#the thing at the end was really funny tho. also i do hate C (he’s vaguely transphobic) so i can’t even say i disagree with L here
rh3maji · 2 months
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Hey! So I wanted to ask something about determination! reader, have the characters of the movies meet Reader? Like for example Uta or Tesoro of film gold?
Anyways I lover You work and I hope to see the part of Roger! ✨
Hello!!! Sorry for getting to your ask so late, I’ve been really tired these past few days lol.
But as for your questions kinda?
I have to retcon y/n meeting Uta as a baby cause it doesn’t match up timeline wise. I assumed Shanks found her just before Roger died but I’m pretty sure I’m wrong about that lol.
But I do want to write a lil something for Uta, she’s a personal favourite of mine and she in my opinion doesn’t get enough attention.
I’d like to make something about y/n meeting her and somehow convincing her of how the wake-shroom is dangerous, maybe by eating it and dying lol. I might even make something later on with the straw hats meeting up with her in Elegia for a reunion for her and Luffy….plus a duet between her, Brook and y/n would be killer. I just want good things for her 😭
As for Tesoro if think something interesting could be that they both met while slaves, but I’m unsure if that timeline wise since y/n was a slave when boa and her sisters were for an undetermined amount of time until Boa was forced to kill them.
Really sad idea for that though is that in that time Tesoro tried his best to help and protect them before they were killed. Maybe they had even met because he could hear them quietly singing to try and comfort Boa and her sisters and it reminded him of Stella :[
That idea is really funny tho when it comes to one piece gold cause he has a panic attack realizing their
A) alive after he assumed they died cause he saw the girls they were with uncontrollably sobbing, now he thinks they had somehow escaped
B) with the straw hats he’s actively trying to kill
C) damn, he needs their skincare routine cause they look like they haven’t aged at all!
Even if this route isn’t the case, i cousl kinda see him doing his whole thing In gold of trying to capture and kill the straw hats but then sees they have this random kid with them that reminds a little too much of Stella and assumes the straw hats kidnapped them and is holding them as some sort of hostage.
Which in turns makes him even more pissed and determined (lol) to kill these damn pirates and save this kid.
If this was the case of scenario of their meeting, y/n opening up about their own time as well as a slave would be really interesting. Especially since in many regards he became like the world novels he hated, taking pleasure in others suffering as well as having insane amounts of wealth to live in luxury while also being hypocritical and hating other wealthy people who act exactly like him.
Tesoro wouldn’t get why y/n looks at him with a sad and also horrified look in their eyes.
Why they seem afraid of him when he had “saved” them.
Another potential movie character I can see as an interesting person for y/n to meet is Z.
Because for a much as Z hates pirates I don’t think he’d be willing to hurt a kid, not when his was killed. So he’s left in a weird impasse of wanting to kill the straw hats but also trying to keep y/n not involved even if he knows they’re also a pirate and their actively joining in on the fights.
Doesn’t help that the marines there to stop him reaallly want y/n too, so he kinda has to deal with Borsalino and making sure that the admiral nor y/n’s crew doesn’t get them.
I’d definitely imagine y/n would get in heated arguments with the dude, especially since they’re not letting someone mess with Roger’s legacy and cause they get his pain (somewhat at least).
They’ve been on the receiving end of cruelty from pirates.
But at the same time marines have done arguably much worse yet uphold the status of justice.
What is justice when they murder all infants on an island due to fear of Roger having a blood child.
What is justice when they wipe out an entire race of people and take their land to make Mary geoise.
What is justice when they make living weapons.
What is justice when marines can kill civilians with only so much as a small punishment by HQ.
What justice is there in tracking down escaped slaves and being lapdogs for celestial dragons.
At least pirates though some are equally terrible don’t proclaim themselves under the hypocrisy of “justice”. Don’t claim to be holy saints when they try and kill someone for the sin of their father being a pirate.
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barzfrommarz · 1 month
My honest unorganized thoughts on c!wilburs ending
(2 years late)
tw: mentions of suicide
I would put my thoughts on the apology tour here too but I think that will make this post to long so i'm just going to talk about the finale stream itself.
Also this is very unorganized bc I dont really remember how it exactly played out and I could go back and watch the VOD but ion wanna hear wilburs voice so im using the wiki for this therefore I wont have intricate details
One thing I really like is the flashback at the beginning. Especially the fade from L'manburg to the destroyed L'manburg I love it sm it reminds me of Analog horror series
(That part isn't relevant tho that's just me nerding out over analog horror)
They then go to Las Nevadas to try and apologize to Q but get ghosted and im pretty sure it was bc of conflicting schedules or smth but the fact that c!tntduo never got a proper ending pisses me off to this day. LIKE wdym they never interacted ever again??? Wdym if followin the dsmp ending Quackity probably has no memory of c!wilbur??? !?!?!??!?! I rlly just wish they could've gotten some form of closure either from cc!wil or cc!quackity and sure its funny ig that Q canonically ghosted c!wilbur but still??!?!??!?! ugh anyways
Tommys outburst towards wil..."I never used to be this angry" KILLS MEEEEEEEEEEE. Also c!wilbur getting scared was so....NOT EVEN TWO SECONDS LATER tommy fucking asks "Wil, are you going to kill yourself?" FUCK?????? BRO????????????? WILBUR DENYING IT TO???? Maybe im wrong here but I dont ever remember other characters acknowledging c!wilbur being suicidal and esp the fact it was c!tommy UGH it kills me
Now getting to my criticisms a little bit, I don't like the utah and gas station thing at all. It feels just so random? Out of place even. I would've liked it more if it was just a desert where c!wilbur was from or something
Then wilburs goes to leave blah blah blah don't trust those americans yada yada
Oh but C!tommy asking c!wilbur to forgive the most important person (himself) then a few minutes later we get "I never did forgive myself"OUGDHSHSGHDGDSHUSHGHUHB
Okay now im going to lay out my main criticisms I have with the finale and why I think it was somewhat unsatisfying and we c!wilbur fans were kinda fucked over in the end
-We should've gotten a VERBAL apology to c!tommy
I understand c!wilbur was afraid of losing him or whatever but it would've shown SO MUCH GROWTH FROM HIM IF HE OUTLOUD SAID "Im sorry" TO THE PERSON HE HURT MOST. Im pissed that presumably cc!wilbur decided not to have that happen. Even if it was bad JUST DO IT. c!wilbur was going to leave anyways so him being scared of losing c!tommy if he apologized wouldn't matter!
My next point is that c!wilbur leaving wasn't thought out enough I think. I do personally think c!wilbur should've left the place that ruined him to heal. That's step one of learning to heal but with the apology tour being a flop and him never verbally apologizing to c!tommy it felt unsatisfying and almost underserved and I see why so many people afterward were like "he doesn't just get to leave". What would've helped I think would've been more streams or longer streams if possible. There was so much shit that needed to be retconned but it wasn't given enough time I feel and thats why to so many ppl they were unsatifyed/upset
Going more into the utah shit. I hate it. I hate the "Plot twist" of him being secretly american and from utah. Not even getting into how the real world is now apparently canon to the dsmp in one of the last few dsmp lore streams. I honestly would've liked it more if it wasn't specifically named what the place was instead it was just home. I also had this idea of instead of him disappearing in the middle of the ocean I think it would've been cooler if c!wilbur took a train somewhere almost like a callback to limbo.
I don't like how its somewhat implied c!wilbur killed himself again. It feels cheap to kill of a already heavily suicidal character AGAIN when instead it genuinely could've been a story about how you can learn to heal and forgive yourself even if you did bad things. Maybe this is just me not wanting my favorite character to die but I don't like it at all
Ghostbur was also handled terribly. I understand why alivebur hated him but I also think it would've shown growth if he learned to accept ghostbur in the end. Even if it wasn't fully
Also why the fuck did we never get the contents of the book c!wilbur gave c!tommy?? You throw that shit in just to never tell us what's in it almost 2 years later??
Final thoughts
I might go back and edit this later with more things but for my final thoughts I think c!wilburs finale +the apology tour was a big unsatisfying flop and I belive c!wilbur fans were unfairly fucked over in the end.
Not to sing brighton biter praise, but I do believe he was a good writer and the fact that the last few streams were this unsatisfying is disappointing coming from him. I mean im sure he just wanted to get c!wilburs finale out so he could be done with it but that's not an excuse for fucking your fans over. There was also probably issues with other ccs and characters since (Imo) a lot of the characters he interacted with in the end don't have the best writing (not meant to insult the ccs btw, just saying)
But personally, I somewhat accept it simply bc this is the best we got and I personally don't like alot of other fan re writes on his ending and I also don't like his ending just being "lol he killed himself again"
Anyways that's it, sorry for being unorganized and I apologize if I got anything wrong I might add more to this later. Thx for listening <3
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what the poets are like when they are sick except i’m right bc i know them personally
i’m bored and have extreme writers block, so here ya go, do with this what you will.
Neil does not get sick often but when he does, its Bad™️
It starts small, usually a throat tickle but by the end of the day, he’s beaten to a pulp by a virus
He gets bad fevers but he always claims it’s because he runs warm (and he does, so fair point)
Neil gets eerily quiet - like you would almost swear he was dead from not talking so much
He becomes a completely different person, a shadow of himself. He hardly smiles, hardly laughs. He’s miserable.
He’s also extremely touch-starved and even though he won’t ask for them, cuddles are welcome despite a very weak protest of “I don’t want you to catch this”
He hates medicine - it tastes like crap
will come to class sick and even went to rehearsal w/ the flu at one point - he passed out
it takes him a while to get over something, usually a week or so before he can shake something entirely
Todd has the WORST immune system in the world like a sickly Victorian child with consumption does not compare to him
You cannot even BREATHE in Todd’s direction after getting over a cold because Todd will catch it and it will be bad
Todd always got sick growing up but his parents thought it would go away growing up - they have never been more wrong
Todd likes to burrito himself in blankets because he runs extremely cold
Usually the first of the poets to get sick and then he gives his germs to Neil then Neil gives it to the others
Likes getting “Get Well Soon” cards
Inhales chicken noodle soup as if his life depended on it
congestion is the worst for him and he sounds very funny when he talks (neil thinks it’s cute)
likes being sung to sleep
when i say dramatic, i really mean dramatic. very over the top.
sneezes snot rockets and its digusting
refuses medicine like a child
“you have to sweat it out”
gets sick from doing the dumbest things like jumping into cold water
just wants to be held but masks it over comedic exaggeration
his mom always took care of him when he fell ill, so really late at night if a headache or something is keeping him up, he cries because he’s homesick and wishes she was taking care of him
consumes cough drops like candy (he definitely's shouldn't be but he does b/c cameron just lets him and stopped trying to stop it a longgg time ago)
out of all the poets, knox has the strongest immune system
he has terrible seasonal allergies tho, they're worse in the spring
the worst he's gotten sick was a bout of appendicitis where it DID burst and he nearly died
he thinks the scar makes him look cool (it doesn't)
he's usually the one making the soup runs and midnight trips to walgreens for the tylenol & ibuprofen
if knox does happen to get a passing virus, it ALWAYS lasts for no more than 24 hours
he acts completely normal, like up and walking around, functioning like a normal person
hates being coddled and he smacks people's hands away when they try to feel for a temperature
the biggest symptom he gets is a terrible cough (you can hear what's in his lungs and it's horrendous)
he overheats but doesn't get freezing like todd
he hates to be alone when he's sick, he starts to get very anxious
has no appetite at all whether it's a minor cold or full blown stomach flu he just can't stomach more than an apple and some water
had to get his tonsils taken out and instead of being miserable, he was happy he got to eat popsicles
while ear infections are more common among little kids, he's always managed to get one at least once a year
like knox, he never gets sick easily but when it does hit him, it's nothing too bad
has an extreme fear of needles and the doctor's office. he once became seriously feverish and delirious and when the poets tried taking him to the clinic at welton, he kicked charlie in the stomach for trying to move him. he still feels bad about it despite his memory of it being fuzzy
always loses his voice and has a special notebook he writes in when he needs to communicate with people
does not have the strongest immune system and gets sick abnormal times
develops stress fevers and getting him to lay down is quite a challenge
like neil, meeks will come to class sick and will pass out in the middle of a lesson
when he finally is confined to bed rest, he always has a book or some kind of brain teasers w/ him
honey lemon tea becomes his very best friend during his course of illness
usually the one diagnosing himself or his friends (actually owns a stethoscope he got from a friend of his dad's)
always brings a first aid kit to the poet cave b/c jagged rocks and risk of infection
he always sounds terrible, the congestion is even worse than todd's
always gets extreme migraines that make him cry
also bitches and moans when he gets sick - he and charlie are far more alike than he thinks
is the pretentious kid with a bell who rings for service - charlie chucked it out their window
uses absence as just one really long study hall and finishes all his homework AND manages to get ahead
when he comes back from being sick he always asks "didja miss me?" everyone says no (in a joking way but charlie actually means it)
doesn't get too terribly sick and not too often
when he does get sick, dizzy spells are the worst for him
like pitts, he always loses his voice no matter the scenario
actually hates drinking tea and will just pour honey straight down his throat
has a favorite medicine flavor - it's grape
BONUS: Keating always gives the boys a book when they return from being sick or comes to visit them if they end up in the hospital. He always writes a get-well note in the books.
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quodekash · 1 year
i went to sleep yesterday instead of watching the eclipse episode BUT im here now and ready to suffer in a good way from the beauty that is akkayan
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the parallels in this are crazy
the eclipse is filled with parallels and i love it so much
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this is so funny, akk why do you keep saying that, hes gonna keep kissing you-
I love them so much
i love the upside down kisses, it makes me think of the spiderman which makes me think of akk as spiderman which makes me think of how transmascs love spiderman which makes me have trans akk headcanons and ghjbdgfhjb i love it
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this scene is so funny
none of them even offer an excuse or explanation, they just run
what are namo and wat gonna do in the meantime while the others are doing their work 🤔🤔
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i think we all knew this would happen
lets give it up for our lord and saviour, wat
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sorry i know this is an important moment but-
but aye is just so short
and its so funny to me
even tho i know im shorter than khaotung by 16cm
its still funny
"i really want you to see them hug. theyre like two people who truly love each other but believe in different things" GRHJBSGD
i love platonic watsani moments they make me happy
some of my favourite scenes in the actual show are platonic watsani moments
theyre both my favourite characters (only by a little bit tho bc theyre all my favourite characters)
im just terrified of them being coupled together and im so glad theyve kept them entirely platonic and havent changed it at all, cos like for os2 they completely deferred off the seanmaitee train tracks bc winnysatang became a thing, but im glad theyve kept watsani's dynamic exactly the same, it makes me happy
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i know theyve been hanging out this whole time but its been ages since weve seen just these three hanging out, their little friend group who've known each other for years, and can read each other inside out
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theyve known each other for six years specifically
which is a really freaking long time
thats since they were in... year 6? BRO IMAGINE HOW TINY THEY WERE
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"i think people hate or are afraid of something because they don't really understand it" KAN SPITTING FACTS
also gotta love the metaphor
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look at how pretty this visual is
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guess who im adding to my parents-to-destroy list
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always, aye
aye, a summary: pretty
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the gender on these two is immaculate
i want their gender please
"your mouth is messy." "your mouth is messy too" "wipe it for me" "with what?" "your mouth." HHHHHHHH
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i think akkayan's cheek kisses will be the end of me one day
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there you go, communication, good job, finally
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oh you stronzo
he's finished the song, hasnt he
and hes gonna sing it to akk tonight for his birthday
all good tho, now he can date wat
sorry im being insensitive
i hope he feels better soon
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am i crying because of how much i love these two human beings? maybe.
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i find it so funny that theyre all peeing together
also having a wall separating the urinals is so smart why is that not a thing everywhere
ah shoot i ran out of images again, hang on
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ca-suffit · 3 months
going to be honest, i don't even think jacob "despises loumand to a comical degree" as some fans claim, as much as he's more willing to be upfront about its flaws and hold armand accountable for his behavior. which is understandable given how these season puts loumand in the spotlight with many of its ups and downs. while at the same time he did not deny that in their whole relationship, there was love and a willingness from louis to have armand as a calmer, gentler and alternative to his more explosive relationship with lestat (even if it unfortunately was abuse, just in a different way). he even said armand is not without complication but nowhere near as messy as lestat, which is pretty funny given what armand is capable of.
i think it's more that people have been seeing him talk very favorably about loustat in comparison, but not enough of its toxicity. the fans saying that are also not entirely comfortable with that either since loustat also has its own issues. there was another interview in which jacob and sam agree that louis is the problem in his relationships (which... i don't agree with but that's their opinion, said jokingly or not).
at the end of the day, i don't really read too much into how cast members talk about their these pairings and sometimes they even contradict themselves "it's more than a rebound, it is a rebound" and all that. i don't want an actor having a preferred pairing to be used as a reason to throw hate at that actor or for fans to justify why actor opinion is the reason pairing A is better than pairing B. it's kind of ridiculous.
I definitely aim to not have any kind of tunnel vision about anything here. I do my best to remind ppl that there's layers to all of this and simplifying things down to "this relationship / character / actor is the worst / best" is rly juvenile. fandoms love doing this tho bcuz fandom has normalized extreme thinking, extreme abuse, extreme everything. conversations are not being had so much as ppl just want to look good / "right" and live in drama as a distraction to their lives otherwise.
I think it's def a difficult thing to put these stories into a tv series and then a) try to "sell" the show where it is while b) also looking at the big picture and c) navigating both ppl who have read the books and not. it's a big fucking challenge tbh. not to mention the race changes now and how that will also influence ppl's opinions on which relationships are shown in what light, no matter what "the books" say or not. the fandom also refusing to incorporate racial elements into most discussions also doesn't help this.
it is *such* a clusterfuck. but anyways. ya. thank u for ur comment!
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Oh my gosh.
Before the Director culls himself, he tells Carolina that she’s the best thing he’s ever created.
Does Simmons not exist to him anymore or does he think Simmons is still dead? What if he knew Simmons was alive but didn’t bother to get him after the whole freelancer thing got destroyed?
Gasp! Did Tex mostly just throw him really hard during that fight in the backup building where they meet FILSE. Would FILSE know who Simmons was due to a face scan? (He still has half his original face)
Gosh if FILSE joined in on the Grif dunking just because she felt it in her circuits. (She’d still mock Simmons, I mean, it’s really easy too do so) (but some Buried code, from the director when he still cared enough, made a program that actives to be an obnoxious in-law to whoever thought they were good enough for his children)
I can’t stop my self from saying this, but I hate the director more than I sympathize with him. His xsswholery towards his kid(s) was just ugh! Too stubborn to help his own daughter when she was in clear pain!!! Ugh!!!!
Do you think he even mourned her when she was presumed dead? Like she was the only real family he had left!
You've got a lot of that right, sadly enough.
i'm actually going to put it under a break b/c this is getting a bit long and i've started adding screenshots for evidence lol
B/c the Director really does not acknowledge Simmons as his child anymore (i don't think he had for quite some time, maybe even before Freelancer.) not to mention, i'm pretty sure he played favorites, favoring Carolina even before loosing Alison.
i have some animatic screenshots that illustrate this. hold on while i fetch them lol.
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ok, like in this family photo (taken right before Alison left on that last mission) the Director's focus is on Carolina while Alison's is mostly on Simon.
and here
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when the house was burning down? he made sure Carolina got out but left Simon in the burning room to find his own way out. (i actually had another few panels i cut from this that showed him walking out but i didn't like the vibes they had) The dude played favorites pretty much from the moment they were born, and it was very clear who was his favorite.
Simon was too much like him for the Director to ever care for him. He was always the child that wasn't good enough. so when he disappeared from the MOI, the Director cared more about the fact he did so in the flashiest of explosions, than the fact he was actually gone.
Also, he does know that Simon is alive, and knows exactly where he is. (I don't think he realizes he stole Eta, but then again, he might not know of Eta's existence regardless.) I mean, the dude's the worst at making a disguise lol. no joke, his 'i'm not a freelancer' disguise was cutting off his ponytail and ditching his glasses and labcoat. That's it! And his name change? Dude when from "Simon Church" to "Richard Simmons". He all but kept hsi first name and tacked it on as his last! (the reason he chose Richard as his name is funny tho. I thought i wrote him talking to Grif about it at some point but i can't find it. It basically went like this "My dad always said he had wanted me to be named after him." "His name was Richard?" "No, but he was a Dick." lol)
But yeah, I actually think The Director rigged it so Simmons ended up in the simulation base, that way he knew where he was if needed but Simmons would still think he had gotten away from Freelancer. (I imagine the "this was a simulation base for Freelancer all along" revelation hits him a LOT harder for this au. dude would not handle that well at all.)
As for the Tex vs the Reds + tucker, yeah she doesn't hit Simmons quite as much as the rest of them. (which i didn't notice until i just rewatched that fight scene. Thanks for the excuse btw : ) ) Like, he does get hit with a couple shipping containers and a few mild explosions (and yeeted a few times) but she doesn't down right pumble him like the other three. Sure, there's several inseries reasons for this (he was keepign his distance for rocket launcher reasons being one) but for this? Tex would rather have him out of the picture than have to fight him. even if he wasn't the grownup kid of the woman she was based off of (complicated much?) he's still an ex-freelancer. He poses more of a threat than the other three combined, if he had wanted to. (PLUS! he has Eta in his implant by then, so he could, very well, run equipment if he wanted to. He doesn't b/c he doesn't want anyone to know about Eta, but it's still an option. Eta got woken up/moved to his implant about the end of season 6, i think. It was the only way Simmons could think of to protect them from the emp since simmons's own cybernetics are emp resistant. Eta's been a little voice in his head since then, which does not help the dude's anxiety, let me tell you.)
as for FILSS? i think she does recognize him but that's not why she jumps on the 'lets be mean to grif' train. i think she literally only does that b/c she sees tex doing it and goes, well if tex doesn't like this dude, then i guess i don't either.
and, yeah, there's definitely a reason why the Director is more hated than loved. even canonically, he barely even looked at Carolina, not even calling her by her name when he said goodbye for the last time.
I don't know if he morned her or just kept his focus on trying to get back Alison. He was a broken man pretty much since Alison died.
i have a different fic i wrote, that, at the end of his life, discribed him as this "He looks like a shell of what he used to be. Little more than the biproducts he created in the other room.[refering to the many tex bots]". And that's something i still hold true for that man (and also one of the favorite lines i've written to date lol). The fact that he could never let his wife go, destroyed so much more than just his own life. and it wasn't right.
ANYWAYS! that's it for my ranting lol.
Thank you!!
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fictionfixations · 6 months
a nrc dorm tier list imo would be like..
(based on compatibility, besides preferences)
….why is thinking about it making me suddenly blank out on what every other dorms name is. wtf.
After a second option which idfk what dorm it is, would be Octavinelle. Ish cool. I'd probably be one of the sea creatures that'd die in the ocean tho.
..I've completely left the ranked by order of favorites option. So now I'm just saying what I like, with heartslabyul uncontensted.
I like Pomefiore's dorm uniforms, although I'd probably combust trying to remember everything when im as scatterbrained as Kalim
I took a test to see what dorm I'd be in and got Savanaclaw. Which sucks because I'm not the biggest fan of athletics (running can be fun but i just. hate being outside.), but im, well, as stubborn as an ox. which is funny cause thats my chinese zodiac sign
A dorm I'd probably want to be in instead would be Ignihyde because fuck yeah. introverts. indoor people. game people. anime people… these are my kind of people man >:D (but im horrible at technology stuff. a lot of its probably more memorization but if its not interesting me i dont focus. i swear most of my brain is stuffed to the brim with information about fandoms im not even in anymore and are completely useless to me. and i just. cant forget.?? ITS STUCK THERE. like. uh. dream smp. the existence of c![creator] and cc![creator] for clarification. because iirc, twitter trending was posts of 'DREAM ABUSED TOMMY AND CAUSED HIM TO KERMIT SEWER SLIDE' when it was all minecraft exile arc?? so they had to clarify NO it is not real and is roleplay. or like, this one post i read once of this person making like an essay about the dream smp, so the teacher just thinks its this really elaborate story. and then the last bit is sharing actual images about it, and how they're going to be shocked when they see pixels LMFAO. but like. im not int his fandom anymore, and i think it ended anyway??? so im just. huh??)
if only you could have the option to intentionally forget things and intentionally remember others..
actually clarification on heartslabyul but i ran out of characters on discord since thats where im writing my notes. uhm. i love heartslabyul, everything about it, and the characters and story-- but. in all honesty. if you put me in heartslabyul id do HORRIBLE. i wouldnt get along with riddle at all even though hes my favorite.. id just. get really pissed off. like, cause im really stubborn?? so i do this thing where the more someone tells me to do something the more i dont want to. even when i probably should :'D
anyway. um continuing on. I'd hate Scarabia. me and heat do NOT mix. ive once fainted (well. i was feeling really hot so i was seeing colors. and at one point i just couldnt see anything anymore. but i kept moving cause i was in a line. ..it didnt occur to me to talk to someone bout it??? i just wanted to get to where i knew some cold water awaited me. and then i walked right into a wall and then everything went blank for 10 seconds, thats apparently how long i was out, huh.) also im the type of person who focuses more on literal meanings instead of between the lines..
diasomnia. i honestly dont know that much about it. diasomnias just., nowhere on the list. i cant really put it anywhere can i? honestly id probably cry being yelled at by sebek LMFAO
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n0wav · 5 months
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Here’s some stuff about me if you even care
My name is wav I have been going by that name for years ever since middle school and although I have tried many times to abandon it I have not been able to shake it off (Taylor swift reference).
I am a 19 year old boy if you couldn’t tell by the way I am and talk about things.. I am very autistic and have had adhd ever since I was a little little child. I got ostracized as a child for it because I was the only kid in normal non special ed class who had any kind of neurodivergence and so kids didn’t really like me x3
I am asexual I don’t like sex it’s kinda lame and stuff there’s a whole story to that but you guys will never know!!!! I want to eventually prolly fall in love but I’m not very sure about that right now because I’m scared of love and relationships and I have trust issues so I’m not willing to do that right now
I currently only really hangout with 2 people, both are women, both are 22, one is in love with me, one is lesbian. Let’s start with R (the one in love with me). Now R is like awesome because she cosplays and when I ask her to do a cosplay she says “okay!” And it’s pretty awesome if you ask me. She knows I don’t have any actual feelings for her we have had the big talk about that and she’s okay with it. R is very very very very very pretty and awesome and sweet and kind but I am unfit to be in a relationship and she’s old 🤢🤮. She likes a lot of the same music I do and the other day I was really craving to listen to hatsune miku and then I started playing some and she knew the songs and it was awesome I #love R she’s one of my besties for reals
Next is C. C is lesbian so she isn’t in love with me but she always calls me cute and a twink which I think is really funny. She also says I look really breedable sometimes and I don’t know to feel about it. C is like a mother to me because whenever I’m sad she lays me on her shoulder and pets my hair and then I fall asleep laying on her shoulder and then I have my legs on R then I end up staying the night at their house.
C & R both have a lot more money than me (I am poor) so they drive me around and give feed me almost everyday and it’s the best life I could ask for.
Back to ME tho
My entire life people have told me I’m like a dog and I’ve kinda just accepted it at this point but it still feels offensive but I think deep down I know it’s true.
Here are some bands and artist I like!!!
Mike krol
The smiths
The strokes
Nick drake
Dinosaur jr
The unicorns
My blood valentines
Glass beach
The microphones
The cure
Cap’n jazz
I hate myself because
The Sundays
Stephen malkmus and the jicks
Mad planets
Sunny day real estate
Moses Campbell
Cafe tacvba
Neutral milk hotel
Jeff mangum
Stephen malkmus
J mascis
The breeders
Feeble little horse
Worst party ever
Hatsune miku
That’s just a couple of them mostly the ones I listen to more than other music I like.
Here’s where I post music sometimes if you even care
Today I think everyone should listen to tuff ghost by the unicorns!
The unicorns are a Canadian indie rock back from the 2000s. I like to say they’re kinda like a mix of the microphones and jack stauber (if he made good music :3) but they are REALLY good!!! And not very talk about anywhere that I can see so make sure to share this song and band around with your friends!!
This is the end of the post thank you for reading my word vomit :3333
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captainaikus · 2 years
I am. I just. I cannot. BREAKING MIRRORS???? ADHKHHIJJDJHDHRHHHRHEH. Comfort? I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve read comfort on your blog 💀💀. Not that it’s a bad thing, the angst is exquisite, but like hurt/comfort is one of my favorite tropes. This was also exactly what I needed. I’ve been feeling really down abt my body lately how it’s too big and not proportioned right and how my face looks gross. Stuff like that you know? I was not expecting to be hit with this kind of comfort. It’s exactly what I needed so thank you so much for writing it.
Shirtless fictional characters are always a great motivation 😌. Oh speaking of which i might just hop on Pinterest and start looking for Izana fanart 👀👀. I WILL NEVER BE ANNOYED IF YOU START POSTING TR CONTENT ON YOUR BLOG WHETHER THEY BE FICS OR MANGA PANELS ILL TAKE THEM ALL. *ahem* Also. I went into the episode expecting to fall harder for Nagi. But no. I fell for Reo as soon as I saw him. THE HECK WHAT IS THIS SORCERY I DONT KNOW A SINGLE THING ABT HIM AND IM IN LOVE HES JUST AADGJKHFHHFRR YES. When you say you’re excited abt posting your angst wips my guard goes up immediately it’s not even funny anymore like pls I wanna say spare me but I also need more at the same time 😭💀. I read your post and I’m so excited for more Bachira and Chigiri content!!!! Bachira being my favorite character and all. And also Chigiri during the last episode shot an arrow into my heart. Even tho I had some reservations abt him before watching the episode its all good now. I have another pretty boy to love 🥰.
DUDE I NEED TO TALK ABT THE FIC CAUSE IM JUST ASTONISHED. Like Nagis was so so so sweet if made me go awww so many times. And Oliver made me giggle a lot it’s adorable. And Rins? Phew sir no need to mess with me like that 😮‍💨. I also really liked how you described all the negative thoughts of the reader. A lot of them are what I think abt myself when I’m not feeling the best so it was really relatable reading it. Thank you again I don’t think you know how much reading that meant to me it’s exactly what I needed seriously.
How are you btw? How’s uni? Also I’ve been meaning to ask but what’re some of your favorite things? Like in general? Shows and mangas and books and snacks etc? I always get on here ranting abt stuff but I wanna let you know that I wanna get to know you too. It’s a two way straight you know? Only if you’re comfortable sharing ofc. I hope you’re taking care of yourself and that you have a good day!! *sends virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Starry! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ I hope yk i changed the screensaver of my phone to tr - I blame you for that (lovingly ♡)
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This is gonna be a long ask ;
So i had this idea for a while and since I have a hub of angst works on my blog, I wanted to try a hand at comfort but with an angst to fluff (yeah i love that troupe as well) the reason I made this piece is cause of both, to indulge myself in writing comfort as well as to comfort people who are reading it and another element was capturing the realism of it... like. Usually when I read body positivity fics... the details of it are very vague. I wanted to put in something that was more descriptive, reasons why you hate that part of yourself- tiny details that do matter; and I ended up creating this. I was hesitant in posting this at first but then I reminded myself that it was for me and for a person on the other side of the screen who could be comforted by it when they couldn't really talk about these to someone or just in general.
And I'm glad it worked ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ And I hope you feel better now
I plan on making more editions and going further, it might include more sensitive topics as well-
Istg. When i saw kunigami without a shirt *saves image*, and Rin *saves image*, Nagi *saves image* but I really wanna see Oliver
૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა
Oh god Izana fanart. I did find one on twitter and istg the amount I- reason for my laughter. (contemplating if i should make this my screensaver or not)
I have a tr content supporter!! I had an idea in mind for the tr boys in mind- and since i got hyped for it. I'm gonna start working on that once i read the manga cause i wanna make sure this fits in the character analysis as well. Rindou came to mind for some reason
Chigiri is pretty! I can't stress enough on how he looks good and I even figured the footballer he is based on- Reo is officially Nagi's caretaker; so mature.
Oml i'm making a reputation for myself with the angst i write... but there's the thing; for every angsty piece i write, i always make sure to put a sequel that is equally satisfying and comforting (in a weird way and not in the complete lovey dovey way) it takes time to make those because if I rush it, it doesn't end well with me being angry about the low quality I wrote and the readers being unsatisfied as well... but yeah I know what I wanna write for Bachira and Kaiser (yes. Kaiser is arriving on his royally spoilt ass on this blog)
Going back to the fic, so on how I write nagi I use a lot of the "..." cause I imagine him to be a timed pause speaker; as for Oliver. He is playful and yeah that made me giggle too. (its the 'cold cup of water' isn't it?) as for Rin go to horny jail *bonk* i couldn't imagine him to be the type to talk these kinds of problems out cause he is rude. and he knows it so he dommed his way through it (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) and i am not sorry.
So i know that my bio says 'part time model' but truth is; most of the content is based on my experience. like i mentioned before, the details of body positivity fics are very vague. But what I wanted to do was get down and dirty with it, expose everything and not keep it under wraps because it continues to be hidden yk? people can't openly talk about it when these kind of minor things do exist and they can cause a person's confidence to tarnish and maybe have other people think less of them. And I hoped that this would make someone's morning read when they're getting ready for college, uni, work etc. when they aren't feeling their best and need that kind of confidence... even if it is just from reading my works. and always, you're welcome !! it means a lot to me when my writing helps someone even in the smallest ways ♡꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱
i'm doing pretty well, working on some research papers and stuff, working out as well just having a slow and easy week and keeping everything in balance yk? Roomies are helping me with the weights at the gym- said i was a pussy if i didn't get another lift in. istg i'm gonna smack their ass with a wet towel this week
As for uni, new story. Another classmate of mine, lets call him victor, tall as a tree just walks up to me during recess the other day and goes 'that is one ugly shirt.' he looks like he hasn't even showered for a month and turned up to class wearing pajamas. fucking. pajamas. ugh. (I did tell him that if that's the way he flirts, I'm surprised his ex didn't break up with him sooner- i am not sorry. )
Some of my favorite things... hm. That's a tough one.
I like rainy days, dogs (i want a cerberus so badly- ⸝⸝⸝╸▵╺⸝⸝⸝; i'm good with cats but some of them like to scratch me for some reason?- childhood memory unlocked), pink shirts - i have a lot of them and my roomie steals them, warm blankets, swimming, basketball (i play), red roses, oceans, perfumes, plushies, bears and whales, music, working out, sketching, traveling, reading and just... talking to people.
Shows : I was watching skam (not the french one- the Norwegian one), normal people, extraordinary attorney woo young woo, dark (that. show.), sense8 is on my watchlist- i did watch a bit of it but never got to complete it, the tail of the nine tailed- i wanna finish it but it was stretched out and i didn't want to watch after a bit (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
My roomies are into k drama and they think anime is 'cartoon.' - when they see the budget used int he eps tho (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Anime : there is a lot since I've been watching anime since i was 5, Zatchbell/ gashbell was my first and i watch it sometimes, sailormoon, bleach (never got completed), Jojo's bizarre adventure (watched it all the way to stone ocean- god. the joestar fam is so blessed, Lisalisa (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) , Tokyo rev (i was watching it with my mom and she got mad when I watched an ep without her), death note (my dad got invested with it and then dropped it- let me see if i can get him to watch bllk this christmas cause he is a football maniac), kaichou wa maid sama (my fav misaki is my idol), blue exorcist, hanayori no dango (this was used to make boys over flowers), kuroko no basuke, Kamisama Hajimemashita (my mom loves it -), Tomie, another, naruto, yamishibai, AOT ( my siblings just have debates about the whole conspiracy on the table and this time,,, I know its gonna be about tr) - there are a lot more animes so i might have to make a separate post abt that
Snacks : Since I'm part asian... ik you guys are (probably) gonna figure out a bit of my ethnicity cause of it Guava with chilli powder and salt. It tastes amazing and its healthy too; pears, apples. Pocky, pringles, coke (yeah i have an unhealthy side too) and meiji's yan yan a lot of chocolate.
Manga/ books : Blue lock (caught up with it), slam dunk, tomie, chainsawman, tokyo rev - i think i have some panels saved, black butler, bleach, your lie in april, skip beat, nana, don't bully me nagatoro - yeah i've read one too many manga (even that hentai one that released earlier this year) and I bought one- confidential confessions
Books : my fav is probably anne of green gables - read it when i was younger but it is still fresh in my memory, reading Sigmund Freud (interpretation of dreams...), memoirs of a geisha (a gift from my aunt), verity (something that kinda but doesn't haunt me), sherlock holmes and the hounds of the baskerville was my first novel, it was kinda a picture book.
It's a mess ik. but i mostly read non fic works as i grew older. And yeah it goes both ways! idm sharing !! ꒰ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ꒱
Tell me about you! Only if you want to tho!
*sending back big hugs*
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Presenting Bachira in a b day suit \(//∇//)\
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batemanofficial · 2 years
ok i’ve had the whole workday to process so here are my compiled thoughts on don’t worry darling. spoilers under the cut
first things first i really did like the sound design. i wish there’d been more care taken to make the music choices a little more intentional or use them as a foreshadowing device, but overall it was very cohesive
the production design was great for like. 85% of the film but the other 15% just felt like a target commercial to me. like there is such thing as too much pastel
chris pine is severely underutilized as an actor, like disappointingly so. his character felt super flat which obv doesn’t bode well for a man who’s supposed to be playing a cult leader ykwim
having now watched the film in its entirety i feel like the above issue is likely due to runtime constraints, and i bet if we could see the deleted scenes frank would feel like a far more fleshed-out character. bc as he exists in the final theatrical cut of the film he kind of comes across as just Chris Pine: The Mayor
you all know how i feel about harry styles but he was actually kind of ok. like solid c+ acting, which is a lot better than i was prepared to give him credit for
his accent is godawful tho. not budging on that one
the theatre i saw it in had like 20 people in it total including myself and my friend who came w me but we all laughed at some of his lines. like he tried. he tried real hard but some of his more monologue-y scenes came across kinda hammy
florence pugh was great but imo the way they edited the film made her seem vaguely stoned instead of paranoid?? idk that might just be me but imo some of her solo scenes esp toward the end of act 1 read more “trying to act sober in target after taking too many edibles” than “plagued by visions” but overall she was great as always
ok spoiler time >:) you’ve been warned and whatnot
not to be that guy but i saw the twist coming like ten minutes in. like as soon as she picked up the eggs i knew that it was going to be a simulation
and re: harry’s acting when i kind of pieced together the simulation idea i initially thought he was going to be a robot, because he didn’t really give a ton of indication that jack had a life outside of alice and the victory project
like in Jaime’s Theory Corner i was fully assuming that the victory headquarters was going to be like. robot husband storage facility and alice was just there to be a lab rat and everyone around her (with the potential exceptions of frank and the doctor) weren’t real
but anyway
i really wish they’d fleshed out the incel thing more too, like if jack and co. are trapping their ‘wives’ in victory then i feel like they’d come across a little more paranoid than they really did in the film
and re: chris pine being underutilized i wish they’d made him more of an actual jordan peterson type than. bland white man hates women ykwim?? like yeah yeah there’s a billion misogynist white men in cinema make him more of a freak
like the dinner scene toward the end of act 2 is what he should’ve been all along honestly. he’s just kind of a lawn ornament for the first 90 minutes of the film but let him keep that weird manic liar energy and that’d make him more compelling
i wish they’d used nick kroll and asif ali more too. they’re funny!! let them be funny!!
and i also wish we’d been forced to look at less of olivia wilde’s fivehead but. that’s neither here nor there
also in general it kind of took fucking forever to get to the point. like there’s a solid 35 minutes of fat you could cut out of that movie and still have it hit all it beats
i guess my main gripe is that there’s too much fucking around and not enough finding out. like i’m not talking about the sex scenes, i had no problem with those, but alice spends a lot of her screen time staring at her hands and comparatively little of it actually bothering to do anything about her problem. which kind of bothered me bc that runtime could’ve been used to develop the other characters in much-needed ways
like. i guess this is kind of the whole point but stuff happens at alice, alice doesn’t really have enough narrative agency to do anything constructive on her own
anyway. overall i’d say it’s the matrix for straight people so i’d give it like a 6.5/10. also gemma chan’s character stabbing frank was a moment that i feel normal about [lying] [gay] [i am looking 👀]
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barzfrommarz · 5 months
My opinion on fem c!wilbur headcanons even though no one asked
doing this bc I saw someone else do it and I have nothing better to do and I want to talk abt c!wilbur
I used to carry this headcanon back in 2022 when I remember it being most popular (or maybe it’s bc that’s when I first got access to the fandom over on twitter and here) but I kinda only did bc everyone else did it and I don’t know why 😭 I rlly had no sense of individualism back then i guess but I was easy to influence bc I thought ppl would get mad at me for the smallest things (still me today 😛)
I don’t carry anymore and I really don’t care for it at all. Personally to me it started getting kinda stale in a way? Not in like a “I hate it solely because it’s popular” way just that I never personally cared for it that much so I really have no interest in it. (also probably bc I only had it as a headcanon bc everyone else did) I’m also the type of person to project things onto my favorite character so I basically project my transmasc-ness onto c!wilbur and that’s the only way I can see him now (he’s just like me fr)
I’m not sure how popular it still is today but I never really see too many posts about it (especially after dsmp ended and cc!wilbur soot was outed as a abuser) but for a while I do remember it being a super popular headcanon.
(also does anyone else remember there being discourse on twitter abt it? Like I swear I saw some ppl fighting over it bc someone said they didn’t rlly like it but that’s just average twitter behavior)
I personally don’t interpret him in that way anymore like I already said but I have nothing against the ppl who do and I can see why (bc of things said on streams mainly during pogtopia if i’m correct)
I think it’s funny tho how that became the most popular headcanon for him when cc!wilbur hates women (and probably trans people if I had to guess based on how he lied to all of us abt supporting women) bc it would probably make him pissed off to see people taking his cis male character (in his eyes) and making him feminine or transfem so great job guys
final thoughts like I said I don’t rlly care for it anymore I just have my own personal headcanons that I stick by. I hope this post doesn’t come off as hateful it’s not my intention at all :(
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acid--inside · 6 months
I AM GOING SO VERY WILD AND FERAL. Thank you for the good food
If its alright I would like to hear more about. Any vre takes yuo got (on literally anyone you want). Giggle
ok so fun thing abt me is i cant do fatal or else i have an episode (hallucinate people coming into my house to kill me) so. soft stuff only. :3c
i... thiunk the c/ o/g/s should be stupidly hugelarge in general so they all theoretically CAN. its more of if they WOULD. (all could be pred to a to/on, but if they're small enough could be prey to another c/ o/g)
uh. undercut bc long.!!! (re/gi/on/al ma/na/ge/rs)
i think 🧠 would try to. idk if he's any good at that stuff bc he's one of the smaller ones. and also has no canon mouth. for funny purposes i think it would end with him just getting really pissed off and then going "I CAN BUT NOW IM NOT GONNA!"
🔔can. and he will. he's my snake friend (i see him like a big boa constrictor) and i do have like. genuine lore about the snake instinctss. he was raised like a snake el/sa. so he like. would/could never until he gives in and/or is convinced to give it a shot.
📺no. he dgaf actually. no thank you. he could but he doesnt feel like it/doesnt see any appeal. thanks for considering him tho.
🛻(yes this is the stupid speedy boy's emoji) also can. he does i think. but only ever to 🔥. (and 🔥is just prey not a pred, at least not to him. look i see 🛻 as an actual truck in my mind)
🦆he'd try to do it as a joke but he can't so he just kinda. slobbers on you. also would get distracted and end up kissing you a lot.
🌲yah. he can + will. tee bee aych i think non-romantic safe/soft w/ him and ⛓️could be sweet. protect your brother :) (NOT ROMANTIC!!!! THEYRE BASICALLY HUGGING)
🌑sorry hes too little. also probably would not. i dont see him being too big of a fan of either orientation either. (a mix of no interest + would be like. prey exclusively and doesnt want that)
🛰️i. thiunk they could go either way. i habe my own bag of worms abt these freaks. all would have their own preferences tho. i think its funny if N didnt gaf. keep that shit away from me and let me cook.
⛈️ya. mean lawyer who keeps trying to eat the competition/anyone who wins against her. she'd be more mean abt it but also has to spit them out. tiny enough to be prey to other employees tho.
📜(its that stupid old man there wanst an emoji for him) eh. he's. he also dgaf. no interest. thinks its also stupid to do regardless.
⚔️UH HUH. another big mean lady who eats people she doesnt like. would absolutely throw a fit if anyone else ate her though. (literally only 🔔 is big enough to reliably eat other coworkers. and she hates him. idk why.
☎️sure. i think she's done it before. no longer has interest. that was something she looks back on like it was an embarrassing teenage phase (it totally was)
🔥also yes, he has fun w/ it. pred to most to/ons and cool abt it. prey to his BF. also cool abt it. also i think he'd be stupid chill about it, just kinda. on his phone in there.
🦉SO EEPY. probably would do either orientation (pred/prey) but sleeps the whole fucking time. if you like hyper prey do not engage they will lie to you. you like preds who tease? good fucking luck he immediately takes a nap
🎹ABSOLUTELY A PRED. more than happy to chow down on any randos who ask politely. but only if you ask politely. kinda the epitome of "yum im so full of quarters yum" so he like. isnt some people's first choice bc of that.
⛓️yuh. i will break the mold and say. while i think he COULD be a pred, he prefers to be prey. its like a full body hug, and a warm weighted blanket. he finds it soothing to have the warmth + pressure and also have no responsibility until he's back in his office. so. he would like to take a nap in there. would pair best w/ 🦉for that reason but he's too big/distrusting of himself around others bc of the ov/er/ri/de.
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tenok · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @skyborneveggie, but since I use ao3 mostly as reader and it holds like 10% of my fics I’ll use statistics from ficbook
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 282, also some of them are collection of drabbles and smaller fics, sometimes in 40+ parts, so if we count them separately… it’ll be A Lot
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Uhhh ficbook don’t have statistic like this, but my estimate will be like, 500k words, maybe a little more
What fandoms do you write for?
Any that gets my attention. I wrote a lot for Doctor Who and B:tVS when I was younger, then I had a great run in russian fandoms, most notable are Gogol: the Beginning and Major Grom: Plague Doctor. I’m dabbling into GO now, but, like, there’s already so much fics so I’m content with reading and not writing
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Тепло (Warmth) — 2600 kudos, marvel, Steve/Bucky. It’s stupid drabble that gets so popular literally because it’s big fandom and popular pairing, no real value there Уроки рисования (Painting lessons) — 1629 kudos. Again, Steve/Bucky and no great value Мгчд: драбблы (collection of drabbles, Major Grom: Plague Doctor) — 1617 kudos. Ohh this one is good! There’s 74 drabbles and counting, all written at last two years, mostly polyamory and/or family gen. Most popular one there is one where orphan (now 30 y.o. man) discuss with his boyfriend’s quasi-mother things like fighting for his inheritance in court with some distant relatives. People are yearning for mundane stuff I swear Catch a cold — 1398 kudos, Flash (TV), gen about sick Flash being comforted by his archenemy, honestly again not really great stuff that get big because of fandom’s popularity да, со мной непросто (I’m not easy*) — 1390 kudos, Major Grom: Plague Doctor. Ohhh I love thos one! It’s about my ot3, where A and B are estabilished pair and C is their new lover and he’s insecure and they use sex as a means to show him that he’s ~their~. Slightly D/s if you squint. Also with ADORABLE illustrations by nice people!!
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*it's a song lyrics, of course
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love love love answering but also it can get overwhelming .__. Currently I have biiig backlog of comments I should answer, some of them are like year and half old
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh. I rarely write angst honestly, and I prefer open or bittersweet endings, I’m not even sure I have something that counts as angsty ending
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost every one of mine are happy ones. Uhhh can it be «общественное мнение» (public opinion). It’s absolutely self indulgent fluff about character A rescuing B from some trouble and being all doting in public etc, and in the end everyone at B’s work knows that he’s in relationship and supports him, and even OC kidnapped by maniac for plot points escapes and found alive
Do you get hate on fics?
No not really. Some funny comments there or there, but not real hate
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, A LOT. Mostly it’s kinky shit, bdsm etc. Mostly ot3 and mostly slash althrough I have some het and a liiiittle of fem. I almost never write extrime stuff, I have like one? non-con and couple dubcon things, but I really want to write more
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Rarely and mostly it’s crossovers of the kind that fandom already counts as semi-canon (like, you know, when two characters played by same actor are headcanoned as brothers). But uhhh I have a Hot fuzz/Harry Potter crossover where Nicolas is a Dursley’s completely normal relative
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. But once person asked yo use my drabble as inspiration for their fic and then literally put whole drabble into said fic. But I’m not even really mad because people commented literally only those lines as so good and clerer lol
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No :(
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have tried and it was awful. I’m not cut for this
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Are you kidding how I suppose to choose???
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I STILL HOPE I’LL FINISH MOST OF MY FAVORITE WIPS. But uhhh… I have this really old wip in the green lethern fandom, around 11k words and needs at least enough 10k. It’s Hal/Carol (canon het) slowburn, gen for the most part, with assorted cameos of canon characters that’s interesting only for few fand. And it’s mermaid au. I don’t even like mermaid au’s, but I was hooked on metaphor of Hal’s desire to become a pilot and flew at sky and mermaid!Hal desire to become human at touch ground. But I started it in like. 2017? Or even earlier? And I doubt that I ever will be deep enough in this fandom in next years, and if I will, I changed so much as author.
What are your writing strengths?
I was told that I write great dialogues, I think? Also people who like my porn tend to praise my bdsm scenes. I don’t think they are really hot (I wouldn’t get horny for them lol), but I think I do something good with emotional part of it? Oh and more than once people thanked me for the way I wrap things in the end. As I say, I mostly write good or bittersweet endings, and as one reader told me (it’s not word for word quote, I’m oo lazy to search now), it’s like «in the complete dark and misery there’s one open door and there’s warm coming from it». Or something like that.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m shit in longer fics, both in plottish sense and as in author stamina. My longest fics for now barely scrape 30k words line, and in my dreams I write 100+k words plot-heavy slowburns. I’m trying but I guess I just not there at the moment and it’s foolish to push myself too hard. Also I’m always unhappy with my research. Like, I want to be The Author who research everything and write details-heavy realistic things, but I’m stupid :( Oh and also my characters rarely… feel? I mean me and my emotions are not big friends and it shows. My readers swears that I write it good enough but urgh, I compare my fics to the one I enjoy reading and I see the difference!!! At this point I guess it’s just part of the style and not a flaw, but, still.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
No thoughts honestly?
First fandom you wrote for?
First ever wrote? Batman, when I was like 8 yo. I haven’t have internet, mind you, just played with characters in my doc file (for the record, it was about how bad guys torture Batman to the death while Catwoman watch helplessly. Ya I had a great taste even back then). First published was for the russian book searies Mefody Buslaev (which is a young adult series about antichrist working for hell and also falling in love with his guardian angel, and also it’s a spin-off to the Tanya Grotter, which is russian parody of Harry Potter but it’s GREAT, guys, like, it rips off idea of «orphan that killed big bad, abusive adopted family, magic school, but it’s funny as hell and also so invested in early 2000’s russian culture, you just need to be tehre to get it). Anyway it was about het otp with Ares (as god of war and, in this verse, hell’s servant) and beforementioned guardian angel, who is 13 yo looking 1000 yo aged loly with blonde ponytails. I started with exploring of angsty backstory of Ares, get my first comment, get scared and upset because of really innocent remark they made and deleted whole thing. I was like 12 yo so it’s understandaple xD
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
UHHHH. Hard choice, I like a lot of them, but also the ones that could be my all-time favorites are still in draft.
I guess I'll say «целовать нельзя» (I should not kiss, it's a song lyrics again). It a short (4k words at most) fic for the Легенда номер 17 (russian film about hockey) fandom, with pov of Tarasov, greatest USSR couch etc etc, about his deep repressed ust to the Valera, titular legend of hockey and his golden boy. It's ambigious if Tarasov's feeling returned or not, and even if they are, he would never let Valera risk his career and freedom for some stupid feelings, but for one night Tarasov drunk enough to admit his feelings at least for himself. I'll say it's kinda slaps with angsty feelings, more than any of my other fics.
I’ll also mention «омлет» (omelet, as in «you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs»). It’s one of this 30k words fics, and it was written for bubble comics kinkfest. See we have a childhood friends A and B, and A becomes a big buisenessman while B is his kind of bodyguard, and prompt from fest was like «while building his empire A whored B to his investors». I was like WHERE THE FUCK he found ENOUGH GAY BUISENESSMANS in Russia at early 2000’s??? And this thought prompted me to plot long story of sexual and emotional abuse lol. It tragic it’s sexy it has a silver of hope in the end and it’s in no way perfect, but it’s somewhat good. Also it has not so many kudos, around 250, BUT it also has like, 80+ comments? which is mindblowing ratio! and som,e of this comments 1k words long because people had SO MUCH thoughts and emotions from this text and aren’t it great?
I honestly don't know who to tag? @queerfables if you haven't already, and also everyone who's interested feel free to tag me so I can snoop 👀
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calamitascalliope · 1 year
I've said this stuff in the tags of a few posts recently, but I figured I'd put all my thoughts on Homestuck: Beyond Canon in one post so I can go back to it if I end up accidentally predicting anything.
I'm tentatively hopeful, but I also recognize that this new team is still working with everything that happened originally in HS^2 and the Epilogues, and that holds some of my biggest gripes with post-canon. While I don't think it is impossible to overcome those problems going forward, it's gonna be tough and I can see the new team not addressing them or even making them worse.
Also, the writing is slightly mixed. It is definitely better than og post-canon, and it even tops a lot of og homestuck, but there are parts that really pulled me out of it.
Referencing memes is something og Homestuck did a lot, and I didn't like it back then and I hate it just as much now. Terezi referencing the berries and creme shit and the how hungry meme really pulled me out of it, and felt very jarring and not too funny. Tho I will say that Sollux No Bitches was actually good, and I think that is because it felt like something he would say without knowing what the meme was.
Outside of the meme shit, the writing was pretty good. Definitely some of the best homestuck writing there's been, and leagues ahead of HS^2. I never thought I'd see John and Sollux carry a scene together but it was great.
Now for some hopes I have for the future
Apparently a lot of the team are Jade fans, so I'm really hoping this story can treat her well for once. HS^2 started that by having her break free from Alt Calliope's control in probably the best scene in HS^2. I'm very hopeful for Meat Jade, so I'm really only looking with caution towards Candy Jade. Her husband has been uploaded into a robot and gone rogue, her kid has been kidnapped, and she's just had a really embarrassing secret revealed to her friends. There is a chance the narrative takes a really cruel turn with her, so I'm nervous but hopeful.
Staying on Jade stuff, we need to give Yiffany a new name. Give her a nickname like Vrissy, have her change her name, anything please. Just call her Tiffany, I beg you.
Make June happen. If I'm being honest, June should've happened all the way back in the Candy Epilogue. That was the perfect moment for it narratively. Make June happen and make it good, please.
Make Kanaya an actual character. In Meat she is at her best, but she is still very quiet and very one note sadly. Her wanting to go on a quest of vengeance to get back her wife and beat up Dirk is great, and I hope they lean more into her anger this time instead of her just being sad and quiet. Candy is definitely the worst of Kanaya. I'm not opposed to the Rose cheating thing, but I have two main problems with it. First, the framing it as Rose just doing it as a friend to Jade. It would be much more interesting if there was some sort of emotion there, but whatever that ship has sailed. My second problem is with Kanaya just taking it without any problems. She just kinda shrugged and went whatever. I want to see Kanaya actually do something and vocalize what she wants. Please
Finally, I want them to treat Jane better. I'm going to be honest. This is one of most likely not going to happen at all. Candy Jane has been shoved neatly into the evil villain role, and I can't see a way for them to dig her out of that. Maybe they could do something with Meat Jane, but I have no clue if they are going back to Meat Earth C. They were doing stuff with that in the patreon exclusive comics back in the day, but I can 100% see them dropping those storylines to focus all their efforts on the main story. If they somehow do something good with Jane, I will be over the moon, and this entire mess will have been worth it.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
a) ?? Really??? How so???
b) ...? That was smooth?? Dove, if thats so, then a mountain may as well be a smooth triangle /t
c) shhh shhshshhshhh hush, the time I responded and the time it will take you do not matter <33 no need to leave <<333
Ah, I hate that stuffy humid heat (; ;) I wish you luck in enduring that 🫡🫡 yes yes, doves definitely do not deserve such a life, poor thing,, /t /j
Oh? :OO Seriously tho, don't worry about time, not only I, but I bet many others would be fine with waiting :))
¹I do!! I also saw that they came back!! :DD 🎉🎉
also congrats on ur blog now being 2 years old!!
-panna cotta
a) star told you the same thing when you first sent the asks sjdhhdh. I remember it, it was one of your several conversations; you then asked if it was okay for you to call the star — "star". and the words are also about the same, which is funny<33333 /affectionate /hj
b) for you<3 smooth maintain & smooth triangle<333 /t /j
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<333333 believe me, bully, for your usual words, it was incredibly smooth. I will even attach to you a more detailed description of what I think about your usual speech from another post~
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so yes, very smooth~ <33333 /t /j
c) ... now repeat it to yourself in the mirror ten times and stop apologizing, because every time you apologize for the long absence of an answer, while I have them stored for weeks, I feel like my dead conscience comes to life AND I don't like it!!! we need an arc of corruption, not an arc of rehabilitation!!! <////3 stop acting like a good polite panna cotta!!! what if the writebabies will take an example from you!!! /t /j /affectionate /it's okay, you can take as much time as you want, no one can put pressure on you, even you yourself, boo~
right??? it feels like you're in a deep fryer when you're sweating unrealistically and the steam doesn't evaporate because of the moisture around, and you're walking very wet and hot, BUT not in an attractive way!!!! 3:<<< I've always hated summer, but the way it manages to deepen this hatred is admirable, even I don't know how 3:<<<<<
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this is how the original message looked like<33333 awwww I love you too, honey~ mwah mwah♡ /t /j
to be honest, I myself hate waiting and hate forcing others to wai, so I try to do everything as quickly as possible, so to hear this,,,, you are definitely too good for an ordinary person<////3 such patience is something I will never achieve,,,, cutie<3333
¹ yes he is!!! <33333 our little lost meow meow~
don't worry, we will celebrate our little anniversary too~ there is information in the archive about when you approximately got the name, in the end, we have to at least try to become CLOSE one day /t /j /hsrs /affectionate
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