#the thing is that i have a very strict moral code and i won’t flirt nor do anything with people that are already in a relatioship
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
So in my DR1 Taleshift AU, the talents go as followed: Swimmer!Makoto, LuckyStudent!Chihiro, Programmer!Toko, Novelist!Celestia, Gambler!Leon, BaseballPro!Mondo, GangLeader!Mukuro, Soldier!Sakura, MartialArtist!Kiyotaka, MoralCompass!Byakuya, AffluentProgeny!Junko, Fashionista!Kyoko, Detective!Hifumi, FanficAuthor!Yasuhiro, Clairvoyant!Sayaka and Idol!Aoi. These headcanons mean a lot to me!
Hey anon! Thank you for your patience! I’m sorry it took so long but I had alot of real life affairs to take care of. Even to this day. With that in mind, i would like to bring up that I won’t be accepting any new talentswap asks like this for some good time. 
With that, I hope you enjoy these new headcanons for this AU.
Makoto Naegi as the SHSL Swimmer
He could spend hours in a pool of water just letting his mind wander as his body feels the cool pool sensations.
One day, when he was out on the beach with his family, he spotted what looked like a dolphin in distress and far out into the open waters.
Without thinking, he immediately swam towards the creature and brought her to the beach to have her wounds fixed.
He earned quite a bit of noteriety for that.
He’s the shortest member of his swim team and has been playfully teased for it.
During the summer, he often serves as a lifeguard assistant.
Chihiro Fujisaki as the SHSL Lucky Student
Their luck made it difficult for them to interact with others in social situations.
When their luck causes bad things to happen, it usually results in Chihiro being involved in a given accident making them come off as a bad omen.
When their luck causes good things to happen, they find themselves getting attention from the media and eager crowds.
Chihiro’s constantly changing luck is a prime factor for their timid and frailness.
They put alot of time in researching different forms of luck and rituals in an attempt to change their luck to their preferences.
They’ve picked up a variety of good luck charms and have a tendency of performing superstitious rituals whenever they’re about to do something.
Chihiro is also willing to give those charms to their friends (like Mondo when it comes to big games). 
Touko Fukawa as the SHSL Programmer
Not wanting to be involved with her abusive family, Touko spent her whole time on the computer.
She familiarized herself with the complex workings of the computer and how to make her own programs.
Her specialty is being able to create anti-virus software that can detect and report potential hackers while maintaining a clean software system that can last for decades.
She hates it when people ask her if she can make video games as she believes them to be stupid and not worth her effort.
She enjoys venting her frustrations on message and forum boards by provoking others with her comments.
Syo still exists in this AU because of the abuse and managed to pick up on her original self’s programming skills.
Whenever Syo takes over, she manages to hack security programs and bank accounts as a means of taking revenge against unlucky kids who hurt her or her gloomy self.
She managed to frame them for crimes they didn’t commit, summoned gang members to tear down their homes, and have illegal commodities shipped to them.
Her username is Geno-Zdr50 and after her crimes were revealed, she was given the title of SHSL Hacker.
Celestia Ludenberg as the SHSL Author
She earned recognition for bringing back the gothic-romanticism genre.
Alot of her stories feature tales of romance and tragedy between elegant ladies and their supernatural/undead suitors.
Her wardrobe is similar to her original outfit only with a longer dress and she wears a black veil with red roses.
She claims to have been involved in multiple relationships with different men who provided her with an interesting romantic experience.
Celestia has a strong dislike for tropes and cliches and tries desperately to ensure that her stories avoid them.
The last thing she wants to be considered is a run of the mill author by some half-witted review articles.
Leon Kuwata as the SHSL Gambler
His main attire consists of a red collared shirt, black jeans and shades.
He doesn’t win every game because of his lazy attitude and his tendency to panic whenever things don’t go right for him.
Leon got the title by winning a few big competition games involving blackjack.
He prefers to use slot machines since they make it less hard for him to showcase his skills.
One of his tricks is by flirting with the waitresses or servers and convincing them to give them tips on what the dealers are like.
He often ropes Yasuhiro and Hifumi into joining him whenever he goes gambling believing that their eccentric personalities will boost his chances.
Mondo Oowada as the SHSL Baseball Player
He got into baseball because of his brother who was already a professional player.
Mondo’s has multiple baseball uniforms because of how often he tears or smears them.
He managed to convince some of his friends, who were close to becoming involved in gangs, to join him.
When he started playing, Mondo had a fierce temper and would pick fights against other unruly baseball players which would leave the two of them with bruises and black eyes.
Daiya decided to step in and offer his personalized training sessions to help Mondo before he ruined his career.
By channeling his frustrations into body improvement training and hitting the ball, Mondo was able to get a better control of his temper.
Although there have been cases where the baseballs he swings out of the stadiums end up causing massive damage in random streets.
Mukuro Ikusaba as the SHSL Gang Leader
Just like in canon, she ended up leaving her family to visit a country that was torn apart by war.
But rather than joining Fenrir, Mukuro ended up in the presence of orphans and street rats who lost their families to war.
She managed to convince them to join her in fighting back against the invading soldiers.
Using effective planning and improvised training, she was able to create her own army of resistance fighters who could take on any adult soldier.
They would be known as the Walking Corpses.
She instilled an anti-empathy principle onto her fighters so that they would feel no sorrow or despair for the loss of an ally.
Sakura Oogami as the SHSL Soldier
At an early age, she was recruited by the Japanese government to partake in a program designed to train soldiers.
She was scouted because of her family’s reputation as powerful fighters.
For years, she endured brutal training against a variety of fighters who were three times her age and with no heart in them.
She performed multiple reconnaissance missions which involved rescuing fellow soldiers from enemy territories while also taking down guerilla fighters.
While she won’t say it out loud, Sakura does have sympathy for the guerilla fighters and soldiers who are trying to protect their homeland.
Sakura prefers to use her body to fight, but she knows how to use different guns and weapons.
She actually faced Mukuro and her Corpses once. While her subordinates were easy to apprehend, the Lead Corpse was much more resilient and they ended up in a draw.
To this day, she has yet to take the life of an innocent.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru as the SHSL Fighter
Wanting to uphold the proud name of the Ishimaru Family, Kiyotaka devoted himself to learning martial arts.
While he has studied multiple forms of martial arts, his preferred combat forms are karate, judo and taekwondo.
He has a fanbase of girls who found him to be quite attractive thanks to his handsome physique and his cool profession.
He’s actually very flustered by their attention and tries desperately not to fraternize with dates as they would interfere with his training.
Kiyotaka is always shown wearing a white gi for a uniform and is often barefooted. He claims this is to build endurance. 
Byakuya Togami as the SHSL Public Morals Officer
He runs a tight shift in ensuring that his academy’s rules and regulations are followed by every student.
Byakuya also made a secret group of student officers who would keep an eye on any rule breakers and would report their findings to him.
His punishments range from extra homework to having to clean the entire school during weekends or fun holidays.
He decided to expand his power by influencing different academies using his moral code and conduct.
He’s also openly criticized multiple schools that were lackluster when it came to discipline and how they organized their education system.
With his influence as a Togami, a majority of elite academies in Japan incorporate his strict moral code.
Junko Enoshima as the SHSL Heir
She was born to a wealthy family that specialized in marketing.
At an early age, Junko learned the basics of managing businesses and how to treat employees under her thumb
Her upbringing upheld morals that encouraged her to be as ruthless and tactile when dealing with enemy companies or unruly subjects
She enjoys manipulating stocks and employees as a means of brutally taking down business rivals
Junko also has connections to underground agents that can bring her dirt about her competitors while also assigning them to sabotage their own enterprises.
Kyoko Kirigiri as the SHSL Fashion Model
She undergoes extensive workouts and health routines to maintain a physically fit and beautiful appearance.
Her main styles are based on classic punk while incorporating different concepts of violet.
Sometimes she gives pointers and tips to her model colleagues before a big event but she’ll still be cold and serious when it’s time to perform or showcase her works.
She’s always wearing gloves and there are tons of rumors as to what she’s hiding under her hands.
Kyoko knows how to speak French and English since she often travels to France and the US for modeling events.
Her father is a fashion designer but she stopped modeling his works due to creative differences. 
In her free time, she likes to sketch different designs. Yasuhiro has even asked her for help with creating new characters.
Hifumi Yamada as the SHSL Detective
He wears a classic trench coat and a fiddler hat
He cites Detective Conan as his main inspiration for his career and how to approach his cases
When interrogating potential suspects, he often uses bizarre or outlandish questions in order to make them lose their defenses.
Alot of his cases involve finding lost children or recovering stolen money and valuables
Despite taking on many cases, he has yet to be involved with anything murder related.
He secretly wishes for a detective rival so the cases can be more exciting and that he can be pushed to be a greater detective. 
Yasuhiro Hagakure as the SHSL Doujinshi Author
He grew up loving shonen anime with fantasy settings like Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho.
His mom helped him in perfecting his writing and drawing skills and later with helping distribute his works.
Yasuhiro didn’t flunk like in canon, but his grades were pretty low since most of his time was spent daydreaming about potential storylines followed by him drawing them out.
The kids at his school were very impressed with his drawings, especially since they were based on their favorite shows.
He became very popular throughout his middle and high school years.
Despite his fandom, there were very few people whom he could call friends since most of them didn’t love the different layers and symbolism of the anime shows the same way he did.
Sometimes when inspired, he’ll pull out drawing supplies and paper from his dreadlocks.
Yasuhiro dreams of making his own anime/manga featuring a (totally not a self insert) protagonist who goes on ghost hunting adventures alongside his magic pet chicken.
Sayaka Maizono as the SHSL Fortune Teller
She dresses up as a carnival themed fortune teller.
Her stage name is the “Fairy of the Moon”. 
She prefers to predict happy and positive things in order to build a good reputation among the public.
When something bad is about to happen, like a fight or an accident, she notices things in extra detail that hint towards the upcoming event. (Like in the Final Destination series)
Sayaka has made several TV appearances where she would make open predictions about a fellow celebrity.
Having been acquainted with Aoi during her appearances, Sayaka often gives warnings to the idol about potential attackers.
Aoi Asahina as the SHSL Idol
While she’s a great singer, she has a hard time with writing her own songs. So she lets her group write them.
Her preferred songs contain messages of friendship and how bonds are important between people.
Aoi pulls off incredible dance movements throughout her performances that many idols have a hard time pulling off.
She has a close friendship with her idol group and considers them as her second family.
Aoi has also sparked controversy for openly supporting idols who defy the harmful expectations of their managers/corporate groups with their choices.
Her opinions on the matter have earned her an equal amount of fans and enemies. 
She has a harder time eating her precious donuts since her manager frequently discourages her from eating unnecessary sweets.
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Nakamoto Yuta  Astrology Ask: How he loves
“That“Hello!  Can you please do an astology post about hpw yuta from nct 127 loves ? With all the fluffy and nsfw details included ? I loved the ones yo did already and I was wondering if you’re interested in look into his chart? Thank you 😊😊🌸” - @marinemousemarie
A/N Of course I am happy to! Thanks again for your patience !!  ALSO THIS HAIR IS KILLING ME ON HIM OML   thank you for your request!!!
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what is he so perfect for????
Alright !!!!
Yuta’s chart is HEAVILY water influenced
which right off the bat means he is very in touch with his emotions
someone help me I am c o m p r o m i s e d
that is so daddy 
so even though he HAS these very deep emotions, he will still come off as mysterious and likely has a wall up
Scorpios exude sex appeal honestly I knew his sun was Scorpio but he makes so much sense with his moon there too 
His rising is Capricorn (by estimation)
so he is likely really thoughtful and analytical too, especially when you first meet him and a very, VERY hard worker
he even REALLY fits the physical description of a Scorpio honestly
his north node is Libra so even though he has a lot of Scorpio (typically a less social sign because they tend to be a bit... suspicious)
he probably desperately needs a tight knit group around him he trusts,and leans on them only when he feels he can’t handle it alone
 also his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality
he probably revels a little bit in the parts of his nature that stir him
..... i’m going to let you deduce what I feel about that until we get under the cut cause uh
a bitch is shook
so SUN in Scorpio means he is quieter at first, tends to ask more questions instead of revealing his own feelings (which are there and are strong)
puts off a really entrancing seductive mystery that draws people to stare and commands attention on it’s own
MOON in Scorpio means INTENSE 
Lunar Scorpios can cut right through anyone’s bullshit
there’s no point in faking emotion around him he is going to know immediately 
and have you ever seen such intense side eye from another sign???
They are incredibly all or nothing. if you are in their good graces they respect you and will show it 
if you lose that respect it is GONE forever
they are also courageous and tend to be on the cutting edge of fashion and social issues he has a golden heart and a steely gaze oh lort 
his mercury is in Libra which is the best place for that sign tbh
the negotiation skills this man would have is uncanny
tbh this makes me feel like he has the silverest of tongues
between Scorpio’s natural affinity for privacy and mystery and Libra’s skill with mediation, he will be effortless at wrapping someone around his finger
has a very solid sense of justice though, so it will only be used for good 
desires someone to sharpen his mind on
wants to be able to verbally spar and debate- always done in a friendly way though!
Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius  so he is the kind of person who wants to travel, is governed by a strict moral code all his own
and really just wants to enjoy the experiences of life 
these things can impact his desire to settle down however so his focus has to be on a relationship part of his life before he lets that happen.
his VENUS being in Scorpio well.
that’s ah. the exact opposite of his mars and Jupiter tbh
so they balance out a bit, but basically his venus says “when you are ready to settle down you settle down, and you don’t mess around.” 
they are loyal and sensual and they need emotional connection that goes both ways
they LOVE commitment and they expect FULL devotion
they wanna pick you apart and know every little thing about you because they want to fill all your cracks with little pieces of themselves so that you are hooked and sticking around
but they aren’t fully forthcoming with their own emotions
with his Mercury being Libra if you can GET him to talk, it’s fine because he will express it well
but you will have to be fantastic at deciphering different emotions in his eyes
there’s actually a lot of Capricorn in his chart, so even though he has a lot of Scorpio ( a very self sufficient sign)
he also probably has a few places where he can be a bit harder on himself and a little self defeating
he probably won’t need MUCH encouragement though, considering the really active fire sign in his Mars 
in relationships this boils down to 
you meet and he seems very withdrawn
polite but there’s a mystery behind his eyes you can’t quite pin down
no matter how much he likes you, he will not tell you 
no he will hint by initiating really subtle flirting
you’ll find him guiding you by two fingers on your low back, a gesture of helpfulness that will linger a few seconds too long
prolonged eye contact from across the room that drives you insane because you can’t figure out what it MEANS
the raise of one brow if you say something that he considers a little flirty back
he wants the push and pull to see if you are really interested  
after some playful non verbal flirting he will probably make sure you know he thinks you’re attractive more explicitly
his mars is Sagittarius so he will frame it casually but he would really need you to know
so say you dressed really nicely
he is going to make sure you get a compliment from him
“That fits really nice.”
and you will thank him only to realize he’s smirking and you know it is more than a basic compliment he is low key dirty okay
He’d be the type to have someone else invite you to a group gathering and then monopolize your time 
he would ask you a million questions about yourself until he knew you better than you do
and then he would flirt more
as he drank more his compliments would get softer and more kind and less borderline sugestive
and that’s how you know he genuinely likes you 
like he’s tipsy and it’s “You’re so sweet and I like being around you.”
“why won’t you ever rub my head like you rub Mark’s?”
“Why do you laugh at all of Johnny’s jokes and not mine?”
“I really just wish you’d love me too.”
and you’re like   👀👀👀👀👀👀
he will deny it like... one time and then he will cave hard
might lay on you and play with your hands while he talks about what he likes about you
and you’re in shock because he rarely speaks about how HE feels and usually only asks you things
and you realize his feelings are real and you finally just say “If I’m so great why won’t you date me?”
and he will 0.0 
because why didn’t sober him think of that ???
he did but also he doesn’t want you to know how MUCH he did you feel me
so he will just be like “okay, then it is what we’re doing now.”
and you expect him to forget but the next day he is at your house with flowers and he wants to do cute shit
domestic shit like changes your name in his phone to a shit ton of cute emojis
spam you 
with love via text while he is away
just one after another of CHEESY ass heart and flower pictures
and the most adorable good mornings and goodnights and every meal time he texts to be sure you’re eating
is genuinely so sweet and open with you once you are together
loves to lay in your lap and stare up at you 
run your hands through his hair while you do what a dream though
back hugs!!
front hugs!!
he wants
how precious I 
18 + below the cut let’s get spicy
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you don’t understand I am incoherent
remember  THIS “  his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality “
i usually don’t agree when people insist someone IS a specific roll in the bedroom but
Yuta is a whole dom
Comfortable with his darker sides... comfortable with his kinks
willing to explore and not in the SLIGHTEST concerned about what society thinks
if he likes it he tells you and you guys will decide if it’s something you wanna do
ALL THAT SCORPIO. Sun, Moon, Venus,and pluto all being in scorpio I mean this dude I FUCKIN CAN’T
 Scorpio is known for being passionate, sensual and incredibly unrelenting 
a bit egotistical about their abilities
not in a bad way, in a “I got this and I will show you that I do”  kind of way
Yuta stop that’s hot
This is not romantic sex
this is not lovey dovey handholding sex
He wants you incoherent and lost in pleasure
he wants to dominate you and watch you beg
listen he really loves the power rush that comes with it
maybe choking look don’t kill me he strikes me as a choking type
Libra mercury so his dirty talk is ALWAYS ON POINT AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU LIKE
seems like the type to be a LITTLE into degradation
I’m sorry look I don’t mean anything too serious
just “You’re a slut for me aren’t you? Such a good girl all day but you can’t wait to spread your legs for me?”
that kinda stuff
Orgasm control/Denial
holds a vibrator to your clit while you beg him to stop
finger fucks you while he does
Maybe a sir/daddy kink 
the type to buy you a “collar” made of diamonds and smirk every time someone who doesn’t know compliments it
“Don’t cum and don’t let anyone know and I will reward you at home.”
while he fingers you under the table
thinks it’s funny if you have minor slip ups
fast, accurate strokes that leave you seeing stars
sometimes deep, soul shakingly slow strokes that roll your eyes back into your head
scratch his shoulders he likes that shit
spanking and biting are definitely a yes
aftercare is SO SWEET
cuddles you and shhhhh’s you
strokes up and down your arms with his fingertips
lays your head in his lap and smiles softly at you
asks you what you need to calm down
wraps you in the softest robe or blanket
makes you feel safe and loved
tells you how well you did 
a good boyfriend wow
here you go !
thank you for your patience !!
I hope you enjoyed it !!
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stephicness · 7 years
[Cor S/O headcanons pls]
*throws extra hearts and Airheads your way* THANK YOU.
But here! Have some of those Cor Leonis S/O headcanons. c: He was a fun challenge to try writing for, and it definitely took time to think of stuff. But thanks to @araneagreatlyapproves​ / @loqute​ for tossing some ideas my way, I managed to write it up! WHOOP!
Hope you guys enjoy the read. c; Didn’t do bullets this time because I wrote alot per each note. So it kinda has a weird flow to it. But I hope it’s an okay read nevertheless!
Cor The Immortal Lover Boy – Cor Leonis S/O Headcanons
Cor Leonis, the Immortal Shogun. Samurai extraordinaire,commander of Lucian’s finest Crownsguard, loyal soldier to the king himself –this man really has quite a few names on his resume, and definitely lives up tothe reputation as one of the most skilled fighters across all of Lucis.
It’s a wonder how he ever had time to really invest in arelationship with someone – anyone for that matter. Most assumed that he wasjust married to his work, so they did little to really question him about alove life that may or may not have existed. But it’s there.
Cor often gives off that impression that he’sstone-faced, stoic, an ‘immortal grump’ as some have called him. And… Well,they aren’t wrong. He’s not exactly the most humbling of people to be around.Or charming for that matter. He’s a tough one, and not a teddy bear at firstwhen you meet him.
But nevertheless, he lightens up – kind of – when he’s ina relationship he wants to be a part of. Cor’s not the kind of person who wouldrecklessly get into a relationship. Not like his younger days, at least.Instead, if he has any intention of being with someone officially, it’s becausehe wants to make a commitment to that person for the rest of his life.
It’s what often makes Cor’s love-life a little bit morecomplicated since he’s got that very strict moral code when it comes to fallingin love. He won’t date a person whom he can’t see himself maybe settling downwith, and it often is intense for his partner to realize too.
Despite the intensity in Cor’s feelings though, he’s avery patient man. So much that it’s almost unsettling to some. If his partnerwere to say that they needed more time to think about making such a commitmentto a full-tine relationship, he’ll give them as much time as they need, neverpressuring them to making a choice. He wants his partner to fall in love withhim in their own natural way, after all.
Of course, Cor’s extremely straight-forward when it comesto his thoughts and feelings. If he loves you, he’ll often tell you straight upand regardless of whom may or may not be listening. If he wants to kiss you, he’llask first, but sometimes might not give you a chance to reply as he just sort ofgoes for it. It sounds contracting to his patient demeanor, but he’s notpassive. There’s a difference there.
He just really knows what he wants, and he’s not afraidto tell you. Especially when he makes it his exclusive point to tell hispartner all the things that are on his mind about them.  Not like in expectations or demands, but he’llsay dumb things like ‘Your lips are really soft’ or ‘I like it when you laugh,’and that just makes his partner feel flat-out flustered or embarrassed.
Cor’s the kind of man who isn’t afraid to show that hecares about his partner. To anyone.So the moments where his partner happens to show up to the training hall whilehe’s talking, he’ll just calmly keep resuming in his instructions as he goesover to them, kissing them, and leads them back with his hand in theirs as hewraps up the meeting. The others feel awkward, but Cor does what Cor wants.
It’s his favorite thing though when – if his partnerhappens to be smaller than he is – he’s having a conversation with someoneelse, and his partner wanders up to Cor and stands there for a moment to listeninto the conversation. He’ll just resume talking as he guides his partner infront of him before he wraps his arms around their waist and rests his chin ontop of their head or their shoulder. He’ll just keep talking to whomever as heholds onto his partner and enjoys having them in his arms.
Yeah. He probably has a type with people smaller than heis. But then again, it’s rare for Cor to find someone taller than he is. Sans Gladiolus,of course.
Speaking of type, he’s got an affinity for people whohave spunk to them. Those who are willing to fight for not only what theybelieve in, but also those who are witty too. As much as he likes the cute smolbeans out there in the world, he thinks it’s even more attractive when the smolbean packs quite a punch – physically and metaphorically.
It applies a fun dynamic in the relationship that Cor andhis partner have, and it’s a dynamic that Cor really enjoys. The littleteasing, small bits of bickering, but ultimately in ways that just show that hecares a lot for his partner, just as he hopes they care just as much as he doesas well. That, and it makes for some sultry banter that he also enjoys quite abit too.
But sometimes, he doesn’t know how to control his filter.This results in him sometimes saying things that could offend his partner. Hetries to mean it as a joke, but sometimes when you tease about eating one toomany donuts, it can get into a sensitive topic.
Despite this, he always makes it his effort to apologize.Not outright at first, because that’s now how the Immortal Shogun do. Instead,he’ll do romantic things when his partner’s expecting to come home pissed offat Cor. Flowers set up on the table, Cor cooking dinner while reading the samebook he always does whenever he gets into fights with his partner, ‘How toAdmit You Were Wrong.’ Instant classic.
He usually ends up waiting for his partner to approachhim about the matter, but he never expects them to apologize first. Instead, he’sjust more patient in it because he doesn’t want to pry in and make it feel likehe’s forcing an apology from either his partner or himself. He wants thegesture to, again, be natural. Just as natural as the day he and his partnerwere able to say ‘I love you’ to each other.
Because for Cor, being in a relationship is all aboutbeing a team. Together, he and his partner can make things work, take onwhatever’s coming at them – perhaps physically too if his partner happens to bea part of the Crownsguard as well. But nevertheless, he and his partner are init together, and he always makes it his point to let his partner know that.
He especially likes showing off the idea that he and hispartner are a team, allowing his competitive side to show when doing so. Takefor example if he and his partner when to a picnic with games and the like. Ifthere was a push-up contest, Cor would be on it with his partner not onlyspotting him, but probably also sitting on his back as he shows off that andold man like him was still strong and kicking.
His partner probably would have to massage his back afterthe events were over. But hey. It takes two to kick asses and take names at allthe royal family’s ‘family’ outings.
Because of how close his views his bond with his partner,he often can become rather jealous and possessive. Say if someone decided totake flirting a little bit too far with his partner, Cor wouldn’t hesitate tostep in, smack those grabby hands away, and lead his partner away with his handfirmly on top of their backside. They can’t ever have his partner because they’reone of a kind for Cor alone.
He always a bit suspicious when it comes to peoplegetting too close to his partner, but he never assumes that it’s his partnerthat needs to be watched over. If anything, it’s everyone else who needs tomind their own business. He trusts his partner even to let them do as theywish, so long as they remain mindful not to be taken advantage of.
Besides, in Cor’s eyes, his partner’s too good foreveryone else. Hell, sometimes even Cor wonders how he managed to get hispartner to fall in love with himself. But he tries not to over-think it becausehe even if he didn’t think he was good enough, he’d do his damnedest to fighthard to make sure he was.
Because, after all, they were in this together. And hewouldn’t have anyone else for a partner, no matter what.
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glaringapollo · 7 years
30 Day Warden Challenge
(But all at once)
1. Basics. A basic profile of your Warden.
Hireth Surana - 17/20 - Circle Mage (Dalish parentage) - Lawful Good - Elemental Magic
2. Appearance. Write a detailed description of your Warden’s appearance.
Standing at about 5′1″, he’s a frail looking boy with soft hands. His nose is broad and a little flat, classic elf bridge with two moles just under his eyebrows (which are pretty bushy themselves). A bit awkward looking with an overbite, soft jawline, and big ears (left ear has a mole as well). His hair is a deep brown, that he grows out over the course of the game. Also over the course of the game he gets; two scars on his jaw and one on his ear from the Archdemon, some scars across his knuckles and a gash in his left leg from his fight with Loghain (giving him a slight limp now but he has his staff for support).
3. Personality. Write a detailed description on your Warden’s personality.
NO idea how the real world works, he stumbles a lot and is naive and gets taken advantage of. A really soft spoken boy, he doesn’t smile very often, dealing with depression and anxiety. His main aspirations are to be happy and feel stable, which he puts aside to focus on others happiness as a Warden feeling it his punishment and atonement for helping Jowan. As a result of being unable to find his own happiness- he is a firm believer in others living their lives the way they like as long as it doesn’t harm others.
He only raises his voice twice, once when encountering Jowan again, and another at the Landsmeet with Loghain.
A bit self depreciating, but he’s very loyal to his friends and tries to support them as much as he can- always trying to do little things for them. Lacking a bit of empathy with certain emotional issues though, having trouble understanding struggles with family having not really known his own enough to miss them. Sometimes even when he knows he’s being taken advantage of, he still allows it to happen if it doesn’t hurt anything (the Alienage elves asking for money constantly). A bleeding heart for peoples struggles.
4. Companions. Describe your Wardens relationship with each member of their party.
Alistair - First love, quite possibly his only and last as well. Alistair’s the first person he felt a real connection to, and he clings to that connection for dear life. They don’t always see eye to eye, but they never let that interfere with their friendship. He puts his complete trust in Alistair, and would almost certainly die for him.
Leliana - Best friend! They’re both devout and relate on that point, he likes her stories, and she’s a positive person to lean on. One of the few people who can make him laugh. She is usually the one that tries to uplift his self-esteem when he’s down- he’s not sure how he feels about her past with violence, and her choice to continue pursuit of Marjolaine but they do keep in contact periodically as the years go by.
Wynne - Basically his mom/grandma, since she’s from the circle she’s known him from the start. She knows more about his past and his upbringing, and tries to continue to coax him towards being more confident in his abilities.
Shale - Despite their rocky start (pun intended) Shale’s surprising loyalty quickly won Hireth over- and his quiet company won Shale’s in return. His dedication to his cause really helped Shale warm up to him, and soon they even became a bit protective of him. Any time he gets info to help Shale return to being a Dwarf he sends it to them- wishing them the best.
Zevran - Their friendship is one built on the fact that they must trust each other. They disagree on a lot, but Zevran must trust that Hireth won’t get rid of him- and HIreth must trust the same. His flirting makes Hireth a little uncomfortable, but he doesn’t say anything on the matter.
Sten - Sten makes Hireth nervous, and while he started out wanting to befriend the Qunari- it ended with him seeing the other as nothing more than something akin to a coworker. They each had a job to do and would part ways once it was done. Their personalities just didn’t mesh well.
Oghren - Made Hireth uncomfortable, and Hireth is also the worst wingman fyi. The drunkenness was off-putting and he avoided prolonged talks with the man, but he knew the Dwarf didn’t necessarily have any ill will. Was actually a bit relieved to see Oghren in Awakening- having a familiar face was a comfort.
Morrigan - Despises her, and the feeling is mutual.
5. Romance. Who is your Warden’s romantic interest and why are they attracted to them? Describe their relationship. If your Warden has no romantic interest explain why.
He is so very gay, and Alistair is unfortunately not (tbh I do headcanon Alistair as pan (w/ a preference to women but not against dating other genders) but he’s also dense so they still don’t get together lmaooo).
6. Sexuality. What is your Warden’s sexual orientation? Describe your Wardens past sexual experiences [if any].
Honestly? Hireth never showed much interest in others as a teen. He is gay, and has had an odd crush or two but never anything really intense (I let characters develop as I play, and I thought he was going to be Ace before he saw Alistair and was just like “I wanna have sex w/ him” like boy CHILL).
7. Choices [Part One]. Describe your Wardens choices in the five main quests: Arl of Redcliffe, Urn of Sacred Ashes, Broken Circle, A Paragon of Her Kind & Nature of the Beast.
AoR - After shouting at Jowan (”No no, you MADE this mess and you’re fixing it!! You don’t just get to run away every time you have to face consequences, Jowan!!”), he enlisted the help of the Circle Mages (”I can fix it but it requires bloo-” “No.” “But--” No.”), and killed the demon (no deals for him).
UoSA - Fought that fucking dragon because I didn’t know you could skip it, of course he didn’t taint the ashes he’s A GOOD ANDRASTEAN BOY.
BC - Saved the circle, it’s his home and he actually liked it there...
APoHK - Sided with Caridan, seeing the Anvil as too cruel. He had Harrowmont put on the throne, seeing him as the more peaceful of the two (he hates Orzammar).
NotB - Managed to lift the curse and allow the elves to live.
8. Choices [Part Two]. Describe your Wardens choices later in the game: The Alienage, the Landsmeet and Morrigan’s ritual.
Alienage - Got rid of the slavers in the Alienage, refusing to deal with them and gave generously to the false beggars.
Landsmeet - Managed to get everyone on his side, he actually got increasingly angry with Loghain, even yelling at him for the shit he had pulled- when the challenge to duel was set, he agreed to be the one to fight Loghain not wanting to force anyone to fight his battles and worrying that Alistair’s anger would get the better of him. He was not able to execute Loghain however- and Alistair gladly did that one for him. He had brought up marrying Anora to Alistair but quickly defaulted when Alistair showed upset, not wanting to pressure him into anything.
Morrigan’s Ritual - [TW: Rape Mention - TL;DR vers Hireth did the Ritual with Morrigan] OK, so- due to the feel I got for Hireth and the way Morrigan’s wording came off, canonically for MY game Hireth was technically raped. While he did agree to the ritual, he felt guilted and blackmailed into it. Initially he put up a fight, accepting the fact that he will die, willing to give up his life to slay the Archdemon. Morrigan of course fought the decision, bringing up Alistair and the chances of Alistair being the one to give the final blow (”He IS a templar after all... you as a mage would be much further away, he’d have the higher risk.”) and pressuring Hireth to convince Alistair to sleep with her. Hireth refused, not wanting to force Alistair to do anything, let alone sleep with someone he hardly got along with- and Hireth gave in agreeing to the ritual.
He doesn’t like to think about it, for obvious reasons.
9. Motivation. Describe why your Warden made the choices they made during the Blight. Go into detail about who influenced them and how any key events from their past influenced them.
Hireth threw himself down as a servant to the people, he felt it his duty to completely be at the whims of the public and their needs. He feels guilty for assisting Jowan after it being revealed that he really was a blood mage, he also humbles himself incredibly once he finds out that jealousy is what drove Jowan to study blood magic.
10. Joining The Wardens. How did your Warden react to being recruited? Include your Wardens thoughts about Duncan and whether or not they were conscripted in your answer.
He sees it as a punishment- he technically had to be conscripted because he was ready to default to the punishment of the circle- whether it be death or made tranquil. The thing is, even if Jowan wasn’t a blood mage or he got out fine, Hireth would’ve turned himself in after giving it a few hours for Jowan to get away.
He likes the Wardens well enough, but he and Alistair definitely don’t see eye to eye on it being an honor. His opinion on Duncan was luke-warm, he didn’t dislike Duncan but at the time he was hit hard with depression over being conscripted and ripped from the only life he’d known.... so he didn’t really reach out to connect to anyone in the first 6 months or so.
11. Spirituality. What does your Warden believe in? Describe your Wardens Religion or their Atheism. Go into detail about how they practice their beliefs, if their beliefs cause conflict among their companions and how their beliefs guide them morally.
Hireth is a very devout Andrastean, he believes in the Maker and follows a strict moral code of ‘goodness’ in part to that . While merely being a believer in the start, he really falls in love with Leliana’s own teachings on the Maker and His love for everyone. Especially since Hireth follows a “happiness is important” sort of code of conduct, and that really supports the idea (as long as it doesn’t hurt others obviously). He prays every night before bed, which has definitely received some snark from certain party members. Zevran teases him about it, but is never malicious as his teasing is usually good natured. Alistair and him sometimes discuss the religion as two who’ve been under the pressing thumb of the Chantry their whole lives-
Both agree that it was straining, but Hireth never let it get to him the way Alistair seemed to.
12. Tattoos. Does your Warden have any tattoos and if so how did they get them? If you Warden has no tattoos explain why not. Also include how your Warden views tattoos - Include their reaction to the Dwarven Casteless brands and the Dalish Blood Writing.
He’s a big baby who don’t want no pain.
As far as tattoos as a whole go, he has no real opinion on them outside the fact that he doesn’t want one. He’s a bit horrified by the Casteless brands, not understanding how anyone could forcibly do that to others- children included. Dalish blood writing doesn’t phase him as much though due to him being Dalish born.
13. Viewpoint [Part One - Race & Social Class]. Describe how your Warden feels about the Dwarven caste system, Human nobility and Elven alienages. Also go into detail about your own Wardens race/social class and if they are proud/ashamed of where they come from.
He doesn’t understand it at all, honestly. He’s a bit bitter at the treatment of elves- but in the circle he wasn’t really treated wrongly. He was the First Enchanters star pupil, so he didn’t really experience how harsh others racism could be until he was shoved out into the real world.
The Dwarven caste system is the most upsetting to him, that they’d treat others of their own race that way. Elven Alienages upset him a bit too, and I like to imagine that while he travels he always stops in them to help them out.
Personally though, he is proud of his being an elf and a mage.
14. Viewpoint [Part Two - Mages Rights]. How does your character view Mages? Apostates? Blood Magic? How do they react to Morrigan’s shape shifting? How do they react to Wynne being a abomination? If they are a Mage describe their views of the Circle and if they believe they should be free or not.
Being a mage, he views them as just other people. He understands that they hold a great deal of power, but he doesn’t quite grasp the fear of mages that others have. While he personally supports the circle (he wishes to see it as a learning institution though, and would like more freedoms to experience life to be available), he doesn’t dislike apostates for not wanting to be in one.
Blood magic is just evil in his opinion, and should never be used.
He was fairly impressed by Morrigan’s abilities, but made uneasy especially with the implications of her mother being an abomination- that on top of her general attitude kept him from fully trusting her.
Wynne taught him that there are other spirits in the world, and her being touched by one and turned to an ‘abomination’ actually furthered his belief in the Maker that there was a kindness in this world for them.
15. Leadership. What is your Warden like as a leader? How do they lead and how do they handle companions disagreeing with them?
He really grows into the leadership role, he’s a very gentle force and while uncertain at first- he later develops a conviction in his actions. Hireth likes to think that he ‘guides’ more than leads. Any time a companion disagrees with his choices, he usually just reminds them that they don’t actually have to listen to him, but they usually just go with it anyway because they’re there for a reason.
16. Fear. During the quest Broken Circle your character is trapped in the Fade by a Sloth demon If you could personalize your Warden’s nightmare what would it be about? And why?
Chaos, and a lack of control. His nightmare would probably center around how every action he does, the opposite happens. Tries to pick up that book? His reach pushes it away instead. Noise, and over stimulation and not being able to stop it- really fucking with his anxiety.
17. Regret. During the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest you will be introduced to the Guardian who will ask the Warden if they regret something from their past. If you could personalize the Guardian’s question what would he ask? And how would your Warden answer?
Honestly? The question about Jowan would still be fitting. His answer would be more in depth though, about how he would wish that he was more aware of Jowan’s feelings and emotions. Their friendship was a bit of a stale one out of convenience more than a connection, and honestly Hireth blames that fact on himself, and as a reason Jowan turned to blood magic at all.
18. Moral Alignment. What would your character moral alignment be and why?
His alignment is clearly Lawful Good, while he feels that others should have a more- neutral good lifestyle (again, he feels happiness is important as long as it’s harmless), he himself is Lawful. The times he has broken the law/rules, were for the benefit of others. He’s never stepped outside of the law for his own benefit.
19. Fighting Style. Describe your Warden’s fighting style and how it improves during the Blight. Make sure to include what specializations they trained in and why they chose them.
He definitely gets more aggressive in style as the time goes on, he specialized in elemental magic as a part of his training in the circle and carried that on (he was most capable of fire spells, and later electricity due to his precise control on the spells he casted). While starting out shakey, and afraid of actually hurting people, he soon got a better footing on the need to defend himself and his friends and knew his limits and capabilities. His control on his magic allowed him absolute confidence in battle.
20. Weapons/Spells. Describe your Warden’s favourite weapon/spellsand describe what their favourite weapons/spells say about their personality.
As stated, he specialized in elemental spells, which contrasted a bit with his controlling nature to use such unpredictable means- but that was part of what was actually a bit scary about him. He had the control and precision to handle those spells well, if he didn’t want his flames to be unruly and go beyond a certain parameter- they wouldn’t.
21. Meeting Your Warden. Your Warden has been transported into your bedroom through a magical portal. How do they react to meeting you? Do you get along? What is their opinion of your bedroom? Explain the meeting and go into as much detail as possible.
I am not going into detail over this, lmao. He’d be upset by my room and my life choices, I’d be way too loud for him, and we’d get along in a passive sort of way.
22. Favourites. Make a list of your Warden’s favourite things [Colour, Food, Music, Animals, etc]. Explain why they are their favourite.
-Green -- He never put much thought into his favorite color, and wouldn’t be able to answer the question personally... but his wardrobe is filled with nice earthy tones and he is definitely biased towards the color even if he doesn’t realize.
-Spicy foods? -- I-- I can’t really think of a specific food but he loves flavorful ones so I can definitely see him enjoying spicy foods. The nights where Zevran cooks are his fave (Zevran uses the good Antivan spices).
-Piano -- Piano’s are his favorite instrument so he really likes relaxing tunes, soft and melodic. He’s not the biggest fan of vocals, but he doesn’t mind when Leliana sings, and sometimes he joins her if he doesn’t think anyone is listening.
-idk what else to state as his fave lmao
23. Talents & Hobbies. What did your Warden like to do before they were recruited and what do they like to do now when they’re not battling Darkspawn? Also include any talents they may have.
He actually enjoyed writing academically and would compile notes on historical events to find inaccuracies and conflicting information. He writes down reports of his travels now, and compiles them for future information. Overall, hobbies are also reading, and he’s recently taken an interest in Dwarven history.
His talents though, is that he actually has a pretty singing voice.
24. Going Out For A Drink. The DA:O writers were asked in a interview how each companion would act if they went out for a drink [To see responses go onto the Dragon Age Wiki – Character’s Page – Trivia].How would you character react if they went out drinking with their companions and why? What drink would they order?
He’d be nervous the whole time, Hireth doesn’t like drunks... he’d probably be DD (or the closet you can be in Fereldan). He would get water, maybe a virgin drink at the pressure of his friends.
25. Food Comparison. The DA:O writers were asked in a interview to compare each companion to a type of food based on their personalities. [To see responses go onto the Dragon Age Wiki – Character’s Page – Trivia]. What food would your character be and why?
Man I dunno enough about foods for this shit, sweet potato casserole. Because it’s soft and sweet????
26. NPCs. Choose four random NPCs in the game – they can be anyone you want – and describe what your warden thinks of them and their relationship.
First Enchanter Irving - More like a father to Hireth, he tried very hard to make him proud- feels a lot of guilt over lying to him to help Jowan but becomes a bit bitter towards him after finding out he was trained to become a Warden all along.
Ser Otto - Hireth actually has a soft spot for older Templar’s. While wary of younger ones who want in for a feeling of control, most older one’s are just lyrium addled and he pities them. He thought highly of Otto for going to address troubles in the Alienage, protecting the elves like he would humans. He was upset over his death.
Anora - Pitied her for having to deal with her father’s decline, but was ultimately a bit displeased with her as a whole. Something about her demeanor rubbed him wrong but he mostly thinks that’s the result of her coming from a place of wealth (especially bc Cailan had the same effect on him). He appreciated her composure during the Landsmeet, especially since he got sick in front of everyone after watching a man get beheaded...
Loghain - Was intimidated by him from the start, he avoided Loghain at all costs if he could- A bit shocked by the betrayal, but slowly grew to truly hate the man over time. One of the few people he’s actively gotten angry with.
27. Family. Describe the members in your Warden’s family and what your Warden’s relationship with them is like.
I need to change up some of his backstory, but he was originally a Dalish elf. He had a similar background as Minaeve, but I have a bit of a different outlook on the ‘casting out’ part. I think once a child exhibits magical abilities it’s less that they’re ‘cast out’ but more like put on a trial to prove they can handle their selves and abilities to ease worries of attracting demons. Usually they’re monitored but shit happens. As did with Hireth.
Now he doesn’t have clear memories of his parents, exhibiting magic very early on, but they were an elven huntress and the First to the Keeper. His mother was a bit playful, and a prankster- which contrasted with his father’s sullen attitude, but they were together due to being childhood sweethearts and were very close aside from this. They weren’t quite fit for being parents, which lead to them botching up Hireth’s trials and honestly decimated their own relationship afterwards.
In the circle First Enchanter Irving became a father figure for him, he put the man up on a pedestal that slowly crumbled once he left the Circle and found out things Irving had been keeping from him.
Wynne later becomes somewhat of a ‘grandmother’ to him, and he finds family with his companions (namely Shale, Alistair, Zevran, and Leliana).
28. Playlist. Write out a list of songs that describe you Warden and their journey to defeat the Blight. You can include songs you think describe your Warden’s relationship with specific companions if you want to. Make sure you explain why you have chosen each song.  
I’m not explaining the reasons behind these.
29. Backpack. Name 5 items in your Warden’s backpack and explain their significance to your Warden.
A copy of the Chant of Light, and an amulet of Andraste, comforting items of his faith that he clings onto.
An over read book on the history of the Dalish, it’s inaccurate and he knows it- but it was the only thing he had to help him feel connected to where he came from. It’s dog eared on points that he remembers to be true. While he’s not particularly interested in joining back with the Dalish or anything- he still won’t deny his roots.
Dumb headcanon, but since to make the heads connect to the bodies look ‘natural’ the game gives all the characters these weird choker things- I headcanon that those are fucking “friendship” necklaces that Alistair made for everyone. Hireth still has his.
A gem stone given to him from Shale, he plans to return it to them once they become a dwarf again.
He has other keepsakes from companions as well but these are the most significant.
30. Happily Ever After…Or Not. How does the Blight end for your Warden? Describe who killed the Archdemon, How they reacted to Morrigan’s offer, If they lived or died and what boon they asked for if they did live.
The Archdemon is destroyed, surprisingly enough-- Hireth made the final blow in a panic at the thought that the ‘ritual’ was a lie and not wanting Alistair to die he clumsily swung a dropped sword at the beast. Obviously was very against Morrigan’s offer, and slowly has to cope with his own choices. He lived, and didn’t ask for a boon, because he’s a pure fucking child.
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