#the scene wrote itself
sophsun1 · 3 months
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Community – 1.21: English As A Second Language
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youssefguedira · 4 months
actually i've decided i'm obsessed with joe's what are you gonna do kill me line. marwan kenzari plays that one 100% seriously which is in line with how he does the rest of the scene (perfect btw 100/10 we've talked about that that's not the point here) and i tend to overlook it because of that but in retrospect funniest possible thing to say to the guys who have kidnapped you for your immortality. what ARE they gonna do. kill him?
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dallonwrites · 8 months
actually making my tags from my last post into their own post. writers who struggle with grammar, spelling, typos, errors etc i love you. writers who struggle with rereading their stuff thoroughly no matter how much they try, who don't always have access to other people to help them read i love you. whilst reading through and checking for these things is good practice i really believe that the weight of it should not be put wholly on the writer's shoulders. especially writers who are neurodivergent, disabled, have any condition that can impede their reading + comprehension, are overworked and overtired, are not writing in their native language, list goes on....because grammar mistakes/language mistakes/typos have nothing to do with your abilities as a creative. this is where editors should be uplifting writers, helping them, not scrutinising them for something they cannot always control
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aboutyoutoo · 23 days
i'm going thru another horror phase and it's... kind of making me want to write something todolf-adjacent maybe but more in a horror vein. like i know tod isn't all that, he's sexy dramatic toxic grim reaper boyfriend etc but ! idk i want to explore the idea that death is actually something scary as well as just something that's seductive to rudolf. either that or something about the horror of actually being in that deep depressive suicidal state.
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fortjester · 1 month
me while I'm at work: can't wait to get home so I can write
me when I get home:
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valleydean · 2 months
Hi just wanted to say that remembering the bit in ghost story where Chuck tells Cas he’s bi but Cas is not allowed to be gay still regularly makes me burst out laughing
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH i did notttt expect to get an ask like this today but i just laughed out loud at work hahahahahahhaha i think about it a lot too tbh
chuck was for real like
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ur-fav-alien · 2 years
Lip Gloss
Steve Harrington shamefully wears girly lip gloss. Actually, he shamefully does a lot of girly things, but you can blame all that on Nancy Wheeler. 
Steve was just so infatuated with how she got to be so soft. It was the one reason he was dating her, because she was so pretty and soft. So naturally, back when they were dating, he asked her what her secret was and after some blissful teasing; she told him. From moisturizers to lip scrubs, Nancy Wheeler educated Steve on how to keep your body fresh and smooth. Naturally, Steve adopted all of these habits. Being the prettiest boy in Hawkins comes with a cost, okay? 
So now, every night before Steve went to bed and every morning before he went to work, he would do this extensive routine that kept his face shining like a waxed car. It was great. No one knew about it until one weekend when Steve had forgotten to hide his self-care products and Billy was over and went into the bathroom. 
“Do you have a sister?” Billy yelled from across the house. 
“What?” Steve was lying on his bed, reading some lame magazine and not even thinking about why Billy might’ve asked that. 
“Do you have a sister?” Billy asked again as he picked up a small jar of something that said ‘body butter’ with the hand that wasn’t currently zipping his pants up after peeing. 
Steve scoffed and stood up off his bed. “No, what would make you think thaa-…” Steve stopped in the middle of the hallway when he saw Billy holding a bottle of face spray that was supposed to hydrate your face in the morning. 
“So I can safely assume that these are all yours?” Billy asked with a smug look on his face. 
Steve bit his lip. He wanted to curl into a ball and explode. Why did Billy Hargrove have to be the one to find out about Steve’s most embarrassing secret? Twice!! Has the man done this, and both times did Steve hate it. 
“Maybe…” he whispered, and Billy’s smug face grew into an annoying smile. 
“I never took you for a pansy.” Billy teased as he picked up a bottle of his face cleanser. 
“I’m not a pansy for taking care of myself.” Steve bit back as he ripped the two skin-care products and slammed them back onto the sink counter. 
Billy spun him around by his waist, pushing him into the marble counter. “No, of course you’re not.” He agreed and smiled lazily at Steve. Leaning in to kiss him slowly, Steve’s heart fluttered with love as his hands hovered over the sides of Billy’s face. “I always wondered how you kept your lips so soft, and now I blame Noxzema.” 
“I actually use a lip scrub I made from honey and sugar.” Steve corrected. 
Billy rolled his eyes. “You’re so lame.” He said before leaning in for another slow kiss. 
And so now Billy Hargrove shamelessly always has chapstick in the back pocket of his jeans, or lip oil in his middle compartment, or some face serum in his glove box. There was always something there for Steve in case he forgot or believed he needed to touch himself up, which Billy thought was never because Steve was perfect in his eyes. And then he would gag himself right after thinking that. 
Steve’s habits didn’t go without teasing, of course. Steve would apply his chapstick and Billy would grab him by the neck and kiss him roughly before complementing the flavor, and Steve would have to reapply the chapstick, only for Billy to kiss him all over again. There were lots of times where Steve would put hand cream and Billy would mock him for masturbating at such a strange time, and when Steve did his nightly routine Billy would always make sure to point out the wrinkles that Steve did not have with a: “You missed your smile lines, grandma. Gotta put more cream on.” And Steve would slam his bathroom door shut. 
And of course, with all these feminine products lying around wherever Billy was, people were obviously going to notice. Like when Max found lip oil and lip gloss in Billy’s middle compartment of his car and hurriedly went to Steve and said: 
“Steve, I think Billy’s cheating on you.” Max whispered at the ice cream counter. 
Steve’s heart dropped because Billy and him had been doing so well and now all of sudden Max was coming to him and telling him that Billy was cheating!? Yeah he flirted with some of the moms at the pool, but that was because Billy was an ass who enjoyed fucking with people, but he wouldn’t cheat on Steve with a fucking mom! 
“What!?” He spit, a little too loud for the privacy of their conversation. 
“Yeah! I saw like lip oil and lip gloss in the compartment of his car.” 
Steve froze. Why did life have to play out this way for him? Why did Billy have to be such a caring boyfriend and let Steve leave his stuff around? Why the fuck did he have to be such a pansy? “Yeah, Max, that’s uh…” He didn’t know how to say this. Really, he could’ve played along with Max and been absolutely shocked that Billy was cheating on him. “That’s my stuff.” 
Max’s face contoured in confusion. “What…?” 
Steve sucked in a breath as he scratched his neck awkwardly. “Yeaah… I use… lip oil.” 
“And lip gloss?” 
Steve shamefully nodded his head. 
Max’s shoulders slumped. “Wow.” She said in amazement. “How is my brother dating you?” 
“I have no idea- Are you going to buy some ice cream?” 
Max stared at him for a second before saying yes and buying some chocolate ice cream and leaving in a daze. Robin opened up the glass dividers. 
“What was that about?” She asked. 
“I…” Steve turned around and leaned against the counter. “I don’t want to tell you.” 
“That’s a little rude, Stevie.” 
“What have I said about you calling me that?” He groaned. 
“That you love it.” 
“Oh, my- shut up.” He turned back around as Robin closed the glass dividers with little girl giggles. 
One thing that Steve loved about Billy was that he didn’t care, that was his favorite thing about his boyfriend. Billy didn’t give a single fuck about what anyone thought of him, and that included people thinking he was weird for carrying such feminine products on his person. Like the one time after the Starcourt incident when Billy, Robin, and him were walking out of a movie theater and Steve’s lips were feeling dry after eating all that popcorn. He started patting down his pockets for his chapstick, but he just couldn’t find any. 
Billy stopped and whipped something out of his pocket and handed Steve lip gloss.
“Oh, thanks.” Steve gleefully took the tube and applied it to his lips. And then a snort took him away from his self care to see Robin staring at the two of them. Steve sighed and dreaded the thought that he had to expose his most embarrassing secret to another person. 
“What?” Billy hissed. “You’ve never seen a man have lip gloss?” 
Steve stared in awe as Billy took the blame for the lip gloss. 
Robin held her hands up in defense. “No, I just think it’s funny.” 
“Taking care of yourself isn’t funny, Robin.” Billy took the tube away from Steve. “You know you would do some good if you took care of yourself every once in a while. Maybe try some eye cream, your eye bags are showing.” Billy shoved past Robin to his car. 
The two friends were standing still in shock, their jaws touching the floor because holy fuck, Billy Hargrove did not just take the blame for Steve’s feminine ways. 
“Hey assholes!” Billy yelled from his car. “Let’s get on with it! There’s a party down at Tommy’s! I wanna crash it!” 
Steve was well aware he was in love with Billy Hargrove, and he was well aware Billy Hargrove was in love with him. But holy shit, did Steve now know that they were in love. Because what other manly guy would pretend to know all about self-care to protect his boyfriend’s self-esteem? 
He barked out a laugh at Robin before jogging away to Billy’s car. Robin soon followed with a defeated look in her eyes.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Sex scene for which au babe?
Medusa au 😘
Babygirl gets her first orgasm in ages and it's with this mess of an obnoxious courageous and incredibly impressive women she's been crazy about for weeks now and has only recently let herself begin to express it. Just the joy of it. Being happy again and allowing herself to be silly and affectionate and feeling cared for for the first time in forever 🥹
In other words, Clarke fucks Lexa so good the poor girl has an epiphany about life 🥴
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kittttycakes · 2 years
[blurb] i dream of you, to wake
summary: It’s hard to lie to yourself in your own dreams. It’s harder still to hide the meaning of those dreams from the one man capable of entering them himself.
contents: established Morpheus x Reader x Hob Gadling, she/her reader, no use of Y/N, third person POV, mortal (for now) reader, angst (insecurity, fear of mortality), hopeful ending, 0.8k
notes: written for “dancing” from my promptober 2022 self-challenge. you can find the entire list here. if you’d like to get a feel for the atmosphere, this is the song I was picturing in my head as they’re dancing
In her dreams that night, she dances.
She is in a ballroom she has never been in before, although it looks a bit like an amalgamation of every regency drama she’s ever loved. Her white dress twirls around her legs as her partner spins her through the crowded dance floor, her feet moving as if she’s known the steps her entire life. She thinks she would know the song that’s playing, the crescendo of violins, if only she could focus on it, but she’s too preoccupied by her changing partner.
Although the man in her arms never leaves her, he changes as they turn, from Hob to Morpheus, Morpheus to Hob, and back again. Whichever man isn’t dancing with her is watching them from the crowd, and she is becoming exhausted: the lights are too bright, the room too crowded, and she can’t focus enough to beg the man in her arms to tell her, please tell her, what’s happening.
The music grows louder, the strings drowning out any coherent thought, and for the first time, her partner lets go of her. It’s Hob, she notes absently, watching him disappear into the crowd, finding Morpheus and standing beside him, watching as she’s left alone, in the middle of a floor full of pairs.
Although she hasn’t ever before been able to control her dreams before, she feels a shift in the room as she comes back to herself, the music finally fading, the lights dimming to a more manageable level, although the couples keep spinning around her, unconcerned, as if she isn’t even there. She searches the crowd for a familiar face: Hob or Morpheus first, but then anyone, turning in circles but still unable to leave the ballroom floor.
Out of the corner of her eye, a man appears beside her, and in the logic of dreams, she knows who he is immediately.
“This is all a dream, isn’t it?” She turns and looks up at him, emotions at war on her face. She’s always been so easy to read, if you knew how to look.
“It is,” he replied, tone matching her own as he looked down at her, offering her his arm. She took it, allowing him to lead her back into the crush of people around them, the frantic pace of her earlier dancing slowed to something that feels almost soothing.
“Then it isn’t real.” She tries to smile at him, the expression not quite reaching her eyes.
“You don’t think your dreams are real? They are a part of you.”
“I’m not even awake. I won’t remember it when I wake up, or if I do, it’ll just fade away.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps not.”
“A bad dream, that’s all. It’s…better now.”
“Do you know why you dream?” He has danced them to the very edges of the group, where there is more room to breathe, and she takes a moment to appreciate the cool air coming in from the open windows at the edges of the room.
“The scientific explanation?” She frowns up at him, trying to remember anything she might have absorbed in a years-ago science classroom. Her head aches. She wants to lie down.
“Your dreams show you many things. Your hopes, your desires…your fears. Often, things you are unable to confront, in the waking world.”
They’ve stopped dancing, even if she can’t put her finger on when. She stands in his arms, making no move to pull away.
“What are you afraid of?”
Looking away, her eyes search for Hob out of habit, but he’s nowhere to be found. She can’t bring herself to say it; she doesn’t have to, but she is also unable to meet his eyes again, afraid of what she might find there. She doesn’t think she could stand it, if it was pity.
“It is not real,” he says, unbearably gently, and she starts to pull away. He catches her wrist, touch as soft as his tone. “Let me show you.”
She closes her eyes, and nods once, wanting to believe that he can.
When she wakes the next morning, her legs ache, as if she had spent the night on her feet instead of safely in the bed she shares with Hob. She can’t remember all of her dreams from the night before, but she has vague memories of dancing. These half formed remnants aren’t nearly as happy as the memories of the dream that followed: a white dress, a field of flowers, and both of the men she loves looking down at her, as if she had hung the moon.
She watches the man still asleep beside her for a moment, allowing herself to stay tangled limb in limb with him for just a few minutes longer. Later, they will talk, the three of them, together, about the fears that all three of them share. But for now, for this moment in the soft dawn light, she lets herself believe that one lifetime could be enough, not yet daring to hope for more.
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thelostboys87 · 1 month
and i know im not being a stupid bitch this time bc i manually added up every scene's word count on my calculator so i know its at 24,031....you cannot fool me scrivener !
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kolsmikaelson · 1 year
just started a soulmate aemond fic :)
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happi-tree · 1 year
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soooooo i don't have much new to post for wipweds this week so i thought i'd grab a little something from my archives! a ton more people were curious about The Raven and The Dove than i expected, so here's a little excerpt from my amphibia school for good and evil au! in which marcy learns a tiny bit of archery and sasha has some Feelings about it 💗💚
#i was so taken by this scene in the movie that it was literally the first thing i wrote for this au. head in my hands gay people real <3#the sasharcy in this. very self-indulgent very off the charts. the sashanne and marcanne too but that is not the focus here lmao#anyway. hiiiiiii amphibia fandom i am not like. super dead dndads has just had a very sudden and firm grasp on my heart as of late hsbfkahv#also there's a brief glimpse at sasha's backstory here. it really sucks when you're meant to be the paragon of all that is good and pure#and you have the eyes of an entire realm on you at all times. and you keep pushing the envelope of what's proper#i.e. not wearing the frilly dresses all of the time taking up fighting etc. this would already be hard enough if you were a regular student#but you aren't that. everyone is watching you and has Expectations for you and you know what you want but you can't let yourself have it#so you just repress things so hard. cling to whatever you can get away with and try your very best to excel at everything they let you have#and then in come marcy and anne and you've never seen two people less concerned with The Rules. their existence itself flips the script#and you have NO idea what to do about that! other than panic internally ofc <3#anywho. sorry the sasha bias really came through with this one i just think her pov in this would be so inch resting#okok i'm done now i promise#cartoons#amphibia#sasharcy#happi scribbles#happi rambles#also. if ppl like this please do lmk bc while i doubt i'll finish this i do have a few more disjointed bits i could post up for y'all <3#tartd au
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gremlins-art-dump · 1 year
"Don't worry, bud. I'm getting us out of here."
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kalofi · 4 months
i really love your reincarnation fic/idea, read it like three times ❤️
THANK YOU AAHHH this actually reminded me of it bc i hadnt thought about it in sooo long but im honestly quite invested as well i just have no experience writing long multi-chapter fics so its intimidating but i would so love to make it into an actual story. been thinking about it so hard bc u sent this thank you thank you for bringing it to my mind again im hoping i can find motivation to figure out more of the sequence of events, how i want characters to be introduced/what theyre doing, how the conflict gets resolved etc. once again im highly inexperienced so who knows how that’ll play out but man am i thinking about it. man.
(the fic anon is referring to)
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manyfandomsonelog · 5 months
Favourite AU GO
Hmmm I mean just in general? I think I’d be remiss not to say superhero AUs because I’m the superhero AU guy. I think they allow for a lot of fun room to play with and put characters into, while using a relatively simple framework. They also sort of naturally create an environment for banter and drama and story and I love all of those things.
I think there are also a lot of fun choices that you get to make when writing a superhero au, like what powers would this character have? Are they a hero, a villain, or something in-between? What is their costume and theme? And then when it comes to dynamics between characters, are they on the same side, opposite sides, or something in between? If they aren’t on the same side, how does that look, are they trying to kill each other or is it more of a friendly rivalry? Do secret identities play a role in the story? Is there some sort of greater evil in the story that the characters need to work together to defeat?
There’s just a lot of room for variation and a lot of different types of stories that can be told, all in one sort of genre. It’s my favorite <3
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
hey remember what i said about thinking of a new and interesting way to ruin yoojin's life. au of the secret haunting au. i love ghosts i love talking about ghosts but i especially love when they're real
Han Yoohyun dies.
And then Han Yoohyun wakes up.
To screaming, to strangers' hands stretching out, to his brother with tears staining his cheeks and a glowing red stone in his palm--
Han Yoohyun wakes up, and he's in one of Haeyeon's reception rooms, his brother in front of him. "Hyung-?" he starts, already reaching out, eyes scanning him--no blood, no scars, no awkward stance to keep the weight off his bad leg--
There's a hand on his shoulder. He whips around, slapping the hand off--
It's Song Taewon.
Song Taewon is dead.
"You're dead too," Chief Song says, like he knows what Yoohyun's thinking. His voice is steady and firm, like he's giving a mission briefing. Not looking for a fight. Yoohyun grits his teeth and doesn't let himself relax. "We're ghosts, or something like it. It's a side effect of your brother's skills, as far as we can tell."
(The dragon's claws, ripping through him like scissors through paper. He can't remember the last time he felt that sort of pain, but he can remember thinking worth it.)
Yoohyun turns and stares at his brother. He looks--healthy, thank god, but he also looks... strangely young. "What's..." He frowns, glancing around. He knows this room. Didn't they replace these sofas? "How are we here?"
"A wishing item." Chief Song steps up beside him; out of the corner of his eye, he can see him studying hyung with a frown on his face. "He asked to go five years back in time with his memories."
A do-over? Hope swells inside Yoohyun, only to die just as fast, because-- "Hyung," he says again, loudly. Too loud.
His brother looks straight through him, a hollowness to his eyes.
"He can't hear you," a new voice whispers. Yoohyun glances over sharply to find the room crowded by strangers, except... He knows these faces. Aren't these hyung's old teammates? (A side effect of your brother's skills.) The one who must have spoken is near the front, staring at him. Her name slips his mind, but the brown hair and that sweater are distinct. She was among the earliest people hyung worked with, and if he's remembering the report right, she died in that very outfit.
Whatever her name is, she gives him a cautious glance before taking a slow step closer, peering at Yoojin as her mouth thins into a line. "He can't see you, either," she continues. "And you won't be able to touch him. Oppa's got no idea we're here."
Yoohyun thought so. He's clenching his teeth so tight his jaw aches, and he forces himself to relax, or at least enough to stop the hurting. "How long have you been watching?"
"Since we died," one of the others pipes up. Yoohyun vaguely recognizes him, too. (Hyung's friend, hyung's coworker, hyung's friend, hyung's friend, hyung's teammate, on and on... And Chief Song? whispers a tiny voice at the back of his mind.) The man shrugs. "Like Chief Song said. We're ghosts, right?"
Ghosts, or something like it. Yoohyun swallows. "And you've never been able to--"
That's when someone comes storming through the door, hyung's teammates hastily pulling out of his way. "Hyung," the intruder snaps, and Yoohyun bristles as he looks over (his hyung not yours not yours-!).
It's--him. It's Han Yoohyun.
"Dungeon brokers are--"
"Sorry," hyung says, and Yoohyun feels like shaking apart at the look in his brother's eyes when he gazes at the other-him. "I won't do it again."
Other-Yoohyun's brows furrow. Yoohyun realizes that on his face, surprise looks a lot like frustration. "If you've maybe gotten yourself in trouble-"
He keeps talking, but Yoohyun doesn't want to listen. Five years ago, Chief Song said. He knows the way he was talking to his brother five years ago.
He remembers exactly why he spoke to him that way, because it's the same reason he spoke to him that way just an hour or so ago. That doesn't stop him from wanting to put a fist through other-him's face when he sees the way hyung just takes it, the sheer lack of fury, of even just indignation. I was being immature, he's saying with a laugh, like it wasn't an hour ago that he threw his weapons aside and faced down a dragon and told Yoohyun I'll save you the trouble of holding a funeral--
He's not sure what sort of expression he's making, but by the way Song Taewon hisses "Han Yoohyun," and the other ghosts draw back, it must not be a very nice one.
Well. It's not like he cares about that sort of thing.
The tangled surge of emotions has his ears ringing, and so it's hard to hear what exactly other-Yoohyun says to their hyung before his brother suddenly steps forward and pulls him into a hug. Yoohyun steps forward, too, unable to stop himself. "Hyung," he whispers, strangled, and he isn't calm enough to hear properly again but he can see his brother's lips shape the words my brother, shape his name.
The next words cut clear through the ringing.
I love you.
There's arms wrapping around Yoohyun, and he shoves them away instinctively, pulling back with a snarl--
Hyung stares back, eyes wide with surprise and--a flicker of hurt that disappears a second later, replaced by blankness, and Yoohyun gasps, reaches out, and when he clutches at his brother's shoulders, his hands don't go through.
His hands don't go through.
(And you won't be able to touch him.)
"…Yoohyun-ah?" hyung asks, tentatively raising a hand before hesitating and going to drop it. Yoohyun instinctively grabs for it before he can lower it completely, wrapping his fingers around his brother's, and hold on, hold on, where's the stiffness in his fingers and the tightness of the skin at his wrist from old injuries and scars--?
Yoohyun slaps his other hand against his own face. Cheeks softer and rounder than he remembers, the line of his jaw not nearly harsh enough. Cold air against his forearms as he fumbles his way through the check; his forearms are bare--
His forearms are bare. He's in a T-shirt. The blood-soaked turtleneck, the rippling coat, they're- they're gone.
Hyung's still here.
"Hyung," he breathes, and yanks his brother back into another hug, tighter than before. Hyung lets out a muffled squawk, but he falls into the hold without a fight, clutching back at Yoohyun just as hard. Yoohyun buries his face in his brother's neck. "Hyung."
"Yoohyun-ah," hyung says, audibly bewildered. He reaches up and combs a hand through Yoohyun's hair. "What's- What happened? What's wrong?"
What's wrong? What's wrong? "You almost died," Yoohyun hisses. "You almost died, you would've died if I hadn't- You would've- You were going to--"
His voice rises as he keeps talking, and Yoohyun's fingers curl into his brother's shirt as he all but shouts- "Don't ever do that again!"
His voice cracks on the last word, and the next breath that escapes him comes out halfway to a sob, and his brother's hand has frozen in his hair, so Yoohyun raises his head to look at him--
Yoojin is staring back at him in undisguised horror. "What?" And then, a second later, eyes widening impossibly further: "You remember?"
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