#you cant see his golden weapon so lets just say its hiding
strangerpringle · 6 months
Ok so I have this au that’s basically just The Owl House but Huntric is a side plot- (it’s gonna be a long one)
So in this au Hunter WAS Edric’s date, but they broke up behind the scenes after Knock Knock Knoking on Hooty’s Door, and we get a hint that they hand a thing in Reaching Out when Edric is stirring the potion, he’s looking at his phone and King asks what he’s looking at, he gets all embarrassed and puts it away, but not before we cut to a picture of him and Hunter being all happy n stuff. Then we find out in Labyrinth Runners that they used to date, but according to Edric Hunter was too focused on his Golden Guard duties to put effort into the relationship and Edric dumped him, and they’re both kinda salty and sad about it then blah blah blah plot happens. Now during Thanks to Them Hunters realizing he thinks he still has feelings for Edric, but Belos is being Belos and doesn’t wanna leave this poor kid alone so that starts to occupy Hunters mind (literally) so we don’t get much Huntric until For the Future. SO NOW during For the Future the hexsquad is back at Hexside, but now Edric and Emira are working with Matt and Jerbo, (also Jerbo and Emira are dating because I think they’d be cute together) Emira is taking care of the younger kids while Edric is trying to make weapons with potions, and Hunter takes notice of this. So Edric is VERY relieved that Hunter is alive because he knew that Hunter has a sigil. Now they’re actually talking and they both start realizing how much they’ve both changed, now Emira knows Edric still has feelings for Hunter, so she sends them to get more food from the supply closet, now they’re alone and can finally talk. While they’re talking Hunter says he’s confused why he ever went out with him in the first place, Edric tells him that he could tell that he was hiding his true self from the world, Edric would love the moments when Hunter would accidentally start to ramble about things he likes, but be heartbroken when he would catch it and stop himself, and move on to do whatever work he had that day. Edric wanted nothing more then for Hunter to let him see the real Hunter, but he never did, it hurt too much so he had to leave him. I’m that moment all Hunter wants to do now is tell Edric all about what he’s learned about himself in the human realm-AND OOP they almost kiss because feelings, but Edric stops them and is all like “haha uhh we should get all this good back to the others.” But while Edric’s on his way out the door, Hunter gets taken back to the moment when Edric broke up with him and his only thought is “I cant lose him again” AND MUAAHH HE KISSES EDRIC THEN EDRIC KISSES HIM BACK AND ITS CUTE IM GONNA CRYYY AAAHHHHHHH-anyway, so cut to the end of the episode where Luz now has her palisman, Edric comes up to Hunter and asks “So, you wanna give this another shot? :)” and Hunter says “When this whole mess is over, I’ll take you on a proper date, the human realm is really nice actually, I think you’d like it!” Edric replies “…I’d like that a lot <3” “Cool *they hold hands* can’t wait❤️” AND WE SEE THEM HAPPY AND IN LOVE IN THE EPILOGUE THE END YAY :D💞💞💞
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Till forever
Chuuya (♡) x Fem reader ☁Fluff☁
Many knew Chuuya Nakahara
No, many feared Chuuya Nakahara, gravity manipulator. The man capable of wiping out a whole organization over night by himself. Rumor where his blood was Port Mafia black, never once has showed mercy to an enemy.
It really humored you it was the same man sitting next to you, watching the sun set while you rested your head on his chest. You peeked up to steal a glace. But how was it you were supposed to just glace when you where absolutely mesmerized.
Chuuya was always beautiful in your eyes. Silky soft ginger lock that slips so ever easily through you fingers. Eyes and deep and blue like the ocean that never failed to make your heart skip a few beat when they look at you with so much love.
But the sunset toped it off, strawberry golden lighting really took the crown. You snuggled closer to him, engulfed in his warm brace while smiling to yourself. How did you get so lucky?
You felt familiar hands make its way up to you face. You subconsciously lean into the touch you learned to adore
“Chuuya..” you said through light giggles
He hummed in response while tilting you chin up, laying his lips on your softer. The faint taste of alcohol and strawberries with a hint of cigarettes . It brings you back to early memories, when you and Chuuya first met. He was just a random guy who went to the same bar as you sometimes and happen to ask you to light his cigarette . With the simple spark of a lighter lead to a conversation, From talk to met ups at the same bar until Chuuya got the courage to officially ask you to be his. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t charmed at first sight and slightly upset it took him a while for him to ask you.
But non of that mattered now, you where in the only man you’ve come to loved arms. Nothing else mattered but the two of you and that exact moment.
You felt him smile through the kiss. This kiss wasn’t passionate or lustful in any way. It was pure and gentle, like a reminder for each other. A reminder how much you adored each other and would go to any lengths for each other happiness. It was these simple, but blissful moments that made your heart flutter.
“Hey y/n.” Chuuya spoke softly into your ear while he laid flat on his back, still holding on to you, not letting your escape is ever lasting affection.
“What’s up?” You asking while propping yourself up on you elbows and forearms against his chest.
“Just now you remembered, didn’t you.”
You smiled and took his hate and placed it on yourself. “You know i did beloved.”
It wasn’t rare for your thoughts to be in sync. Made you truly believe you were twin flames, made for each other. You snapped out your thoughts Chuuya stealing his hat back.
“Come on, it’s about time we head back. Sunsets over you know.”
You rolled off him and lay on the ground until her offers a hand to help you up. You smiled to yourself while pulling his arm harshly and making him stumble to the ground along with you.
“What the hell Y/n!?”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at his reaction. He started at you before bursting into laughter as well. And there you two where, laughing childishly while living a teenage love dream not giving a care in the world. For that moment, there was no Port Mafia, or damn Dazai, or what tomorrow can hold.
Just you and Chuuya.
Once you caught your breathe you got settled on the back of Chuuya’s bike, one of the many perks of loving him.
“You know the rules” Chuuya says in his casual overprotective tone. You weren’t aware but, you were the single source of happiness for him.
All his life he’s been seen and used as a pawn, a weapon, a object. So when you came alone and shined a light cleanses all the sorrow he’s held in his heart for so long. Your touch, your word, your actions, were all so soft and warm and caring, the closet thing he can describe it was the color pale yellow.
It was a odd way to describe it but, you were bright, but soft, cheerful, but calm all at once. When he loves you it has the same affect. You had no idea how much healing you done for him, yes he ment you unexpectedly, but now he plans his everyday next to you.
You were his top priority, even above the Mafia it’s self. You’d always be the light in his life.
That’s why he wasn’t going to let you get on with out a helmet.
hesitantly and almost upset even you took it. He grinned to him self
“There’s my girl”
You laugh while wrapping your arms around his waist, for safety purposes of course.
“Shut up and drive.”
That little push was all it took to feed is ego and drive at full speed. You scream while hiding your face in his back
“Chuuya! Slow down are you trying to kill us!?” but you felt alive, so you cant complain. God how long has it been since I was this happy?
He laughed
“Not so bold are we now? Anyway don’t be so scared, I’d never put you into danger, take a look around”
You life your head up and peek. It was magical. Yokohama was a city of wonder at night. Always lit with the prettiest colors. Bu nothing can compare to what your seeing, they were all a blur, as if the northern lights have fallen to earth and caged you and Chuuya in your own little world.
“Chuuya!” You screamed in pure bliss
“Yeah?” he shouted back
“Lets do this forever”
“Forever!?” Chuuya asked confused
You laughing while tears of joy streamed “Lets be like this forever”
“Damn right, till forever”
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Pranks, Horns, and Tony
Warning: Tickle Fic, birds, spiders, pranking,
Ppl: Loki, Tony, You
Words: 2254
Summary: You and Loki are known fir your pranks, and your both left alone in the compound together whole the avengers are on a mission.
It was another day in the compound, you had been living with the avengers for almost a year now and seemed to get along with the very mischievous God Loki.
You were both quite young- well sorta. If he were a human he'd be a couple years older than you but that's fine, you both got along splendidly.
You would read books together, play pranks together, be on each others sides and he'd always be there for you even if he wouldn't show the other avengers. Though they all knew you both had a special bond, Thor especially knew because whenever he'd take you to asgard or Loki to Earth you'd both have bright smiles and go somewhere to cause havoc.
Thor didn't really mind though, it just meant he'd get to bombard you both with tickles afterwards.
Yesterday Loki and Thor had come to visit again and would be staying for a couple of days. You and Loki caught up a little and read your books whilst keeping each other company. Today is when the true mischief would start, all the avengers would be going out and you and Loki would be left alone in the compound for a couple of hours so you both were planning pranks for the others.
"Alright y/n, we'll be back in a couple of hours. Don't burn down the house while we're gone okay?" Steve teased as he gave you a hug.
"Yes, and Brother, do not cause any havoc." Thor told Loki, only to be answered by a shrug and a smirk.
"Brother I'm the God of Mischief, what more must you expect?"
"Well then when we come back I'll be the God of Tickles, shall I, dear brother?" Thor asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Loki's face became a rosie red and crossed his arms whilst rolling his eyes.
You stood next to Loki and smiled at Thor with your hands behind your back, "we'll be good, have fun!" Thor nodded and all the Avengers left the compound for their mission.
Both you and Loki waited for there to be a silence that rang through the compound once everyone would have been gone. After a moment you both smirked and turned to one another.
You brought your hand to your face and showed Loki your intertwined fingers to show your face promise, Loki's smirk increased as he saw it.
"Ready to cause some mischief?" You asked him.
"It's in the name" he replied as you both began to run down the halls yo your first target.
You arrived at Bucky's room and looked around, "So, what's the plan here?" You asked the mischief maker himself. Loki walked around the somewhat messy room and found his way to the bed.
"A magnet, a large one. We'd place it under his bed and once he comes back and gets ready to sleep, in the morning he wouldn't be able to get out of bed!" Loki exclaimed, both of you began the process, both with large smirks on your faces.
Loki used his magic to lift up the mattress and keep it in the air whilst you both grabbed a large magnet from Tony's spare parts and placed it under the mattress bed. Loki then placed the mattress back on and the sheets were already messed to so he surely wouldn't notice?
Yeah, I don't know why Tony had a large ass magnet either, let's move on.
You and Loki both snickers at the idea of the prank and moved on to another victim.
For Sam you both collected a bunch of birds and locked them in his closet- with breathing holes obviously. One had pecked at Loki's hand causing him to curse which made you burst out laughing.
Steve's closet was now filled with a bunch of Rock concert shirts and IronMan shorts to pin the blame on Tony, Tony usually was in prank and tickle ears with Steve anyway so it wasn't that hard to believe he'd done it.
You both didn't dare do anything too crazy to Black Widow, so you both just stole a jacket each. She had incredible taste that woman. Loki stole a green jacket with some sort of fluffy collar and you stole a (f/c) leather jacket.
Clint's prank was the simplest, you both sprayed this fart spray into the vents and it STANK.
You both liked Bruce, well Loki wasn't as much of a fan but you all enjoyed reading so Bruce was safe from your havoc.
Wanda's room was all tidy, it smelt wonderful and honestly was your favourite room so you both decided to just put some spices in her bed to make her sneeze.
Vision's room was safe, only you'd both left a piece of gum next to his table with a note attached saying; 'Try this, Bruce and I were working on it. -Tony Stark'
Thor's room was one of the messier one, but he'd taken Stormbreaker out with him rather than Mjölnir, and by some sort of mirical you had all found out you could actually lift the weapon, so you took it and hid it away in a close vent that smelt of farts.
Turns out Clints prank was the most deadly as the whole place started to stink up making both you and Loki gag, and burst out with laughter.
Peter wasnt actually on the mission, nor was Scott but it was a Friday meaning they'd both be coming over for movie night. Plus Peter would be staying the weekend so why not torture him? Even if they were some of your best friends, they werent safe from the mischief makers.
You came up with the idea of hiding spiderman Peter's room, you were terrified of them though so you made Loki do so.
"Wait so Parker's afraid of Spiders?"
"Yeah, I don't really get it either-"
"Pffft, here you want a spidey y/n?" Loki chuckles whilst taunting, shoving a spider in your face as you screamed and jumped into the wall.
Loki howled with laughter and placed the last spider down. You both left and did the same with Scott's room but rather than spiders you placed all the ants you could find on his bed.
Last but not least Loki lead you to Tony's Lab where he would be working on all his suits and other personal projects. Its not the main lab but it wasnt too far off, just smaller and more personal so that he could work at night or alone.
You both entered while snickering to yourselves, it had been an hour and a half since they'd all left and you both should gave at LEAST 30 minutes. But hoped you'd have an hour. It wouldn't take long anyway.
"So what's the plan?" You asked Loki.
You both saw an IronMan head on his desk and smirked at one another, knowing that would be your target. Maybe jello inside the helmet? Maybe slime? Maybe hiding it? Repainting it?
"Here, I've got these horns that we can lazer on the front" Loki smirked while taking out two golden horns like his own on his head but separated to be put on a helmet.
You didn't really mind it was a mainly Loki thing, it just meant he'd get in trouble and not you for this. You werent per say throwing him under the bus, but you werent gonna bring it to his attention.
You both walked over to get ready to melt a horn on each, Loki grabbed some sort of tool and started the first one. You stood behind him and watched over his shoulder, you admired the small things,about how Loki's greesy hear was tired up into a man bun before he'd started working on it, and how he squinted one eye to concentrate with his tongue sticking out. It made you giggle.
"I'm almost done..." you watched as he'd almost finished it, both of you concentrating hard on the hand ship.
"Oh hey kiddo's"
You both jumped out of your skin, Loki fell off the chair and part of his hair came out, laying on the floor he turned to see who was talking, you on the other hand jumped and slowly turned around with a nervous smile.
The one and only Tony Stark stepped out of his suit, adjusting his watch as he stepped out.
"So, what are you both up to?" he asked, his lips scrunched inwards and his hands on his hips.
Both of you were silent until Loki began getting up and dusting himself off.
"Nothing, we were just about to leave" You noticed something about him, Loki that is. Something seemed different, and rightly so. You glanced behind you to see the real loki grab the helmet but sink down so he couldn't be seen.
"Oh good, I really cant have you both in here, off you go then."
Tony dismissed the two of you and you both left for ths door, and while he wasnt looking Loki diverged into his clone again but now holding the helmet.
Right before the two of you had reached the door, his suit came speeding past and covered the exit.
'Shit' was the only thing you could both think of. Neither of you turned around to see where or what the billionaire was doing, but you heard him.
"Wait a moment, wheres my helmet? Oh and Loki,I think you left something" Loki and you both turned around, Loki with his hands behind his back,obviously hiding something. Tony stood right in front of him,holding the other horn to his face with a wide smirk.
Quickly the suit begins you both snatched up the helmet and yourself as Tony pounced on the God of Mischief, his hands at his sides, wiggling his fingers all over.
Loki yelped and began lightly chuckling at the fingers that were tickling him, trying to step back but only into closed doors. He tried to use his hands to block the attack but Tony was having none of it.
"Sir I have the helmet and y/n, it seems they were moulding the horns onto it." Friday explained.
"Ohhh, so you were doing something? I thought you were the god of mischief? Not the God of lies?" Tony taunted, as he squeezed the puny gods sides, then quickly moved to a death spot, his hips. Squeezing tightly and vibrating his hands and fingertips causing Loku to fall down the wall with laughter.
"NoHoho!!!! Damn it StArarK!!!!" Loki yelled as he tried to force Tony's hands off him. Though he was incredibly weak from the torturous tickles.
It was a usual sight, Thor was usually tickling his younger brother for some reason or another, its what older brothers are fir though right? Loku would become a blushing screaming mess but he'd never learn. Same goes for you though, everyone in the compound knew your little weakness and would use it against toy for anything. Your laughter was just too cute!
As Tony abused Loki's sides and hips, he ordered Friday to put the helmet on the desk and tickle you. You squealed because as much as you enjoyed tickling, you couldn't never stand it when the robots tickled you. It was rare but in cases when Tony needed an extra set of hands, well he got em'.
The suit held you up and began using a vibrating simulation Tony had recently installed on the hands for some reason and placed them on your ribs whilst holding you in the air. And as this tickled you, because it did t seem like enough the suit also used it's big fingersto scrape and squeezed the insides of your armpits.
You kicked and squealed at the top of your lungs, trying to escape. Somehow being held in the air seemed much worse, and the vibrating cause you to laugh harder and harder when random electric bolts went through your skin.
After around 15 minutes Tony had both you and Loki in piles of laughter on the floor, weak and begging. Well you were begging, Loki was threatening.
"Okie Doki horny. First let me do this and I'll let you go."
Tony lifted up Loki's lime green shirt and blew the largest raspberry right above his belly button. An inhuman screech came from Loki as he curled in on himself and howled with laughter from ghostly tickles and squeezes.
"As for you" Tony taunted as he walked over to you, you were not on the floor, twisting and turning to get away from this oncoming attack and the tickles. The suit held your hands above your head as Tony brought up your shirt to reveal your belly button.
Tony looked up at you and smirked, "We all know you love it" and blew right on your belly button. Your laughter went silent and you melted into the floor as both let off.
Tony laughed at you both in giggly messes on the floor.
"I came back early, and the others will be back soon too. So I suggest you both go clean up your messes before you get something worse" Tony suggested as he walked over to his desk to suspect the iron helmet you'd worked on. You and Loki had now recovered- partly- from the attacks and took in what he said.
But it was too late, everyone heard birds chirping and Sam screaming.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
Nightmare 3
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Just one more. Hope you like it~
CW// Graphic content, death, vore, dream whump, emeto, blood, situational whump, creepy whumpers, guns, monsters, body horror, flesh, failed escape attempt, horror and demons.  CANT STRESS ENOUGH THIS ONE IS VERY GRAPHIC. Ask to tag
Someone´s view was filled with neon colors and black.
Someone looked around.
And Someone thought it was a busy street with lots of people wearing black.
Someone heard a muffled voice nearby.
Someone turned to their right and saw a freckled boy with a heavy looking armor.
He was screaming something at Someone.
“I…I can´t hear you…” tried saying Someone.
They boy apparently heard them and showed surprise in his gray eyes. Then the boy shooked Someone without ceasing the screaming.
He looked so worried about something.
But there was many people in the street just walking.
What was he so worried about?
“…un! …urry…we…ne…ind..t…EXIT!” Finally, Someone could hear everything. Inhuman screeches flooded the air. War cries trying to overthrow them.
“Hurry, Someone! we need to go! they found us! We need to find the exit now!” He screamed with desesparation on his voice.
“What´s…?” Someone started.
“Now run! RUN!” The boy grabbed Someone´s hand and sprinted across the carpet of people.
What Someone thought was people just walking, were actually humans with the same black armor of the boy.
The neon lights were not just lights. But some kind of fleshy mass with bat wings, whose screeches were making a hole on Someone´s head.
The sound of shotguns and the ground filled with corpses, made very difficult to keep up with the boy.
“WHAT´S HAPPENING?! WHERE ARE WE?!” Yelled Someone at the boy.
“Why? Why did this had to happen on the second floor? We are not even close!” Someone heard say the boy, completely ignoring Someone.
“HEY! WHAT´S HAPPENING!” Someone yelled again. The boy still didn´t listen.
Someone heard a screech too close. And when they turned around, one of the creatures was flying in their direction with its mouth completely open.
Someone saw its fangs were the size of a grown adult.
It was moving too fast, and they didn´t have anything at hand.
So, Someone jumped at the boy making him trip.
Someone felt how the creature passed above them at full speed.
Someone looked on the sea of corpses trying to find a gun.
There was one covered in blood a few feet apart.
“IT´S COMING BACK!” The boy yelled unable to move.
Someone had never hold a gun on their hands. But the movement they used to recharge and aim at the creature, came out as natural as breathing.
As if they had used it their whole life.
Without even falling over the hit of the gun on their shoulder, it shoot with a deafining sound.
The creature took all of it and exploded in a rain of yellow water.
Only for more to appear right behind it.
Someone wouldn´t be able to take them all at once.
Someone ran towards the boy and grabbed his hand while they hurried to get away.
“WHERE CAN WE HIDE?” Someone screamed at the boy, behind them.
The boy sprinted beyond Someone. The place they were in looked like a street in the middle of the night.  
But it was all fake.
The stars don´t move at the speed the ones in the ceiling did. Neither the sky suddenly opened in a horizontal line for other set of horrendous creatures to come out of it.
The boy kept running and took a fallen person´s gun, pointing at the newly emerged creatures with fearing accuracy.
Someone tried to help him.
The boy, having cleared the path from monsters, ran towards a control panel and attacked the keyboard.
Soon enough the wall that looked like a real city, cracked on a horizontal line, allowing to see a little metal room with tackles in each point.
The boy´s scream fell in some of the closest people ears. And with a tremendous sound of their boots crushing the bodies below them, they dashed to the elevator.
Someone saw themselves inmersed on a sea of people that didn´t care about pushing or hurting each other.
“GET US OUT KID” Someone heard someone yell.
The boy who was just beside Someone, slammed a botton just moments before another swarm of people jumped into the elevator.
The metal system, dropped to the ground like if gravity was even heavier than normal.
They went so fast.
Too fast.
“WE ARE GOING TO CRASH” Someone told the boy beside them.
Oh how the tables turn.
“WE MUST STOP THIS!” yelled Someone back.
“DO YOU WANT TO DIE SO MUCH?” Someone screamed trying to reach the keyboard of inside the elevator.
“NO!” The boy screamed too late. Someone had pressed the stop button.
The sudden cease on falling made everyone fly a little bit on the air before crushing their skulls into the ground.
Some quicker people, had put their hands or arms before their heads just a second before touching the floor.
But that couldn´t help them escape the great pain it caused.
Someone was quicker than half of them and had put their hand.
Someone was not as affected as the half that broke their skulls even with their hand cushioning the fall.
Someone was of the few who survived the interrupted fall.
And Someone had the fault of all that.
But Someone didn´t care a single bit.
Because Someone knew all of them would have died if they didn´t had stopped it.
However, other people weren´t as understanding.
And as soon as they could stand up, they started crying their partners deaths.
Someone felt how they were grabbed and pinned to the wall.
“WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!” the boy punched Someone in the face. “We don´t have time for this nonsense! We NEED to get to the 5th floor if we want to survive” Someone felt their nose bleeding uncontrollably.
And Someone squeezed the boy´s hand until he let them go.
“I don´t think you understand what was going to happen if I didn´t stop it” Someone said looking at the boy from above. “I saved your sorry ass. A thank you would be nice, don´t you think?”
Someone was enraged.
And so was the boy.
“Do you know how hard we worked to get to the second floor in this six months? No, of course not. Why would the captain know how their underlings suffer and die in this hellish place” his teeth were clenched so hard Someone feared he would break them at any second.
“ok darling but haven´t you seen that little number on the monitor? We are on the 4th floor” The boy´s look immediatly fell on the big “4” the monitor showed. “We got this far, and all of this people died, and we´re finally here?”
A silent response.
The boy looked at Someone perplexed. And then started laughing histerically. Putting every survivor eyes on them.
“Okay, that´s just… whatever we didn´t need at this exact moment” tears started to flow from the boy´s eyes. “great. Just… GREAT”.
Someone felt sorry for him.
“We shouldn´t chant victory yet” A man´s voice resonated “Whatever is in the other side of this gates, is certainly going to kill us before we can even yelp for help” he aggravated.
“We are screwed then” the juvenile voice exclaimed. “There´s not enough of us”
“Not necessarily” Someone blasted out without thinking. Making every eye go on their direction “I-I mean, we can do it! we have the guns and this armors. We just need to think positively!”
The survivors looked at each other.
“We have tried making something that would get us out of the view of the demons to not make our numbers decrease, but…” the man looked away, disgusted by the very words he wanted to say.
“It didn´t work” Someone finished.
“It failed miserably”
“Then we could…” Someone started.
“STOP!” the boy screamed making everyone jump. “We are on the fourth floor right? We did it! Even tho, the fall from the second to this one, made half of us die, maybe we can actually get out of here”.
Everyone dripped a single tear of sweat.
Someone felt uneasy, but it was the only option they had at the moment.
“Let´s do this” Someone talked. “But we gotta prepare for the fall. We need to lay down while we´re at it. That way the impact won´t be as big”
“Alright, I will push the button and let you know” The boy confirmed approaching the keyboard.
Not a second after, the walls, just like a piece of paper, were teared apart.
The monster who came out of the hole, was an enourmous black mass with one eye and lots of teeth. So big, that they could only see its face. If that could be considered a face.
“HELL NO!” Someone yelled aiming the gun at the thing´s eye. As Someone shoot, Someone felt how, suddenly, the ground pulled them as strong as before.
Someone fell into their backs only to see the monster´s eye getting crushed between the elevator and the wall.
Someone felt so heavy.
Someone threw up turning their head to the sides in the fall.
It was too much to handle.
But finally they had reached the bottom.
The last floor.
Miracously the elevator had decelerated before reaching it.
Allowing a somehow soft landing.
Nevertheless, only courses vent out Someone´s mouth.
“Is everyone ok?” They asked grabbing their bloody head.
There was no response.
“Hey, I said…” Someone looked up.
There was not even one person alive.
The freckled boy´s head was smashed against the button he had pressed before.
The others…
Someone threw up once again.
Someone panted in horror.
But Someone wasn´t going to die.
Someone wouldn´t allow their body to die.
So Someone grabbed all the guns they could carry and strapped two of them together. Someone noticed how they merged to their hand,as if it was skin trying to cover a wound.
Someone´s new weapon was attached to their hand, but it didn´t hurt.
Someone was ready to fight whatever there was passing the closed doors of the fifth floor.
They opened.
And Someone saw hell.
These weren´t normal walls.
These were walls made of Flesh.
Adornated with skulls and black ropes forming beautiful patterns.
These weren´t shapeless monsters.
These were demons.
Elegant and deathly with their white skin covered in red tatoos and golden eyes.
Thousands of them.
Thousands of eye pairs locked on Someone.
But not Someone, nor the demons, attacked.
They quietly grinned. And the most close to the elevator, stood up showing the glowing white and toned naked body.
Its claws beautifully gloved with glowing scarlet.
They stood in front of a freezed Someone.
And then bowed before them.
The others followed it.
“My highness” the demon hissed. “You have done a great job. You promised us with new flesh to eat. And we´re glad your highness could accomplish the floor trials succesfully to bring the best of the best to us”
Someone was speechless.
Someone felt how the weapons attached to their hand turned into a snowy white.
Little by little covering Someone´s body.
Someone´s skin transformed into a toned white with golden tattoos.
Someone couldn´t move an inch.
“Don´t fret my highness” the same demon who bowed at first finally stood up. “for us to not die of starvation. For us, you decided to become the best meat we would ever taste by completing the floors trial made by our merciless god”
“THANKS YOUR HIGHNESS!” the demons acclaimed.
But Someone´s now elongated ears wouldn´t be fooled.
Someone´s new eyes, could perfectly see the hungry looks the demons threw at them.
“And now, would your highness allow me to take the first bite?” The demon asked Someone.
Unable to move.
Unable to think.
Someone could just tremble.
“OH! Thanks your highness!” The demon acclaimed smiling with his pointy teeth. Someone hadn´t said anything.
And in a second the demon sprinted towards Someone.
Someone moved in the last second.
Someone wasn´t going to be eaten.
Someone ran for their life.
But the demon´s tail captured them and threw them to the soft and fleshy ground.
Someone screamed as they felt the demon´s teeth ripping a piece of their body.
Then every single demon took a bite.
It must had been a delight as they went for more after tasting it first.
Millions of teeth.
Thousend of delighted moans.
And one single being screaming in pain as they were torn apart.
After some time, Someone started to not feel anything at all.
Someone´s head was all there was.
Someone´s eyes finally let go of the last teardrop.
But Someone isn´t dead.
As Someone is still dreaming.
Next |
CW// Graphic content, death, vore, dream whump, emeto, blood, situational whump, creepy whumpers, guns, monsters, body horror, flesh, failed escape attempt, horror and demons.  CANT STRESS ENOUGH THIS ONE IS VERY GRAPHIC. Ask to tag
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Golden Leaves
Ok to rb
Choking mention(in self defense)
Tumblr media
--jer...jer wake up babe come on--hellboy says softly moving his girlfriend.
Jerico groans grabbing his hand--five more minutes...
He sits besides her leaving the breakfast besides him,red picks jerico up and presses her against his chest,kissing her neck.
--Fine fine fine! Ya me levanto! --(fine fine fine ill get up!) She said grabbing the cup of tea.
He chuckles kissing her cheek--they are going to send you to catch nuada the royal assness of the elf empire huh?
Jeri almost chokes on her drink--royal assness?
--Yeah hes an asshole--he said--but nothing my brave hot girlfriend cant take
She rolls her eyes and nuzzled his neck.
Oh how she wished shed could stay like this a bit longer.
She had to go eventually, its still dark outside,the stench of the sewers clung to her clothes --not even clorox Will take this horrid smell off of this...
Hearing faint talking and the noise of someone moving she hides, there he was Prince nuada training with his spear.
She gasps softly, he was quite handsome.
"Reds gonna kill me" she thinks as her eyes scan him, in case of any threats...of course...
However the elf seem to notice her somehow-- you can come out now..
He walks towards her looking behind the pipe she was hiding behind.
Nothing again?
--hey!,looking for me?!-- Jers clawy hands wrap around his neck--now heres whats going to happend asshole you come with me back to the B.P.R.D and nobody gets hurt
--Youre an excelent fighter-- he said dropping his weapon putting his hands up-- and very pretty
That did catch her off guard but she shakes her head--compliments wont save you Pal,think of something better
Nuada is about to say something when they hear people coming towards them.
--There they are! Catch them!
Jerico looks at the elf-- you know these guys?!
She lets him go and he picks up his weapon--they have been after me for months, id advice you to run--he grabbed her hand running with her--lets go!
They ran through the sewers to a final exit out of a manhole, quickly running through the busy streets as the sun appears on the Sky.
They seem to loose them as they take a breather on a alleyway.
--carefull!--nuada cages jerico hiding her behind his body, slightly hovering over her.
Their noses touch as their lips are ghosting over the others.
the hunters walk right past them.
He backs off and sheathes his spear-- lets call it a truce-- he looks away hiding the slight blush on his pale skin.
--Yeah...I think we should...--jer walks outside seeing the hotel around them-- the golden leaf hotel?
Nuada is behind her, his chest meeting her back.
--would be a good cover...
Jeri sighed--i know the owner of hotel chain, lets go
As they enter the reception a woman walks towards them
--sorry but we are all booked.
Jerico sighs showing the Mark on her clavicle, an a with horns-- scarlett red,a hellhound howls,but family remains the same...
The woman nodds--follow me..
As they walk nuada puts a hand on her shoulder--what does that mean?
She shakes her head--ill tell ya later...
Its the last room at the top floor,they enter and its huge.
She falls on the couch and the elf prince just stands there-- what are you doing?
--resting?, you should be securing the place!
--okay you royal assness-- she said sitting up-- I know this place is secure
He crossed his arms walking away towards one of the rooms , waving her off.
--Jamils gonna kill me
She grabbed the phone on the small table dialing her sisters number.
Nuada can help but listen to her conversation.
--hey Jamil, yeah its me, no no,im okay, just on the job you know,I met a very cute elf Prince-- nuada smiles looking away with his arms crossed--no no, I dont think hes into me anyway..., hey could you bring Us some food up here?, the one mom always made whenever we have family dinner,yeah that one!, hey and jamil...I miss you so much, yeah...I love you too sis, okay...ill see you later,bye
She hangs up, the elf stands there looking at her-- who were you talking to?
Jer stands up walking towards the bathroom-- my sister, shes owns this whole hotel, I asked her for some food, why?
--its just...that I have a sister too--he said--you said you miss her?
-- yeah I do,since I left home ive havent been able to see them, but anyway were you listening?!
He shrugged and Walked away.
Through gritted teeth she said--Asshole...
After informing the B.R.P.D she was alright she took a hot shower and Ate.
However she picked up a Plate Serving some food for the Prince who had locked himself in one of the rooms
She put the Plate and a drink at the entrance of his bedroom and knocked the door.
Nobody answered.
The elf sat there in silence--hey uh nuada? Heres your food--he doesnt answer-- look we are in truce and I shouldnt push it, but you have to eat, tomorrow we'll leave to the B.R.P.D or fight eachother whatever you want, ill sleep by the couch though if you need anything
He heard her walk away.
And after eating he sat there, trying to figure out these feelings in his chest.
Why did he save her?
Why did he tell her about his sister?
Why did he even cared for her.
Maybe because of the truce, yeah thats It, mutual help and all of that.
Or was it?
He sat there on the bed deep in thought for a good hour.
He let out a soft "oh" as he realized.
He had Fallen for her...and hard in less than a day.
He opened the door of his room and Walked towards the couch.
He chuckled picking her up--lets get you somewhere comfortable...shall we?--as he Walked back to his room he looked at her, so peacefully asleep--after all,the future elven queen should be spoiled
He thanked god she was still asleep because hed never say those things aloud.
He left her on the bed laying with his back against hers.
Nuada sighed with a smile-- good night,my queen
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askbittyerror · 4 years
Wedding RP part 5
JusticeMom09/26/2020 Erebus lands with the two bitty gone way too big and drops them into his branches "Its okay Huitzi you should probably let him go before he detonates anyway" [11:56 PM] @Askbittyerror September 27, 2020
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 “Release me!” Flare snarls, kicking Huitzi in the chest and sizing up as the smaller is flung away, several of his ribs crumbling from the force. Huitzi wheezes and clutches his chest, struggling to heal himself, the positivity fueling his magic straining against the darkness of Erebus’ world. Flare’s wings have gone a deep, nearly black crimson, his eyelights gutted out and burning golden light blazing from his sockets. The bone around them flake dust, thick drops of melting bitty flow like lava from beneath his shirt, his spine reduced to nothing more than a river. He draws his spear, snarling heavily, the jagged points at the tip sharpening even further. He takes a step forward and Huitzi flinches back the best he is able, pressed against the tree, eyelights shrunken to terrified pinpricks.(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Erebus growls holding out his hand as Huitzi's soul goes blue and he is pulled quickly away from the furious guardian. At the same time negativity starts to snake its way up Flare's legs... but wait its more than that the cold seeping burning feeding on Flare like some sort of vampire... the roots of the tree start to tangle around his liquifying bones
"Calm down flare!" Erebus snaps as Huitzi is now safe in threw bows of his branches
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Flare flashes and liquidates away, bone chunks squishing and shifting into deathly-sharp spikes all up his arms and thick, bladed ridges running down his legs. His wings separate into heavy tentacles, flashes of red cloak him and he lets out a low, dangerous growl, his back hunched and his weapon readied. His movements look wobbly, disconnected, each bit jerking and shifting strangely, the connections between his bones scraping and squishing.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "... okay yeah that is gross" he mumbles and holds out a hand the roots of the massive ancient tree start ripping from the ground pursing forth and tangle around Flare pulling him under. Not to death but to hold and drain his energy until his fury have burned out. While his body deals with the angry god bitty he moves back towards Huitzi "... its okay... he cant hurt you anymore" He mumbles meaning if Flare tries again he would drop huitzi back at the wedding and face the angry one alone
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Flare thrashes and bites and kicks and claws and, eventually, some part of him in the deep recesses of his soul reminding him that these are people he probably shouldn’t kill, attempts to vanish. “What… is this… place?” Huitzi wheezes, clutching his chest, golden marrow dripping down from the scratches and bites Flare left. “What is… happening?” His wings have darkened considerably. The light is dying from his eyes.(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Flare is pulled into the storm allowed to rage away from  the guardian and Huitzi. he is now free of the root system allowing him to do as he pleased. just because the darkness around the tree was void like did not mean it was truly empty if you went far enough.
"You are in my multiverse... hold still you are draining too fast" He said and pulls off a leaf using it and pulling it in two different directions suddenly becoming like a bubble and he shoves it around Huitzi and now he is in an emotionally neutral space! tada! "... I am not exactly gentle in my universe and I cannot stop it now take deep breaths I am going to help heal you" He offers before holding his hands out and pushing healing magic towards the giant bitty(edited)
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Flare screams in rage and reality ripples, the Paladin tearing himself from this multiverse and tossing himself back into his adopted one to rampage in peace. Huitzi whimpers, curling in on himself, the pain, no longer buried under the freezing negativity, hitting him in the chest right where his broken ribs are. “Please.” His breath hitches sharply. His soul absorbs the magic hungrily, wounds slowly sealing shut, though the places that Flare sunk his teeth into seem to be resisting.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Erebus watches scowling at the magic and slams his fist into the bark of the tree drawing magic from the source as he continues to heal Huitzi. He has enough magic to make those missing bits come back and more. It would not be the first time he reconstructed a skeleton monster from scratch "Hold on... just keep breathing for me"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitemarks put up a good show, but since Flare hadn't actually put any magic into them, they seal easily enough, leaving only a circle of off-white behind. "Th-thank you." Huitzi exhales, staying curled up, trying to come down from staring death in the face.(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Erebus crouches there and hums "We will have to address Flare's anger sooner rather than later. We need to make sure to disengage him before he goes needing to kill things" The goop is rubbing Huitzi's back now trying to help him calm down even as he watches the spot where Flare had been and the sparkling positivity he left behind
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi leans into the touch, whimpering. "I- I don't even know who you are." He laughs weakly.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He snorts "Eh I know Dragon and you are a date mate of theirs yes?" he asked amusement dancing in his good eye light(edited)
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I am indeed." He grunts, pushing himself up, giving Erebus a small smile. "May I have the name of my savior?"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "Erebus. Technically its Nightmare but" he shrugs "I have come to understand there are too many of us around to use our actual names"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I know two guardians and and a great many bitties." Huitzi chuckles. "...thank you for saving me."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "No problem I did want to see Bells have a good day today and with Greylu even unwilling to let me be useful this was the best thing I could do" he said amused "when you feel strong enough we can go back or hang out here. I do enjoy coming home" he said amused as he looked out into the darkness. he could see what was out there
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "This is your home?" Huitzi frowns, looking around. "It is, uh, lovely."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He snorts at that "... Lovely not exactly what I would call it" he said and stood offering Hutzi a hand "but it is what it is and thanks to Bells reckless bravery I have my brother again too"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Congratulations." Huitzi takes his hand with a smile, allowing himself to be pulled up.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He laughed "I suppose it works" he said pulling him to stand "... why is it every consecutive person I meet has to be so much taller?" He askes amused.
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I can always make myself smaller if that makes you more comfortable." Huitzi offers, giving Erebus' hand an unintentional squeeze. "I can go down to two feet."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He laughed shaking his head "kid I am taller than everyone" he said amused and pulled him further away from the trunk of the tree "... well okay Flare may have me beat but I am not tonally sure how tall my branches reach now"  he looks up at the black not black leaves of the tree they stood in
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi looks up. "...you are a tree?"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He grunted letting him stand on his own now making sure he did not fall "um. I did not start out that way if it helps" he chuckles  a bit
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I am fine with it." Huitzi shrugs, a bit shaky but not about to fall. "I was just curious. You are the first I have met who is an actual stationary tree and not some kind of tree monster."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "oh I started out as a monster" he chuckled folding his arms behind his head "A guardian like my brother and I followed the same story most Dreams and Nightmares follow."
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I... am sorry to say I do not know that story." Huitzi rubs the back of his neck. "All I know is it somehow involves apples and I am not even sure of that."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He laughed "how about a quick story then?" he offers before looking around and closing his eyes basking in his world for a moment "we are guardians... not skeletons not monsters but spirits given these forms. we guardians are the children of the original who died protecting THE tree. The tree of emotion which actually is the source of all positive and negative emotions for all the multiverse. the apples being the fruit that grows in this tree. half black and full of negative emotions and half gold holding positive "
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi nods, just letting him talk.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "the mortals who lived nearby tend to hate the Nightmare guardian and as such abuse him while his brother is not around. Eventually the pain becomes too much and in a fight between them and himself we... well we eat the apples and by them all the golden apples corrupt at our touch and we eat those too... until the brother Dream consumes the last golden apple holding all the positive emotions that beings can feel..."
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi frowns, thinking of the little guardians hiding in their room, how quiet and afraid they were, and the older pair, long since corrupted by more than just the apples.(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "well I am what happens to the Nightmare after he eats the apple. the goop is negativity given form" he sighs "after the apple incident the nightmares and dreams tend to fight each other until one dies" he looks at Huitzi "and in this universe I won and consumed my brother's soul... or what I thought at the time was his soul... and since I no longer needed to be a skeleton and the power of negativity reaching power I could no longer hold in a mortal body I took a form akin to the one the power originated from"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I see." Huitzi nods, eyes distant. "...I suppose that would be why Dreams and Nightmares are so often at odds." He comes back to himself and sighs, giving Erebus a look of concern. "Are you alright?"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He pauses "in what context?" he offers back. he was not expecting this question
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Any." Huitzi asks softly. "You have been through quite a lot."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "I am a very old Nightmare" He says honestly "and it has been a long long time since I was as angry as I had been... being alone to calm my soul has helped. For now I think I am but then again I do not know what being alright would entail"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I am aware I have nowhere near the same experiences as you," Huitzi bows his head. "But if you want to talk, or anything else, I am here."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He smiles "I see why Dragon likes you" he said and held out his hand "why dont we get back to the party I know everyone was a bit stirred up when we left"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I would love too." Huitzi takes his hand with a smile, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I just hope I haven't upset anyone too horribly."(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "I think the only one who can really stay upset is Erebus" he snorts "still too young to realize he can actually relax and enjoy more than what is in his immediate purview"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Then I will make a point to avoid him." Huitzi nods.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "you should at least say hello at least once I rather enjoyed his reaction to seeing you and Flare" he smirked and with that pulled Huitzi back through the timelines to the tower
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi mutters something about preferring to remain unstabbed, letting himself be taken away. When they arrive, reality buzzes, and Flare, at seven feet, head bowed, fully cleaned and recovered from his tantrum, steps through a portal, just behind his human Nightmare, wearing a deep blue tunic with dark feathers on the shoulders, sleeves tied at the wrists, a pair of thin black belts crossed over his hips just above the start of his goopy lamia-tail. On his back, one tied to each of his four tentacles, are hummingbird moth wings in dark blue and black, accented with the occasional tinge of gold. Umbra glances over to Huitzi and Erebus and scoffs, looking around with a deep scowl as the portal closes behind them.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "...  your tiny me seems irate Flare" Erebus mumbles watching the young guardian scowl at everything "How are you feeling better?" he asked clearly unfazed by the murder happy that had just happened not but minutes before
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "He is fine." Umbra says sharply. "My servant has regained control of his... urges, and will cause no further issue."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "... " Erebus narrows his eyes at this "Dare I ask why you are acting this way?" he looks between them. he got the feeling he was not exactly "recovered" as much as they were pretending?(edited)
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "No, you may not." Umbra glares.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He throws his hands in the air "I am going to go try to talk to people who are not going to snap at me" he said and headed back into the party
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Umbra sighs and looks at the ground. "Too many people, sorry." He says quickly, through gritted teeth, like it pains him. "Are you alright?" Huitzi asks, approaching him and immediately stopping when Flare growls. "Hold." Umbra slaps an arm over Flare's chest, the Paladin going silent. He looks to Huitzi, his smile large, confident, and only a mite shaky. "I will be fine."(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Erebus stops at that and sighs looking back at him "... numbers" he mumbles before walking back and crossing his arms "so this is what you have been trained to be?" he asked raising a brow at this. suddenly he is VERY interested in Umbra's reaction
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "No, of course not!" Umbra scoffs, arms crossed over his chest, nodding very emphatically.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Seems the kid has learned double speak "now is Flare actually okay?" they ask looking up at the big guy with a frown
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Of course, what a stupid question." Another scoff, a shrug, a slight shake of the head. "He simply insisted on returning, so I had to come along to make sure he behaved himself this time."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He nodded "why dont we go sit down?" he offered "there are a few places where we can have a bit of... quiet " he offers
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Sure, whatever." Umbra shrugs and nods. "These plebeians are... undeserving of my presence."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "... " he sighs "whoever this ass was that made you like this clearly knew nothing about us nightmares" he said and waved them over before grabbing Huitzi to join them as they headed to a corner that was nearly a room into itself? at least that was the way it "looked"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 They follow, Umbra keeping his scowl and Flare making sure to keep in between him and everyone else at all times, only stopped from growling at them all by Umbra's tight grip on his arm.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 there is a table in the little nook! tada and when Erebus pulls the leaf curtain shut they are now only a group of 4 "... there" he slumps moving to sit at the table "sit " an order made to sound like a suggestion you feel compelled to follow
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Umbra slides into his seat and the moment the curtain closes he slumps, head in his hands, whispering frantic apologies under his breath. Flare sits between him and the world, absently patting his back, figurative ears peaked for any disturbances. Huitzi sits across, trying not to flinch when Flare casts his eyes over him before returning to watching the curtain.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Erebus sighs "calm down you didnt do anything wrong" he said watching the kid "and you were already forgiven when you made it clear why you were acting like some haughty teen novel vampire"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Sorry." Umbra mutters again, eyes down, hands in his lap.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "kid its cool really. You need to start forgiving yourself" he points out "now... How is flare really? the mun is dense tonight and is not getting subtlety well so make it concise please"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 “Not good.” Umbra says, tapping his feet, pulling his wings up over his shoulders like a fuzzy blanket. “He hasn’t had an episode that bad in a long time.” Umbra looks at his father, still staring out, fists clenched under the table that the bone can be heard creaking. “He has trouble with his LV sometimes.” Umbra looks away. “He has… a lot of it, and sometimes it takes over.” “I can keep him stable, though!” He quickly assures, leaning forward, wings blanketing him tighter, voice quivering just the slightest bit. “He won’t- won’t do anything while I’m here, promise! I’m too likely to be caught in the collateral damage.”
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He nods "you know Flare does not have to stay if he needs to rest. Everyone here will understand." he points out "and you do not have to force yourself to paly that role and dance that dance" he said watching him "it really is okay"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Can't stop." Umbra's breath quickens, scratching at his hands beneath the table, Flare just grunting. "That is fine." Huitzi gently says, fighting the urge to lean forward and comfort. "One step at a time. Just- please try to avoid antagonizing anyone? We don't want someone to get upset and Flare to react." "Yeah, yeah sure, I can do that." Umbra nods, shaking a little.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He sighs rubbing his head "yeah. just take care of yourself and mostly I meant not try to stop here I meant you dont have to force yourself in being here at all and forcing yourself to live in that role for what is only going to be a couple more hours"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I gotta be here for Dad." Umbra looks at the table. "Until he decides to leave, I'm gonna be here too."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He nods "okay Thank you Umbra for being here" Erebus seems to have learned how to be supportive dad at some point... Umbra might get adopted by the older goop at this rate
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 At this rate, he probably needs it. "I'm happy to well, uh I'm, I'm uh..." Umbra smiles nervously. "I'm... here?"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 the goop chuckles "you are honestly a good kid I am glad they were not able to take that from you"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Umbra smiles, his tentacles wagging, the attached wings fluttering. “Thank you!”
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "why don't I go get us some of the food I suspect everyone is eating by now" He said sliding from the table "Huitzi do you want to go too?
JusticeMom09/27/2020 @Askbittyerror
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 “Um…” Huitzi glances up. Flare looks over him and Umbra for a moment, reality ripples, and then he vanishes. “Uh???” Umbra frantically squeaks. A moment more passes and Flare returns, a very confused human Dream clasped tightly by the arm. Flare practically tosses him into his seat, standing with his back to the table, between them and the rest of the room, arms crossed over his chest and back ramrod straight. Mo looks like he just rolled out of bed, hair mussed, a soft plush weedle clutched to his chest, his heavy gold-and-rainbow circlet tilted haphazardly on his head. He’s wearing a loose white tunic and soft trousers, both edged with gold and coming to his elbows and knees respectively. He’s barefoot, and on every bit of exposed skin from his chin down are deep-set intricately carved scars in geometric shapes and delicate swirls, some inked in black and gold, others in rainbow, and a few simply left as gnarled scar tissue. Mo blinks, looks around, unwinds the midnight blue sash from his waist, wraps it around his neck, grabs one of Umbra’s wings and hides himself in it, the Nightmare tugged into him with a startled mweh.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "... um what just happened?" guess Flare was on full fight mode. He asked looking  between them and shaking his head. he is now one confused goop. my goodness. He says nothing about the scars but takes note. unlike his markings he can tell that they are not self inflicted "... you okay there kid?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Mo makes a shaky noise. “Um,” Umbra looks to Huitzi, gently hugging his Dream. “Uh, Huitzi, can we borrow your jacket, please.” “Of course.” The Paladin quickly strips off his jacket, offering it and flinching as Mo quickly yanks it out of his hands, throwing it on and rolling the sleeves up significantly until they’re bunched at his wrists, the jacket practically at trench coat length. “Please tell me you have a weapon.” He whispers, Umbra nodding and undoing one of his belts, a hunting knife sheathed at the back. Mo loosens it and wraps it around his waist, hand resting on the hilt of the knife. He breathes in and out, in and out, tightly squeezing his Weedle until his shoulders lose their tension and he looks up, smiling shakily. “I’m- I’m fine.” He says, Umbra gently rubbing slow circles into his back, a tentacle coiling around him. “…sorry about that.”
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "Its not your fault Flare was triggered by many tiny angry auras and a Dragon who feels rather causal about attempts on their life" he sighed "you are at the wedding and probably should not leave our little cubby. there are a lot of people about many with hair triggers of their own"(edited)
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be fine!” Mo shoots straight up, a wide smile on his face. He hugs his surprised Nightmare, merrily nuzzling the top of his head. “It’s my sweet little brother you got to worry about, but it’s okay, I’ll keep him from being, well,” He giggles. “Himself!”
JusticeMom09/27/2020 ... "you know you are within your limits in this room right?" He asks making sure that No didn't just hear "lots of people nearby" and tripped his conditioning regardless
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 “This isn’t a room!” Mo giggles. “That’s just a curtain!” Umbra tenses and Mo gently shushes him, patting his face. "Be nice, little brother."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "its a small private space for us to sit and talk. the whole emphasis on us being alone" he points out with a groan
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "If you say so!" Mo laughs.
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 The lich approaches the cordoned off area, stopping just a but beyond it. "Flare?" Quietly, "can we go somewhere more private and talk, maybe?" You and me, I mean. Um, Umbra and Mo can come too, if they need a little... less." @Candy
Candy09/27/2020 quietly follows Bells
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Flare opens the curtain and just silently stares at them. Umbra stands, pulling up Mo, still happily smiling away. "Lets go with them, Dad." The Nightmare tugs at his arm. Flare nods.
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "Candy? This is where I'm afraid I leave you with Huitzi and Erebus, and head elsewhere with these guys." They look at the nearest wall, scanning it, then gesture the three to follow. "Just how much 'less' is needed? I've a water garden, and a... well, bubble, with a floor, and otherwise basically just broken void as a view."
Candy09/27/2020 O-oki. they nod and look at Erebus and Huitzi Hello, i'm Candy
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 “Any room with an actual door, please.” Umbra says, dragging his father by the arm and an increasingly ecstatic Mo by the hand.
“Hello to you too.” Huitzi smiles softly, offering them his hand. “I am Huitzi.”
Candy09/27/2020 they accept the hand and shake it nice to meet you
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Nice to meet you too." He shakes back, the movement gentle.
Candy09/27/2020 they smile how do you like the wedfing so far?
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "It has been quite lovely." Huitzi smiles. "Barring the incident earlier, I have enjoyed myself."
Candy09/27/2020 Good to hear, about the same for me.
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi nods, humming.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "uh what the hell just happened?" [8:23 PM] Erebus blinks shaking out of his mild shock and frowned
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I have no idea." Huitzi shrugs.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "yeah I get the feeling this is going to continue to be a wild night... want to go back to JR and let this chaos run its course?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I do not know what that is... But sure." Huitzi shrugs.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He laughed "my home... Juice's home and where Bells lives half the time when they are not with their now husband" He grabbed Huitzi "a whole new multiverse" he smirked and then pulled Huitzi through the Vale
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi absolutely totally doesn't squeak in surprise.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He lands in the biggest castle he will ever see in his whole life. It ad a grandness to it that only more modern royalty have but the stone that made up the castle was much much older "Come on Huitzi lets go find something to drink"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi looks up, wide eyed, mouth hanging open. He feels... so small...
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Erebus chuckles "come on kid lets get going it can take hours to get from one place to the next if the castle is feeling frisky" he grinned wickedly. not a total exaggeration but it can take longer than normal if the castle insists you going through certain halls
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "It's sentient?!" Huitzi half shrieks.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "not like you or I but it has enough magic in it to make it have some sort of cognizance" he said and reached back grabbing  him  and dragging him towards the kitchens ... one of them anyway
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi just kind of lets him, looking around, slightly paranoid and significantly freaked out.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "calm down its not a person" he said smacking him with a tendril "come on you are no young skeleton anymore. its just a castle "old buildings all have personalities you know now ... um... scratch that I got to do something come with me or shall I dump you in a sitting room until I am done?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Please don't leave me." Huitzi hugs the tendril.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He sighs grabbing Huitzi again and they shortcut into a room where someone is singing and a small sad baby is crying "... "
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi looks around. He is very much clinging to Erebus.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Nearby a very... worn looking older Dream without wings is bouncing the tiniest baby biggie Huitzi has ever seen trying to sooth its cries. the aura in the room is pleasant but not too strong. Erebus moves before the giant paladin can ground himself before the two are swapping the baby between them "how long?" "maybe ten minutes or so. nothing major his soul is strong" they are whispering
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi stands back, completely silent.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 The smaller Dream pauses now seeing the giant Huitzi. "brother why is there a giant version of Juice here with us?" his eye lights have shrank into pinpricks while Erebus is now bouncing the baby in his arms soothing him before offering him the bottle "This is one of Dragon's datemates. Everyone calls him Huitzi" "oh... okay you are very tall" [10:40 PM] foot meet mouth
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I can get small?" Huitzi whisper-offers.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 He shook his head "no no your fine...we are just working to help sooth baby Altan" he said offering his hand "I am Al Im Erebus's brother"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "It is nice to meet you." Huitzi gently shakes it. "Your brother has been very kind to me. I like him."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "Kind huh?" he asks looking back at Erebus who looked tense "no fighting the baby just took the bottle" he said his tendrils twitching in annoyance
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "...did I say something wrong?" Huitzi looks worried. "I, uh, apologize?"(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 Al snorted "I have not been back for very long so our relationship is.. rocky to say the least" he huffed "anyway go coo over my nephew he has my name"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi nods hesitantly and walks over to Erebus. “I still like you.” He softly assures, kneeling down and smiling gently at the bab.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 he was tiny! most babies could at least wrap their little hands around the adult's fingers but not this bab who flailed his tiny hands towards the giant Paladin "... he was born before he even had a form" he said looking at Huitzi "we almost lost him"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I am glad he survived." Huitzi says softly, offering the little one his hand, giant though it may be.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 The baby grabbed it. it was like having a mouse touch as he continued to nurse his bottle beautiful eye lights watching him such a strange hue of purple
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi keeps his hand very still, stars absolutely in his eyes.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 when the bab was done with his bottle Erebus pulled it away and the baby giggled starting to babble as he wiggled. He clearly liked this person
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "This is an adorable, precious child." Huitzi purrs, gently twitching his fingers.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 the baby giggled again and babbled a bit more. Erebus waved him back "let me burp him and you can hold him after" he said moving the smol to his shoulder and started patting the bab's back
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Huitzi looks a bit uncertain. "I am... not sure if I'm comfortable with holding him at this size. I believe bitties are a good deal less fragile than babies."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 "hush sit down cross your legs" the goop said pointing a tendril at him "your not going to move a bunch with him but he likes you and he needs things that help his soul grow stronger"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I can shrink!" Huitzi protests, still doing as he's told. September 28, 2020
JusticeMom09/28/2020 he makes a scolding sound "dont panic he is just a bad.  A preme to be sure but you will do fine. now hold your hands like this" he said showing his goop in a cradling pose. the baby makes a cute little burp sound before wiggling and making sleepy sounds
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Huitzi cups his hands together.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 Erebus walks over using his tendrils to correct Huitzi's hands a little until he had them right where they needed to be. Draped a blanket over him and gently laid the baby into his arms "being around things that make him smile helps strengthen his soul. He likes you so that means you are good for him" he chuckled using only one corner of the blanket to cover the small as the baby stars up at Huitzi confused. hew as in new hands?
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "Hello, little one." Huitzi coos, his attention completely devoted to the child, hands held steady with aid from a few tendrils.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 the baby blinks tilting his little head as he makes a happy noise kicking his legs and reaching for the skeleton's face giggling. Yep he likes the big man
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Huitzi smiles softly and leans his head down into the child's reach.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 the baby grabs at his cheekbones before papping them with a happy squeal. much cute baby
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 The stars are back in his eyes. "Oh my goodness." He whispers.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 "wow" Al mumbled feeling all the happy off him. he had just gotten back with a tray of drinks. one of them a large stein for Huitzi
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 At the moment, Huitzi's attention is entirely on the bab. He doesn't even notice Al's return, he didn't even realize he left in the first place.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 There is whispered conversation and several chuckles of amusement as Huitzi just stares at the baby in his hand. after ages of Huitzi mumbling and playing with the small Altan starts to drift to sleep in his arms
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Huitzi sings to the baby softly, a lullaby old and foreign. He's smiling, more relaxed than he's been in a very long time.(edited)
JusticeMom09/28/2020 Eventually Altan curled up against his chest holding his shirt with that tiny hands as he drifted off listening to song and soulbeat
JusticeMom09/28/2020 @Askbittyerror
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Huitzi may be holding back tears.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 The Dream is the one that puts a hand on his shoulder "you okay there big guy? You got a lot of emotions boiling around in there"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 “I- I apologize.” Huitzi sniffles, a tendril wiping his eyes. “I just… I had a daughter, once.”
JusticeMom09/28/2020 Dream watched him closing his eyes before he nodded "I... know how that feels Huitzi. I had a family once" he gives Erebus a look. the goop looks sheepish but the golden guardian continues "do you want to talk about her?" he offered now crouching arms resting on his legs
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 “Her name was Tepin.” He smiles faintly. “She was just… abandoned, on my doorstep. Somehow. Inside a rescue center. She was sweet and brave and-” His smile falls. “She grew fast, then never stopped.”
JusticeMom09/28/2020 He wined and put a hand on his harm "I'm sorry. it can be really unfair when our children age so much faster than us.... natural or not"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Huitzi nods, giving him a weak smile. "I am sorry for bringing the mood down, it wasn't my intention."
JusticeMom09/28/2020 He shook his head "its okay sometimes healing comes in the smallest of places" He said looking down at his tiny namesake
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 “Your child is precious.” Huitzi smiles.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 "My nephew" he said offering to take the child "Erebus and Bells's  or correction Morpheus and Bells's little one"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Huitzi hands Altan over, very carefully and with some aid from his tendrils. "I dont believe I have met any Morpheus yet."
JusticeMom09/28/2020 "probably not. there was an m!a I think they call it. It fused Erebus and Dream into one person" he says walking to the crib and gently laying Altan in it "Erebus does not want to do it again because he has become corrupted once more. He doesn't want to stain Dream with that part of him"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "Oh." Huitzi says, looking around for Erebus. "...I do not believe I have met this Dream either."
JusticeMom09/28/2020 "Juice? maybe not? He was back at the party" he said as Erebus walked back in with a non corrupted Nightmare in toe "hey what are you doing? Erebus!?" he was stumbling to keep at the goop's pace
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "...hello?" Huitzi looks over.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 He stumbles forward and dusts himself off "oh... you are a very big version of my brother" he said sockets round now
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "I assume your brother is a Paladin then." Huitzi smiles, offering him his hand. "I am Huitzi. May I have your name?"
JusticeMom09/28/2020 He takes the hand shaking it "Nightmare... I do not have any nicknames like everyone else" he said before leaning in to Al ad whispering "what's a Paladin?"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "A bitty, looks like me but, well, bitty sized!" Huitzi smiles. "I was one, once."
JusticeMom09/28/2020 He nods slowly "uhhuh Erebus why are you bringing crazy monsters to the house?" he askes before Erebus laughed "more like I am taking you back to the party" he said "you good to travel big guy? they are having all the fun without us"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Huitzi nods, smiling brightly. "Yes. Thank you for allowing me to hold your child."
JusticeMom09/28/2020 He waved a hand "you did as much for us as he did for you. Also visit. You are related to him after all. How I am not one hundred percent in which context but you are" He grabs all three of them, yes all three, and pulls everyone across the multiverse back to the chaotic party
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glasshipping · 4 years
100 Glasshipping Questions! Lets go!         Parto 1
1.       Who loves flower crowns more?
Easy answer! Its totally Youma. Back in Aeterniem the Wächter didn’t wore much jewelry and no one wore a crown, but Youma, Silence and Light made a lot of flower crowns, especially when they where still children. Flower crowns are THE motive for Youma!
2.       Who is the one who likes to cuddle?
They both love to cuddle, but Youma more. At the start Nocturn where very stiff and didn’t liked it too much, since he didn’t enjoyed to be touched… he also doesn’t really love the “touching” part of cuddling too much, but more the… uhm… comforting part.
But Youma is fore sure very cuddly. He is also the “lets go hand in hand”-type all the time. Its just his way of being together – he and Silence where not different, showing they are an entity against the world.
3.       Who has awful taste in music?
If I say Nocturn he would pierce me haha! No of course not, Nocturn has a very exquisite taste in music. Youmas taste is not… bad… he is just unknowing. He doesn’t love opera or any music that gets too passionate and he is not able to memorize the composers, but he is not deaf and will from time to time say that he prefers this tunes over the others. He likes music one can dance to.
4.       Who is the meme lover?
Wrong time-period… memes where not a thing back in 2008. I cant really picture one of them being much on the internet…
5.       How did their second date go?
Their second date? Why not their first xD? Nocturn is good with planning dates, so I expect every date to rank between 7-10.
6.       How many children do they want/have?
None. Seriously, this is not the relationship where children do fit. Nocturn is more or less always a child (as in needs a lot of care and attention) and Youma… well, he used to want children, but he doesn’t anymore. This is a theme for Dauphin xD actually I think its an important part of Youmas progress as a character that he lets go of his “dream” of being a father, as this thought belongs to the past, the Aeterniem-past, which he needs to get behind him in order to progress as person. So its not really “because of Nocturn”, but more... because he has to move on/moved on. 
7.       Who hides the weapons?
Hides? Why should they hide them xD every person who visits them is a killer themselves haha
8.       Who is the better dancer?
Constant rivalry! Youma will say he is and Nocturn will say he is. They are often fighting over the leading part in a dance and sometimes switch back and forth… they are both super skilled dancers. Where sex is the most romantic/intime activity for many pairs, dancing is the most romantic activity for both of them. They love it immensely and there goes no week without them dancing at least three times.
But when I have to decide… It is Nocturn. He is able to perform nearly all dances, even the modern ones, which Youma cant. He is also more passionate and, well, his ears are made to listen to tunes, rhythm and the beat of the music. He is the born dancer.  
9.       Do/Did they have a theme wedding?
Oh God don’t make me start on a wedding for them! Nocturn plans every date for them, so can you imagine how much time he would invest in a WEDDING? I actually never thought that they could marry until Dauphin, but now… things have changed…
I imagine (in Dauphin universe) that Nocturn would invest MOOOONTHS into planning. He would make everybody crazy (Youma inclusive) and can you imagine Greens role here? How she tries to boycott the whole wedding? But Nocturn wants to make it absolutely perfect - more then that! Youma is marrying! The messenger! A God! This must be EPIC! 
So he drives everybody crazy and fights against Green who does everything what she possible can do just because she cant accept a wedding that could be better then hers with Saiyon.... and the wedding she will most likely never get with Blue.
Until the point where Youma just explodes. He doesnt want to have an epic wedding, nothing grand, nothing big, nothing special and no freaking war because of it! So in the end... I imagine the wedding to be... very small and intimate. Just the two of them maybe in a golden corn field giving their vows like they would to it in Aeterniem. I imagine that Silence would maybe be the one as witness? And maaaaaybe White aswell? I think that would be cute.
But Nocturn would get his absolute cheesy wedding photos in front of the Eiffel Tower. You can bet he will. 
10. What do their parents think of them dating?
This one is funny as Youma as so many parents haha xD so lets see.
Yami: *rises eyebrow* My dear son let me just say - no. I have my experience with mental ill people and I say - no. 
Light: I... I still think Silence and Youma are... but.... well... If they love each other then...
Luzifer: .... I like him *absolute straight pokerface* 
*everybody silent*
Luzifer: *slightly blushes* He reminds me of someone I loved dearly.
Okay let them fight and lets move to Nocturns family... here it would be... mixed I guess... the reaction would range from maniac laughing (you can guess who), rised eyebrows, a slight polite smile, trying to hide his rejection and shaking heads. 
So, uhm noone really ships them, except Luzifer xD 
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a-memory-of · 5 years
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Ruran Vas was waiting for Ellere, as he said he would, though his tired form was slowly pacing. The light at his chest flickered on occasion. He looked up as she arrived. "Ah--g-good, you made it alright." As if he wasn't sure she would. As Ellere Valahan approached, she could see the armored figure pacing back and forth in the distance. "I believe I would know the way to this dusty old place in my sleep by this point," she breathed out, smiling. "Admittedly you caught me by surprise."
"I--I apologize." He looked down, weight shifting on the soles of his feet. "I had not expected I would ever find it." From his satchel, he pulled out one of the keys. It was not a typical 'key', per se, but rather a small pyramid-shaped stone with a blue crystal carved seamlessly at its point.
Ellere took a step forward, looking closer at the object. "Quite different than the other I remember. What a peculiar looking thing..." her hand curled at her chin. "Have you tested it upon the door?"
Ruran shook his head. "I did not wish to test it without someone with me. This place has...taught me caution." He put the key back into his bag, and Ari'doram flickered again. "L-let us head inside." "A fine lesson," she nodded her head and made to follow him. Ellere patted her own satchel, "But I shall look after you. Now, let us find your prize. I am sure you are eager."
He made a quiet, determined sound, but he did not admit more than that. He led her through the halls of Qarn--most of it familiar to Ellere by now. Over time, the tunnel to the labyrinth had been made wider by clearing more debris, and there were signs of Ruran's work outside. Parchments and scrawled maps, a lantern, a blanket for his occasional overnight stay. Ruran didn't talk much, focused on leading her along and focusing at the incoming task.
The labyrinth had been well-lit by torches on the wall, likely by Ruran's recent visit. Occasionally, there were interesting murals or debris that had caved into the maze of halls, but Ruran moved too quickly for her to mind them. Twists and turns, corners marked with chalk, until they finally reached a very long hallway that ascended upwards. "Up here," Ruran mumbled, heading up. Midway through, there was another hall; Ruran turned there, and a large door stood before them.
Ellere noted his far quieter and more serious demeanor, but could only assume it was the nature of their purpose here. She caught sight of familiar-looking murals, remembering their promise to see more of them when life would allow. The chalk too, another welcome and familiar sight. But it seemed Ruran had been busy since the last she had come. Ellere stopped at the foot of the door at Ruran's side, looking up and up. "It is still remarkable that much of this place has been left untouched..."
"There is undoubtedly much more yet to be found," he murmured, pulling his pack in front of him again. "But you are right. Much has been lost--buried. It is a miracle. Or...perhaps fate." The stone twinkled at that, and Ruran pulled his pack in front of him and opened the flap. He pulled out three keys, each one a little different from the other, but each of them contained a different color crystal embedded within. Blue, red, yellow. 
There were three indents on the door, each framed with a corresponding color, with lines that traced up the stone door and to its frame. It would be simple enough to assume that each key had to be placed in the matching color. Ruran stepped closer, one key in his hand. "I sense darkness within," he noted, looking over his shoulder, but it was more a warning for her than a new discovery.
Ellere watched him in silence a moment, eyes following his hands as he withdrew each key and approached the door. "Fate? You mean to say it was waiting for someone like you?" the question was mused aloud, more rhetorical than expecting an answer from it. His warning was not taken lightly, and she gave him a nod, "I am right at your side."
Ruran offered her a soft look, a small break away from his serious demeanor. He nodded once, took a breath, and then placed the first key. Green with green, and the patterns that lined the door lit up in the same hue. Ari'doram flickered, and Ruran did the same to the others. Red. Yellow. All three keys fit easily into their chambers, lighting up in turn until the door was framed in colorful lights.
A terrible grinding began to rumble, shaking age-old dust and some small debris from the nearby walls. The door crawled upwards, pull by ancient gears. Ruran placed himself slightly in front of Ellere, his hand at the hilt of his blade as he waited.
She watched, fascinated despite the circumstance. No matter how many places she had been, or the things she had seen, there was still a wonder in moments like this where the past came alive and she was reminded of old magic. As the door opened, she kept quiet, but alert, keenly aware of the weight her mother's starglobe on her back. She waited for the dust to clear, a spell already half formed on her lips in precaution.
The stone door slid upwards out of the view. As the dust settled, and they would soon be able to see what it had been hiding for so many years. Darkness. A tar-like substance gathered on the walls and floor, glistening from the light on Ruran's soulstone. There was a faint blue glow of ancient crystal lanterns on the wall, but they could barely be seen, for they too were covered in the strange black pitch. Ruran, cautious but not deterred, took a step forward.
The tar nearest him seemed to recoil against Ari'doram's holy light. The other side of the room could not yet be seen.
The room gave her pause, admittedly. When Ruran had spoke of darkness, Ellere had not assumed this was what he meant. "Twelve..." she shook her head. She had never seen anything like it. As he stepped forward, so did she, noting the way the dark substance avoided him and she knowing she had no such gift. "What is this? Have you seen such before?"
Ruran nodded. "Each stone thus far has been assailed by darkness... Stay with me. Do not allow it to touch you." As the masked man stepped forward, Ari'doram shone brighter, glaring against the darkness of the room and exposing more within. "I sense the stone," he mumbled to Ellere or Ari'doram or both.
At the far end of the room, there was a hulking mass covered in pitch black, roughly ten fulms tall and humanoid in shape. A large rectangular box sat behind it. The oozing darkness trembled with Ruran's every step, perhaps growing agitated from the disturbance.
Ellere furrowed her brow, but need not be told twice. She spared a glance down to their feet as they walked, making sure her steps were clear of the darkness. As she looked up again and saw the towering figure, she tensed, hand shifting to grasp the globe as needed. "The box, I would wager? And I would also bet that this thing will not simply let us pass."
Ruran's attention shifted to the box, his head canting slightly. He took another step forward, and then glanced back up again. "...No..." Something had changed in his voice--an echoing effect as if one tone was layered over another. His doubled words muttered behind his mask, near a whisper, and in an ancient language that she would not understand. Ruran seemed transfixed on the figure ahead. 
As he spoke, something in the center of the large figure shines. A similar golden light, high in its chest, smothered in the tar. A golem. Its stone now activated, the smothered golem began to move.
__________________________ With @weepingknight​
Worried eyes followed Ruran as he stepped forward. She could barely hear the whispered words, but they were nothing that made sense to her. Ellere had seen Ari'doram's influence take hold of him before, but even this seemed different. "All right then..." she breathed out, mostly to ready herself than in reply to him. Her weapon was fully drawn, the glove hovering over her outstretched hand. A flick of her wrist formed a barrier over him.
As Ruran took another step, a brave vine formed from a dark corner and attempted to seize his arm. However, Ellere's barrier would prove to be well-spent, and it would deflect off her magic shield and retreat back to the inky shadows. The golem, try as it may, could not move any further than it had. Its golden crystal heart crackled and sparked. "Closer," Ruran's voices muttered, staring forward. "We must get--..."
Another step. His light continued to shine, but the darkness was growing more agitated. More bold. It began to creep around them in a circle, pressing into the light's periphery and making the most of the shadow their bodies cast behind Ruran's stone by snaking forward.
Ellere kept her steps with his. Her attention was torn between him, the golem as it tried to move, and the darkness slowly surrounding them. Choosing the closer threat, Ellere turned on her heels back almost against Ruran's. She did not expect her aether to have the same effect as Ari'doram. But the barrier had worked before. Spreading her hands out, she formed a semi-circular shield covering the places his light did not fully reach. Ruran continued to be transfixed, his attention solely on the golem ahead of him, as if nothing else existed. More ancient words spilled from his lips, and he extended one hand. The golem's soulstone grew brighter, and some of the darkness had begun to retreat from its core. Not nearly enough.
The darkness seeped around Ellere's barrier, searching for an edge and slithering higher and higher. At this point, it had climbed about as high as her knees. Just beyond the barrier, in the dimness of the light, blobs of the tar-like substance had begun to rise up higher and take some sort of shape...
Ellere grit her teeth, extending the barrier out more and more. Such a thing would not last long, she knew. And as other shapes began to appear around them, Ellere glanced over her shoulder. As he was, she was not sure if he was even aware she was there. "Ruran dear, I do not mean to rush you," she tried, "But I believe we are about to have company."
The darkness continued to creep up her shield, now to her waist. The blob beyond it seemed to feed off her thoughts--her fears, or something more abstract. It slowly formed a figure of a slouching man, but below his waist, he had eight long, spindly spider legs. The more time it had to form, the more details that came to life. The inky figure solidified, now wearing a mask and armor, a darkened image of Ruran himself.
Ruran--perhaps hearing her, perhaps not--took another step closer to the golem. His eyes burned bright behind his mask, and the power from the golem's soulstone began to drift toward his hand, wind around his arm, and enter Ari'doram's stone.
Ellere narrowed her eyes, and gave a long sigh, "Well, that's a lovely sight..." Understanding Ruran was far too preoccupied, she set herself up to defend them both. Raising her hand, she extended the barrier further, up and around. And then with a bright pulse of unaspected light, she attempted to dislodge what was clinging to it.
The darkened form of the Ruran-like creature let out a screech as her magic shook off what its darkness had managed to cling to. Its mask fell, revealing a long face with mouth agape and eyes wide, all glowing red from within. With a garbled cry, it practically threw itself onto her shield, its form splatting back into dark ooze as it attempted to smother over her entire shield and constrict.
More of the light wound through Ruran and to his stone. As the golem's stone flashed again and dispersed more darkness from it, more of its stone body could be seen. Deep runes were carved into its rocky surface. Runes not unlike the very ones carved into Ruran's skin. "I...I finally see..." Ruran says breathlessly, still unaware of the very precarious situation they were in.
That sight would likely be burned into her mind for some time, flinching as the force struck against her barrier. Flickers of light flashed along the edges, weakening points. Ellere collapsed the star globe back into it's holster, splaying her hands outward and nearly against the barrier itself to weave it more firmly. The force was shrinking it, she could feel it constricting around the two of them. -
A voice from behind her made her spare a glance at Ruran, the blinding light making her squint. Whatever he saw, she could not. But his voice alone helped her to keep the barrier strong.
The space grew tighter and tighter, thin cracks beginning to web across the barrier. Another thud pounded against the dome, but the shadows surrounding them prevented Ellere from seeing what it was. And then again. And again.
Just when it seemed the shield would give way, the golem's soulstone burst from its chest. Now freed, it surged toward Ruran, all at once. Its crystal shattered, forming light that encompassed him. He staggered backwards, stopped by Ellere's back against his. The knight let out a haggard gasp, his eyes wide, and the holy light exploded from him too.
The rays burst past her barrier and shred through the darkness that resided in the chamber, purging every ilm of the room until there was none of the ooze left. 
The threat was gone. Just the two of them, standing in the ancient room. The crystal lanterns on the wall could now illuminate their surroundings. The large, rune-carved golem stood before them, now a statue without its soulstone, and the tar-covered box had actually been a prominent and impressive Belah'dian coffin. Various artifacts lay on small pedestals along the wall, where more murals had been etched.
Ruran stayed on his feet but swayed, his sea-green eyes distant. Occasionally, they sparked with gold.
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Sanders Sides Percy Jackson AU!
SO! @moon-scribs and I have been working on this one for a while and we hope you like it!
Logan is a child of Athena 
Roman is a child of Apollo (The very extra son of a very extra god)
Remy is a child of Hypnos (Hypnos is the god of sleep)
Virge is a child of Aphrodite and Patton is a child of Hades (Bare with us for a second, we´ll tell WHY we did this below the cut)
Emile is a child of Epiope (The goddess of the soothing of pain)
Deceit Damian is a child of Hermes (Hermes is, among other things, the god of deception)
Thomas is a child of Iris (Y´know, the goddess of the Rainbow)
More about this under the cut! (Warning: Its ridiculously LONG)
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Child-of-Aphrodite! Virgil
When deciding upon which god he should be the child of, we mainly thought about how he was before pre-acepting anxiety, how he felt like “The odd-one out”, how he felt like he “didnt belong here”. See where we are going with this?.
Virgil is supposed to be the child of the goddess of beauty, but he honestly cant see it. He is way too pale. Way too lanky. His hair is too messy. He has eyebags that are bigger than his fist. He isnt “pretty”.
His siblings arent helping with that either: They are incredible extroverted people, they actually care about their appearance, about trivial things like make up and clothes, they are known to be extremelly social, their fucking cabin its mOTHERFUCKING BARBIE MANSION PINK AND ALL.
He doesnt fit with them, sure, he can get along with most of them just fine, but he still feels wrong.
He has charmspeak, but he doesn't knows how to use/control it and its also heavily influenced by his emotions, so when he's really stressed out it activates, mostly to keep his friends out of danger. (Its basically like his canon anxiety demon voice, it can influence them like that scene where v's like 'GET RID OF THE PHONE NOW' and Thomas just throws it without thinking )
His first days on camp were pretty rough, and he was thinking of running away, that is, until he met a very cheerful son of Hades.
Child-Of-Hades! Patton
Patton “Hellhounds are just misunderstoods puppies!” Medina
Patton “Oh that kid looks sad and lonely and uncomfortable Im going tO BEFRIEND HIM” Medina
All the hellhounds just become big puppies around him, he has a tiny army of Cat-skeletons and dog-skeletons following him everywhere that are always either playing with him or trying to get pets of him. 
Since there is literally just one other kid of hades in the cabin most of the bunks are empty so one of them becomes the Cave(tm) of Patton´s bony friends (Its just a bunch skele-pets under a blanket) 
 Also one of the bunks is reseved for Virge, since sleeping in a pink barbie mansion surrounded by SO MANY PEOPLE made him incredible anxious. And Patton could not let his precious friend and crush suffer! He has already went through enough! 
 One of the funniest things to Virgil its the fact that the Hades cabin looks like where vampires would live and then BOOM SUNSHINE BOY 
Patton´s Brother: ugh it's too early to-is that the sun??? I thought there were no windows here??? 
Virge: No, that's Patton
He is the first one to discover that, despite Virgil not believing it, Virge is actually FUCKING gorgeous. Like, one day he makes Virgil giggle and Patton feels as his heart might burst: Virgil´s hair was messy and fluffy and it kinda covered his eyes, but you could see them sparkle with amusement and he had this tiny and kinda shy smile and all that Patton could think was: “goDS ABOVE IM TOO GAY TO FUNCTION- HELP”
Despite his sushiney attitude, lets not forget that, as a child of Hades, Patton is actually fucking powerful, and will not hesitate to absolutly destroy whatever and whoever tries to hurt his fami-friends and his home
Child-Of-Apollo! Roman
You know how Percy´s sword turns into a pen? Yeah, Roman´s katana turns into a golden and silver hairbrush. 
Was sent to camp since he was really young and trained in hand to hand combat until he became the best. 
Has an enthralling voice and incredible acting skills and he can dance like the muses, but cant shoot straight to save his life (Pun not intended lol) and if he tried to heal a paper cut it would probably get infected .
Loves the camp dearly, but he misses his family a lot so he Iris-calls them every saturday
Child-Of-Athena! Logan
Hands down the best strategist in the whole camp. 
Cant do hand-to-hand combat to save his LIFE, but he is amazing with long distance weapons. Bow and Arrow? Logan will pull a hawkeye shit where he NEVER fails. He is good at making traps, like, he studies what surrounds him and can make a scooby-doo-like trap with branches and shit he found laying there. People do not Fuck with him during capture the flag. 
You know how Athena´s kids are all terrified of spiders, right? Welp. Logan has a Patton-level fear of spiders.
“Pardon my crude language, but I don't fuck with those tiny ass demons”
Child-Of-Hermes! Damian
“You, my child, are amazing, but you have the moral of a chocolate muffin”- Thomas, to him, after spending 15 minutes alone together.
Will 100% fuck shit up, not in a “IM EVIL FEAR ME” way, but more in a “Remember my father is also the god of pranksters do not fuck with me Virgil”
Has definitely not pranked Roman and Virgil and had to unceremoniously hide in a tree top so this two would not murder him in the time it took for Emile and Pat to calm them down
Child-Of-Hypnos! Remy
He is a child of hypnos, and as such, drinks unhealthy amounts of coffee so he can stay awake.
He can make everyone he wishes fall asleep instantly just by touching them and he can make it last as long as he wishes (More than 4 hs per person tires him tho)
He doesnt have an ounce of common sense in his whole body and Emile still doesnt know how he managed to stay alive for this long.
Child-Of-Epione! Emile
He is not gifted with healing like some childs of Apollo, yet he is able to sooth the pain of others. No, not only as a psychologist (He is not one yet, but he wants to be one when he grows older), but also as an overall comforting presence: He is kind, his voice is calm, he is sweet, patient and emphathic. 
One hug from him will not heal all your pain, but will make it hurt less, giving you the strength to keep fighting it for a while.
Really, REALLY not good at fighting.
Cried for a whole day when he learned that the camp has no tv so he couldnt watch any cartoons while he stayed there
He was very lonely growing up as before getting to camp, so he used to watch A LOT of cartoons to keep himself occupied, to avoid feeling alone.
The human mind and emotions never ceases to amaze him.
Child-Of-Iris! Thomas
Thomas started going to camp at a very young age, so he kinda knows everyone. 
Despite that fact, he got claimed on the summer after his 15th birthday. 
He was walking across the camp towards the Big House to say hi to Chiron when a full on rainbow surrounded him and Iris´s logo started glowing on top of his head. He looked at the rainbow, then he looked down at his “could be gayer” t-shirt and burst out laughing.
He spends only summers on camp, and since he is a bit older than most of the campers, he became a sort of counsellor to new campers whenever he is in camp.
He helps the new ones with training, teaches them how to get around the camp, teaches them how to read in greek and greek history (To them its history, no mythology) if they dont know anything about it. 
He is super supportive of every new camper! Like, if they are training and one of the newbies fucks up (Drops his weapon, falls, trips, whatever) he will instantly start going “Its okay!! No one can do this right in their first try!! It took me like a year just to stop sucking at it!! You are trying your best and thats whats important!!”
He gave one look at Virgil´s angsty demeanor, Damian´s snarky attitude, Roman´s fake confidence, Patton´s pattoness, Logan´s insighful and wise opinios, Remy´s complete lack of self preservation and Emile´s internal screaming as he tries to keep the rest of his friends fucking mentally stable and immediatly decided “Im going to adopt them”
While Thomas is an excelent “counsellor” and loves his friends, sometimes he will be watching the other 7 human disasters run around and get into shenanigans and just be like: Those kids are already so fucking weird this might as well happen 
Asked to be tagged: @fandoms-till-the-end-of-the-line @thatgaydemigodnerd
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Bloody Redemption
For listening along.
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Snow crunching under careful bootfalls breaks up the monotonous shink of metal sliding against whetstone, a blast of cold cutting through the otherwise warm tent as a flap is opened. Lara doesn’t look up from her work, still dragging the lance’s tip against the whetstone. She takes one more handscoop of the water before her to dump on the stone, breaking for a moment the slight shimmer left by the liquid’s sanctification before it returns to gently rolling with the heat provided by the small fire just below. Just enough to keep it from becoming a cauldron of ice.
“My Lady?” The voice is timid, soft, unsure of its welcome. All things that Lara realizes too late to soften the initial harshness of her words.
“I’m not a lady.” She doesn’t mean it to be so harsh, really. A lifetime around the brusque Draenei seems to have taken a toll on her tone among other things. She turns, then, finally setting the whetstone aside and standing. Her guest’s golden eyes meet hers in fear and confusion, a look hidden moments later by her gaze darting to the floor. When Lara speaks, it’s with careful attention to her tone and a hand gently resting on the girl’s cloaked shoulder. “What I mean to say is that I’m not nobility. If you’re feeling formal, ‘miss’ or ‘ma’am’ is fine, if not, simply Lara or even Captain will suffice.” She can’t very well use the name given to her by the Order. Not here. Not yet.
“Oh. S-sorry. Ma-’am. I just spoke with Lady Truefeather. She said to stop by her tent this evening, that she would have time to talk.” As the girl’s eyes come up, they pause on Lara’s arm. It had been so long since Lara had really had to pay attention to her tattoo, that it takes a few beats before she realizes the stylized, blood red ‘L’ on her forearm is what’s caught the young woman’s attention.
Moving too quickly to hide the discomfort, Lara’s hand retreats, returning uselessly to her side before she puts her back to the woman once more to take up the stone again. “Thank you, Marla. That was all, then. Don’t let me keep you from training with the others.”
For a few passes of metal against stone, Lara believes that perhaps that noise has covered the sound of footsteps leaving, though she’s proven wrong when again that soft voice catches her ear.
“Is it true, then, that you were in the Scarlet Crusade?”
For just a second, Lara’s heart drops into her stomach. It’s no secret - of course it’s not. Many of the company lived in the Emberglades, a small few served with her before she first left. Still, it had been a nice delusion that she might have been able to escape that history.
“I don’t particularly hide it. Yes, I was in the Crusade. That was many years ago.” She doesn’t turn as she answers. It wouldn’t do to see the loss of faith Marla undoubtedly had on her face at that moment. Instead, the ensuing silence is filled once again with the shink shink shink of her meditative task.
“Of course.” Shink. “It’s just.” Shink. “I believe-” Shink. “You killed my cousin.”
The silence in the tent is deafening.
Lara doesn’t move. She doesn’t breathe. She can’t even think for what feels like an eternity.
“If you’re here to kill me,” she starts, slowly, once the ability to form coherent thought finally returns, “I warn you that the others will likely rise to my defense. Additionally, I-”
“No no no!” Marla’s voice is panicked, hurried feet carrying her forward before she stops short and seems to reconsider the proximity. “It’s not that at all. Honestly he was kind of an asshole. You… You killed him. But you saved my life, in a way.” Now Lara turns to face the girl, searching her face for some kind of deception.
“I didn’t recognize you at first, but I know it was you. We were outside Andorhal, my cousin was from Dalaran, researching the curse of undeath. I was… Was helping him. Keep him safe with his research team. You… You and your people - err, the other Crusaders. You struck us both down as we tried to run. They… They tortured him and…” Marla’s legs begin to shake slightly, her eyes going hazy just for a second before she finds renewed focus on Lara’s face. “You put him down. I don’t remember what you said, but I recognized the mercy. And then against orders, you… You set me free when you saw I could channel the Light.”
The entire scene, meanwhile, plays frame by frame in Lara’s head. Of course she remembers, how could she not? Every death at her hands was etched deeply in her memory, especially those of her kin. It had been, to her, more than thirty years outside their clutches now, and still she remembers every one without truly being able to find forgiveness within herself. Still, none of that shows on the stoic face turned to Marla.
“I ran into the Scarlets a few times. I saw them enough to…” Marla cants her head to the ceiling as though the fabric there holds some answer for the words she’s trying to form. “They always looked so angry. So smug. So self-righteous. You didn’t. Your face stayed with me for so long because your eyes looked so… So sad. Like you were in so much pain. Like you-”
“I’m sorry for the loss of your cousin.” Lara’s gaze is away from Marla once more, her neck twisting so quickly that her ponytail smacks against her companion’s hand. “And the part I played in it. Is there anything else I can do for you, miss?” The hardness of her first words returns, now as a shield rather than reflex.
The girl doesn’t quite know how to react, not at first. Her footsteps carry her toward the exit once more, though she hesitates as she stumbles over a reply. “N- No, that is. No, just…” When she stops, it’s to draw a breath, though one not too shaky to calm her nerves. “Some of the others- I was wondering why you would take us in. Most everyone else wants us dead for following Merik, but not you. I think I get it now.”
Finally placing the nearly over-sharpened weapon aside, Lara stands, pulling her sleeves down and crossing the small space toward her armor. “Everyone deserves a chance for retribution. An opportunity to repent for decisions they made under duress and to seek redemption.” Her thick, golden gauntlets, freshly polished, snap into place before she flexes her fingers into the claws. “Speaking of which, if you’ll excuse me, I have my own to seek.”
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the-wayward-arc · 6 years
The sacrifice
"As the relic of creation, it can create or recreate anything but at a cost." Ozpin explained, having taken control of Oscar's body for a while.
"Wait, so it can create anything? Like another person?" Ruby asked, excited at the power the relic holds.
"Yes, but again it will have a heavy cost. The relic will ask for something in equal to what you want to create." He explained to both teams. Having made their way to atlas and recovered it. They had returned to the Atlas base General Ironwood gave them to use for temporary refuge. "It can create anything, which helped humanity combat the grimm more effectively. From this humanity learned to create better ways to protect themselves. From more defensive walls to machines of war. But each creation needed something in return." He continued, the others leaning as he talked. "For weapons, it wanted only materials. For homes, it wanted trees and dirt. Each creation was given an equal value." He finished.
"So if you wish to create a life, you would need to give something of same value?" Blake asked, sitting on the couch as she gazed up from her book.
"Precisely Miss Belladonna. Though no one has tried it. They were afraid of what it would want." He answered, drinking some tea that Ren had brewed. Jaune looked at it, thinking about something when suddenly the relic began to glow, giving off a gold light as it hovered above them. Everyone was caught off guard by this, too stunned to stop the relic from flying to a Jaune as he sat in a chair across the room. He closed his eyes and pulled his hands up in an attempt to protect himself but when he felt no pressure or pain from it ramming into him, he opened his eyes and looked at it.
"Jaune are you okay?" Ruby asked worryingly. Crescent rose at the ready, the others having weapons ready as well incase something happens.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." He answered, looking at the relic as it hovered in front of him, the golden light dimmed slightly.
"What will you give?" A deep voice boomed in the room. Everyone looked around, wondering where the voice was coming from
"Head master?" Asked Ren, storm flower aimed at the relic.
"Its the relic." He answered, looking at it and Jaune with a slight worried expression. "Mister Arc, please back away from it. Don't let it tempt you."
"What will you give in return?" It asked again, Jaune gulped as he gazed into it. He wanted to move but his body wouldnt let him. Instead his arm reach out to it.
"Mister Arc! Don-" but before he could continue, a blinding light erupted from it as Jaune touched it. They all closed their eyes to protect themselves from it. When the light disappeared, the relic was still hovering but Jaune was gone. "Oh no."
"Jaune!?" Yelled Ruby as she frantically looked all over the room for her friend. Everyone was panicking at this time, the relic of creation just flew by itself to their friend and now hes gone because of it.
"Headmaster wheres Jaune?" Asked Weiss, worried for the knight. Her hands steady as she looked at Ozpin. But he stayed quiet, gripping his cane as he looked at the relic.
"The relic has him." He finally said, stunning the others.
"What do you mean? Where did it take him?" She angrily demanded, wanting to know where it took her leader.
"The relic sensed something in the young Arc. It called out to him and he answered. We cant do anything for him now, itll be up to him if he comes back." He answered, the others looking at him then at the relic.
Jaune slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to his surroundings. Once he could see properly, he noticed that he wasnt in the room anymore. Instead everything was white and no noticeable structures he could see. He reached for his weapon but realized it was gone.
"Ruby? Ren? Yang?" He yelled, his voice echoing as he looked around. His voice echoed. He began to panic. "Okay okay, calm down Jaune. Gotta keep a clear head if you want to get out of here." He thought to himself. Before he could do anything, a golden light erupted in front of him. When it dimmed, he noticed a figure of gold light stood in front of him. This figure had no noticeable facial features but did stand a good two feet higher than him. Jaune backed up a bit, this thing had a powerful pressure to it and even though it had no eyes, he felt like it was glaring at him.
"What will you give in return?" It asked him, in the same powerful voice from before.
"W-what do you mean? He asked it, trembling a bit. The figure approached him.
"I sense in you a desire. A desire that flared up when you heard my story. A desire to bring life." It said, crossing its arms across its chest. Jaune eyes widened. He lowered his head.
"I'm in the relic." He thought, still looking at his feet.
"Yes. I brought you in here so that you may tell me your desire and what you will give in return Jaune Arc." It said, Jaune looked up at it, surprised.
"H-how di-"
"I read your thoughts. Nothing can be kept from me." It said. Its voice sounded annoyed at this point. "I know of your family. Your ancestors have played important roles in the world's history, being saviors and changing history itself." Jaune was stunned at this, his ancestors were really something then if even this powerful figure spoke of them highly. "Arcs have long since brought forth generations of heroes. One even kept me from being used for evil purposes but at the cost of their life. I will never forget that." It continued. "Now another Arc is in the process of adding another chapter in history, fighting alongside a silver warrior and other brave warriors. Much like before." It finished. Jaune was stunned, no shocked. He had no words. Nothing to say. "But now you desire something of me, and I know what it is. You wish to bring someone back." Jaune looked away when it said this.
Yes, when he heard its story, he thought there was a chance to bring her back. She was wrongly taken from this world by someone who doesn't deserve to live. He looked at the figure, he was here. It heard him. Maybe it would do it and he would pay any price to bring her back.
"Yes. Someone who didn't deserve to die. Someone who was thrust into a position they shouldn't have been in. She deserves to live her life to the fullest." He said looking at the figure, tears forming in his eyes. "She was my partner. She helped me when others wouldn't. She saw potential and strength when others saw weakness. If it wasnt for her, then I'd probably be dead, but she shouldn't have been ripped from her family, her friends and her team. She had Hope's and dreams." He approached it, the gold figure firmly stood as he did. "If you can bring Pyrrha back, then I will give you anything you ask." His voice filled with determination.
The figure looked at him, its arms still crossed. It then chuckled as it looked at the young Arc. "Just like she was." It said. Jaune was about to ask before it raised its hand to silence him. "I was created by the deity brothers, I have this power. I can bring her back to the world of living, with the memories leading up to her death but it will come at a cost." It paused, looking at the boy. "A life for a life. Give me yours for hers." He said, Jaune was stunned. He knew it would want something and he had a feeling it would be something like this. "I will allow you to th-"
"I agree." It stopped spending and looked at the boy, he looked into his eyes. He saw pure determination. This boy was adamant on bringing her back and he was ready to pay the price. "My life for hers. But please allow me time to say bye to my friends and her." He said. The figure looked at him and laughed. "What's so funny? Is this not the price?" He asked, confused.
"You Arcs are always ready to lay down your life for another. You were ready to offer your life as soon as I said it was the price. No thinking. No hesitation. No hint of fear. You were ready to go if it meant she would live. I saw you ready to give your life to save your friends when you fought against the false maiden." He said. "You Arcs never cease to amaze me. I will bring her back, but in honor of your ancestor who laid her life to protect me, I will not take your life. You are needed at the silver warrior's side when the final battle comes. But a price must still be paid." It said, the boy had a small smile on his face. She could be brought back, he would be able to see her again. She could see her friends again. He was still curious about what meant by silver warrior. Did he mean ruby? He shook his head, hed have to ask about that later, right now he had a more pressing matter.
"What do you want instead?" He asked. The figure looked at him a bit.
"Your aura, you possess an incredible amount of it, more than I've ever seen from anyone in the history of this world." It said, looking at Jaune. "Know that if you accept it, you will no longer be able to use your semblance. You will on longer be able to heal your wounds, even ones that could prove fatal. You would no longer be able to be the hero you dreamed of." It continued, looking at Jaune for any sight of hesitation or regret. But he saw none, Jaune didn't waver. "You would no longer be able to protect the innocent like a hunter should. The fight against the grimm would prove much harder for you. You would become a liability to your friends." It finished. Jaune still glared at it. He took the words it said to heart but still he would not waiver.
"Then I'll just need to get stronger." He finally spoke up, the figure would be smiling if it could. "You are right, without Aura I would be much more vulnerable and not much use in a fight. I could hide behind the safety of the kingdom walls for the rest of my life, but I could never forgive myself if I did that. I used to think I wasn't fit to lead my team. I was afraid I was holding them down and might get them all killed one day. But you know what?" He exclaimed. "They never saw me as a hindrance or a liability. They saw me as a friend, a leader, and a brother. They helped me get strong and supported me. As long as I can stand. As long as I can hold my shield and sword, then I will fight. I will never abandon my friends or ever become a liability to them. I will continue to fight by their side until the day die! An Arc never gives up!" He finished. The entity laughed. Laughed as hard as it could.
"Amazing! You are just like her, your ancestor, down to that fighting spirit. Jaune arc! I will grant your desire and bring back Pyrrha Nikos. You may keep your Aura until the final confrontation against Salem is decided. Your friends will needed it for that battle. But win or lose, I will take your aura. Do you understand?" It asked. It was surprised when jaune got on one knee and bowed his head. "Know that even if Salem is defeated, while it will weaken the Grimm hordes immensely, it will not stop some from being created. The world will still need hunters, be it against Grimm or Human. You will not have the strength of your aura to aid you in the battles after the confrontation. Do you truly understand this?" It asked, looking at the boy
"By my word as an Arc, no matter the outcome, my aura is yours to take. An Arc never goes back on their word!" He exclaimed, his head still bowed. "I understand what will happen but I don't care. I will still stand by their side and I will still lend them my strength. I will still protect those that can't protect themselves." He proclaimed, his hand clenched into a fist. "Now please," he looked up at the golden entity, "bring her back." The entity slapped its hands together in an instant, a bright flash of light blinded Jaune. As the light dimmed and his eyes refocused, Jaune saw orange petals float around him. The figure was gone. Soon the petals rapidly came together, beginning to take form. Slowly but surely, they formed into a person. A woman to be precise. Jaune saw her red flowing hair take color as the form descended towards him. Jaune put his arms to catch her as the last of petals disappeared into her body, her skin was warm to the touch and her eyes closed. Tears fell down his face as he smiled, he knelt down with her in arms. He moved some of her hair off her face.
"I'll be seeing you soon young Arc." The voice said, slowly fading as white sheet covered the naked girl. She slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the white room and the blur of a figure looking down at her. She felt small droplets hit her face. When her eyes adjusted, she realized it was Jaune holding her.
"J-jaune?" She said weakly, slowly regaining the feelings in her arms and legs. He cried as he looked at her, hoping this wasnt a dream. But when she placed a hand on his cheek, wiping away a tear, he knew this was reality.
"H-h-hello Pyrrha." He choked as he hugged her close. "I-i-its good to s-s-see you again." She was a bit surprised, her last memory still a blur but right now, she hugged him back. While curious as to what he meant, she felt it's best to ask when things were calm.
"Jaune? Where are we?" She asked, letting go of the hug so she looked around. Jaune stood up, holding her bridal style. He knew she was still weak and best not let her walk until she regained her strength. She blushed a bit but turned red when she realized she was naked, with only a white sheet covering her. "And why am I naked?!" She exclaimed, covering up as much as she could. He smiled at her.
"Its a long story, it said you would get your memories back after a while but maybe me and the others explaining will help." He said looking at her. "But first," he leaned in and kissed her on the lips, surprising her. Her faced went full red and hot. "Now you know how I felt when you did that." He chuckled as she hid her face in her hands. "Also, you may want to be prepared, the others will be excited to see you again but I'm sure you're gonna get some scolding from them. Especially from Nora and Ruby." He explained, she sighed some memories began to come to light. She rested her head on his chest armor as the were enveloped by light and right back in the room, everyone staring at them in shock. The relic slowly descending as she looked at everyone.
"P-pyrrha?" Ruby managed to say, dropping crescent rose as Nora covered her mouth, tears rushing down her face. Ren fell to a knee, looking at his thought to be dead teammate. He rubbed his eyes as Nora knelt down with him. Weiss dropped her weapon, too stunned to say anything. Blake and Yang leaned onto each other, keeping the other from fainting but tests running down their faces. Ozpin was quiet, his stoic as he looked at the two before him. While happy she was alive again, he looked at Jaune with worry. "What did you give up Mister Arc?" He thought to himself.
"H-Hello everyo-" but she didnt get to finish as everyone ran to them, hugging the two as they fell to the ground.
"Hey guys! Be careful, she still kinda weak!" Jaune exclaimed as he made sure Pyrrha wasnt hurt. He wasn't mad at them, not in the slightest. He watched as Pyrrha was hugged in his arms and questions asked to her. She smiled awkwardly but warmly as she wiped tears from Nora's face. Jaune smiled as everyone came together in a group hug, Pyrrha smiling as he nuzzled her. "Welcome home Pyrrha." He said to her, giving her a quick peck on her forehead.
(Woo this was long! I hope you all enjoy! Now to the next prompt!)
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(ask game A) all for heir, hathor, eos, nerezza, sea bun, juliet and glitch
1: List five basic facts about your OC. used to have a relatively normal life, nice family, always had long hair, used to be close to her friends, knows plant language
2: Post a line of dialogue from your OC.“No….no,no,no… What did you do to them..”
3: Post a snippet from your writing that describes your OC.non existent d:
4: Post a snippet from your writing in which another OC describes your OC.also non existent
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.pale, looks tired and exhausted, slightly glowing swirls in hair and pupils, long brown hair, not very tall, somewhat slim
6: Describe your OC’s love life.never had the chance to have one, doesn’t fall in love so easily
7: Describe your OC’s fashion sense.simple and comfortable
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.blames herself for the death of others if she wasn’t able to prevent it
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?watching as her friends get killed by the town, unable to help
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?flowers, a black scarf, a blue marble, a black and white photograph of a town, a picture of her friends and herself
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?nothing, used to like blue marbles
12: What does your OC give another OC for their birthday?a self made scarf perhaps
13: Describe your OC’s living situation.stuck as heir inside of the town, creating her surroundings as she wants them to look like, kind of dying a little bit daily since the town feeds on her life energy/health
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?used to hide a blue marble in friends pockets and whatnot as goodluck charm when they needed it
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?prevents herself and her friends from ever going to the town in order to save their lifes and keep her own normal life
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?go back in time for above reasons
17: How does your OC do during the zombie apocalypse?try to hide with friends and plan on what to do nextif already heir, nothing, she won’t be in danger
18: What is your OC’s dream job?has none anymore
19: Your OC’s life is a musical. What’s the title of their big show-stopping song?idk tbh
20: Post a picture or gif that describes your OC.
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1: List five basic facts about your OC.loves pastel, very happy and positive, never seems to be out of energy, very social, based on Hathor Egyptian Goddess of Joy and Fertility : “She was known as “the mistress of life” and was seen as the embodiment of joy, love, romance, dance, music and alcohol. She was sort of the Goddess of A Good Time. “
2: Post a line of dialogue from your OC.“I love the nightsky. I love to be alive. I love that you are alive with me. We can count the stars together.”
3: Post a snippet from your writing that describes your OC.non existent d:
4: Post a snippet from your writing in which another OC describes your OC.srsly im gonna have to skip all of these
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.pink-brown short-ish hair, soft skin, green eyes, usually in pastel clothes, 1 pair of wings , some golden accessories and a golden-ish halo in a shape i cant describe well (orb and halfmoon perhaps)
6: Describe your OC’s love life.intense, joyfull, fulfilling, open
7: Describe your OC’s fashion sense.pastel, soft, comfortable
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.tends to not be very strict even if necessary
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?eos
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?a pastel piece of cloth, a white feather, a pill (..yes..), a candle, a pillow
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?a fun time, people to be happy
12: What does your OC give another OC for their birthday?something she knows will make them smile
13: Describe your OC’s living situation.doesn’t stay in one place very long, usually travels and meets people, has fun and lots of sleepovers
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?she remembers what she is and who she was before Eos
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?she goes back when nephtys, eos and her were younger and tries to find out if she can prevent what happened
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?fix reality in a way everyone can be happy
17: How does your OC do during the zombie apocalypse?try to find a cure and help people stay positive
18: What is your OC’s dream job?none, she doesn’t like work that much
19: Your OC’s life is a musical. What’s the title of their big show-stopping song?the big party???
20: Post a picture or gif that describes your OC.j..just go in her tag for these
1: List five basic facts about your OC.probably no moral sense, manipulative, powerful, big influence,changed everything
2: Post a line of dialogue from your OC.“Aren’t you glad to meet me? I think you should. I would be glad to meet me if i was you. “
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.wings that remind you of flowers and flower petals, tan skin, a lot of flowers decorating her hair , warm colors, featherears, somewhat tall, hair usually in a braid to the side, halo in triangle forms and 3 circles and one half moon
6: Describe your OC’s love life.non existent. left behind
7: Describe your OC’s fashion sense.doesn’t care so much but usually somewhat elegant or ancient goddess alike looking
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.everything she does is bad but not a habit so?
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?she doesn’t dream
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?yellow flowers, flower petals in the color of her wings, a golden wristband, magic similar to hers/her magic contained in a small bottle perhaps, blood
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?i don’t think they celebrate
12: What does your OC give another OC for their birthday?..they dont
13: Describe your OC’s living situation.noone knows, lets just say she has it comfortable and a lot of information about a lot of things
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?Cecyle
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?they have nothing they want to fix or further adjust
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?they have all they want concerning that
17: How does your OC do during the zombie apocalypse?she’s fine
18: What is your OC’s dream job?hmmm she has it if it could be considered a job
1: List five basic facts about your OC.skilled fighter with all sorts of weapons, hates guns, can see ghosts and the alike, grim reaper, no memory of Eos
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.long hair (brown or black depending on certain circumstances, usually brown though), red eyes, a little pale, ca. 165 cm tall, 1 pair of black wings, black halo
6: Describe your OC’s love life.huhgay probably for the most part
7: Describe your OC’s fashion sense.comfortable, useful
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.carries a knife pretty much everywhere
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?something happening to her family
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?a knife, a black feather, blood, something soft, a plushie
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?a plushie and chocolate cake
12: What does your OC give another OC for their birthday?whatever they cannot afford buying but really want
13: Describe your OC’s living situation.no money issues, somewhat careless, soft big beds are best, kind of tends to leave after staying somewhere a while
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?Error
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?wow uh..idk tbh depends on the AU
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?healing because its convenient considering everything
17: How does your OC do during the zombie apocalypse?she gets by fine
18: What is your OC’s dream job?artist perhaps, she doesn’t have the need for a job (or the mental commitment)
sea bun
1: List five basic facts about your OC.very kind, very afraid, eats toxic food because it makes him toxic, has a crush easily if you are his type, don’t fucking bite
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.soft, small, sea bun “ears” (feelers), sea bun-ish hair (white with black lil thingies)
6: Describe your OC’s love life.oh boy
7: Describe your OC’s fashion sense.comfortable and soft! sweaters are big love
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.feels guilty very easily and blames himself easily
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?depends on au, usually something dangerous trying to kill or eat him
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?picture of a sea bunny, sweather, self made clothes of some sort, a bit of ocean water, toxic sponge
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?cake and affection from someone he likes
12: What does your OC give another OC for their birthday?self made clothes most likely
13: Describe your OC’s living situation.uh
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?kisses on the neck are his big weakness
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?depends on au
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?feeling no pain whenever they want!
17: How does your OC do during the zombie apocalypse?..d..dead..maybe, would feel very bad abt everything going on
18: What is your OC’s dream job?something safe where he possibly could help others
1: List five basic facts about your OC.scientist of sorts, “black smith” (fire element based, can create all sorts of things /mostly weapons/ in seconds ) , creates humanoids that seem to be their own beings (”the creator”), workaholic of sorts, moral isn’t ..really..a thing..a little bit maybe
2: Post a line of dialogue from your OC.“Tb. No.”
5: Describe your OC’s physical appearance.shoulder length hair with one small braid, orange-ish, warm colors, gold-ish pair of wings, golden eyes, warm, looks kind of tired at times
6: Describe your OC’s love life.song
7: Describe your OC’s fashion sense.doesn’t really care, just, pants, pants are more convenient
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.overworking herself, letting curiousety get the best of her
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?phee
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?fire, high quality weapon, golden feather, machinery of some sort, a book
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?doesn’t really care, maybe a potato snack
12: What does your OC give another OC for their birthday?depends who it is
13: Describe your OC’s living situation.possibly under eos, experiments a lot, still creates humanoids , usually lives in very cold areas with lots of snow
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?the factory
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?they stop phee in time and prevent her from creating “that”
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?going back in time ^
17: How does your OC do during the zombie apocalypse?might have caused it, is probably fine, see’s what data she gets out if it while she still cares
18: What is your OC’s dream job?whatever she is currently doing
1: List five basic facts about your OC.used to be a human, kind of misses their parents and old life, barely ever takes a physical form anymore, still visits arcades at times, very good with everything technological
5: Describe your OC's physical appearance.pink almost shoulder length hair, a little glitchy at times,a little bit pale, green eyes with red in the middle, flowers in their hair sometimes
6: Describe your OC's love life.nope
7: Describe your OC's fashion sense.1980-1990 clothes sometimes
8: Describe one of your OC's bad habits.hacking things just to see if they can
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?that one arcade machine, loosing their humanity
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?an arcade machine, clothes from 1980s/1990s , a gameboy, a computer, toolbox
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?used to want games
12: What does your OC give another OC for their birthday?g..games? maybe?
13: Describe your OC's living situation.inside some machine most likely, collecting data
14: What is one of your OC's secrets?their human name perhaps
15: Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?they try to escabe eos
16: If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?erasing knowledge of your existence from someones mind
17: How does your OC do during the zombie apocalypse?in their current state won’t be in trouble
18: What is your OC's dream job?used to want to work at their parents arcade
0 notes
hopeandharmonizing · 3 years
Playing In the Street
Briar + Qrow ( @qrowbadluckcharm​​ )
“I was…wondering…about your weapons. They intrigue me.”
A playful huff of laughter passes painted lips and black fur fluffs to softly sweep at the air behind Briar, “Not usually the first thing people tend to notice about me. …Especially the men who try to follow me home.”
Qrow heard the blades slide out of her bracelets and took a slight step back, shocked as to how quick they came out. He unhooked his sword from his hip and extended it to its full length, holding it beside himself.
‘Show you mine if you show me yours, huh? What are we fourteen?’ Briar thinks, as if comparing weapons wasn’t first-year academy student juvenile to begin with.
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“Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?”
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Qrow paused a bit as he realized he was caught, sighing and coming out of the alley he was hiding in. “I was…wondering…about your weapons. They intrigue me.” He responded, hoping she would buy into his bullshit answer.
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Always thinking that somehow shadows hide them from instinct and somehow cloak differently than other kinds of darkness navigated by night vision.
Briar needn’t even blink to adjust. A figure only changes into brighter colors as the person makes himself more apparent. Everything about it curious. Consider her intrigued as well, for he makes clear his own heightened perception, on top of the she-wolf being more used to people running from her than following.
Arms raise wrists to hold the large metal cuffs encircling them up in front of her. To the untrained eye, they look nothing more than fancy bangles. But the man is right - blades and projectiles lay dormant within.
Yes, she takes him at face value. Head cants, tail stays stiff behind her, and she asks a second question with less aggression, “You can tell?”
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Qrow smirked a bit at the woman. He had noticed her before next to Robyn on one of the signs in Mantle. Ever since he’s had a slight curiosity towards her. she seemed…intriguing to the harbinger. Especially finding out she was a faunus. That was all the more interesting to him.
He had been walking down the streets that particular night. He had a long day training with the other teams and needed to get some fresh air. He had seen her walking out of a shop and decided to follow her, seeing what she was about.
The only thing he could use was the shadows in his human form. Sure, he had his corvid form, but he wanted to blend in and not be noticed right away. A crow would possibly be noticed.
He cursed as he was found out and, after his bullshit response, was surprised internally it kind of worked. He smirked at her and slid his hands into his pockets. “I know a huntress when I see one. But your weapons are…interesting. Haven’t seen anything like it.”
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The man steadies and settles in for a conversation. Earns points in owning up to his presence, if not the fact that tailing her for an hour just to ask something simple is so strange.
But Briar herself is strange. Doesn’t turn tail or back down, even when someone bears the signs of a predator. Capable of taking care of herself, and practiced in turning situations around on their head. Limbs relax to her side and an easy few strides bring her closer to test the waters of proximity.
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“You say that as if most of Mantle wouldn’t recognize a Happy Huntress.”
More pride in her name and role than her weapons. The ones she uses for fighting, anyway.
Long fingers stretch and pull back beneath where they lay, “The Spindles are less flashy than most, but they get the job done. I could give you a demonstration, if you like.”
A playful huff of laughter passes painted lips and black fur fluffs to softly sweep at the air behind her, “Not usually the first thing people tend to notice about me, though. …Especially the men who try to follow me home.”
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Qrow looked over the weapon, tapping the hilt of Harbinger in thought. It was an interesting choice in his mind. Not something he’d normally see in his days as a huntsman.
“I’m actually not from Mantle, so I did not know that. But you just gave off that huntress feeling to me the first I saw you.”
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He grinned when she mentioned the demonstration, standing straight up and rubbing the back of his head. “Weeeellllll…if you’re offerin’…” He replied.
He watched her laugh and raised a brow. His smile faded as his eyes relaxed more. She must have had a lot of men follow her home then. In the back of his mind, he knew those men were probably taught a lesson or two, according to the vibe she gave off.
“If you think I’m like other men…” He said with a soft groan in his voice. “I just wanted to know what a huntress like you is doing out here at night. Aren’t you supposed to be with that Robyn chick or something?”
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“I know you’re not from Mantle,” Briar barks back, tapping her nose. One which can easily discern those of the snowy, dirty city and those covered in scents from far away, “But it takes hardly a moment to put together the pieces, and clearly you do know of Robyn and her team.”
Nothing from him makes it easy to mark from any particular region over another. Several layers cloud his being - a huntsman also, by the evidence of his own weapon. Well-traveled, and worldly enough to wander, to track his curiosities all the way to her boot-clad footsteps, for some reason. She can’t help but wonder why; pretty head cants to the side involuntarily, black hair falls over her shoulders and scrutinizing eyes with the movement.
Wasn’t at her show. Doesn’t seem interested in a date. No concern bending her ear even at his spoken platitudes. Possibly spying, but whatever for? Her mission always fought openly in the public eye just fine.
Only one way to find out. Continue to make the connection. Entertain his whims.
A bend and snap of both Briar’s elbows ejects two blades from each bracelet that secure themselves into place with a sharp click, cold steel glinting in the streetlamp light.
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A pair of conversations held at once, too. Exchanging strikes a way of getting to know someone just as much as exchanging words, “What, a girl can’t have a night off? Allies don’t have to stay attached at the hip, you know?”
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Qrow winced a bit as she barked at him, hand slowly going to Harbinger’s handle on instinct. “No need to get all uptight. I only know you’re with her from what I heard from the Aces. Not that I agree at all with what Atlas is doing.”
He looked her over once more, trying his best to get a read off of her. Silver tongue, no doubt. He was curious as to where she hailed from. No doubt a faunus from her tail, so maybe from the outer areas of Remnant? He knew she was as curious as he was, but about him.
He heard the blades slide out of her bracelets and took a slight step back, shocked as to how quick they came out. He unhooked his sword from his hip and extended it to its full length, holding it beside himself.
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“Can’t a huntsman ask what another is doing at this hour? Not saying you don’t need a night off.” He half-defended himself, waving his free hand in the air. “Honestly we all need a night off at one point or another. Can’t say I had one in a long while.”
He glanced back down at the blades, eyebrow raising a bit. “Double arm blades, huh?” He mused a bit. “Would be easy to sneak attack your enemies with them. Got any tricks?” He smirked a bit, knowing full well she was getting riled up. Maybe this would be a chance to exchange some blows?
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His hand first moves not at the snap of Briar’s blades, but her voice. She should know the power of it by now, honed even sharper than her claws. Piddling contrast to the longblade unsheathed from itself before her, complex and lovingly crafted and hiding possibly as many secrets as its wielder. More like her Harmonizer.
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“Oh she’s beautiful,” far from taken aback, fearless she-wolf leans in to openly observe better. golden eyes follow along a perfect sheen edge, reflected there, and etched markings, twirling around spirals like each pleased twist of her tail. She may not actually stand a chance against this one. Far less rusty than she.
Still, it could be fun to try.
Nods her head in understanding, staying on the defensive, “You’re running with the Ace Ops, huh? No wonder you don’t get time off. Does that mean you’re working now? Hmm? Can’t imagine what kind of mission would involve a lone she-wolf just headed home in the middle of the night.”
Answers some questions and ignores others. No tricks, no fancy responses to offer, just wasted breath. But better to let some things remain mysterious at the moment, though loose association with some of her dearest buys a little more of Briar’s trust.
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Qrow grinned a bit as she admired his blade, pulling it up to stroke it with his free hand. “She is, honestly. And she has some other tricks, if you’re interested.” He said as he spun it a bit, holding it at his side once more.
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She had quite a sense in blade, that was for sure. He always admired other weapons himself, but meeting a fellow huntsman who shared that curiosity? It was something that really got him intrigued.
He had a feeling she could take him down if given a chance. She seemed agile and merciless. If they happened to spar at all, he had no doubts that her blades would be against his neck if he left himself open. Something about that seemed fun to him.
He nodded once at her words. “I am, yeah. Can’t say I agree with all of their motives or with the General at all. It’s honestly getting a bit messy up there and I’m not one for that.” He waved his hand a bit. “I needed to get out for a little while. Get some fresh air, ya know?”
He sensed an aura of mystery to her and he wanted to know more for some reason. He wasn’t sure why, seeing as she was defensive this whole time and seemed about two seconds away from stabbing him, but who could blame her? He did sneak up on her and follow her for an hour now. Just his luck he was found out when he was.
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Pride in his touch, and that pleases Briar, as shown by still swiftly moving fluff across leather tailcoats, the fascinated cant of a head, and shine only growing brighter in her eyes. A good blade should not be dulled by unskilled hands, and someone brandishing such a tool of harm best know what it is capable of. His wrist spins his lady fast and loose, plays her in his hands just as Briar would pluck at Harmonizer’s strings.
And she has some other tricks, if you’re interested.
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“Yes, please!” Eager words sing sweetly without missing a beat, and Briar steps back from her gawking to give swinging space.
Strange that someone hiding in the shadows could turn so showy, but far be it for her to deny someone revealing their cards so openly, that she might know better how to protect herself, if needed. …Or, you know, see some nice bladework if it’s not that serious.
Especially when the look on this man’s face flashes with realization of how the spacing between each of her twins is perfectly sized to bookend a throat begging for mercy. No voice permitted to overpower hers.
Her laughter huffs light in the darkest situations, “I want to see this sword’s secrets, and I want to know what kind of man would consider Mantle’s air fresher than Atlas.”
Even if he’s not wrong. Dirtier down here, but she’d also take it over the sterile stuffiness at the top.
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Qrow smirked and laughed a bit at her sudden response. He was one to show off his sword, sure, but he was always hesitant to show off more to others unless he fought. It’s sometimes embarrassing when it stops mid transformation or if it even goes at all. Just his luck, right?
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He smirked when he saw a twinkle in her eyes at his words. “Okay then.” He lifted the blade to her a bit so she could study it more. “And the air down here is better than up there. I hate when the air smells…stuck up.”
He pressed the trigger on his sword, hearing it whir to life. The gears cranking and turning as it pushes the blade out into sections. It curls upwards into a crescent shape as a red blade pops out with a whoosh. The handle extends a few times to a curved handle, a tall scythe replacing the once shown sword.
His grin widened a bit more as he flicked his wrist, his blade spinning around before the handle plants into the ground. “How is that for a trick?” He smirked as the blade towers over his head by a few inches.
“Now…mind to show me a few of yours? It’s only fair.” He leaned down to be eye to eye with her.
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He does well to keep a straight face until adding an intentional crook of his mouth, ensuring the little game of show and tell goes on, but he’s not the only one who can catch the scent of emotions on the air.
Performance anxiety, is it?
Briar grins and giggles to herself, likewise masking what her nose tells her within the response to ears hearing an amusingly accurate assessment and eyes taking in a better angled view. The blade looks even sturdier held aloft in space, and she wonders if it’s something about the weapon or the man’s strength which makes it seem so easy.
Ears quirk up at the click, and tingle with excitement at the symphony of mechanical music which follows. Gold eyes grow wide and delight flushes pale cheeks as she witnesses a titillating transformation!
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Would most call it that? Smooth steel seams breaking open to jagged edges and then dripping out blood red? An honorable, heroic broadsword of a huntsman stretching apart and spiraling to glint beneath low streetlamps then loom overhead like something more agile, unpredictable, and ominous?
A trick, indeed.
Once Briar regains control of her jaw, hands pull from behind once more to clap together at her chest once and hold there. Her tail wags so much, even her hips wiggle along with!
“Oh, very nice. Impressive, even.” She-wolf never one to withhold well-earned praise. Egos - like soft fur - deserved to be well-maintained. Stroked now and again, “I know we’ve just met, but somehow I believe double-edged suits you both.”
(He is bold and he is dark and he is dangerous, and it almost gives Briar hope that he could handle the fear and ferocity she carries with her.)
Only confirmed when he leans towards instead of away. Feet and posture hold strong, she does not give way, neither does she push her limits yet. And though she must lift her nose up to meet him, she somehow still looks at him down it, with playful squint still present.
Show you mine if you show me yours, huh? What are we fourteen? she thinks, as if comparing weapons wasn’t first-year academy student juvenile to begin with.
“Yes, yes, alright. Fair trade,” wicked expression relents, and Briar reaches more to adjust the strap over her chest than fiddling at her wrists this time, “…But come with me out of the alleys, huh? This will require a little more light.”
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Qrow smirked at her reaction to his scythe transforming, leaning more on his weapon. She was almost like a kid in a candy store in awe about all of the options out there. Her tail amused him the most as it wagged, the huntsman thinking it was sort of cute in a sense.
“Why, thank you.” He smirked as he looked up at the blade above him, tapping on its side. “Harbinger and I have seen a lot, for sure. Sort of sucks when mid fight and it won’t transform or obey. Thank god for shotguns at that point.”
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She was an interesting one, that was for sure. Qrow had met a lot of people in his life and yet never had he stumbled upon one such as her. Feisty, bold, interesting. Qrow needed to know more about her.
Hell, maybe she could be the one to tolerate him long enough for a meaningful friendship.
He leaned back slightly as he tilted his head. “Out of the alleys, huh? You sure aren’t a shy one.” He teased a bit, motioning with his free hand to the opening. “Ladies first then. Let’s see what you can do.”
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Briar laughs with a toss of head and black hair over her shoulder as she leads him towards better brightness, “Shotgun. Of course. You would be a scattershot type of guy too. So tough,” lips pout as she speaks, shaping the tone into cooing cajole.
Street lights don’t illuminate enough to capture true beauty. Boots clomp along the street until she finds both a shop-awning backlight and sidewalk corner LED for proper spotlight.
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“No room to be shy when you’re a showgirl,” she finally responds to his tease after a few rests of silence until she could better make her point with wolfish grin holding not an ounce of shame as she stands there fully-lit, nothing to hide or hold back.
Bracelets gleam in moonbeams, but that’s not what she’s here to show off any longer. A thumb hooks underneath Harmonizer’s strap to spin her forward and slide her into view. Stickers, sparkles, signatures, etchings - marks of love and mementos of experience sweep across her case, but only a brief moment allows appreciation before it folds away in split panels and tucks into the instrument.
He’s not the only one who can command whirring machinations.
Keyboard synth form shows first; metal legs fall out from below and Briar taps a few plastic squares to start a beat, then presses a few keys for major chords. She pulls eyes of those around them already, whether interest in the sound or wonder for what the strange girl is doing in the middle of the pavement.
(Musicians, faunus, meant to be kept to the sidelines. She refuses.)
Base melody records and starts to playback, and Briar kicks away the kickstand to absorb back into the main body. She hums under her breath in audible processing, decision making, sounding things out for this little impromptu jam session; meanwhile, she hoists Harmonizer onto her hip while keys pop upward and guitar strings emerge below then extend out into a narrow neck.
Harmony begins to strum atop melody from Briar’s hands, the instrument she now holds looks like a cross between a keytar and a hurdy gurdy, upgraded and modernized with an Atlas tech touch.
A gentle, hopeful song plays in short offering to grimy streets and smoky air and grumpy faces …and one reckless huntsman who’s hunting her down for some still unknown reason.
If it is something terrible, maybe her trust and kindness can turn it around. Change his mind. Influence his heart. Make a friend.
Briar smiles sweet, but with a smug, tart tilt - like ripened fruit juice upon blackberry colored lips - as the tune fades out, and all of the instrument’s parts pull back safely into place beneath resin cover, and her arm tucks once again beneath a leather strap.
“She’s more an instrument of creation, than a weapon of destruction, but I consider her a tool of the trade all the same. To keep the grimm away by bringing people together, giving them hope through music, to take us back to our roots of uniting over a meal or a bonfire… telling stories and singing songs.” Proud palms give her best girl a loving pat, and a salt-and-pepper tail still waves happily, “…this is Harmonizer.”
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Qrow laughed a bit, following her out with a hand in his pocket. “Scattershot? You implying something there?” He asked, brow raised as he looked at the faunus.
He chuckled as they stopped in the light and looked around, his smirk growing. “A showgirl, eh? Well this should be an interesting show.” As if he knew what sort of things a showgirl would do.
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His smirk soon faded as she transformed her instruments, music flowing through the air. He had never heard such a…entrancing melody before. He felt his heart thump a bit as he listened. Hearing her hum along to the music widened his eyes a bit.
This huntress was something else. And Qrow was even more curious about her.
Even more…interested.
Once she finished he let out a soft breath he didn’t know he was holding, blinking out of his trance. He knew it wasn’t some form of magic that grabbed him, yet he never did enjoy music like that before. But, for whatever reason, this was all different to him.
Was it his sobriety? It probably was his sobriety.
“I…damn…” He breathed a bit. He realized his actions and shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck. “I never heard a song like that before. I’m willing to bet it was an original?” He smirked, trying to keep the cool tone in his voice. “Now that I think of it…I don’t think I caught your name.”
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
She hadn’t been implying anything but recklessness, but a flick of her tail as he follows seems to say he can surmise whatever truth he likes from her statement.
But Briar gathers those bits and weaves them together to pull her audience’s full focus, if his face is anything to go by. All eyes on her, whether it’s a pair or several.
And his expand, light red rounds out more genuine. He looks much less intimidating out in the open. A little more soft, a little more lost, a little more easily moved. Like her. Consider her officially intrigued. (By the man, and not just his weapon.)
Briar beams, “It was! Just a little something I came up with on the spot. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
The hand not resting on Harmonzier lands on a cocked hip with a curled tail behind it; she raises an accusatory brow, though her grin remains playful, “You should actually come to a show next time, instead of trying to follow me home afterwards.”
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Then, the hand not resting on her hip opens out a palm and extends it in exaggerated gesture towards a poster on a nearby post - a poster with her posing on it front and center; her name above, venue info below.
“Briar Rieka. And you…” A huntsman. A scythe-wielder. Not from around here, clearly, yet running with the Ace-ops… Robyn’s been scoping this crowd out, and maybe that’s why Briar can forgive a little bit of spying in return.
“…You’re Qrow Branwen, am I right?”
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Qrow’s smirk grew as he looked to the woman, his face returning to the normal mask he wore. He only showed his soft side for those he trusted, but never for those he met out of the blue. He couldn’t let many people in to his walls. He built them high for a reason.
“On the spot, eh?” His head tilted as his arms crossed. “You do make a wonderful songstress. I wonder if you are also as skilled as a huntress, but I do think you are. It seems like Robyn wouldn’t hire just any huntress, I can give her that.”
He glanced to the poster with a curious look in his eyes, brow raising. “Oh, your next show? You may see me in the crowd then.”
He looked back to her with a smirk, shifting his weight to the other leg. Briar, huh? She was a curious one and he was intrigued. Not just the huntress side of things, but as a person.
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He paused for a moment when she said his name, arms crossed. “So you’ve heard of me?” He asked, hands going to his hips. “I’m sure it’s no secret with me running around with James.”
He knew his reputation preceded him at times, but he was always shocked when someone recognized him. He sometimes preferred not to be known, especially to enemies, but outside of work and fighting he sometimes liked to be known. Helped with getting some free perks honestly.
Yet her knowing him? Now he was even more intrigued. Should be interesting to figure her out and what her plan was. Whether it be good or bad, he was interested and wanted to know her intentions.
Yet somewhere in the far reaches of his mind, a single brick from his walls he built could be heard falling to the ground with a silent thud.
0 notes
eldritchesrpg · 7 years
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Name: Tomas Whitney ✖ Age: 26 ✖ Occupation: N/A ✖ Flexibility: Inflexible ✖ Plot: And Home Before Dark ✖ Status: Open ✖ FC: John Boyega
what goes up / ghost around — haunted, beyoncé
❝ He’s a newcomer so we’re still sussing out his personality, but this is what we know of him so far: he’s brave, he’s good. Tomas has a knight’s honor, faithful to the end, even to people that don’t deserve his loyalty. He’s hungry for the good in people, and he’ll look past the worst of flaws to see it. The golden rule seems to be built into Tomas — do unto others, and he does this without fail. He’s foolish at times, and naive, and sometimes just plain stupid. He runs headlong into danger, thinking with his gut and not his head. But and still, he has a spirituality about him that makes you believe that this impulsivity is not impulsiveness at all. Like, it’s more akin to intuition, something in him sounding off and alerting him to protect, fight. Without question, Tomas is one of those people that are fences. He is a sentinel, a guard against fear. There is strength in him, stronger than any strong man. It’s the strength of a protector. He is willing to die for anyone one of us; could you say the same? ❞
❝ You can call it spirituality, but there’s something wrong with Tomas. It isn’t just being new or having not found a place in our community. He’s a jump behind quirky, too haunted to be taken seriously by most. With some Tomas can be coy and sharp in conversation, but with others he is strange, stilted. Some people build walls to hide their true selves, but Tomas wears masks. Constantly swapping them out, switching them from person to person. His knight’s honor leaves room for white lies, mistruths that allow him to sneak away from suspicion. And then too, I have noticed that he is almost too good. There’s a chill about him, as if he’s on the verge of emotion, but is terrified to let the feelings free. He can perform vulnerability, but never honestly, never revealing everything lest it may be used against him. Whatever brought him to our village transformed him. I think he’s afraid of a second transformation. ❞
❝ Bad moon rising, a storm on the horizon; call it whatever you please. There’s turmoil inside of Tomas, thunderstorm on its way to becoming a deadly hurricane. He’s past the point of unsteady —he is canted, nearly falling over. Like a gun just before the trigger is pulled, Tomas is the danger. Never to anyone else though, only to himself. He’d prefer death over letting anyone get to know him, the real him that hides underneath all of that laughter. He is complex, but not so complex that nobody can unravel him. Tomas doesn’t believe this, thinks that everything he has gone through is too toxic to share. He rejects help. It’s not even pride that stops him; it’s fear. Fear of judgement, fear of weakness, fear of letting the village down. Someone told him the lie once that warriors were not allowed to lay down their weapons, and so he walks around with his suit of armor, his sword and shield. Alert always, but Tomas is wearing down. He sees Atlas with the world on his shoulders, but Atlas never had people who cared for him, who were willing to help him carry the weight. Tomas is willing to die for anyone of us, yes. Has anyone considered that that’s what he wants most of all? ❞
about character
one. Macavity, Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity. Speaking of, has one seen Tomas? He was here just a minute ago, but he seems to have vanished in thin air. Omnipresent, he is on the ceiling, the stair and in the cellar. There are rumors of duplication, you know. There is no human way possible that he can be here and there and there also. With some skill, he has managed to share a drink with Daphne at the pub all while helping Missus Jackson with her garden. He’s been seen picking flowers with the children on the hill, but others have seen him near the woods, eyes wooden and mouth full of owl moths. They say that his face with slick with sweat and dew, that he gripped the dry grass as if holding on for dear life. Others say that his arms are full of flowers, that he smelled of blackberries and wine. You may seek him in the basement, you may look up in the air, but I tell you once and once again — Whitney’s not there.
two. I know you, I’ve walked with you once upon a dream. Or was it a memory? He knows there was a city once, shockingly neon and blinding, that held hundreds of millions. The buildings like the Tower of Babel, kissing the sky. The sky, in turn, kissing the people. He remembers, or does he dream, smooth planes of glass and metal that hung from the clouds like a neck dripping in jewels. His face illuminated by raging fires, his face stained red and black with blood. Tomas seizes, dreams, or does he remember, blunt, white teeth gnashing and snapping, clicking together with such force. People leaving by the thousands, empty bodies returning with little more than their skin. Tomas dreams, remembers, seizes, foams, bursts — And he’s never quite sure when day becomes night, when the dreams are just dreams. ... visions are seldom what they seem, but if I know you —
three. Tell me about the big bang. Stars and star dust, chaos and ordering rushing, swirling. Tomas swears he was there when the earth came to be, swears he could see straight into the molten core. He says it was hot at the beginning and ice cold at the end. He says that he saw darkness and light, a thousand truths and a million lines. His tongue contorts with stories of monsters, beasts, gods. Six eyes, twelves wings, hooves and horns and tentacles. He describes their mouths and maws, lolling red tongues and talons that curl into the torso and pull. Tomas says he can see the beginning and feel the first twinges of the end, that the guts of the universe will soon crack open and spill, viscous-like, into what is safe and known. Tell us then, o Tomas, about the big bang. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts to become. 
four. A huntsman ties down his daughter with braided rope and fishing nets. Her ankle is blackened with blood. An arrow pierces her side. Her hands, feet and snarling mouth are all that Tomas can see. Grab hold of her, pin her down! He obeys, feels the rawness of her wrists, her thick, green spit against his cheek. She curses, she kicks, she damns all gods and her parents and every man that binds her. She promises blood and suffering, hellfire and beasts from within the woods that lust for the rend of flesh. She begs to be released, to go back to the house, to the lady-hand forest where the others were. What others, what others? But all Tomas can see is her eyes, her snarling mouth, the maze of rooms and wanting. See, see, see? A huntsman ties down his daughter with braided rope and fishing nets. Her ankle is blackened with blood, and an arrow pierces her side. But tomorrow, or perhaps tonight, she will meet the others.
one. The last place he lived had a festival too, but there they burned witches and sacrificed sinners to the sea. Check his eyes. Aren’t they birch and aspen?
two. There’s something off about that new man, Tomas. They say that he’s a seer, that he knows things far into the future. Soothsayers tell you only what you want to hear. 
three. He freed the huntsman daughter. I saw him myself! Loosening the ties, whispering to her of a place with a red-cheeked woman. Do you trust him still?
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mechagalaxy · 5 years
John T Mainer 28840:  Happy Faction War to all, lets have a good fight.
I climbed the last of the steps to my Redeemer using the hand holds on the chest vents.  Its a bitch coming down because the Redeemer is a steam powered machine for its internal suspension, so you can get burned bad if you forget to armour up before dismounts after a rough battle, but the Redeemer isn't from around here.  It is a Metaverse machine, from the alternate dimension those lunatics from Xeon and Unification tore open when they decided their civil war couldn't die with their worlds.  The poor innocents in the Metaverse didn't know a lot that we do now, we had to teach them about the Clans, and the way free warriors could stand together against the nations, and keep war from spilling into the cities and turning them into abattoirs filled with civilian dead who had neither stake nor vote in their fate, and had no reason to die for it.  In return, the silly bastards taught us it was possible to build bigger than 100 tons, my Redeemer stands a proud 105, and Ramba Ral's Penner stands a brooding 110.  Time marches on, progress they tell me, but the old ways are still best for some things.
"Berserker Actual this is Slaughter 6, Contact"  Jim Faust was calling on  the Berserkers strategic channel, we were not grouped in our clans, or he would be standing with his Slaugherhouse 5 against what came, and be ground to pieces.  He would be running his local tactical net for the scouts he was running for the Berserkers, and I had Darren, Christine, Rob, and others already coming on line as they heard the Contact call.  Each of them commanded a battle group in the Berserkers, each of them a skilled and proven Clan leader in their own right.  I had a dozen officers on line right now that could take command and run the battle that would develop like seasoned professionals; that was the strength of a Faction, the depth of talent not just in fighters, but in command.  I was going to use it.
"Slaughter 6, break it down, what are we facing?"  I had the tac feed from his machine, that told me what he was facing directly.  He had a dozen Reindeer, some of those crazy orange abortions and blue Vupa Walkers that no sane manufacturer knew how to make on his screen trying to punch through his scouts.  They were screening something, and sensors couldn't tell you what, just a tonnage range from seismic sensors and a rough energy signature that told you not a lot, save that it was making the warbook go schizophrenic as it changed like the best EW known to man, or insane AI in the case of I AM on Vupa 6, could do.  Jim was a pro, he had seen it all, a true leader makes the tough call based on instincts won by surviving based on trusting instincts and committing before your computers had enough to react on.  Faction War gave me enough leaders I could let the man on the scene make the call because he could see enough to guess, and the rest of us could trust it enough to commit like it was our own guess.
"I read it as Elves boss, call it a minimum Legion strength"
Well bite my Yule Log, it was true.  Santa Clause was coming to town.
Orders snapped out almost without thinking.
"Don, Mariea, Holy Damn, Werewolf on me.  Move to the gap at Epsilon 89, echelon right, refuse flank, pivot on me.  We are NOT going to stop them, we are going to turn them, let them push us against the Lesser Ural Mountains.  We make them take the long way to the gate.  Rob, Sten, Caitlyn, get in your Novums and Axebots and get into those hills, I don't want Santa getting any scouts up there to let him know we don't have the Faction behind us, or he will pin and slaughter us, not punch through and break for the gate.  Christine, set up a secondary blocking position at Delta 5, not too strong, let him punch through your center, just harass and slow."
A legion of Elves, 1200 plus of Santa's little helpers, each one cranking top rated cannons, forests of Xmas trees haunting the flanks with Tandem Bomb wide forking missiles to sweep both scouts and mines from their path, and those damned Reindeer scouts with their crazy antler EW suites that jammed higher communication once they closed.  Let them get in close and higher level command became impossible.  In a normal fight, that meant disaster, as troops couldn't respond to changes without orders.  In a good Faction, you had clan level commanders scattered with their command teams throughout the formation, and local command devolved onto someone who was not only up to the job, but used to it.  We couldn't stop them force on force, but we could stop their mission.  It was not about machines in the end, not about niodes or glory, it was about trusting people, and getting the most out of them.
"Berserker Actual to Banzai 6, join me on discrete"  I was calling Darren Jackson from Myth and Legends Team Banzai to play our trump card and shut down Santa for the moment.
"Go for Banzai 6,"  Darren's voice was tired and half awake, and the panting in the background told me he was racing to his machine as we spoke.  Even right from the rack, true professionals were ready for combat.
"Banzai 6, has the Good Doctor worked his usual magic, he thought he might be able to reconstruct that signal that Artemis Molly scrubbed from her Vizi when she got jumped on that courier run for the Craftsmen by the Kanabo Crushers"  Doctor Banzai thought he knew what it was.  He understood gate codes better than Drocha did, and was less likely to destroy the universe with it by playing around, and he thought he saw a Crafstman override in that code.  If he got it, we might be able to stop Santa from breaking through.
"Berserker Actual, Doctor Banzai says it will work, Perfect Tommy says it will just blow up, but New Jersey says the math looks solid, and it will hold for at least a week, two at the outside"  That was Team Banzai for you, mad bad and dangerous to bystanders, but I was a Bunny myself and not over prone to fear or good sense.
"Banzai 6, screen the gate until Doctor B says he's uploaded the code, then let yourself get pushed off it.  Just try to get a trailer on them when they pull back, we need to find out where Santa is staging out of, we need to get the Factions together to stamp him out, or its going to be a White Christmas when his mecha stomp our burned out ashes into the snow.  Get me his vector, and maybe this was worth it"  Dying to buy time is a soldiers job too often, living to buy information is a professionals job.  We were about to see if we were good enough to do it.
The reactors in my Redeemer were shunting power to my amplifiers, my cannons would be running about 130% at base, with about a one in two chance of both x2 and x3 amplification, an outside shot at more, I was more happy with the one in three chance of an outright critical kill, as if the fat man was there himself, nothing less than a critical kill would take him down.  I have seen him take a 12000 point shot to the beard and cut the firing mecha in half with enough left over to shut down both his wingmen and blast the mecha behind right off its legs.  Against him, you were better off praying for lucky than good, he was just too much, well everything.
Paladin was the name of my Redeemer, a tarnished knight with bunny ears was the logo.  That was me, not the strongest by far, there were whole clans of 400 level niode monsters who could brush me aside, there were even people at lower level who had so much power in their lineup that they could stand off my best attacks, match my top lines mecha for mecha, then cut through the back half of my machines like tissue paper because they were top line machines, weapons and gear front to back, and I was, well, not.  Paladin's didn't fight the safe fights, didn't ask for a chance at victory, they raised their banners to defend the weak and damned be any that stood against them (also most who followed them, but hey if you wanted safe, become an accountant, not a mecha jock).
Werewolf howled, and Holy Damn screamed curses of binaric machine cant.  Not what you would call rational, but at least as good of a contact report as I needed.  I translated for those who hadn't twigged in already.
"Shields on full, weapons hot, here they come!"  I screamed as I put my massive ceramite shield in front of me.  Sandwiched layers of Ferro/crystaline armour powered by a shield net that disrupted energy weapons and scrambled incoming missile active targeting systems, it wasn't just a big block of armour to hide behind and shoot, but it was also a big block of armour to hide behind and shoot, because Paladin had over twice the precision of his dodge, because he was here to kill not to survive.  Survival was secondary to mission, so if I wanted to get out of this alive, I had best get tot he shooting.
A howling mob of missiles arched in before the mecha crested the saddle pass, but my shield caused them to thunder in well short or howl past harmlessly.  I read the seismic sensors and plotted the vector of the incoming and fired my Juggernaut as the first signal should reach the crest.  I watched as it caught one of the Elves right at the pointy cap line and slammed the tall machine to the ground as its cockpit soared overhead to land in the rank behind, crashing into another machine at the left shoulder joint, I let my burst wander over the same machine with the last few of that casset before it spat from my gun.  The second line wasn't so perfect anymore.
Seig Zeon my Penner fired next, his cannons were deadlier than mine, and his Elf split in half, showering its neighbors with bits of dead elf.  They got their own back though as a spider like leg soaring overhead indicated the loss of signal from Ugly MOFO wasn't jamming, someone had turned the spider like fire-support mecha into a nice holiday fire, along with the Predator drones I was counting on getting some kills with.  That seemed to fire up Rover, my big golden kitty, as the 110 ton brute let fly his rage from his Okha flamers bathed the whole hillside in wide forking hellfire.  
It didn't stop them.  I felt the hit on my shield as an Elf physically rammed me.  I set my heel and pushed back, then rammed my gun against his pointy head and Decimated his brainpan with some depleted uranium through the cranium.
There was a shattering explosion and the turret from Rover, my wing Cyberdon knocked my cannon arm out of line.  His killer stepped close.
“He was dressed all in flames, from his head to his foot,
And his armour was all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of guns he had flung on his back,
And he looked like an army with a city to sack.
His shields -- how they twinkled! his gunsights how merry!
His capacitors were like roses, his lasing crystals like a cherry!
His EW emitters were all powered with a glow,
And my displays all dissolved in meaningless snow;
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I was pretty much dead;”
The Tinsel EMP shorted my control systems through my implant, but the tinsel bridged the breakers and wouldn’t let the surge suppressors and emergency cut outs break the link, so I fell screaming with Paladin, the AI and I joined as the mecha spasmed apart, its electrical and powers systems shorting through the hull, the steam of its suspension systems blasted through the cockpit and unconsciousness kept me from the rest of the experience.
When I came to, the icons on my rebooting display told it all.  My command was crushed, Santa and the horde were pressing Christine in the final blocking position.  She was singing.
“Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra!
Leave some there for me”
That is a bad sign, she only sings the Kookaburra song when she gets a chance to stick somebody with her Vorpal Sword.  She was supposed to let them push her forces out of the way, not let it turn into a slugging match we couldn’t win.  I opened her display to see her Guardian (Mama Bunny) kick an Elf off her Vorpal sword, and bring her shield in line against Santa himself.  It didn’t help.  He frosted her from head to foot with a Proton Blade, the ice shattering the superconductive coils in her weapons, the magnetic repulsion powering her joints, and sending microfactures through her engine amplifier shield emitters.  Emergency shunts screamed as they ejected her fusion core out the back blast plates as her machine gutted itself to prevent pilot and AI death.
I saw Darren withdrawing Team Banzai from the gate and punched through direct.
“Did we do it?”
Dr Banzai himself replied.  “Berserker Actual, the code recovered from Artemis Molly is holding, the gates in this sector have been reprogramed to Single Rainbow lock.  No one is getting mecha out of here more than a handful at a time.  Evil Santa won’t be going anywhere for between one to two weeks.”
Evil Santa’s reaction was Claus for alarm:
“He continued to slay, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he strode from the fight,
John T Mainer 28840
Happy Faction War to all, lets have a good fight.
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Desolate Caladium: Chp 2
Desolate Caladium : chapter 2
Falls on me
The dead of night came quickly for us, I was able to use some of my savings to get us out of port on a cargo ship going to neighboring islands. The kingdom is in an uproar and caladium is terrified. While on the hold we were finally able to rest and I watched as he tossed and turned the entire night. Of course I wanted to tell him everything was fine but in truth how could it, losing your father, cast from your kingdom like a leper, and your only company is a guy you saved 5 years ago, and is wanted for the murder of the king. When he woke up I found him eating a basket of fruit some of the sailors gave him, tossing me a banana, he told me to eat it plenty of it considering scurvy is a thing in the high seas. Eating the fruit I notice that caladium is taking out a long dagger and looking at it.
“an azoth dagger, meant for mages who completed their training as novices and attain the rank of casters, only given when one slays a beast, never thought I’d ever unwrap the cloth to use it.” “it’s a beautiful blade prince, but why take it out now” As I ask I notice hime cut it into his long locks of hair and sees it change color, from dark brown, to a light tan.
“as of now, my name is callum, and drop the prince, I don’t have use for it no more.” When we got to port he asked me to get him clothes that were civilian instead of royal and as we walked I saw him eyeing the guards around us, looking for me.
“don’t worry if anyone notices you, ill keep them away alright.” “being a mage must really be cool.”
“well it’s the hard work that pays off.”
His hair almost looks better shorter, but of course the hair that fell off just burned away, no doubt to just simply keep from being tracked later on. He grabbed my by the arm and brings me to the marketplace where he places some cents on a man’s table asking for a place for the night. The man tells him money is no good for him as the merchants guild has been struck down by the fallen kingdom and requires assistance more than anything. He gave us the room in exchange we bring his caravan to the next city 5 miles away. Gladly accepting, callum looks at me and smiles knowing that were safe another day. That night he slept more soundly and I kept watch outside once again. I began notice the sound of a horse galloping fast around the market and place it as nothing more than rounds being done by the police force. My real concern was watching callum just sleep as the night drags on. He woke around 4 am telling me he will take over and for me to rest before we must leave again. I can tell his very focused as he doesn’t even blink as he gazes outside, his auburn eyes under the moon glistened as I looked at him before drifting off. Although my time with him has been short we have been through more than enough to know the confines of needing one another to survive in this world. He promised me that we would be okay and in retrospect we are, together we stand against the illegal acts of the coup de ta    while also running from our fate at the hands of the gallows. Forbidding himself from magic, he relies only on his brawn to keep us safe.
While the night persisting into the early morning we were able to rest enough to be ready to head out with the caravan. He took the reins and whisked us away from the market all the way to the next town in only a matter of hours, with one horse and supplies. As we arrived he received a large sum of cash that he stashed into his satchel to get us another room. Instead of a nice room in an inn, we chose to stay in the stables free of charge in order to recuperate and regroup our route away from the kingdom. His idea is to become a merchant only to provide protection as well as favors for cash in return for living quarters and start a new life. While I would like the idea of having a new life with him, it is not fair he is the one doing all the work. I requested to be sent to the local apothecary to work as a medical official and help townspeople with licensing from the city. The issue is that I need an alias as well, but callum assured me that desmond is so common it wouldn’t be an issue and effortlessly got me an emblem signifying my alliance to a med corp. as tears ran down my face I saw that he was smiling and wiped the tears from me.
“your eyes, I didn’t notice they were green, the color of life, a perfect fit for a medic.” “I never really noticed callum, thank you.” “we should celebrate, lets splurge a bit at the bar.” we drank til the hour grew late and we laughed at the expense of our new life, although much of it was running thin on the confines of time as we needed callum to still earn a living with the merchants guild. As a mage he could easily be a noble or even king, but his life was gone and he looks like hes okay with it.
“why are you so happy callum?” “huh, that’s no issue des, I just love being happy.” “but you have lost everything you had in a matter of days and you see the brighter side so quickly.” “of course I do, its because deep down the more I see the pain and anguish the easier it is for me to learn from it and become a better person throughout my life”
“why help everyone but yourself, you act like that’s your purpose.” “as a mage that is how I am born to be, to use magic as a way of helping instead of destroying as my master would say, but now I cant without being outed by the guards.” As I think back at all the things hes had to endure its more prevelant now that I merely only know one minute of his life aside from the entirety. He went on to tell me of his childhood, when his mother died when he was born due to the inheritance of her magic, his father showering him with affection even though he was king, spending time with other kids his age accidently hurting them only to have one friend who understood him.
“I fear that he may come soon, he is the most powerful knight of my fathers council and his bloodline is laced in carnage and bodies.” “how come, isn’t he your friend.” “because its his duty to protect the kingdom, as of now were seen as fugitives and at the same time as victims of conspiracy, but that doesn’t matter to them, they wish to seek control and end the kings familial bloodline one way or another.” “you really are a brave man, I don’t get how you could ever…..” he cut me off placing his hand on my mouth and gesturing me to leave with him. Sneaking out the back he pulled me into a back aisle in the road where he snuck behind the crates. A large hulking figure was looming around stopping in the aisle before moving on. I knew something was different, he was reeking of blood and seemed like the type to end a many for simply arguing with him.
“already found us, and not even three days passed, well done black knight, may we settle our debate tonight or shall I continue to elude you.” As I blinked the man came between us narrowly slicing me with a odd weapon, a sword and staff combined. He looked at both of us and kicked me into the crates as he went to take on callum, whose leaped in the air to the rooftops grabbing his azoth dagger. The man followed suit and I could only watch as they continually fought clashing blades and running after one another.
“for a man who is the kings lapdog, it’s a surprise you didn’t decide to kill him.” “true I didn’t, but given the price I can easily take his sons hide as my own trophy.” “always the morbid talker, taking any price for the job, taken any price for a rescue.” Callum had blasted him off right at my feet landing on his head. As soon as I thought he was dead, he rose back up cracking his neck into place and laughing.
“losing your touch caladium, you really surprise me without your true magic showing.”
“its callum, and what did I expect from the son of the impaler, or as I call you guys, the failed kinship.” “ouch most damage you ever gave me” Callum was getting more and more serious in this fight and all I could do was watch as the two moved more quickly than ever at each other. The metal of the blades going back and forth like a wavering dance of who would lead next, until chris began incantations.
“caelum hoc urere flammis bestia”
“oh goodie breaking out the dead language that gonna be fun.”
A burst of flames erupt from callums blade and strikes the man into the wall allowing him to grab me and run. The man gets up and gives chase merely cornering us and getting to grab my by the collar as I tried to run. Putting his blade to my neck he asked for me to drop mine and come with him. Doing so callum gives into the demands and leaves. I pick up his azoth dagger and glows in the direction he left with the man. Following the signal I come to see the man with piercing red eyes and golden hair curled with a massive beard. The two are drinking together near the shore and I sneak to see what is going on.
“its been years bro, how have you been?” “tough, but you know what its like in the kingdom.” “yeah true I don’t get it either but they pay well, and again im sorry to hear about your dad.” “he was old and things happen, but thank you for the sentiment.” “pleasure now that I know your good on your own, im gonna tell them your dead, and so is that nurse fellow.” “thank you for this, Trev” “least I could do after busting your ass to get me the knights gig, a vampiric knight of the council god everone flipped.” “those were the good old days.” I watched as callum got up and hands over a emerald pendant as the black knight rises and takes it from his grasp.
“payment for this favor, you know the drill.” “ill find two loathsome vermin in town your size and axe them off, then you disguise them yourself, that will act as proof of your death.” “not the first time we did this, go to the east district that where most of the mongrels live.” “good to know, and by the way, why hang around that kid.” “I see something in him innocent, that’s been masked for a long time, also his smile is adorable.”
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