#the stone hashira
helloescapist · 7 months
Describe It to Me | Gyomei Himejima
Word Count: 1761
Setting: Gyomei x gn!reader (reader is a kakushi)
Content Warning(s): mentions of gore/violence, angst
Summary: a tap at your window, an emergency request delivered by a kasugai crow leads you to to devastation and a man you had not seen since the Final Selection.
A/N: full disclosure, I lost where I was going with this, and just cut it short. 🫣
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Cries echoed into your ear drums, the stanch scent of iron that threatened the earth beneath your feet. Tarnished soil, dragged and muddled across gore and destruction. Limbs that tangled beneath their own weight, splintered, and shattered in the depths of the dark. The night robbed of light, the moon shied away from the horrors that you bore witnessed too. As though the sight were far too much for the gentle spirit to bear, the devastation littered throughout the landscape.
Trees torn from their roots, evidence of their once productive life, snubbed out with a single thrust.  Trunks threatened to smash to bits, the mass majority of branches fractured. Only the occasional splintered branch worth consideration of mulch in the years to come. Left ruined amongst the forest floors. Foliage robbed of any chance of survival, crunched beneath zori. The embroidered mark of the slayers before you as you pressed forward, bundled together in a close knit as kakushi often traveled. Averted eyes that struggled to process the bloody scene. The ache of your heart upon your sleeves, the stench of death that left you unsettled and uneasy. An unusual nightly excursion to a devastated area, the call having been one of desperation begging for aid, a large quantity at that. A Kasugai crow that rattled against your bed window. Rose you from your slumber, leaving you with little time to process the severity of the situation. His delicately obsidian feathers were immaculately maintained soothed only by the night wind. A shadow amongst the cover of the trees, the distinct caws assisting with guiding you amongst the terrain. Small scowls you had been quick to decipher as attempts to assist your travel in the depths of the night. Shooed away any doubts, and anxieties that may have begun to fester in the pit of your stomach, and urged the others of your group to remain steadfast to the cause. Though they were less than tactful at tucking their emotions away, despite the clothes that clung to their features. A final cowl from the Kasugai. You had arrived.
              Iron that threatened to spirit away your senses, overwhelming taint that threatened the vile in your stomach. Eyes that followed the trace of gore, and the eyes that met your own. Trembled from the faint glow of the lanterns you bore. Momentarily stunned, and confused, regardless of the time that passed you always found your feet. Bared your weight when your body threatened to give out, carried you regardless of how your heart hesitated. Fingers that weaved and picked through torn uniforms, the furrow of your brows as you patched small scratches, grazed over the smallest of blemishes.  Several of the slayers falling in the mizunoto, new recruits that appeared dazed and confused. Dazed to the point that they neither flinched, nor registered the way your hands skated across their craniums. Evaluated their response, their reflexes. All well intact, the flutter of their chests, and raps of their breath as  though the air threatened to abandon them. Their heartbeats rattling into your fingers, throbbed in veins and dashing beat, painfully aware of the clammy state of their skin devoid of color. “What happened,” your pressed, their eyebrows at the met of their tone betraying their frustrations.  Snubbed of the greet of the teeth, it’s surprising how little the uniform shielded slayers from the wrath of the bearer. Taro’s bad temper once again straying him to rash decision making. A fairly recent transfer, he had indicated the desire to try his hand at caring for the wounded, and assisting their travels to the Butterfly Estate though his bedside manner betrayed any such sentiments. Whispers that the boy had merely wanted to avoid shuffling swordsman to the smithing village not without reason. The youth was tall, and barrel chested, so much so that his uniform left little to the imagination, nor did he take into consideration the way his size towers over the newer recruits, “OI! Answer me.”
              “Shock,” you sighed, allowing yourself to draw to your feet. The patches of bandages secured to your patient’s face. The skim of the other kakushi readily at work before cutting your eyes at the kakushi at your side. His annoyance beginning to fester to the point that his fingers had caught at the brows of the patient, threatening to draw them to their feet should they not answer. “A patient that exhibits symptoms of shock should be treated with care—he’s not going to answer you,” the drip of warning poised in your voice. As sharp and lethal as the dagger secured at your hip. All too aware that the cloth shading your features to the night would not protect the inexperienced kakushi from your wrath.
              The pitter of voices, fallen into trembled tones. Shook with e ach word that parted from dry lips, guided by the beckoning way of a subordinate. The frantic touch, drawn to rush to their side. Eyes that met the scratch of blood that had met at the top of the skull, being tended to with delicate fingers as the words threatened to overflower. Rattled mumblings of demons, and surprised attacks. The shatter of bark, and the sickening moan that it had released. A giant that could bear the weight of trees, yielded them as mere weapons no more than a means to combat a beast of the night. The tremble of the victim’s eyes and dilated pupils, telling symptoms of hallucinations. Concussions. The passing thought to review their status before the feathers ruffled near your ear. Perched a small creature that threatened to consume the entirety of your shoulder, its little beak peppered through your hair. It’s frail voice near begging, near mournful of its pursuits. The little crow who had dared the darkness of night to seek assistance. “Is this Kasugai perhaps yours,” you whispered to the ramblings of a madman. Ignored, and threatened to send the individual into a state of panic. The threading of their fingers through their hair,  scratched into the aches of their scalp murmurs that were incomprehensible. The kakushi at their side, rattled by the sudden lurch of their body. Fumbled and anxious cries that bellowed, drew a finger to your side. Caught your eye at something that emerged from the ground. As though it had splintered the earth. A stone—no, the oddity of the shape a blade of some sort. The nudge of the crow in your ear, feathered through the strands of your hair at the insistence. Hefty, an abandoned blade amongst a battle field, far too aware the severity of such a loss should incur. Lifting upon it, caught amongst muck, an unholy mixture of dirt and blood that threatened to confine the remainder of the weapon. Chains that emerged like the dead from its pull. The sickening staunch of a scent you rarely had interactions with. Brain matter that clung to speared ends. Metal that formed tips, and edge upon the end of the chain. A ball marred by the spikes that bore casualties, the opposite of the hefty discovery clenched between your fingers. An axe and flail, and the weight your heart threatened to stop. The bit of your body stumbled to bear its weight. Giant. Fear taking over the better part of your senses, the distant reflection of a man. A mountain of a main carved from stone by the gods, the callous of his hands curiously embracing the touch of wisteria petals unheeded by the blood at his fingertips. Delighting in the presence of such beautiful fragrance though he would never know the sight that marveled before you. His mere presence the only reason you had survived the Final Selection, and the whisper of his voice, deep and soft, “Describe them to me.”
The only payment he had requested in return for your life.
The rush of feathers fluttered against wings as the shrieks of a scaw rang through your ears. Threatened your senses and drew you to muster what little strength you could manage. Strained muscles shook your core. Numb to the weight, leaving little choice but to draw the tug of the chain. The spike far too much for you to heave as it dragged through the blood-soaked dirt. No time to acknowledge the tears that edged their way to your eyelashes.
“T-Take me to him,” you demanded.
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dubylou-draws · 3 months
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Namu Amida Butsu
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meowzfordayz · 11 months
NSFW Alphabet — Himejima Gyomei
Author’s Note: as w/ all headcanons, these are simply my opinions in this exact moment of writing, and are subject to change depending on the context/my mood! 😉
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NSFW Alphabet — Himejima Gyomei
Himejima Gyomei x Reader
Word Count: ~2,800
CW: 18+NSFW, explicit language, Fem!Reader, mast!rbation, oral, size difference
Aftercare? what they’re like after sex
Gyomei’s aftercare is very loving and very simple. You can generally expect a quick rubdown with a warm washcloth, a cool glass of water (tea if/when he has the energy), and a soft kiss to your forehead. He adores curling around you after you’ve fallen asleep, murmuring about how wonderful you (and the sex) was as he drifts off. If you don’t like being spooned, then he’s happy to wait until you get comfy, and then improvises a position that doesn’t crowd you, but is still suitable for aforementioned murmurings of sweet nothings.
Body Part? their favorite body part(s)
Gyomei absolutely adores your cheeks (not those ones 😆). How squishy they feel when you grin, how warm they feel after you orgasm, and how lewd they feel with his cum on them; he’d do anything to hear you giggle—pinching your cheek between his thumb and index finger—and always goes the extra mile to ensure they’re hot to the touch after fucking you. ☺️
From listening to Gyomei’s heartbeat, hand slipped underneath his shirt to scratch lightly at his tiny patch of chest hair; to digging your fingernails into his sternum as you ride him, crescents indenting his skin, your movements gradually slowing, needy mewl barely spilling from your lips before he’s gripping your hips, forearms flexed and ready to bounce you on his cock. From gently patting his bum while he’s brushing his teeth, giggling when he raises an amused eyebrow; to gripping his ass, low whine caught in your throat as he fucks the air out of your lungs, trying to tell him T-too deep even as you guide his thrusts further and harder into your cunt, reasonable thoughts i.e. I can barely breathe replaced by cockdrunk whimpering i.e. G-gyomei, pleasepleasep-please! His chest and ass are both Netflix 🥰 and chill 😏 worthy.
While cumming on your face is HOT (Gyomei loves the contrast of how slick and filthy his cum feels on your skin as he traces the outline of your smile), he often manages to get some in your eye(s) 😬, so he tends to opt for your stomach instead. He gets the same satisfaction of feeling his cum slip and squelch, without the guilt of imagining your red, irritated eye(s). That being said, you don’t even have to beg to get him to cum on your face; a breathy, “Please baby, cum on my face,” will do the trick every time.
Dirty Secret? shh
Wants to make you cry (during sex, of course). 🫢 Not from pain, but from the sheer ecstasy and overwhelming sensation of being completely and utterly filled with and surrounded by him. A fragment of Gyomei always holds back while fucking you, because he’s well aware of his size, and sheathing even just half of himself in your pussy is enough to make him tear up. But to make you cry? To feel your tears wetting his thumbs as he caresses your cheeks? To hear your breathy moans of F-fuck and S-so much and G-gyomei, c-can feel you e-everywhere… What he would give to taste the salty sweetness of your love for his cock as he thrusts himself in till his groin is flush and hot against your pelvis.
Experience? their level of experience
Initially, Gyomei’s inexperienced—and somewhat timid about testing the waters—but he’s willing to dip his toe in, then his ankle, and then dive in deep for you. He considers experience to be less about how much he’s done or explored, and more about how well he knows you. So what if he’s never tried impact play or anal? He knows where to stroke to hear you gasp, where to nibble to hear you giggle, and when to hesitate to hear you whimper — surely that’s all the experience he needs? Albeit, he isn’t necessarily a natural, and definitely appreciates lots of praise and reassurance to guide him; sex is a journey, not a race. 🩶
Favorite Position?
Gyomei LOVES when you ride him. ☺️ It’s easier for you to set the pace, allows you to take as much or as little of him as you feel up to, and he’s got the forearms and biceps to bounce you for days should your thighs ever give out. Along with logistical ease, he revels in the moments when you tire, your tits smooshing into him as you collapse atop his sweaty chest, soft huffs and moans caressing his collarbones while he fucks into you. Your fingertips cling needily to his sides, strong arms cradling and rocking you — a tender embrace in stark contrast to the lewd squelch of your hole clenching greedy and swollen around him.
Goofy? their sense of humor
He isn’t the ~funniest guy during sex, but Gyomei isn’t exactly serious either. He’s passionate and fluid; focused more so on your pleasure and feeling close to you than anything else. When any fumbles, queefs, or farting occur, he’s sure to let out a good natured chuckle, and perhaps even a gentle teasing remark (usually toward bad smelling toots haha), but then he’s straight back into getting your toes to curl, your laughter trailing off in favor of gasping for breath.
Hair? pubes maintenance
Shaving isn’t the easiest task for him, but Gyomei understands a mouthful of hair isn’t usually desirable when going down on someone. 😅 Therefore, he trusts you with the soap and razor, inwardly praying that you don’t accidentally knick his balls throughout the process. 🙃
Intimacy? their degree of intimacy
To Gyomei, sex isn’t a chore, routine, or even an adventure; it’s the closest thing to heaven, a drop of water in a desert, as dear to him as a kiss on the forehead. His intimacy shines through, not in rose petals on the bed or candles flickering in a darkened, sultry bedroom, but in keeping the lights on so you can see him better. In telling you precisely how wonderful you feel. In urging you to vocalize your pleasure, your discomfort, your trust in him. To Gyomei, intimacy is a verb — a conscious act of bonding, losing, and finding oneself.
Jack Off? masturbation
Masturbation is often far from Gyomei’s mind; he’s more likely to enjoy mutual masturbation than touch himself alone. He doesn’t abstain out of fear or shame, and in fact experiences boners at a relatively normal rate i.e. in the morning, at random moments throughout the day, and at night if sleep eludes him — he simply doesn’t feel an aching need to relieve himself of physical lust, and prefers to allow it to subside naturally.
Kink? ~specific turn ons
Gyomei doesn’t explicitly nor consciously consider himself to have a size kink, but there is something thrilling about how ragged and breathless you sound with half of his cock sheathed in your pussy — let alone all of him. He’s fond of your fingernails, tiny crescent indents etched into his skin as he works himself into you, hips steady and patient, lest he accidentally hurt you from moving too quickly. And when you whimper lowly, words slow to surface, gaze shimmering with both pleasure and pain, “G-gyomei, you’re s-so big, f-fuck! S’t-too much!” it’s all he can do to refrain from nudging your legs further apart, anxious to watch his cock bully itself into your swollen, pulsating heat. Of course, he checks in to ensure he isn’t actually too much for you, reassurances honeyed and soft—“You’re doing so well for me, my love. Just a little more to go.”—despite the relentless push of his tip and blatant lie (there’s a lot more to go 😵‍💫). Once his hips are flush against your ass (a process that takes upward of five minutes, and plenty of lube), he presses a hot, greedy palm to your lower abdomen, searching for the telltale sign that he’s truly filled your aching hole to its brim, groaning quietly when he feels just how deeply he penetrates you… sooo he totally has a size kink.
Location? where they prefer to have sex
In bed. Specifically yours, his, or the bed you share (if you live together). It’s sturdy, familiar, and accommodates you both (Gyomei’s 7’2” aka ~218cm, so you’d need a sizeable car/shower/couch/etc for other locations to be anywhere near as convenient or comfortable as a bed).
Motivation? ~general turn ons
Hard work and knowing when to ask for help. On one hand, Gyomei’s strongly attracted to those who seek to earn what they’re given. This doesn’t necessarily mean someone who’s overly ambitious, or even someone who’s constantly productive — it’s more so an appreciation for the inherent gratitude and humbleness of those who don’t take anything for granted. It may sound silly, but simply hearing you talk about your day, your dreams, what you’ve accomplished and what you’re still working on, can get him going, “That sounds wonderful, darling. I’m proud of you!” <— as he not so subtly begins kissing along the back of your shoulders and neck. On the other hand, he’s also a giver and protector, and is more than willing to go down on you, make love to you, kiss you until you’re boneless and finally tired, “Let me help you, my heart. You can fall apart with me, I’m here for you.” <— as he coaxes another trembling orgasm from you, his hand slotted determinedly between your thighs, fingers curling filthy, delicious noises from your cunt, your back leaned cozy and safe into his chest, his legs caging your body in a warm, sensual haze. Getting to both reward your hard work, as well as support you through difficult, painful, sad, and/or slow times is certainly pleasurable for Gyomei, and not just sexually.
No? turn offs
Gyomei isn’t a huge fan of verbal degradation or physically rough sex. He finds the sensuality and overstimulating aspects of sex more than enough—Look at me, my love, look at me as I stretch out your pussy… hm, opening your gorgeous mouth for me? It’s too much? You’re so beautiful—without adding aggressive verbal/physical intensity. Besides, the girth and length of his cock more than make up for his disinclination toward faster and harsher thrusts — you’re already being split in two, regardless of how quickly it happens. 😉
Oral? giver or receiver
While primarily a giver—Gyomei’s never felt so vulnerable and weak and happy to die than when he’s suffocating between your thighs—there’s something special about watching you flick your tongue around the tip of his cock, his precum shiny on your lips as you smile at him. “Enjoying yourself?” he rasps, light fingers carding through your hair, following the rhythm of your licks. “Mhm,” you giggle fondly, blowing warm air along his shaft, “You’re so pretty.” He groans softly at your compliment, his cheeks pink as he tugs at your hair, beckoning you upward for a kiss, “C’mere darling, let me taste myself.”
Slow and steady wins the race, and no micro tears is a bonus! 😂 If you beg, “Please Gyomei, please fuck me faster, please, please, I’m begging you,” then he miiight hurry by 0.00001% of his current pace 😃, but he’s just not in a rush — to the point of dissolving you into impatient, needy whines (and he lowkey lives for your whining 😌).
Quickie? a fan or not-a-fan
Sorry not sorry, but Gyomei’s too large for quickies to be realistic (unless you want to be in genuine pain later). If you’re fine with literally just the tip, then he can work something out, but otherwise? Nah. Not to mention, the art of the quickie tends to lack the slow drag and intimacy that he so deeply craves.
Risk? their risk tolerance
Gyomei’s risk tolerance… well… he’s got very little. 😆 He knows he’s more than capable of protecting you from any undesirable consequences, but he’d rather avoid having to shield your naked body from startled eyes in the first place. If, however, you initiate risky behavior (i.e. stroking his thigh in a calculating manner while dining out for dinner), then he’ll play along… usually ending with him slamming way more bills than necessary on the table, and then passionately ushering you out of the restaurant. 😏
As long as he doesn’t cum, Gyomei’s stamina is through the roof. BUT, the moment he cums, it’s over — don’t expect an immediate round two. He’s more than happy to help you continue cumming with his fingers or tongue, but intercourse itself is no longer on the table. Fortunately, his tells are pretty obvious—I’m going to cum soon is about as obvious as it gets—and he never minds being edged ~a lil if it means prolonging your pleasure and enjoyment.
Gyomei’s fine with you owning toys, and loves perusing for new items and treats with you, but he prefers for you to use them only when he’s unavailable. He treasures the process of preparing, stretching, and warming your body for his cock with his own two hands, ten fingers, and one tongue, and introducing lifeless materials into the fray just doesn’t appeal to him. That being said, if you decide to spend the day with a vibrator in your underwear or a butt plug to expediate the evening’s agenda… he’s not going to complain. 😌
Unfair? how they feel about teasing/being teased
Gyomei doesn’t consider himself a tease, although his preferred pacing often makes it feel like he does, nor does he care much for being teased. If you want him, then you want him. If you don’t, then you don’t. He knows teasing isn’t actually a game, and he isn’t turned off or offended by it — it’s just a little confusing for him at times. 😅
Soft groans and adoring filth at a volume ~just loud enough for you to process. Sometimes Gyomei’s voice will raise slightly, but never sharpen in tone, and only because you’re too cockdrunk to hear him otherwise, and he needs you to hear him. He needs you to hear how desperately and sweetly he desires you; needs you to hear how complete and gone you get him; the faint tremor in his voice telling you just how incredible and indulgent your pussy feels. A low groan buried in the softness of your shoulder, his cock sunk halfway into your heat, large hands gripping your waist with unbearable tenderness as he murmurs Gosh I missed this, missed you so much, so so much. You can’t tell if he’s talking to you or your cunt. Probably both.
Wild Card?
Gyomei’s senses are so fine tuned that he doesn’t exactly get the point of sense deprivation for himself, but he’ll blindfold you every so often (with your consent, of course) — an action that emphasizes and heightens the precision and intensity of how he makes love to you. You always wonder if he feels the same way as you do, goosebumps raising on your breasts as he slowly swirls his tongue around your nipple, or if he’s so accustomed to darkness and familiar with your movements that few things you do can surprise him. Regardless, he can certainly surprise you, a soft whimper floating between you as he begins gently sucking on the underside of your jaw, steady fingers lifting your head to grant him better access to your warm skin.
Gyomei is Big™. Approximately 10 inches when fully erect with a squishy, bulbous tip and balls proportionally large and heavy. They’re difficult to fit in your mouth; you’ve definitely tried, and nearly accidentally chomped ‘em due to laughing at the impossibility of the mission. His cock isn’t necessarily aesthetic (thanks to its size, it’s lowkey more monstrous than pretty ����), but it’s visually stunning (~stunning as in, Ohmyfuck how am I gonna fit that in my vagina?! 😭).
Yearning? sex drive
Gyomei’s sex drive is consistent. ☀️ He appreciates getting to have sex at least once a week, but doesn’t need more than twice to feel fulfilled. If you initiate, then he’ll rarely decline, albeit he may request to stick to foreplay and your orgasms if you initiate multiple days in a row (with great cock comes great responsibility; with such a big battery he needs ample time to properly recharge 🪫🔋😂).
Gyomei stays up quite a while after you’ve fallen asleep post coitus, usually reading (Braille)/listening to an audio book, or simply and literally staring at you. 👀 He’s certainly tired and always sated, but prefers easing into post nut clarity — more of a slow fade to ~reality versus a jolting switch from being Horny™ to Not Horny™. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, then he’s more than content to partake in pillowtalk, whether it be about how the sex was, what your plans are for the next day, or planning your future engagement and wedding (assuming you desire marriage). 💞
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genyayy · 6 days
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+gyomei bein a lil stalker
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samofthecelts · 3 months
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Read below for exciting update!
As of today, I am the mod for @himejimasan ! Thank you! If you have any questions, just ask!
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colourstreakgryffin · 5 months
sooo, I have another ideaaaa :3
Reader with a naturally very, very warm body temperature!!! Basically like just an oven, reader can basically withstand burning hot places and freezing cold places!
This could be literally any character of your choosing, okay byeee!! :3
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Haha! Awww, I love Obi-Sash in his little suit and this concept is another simple but adorable one, I love it as well and thank you dearly. Thank you for the great time writing this and thank you for the picture, and also. Please pick the character for me, this is your request, not mine. If you don’t have any choice, please state!
Himejima Gyomei- Toasty Blood
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Gyomei always thought he’d always be the blanket of his relationship with you. He is gigantic, beefy and fit. His skin naturally absorbs heat and makes him nice and warm, especially around all his muscles but you’ve thrown his performance out of the window with your natural body temperature
You’re toasty… like a nice warm oven. Nothing too hot, but more like a comforting fireplace temperature. It’s not unbearable to hug you, in-fact, it’s wonderful at the cold seasons. Gyomei gets to cuddle his short dainty warm partner and feel so comfortable to sleep through the night like a baby
Whilst in the hot seasons… Gyomei isn’t a big fan of your very warm body temperature but that doesn’t mean he would refuse a hug from you. He loves you too much to hurt your feelings over something you can’t control
Gyomei is especially glad you can withstand being within both burning hot environments and freezing cold environments. The pride your beloved gentle giant boyfriend feels when he knows you’re safe whilst being tasked with handling a demon up at the cooly mountains
Gyomei does wonder if you ever struggle with your own toasty blood. Does it make you sweat? He doesn’t actually know and it just seems that you’re completely fine. It’s so impressive, it almost seems inhumane but than again, he doesn’t need to see it to feel it and he loves feeling your warm soft skin under his fingers
Gyomei knows when he touches you, all based on the temperature. He requires his other advanced senses such as smell, touch, hearing to be able to recognise you with his eyes being completely useless, even so. He knows where you are all the time, just based on the feeling of your body temperature
Gyomei finds your, technically, medical mutation absolutely gorgeous and the fact you use it to try warm up your friends. It doesn’t change a single part of you and even protects you from temperature problems. He loves that your body is protecting you as much as he protects you. You won’t ever suffer from any type of overfreezing or overheating. And your golden heart has you try keep others warm… god, he would marry you right now if he could
His precious little angel is skilled and toasty for good. He doesn’t need to get you any blanket to keep you warm during snowstorms. It’s just him who needs you to warm him up
Gyomei never minds the fact you’re as warm as an oven. He finds it comforting and appealing, and even if it gets too hot for him, based on the seasons. He won’t let go, his love for you is infinite and that warmth is his chain tying you to him since, alongside your voice, it’s something he can always recognise
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shikigami-san · 2 days
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Get a man who can do both 💁🏽‍♂️
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flamehashirarengoku · 2 months
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I'm gonna giggle at this all day xD
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shycroissanti · 7 months
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imkazz · 3 months
remembering genyas goofy ahh run then shuddering when i imagine that he learnt it from gyomei
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ninapi · 6 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Righteousness ╝
Premise: Teaching children was his dream, taking care of his buddhist temple his responsibility. Finding love wasn't in his priority list, but not having to take care of everything on his own was certainly refreshing for Gyomei and made him feel warm inside.
Word Count: 3075
Note: This is set in the Kimetsu academy world, just so you know~
🎉Happy new year everyone!! 🎉
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The first years in the Kimetsu academy had the best homeroom teacher, everybody knew this and they were incredibly jealous of them in the senior classes.
Himejima Gyomei, despite of being this big and imposing, had a heart of gold.
He loved every single one of his students as if they were his own children, getting to know what they liked and what they didn’t, always willing to help them with their concerns and they would always end up opening up to him no matter how uncomfortable the subject was.
For example, Kanao got her first period in one of his classes and he, even if he had no idea of how to deal with such a problem, went to get her some warm tea and shared his cat shaped cookies with her while her sister finished class and was able to assist her further. 
He was such a tender, heartwarming man, that everyone wondered why he was still single, his students specially.
“Himejima-sensei, when are you giving us a baby brother? I really wanna see what it would look like, don’t you Tanjiro? If it’s a boy I bet he’d look just like his dad, wouldn’t that be something?” Zenitsu used to be scared of him, so having him accepting him this much always made Gyomei’s heart sing.
“I can’t make babies without a wife…Do you want me to ask Kochou-sensei to add some sex-ed to your biology classes? It worries me a little your lack of knowledge in the matter…” his comment made the entire class burst out laughing, Zenitsu’s ears turning bright red.
“I know that! I just..I just…”
“What he’s trying to say is that he would like you to have a happy home with a wife and children, sensei. You do deserve that and we all agree.” 
“Tanjirooooooo….!” tears staining his cheeks, he was always so grateful to have a friend that truly understood his every word to perfection to save him from eternal humiliation.
“I appreciate your concern, dear students of mine. But I can’t even own a cat, I have too much work with the school and the temple, I can barely sleep. That reminds me, remember we are having a festival this weekend in the temple grounds. Make sure to come if you have the time, there will be many delicious treats in booths this time around.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Gyomei inherited a Buddhist temple a few years back when the owner, who had no children, had past. In his will, he stated that Gyomei was the only one he could think of as his successor even if they weren’t blood related, and as an orphan, he couldn’t feel more proud.
Taking the temple was fine at first, it was a middle sized temple hidden away in the middle of the city, not many people would come by and taking care of it mostly just meant some extra chores. The temple also came with housing, hence it was just a bit more of cleaning to do than usual.
But in resent months, his temple gained fame as there were rumors that you’d become stronger if you bought their amulets and prayed there, the owner being the proof of that.
Suddenly a bunch of teenagers started visiting frequently, mostly misguided ones, making it their meeting place.
To Gyomei was actually refreshing, he would share tips with them on how to grow muscle and some of them even started considering leaving the type of life they lived and become priests. That much was the influence he had on them, and it was a good one.
The ex-biker gang of teens were quite useful to have around, instead of doing mischief around town, they started coming to the temple daily and helping with the chores. The ‘training’ they received from Gyomei leaving clear results on their muscle gain and they were all livid.
This time around they were tasked to help him build the booths for the festival.
Among those, there was one boy who wasn’t part of that gang that you could still see always there in the temple as well, one of his beloved students, Shinazugawa Genya, who had the title of being his ‘disciple’ according to him and the other kids at least.
While he didn’t get any special treatment, he did focus on the arts of the religion itself with him more than with the others, as he doubted he would ever get an heir and wanted to entrust the knowledge he received from the previous priest to future generations.
The summer festival was somewhat of an unexpected request from the town’s municipality. Of course he knows temples frequently have festivals, specially during summer months, he’s been to quite a few himself. But he never thought he’d have to plan one…
The festivals are a sort of income for the towns people and also provide enrichment to the youth and the elderly, he couldn’t refuse the proposal. But he had no idea of what was needed besides the building side of things, so he decided to focus on that and take the opportunity to share some skills with the boys that might help them in the future.
One of the boys however, one of the most reckless of all, had a sister about his age, maybe a bit younger, who was the one raising him. He was aware of this, when the kid’s parents died he chose the wrong path, ended up meeting the wrong kind of kids and it was giving troubles to his sister who worked very hard to provide for both.
He decided to call for you, with the excuse of needing a female touch for the festival. The boy was over the moon knowing he could be more helpful than the others by just having an older sister, who happened to be very pretty as well.
“She’s here, Himejima-san! My sister!” you made your way up the long stairs lining the side of the street until you found your little bother clinging to this massive mountain of a man. He looked happy, like when he was little and would show you a rock he found in his way home, he used to be so pure hearted…maybe not everything is lost just yet.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N). I’m glad to finally meet you, you’ve been a great influence in my brother’s life, I’m immensely grateful.” the way your loving smile graced your features as you glanced at your younger brother, the way your voice was laced with so much appreciation and the way the slight breeze moved your hair around like a shoujo manga panel, made his eyes fill with tears; rivers of them going down his face almost instantly.
“Himejima-san? Oh my god, are you ok? Did I offend you in any way?” You were panicking, never thinking you’d see the day a man as massive and masculine as he was could sob out in the open like a baby.
“Don’t worry, nee-chan. He cries over everything…” the kids chuckled at his words, making the older man blush.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. You were just so pretty looking at your brother with such a tender loving gaze, it was a beautiful scene, even for someone who can’t see.”
“See? I told you guys…he’d cry at my sisters face! HA! I’m going to be Himejima-san’s son in law!”
“You mean brother in law, you idiot…” words came out of your mouth without thinking, making you flush bright red. “I- I didn’t mean it that way…it’s just..he doesn’t go to school so I have to correct him when he says something out of…” your mumbling made the man smile, you were a lovely woman, his heart aches knowing you’ve been raising this child on your own after your loss, dealing with a little delinquent most be even harder.
“It’s ok, I do the same all the time. I am a school teacher after all. It’s a good practice.”
“This is what you miss for not going to school! Himejima-san could be your teacher!”
“He wouldn’t, he’s a first year teacher, I’m a third year…” poking his tongue out at you, he went back to building the takoyaki booth with his friends.
“I’ve tried that, but they really don’t like school…”
“It’s hard for them, they’re actually good kids, they just don’t fit with society’s rules and that causes them to go a little wild. He’s been asking for materials lately and to be very honest, I don’t mind him using my money for paint and some wood instead of having him stealing it to buy cigarets…you’re a great influence in them.”
Your words were hitting the spot right now. He wasn’t doing this to get anyone’s recognition, he just always felt the need to pass his knowledge down, to help others succeed in life. But it felt good having someone acknowledging this for the first time, it made him feel like he was indeed doing some good out there, that inheriting this temple was actually work of the gods and that this was indeed his call. 
“Thank you, your words are very kind.” he didn’t really talk much, but he was crying once more and this time around you found it more adorable than anything, specially his little handkerchief with an embroidered kitten on it.
“What can I help you with, Himejima-san?”
“Well, I need a priestess to help me make and sell the amulets. Is that something you’d be interested in?” 
“Oh, so that’s why you needed a woman, I see. Sure! What do I need to do?”
You spent all the afternoon learning the craft of making the pretty embroidered amulets. You never imagined a man like him would have such a hobby, in particular a blind man, but he was very good at it even. “So that handkerchief of yours…did you embroider it yourself?”
“Oh this?” he showed it to you, it was surreal, there was so much detailing it must have taking him ages to make. “Yeah I made it during lunch breaks, the other teachers are a bit loud so I just sit there on my chair keeping myself busy.” 
“You’re really something else…” your giggles were something he began to appreciate from the moment you stepped on his temple grounds, but he grew fonder of them even more as you spent more and more time together.
The coming days you’d come and visit the temple with your brother after work; they’d already built most of the stalls and you were diligently working on the amulets with Gyomei. It was a nice dynamic, he’s never been this busy, yet it felt so invigorating having all this loving creatures around him all day long. Specially the one sitting next to him, dozing off on his shoulder with a needle dangerously close to her mouth.
“(Y/N)…” he tried shaking your shoulder gently but you were completely gone for the day. It was a hell of a day at work and your brother asked you to make his bento box as early as four in the morning since he’d be out all day building things. You were exhausted to say the least.
Since you weren’t waking up, Gyomei scooped you up in his arms and took you inside to his apartment, laying you gently on his bed. He then called the boys and told them to go home as it was already quite late, your brother going with them instead of staying with you, unsurprisingly.
While you continued sleeping peacefully on the man’s bed, he went to his kitchen to prepare dinner. Would you wake up in time for dinner? What would you even like to eat? Was this a date? He technically took you in his house without consent…would he be in troubles for this? He really doesn’t want you to hate him…
He went for the safest choice, some gyoza and side dishes, noting too heavy and easy to eat. He also had beers if you wanted one, but also juice, coffee even, he was a ready man.
“(Y/N)…I made some gyoza…come eat with me, you need to replenish your energy.” this time though you did hear him, more like the delicious smell coming from the kitchen got you to wake up.
“Himejima-san…?” you looked around in confusion as you were in an unknown location, him being the only familiar thing at the moment.
“You fell asleep outside, I brought you in so you wouldn’t catch a cold. The boys are home now, but I made you some dinner…” you could see he was nervous, it was cute how he was fidgeting with the pink apron he was wearing, the tips of his ears a little red, noticeable even on his darker skin. He was a sight to behold regardless if he was showing muscle or being tender like right now.
“Thank you, you’re always so kind to me.” getting up from his bed, you followed him to the kitchen area were he had a small table with two chairs ready for you to enjoy the goodness he just prepared while thinking in nothing but yourself.
“You don’t have to come help every day if you’re this tired. You could get sick, besides I bet you have better things to do…”
“I like helping you, Himejima-san…” he chocked on his gyoza, making you hand him his glass of water.
“Y-you do…?” he mumbled in between coughs as he was desperate for you to elaborate.
“I do. I like our amulet making time, and helping you clean and be with the kids in general. I’ve been spending a lot more time with my brother lately because of that too, getting to know his friends and of course…you…” nodding you kept on eating the delicious treats, while he processed your words.
“I like it too you know…all that…” he wasn’t the best at this, he wasn’t even sure if this was that sort of talk or not but he had to let you know he felt the same in case it was.
“Y-you…you’re very kind and easy to work with. I wish you were my priestess always, not just for the festival…” the implications of those words hit you harder than it should, he wanted you there always, that’s the only thing you got out of that, and your face was suddenly very red and warm.
“Are you in need of one? I mean…what would I have to do?” this got him out of his nervous trance, were you really interested in this?
“Well, the same but less frequent, as this is the first festival we hold, its normally not this busy, just help me make amulets and sell them on your time off, maybe help me swipe the leaves during fall, things like that…”
“Will I get a pretty outfit matching yours?” your giggles made themselves shown this evening, making him shake to his core.
“I can get that sorted out…” you’ve never seen him smile like that before, he was always so stoic looking, even in his soft moments. 
“Then I guess we have a deal, boss~” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The festival weekend was finally here, the stalls filled to brim with delicious goodness and fun games.
His students came to the festival, Genya being as pushy as ever to get everyone spending their allowance in the festival. While Tanjiro was having a blast wining plushies for Kanao, Zenitsu was looking for his teacher.
“Himejima-sensei….can you rub my back? I think I pulled a muscle…” he plopped on a chair inside the little office the temple has, to his surprise, he wasn’t there but a lovely woman dressed in the most beautiful yukata he’s ever seen.
“Ugh…who are you??”
“I’m in charge of selling the amulets, would you like one? They’ll make you strong. Might help with your muscles~” you could sell him an empty plastic bag and he’d throw his money on your face immediately.
“Yes please, I’ll get all I can afford with this!” he handed you a bunch of coins, making you smile, “Is there a possibility you can write your number on the back of it? I mean…in case I want to buy more in the future…you know…” he was blushing and you just couldn’t hold your giggles in, an immediate call for Gyomei to come out.
“Agatsuma, you can come if you need another amulet any time, they will be for sale here in the temple, you're always welcomed.” the way you looked up at him all bashful and prettily made Zenitsu shudder with realization.
“WAIT! Sensei!! You didn’t tell me you had a lovely wife! Why would you keep her hidden? I almost try to get her for myself!” 
“Like you could, man…” Genya was snickering on the side, shaking his head.
“S-she’s not m-my…” 
“Here’s your amulet, Agatsuma-kun. If you ever need another just come, we’ll be here to sell you as many as you need~” you rested your hand on Gyomei’s forearm and his entire set of organs turned to goo, Zenitsu turning red at the implications of your words.
“Got it…Genya you should have told me sensei was dating, I almost did something stupid!”
“You always do something stupid…”
“W-we are n-not…d-“ he wasn’t able to finish his sentence as you pulled him down on the chair near the window, leaning down to hand him a cold drink. “Can you cover me for a second? I need to pee.”
And so, Himejima Gyomei was not that alone anymore. 
Not only did he have his loving students, a home, two jobs and an entire biker gang of teens at his disposition, but he also had a loving woman by his side now, one who accepted him the way he was and was wiling to assist him without even questioning anything. Someone who makes his heart flutter and his insides melt. 
Maybe this year will be better than the last…maybe this year he’ll get the things he only ever dreamed of having. Maybe this year, he’ll get to fall in love.
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Masterlist <- (Sanemi, Giyuu, Kyojiro and Tengen's version)
Note: This concludes the teacher version of my Kimetsu Academy series~ There might be a students version of this series a little later on, in case you're interested...👀
34 notes · View notes
helloescapist · 10 months
The Hashiras in a Relationship | Gyomei Himejima
Word Count: 6501
Setting: Gyomei Himejima x gn!reader
Content Warnings: none 🪨
Summary: headcanons Gyomei Himejima as a relationship partner what it would entail from dating to commitment.
[image is not mine]
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To be loved by the Stone Hashira is to know home. To be loved by Gyomei is to welcome the embrace of a family. To be greeted upon your arrival home, his welcoming smile lighting the genkan as you slide your shoes off at the door. To know support as he shoulders your burdens, willing to carry more than just your empty bento lunchbox to the kitchen. It’s heartfelt inquiries, gentle backrubs at the end of a long work day. It’s to small the distinct comforting scent of your favorite meal, the knowing way his touch dances on your shoulder. Lingers for just a moment as he offers the plate before you, having detected the smallest unease in your voice when you had passed each other amongst your duties. To be known and accepted for the entireity of you, from your small quirks and the wrinkle of your nose during frustrations, to over excitement over little things. To be loved by the Stone Pillar is to know comfort, to know security. The plush of warm blankets, the little spoon snug into an embrace. The comforting press of a hug at a moment’s notice.  It’s to be adored for all the little moments you gift him. His love pivoting around you, always ready and willing should you ever call upon it, the foundation of devotion warm and soothing as the scent of the forest intertwined with prayer incenses. To never know abandonment nor neglect, to never know a life of an empty home. To always return home to a warm bed, and meal prepared just for you, the apron secured over his large frame. It is to be the center of his univers, prayed devotion and vows of eternal love.
To be loved by Himejima is to understand that you will need to stand firm amongst the shifting winds. Lean upon the foundation he has erected from the ground up.
To accept that your bond is born of authenticity. Of commitment and devotion for one another.It’s to entrust yourself to him, to know that he will remain at your side regardless of what life or demons will try to tear you apart.
It’s to know that nothing in this world is capable of crumbling the structure that makes up your home. To know that regardless of how intimidating the gentle giant may appear, beneath his looming surface is a sweet man, who cares greatly for those around him.
To know that he will guard you at all costs.He is a protector through and through. He will place the wellbeing of you and others before himself. It is to accept that for all the physical strength he exhibits, his scars will need mending.
Touched upon kisses, and resolved to know that this part of himself, he will never sacrifice. He will never turn a blind eye to an injustice, though it pains him to know such scars burden your heart.
It is to know sensitivity, to dry the tears spilt on behalf of others. To ease his sorrow, and tend to his heart. To know that his tears are not merely dramatics, but born of his sincerity for every living creature. His upbringing instilling the greatest of values upon his soul, fragile to the world around him.
To be loved by the Stone Pillar is to witness a new world, one that cannot be placed into words. It’s the depths of the soul, unraveled upon the heart, and sheltered by devotion. Safeguarded amongst all those who unworthy.
It is to be seen, really seen for the very essence of your being. To be welcomed, and embraced. To be loved by Gyomei is to know devotion. It’s to know hard work edged across stone. Modest in his accomplishments, and objective to all that stands before him.
The touch of soil beneath his finger nails, the draw of sweat across his brow, the prayer beads caught between his fingertips. It is to be cared for without pretense regardless of background, past, or objectives.
It is to know that while he may meet others with reservation, all are equal beneath his gaze. Gyomei is a man of the earth, not drawn or tempted by jewels or titles, but by the sway of hearts tender and true. Loyal. Exhibiting the same respect for a man in rags as he would greet a master of the land.
To be with Gyomei means accepting tears, allocating tender acceptance of his delicate heart.
Embracing the sanctity he maintains for all life, as well as knowing that he will often feed any strays that wander by your door. Often savoring the quiet of midday upon the veranda with the cats that have maundered to his touch drawn by the promise of food.
To be with the Stone Hashira means that you will have to stand firm against adversities. To meet the challenges of every day life, and to understand that there will be naysayers. To endure the doubt of the world around you, those who dare to impede upon your partner’s honor met with your resolve. and back hand. Your loyalty as unwavering as the ground beneath your feet.
Firm, committed to the life you have built together come what may. To know that he shares the same determination.
The Stone Pillar is resilient to change, and his unwavering fidelity, I believe that your meeting would be something that would be fairly… well mundane. An everyday occurrence born of your spirit. Because of this, I imagine that there are two circumstances that would draw you to him.
The first, would be one that he has known since he was a child. A friend that he had met upon stumbling across the temple grounds on Mount Hinode. Your family’s desire to meet with the priests. The initial meeting pondered upon him, having grown born with your parents’ discussion. Drawn away by the curious sound of a shakuhachi. A little inexperienced, tumbled and fumbled over fingers that were beginning to adjust to the flute between his fingers. His dexterity growing more capable over time. The small patter of your steps across the grass, curiously peeking through the bushes until he dared to call you forward. A little older than yourself, or at least you were left to assume from stature. The years to follow drawing your visit, encouraging him to play as any other boy of the time, to visiting the rundown temple in which he raised small children as his own when work allowed it. Sure to bring what provisions you could carry with you upon your journey. Faithfully reuniting with the group at the first of every month regardless of the snags of leaves through your hair, or cuts across your cheek. Warmly greeting them, and inquiring how the time apart had treated them. Marveling at any milestones or accomplishments that had been made in your absence.
The second, would be a kakushi who’s dedication to the Demon Slayer Corps was relentless. The hours dedicated to guiding him through the numerous estates in your youth. Growing older as time dwindled between your fingertips, awarded a veteran status amongst the kakushi while he had raised through the ranks to hashira..  Years of mending lacerations throughout his mission conquests, often times acting as a personal medical. Far too willing to stray into an active battle field in your earlier years—subjected to his scolding. The man is after all a fortress in himself, more than capable of fending for himself, but still you relented. Stubborn to the core, your unwillingness to leave a man behind one night resulting into you slammed into a boulder. A demon pressed into your flesh, desperate to elicit any information it could retrieve from you. By any means necessary. Yet, you remained firm, unyielding to his demands offered only freedom upon Himejima’s arrival. The break of your voice as you greeted him, revealed the depths of your wounds shattered his heart.
yes, at a later date when your wounds were mended, he scolded you once again. Like the good old days, you teased.
Regardless of which scenario, I believe that with how private of a person Gyomei is naturally, he needs consistent interactions with someone to garnish affections for them. For the Stone Pillar, it’s not enough for you to be beautiful—physical traits mean little to him for fairly obvious reasons.
Not that Gyomei would be swayed if he was familiar with your appearance prior to his visual impairment. Any memories of the cute child you once were have been well, more ore less swept under the rug. That’s who you were, and this is who you are.
While he is aware of the touch of your fingers. The softness of your hands, the warmth of your voice. The touch of your cheek beneath his touch, all of it is enough to assure him of how adorable you are, but it’s just not enough.
No, Gyomei is the type to fall in love slowly over time. Years shared between the two of you, securing the foundation of which your relationship will sprout.
It was drawn by morning greetings, shared treats with those around you. Treasured games amongst childhood friends. Meeting at agreed times, shared meals, procuring extra snacks for friends. The warm smile upon being greeted with a flower from a smile child, a weed that you accepted with sheer joy.
Lending a hand across the temple, sharing chores that were clearly someone else’s duty. All born of the kindness of your heart. The sweetness of your day, completely unaware of how it captivated his heart. Your generousity to lend a helping hand to any in need, even if only of the most minor of tasks.
For Gyomei, he is one to fall for you upon witnessing your interactions with others. The grace of facing challenging obstacles, the affection for those around you, because of this, I feel like he’s fairly open to a variety of traits in a partner.
Someone bold and quick witted, an excitable partner who thrives under social experiences, or on the opposite end of a gentle caretaker. Nurturing at their core, the way they care for others could vary and be absolutely unlike his attempt.
Tough love, gentle reassurance, affirmation, or the quiet partner whose presence is enough—as long as at the heart of the individual, their core is kind and docile, he is smitten. An emotional bond is not a key point, but the standard.
As he is the type to fall slowly painfully so, it will come as no surprise that a romance with the Stone Pillar is… years in the making. Gyomei is a well-grounded man, and is not one to fall to flight of fancy.
While this certainly has it perks, it also has it down falls how long it will take him to advance. A salt of the earth in his upbringing, he is realistic in his expectations.
He isn’t fantasizing of grand romantic gestures, nor happily ever after. Truthfully, the logical end of his thinking and unwillingness to daydream creates a difficult starting point for any romance. The former monk is thoughtful to a fault, and weighs all factors of a relationship before committing to you.
Are you a night person while he’s a early riser, are you the sort dedicate hours to day dreams, or are you grounded like him? Do you order gyoza with your ramen, or yakitori skewers? Are you open to starting a family in the future, or have a strong adherence to children?
Will his line of work obscure your happiness, it is after all days between meeting with one another… are you the sort to become lonely, or independent?
Yes, from petty to serious, Gyomei is considering everything.
His over consideration is cultivated from a few things. One, he is truly a thoughtful and considerate lover, and he has zero desires to start something with someone knowing fully well that he could break their heart.
Himejima is not entering into a relationship with the intentions of destroying you, but because the relationship would bring you happiness.
He’s a giver, not a taker. Another thing to consider is that though it may come as a surprise, the Stone Pillar has quite the high expectations of a partner. He’s not settling for someone who doesn’t meet his criteria.
He doesn’t want “for now”, he wants “forever”. No exceptions. Because of this, Gyomei is a patient. He is more than willing to put in the work, and understands that these bonds are not forged overnight, but only through the test of time. again, it will take a long time to move into the attraction stage let alone dating.
If you were to peek beneath his sturdy surface, you would discover that, his hesitation is born of worries… he doesn’t want to have his heart broken. His heart is guarded, and ambivalent.
He will go to great links to protect himself, and avoid potential heartbreak. Because of this, you will find that it will take him quite some time to settle into courting as well as actively pursuing the relationship.
Flirting does not come… easily. Himejima is naturally private as well as soft spoken. He will find opening up rather difficult, and you may find it difficult to determine if he’s interested in you—like THAT.
Attempted advancements are not going to be bold declarations, there will be no song and dance routine, nor can you expect a banquet of flowers.
Truthfully, any attempts he makes at more “traditional” expectations of flirting will be… awkward.
Don’t misunderstand, it’s absolutely adorable and adds to his charm, but smooth one-liners are not to be expected. but will occasionally blindside you.
What he lacks in grand gestures, you will find he more than makes up for it in his thoughtful compliments, and general interest in you as a person. Rather he relies on subtle body language to convey his interest.
The slight blush as the smile forms on his list., leaning forward and hanging on every word. The small hitch as he stumbles over his words, he is more than happy to engage you in conversation, and provide you with undivided attention.
The Stone Pillar is a big fan of day-to-day discussions, how was work? Have you eaten yet? You started a new series? Oh, you made some progress with the stray cat. tell him more.
Himejima also enjoys any opportunity to get to know you, so questions asking about your upbringing, and why you have a soft spot for this specific type of tea/treat.
He could spend hours listening to you recount childhood memories. He loves meaningful conversation. Abstract concepts are wasted on him.
He also retains everything, and I do mean everything you’ve ever shared with him. You prefer white bean filling in your mochi over anko. Chamomile over green tea? Savory over sweet? Winter hues over pastels?
They have all been mentally recorded for a later date.
For Gyomei, he has a rather limited social battery, and because of this, it’s important to note that flirting is by no means a casual pass time. Nor will he spend time on someone who he does not feel a potential compatibility.
The Stone Hashira goes the extra mile to ensure you feel special. Polite and caring, he is more than attentive to the receiver of his affections. he will find any excuse to be around you.
It’s his desire to connect with you on a deeper personal level that is the proof he is interested in you. his compliments will melt you I promise.
Because of how slow the Stone Hashira approaches relationships, it’s understandable if this romance is not for you. Slow burns can take quite the toll on some people, but understand that he would be uncomfortable with a fast pace romance.
I feel like out of the Hashira, he is in the taking the longest tier.
Yet if you have stuck with him for this long, he welcomes the advancement of the relationship.
Whether it has finally arrived, likely the result of someone putting you in peril or forcing his hand, or that you just openly shamelessly expressing your desire to go on a date.
Actually, he’d probably be flustered on how adorable it is to have your small hand catch his. Tug him along, expressing that a new tea shop has opened, and you will not accept no for an answer. his cup is shaking.
Regardless of how you got here you dragged him to the tea house, didn’t you?, you’re dating! Ah, dating? Dating.
Again, Gyomei takes great consideration in pursuing a relationship, and to have you make it this far is no small feat. It’s an indication that you are truly special to him.
He is so deeply concerned about having his heart broken, and getting hurt, that it took him a long time to feel secure to enter this stage of a relationship.
Commitment, intentions, they are all well-meant with him, and he has no desires to play games.
please don’t hurt him..
There are no rash decisions being made. His pace to be fair, you have to be interested in a slow burn if you’re here and you may be tricked into believing that the stone hashira is unmoveable in his courtship. wrong.
You will find as time goes on, slowly but surely, his logical senses are beginning to slip from his fingertips.
Dating with Gyomei means understanding that, he has prepared everything to the fullest of his capabilities. His preparedness is a source of comfort him, and offers him a little bit of confidence.
Little things that blindside him may cause a stumble and fluster him. He really enjoys quiet, intimate moments. While he would be polite and considerate to your desires of a double date, he gets it; he’s intimidating in appearance.
The truth is that, he would really prefer one-on-one time with you. A quiet often over looked restaurant that is often skipped over, or even one that holds significance to your prior friendship status.
He would be the type to also love cooking dinner at home after having wandered the market place. Utilizing whatever goods, you were able to retrieve from the grocer, he’d love the spontaneity of which you procured seasonal vegetables to determine dinner.
Cooking dinner side by side, his fingers allowed to guide along the ribbon of the apron before realizing that his own matched yours, his heart wouldn’t be able to handle it. cue the tears.
Wandering a book store, or setting at the bottom of an aisle in the library. Your head rested upon his shoulder as you read from the page, basking in the sound of your voice as the sunlight from the windows warm his skin. Slipping a stow away candy from his sleeve to express his gratitude.
I just headcanon he keeps small candies on his person to offer small crying children, or to sooth Genya’s temper.
The amount of effort and love Himejima places into courtship, it should come as no surprise that he has no interest in short-term relationships. He wants a soulmate, desires an emotional connection.
A purely physical interaction, he just isn’t interested. If you’re looking for a quick “fix”, this isn’t the one for you.
To be loved by the Stone Hashira is to know that he will always be available to listen to you. Regardless if you wish to simply share your interest, or a dilemma you are facing in your work life, he is more than willing to offer advice and validation.
You may actually find that the advice he gives is worth considering. The chain wielder is practical minded, and has an act at balancing emotions and logic, as well as a master at reading others.
Just as he is on the battlefield, Gyomei has an amazing sense of the inner workings of his environment, and is able to detect when something is amiss. maybe before you’ve even noticed.
The small shift of your voice, the touch of gravel, he has already secured the cold medicine. Averted eyes after a failed recipe, he is sure to reaffirm his affections for you. Reassure you that he knows you’ll get it right next time. will eat a burnt cookie and swear it’s not that bad.
The natural way he gauges the tone of the relationship, Himejima is quick to notice if something he has done has upset you. His mission ran late and you were scared, extra snuggles. A compliment to one of his peers, don’t worry they could never compare to you.
 Gyomei wants to ensure his feelings are reciprocated, and that you never doubt his affections. He is steadfast in promises, and believes in always fulfilling them.
The Stone Pillar is a rock, your rock, and ensuring you feel secure and safe in the relationship takes priority for him. He is a traditional man, and desires a one and only relationship. One that endures the test of time.
Himejima is a dedicated man, and his devotion in his relationship should come as no surprise. While he may often times appear shy and reserved, when he has found the right person to share his life with, you will be surprised by the firmness of his heart. It may take him some time to break through his reserved nature, but you will adore how incredibly affectionate he is by nature.
He just needs the reassurance that you are a safe space to do so. The sound of the resolve in his voice, how open he expresses his love. Secures a strong connection, you will find that to be loved by Gyomei truly means being at the center of the universe.
He is selfless to a fault, and adores any opportunity to ensure your needs are being met.  
It should come as no surprise that he is quick to accomplish tasks, you need assistance hanging a curtain. It’s done. You need assistance with hanging the laundry he’s giggling at the sound of hearing you combat his large kimono in the wind.
He’ll assist with groceries. He’ll carry the broken wagon from where it lost a wheel…The Stone Pillar is not the type of partner to put off to tomorrow, what he can easily accomplish today.
He is the sort to always provide extra time to be around you. To spend any free time in your company, rub your back as he listens to your day. Actually, his over generosity has a chance of becoming problematic in a relationship.
The Ax wielder is so quick to place your needs at the top priority, that he is at risk of allowing his to fall by the waste side. Far too dedicated to ensuring your happiness in the relationship, he will need reassurance that he can focus on himself from time to time. or you just force him to do something he enjoys.
Really, the natural way he absorbs and processes the temperature of the relationship, as well as that of his partner, Gyomei is greatly empathetic. Which can lead to additional stress for him, please be sure to as much care of him as he takes of you—don’t let him loose himself in his caretaker role.
While the task may sound rather daunting, Himejima is receptive to any attempt his partner puts in demonstrating appreciation, even if they’re unsuccessful.
A burnt cake, his heart is warm that you thought to make him one. You set time in your day, just to give him a letter, he’ll crush it to his broad chest. Prepare him a cup of tea when he’s resting from his training, the smile you receive will imitate the sun. Separate him from an especially difficult task to take a break, or shoulder the burden of making dinner instead, really, Gyomei will acknowledge any attempt to take care of him warmly.
He adores having someone pay attention to him, and genuinely listen. He just wants to be appreciated. Actually, for as selfless as he is, you may find yourself having to be the selfish one. not really.
In truth, when it comes to other relationships, he may very well need assistance in reaffirming boundaries. He’s so quick to give of his time, and for the most part you adore this about him, but when you’ve noticed that he has begun to run himself ragged. Scold him. his rest is more important.
It may come as a surprise does it though? that the Stone Pillar is prone to over thinking.
As a result, he can often times be burdened and weighed down by even the most insignificant of details. did the waitress think he was rude for not saying thank you. Did his thank you interrupt her?
Alongside his natural inclination to play it safe, Gyomei would adore a partner who is able to separate him from his troubles. Able to tend to his concerns, but also able to take his hand, suggest an outing for the day.
Maybe a new hobby, a new recipe, visit a new shop, or even just asking him to visit an onsen with you, your gentle spontaneity will go a long way in allowing him to relinquish his worries.
To be loved by Gyomei is to understand that commitment is no small matter. Rather, it’s everything. His ultimate desire, what his heart yearns for, and the expectations he places on the relationship.
He wants a love that will stand the test of time, and he is more than willing to put in the effort to build a strong bond.
Understand, he is aware that not everything is all roses, there will be disputes, and disagreements. There will be highs as there are lows, but he is whole heartedly dedicated to you. Come what may.
It is this strong emotional bond that will ensure adult night hours are eventful, but without it, I suspect you may find yourself sleeping alone. Himejima is stead fast and dedicated to his relationship, so much so that I would place him as the least likely to have an outside of the relationship experience.
He’s not the type to wander from your touch, and it would take an extreme level of neglect, mixed with outward, downright abuse for him to dip his toes into an emotional fair. shame on you.
Despite what his quiet nature may indicate, communicating with Gyomei will come far easier than it would with some of the other Hashiras.
Perhaps it’s his age and maturity, but truthfully, he’s rather adept at navigating conversation. Initially, you may find that he does struggle and appears insecure in the beginning of the relationship.
This is actually due to his over consideration of you, as he is content with listening, and absorbing information. It’s when it comes time for him to share his opinions that the beginning of the relationship may snag.
The Stone breather takes such great care and respect of others, and is so innately empathetic, that he will consider anything and everything he is considering to say. How it could be perceived, if there is a better way to express his thoughts, any potential harm that could be inflicted.
The former monk is literally running all considerations, from your experience, background, and then if that’s not enough, transcribing his opinion into your preferred communication style. Because of this, you’ll discover that as time goes on, and you’re more acclimated with one another, that communication is actually rather natural for him.
He is able to pick up on social cues that others would likely miss, small hints of emotion upon others words. Again, he’s always aware of any change in tone, determined to ensure your happiness, and as such, he’s taking notes. again.
In this life, he is more than aware that you don’t always say what you mean, and small moments in which you’ve lost your temper were not intended slights. But rather, built up frustration, or constructed from being overwhelmed. I think he would do well with a tsundere partner.
The Stone Hashira would just attempt you consul you like a small child—he knows you didn’t mean anything by it. It’s okay, really. there, there.
Rather, it’s his over desire for harmony that may cause a tension in your relationship.
You see, despite his battle prowess, Gyomei haaaates conflict. he’s still upset about how he lost himself in a fist match against a demon years ago.
Because of this, if tension has begun to settle into your relationship, he will do his best to snub out the source, but if the source is coming from you… he’s more likely to sweep it under the rug.
You hurt his feelings, but he would rather just keep it to himself. It’s fairly harmless… at first.
However, these things have a way of building up, and as time goes on, you run the risk of resentment building up. I can see him being passive aggressive like a grumpy stay at home mom.
Truthfully though, you would have to work really, I mean REALLY hard for him to actually actively engage in a fight—and it would, 100% be something that was a long time coming.
Like a pot that was left far too long to simmer, and erupted. like pasta sauce
Because of his steadfast dedication to your bond, the chances of you ever being jealous of another are extremely unlikely.
he’s a one and done man.
The man worships the ground you walk on, and dedicates every moment of spare thought to you. There is just not enough time in the day for him to pursue someone else.
That being said, Gyomei himself could become jealous depending on the mutual appreciation in the level. are you pulling your weight?
If he finds you inattentive, you may find the gentle giant moping like a smile child upon hearing you praise someone else. There’ll be no dispute—he knows that he’s being childish.
However, if he ever actually takes your hand amidst a conversation with someone else. Firm in the way he grasps your hand, reminding you of an errand to complete before returning home—any attempt to usher you from the person.
He’s not mad, and he isn’t the type to throw a tantrum, a chronic conflict avoider, know that this tinge of jealousy isn’t without reasons. Himejima’s ability to pick up tones, and read the situation is what triggered him to resource guard your relationship.
Gyomei will do just about anything to protect your bond. He is after all, one of the most protective individuals amongst the Hashiras.
Your safety, both emotionally, mentally, and physically mean the world to him.
He would never allow you to stray somewhere dangerous, nor would he allow you to subject yourself to personal harm regardless of any benefits you swear will come from it.
he doesn’t care about the raise; he cares about your smile.
As a natural protector, and a man raised in a temple, the Stone Hashira is a natural caretaker. His happiest days were spent raising children in a rundown temple.
As such, you shouldn’t be surprised that a family is in your future. Whether it is children that he has brought home you and I both know you will be an adopted parent, or you have made the decision to carry a few of your own to add to horde, Gyomei wants a family.
A large family.
Made up of all sorts.
If you find yourself uneasy with children, rest assured, he is a confident parent. He was literally made to be a dad. Don’t hesitate to share your fears and bathe in his support. His warm reassurance.
A life of comfort and security is what he will provide for your family. In a modern AU, it wouldn’t be too far off for him to be willing to be a bread provider, or even a stay-at-home dad. he’d love it.
In the Taisho era, he would be the type to continue life. To work the land with a child tied to his back, to welcome his partner and smile, guide the little ones in properly caring for livestock and gathering.
Expressing in a secure relationship would come naturally for Gyomei. This man is a teddy bear, and you were not already tipped off, he is extremely affectionate.
He is the sort to welcome you home, to create the cutest little morning routine with you. Kissing your forehead as he hands you coffee.
Delighted to remind you of a sweet memory as he’s reminded of it by something small, such as the tender chip of birds in the morning surfacing memories of waking up at your side the first morning after. The birds sound as though they may be the same breed.
As such, if you are someone who adores acts of service, Gyomei is the perfect lover for you.
He’s naturally considerate, and quick to respond. He would happily pack your bento, tend to the garden when you’re unwell, and pick up groceries in your place. He’s the sort to notice everything, such as the way you struggle to reach the top of the counter, Gyomei will put his crafting skills to the best of his uses to forge you a step stool, or consider a way to lower the shelves to your fingertips.
Upon hearing the chill of winter has caught your nose, the press of his forehead against yours revealing the small warm of a cold setting in. The fever giving away your state, the Stone pillar would be quick to gather you into your night clothes, and a blanket.
Snuggle you while petting your hair, your condition would only be capable of dipping if he was away on a mission. Not that the chance will arrive—he sent Genya to check in on you.
He is in all aspects, a natural caretaker.
While Himejima is a natural communicator, you may find that words of affirmation will not come as naturally as acts of service. A little ironic as he is putty in your hands if you offer him verbal validation.
It’s not that he doesn’t understand that his sentiments touch your heart as they do his own, he is just a naturally quite natured individual.
His appraisal will not be as enthusiastic as Rengoku’s may be or as, flashy as Tengen’s, but for what it lacks in showman ship, he more than makes up for it with his sincerity.
You see, as time goes on, you’’ discover that is extremely honest. To the point of praising your cooking without a thought. Complimenting you regardless of where you may be. Anything he shares with you; it is not flattery.
It’s genuine.
Similar to words of affirmation, I can see Gyomei initially struggling with quality time. Not because he doesn’t enjoy his time spent with you, he will go out of his way to secure even just a little bit of extra time in your company.
The problem arises in that he is struggles to release his worries and succumb to the moment. Thoughts of work, and duties, tasks to be completed, they weigh heavily on his mind, and while he welcomes them sheltered from his thoughts, he does not give them up easily.
Rest assured, with a bit of assurance that you are in fact adoring the quality time together, he will surely release his hold of duty, and just enjoy the way your hair feels between his large fingers as he combs them through your locks.
As someone who retains everything that you have ever told him, gift giving is something that can be hit or miss. Not because the sentiments are missed, but rather, the timing.
While he has an extensive memory of all you adore, and specific dates and occasions, tokens of affection received during these times will more than hit their mark. Perfectly individualized, and catered to your needs.
It’s during the in between stages, unexpected gifts that he will… yeah, they’re not spontaneous. They may be to you, but he has tucked a mental list of “just because” gifts for a rainy day, and a reminder to pick them up from time to time.
Gyomei likes to be prepared, and as such, you will only be slipping when you discover a trace of the meticulous planning. Try not to be to upset by the lack of spontaneity. It’s all done out of love.
Physical intimacy will take time. For all that he is, Gyomei fears heart break, and as such, to give himself over in a physical aspect can be a daunting task.
Even small tributes of holding hands can be demanding, but he wants them. He wants that bond, but understand that he will not cross into this realm until you have satisfied his desire for an emotional connection.
in times of tension, I can see him withholding, not intentionally out of spite though..
Nor can you expect outward physical romance in public. He is not the sort to kiss you in the market, nor is he the sort to fling his arm around your shoulder, but he is content to take your hand in the crowd. we both know you won’t lose him, but let him use the excuse. Anything else is just…. Improper. there could be children.
As the relationship blossoms, you’ll find how eagerly he is to snuggle. To cuddle into one another, and bask in physical touch. Press his nose against you, to captivate your back in his large frame. Just content to sit loomed over you as you read from the pages of a book.
The reality is, to be loved by Himejima is to know stability. It’s to know security, and unwavering affection. To know validation, and to have someone hang on your every word. Its sweet note pressed into your bento box. It’s showering together, and having your hair lathered. It’s the devotion between the uttered I love you. Proved in every breath he breathes. To be protective, fiercely guarded from all the dangers of the world. It’s to be cared for, to always have a safe place to land. Your rock during trials and tribulations. Comforting grazes, touched upon your shoulder when your voice strays, to be embraced and adored despite any of your character faults. Tender in your treatment. His devotion unwavering, time cannot alter his heart. To know that his affections will never stray, nor fade, but rather cultivate in the years to come. To be treasured. A love as sturdy as the ground beneath your feet. As fertile as the minerals of the soil, and well-tended to as the crops of the changing seasons. To know that he loves you.
He has always loved you.
He will always love you.
In this life and the next.
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ruqa22 · 9 months
GYOMEI is a loving, gentle giant but if it means to protect you from demons, he’ll make sure to do his damn best to keep you safe no matter the cost.
He’s such a sweetheart even though he looks absolutely terrifying because of his massive height. Utterly sensitive and soft-spoken, he’ll cry over the smallest things. Whether it be by breaking a plate or accidentally holding you too hard, his tears will come forth. However, you’re always there to cheer him up. Your comforting words give him peace and his tears will soon disappear.
When it comes to trusting others, it’ll take some time. After all, what happened to him in past has greatly altered his views even with children. But once he allows you to come in, his loyalty is unwavering.
He loves cats. Anything living because of his religious upbringing. However, his estate has some cats roaming, so if you see one, do pet them. But that’s not the reason you visited him. He wanted to spend time with you and enjoy tea together. Even better when you sit in his lap and talk about your day. A patient listener and says his inputs about anything if you need some reassurance. His love language is words of affirmations. Your voice always soothes him and the little whispers you tell him into his ear always makes him smile, too.
And finally, when you both go to sleep, you already know who’s the big spoon. Since he’s massive, you don’t even need a blanket half of the time. A great personal pillow when you lay on his chest. His hands will wrap around your waist and hold you gently to his chest. A few prayers here and there as well as soft kisses and you’re off to a good night of sleep.
a/n: never done this before. a simple thing i did with @softxsuki and we did so many that it was literally hilarious and cute.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
Hello, if I may, could I ask for an emergency request, please? I screwed up one of my finals (the only one of my class to do so), so now I'm going to have to retake the course next semester without any of my friends and it will overall just set me back, so I have been in the dumps and whatnot. So, maybe a soft smut with Gyomei comforting a reader that just feels like a giant screw up that can't do anything right, please? I know this is very specific, you of course don't have to write it if it makes you feel uncomfortable!
Hihi! ☺️ That sucks. 😭 Finals are difficult and stressful, and it's disappointing when hard work doesn't pay off. 😖 I failed my orgo chem final this past spring semester 😬 (my way of reassuring you that you're not alone), but fortunately the class was structured so that if you did well in the other assignment categories, then you could still earn a B (which I did). 😅 Really frustrating tho that that class structure doesn't seem like it was an option for you; I'm sorry for the setback. 😕 On that note, I hope nurture provides a lil comfort for you, albeit I admit it's more generic-soft-smut than anything specific (I alllso got ~carried away toward the end 🙃😏 carried away, translation: horny LMAO). Hang in there; you've got this! 🥺🖤
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Himejima Gyomei x Reader
Word Count: ~800
CW: 18+NSFW, cream!pie, explicit language, Fem!Reader, oral
Song Inspo: Nurture by Sabrina Claudio Suggestion Fulfilled: My kitten~ May I request SFW/NSFW for my Husband. The big guy? // Could I please ask for intimate fluff? Just something to make a hopeless romantic feel fuzzy inside. Of course I'm going to ask for Gyomei, but part of me wants to see how you'd write Sanemi for this, but I digress. I have been audio stimming to a song s of late Nurture By Sabrina Claudio, and with this song in mind, can you write fluff to it for Gyomei?
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“Does this feel okay?” Gyomei whispers into the curve of your collarbone, warm lips raising goosebumps across your glistening breasts, towels tossed haphazardly beside you.
Nodding slightly, you tangle your fingers through his soft, damp hair, ass seated on the edge of the bed, his strong body between your legs, gentle hands resting on your hips as he makes his way downward.
“And this?” he murmurs, nipping lightly at your skin, tongue gliding smoothly toward your nipple, collecting the lingering moisture from the shower.
“Almost there,” you chuckle breathlessly, stifling a giggle when his knees crack as he squats lower, fingers moving to cradle his chin before he continues his ministrations, “You’re beautiful.”
“As are you,” he promptly replies, nuzzling into your palm, “So beautiful.”
You smell beautiful as his hands grip your thighs, spreading them so tenderly that your shy protest fizzles as soon as it surfaces. Delicately, he brushes his thumb over your folds, touch so light you hear yourself whining, your fingers returning to his hair to tug him closer, to ask, beg, demand for, “More.” Again, he brushes his thumb over your folds, this time with enough pressure to elicit a low gasp when he passes your clit. Patiently, he repeats his motion, playing so carefully and sweetly, ignoring the hardness between his own legs as he gradually teases a familiar stickiness from your aching sex.
You taste so beautiful as your grip on his hair relaxes, enabling him to stand, his movements slow and easy to follow as he guides you further onto the bed, spreading your thighs once more as he settles himself comfortably below you, rutting into the mattress while his tongue slides against your inner thigh. “Gonna cum for me before I fuck you.” A statement as tantalizing as it is a guarantee, his favorite form of foreplay laid out before him as he kisses your folds, deft fingers resting at your entrance — a pleasurable promise. Methodically, he laps at your clit, messy and enthusiastic, savoring the tang of your essence, the satisfaction of your trembling; seemingly never tiring, pace impressively steady; slipping one Oh, then two F-fuck, eventually three fingers Gyomei! into your eager hole; well aware of the preparation necessary for penetration to be enjoyable.
You feel so beautiful as your eyes roll backward, the sounds of your orgasm muffled as your thighs clamp around his head, clit swollen beneath his tongue, fingers struggling to curl as you clench tightly. “Feel good?” he smirks as you push weakly at his forehead, changing his position to hover above you, heat emanating from his body even as he supports his own weight, barely grazing you, “Need time to rest?” the tip of his cock smearing precum against your pussy, jabbing lazy and heavy. “M’good, want to feel you,” you mumble happily, woozy from your climax, marveling at the tension in his muscles as you hold onto his triceps, “Fill me up, ‘kay?”
Laughing quietly, Gyomei’s expression darkens, groaning when you suck on your fingers and then reach down to guide his cock into your pussy. He’s unable to shove himself as immediately and fully into you as he’d like, head too bulbous and girth too thick, resigned to a painstakingly slow and torturous process of shallowly thrusting himself in further and further, your sharp inhales and stuttered moans doing little to help his thinning control.
“You don’t disappoint, do you?” you tease playfully, interrupting yourself with a whimper as he grinds himself even deeper into you, wincing at the delicious flash of pain as he nudges your cervix.
“‘Course not,” he mutters, control now dangerously frayed at the needy strain in your voice, broad shoulders hunched over you as he begins a punishing rhythm.
“Told me to fill you up,” hissing at the frantic scratching of your nails across his back as you’re caught off guard by his sudden wave of strength and desire, his muscles flexing.
“So I’m going to stuff your pretty pussy with my cock, gonna have you shaking, cumming, screaming my name, pleading for respite,” balls tightening at your wanton and willing submission, drowning in the feeling of your heat, the slick of your pussy, the sound of air being fucked from your lungs.
“But you won’t get any respite,” he warns, tone adoring and gentle despite the lewdness of his words, “There’s no respite for either of us ‘till I’m able to hear the squelch of my cum dripping out of you, ‘till I have to change the sheets ‘cause you’re leaking everywhere. Might have to plug you up with my fingers, or fill you up again if you lose too much, if I stretch you out too much to keep my cum in.”
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Yandere! Romantic! KNY Himejima Gyomei Headcanons
(Our mighty king of the stones! This Hashira was honestly the toughest to write for! But nevertheless, here is Gyomei!)
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Gyomei as a romantic Yandere has the Yandere traits of; Overprotective, Possessive, Delusional, Controlling, Authoritarian, Vengeful, Manipulative and Patient
- Once again with Tengen, I personally believe Gyomei would most likely never be a Yandere… at all! But for this situation specifically, I’ve done all I can to alter his character so it better fits Gyomei with the concept of Yandere
- Gyomei seems like the type to be a difficult one to turn Yandere but personally believe that Gyomei would get corrupted a bit easier than expected. He may be one giant of a man but he has a truly emotional soul that can grow attached quicker
- He is a very gentle and friendly epitome, both pre and post-corruption. He helps all new Hashira fit in as the most superior of the group, which also applied to you. He sensed your aura when you called for his attention and could tell how gorgeous of a person you are in a instant, and it enamoured him
- Gyomei’s composure also starts withering away around you, the deeper in love he falls. He goes from the intimidating and level-headed leader figure to a extremely lovestruck and shy soul. It’s actually quite cute, however, his feelings don’t stay pure and light-hearted for long
- Gyomei is the most considerate Yandere of the Yandere Hashira. He doesn’t want to interfere on your privacy, he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, he doesn’t want to take nor ruin anything you own. You don’t deserve a broken heart. He’ll be content with what you tell him or what you let him feel for “showing” and keep track of every detail to a extreme
- Though, his respectful nature can’t stop him from taking secret wafts of your favourite’s mixed-berry hair soap concoction. You smell amazing
- Gyomei is extremely overprotective. Your safety is now in his big hands and he’ll gladly perish so you can walk out freely. You’re his life source, his blood, he lives through you and your heart. He doesn’t care how many injuries he gets or injuries he inflicts on man or demon, he cares that you’re safe and you’ll forcefully come home to him. He also guards you whilst out with you like a hulking pitbull dog, nobody will approach you as you got a personal wall
- Gyomei is controlling in his Yandere ways. Does it seem like he is harmfully controlling? I assure you, he isn’t. His form of control is quite minor as he only takes over one very small but very important thing; your crow. He cuts off your ability to communicate with other people so you’ll rely solely on him for socialisation and attention
- Gyomei doesn’t need to see any inch of you with his own eyes to know that you’re otherworldly. He can tell it by your voice, by that sweet gentle voice that makes him melt all over
- “Isn’t such a peaceful time with me and you just riveting? I believe so. Having your attention like this is a true blessing from the Buddhas. You don’t need to be around the other Hashira, stick with me”
- Gyomei is possessive over his love interest in his sick and damaged mind. His name is written all over you now so it means you’re his. He puts his gigantic Happi on your shoulders as a warning sign, why won’t it work on those idiotic braindeads?! Gyomei clings onto you in public and loudly gloats on about that you’re his and he’ll gladly break the jaw of anybody who dare touches you as he won’t accept people contaminating what belongs to him
- He is quite delusional, his sanity blurring and cracking so he believes the one concept he desperately wants; you to love him back and he has convinced himself that it’s only the truth. So, his head comes up with random excuses when you try reject him. You love him! He is the most kind man Japan has, there is no reason you’d ever reject him!
- Does Gyomei kidnap you to keep you at his Stone Estate? No. He kinda just drags you to his Estate after you’re finally home from missions to spend some “personal hangout time” with him and afterwards, openly manipulate you to stay longer then you can muster. It is cruel at times but he doesn’t wish to hurt your precious heart, he’s here to heal all of the pain! Don’t worry
- Did you know Gyomei can cook! He can make any and every grand meal you could ever want. Wouldn’t something like that and love keep you happy enough to stay here? Well, if not, Gyomei will have you come crawling to his Estate for him and his affections, he has lots to offer and nobody has anything to offer
- The definition of a occasional Authoritarian, Gyomei feels the need to dish out specific oppression on you when you misbehave, when you try run away. He doesn’t find it fun but you won’t learn if you aren’t punished, and he won’t hear out anything you may try say to him. No, he won’t his extreme passion for you let you off the hook, you must be trained properly and he does that with mild physical punishment, mainly verbal
- Gyomei is vengeful solely towards his enemies, his enemies being love rivals that attempt in any fashion to steal away your heart. He has lost so many people he cared so much about and couldn’t do anything about it. Now, he can fight back very well and he will, out of his inner burning hatred. Unless you interfere, Gyomei will let loose all the anger he has stashed away
- In contrast to his overwhelming protective and possessive nature, it interferes way too much even in his Estate. He attacks his own cutlery over a knife accidentally cutting you and he gets a bit annoyed if you favour using something of his over him. Yes, it’s there for your pleasure but so is he. Stop looking at everything else when your true love is as close as one can get
- Like mentioned before, Gyomei is manipulative and open about it. He has a very flexible tongue and he can easily get his way around any statement you present. You need to go home to rest? Why do you need to take a long dangerous trip when his Estate has plenty of futons. He does use some tactic of “smart-ass-y, thinking logically” type of manipulation against you to contemplate your want twice and make you comply to his desires
- Gyomei is very patient with you and your long adjusting to your new life routine. He understands, you making that one step from friends to lovers is a gigantic leap. He’ll cuddle you through the struggle, he’ll hold and kiss your hand to make the discomfort fade away. All unaware that he is the reason you’re so distressed
- Though, his obsession with you contrasts all his past beliefs but has made him set everything of his original self on fire to burn. He has abanonded all his original hobbies to worship you, praise the body he can’t see, devote his mentally-unwell love for you. But is it love? You can’t tell with the Stone Hashira
- If you can get past his horribly manipulative, obsessive and twisted character, Gyomei is a very loving and doting partner, and he’ll do anything he possibly can with his two arms and legs to make you happy? Do you wish for him to push his Estate closer to yours? He will. Whatever you want, Gyomei will bring on a silver tray and topped with his overflowing love
- “Yes, I know that getting my hands dirty for you is wrong, my lady. But they were evading your personal space and that’s unacceptable. I had to beat some sense into them so they understand to leave you alone. You’re my spouse, no one can steal you from me… not even for a second”
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sesshyarts · 10 hours
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The Stone Hashira.
Character: Gyomei Himejima. | From Kimetsu No Yaiba. Demon Slayer.
Check out more of my art on DeviantArt or CARA. Same handle.
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