#the shits made of plastic
xxplastic-cubexx · 19 days
gonna need a shaker charm of erik in the plastic cube actually
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ifwebefriends · 1 year
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He is SO babygirl puppydog I ADORE him 💖💘💓🩷💕❤️❤️‍🔥
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velolceraptor · 7 months
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Some EE doodles I made over a few months
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idsb · 6 months
sorry to indirect my entire dash right now but do you know how much plastic Shein is putting out in the world with clothes that will be worn once (if at all)? do you know how many plastic bags are manufactured in a day? do you know how many gallons of oil Shell is dumping into the Great Barrier Reef or the gulf of Alaska (where we get most of the fish we EAT) every day? do you know how much plastic packaging is LITERALLY unnecessary and could be replaced with paper? How many plastic straws are consumed in a day, and how many could be made with biodegradable plastic instead, or how many non-shitty paper straws could be made, easily, but plastic is $.001 cheaper so companies won't do it and want you to think paper goods are the enemy?
Adopting pet mini-causes that detract from the rage deserved by corporations for the deep and irreconcilable harm they are causing, is one of the worst things you can do for the environment. Because you being distracted by things that don't matter as much is what those corporations want so they can carry on as they are. be angry about BIG things that fucking matter. not making ~100k extra vinyls that will be kept and used and listened to for 10+ years. 100k items is not a lot when their longevity and everything else thats going on is factored in. Taylor Swift making vinyls is not a wastage problem like the rest of the shit happening in the world with plastics is a wastage problem. be SO fucking serious right now and please don't insult actual ongoing environmental issues by focusing your rage on physical MUSIC.
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mishkakagehishka · 8 months
"We're old moms, we can't wait to stop breastfeeding so we can get [very excited, shrill even] botooooox!!!"
We are never making it out of the patriarchy.
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i am average gen z girl i work 15 hours in the microplastics factory to buy one pronoun
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astranauticus · 1 year
Rolling With Difficulty as texts I have saved on my computer for some reason
(i drew every day for like a month straight and burnt out so have this nonsense instead)
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toasty-self-shipping · 2 months
me back in 2018: why does everyone hates the humanz album or the rap part in Dirty Harry or feel good inc?
me now: oooh it’s because they were racist
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solarpire · 9 months
Babe come back your blunt is getting cold. We cooked it fresh for you
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
other people who grew up watching lpstube do you ever have specific playsets or accessories burned into your memory forever associated with the video you saw it in. and you could recognize it and remember where you saw it instantly. sometimes even if it wasnt actually made for lps . sorry just a glimpse into my beautiful mind
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a-dream-deferred · 2 months
every conversation between my parents falls into one of the following categories:
argument that activates my fight or flight response
seemingly friendly conversation that somehow also activates my fight or flight response
conspiracy theories that make me cringe
conspiracy theories that enrage me
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subsequentibis · 2 months
oh i wanted longlegs to be so much weirder than it was. it needed like three more script revisions and some deeper interrogation of the genre it sprang from, and someone to gently take the sound designer's hand on the volume dial and turn it down juuuuust a bit. i need the actual movie to be what scares me, not someone dropping a hammer on the piano to tell me i ought to be scared.
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velolceraptor · 7 months
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And some doodles that I like making
(also tw for blood on the third and fourth pictures)
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sproutbell · 8 months
wish people would understand that white veganism is bad yes but the problem with white veganism is not the vegan part. it's an intersectionality and representation problem. class, race, and nationality. there are many, many nonwhite and nonwestern cultures that are traditionally plant based. the association of whiteness with veganism is a recent development. eating meat on a daily basis is a western invention of the last century. most vegans are not vegan because "they just love animals so much". they are vegan because of the rights of people who work in slaughterhouses- who in the us and uk are overwhelming staffed by immigrants. the people who work in these slaughterhouses also develop ptsd from killing so many animals or are literally physically maimed. many of them are undocumented and have no workers rights. meat packing plants are infamous for child labor. the jobs with the highest suicide rate in the country include people who work in farming and animal agriculture. the ecological effect of the animal agriculture industry disproportionately affects people who live in the global south. there's this weird narrative that because of peta, veganism is bad, or for rich people, or for white people, and that is just not true. statistically, black people are more likely to become vegan than white people. that's just... a fact! if you cannot eat vegan for health reasons, or because you live in a food desert without access to things like vegetables, that's fine! also, no one expects you to quit meat and dairy cold turkey! it's an impossible task. no one is asking you to do that. but if you are capable of making a choice or an effort, you have to understand that you are making that choice and that choice has consequences. we know that boycotting works, we know fast fashion is bad because of the environmental impact and working conditions that one again overwhelming affect poor working class people in nonwestern countries, but when it comes to the meat and dairy industry suddenly it's totally out of our hands? we have no choice? i'm not even vegan. i still eat eggs and seafood occasionally. but i'm at least trying. i encourage you all to try to consume less meat. also- people who hunt their food are awesome. people who use every part of an animal and respect their sacrifice are awesome. i did not stop eating meat because cows are cute or whatever. i stopped eating meat because i found out about the working conditions of slaughterhouses. also before anyone says "what about soy what about soy production for VEGANS??" 1) vegans are not the only people who eat soy? and 2) 70% of all soy produced is used to feed... u guess it.... livestock! i recommend this article if you're interested in someone smarter than me talking about white veganism. there are infinite resources available online discussing the inhumane things that go on in slaughterhouses to both human beings and animals. there are endless resources detailing the environmental toll of factory farming. if you consider yourself a humanitarian or an environmentalist PLEASE please please, do your best to limit your meat and dairy consumption.
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blessphemy · 3 months
at this point i block fandom discourse side blogs on sight i don't need that energy
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dreemurr00 · 5 months
Y’all… I’ve been “Chapter 7: Prison of Plastic”-ed and “Session 3”-ed in the same week. Someone save me.
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