#the squeaky wheel
celtadri · 2 years
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It’s not always easy to play well with others
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hecho-a-mano · 2 years
So a friend introduced me to this clothing brand called The Squeaky Wheel!
They make clothing with messages and art which are geared towards disabled people, and most of them seem pretty wholesome. Here are some examples.
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So if you are interested in these kinds of products, here you go!
I’m not extremely versed on disability theory and discourse, so in the off-chance I’m actually shouting out a problematic company I’d like to be informed.
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disabledcharacters · 2 months
Shameless plug because it's my amazing partner's show, but the Squeaky Wheel is a few sketch show where all the lead characters are disabled! It's on AMI, might be nice to spread some awareness for it on here?
The Squeaky Wheel: Canada is a satirical, half-hour news format which pokes fun at the ableist society people with disabilities face every day.
It's free to watch online if you use a vpn are Canadian!
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catfindr · 5 months
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eriexplosion · 4 months
One thing that Star Wars fans are very lucky for. Our canon is never truly over, there's always more being made and set up. It means that we have opportunities that other shows usually don't - like when a death doesn't work we can make it very goddamn clear.
People that are dissatisfied with Tech's death should keep talking about it. As long as you want to! Hell send letters as long as they're polite, make it as clear as possible in as many places as possible that you're Not happy with the way Tech was handled. The biggest motivator for characters being brought back is usually audience dissatisfaction. It's what brought Echo back, brought Ventress back, brought Maul back. And they were all three much more conclusively dead than Tech is.
So yes, publicly complain about it and don't stop, don't harass anyone but let it be known that you're Not happy with how it played out. As fans of an ongoing franchise we have the rare opportunity to change the fate of our faves. Tech deserved better - and maybe he can still get it.
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francesderwent · 2 months
deep down I am afraid it will never actually be my turn to have people make sacrifices for me
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clanborn · 9 months
i was going through ur art tag and man. u really like dear hunter (me 2)
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i a,m normal about music
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cringefailcabitha · 11 months
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criticalrolo · 2 years
everything I hear about One DnD makes it sound like the fucking worst, other than the flat +2,+1 for any stat rule for races. Why are they nerfing DRUIDS, the least played class in the game 💀
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joelletwo · 4 months
giving up on going to bed proper tonight i am Not getting everything i need to do done in forty minutes [adjusted for time it took to write this post. 30 minutes]
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earhartsease · 3 months
we finally got a reply from Itsu about the inaccessible ordering/payment touchscreens in their stores (too high up for wheelchair users and other shorter people) and it's a good response - rather than moving one of the screens lower, they're adapting the software so you can choose accessibility on any screen
we're glad to have sparked this conversation with them - it's worth speaking up about accessibility with big companies, sometimes it makes them pull their finger out
Dear [name]
I was passed your contact details our customer feedback team as you raised a query on the accessibility of our order kiosks. I just wanted to apologise for the inconvenience we are currently causing you with the placing and height of the screens.
The IT and marketing teams are currently working on an accessibility feature that will optimise the experience for a wheelchair user, this is on track and we should be able to launch it onto all order screens in the Autumn, meaning that all screens will be accessible without the need to confine anyone to one lower screen.
It would be great to get your feedback on the experience and useability once this feature is live, of course in the meantime we always have someone in the area hosting the kiosks who will be happy to provide whatever service is required. Hoping this meets with your expectations, if you have any further questions or feedback in this area, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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menlove · 4 months
graduates college and immediately goes into a depression fugue w at least 3 different crises. tracks.
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piplupod · 2 months
"but you do so well, you're so put-together :) you don't need help!" and then i show them i need help, i let the mask slip, i act "crazy", i admit how tired i am and how hard everything is, etc and then suddenly they are angry and disgusted and not giving me help still. why am i not allowed to have bad days ever. why am i required to do everything for myself. i am not built for independence, why do they keep insisting on it for me!
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queer-trashmouth · 10 months
Hey thanks tumblr for changing what it looks like at the top of reblogs instead of letting us click on prev reblogs like we’ve been asking :)
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starlightomatic · 2 years
I think almost all of my formative experiences of being marginalized for being Jewish were at the hands of culturally Christian atheists
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megid0nt · 4 months
It just sucks that literally forever I have to convince someone else I'm worthy of being alive or I will no longer get to be! My least favourite thing (justifying my existence) is codified in the rote daily tasks that must be done to ensure I can procure food to eat, and the tension between that and my desire to continue existing leaves me feeling like there's no way to be satisfied and *me* with what frameworks I currently have for feeding myself.
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