#the shadows plan
creativemessbyvd · 2 years
Fic Idea Vault #11: Another SW Fix-it Fanfic Idea - The Shadow´s Plan
S I G H who wants to hear another of my plot bunnies that I will probably never write?
I'm writing it down bc it's a plot bunny so big it actually came with little bunnies =.= And it is such a big idea I just have to write it down, you know before it consumes my soul more
Star Wars ofc bc I'm currently just on that hyper fixation
Not a complete fix it, definitely lots of angst but also found family, drama, misunderstandings and the disaster lineage being a disaster
TLDR; Qui Gon manages to reach out to his master after his death and prevents Dooku from falling; Dooku confines in Yaddle who is the head of the Jedi Shadows and they start trying to stop the Sith's plans but things still happen, namely O66 is given out and the Empire rises with Anakin as Vader, but secretly, he had the younglings saved and all Jedi's deaths are "staged", moving them all to a secret planet while he becomes the inside man with the Sith after Dooku dies. Obi Wan, Ahsoka, and others' stories remain the same as everyone keeps secrets, pretends to be bad or fallen, the twins are separated and Padmé lives to lead the rebellion, meanwhile in Palps perfect Empire, his second in command keeps the Jedi safe with his "inquisitors" and a bunch of bounty hunter Mandos who never take off their helmets (wink wink) who are very good at finding Jedi and "eliminating them". It will end with everyone reuniting at some point some 7 or 8 years into the empire and Anakin becoming the chosen one by taking off Palps head :). But things wouldn't be so easy, families have been torn apart and being able to trust again is not easy when you thought your loved ones had died and or had fallen to the dark and were out there commiting murder in the galaxy. But maybe with the help of the galaxy's cutest twins and anyone they rope into their shenanigans they might just be able to set their family back together. Will feature Anidala, Codywan, Kesett, and a bunch of other ships, people adopting just about every teen and child around, DinLuke in the future and also all your faves that "died" not actually dead :) and that's it basically, if you want a more detailed breakdown, keep reading ;)
- Galidraan happen differently and Jaster and Jango survived with a bunch of True mandalorians, leading Dooku to investigate more closely and keep in contact with Jango
- I am not making Komari to be in love with Dooku, but rather she has more problems with anger and is actually choosen to become a Shadow and fakes going crazy to get inside info on the illegal substance trade
- Dooku is busy with all his investigations so he does not meet Obi, but he sets Rael to watch over Qui Gon and this leads others to wack Qui Gon when he is being a dick, which leads to a better padawanship for Obi, also Tahl does not die here but she does lose her sight and leaves for the AgriCorps (Obi deserves a mom figure)
- The true mandos and the new mandos start working together to take down death watch and get help from the jedi after they find someone is helping DW aka Palps
- Everything about Padme being almost killed, finding Anakin and Qui Gon dying is the same, but Qui Gon, now one with the force gets glimpses of the future and makes more of an effort to reach out to his family to warn them
- Dooku feels that Qui Gon is around and is very concerned, so he reaches out to Yaddle thinking he is going crazy and together Qui Gon is able to sorta communicate
- Dooku "falls" to be an inside man with the sith and takes in Ventress (but he is actually nice and get help from Komari and Yaddle to help the girl fake being dark, Komari is used as the prize to help decide who should be the template for the clone army (Syfo Dyas goes to Dooku only after he was pushed to make the order to the Kaminoans and they figure out Palps manipulated him to do it, so he has to also “die”
- Jango is still chosen to be the template for the clone army after he choose to leave Komari alive, and he recognizes Dooku and is included in the plan to secretly take out the sith trying to take over the galaxy. He still asks for Boba (he thinks the clones will be souless but quickly changes his mind as the first batches show that they are all individuals so he makes sure to have many of his True Mandos train and teach their culture to the clones). Jaster dies later on trying to defend Mandalore but this time Jango is not against the Jedi and welcomes their help as everyonw is suspicious of this clone army that the Jedi def didn´t ask for
- Obi Wan still raises and trains Anakin (albeit has a lot more people helping him, namely his Padawan brother Feemor and others from afar, including Dooku, Komari, Rael, Tahl and the Council) Qui Gon comes to both of them through dreams and Anakin can sometimes see him, but Qui Gon prefers to save his energy in case Dooku or the Shadows need him in stopping the Sith and their plans
- The clones are not treated well by the Kaminoans but they are raised more Mandalorian and their chips are reprogrammed (they can´t take them out bc it would be too suspicious) so now Jango can be the only one to override the orders Palps gives
- Dooku knows that Palps has his eye on Anakin but they can't do much except make sure to keep an eye on him, Anakin and Obi have a better support network so they are much more open. Anakin misses his mom and Obi is able to talk to others about maybe getting her freed
- Komari is still pulling the strings on the spice trade and has a lot of pirates working for her that secretly free worlds.Tatooine is freed but many people remain there and to the wider galaxy they are still under the crime lords. Shmi marries and has Owen and when Anakin is 15 they go to visit and he gets to meet his brother. Shmi is also in on the secret Shadow mission that Dooku is part of when he figures out that Palps might do something to her to break Anakin, She promises to keep an eye out and given that the world is free, the Tusken riders are actually making deals and becoming friends with the general population so no chance they will kill her. Palps does not know this :)
- The war still begins, Shmi must fake her death and is also taken to live out with others who have “died” like Syfo Dyas, Yaddle, Komari and in the end Jango as well (he impaled himself on Mace Windu´s saber so that is how he is clued in finally that there are secrets the Shadows are keeping), Anakin gets there in time to send his mom off, and must fake that he lost her (she can´t tell him the full truth only that someone is trying to isolate him and that he should only trust the Jedi, this leaves him with more questions than answers and while Padme Is safe from suspicion, Palps isn´t and he is more weary of him from then on)
- Ahsoka still becomes his padawan and he loves being her master and teaching her, everyone bonds with the clones and there are a lot more losses on the Separatists side than on the Republic side. Anakin still is with Padme (they don´t marry yet but plan to after the war is over).
- Boba is taken care of and also becomes a player in the Shadow plan, pretending to hate Jedi and learning to be a bounty hunter. Any losses that the GAR has are actually instances in which the clones are placed as mandalorians that never take their armor off and help settle a secret planet full of refugees
- Lots of things still happen, Maul is someone that gets help after Dooku clues in his mother and the rest of the Nightsisters on their secret plans and she manages to get him to be less murdery. Ventress helps alot in that regard as she pretends to be bad. As the end of the war draws close, Anakin starts having visions and then Padme ends up pregnant and he is very scared, although this time he does go to Obi Wan, who promises to help him out but Palps won´t let them stay together for long and keeps pushing for Anakin to be alone. Anakin is given a message that Ahsoka is next to be targeted and he urges here to resign (although this time, the Council don´t want her to leave but rather to have her have a trial within the order) and leave the Jedi, telling her that she needs to be safe as something else is happening. She is angry he won´t talk to her but agrees to take her men and Rex and help out Mandalore (which is not actually under Maul´s control, rather DW is acting up and Satine also had to “die”, although Bo-Katan is not in on it and is putting her foot in her mouth by still using the DW to get Maul out) Ahsoka is almost told the truth of the secrets of the Shadow plan but Dooku “dies”, O66 is given out and suddenly Palps is saying all Jedi are traitors.
- The real changed Order 66 is to have all Jedi incapacitated and to fake their deaths and destroy all temples, moving the Jedi to their safe planet. Since no one was expecting this so soon, lots of Jedi think they have been betrayed, so Cal Kestis and Ahsoka and Rex are forced to flee. Yoda and the Council go for Palps and Anakin realizes that if he doesn´t step in, they will be killed. So he pretends to Fall and throws everyone out the windows where the Guard catch the dead and take them off planet. Then Anakin takes the 501st and has them all take the children and Jedi left at the temple to safety and burns the temple down to. Obi Wan thinks that his soldiers have turned and leaves the planet, Yoda escapes and mistakenly thinks Anakin has fallen and him and Obi make their plans.
- Padme thinks that Anakin has also fallen and her and Obi go to confront Anakin, and a fight breaks out. He is trying to make them understand but still has an anger issue and with Palps darkness around him he still tries to take down Obi Wan. He doesn´t hurt Padme but seeing her scared has him pretend to fall into the lava to have them escape. She gives birth in space and survives barely. They fake their deaths and Padme even has a whole funeral (Sabe and the others are in on her plan to die to start a rebellion), which Anakin believes so he stops trying to look for them and focuses on the plan that Dooku and the others had been constructing for years.
- Padme knows the twins will be in danger together and she wants to help the rebellion take back the Galaxy, so Leia still goes to the Organas and Luke is sent to Tatooine. (She knew that Shmi survived but has no way of knowing where she might be and trusts Obi Wan to try to get that info). When the news reach Tatooine, all communication Shmi might have with Owen is cut and he believes that Anakin killed her after he went dark. He was never told the full truth so he doesn´t know of the Shadow plan, but Beru wants to keep Luke and  agrees:
- Anakin dons the Vader suit while everyone thinks he died. Secretly they run their own rebellion faction apart from the one that Padme and Ahsoka have. Clones are choosen to be bounty hunters that get Jedi lost in the Galaxy. Some Jedi choose to be Inquisitors like Reva and Trilla who pretend to be dark now but actually are with Anakin in hopes of taking down Palps.
- 8 years pass, and Leia gets kidnapped by Palps orders, making Obi go after her with a little Luke who felt his sister´s distress along for the ride. Cue in everyone trying to find Obi and the twins, from real Inquisitors, to Anakin and his fake inquisitors pretending to be bad but secretly wanting to finally get Obi Wan back and in on the plan, to Padme and Ahsoka on the side of the Rebellion, to Cal and his crew thinking they will save some poor force sensitive children from the Empire. Its a whole adventure, filled with everyone finally coming together and truths being revealed.
- The twins meet various family members they didn´t know they had, everyone who is in love being an idiot (Padme and Anakin, Obi and Cody, Cal and Boba) while also families being idiots and not communicating (Obi and Anakin, Qui Gon and Obi, Shmi and Owen, Cal and Jaro Tapal, Ahsoka and Anakin and Obi, the disaster lineage in general). Funny enough, Boba and Jango are the best family around alongside Dooku and Ventress, so they end up running interference alongside the Twins.
- Also, Din is here and he was adopted by Jango so he is Boba´s little brother. Han is also here and helps out in the Twins shenanigans.
- in the end, Anakin and the adults go after Palps and Anakin can fulfill his destiny as the choosen one. He decides to leave the order and after some time, him and Padme get married. The galaxy is still shit, but there are a lot of people in better states that soon everyone is able to be better. With the Agricrops Jedi still here, they immediately set out to help the worst planets. The inquisitors are no match for Jedi and Clones and the Rebellion Padme and Ahsoka build is a better basis for a better republic. Lots of slavery and spice trade was erradicated thanks to the efforts of the Shadow´s work, and its all better for everyone.
Bonus, Cal and Boba push for Din and Luke and Leia and Han in the future when everyone is at least 20 and various parents and family get in the way. 
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noka-exe · 5 months
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coupla designs…
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golbiey · 21 days
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happy long weekend!!! i wanted to compile all of my sonic prints in one post...theyre available on my shop!
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nova-rpv · 16 days
wip 👍
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dont forget ur daily clicks!!
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nina-the-ninth · 2 months
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If I get the motivation I’ll do the whole chapter
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fernsnailz · 1 year
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cat's cradle
[this is from the team dark zine i made! you can find it all here]
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taygra5shaon · 6 months
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here he comes out banite lord❤️
so, after some adjustments I divided the story in 4 0art, because the last one is .....a lot gory...
but still, enjoy!
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cerbe-rus · 16 days
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POV beautiful man with scythe is abt to fkn get you
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rayactive-factory · 8 months
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veinsfullofstars · 2 months
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“Any more stupid questions?”
Bonus live reactions to being saved from a Dark Matter ambush:
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Started 07/13/24, finished 07/27/24 | Kintsugi AU Masterpost
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seldompathic · 9 months
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If bro smiles through tears in episode 1 of S3 I'm gonna fold like a lawn chair
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Thinking about how Telemachus has heard "You are just like your father" by so many people for most of his life. How different yet refreshing it is to hear said father tell him warmly "You're so much like your mother".
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capinejghafa · 10 months
i do hope everyone knows how much their work in bringing these characters to life has meant. freddy, amita, kit, jack, dani, and cal you will always be famous <3
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swiftiecrow · 11 months
Kaz explaining Inej discovering that
his plan to break she has to climb a
out of the Ice court fucking incinerator
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nova-rpv · 7 months
cupidow <3
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did @vladim-3d's dtiys and. idk man i dont liek it anymore nfndnbfn BUT i tried and thats what matters 👍
go follow them btw their art is *chef kiss*
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semisolidmind · 3 months
I'm foaming at the mouth that comic so cute I need more phantom cat mascot lore pLEASE
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idk man, i didn't actually think about it that far
just know that despite his looks, he's actually very bbg, and his body count isn't as high as one would expect
and he wants to wife up the christine-coded protag so so so badly
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