#the thing to remember is there is a s5 so they wont all be dead
a lot of ppl keep saying this "tragic finale" on the magicians won't involve q or eliot dying bc the writers are aware of and respectful about the "bury your gays" trope and. god I wish I could trust them like that but I just dont! continue reading to lose hope for the s4 finale...
the truth of the matter is that, again and again, we place our trust in writers not to bury their gays bc they appear to understand how much their queer characters mean to fans, and they almost always let us down. I give the writers credit for exploring this long-standing queer subtext in a finally obvious and plot-important way, when they never really had to, but at the same time they do have a history of bury your gays. I won't fault them too much on that, bc it's just a show where a lot of ppl die tragically regardless of who they are-but at this point I can think of off the top of my head two wlw, one mlm, and two trans characters (or at least 2 trans actresses) who have died on the show, and thats not including the alternate timelines. they're not targeted, but it shows maybe the showrunners don't understand the importance of having happy queer characters on tv the way we want them to. also, sera gamble was involved with spn and we know their track record with queer rep...
the one encouraging argument ive heard is that they've said the tragic ending is "unlike anything we've seen before on the show," and we HAVE seen main characters die, including ones in relationships (alice, penny). but on the flip side I worry that what's different this time is that the character wont come back and for whatever reason we wont be able to see them from the underworld. also, in hale's livestream he kept getting questions like "will fans survive the finale" and his response was something like "honestly I think you guys get whats going to happen," and since q and/or other members of the core cast dying is the prevailing fan theory I'm pretty worried. but the epsiode description says q reflects on his actions which makes me think he's responsible for the death of eliot and/or others of the main cast and/or apocalypse-level destruction, rather than him dying.
shit ending: they give the monster his body and he kills most of the main characters and and like hundreds of people and q feels hella guilty if hes even alive
bad ending: q and/or eliot dies along with one or two others in the main cast and theyre never heard from again
realistic ending: q or eliot or maybe julia dies but s5 they try to bring them back OR main cast is safe but monster wreaks havoc on humanity and q feels bad
god tier ending: theyre all ok and the tragedy is eliot waking up in his body to see his tacky t-shirt and unwashed hair
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samwpmarleau · 4 years
inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
2,500 words of me throwing hands with TVD’s post-S5 depiction of Caroline and Tyler’s relationship.
Inspired by this fic by @cbsnforeverandalways, this post by @zalrb, and @fredsythe’s salt.
It hits her at the oddest times. She could understand the faint sense of loss if it only happened on their anniversary, or when the moon is full. Stefan understands when she’s a little mopey on those days; after all, he has days like that of his own.
It’s when it happens on days that don’t have any significance that gets her the most, though; those, she can’t tell Stefan. Because he’d look at her all half-judgy, half-sympathetic, which makes her feel the entirety of the hundred-and-fifty-year age gulf between them. Not that she wants to examine it even to herself, granted.
It would be one thing if she knew when the missing him would strike her, but it comes on without warning.
She and Tyler will be talking, as acquaintances or friends are wont to do, and there’ll be a moment. This spark of magnetism between them that used to always be there (when it was allowed to be there). And she knows he feels it, too, because she can see it in his face, and that makes it worse, because that means it’s not a figment of her imagination. She tells herself it’s just them reconnecting, because they were friends long before they were lovers, but she knows it’s a lie.
Other times, she’ll flip through a photo album and smile rather smugly at her favorite photo of her and Stefan because they are just perfect together — but then she’ll see a picture of him and Elena and the dark beast of doubt and envy will pool in her stomach, and then she’ll see a picture of her and Tyler, and now guilt and wistfulness join the party. Because how can she be jealous of the way Stefan and Elena look together, the way they just fit, when she looks at her and Tyler and they just fit, too?
Still other times, she’ll be toying with her daylight ring and will flash back to the day her father had tortured her, when Tyler and her mom had come to her rescue and he’d slipped the ring back onto her finger. He’d practically been down on one knee then. She remembers reliving that moment later, once the pain of that day had passed, only in a much more scenic locale where Tyler would present her with a ring ring, not just the lapis lazuli. When he proposes, she’d thought then, not if — even back then, when their relationship was barely in its infancy, it had felt...permanent.
Caroline still doesn’t have a ring ring, but she has a wonderful boyfriend and a wonderful life that’s not with Tyler and that’s that.
She’s fine.
* * *
She dreams of him, sometimes.
She’ll fall asleep to a vision of dark eyes, and she thinks that they’re Stefan’s, which is acceptable. But when she falls truly asleep, it is not Stefan that she sees. She sees Tyler, smiling at her the way he never quite does anymore, a smile absent of betrayal and hurt, like she’s the sun his world revolves around. Even before they’d gotten together, when they were still just friends figuring out their supernatural identities, that smile had set her heart fluttering. She’d passed it off at the time as the usual jitters of being a new vampire.
She dreams of all the times he’d swept her off her feet, or pressed her up against the wall, or stared at her in that intense way he did right before he kissed her breathless. She dreams of falling into bed with him (or onto the couch, or on a desk, or…), every nerve alive, every inch of skin alight. Sex had never been just about passion for them (though there certainly was plenty of that), it was their way of connecting when words weren’t quite enough.
She dreams of them arguing, which they did often. But it’s not a bad dream — she’d liked that she could speak her mind with him, that they could call each other out on their bullshit and that he didn’t treat her like she couldn’t defend herself. She’d liked that instead of letting issues fester or keep secrets, they hashed things out and got to the bottom of them. She’d liked that no matter the problem, he never made her feel bad about herself.
When she wakes, there is always a moment where she fully expects to see Tyler lying beside her. Perhaps she’d kiss his chest, his neck, his jaw, his lips until he stirred awake. But it’s Stefan lying there, not Tyler, because of course it is, and for that brief moment there is an overwhelming sense of disappointment.
* * *
It’s trivia night, when their entire group is supposed to hang out together, but Elena, Matt, Jeremy, and Damon had all bailed, so it’s just Caroline, Tyler, Stefan, and Bonnie, with Bonnie and Stefan currently tied for the lead. Bonnie swears she hasn’t used her powers to get ahead. Caroline’s not entirely sure about that: she still bitterly recalls the incident in fourth grade when Bonnie swore she didn’t move the Ouija board pointer and then the next year revealed that in fact she had. She’s peeved about Stefan, too, because she doesn’t think it’s exactly fair when he has so many more years’ worth of trivia knowledge. Bonnie ends up winning the battle for first place, and thus becomes the mediator for Caroline and Tyler’s battle for third.
“We should probably just give Caroline the crown right now,” she snorts as she reads the card. “ ‘In The Real Housewives of Orange County, which housewife departed the show between seasons two and three?’ ”
With hardly a minute’s hesitation — and just a split-second before Caroline recalls the name — Tyler answers, “Jo De La Rosa.”
Bonnie and Stefan stare at him, dumbfounded. “Uh...correct,” Bonnie says. “How do you know the answer to that?”
“Just from around,” Tyler says with a wince. “It’s not like I watch that reality TV trash or anything.”
Caroline, huffy at having lost, objects, “No, I have it on good authority that you enjoy this ‘reality TV trash,’ Tyler Lockwood. You watched every episode with me.”
“Yeah, because at the end of each season you gave me a bl — ” He abruptly cuts himself off, glancing at Stefan. “—ueberry muffin.”
Caroline desperately hopes her blush isn’t visible. It was blowjobs she gave him in exchange for watching the show with her, not muffins. In fact, Tyler’s allergic to blueberries, and by the dubious expressions on both Bonnie and Stefan’s faces, it’s clear they know of that particular allergy and further don’t believe a word of Tyler’s fumbled explanation.
“Well,” Bonnie announces, “that’s my cue to leave.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Stefan offers.
Caroline waits until the door closes behind them, then remarks, “That was awkward.”
“It’s not like they don’t know we were together,” Tyler says, helping clean up the game. “What, does Stefan think all we did was make out or something?”
“No, but still.”
Tyler looks a bit perturbed at that, though doesn’t reply. She used to be able to read him like a book, but now she can’t decipher at all what he wants. What, is she supposed to talk about their sex life in front of their friends? In front of Stefan? That sounds like something pre-werewolf Tyler would do, not the selfless, sensitive Tyler she dated for over a year.
She doesn’t want them to part on bad terms, though, so she goes to give him a hug goodbye. She intends for it to be brief, but when they embrace, she finds herself unable to break it. As a hybrid, his vampire half cooled his body temperature to more or less that of any other vampire; she’d almost forgotten how warm werewolves get, and it sends a shiver down her spine. More than that, she’d almost forgotten (or perhaps willed herself to forget) just how good it felt to be close to him. He’s shorter than Stefan, but she kind of likes that her head rests next to his instead of against his chest, his pulse a temptation. His arms are tight around her, his hands low on her waist, and it feels…right.
She pulls away because that most definitely isn’t right, not anymore, but she makes the mistake of looking up at him. It would be dangerously easy to kiss him right now, if she wanted. And the way his eyes are dilated and his lips slightly parted, somehow she knows he would kiss her back. She blinks a few times to try to clear out the lustful fog, ashamed of the fact that despite the acrimonious way they ended, despite the fact that she’s now dating Stefan, she wants to kiss him.
She steps back more fully and says, “Well, drive safe.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
She watches him leave, and feels an odd sense of emptiness. Worse still, the sound of the door shutting triggers that deep-set déjà vu that she’d endured for so long; a closing door, after all, always followed a goodbye. A goodbye and not knowing how long it would be until she would see him again, or even if she would see him again. That’s not the case now, he’s not leaving for good, but it still makes her chest constrict.
A few minutes later, the door reopens, and her heart, not her head, leaps. Perhaps he’d forgotten something, or perhaps he’d returned for something else entirely that they would both surely regret. But that guilty, hopeful sensation falters when she sees that it’s Stefan who enters, evidently done fending off Bonnie’s gloating.
“Are you all right?” Stefan asks with a frown.
Caroline fixes her expression, waving him off. “You know me, I just don’t like losing.”
It’s an accurate enough statement, so Stefan accepts it. He helps her collect their empty beer bottles and puts the popcorn bowl in the kitchen. It was an aberration, she tells herself. It’s natural to still feel an attachment to your ex for a while, right? It means absolutely nothing.
She just wishes it felt like nothing.
* * *
Matt doesn’t have to repeat himself when he calls to tell her Tyler’s dead by Damon’s hand. She can hear just fine, thanks very much, and the information registers. It’s not the first time they’ve lost a friend and probably won’t be the last, and Tyler and Damon had always hated each other anyway, so really it was just a matter of time. She hadn’t even talked to Tyler in months.
“After everything we went through, I guess I just always assumed that he would be there,” she tells Stefan. It’s truer than she can express; even when he was gone, he was constant. He was white noise, always there even when he wasn’t, even if other things drew more attention.
She’s not sure whether Stefan simply doesn’t hear her or ignores her, for he switches focus from Tyler to Damon. She ends up comforting him when it was her ex-boyfriend who was murdered, and she wonders if that’s normal.
The first funeral is interrupted and so later they have an informal gathering at the empty carnival grounds. Everyone says nice things, but it doesn’t quell the pain.
“I loved him,” she says. God, she loved him. But Stefan’s here and she doesn’t want anyone to read anything into it, so to be safe, she qualifies, “You know, we all did.”
Talk then switches once more to Damon. Someone makes a casual remark about how Tyler’s not even the first Lockwood Damon has personally killed. They talk about how to save Damon, how they can bring Damon back from the brink, how lost Damon must feel, as though something like this is remotely out of character for him, and Caroline excuses herself to go throw up in the bushes.
She doesn’t get any time to herself afterwards; Stefan convinces them all to enjoy the carnival’s offerings, and then there’s the chaos with the twins, chaos in general, and life moves on because it has to. She figures she’s buried all of it — we hadn’t talked in months — until one day she’s doing some spring cleaning and empties out her jewelry box, systematically untangling necklace chains and setting aside rings to be polished. From the pile, she slowly pulls out an old charm bracelet, the silver now tarnished but its origin unmistakeable.
She runs her fingers over the charms — a paw print, a football helmet, a heart, a cheerleader, her initials. They were broken up at the time, Klaus’s sirebond in the way, but it was her eighteenth birthday so he’d gifted her the bracelet anyway. She stares at it, and stares, and stares, and the grief slams into her all at once. She clenches the bracelet in her fist, cries until she can’t breathe and then cries some more.
He’s dead. He’s dead.
Klaus had been mistaken when he said Tyler was her first love. It was Matt who fit that bill. Matt was the sweet, innocent love of youth, where everything seems both too much and not enough.
But Tyler…
We’re immortal, he’d said. He was wrong about that. She stayed immortal but he didn’t.
We will find a way, he’d said. He was wrong about that, too. They never found a way.
What if we don’t? she’d said. She was the one who was right. She, the eternal optimist, had become the pessimist, and she was right.
It would be silly, wouldn’t it, to still call him the love of her life? She’d thought he was at the time, because obviously. She was in love and their relationship at that point was a patchwork of goodbyes, sex, and yearning, filled to the brim with thoughts of, If we can only get past this hurdle, we’ll be home free, so of course she’d thought it would last. People always think love will last, don’t they, in the moment?
But here by herself in this great big house, she can admit the truth. What she has with Stefan isn’t just different, as for so long she’d assured herself. She’s content and comfortable with him, but it’s…less. She doesn’t feel complete when he’s near nor empty when he’s gone. The noise and worries of the world don’t fade when she’s in his arms. She doesn’t feel alive.
Because the truth — the truth she will admit now with the silver bracelet in her hand and her chest overflowing with sorrow — is that she gave away her heart a long time ago, her whole heart, and she never got it back.
And it doesn’t even matter because Tyler’s fucking dead, and she’s going to live forever. There will be no closure to be had, no apologies, no amends, no nothing.
I’m not moving on from anything, he’d said. I love you.
She polishes the bracelet until it’s gleaming, fastens it around her wrist, and thinks, I never really moved on either.
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Yes thats the episode! I forgot John was in prison at the time. It would have been great if he got that number. Thank you so much for your fic recomnendations! Im going to check them all out. I would also love to read your story if you ever feel comfortable sharing it. Okay so as for the season 4 and 5 thing: i do agree with you that it got really different from season 1. I struggled a bit with that in the beginning (cause i love the s1 concept) but then i went with it (1)
I really disliked root in the beginning and i dont know when that changed but in the end i started loving her. She was like a comic relief and i liked her relationship with shaw. But i can understand anyone who doesnt like her. The thing i missed the most was the relationship with Harold and John (it was sad that they got so little interactions) and i also wasnt a fan of Johns S4 love interest. But overall i enjoyed s4 and 5 (minus the ending maybe cause my poor heart needs a Happy end) (2)
But i can understand anyone who doesnt like These seasons as much. I just remember a lot of discussions on reddit where everyone was loving season 3-5 and saying season 1 was boring (which is kinda sad cause i love season 1) so i guess you are right about there being a fracture. I just hope i am still allowed to send you questions after admitting that i like root (i promise i wont ask anything about her 😂)
Yes having both John and Harold working on that number, and addressing John's issues would have been great. Hope you like the fics !
Aww thanks ! I considered posting it on tumblr bc stuff gets "lost" easily on here compared to ao3. But if you delete your post the reblogs are still here. Maybe I'll post it as anonymous, but I'm talking about it on here anyway so it wouldn't be hard to guess it was written by me. Ig posting it unanonymously (is that a word) with moderated comments would be the best choice. Tbh it's not my best writing anyway and idk if I'll manage to finish it. (Idk if I'll manage to finish any of the ten billions wips and translations I have lying around on OneDrive.... But that's another subject.)
It's nice that Root grew on you and that you enjoyed the last seasons ! I'm too busy clutching the early seasons close to my heart lmao. I could never see her as a comic relief I think, she's too much of an annoying intrusion to me. Idk how I feel about shoot either. Like I don't really like or dislike Shaw but given that Root creeps me out... Idk. I feel like John and Harold had more chemistry. You can pry Rinch from my cold dead hands.
Yeah I've heard about John and Harold relationship not being how it was in the beginning >:((( I'm big mad.
I agree wholeheartedly about a happy ending. Man I remember crying my eyes out watching return 0. And I already knew what was gonna happen. But nothing can truly prepare you for that.
I wasn't on reddit back then, got an acc like 3 years ago and started actually checking reddit 2 years ago but yeah from what I've seen the poi subreddit seems to be quite the circlejerk abt the last seasons. (Aren't I circlejerking abt the early seasons though.) I remember a post saying it got worse after Carter's death and someone was like akshually the whole AI war thing was planned for the beginning and poi isn't for you if you want a procedural. Like bruh I highly doubt that shit was planned from day 1 and also poi literally started as a procedural so I expected it to be a procedural, that's logical, but go off I guess. Sad that they find it boring but yeah ig S1 can be seen as boring if you're into all that S4/S5 shit. I'm getting bitter again oof. I also have a feeling some of those ppl discovered poi with the last seasons and expected the rest of the show to be similar ? But viewership went down so idk if there were many new viewers.
Talking abt poi gives me life send me all the questions 👀👀 but bc you like root I deem you only half valid :/ (jk ♥️)
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chlobenet · 5 years
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I’ve not been online for a hot minute and I’ve come back to 50+ Gennie asks so lets just get straight into another ask drop under the cut ♡
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I need some inspiration on what to write next so I will definitely add this to the maybe list - open to more suggestions as well! 
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Ooooh Polly 10000% has a soft spot for Gennie, and Gen looks up to Poll so so so much, honestly she lowkey idolises her. I do think some earlier season Gen could be fun to write so i’ll definitely keep these ideas in mind!
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The only specific scene that comes to mind at the minute is the scene with the italian that tommy kills in the kitchen when the chef is like “my hands have blood” and tom says “so have mine.” I think gennie would be pretty shocked by this side of thomas that she has absolutely never seen before. For the most part though, I do think that the boys successfully keep gen away from the gory truth of the peaky blinders - but she does hear about it a lot of the time, and sometimes it makes them feel lowkey bad because they never want gen to be disappointed in them, or even worse...scared of them.
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Gen and tom aren’t even a romantic coupling at this point but I can 100% get behind thomas standing up and even physically shielding her from the police with his own body - blocking them from getting to her. At the time gen wouldn’t even realise what he’s doing because she is just so shocked by the events that are unfolding infront of her. After a while they’re the only ones in the room and she would just be blinking at him, confused, upset, hurt. He’ll just stare back at her for a long time “dont look at me like that Gennie...” 
listen buddy, pal, my guy...i love her too sm and I love that you love her and that means that I love you! As for this scene, it’s definitely one i’ll hopefully be able to incorporate into a chapter of violent delights because the way gen and tom are together compared to tom and ada for example is extremely different and it would be a fun contrast to see.
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same so much...gen is... baby🥺
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now I’M crying at the thought of tommy introducing gen as his wife to people and oh GOSH.
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Listen Gen mad or upset is the absolute worst because she doesn’t scream and shout at you, she doesn’t throw things around the room or show any kind of emotional at all really. When gen is mad, she gets real real quiet and she probably wont speak to you for a while and she’ll be damned if she looks at you because honestly looking at you when you’ve hurt gen physically hurts her heart. There’s no greater pain in gennie locks eyes than betrayal or someone doing something knowing that it is going to hurt you - so yeah she doesn’t get into a slanging match with tommy and in some ways he thinks it’s so much worse. She will talk things through though, after she’s had time to collect her thoughts and sort of...evaluate how she’s feeling about situations.
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Tommy knows that gen wants kids and he knows with every fibre of his being that she would make the most amazing mother. I don’t think gen would ever really talk about it because she knows tommy already has children and she doesn’t ever want him to think she expects things of him but yes she wants kids more than anything on earth. It’s just sort of an unspoken thing between them, they know it’s going to happen - but they’re not rushing it, when it happens it happens and it will be magical.
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Honestly I dont actually think gennie does realise just how much tom does love her, even though he does tell her. She just can’t fathom that someone could possibly love her, little gennie lock, that much. But he does.
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Gennie, John and Archie are all the same age. A lot of people thought Gen and Arch were twins in school but nope, just cousins! 
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Gen worries about Arthur, she really does. I think that she would maybe try and discuss it with tommy but he would explain that arthur is the kind of man that needs to have a purpose and sometimes arthurs only purpose in life is doing business for the peaky blinders. If he wasn’t given something like that to focus on then he would be left to his own devices and even gennie herself knows that has the potential to be so much more dangerous.
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Oh my goodness I love this. I do love the idea that gennie is so gracious that she gives off this air of sort of...not importance but you understand what I’m trying to say. I love the idea of the line you’ve come up with for tom and lowkey might steal it. I think the only thing that would ever give gennie away is the fact that although she is well spoken, and extremely intelligent she does still have her birmingham accent - and that’s just a dead giveaway right there.
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I think I’ve answered something similar to this previously but basically alfie and gen have this strange sort of ~respect~ for one another. Gennie appreciates that he’s a dangerous man, but she also feels fairly safe in his presence. He makes it very clear early on that she has absolutely nothing to fear from him and she believes him when he says it. That doesn’t necessarily mean she likes him (initially at least) nor does she really trust him, but...yeah she respects him.
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Tom would definitely be the one out of the pair of them to admit his feelings first, but he’s also got a whole world of respect for both gennie and his brother so it would be a bit troubling for him when he realises that wow he’s in love with little gennie lock from down the lane. I think he would tell her, but not exactly openly it would be more of a “please, stay...” kind of moment, where he reaches out and takes her hand. They’d both look down and their hands, and then back up at one another and gennie would just nod “okay.”
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Hmmm good question, I’m undecided. There may well be a “its you, little gennie lock it’s always been you.” sort of line, maybe on their wedding day but I’m not sure. I’m not even entirely sure thomas knows that’s how he’s always felt so WHO KNOWS - what do you think??
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I don’t think so you know! Not through lack of suitors, because lets be honest gennie lock is an absolute catch. But she’s also extremely sentimental and loyal and she is pretty sure that john shelby is the love of her life and even though she’s resigned herself to the fact that they will never be together because of esme and her respect for their relationship - that doesn’t mean that she stops loving him, or that she can look at anyone else in that way. We love one (1) loyal princess.
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Listen, tom and gennie talk. They talk a lot more than he talks to anyone else and he’s told her about the war and he’s told her about the dreams he has and sometimes he doesn’t even know why he’s telling her but she’s just so easy to tell and god is she an excellent listener. She doesn’t judge him. She understands that sometimes tommy needs to forget and he needs to sleep and she wants nothing more than for him to feel happy and safe and comfortable so if that’s what he needs then so be it.
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I think if I wrote a scene where tom was having one of his grace moments and gennie entered then I’d write it as though grace sort of ... evaporated or disappeared the second gennie enters the room. Even if grace is midway through saying something, gennie is enough to push the thoughts or the hallucinations away and tom might stare dumbfounded at the wall for a hot minute in astonishment but then he’ll look at his wife and he’s just like #of course.
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hahah i love this headcanon and I also think that gen would love to watch tom be around/talking about horses because he’s just so in his element and so...at peace?
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I think after tommy refuses to go and see lizzie then polly would suggest to gennie that she go and see thomas. I think she’d consider sending lizzie, but then deep down polly knows that tom needs a sort of emotional support that lizzie isn’t capable of providing. You have to remember as well that gennie has lost archie who was the most important person in her life, she knows grief and she recognises that in thomas but there’s more to it than just grief. I think initially tom would try and push her away but..she’s not having any of that!
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honestly idk if hair dye was actually a thing then?? so either gen darkens her hair as the seasons go on or...it’s more of a metaphorical thing. S1 gennie is brilliantly blonde, this wide eyes innocent little girl from birmingham who has absolutely no idea what she’s in for. By s5 gen has dark hair and it’s reflective of how her innocence has been tarnished by the peaky blinders as the years have gone on. She’s still an inherently good person, but s5 gen and s1 gen are two very different women. 
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missjackil · 6 years
The Kripke Era
Ill first say I do not hate the Kripke era. I prefer post Kripke-post Gamble but I like the first 5 seasons just fine. What I dont like is that many fans seem to have selective memory about what the Kripke era was. They seem to remember just Sam and Dean smiling, cruising around playing classic rock and killing monsters, and then when Kripke left everything got terrible. I might be at an advantage to have come to the party only 3 yrs ago and got it all in one chunk over 2 months time, and watched the story unfold quickly without waiting months and worrying if it was going to be renewed for another season.  What the Kripke era had that I found negative was really bad special effects, which still arent great, but they were worse back then. They didnt even go digital till S3 so there was hardly any color. The boys fought constantly. Sure they had sexy scenes like in Playthings, and did a lot of slamming each other into wallls, but they did fight constantly. Now, since S7, Dean hasnt hit Sam without being under a supernatural influence, Sam wont hit Dean unless Dean us super powered under a supernatural influence. Since S8, neither have considered living life seperate from the other, and Dean was all willing to let Sam jump into the pit in S5, and we know Sam isnt gonna let Dean get thown in the ocean to save the world.  Back then we didnt know if at some point the boys were gonna find a girlfriend and be happy with them, and now we know theyre not, and dont even want them to. There were canon breaks back then too, whatever happened to “Christo” being enough to pick out a demon? Its funny that its finally been re surfaced 13 years later. Or “The only thing that can kill an angel, is another angel” that got retconned as soon as Dean killed Zachariah. Or when people die and come back they come back “wrong” and neither Winchester came back “wrong” after all their deaths.  The earliest seasons painted John as mostly a dick father, but as the story progressed and Sam and Dean talked more about him, he became less of a dick and more like a man who tried his best with what was dropped on his lap.  We have Dean back then so freaked out about Sam’s powers that he tells him “If I didnt know you, Id want to hunt you” and now we have a Dean that kills himself when he thinks Sam is dead, and welcomes an archangel to possess him to save Sam’s life.  Yes we have too many side characters now, but that was at the request of Jared and Jensen so I respect that the show did it for them and didnt just close up shop. Jared and Jensen are 100 times better actors now. They cried way too much in the early seasons that I didnt take any of their tears seriously till Dean cried over Sam in S2. I loved When the Levee Breaks , it was heart breaking, but Jared hadnt bloomed yet into the actor he is now... can you even imagine how painful it would be to watch that episode if it happened now? I would need therapy!! 
There were some very good episodes in the early seaons, and there still are very good episodes, and every season has its embaressingly bad episodes. The Kripke Era may have brough the best story arc of the series... the Michael/Lucifer original, but whether an episode was good or stupid has always been pot luck since the beginning. 
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dancingships · 6 years
Regina’s BFF Awards : Season 3
3x01 Heart of the Truest Believer
Regina: And what, you'll win her over with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers?! Mary Margret: Considering that your plan failed, at least we could try! Regina: You're such a naive princess! Mary Margret: And you are such a... ::punches Regina:: Regina: Huh. Is that your best? Mary Margret: Not even close! I am so tired of you ruining my life! Regina: I ruined your life?
Regina, you lost a boyfriend. But I suppose asking you to think about anyone else is too much, huh? But how dare Snow suggest that losing her entire family ruined her life? The nerve, right? Its not like Emma had to grow up an orphan or anything...
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Emma jumps over board so that everyone will stop fighting and focus on getting her back on deck - because if they don’t stop fighting, they will all die.
Regina’s response? She calls Emma an idiot.
So, Regina, what would you have done to get everyone’s attention? Lit the masts on fire?
3x02 Lost Girl
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Regina once again proving that she doesn’t believe in Emma. At all. She can’t and wont listen to anyone else.
Emma: If I'm the one who's supposed to figure out this thing, I need to do what Pan said. Regina: Great.
She thinks her “better idea” of using magic is going to get them to Henry faster.
Snow: That’s OK you’ll (Emma) figure it out. Regina: No, you won’t but I can. .... Well, Emma, you said you wanted to be the leader. Lead.
What a manipulator. Yeah, after you grabbed the parchment and went against the rules you want her to lead where you want her to go Regina.
Emma was forced to thank a very smug Regina a bit too prematurely though, wasn’t she? Because what did Regina breaking the rules get them? Into an ambush that leaves David poisoned by Dreamshade.
You know whose advice Emma is listening to? Killian’s. And why not? He not only knows Neverland but respects her as a human being. Regina can’t even respect her as Henry’s other mother let alone a leader.
3x03 Quite A Common Fairy
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Of course it is immediately Emma’s fault. But hey, look who isn’t doubting Emma and promptly comes to her defense?
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I will give her a half a point for apologizing after both Emma & Snow call her out but of course it isn’t her fault... she’s just worried about Henry. No, Regina, truth is you’re just a bitch 24/7.
3x06 Ariel
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“And you’re a monster” - I miss this Emma.
Funny how Killian didn’t need to insult her in S5 to help her light the flame... but Regina? Yeah. She jumps right to the verbal abuse.
3x09 Save Henry
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Emma: (To Neal) You were a Lost Boy. Any idea where he went? Neal: Well, I, I know where he lived. Where his compound... Regina: That's idiotic. We all know that. Think he's stupid enough to go back? Please. Emma: Enough. Regina: Don't tell me what's enough. My son is dying! Emma: Our son. So, yes, I know how you feel. Regina: You have no idea what I feel. You have your parents. You have this— (Gestures at Neal) —person; a pirate who pines for you. You have everything and yet you claim to know what I feel? All I have is Henry and I'm not about to lose him because he is everything. Emma: You're right. I don't know what you feel. So what do you want to do? You want to run the show? Run it. How do we save Henry? Regina: I don't know. Neal: Even if we can find Pan, he was probably powerful before without Henry's heart. I-I don't know if we can hurt him. Regina: Yes, we can. Look. You nicked him. He can bleed. We can hurt him. And if we can hurt him, we can kill him. And we will.
It’s always about Regina, isn’t? Because she is so unhealthily co-dependent on her son then Emma’s feelings do not matter? Because Emma has other people in her life she can’t possibly love Henry just as much? Only a complete self absorbed person says things like this.
Lets focus on how Emma handles this.. instead of striking back and wasting time she lets Regina have her way in hopes of fueling a plan of action. But Regina doesn’t have a plan. She only has whining about “me me me”.
And then my personal favorite:
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She would destroy Emma’s life again in a heartbeat and hurt Henry all over again with her curse if it meant that SHE could get what SHE wanted. Always about Regina.
3x10 The New Neverland
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Regina’s jealousy over Emma's relationship with Henry will rise again in S6 over Henry & Violet’s song.
3x11 Going Home
She can’t be honest.
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Stop acting like you just “wanted her to leave”. If this is an apology it’s a bunch of crap. You wanted her DEAD. Leaving wasn't good enough.
Yes, Regina gives her happy memories but she does this for Henry without truly acknowledging that this is all her fault.
This would not be happening if 1) She hadn’t tried to destroy the town and kill everyone in it to begin with 2) Regina had listened to Emma about Henry/Pan and 3) She hadn’t cast this curse in the first place.
Regina goes on to whine and moan about her own pain but never once stopping to think that she just ripped Snowing away from their daughter. AGAIN.
3x13 Witch Hunt
I honestly just can’t.
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I don’t know how Emma keeps her cool with this woman.
I know Regina means for *herself* it is worse but there’s a few problematic things here.
1) Regina has never had to live under any of her curses. Her curses turned a man into her sex slave for 28 years, ripped families apart & made people sleep with people they wouldn’t have normally chosen to sleep with.
2) Henry not remembering her is peanuts compared to Emma who was ripped away from her parents and wondered for 28 years why they didn’t want her.
But what does Regina care about that? It’s always about Regina.
3x14 The Tower
Emma thinks it is a good idea to search Regina’s office for physical evidence of Zelena’s whereabouts.
Per usual, Emma’s ideas are promptly dismissed as foolish. She did this a lot in Neverland in regards to how Emma wanted to handle the map and going after Neal. Which they, at the time, thought Neal was the only way to read a map to get them off the island. So finding him wasn’t that stupid.
3x17 Jolly Roger
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She just gets through saying how Rumple’s methods were “bullying” then proceeds to follow his example? Mmmmmmmkay. Makes perfect sense.
At least she recognizes Emma’s potential but Regina can’t ever stop talking because she then continues to berate her. Why not a little congratulations? Why not lift up Emma’s confidence instead of tearing her down for being late to the “oh I’ve got magic lets use it!” party? She needed time. I don’t recall Regina rushing to learn magic like her mother. She resisted at first too.
This is part of an OUAT BFF Award series that was inspired over the vile names I’ve been called because I refuse to see Regina’s toxic behavior as friendship. Emma & Regina are merely two people who are thrown together because they love Henry.
3x22 There’s No Place Like Home
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Just like her mother as in both were trying to help people but instead get vilified for it? Yeah, I can see that.
Again it’s all about Regina... never mind that a happy reunion between mother and son is taking place right behind her.
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assholemurphy · 6 years
Casual reminder Clorke is one of the main reasons Monty and Harper had to stay behind and not live out their lives with the rest of the family. Another casual reminder that Bellamy is still the heart about his found family, and that Raven, Murphy, Emori are petty and bitter little shits who don't mind doing shady shit for whatever reason they think is valid and also don't give a flying fig about taking the higher road. The only person who would've been mad but eventually forgiving is Harper.
I was gonna say that Echo would be understanding, but she probably just thinks Clorke is a dumb bitch with a bunch of complexes. Not that Echo doesn't understand what her motives were, she just thinks Clorke and her plans and her Wanheda nickname and her constant need to be in charge of someone's lives are fcking stupid. And if anyone says Monty-"Then die"-Green forgave her, they need to rewatch both s5 and s2.
Oh, and everyone being like "Bellamy and the spacekru lived by Clorke's words blah blah". Echo taught Bellamy to remain calculated and strategic in situations that are difficult for him. The 100 taught Bellamy patience and how to be in charge of a group that's so vastly different and motivate them when things get tough. Monty didn't need Clorke to tell him how to feed everyone. The man knew how to do his own damn job. They remembered her, but it's not like she made them better, ffs.
You’re absolutely right, Nonnie!
While Monty, who is very forgiving, not because he should be, but because he doesn’t like conflict, and Harper, who is a literal angel and would eventually forgive Clarke, not because she deserves it, but out of the goodness of her heart, none of the others would ever forgive Clarke for putting their family in danger. In fact, I’m not even sure Monty would, because he’d already lost Jasper and part of that is on Clarke for her alliance with Lexa and he knows that.
Raven, Murphy, and Emori would be willing to tear Clarke to shreds for any little thing she does wrong (and lbr, she makes a lot of mistakes) because of what she did. They’d never let her forget it. They’re incredibly petty and incredibly loyal to those they love, so they’d have no problem calling Clarke on her shit constantly.
Echo may understand, but she doesn’t approve. Like, I’m sure she can understand doing anything to save the person you love, but Clarke doing that (even though the Flame wasn’t really going to put Madi in danger) put Echo’s family in danger, so Echo isn’t going to let that go easily. She probably thinks Clarke’s a shitty leader and she’s right. Echo is extremely brilliant and she knows bad leadership when she sees it, and Clarke is a prime example of bad leadership. So not only will Echo not forgive her, she most likely won’t respect her for a very long time, if she ever does.
Now, Bellamy might forgive her one day, but Bob said at Unity Days that he hadn’t forgiven her yet, which means that they’re really giving him the character development he deserv es. Clarke has done nothing but manipulate and hurt him since S1 and it’s high time he gets to be angry with her for her choices. Bellamy is such a great leader, unlike Clarke, he actually does what’s best for his people, even at his own expense, and when he makes a mistake, he holds himself accountable. That’s why he’s such a great leader. Because if he fucks up, he recognizes it, makes amends, and strives not to do it again. Clarke has never once done that, and Bellamy has already noticed this (’People die when you’re in charge!’). He’s not about to forgive her, not only for endangering his family and leaving him for dead, but for endangering all of the human race, allowing the Earth to be ruint, and causing Monty and Harper to have to find a solution that ultimately lead to their deaths (though they may have been happy, they weren’t with their full family).
No one is going to forgive Clarke easily, especially not Spacekru. And that’s exactly what she deserves.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
why does all the s6 spec have to turn out so negative atm?! im so excited for a brand new world! new characters! maybe they wont be covered in blood and dirt all the time! maybe we will get more shower scenes! if the planet has two suns how many moons does it get!?
because people are unhappy and they don’t think the show is going where they wanted it to go so everything they see is bad. they’re really on this kick where JR is an evil mastermind who hates Bellarke and hates Bellarke shippers and is actually intending to cause us pain because he hates us. That’s what it seems like to me. They say s5 is a betrayal of the story, of bellarke, of the fandom, of the characters. They say it didn’t go anywhere and was too plot focused and went both too fast and dragged. 
They did not feel it was good. I disagree with most of their criticism. I didn’t love the Abby storyline but I don’t have to love every story. I could have wanted more from Raven, but I think we’ll get more Raven next season, that there wasn’t time for it this season and I have a theory that it will help her resolve Finn’s betrayal of her and his death at Clarke’s hands. Therefore, CLARKE needs to be there for it to happen and there was no ROOM for princess mechanic this season because it was about Bellamy reuniting with Clarke and confronting Octavia’s dark path and finding his feet as The Hero. … So even though I wanted more from Raven, I can see her story building in what they have set up, especially with the parallel we have with C/B/E and C/F/R. And that Raven is why they didn’t get back to Clarke a year ago. They’ve GOT ISSUES that need to be addressed. 
So there you get some of my spec. It’s mostly all good. I feel the show is turning to the light after all the dark of the first book. I think it will be about COMING TOGETHER instead of being enemies. I think it will be about building a new society instead of trying to survive the last gasps of the last one. 
We’ve had some MAJOR resolution in season 5, that other people were angry about. Because to them it seemed like tired and repetitive storylines. But to ME??? It was like the clouds lifting. When FlameLxa made amends to Clarke and told her love wasn’t a weakness and she was wrong to betray her and made sure that she didn’t MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE with Bellamy? I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. They did it! They actually did it! I was waiting for that all season 3 and they just IGNORED her betrayal and abuse, and here they are, acknowledging the damage that she did to Clarke and letting Clarke believe in love again! LIKE. OMG. 
Fandom didn’t seem to care about though. 
And they didn’t say much about Bellamy finally confronting Octavia, and calling her on her bullshit and laying the responsibility for her actions down at HER feet and NOT forgiving her. I am SO tickled that her martyrdom was yoinked right away from her. 
That kind of thing gives me FAITH in these writers, because I was expecting the easy redemption of martyrdom that they set up all season, But instead, they started her redemption and rather than take the easy way out, they just MADE HER SIT IN WHAT SHE DID AND HER SHAME AND SHE HAD TO EAT HER WORDS AND IT WAS AMAZING. That makes sense why they avoided talking about Lincoln in this season then. Because they are saving Lincoln for when she can come back, when she can begin to remember what he represented what he taught her and his love. So like I think they are waiting for princess mechanic in season 6 I think they’re waiting for the Linctavia resolution in season 6. They had to focus her story on Bellamy. 
So yeah. I know fandom thinks Bellarke is dead and they’re mad at me because I predicted canon acknowledged romance kiss/confess/sex in season 5, but what I’m noticing is al the storylines that were left hanging. 
Princess mechanic. Blake sibling forgiveness. Spacekru reunion. C/B/E love triangle. Echo’s supposed back story that they said would come in s5 and didn’t, leaving her with the stated “controversy” that JR said she ended the season with, without any actual controversy in s5. She was a total team player. So I’m wondering what is coming for her story. Memori seemed to be mostly worked through, but Kabby is totally up in the air. And of course Bellarke itself, leaving us just with Bellamy finding out about the 2199 calls but Clarke NOT finding out that he poisoned Octavia for her, and that she’s anothe traitor he loves.
So here’s what I say. Fandom is angry because, first of all they feel Bellarke should have happened in a romantic acknowledge relationship already. And it’s got their back up against everything. But with all those loose threads we have now, pretty major ones that DO make it feel as if things are missing, And there’s a reason. 
Because this story arc is a TWO SEASON STORY. We’re going to get the end of the spacekru-Clarke reunions, the resolution of b/e, the rise of Bellarke, whatever is happening with Kabby, princess mechanic, Octavia’s redemption and Blake sibling forgiveness and various other unfinished stories, Miller’s betrayal, Madi’s flame, Raven and Shaw, Diyoza’s baby. Like. We’ve never had so many leftover storylines. 
I said Bellarke would be s5. It didn’t happen, but it’s still moving along the story I speculated, just slower. It’s going to finish up in s6. So maybe fandom is responding to the two parter of the season. 
idk. we’ll see. 
There’s some non-negative spec from me…. and I didn’t even GET to the alien planet, which offers fascinating possibilities.
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velvet-tread · 6 years
Unfiltered sweary mess: 507 edition
I had thoughts so I decided to this again. Let’s hope it doesn’t become a habit.
Let’s start with the Bellarke of it all, and the sheer joy of seeing them hustle up a plan together on the fly. AND LISTEN I am not on the #bellamysucksnow train, or the #bellarkeisdead train either and as such fair warning there is squee incoming. It feels like the core of the show has returned to us after s4’s barren years and IT IS GREAT. And honestly? I don’t care that romance isn’t in the air between them RIGHT NOW. I thought I would mind but I don’t. It feels right. It feels true to Bellamy, and it feels true to Clarke, and it feels exactly like the vibe I’d expect and want between two characters who love and respect each other and their choices, who have been apart for so long and need to reconnect. Let’s do right by Clarke and Bellamy, yeah? We’ve waited for 4 seasons (the last of which gave us sweet fa) we can wait a little longer.
And seriously, even if it turns out they are just beautiful co-leaders with a lot of professional respect for each other (yeah RIGHT) they could never, ever kill that relationship for me as long as they are in scenes together like this. I don’t care if they don’t bang (call me out on my lies someone), but the concurrent Bellarke scenes in the dining hall, and the triffid room, and then on Echo-watch just gave me so many OTP vibes. Bellarke are at their most effective when they’re together, even better when they have the support of their genius friends. And we got a return of the Bellarke dry-as comedy double act WTF @the100writersroom are you trying to be good at your jobs or something.
Top bantz, as we’d say in Essex.
Too bad the Bellarke unity ain’t gonna last, but thankfully, Bellarke are just as awesome when they are just…very angry and exasperated with each other ok, but DON’T HURT YOUR PRECIOUS SELF I MAY BE FURIOUS BUT WHEN DID YOU LAST SLEEP AND DO YOU NEED SOMETHING TO EAT
Great to have Monty back in the frame cutting through everyone’s bullshit. I thought he’d been relegated to a bit part this season. Oh ye of little faith. Does anyone realise that Monty is the biological weapon earth forgot? Put that angry face in a room with Octavia and see how long it takes for her to crack and wither from Monty’s externalised disappointment with everyone and everything.
Bellamy burning Octavia ow ow ow. I’ve already spoken about this at some length but damn that hurt. And it was deserved, but still spoke to the depth of his contempt for Blodreina.
And man, was this grudge match some time coming. To make sure the audience was VERY CLEAR on EVERYONE’S MORAL STANDING, the show helpfully prepped us with some little reminders that Bellamy helped commit a massacre, and Clarke did a load of horrible human testing in Becca’s lab last season. Thanks show.
So, all armed and loaded, the mud slinging began, and boy was it awesome.  First of all Bellarke takes Octavia to task about the worms and TURNS OUT OCTAVIA DIDN’T KNOW which get a grip on power here Octavia because it’s slipping from your grasp faster than you can say Wonkru Barbecue (shoutout to @mego42 – your time is coming). But Miller obviously watched the earlier part of the show and recapped for Octavia just in time because she’s ready for that shit and fires everyone’s dark past back at them. Cue: Bellamy’s best frowny face and Eliza Taylor’s saddest, most regretful Clarke eyes.
Bellarke disarmed and cowed (for now) live to fight another war they don’t want to fight.
But Octavia’s grudge match continues in her office when Indra enters with the intention of being reasonable, which is exactly the kind of shit Blodreina has warned her about before so help her god.
Indra is, obviously, the Queen of Everything and My Heart and delivers some bitchass Truths as Indra is wont to do and Octavia rewards her by throwing what my mind remembers as a skull but was probably a paperweight because why would Octavia have a skull in her office *nervous laughter*
Indra leaves, still Queen of Everything and My Heart, but not before delivering a portentous warning about losing yourself in the dark, which obviously Octavia is not going to listen to because DAUGHTERS, MAN.
Talking of daughters, Madi trying to suck at training was the most adorbs thing I’ve seen in a long time, guys and I am subscribed to a LOT of cat blogs. And man I felt for her. Sucking at anything sucks, and sucking on PURPOSE is just the height of unfair. And she’s in a new school! And the other kids are mean! And maybe they eat people!
Serious question though: from whence did Madi learn her swordswomanship? Clarke? Helios? Roan? (too soon?).
But don’t blame Clarke, Madi! Clarke’s Madi feels are pretty much on a par with mine which means she wants to cry every time she looks at her earnest little face AND CLARKE I FEEL THAT SO HARD YOUR BABY IS ADORABADASS. Which also means MAMA MODE ACTIVATED when Vodka Aunt Octavia starts messing up that precious braid she put in Madi’s hair earlier.
Hey Vodka Aunt, you don’t just get to come in here and make executive choices about Madi’s career, especially given your past efforts at parenting *looks at Ethan*
Oh, oh, oh and WE GOT A RETURN OF THE MUSICAL INTERLUDE! It was like Knocking on Heaven’s Door and Early Seasons feels all over again. But I gotta say Jason, fresh from the Sense8 finale my musical interlude expectations are higher these days and I was a bit disappointed there wasn’t a dance off. Perhaps an orgy or an endgame B/C/E triad instead? *Wanheda jaw clench*
But anyway that whole sequence of Clarke sending Madi off to her first day of training sent me in to a spiral of sadness that lasted for a lot of minutes I wasn’t counting. It was very sad and I am sad about it. Poor Clarke.  Just as well Octavia helped her remember she’s motherfucking Wanheda.
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate what a babe Echo kom Spacekru nee Azgeda is.  First of all: EVIDENCE OF SPACE GIRL SQUAD and I am all here for that. Second of all Echo is officially the first person on the show to get one over of Colonel Charmaine Diyoza SOMEONE GET ME A FUCKING SHOT.
And listen up everyone who bashes at their keyboards dribbling with rage about the things other women like on television: I love ladies with swords and if you want an apology for that you’ll have to prise it out of my cold dead body. But can we just take a (second) moment to appreciate that for all of Echo’s badass sword skills, she is Clarke Griffining up this joint like a motherfucker. Echo is as Slytherin as Clarke and as sneaky as Clarke and as smart as Clarke and that manoeuvre she executed with Zeke and Raven was 100% a Clarke Griffin move, don’t @ me.
It’s almost like….they’re similar….on purpose….
Shout out to all the smart, insecure girls who aren’t sure if they belong. Learn to swordfight, use your brain, and get yourself a girl squad and a soft space dad boyfriend.
Sidebar: Clarke’s faith that Echo would take the eye down and her admiration when she does will keep me in Clecho feels for months.
But friends…I am the most fervent of Echo stans and Becho shippers and I am AFEARED. She is very much circling the abyss here and it gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. I believe Raven will forgive her (FOR WHAT CAN SOMEONE PLS ENLIGHTEN ME AS TO WHAT RAVEN IS SO PISSED ABOUT??) and I believe the rest of Spacekru will 100% understand what she did because it was presented to us as an understandable choice.  But but but… what’s next?  Diyoza ain’t gonna take the turn the other cheek approach to learning that Echo took down her eye in the sky. What if her next move is to make *Echo* her eyes in exchange for safe passage for Spacekru?
*sweats forever*
That seems like a Diyoza move. And like…where would that leave Echo with Bellamy? Her choice would be: tell him and risk the whole mission and/or turn him into a lying liar to his sister too, or not tell him and risk their entire relationship and hurt him very badly. I think I know which one my loyal girl would choose and how that would end.
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Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
*ugly crying*
I’m not ready.
Okay it’s time for a Raven rant. What the hell is going on with Raven this season? Raven has had some beautifully executed arcs in the past, and I am high key here for her to finally get some NC-17 action now she’s done all that Work On Herself, but if Raven’s arc in s5 amounts to RAVEN DIDN’T GET BONED FOR 6 YEARS AND NOW SHE’S GETTING BONED then Imma flip a table.
Sidebar#2 obviously Raven got boned on the Ring, it’s not like they would have had a space orgy without her, come ON.
And just… I’m sorry I don’t get the Zaven. When they released the s5 pics I thought WOWZA these two are gonna be gr9 together and LOOK HE’S A SPACE EXPLORER. How could this possibly go wrong?  But somehow, they’ve managed to introduce a character who, on his own, is 10x as compelling as Wick, but has about -100% of the chemistry with Raven. Which is???? Some kind of alchemy??? how has that happened? I love Zeke! I love Raven!!! They’re both MAGNETIC on screen. On paper they should be a perfect fit but it’s like whenever they’re in the same scene together I have the sudden urge to check my emails.
And someone, please, just tell me what work Zaven is doing for either of these characters. What’s Raven’s conflict? How does Zeke resolve it? Is it *literally* Raven being presented with a hot dude with a similar skill set? Sorry I’m out.
And before anyone comes at me with the usual packet of whining about how Echo has stolen all of Raven’s screentime, I’d beg you all to remember that there is no law saying that one woman’s time on tv has to be at the expense of another and this is a GIANT SEXIST TRAP DO NOT FALL FOR IT.
Talking of out, Kabby is also circling the drain and [averts eyes from discourse].
But I’m calling Diyoza’s ship name, and if she bangs Kane I hereby pronounce it TEQUILA [whatever Kane’s ship name is, someone hmu].
OK I need to talk about Gaia now before I get shot down by a thunderbolt. The girl creeps me tf out but I SOMEHOW LOVE HER NOW. This is new and unnerving because feverish religious types are not usually my jam ESPECIALLY if they present Clarke’s daughter with a creepy sacred flash drive that they want to insert in her neck, but somehow Tati Gabrielle nails that line, even if my reaction seeing the Flame was exactly the same as my reaction to seeing the worms.
But I believe Gaia’s intentions, while creepy, are pure. And WHO PICKED UP on how fluid her loyalty is? She will serve Blodreina faithfully as long as she reigns. Huh.
In other news McCreary, and more importantly McCreary’s undercut, were absent from this episode I hope they are both enjoying Memori’s couples counselling retreat. I look forward to seeing his glazed expression next week as I cry my Becho tears.
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what would you do to fix lost? (like any specifics bc i agree w where ur coming from)
ohhh boy this is by no means a complete list and it’s long as hell, but
also, like, before someone comes after me, this is coming from a place of love for the show. 
i’d scrap certain plots (that i won’t mention the specifics of on here in fear of losing friends) entirely
actually. i’ll spill. y’know. what the hell. i’d scrap 90% of the jacob plot. across the sea was a waste of an episode and a waste of my mother ms. janney. i liked the jacob plot as it stood in s3, but s5/s6 made it ridiculous imo.
y’all. let it be aliens. let it be ghosts. don’t let it be mark pelliwhatever and his sad goth moping. that’s boring.
i’d either keep walt around longer (which, considering that children have this terrible inconvenience called puberty, isn’t super plausible), or scrap his plot. taller ghost walt’s a good goof, but it’s not a good thing to keep looming around yr plot, never truly elaborated on.
just. a lot of s5 & s6 would be different. okay. god.
i have more to say on this i’m just so fucking tired
while i’m a big sci-fi/worldbuilding fan, lost’s strength was in its characters, which is something that the creative team, i guess, completely forgot about in those last few seasons, just because people were more vocal about wanting answers, so i feel like i’d personally focus more on one of my favorite (types of stories? tropes? themes? idk the word here lol), which is a character-driven story on a weirdass backdrop. again, my favorite lost b-plot is Make Sawyer Be Nice To People 2k04, or, like, fucking tricia tanaka is dead. tricia tanaka is dead and the constant both have this strength imo!
now, you might say, but bee, those episodes are completely tonally different and the constant is objectively art whereas ttid is a filler comedic episode, but, like. they succeed in that, despite being based around Weird Shit Going Down, they’re focused on, like, hurley, charlie, jin, and sawyer’s friendship, or desmond and penny’s love. they’re better episodes than, say, fucking lighthouse, because lighthouse is all about the mystery, and jack’s character development is in the background. which sucks.
speaking of jack’s character development, fuck jack. make him a more interesting character. fuck you.
the show’s handling of race issues is fucking terrible, especially when it comes to how it villainizes and eventually kills off michael, ana, and sayid. i’ve talked about this a lot on here but. yeah. but, yeah, remember when literally 3 main characters of color died in one scene, with, and some of y’all might argue with me here, very little emotional payoff? fuck that!
lost, admittedly, broke thru a lot of barriers re: representation on tv–sayid’s iraqi, he’s muslim, and, for the first few seasons, at least, he’s a good guy, a smart guy, who people trust! michael’s a sensitive artist who loves his son. hurley is a mentally ill fat latino man who is universally beloved! sun’s (usually) got her own agency, her own arc, and her own personality! and miles is perfect and can do no wrong and i would die for him.
but, still, their characterization often revolves around shitty, shitty stereotypes, and most characters of color are ultimately turned into antiheroes, or, in extreme cases, straight up villains.
and, oh boy, the fridged ladies. nadia. shannon. juliet. charlotte. libby. ana. god, y’all.
if yr gonna tell me “juliet wasn’t fridged she had 3 seasons of development and it created emotional stakes for s6!!!!” her arc wasn’t done and her death was written to make sawyer Sad Again. fuck that. 
just. it’s not that i wouldn’t kill off characters if i were writing for lost. because the cycle of life & death is a really interesting theme it explores, and it handles grief fairly well, but. maybe consider why you’re killing a character off. is it for the development of another character? try again! you can develop a character without destroying another! think harder!
and of course a main aspect of the plot is a Magic Disability Cure! as a disabled person, this trope pisses me off, but, whatever, whatever.
i’m not sure exactly how to resolve this issue, esp. bc the magic disability cure is so pivotal to john’s arc. ugh.
i would make the writing good because, like, a lot of it isn’t. but. y’know.
cut a BUNCH of romances, that, yeah, not naming names.
uh, desmond’s a lesbian, so jot that down
btw: more development of penny/the widmores, like, i, unfortunately, became very invested in penny, as is my wont with sidelined wives of rough boyz who accidentally get time-sick in fiction.
this is more than just 2 characters. please save me. from this hell i’ve built for myself.
this is my own personal taste, but tbs wrecked has reminded me that i’d probably personally like lost more if it Had More Jokes, but, like, again, that’s just me.
Let My Gays Exist and let the only gay character not be a fucking villain who kidnaps children and shoots people with a gun. y’all.
there’s a lot more to say but. whatever. this isn’t coherent.
exposé is, no joke, one of my favorite episodes of lost though so none of you should take me seriously
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morleybell · 8 years
all ships got such shitty stuff in tvd finale though, stelena got the final moments but they were about damon and caroline, delena got human married endgame but ian couldn't smile and they didn't even talk, bonenzo don't get anything apart from a reunion after death, steroline got eternal love promise but they're separated by death, klaroline got the letter but caroline's still wearing her wedding ring. bamon, beremy, forwood? what are those? plus stefan died while abusive rapist damon lived
okay so. starting with beremy - this ship has ended long time ago and since bonnie was with enzo i didnt think they will make anything for them. i’m suprised though we didnt get any elena/jeremy scene. bamon - while i did see the chemistry/potential (whatever) it was never canon and they made bonnie with enzo so obv they didn’t get a shit. i’m sad for shippers though because yall are not blind, they made a lot of scenes that showed us bamon might be happening.  forwood - the biggest tragedy, they deserved so much better, i will forever be salty how they handled tyler’s death. But since this ship was over a long time ago (because of steroline or klaroline) i’m not really surprised, i didnt expect much from them. I’m sad though how they treated Tyler, Matt got so much screentime and they showed us only Tyler standing with Vicky, not even a word about him, anything. They made my boy so dirty, he deserved so much better than this. His whole family is dead and noone from his friends said a word about him and the funeral they gave him in s8 when damon killed him? it legit looked like a party. its also funny though how they focused a lot on stefan’s redemtion because he killed enzo/but everyone is totally okay with damon killing tyler. whats the point? also last tyler’s line was “she (elena) will never forgive you (damon)” well guess what. she didnt even ask about him. so yeah Forwood deserved better but mostly Tyler deserved better than what he got. Del.ena married human endgame yeah but ohmygod I swear even Matt’s scenes were more interesting than Delena’s. Ian had one job - to kiss nina and to smile at her. He kissed her chin and the way he smiled.. i’m just glad that’s not my ship. but well at least they can be happy they’re endgame right? I’m glad it’s not mine endgame at least. Ster.oline - I don’t believe Steroline is endgame in “afterlife”. I believe in afterlife you have Elena+her parents and Defan, that’s how they showed us at least. And they’re all humans, everyone except of Caroline. Caroline loved/loves being a vampire and Stefan always wanted to be a human basically whole s8 (or whole their relationship) showed us how they will never work.  While everyone who was human saw people they loved - Elena her parents (after she died), or damon - stefan or matt - vicky etc etc etc. Caroline is the only one who didn’t see her mother she just felt her presence. for me it’s because she is a vampire and she is immortal.
Stelena - I will never forget them, I thought I’m over them for 4 years and I got their goodbye scene and I cried for whole day. Stefan dying because he doesn’t feel he deserves forgivness after everything what he has done/after killing Enzo.. while Damon after killing Tyler was redeemed in one episode without doing anything really… yeah. it’s fucked up. I will always be bitter how they treated Stelena in/after s5. But you know what I will remember? Kevin saying that Stelena is the story. Kevin and Julie admitting that if Nina stayed, Stelena would be endgame. I’ll remember everyone from the cast shitting on DE, I will remember how Elena said about D that it’s “the worst choice she ever made” and I will remember “I was coming back to you stefan. The best choice I’ve ever made”. I will remember Kai, Klaus, Katherine, Rebekah, Lexi saying all positive things about Stelena. That kind of love never dies. I will remember how last Stefan’s goodbye is to Elena and how when she lets him go the song “never say never“ (never let me go) starts playing. And I will remember that’s the same song from 1x01 when Elena invited Stefan’s inside. I will remember that one of last Stefan’s words are “I was feeling epic” said to Lexi about his goodbye scene with Elena. and I will remember this is the parallel to scene from s1 where Lexi was talking with Elena about Stefan. That’s what I’m choosing to remember.
Klaroline. Yeah I wanted to have ADR and hear Klaus’s voice saying once again “however long it takes”. Caroline might loved Stefan and she will for sure remember him just like she remembers Tyler (it’s more like my opinion than canon fact because julie is dumb with what she did to forwood) but she is immortal just like klaus and she will move on. She already got a letter 2 years after what happened to Stefan. She shouldn’t be alone forever and she should find her happiness. Klaroline scene might be short, or she might be wearing stefan’s ring & she might still think about him but she will move on, she wont be sad forever. You don’t fall in love only once. Klaroline scene might not have “I will love you forever, I never forget you” quotes but they have something else, which for me is better - a promise of seeing more of them. A new story. A continuation. Seeing them in The Originals once again. And it might not happen in s4, or maybe in finale of s4 or maybe in s5 if TO gets it. BUT this ending klaroline scene in TVD?
This is the beginning of the new story.
And a promise of an epic endgame.
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sarcastic-doodle · 7 years
When the antis for KC come calling...
So, @morleybell got an ask on the above topic, and I wanted to reply to it,but it got too long so I thought I’d make it into its own post. So the question was what to reply to antis who claim Klaroline is abusive.
Here goes :
Not even in the fandom since s5(never in tumblr!tvd fandom like ever) but I do skim the tag every once in a while. Came across your post, loved the general gist of it, but would like to add some and clear up some stuff you passionately stated in bulk😆, if you don’t mind. I’ve been wanting to get this out for a long time.
I think the crux of this whole matter is an element which is called a ‘morally grey character’ ; you know the ones - not entirely a villian but too twisted to be a traditional hero. Obviously there are naysayers who say Klaus doesn’t fit into the mold of someone w/ grey morality, hey haters gonna hate but the jury’s still out on that one apparently even though it’s obvious. Moving On. More on this later.
• agree with the SC part. If one looks at the whole picture from the start, Caroline got shitted upon and shoved to side by the writers and her supposed ‘friends’ right from the start in favour of Elena even by stefan. The afterthought. The girl every new male addition to the cast(not all but close) hooked up with. The secondary character whose romantic plot usually has their fan going “uhmmm not exactly the one I’d choose for her. This is just settling” because hey!one needs to fill up the episode, right? Who cares if she was a second choice?
For me, Klaroline came in at that part of the plot, where I was just about tearing my hair apart because the MF gang were really pissing me off. Caroline was never a priority, everyone was willing to let her be collateral damage in this ever revolving war against elena, she was just supposed to accept that her best friend is dating her assaulter. I mean I get that she is the cornucopia of giving, but thats what friends are for! To make these givers realise that enough is enough, now think about yourself, make yourself a priority. The Caroline I fell in love with initially, the one with the big dreams, the one who wanted to live live to the fullest, explore the entire world because yes embracing vampirism gave her that opportunity….That Girl was entirely diminished by the end. There’s growing up and having responsibilities and then there’s having to grow up because of not-their-doing responsibilities. Klaus had come in a AT THAT CRUCIAL POINT. I remember thinking ‘yesss, she’s a priority for once’ also ‘idc if this relationship works out or not, but this one can be her ticket and reason to move out of that soul-sucking selfish town and friends’
• IT’S A SUPERNATURAL SHOW. This. Funny and irritating why people forget this. The show depicts them as these all encompassing, good in combat and strategy, well versed in lore of the centuries, sensual, blood-drinking vampires…I’m afraid that goes hand in hand with blood and sex and murder and deceit. If you want a century old virgin goody two shoes, I believe you’re in the wrong franchise. For this show, its not about who is good and who is bad, it’s about who is evil and who is more evil, and that too is relative on how you define evil/what you consider evil. Also what’s blatant in this fandom, is the hypocrisy. This is what I wanted to especially expound upon :
So what irritates me about the fans the most is their hypocrisy. Also the puritan fanaticism some have embraced and loudly preached. I wont even include DE and Damon in my arguments, i think they’ve been discussed at length by all (like it deserves to be) this is better explained with Stefan. When people say Klaus is a mass murderer and has killed soooo many people over the years, ergo klaus is evil but stefan is my innocent bae(not verbatim but the intent is obvious)…. conveniently forgetting the fact that stefan killed so many people too, went ripper twice, in his 300(?) yrs…had he lived as long as klaus lived…who know whether the number would have risen or not (hint : it will)Imagine living on and on for so many years, the world around you changing, civilisations changing,people you loved dying, but you’re set in stone. Immortality has been romanticised like all get go, but realistically I can’t imagine someone not going absolute nutters every once in a while whether or not you have a reason to keep living on. The show has shown only the positive sides of Stefan and his dealing with vampirism which in turn makes him appealing, but I can’t imagine someone with Stefan’s characterisation - the broodiness and the guilt - would live a long innocent life. Psychologically, something will always make him crack. I know I’m coming across as someone who hates Stefan which is simply not true. S1-3 Stefan and S1-4 Caroline were my absolute faves. Believe me, I only watched the show until then for these two. But I realised we do excuse his murders w/ - he didn’t want to, he feels guilty, he repented, it’s out of his control. But ultimately clinically speaking(with my inner stefan fan supressed)…There were dead bodies. Families mourned. Lives were taken. Stefan regretted it yes, but it doesn’t give them their life back. None of these vampire’s victims (Salvatore’s, Mikaelsons’,Forbes’) are coming back. Why do we not still hate stefan or any 'good side’ vampires for that, but love to do it to the Mikaelsons?
Second thing I mentioned was puritanism. Simply put, this goes in the good box ; this goes in the baaaad box. Some people differentiate characters like - this is a good person(can do no wrong) and this is a bad person(be suspicious of this one’s dealings ) from the initial interactions and context of the show. Characters on the 'Good’ side in the start, are reveled for doing 'a thing’ ; but if a potentially grey character from the 'Bad’ side does the same 'thing’ they are jeered upon for doing it. Am I saying don’t point out and jeer evil wrongdoings of evil characters? NO. I’m not trying to be apologist for villains, most deserve what we throw at them. BUT But but, in this case, on this show, is the line differentiating them really that clear? Are these 'good’ and 'bad’ characters exclusively on those sides? Like you mentioned, Kol is killed, Klaus retaliates. Had a sibling from the 'good ’ side been killed by the Mikaelsons, pretty sure they’d have retaliated the same way. We cheer one but jeer the other? Why? The deed is the same, cruel and inhuman on both accounts, yet we celebrate one and mourn other?
What people instantly think when I say this, 'you’re probably a person who excuses abuse in real life too’'you believe this…you must be horrid in real life’….*shrugging* A. There is a clear divide between fiction and reality. one I have to actually live in and the other is entertainment. Damn sure I can differentiate between them. B. There is an actual sense is not automatically trusting the NiceGuy, everyone has flaws if you look hard enough, they’re gonna come out eventually I’d rather not be lulled in a false sense of security. I’m not saying The Mikaelsons are good people and they just need some lurrvvve and understanding. What I’m saying is the Mikaelsons are shitty. But so are the Salvatores. So is Elena. And sometimes so is Caroline. If its just fiction, isn’t it hypocritical thay we only hold few accountable, but excuse the behaviour of the rest?
When people say KC is 'abusive’ I always take in with the idea that it’s because Klaus is heartless mass murderer. Which he is. There’s no going around that. He IS NOT a good guy. That stabbing didn’t really make sense to me…why did he do it? But tyler’s mum yeah…if you can excuse the council for their behaviour, don’t be a hypocrite please when the favor is returned. On a completely different but still related note, this is similar to the bullying topic in HP. When it comes to being bullies for whatever reason, people easily excuse the marauders because ultimately they were on the 'light’ side. But draco is held accountable even though he was technically younger than james. But back on the topic at hand.
But KC? Like you provided the lines and to anyone who watched the show….Caroline was not impressed by him. Attracted to him?Sure. But she never acted on it at all until 5×11. She kept questioning his motives, was suspicious of his moves, never defended his actions, brought up his misdeeds to him when he tried to pretend to be a good guy, tried to sneakily gain favours from him utilising his interest in her, it goes on and on. You never hear a single praise for him from her lips (as far as I can remember) All she did was that she gave him a benefit of doubt. Try to understand his motives rather than just IDENTIFY. EVIL. KILL. Try to understand that someone who has lived this long, what goes on thay ancient head, did he ever want to be human? , how does he justify his misdeeds? But Was it enough? Well canonically, apparatently not.
And I get it. I’m not saying excuse the murders by the Mikaelson’s too. NO. I’m saying hold all of them responsible. Caroline. Stefan. Damon. Klaus. And then critic the characters after that. Don’t claim some sort of moral high ground when there isn’t any.
This show, these writers…when given enough screen time, they could redeem an irredeemable villain of their choosing. Seriously, for real. (Damon gets it but Katherine or Kai(this one would need toooo much work) doesnt) and people lap it up. Basically, it’s on the writers on who they choose to get to be the GoodGuy, which villian gets forgiveness for the misdeeds even though the other villains did the same thing. I don’t watch TO but I’m sure they gave 'reasons’ and 'backstory’ on why Klaus behaves the way he does. I mean if you think in a critical analysis sort of way, that is how a redemption arc works. You get to know the inner workings and history of the protag and what experiences made them the person they are, then it’s upto the audience whether or not they forgive them.
But I digress. What is the main point of this entirely too long rant, is that saying KC is abusive is just absurd. Not on this show, not in this context. If its klaus that is your problem, you better have a problem w/ the rest of the lot too. Also he is the one guy who was the only one who asked Caroline whether she would like the cure instead, didn’t use her solely to get to elena, prioritised her, didn’t think Caroline’s love to plan and shop and everything that does not scream stereotypical intelligent girl as shallow and superficial, gave her plenty opportunities to make something more out of her life if she wanted with or WITHOUT HIM. If she wanted to fly free alone for a decade or even a century or two, go for it as long she came back to him when she’s had her fill. Yeah, that just screams abusive and controlling to me😒
Bottom line anti kcs, I’m sorry you wanted this to be a black and white clear issue so you justify your hate. But it’s simply not. I’m not saying KC IS an angelic done-no-evil ship, but when ships all around are pirates, what’s another one,eh.
Also, might as well reiterate, I haven’t seen the show after 4×22, just kept up w/ the show from a lot of different shipper’s (SE, KC and SC shippers too unfortunately) blogs and my sister who watches the show, so I might be off w/ some of the facts. If any of them are blatantly obvious and it’s because I missed something crucial in the remaining seasons I’m tagging the people I’ve seen answering KC qs or were active in their KC defense so this post is refined @my-ownfairytale @klarolinedrabbles @jonsnowbitch
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fartandsoul · 8 years
im about to reblog a lot of doubt posts because im in a State rn. and this whole post is about doubt and shit so if you’re optimistic about johnlock in tfp don’t read on. if you’re doubting and want to doubt together, send me an ask or a message :)
after tld i think it’s safe for me personally to give up hope for johnlock altogether. i’d rather have no hope and be pleasantly surprised than have some hope left and have it dashed. plus im finding it hard to even muster hope after that episode. like johnlock has barely been foreshadowed at all this season, the casuals would not see it coming, and they still have to tie up euros and the fuckery of tst/tld. there’s very little room/time for anything johnlock
maybe mofftiss were telling the truth when they said john and sherlock would never get together on their show. maybe we’ve been queerbaited this whole time. maybe all our theories and readings of the show really are wrong. maybe we’ve been reaching. 
i think we should be right based on what the narrative has told us. i think it makes the most sense to give us canon johnlock in the end. but that doesnt mean the writers are gonna do that, and in the end it’s out of our control. we should be right but i dont think we are.
this season has disappointed me so far. the writing seems different. the johnlock is...not really there? the only thing i really love is sherlock’s characterization. he’s even more vulnerable and amazing than we thought after s3. but it seems to me that all of tfp is gonna be about the holmes family and sherlock’s past, finding out what happened with euros, maybe if we’re lucky an explanation of tst. the only hope i can see for johnlock is if sherlock comes to terms with his past and then realizes john loves him back. that’s the only way in my view. i think it could still happen in s5 depending on what goes down next week. i’ll decide whether i want to hold out hope for that after i see tfp. 
i have a lot of feelings about it already but mostly im just sad. im sad in advance for everyone on my dash who was so excited to see representation. im sad for everyone who put so much time into this show only to be possibly queerbaited. im sad that sherlock and john probably wont get this one thing. im sad for everyone who has so much hope right now and might be crushed next week. im sad for what my dash is probably going to look like after tfp -- all of us disappointed, destroyed, consoling each other. im sad for the people who will laugh at us and say we were wrong all along. 
i love this fandom. i love how we throw ourselves into this show and put so much work into our theories and metas and character analysis. i love how much we love our boys (and everyone else too). i love how this show showed a lot of people who they are. i love how people made friends through it. i love how smart we are and how we predicted so much of tab. i love how funny we are. this fandom is like no other i’ve ever been in. no other fandom would analyze every second of a 37 second trailer. i remember when we got the footage of sherlock seeing john in the restaurant right before s3 and we all flipped out. the fandom makes the show even better, it’s what makes so much of this fun. im going to be so sad if we get disappointed in the end.
im sad for myself too. this show got me through a lot and maybe i shouldnt have used it to get me through those things but either way i have such a connection to it. i remember falling in love with these characters and their relationships. its been almost four years with this show. all my other obsessions are over pretty fast but sherlock keeps coming back. theres something special about it. and im so sad to see that possibly going away next week. 
it’s like a constant. of course i care about other things more -- God, my family, my friends, my majors. but sherlock is one of the things i love, one of the things i adore thinking about, analyzing, imagining, expanding on, screaming about. it’s my go-to fandom. my go-to show. i’ve invested countless hours reading meta, watching episodes, reading fic, writing fic, writing meta, and just being excited about a show this amazing. and if they ruin it this season it seems like it’s all going to be wasted. i know scenes and lines so well, by heart even, i know these characters so well. like old friends. and all my time and energy and emotional investment could just be for nothing. 
and i cant really talk about it. most of my friends dont get it, a lot of them dont know about tjlc because i didnt want them to laugh at me if we were wrong. it looks like an obsession with “just a tv show” because it is lol but it is important to me as well. and i can already picture next week. my dash basically in a sad group hug while my friends text me “wow what a great episode!!” and i’ll be in mourning. like really. i will be mourning this show and my love for it. 
sherlock really ruins other media for you. it’s so well-crafted, has so many layers that nothing else really measures up. the characters are so beautifully portrayed that you cant really find anyone else who you love this much. and i wanted to see their love in the end, i wanted to see them happy and together.
i think i’m supposed to learn something from this. dont place this much of your life in a tv show, maybe. trust in God and make Him the focus instead. but it certainly does hurt a lot to learn the lesson. i thought i already went through this with hamilton, and that one hurt. i was absolutely dysfunctional for a week after that. but maybe i didnt really learn from it. it feels like this show is grated onto my heart and it’s being ripped out. 
or maybe we’ll get johnlock. maybe this is the “darkest before the dawn” (i almost typed darkest before the john lmao). a lot of people are really optimistic but it seems like a stretch to me. we are set up for it, if we’re talking about their emotional obstacles, but i really think the “i love you” will be for euros and not for john. maybe s5. if it’s a 5 act play we can hold out hope. maybe.
what sucks is that it’s such a beautiful love story if they went through with it. sherlock literally comes back from the dead for john (twice), what’s more romantic than that? them teaching each other to love and that it’s okay to be broken. it’s so gorgeous. i don’t want that taken away.
i hate being a bit superstitious about this. like by writing this i feel like i’ve destroyed the possibility. i want to say im hopeless but i feel like that means it wont happen. i want to say it won’t happen but i feel like that’s setting it in stone. it’s dumb because they’ve got it all filmed and i really couldn’t change anything but here we are lol.
this got really long, longer than i wanted it to, but i needed to let this all out. i won’t fully give up hope until after tfp, and i’m going to keep reblogging tjlc theories and metas with the hope that they’ll come true. but right now i’m pretty pessimistic. i’d love to be proven wrong. #LetsHopeWereWrong2k17 
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missjackil · 6 years
What I Think is Happening
We saw a big focus on Dean and Jack’s relationship this past episode, and I think it’s for a plot reason. No, its not so Sam can be sidelined because Jack is popular so TPTB want to make him Dean’s son instead, but because Dean and Jack need some ground to be made up for starters. We all already know Sam and Cas are very close to Jack, but Dean was harsh on him until the end of 13x04 last year, and soon after, Jack got lost in the AU. And then this season, Jack recently said that if Michael cant be killed without killing Dean, then Dean dies too, so even if thats all water under the bridge, it was still bad water, and they need to come together. That’s part 1. 
Part 2 is that, a common SPN pattern is that something gets built up before being torn down, or strongly challenged. They tend to play up relationships or roles right before something comes along to crush it or change it drastically.  Remember in S1, Sam and John fought tooth and nail until they had a heart to heart talk and then soon after, John died. Later in S5, Sam and Dean were at odds right before each chose each  other. Or S11 when an emphisis was put on Sam and Dean being together and Dean never leaving Sam, and then ending on Dean needing to choose the world over Sam and Sam accepting it.  What I think is probably happening here, is that soon, Dean will be trying to kill Jack (as Michael!Dean) or Jack trying to kill Dean (however that may come about) and most likely. Sam needing to make a choice between Jack and Dean. 
Supernatural is a horror/drama show. Emphisis on drama. Any way to kick us in the feels, they will do. If this isnt what you like, then there are a bunch of other shows that don’t deal in drama to choose from, this one however, likes making us cry, and get angry, and scared and stressed. Im pretty sure this is about to be one of those things,
Remember that Jack was able to kill Michael but he didnt, so as Im convinced Michael is still in Dean but hiding, its probably coming soon that Michael!Dean tries to kill him. Of course in attempt to protect himself in case Jack recovers his grace and then will be strong enough to kill him again. Same way hes been looking for dark Kaia’s spear.  So why does this story arch have to be Dean’s and not Sam’s? Because it would have never  made any sense for Sam to have been unaccepting of Jack, unless Jack was bad. However, Jack is good, and no better way make a new character likable, than to have Sam like them.  Imagine if it was Dean who accepted Jack first and not Sam? Sam would have a valid reason to, with him being Lucifer’s son and all, and it would feel wrong , or OOC for Dean to like Lucifers son when Sam didnt and samgirls and bibros alike would be side eyeing Dean, like “How could you do this to Sam? He’s the son of the entity who tortured him for 180 yrs and taunts him to this day!” And then after a few episodes, Sam for whatever reason warms up to him. It would always be in our mind that he’s rightfully uncomfortable around Jack, and we’d wonder if Sam wasnt just keeping the peace, for Dean’s sake, and still quietly hates Jack.  Jack wouldnt be as well loved as he is, if this arc had gone the other way and when the question of chosing one over the other rears its ugly head, it wouldnt be as dramatic.  As we learned in the last 13+ seasons, is that Sam and Dean will die for each other, kill for each other, destroy the universe for each other, and that wont ever change, but throw in someone they both love as a son, and now you have a problem. If one brother would choose Jack over the other, it wouldnt be that they love him more than their brother. It would be that they do love Jack, and hes so young and hasnt even had a chance to live yet, and they know their brother is more than willing to be a martyr, and has more often than not, wanted to die and stay dead. Now we truly do have a moral delema. This also wouldnt be as dramatic if the boys needed to choose between their mother and each other, because even though many of us dont hate Mary, I dont think we’d hurt too much if she died.  If this happens, Im pretty sure, that something else will interviene and the choice wont have to be made. Like when Lucifer was holding Dean by the throat and telling Sam to either say “yes” or Dean dies. Something happened so that the choice never needed to be made, and to this day, we dont know how Sam would have chosen. We could say “Oh well obviously, hed say yes, because he wont let Dean die” but, he DID just tell Lucifer he was ready to watch the people he loves die, but he isnt ready to be his bitch. So really, we dont know what Sam would have chosen in the moment.  So while I wont lie and say Im not salty about low Sam content thus far this season, I am finding the other stories unfolding very interesting. Even what would seem to be very boring stories, have potential to go a very interesting way. I generally dont care about the demons, but what if the fact that they have no ruler, and are scared of Sam, that he unintentionally became the King of Hell?
 I dont give a crap about the Angels either, but what if the only way to save them (and yes of course Cas will try to save them) is to release them from The Empty which also unloads a bunch of nasty demons from the past that the boys have killed? Azazel. Lilith. Alistare Ruby? (note: bringing back dead follks has been part of the shows actual formula since S2 and its not going to change. Accept it and stop crying whenever it happens. you dont have to be a fan of the person they brought back, but just accept its always been part of the show) So obviously now, Lucifer is coming back and I too am tired of the character, but I accept that Lucifer will always be the series long big bad and we’ll have to deal with him off and on till the very end. However, now that he has Jack’s grace and Nick has made it obvious that hes a psychopath, what if Lucifer comes back as freakin scary, and not the spoiled 16 yr old he was? How much worse could he be to Sam then? So yeah, I see lots of interesting potential that could unfold from these stories.  This brings me to my final thought. And its just a thought, something Ive been batting around since yesterday. What if Michael is making Jack sick? Just hear me out. Jack wasnt sick till Dean came home. We dont know of him being sick while Cas had him away on a hunting trip, he got sicker after spending time with Dean in 14x06, and is now near death after spending the afternoon with Dean. Dean had a couple of dizzy spells, and possibly even some lapses in memory. Not remembering Jacks last name, when he was born, (but yes, these just may have been normal confusion in the heat of the moment) but Michael can obviously manipulate the biology of a creature. like giving the Djinn more powers that he only needs to touch someone to make their nightmares come to life. What if he’s manipulating Jacks health and when he does so, it makes Dean dizzy? I mean he cant just snap his fingers and Jack explode or he’ll blow his cover right? Make it look natural and no one will suspect anything. Anyway. that part is just a thought. Im sure there’s holes but, it does make me wonder :)
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missjackil · 6 years
My 14x08 Opinion
Byzanthium This one got me feeling some kinda way.... Lets start with Sam sitting bedside with Jack? Ughhh my heart!! Sam has sat bedside of people as they were dying, like Bobby and Claire, of course Dean, but you could see in his face and posture, this was a whole new feeling. A hint of anger came out for a second when Jack said “Tell him Im sorry” and Sam said “Tell him yourself!” but he got a grip and smiled softly “He’ll be right back” Jack couldnt have been any sweeter either. Of course this didnt help my heart any.  “Sam?” “Yeah?” “What happens next? For regular guys like me?” “I dont know” “Then this will be an adventure” Hear that?? Thats my heart shattering!! The amount of emotions Sam showed was heartbreakingly refreshing. No, we didnt get any sobbing, (on screen) but Ive resigned that he saves that for when Dean dies only, but my boy was definitely heart broken. His storming off had me worried. Sam doesnt always make the best decisions with a broken heart. I liked that Dean wanted to give him space... all the way up til Cas told him he left on his own. Then well... space be damned right? I loved that Dean instantly worried Sam made a deal.  I loved the scene with Sam angrily chopping the trees... it reminded me of Red Meat when Dean was taking it out on the trees also. Then he broke the axe head, he crumbled.... the self loathing came out once again that he cant even build his son a pyre. My boy was helpless and lost. Watch your step now, I havent gotten around to cleaning my heart up of the floor.  Now, the “Getting loaded for Jack” scene will go down in my mind as a classic iconic scene forever. Along with great scenes like Sams arms opening as hes about to jump into the pit in Swan Song, the Church scene in Sacrifice, “Sammy Close your eyes” in My Brothers Keeper, the Night Moves scene in Baby. I will always remember this episode by that scene. It was beautifully shot, The candy bars were nothing less than adorable, Sam having a genuine, dimple filled smile. All 3 of them laughing, having fun, drunk off their asses. Then Sam flips his glass and staggers off.... tapped out.  Now, how Sam didnt have a hangover the next morning, or how he came up with an idea how to bring Jack back after 5 whiskeys, shows my boy has some super powers I think LOL to bring Lily back was odd, but good. This showed me that even though they CAN bring people back from the dead, its still not an easy feat. They dont have a resurrection spell, or readily available demon to make a deal with, they didnt call on Billie. This is good. This will keep us wondering and worried about how they can bring each other back in the future. However, Lily coming back considerably shorter was weird... older, sure, I get it, but shorter? Anyway, I LOVED Sam angrily shouting “HE’S OUR KID!!!” at Lily. Its the first time Sam vocally acknowledged that he feels more for Jack than his friend or little brother. I know some of you think the whole “my 3 dads” thing is cheesey and too much like fanfic, but of everything they could have pulled out of fanfic. this one was pretty bold, and I think it works, and its beautiful. (Sure Id rather it just be Sam and Dean as daddies, but Ill accept the trio) The heaven scenes with Jack were good. Im glad he got time with Kelly. The heaven scenes with Cas and the angels was boring, and it seemed they didnt really know what to do with the Empty entity or what kind of deal Cas could make. So he makes a deal that seems as though he just cant let himself be happy. Not that big a deal, though it should upset the hellers eh? Since if he allows himself “to be happy with Dean” hes gonna get sucked into the Empty.  So we end with them “knowing where Michael is” which could kill my “hiding in Dean” theory, but I still have that in my pocket because 
Naomi said she had a general idea, so they dont know exactly
Dean still had those mysterious dizzy spells
Jensen said we will see Michael!Dean again at the 300th party
Jared said Sam will confront Michael
Trailers can be very missleading
Im looking forward to the mid season finale next week. One thing I will definitely say in favor of the post Kripke era, is the cliff hangers for the mid season are always good, even if the episode sucked, they always leave us on a cliff hanger that makes us stressed out and speculating for the whole hiatus. Kripke didnt do that so much, we had s1 “Oh dad is on the phone” S2 “Dean has a secret about Sam” S3 Very Supernatural Christmas and no cliff hanger. s4 Angels are gonna fight Demons (zzzzz) S5 Ellen and Jo died, and Lucifer cant be killed. Great episode, but not actually a cliff hanger. Where as even though S12 Lotus sucked, it was a great cliffy to have the boys carted off to Fed Prison. And last years being trapped in the Bad Place with a “dinosaur” or going back to Sam getting his soul back, or how dead is Bobby? You get the picture.
So needless to say I really loved this episode. A couple minor issues that wont really matter in the long run. So on a scale of Bloodlines to Who We Are Im gonna give this one a strong 9. Well done everyone... well done..
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