him more dumb holidays. Their tradition becomes ALL THE TRADITIONS. They celebrate holidays from every world and from every religion if there's a way to do it respectfully--and if it's not appropriate to participate, then they just learn about it as much as they are permitted--and then they look up and celebrate obscure or "made up" things like Leave a Zucchini on a Neighbor's Porch Day.
8. What do they fight about?
Grass is Greener:  What you would expect. 
Why do you take criticism like a personal attack?
What do you do all day? versus Why are you never home? 
Were you flirting with the waiter? 
Did you even want the baby? Was it a relief when I lost it?
Kind of Canon: Imagine Kairi saying in the same tone as Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast "Well you should learn to control your temper!"
No, really, it's mainly about Vanitas being "mean" to people...and then sometimes it's about Kairi doing the same and then blaming him as a bad influence.
9. What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Grass is Greener: The flippant answer is that they are really confused about this whole Disney crossover with weird swords thing, and why they are teenagers in so many of these pictures. Don't even get them started on the skirt over the muscle suit paired with the motorcycle helmet Vanitas sees himself put in. When he wears a skirt he has a lot better style, especially if Kairi helps put together the outfit.
But let's take this in a different way. That one bad movie Kairi did is actually gaining a small cult following now years after its release. Someone does a "What Happened to Kairi Emberson? The Answer Will Shock You!" clickbait. The answer...is not shocking but enough people see a photo of Kairi, fine as ever, now Kairi White and looking so happy with Vanitas, and the pair get an objectively creepy because the next few pictures are pulled from social media they don't lock, but well intentioned few people finding and posting more cute pictures of the,  and they become a sparse tag and one that is half joking, but a RPS all the same. Kairi pretends to hate this, but is not so secretly really flattered. Vanitas genuinely hates it.
Kinda-canon:  Kairi loves it. Vanitas is fascinated despite himself. Everyone else is disappointed because they expected flustered denials or anger at those that portray them wrong, but Van and Kairi both just think it's cool.
10. Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
Grass is Greener: Neither. They roasted it for filth. They cried about it much later. Vanitas in the shower, and Kairi the next day when she was over at Xion's, saw her dog Elmo, and it all busted loose.
Kinda Canon: Vanitas. Cue a discussion about how movies work, how they are not real, and Vanitas snapping that he knows that until there are now multiple types of Unversed to take care of. Kairi gently cuddles both her man and the Unversed until equilibrium returns.
11. Who always wins at Mario kart?
Kairi in all universes. Vanitas doesn't care in GiG, but in canon there is a shout of "Rematch and this time it counts!" despite it being the 100th rematch
12. One thing I like about this ship?
That they have potential to understand each other more than people who technically know them better, or at least the concept of being seen a certain way and having a different "certain way" that everyone thinks it would be better if they grew toward instead of just being allowed to be. Princess of Heart and Agent of Darkness aren't really so different after all.
13. One thing I don’t like about the ship?
When it's clear that it's a fill in for people who want Soriku but can't think of anyone but Sora for Kairi, and so pick "other Sora." There's not anything wrong with that outright, and this isn't me annoyed with pair the spares (though that can rub wrong if it is handled wrong or I'm in a mood to make a point about how not everyone needs a romantic relationship), but annoyed with the reduction of Vanitas to "edgy Sora"
14. The song I would say fits them?
Grass is Greener:
Sibella, and I'll quote a verse and a half because clearly this isn't already long enough.
"You are vain and you are heartless and yet
I can feel in you a shade of sadness
That's barely detectable
That I still want you at all
I may live to regret
You're deceitful
You're delectable
You see the fate of a man
Who has had the misfortune
To spend his life caught in your sway
I see Sibella
My Sibella
And I like her that way"
It works both ways. Change whatever pronouns you want.
Kind of Canon: I...don't know. I can't think off the top of my head. 
15. Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Grass is Greener: Even though they think they met in Vegas, they had crossed paths before and probably more than once. I don't have specific headcanons (yet), but this may be something if I ever write the other 20 bazillion Grass is Greener scenes for various characters and relationships that I want to do first.
Kind of Canon:  Kairi makes her own version of the suit and borrows Vanitas's helmet sometimes to do things she would never "get away with" as herself. Vanitas blesses this, helps her with the suit, and hands over the helmet after kissing the visor for luck. He also exposes her as a fake Vanitas by showing up at the worst time on purpose.
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retvenkos · 4 years
9 years
Tuck Everlasting - Miles Tuck x Rose and Thomas and Anna, angst
tuck everlasting month 2020, day 16
A/N: so, first of all, i changed miles' canon age for when rose leaves. also, in the books miles has 2 kids - a boy, and a girl named anna. i, of course, decided to include her because miles with a daughter would have been perfect - exactly what he needed. the emphasis, however, lies in the word would...
Summary: But time has a way of changing things. Her mother had told her once, when she was young enough to wonder what the world had planned for her, that what’s hidden wants to be found. The more you tried to hide something, the more it would work to show itself in small but meaningful ways.
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9 years.
Rose had known the Tucks for 9, long years.
She first met them when the family came into town, having just settled nearby, looking for men to help build their would be home. Even then, Angus Tuck was a self-made man. He knew how to build houses (after all, he had made their first home, before it burned down) and was only looking for help on account of his age. He was nearing fifty and wasn’t as spry as he used to be, so he decided he could use the help of another man - someone young, who could follow directions efficiently. Rose’s brother had fit the description perfectly, and a deal was struck: he would help the Tuck’s with building their home, and they would let him use their horse for farm work.
Rose had met Miles Tuck that day and believed they were kindred spirits, of sorts. He was just as bookish and quiet as she, and while he was blunt and occasionally harsh with his words, his heart was well-meaning and made up for his shortcomings. He was 2 years older than her, at the time, and when the Tuck’s departed, her brother teased her relentlessly.
The next morning, she joined her brother in going over to the Tuck’s homestead, helping Mae unpack her things and cook a large dinner for the men on an open fire. They bonded, speaking of literature and culture, technology and faith. Those days were simple and happy, spent bonding with a family she adored and learning about the world they had come from. There was quite a lot of world, beyond Treegap, New Hampshire, and to hear about it was fascinating.
After a long day’s work, the four men would eat as though they hadn’t seen food in years. They would thank Mae and Rose, praising their cooking, and would have a smoke afterward. Jesse would sneak off sometime before the pipes were pulled out, and Miles would drift away from Angus and Roses’ brother, not caring for conversations of hunting or fishing. Rose would sit beside him, quietly, and start up a conversation with Miles, the two smiling and laughing in the firelight.
When the cottage was finished, Rose helped Mae move the last of her valuables indoors and  sighed. “I suppose I no longer have an excuse to come and bake with you.”
Mae had smiled, and there was something in her eyes that sparkled as though she knew a secret. “As long as Miles lives here, I’m sure you’ll find a reason or two.”
Rose had stuttered, thoroughly embarrassed by the older woman’s words, and Mae said nothing further on the matter. When she said goodbye to the Tuck’s, Rose couldn’t look Miles in the eye.
As they walked home, her brother looked at her with raised eyebrows. Rose shoved him and told him to shut up.
Miles had called on her a few weeks afterward, asking her if she’d like to take a stroll through town. She had smiled, then, admiring the redness in his cheeks and the sincerity in his tone. They courted for a year, and on a beautiful autumn day, they had gotten married.
They had vowed to love each other. They promised to stand by one another and let nothing come between them. They had sworn to be honest with one another, no matter what.
That had been 7 years ago. Rose was 22 and naive to the ways of the world.
Now, staring at her mother, a six year-old Thomas playing on the ground beneath her, and another baby kicking in her stomach, Rose had seen much more of the vast, unexplainable world. Her mother handed her a cup of tea and she sipped at it politely, trying to wonder how to begin.
Her mother had told her once, when she was young enough to not believe her, that what’s hidden wants to be found. The more you tried to hide something, the more it would conspire against you to show itself in small but meaningful ways.
Rose had thought her mother to be too faithful, then - too reliant on the universe working in her favor. Then she had met the Tucks, and throughout the years, she learned bits of their secret.
“Nothing could make me love him less.”
“Of course, not.” Rose’s mother sat across from her at the table, her hair streaked with silver, her eyes heavy with wisdom. “You are his wife, after all.”
Rose nodded. She had never questioned her vows. She loved him and had no secrets. But something ate at the back of her mind, gnawing at her, asking her if perhaps Miles had broken his.
“But you are a mother and every mother loves her child more than anything else.”
Rose looked at her boy - his dark curls falling into wide eyes, his cheeky smiles and soft hands. “I would do anything to keep Thomas safe.” Her hand went to her stomach, and the baby inside moved. “Anna, too.”
“Then you know what you must do.”
At first, there wasn’t much to question. The Tucks had come from out of town to settle, and no one knew their prior family. They joked that youth ran in the family. Jesse looked as though he hadn’t aged a day from when he met Rose, but that was because he was a boy and excitement held onto adolescence tightly. Mae was no younger than her own mother, and yet her hair maintained the same vibrant red of her younger years. Not a single hair turned silver to match the few she had when they first came to Treegap. Rose only ever seemed to get older with time, but motherhood was exhausting and easily deepended wrinkled and added crows feet to smooth skin. If she ever mentioned it, Miles would kiss her, saying she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever met, and Rose would get lost in his love.
After a while, it was their health that Rose found peculiar. Angus and Mae were well into their fifties, approaching that heavy age where the world pulled them closer to the ground in which they would one day lay, leaving aches and pains in the morning, and tiredness in the evening. However, the couple never seemed to be bothered by time, and in the winter, when aches were at their worst and illness swept through the town like a breeze, the family stayed unaffected by the damp that set into their home or the draft that came under the doors.
What had frightened Rose the most, though were not trivial wrinkles or impeccable health. What had caused her to draw away from the family she had always loved and shook Rose to her core was Jesse’s fall.
When she thought about it later, she remembered how the sunlight seemed to bend around him like a halo, the branches falling with him like wings on his back - like an angel, her mother had said. Or, she said, in a quiet tone, like Icarus. A Greek tragedy - too reckless for this life, too young for his experiences.
Jesse should have died upon hitting the ground; a fall from that high, with his body hitting branches as he fell, his head bloody and his limbs lying at odd angles when he landed on the ground should have killed him. He was Icarus, after all, plummeting towards his grave. When he did not, the Tucks were relieved and Rose was, too. But she also had a mind that told her of mortal wounds - those injuries that people do not survive.
Something was broken that day, and it was not Jesse’s body.
Thomas had been four, then, still a toddler that needed a father to show him the way. Rose was still uncertain, in those days, believing in Miles and those vows she had made more than anything else in the world.
That was 2 years ago. She was 27 and growing fast.
Was she grown, now?
“What do I do?” She looked at her mother for guidance but already knew she did not want to hear her reply.
Amongst the Tucks was a fallen angel. They were no longer in God’s grace.
“You already know what must be done.”
“But I cannot.” Tears were welling into Rose’s eyes and she pushed them back, not allowing them to fall. Thomas had stilled in her games on the floor and stared at his mother, eyes wide and full of wonder. “I can’t leave Miles… I can’t leave my husband.”
“You’re not leaving Miles.” Her mother put her hands on top of Roses’. “You’re leaving The Adversary.”
“No...” Rose fell to the ground and wept. Thomas grabbed her skirts, rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger. “They’re good people.”
“They’ve been claimed by evil.” Rose shook her head, but her eyes were filled with fear. “You have your children to think of. You must leave.”
“Where will I go?” Rose asked, her voice cracking, her head bowed.
Her mother leaned down to pick Rose off of the ground. Rose was sobbing still, her body shaking with effort, her breathing laboured and broken. Her mother smoothed her hair and let Rose cry on her shoulder. Thomas hugged his mother’s legs and patted her pregnant belly.
“Go to the Lord, Rose, and pray. It’s all you can do.”
Rose stared at the empty page beneath her and willed herself to write something down. She had loved Miles for 9, long years. She had been by his side all the while, never once believing him to be something dark and sinister.
When Jesse had fallen, Miles had been right there, calling out his brother’s name, holding the boy’s body to his chest. When Jesse’s eyes opened and he coughed up blood, the deep red dripping down his chin and staining his shirt, Miles had carried him to their home with tears of relief in his eyes. He had borne the burden of almost losing his brother, determined to not let anyone else suffer.
Rose had borne the burden of knowing that he shouldn’t have survived.
To the Tucks, Jesse’s prolonged life was a miracle. But Jesse’s life was heavy on Rose’s conscience - like a curse.
It was only fair, now, that Miles shared in her burden. A letter was the only way he could ever know the reasons for why she would do what she intended. Miles knowing why would explain her actions and the guilt of what she was to do would be his, as well.
She was going to explain herself - like a good, honest woman should. Honesty was one of her vows to him. Miles may have kept secrets and cast her in shadow, but she would shed light on her action and give him the honestly she promised one last time.
Rose was 29, now, and time was stealing away her life, one day at a time.
She could not wait any longer for another explanation to arrive. The rumors in town were insidious. The Tucks were an unnatural family. There was no other way - no other path she could take.
Rose looked at the grandfather clock that she had been given as a wedding gift. In only a few more hours, light would start to fill the house. She had to go, now. There was no time for explanations or apologies.
Rose stood and crept to where they kept their money box. She took what little they had, and prayed that the Lord would provide the rest. She turned, one last time, to look at her husband, pain in her eyes.
He was still 22, the same as they day they met, no changes made to his mortal body. He did not look like the evil he was supposed to be, but evil was a master at deception.
Her baby kicked and Rose held back a sob.
Stealing into Thomas’ room, Rose prayed to the Lord. She prayed for guidance, for strength, for something to make the bile in her throat lessen, something to make her actions feel like less of a betrayal.
Thomas woke at his mother’s touch, and she told him they were leaving. He asked her if papa was coming and a tear slipped down her cheek. She bent down to look him in the eye, and when she spoke, her words were thick with sorrow, but clear and low. “Not now, Thomas. We will see him again, one day, but not now.”
He didn’t understand, but followed where his mother led. Their footfalls were quiet, with the grace of God guiding them outside and into the night.
Rose had a destination in mind - somewhere Miles would never find them, somewhere where she would not see him at every street corner and in the aisles of a store. She thought of her life with him; her mind combed through those 9 years in a moment's hesitation and lingered on her mother’s words, spoken with gravity.
You already know what must be done.
Rose held Thomas’ hand in hers, the other resting on her pregnant stomach. Inside, the baby put her foot to where her mother held her. She knew what must be done for her children - there was nothing that was too difficult, nothing too unthinkable when done in their name. She prayed that one day, when she told Thomas of all that had been done, that he would not hate her for her actions, done in his name.
She did not look back at the farmhouse as she left. She had to leave Miles behind her. Still, she closed her eyes as she traveled into the night, the wind stinging her cheeks, damp with tears, and thought of the man she had met in Treegap, 9 years ago.
“Forgive me.”
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lunarliteration · 4 years
Kyle Hemmings — Notes on The Biography of E. H. Munch (3rd Edition)
1.   A recurrent regret by Munch throughout his days is that he always felt he “skimmed the surface of life,” without ever taking the plunge into its depths, never explored its secret caverns and precious archaeologies, never gave himself over to “smiling mermaids who spoke a universal sign language with bubbles and sweeping hand motions that could never be imitated by land wishers”.
2.  Munch was fond of misquoting Nietzsche. He believed in the philosopher’s view that the best time to die was when one was at the height of one’s powers. Munch said at parties, most likely as a joke, that he should have died at the age of ten.
3.  The relationship with Hedda Grubber has frustrated many would be biographers and cultists. It is filled with gaps and inconsistencies. Salek recalls from an interview with Munch that he (Munch) had met her at a Parisian nightclub “where the air stung one’s nostrils with all varieties of rose and orchard scents mixed with the heavy smoke from Turkish cigarettes.” He claimed that the singer seduced him that night by stuffing her sequined underwear down his trousers. Inexperienced in all matters of love and conquest, Munch and the older Hedda made love “on rooftops, on deserted beaches at night, inside army tanks scheduled to be scrapped, inside the belly of a shrine to the Ghost of North Halifax.”
4.  At the age of 95, Hedda denied much of what Munch revealed to journalists of the New Left. She did admit that Munch often trembled and remained silent for long periods of time after love making. When she asked him if anything was wrong, he gave his usual cryptic response, “Everything is wrong, Darling. The whole world is wrong and is in a downward spiral. I want to cry for everyone. But for the two of us, I will remain speechless. Perhaps we are all that matters.” They would then stay side by side in bed, holding hands in the darkness for hours, recalls Hedda.
5.  As noted by Gremlich, Munch exhibited a fascination with lizards and snakes in his early sketches. He remarked that they represented “the crudest forms of politicians and bureaucrats”.
6.  Hedda does recall the failed plot to assassinate Himmler much later and how several members of the Horst Brigade, including herself,  helped to spring Munch from prison and to a safe passage to Switzerland. There, Hedda gave birth to a baby that didn’t live long, but Munch denied it was his. During his bouts of depression and mental cloudiness, he claimed that a young British spy posing as a Nazi officer was the real father and Hedda refused to speak to him for weeks. In a more lucid and serene state, he described Hedda to Salek as a cross between “a big-hearted prostitute with wings and a shadowy butterfly denying the death of flowers.”
7.  “Try telling that fathead to behave himself before I knock his lights out,” was how Hedda often referred to Munch at all-night parties to the Dadaist, Martin Rou.
8.   There are two contrasting versions of the incident at Goat’s Head View. According to Munch, he was staying that summer with a young British friend who had invited him. Munch claims that he was kneeling at the edge of a cliff overlooking a glittering sea when his host, the prankster, Marshall, climbed up the cliff and taunted Munch to pull him up. When Munch attempted to, Marshall let go, perhaps hoping that Munch would fall over. Instead, Marshall fell backwards and spent the rest of the summer in bed with two broken arms and one fractured leg.
Marshall’s version differs in that it claims that Munch was the one who was taunting, and always “full of clever little tricks.”
9.  After the incident, Munch’s family moved him to an exclusive school on the continent where he excelled in languages and science.
10.  Munch often said that he never left the “ravaged grounds of puberty” and always experienced an erotic obsession with woman having large breasts, curvy hips, a Cheshire smile, and a mercurial temperament.
13.  What is being referred to here is the period of The Blank Canvas. Munch and Hedda decided to take a break from their tumultuous relationship. “So many broken eggshells with missing eggs and little white lies turning monstrous and black,” recalls Hedda. Actually, The Blank Canvas Period lasted roughly about seven months. During this time, Munch painted little, and cavorted with the amorous Hollywood starlet, Wanda Thrush, a one-time fling of Fritz Lang, although the latter denied it. Munch summarized the period as “a beautiful way to deny the emptiness of last night’s hangover.” Thrush later took up with the writer/safari hunter–Hugo Dietsch. Both she and an inexperienced guide were mauled to death by a lion. Dietsch was later killed by a Spanish bullfighter whose estranged wife the actor was romancing and were seen together swimming nude in the sea .
14.  Hedda was known to take her martinis with three olives “standing straight up”.
15.  The years between 1948 and 1964 were the most productive for Munch, art-wise. It was during this period that he developed his Red Lady series of semi-abstract paintings. Munch had become fascinated with the “emotional properties” of red and blue, with gradations of yellow thrown in. Most of the pieces have an abstract background composed of blue and red swirls and in the foreground, a faceless woman dressed in flapper hat, short fringe dress, and holding a cane, a la cabaret style. Art critics remarked that the red mostly likely symbolized the blood that later Munch obsessed over to such a degree that he painted skies and clouds streaked with it, until right before his institutionalization at Geneva, when he painted huge red balls against a dark canvas, perhaps symbolizing for him not only his ensuing blindness, but also, the end of the world.
16.  Roughly five weeks after his release from Saint Morgan’s, Munch, as noted by the increasingly brittle Hedda, seemed to be at peace with himself. However, after an argument in which Hedda accused him of “killing our baby,” even though Hedda had not given birth in over 38 years, Munch retreated into his study and shot himself with a revolver. The same one he intended to use on Himmler, many years before.
In her memoir, Hedda reconstructs this incident by stating that by “our baby” she meant the book of poems and paintings that she and Munch had been working on and off for years. She claimed that in a fit of rage and frustration, Munch had torn up the drafts, flinging them outside their Paris window, calling them “worthless birds.” He then fell into her arms and sobbed uncontrollably until he fell asleep. The next morning, Hedda found him dead from a gunshot wound, in the study.
17.  Hedda later moved to Norway, lived the rest of her life alone, and maintains in her memoir that Munch was the only man she ever truly loved, despite her numerous affairs with late Dadaists and young college students whom she taught as an associate professor of Modern Literature. She was later buried alongside Munch at a small cemetery in Bavaria. Wallach notes that “visitors claim they can hear them both dreaming of the other through closed caskets.”
18.  Translation: They must dream loudly.
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safiya-hensen · 4 years
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safyia presley hensen - 01/12/1994
tw: depression, anxiety, car accident
faceclaim: naomi scott
name: safiya presley hensen
age: 26
occupation(s): wedding planner (non complete degree in business)
label: resident sweetheart
tattoos: 2 - a rose on her right side ribcage, butterflies on her left bicep above her elbow 
piercings - left ear: two stacked helixes, lobe and upper lobe, tragus. right ear: one helix, lobe and upper lobe, and a daith piercing. nose: small diamond stud on her left side (right side when you face her) she has her belly button pierced as well.
family: Everly Hensen, mother. Adam Foley, step-father. Helen Bell, aunt. Jameson Bell, grandfather.
The Rundown: Safiya has a very happy, charming, flirty and bubbly personality that she tends to lean into to hide the nasty anxieties that flood her mind in the day to day. From her hearing loss diagnosis to the nightmares of a car accident that nearly took the life she took for granted away from her, her mind can be a war zone. But, hidden behind flirtatious glances, great jokes and personable appearances lies an insecure and reserved person who believes she’s unworthy of love she used to have, of finding the happy ending so many of her clients receive when she does her job correctly. 
The Bio
beginnings - Safiya was born in Chennai, India to a family of 7. Her biological parents weren’t able to afford another child and therefore got her to an adoption agency. From there she was sent to an United States based agency, in hopes that her chances of being adopted was greater. It took about a year before Everly found her. The woman jumped across the pond and quickly gathered the young girl from the world she knew. Thankfully, Safiya remembers nothing of her life in India, the only reminder being her first name. She was grateful that Everly had kept a piece of her heritage for her to hold on to, even if she didn’t know much else. 
childhood - From the day of her arrival to the states and the Hensen household, Safiya grew up as a normal kid. She grew up with her adoptive mother, guidance from her aunt and her grandfather being a strong father figure for her. The presence of these adults served as role models in her life. They guided her through life and encouraged her hobbies from volleyball and singing, to fashion design and piano. They were just happy to have the light in their life that they did. All through high school, Safiya strove in her academics, played on a successful volleyball team and had joined the school choir. She was organized and made sure that she had time to balance everything in her life, her friends, her family, her boyfriends, hobbies and homework. Time seemed to fly by rapidly, and soon, Safiya was attending college as a business major. She was so excited about the idea of creating a business and being a business owner, she’d just not settled down with a product. She’d figured that maybe she would pick just one, versus the many types of services and products she’d dreamt up. College served her well, creating a bubbly, fun and outgoing person who had a wild streak when the moment was right. She was charismatic, yet kind and was always looking out for her friends surrounding her. 
a bump in the road - Though, her plans faltered a little when Safiya realized she was having trouble hearing some of her professors in lectures. She would then go to the Health and Wellness services on campus, only to be directed to an ENT. There, they diagnosed her with sensorineural hearing loss, meaning there was a part of her inner ear that wasn’t working correctly, and was irreversible. Unfortunately, Safiya found that over the course of the semester it began to worsen. Finally, she began to really struggle and started the process of figuring out how she could acquire hearing aids. She knows that it will gradually get worse, eventually leading to complete loss of hearing. She’s terrified for that world, and it’s coming sooner than she knows. Because of that, she has a rather difficult time coming to terms with the idea that people will treat her much differently, so she keeps her mouth shut about the topic most times than not. 
the downspiral - It was her diagnosis that began the harsh beginnings of her battle with depression. While her mother knew what was happening, she did everything she could to support the daughter she had taken in. However, she felt completely helpless. There was nothing that could fix the problem, and she was horrified of having to go into the world one day, not being able to hear it. She spent weeks trying to get out of bed, leading to academic probation from her school. Everly was worried and wasn’t sure what to do with her. She’d broken up with her boyfriend, and shut most of her friends out in fear of rejection. This led to Safiya shutting herself into her room and truly ignoring her studies despite how excited she’d been to earn her degree. Eventually, she withdrew from the semester in an attempt to maybe save her GPA when she returned in the next semester. Unfortunately, she never returned. 
the accident - Over the summer, Safiya tried her best to get back into her life, and picked up a gig working at a local boutique in order to give her some assemblance of a schedule. Driving home one night after a shift, she’d been struck head on by a drunk driver who’d crossed over the median. This changed everything for Safiya. It had been a week of near consciousness and some dismal looking predictions from doctors. Coming out of the accident with a broken arm, broken leg and a severe head injury, it was a large surprise that she’d managed to recover as quickly as she had. This had left her with a few scars that remind her of where she has come from. They encourage her to get up and move past the simple struggles, as she knows she’s been through far, far worse. It was months of recovery and pushing past the claims of a lesser quality of life for her. Yet, something in Safiya said ‘no, you’re getting through this, dead or alive.’
regrowth - After the accident, she knew she didn’t want to go back to school. She wasn’t wasting any more time at a desk in order to prove her successes to a large university. Over the course of her recovery, her mother’s boyfriend had proposed, and Saf watched her aunt help her mother plan her marriage to her step-father. Sitting as an audience member, she somewhat shadowed over her in an attempt to see if wedding planning was a good fit for her. Low and behold it was. She ended up becoming her Aunt Helen’s intern for a summer, before taking on a wedding of her own. Eventually she was hired and working with her aunt for a good two years and found that she loved it. She loved romance, the beauty of seeing a couple come together, and knowing that she was helping bind them in an everlasting moment, and a memory they could look fondly on. And maybe it was this career that led her to her greatest fear: being alone. 
love and life - Safiya had definitely had her share of relationships, and she was so happy in some of them. However, upon the diagnosis of her hearing, and what the outcome may result, she was terrified to let people in again. Friends, that was something different - but a partner? One who she’d live with and be so intimate with? She couldn’t imagine, never being able to hear her partner’s voice ever again, or making their life so much more difficult because of her disability. So, she thought she was better off. Yet, that doesn’t mean she isn’t a hopeless romantic, and doesn’t want love. She just knows that it’s not in the cards for her, or so she seems to believe. 
a new page - Maybe that’s why when Adam and Everly sold everything to their name and jetted off to Germany that she left Helen’s business, and started her own in the suburbs of Chicago, away from what she knew. To start over, and maybe be the person she was before everything hit the fan. She’s trying to be the same person, but when she looks in the mirror, she can’t help but see the ugly scars that remained from the accident, the mental scars from beating herself up over a diagnosis she couldn’t predict, and a life she had made up in her mind, even though she’d not even lived it yet. Chicago was going to be her reset in a way, if she wanted to or not. So now, 2 years into owning Ever After Events, she’s finally in a better place - or so she hopes.
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
OTP Questions 2
Thanks for the tag @addictedtodrakefanfic and @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria
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1. In a coffee shop AU, who would be the barista who keeps spelling the other person’s name wrong?
I don’t think Drake and Riley fall for each other in a coffee shop AU, actually! I know the point of AUs like this are that the couple are soulmates and they’ll always fall for each other, but I don’t actually believe in soulmates, and with these two, I don’t think they would connect in that setting.
If Riley were the barista, I don’t think Drake would be at all memorable to her. She ends up falling for him because of her gradual realization that she can be completely herself around him, and there’s no way Drake is opening up to a coffee shop employee. So Riley would just write his very simple name and move on to the next customer.
If Drake were the barista, Riley would just be that annoying customer who was always distracted on her phone or chatting with a friend who would miss her name being yelled out or be slow to order. So maybe he would misspell her name as a petty little dig? We’ll go with that!
2. How would they describe one another’s sense of humor?
They both would say the other is very sarcastic, but Drake would also describe Riley as having a bit of a goofy, zany streak.
3. How do they calm one another down?
When Drake’s riled up, he’s a pacer and a ranter, often getting flustered and barely spitting out complete sentences. Riley will just sit there and listen for a few minutes while he lets it all out, then she’ll ask if he wants to drink some whiskey. Usually, they then kind of cuddle and drink together, sometimes even getting a little tipsy, and it mellows Drake out. If Drake is super pissed off, he views Riley’s offer as a dig at his drinking habits. This doesn’t happen often, but when it does, Riley just leaves the room and let’s him cool down. He’s usually looking for her within the next 30 minutes to apologize for snapping at her.
When Riley’s angry, Drake usually has no desire to calm her down. He kind of likes angry Riley, and he usually feels her anger is warranted, so he just listens in and enjoys her profanity-filled comments. If she’s angry at him, he tends to get defensive and might snap back, so after they both say a couple of nasty things in frustration, he usually removes himself from the situation so as to not say anything he would really regret. She self-calms better than he is able to calm her in those situations.
4. Your OTP goes to a carnival, where would they spend most of their time?
They both enjoy the rides (the wilder and more intense, the better). They also like to just stroll around and snack on fried food. They have learned to avoid the games for the most part. They both are too competitive to handle the fact that those games are basically rigged. At various points, they both have yelled at the game operator for games they “should have won.”
5. Who is most likely to blush when complimented?
Drake - he just isn’t used to compliments and they always catch him a bit off guard.
6. What is one thing about their partner that they love?
Drake loves that Riley has this fierce sense of right and wrong and she isn’t quiet about it. Unless she’s literally being paid to be nice to someone, she’ll call people out on crap to their faces. In a world where he feels that so many people are fake, she is honest and real. It blows his mind that Liam fell for her without seeing this side of her, because in his mind it’s one of her best qualities.
Riley loves that Drake wants to take care of her. Even though it annoys her sometimes, because she took care of herself just fine for years before she met him, overall it’s nice to feel like a priority to someone for the first time in her life. Plus, she kind of likes that their baggage is very similar, so she knows she can do the same for him.
7. What do their closets look like? Ex- Do they share? Does one over flow into the other’s?
Drake owns the minimal amount of clothing and it’s almost all standard basics. He willingly shares his shirts/sweatshirts with Riley (he likes seeing her all relaxed in his clothing) until one day he realizes she’s not just wearing his stuff and putting it back in his drawers or his side of the closet - she’s keeping it in her drawers or her side of the closet. This causes a little spat and after some flirting from Riley, they decide they’ll do a poker night where the stakes are for true ownership of each sweatshirt/shirt.
Riley has more clothing than Drake, so the closet and dresser breakdown tends to be about 2/3rds of the space is for Riley’s clothing, 1/3rd for Drake’s.
8. If they made a playlist for one another, what would their playlists look like?
Riley has pretty diverse musical tastes, so anything she would make for him would have a variety of songs and wouldn’t really go together at all (some pop, some rock, some R&B, some metal, some hip hop, etc and fast songs immediately transitioning to acoustic ballads).
Drake likes alternative rock and classic rock. His playlists at least tend to have a nice flow to them (after all, he has DJ’d for Beaumont Bashes in the past)
9. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
In canon, Riley beat him to it after he was shot. In It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment, Drake says it first.
11. What type of pet(s) would your OTP adopt?
Drake would prefer a larger dog, but he’s fine with the corgis, particularly in It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment, since they are living in small apartments.
12. What article of clothing do they steal from one another?
Riley steals shirts and sweatshirts to relax in at home. Drake doesn’t purposely steal them, but he ends up with tons of bobby pins in his pockets, either because she messed with her hair and took it down at an event and tucked the bobby pins there, or because he accidentally removed them when he ran his fingers through her hair.
13. What was the most thoughtful gift they got for one another? How did one another react when receiving the gift?
In the canon universe, the gift that Riley found the most thoughtful was when he bought her basically every product in her favorite scent from Bath and Body Works. She’d always worn this peach body spray, but in her early days in Cordonia, some of the women had trash talked her cheap perfume. So, after she became a duchess and had money at her disposal, she picked out a more expensive designer perfume. But Drake didn’t like that she didn’t smell like she always had before, so thinking she’d just run out, he figured he’d track it down for her, and since he didn’t know if it was lotion or shower gel or body mist she used, he just kind of bought the whole product line. To Riley, this was just further confirmation that she didn’t have to change herself at all to be with Drake, that he’d always wanted her exactly as she was.
Riley’s most thoughtful gift to Drake happens in the It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment universe, and it isn’t a physical gift, it’s an action she takes for him. It’s kind of a plot point in the first couple chapters of the sequel I’m working on, so I’m not going to describe it here. Maybe I’ll remember to update this after I post that chapter, hahaha.
14. Who is happier when they are out in nature? 
Drake. Riley enjoys camping with him well enough, but she’s a born and raised city girl and would never choose to go camping or hiking without him.
15. Do either of them avidly follow a celebrity and/or fandom?
Not really. Drake likes the big superhero blockbusters, but he’s not an avid fan who’s going to midnight showings.
Tagging @burnsoslow @loveellamae @mrsnazariowritesagain​ if any of y’all want to play along
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