#today was my first day after my little 10 days off and i bumped into my crush from another office
thewalkingthread · 11 months
"I've been thinking" - D.D.
pairing: daryl dixon x f!reader
summary: After witnessing how good Daryl takes care of Judith and RJ, you think it's about time y'all have one of your own.
warning: fluff
a/n: I love soft Daryl.
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You and Daryl had been through more than your fair share of hardships, having faced the trials of the apocalypse together. Your bond had only grown stronger over the years, and now, after the war in Commonwealth settled, you and your community found a place to call home. Despite the chaos of the world outside, you had finally had a semblance of peace and security among friends, new and old. Hell- you guys even had a dog now.
It was sunny today, Judith and RJ ran around on the street with some of the other kids. They screamed and hollered as they played tag, a heart melting smile spread across their faces. Just kids being kids.
You and Daryl sat on the front porch of your house with Dog. Daryl's crossbow rested against the wall as he sharpened the points of his arrows. You watched the kids, you had a smile that mirrored their contagious ones.
"You okay?" Daryl asked, his voice soft, he glanced at you briefly before he continued to work on his arrows.
You nod your head, your eyes still fixated on the kids. "I've been thinking,"
"That can't be good," Daryl scoffed, teasingly. You roll your eyes, reaching over and bumping his shoulder with your fist. "Bout wha?" He asks.
You shrug your shoulders, glancing down at the glass of water in your hands. "The future." You said simply.
Daryl looked up, curiosity evident in his stormy blue eyes. "The future, huh? What's on your mind?" He placed the arrow on the table, giving you his undivided attention.
"Well," You began, a faint blush coloring their cheeks, "I've been thinking about this for a while, but it never seemed like the right time. I mean these past few years have been so... crazy." You wince.
"But now, everything feels right. We're safe. Here, in commonwealth. The kids are safe here, we've got something good going. Something real." You hated saying it, knowing you felt the exact same way with the prison, with Alexandria. I don't think anywhere in this world would ever be safe, but here felt like it.
"We've been dealt some shitty cards. With Rick and Michonne gone, we've basically been given all their responsibility. I know we have to lead these people. I know we have to keep Jude and RJ safe. But I can't help but notice how great you are with Judith and RJ. You're a natural, Daryl. We take care of them like they're our own and-" Your voice trails off, losing the confidence to finish.
"Spit it out, woman." He grunts, staring into your eyes knowingly.
"I want to expand our family... Have one of our own?" You raise an eyebrow, "I wouldn't mind a little Dixon running around."
Daryl paused, his hands grasping yours. He looked at you with the softest eyes, his heart swelling with love and tenderness. "You serious?"
You nodded, your eyes never leaving his. "Yeah, Daryl. I am. I think we're ready. I mean you're obviously going to be one hell of a dad."
Daryl's rough exterior couldn't hide the softness that your words had brought out in him. He scooted closer to you, holding both of your hands tightly in his. "You really think that?"
You smiled, your love for Daryl shining in your eyes. You've been with Daryl from the beginning. Him and Merle found you alone in a convenient store the day everything went to shit. After months of pining over each other you finally bit the bullet at the prison and made it official. Though the two of you been through hell the past 10 years you're here, together.
"Absolutely. I've seen the way you protect and care for those kids, the way you take care of me. It makes my heart ache with how much I love you. We're building something here. I want to start a family with you."
Daryl leaned in, capturing your lips with a tender kiss. It felt just like it did the first time all those years ago. "I love you too, Y/N. Let's do it. We'll make it work, no matter what. Us against the world. The way it's always been."
His arms wrapped around your body and pulled your close to him.
"Are you two okay?" Judith's voice caused the two of you to pull away from each other. Her eyebrow was raised suspiciously at you two. You and Daryl both burst into a fit of chuckles.
"How would you feel helping Auntie Y/N out with a baby?" Daryl's voice was scuffed. Judith's eyes just about popped out as she jumped into y'alls lap.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She cheered. "About time!" She laughed. Dog barked, oblivious to what was happening but happy to see everyone happy.
You and Daryl exchanged amused glances. Deep down inside you both knew you'd be okay. Whatever happened next, you'd handle it together.
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overtrred28 · 8 months
Something out of a rom com | Steph Catley x reader
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Summary; The night of Steph’s 30th birthday party leads to the telling of your romantic love story that really should be made into a rom com. 
Words; 2.5k
Pairing; Steph Catley x reader
Warnings; none really, pure fluff
A/N; This is in honour of her birthday and I wrote it because I had the idea during a shower and I just had to write it. It might not be the best but hopefully it's cute and decently written. I’ve also got two blurbs for other players in the process atm so stay tuned for that!
The 26th of January. A seemingly normal day to most people, but it was in fact one of your favourites. It not only marks the day you met the love of your life and future wife, but it coincidentally happened to be her birthday as well. It also happened to be today's date once again. 
So here you sat in your shared living room, Steph snuggled up to you on the couch surrounded by some of the people who loved her the most after a very successful 30th birthday party. 
A lot of other party goers had left as it was getting late, except for almost half of her Arsenal teammates who always seemed to linger after events such as these, not that you minded. 
Different conversations littered the room, most didn’t make sense because of the alcohol that was still flowing. But it was the newest team member Emily Fox who brought the group back together. 
“So, how long have you guys been together?” Emily asked, sitting directly across the room from you and Steph. 
“Almost 3 years now.” Steph smiled at her and the rest of the group listened in. 
“Oh my god, their relationship story is like something out of a rom com!” Jen talked excitingly whilst looking at Emily. 
“What do you mean?” You looked at Jen first and then down to Steph who looked just as confused. 
“Wait, I’ve never heard the full story.” Kyra piped up from her place on the floor beside Alessia. 
“Me either.” Alessia raised a finger while looking between you and Steph.
“It’s not that exciting.” Steph let out a laugh which caused Kyra and Alessia to pout. 
“Yes it is. Now listen up children…” Beth cleared her throat from the other edge of the couch next to Viv who was rolling her eyes as Beth began to tell your love story. 
6 years ago, January 26th 2018
“Oh come on, just let us go out one last time before you leave me forever!” Your best friend was standing in your room as you laid on your bed and stared up at her. 
“Do I have to?” You tried giving her puppy eyes but it wasn’t working, she walked closer to your bed, sitting down and taking your hands in hers.
“You, my best friend of 10 plus years, are leaving me for London for who knows how long.” She pouted at you. “Of course you have to go out with me one last time. So get up, look hot and start drinking.” She pulled your covers off you and dragged you to your vanity, placing a drink in front of you and leaving to go get ready herself. 
Over an hour later you were both ready and a little tipsy, ready to leave and adventure into the Melbourne nightlife. 
It took a while for you to find a club that was half decent and didn’t have ridiculously overpriced drinks but you secured a place in the corner and were finishing your like 10th drink of the night. 
“I’m going to get another, you want one?” You shouted over the music to your friend and pointed to the bar. She shook her head before talking into your ear.
“I’m gonna go on the dance floor, come find me when you're done?” She pointed to where most people congregated and you sent her a thumbs up before weaving through way too many drunk people. 
You accidently bumped into someone as you tried to reach the bar, someone else pushing you in the crowd causing you to fall into her. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” You apologised as she began to turn around and you suddenly found yourself staring at the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen. 
“Don’t even, it’s so fine.” She replied with a sweet smile and placed a hand on your arm sending chills up it. 
“I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s your birthday?” You laughed as your eyes drifted down the sash she was currently wearing. 
“My friends made me wear it, hoping I could score us a few free drinks.” She shook her head and laughed with you. 
“Well, let’s not disappoint and let me buy you a drink.” You smiled at her and if it weren't for the dark lighting, you would have seen the blush that accompanied her beautiful smile. 
“You don’t have to.” She immediately rejected but this time you reached down and held her arm. 
“I insist, birthday girl.” You winked before leading her through the crowd again and finally reaching the bar. “Order whatever you want.” You leant down to her ear as you waited for a bartender. 
She politely asked the bartender for her drink of choice before he looked over to you.
“Make it two, please.” You smiled before pulling your card out to pay. You both thanked the bartender before walking away and standing against a wall out of the way. 
“Thank you.” She looked up at you with a smile again. 
“My pleasure.” You couldn't stop staring at her, she was the most beautiful person ever and she was talking to you. “Wanna go dance? I told my friend I would meet her when I was done.” You asked after finishing your drinks in silence.
“I would love to, but…” She looked down at her watch and you could feel the smile falling off your face. “I’ve got an early morning and my cut off was supposed to be 12.” She made a pout at you.
“That’s okay, I get it.” You nodded and sent her a tight lipped smile.
“There is something I have to do before I go though.” She sent you a smirk and you creased your eyebrows in confusion. 
“What?” You looked down at her, barely having any time to think before she reached up and kissed you hard, placing a hand on your face. Immediately your hand fell to her waist and you fell into a rhythm.
The kiss was very nice and a little long but it ended and you parted with big smiles. 
“I really have to go now.” She smiled and let out a little laugh. 
“Okay cinderella.” You bit your lip before letting her go and she ran off through the crowd to find her friends. You stood in a daze for a second before a hand clasped your shoulder, shaking you out of your trance.
“Oh my god, who was that?” Your best friend had spotted the end of the kiss as she came to find you but didn’t see her face. 
“Um,” You blinked before turning to her. “I… don’t… know.” You realised she never shared her name and neither did you. And now she was gone; a mystery kiss from the mystery birthday girl. 
3 years later, May 19th 2021
You have been in London for 3 years now, working for an event planning company, establishing a close group of friends and having the time of your life. 
Some of the friends you made had managed to drag you along to a women's football match now that people were allowed back to the matches after the covid lockdown last year, despite your lack of interest in or awareness of the sport, either male or female.
So here you were at Meadow Park on a Wednesday evening, watching a sport you’ve never taken interest in but were enjoying to some degree in the fading spring sun.
“I told you. I knew you would enjoy it eventually.” Your friend shoved your shoulder after seeing you get up when it was thought a shot might finally go in for the home side and her team of choice, Arsenal. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You brushed her off, eyes focused on the game at play and becoming more and more invested with each pass. 
It wasn’t till halfway through the second half that a certain defender caught your eye as she ran past and towards the opposite end of the field. There was something about her that seemed so familiar but you couldn’t place it. 
The game ended in a 0-0 draw and left you with a new interest that would soon turn into a regular outing on Sundays and Wednesdays, instead of your regular dinner and drinks throughout the week. 
The players began to do their rounds and you stuck around, waiting to spot a certain defender once again and figure out the mystery that was the jersey with ‘Catley’ plastered over her back.
She had been talking with another player as they walked, eyes scanning the crowd for any fans with signs or hopeful smiles when she found your eyes further up, you resting along the barrier. The words fell from her lips and the player beside her was tapping her shoulder in an attempt to gain her focus once again but it was no use. 
“One sec.” She gently spoke before running over to where you were standing, now looking down at your phone and missing her completely until a familiar accent fell on your ears. 
“Hi.” She gave you a smile and your head whipped up from your screen, finding that beautiful face from all those years ago in your sights again. 
“Hi.” You breathed out as you assessed her features and reassured yourself you weren’t once again imagining those eyes that plagued your dreams every few months. 
“Fancy seeing you here, halfway across the world.” She spoke again, noticing that you were in a sort of daze still. 
“Uh yeah. Sorry, this is just so weird.” You shook your head, letting out a laugh. “Not in a bad way,” You spoke quickly. “I just never thought I would see you again. Especially not halfway across the world.” She smiled at your shyness, the opposite to the confident you she remembers; though you are quite confident with alcohol in your system. 
“Yeah.” Steph laughed and continued to analyse your features, every part of that night coming back to her in full view rather than scattered pieces of memory like she has for the last three years. 
“So,” You tried to keep the conversation flowing, realising you would have to wrap up soon so she could get back to her team and you to your friends. “Do you think I could finally get the name and number that's not on the back of your shirt? I think that’s something you forgot all those years ago.” You smiled at her and began pulling your phone from its place in your pocket. 
She let out a laugh, a real one before nodding. “Oh yeah. I guess so.” She held your phone in her hands and began adding a contact in, handing it back quickly. “There you go.”
“Thank you.” You took a look at your phone before returning eye contact with her, feeling once again that same thing inside your chest from the night you first met. “I’ll call you, Steph.” You nodded, beginning to retreat from the barrier and up the stairs. 
“And who should I be expecting said call from?” She called out to you, stopping you in your tracks to turn your head back around. 
“Y/N.” You smiled before being the one walking away this time and leaving her with a dazed expression and confused friends. 
“Who was that?” Beth appeared beside her, looking at the retreating girl Steph had just interacted with but couldn’t see the face. 
“Um,” Steph shook her head. “An…old…friend.” She turned her face to Beth who was more confused than ever but began walking towards the changerooms with the rest of the team. 
Over the next few weeks it seemed like you and Steph were texting every spare second you each had when she wasn’t training and you weren't working, even before you could finally arrange a time to meet up and have your official first date. 
She suggested you go out for dinner one night before she was set to go off and play in the delayed 2020 Tokyo Olympics over the summer. You had the best time together, chatting for hours and catching up on everything over the past few years, talking as if you had known each other forever. The night ended and she walked you back to your apartment which happened to be just down the street from hers, once again leaving you with a kiss that left you feeling dazed; but this time she couldn’t run and hide from you. 
After watching and cheering on Steph and the national team at the Olympics from home, you knew that this was the person you wanted to pursue a future with. 
So when she came back you made it official with one another, a private time for the two of you to continue to learn everything about one another until you were ready to share it with your friends and the world. 
After a few months of secretly dating, realising this is how the rest of your life was going to look like, you began to share with friends, family and eventually the media which caused a flurry in the football world because of Steph’s public status. It turned out to be even better for your relationship now that you could express your love for one another to other people. 
“And then last year, Steph decided to pop the question the day before Y/N wanted to do it.” Beth concluded the story, somehow managing to keep everyone invested despite the late hour and disappearing energy from tonight's events. 
“Thank you Beth, that was quite an accurate retelling.” You smiled over at the blonde, reaching out for a high whilst trying not to disturb Steph who had actually fallen asleep. “But I think you bored Stephy here to sleep.” You brushed the hair on her head and her eyes snapped open with a sharp inhale. 
“Huh?” Steph began to sit up, looking around the room in confusion, all of her teammates letting out small giggles, you simply looking down at her with admiration. 
“I think you’re too old now for all this partying darling.” You laughed at her watching her face form into a scowl. 
“I am 3 months older than you!” She pointed a finger at you, now pouting while looking up into your eyes. 
“Well this looks like fun, we’ll leave you two to it then.” Lia spoke for the group as they all began standing from their places, yourself and Steph rising from the couch too so you could say goodbye at the door. 
“Bye!” You both waved at the last people before you closed the door, Stephs arms securely wrapped around your waist, head against your chest. 
“Let’s get you to bed, cinderella.” You laughed, picking her up by her thighs and carrying her like a koala to your bedroom. 
“Thank you, my princess charming.” Steph mumbled into your neck, placing a soft kiss there while you let out a small laugh. Maybe this was like something out of a rom com.
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silentglassbreak · 2 months
This is about to be SO self indulgent but 🤫
Name: Kelly. Nickname: Kells. Pet names: sweetheart, baby. Female. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Always rosy cheeks.
Scenario: You’re best friends with Ruffilo, you call him to pick you up. It’s your birthday, and you’re at a bar with your girlfriends. Noah, who you’re also close with via Nick, answers Nick’s phone instead, comes to pick you up. You’re not drunk, at most you’re a little tipsy, but somehow you start rambling about how you’ve always wanted to try the birthday tradition of an orgasm for every year you’ve been alive. (You’re lucky if you go more than 10.) “Is that what you want? Because I didn’t get you a present.” Cue filthy sex and yes, Noah being a munch. More of a friends with benefits type vibe, no confessed feelings. Still affectionate though, he obviously cares about you and wants to make you feel good. Aftercare and cuddles!!!! Lots of praise!!!! But also he has such a filthy mouth akdkksjd
This is filthy I KNOW forgive me 😭 hank you!!!!!!
Let's switch it up, shall we? This one's from Noah's perspective.
After Writing Notes: No plot. No development. Just...orgasms. I hope you enjoy!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Oral (fem rec), dirty talk, PnV, a word that makes me cringe to say, let alone write....
Anything More Than Human
If these motherfuckers didn't shut up soon, I was going to lose my entire fucking mind. All I wanted, our first day back from tour, was to sit in my room, relax, and play fucking Overwatch. That was unbearably difficult to do when all of my dickhead brothers decided today was the best day to throw a God damn party, celebrating the end of the tour. You would think that, given I was the owner of the house, that they’d respect my want for space.
It didn’t help at all that I hadn’t told them they couldn’t, but that was just my overwhelming need to please – which Jolly gave me shit for constantly. So what the fuck?!
I had tried to focus, keeping music blasting through my headset, and focusing on my computer screen. However, the music they played downstairs was shaking the walls of the house, making it nearly impossible to ignore. After the sixth game that I had fucked off from lack of concentration, I finally got so agitated that I threw my headset at my keyboard, cursing out of frustration. It was maddening, and truly, giving me a migraine.
Giving up hope of any type of relief, I stood up, pulling a shirt over my head, and took a deep breath before exiting my room. I didn’t want to take my irritation out on the guys, or any of the many guests they had invited over. It wasn’t their faults. They just needed to blow off some steam. We just all had different ways of doing that.
Heading downstairs, eyes scanning the living room, I took note of the thick cloud of smoke hanging in the air. I could smell the pot before I saw it, but it still made my jaw tick. I just had that couch cleaned.
Straying directly into the kitchen, I huffed while pulling the fridge open, ignoring the lingering bodies around the countertop with drinks in their hands. I was certain they had noticed me, but I couldn’t even begin to care less. Pulling a water from the shelf, I heard the back door sliding open.
“Hey! I didn’t expect you to come down all night!” Folio’s voice was thick with alcohol, words slurring together slightly.
I turned around to face him. “Yeah, well, I couldn’t focus on my game.”
He nodded, bumping my shoulder with his own. “Sorry man. You should come outside. Jolly got the fire pit going, and there’s at least six girls hanging around asking about you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Nah man, I’m going to watch a movie or something.”
“Ah c’mon, Noah. We just got home! We should be having fun!”
I swallowed a large gulp of water, wiping my lips off with the back of my hand. “That is fun to me, man.”
He shook his head. “How long has it been?”
I knew what he was asking, but playing dumb was too easy. “Since…?”
The shrill sound of a phone ringing pulled my attention from him momentarily, and I noticed an iPhone on the other side of the counter lit up.
“Since you got laid?”
I snorted. “Not that long. Like, three months?”
It was Folio’s turn to let his eyes roll back. “You talking about that thing with Moriah? Dude, that doesn’t fucking count.”
Before the ringing could have stopped for a full thirty seconds, it started again. “Sure it did!”
“Oh please, you didn’t even fuck her!”
Chuckling, I shoved him. “Head counts, dude.”
“Not unless you’re the one getting it, it doesn’t.” Folio pointed at me as if he had made the most valid point.
I scoffed. “Says you, fetus.”
He cracked up at this. Before he could say more, both of us were distracted by the phone ringing again.
“Whose fucking phone is ringing?” I scanned around the room, searching for the owner of the cell that was nearly exploding.
“Uh, I think that’s Nick’s?”
I snatched it off the counter, seeing the name flashing.
It was Kelly. That was odd. She should be here, I would think?
Making my way out the back door where Nick was, I took note of the girl in his lap, currently pressing her breasts so far in his face, he was practically inside of her bra. I walked up behind him, bumping his shoulder with my hand.
“Hey, bro. Kelly’s blowing you up.”
Nick just cocked his head up to look at me. “I’m kind of in the middle of something here?”
I just smacked him harder. “Dude, she’s calling back to back, it’s probably important.” I looked at the screen as it darkened, and looked back to Nick. “Why isn’t she here?”
He was back to his business between the unnamed girls’ tits when he answered. “She went out with Savannah and Erica for her birthday.”
His phone lit up again, her name flashing on the screen. “Are you going to answer it?”
He dismissed me. “I’ll call her back.”
Sighing hard, I stepped away, further into the backyard where the music wasn’t blaring so loudly. I swiped the call open, and put it up to my left ear, plugging my right with a finger.
“Nick?!” Her voice was borderline frantic.
“It’s Noah. Nick’s, uh,” I chanced a glance back at him, seeing he was lip-locked with the blonde. “he’s busy. What’s up, dude?”
“I need a ride. Bad.” She sounded wrecked.
“What’s wrong, Kells? Where are you?”
“I’m at Shaughnessy’s on 22nd. I need to go home.”
My legs began carrying me toward the house. “Okay, stay there. I’ll be there in ten minutes, alright?”
“Thank you, Noah. I’ll be outside.”
The bar was overflowing with patrons. Men and clearly drunk girls were littering the sidewalk around the building. My eyes scanned for Kelly, but couldn’t see her. It wasn’t until I rounded the corner that I could see her deep brown hair from behind a bulky guy, towering over her. Kelly wasn’t the shortest girl around, but this guy was easily as tall as I was. The look on her face told me she was not happy to be there.
Finding a space on the street, I pulled in, ignoring the meter, and stepped out of my car.
“I’m telling you, honey, my place is like a five-minute walk. We can go there, have something to eat. I’ll take you home later.”
Her eyes held something strongly resembling fear, and her body language was closed off and uncomfortable.
That is, until she saw me. Her hazel stare met mine, and she knew she was finally getting out of this.
“Hey!” The guy turned around, red-rimmed eyes staring directly at me. “Time to go.” I addressed Kelly directly, and she slipped quickly from behind the dickhead, who looked bewildered. I held a hand out, which she took graciously.
“What the fuck?” He stared at us as I began pulling her back toward the street. “You never said you had a boyfriend!”
“Yeah, well, live and learn, asshole!” I hollered back, not giving him a second look. My fingers interlaced with hers, leading her to the passenger door of my Mazda 3, and tucked her into the car safely. Before I closed the door, I bent down, looking right at her.
“You good, sweetheart?”
She only nodded in response.
I rounded the vehicle and took my seat quickly, wasting no time pulling away from the curb. Kelly lived a good thirty minutes away, and by the look on her face, I could tell I needed to cut that back in any way I could.
Shifting into first gear, I pulled forward and we were gone, leaving the bar and it's problems behind us.
"What happened to your friends, Kells?" It occurred to me that I may have just left two more girls stranded at a crowded bar in downtown Los Angeles...
"They fucking left me!" Her words exploded out of her, which took me back. Kelly was typically calm, cool, and controlled. She rarely had outbursts of any kind.
She had definitely been drinking, however.
"Those fucking bitches! They met up with some of their guys friends that I didn't even know would be there! Ended up ditching me because I didn't want to go with them to a club." Her arms folded over her chest, a visible pout on her lips.
Kelly was adorable when she was angry, and I couldn't help but feel my chest swell.
We had known each other for six - no, seven years now, and had what one might call a semi-close relationship? Nick introduced me to her after our first headlining tour, when we passed through West Virginia, as his best friend. Their Moms were best friends growing up, so, naturally, they grew up together from near birth.
Kelly's a warm human being, and brings a serious sense of perspective and calm to the group of absolute imbeciles the guys and I tend to be. Nick and Kelly's relationship was reminiscent of siblings, and we had all grown to view her as a member of our little family. She joined us on most of our tours these days, and we moved her to Los Angeles two years ago. It was easier for her to help out with managing schedules, merch drops, and the other random things she handled for us when we were overly stressed out.
Due to her integral part of our family, she was off-limits at all times. Folio took that one the hardest, given they were the same age, and something about her drew him in. We all had the hard rules - no dating Kelly. No fucking Kelly. No making passes at Kelly. Mild flirting was as far as it ever got between her and I, and even then, it was usually in our rare moments of privacy, like now.
Did I find her attractive? Sure. Everyone did. How could you not? She was fit, and happy to show it - nearly always wearing shorts or crop tops that made it clear she worked out for a good time. Her brown hair was always hung loose, wisping around her face and messy; natural. She wore very little makeup, so her eyes were always free to shine, as they should.
My favorite thing about her, though? She had this constant natural blush over her. Her cheeks always had a tinge of pink to them, making her just look like a glow in a darkened room. A bright, fae-like creature.
It was hard to describe, but it was so fucking cute.
Typically, that's all I usually thought of Kelly; cute. Sweet. Adorable. Funny. Laid-back. Easy to talk to.
But today, on her birthday?
She was clearly aiming to turn some heads, as she was wearing short black jean shorts, a black tank top that was ripped in the center, showing just enough cleavage to make a man stare. Her hair was tightly curled, giving it volume that it normally didn't possess. Her eyes were made-up more than normal, sharp black eyeliner giving her eyes a cat-like effect. Her lipstick was black as well, making her teeth shine brightly behind it.
She looked...fucking hot.
Thinking of her outfit brought me back to the current conversation.
"How much have you had to drink?"
She shrugged then, her eyes taking on a guilty look. "Only like...two long island iced teas?"
This made me crack a smile. "That's usually the limit on those, you know."
She sheepishly grinned, her blush spreading. "Yeah, that's what the bartender told me when I tried to order another."
"Are you drunk?"
She shook her head. "I was, but fucking Josh...or Jared? I don't remember his name. He fucking killed my buzz mostly, so now I just feel kind of tired."
We were turning through the hills of the valley, the streets pitch black around us. "I'm sorry to hear that." I pursed my lips. "I'm also sorry that I forgot today was your birthday."
She waved a hand at me, dismissing my apology. "You're the worst with dates, Noah. I don't mind."
I scoffed, feigning offense. "I am not!"
This made her all-out laugh. "Noah, if your birthday wasn't on Halloween, you'd forget it every year."
Opening my mouth to speak, I stopped. Because...where was the lie?
"Well, still." I cleared my throat. "I feel bad, because I didn't get you a gift."
Her face was turned to the window. "No worries, hon. It's really no biggie."
Kelly's voice was sad and small, then. "I'll still get you something!" This made her turn her face, smiling somberly at me. "What do you want? Anything you want."
Her face scrunched up, then. The corner of her lip was turned up in a small smirk, and she shook her head.
"Nothin'. Don't worry about getting me anything."
I caught this out of the corner of my eye. "Nope, I saw that. What is it? What do you want?"
I wasn't letting this go.
"Noah, you can't get me what I want, so I will just count this ride home as my gift. Trust me, it means a lot."
Shaking my head fervently, I turned my car onto the freeway. "Nuh-uh, not happening. I'm sure I can get it somewhere, whatever it is."
This made her cackle. "It's not a thing."
Pursing my lips, I looked at her from under a raised brow. "Is it a puppy?"
Still bursting with laughter, she waved a hand at me. "No. I don't need a puppy."
"Then what is it?" I was getting frustrated. What could she possibly want? An island?!
She dropped her face in her hands. "Ugh, maybe I am still buzzed."
"Spit it out, Kells!"
"I want to get laid, okay?!" Her voice was shrill, clearly laced with embarrassment. Some kind of flood gate had unleashed, and I was too stunned to do anything about it.
"I wanted to meet someone, someone decent, and have stupid, gross, un-fucking-believable sex! I wanted to try that thing where you have an orgasm for every year? Twenty-seven is crazy, but fuck, I never ask for fucking anything! I just wanted to be fucked so hard I slept like a rock afterward and could get some of this pent-up stress out!"
The car was silent for a solid minute and a half after she finished speaking. The longer the air lingered without sound, I could see her slowly sinking further down into her seat - obviously mortified at her omission.
I finally decided to take a deep breath, letting out a small cough to disrupt the tension.
"Well," I exited the highway, now only minutes from her apartment. "then I guess it's going to be a long night, eh?"
I watched the shock strike over her features. "What?!"
Finally building the confidence I needed, I chanced a glance over at her while we sat at a red light. "I mean, I said anything you wanted, didn't I?"
She began waving her hands between us. "Oh no. No, no, no. We are not doing that."
"No? I thought you said a decent guy? Am I not?"
Her face was absolutely flabbergasted, and I felt my pants getting tighter just thinking about it.
"Of course you are, Noah. Probably the most decent guy I know. But, there's rules in place for a reason..."
"How do you know about the rules?"
She smirked then, rolling her eyes. "Folio told me."
Sucking my teeth, my vehicle started moving again, my hand gripping the shifter. "Well, rules are meant to be broken, right?"
"Noah..." Her eyes were bulging. "You can't just sleep with me because I'm desperate. That's just sad."
"Excuse me?" We were pulled into her complex now, my car idling in the parking space facing her building. "What did you say?"
Her head hung, then. She was still embarrassed, but now she looked depressed as well.
"I know you and I aren't like that. I don't want you suffering through something like that with me, just because I'm hard up."
Scoffing loudly, I turned my body to look at her, a finger lifting to pull her chin up so she could look at me. "Baby," Her eyes finally met mine. "make no mistake at all, I would've fucked you years ago, had I been allowed."
There's that blush again. I let my finger fall, tracing down her chest as it did, catching the rips in her shirt.
"Maybe you are hard up." I let my lids fall half-closed, admiring that her breasts bounced slowly when her breathing was erratic like this. "Maybe I am too." I looked back up at her, letting my teeth pull at the skin of my bottom lip. "Maybe it was for the best that I picked up the phone, and not Nick?"
Her lips were parted, and I could tell she was entranced.
Oh, this was going to be fun.
Not to sound self-absorbed, but I can be very persuasive. One of my best, and most redeeming qualities is definitely the art of charm. In all fairness, it didn't take very long to convince Kelly that her needs were due to be met, but I had melted her like butter in seconds after we entered her apartment. Clothes flew quickly, hands grabbing everywhere, and nervous giggles escaping the both of us when the harsh reality would sink in of exactly what we were doing.
I, of course, checked to ensure she was sober enough to enjoy our fun responsibly, and asked her to drink some water before we got started. I wanted her to remember this birthday. I also planned to dehydrate the hell out of her.
That is how I found myself buried between her bare thighs, her ass perched comfortably on her dining room table, tits jumping as her hips bucked against my face. My tongue was drawing some of the most lovely sounds out of her. Her head had fallen back, curls cascading down her back, eyes closed in absolute pleasure.
My index and middle finger worked inside of her, walls clenching around me as her first orgasm hit her, making her curse my name multiple times.
After her legs had calmed their shaking, I stood in front of her, my shirt discarded on the floor, and assessed her state. She looked absolutely blissed out, her eyes half-masked, and a lazy grin painting her face.
"Wow." Was all she managed. Her black lipstick had smeared slightly, and tears were pulling her eyeliner down her cheeks.
"One down." I breathed out, wiping my chin with the back of my hand.
Her back fell back on the table, legs dangling off of the edge. "Noah," She chuckled. "we don't have to do what I had said. That was me being insane."
She wasn't looking at me anymore, so she completely missed me slipping my wallet from my pocket, pulling out the condom, and sheathing it over my erection, stroking it over.
"No?" My hands grabbed her hips, snatching her forward so she was halfway off of the table. Her head snapped up to look at me, startled. "Cause I was planning to see how far we'd get."
Nudging her entrance, I saw her eyes blow wide, mouth hanging open.
"Unless you don't want to?" I stilled, checking her face for protest.
She said nothing, teeth catching her bottom lip. I dared to press in, and her eyes fluttered closed again, head falling back with a thud on the table.
"Holy fuck." It came out as a prayer off of her lips, and I smiled, satisfied at the tight squeeze of her around me. I pressed all the way in to the hilt, my own body spasming from the sensation.
"Jesus Christ, baby. I had no idea you could take cock this fucking good."
I watched her chest rise and fall, nipples perk and begging for attention. I reached a hand up, rolling one between my fingers.
"So fucking beautiful, sweetheart."
Her pussy clenched down around me as I spoke to her, and I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" She glanced at me, looking sheepish again. "You like that, baby? Like hearing how much of a good little slut you are?"
Kelly let out the softest moan I had ever heard, her body flooding at the same time. My hips started snapping rhythmically, keeping an even pace.
I leaned down, letting my mouth close around her nipple, tongue circling it and teeth nipping it.
"You pictured this before, haven't you?" I let my lips trail up to her neck, breathing into her skin. "Me pounding into you? Fucking you until there's nothing left?"
She was almost catatonic at the pleasure she was experiencing, and I couldn't deny how close I was getting, sliding in and out of her wet lips. I felt myself beginning to tighten, and the coil in my belly threatening to snap. She had to come again, that was the entire goal.
Standing straight, my hand reached for her clit, thumb circling it expertly. That's when the real screaming began.
"That's it, baby. Show me how much you love it. Let everyone hear it."
Her hips shook, trying desperately to meet my thrusts while I touched her.
She tightened again, and I knew she had finished. Fortunately, my own orgasm came rolling over me at the same time.
I fucked her through the waves of euphoria, sliding her back on the table so she wouldn't fall.
It took me a moment to gather my breathing before I was able to slide the condom off and dispose of it in the garbage. I noticed she had lifted herself off of the table, standing in front of it and gathering her melted thoughts, working on her breathing.
Coming up behind her, I circled her waist, moving hair off of her neck, and leaned into her. "Hey," My voice was a whisper. She hummed at me in return. "you okay?"
She nodded, leaning her had back on my chest. "More than okay."
Grinning, I nuzzled my nose into her neck behind her ear. "Let's get you in a shower."
I led her to the bathroom, starting the water and waiting for it to warm up. She stood, scrutinizing her face in the mirror.
"I look like hell, dude." Was all she managed to say. This made me snicker.
"You look like you just got fucking railed."
This made her burst in laughter, holding onto the counter for support. "I mean...you're not wrong." She pointed a finger at me.
Opening the curtain, I motioned for her to get into the water, and I followed suit. She let her head sit under the spray, saturating her dark hair. I leaned against the tile wall, giving her space. Kelly went to work washing her face, scrubbing the makeup off, leaving only a trace of a shadow underneath from her mascara.
She then washed her hair, conditioning, and ran her loofah over her body. I took note of how she tenderly cleaned herself between her legs, likely due to sensitivity. Was I proud? One-hundred percent.
I waited until she was all rinsed and relaxed, before I stepped behind her, running my palm down her back, tracing the scattered tattoos she had. Her body leaned into my touch, and I used the opportunity to pull her into me, leaning her against me. I found this to be most comfortable for her, given the height difference between us.
I brought myself close to her ear, my voice low. "So, I've gotten two out of you, right?"
I caught her smile from the corner of my eye. "Three."
"Ah," I licked the side of her neck softly. "well, I've still got a lot of ground to cover."
She didn't respond, so I let my hand trail down her stomach, reaching her swollen lips, spreading them with my fingers.
"Also," I didn't stop my work, slipping a finger in as gently as possible to not overstimulate her. "I didn't know you had a praise kink."
Letting out a breathless laugh, she pressed her weight into me, allowing me full access. "There's a lot I don't tell you."
"That's so sexy, baby." My finger massaged her sweet spot, pulling pants out of her with each stroke. "Knowing you like to hear how good you are. How beautiful," I quickened the pace. "how amazing," I pressed in further, making her groan. "and fucking tight."
"Ugh, Noah. That feels so amazing." She had a hand gripping the back of my neck, fingernails digging into the skin.
"You going to come for me, just like this, sweetheart? Make it this easy for me?" My hand sped up, her voice high-pitched and desperate for more.
"Noah, don't stop. Please. That's so fucking good."
"Going to come all over me, baby? Come on, girl. You can do it. I've got you." My arm pulled her waist closer to me, taking on her body weight so she could focus.
"Fuck, I'm coming, fuck..."
I felt the spray of her release on my hand, and I slipped my fingers out, pressing on her clit, forcing a scream from somewhere deep in her chest.
"God damn, baby. Did you just squirt for me? Didn't know you could do that." Amazed, I palmed her pussy, massaging it through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
"Ha, me neither." She seemed just as surprised as me.
"Mm," I left a soft slap over her clit, making her jump. "well, let's see if we can do it again."
Without warning, I pulled her down, bringing us down into the tub, the spray of the shower still hitting us, turning colder as the seconds passed. She laid on my body, my re-hardened cock pressing up into her back. Her hands braced on my knees, and I used a hand to open her legs, running the tips of my fingers through her slick folds. Soft whimpering noises were falling out of her; her body completely turning over to me for whatever I had planned for her.
Mercilessly, I penetrated her with two fingers, my other hand gripping her hair at the base of her skull so I could wrench her neck to the side, biting down on the soft skin.
"You've got this, baby girl. Give me another, you can do it."
Kelly's fingertips were bruising my legs where she gripped, eyes rolling back violently while her back arched. She was hitting an edge, so I pulled my hand out suddenly, and circled the hood of her clit, eliciting a sickening, guttural sound out of her.
"N-Noah..." Fighting for breath, she writhed under me. "I...need to..."
"You don't need anything, baby. Nothing but me." I whispered directly in her ear.
Her hips bucked up, climax hitting her, and I could feel her pulse through my fingers, still pressing on her pussy.
"Noah, I can't take anymore. I really can't." She was begging for reprieve, and was lucky I was feeling generous.
Peppering her shoulder and arm with soft kisses, I ran my hands up her sides. "No problem, baby. Let's go get comfortable."
After we both redressed, me back into my original clothes, her into her pajamas, we found a comfortable spot on her couch. I sat, legs apart, pulled her down between them, tucking her comfortably against my chest. She curled into me, exhausted and buzzing from our evening together. The effects of the alcohol had long worn off.
"You doing okay, Kells?"
She mumbled into my chest, already sounding half-gone. "Mhm." She yawned, a small sound. "Sleepy."
"Why don't we get you in bed?" I smirked, rubbing circles into her back. "Unless you want more?"
I felt her shiver underneath me. "I can't. I might have a stroke if I have another orgasm."
This made me snicker, pulling her head back into me.
"This is a secret?"
She didn't audibly respond, just pulled back and looked at me, a pleading look on her face.
I wasn't bothered by that, per se. Would I like to brag to my boys a little about it? Sure. Did I get the slightest heaviness at the idea of her not wanting anyone to know what we did? Maybe.
But, at the end of the day, I respected her enough to know that keeping this friendship meant much more to her than five orgasms.
Turning my mouth upward, I ran a thumb over her cheek, meeting her lips that I managed to keep away from the entire night.
Kissing felt like...too much?
"My lips are sealed, sweetheart."
Satisfied with that, she cuddled back into me, and it took no time at all before I heard the soft snores of her slumber. Once I was sure she was down deep enough, I lifted her from the couch, careful to keep her head steady against me, and trekked into her bedroom.
Setting her gently down, I pulled the covers over her, and took one last look. Her face was so peaceful. So comfortable.
Some kind of something sparked inside me, but it didn't matter. It was time to go.
Locking her doorknob on the way out, I took the steps two at a time on the way down, yawning while I climbed into my car.
My phone buzzed in the console, and that was when I realized I had left it there in my haste. Nick's face flashed on the screen, and I swiped the call open.
"Hey dude, what's up?"
"Did you pick up Kelly?"
I couldn't stop the grin that spread, but he couldn't see that. "I did."
A hard sigh of relief came through the receiver. "Thank fuck, dude. I saw her texts just now. You good, man? It's been hours."
Starting my car, I let the call switch to my Bluetooth as I backed out of the space. "Yep, all good here."
Nick's voice was skeptical. "Where are you?"
"Headed home. Just wanted to make sure she got to bed okay. She had been drinking."
"Ah, okay. She's okay?"
My teeth shined, and my eyes stared back at me with a dark, beaming gaze in the rearview mirror.
"Oh, yeah. She's just fine."
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Curveball Part 10 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Molly hates the feeling of each day slipping away, knowing Bob will be leaving soon. But there are cowboy hats to be worn and grandparents to talk to. And when Bob sails off into the Pacific, leaving Molly truly alone, she understands how much of her heart he's taking with him. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swears, pregnancy, smut, 18+
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story accompanies Batting Practice!)
Check my masterlist for more! The Curveball masterlist
Thank you to @mak-32 and @teacupsandtopgun for the beautiful banners!
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"I had all these things planned that I wanted to do," Molly complained. "What am I supposed to do with this cowboy hat while you're deployed, huh? You expect me to just use my fingers or a vibrator for weeks on end? This is bullshit, and you know it, Lieutenant Floyd."
Bob watched Molly pace around the bedroom wearing a sports bra, a pair of his gym shorts, and the mahogany brown cowboy hat she just took out of the Amazon box that was delivered today. Her bump was so adorable, he just wanted to touch it all the time. But right now he was watching her absentmindedly running her hands along her belly as she walked back and forth in front of where he sat on the edge of the bed. 
"Why did you buy a cowboy hat in the first place, Mo?" he asked, honestly hoping he'd come home to find his girlfriend asking him for uniform time. Now that she was in her second trimester, she was practically begging for him around the clock. If he was able to get hard, then she was ready to go. 
She let out a cute little whine as her fingers grazed her tattoo. "Because you grew up on a ranch, Bobby. In Wyoming. You're a cowboy. My boyfriend is a bona fide cowboy."
"Weapons systems officer, actually," he replied as she came to stand between his spread legs. Bob placed his big hands on her little bump and kissed along her tattoo. 
She stomped her bare foot on the floor. "I want a cowboy."
Bob looked up at her pretty, pouting face as he ran his thumb along the bottom of her sports bra. "You really want a cowboy?"
"Yes." Her hands were on her hips now, and he knew he was about to give her what she asked for. He stood to his full height, brushing against her as she looked up at him with needy eyes. Then he gingerly removed the hat from her head.
"Get in bed, Honey."
With a little giggle, she jumped up and down and then crawled into bed. Bob shook his head and went to dig around in the walk-in closet for his oldest pair of jeans. He paused his search for a moment to reach behind his duffle bag and feel for the little box that was holding the ring he picked out. It was perfect, and he let himself hold it in his palm for a few seconds before tucking it away again. 
"Bobby?" Molly called, and he rolled his eyes with a laugh. She couldn't even wait two minutes for him. 
"I'll be there in a second."
He quickly stripped out of his uniform and underwear and gently pulled his jeans on. Very carefully he zipped them up and then put the cowboy hat on his head. He knew he must look ridiculous like this. He was probably the furthest thing from a rugged cowboy that ever existed. Now, if Molly wanted to fuck a nerd in his thirties who liked to play Dungeons & Dragons and was really good at math, he could probably dial that up to an eleven. 
But as soon as he walked back into the bedroom, her eyes went wide, and her lips parted. "Fuck," she whined, and Bob watched her dip her hand inside the waistband of the gym shorts. Her back arched off the bed as she moaned his name over and over, and she kept her eyes glued on him while she touched herself. Maybe he didn't look so bad after all?
He grinned and tipped the hat for her. "Well, howdy little lady."
"Jesus Christ," she gasped. Bob watched her yank down the gym shorts and kick them onto the floor as she said, "Call me little lady again, and I'll probably cum everywhere."
Bob's eyebrows quirked up as she pulled him into bed with her. He pushed her gently back until she was propped up on her elbows. What a sight. Pregnant Molly, running her smooth leg up around his waist and pulling him closer until her pussy was pressed against the denim. 
"Your cock looks huge through your jeans," she said, biting her lip. "Now call me little lady again," she demanded. Bob could practically hear the earlier stomp of her foot on the floor as he remained silent. 
Instead, he reached for her sports bra and gently pulled it up above her breasts. Those little silver barbells and her perfect tits greeted him. They were already bigger now, and as soon as Bob tipped the hat back on his head and tasted her, she was keening.
Unintelligible noises escaped her lips as she leaned back against the pillows and braced her hands on his shoulders. Bob pulled those little barbells between his lips one at a time, tugging gently, but her breasts were so sensitive now, he felt her nails digging into his skin. He sucked gently and then a little harder on her left nipple until he felt her squeezing her thighs together beneath him. 
"Oh, oh fuck," she gasped, back arching slowly as she started panting. When Bob ran his rough thumb back and forth across her right nipple, gently pulling on her piercing, she bucked against him. And then she started shaking, so he replaced his mouth with his fingers, giving her a good pinch as she came for him. 
With a satisfied smirk, he pressed his lips to her ear and whispered, "I barely even touched you, little lady."
"Bobby!" she shrieked, rubbing herself against him as her orgasm peaked. Next thing he knew, he was the one on his back. Molly's bra was on the pillow next to his head, and his jeans were yanked down to his thighs. And she was the one wearing the hat.
"You look adorable," he said as she adjusted the hat which was way too big for her head. And then she sank down around him, and rode him hard. The teeth of his zipper dug into his leg every time she ground down. The bite of pain mixed with the pleasure that was purely Molly, and Bob was completely lost in the moment. "Sexy cowgirl."
She bent a little closer until her bump was rubbing against his flat abs every time she rolled her hips. "I love riding you cowgirl. I love riding every which way. And I love these jeans. And I love your big cock. And I love our baby. And I love you."
Bob came almost immediately, knocking the cowboy hat off her head and pulling her down to kiss him. "I love you," he murmured, barely releasing her lips as he bucked up into her. "So much." He ran his hands along her belly and her tattoos and her barbells, and then he thought maybe he was being a little too rough. But when he released her, she took his hands in hers and kissed him until she had her fill. 
"Will you make me dinner in your snug jeans, Cowboy Bob?"
She didn't actually need to ask him that. She must already know he would.
Molly was now counting down the meager time left until Bob's deployment started. "Only one hundred and sixteen hours left," she said as she ate a chocolate chip pancake. It was Sunday. He was leaving on Friday morning. "I hate it here."
"I'll be back home before you know it. This is actually a short one. More of a special mission."
"This is a short one?" she asked, looking scandalized. "They can't just... like keep you away from us whenever they feel like it." She gestured to her belly as she licked chocolate from her fork. 
"Actually," he said with a sigh, "they sure can."
She started pouting, instantly angry that their son or daughter was going to have to deal with this level of bullshit. She would teach the child to pout just like her, and then Bob would have both of them to contend with. It usually worked for her. 
"Mo... I need to go out for a few hours," he said softly, drawing her attention back to him. 
"Are you going to Costco? I started a list, and it's my turn to pay for household necessities. But I wanted to watch a new murder documentary later today."
But he was shaking his head. "I need to go to San Bernardino. I need to tell my parents that you're pregnant."
Molly was silent. She hadn't really even considered this. She didn't have parents to tell anything to. If it wasn't something her sister or Bob should know about, then she generally kept it to herself. And now she felt like she was going to vomit, something she hadn't done in weeks. 
"Do you really have to tell them?" she asked, setting her fork down. 
Bob eyed her skeptically. "I think they should probably be informed that they have another grandchild on the way, Honey."
Tears stung her eyes. "But your mom really liked me," she whispered, rubbing her fingertips along her lips, trying to stay calm. "She was so warm and motherly, and now she's going to know I corrupted her sweet, only son. She'll think I'm a filthy harlot! Only after your mountains of money! You can't tell her I'm pregnant!"
Bob chuckled. "Do we have mountains of money that I'm not aware of?"
"I'm being serious right now, Cowboy Bob!"
"So am I," he said, kissing her lips softly as a tear slid down her cheek. "They aren't going to think anything bad about you. I promise. Rebecca wasn't married to Todd yet when she had Piper."
Molly sniffed and wiped at her nose. "Really? They seem to like him?"
"They do," he said, and he sounded reassuring to Molly's ears.
She took a deep breath. "I'll come with you. To see your parents."
"You don't have to, Mo."
But she reached out and straightened his glasses on his nose. If Rebecca got married later, after she had Piper, then maybe there was hope. And now Molly was thinking about that wildflower wedding. She could practically smell the flowers as she whispered, "I'm going with you."
The ride seemed to take forever, and Bob's truck was mostly quiet. Molly had changed into a snug dress that definitely didn't leave her belly up for debate. They would know she was pregnant as soon as they looked at her. That way there would be less for Bob to have to nervously string together. Molly would take the brunt of the dirty looks, and he could just hold her hand quietly.
"You ready?" he asked in a soft yet strong voice as he parked his truck. 
"Yes," she replied. She had no idea this is where she would end up today when she woke up this morning, and she'd rather be almost anywhere else. But she was ready to get this over with. 
"Well this is a surprise!" Bob's mom called as she came out onto the porch when she heard the truck door close. She looked delighted. Absolutely delighted to see them. But as Bob wrapped his arm around Molly's waist and started to lead her up to the porch, his mom's eyes dropped down to her midsection, and she gasped. 
"Oh no," Molly whispered, swallowing hard against the onslaught of fresh tears. 
"Mom," Bob said in a warning tone as Molly tripped along next to him. 
"You're pregnant." Her voice was like a gunshot to Molly's ears.
"Yes," Bob replied. Molly had promised herself she would be the strong one here, but now she was collapsing in on herself like a house of cards. 
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Floyd," she whispered, hand shaking at her side. "It was an accident." But she watched as Bob's mom pulled her son in for a hug as she cried. 
"A baby!" she practically shrieked in excitement. "Just wait until I tell your dad! He's going to be overjoyed. Roger!" she screamed into the house as Bob collected Molly against him once more.
"You okay?" he asked, and she nodded against his chest as Bob's dad bounded out onto the porch. 
"I was trying to start the grill. What's wrong?"
"Bob and Molly are having a baby!" she screamed at her husband who was only five feet away. 
"Another grandchild?" he asked, and Molly was soon sandwiched in a hug between both of Bob's parents as his mom asked a list of questions. 
"When are you due? Do you need anything? Should we buy a crib for our house? I wonder if Beck still has Piper's pack n play. Are you hungry? Is Bob cleaning so you don't have to? The chemical smell of cleaning supplies might make you nauseous. Bob, are you cleaning everything?"
And then Molly burst into happy tears as she went inside to eat some grilled chicken and corn on the cob. 
When Bob got home from work the day before he was to leave for his deployment, Molly was already there in her scrubs. She presented him with several pairs of gray sweatpants on their bed. "What are these for?" he asked, watching the way she bit her lip in anticipation. 
"Try them on," she said, reaching for the first pair. "Without underwear."
He knew better than to argue with her, so he got undressed and pulled on the sweatpants. 
"Yes," she said, nodding and stroking her chin with her fingertips. "Absolutely."
Bob looked down his body to where her gaze was transfixed on his crotch. "What are these for?"
"My personal enjoyment. And the enjoyment of others. I can see your dick through the fabric."
"Molly," Bob groaned, reaching for the waistband, but she stopped him with both hands. 
"Please? Just wear them while we go pick up dinner! And you can take them on deployment with you."
He shook his head at her earnest expression. "Why would I take pants away with me when you can see my.... you know."
"Why not?" she asked, kissing his cheek. 
He knew he was blushing as he softly said, "You know there will be other women on the aircraft carrier, right?"
"Yep," she replied, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I'm sure they'll love the sweatpants, too. If you got it, flaunt it, Coach Bob."
He just gaped at her. "You wouldn't feel nervous about what might get said to me?"
Molly kissed along his bare chest, and Bob closed his eyes, relishing the feel of her bump resting against him. "Like something another woman might say? No. I trust you."
Bob let his hands rest on her lower back. "I'm going to miss you so much, Mo."
She nodded against him and whispered, "When those other women try to chat you up, you just tell them that your girlfriend is a goddamn delight. And that she was the one who bought the sweatpants to try to bring more happiness to the world."
"I will," he said with a smile, unconvinced that anyone else would look at or talk to him at all for the full duration of his deployment. But he appreciated the way Molly seemed to trust him. And he also appreciated the way her hand was gliding down the front of his new pants. 
"Let's go pick up dinner," she whispered. And then she groaned. "The fact that I can't even eat real sushi right now is absolutely ridiculous." 
"The cooked stuff is okay though," he said as she led him out of the bedroom. 
"Stop lying to try to make me feel better."
Once they were at the sushi restaurant, waiting for their pickup order, Molly was getting a little handsy again. "Mo," he warned, his voice deep and a little raspy, but that just seemed to spur her on more. She ran her hands down the front of his tee shirt and let them skim along the elastic waistband of his pants. 
"Bobby," she crooned softly. He thanked the hostess three times when she handed him their food, causing enough of a distraction to get Molly to pull her hands away from him.
But out in the parking lot, it was a different story. And at least it was dark now as Bob set the food on the passenger side floor before he held out his hand to help Molly climb in. But she just ran her hands all over his abs as she said, "You know what I was thinking? Since you're going to miss the anatomy scan ultrasound?"
"Hmm?" he hummed, barely able to pay attention to anything as Molly's hand dipped inside the front of his pants and stroked his hardening length. 
"How about I take a video of it? And then you can watch it later? Or if we get to have a facetime call, I could try to play the video for you? You'd like that?"
Bob just throbbed in her hand as she slowly jerked him off in the middle of the parking lot next to the In-N-Out like it was nothing. Her earnest gaze let him know she had asked him a question. 
"Huh?" he grunted, reaching for her pretty face with both hands.
"Would you like that, Bobby?" she asked, smiling as he leaned down to kiss her lips. 
"Mo, I have no idea what you're talking about, Honey." It was the truth. Something about the baby? An ultrasound? He wasn't sure, and he couldn't think straight with her hand on him like this. And he was absolutely startled to find how much he liked the idea and the feel of her doing this in a semi public place. 
Molly let her fingernails scratch gently down along his balls before she withdrew her hand and said, "Get in the truck." A second later, Bob was standing there outside the closed passenger side door, trying to hustle around the cab with a huge erection. When he climbed in the driver's seat, Molly had her hand on him again. 
"What are you doing?" he asked, starting the truck and pulling out of the parking lot. 
"Road head," she muttered casually. Then Molly leaned across the seat and took Bob between her lips. He had never done anything like this before. He'd never even been with a woman who liked to give head as much as Molly before. Not only that, she loved teasing him. Her breath ghosted along his skin before she took him deeper, and Bob was afraid he might drive off the road. 
"Molly," he begged, gripping the steering wheel with both hands. "Please."
She popped him out of her mouth and said, "Of course, Coach Cute Glasses. Anything you want."
But instead of stopping, she sucked and bobbed and licked him, working him up into such a frenzy that he nearly wrecked into her parked car when he got back to the condo. Mrs. Evans was out walking her poodle, and Mr. Walters was taking a brisk jog, but that didn't stop Molly. She stripped out of her scrub pants and crawled across the seat. Then she rode Bob while he held her hips and belly. 
Bob didn't care if the neighbors saw him. In less than twelve hours, he was going to have to be without the love of his life for weeks on end. So he didn't stop her from coming apart in his lap and making a mess all over his new pants. 
"I love you, Daddy," she panted, running her hands through his already messy hair and tugging on him as he came. His hands were covering her belly, and Bob felt the sting of tears in his eyes knowing how much he was going to be leaving at home.
Molly couldn't do it alone. She already called for backup. The morning that Bob left on the aircraft carrier, her sister was waiting a short distance away on the dock. Molly watched as she and Bob exchanged a hug, after which her sister pressed a quick kiss to Bob's cheeks like a civilized person. 
But not Molly. No, she was sobbing uncontrollably and clinging to her boyfriend like he was her lifeline. As if he was her only reason for living. "I love you," he whispered against her lips, his metal glasses cold against her cheek. "Both of you."
"I don't want you to leave," she sobbed, holding him so tight, her belly was smashed and uncomfortable. "Just stay."
Bob wiped her tears away and she looked at him in his khaki uniform, all ready to get to work on a mission she didn't even want to know about, because she was so scared. 
"I can't, Mo," he whispered, kissing her forehead in the early morning sunlight. He looked so handsome with his tidy hair and his serious expression. 
But she knew she looked like a messy little wreck, face streaked with new tears as she said, "I thought I would hold up better than this. I thought I would be okay." She didn't want to go back to the empty condo and have to figure out how to cook for herself. She didn't want to watch murder documentaries and eat gummy bears alone now that she knew what it felt like to have Bob with her. 
"You will be," he reassured her. "You'll be better than okay." And then he sank to his knees in front of her, and Molly had to brace her hands on his shoulders. He kissed her belly though his white undershirt and looked up at her. "When you find out if we're having a son or a daughter, email me right away, okay? I can't wait to know."
"I will," she promised him, closing her eyes to memorize how lovely his hands felt on her body like this. Memorize how much he loved their baby. 
And then he stood and kissed her so well and for so long, his fingertips holding her still, digging into her neck until he got his fill. So she decided to memorize how loved she felt, too. And then with a few more whispered words, Bob was walking away from her as she shook with tears. 
When an arm wrapped around her shoulders, Molly jumped, surprised to find her sister there even though she'd begged her to skip the first hour or so of work. "I can't do this," she hiccupped, accepting the warm mom hug. "I'm already too lonely."
"You're not alone," she replied, kissing Molly's hair. "If it gets too hard, you can come stay with us."
Molly scoffed and wiped her eyes on her sister's work blazer. "I'm not staying with newlyweds. That's just rude. And also kind of disgusting. Like what if I accidentally heard Bradley blowing your back out or something?"
She rolled her eyes, and Molly turned to watch Bob waving from the carrier deck. She waved back and said, "Look how perfect he is."
"He's pretty great," her sister replied, linking their fingers together. "And he loves you."
Molly stood there as the sun grew hot against her back. The carrier left the San Diego harbor as she held her head high. Bob loved her, and she was the one he'd be thinking about while he looked sexy in his gray sweatpants and when he flew his mission. Well, her and the baby of course. 
Her phone pinged with a text message as she was turning to go back to her car. 
I miss you already, Mo.
What are we thinking about baby Floyd? Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls and everyone who bugged me to make Molly and Bob a thing!
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anzulvr · 5 months
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 04 ୨୧
Prev || 04 Oblivious || Next
— Since the entire student council was present and the library was notably crowded with students who had signed up for the lecture, [Name] entered the library on her own.
She felt guilty, having to ditch her plans with Karma after an unresolved argument they decided to brush over. To make matters worse, she has to sit through a two-hour session and watch Ren shamelessly flirt with every girl in the room. On the brighter side, this ordeal counted towards her volunteer hours.
"You're late. You missed my introductory speech."
"My fault, I'll make up for it by working extra hard!"
She mentally thanked Karma for convincing her take the longer route, saying, "It's not a big deal if you're 10 minutes late... or 30." It was impressive how Gakushuu's speeches managed to put her to sleep every time, missing it was a win in her book.
Koyama called him over, something about a broken printer and an angry librarian.
 ...aaand she was all alone again.  [Name] decided to go check on the group at the back table.
"Oh, [Name] made it—she can help us!" The first year, Chisa blissfully smiled.
"But I wanted Asano to help. [Name] could you please ask him to?" Chisa's friend insisted, clearly not as enthusiastic about the anyone-whose-not- Asano's arrival.
[Name] tried not to let it bother her, being the only girl in the student council came with a lot of pressure.
She’s just as helpful and capable as the rest of the group but no one seems to acknowledge it. Everyone calls them the “Big Five” even though there’s technically six of them as her scores tie with Seo.
"He's busy with Koyama, but maybe later."
The girl groaned and sulked laying her head on the table. Chisa looked apologetic for her friends dramatics. [Name] offered them a polite smile and said, "Let's get through your assignments then."
After half an hour of helping the girls turn in missing work, [Name] decided to take a short break. She left for an empty table in the very corner of the room, the short break turned into a long one when she got distracted texting Karma.
‧₊˚ Message Log ‧₊˚
[Name]: can we talk? im super bored!!
Karma: Whose fault is that?
Karma: should have ditched to be with me the whooleee day
[Name]: ugghhh don't. Can you believe I still have another hour of this 
[Name]: anyway what are you doing?
Karma: I bumped into Nagisa on my way back from the library
Karma: now were at Maehara's house with Rio and Fuwa.
[Name]: Rio?? That one beautiful, smart, sweet, blonde girl in your class?
Karma: Sounds like you like her alot.
[Name]: She makes me nervous
Karma: Hey that's how you used to talk about me before we went out
[Name]: I can hear the disappointment through the text lmaoo
‧₊˚ Message End ‧₊˚
"You haven't even been here for an hour and you’re already slacking off on your phone?"
"Gakushuu! Geez you came out of nowhere." [Name] shut her phone off and patted the seat next to her.
To her surprise he slumped down next to her instead of insulting her and walking off, like he usually does.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm exhausted to say the least. This was a stupid idea no one is making progress, well no one but Ren, he managed to pick up quite a few desperate ones today."
"That's not completely true, I helped Chisa and her friend turn their C's to A's. As much as I hate being here it's not useless. Useless was the Bakesale we tried last year where the cupcakes we sold tasted like horse crap. It was funny watching people pretend to love them and hold back the throw up because they came from you."
"Could of stopped at the first half, but thanks, I think. My father said I wasn't being organized enough, that this would be a failure on my half and an embarrassment on his."
"That's a little harsh, you're doing your best and you've done more than anyone else in the council. Ren's been giving out his number more than he's been lecturing, Seo has been in the bathroom for 20 minutes, Teppei has been stuck on the same group this entire time and to be honest Koyama is hard to look at. Im pretty sure I saw the girl he was teaching closing her eyes while he was talking."
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards.
"You're right I'll go yell at them in a few. It's not a big deal though, My father has said much worse."
"To be fair, I haven't exactly kept my promise either. Hard work turned into hiding in a corner to text my b- actually I should get back to work, actions speak louder than words!" [Name] stood up to leave. Asano grabbed her sleeve, it was impulsive and the immediateness of it made it all the more awkward."
"Uh, Asano? Is there something you still need?" She crinkled her eyebrows.
His cheeks became somewhat pink, [Name] thought he couldn’t have been blushing, maybe it was allergies.
“No, just don't get distracted on your phone again."
"Yeah Ive got it!" She waved him off and went back to work, 
Gakushuu sat there slightly conflicted with his thoughts and his feelings, He faulted the all nighter he pulled last night, sleep deprivation does negatively impact mind clarity. He decided he should get back to work too.
Meanwhile ☆ ༄
"Let me get this straight, instead of asking me like normal people the class collectively decided to stalk [Name] and I?"
"Pretty much... but I was against it the entire time!" Nagisa replied sheepishly, to his surprise Karma's response was a relaxed nod.
"You're acting weirdly cool about this."
It sent a shiver down his spine, in a weird way Karma was scarier when he didn't react. Not knowing what he's thinking was an uncomfortable feeling.
"It's not a big deal- unless you guys tell people, that's when things will leak."
Fuwa's voice highers a few octaves in concern "What things?!" 
"Telling you would ruin the surprise wouldn’t it?”
Maehara, reckless as always chimes in “I wanted to go and see [Name] but I couldn't. We were almost a thing before you stole her ya know?"
Nagisa, being the good friend he is, rushes in to save him "That's not it at all! Isogai told us she rejected him a bunch of times since he's a womanizer!"
"I'm not a womanizer, I'm smooth."
"Smooth is the surface of the floor you'll be on when I knock your sorry ass out."
Maehara quickly moves behind Rio who changes the subject with a flood of questions;
"How long have you been dating? Why would anyone go out with you? Did you scare her into saying yes?"
"I’ll tell you if you buy me soba. Better question is: Why wouldn't someone go out with me? I’m tall, handsome, smart, charismatic… and I have a sick spice collection.”
“Im also all of those things.” Maehara jokes, cautiously this time, using Rio as a human shield.
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lowaltitude · 4 days
Dial Tone 2 | Matt Rempe
- NHL, New York Rangers - x Reader
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❪ FEM! ❫
───── ❝ description + disclaimer ❞ ─────
𖥻 Matthew Rempe x FEM!reader, in which a wrong number friendship is more than you'd hope for. OR he falls first, he falls hard, he's NYC's biggest enforcer.
𖥻 PART ONE HERE. 3.6k words
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I could barely contain my excitement as I sat in the bustling airport with my classmates, waiting for our flight to New York. My leg bounced with nervous energy, and I couldn’t stop smiling. I had been looking forward to this day for weeks, but now that it was finally here, the anticipation was almost too much to handle.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” my friend Lauren teased, nudging me with her elbow as she sipped on her overpriced airport coffee.
“I can’t help it,” I said, grinning from ear to ear. “We’re going to New York!”
“Yeah, but you look like you’ve just won the lottery or something,” she laughed, raising an eyebrow. “What’s got you so giddy?”
I bit my lip, trying to tone down my excitement. I couldn’t exactly tell her about Manhattan, about how I was going to surprise him by being in his city. The thought alone made me feel like a giddy schoolgirl with a crush.
“I guess I’m just excited to finally see the city,” I said, half-truthfully. “I’ve always wanted to go.”
“Well, it’s going to be amazing,” Lauren agreed, leaning back in her seat. “I can’t wait to explore. Have you got any plans for when we’re not at the conference?”
“Not really,” I lied. “I figured I’d just wander around, see where the city takes me.”
In reality, I had been meticulously planning out my free time, making sure I’d have the chance to visit some of the places Manhattan had mentioned in our conversations. Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, and maybe even that bagel place he’d raved about. But I wasn’t going to tell Lauren all of that. Not yet.
As we waited to board, my phone buzzed with a message from Manhattan. I glanced at the screen, my heart doing a little flip as I saw his name pop up.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2024Today, 10:17 AM MANHATTAN: What are you up to today, San Diego?
I couldn’t help but smile as I typed out my response, the excitement of the trip making it hard to keep the secret.
ME: Just hanging out, nothing too crazy. How about you? :) MANHATTAN: Same here, just getting ready for another big game. A little exciting. What’s got you in such a good mood today?
He knew me too well. I hesitated for a moment, debating whether to drop a hint or keep the surprise going.
ME: Let’s just say I’ve got something fun planned. I’ll tell you all about it later. MANHATTAN: You’re killing me with suspense here, San Diego. Now I’m curious.
I chuckled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as I imagined his reaction when I finally told him—or when I maybe even bumped into him in his own city.
ME: Patience, Manhattan. You’ll find out soon enough. MANHATTAN: I guess I don’t have a choice. Just don’t keep me waiting too long.
I tucked my phone back into my bag, my smile refusing to fade. This trip was going to be unforgettable, and not just because of the conference. I could hardly wait to step off the plane and onto New York soil, knowing that Manhattan had no idea what was coming.
“Alright, they’re boarding our flight,” Lauren said, standing up and grabbing her bag. “You ready?”
“More than ready,” I said, grabbing my own bag and following her to the gate, my heart racing with anticipation. New York, here I come.
As the plane descended into New York, my excitement was at an all-time high. I couldn’t wait to explore the city, but more than that, I couldn’t wait to surprise Manhattan. The plan was simple: I’d head to his college, catch one of his hockey games, and finally meet him in person. I could already picture the look on his face when he saw me there.
After dropping my bags off at the hotel and freshening up, I decided to send him a quick message. I needed to get some information without giving away my plan.
ME: Hey, how’s hockey going? My friend is heading to New York soon, and I was thinking maybe she could grab me a hoodie from your college. ME: Which college do you go to again?
I stared at my phone, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement as I watched the typing bubble appear. I wondered if he’d catch on to what I was trying to do, but he probably thought I was just being curious.
The typing bubble kept appearing and disappearing, and I felt my anticipation build. What was taking him so long?
Finally, his message came through.
MANHATTAN: Long Island University. Let’s go Sharks! 🦈
I smiled to myself, mentally filing away the information. LIU. Perfect. Now I just needed to find out when their next game was and how to get there. The idea of seeing him in action, playing the sport he was so passionate about, made me even more excited.
ME: Cool! I’ll definitely ask her to grab me one. LIU sounds like a great school. MANHATTAN: It is. I’m really enjoying it here. Hockey’s been great too.
I leaned back in my seat, feeling a rush of excitement. Everything was falling into place. In just a few days, I’d be at LIU, watching him play, and he had no idea what was coming.
ME: Glad to hear it! Maybe one day I’ll get to see you play in person. MANHATTAN: I’d like that. But for now, you’ll just have to settle for the hoodie 😉
I laughed, feeling a surge of anticipation. He had no idea that “one day” was much sooner than he thought.
ME: I guess I will. But who knows what the future holds? MANHATTAN: True. The future’s full of surprises.
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I couldn’t agree more. Little did he know, the biggest surprise was about to come his way. I tucked my phone away, feeling more determined than ever. Tomorrow, I’d make my way to LIU, ready to see Manhattan in his element. This trip was turning out to be more thrilling than I’d ever imagined.
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
The next morning, I woke up early, my heart racing with anticipation. Today was the day I’d finally see Manhattan play hockey. After a quick breakfast with my classmates, I made up an excuse about needing some time alone to explore the city. They didn’t ask too many questions, which was a relief. I wasn’t sure how I’d explain that I was sneaking off to surprise a guy I’d never actually met in person.
With my bag slung over my shoulder, I set off toward Long Island University. The city buzzed with energy as I navigated the subway system, and I could hardly keep still as I imagined what the game would be like. What would he look like on the ice? Would I recognize him immediately?
When I finally arrived at LIU’s campus, I felt a rush of excitement. The rink was larger than I expected, and the atmosphere was alive with the buzz of college sports. I spotted a few people in Sharks gear and made a mental note to grab a hoodie later—something to remember this day by.
Just as I was about to head inside, my phone buzzed with a message from Manhattan.
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Thursday, May 30, 2024Today, 9:00 AM MANHATTAN: What are you up to today?
I hesitated for a moment, torn between keeping the surprise and telling him something closer to the truth.
ME: Just wandering around, checking out some new places. You? MANHATTAN: Nothing too exciting, just got some practice. Gotta stay sharp for the game tomorrow.
My heart skipped a beat. If he was heading to practice, that meant he’d be at the rink soon. I grinned, feeling like everything was falling perfectly into place.
ME: Busy day for you then. Good luck with practice!
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I tucked my phone away and stepped into the rink. The cool air hit me immediately, a stark contrast to the warm, bustling city outside. I found a seat near the middle, close enough to see the action but far enough to stay somewhat hidden. The rink was buzzing with the energy of casual practice, but I didn’t see anyone who looked like Manhattan.
Confused, I glanced at my phone again, but decided to focus on enjoying the moment. Maybe everything would still work out.
As the few players on the ice began to pack up, I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. With a mix of nerves and excitement, I made my way down to the edge of the rink where the three boys were gathering their gear. They looked friendly enough, chatting and laughing as they peeled off their jerseys.
"Hi there," I greeted them tentatively, hoping not to intrude.
"Hey," one of them replied with a smile, while another gave a nod in acknowledgment.
Feeling a bit bolder, I held up the picture of Manhattan that I had saved on my phone. "Do you guys happen to know him?" I asked, trying to keep my voice casual.
The boy closest to me glanced at the picture and furrowed his brow. "Is this a test, or a bad joke?" he replied, a hint of confusion in his voice.
I blinked, taken aback by his reaction. "No, not at all," I said quickly. "He's a hockey player, right?"
The boy let out a chuckle, exchanging a glance with his teammate who rolled his eyes. "Yeah, he's a hockey player," he replied, his tone slightly mocking. With that, he skated off towards the locker rooms, his friend following close behind.
Left standing there, I turned to the last boy who was gathering his equipment. "Do you know where I can find him?" I asked, my voice tinged with disappointment.
He shrugged apologetically. "I don't know, maybe try MSG or something," he suggested, referring to Madison Square Garden. With that, he picked up his stick and followed his teammates off the ice, leaving me feeling confused and unsure of what to do next.
I stared after them for a moment, my heart sinking. Maybe this was a mistake after all.
Feeling disheartened and unsure of what had just transpired at the rink, I made my way back to the hotel. My mind was still spinning with confusion and disappointment over not finding any trace of Manhattan. As I walked through the lobby, Lauren immediately noticed something was off.
"What's wrong?" she asked, concern etched on her face.
I forced a smile, trying to brush off my disappointment. "Nothing, just tired," I replied vaguely.
To cheer me up, she leaned in conspiratorially. "Hey, you like hockey, right? There's some playoffs happening tomorrow, and apparently they're really shitty seats, but Professor Tenner says we can all go since it's included in the expo."
Her attempt to lift my spirits caught my attention. Playoffs sounded exciting, and even though I was still reeling from the day's events, the prospect of attending a hockey game in New York City was enticing, even if it wasn't one of Manhattan's games like I'd hoped.
"Really?" I perked up, feeling a glimmer of excitement return. "That sounds like fun. I could use a distraction."
She nodded eagerly. "Exactly! We'll forget about everything and just enjoy the game."
I nodded in agreement, grateful for her effort to turn things around. Perhaps the disappointment of today would fade with the thrill of tomorrow's game.
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
As we rode the subway towards Madison Square Garden, the excitement of the upcoming hockey playoffs managed to distract me momentarily from the strange encounter at LIU's rink earlier. The subway car was filled with fans dressed in jerseys, hats, and scarves, all buzzing with anticipation for the game. It was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile as I saw the neon signs outside the arena proclaiming, "NEW YORK RANGERS VS FLORIDA PANTHERS, 2-2 TIED SERIES."
Glancing at my phone, I noticed several unread messages from Manhattan. They started off flirty, but the last few were increasingly concerned:
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Friday, May 31, 2024Today, 7:00 PM MANHATTAN: Made my sister take this so you can see how hard it is being so tall and attractive
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MANHATTAN: Hey, haven't heard from you all day. Everything okay? ❤️ MANHATTAN: Did something happen? You're acting weird. MANHATTAN: Seriously, just let me know you're okay. MANHATTAN: San Diego??? MANHATTAN: I'm starting to get worried now. Please, just tell me what's going on.
Each message tugged at my conscience, but right now, with the game looming ahead and the vibrant energy of the city around me, I couldn't bring myself to reply. Turning off my phone, I focused on the lively scene outside as we emerged from the subway. Madison Square Garden towered above us, its exterior adorned with banners and flags of the Rangers. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the chatter of excited fans and vendors selling snacks and memorabilia.
My friend nudged me excitedly. "This is going to be awesome," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
I nodded, a surge of anticipation building within me. Stepping into the bustling concourse of the arena, I marveled at the sea of blue and red jerseys, each person radiating their team pride. It was infectious, and I found myself caught up in the excitement of being part of such a passionate crowd.
Finding our seats, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for not responding to Manhattan's messages. I promised myself I would explain everything later, after the game. Right now, I needed to immerse myself in the thrill of playoff hockey and enjoy this unforgettable experience in the heart of New York City.
Just before the game began, one last text came in from Manhattan. The notification popped up on my screen, and I couldn't ignore it any longer:
MANHATTAN: Starting to think I messed things up. Please talk to me. I have to go, but PLEASE tell me you're okay.
The urgency in his message was palpable, and it weighed heavily on my mind. I knew I owed him an explanation, but right now, surrounded by the anticipation of the playoff game at Madison Square Garden, I couldn't find the words to reply.
My friend noticed my troubled expression and gently asked, "Everything okay?"
I hesitated for a moment, torn between the excitement of the moment and the guilt of leaving Manhattan hanging. "Yeah, just some stuff going on," I replied vaguely, hoping she wouldn't press further.
She nodded understandingly, sensing my reluctance to talk about it. "Well, let's focus on the game. It's going to be amazing!"
I managed a small smile, grateful for her distraction. As the national anthem played and the teams took the ice, the crowd erupted into cheers. The energy of the arena was infectious, and I found myself swept up in the excitement despite my lingering worries about Manhattan.
As the players came out and the game began, the atmosphere inside Madison Square Garden was electric. The puck dropped, and the game progressed smoothly until midway through the second period. Number 73, newly on the ice, was skating hard when suddenly, number 91 from the opposing team delivered a hard hit. The crowd erupted into shouts and boos as the large screen replayed the hit, the referees finally calling a penalty.
In the midst of the chaos, the camera panned back to the live action, focusing on New York Rangers' number 73 as he removed his helmet. And there he was—Manhattan.
My heart skipped a beat as I watched him on the screen, his presence confirming that the mystery friend who had been texting me was indeed using a picture of Matt Rempe. Confusion and disbelief flooded my mind. Had I been lied to this whole time? Was this some elaborate prank or misunderstanding?
As Manhattan skated off the ice, I felt a mix of emotions—surprise, disappointment, and a tinge of betrayal. The crowd's cheers and the game's intensity became distant background noise as I tried to process everything. The realization that Manhattan was real and here, playing hockey in front of me, collided with the unsettling feeling that someone had deceived me.
I glanced at my friend beside me, who was still cheering enthusiastically for the Rangers. She turned to me with a bright smile. "This is amazing, right?"
"Yeah," I managed to reply, forcing a smile while my mind raced with unanswered questions.
As the game continued, I couldn't tear my eyes away from Manhattan on the ice. Despite the whirlwind of emotions, one thing was clear—there was much more to this story than I had ever imagined.
On the way out of the game, the crowd slowly dispersing around us, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and confusion. I pulled out my phone and hesitated for a moment before typing out a message to Manhattan.
ME: So, was this all just a joke? Using someone else's photos to pretend to be someone you're not?
The message hung in the air, my thumb hovering over the send button. I felt a mix of anger and hurt, wanting desperately for there to be some explanation that would make sense of everything. But as the seconds ticked by, doubts crept in. What if I had been naive to believe in this connection all along?
My friend glanced over at me, sensing my unease. "You okay?" she asked gently.
I forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil inside. "Yeah, just… something came up," I replied vaguely, my voice betraying my uncertainty.
Finally, I pressed send, the message disappearing into the digital abyss. As we made our way through the bustling streets of New York City, I couldn't shake the sinking feeling that the person I thought I knew as Manhattan might not be who he claimed to be after all.
The crowd outside Madison Square Garden buzzed with post-game energy, but my focus was solely on my phone, waiting for Manhattan’s reply. The seconds dragged on before my screen lit up with his response.
MANHATTAN: What? A joke? What are you talking about?
I clenched my jaw, frustrated by his confusion. How could he not understand?
ME: I saw you. Or, I guess I saw the real you. You’ve been sending me photos of a hockey player this whole time, pretending it was you. Matt Rempe. Ring a bell?
I hit send, my emotions swirling between hurt and anger. Was this his way of getting a laugh? Why string me along like this?
His response came quickly this time.
MANHATTAN: Wait, what? I didn’t lie to you, I swear. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
I scoffed at my phone. Was he really going to keep this act up?
ME: You sent me his photo. Matt Rempe. Number 73 for the Rangers. I saw him on the ice tonight.
My hands were shaking slightly as I typed, overwhelmed by everything. How could he keep denying it when I’d literally just seen Matt?
There was a longer pause before his next message.
MANHATTAN: I didn’t lie. I never pretended to be someone else. I’m really confused right now. How did you… how did you see me?
My breath caught. Why did he sound so genuine? My mind scrambled to piece it together. How could he not know that I’d seen the very guy whose pictures he’d been sending? It didn’t make sense.
I typed again, my heart pounding.
ME: I saw him play. I was at the Rangers game tonight. You’ve been using his pictures this whole time, and now I feel like an idiot for believing you.
There was another long pause, and I could imagine him, wherever he was, sitting there trying to figure out what had just happened.
The longer I waited, the more the knot in my stomach tightened. Finally, my phone buzzed again with his reply.
MANHATTAN: I’m so confused. How did you end up at a Rangers game? I never sent you anyone else’s photos. I swear. I don’t even know what’s going on right now. ME: I came here for a school trip. I wanted to surprise you, so I went to what you told me was your University yesterday to see you play hockey. I thought it’d be this cute moment, but you weren’t there. Some guys at the rink acted weird when I asked about you, and I couldn’t figure it out. Then today, at the game, I saw Matt Rempe... The guy in the photos you’ve been sending me. MANHATTAN: Wait. You’re in New York? You went looking for me??? MANHATTAN: Okay, this is all a big misunderstanding, and I need you to believe me. I’m not lying. I am Matt Rempe. ME: No, you're not. Stop it. If this is your way of messing with me, just admit it. Why would you pretend to be someone like him? You think I wouldn’t find out? MANHATTAN: I’m not pretending. I didn’t want to lie to you, but I also didn’t want to throw all that stuff at you so fast. I’m sorry if it feels like I’ve been hiding things, but I wasn’t trying to trick you. I swear. ME: So what, you’re just Matt Rempe all of a sudden? I’m supposed to believe that you’re the guy I watched get slammed on the ice tonight? MANHATTAN: Yes. I wanted to tell you but we became friends and never stopped the little nickname thing, this isn’t how I wanted you to find out.
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I stared at the message, my head spinning. How could this be true? I couldn't wrap my mind around it.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
part 2 of feeling this?
Hi! I hope you like this! I want to turn it into an actual series as long as people like it:)
Feeling This - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 2
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Part 1
No warning, just Fluff and Ethan being a sweetie pie🥹
Summary: Ethan helps you study
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Ethan was so giddy as he walked back to his dorm that night, he felt like he was floating instead of walking. Chad high-fived him when he mentioned how he went back for the kiss.
“Yes, dude! I’m proud of you!” Chad said, as Ethan sat there beaming. “You never know, you might not be a virgin forever after all.”
Ethan’s face dropped a little, “I don’t want her to think that’s what I want from her, ya know?”
Chad took in the tone change, looking over his friend’s face, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just saying, most people in relationships sleep together. If you guys get serious, it could happen.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. I just want to get to know her, and hopefully she doesn’t think I’m a total fucking loser,” he sighed, flopping onto his bed.
“She doesn’t. Saturday will be great,” Chad said, Ethan’s face starting to perk back up.
He heard his phone ding in his pocket, he pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number. After reading it over, he realized that it was you.
You: Hey, I got your number from Mindy…I hope you don’t mind.
You: Thanks for walking me home😊
Ethan: Of course😘
As soon as he sent the kiss-face, he felt like an idiot. The last thing he wanted to do was come off too strong.
You: Goodnight😘
His heart skipped a beat in his chest when you responded with the same emoji, but he decided to lock his phone before he did anything to actually embarrass himself.
You woke up earlier than you normally did the next morning. You usually don’t have time to stop for coffee on the way to class, always having to settle for your roommates Keurig to get the energy you needed to get through the first half of the day.
As you walked into the coffee shop, you bumped into Chad.
“Hey, good morning!” he greeted, and you started to wonder why he was here. He seemed like he already had plenty of energy before 8am.
“Good morning,” you said, the groggy tone in your voice making him laugh.
“Not a morning person, huh?” he asked, grabbing the cup from the barista.
“Not really. I woke up early today, so I have time to get coffee before class,” you said, before placing your order.
“Well, I gotta go. I need to get this to Tara before her first class,” he said, you sticking your bottom lip out at how cute that was.
“That’s so sweet! I’ll see you around, Chad,” you said, waving to him as he made his way towards the door.
After you got your coffee, you went to your first class. You listened to the professor talk about how so many of the students failed the last test, and that a lot of people are going to be surprised when the grades are posted. You started to feel sick as you thought back to the test, knowing that you were most likely one of the students that didn’t pass.
After making it through the rest of your morning, you decided to go to lunch with Mindy. That’s when you got the notification that your new grade had been posted.
“Fuuuck,” you groaned, seeing a 54 in bright red.
“What’s wrong?” Mindy asked as she sat across from you.
“I just bombed this test for my Philosophy class,” you sighed, as Mindy started to smile.
“Ethan took that class last semester. Ask him to study with you,” she said, taking a bite of your food.
You pulled out your phone, pulling up the message thread with Ethan.
You: Hey, how did you do in Philosophy last semester?🧐
Ethan: It was hard, but I passed it.😅
You: Wanna help me study?
Ethan: Of course. When?
You: I don’t have any morning classes tomorrow, if you’d maybe want to meet in the library?
Ethan: I have a morning class, but I could meet you at 10?
You: Perfect, I’ll see you then😊
“You’re a genius, and I love you,” you said to Mindy as you locked your phone.
“So…Ethan walked you home last night. How’d that go?” she asked, desperately wanting some details.
“He walked me to the door, and came back a few minutes later to kiss me,” you said, smiling as you thought back to it.
“I don’t know if he actually needed Chad and I’s help,” she said, raising her eyebrows. “He’s had a thing for you for months. He never shuts up about you.”
You blushed at her words, loving how sweet he was.
After lunch, the rest of the day flew by. The exhaustion set in as you tried to work on your assignments, passing out on the bed with your laptop in front of you.
When you woke up the next morning, you checked your phone, noticing a goodnight text from Ethan. You were a little bummed that you weren’t awake to respond, but once you noticed the time, you jumped out of bed and quickly changed. You had fifteen minutes to get to the library to meet with Ethan, and you didn’t want to be late and waste his time.
You ran into the library, scanning the room for the curly-haired boy. He was sitting at a table, working on his computer.
“Hey,” you said, taking a seat beside him.
“Hey, this is for you,” he said, handing over a coffee.
“You got me coffee?” you asked, taking a sip. “You got me my favorite drink.”
“Yeah, my roommate is a stalker and listened to your order yesterday to pass it along to me,” he laughed, as he started to type again.
“It’s really sweet that you did this for me,” you said, pulling out your computer. “And it’s really sweet that you’re taking time out of your day to help me.”
His cheeks had a pink tint to them, “I get to spend time with you. I don’t care if it’s just to study.”
Your heart swelled at his words as you pulled up your assignments, showing Ethan the most recent score on your test.
“Holy shit,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s okay, we’ll get your grade back up. I’ll study with you every day if we have to.”
“I hope I can get it back up. My scholarship kind of depends on my GPA being at least a 3.5,” you sighed, as Ethan looked over to you.
“It’ll be fine. Okay, Introduction to Philosophy…”
You studied with Ethan for over two hours, the both of you accidentally skipping lunch. He was a great tutor, but every time he got closer to you to explain something, you felt your heart race.
“I’m sorry, but I have to get to my next class. My day is full tomorrow, but we can spend some time studying before our date on Saturday if you want,” Ethan said, putting his laptop in his backpack.
“That sounds great. Thanks again, Ethan,” you said, standing up and giving him a hug. He pecked your lips as he pulled away, the simple gesture giving you a severe case of butterflies.
“I’ll text you later,” he said, walking towards the exit.
Your smile was huge as you stood there, taking a second to enjoy the feeling before packing your stuff to head to your film studies class.
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fostercare-expat · 21 days
Had a delightfully foster drama free week and my former husband is back after being gone for a month. I had 3 things due at work and I did them all well. It’s so nice to have the head space to focus. I worked extra hours last Sat and Sunday and didn’t feel guilty because all the kids were well take care of.
Took a day off today since it’s school holiday and took the 2 little ones to the zoo. Everyone had fun.
My former husband bought tickets for our older daughter to spend a month and 10 days overseas. She will stay with his 2 sisters for awhile and then my Former Husband and Younger Daughter will fly out to join them. I’ve never spent more than 2 weeks apart from either of my kids but Older Daughter is going to be 14 and she’s mature enough to handle it. I’ll miss her but be excited for her. And I’m really going to enjoy being down to only 1 kid for 2 or 3 weeks. It’s gonna be awesome! Hopefully get Younger Brother to stay with Other Foster Mom for a long weekend and go away with my boyfriend for the first time in our 1.5 years of dating. We had planned a weekend away that we had to cancel the day after the 3 siblings showed up unexpectedly at 1am.
Fearless’ Mom is getting married to her long term boyfriend in November and I’m happy for them. I was very worried about this guy in the beginning but he’s proven himself over these 4 years as they have been through a lot with her health issues and his too, and they have stood by each other. Fearless is the ring bearer and Younger Daughter is the flower girl. Fearless’ Mom was very certain that she wanted to put my name in the invitation where it says So-and-So requests your presence at the wedding of her daughter “Fearless’ Mom”. I’m not biologically old enough to be her mom but I know she sees me like that so I’m happy to be in that role for her. Her own Mom left her as a baby and never was in her life until she was an adult and just pops in when she needs something. Her Dad was in jail most of her childhood and then was a drug addict for most of her teen years. I’m so proud that Fearless’ Mom is so far away from that path. She was already set up a better life before I ever met her. I’ve just helped her to stay in the right path as the bumps have come up along the way. We are bringing the kids fancy clothes shopping on Saturday. It’s a very small wedding in November at City Hall and lunch after. Hopefully all love and no drama :)
Hopefully the Cutie Sibling’s Mom and her jerk boyfriend don’t have any plans for marrying!
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sturnfannn · 2 months
chris x fem!reader
oneshot / series
warnings: cursing (a LOT), lmk if I missed any other warnings 🙏
“Finally I get to see her!” I say, talking about how I get to see my best friend since it’s the first day of senior year. Me and my best friend Daisy have been friends since kindergarten she’s always been there for me and I’ve always been there for her, me and Daisy have had the same homeroom, same lunch, and almost every single class together, that’s probably why we’re so inseparable. We fight, but that’s normal, we fight over stupid things anyway so it doesn’t really impact our friendship, I love her so much it hurts.
I woke up to my alarm blaring my ears off, I turn it off and head to the bathroom, I use the toilet brush my teeth, change into my school clothes, do my skincare and makeup; once I’m done I put some perfume and head to Daisy’s house.
I knocked on her front door and yelled, “Daisy, I’m here!”, “coming!” She replies, I waited for about 10 minutes before she came storming down, she slammed the door closed and started walking off, “hey, what happened why are you so mad?” I asked with a slight chuckle trying to catch up with her fast pace, “mom decided to annoy the the absolute fuck out of me before school” she replied annoyed walking slower so I could catch up to her, Daisy told me what her mom did, it wasn’t even that bad she’s just dramatic.
We got to school a bit over 8:00 which is the time we were supposed to be in school by, we walked in our home room because it’s the first day of school and on first days we go to homeroom first then we go to whatever class is after homeroom so we skip first and second period, our teacher saw us and asked, “girls what are your names so I can put you in the attendance”, “Wileydiz ____” I said, “Daisy ____” she said, “late on the first day of senior year what a great first impression” he said, at least that’s what I think he said because he said it so quietly, we walk over to our seats of choice and sit down, Daisy immediately start talking about this boy sitting next to me, “here we go, it’s the first day of school Daisy.” I say, “So?” she says sarcastically, I roll my eyes but I still listen to what she has to say.
Once she’s done talking I finally decide to turn and see who she’s talking about, I saw the most beautiful brown haired boy with blue eyes I’ve never seen someone so breathtaking, I didn’t realize I was staring but he looked at me and waved a hello, I snapped out of my trance and waved hello back, I looked back at Daisy with a slight smile and she notice, “OHHH SO NOW—“, “shut the fuck up” I whispered as I slapped her mouth closed, “so now you think he’s fine” she whispered, I gave her look and she immediately knew what I was thinking, she laughed so hard I had to smack her mouth shut again, “girls quiet down” the teacher said, “sorry” we said trying not laugh.
All I could do was stare at the boy I couldn’t keep my eyes off him once I realized I was staring a little too much I decided to start talking with Daisy to keep my mind of those blue eyes. We heard the bell ring as we packed our things, “hurry up hag” Daisy said, “wait,the fuck” I replied, I gathered my stuff as I walked down the hallways with Daisy, I bumped into someone, “oh my god I’m so so-“ I interrupted myself as I realize who I bumped into, “your good” the blue eyed boy said as he helped grab my things from the ground, “thank you, sorry again” I said as I grabbed my final item from the ground, “your welcome” he replied, “didn’t get ur name”, “Wileydiz”, “Chris”, we exchanged, I didn’t realize I was staring again, “gotta go to class” he said, “yeah” I said still staring, “see ya” he said, “uh bye” I said as I snapped out of my trance, “oh my GO—“ I interrupted Daisy by pushing my hand against her mouth to shut her up for the third time today, “shut the fuck up, oh my god” I whisper yelled, she laughed as we walked to class I noticed Chris was walking in same direction, “you think he’s in our class”I said slightly smiling, “you better not be talking about him all fucking day or I’ll smack you” she said, “whatever” I replied in sarcastic annoyance.
Me and Daisy arrived at class 1-16 and took a seat next to each other, I saw Chris walk in the class and take seat in the back of the class. “Hello class my name is Mrs ____ and this is Mrs _____ and this your science class” the teacher said, me and Daisy exchanged a look of disgust, we knew this teacher wasn’t gonna be pleasing.
I heard the bell ring as Daisy helped me gather my things, next class I had without her, I sat up, grabbed my belongings and walked with Daisy to my next class.
she dropped me of and said, “look who’s in ur class”, it was chris, I looked back at at her just to find her smiling like a fucking hoolingan, “bye” I hugged her goodbye and walked into class, “just in time, take a seat” the teacher said, the only seat left was next to chris, I’m sat.
I woke up to the bell ringing, I fell asleep, last thing I remember was sitting down and staring at him again, I stood up and grabbed my things walked out the door and saw chris standing there waiting for someone I gave him a slight smile and walked off, I stoped my fast pace when I heard him say, “you feeling okay?”, “uh yeah, why?”, “you fell asleep as soon as you sat down”, “oh uhm yeah I’m fine, thanks though, for worrying”, I walked off to find Daisy once I found her I told her what happened, “WHA—“ i interrupted her by covering her mouth with my palm once again, “why are u always so fucking loud” I stated, “sorry,””what”, she repeated but in a whisper this time, “I think he wants me” I said in a sarcastic tone, “whoa, that’s a bit of a stretch ma’am, not where I was going” she stated as I rolled my eyes, when we got to the lunch room i immediately locked eyes with chris he gave me slight smile and continued with his conversation….
THIS WAS❗️ NOT❗️proofread so sorry babe 🙏
comment if u wanna be tagged in part 2 🥰
(or if yall don’t like it lmk its all good 🙏)
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alwaysteveswife · 1 year
Fate Or Chance | Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader.
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Summary: Read the summary here, it's much more complete, but, in a nutshell, it's about Steve and you meeting for the first time in a movie theater on Valentine's Day 💕.
Warnings: Fluff, Model! Steve, Designer! Reader.
Words: 1.9k
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You brought your hands to your lips, sighing over them to warm them. People walked briskly by your sides, some even bumping into your shoulder, apologizing in hushed tones. Signs with red and pink hearts filled every place, from food businesses to clothing and lingerie stores.
And in the midst of that was you, with your downcast countenance, watching some men enter the stores with a smile of excitement, and women, with flushed cheeks as they left a clothing or chocolate store. You couldn't lie, you felt a little envious, but what could you do besides watching those people being happy with their partners?
Your cell phone rang, making you come out of your little cloud of depression and singleness. The number was Alex's, your best friend. You answered almost the second after she dialed.
"Did you get to the movies yet?" Alex said on the other end of the phone.
"I'm close" you smiled, stopping your step as you saw the large Cinemark sign. You were happy to at least be able to enjoy a horror movie with your best friend, "Why do you ask? are you going to be late?"
Alex sighed heavily, something that made your stomach clench and your nerves make you nauseous. You knew that sigh so well.
"No, not exactly," a noise in the background along with a man's laughter only confirmed your suspicions, "Eddie came as a surprise, you know, for Valentine's Day."
"Oh" you said quietly, your smile fading almost as quickly as it had appeared. Alex and Eddie had been dating for about 10 years, lived through a lot together and always leaned on each other. You admired them, too much. Neither had much time for the other, Alex was a surgeon and Eddie had a band that became incredibly famous in the late 80s.
You didn't want to spend Valentine's Day alone, but you also didn't plan to put your happiness above your best friend's, so, taking a big breath of fresh air, you responded.
"I'm glad he was able to come see you today" you tried to sound as cheerful as possible, because you were actually very happy for them. "You should stay with him, you haven't seen each other for a long time."
Alex blew out the air she had built up. You couldn't help but smile at that, she really was a great friend.
"Thanks for understanding, Y/N, I promise I'll make it up to you."
"There's nothing to make up for, I love seeing you happy, you're like, I don't know, my favorite couple in the world" you let out a laugh as you heard Eddie shout that you were his second favorite girl in the world, "I gotta go, the show starts in a few minutes."
"Enjoy the movie for me, okay?"
"I will, don't worry" you kept up your pace, walking into the movie theater a little more down than before, but not taking the smile off your face, "Bye."
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Steve turned off the alarm clock beside him, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He glued his gaze to the spotless ceiling of the hotel room he was staying in for the weekend.
"You awake already?" muttered Eddie, standing in front of a full-length mirror, his hands working deftly through his hair. He was seeing Alex again today after an entire season out of the country.
"Yeah, I see you too" he sat up in bed, his eyelashes fluttering over his cheeks a little too slowly. Eddie couldn't help but smile mischievously at the sight of him.
"What? you have no one to spend this wonderful day with?" as he teased Steve, he picked up his perfume and poured it on too much. Steve wasn't happy about it, that one in particular was too expensive for him to wear like that.
"Shut the fuck up" he stood up at last, stretching his arms above his head. He hid his feet in his soft cotton slippers, walking lazily to the dining room.
Hundreds of papers were lying on the kitchen counter, all with Steve as the addressee. After his last job, many well-known fashion brands wanted him for their advertising.
He ignored them all, too tired to pay attention to them. He kept walking until he reached the spacious kitchen. His stomach growled in protest.
"I left a slice of pizza from last night lying around" Eddie shouted as he ran for the front door, "I'm going to Alex's house, don't wait for me, I don't think I'll make it."
"Just beat it" he said jokingly, pulling out a bottle of milk and taking a big gulp of it. He had to take care of his physique, much to his bad luck.
The door slammed shut, leaving Steve all alone in an overly large hotel room by one person. For some reason, he felt extremely lonely.
He stood for a few seconds staring at the door, thinking about how different his morning would have been if he had someone special in his life, as well as Eddie and Alex. It hurt him to think like that, it hurt him to think that he might end up alone and with no one to love him, unable to achieve his biggest dream, to have a beautiful family to give his body and soul to.
He tried to erase those intrusive thoughts, put away the bottle of milk and headed for the bedroom. He stopped dead in his tracks when he felt a sheet of paper hit his face.
"What the...?" He brushed it off with a frown, turning to look at the sliding door to the balcony. Eddie had left it open. "Stupid wind."
He looked at the paper, noting that it was a job offer at a freelance firm. Confused, he looked through the rest of the letters, noticing that, in one of the envelopes, came a set of photos with the work they had been doing so far.
The photography was fine, the models were exotic and diverse, something that caught his attention, but, without a doubt, what completely captivated him were the designs the models were wearing. They were very visually appealing.
In less than a second he was already dressed and with his wallet in hand, ready to go somewhere with a computer available so he could do some research about the place.
He wandered around town until he found a library with computers in it. He hurried to grab one and took a seat, typing in as fast as he could the name of the company.
His research led him to a website with a nicely perfected design, the designs available were similar to the samples, but much more eye-catching. He smiled unconsciously.
When he reached the footer, a phone number accompanied by a name caught his eye. It was the name of the manager and Lead Designer, Y/N Y/L/N. He pulled the crumpled letter out of his pocket, the reverse side facing the ceiling. He took a pencil from the pen next to the computer and quickly wrote down the data. For the first time in a long time he was really excited about getting a job.
With a big smile on his face, Steve walked gleefully towards the local subway station hoping he could go visit Eddie and Alex and tell them the news. He skipped down the stairs two at a time, ignoring the leering looks some girls were throwing at him; he couldn't think of anything else but your name, after all, so far you were the Designer that best complemented his personal tastes.
He took a seat on one of the subway chairs next to a man in a suit. He looked furious. Steve almost fell out of his seat when he saw the man give him a withering look.
"Hey," he mumbled, getting up and standing in front of Steve. "You like horror movies?"
Steve blinked slowly, his lips parting slightly. What did he say?
"Ah, yeah, I guess, why the question?" He mumbled in confusion, his brow furrowing slightly as he watched the man toss his a white-colored ticket.
"Here, I'll give it to you, I don't need it anymore anyway."
Steve tried to talk to him, to ask why he was giving that to him, but as soon as he got up, the man was gone on the train that had just arrived, leaving him with confusion and a ticket to a movie he didn't even know was in release.
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"Thank you" you said as you took the box of popcorn from the worker's hands and headed to the room where the show would be screened. Definitely ignorant of the red hearts that decorated it.
You handed over your ticket and nodded when you heard the instructions. Room 4, booth K12. You considered it decent, not too close, not too far. You went on your way and entered the room. Empty.
You sighed, walking down the steps and ignoring the fact that this was too ridiculous, what was so unbelievable about watching a horror movie in company? If you had a partner, you thought, you would definitely watch this with him on Valentine's Day, mainly because they were on sale.
You walked until you saw the letter K on the seat, looking carefully for the number you were entitled to. Just then, you heard heavy footsteps and a man's panting. You decided to ignore it and take a seat.
"Dude, it sure is empty in here" you heard the man say. His footsteps could be heard closer and closer.
For a single second you thought he had an attractive voice, but preferable to keep that thought to yourself, you weren't the kind of person to flatter random people who came to watch the same movie as you.
The sound of the chair next to you made you freeze in place. You turned your head so fast that your neck became sore. Your eyes widened when you saw who it was.
Steve fucking Harrington was sitting next to you in a completely empty movie theater. You felt your heart race at the thought of sharing the same air as the one you admired so much.
"Hi" he smiled awkwardly as he noticed your relentless gaze stopping on him, "what a coincidence that we happened to be together, don't you think?".
You opened your mouth. Nothing. You tried again, but could only let out a soft "yes". You were red with embarrassment, why did this have to happen to you just today?
"Uhm, well, I was just saying that because I didn't want you to think I'm a weirdo or something for sitting here when the cinema is empty, but, you know, it's forbidden to occupy any seat other than yours" from then on you stopped paying attention to what he was saying, you were too busy thinking about how good he looked and how funny it was to hear him talking so fast.
Before you could help yourself, you let out a laugh. Too loud a laugh. You covered your mouth almost instantly, opening your eyes too wide to look normal.
You both looked at each other in silence; you, trying to read Steve's expression, and he, processing what you had just done. In the end, it was Steve who broke the silence. A set of strange laughs made you feel self-conscious, was he making fun of you?
"What was that?" he said between laughs, his eyes forming little crescent moons that sparkled with intensity, "I've never heard someone laugh like that."
"God, how embarrassing" you whispered, covering your face with both hands, feeling the heat rise to your ears.
"Seriously, what do I have to do to hear it again?"
Your heart stopped for a second. You opened a space between your fingers to watch Steve's face. You swore his smile could have killed you. He was smiling so genuinely that, for a second, you forgot that you had let out a laugh so loud and embarrassing that, if there had been more people there, they would be trying to throw you out.
"I..." you gulped, drawing out all your personality for the next move. After all, it was highly unlikely you were going to find it again, "well, you'd have to do something too crazy, maybe shave your head?"
Steve laughed again, this time you joined him. You don't know how long you were like that, the stomach ache and tears were already too present, so you guessed a good while, but you didn't care.
"I'm Steve, by the way" he smiled with a chuckle, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Y/N" you nodded in his direction, lowering your voice a little at a time as you noticed the screen begin to brighten and the lights dimmed. You turned to look at the screen with a big smile.
You were so caught up in your world that you didn't notice how, even though the show was about to start, Steve didn't take his eyes off you for quite a while, his eyes shining with excitement and his chest quivering with warmth.
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thegigilwriter · 4 months
11 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary. 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Chapter Summary. After confirmation through her mother’s old letters and their initial meeting at the Hard Deck in Chapter 10 , Lucy is sure that Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is indeed her father. In this chapter, Lucy grapples with this revelation while preparing to meet him once again at Penny’s for dinner with Bradley. She has so many questions. How did they meet? What happened? Why did he leave? More importantly… how will this affect her blossoming relationship with Bradley?
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, fluff, possible inaccuracies of navy deployments
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11 | Dinner at Penny’s 🥟
August 27, 2023
Dear Star,
I am writing to you from a cramped bunk bed in the middle of the night in a docked carrier. We have just settled in Yokusaka. I still hate that we had to move away from Atsugi. I donʼt like being far from you. Iʼll be sure to visit you this weekend on my off. Today, I had the little spring rolls that you first made me at your apartment. They were being sold in this little Filipino store at a street corner. It was good, but to be honest... yours was a whole lot better. What do you put in there? I miss you, Star. I canʼt wait to see you this weekend. I just wanna lay in your arms and sleep all day...
How do you react to that? How do you react to the revelation of the identity of your long-lost father? Whose every indication in the course of your childhood was erased? Ever since that night at the Hard Deck, Lucy began to wrack her memory for any instance that her mother, Tala, ever brought up her mysterious father. All those little conversations in the kitchen or late nights in her bedroom. Whenever, Lucy had tried to ask about her about Maverick, she would always give her this look— with those downcast eyes that glistened slightly when it hit the light the right way. Her mother would merely say: ‘thereʼs work to be done,ʼ and cup her cheek before leaving to get her hands busy again. Lucy has always understood that bringing up her father dredged up his painful memory — but she didnʼt understand until two years ago when she first read the letters, the extent of their love, ergo the sadness that it inevitably entailed. But what happened between them? It didnʼt seem that her mother harbored a certain disdain towards him. She was unreadable on the matter of Maverick.
So here Lucy was now, the afternoon before Pennyʼs dinner, rolling lumpia on the living room table with Bradley and Downtown Abbey once again on the screen. Lucy followed the same recipe she has always used — the one her mother used, the one belonged to her grandmother. The one that Maverick had all those years ago in in her small apartment when she lived in Japan. If she was honest with herself, Lucy didnʼt know how to feel. In her mind, she knows that she should dislike him. With everything that her mother has been through — as an immigrant and a lone provider for two children—she should reject the father that turned his back on her and her brother. But in her heart, she so yearned to know him.
“Angel?ˮ She felt Bradley kiss the space beneath her ear. “You seem spacey, you alright?ˮ
Lucy smiled at the sight of him. He was clad in an old Navy shirt and gray sweatpants, with a tousled head of locks. He had on these plastic gloves with meat filling in their crevices.
“Iʼm okay,ˮ she reassured him. “Just a little nervous
“Well donʼt be,ˮ He told her. “Penny already likes you alot, you and Mav have some good common ground, and Ameliaʼs really sweet. Plus... they are really gonna love this...ˮ
Lucy stared at the pile of completed spring rolls, and smiled hopefully.
Bradley wasnʼt too sure why Lucy was so exasperated about this dinner. Of course, a certain level of nervousness is assumed when meeting your significant otherʼs family for the first time, but surely not at the level Lucy was at. He watched silently as she carefully decided between three outfits— in his eyes, she looked beautiful in all of them. He especially liked how her bell bottom jeans complemented... her body. She was so occupied with her decision, that she absentmindedly stepped into the hallway in a lacy wired bra and matching white underwear with a small rose embroidered at the front hem. She was looking at two hangers of dresses, completely unaware of Bradleyʼs grazing eyes.
“Um... Angel?ˮ He said calmly. Face red hot and throat dry. Seeing her in a bikini was one thing, but seeing her in her intimates was another.
“Which one do you think looks better?ˮ She asked him, her head cocking to the side at his flustered expression. “Bradley?ˮ
At that moment, only then did Lucy realize as she looked down on herself. She blushed, using the dresses on the hangers to conceal herself.
“Well...ˮ she blushed, laughing. “Showʼs over!ˮ
Bradley wasnʼt used to this. He normally wasnʼt so flustered by half-naked women. He felt like he was in college — experiencing his first sexual encounter. Itʼs been so long that he had been with someone seriously, that he forgot what it was like before the sex. The romance and intimacy that usually ensued before the physical act. Bradley was once more reminded of his age — by the years that he had just kept it ‘casualʼ — that is until he met Lucy. On that note, Lucy finally reappeared from her room — in a olive-colored blouse, with clunky heels, hair half-up, and donned with her dark wash bell-bottom jeans. Bradley grinned.
Bradley held Lucyʼs hand all the way to Pennyʼs house, drawing circles on the back of her hand soothingly. She kissed his hand affectionately.
“Hey,ˮ Lucy said to him, her eyes kept on the road ahead of them. “Can I ask you something?ˮ
“Of course you can, Angel.ˮ
“Does it bother you that I donʼt have a pet name for you?ˮ She asked him.
“I donʼt mind it all,ˮ Bradley replied. “Why do you ask?ˮ
“I know that there are some guys that donʼt care for it at all, so I was just asking...ˮ
“Well if you have one in mind... Iʼd love to hear it,ˮ he took his eyes briefly from the road to look into hers.
“Well I have two in mind,ˮ Lucy said.
“Fire away.ˮ
“I really like your callsign... so ‘Roo.’ ʼˮ
“I like that too,ˮ Bradley smiled. “And the other?ˮ
“Daddy,ˮ Lucy replied nonchalantly.
Bradley nearly swerved off of the road and Lucy quickly checked on the lumpia in the backseat before laughing breathlessly.
“Jesus!ˮ Lucy chuckled. “I was only kidding, Bradley!ˮ
But deep inside, Bradley wished she wasnʼt. He swears that this girl was gonna put him in an early grave.
Penny welcomed Lucy with a hug the moment she stepped on the threshold of her house. Bradley standing was beside her with a tray of spring rolls; and Maverick and Amelia trailed behind Penny. Introductions with Amelia were made before the party entered the home. Lucy, with her fondness for design, looked around and appreciated the subtle naval and sailor themes along with the cream minimalist color palette that just brought space and light into the room. It was only 6 in the evening, and the setting sun glowed beautifully as it shone through the glass door, windows, kitchen and dining room.
They all sat together on a round, dining room table with Bradley and Lucy sitting side by side. Penny and Maverick were seated in a similar fashion, with Amelia between the two pairs. Penny and Amelia served their homemade fettuccine pasta carbonara and Pete helped with the chicken roast. A pitcher of ice tea sat in the center, and Lucy placed her spring rolls in their aluminum pan beside it. Pete stared for a considerable amount of time at the rolls — contemplating where he had seen them before. The way they were neatly folded and their savory scent were all too familiar... until he finally took a glimpse of the face across from him. It was if he was back in that little apartment 26 years ago cramped on a dining room table — looking at what was the most uniquely beautiful face he had ever seen.
“Gosh Lucy!ˮ Penny sighed. “That smells so good!ˮ
“What is that?ˮ Amelia asked quietly, intrigued.
“Itʼs lumpia,ˮ Pete answered suddenly eyes still fixated on the rolls. Lucy smiled at him, as the rest looked at him with a mildly surprised expression.
“I-I uh,ˮ Pete said shyly and then averted himself to Lucy. “Iʼve had them before. Tala made them for me once and so did her mom when I had dinner with her family.ˮ
“Thatʼs very nice of them,ˮ Penny remarked as she began serving plates of pasta and as Bradley got to work on slicing the roast chicken. “What were thet like, Lucy?ˮ
“Yeah,ˮ Lucy smiled fondly at her memory. “My family likes meeting new people. This is my grandmother’s lumpia recipe actually — in my family it’s traditionally served when meeting new people as a token of friendship.ˮ
“I like that,ˮ Amelia remarked as she began piling his plate with them. “They look like little welcome gifts.ˮ
“Hey, leave some for me,ˮ Bradley said to her.
“Youʼve had enough,ˮ Lucy laughed. “Leave some for Penny and Mav.ˮ
“I had to put them in the serving platter as fast as I could before he could eat them all,ˮ Lucy told them.
“I wrapped half of them!ˮ Bradley argued.
“And you nearly ate all that half!ˮ Lucy chuckled.
“Okay, okay,ˮ Bradley conceded as he held her hand.
“Never saw Bradley back down that fast,ˮ Penny grinned as her eyes quickly glanced at their conjoined hands. “So how did you two meet?ˮ
Bradley recollected the story of how they met at the docks of Umi, spent the day together with Sam and Phoenix, and their sunset stroll down the carnival pier. During all that, Lucy carefully gauged Pete’s reaction to the spring rolls. Did she add too much salt? Was the wrap to filling ratio just right? More importantly, was it just as he had remembered?
“What was that you told me, Angel?ˮ Bradley asked her. “ ‘If someone must have me, he must earn meʼ?ˮ
Lucy quickly returned to the conversation at hand.
“I thought that he was looking for something casual,ˮ Lucy told Penny. “And I just wanted to make my intentions clear.ˮ
“And when I dropped you off at your apartment, I asked you out and you still didnʼt believe me!ˮ Bradley reminisced.
“I still thought you were trying to get into bed with me!ˮ Lucy said. “You were pulling out all the stops!ˮ
“Looks like you damped your success rate with her,ˮ Amelia snorted.
“So what did made you go on that first date, Lucy?ˮ Penny asked her.
A beat.
Lucy shook her head, smiling at the memory of her and Bradley in front of her apartment gate, in the light of the setting Californian sun playing like a movie scene in her head — as if it was that long ago. They locked eyes.
“I told him that I only dated to marry — it was the last thing I could possibly say. He was very convincing....ˮ Lucy chuckled. “And what did you say back?ˮ
Bradley smirked.
“Is that suppose to scare me?ˮ
Penny turned to her daughter, who was silently engrossed with the entire ordeal.
“Amelia Benjamin,ˮ Penny told her quite firmly. “That is exactly how I want you to respond when boys are gonna ask you out in the near future, okay?ˮ
“Mom!ˮ Amelia gasped as Bradley and Lucy broke into fits of chuckles and giggles, amused by mother and daughter.
“I am just saying!ˮ Penny insisted exasperatedly. “If I done that when I was younger...it would have saved me a whole lotta time and heartbreak. So kudos to you, Lucy. Your mother taught you well.ˮ
“Well youʼre quiet Mav,ˮ Bradley noticed as he took a sip from his iced tea. “Those spring rolls that good?ˮ
“Theyʼre just as I remember them to be,ˮ Pete smiled, putting to bed Lucyʼs concerns. “Your grandmother... Mayumi— is she well?ˮ
“She has mild dementia now,ˮ Lucy replied, a little taken with how quickly he remembered her grandmotherʼs name. “Youʼll still enjoy your conversations with her — but the minute next, sheʼs doing something uninhibited.ˮ
“Oh?ˮ Pete remarked.
“Last year,ˮ Lucy said. “One of my cousins brought home her boyfriend and he was Japanese. You see, my grandmother lived through World War Two as a kid during the Japanese occupation. God — the moment she saw him, she got this shotgun that she kept under her bed (that we didnʼt know about) and chased him out of the house!ˮ
“Goodness!ˮ Penny gasped amusedly. “Is he okay?ˮ
“Yes, but he never came back.ˮ Lucy replied as Bradley barked a laughed.
“I remember Mayumi was always a little eccentric,ˮ Pete said. “But she was kind. Your grandfather was the scary one.ˮ
“I never really met him,ˮ Lucy told him. “He died of a heart attack when I was really young.ˮ
“Iʼm sorry to hear that,ˮ Pete replied. “...He was quite the gentlemen, and he only ever spoke when he needed to. I remember... that he was known for being a brilliant doctor — and he also was the only one at the island at the time.ˮ
“Really,ˮ Lucy remarked. “I didnʼt know that. My mom only really shares so much and my uncles never really talks about him.ˮ
“Your family is one of the close-knitted Iʼve seen, Lucy, but Iʼve learned that a lot of them liked to keep to themselves. Your grandfather was hard on all his children,ˮ Pete told her. “And although I saw that he always had a soft spot for Tala, I think he loved them all very much.ˮ
“Thank you for sharing that,ˮ Lucy smiled, keeping her spirits up. “I canʼt believe Iʼve learned more about my family from someone else than Iʼve had from them...ˮ
“Angel,ˮ Bradley drew circles at the back of her palm. “You know you can talk to me about your family, right?ˮ
“Of course I do,ˮ Lucy replied. “And I would love for you to meet them someday.ˮ
“Maybe even Mav can come along,ˮ Bradley suggested.
“How did you get to know Lucyʼs family so well, babe?ˮ Penny asked him.
“After my deployment at Atsugi, I took some downtime in the Philippines with Tala, some other nurses, and some other navy men too. ˮ Pete replied and then turned to Lucy. “Your mother, I believe, was working to get some experience in Japan before she planned to move here — and so she did, it seems. I spent some months in Palawan and I got to know your family there quite well — your six uncles, your grandfather, and your grandmother.”
“How did you meet her— my mom?ˮ Lucy spoke carefully.
“Well...ˮ Pete paused to remember — everything was coming back to him now. Her long raven hair, her tempting eyes, her singing lips and the smell of sweet white flowers. “I met her at Atsugi in this... this local bar over there and she was doing karaoke with some of her other nurse friends...ˮ
Pete could still recall even the faintest details of their first encounter. Swirls of smoke the air, pretty women in pretty clothes, Japanese pop music blared from the karaoke machine. Tala had her hair in an elegant low bun with strands that framed her face. She had on this, gorgeous silky dress that hugged her body just the right way and she was balancing both a bottle and smoke with an extender with one hand as she held the mike so naturally to her lips with the other. When she sang, people watched not only because she sounded so beautiful, but because she looked so effortless. Pete could even still remember their first conversation:
“Mind if I join you, gorgeous?ˮ
“That depends, can you sing?ˮ
“Canʼt I just listen?ˮ
“Absolutely not.ˮ
“So should I just humiliate myself for you, then?ˮ
“Just how willing are you to join me, sailor?ˮ
“...Does she still sing, your mother?ˮ Pete asked her — her exact replica.
“Y-Yeah, sometimes.ˮ Lucy answered quickly, before Penny had averted the conversation to Lucyʼs job as a marine biologist.
Pete stared at her the entire time as she animatedly discussed her job with Penny and Amelia, who also happened to be an aspiring marine biologist. Dinner at Pennyʼs was in full swing. Bradley brought up Ameliaʼs Walstead bowl on the desk in her room and well as Pennyʼs new plans of starting a garden — both of which Lucy knew a thing about. Though Lucy looked much like her mother, Pete observed that she didnʼt quite inherent her particularity for things or her chilly facade. Lucy was warm and made everyone she met feel like theyʼve known each other for quite a while. She wasnʼt quite like her. After nearly spending three hours just talking over dinner, it was now 9 PM and while Amelia lead Lucy to her room to show her Walstead bowl, Bradley, Mav, and Penny started cleaning.
“Hey Bradley,ˮ Penny told him briefly. “Iʼm gonna borrow your girlfriend for a bit before you leave. I want her opinion on that garden Iʼm starting.ˮ
“Sure,ˮ Bradley chuckled as he stood beside Pete, who was drying dishes as soon as Bradley rinsed them.
“I donʼt know how you pulled this one Bradley, but you better not screw up.ˮ Pete teased.
“God I really hope I donʼt Mav,ˮ Bradley sighed. “I really got lucky with her.ˮ
“As long as you remember that — especially when youʼre fighting,ˮ Pete smiled.
A beat.
“Hey Mav?ˮ Bradley drawled. “Can I ask you a question?ˮ
“Be honest with me, okay? I promise I wonʼt tell Penny — but... Was Lucyʼs mom... An old flame of yours?ˮ
Pete placed a dish down on the rack and paused.
“Itʼs just that... the way you talked tonight about her and how you look at Lucy — just made me think... that you guys had something real special.ˮ
“Whenʼd you get all so smart?ˮ Pete grinned playfully.
“Cʼmon Mav...ˮ
A pause.
“I spent six months in Atsugi,ˮ Pete sighed. “And for four of them, I did date Tala... As soon as I wrapped up my deployment I went back to the Philippines with her for some months.ˮ
“What happened?ˮ Bradley whispered.
“We didnʼt end on bad terms, we... just had two different paths.ˮ
“Mav,ˮ Bradley huffed impatiently. “I know from my mom that you werenʼt the type to be hung over one girl when you broke hearts left and right.ˮ
“When I met Tala,ˮ Pete finally conceded and talked in a low voice. “Gooseʼs death was still over my head...ˮ
Bradley deflated slightly.
“I drank every night, I didnʼt have the best appetite, and I had... bad dreams. During that time, I felt like I didnʼt belong in the box anymore... so I wanted to hang it up. Tala healed me... She appreciated my ambition and saw the things I could still do — far before Iʼve realized that I can do them. She is… one of the reasons Iʼm still a pilot and why I still choose to be. Had she not insisted that I shouldnʼt stay with her, I wouldnʼt have been here with you.ˮ
“She mustʼve have been real stubborn if youʼre here,ˮ Bradley finally replied after a moment.
“Oh you have no idea,ˮ Pete laughed. “And you know what?ˮ
“I have a feeling Lucyʼs just the same,ˮ he grinned.
“Donʼt I already know?ˮ Bradley remarked. “Itʼs one of the things I fell for.ˮ
“Bradley Bradshaw, in love.ˮ Pete said aloud. “Now Iʼm really getting sentimental...ˮ
“And old...ˮ Bradley guffawed. “I thought you were gonna cry over that spring roll.ˮ
Pete smacked him over the head with the dish towel.
After bidding their goodbyes, Bradley drove himself and Lucy to her apartment. He turned off the ignition in front of her gate and held her hand.
“See?ˮ Bradley grinned. “You had nothing to worry about...ˮ
“Iʼm just so happy, Bradley...ˮ Lucy mirrored his smile. “Theyʼre wonderful people. Thank you for this...ˮ
Bradley cupped her cheek and pulled his lips against hers gently. She ran her hair through his honeyed locks, relishing the feeling, and when they could no longer breathe they pulled apart with pink-tinged faces. Lucy checked his dashboard. It was nearly midnight.
“Hey...ˮ she sighed. “Why donʼt you stay the night? You had a couple of beers with Mav, and I donʼt want you driving this late...ˮ
A wide, goofy grin stretched Bradleyʼs lips even further.
“Unless you—“
“Angel stop,ˮ he told her. “Iʼm just glad...ˮ
“Donʼt get any ideas, Lieutenant Bradshaw.ˮ
“Iʼm not!ˮ He insisted. “Iʼm just happy that youʼre comfortable enough to let me stay...ˮ
“Why wouldnʼt I be?ˮ Lucy crinkled her nose. “I only date gentlemen. As mischievous as they can be...ˮ
“Oh?ˮ Bradley smirked. “Who are these other gentlemen? I must meet them...ˮ
“Do you want to come in, or not?ˮ
Lucy waited tucked under the covers of her bed with a book, clad in some old gym shorts and a baggy sports shirt from a swim meet back in her teens. It was faded and distressed from over the years, but it was the most comfortable thing she owned. Her mind then drifted back to those years... to the rebellious, fiery, feminist, young girl she had been. Oh how she would chastise her older self over Bradley — she would have said that she had a promising career in something they loved and that she shouldn’t let any man get in her way. Lucy would bet she would shut up the minute she saw what she was seeing — the fine view of Bradley Bradshaw emerging from the steam of her bathroom, shirtless and wearing a pair of fresh boxers he had packed in a duffel bag at the back of his Bronco. Her cheeks burned pink at his broad, tanned chest and his lean stomach. He dried his moist locks in one of her cream-colored towels and grinned handsomely at the sight of her.
“Angel,ˮ Bradley spoke to her quietly, as he sat beside her on her mattress. “Are you sure this is okay? I can always sleep on the couch...ˮ
“I donʼt want you to sleep on the couch,ˮ she replied shyly, reaching for his big hand. “I want you to hold me, tonight.ˮ
Bradley kissed her fingers affectionately, heart warming at her loving gaze and tender touch.
“Okay,ˮ he smiled. “But I donʼt want you to feel like we have to do anything, alright?ˮ
Lucy nodded pulling the covers away on her right for him to tuck into. Bradley chuckled at her enthusiasm, positioning himself comfortably right beside her and opening an arm for her to tuck into. He propped the back of his head on his hand and used the other to embrace her. Lucy then turned off the bright lamp on her nightstand and turned on a little box-shaped nightlight on her beside table. It emitted a pale blue light, and because of the shape of its container, mimicked the fascinating scintillations of an underwater experience. When she finally settled into his embrace, Bradley pecked her forehead and she giggled.
“That is so cool,ˮ Bradley remarked at the light as he looked above her ceiling. “Whereʼd you get it?ˮ
“Itʼs a gift,ˮ Lucy replied, staring at the lights. “... Ford gave it to me.ˮ
“Heʼs a thoughtful guy,ˮ he hummed.
“When I was little,ˮ she smiled. “I wanted to be a mermaid. If you saw my side of the room, it was basically ocean-mania.ˮ
Bradley chuckled.
“Funnily enough,ˮ Lucy shared. “One of the options I kept open aside from marine biology was the Navy.ˮ
“Really?ˮ He quirked a brow.
“I liked the idea of traveling on the sea, and I admit... I thought I would meet some good-looking men.ˮ
“You would join the Navy for that?ˮ Bradley laughed.
“Iʼve seen your friends,ˮ Lucy retorted. “And youʼre a shining example of that.ˮ
“You find them attractive?ˮ
“I simply think that theyʼre good-looking,ˮ she hummed as she traced the lines across the expanse of his chest and the indents of his scars on his face. “You are the one I find attractive, and Iʼm truly fortunate...ˮ
“Youʼre lucky?ˮ Bradley smirked. “Iʼm the one with the young, gorgeous girlfriend. You got the old-timer...ˮ
“Well... I just happen to love vintage...ˮ Lucy replied impishly as Bradley chuckled.
They laid in silence, and it eventually lulled Lucy to sleep. Bradley could tell the exact moment when her body went limp and when each breath began to even with the rise and fall of her chest. He finally rested his head against her pillow. Her sheets and pillowcases were perfumed in a warm, honey, vanilla fragrance. He smiled at how her lips were opened partly, the way her eyelashes nearly grazed her cheeks, and how her hair cascaded down her chest. Her cold arms brought contrast to his warm embrace and soft sighs were slowly rocking him into his own slumber.
“Angel,ˮ he whispered softly, pressing a kiss on each of her moles — one at the edge of her lip and the other at the corner of her eye. “I love you...ˮ
Looks like dinner at Penny’s was a success! Lucy knowing who her real dad is at this point or her life must be pretty awkward… How do you think Pete will find out that Lucy is his daughter after all this time? Let’s keep this story going! Lots of fluff at 12 | Shark Week!
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medicinal-doll · 1 year
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Dark!Daddy!Sherlock x little!reader
Summary: Sherlock hasn't paid you any attention. he'd rather barricade himself in his office than tend to your needs, so you act out. But when Sherlock finds your mess, you find yourself reaping the consequences of your insolence.
Warnings: degrading, master/slave dynamic,cursing, manipulation,Non-con/Dub-con,daddy kink,spanking,fingering,mind break,hair pulling,rough sex,Dom/sub dynamic,hint of ddlg,teasing,petnames,p in v sex
A/N might be admitted to the mental hospital for this one ✨
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me
Your master had been glued to his office for hours. lasting about 10 minutes before you started to miss him badly.You started with your usual routine of whining and whimpering. gently tugging on his pant leg.
Of course he repeatedly kicked you out. but today was different. because after he kicked you out for the third time, you heard a distinct clicking of a lock.
How dare he shut you out like that! you grabbed onto the door handle grunting in frustration and disbelief, but no budge.
A few hours later it was midday. Your tantrum had more than the usual running time. probably because you were bored and Sherlock wasn't there to reprimand you for your mischief.
In the few short hours, you managed to trash the entire living room. The bulk of your toybox was strewn across the room with it's contents littered on every surface imaginable.
But there was just one last thing. Sherlock's prized japanese oakwood coffee table. you threw your huge teddy bear Sherlock had won for you at the fair last Valentine's day.
And watched in horror as it collided with the hard surface. knocking it over onto the hardwood floor with a thundering crash.
Then silence...everything went completely still.
Until you hear that distinct lock sound from Sherlock's door.
"Shit!!shit- shit-" you frantically lift the table, and thank god it's not cracked. you think that would've been your last day on earth. you sigh in relief before turning back to your mess. bumping head first into something clothed and solid."Ouch" you rub your head before peering up, and your eyes go wide.
"Well....Do you have anything to say for yourself little one?" Your master towers over you. His aggravated domineering presence fills every corner of the room to the brim, as he stares you down. anger ever so present in his gaze.
Corneas Seething in anger harshly lavish your form in sheer and utter guilt as you wiggle your butt in shame.
Torn teddy bears and scattered blocks covered the area. Your gaze fixed on the bottom of your sirs deep azure robe, too afraid to look into his eyes. you hated to disappoint him. you didn't mean to be bad, you just wanted him to play with you.
Sherlock wastes no time and leaves you with no room for another reflection before he drags you by your worthless little body to his chambers.
"No!no-Master No!!" You try to kick and claw away from him but sher's grip is firm on your nappy.it threatening to tear from the sheer force of his hold.
Entering the room with haste a harsh grip forces your head against the wooden tile of his room.
Body squirming in desperation to resist.
Sherlock's eyes are cold and uncaring, analyzing your feeble form until you feel a forceful tug at your waist. Followed by a rough hand attempting to pry the diaper off of your clothed center, while the other holds you still.
You were unbelievably wet, but the humiliation of letting him do whatever he wanted with your body made you want to revolt. You can't just let him take you in such a barbarically ungraceful way that easy.
You kick your legs at him trying to throw his grip off of you.
Sherlock says nothing dead silence.
Of all the times you've been with him, you've learned there's 2 sides to his disciplinarian ways.
The first being good sherlock.
Usually he'll just toy with you playfully. while the goal is to punish you, who said it couldn't be fun. Edging you for hours on end as you beg for him to touch you, fuck you, anything. he'd drive you insane, all while he taunts your stupidity.
Laughing at the fact that you should know by now who you belong to.
But then.....there's other Sherlock..Bad Sherlock. Needless to say Sherlock is a man of business. When he comes home to you it's a little different because he has a soft spot for you. But at work he's diligent and stoic, very much no nonsense. and his cases require the utmost concentration and precision.
But most of the time he gets a kick out of your disobedience, and enjoys correcting you. And then there's other times where he genuinely needs you to behave.
His word is law.
Disobey that and well...let's just say your mind and body will be out of commission for at least a few days.
You can tell which mood he's in by the look in his eyes.
When you were in his office he seemed fine.
But I guess as time went on the puzzle he was presented with must've taken him to a more serious state of mind.
So in short, his silence doesn't surprise you. But that's not to say It doesn't scare you shitless when he gets like this.
Cause then there's no arguing with him anymore.
He'll do as he pleases with his property.
Without another thought your nappy is violently ripped from you. Still kicking and screaming Sherlock breathes a deep sigh.
"Disobedient..." He remarks in a low grumbled tone. Before flipping your dress over your head till your little ass was shown fully on display.
You gasp as sherlock roughly groped at the exposed flesh. And there you were... Wet as a river. Sherlocks not daft. He knows when your behavior is especially bad, it's usually a result of your urges not being sated.
But Sherlock has to admit that he almost fell for your trap.
You wanted him to get upset.
He's rougher with you when you've pissed him off. The firm grabs of the tender flesh on your breasts. The way he manhandles you. toys with your body as you're powerless to stop him. How he pounds you as you beg him to stop. screaming it hurts while under your breath you're begging god that he lets Sherlock fuck you till you die.
Sherlock spreads the petals of your not to be ruined heat. you whimper at the sound of the wetness as he gazes at your gaping hole silently collecting his thoughts.
"You don't deserve my cock..." He decides to himself.
That set you off.
"No! Daddy please M'sorry I juss missed you n-"
"Enough" he says hearing no more of the show your trying to put on. Which he now realizes was just one of your big acts of foreplay for rough sex.
He glares down at you, seeming so tall from your spot on the floor. you pout at his feet wiggling your butt in guilt.
But Sherlock refuses to give into the temptation. Today you need to be reminded how unwise it is to test your masters patience.
"Is this how I taught you to behave" he repremands.
Your frame falters, sinking lower to the floor at his blunt questioning. Your silence being a good enough answer.
"Go get my box" he commands.
"T-the gold one?" You look up at him in terror.
"The red one" he corrects.
Involuntary tears leak from your eyes as you cling to his leg like a feeble lamb.
"No! Daddy please don't! M'sorry-" you plead.
"Yes I know you're sorry prey, you're going to be very.. Sorry..."
"No! Anything else!! put me in the ca-"
"Oh so now she tells me what to do" he taunts, the tamber of his tone coated in disapproval.
"N-no I didn't mean it like-.... I wasn't-..." You mumble your explanation but ween off to silence at the judgement of his commanding glare.
Sherlock bends down to your ear. brushing away stray hairs and whispering softly. Voice laced in malice and cruelty, contradicting his calm demeanor.
"Go get my box before I shove my cane all the way up that tight little pucker of yours"
Wide eyed and fearful of your master's wrath you hastily crawl away to retrieve the box from the "training room".
Hesitantly you return, the box clutched nervously between your hands as you try not to make direct eye contact with your owner.
"Well the little thing managed to follow instructions"
You pout at his harshness.
"Now go pick out a belt" he says fiddling with the miscellaneous "correction tools" in the box. not even looking in your direction.
You decide to not make this harder on yourself and sulk as you leave again.
"And don't pick a small one...or I'll come choose myself"
You wince at his threats pouty and fearful what he's gonna do to you.
You come back with a thick black leather belt. you shiver from seeing the spiked and studded one he had hanging in the room.
As you enter you see sherlock pulling out a golden butt plug adorned with a jade jewel. you gulp as it looks bigger than the others he's used on you.
He comes closer to you taking notice of the way you flinch as Sher bends down to your level. holding out the buttplug to you between his middle and index finger.
An unreadable expression adorns his features as you take it quietly hoping he won't put it to use.. wishful thinking.
"I want that in your ass before I return...and no lube" he says in an oddly casual manner.
You look at him doe eyed "T-theres no way-" you think to yourself.
"Do you understand me" his dominant cadence snapping you out of your daze.
You nod reluctantly.
"lie down on the couch when you're done"
He then leaves without another word as you eye the cruel challenge your sir has bestowed upon you.
When Sherlock reappears he's clad in his disciplinarian attire. A white dress shirt rolled up to his forearms showing off his delicious spiderweb veins. complimented by a tight black vest showing off every curvature of his sculpted form. black dress pants and shoes to match. And finally an exorbitant avant garde watch adorning his wrist, along with a fresh pair of medicinal black rubber gloves.
You curse under your breath. You've really fucked up this time. And you didn't even manage to get the stupid fucking plug up your ass it just won't go in.
You begin to panic, strenuous efforts to shove the toy in become more frantic as sherlock nears you like a shark in the water. He smirks internally as he sees you tear up with both legs in the air. trying to forcefully shove it in, all to please him.
"Stop" he instructs, and you instantly halt your actions. his words like a cheat code to your body.
"Give it to me."
He holds out his palm all casual and unassuming. he doesn't look mad, but you know it's all a farce to keep you guessing.
You whimper meekly as you continue to try and jam it into your unprepared hole.
"Need I repeat myself?" sher growls with impatience.
You look away feeling shy before begrudgingly handing over the jade plug.
Sherlock hunches himself over you no mercy in sight.
"hold open your ass"
His eyes demonically snap to yours. not only where you about to object and defy his orders, but you also were going to address him by the wrong title.
"Oh bunny don't make me break you" his eyes say.
"Yes Sir" you mutter defeatedly.You then snap your lips shut and pry your butt open as much as you can.
"Wider" he says plainly, feigning indifference.
You try to hide your blush. Sherlock looking at you so exposed like this, he must be getting some sick kick out of it.
Sherlock leans his head down and licks a singular wet strip up your hole. you hate that your walls flutter from it.but that all comes crashing down as Sherlock rams the plug deep into your ass. you scream loud enough that even the neighbors could hear your desperate cry. not that they would dare say anything.They hear you scream most nights. whether it be pleasure or pain, it's all the same to Sherlock.
You fold in on yourself crying at the rough intrusion in your body. you don't dare fight back when sher seats himself on the love sofa. manhandling your form until you're splayed over his lap. you sniffle quietly as sher massages you gently.your body quivering in fear as you hear the clink of a belt. you grip on tightly to his trousers bracing yourself for what's to co-AH!
Sherlock deals a devilish leather blow to your ass and it's already too much."Daddy! No!" You try to reach for the belt but Sher just keeps hitting you harder everytime.
"Ah! No Stop it!!"
You cover your ass as sher holds his belt in the air.Winding up for the worst blow of them all.
"Remove your han-"
"Daddy it hurts!"
"I said move your Fucking hands!!"
You take them away as the leather comes crashing down on your tender ass. you yell as the sting reverberates throughout the tender flesh.
All the strength is zapped from your body, but Sher's just getting started with you.
You cry and sob, muffling your tears and digging your manicured nails into the fabric of your master's trousers.
But then something rubbery makes an abrupt intrusion into your slicken folds. your head shoots up and you gasp at the new contact digging though your walls in search for that deep sensitive area.
You look back at Sherlock stoic as ever as if he didn't just deliver the ass beating of your life just moments ago. You manage to contain most of your moans until he finds your spot.
Now you're really in trouble.
He grinds his knuckles deep into your core making you spasm as you whimper and writhe moaning like a virgin whore.
Sherlock reaches his other hand to pull your hair.You whine and wince as Sherlock periodically takes his fingers out to smack your sore butt then entering them back into you.
It's all too much.
"Please sir can I cum-" you plead trying to wiggle your spot away from the daunting strokes of his gloved hand. moaning profanities under your breath at the mind numbing sensation.
Sherlock says nothing, but you know it's a trap. cumming without permission is a big no no. The consequences being worse than the spanking you just got.
"Master please!! I can't hold it any longer-" you whine meekly trying to wiggle your butt away the pleasure overriding your senses but sher holds you firm.
"If you cum I won't fuck you" he comments, admiring the beauty of your soaked heat clenching and coating the rubber of his the gloved fingers.
It's a little concerning how fast you started to move at his threat.you didn't even squirm that hard when Sherlock dragged your sorry ass into the room.
Wiggling profusely, Sher meets your whims and let's go of you. leading you to tumble onto the hard wooden floor.
"Ouch" you say pitifully, but your mind is quickly drawn away from that as you feel sher's hand lace itself in your hair. pushing your head to lay flat against the ground. his other hand pulling your hips up to meet something wet and bulbous prodding at your entrance.
You grin sadistically.
Yes...this is what you've been yearning for all day. this is the reward for all your efforts. annoying Sherlock, trashing the living room, and getting that violent spanking. all for Sherlock to use you as his own personal cum doll.You're just as fucked up as he is, if not more.
But you grow concerned when sher doesn't move. So you curiously look up at him from your limited view on the ground.
"Holy shit" you shudder internally.
Now he looks pissed, brows furrowed and lips pressed together into a sharp line his eyes cold and malevolent.
Ah yes, this is your master.. the bad one.And the one that makes you the wettest of them all.
He bores into you expectantly, speaking not a word. Sherlock is a man of principle and justice, so needless to say he wants you to apologize for your egregious behavior.
You swallow your shallow breath before pulling your most innocent angel face at him. And even though sher will act like he's immune and it doesn't help your case. His cock twitches noticeably against your entrance as you bat your baby doll lashes at him.His grip tightening in your hair as he grows just as impatient as you are for release.
Not that he'd admit it but he also needed this badly, some leeway from the stress of his case.
"M'sorry for being a bad girl master" you pout at him cutely.
Nothing, not a blink from him. so you keep going.
Listing every single bad thing you've done for the day as his tip distractingly glosses over your clit.
"And I'm sorry for not getting the-mmph!"
Sherlock breathes out a heavy sigh as he slowly sinks his fat cock in your needy little pussy.
"Keep Apologizing..." He grunts as his cockhead buries itself to the hilt nudging against your little baby room.
"I-i'm sorry I couldn't get the plug In ah!-" You yelp as his cock is pulled out from your hole abruptly.
"Couldn't get it where pet" Sherlock groans as he starts to plunge his cock into you.rutting against every sensitive nerve imaginable.
"I-in my ass..." you whimper writhing your butt against his hips begging for him to ruin you.
"Where!" He growls lowly pounding against a spot that makes both of your eyes roll to the back of your skulls.
"In my ass!!Please Master fuck me!fuck-"
Sherlock fucks into you recklessly. robbing you of your inhibitions and vocabulary in an instant.
"Fuck-daddy fuck pleas-! Ruin me please..."
You whimper whine and moan at his cock, it pulling embarrassing sounds from your body. You and Sherlock rock back and forth inside of each other animalisticly, as if driven by a primal urge.
You feel his big veiny cock pulse inside of you hitting your spot with every rough thrust. his balls clenching and unclenching themselves from the pleasure.
"Master!Master!Master!!!Please-.. Shit-!" You call him over and over again. begging for him to stop or keep going, your mind being too scrambled to decipher between the two.
"You gonna stop being an ungrateful wench"
"Wrecking all the expensive shit I pay for"
Sherlock growls into your ear tugging at your hair while he fucks your pussy aggressively.
"Yes! yes-"" you mewl at him completely under his spell.
"Dumb fucking baby slut, fucking up my nice table- I should fuck you on that table.. breed you till the cum drips out" Sher groans darkly in your ear. his gutteral moans sinking you deeper into the pool of bliss.
"You want me to fuck you dumb hm? Ruin and break you" he taunts.
You nod sickly, slamming your hips to fuck back into him. meeting every one of his sinful thrusts in a circadian rhythm."Is that why you won't let your master get a good day's work in dolly,Need me that badly?" Sherlock starts smacking your ass again and you forget what being human feels like.
"Yes sir!!yes sir-Please I can't help it!" A bit of drool leaks from your mouth seeping onto the floor.
"Well would you look at that, all cock drunk and addicted to my cock"
"You addicted to my cock baby hm?" He coos in a dominant tamber.
"Yes sir! I need it!! I don't know how to act right if I don't have your dick breeding up my little bitch hole-" you bark out your pussy clamping down around him tightly.
"I know prey, your just a dumb little baby princess"
"That pretty little head of yours is just filled with air, You need your master to keep you in line honey don't you"
He places a sinister kiss to your head as he delivers thrust after thrust into your dripping walls. the intense rhythm of his hips unwavering.
"Don't worry honey I'll fix you right up
You know I always do..." He whispers psychotically.
"Y-yes master!" you moan, the program of his influence playing all over your mental state.
"Bad toy....such a naughty little toy...messing up daddy's apartment" he says in between the manipulative kisses.
"Say it princess, tell me your my toy"
You revel in the sound of his voice, it pulling you deeper into the fog of your mind.
"I've.. been a bad toy master!-"
"I-i'm M-masters...Toy" you stutter the command back to him as he pounds you good and deep.
"Good girl, now tell me how bad you want me to fix you" he says, voice dropping to that low gravely octave that could make you do anything.
Sherlock's thrusts become disheveled as his pace slows him finally reaching his orgasm after the countless times you've already cum.It still leaves you spasming around him.
"I-Im a D-dumb little bitch toy master, I-i need you to fix me..." you say all mind broken and too fucked up to care.
"Of course I will sweetness" Sherlock says smirking possessively. placing a tender kiss to your lips, this embrace being the first kindness he's shown you all day.
Even though your senses are shot, you can still register the thick streams of cum coating your walls. But all you can do is lie there, you couldn't walk if you tried.
"Come here honey" the devil of a man picks you up in his arms in an all too gentle manner considering the careless roughness he's subjected your fragile body to.
You lay blank in his arms with slow shallow breaths as Sherlock carries off your form to the training room for a little "tinkering.
Then it'll be off to bed in your cage, some supper if your sir is feeling merciful.
Not like you have a say anyway, you're his after all. Sherlock's obedient little pet.So I hope you learned your lesson little bunny.But if you didn't that's fine too.Sherlock would love nothing more than to wipe the slate of you clean.Taking you apart and putting you back together again until you learn to be his perfect little angel.
His Prey.
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kruven · 2 years
— his anniversary gift is different than you expected (or you and isagi have your first kiss, ah yes but no tongue)
A/N: 10/10 bf would want one
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Isagi Yoichi didn't had any potential partners before. All he had were one sided crush on the popular girls in his class over middle school and the first year of high school.
(He is not that popular himself so he assumed he never had a chance so he never really tried)
He never got Valentines chocolates anyway. (Well his mother counts?)
No partners and no experience.
His friends joked about how 'if he would not get a first kiss or just hold hands romantically with someone, he will die all alone with no one.'
(He knows it's just a joke, but a small part of him believed that could be true)
So he was never sure what to get his (now) partner for the first anniversary as a gift.
(He could always borrow his friend's motorcycle to take for a drive but he is not good so — scratch that! No way! Not happening!)
And the fact that he forgot about it until you texted him at 11:28 at night, did nothing to help.
Honestly, he felt pretty terrible that he forgot about the anniversary. (After all he is someone who always does something for his parent's anniversaries)
Was he developing memory loss? After tripping and falling on his head when his teammate accidentally bumped into him??
(He remembers that you were laughing at him, because the bandage was right in the middle of his forehead)
He knows that first anniversaries are very important as a milestone in a relationship. He has seen his friends talking about it.
(Somwhow the conversations which involved relationships always circled back to how Isagi still didn't had one relationship)
Isagi Yoichi hit a wall.
He has no idea what to do tomorrow.
He could always ask for advice from his friends and this time he would. (After them making fun of him again for forgetting such a important day)
One of his friends say; get 12 roses symbolizing 12 months of a year.
The other one says; just give food. Like pizza.
And someone suggests; why don't you two have sex? You won't be a virgin then Isagi.
(Of course the third one was ruled out by him. And the second one is on his maybe 'date' list)
He likes the option A pretty good. Roses symbolize love after all.
So he does go with Plan: Roses. (A name his friend gave)
He is on your door, albeit nervous and a little bit sweaty. (he blames it on the blaring sun)
Isagi Yoichi wishes to be swallowed whole by the ground right now.
Instead of greeting you he, a bundle of nerves of right now, shoved the bouquet in your face.
Isagi Yoichi is really lame and embarrassing.
(Some petals went into your mouth as you were going to say hi to him so yes that was not good)
After that, you seemed to like those flowers (even after his little accidental murder attempt (exaggeration)) so he too was relaxed.
He was too caught up in thinking about what to do tomorrow for the anniversary so he completely forgot that you were also giving him a gift.
(His face looked like a fish that time)
He looked too nervous and panicky so you thought that you both should go to a park for a walk and get some ice cream.
After all, Isagi Yoichi loves to walk.
Today, the park was quiet and without the usual laughter of kids that you both were accustomed to.
(There was a couple there that kissed each other, yes that got you both embarrassed and a little thankful that the kids weren't there)
"Hey, there's ice cream on the corner of your lips."
Isagi says that with much sincerity and you try to get it off. But unable to do so.
But the way he is trying to stop himself from laughing tells you that there was nothing and it was a prank.
Isagi Yoichi has a boyish charm that is somwhow also lame.
"Say, what would you have done if I really had something on the corner of my lips huh?"
You did say it in a teasing manner but it somehow went past him. (Or over his head)
"I mean? Tell you? Or maybe use a tissue?"
It reaaally went over his head.
"What if that's not what I want?"
He can never miss this now, can he?
And he didn't. A bit late but he got it.
"Hey Yoichi, can you kiss me?"
His eyes visibly went big and a face like a shocked dog.
"I mean! If it's ok! I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable with me or something! And anyways this is our first anniversary so we can go slow as we want! —"
"Hey. I don't mind. Actually I did want to. I just didn't expect you to say it like that..."
Isagi Yoichi has a weird feeling in his stomach. It feels nice.
And Isagi leans to you, you both go in.
Bumping foreheads and noses.
"Let's tilt heads, yeah?"
You and him, both tilt heads at the same time. (And in the same one direction (pun intended))
"I'll do it.."
Isagi can feel his heart doing somersaults.
This time, lips connect and just as fast they connected, they pulled apart.
How anticlimactic. You did not expect your first kiss to be like that but you also did not expect the way your heart would beat.
Isagi Yoichi gives great gifts.
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kayfeefgtrghh · 10 months
Connor (RK800) x shy reader
Did I just write 2984 words? Maybe…
Body image is talked about here as well as other topics that might be sensitive. Read at your own accord. Also, apologies since this is the first fanfic I’ve written in over 10 years. The last 5 years I’ve spent writing university papers. If it’s not the best I’m sorry!
*Reader is addressed as ‘little girl’ and has long hair.
*Does include swear words but I’ve tried to censor them a little.
“Hank the paperwork is due today… And-“ His head tilts “detective? Your temperature is very high. Are you sick?” Putting his hand to my forehead. Throat dry, I try to speak but nothing comes out and stare at Connor, red in the face. Glancing to a friend hoping he can help but Hank just looks back at his screen. Great. I’m on my own. Well. “Yes” squeaks out before you feel a shoulder bump into my back. Sharp breathe in. Turning to make eye contact with Derrik Fedpilzt. He got off on me being quiet. Said I make a shit cop. Too fat, not smart enough, too slow, can’t keep my “female” emotions out of work. Looking down, surprised he kept quiet. I apologise before getting back to my desk. 2 close calls in one day was enough. Writing this report is such a waste of time. Its not like it’s real. I saw it. That deviant was protecting a child… It didn’t deserve to die. Email? Shit. Should I say something to Hank? No. No. I can’t be weak. I can do this. I can’t drag others into my own problems.
‘Don’t think I didn’t figure you out. Meet me in the carpark at 8pm tonight.’ – DF
I need to take my mind off of this. “Heyyyy Hank. Is that seat free?” pointing to his lap. He had such a priceless face before shaking his head mumbling, something about kids these days, under his breathe. Making me giggle. “Okay, but really, I’m going for coffee if you want some?”
“Yeah, Connor should be back soon.”
“Ahh I just meant the-‘
“Lieutenant. Detective.” Connor starts to which I just avoid his gaze and nod to my title. “My apologise for interrupting the conversation.”
“No worries, Connor.” Hank straightens his back, “we’re all heading for coffee.” Connor simply nods in reply to his partner. I try catching Hank’s eye but he just smirks.
-------------*Time skip to coffee shop*---------------
“Soy latte please.” Cringing at how quiet my voice just came out.
“Yes. I-I couldn’t pass up fireworks. It’s nostalgic. What about you both?” Hoping to get away from the spotlight. Hank finally feeling nice speaks up,
“Sorry can you repeat that for me please” the Barista inquires politely. "Soy latte. Thank you.” Connor interjects for me. All I can do is nod and smile shyly to the server while paying.  Sliding into a booth opposite Hank. Connor right after me. Oh. My. God. I can feel his body so close to mine. Keep it together (y/n)! Fingers pulling my coat closer self-consciously. “I heard there is going to be ice festival with fire works tonight. Will you be going Detective?”
“Nah. Kid wants to go so maybe you could go together. Me and Sumo are watching sport, drinking, and sleeping at midnight.” Well… there goes him helping you.
“Ahhhh. No. I mean yes!. I’m- I- I… I just remembered I have a meeting soon, sorry. I’ll see you both around? I’ll meet you outside the office at say… 9pm?” Turning on my tail before they can speak.
---------------*Time skip to car park*-----------------
Skin going cold and fingertips numb, from the cold and the fact Derrik brought friends. I feel a hand around the back of my neck. “You know, if you weren’t so fat maybe I wouldn’t have bumped into you.” Coming into my face, I lean back instinctively. “Or maybe if you were smart, I would have seen you resign. Save the rest of us time picking up your slack. Which judging by your size is a lot,” erupting with laughter from his own comment. “You must have slept your way up with older guys because how else would sone with such a pathetic track record get in. You can’t write reports properly, can’t shoot because you think that what? Androids can have feelings. Ohh look at me I’m so desperate to be loved I’ll turn to something that can’t say no. Isn’t that right?” Not letting me speak, “you don’t deserve this job title, the badge, hell to live!  You’re worthless. Undeserving, fat, ugly, stupid. Is there ANY good quality about you? No. Just kill yourself already to stop burdening others. This time, me and my buddies are gonna teach you a lesson on behaving like a good little girl.” Pulled back and shoved into a pillar. There’s laughter, I can hear it, but it blurs for a minute. Shit I feel something wet drip into my eyelashes. Hold the tears. Confront. Come on. “Hey! I said I was sorry. Why are you doing this?”
“Because,” another guy steps closer, “we don’t respect people like you. Spiting on my face. It had been bad before but never physical.  He raises his hand and I turn to flip him over my shoulder. Thump. “You fc*king bit*h!” he wheezes out. Every muscle in my body feels like stone. He swipes my leg from under me as the others make a circle shouting “fight! Fight!”
“Wai-“ he straddles my legs. Hands instantly on my neck. Not like this. Please. Kicking, I try twist my hips. Gasping in air as I grip his wrists. “Enough Jake.” Another voice calls. The man above me lets go, standing and brushing off his jacket. Huffing. Before kicking my stomach and going off. The rest leave laughing and shaking their head with, “you showed her.” Coughing and feeling the air come back to me I push onto my arms. Shit! It’s 8:55! Connor. Legs shaking I push up and head up to the girls bathroom. The stairs make me feel so heavy. I can’t stop thinking about his words. He was right. I do burden others. I can’t drive. I have one of the lowest success rates. Am I really that unlovable? Do I just empathise with deviants because I see the hate in them as similar to the way people treat me?... Elbowing the door open I can help but say “shit” out loud looking at my reflection. Bloodshot eyes, since when have I been crying? And my neck. Jesus. How was I going to hide this from Connor?! But if I cancel, he’ll try ask why and I can’t lie to him. I pull the collar up and undo my hair.  Lucky I’ve let it grow. Using it as a disguise I head out. “I’m sorry to keep you, had to talk to some colleagues from the lower floor before we left. Are you ready?” I feel him looking right through me. He wants to say something, but his LED goes yellow before red then back to yellow, “Yes detective.”
------------*Time skip to the ice festival*--------------
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“SOOO beautiful!” I’m so thankful the weather is cooler outside to excuse me covering my neck so much and accommodating for my slower gate. My ribs really hurt now. But it was worth it. The snow glistened with the colourful lights. Children running around, giggling, as they have snowball fights. It was like a movie scene come true. The city really outdid themselves this year. I love winter. To be on the couch near my window watching the slow gently fall. Hot chocolate in hand and a nice, weighted blanket. Cozy. Safe.
I can feel eyes on me and look up to see Connor smiling, “I’ve never seen you look so childlike Detective.” I know it’s supposed to be an observation. I can’t help it. Thinking of it as an insult. A reminder I need to grow up. “Thanks.” Looking down at my feet.  ‘Worthless… stop burdening others. He’s right.
“Ahh hey. How- How about going on the Ferris wheel? I can pay. My treat for driving.” He nods and we walk in silence. It’s eating away at me. “Hey. Connor? Do you have any fun facts on snow or winter? Festivals? I know Hank tells you to be quiet,” looking down blushing,” but I love when you talk all about things. He sprouts facts like, “the Sapporo Snow Festival started in 1950…” It was nice. His voice. His face. Errgh! I have such a bad crush on him. How couldn’t you? He’s smart, sweet, understanding, patient, fast, strong, and such a gentleman. I can’t help but stare. The light freckles sprinkled over his face. The piece of hair loose and flipping around in the elements. The small snowflakes sticking to his perfect brown hair. Those beautiful eyes I could get lost I for days. I’ve never felt this way about someone. Growing up focused on studies and work. Now for the first time, I look at someone and want to marry. To have children. To do domestic things with Connor. Have him look at me the way I look at him. Love struck as Hank put it. “Snow itself is just precipitation in the form of ice crystals. It originates in clouds when temperatures are below freezing point. It is currently 17.6 degrees Fahrenheit or minus 8 Celsius….” Putting up 2 fingers and paying for the tickets as he ramble on. Side track about drinks for winter festivals in different countries. “For example, in Japan, the initial festival I mentioned, they would drink something called Amazake. Dating back over 1,30 years. It comprises of rice fermented using aspergillus oryzae. The same fungus in natto. Its literally translation is sweet sake and has been described as a mellow sweet flavour…”
We step into the capsule and start our assent. Once we reached the top the breeze was beautiful. I had to take photos. To put on my wall. I lent forward, enjoying the breeze flow through the gaps and focus outside. Not noticing the silence from my companion. “It’s so beautiful don’t you think? I don’t normally like crowds but to see people enjoying themselves like this. It’s nice and the snow is always so- Connor?” His LED is red and I freeze. Following his line of sight. Blushing, I rush to cover the bruises, but he grabs my wrists. With the better lighting he’s seen it. The bruises. Does he think I’m weak. For a officer to get hurt so easily? He says my name sternly and my eyes flick between him and the floor. Jaw tensing and I can’t seem to swallow enough to take a breath. I rub my arm absently at the tense air between us. “Connor I can explain.” He just stares and helps me out before dragging me past the maze. We keep walking. His LED changing between red and yellow. His grips loosens and tightens as the snow crunches beneath us. It would be a nice sound if it weren’t for the anxiety.
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He continues to lead me onto a path with no one around, under a streetlight, before turning to face me. Trying to catch a breath he doesn’t need.  He just stares. “Connor?” It’s soft. But I know he hears. “Please. You’re starting to scare me.”
“Who?! Who did that to you?!” Flinching. Was he... mad? He’s an android, he shouldn’t react this way. “Are you deviating?” I whisper shout leaning in despite my fear. He’d never hurt me, right? His brows twitch and he tilts his head. Before his LED stays red. Stepping closer. “This isn’t about me (y/n). Who. Hurt. You. Names.” Now, as he stepped closer with each word, he’s less than a meter from me. I step back and avoid his gaze. “Why?”
“I want to protect you. Keep you safe and I can’t do that if you keep me out.”
“No. Why do you care? I’m just another human. Replaceable. Less intelligent. Less capable, so why do you pretend to care Connor? Because you feel you have to? Did Hank tell you to say those things to me? “I feel my eyes burn and voice break. “Maybe I should go home I’m sorry and end up dashing off as a ground walk past.
-------------------*Time skip*--------------------------
I’ve been avoiding Connor for almost a month now. I was so close to confessing. Or breaking down. Either way I can feel his gaze burn into me and the questioning looks when I just turn and walk away or leave a half-made coffee when he goes to make one for Hank. Speaking of Hank tried to ask about what happened but now I’m avoiding them both. Everyone. Today is the day. I look up, eyes set on Fowler. I get up and knock on his door. “Come in.” Walking into his office reminds me of this nature documentary show I watches where the deer ventured right into the lion’s den. Keep calm. He eventually looks up from my silence and awkwardly standing around. “Sit. What do you want?”
“I quit.” There it was. Those 2 little words. “This is my 2 weeks’ notice sir. I wish to ask if I can stay in the office for my last week. To finish up my reports.” He looks shocked but it quickly morphs back into a scowl. “Fine.” I nod before leaving. I did it. Letting the air out my nose I head back to my desk and put headphones on and begin typing. The day continues like this. Quiet. Efficient. Lonely. It’s what I deserve.
--------------*Time skip to the last day*---------------
Alcohol. Mans real best friend. Sure, dogs make me happy, but they don’t help you numb out life. The dread of not being able to get enough job. The feeling of worthlessness. Alcohol though. A miracle. Especially 10 drinks in. I don’t even know at this point if my thoughts make sense let alone the out loud stuff. Hang onnnnn. I know that hair. “Hannnnnnk! I shout and stumble my way to him. By himself thankfully. I smother him in a hug, and he just shoves me off. “God. I’m so sorry. I’m a shitty friend Hank. I mean… oh oh omg that dog is so cute!” Seeing a golden retriever walk past.
“What have you been ignoring me What happened between you and Connor?”
“Hmmm. I love him, Hank. Not that I don’t love you too but not in that way” giggling,” it’s just. I had a run in and some guys at the precinct beat me up so-“
“What?! When?!” He goes to stand, and I shove his shoulders to push him back into his seat.
“SHHHHH! Hank, I don’t know where I was up to now. Anyway, long story short. Perfect android, Ferris Wheel, found my bruised neck, Unrequited love, I got scared and listened to the voice in my head.” Nodding. “Wait no. Not like that. I meant the things the people said about me. They were right. That’s why today was my last day. I quit. I couldn’t stand to look at you. I know you’d be disappointed and Connor. Fu*k Hank, I’d kill for him. Do anything he asked. But we both know that’s stupid. He dese- derggkrves… ,” pausing and squinting as the word doesn’t come out right, “deserves someone better. He’s PERFECT and look at me.” Flinging my arms out and hitting someone in the face. “Oh” covering my mouth and turning. “I’m so sorry!!”
“Connor… I- I want you to know what happened at the festival… me avoiding you. Wasn’t your fault.” His LED is rotating yellow still. He then hooks his arm with mine.
“You are intoxicated. I will wait to have this conversation with you tomorrow. I will take you home.” I pout and lean into his body.  Giggling before shoving my nose into his chest and breathing in harshly before confessing, “you smell amazing.”
-----------*Time skip to next morning*----------------
“Owww my head.” Tripping as I tangle into my bedsheets. Faceplanting. Sighing I just lay there face down for a while. Remembering what I said last night. How much did he hear of my confession to Hank? “Detective. You are finally up. It is currently 1:39pm.” I stiffen. Looking up at the android like a dear caught in head lights. “I will cook breakfast while you clean up and then we can talk.”
“I remember you mentioning to Hank you like pancakes.” They look so unbelievably good.
“Thank you, Connor. For everything. I really am sorry.”
“I accept your apology. As to begin our discussion I would like to start with the most defining aspect. That you confessed your feelings for me last night to Hank, did you not?” At this I choke on my food. Coughing and red in the face.  
“Yess.. Well- I did. But you don’t have to-“
“I like you too. More than as a friend. You were correct I have become deviant and these feelings these last months have been difficult. However, after talking to Hank he said it was love. It explains my rash and inappropriate reaction to your bruising and the reason I still feel angry now when thinking about it. “
“It was Derrik Fedpilzt and his friends. I tried to fend one off by flipping him onto his back. So, he chocked me. I was scared that you’d judge me. For not being able to defend myself. “
“Like I said before I want to take care of you and protect you. There has never been a time when I thought you were weak. Or flawed in any way for that matter.” He puts hind hand on the table between us. I look up before timidly reaching to place mine across the table too. He moves to cover mine and smiles that dorky smile. Realising I am finished he gets up to do the dishes, but I block him. 
“Why don’t we cuddle on the couch for a while? I can do them later.” LED yellow to blue. Putting my plate on the sink before grabbing a blanket. Sitting on my old couch, snow just outside. This was perfect. I look up at him admiring the view and kiss his cheek. Maybe I deserve love after all.
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
Dodge Brawl- TDI x Reader (Chapter four)
If you haven’t read: Three
I groan in pain as I wake up after hearing all the girls leave the cabin. I look around trying to remember where I am. Then of course my mind reminds me from the past three days of not being able to sleep. I lifted myself up from the ground, and someone had placed a blanket over me so I tugged it off. 
Since everyone left that must mean they’re heading to eat so I stretch my sore limbs from laying on the ground. “Gwen, we should get going to the main lodge.” I gently shake her, she turns away from me mumbling something, swatting my hands away. “Gwen, we might get in trouble.” I shake her again and this time she faces me, eyes still closed. “Do I have to?” She whines and I snicker.
“Unfortunately we do.” I frown, standing up straight to crack my back once again. She hums, sitting up to yawn, rubbing her eyes. “How did I get here?” She queries tiredly, as I throw on a new, clean shirt. “I carried you.” I nonchalantly say. Not noticing her eyes widened. “Did you sleep at all?” She stammers after clearing her throat and I wince at the thought of the sleep I just had. 
“Yup, right here on this very floor.” I kick at the ground, exhausted. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She expresses guilt but I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it, let’s just go eat.” I yawn, helping her up from the bed then throwing the blanket from the ground onto my top bunk for now. 
As we make it out of the door I see Harold walking out of his cabin, seeing something black above his top lip. I blink a few times, maybe I was imagining it. As we get off the porch we make our way to the main lodge and Gwen keeps accidentally bumping into me so I link our arms so she can remain steady. 
“Hey everyone it’s Gwen and [Name]!” Chris sets forth to the two teams, Gwen keeps her head down and I practically lead us the whole way to our seats. Our team cheers and claps for us and I overheard Lindsay ask why they’re clapping for us. I roll my eyes, sitting the tired girl down. Cracking my back just like before sitting down myself. 
“I’m so tired.” Gwen complains. “I can’t feel my face.” She face plants onto the table, I flinch to the noise. “My back is killing me, why did no one wake me up from the floor?” I irritatedly questioned my team, “We tried, you wouldn’t budge, hun.” Leshawna says, I sigh, “Oh.” 
“Hey, fish heads. Way to kick off your strongest player!” Heather stands up and Courtney throws her oatmeal, hitting Gwen in the face since Heather dodged it. I huff, taking out a napkin and grab Gwens face, roughly cleaning it while glaring over at Courtney who actually looked a little afraid of me. 
“Okay, campers, listen up! Your next challenge begins in 10 minutes and be ready to bring it!” He notifies us, I finish cleaning Gwen’s face and we start eating. 
Now standing in a glass closed in court, I feel more tired than when I was eating breakfast. I still hold onto Gwen, we’re now both holding each other up at this point. Duncan walks into the court and falls down on the bleachers pointing to his team warningly. “Wake me up and it’s the last thing you do.” He points at Tyler who gulps, scared of the pierced boy.
Chef whistles earning all of our attention, walking by slowly and attempting to be intimidating, which works very well. “Today’s challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is-” 
“Don't talk about dodgeball?” Noah sarcastically questions him, Owen giggles at the stupid joke. 
“As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball-” Chris carries on, throwing a ball roughly at Courtney who catches it. “Ooh- Ow!” She groans. “You’re out.” He finishes.
 “You can’t just do that!” She throws the ball back at the host who ignores her. “If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court.” He explains,
 “Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test.” Noah rolls his eyes, bored and obviously being sarcastic once again. “I know right?” Lindsay inquires, his face drops and Courtney judges the ditzy girl. 
“Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit me.” Chris throws the ball to the party animal. “If you’re holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you’re out.” He tells everyone and I impatiently sigh.
 I think most of us know how to play Dodgeball but I know him being a host he has to explain every single thing. I feel like I’m back in second grade nonetheless though. 
“So, what do I do again when the ball comes at me?” Lindsay asks innocently just as Geoff throws the ball at Chris who blocks it with another ball, it bounces off over to Lindsay’s way. “You dodge!” He shouts, it hits her right in the face causing everyone to gasp and her to fall backwards. 
“Ooh! You were supposed to dodge!” He exclaims. “Ow…” She stands up, holding her forehead in pain. “Right.” Uncovering the injury to see a large bump. 
“You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you’ll have to sit two people out each game time.” Chris turns to us and then we all crowd one another around Heather. 
“Okay, we can’t get lazy.” Heather says, hands on her hips. Izzy, Leshawna, and Beth raise a brow as Gwen and I slouch tiredly. “The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up.” Gwen yawns as the mean girl speaks, a glare hits her way. “Who wants to sit the first one out with the two sleeping beauties here.” Heather buzzes.
“All right, I’ll volunteer.” Noah acts as if it was a tough decision to make for everyone. “Now, let’s see all you keeners get on out there and dodge.” He enthusiastically points to our team, confusing Chef. 
The first game I sat beside Gwen and Noah.
Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody are in the game. “Bring it on fishes, otherwise winning three times in a row just won’t be as satisfying.” Heather trash talks and I gotta admit it was kind of attractive to watch, but I have a feeling speaking into the universe with so much confidence we’re going to lose. “Oh, you’re going down!” Tyler yells. “We’re gonna bring dinner to the table and then we’re gonna eat it!” He slyly says and I chuckle at his teammates reactions to the bad comeback. 
“Both teams ready? Best of five games wins. Now let’s dodge some ball!” Chris declares, Chef whistling starting the first game. The sound from the whistle makes my ears vibrate then start to ring and I hold my head in pain. 
Owen makes the first point, Leshawna making the next one. But Katie hits Lindsay and the blonde gets another bump on her face. Owen catches Courtney’s next throw and Chef has Gwen go on the court. I frown. I don’t understand why they don’t exclude her from today but seeing how Chris is this show is not going to be so nice and caring to us so. 
Not even seconds after the girl entered that rectangle she gets hit in the face with a rubber ball. It was meant for Owen but he dodged, DJ winces, apologizes to the girl who tiredly smiles, perfectly okay with being out of the game. 
After the first game I end up closing my eyes, resting backwards on the bleachers. I accidentally fall asleep, missing the whole second game. 
“Wake up!” Somebody slaps my arm multiple times, I push the person away. “Come on, you can’t not play. Don’t be like Noah.” The voice snaps, I hear Noah say something in defense but it all sounds muffled. I open my eyes, annoyed to see Heather standing above me. “I won the last challenge, can’t I be left alone?” I ask in a raspy tone, rubbing my eyes to see more clearly.
I watch the girl actually pause to think about it and I look around. I guess I can play one game. 
“Okay, I’m not a monster, she really does look horrible and I guess I would feel bad seeing someone look like that on a court.” Heather doesn’t look at the camera, embarrassed from what she admitted to. 
I sigh, “It’s fine, I’ll play.” I stretch out my body, getting off of the bleachers and I went to walk to the court but Heather grabs the back of my shirt to pull me back. “Not yet, we’re making a game plan.” She tells me then I look at who I’m playing with. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Heather.” I cross my arms, I then glance over to the opposite team to see Duncan awake and getting ready to play. I take a deep breath in. I’m playing with Beth, Justin, Izzy and Owen. I guess it isn’t horrible but I don’t know now that we’re being lined up in front of the K.B.’s 
“Good luck, mouse!” Duncan winks and I roll my eyes. 
The first two throws at the other team were dodged by Courtney and Duncan and I watched as they all at once throw four balls at each teammate one by one and once it gets to me I put my finger up. “Don’t even think about it.” I tiredly glare at them.
 “Mouse, we gotta get you out somehow.” He slyly tells me and I pick up a dodgeball. 
“I’m going out with my dignity, pincushion.” I throw the ball up in my hand then look at Courtney. “Here, catch, pumpkin.” I toss it to her but something catches her off guard and it falls from her hand. She scoffs, leaving the court. My team cheers but I back up. “I didn't mean to do that, I was trying to get her to catch it!” I try to shout, picking up another ball, not wanting to get hit. Especially by Duncan. 
“Sure.” He laughs, I look over to Katie with a pleading expression, her eyes widened with an empathetic look.  “You believe me, right?” I ask her and she nods. “Of course, [Name]!” She smiles, I go over to the line. “Good, catch this!” I then smirk and throw the ball roughly, hitting her right in the thighs. She gasps and my team cheers once again. 
“That was on purpose that time!” Duncan lifts his arm and I laugh. “Of course it was!” I smile, DJ throws the next ball at me and I catch it without a second thought. He puts his head down and walks from the court too. “Sorry, DJ!” I wave at him. “It’s cool, [Name]!” He grins. “No it’s not.” Courtney shames him. 
Next was Geoff, when he wasn’t expecting it I threw another ball, hitting him. “Aw, man!” 
Now it was me and Duncan. “Mouse, you did good, but you’re not getting me out.” He proudly states and I shrug. “Maybe but we can have a little fun.” 
“Sure we can.” He huffs, he throws a ball and I dodge it, throwing one myself and he moves out of the way before it hits him. Our teams cheer for both of us and I go to throw another ball but trip forward and Duncan takes it as an opportunity to throw one at me and it hits me right in the chest. But it wasn’t a hard throw, definitely one of his gentle ones. 
The whistle goes off and The Killer Bass gets the win for that round. Duncan comes over to me, “good round, mouse.” He compliments and I purse out my lips. “Could’ve been better.” I mess with him, walking away. My team high fives me even though I lost and Heather speaks up. 
“Okay, not that Noah here cares but we are not losing another game to these guys, got it? And where is Lindsay? Ugh!” She angrily storms off the court and I jog after her, opening the door for her. “Where are you going?” I question her. 
“To find Lindsay, what does it matter?” She folds her arms. “I’ll join, maybe it will wake me up for the last game if there is one.” She walks through the door and I follow after. “Who said I wanted you to join?” She scoffs, “I don’t really care if you want me to. I’m helping you whether you like it or not.” I say, she doesn’t respond this time so we end up walking together in silence looking for the bleached blonde. 
But the quiet starts to bother me so I speak up, “You’re very bossy.” Maybe not the best thing to start off with but hear me out people. She ignores me. “It’s not a bad thing but you should loosen up. Have fun while you’re here.” I nudge her but that irritates her and she comes to a stop. “I’m not here for friends, I’m here to win. Go back to the court already. Can you not tell, I do not like you?” She snaps but I just smile at her, beginning to laugh.
“If that’s what you wish but just know I can always be a friend even if you say you don’t like me and want to put on some mean persona. But when you are looking for that friend, remind yourself, not a minion. A friend. A real one.” I tell her and her arms were crossed and tensed up the entire time, wearing the same scowl on her face until I left.
A camera catches Heather starting to etch a smile upon her face, watching the girl walk away then she shakes her head going back to an angry expression to find Lindsay.
I entered back into the court to see the two teams already playing again. I sit next to Gwen. We sit quietly watching the play. 
Heather walks Lindsay into the courthouse and shoves the blonde forward. “You sit down and stay here.” Heather demands. “Okay.” Lindsay sadly listens. “How are we doing?” Heather asks Noah who wasn’t even paying attention. Beth gets knocked out. “Sports are not my forte, remember?” He reminds her. “You know you could actually give it a shot and pretend to care.” She says to him just as Leshawna gets knocked out. The whistle blows and the k.b.’s win another round. 
“This is so unacceptable.” Heather shakes with rage, I stand up. “Hey, it's not the end of the world, darling.” Placing a hand on her shoulder but she pulls away. “Don’t touch me, we’re going to lose!” She expresses and I frown, looking at the other team 
“Yeah but 1 out of 3, we’ll be okay.” I try to reassure her but it’s no use. “Okay this is it, the final tie breaking game.” Chris announces. “Go team, go!” Noah cheers in a monotone voice. 
“Gophers, Bass, let’s send the sample to the lab and see what you're made of.” That was corny but kind of good you have to admit it. Chef whistles.
Cody, Gwen, Heather, Leshawna, and Owen are on the court and we’re actually doing good again. This game is the longest and this time Heather keeps me benched for some reason. I could’ve helped us score a bunch of points but for some reason everytime I went to join my team she’d stop it with some sort of excuse. 
Gwen throws a ball and it hits Courtney in the face, “That’s for the oatmeal!” Leshawna bursts into laughter. “You messed with the wrong white girl!”
Owen is the last one in the game, Harold on the opposite side and every ball that Owen throws the auburn hair boy somehow dodges every single one.
Courtney calls for a time out and I cross my legs. Everyone cheers as they go back in. Heather then grips onto my arm and I carefully glance over at her as she is anxiously watching everyone happening before her very eyes. Not paying attention to my stares. I smirk joining her in looking at the court. 
Owen winds up his throw, “Cowabunga!” He shouts, throwing the ball, hitting Harold in the stomach and he flies back with the ball into the glass behind him. But Harold caught it meaning we lost. Heather weakly lets me go and I feel a small breeze from the loss of her holding my arm.
The final whistle blows declaring Killer Bass as the winner. 
“It’s impossible! Why!?” Owen falls to his knees, Chris walks up to us as the Killer Bass carries their winner in the air, cheering happily for not losing a third time. “Gophers, what happened?” Chris frowns, disappointed.
“What can I say? Weak effort.” Noah says and we all glare at him. “Oh, shut it, Noah.” Gwen walks away. “You know for once I agree with her.” Heather exclaims and we all leave.
“I guess I’m kind of a role model now that I’ve won the dodgeball competition.” Harold throws a chip into his mouth. “People will probably all want my autograph when the show is over and stuff.”
We all sit at the campfire and I sigh. “Campers, you’ve already placed your votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home and you can’t come back… Ever.” Everyone seems nervous except for Noah, who’s definitely going home but has the confidence of the opposite. 
“When you hear me call your name, come pick a marshmallow. Owen, Gwen, Cody, Trent, Heather, Beth, Justin, [Name], Leshawna, Izzy.” He pauses at the last two. Lindsay and Noah. I squish my marshmallow between two fingers and boredly watch what happens next, knowing who I voted for. 
“The final marshmallow goes to… Lindsay.” The blonde cheers, grabbing her marshmallow as Noah’s in disbelief. “What!? Are you kidding me?”
“All right see if I care. Good luck because you just voted out the only one with any brains on this team.” He rants and we all throw our marshmallows at him. “Ow!”
“You need to learn a little thing called respect, turkey.” Leshawna wipes her hands and we all laugh, cheering. 
“Whatever, I’m out of here.” He sasses.
Gwen hugs me and we cheer together, after a few moments I let go and go to walk over to Heather who makes eye contact with me, smiling at first but seeing Gwen next to me she scoffs and walks away.
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Chapter: Five
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pastelavender88 · 2 years
Sinbound- Chapter 10
Summary: It’s Eddie and Y/n’s baby shower and Buck is still hiding the fact that Eddie cheated on Y/n.
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I was so occupied with planning the baby shower, I barely had time for anything. Buck has been calling me and trying to meet up and talk but I really had no time to spare. Finally the day of the baby shower came which meant I was away from my phone all day. It was set-up, food prep, more cooking, making sure all the games were in their proper area, and all the guests had the location. By the time that was done I went into the room to shower and change. The dress I found for today was perfect. It was a beautiful cream color that highlighted my features well and it hugged my bump enough to where it was noticeable but it didn’t feel like it. When I came out, guests were starting to roll in one by one. First was Bobby and Athena’s family, then Chimney, Maddie, and Jee, Then Karen, Hen, and Denny, Then Lucy, and Ravi, and finally there were my friends from my old job and a few mutual friends. Both Eddie and I’s families could not make it on account of my sister being stuck grading papers and my dad recovering from a golf injury. Eddie’s parents' flight got delayed and there was no point in them coming considering the next available flight would make them arrive at 3 am tomorrow. I noticed Buck still hasn't arrived yet but I tried to brush it off. Afterall, Buck wouldn’t miss my baby shower. As time went on food was eaten, games were played, and small talk was spoken,  but Buck still hadn’t arrived. Just as I started to lose hope, Buck walked through the door. “Buck, I’m so glad you made it.” I quickly greeted him.
“Yeah me too. Hey, Y/n can I talk to you really fast?”
“Uhm I can’t really say it here. Can we go somewhere a little private?” 
“Yeah umm sure Buck.” I ushered Buck into a room where I knew no one would be. “What’s up?”
“I need to tell you something and it’s really important. I’ve been trying to reach you all week and you couldn’t meet me.”
“I know I’ve been really occupied. It isn’t anything about Alex, is it because I don’t want her to think because of the new baby I’m neglecting her needs or anything.”
“No it’s not about Alex.” Buck looked nervous to say anything. “How about after the party you come find me so we can talk?”
“You said it was important, what is it?”
“Now’s a bad time. Let’s do this later.” 
“Buck, what is it? Why are you so tight lipped all of a sudden?”
Buck let out a sigh. “I didn’t want to tell you here I just wanted to remind you that I needed to talk to you but uhh I heard something and I think you should know about it. Chimney and Maddie told me that Eddie confided in Chimney about sleeping with Ana.” When Buck said those words it’s like my whole world came crashing down. It felt like someone punched me square in the chest and then sat on it. Suddenly, my legs had a mind of their own and I was walking to the living area. Despite Buck’s attempts to get me to stay in the room, I made my way over to where Eddie was talking with Karen and Hen. "Karen, can you take all the kids outside? I need to talk to Eddie." 
 "What's going on?" Eddie asked.
"Karen please?" I practically begged without taking my eyes off of Eddie. 
 "Come on kids. Let's get some cake." Karen called. I waited until Karen and the kids were outside before I questioned Eddie. 
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"Did you sleep with Ana?" I loudly asked. Silence filled the room as all eyes were on us. "Well tell me? Did you sleep with Ana or is Buck lying?"
 "Can we talk about this in private?" Eddie tried to whisper.
"You wanna talk about this in private. Why? Is this embarrassing for you?" I felt my eyes fill with tears of anger. "Is it true!" I yelled.
     "Yes. It's true." Eddie answered barely above a whisper. 
"Let me ask you something. What do you think is more embarrassing, everyone knowing that you cheated or being the last person to find out about your partner's infidelity while 7 months pregnant?"
"Seriously honey. I think we should talk about this in private."
"Well I don't." I turned towards everyone. "You heard it here first everyone, Y/n Y/L/N was cheated on by Eddie Diaz and she found out through her ex. I mean, isn't that something." I turned back towards Eddie. "Let me ask you something, what was it like huh? Did it feel great? Was it everything you ever hoped for? I mean I know it was getting pretty lackluster in the bedroom. I was getting bigger, less attractive..."
      "No, don't go there. That's not what that was about."
"Then what was it about?"
      "I didn't know we were having problems and I was drinking..."
"Alright everyone it's time for us to go." Athena interjected. “Let’s go, I’m not asking twice.” Slowly everyone started to clear out until it was just Eddie and I inside the house. Buck went outside to stay with the kids so they wouldn’t come inside or hear what was happening.
“So why? Why did you do it?”
“Do you really want a reason or are you just trying to get me to say it?”
“You have the audacity to question me? I’m not the one who stepped out in this relationship.”
“You didn’t? I mean you might as well have. This relationship was never just me and you, it was always me, you, and Buck. He’s like this tumor that just keeps growing back. Each time I think he’s finally out of our lives he’s back sniffing behind you, trying to come between us.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t flip this around on me or him.”
“Him. He can never do wrong in your eyes right. The golden boy?”
“You and I both know Buck is far from perfect, but at least he makes up for it. What do you do huh?” By now I couldn’t even see Eddie in front of me. My head was pounding, my eyes were flowing like rivers, and my mouth was moving without me even knowing what was being said. “You shift the blame on everyone else, but you don’t ever take a look in the mirror and see that if everything keeps going wrong in your life maybe it’s you.” After I said that we both went silent. “Just tell me why Eddie? Why?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes you do. Don’t do that.”
“Because you weren’t here.”
“What are you talking about? I’ve been here for you everyday. I’ve been here since the moment you became my patient.”
“Yeah but you weren’t here for me. You were here but you weren’t here for me Y/n. Everytime we talked it’s like you never listened and everytime we tried to talk to each other it was an argument. So, I slept with Ana.”
“That night.” He didn’t have to say more than that. I knew which night he was talking about and the more I thought about the next day the stupider I felt. What man leaves for hours and comes back home not guilty? 
I don’t know what it was but that felt like the straw that broke the camel's back. “A chance.” I said, barely above a whisper. 
“What?” Eddie replied. 
“A chance. I gave you a chance! I asked you if anything else happened and you looked me dead in the face and said nothing else happened! You lied to my face and you didn’t even flinch!”
“How could I! How could I tell you the truth knowing it would break your heart?”
“Oh you couldn’t tell me because it would break my heart but you didn’t think about that when you did it. Did you Eddie?” Eddie was quiet. “Eddie, I need you to be completely honest with me about these next two questions because your answers to them may determine everything.” Eddie just looked at me with those same helpless eyes I saw the day we met. “Was it only that night?”
“Of course. The next day after it happened I regretted it. I told her the same thing. It was a mistake, a one time mistake.”
I just nodded my head at his answer. I looked down at the engagement ring on my finger that now felt like a 1000 lbs weight. “Did you have the idea to propose to me before or after that night?” I looked at Eddie and saw his expression. The way his usually relaxed face twisted into a nervous wreck. His eyebrows were slumped and low. He was rubbing the nape of his neck and his arms crossed around his chest. 
“So you didn’t want to marry me?” My eyes welled all over again and I could feel myself losing control. “You felt guilty about what you did.” My arms crossed, hands gripping my upper arms in hope to give myself some kind of comfort. 
“No, of course not baby. I want to marry you.” Eddie crossed the invisible barrier that was between us and raised his hand to touch me but I couldn’t stomach his touch. His touch felt almost disgusting and I quickly stepped back to shake it off. 
“When you proposed to me you said you never felt this way since Shannon. That after losing her you never thought you could feel this way about anyone. Was that all a lie? A way to talk yourself into it, to convince yourself that you felt that way. That I wasn’t anything more than some girlfriend that you knocked up?”
“Y/n, don’t ever say that. I love you more than words can describe. That night was a mistake.”
“But it happened Eddie! And I can’t get past that. I can’t get past the fact that you lied to me, I can’t get past the fact that you proposed to me knowing that you cheated on me, I can’t get past the fact that not one, not two, but three people knew before me. I can’t get past the fact that I don't trust you anymore. I can’t do this. I can’t do it. I can’t do you. I’m done Eddie.”
“You’re done? What do you mean?” His words came out rushed and jumbled together that if I wasn’t so focused on this moment I might have misunderstood them.
“You know exactly what I mean.” I slipped the ring, not even a ring anymore to me, an anchor, off of my finger and handed it to Eddie. “I deserve better. You deserve better. Alex, Christopher, and this baby deserve better. Not this constant rollercoaster of hurt and pain and sorrow. I can’t do it any longer. The thought of you and her will always be on my mind. Maybe one day I can forget but for now I know I won’t be able to. Give me 2 hours. 2 hours to pack Alex and I’s things. We’re done Eddie. Please leave.” The tears were still flowing but the anger in my voice was long gone. Eddie tried to speak but it seemed like nothing could come out. Like everything he needed to say was already said. I could tell he was hurting. He wanted to scream, shout, cry, but he just couldn't. He knew, deep down he knew, I’m done. As he tried to approach me I threw my hand up to signal for him to stop. Eddie walked away without a word towards the backyard to get Christopher and maybe explain what was going on. I knew I wouldn’t be able to take the look on Christopher’s face as Eddie was taking him, the boy that became my son in just a short time, away. I went to my room and broke down. It felt like the walls in the room were caving in on me. Like the air in the room was replaced with something entirely else. 
As I sat in there and weeped for what felt like hours, I heard a knock on the door. It was Buck. He was still there with Alex and came to check on me. He could tell by my state that I wasn’t okay so there was no need for that stupid question. He just sat beside me on the bed, wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his embrace. As my head rested on his shoulder and I soaked his polo, I heard him whisper “I got you.”
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Author’s Note: This was supposed to be the chapter I took a hiatus on which would leave like a massive cliffhanger but I got behind on posting so my bad. The next chapter will be out tomorrow and the reason I’ve been uploading like crazy is because I finally have a break from school (yay spring break) and I’m trying to get as much done as I can before it starts back up and I’m can’t focus on my page anymore. I see the requests in my inbox and I plan on replying soon.
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