#the santa clause (1994)
mittos · 10 months
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Any emo/alternative adjacent character I see? I attach myself too
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10yrsyart · 2 years
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my bestie suggested more Christmas Crossover AU and i couldn’t say no to that 😂 the differing elf lore is funny to me so i had to address it somehow. i think that after dealing with North, the elves would flock to someone who takes them (semi) seriously. and Bernard just hits that balance of grumpy efficiency 👌
Bernard: Why am I here
Jack: You need to get out more, I'm getting you out more.
Bernard: My job is management and keeping out intruders. I'm not supposed to become one.
Jack. It's fine, I'm allowed in here. North is just out for the day.
Bernard: You brought me to see a bunch of gnomes?
Jack: No no, not gnomes, elves. Go on, say something to them!
Bernard: Encouragement really isn't my strong suit-
Jack: Then do what you do best~
Bernard: ...Right.
Bernard: You! What're your jobs around here?
Elf 1: (~)
Bernard: Bakers? Cocoa brewers? Excellent. And you?
Elf 2: (~)
Bernard: Musician, fantastic. Traditional positions huh.
Elf 3: (~!)
Bernard: “Haughty”? Of course he's haughty, all Santas are. They don't appreciate the nuance of the background workforce. We elves are the vital backbone of Santa's workshop. You all have important tasks to keep, so I’m expecting good results from you.
Bernard: And I don't like to be disappointed. Capiche?
(elves cheery excitedly)
Jack: Oooh, looks like someone’s got some new fans! North is gonna love this.
Jack: You know the elves don't do the actual toy making, right?
Bernard: Whatdo'ya take me for, an amateur?
(Bonus 1)
Curtis: This is the fifth stack of personal letters you've received this week, Bernard. This is all highly suspicious..
Bernard: Curtis, you wouldn't know “suspicious” if it hit you in the face with a bowl of waxed fruit.
(Bonus 2)
North: There's something wrong with the elves, I'm sure of it!
Tooth: How so?
North: These are the BEST. Cookies. I have ever eaten!
(Jack laughs quietly)
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coffinshippingluvr · 2 years
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reaping-raven · 2 years
Okay am I crazy or did the elves in the Santa clause (1994) have glitter on them. Like you could see specks of glitter shine. I feel like I'm losing my mind because everything I have seen doesn't show it and I think in the second one they didn't have it. If they did or didn't they should have it or kept it (if they did have it).
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wyatthaliwells · 2 years
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Paige Tamada as Judy the Elf in The Santa Clause (1994), dir. John Pasquin
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my theory for “The Santa Clause (1994)” is that Neil was Laura’s psychiatrist and they cheated while Laura was still married to Scott.
That’s why Scott says they were “real naughty” and couldn’t believe in Santa Claus in the beginning of the film
also why he hates Neil and psychiatry
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thisgirlsophia · 2 years
HC’s for Bernard the Elf dating a Sweet!Reader
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(gifs not mine)
I wrote this all the way back at the beginning of August during Summer vacation and just waited till now, since Bernard season was back
CW: GN! Reader, Pure Fluff 
You two are complete opposites. You being the upbeat, positive, sweet one. Him being the sarcastic, grumpy, overthinker one. But opposites attract! You do occasionally have a few sarcasm battles with each other though.
Him being 2 inches taller than you.
I feel like he only uses nicknames when it’s just the two of you. Ex: Love, Sweetheart, dear, darling, (very simple but sickly sweet).
You use a few sweet ones too, but you also like to make fun of him sometimes so Mr. perfectionist, and grumpy it is.
If you use a sweet one in public, he will get embarrassed.
“I told you not to use that in public!” 
You smile and laugh mischievously.
“Seriously, this is a work environment! Be professional!”
You lean in and kiss his cheek.
“Whatever you say sweetie.”
You walk away leaving behind a blushing annoyed Bernard.
Having snowball fights. 
Him winning and you insisting it was a tie.
Making snow angels together.
Sitting by the fire and cuddling while drinking hot chocolate.
Ice skating together. That boy is one great skater.
You help him have more fun.
Stealing his hat (Doesn’t matter if it was on or off his head).
“Hey Y/N, have you seen-”
He didn’t even bother trying to get it back, you just looked so adorable.
Oh, and when you see him genuinely smile or laugh for the first time-
“Hey, love?”
Bernard waves his hand in front of your face.
You were just so lovestruck!
“Oh! Um I just never thought- you should do that more often.”
Being close with Charlie.
Coming with Bernard whenever he visits him.
Charlie looks up to you two.
He was so happy when you two got together.
And Bernard was so embarrassed-
Calming him down when he gets angry.
“It’s okay Bernard, we can figure it out together.”
You give him a comforting hug, linking your arms around his waist, leaning your head on his collarbone.
He hugs you back, puts his head in the crook of your neck, and sighs.
Kisses are full of love and adoration.
Him letting you play with his curly hair.
You two have definitely kissed under the mistletoe before (Scott & Charlie 100% had something to do with it).
Maybe when you two were just friends you only gave him a kiss on the forehead.
(Probably really blushes whenever you kiss him on the forehead, since it reminds him of that moment).
But when you became a couple.
You two had the sweetest most beautiful kiss ever!
Scott/Santa thinks you are one of the best things that have happened to Bernard.
He’s less uptight and seems to be happier at work now that you’re in his life.
When cuddling, if you are facing each other, your head will be in his chest and his head will be on top of yours.
Holding you like the teddy bear you are <3
If you’re spooning he’s most likely the big spoon.
But sometimes when he’s had a rough stressful day *cough* Curtis bugging him.
He loves for you to be holding him.
It’s very comforting and gives him the hope that tomorrow will be better.
Getting him to take breaks (ones that are longer than 5 minutes lol).
And possibly a vacation. 
Might take a lot of an effect but it will be worth it.
“But Bernard-”
“No! Too much needs to be done!”
“Christmas is 360 days away! Can’t you spare 15 minutes?”
He looks down and sees you with pleating eyes, and a small pout.
You smile wide and you give him a great big hug.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
He blushes and smiles ever so slightly. 
He always tends to over work himself.
Sometimes he falls asleep in his office.
You'll come home and he won’t be there.
So, you head over to the workshop and open his door.
You find him slumped over his desk with his pen still in his hand.
You smile and walk over to him, removing the pen from his grasp.
You slightly nudge his shoulder.
“Bernard honey, you can finish that in the morning. Let’s go home.”
You make him eat a little bit of dinner before he goes to bed.
He falls asleep in your arms <3
You just care and love this elf so much, and as stubborn as he may be you wouldn’t want it any other way.
I really enjoyed writing this at the time, so I hoped you enjoyed reading them.
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askmovieslate · 2 years
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Sure, the movie is pretty goofy, and not very visually stimulating, the acting is all over the place, and the music is...well it sucks. But everything else is pretty good, especially the writing.
Yeah seriously, the writing for this silly movie about a guy becoming Santa Claus is actually pretty good. It goes through every detail, from the physical changes, to the list reading, the gadgets, it’s so weird and unique it’s actually kind of surprising.
So yeah, I quite liked it, what can I say? It’s an enjoyable movie!
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kayviolet · 1 day
I have abruptly realized the similarities between Tim Allen’s Santa Clause and Tom Hardy’s Venom
I mean. I haven’t seen either, but especially The Santa Clause, for A While, but like. See my vision!
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boardchairman-blog · 2 years
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**Shots of the Movie**
The Santa Clause (1994)
Director: John Pasquin Cinematographer: Walt Lloyd
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ashleywritesstuff · 9 months
The Santa Clause is one I've watched every Christmas since I was kid. Here's a bit I wrote about it for #WayBackWednesday on @fangirlishsite.
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mittos · 9 months
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I know Christmas passed but I haven’t stopped thinking about Bernard and Curtis! I had hc that Curtis views Bernard as a big brother and really looks up to him :)
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machetelanding · 2 years
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coffinshippingluvr · 2 years
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animezinglife · 2 years
If Abby the Elf took 1200 years just to perfect her hot cocoa recipe, how old is Bernard (who is clearly much older)?
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there's something charming about bad cgi. the reliance on digital editing instead of union supported departments like costume and makeup is obviously appalling, but idk. seeing a nineties movie with incredibly obvious cgi is kinda cute.
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