#the stolen hope reboot
art-of-tek · 2 months
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What's the opposite of a Yass Queen?
TSH reboot fanart!
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bug-abortion · 9 months
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2023 art summary~
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bustersw0rd · 1 year
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Art fight attack
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americanbarkadia · 7 months
if I had a nickel for every time there was a kind of obscure indie piece of media where a character named vivian was an antagonist but in a kind of fucked up and tragic way id have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot but it's fun that it's happened twice
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thisheademptyyeet · 1 year
TSH REBOOT ep 6 colorist reel
Episode 6 is out sooo, reel time :]
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ammonitetheartist · 2 years
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
lock... i currently feel like shit bc IM SO SICK how do u think chrollo will react if i poked at him and asked if he has some power to heal my sickness *cue slow speaking with blocked nose
he'd get this boyish grin and hit you with a,
"would the power of love suffice?"
then proceeds to look very satisfied with himself as your brain mentally reboots from having processed such cursed audio stimuli. he'll leisurely flip through bandit's secret while you stare at him with wide, semi-hopeful eyes. much to your chagrin, he shakes his head, and closes the dematerializing book.
"i did have an ability that could alter one's immune system," he'll reveal. "however, if the person whose ability i've stolen dies, their nen goes with them."
"huh. i wonder how they died," you frown.
"i checked their city's newspaper. they died from a cold, ironically enough."
"... seriously? that's messed up."
he shrugs.
"such is life, dear."
while you're fresh out of luck in that department, chrollo's rather adept at taking care of the sick. it wasn't uncommon for people to fall ill in meteor city. he'd often go days at a time without rest to nurse his friends back to health. he'll readily admit that he finds you endearing in this helpless state, but he also doesn't want you to suffer. how very generous of him.
he'll get his hands on the best medications there are to treat your ailments. there is a cost that comes with this, naturally. he informs that your co-pay will be giving him a kiss on the cheek when you feel better.
and no, he is not joking.
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ducklooney · 4 months
Happy late birthday, Phantom Blot! Happy 85th anniversary!
On May 20, 1939, Floyd Gottfredson wrote and drew a comic called "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot" with the help of Merrill De Maris, Bill Wright and Ted Thwaites. In that comic, Mickey Mouse will face one of the greatest villains he could face, the Phantom Blot. By the way, the inspiration for its creation was taken from "The Blots" from Walter Hoban's Jerry on the Job. Usually he wears a black cloak like some kind of executioner or a big shadow to make him look more scary, and the very precursor to him is creepy, especially look at the Shadow Blot at Epic Mickey. And even when he reveals his face, he bears an unsatisfying resemblance to Walt Disney. He is usually involved in crime and thievery, but his ultimate goal is to rule the world with the things he has stolen, and he is also skilled with his plans which are very sneaky. Unfortunately, he is underappreciated by many, and Peg-Leg Pete is certainly one of the best Disney villains. However, with this beginning, he will be one of the main villains in the Mickey Mouse comics to later expand to other comics and be a rival to Goofy, Donald, Scrooge and other heroes who will clash with him. He mostly likes being famous and having a lot of money and working alone, and he doesn't like being defeated and he doesn't like magic, though it depends on version to version. In animation, he appears in OG Ducktales in the episode "All Ducks on Deck" where he aims to rule the world but fails because Donald and Scrooge and Donald's nephews prevent him from doing so, and later appears in "Mickey Mouse Works" and "House of Mouse" where his intention is to steal all the colors. He later appears as a cameo character in "Mickey Mouse Cartoons" in the episode "Sock Burglar". In the Ducktales reboot, he is a member of the F.O.W.L. and he hunts for magic and clashes with Magica, and he is helped by Pepper, but in the final he will be defeated by Manny the apocalyptic horse. In the Epic Mickey game, he is actually the Shadow Blot and wants to rule the Wasteland through his black blot, but is defeated by Oswald and Mickey.
However, his best role is in the Italian comics Topolino, where he is one of the main rivals against Mickey Mouse. In fact, I think he's the best in those comics next to the Floyd Gottfredson comics, and I think it's stupid that they took a version of him where his intention is clear, and not to be like Thanos. Yes, he is a member of the Bad-7 who fights against the Ultraheroes. And the main antagonist in Wizard of Mickey. Yes, he also has a daughter named Phantom Brat. And now as always, pictures from the first appearance to the present day and the development of the Phantom Blot and his rivals and his family. Happy belated birthday and I hope he gets more respect than before and a worthy real villain role rather than being a rip-off of some other villains.
If you love Phantom Blot, feel free to like or reblog this, and happy birthday and anniversary to Phantom Blot and it's 85th anniversary!
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
It's no secret that I'm not very fond of MK1. Game design, story, roster choices, there's a lot to pick apart with regards to Mortal Kombat's second reboot.
But one thing I do hope gets carried on into the future of the franchise is the humanization of Mileena. Not the literal humanization, where her Tarkatan elements are Fantasy Leprosy. Let Mileena have teeth.
Like. All-a y'all writing Mortal Kombat stuff out there? Let Mileena have teeth. I don't know why it's been such a thing in recent years to try and pretty her face up. Let Mileena have teeth.
But I mean just... Like... The sisterly bond between Mileena and Kitana, and willingness to treat Mileena as a character and not just a scary monster. The first reboot trilogy was really bad about Mileena-as-scary-monster, and that's about all she ever amounts to in adaptation too.
Like. Mileena and Kitana's relationship is one of the most fascinating and constantly underserved pieces of Mortal Kombat background. These two characters should be the Marvel's Thor and Loki of Mortal Kombat.
The thing you need to understand about Mileena and Kitana as originally written is that Mileena is not complicit. And I need to specify this because their own source material doesn't seem aware of that. Mortal Kombat has always treated Mileena like she is as guilty as Shao Kahn for the crime of being made.
Multiversal colonizer Shao Kahn invaded Kitana's world when she was a baby. He killed her father and claimed her mother and herself as spoils of war. He took Kitana to raise as his daughter in the empire that butchered her people. And then, with sorcery and gene bullshit, made Mileena so he could have a version of Kitana that was his.
Mileena didn't know about that. She was a fetus in a test tube. She is not complicit in any of this.
For ten thousand years, ten thousand goddamn years, Kitana and Mileena were the twin daughters of Shao Kahn; A pair of deadly assassins who enforced Kahn's will and served in his conflicts.
Can you imagine loving someone for ten thousand years? They didn't know better. They were sisters.
Then Kitana learned the truth about her past and origin. Because the early games didn't have much story outside bios and endings, details on what went down between the sisters are fuzzy. But the language in MK3 seems to imply that Kitana struck first.
MK3 Mileena Bio: "Murdered by her twin sister Kitana, Mileena finds herself brought back to life by Shao Kahn himself...." MK3 Kitana Bio: "Kitana is accused of treason by the High Courts of the Outworld after murdering her evil twin Mileena...."
That's not really how you describe an act of self-defense. Why did this happen? Well, tensions must have escalated after Mileena became suspicious of Kitana's fraternization with the enemy.
MK2 Kitana Bio: Her beauty hides her true role as personal assassin for Shao Kahn. Seen talking to an earth-realm warrior, her motives have come under suspicion by her twin sister Mileena. But only Kitana knows her own true intentions. MK2 Mileena Bio: Serving as an assassin along with her twin sister Kitana, Mileena's dazzling appearance conceals her hideous intentions. At Shao Kahn's request, she is asked to watch for her twin's suspected dissension. She must put a stop to it at any cost.
After ten thousand years of sisterhood, Mileena discovered Kitana chatting with the Earthrealmers and tattled to her dad. Shao Kahn told Mileena to keep an eye on her and see if she's planning to betray them. Something went down. And then Kitana betrayed them and murdered Mileena.
This dynamic is fascinating. Because it's not hard to sympathize with Kitana. She's a stolen child raised by the man who razed her culture and who made his own twisted version of her to grow up alongside her. The shit that must be going through her head when she uncovers the truth about herself and Mileena? Can you even imagine?
But it's also not hard to sympathize with Mileena. Because this isn't about conquering Earthrealm or ensuring Shao Kahn reigns supreme. This is about, "We were sisters for ten thousand years, why are you betraying me?" This is personal.
There is so much about these two characters that is devastating and emotional and powerful, buried in the margins between the character bios of two old games from the 90's. It's never been given its proper due.
Partly because I don't think Midway, at the time, even realized what they had written here. The demonization of Mileena starts as early as MK3, which describes her as Kitana's "evil twin" in the same breath it uses to say Kitana "murdered" her.
By the time Deception came out, they were making wild-ass claims about what Mileena and Kitana's relationship really was.
Deception Mileena Bio: "I am a creation of sorcery, the hybrid of a Tarkatan warrior and the Princess of Edenia. My purpose was to eventually replace my... sister... Kitana, from whom I was cloned. Kitana regained her memories, however, and uncovered the plot to supplant her...."
Okay so now Mileena was actually supposed to replace Kitana post-Edenian conquest. But they needed to ease Mileena into Kitana's place gradually, over time, in the role of (checks notes) Shao Kahn's daughter and personal assassin.
Shang Tsung: Hey boss, why are we doing this? Like. If we just kill the baby Kitana and replace her with the baby Mileena, who's even going to notice? Shao Kahn: I WILL NOTICE. In order to ensure that I don't realize that my daughter has been replaced, I must raise them as twins for TEN THOUSAND YEARS.
This would work if Edenia was a place they were trying to invade through subterfuge, perhaps. But not with Edenia already conquered and merged with Outworld, and Kitana's history as an Edenian princess buried.
Yeah, the retcons to villify a character who is already basically Azula don't make a lot of sense, and further attempts have not gone any better.
Also Mileena has a secret boyfriend.
MK2 Mileena Ending (non-canon): ...She wins the tournament, and together with her secret companion, Baraka, they rule the world as king and queen. MK3 Mileena Ending (super non-canon): ...With the help of Baraka, she then takes both Sindel and her daughter Kitana hostage. Together they threaten Shao Kahn with their lives unless he lures the Earth-born warriors into a fourth Mortal Kombat where Baraka can return and regain his title as the Ultimate Mortal Kombat champion. Deception Mileena Bio: ...After Shinnok's invasion, [Kitana] cast me into her prison, where I remained until Baraka freed me.... Armageddon Baraka Ending (non-canon): ...Flinging [Shao Kahn and Onaga's] bodies down the side of the pyramid, Baraka turned his attention to a more important matter: who would be his queen? He gave Mileena a choice. She chose wisely.
Most of these aren't canon but when multiple endings are alluding to a secret romance between Baraka and Mileena and he does legitimately go out of his way to spring her from Elf Jail, there's probably something there. Mileena just wants to live her best Tarkatan life on the throne of Outworld with her sister and himbo boytoy by her side.
That has nothing to do with anything; I just thought it was neat.
This is one of the most interesting dynamics in Mortal Kombat and it's never been given its due because it was basically erased from canon as soon as it was conceived.
MK1 doesn't give it its due either, due to the great lengths it goes to erase the main point of contention between the sisters. But it comes closer than anybody ever has, so I hope it's a step in the right direction. I hope the series will continue to explore Mileena, not just as a villain but as an antagonistic character with thoughts and feelings and ideas of her own.
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weirdozjunkary · 7 months
Ranting about the G5 MLP reboot, cause it annoys me cause it could be so much better. (This is very sporatic and has no set points so just go along with it)
Overall I don’t think that the G5 reboot for MLP is that bad. It’s fine for what it is, especially being aimed for the kids of today.
My only gripe is the absolute shit writing in the Make Your Mark series on Netflix. There is little to no consistency for characters or anything, like do any of the writers communicate with each other?
One major example I can recall is during the small Dragon Lands ark, Pipp enters the portal and is like “shit, there’s no signal, we can call for help.” And that’s fine, that’s normal for her character from what they’re trying to do with her (make her less obsessed with social media). But then after the episode ends after they go back inside, the next episode when they go back to it Pipp is like “NO THERES NO SIGNAL HERE! OH NO OH GOD!!!” And like…. You already knew there was no signal????
Another gripe I have is with Sunny. Like I get that she’s supposed to be the positive one, but literally her only thing is to be positive, to be the spokesperson. Just “we can do this if we set our minds to it.” There were so many parts where something important to the magic is at risk of being stolen, but she is all just like “it’s fine!” And just doesn’t do anything to protect it or keep it safe? Also she lowkey gaslights Zipp when she expresses concern over the magic. I love Sunny, but in the MYM show she just pisses me off so much.
Hitch and Izzy are the most normal, other than Hitch turning into a dad. But Hitch still stays mostly in character despite being a bit dumb and overprotective sometimes.
Earthy ponies were just getting used to learning new magic, and this caused someone to NEARLY GET CRUSHED by a large fruit, so hitch sets rules. Everything goes haywire because no one is using the magic. AND SOMEHOW THEY TRY TK GASLIGHT HITCH AND THE VIEWERS THAT THERES SHOULD BE NO RESTRICTIONS OR RULES???? Like did you forget that before someone nearly died or at least got seriously injured because ponies were just using it Willy nilly?
I get that this show is for kids, but come on, you could do so much better than this. I’m not even getting to Opaline. (I think she’s alright as a villain, but her character feels so forced).
I hope to god that if they make more stuff for this reboot that it would actually be good. There’s so much wasted potential and such weird and bad writing, it makes me wanna claw at my skin.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 6 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №11
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This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
Okay, I realize I get a strange pleasure from drawing sleeping Sanses. Not the worst fetish ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯.
I like to think of Nightmer and Dream as the "Deity of Negative Emotions" and the "Deity of Positive Emotions." Why not?
For this part, I decided to create a MindMap and input all the information I hold in my head for each of the characters. Wow, turns out I've been forgetting so much about my boys all this time. For example, I constantly confused the sleeve where Killer's thread from Error is attached (it should be on the right sleeve, not the left). In addition, I've started to better understand the characters' personalities and my canon in which I make them live.
In this part, I decided to experiment with describing events from different perspectives (I left notes in the form of emojis). =)
Caution: there is a description of injuries involving Nightmer (🌙).
I often listen to playlists while working on parts, hope you enjoy this one :)
Having avoided a fight with people, the group continued on until they found a place where Error could safely exit his reboot. It turned out to be a break room for employees, complete with a water cooler. Someone had taken and carried away the water container, likely individuals from the nearby settlement. This was a good sign as it meant that people wouldn't be exploring this area anytime soon.
The office plants had stretched towards the lamps and withered. Otherwise, this room resembled a small, ransacked cafeteria: all the kitchen cabinets were open, appliances either broken or stolen, spices scattered on the floor (Horror shook his head disapprovingly). However, there were still tables, chairs, and a comfortable couch.
🌙 As the Destroyer's loading bar slowly crawled from 50% to 58%, Nightmare decided to try drinking Almond Water. There was a chance it could help with the issues he had discovered in his mind before. He took the closed tin can in his hands and opened it. A quiet splash was heard. The subtle almond scent, which now constantly surrounded his subordinates, hit his receptors. The thin metal felt cool in his hands. He didn't feel anything strange, and even the Check didn't report anything alarming.
But as the liquid poured into his mouth, he screamed from the unexpected pain. It was awful. As if boiling acid had been poured into an open wound. Like the pain from Dream's arrows. His mind clouded so much that he couldn't even spit out the liquid - it sizzled down his chin onto his chest. The shroud of negativity on him boiled in response to the damage and anger (despair), causing the outlines of his body to blur, as if wax on a candle. The shroud around his jaws dissolved and flowed to his feet in a black, smoking puddle. The bones of the former (deceased) Nightmare's skull were briefly exposed but quickly concealed by a new layer of darkness.
In a desperate attempt to prevent the liquid from burning him further, the Guardian transformed into a pool of negativity and recoiled to the side. The Almond Water can spilled onto the floor.
-15 HP
It didn't feel like "-15 HP". It felt like the damn breath of agonizing death. It was a good thing he hadn't swallowed it. He didn't want to imagine something with a sweet nutty scent searing his insides. "-15 HP" seemed like a joke to his huge health pool, but he didn't want to experience something like that again. The phantom flashes of pain in his mouth faded as the lost HP slowly regenerated. His subordinates looked at him in shock, and their horror aided in the regeneration.
It seemed like something in this place could easily kill him. He felt as if the dimension-killer hungrily licked its lips.
The most essential thing in this place could maim him. Perhaps the most common. The one that needed to be consumed to keep the mind clear. The item that was simply indispensable for the group. That which...
Nightmare pulled himself together.
He was the spirit (almost a god) of negative emotions. He would handle this annoying inconvenience.
⛔By the time Error woke up with the sound of Windows XP, Nightmare was sitting nearby as if nothing had happened. The others glanced cautiously in their direction, but for some reason, remained silent. (Are they hiding something?) The Destroyer looked slightly confused, as if he had fallen asleep at the beginning of the movie and woken up closer to the end. His last memory was parting ways with the Temmie shop. Nightmare, sitting next to him, calmly mentioned that they had encountered people. (Error didn't inquire about injuries, seeing a black puddle on the floor. Nightmare looked fine, as did the others, so nothing serious seemed to have happened).
Error hated his reboots. But sometimes they saved him from truly horrible (thoughts) things. For example, from injuries and wounds. But it was infuriating that a bunch of people had brought him to this point. As if Error couldn't kick meat sacks' asses anymore.
Usually after such emotional shocks, he would visit the "Disgusting #13" fridge and settle in to watch Undernovelle. But opening portals in this place was impossible. So...
Wait. The Destroyer turned his gaze to Horror. He unexpectedly remembered something. Something about what this guy carried in his inventory. Greasy Marshmallow. He recalled that the recommendations mentioned something about a chocolate flavor. If that was the case, it was worth trying his luck and preparing this thing. Especially since he saw blurry (no, he won't get his glasses) outlines of pepper shakers nearby. The Destroyer wasn't skilled in cooking food, so he menacingly moved towards Horror.
🦴 Dust was concerned about what had happened. At first, Nightmare drove people away, although he ordered them not to engage in combat and to survey the area. Then, for some reason, Error took a long time to come out of reboot. It was crystal clear that something serious had occurred, prompting Nightmare to change his plans so drastically. And Nightmare doesn't do that without a significant reason. But what happened to Error? Did they quarrel? Will Error leave now? Dust pulled up his hood, and anxiety crawled down his neck like a swarm of insects.
Then it turns out that water, which they all carry with them, can harm their boss. The water they MUST carry with them to stay sane. This could be a problem. Damn, it already is.
He clenched his hands in the pockets of his hoodie so tightly that he felt one of the ballpoint pens he had there snap. Dust took a deep breath and tried to calm down as Nightmare had taught him. The boss had taught him many techniques to reduce anxiety.
A white butterfly fluttered past his face. He constantly felt the tickle of moths following behind him. They were various butterflies and moths that flocked to him as they roamed Level 4. For some reason, he didn't feel the usual irritation from this. Dust assumed it was because of the Strange Amulet Horror had given him. This phenomenon began precisely when Dust equipped it. Just in case, he made a note in the margins of his notebook:
"I feel like because of the Strange Amulet, I've started to love insects. Almond Water is dangerous for Nightmare."
Dust began to understand why the notes in the notebook were disjointed. Recording troubling thoughts somehow freed him from them.
⚔️ Cross volunteered to scout the area so they could proceed safely. Horror wanted to go with him as usual, but Error pulled Horror aside to cook something. Before arriving in this place, they often did reconnaissance together with the big skeleton. They got along well, so the familiar sense of the imposing figure's presence behind Cross would reassure him. Especially after the recent events.
Yes, the "injury from water" and "Nightmare" seemed like a strange combination, but Nightmare controlled his emotions and, in Cross's view, might not be at risk of losing his mind. At least, that seemed logical. After all, fish don't drown in water, right?
"That's true, Crossy. But what about Almond Water?" joked Killer, who went with him instead of Horror. He twirled a knife in his hands, and his frozen smirk made one feel uneasy.
Cross didn't reply. He didn't particularly enjoy being around Killer. He always felt like the skeleton with a knife might attack out of boredom and made sure not to lose sight of him.
After a few rooms, they found a stairwell with torn wallpaper and a creaky staircase. It resembled the description of the passage to Level 5. They needed to return and inform the others of their discovery.
🔪 Killer was pleased. The boss's food poisoning was certainly dreadful, as was Error's figure hidden in mistakes, as was the agitated Dust, as... Well, much in this place was dreadful. Probably. Killer wasn't sure exactly. He struggled with identifying emotions. But he definitely enjoyed the whirlwind of events. He knew he felt a chill at the sight of pain on Nightmares face. He knew he felt inspired when Horror and Error started making marshmallows using the heating element that was still in the office cooler (The prepared Greasy Marshmallow resembled sweet thick cocoa with vanilla and cinnamon). He also knew for sure that he WOULDN'T use the Temmie Flake popper near Nightmare. (Perhaps he could use the Flowey Seed popper instead? It was worth exploring this question.) And he was definitely very curious to see what awaited them next.
The new level that he and Cross led the group to also pleased him in many ways: there were more items, more different textures and materials. It seemed he even saw a cat, but couldn't catch up with it. Much of Level 5 reminded him of the castle where they had all lived before. Soft chairs and sofas, subdued lighting, and eerie portraits.
Ah, almost like home.
🪓 The district was clean. Horror sensed faint human smells on the furniture, in the rooms, noticed inappropriate litter for the setting. Thanks to their stop at Temmie's, he knew that people visited this hotel quite often, even rented rooms. And this kept him on edge.
The people they encountered on Level 4 puzzled him. He managed to Check one discreetly as he pushed forward in the hustle. Their stat block had no parameters, including the HOPE indicator. It wasn't hidden or inaccessible. It simply wasn't there. The description was unusually brief "...".
Earlier, while they were still in the rest area on Level 4, Error asked (ordered) Horror to retrieve the Greasy Marshmallow from the inventory. Considering he could have just hacked the code and stolen the item, it was quite polite. Horror even dared to set a condition: if they cook, they cook for everyone. Error agreed. While they were cooking with the Destroyer, Horror shared his observations about people with him. Error shrugged irritably.
"What doesn't have a health bar is hard to kill. If what you're saying is true, it will be like fighting a ghost," he replied briefly.
It was good they didn't engage in battle. Horror hated fighting ghosts. They were exhausting. During it, one felt like giving up.
In the end, the group had to stop for the night. Nightmare stayed on guard. He had to forcibly restrain Killer from attempting something foolish, and Killer quickly fell asleep.
It had been a very long day.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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cleverchildblizzard · 2 months
◆Eriguchi Sisi◆ x Mechanic! Reader (platonic)
If you guys don't know who Eriguchi Sisi is,she is my Vocaloid oc! You will be able to find oit more about her in this post! @myvirtuallove hope you like it ! 😊 Reader can be male,female,gender neutral,whatever! As long as everyone is comfortable!
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A irritated sigh escaped your lips as you took in the sight of you broken locker,certain items that have disappeared from your sight.Yet the rest of your stuff had been neatly organised,not how you put it,of course,it was even cleaner than before.However that didn't waver the irritation coursing through your veins,only to be snapped out of it by the voice of another staff member.
"She did it again?" Their voice rang through the hallway as they walked over,observing the broken door of the locker.A low whistle came put of them as they went even closer to the door,moving it so it could face you. "Looks like she's been packing a punch." They commented,as you rubbed your temples and turned to the exit.
This had been the fourth time this week,and it was only Tuesday.Yes,the manager had informed you and others of Eriguchi's recent behaviour,but still,it pissed you off.But what could you do? The company was paying you big bucks just to fix up some wonky mechanisms and wires around the place but that didn't mean you'd allow some robot to steal your stuff! You had rights to!
Eriguchi Sisi,she had never had the chance to share the same popularity as other vocaloids like Hatsune Miku,but she still had her own set of fans.
Adjusting her weight on the bed,she inspected the phone in her hands.She had seen these before,when her fans would ask for a picture,or when they would record her at a performance.Her eyes went over little details thr phone had to hold,curiosity eventually winning over as her eyes darkened,all but the small red dot in her pupil.
[Scanning item...]
[Lost item: Identified]
[Phone: Belonging to (Your Name) from the Mechanic Department.Usage: 60%]
A small hum left her throat as she placed the phone down,reaching out to grab a watch that was on the table along with the other stolen objects.Her eyes scanned each one,but yet she felt empty.She needed to know more,but how?
Eriguchi snapped her head towards the door,only for her eyes to fall upon your frame as you turned your attention to your phone and the rest of the items huddled on Eriguchi's table.You clenched the handle of your tool box as her eyes were drained of colour as she slumped over her chair,the watch falling out of her hand and hitting the floor below.
She shut herself down,typical. A frown etched onto your lips as you placed your tool box next to Eriguchi,walking behind her.Using your screwdriver,her skin plate came of with a click! As the wires were exposed to your vision,you placed it on the floor,reaching for your tool box.
Despite Eriguchi being shut down,the tension in the air didn't get any thinner.Your breath hitched as you added the instructed code into her data,clicking the green button,causing Eriguchi's body to jolt a bit.
[System Update: Successfull]
You sighed in relief,quickly attaching the back plate on and quickly gathering your stuff.Looking at the table,you quickly snatched your phone and the rest of the stolen objects as you quickly made your way to the door.
[System Rebooting...Updating System...]
[System Update complete.Initiating power up sequence]
Sisi's eyes filled with colour as she took in the sight of you leaving her room.Her confusion increased as she saw an empty table,which previously had the stolen items placed on it.Standing up,Sisi walked towards the door,her heels clicking as she grabbed the doorknob,turning it and peeking out.Your figure got smaller as you walked off with a quickened pace,the feeling of Sisi's eyes on you adding to the panic that had already set place in your mind.
Turning around a corner,your heartbeat slightly slowed down,letting out a loud sigh.Turning around,you saw that Sisi's room door was open,yet she didn't seem to be anywhere.Maybe she went elsewhere,probably going to steal more stuff.Whatever,it wasn't your problem,you just needed to-
Letting out a startled yelp,you spun around to come in contact with Sisi's eyes.She had leaned down as she was now inches away from your face,her pupils dilating as she observed your schoked state.
"Did I scare you? Your heartbeat increased by 25%!" She stated,letting out a voice recorded giggled when you failed to reply.She stood up,interlocking her fingers together.
"Sorry! I just wanted to ask you a question,[Your Name]." Sisi admitted,rubbing the back of her head sheepishly as you raises an eyebrow.
"And that is?"
"So humans don't live forever like me?" Sisi questioned,kicking her legs against the rug.You stiffled a chuckle at her curiosity.
"You won't live forever either,Sisi.I mean,you will live longer than humans,but eventually your body will run out of power and them well,you shut off forever." You explained,a sweat rolling down your forehead as Sisi's face paled.
"Forget I said that-"
"Could I ask another question?"
And that's it! Might make a part two when Sisi asks more questions,but overall I love writing for her ( ^∀^)
Hope you all enjoyed this and if your curious,drop a ask in my ask box,it's currently open for questions about my ocs (or just come over and say hi!!)
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thisheademptyyeet · 1 year
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So, TSH episode 6 was really cool huh, I had to draw the bastard of all time <3
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Just had a thought about the Winx reboot project you have concerning earth and the Black circle; mainly concerning the various mythologies of Earth( I am running with the assumption that it is pretty much unchanged from our Earth) with the glut of various beings found there which are very dangerous to various degrees it would be amusing that Earth before magic subsiding was the universe’s version of Australia and Earthlings acting like Florida Men, wonder if they start coming back with the return of magic.
Now concerning the Black circle you could draw a connection with the Fae, to explain it is commonly known that Fae are amoral at worst and have Blue and Orange morality at best, so the Circle could have formed as a protective group against their predations(could have them formed as a response to any number of jerkass “gods” but I connected them to the Fae because their name Black circle evokes the image of iron and we know how the Fae are about iron) they could start with the best of intentions but over time became more dogmatic until they cause the sealing of magic on earth. 
Hope this was coherent and cant wait to hear what you think
Earth being Space Australia/Florida is always my jam!!!
As for the Magic stuff, I’m having some odd lore changes if that makes sense?
So like. Earth in the reboot is kinda like the Earth in Steven Universe. It’s ‘Earth’, but very altered due to the influence of Magic.
Now, with that: Magic was everywhere. Just like all the other planets: Every person can use Magic to an extent, but only a small percentage are able to be Faeries and Witches(the audience’s perspective is skewed on this, due to the main cast being filled with these people and going to schools specifically for these people. But in the grand scheme of things there aren’t a lot of them).
So there’s not really like. People who would be dedicated to hunting Faeries/Witches or even thinking that they’re some sort of extra powerful that could have Magic stolen to use to take over the world or whatever.
In the Lore, what happened was a few hundred years ago some shit happened(said shit is yet to be hammered out on exactly what), where Earth was essentially hit with a Magic EMP and cut off from the rest of the Realms. By the time anyone re-established contact with the planet, its people had adapted to living without Magic and believed that all old stories of Magic were just legend and fake and made up stories to explain things before science existed. Though others still visited Earth for tourist-y reasons, any Magic was met with at best suspicion, but also some panic. So they’ve mostly stayed quiet.
Ofc, several years of the Dragon Flame being on Earth has kickstarted the planet’s Magic.
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utmvarchive · 8 months
Aftertale: a summary.
It began here in the universe whose code designates the timeframe spanning Frisk's tour inside Mt. Ebott "UNDERTALE." In [no mercy] timelines, Sans is the last to be killed before Frisk reaches LV20 and is made contact with from beyond the grave by the late royal adoptee. The first fallen human, Chara, uses Frisk's power to delete the entire timeloop and hijacks their body when the timeline reboots.
"Aftertale" refers to the timeloop that began its deviation from "Undertale" after Sans, in a last-ditch effort to outlast the human in a fight, made one more preparation and, taking Papyrus' scarf with him for emotional support... injected himself with Determination.
Sans was split.
Somewhere in the void around reality, Determined beings like Frisk can access a "SAVE" to Reload (loop time from their last SAVE point) or Reset (loop time from their first SAVE point).
After Sans was struck down in this timeline, he'd managed to send himself to the SAVE screen– where Frisk themself would be banished after Chara took their body. Paused at his final moments, one of Sans' eyesockets had already begun to melt, hidden behind glitch artifacts, much of his ribcage was missing, and his "eye" in the other socket lost its yellow, the lower half permanently reddened by the DT that was working to keep him alive.
The hard Reset happened, but this Sans in the SAVE screen was exempt... mostly. When he escaped to the void, he was dying. He only had about a ninth of his SOUL left when the Reset took effect, and the Sans in the rebooted timeline was missing that fragment from his SOUL as if they'd broken off from each other.
The Sans in the timeline started waking up with memories of the previous loop, catching "Frisk's" attention as they started playing out different scenarios. The Determined Sans, still able to watch the timeloop as it continued to deviate from Undertale but unable to use the SAVE screen despite reaching it, started making contact with his other self between Reloads, addressing himself as Geno to the Sans still in the timeline out of survivor's guilt.
Geno, watching the timeline from the void, used these moments to plead with Sans to help him take Chara into the SAVE screen and, rather than return control to Frisk, attack them before they could use it and keep them both hostage. His goal was to stop the cycle of muders by ending the timeline forever. Sans never agreed.
Geno brought Sans again after he'd stolen back Papyrus' scarf from "Frisk" when he had a breakdown and had the idea to share the worse of his memories with Sans. It didn't persuade him to help Geno with his plan, but it did finally push Sans into a breaking down himself in front of Papyrus, causing them to have a talk they hadn't had before and helping Sans realize what isolating himself does to him... and to Geno.
Sans surprised Chara at the Ruins door and tricked Geno into taking them and Papyrus into the SAVE screen. Geno, caught off-guard, started a fight with Sans, who still had Chara with him, but Frisk, who'd been kept in a bone cage since warning this timeline's Sans not to trust Geno, called Papyrus over to break them out. Frisk was given the chance to help Papyrus intercept the scene, wearing down Geno's resolve to fight Sans for Chara, and the battle diffused as Papyrus consoled him.
...The two were left to talk while Sans had a talk with Frisk and Chara. Chara was still vengeful toward monsterkind for the fates of the other six SOULs, but eventually surrendered Frisk's body and passed on. Frisk made a promise that their next Resets would be the last. And finally, Geno conceded to try Sans' way this time, but restated that he would do things his own way if/when it didn't work.
Frisk went back to complete one more [true pacifist] timeline, this time with Sans and Papyrus remembering the SAVE screen events and meeting them together outside the exit from Home's ruins while Geno watched. Warily hopeful, he decided the shadow of Dr. W.D. Gaster overstayed his welcome, forcefully turning down his offer to assimilate into the dark of the void but offering that perhaps he could visit the scientist some other time.
Once back outside of Mt. Ebott, Frisk came back to the SAVE screen with Sans and Papyrus to maximize Geno's HP with a butterscotch-cinnamon pie as he exited. It worked, restoring most of the melted half of his skull apart from a "scarred" eyesocket, and he was almost immediately given a warm welcome by Toriel, Undyne, and...
...and me.
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tuney-dreemur · 5 months
Underappreciated Indie Animations pt. 2
Ongoing / Pilots
Wayward Light - Studio Gryphon Gable
Fight to Exist - Atomic Doodle
Pandemonium - Purple Un!verse
Respiritgina - Ari Animates
Michinoku Toge - Michinoku-toge
Revamped - Revamped Roses
Bob’s World - Wizzymmd70
The Stolen Hope Reboot - Galemtido
Dragons Blood - FluffyGinger
Tales of Zale - Sif Savery
Welcome to Dreamworld - Rainbott
God’s School - God’s School: The Olympian Gods
Spaces Ages - Lunie Loon
In Production
The Will of Monsters - Chimera Omega (Chris Wade)
The Moon and Me - Elioli art
Heroic Six - Brittany Robinson
A Slice of Life with Strawbunny & Friends - Strawbun Friends
JUNO - JUNO Series
Defenders of Alodia - DoA Cartoon
Infinite Powers: Ray of Light - Marigold the Fox
Allister & Melody - Luximus
Cream & Spooky’s House of Terrors - Rosehards
Cupcake’s Town - Cupcake’s Town
Please Stay Tuned - Please Stay 2nd
Circus of Wishes - Edmeadart
Puppet the Nightmare Elf - Night Elf Show
Lumeon Lands - Spro Daniel
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