#the trouble with oz
therealnotta · 1 year
ok i thought about it and actually, the wildest thing in the wizard of oz series (to me) was when the tin man, scarecrow, and A Random Child whose name I can't remember all went to find the tin man's ex. and they stop at tin man's buddy's house, to see if he knows where said ex is these days, and buddy isn't there, so they go inside to wait for him
and the house???? is full of severed body parts?????? just everywhere, they're in a barrel by the door, they're on the table, just chunks of clearly human flesh and a mess of limbs and whatnot, tin man thinks this is fine, scarecrow is really creeped out, scarecrow opens a cabinet and finds a severed human head
tin man runs on over and is like "what the f- oh that's me lol" and it's??? HIS old severed head??? so the scarecrow is just barely recovered from this, tin man is explaining the situation of how he became tin again, etc. etc.
and then the eyes open
and long story short the tin man's soul transferred to his new tin body, but it takes more than having your soul removed to kill you in oz... so his old body is still alive, but without its memories and completely confused and disoriented
the friend comes back and casually mentions how it took a bit for the transferring to finish, and after that the head just didn't remember anything. that means there was a bit there where this head DID have all of the tin man's memories still, and as far as he knew his friend had just left him without a body in a cabinet, unable to move, while the rest of his body just... walked off without him. literally horrific and the tin man is just like "haha! how quirky!" and honestly it's not the worst thing to have happened to him so i can't fault him for that but like. i'd be a little worried if one of my oldest friends told me that they'd totally leave me in a cabinet while my soul slowly left my body and wouldn't even feel bad.
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bafflement · 4 months
Deaged Oz AU - Clover Gets The Braincell
"I know I messed up." Clover sighed, looking rather woebegone. "But I've been on all the worst missions for months now. The General told me to look after the kid, surely kids should be in school?"
"Tip isn't your normal child, Clover. You've known him more than long enough to have worked that out, surely?" Harriet sounded amused, eyes sparkling. But then, she'd known exactly who Tip was for awhile now. It was still rather surprising that Clover didn't, but then it WAS Clover.
"Children should be with other children. A school might keep him out of trouble." Clover wasn't whining, he really wasn't. At least that's what he told himself.
"Tip is a target, Clover, a massive one. There are people who would snatch him from a school... or destroy it... in a second. Really think about that for a second. You've told me he's familiar, just think about the why of that?"
Clover's eyes widened as he thought about Tip. About how he looked, how he acted... and the cane he used. He looked like a Schnee, yes, but he'd felt familiar for more than just that.
Harriet cackled as he started to swear. At least he got there in the end? Although he might have something of a point if she thought about it. Not that the kid should be in a primary school, but being around people more his physical age might help.
And there was always Titan Academy. The primary Hunters Academy of Atlas would certainly be far better protected that any primary school could ever hope to be.
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crispytoastyt · 2 years
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This is the first half of Season 3 of the Pipsqueak Sets. As like I stated earlier, it is a collection of pop culture characters, original characters, and obscurity.
Some of the original characters I drew for people I look up to and the mutuals I know for a while are also included. And there are some are memes new and old. And of course, there are some that might be from risque sources.
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Ecco: in light of recent events, i feel like i should ask... do you plan to continue our partnership? are we... fine?
Jeremiah: Ecco, nothing has changed
Jeremiah: you still know too much
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mp3minded · 7 months
Like, I'm not crazy right?
I can forgive Ozzy's skinny-dip-threeway-panic kiss he had in Casa, since he regretted it immediately afterward, but him leading Grace on again, after he already told her about him and MC?
He's still harboring those feelings for MC (he wrote mine a LETTER!), and he should've called it off with Grace sooner than he does after Casa, since he knew MC never left by then, from the postcards.
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Roberto drew that line in the sand with Chloe (before Casa even), and acknowledged MC better, the night she came back. Ozzy should've done the same, if MC's seriously on his lane (as mine was).
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whoever was the wise guy that decided adult cold medicine comes in massive horse pills rather than easy to swallow liquids, turn on your location i just wanna talk
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ghostbeam · 2 years
Hi love, totally realized I may have commented in the wrong spot, so sorry about the potential spam (still learning the finite details of Tumblr) but could I participate in your ask game? I'm a sucker for the aesthetics, and I love the ones you've made for others!
If I could maybe ask for Dabi/Touya? As for a date? Oh god, well, he's a wanted criminal, so maybe we would just be causing mischief around the city at night, or maybe going to a bar somewhere hahah!
Hiii bby no worries omg im glad u sent one in!!! This was so fun I loved making this I wanted to put a million pictures ajsjsjjsjs this kind of date w dabi would be so fun and he’d keep u out all night he’d be so clingy and hang off u every chance he gets and he’s definitely causing mischief like u said and he’s definitely grabbing u and pulling u down the street to run with him so yeah the vibes are adventurous and fun and exciting so I hope u like<333
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return of the roughnecks-the chameleons
future starts now-the kills
modern girls & old fashion men-the strokes, regina spektor
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intomybubble · 1 year
It would never happen in canon but purely voice wise
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Ayato and Xingqiu bullying Kaeya
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Buffy book review: Ghoul Trouble
Another favorite of mine! I couldn't put this one down, and nearly finished it in one sitting! In fact, I probably would have finished it in one sitting, if I hadn't convinced myself that I really needed to sleep. LOL
So, there are actually two main antagonists in this one: the ghouls (who are the Big Bads) and Solitaire, who is just slightly lesser than them. Though funnily enough, the wikipedia article for this book summarizes what's going on with Solitaire in this book, but nothing about the ghouls (even though they're the Big Bads) and even though the book is called "Ghoul Trouble."
I liked the plot with Solitaire well enough: who you believe is the new master vampire in town--who usurps the new master vampire in town at the start of this novel--who apparently has the power to be in the sun.
And him beating up Giles, Angel (in a very impressive fight scene), and then kidnapping Joyce is all very foreboding... his attitude is written pretty impressively... and most of all, I love the twist that he wasn't really a vampire (and that Angel was right that he thought that the tale of a vampire who could survive the rays of a sun was a myth), but rather a demon (which almost trips Buffy up and costs her her life when she's fighting him, because she had the wrong battle plan: which is what he was counting on)... But somehow I was still expecting more. But maybe that's just a me problem. I don't know.
I think my favorite part of the whole Solitaire arc was Angel having to get a taste of his own medicine, in what he put Buffy and her loved ones through with all that "I want to send Buffy a message" stuff during the Angelus arc in S2, and I say this as an Angel Stan. But that was definitely some bitter irony there.
My favorite part of this book was definitely the ghoul stuff--and so I'm glad they were the Big Bads and not Solitaire--they were entertaining villains. The ghouls are kind of like vampires (they remind me a lot of the rugurus from Supernatural. I wonder if they're actually the same thing, or close to it). They have fangs like vampires, but a lot more of them. They have rows of them in their mouth. And they can hide their demon-like appearance like the vamps can (their skin is actually green in their true form). But while vampires just drink blood, the ghouls full-on eat human flesh.
In this book, this group of female ghouls formed this skimpily clad rock band, in order to lure in prey at the Bronze. They also seemed to have the power to lure in male prey with their voices, like sirens can.
Things really pick-up when Willow witnesses Cordelia's crush this book getting eaten by them. The ghouls decide to kidnap Willow them, in needing a keyboardist, and give her a chance to join them.
Naturally, all the Scoobies go looking for Willow then. And Oz and his love, and looking for Willow, this book is especially commendable! I just adore him so much!
There's also this really sweet part where Xander searches in a dumpster for Willow, and Cordy's crush.
(I should mention that the ghouls plot is going on at the same time as the Solitaire plot, of course, making things very difficult for everyone, of course. Especially Buffy. And the two plots are weaved together wonderfully, keeping you at the edge of your seat.)
Eventually the ghouls (who already had a lot of power over Xander at this point) get Xander to admit that he's Willow's best friend. And this is important, because the way someone turns ghoul, is they first have to eat the flesh of their best friend (during a full moon). And so, they kidnap Xander.
Oz figures out that the band are the ghouls... and everyone decides that after the band's next concert, they'll follow them home next time, because that must be where they're keeping Willow and Xander.
And they move forward with that plan, though Buffy can't go right away (because Solitaire has her mother right then, and is making her meet, to ensure her mother's safety. So Cordelia agrees to follow where Giles, Angel, and Oz are going and then drive back to the Bronze where Buffy will meet her after defeating Solitaire. And then drive Buffy out to where the ghouls are, essentially). Angel, Oz, and Giles do, however. Though Oz and Giles can fall under the ghouls' spell, so they wear earbuds. And they have Angel wear them just in case, too.
Meanwhile, Willow had been using clever means to try and get out of there (like her magic to get the key ring).
The Scoobies charge the castle, so to speak. Eventually everyone meets up, and they win the day, of course.
Anyway, it's a really fun and entertaining book. I loved, loved, loved it!
And the ghouls are such great villains, imo.
There are some fun subplots, too. Like Willow has to write an essay for this one class (she gets charged with writing about the history of Sunnydale). And for some idiotic reason, if you want to change topics, you automatically get a grade that's one grade lower (so if you would have gotten an A on the paper, just because you changed to something that wasn't your initial topic, you would then get a B). And Willow's torn between if she should change topics and automatically get that B, or stick with the Sunnydale paper, when she knows she'll have to lie about it all (which hurts her journalistic integrity). And she wrestles with this throughout the whole book. In the end, she pretty much writes two papers: one that has the truth about everything Sunnydale, like with the Hellmouth, Spike, and Drusilla, and then the rose-tinted goggles one. Of course she turns in the rose-tinted goggles (lying) one, but justifies it to herself by saying, "Oh, I had to edit out the other stuff for length." LOL
Also, there's so much cute Bangel in this book!:)
Edit: Oh. The main ghoul also wanted to eat Buffy's heart, because of some thing about it making her a hundred times stronger. So that was another reason to have Willow and Xander as bait.
Edit 2: Willow and Oz's reunion/reunion kiss at the end of this book here is something special:)
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roseunspindle · 1 month
What I Read in July 2024
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I really wanted to like this one but it was actually boring and just...lacked any substance or the charm of slice-of-life
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Soji and Sei are all but on the same page feelings wise without ever fully talking about it. It's kinda cute.
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Enjoyed this immensely. I like where Drizzt is a calm collected caring person but also totally bonkers when offered a really good fight/challange
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Another good one. I really like Aldrige's fae creatures.
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The crow one was my favorite but I liked all the stories.
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Poor Marco
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a fun little adventure. I do wish we had lunchbox and dinner pail trees
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This was so much fun!
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one of my favorite manga series (reread of volume 1)
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very cute (reread of volume 1)
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - A Rather Delayed Meeting Part I
Oz was visibly sweating as he wandered through the camps full of Altas refugees. Times like this, he wished he was slightly less sensitive to the beating sun of this place, but at least he had access to sunscreen. He'd forgotten just how hot it was in Vacuo, really, but even as it was he was better off than some of the others. More suitable clothing had started to be provided but not everybody had access to it yet. After all, nobody had been expecting to have to host the entire combined population of Mantle and Atlas here. He could barely think about just how strained Vacuo's resources must be, right now, especially as there were still a great many people from Vale here, too. Even though they'd only been here a few days, he'd heard stories. Glynda was here, apparently, as were Bartholomew and Peter and that slightly worried him, to be honest. He hadn't expected them to be here, so he wasn't entirely certain how to avoid them.
The refugees were settled, mostly, though, so he kept on walking towards Shade Academy, looking nervous. He needed to talk to Theodore, he just hoped that Theodore would be willing to talk to him... maybe Atlas' council had told him that there were things going on? But then again, probably not, they'd seemed weirdly possessive of him when it had come out that he used to be Winter Schnee and thus, technically an Atlas native. He still wasn't sure how many of them had worked out the rest of it, but it wasn't like he was even trying to hide Long Memory anymore. Salem knew after all, there was no point in hiding things. He winced slightly as phantom pain shot through him at the thought of Salem, but he was mostly healed now and it was highly unlikely that she could easily snatch him again.
He glanced over to where Winter was busily shadowing him, not even attempting to hide her presence. She was probably right to do so, considering certain events, not to mention the fact that the others had... fallen. He bit his lip, trying not to cry at the thought. They had been his friends! Qrow's nieces, his niece. Blake and Jaune. He might have been pretty certain that Weiss at least was still alive, but the others? He wished he could be sure, but it hadn't felt necessary to track the others at the time and it was far too late, now, to change that.
He hated walking on the sand, needing his cane more than he would probably have done on more even ground, but at least the stonework should be smooth enough for him to hopefully start limping less? If nothing else, he could probably find somewhere to get a rest and his breath. He was pretty certain Theodore would see him, if only because he tended to like answering questions from young minds, but still.
Getting to the city, he chose a small bench and sat down, wincing as he stretched out his bad leg. He wasn't really looking forward to the return journey, but this was important. Ahead, he heard a familiar voice and ducked his head, trying to look as small and nonthreatening as possible. It sounded like Glynda, but surely he couldn't be that unlucky? It wasn't like he was Qrow, after all... he should have worn a hood.
Glynda shook her head at her students, glaring at the two who'd managed to half collide with each other. She missed Beacon, several of the younger students seemed to still view Vacuo as a temporary holiday, but they had lessons they needed to learn and she would teach them if it killed her. She owed Ozpin that much, after all.
Scanning the area, her gaze fell on a small boy slumped on one of the benches. He wasn't in any sort of uniform, so at least he wasn't anything she needed to worry about just yet. Probably one of the new refugees by their clothing, although it seemed lighter than most Atlas standard she could tell the kid was probably still boiling in that. She shrugged, turning back towards her students when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Swinging back around, she saw him quickly tucking something into his coat. It looked to be the hilt of a weapon, one she knew almost as well as her own at least by sight. She looked again, taking in the pale, slightly sunburnt skin, the mop of messy silver hair. She growled under her breath and the figure flinched slightly, still refusing to look up.
"Class dismissed." She barked. The students, not quite believing their luck, scattered, though one or two stragglers stayed to watch as she stalked over to the boy on the bench. She cleared her throat pointedly and the boy sighed audibly and looked up.
Familiar amber eyes met her own green, shaded behind glasses that, while markedly different, were still tinted an incriminatingly dark shade. His face, though rather younger than usual, still bore all the same features and she stared for a second, perplexed. He'd told her what happened when he died, but this seemed to be something different. Opening her mouth to yell at him, she froze, casting a look behind her to where the two students who'd stayed watched on. She fingered her whip and raised an eyebrow at them, wisely they chose to vacate the area.
"Explain." She hissed, venomously. If anything that made Oz look even more miserable, hunching into himself as if to make him seem even smaller than he already was. For someone she was used to seeing at six and a half feet tall, the size was almost funny. Probably would be later. She glared at him, waiting.
"Apparently there was some sort of failsafe involved. When Cinder Fall attacked, it triggered it since she's, well, a maiden. It was meant to return the current host, myself in this case, to the age we were when we first merged with Ozma." He looked apologetic, biting his lip. Glynda sighed, refusing to admit just how cute he looked doing that.
"And you failed to inform the rest of us, why, exactly?"
"The communications network was offline and I truly believed Qrow would have got word to you." This was said softly, Oz wincing slightly. He was aware he'd probably just got Qrow in trouble, too, but somehow Glynda was far more intimidating as Tip than she'd ever been as his adult self.
"He did not. Alright, then, I'll have to have a few words with him, too. As for you, you are coming with me. There are people you need to talk to. WE MOURNED YOU OZ!"
Oz just looked more upset at that, but did as he was told and followed Glynda. He knew she'd know where she was going, even if he might not like the destination. But then, after not telling her, he certainly deserved anything that was coming.
As they moved, Glynda noticed the fact that Oz was limping and her eyes narrowed slightly in concern. He'd mostly grown out of that with time and training, seeing it return was... not a good sign.
She had noticed Winter, too, but chose to ignore her for now. She would get an explanation for that, too, one way or another.
[To be continued, this is massive. Again.]
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tastycitrus · 2 months
Cygnus: This roast is absolutely incredible, how did you make this? Oz: Some idiot left a 40-ft bird lying around! Cygnus: Cygnus: Oz, I swear to god— *404 Error - Shinsoo not found*
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notfye · 3 months
does anyone have like a low grade what the fuck is going on feeling all the time now or what
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blog-of-reaction · 8 months
Aww, Toby found someone else like him. That’s a some.
“You’re not alone.” Hqlejeodijskrj I wish the best for Iris and I hope her and Tony keep in con or something idk. Also, does this mean Tony could eventually heal people? Like, the impression I got is Iris can help if someone wants her help but idk who knows. Toby knows he isn’t alone and he was so happy at the end of the episode.
I genuinely have no idea what to expect with Charlie (kind of) knowing now. Also, I’m glad that she had her own thing in the background, like yeah Toby helps but she solves cases on her own too and stuff and they bothered to show that.
Speaking of Toby he is so endearing. He just really wants to help people, acts on instinct, is empathic (hard not to be when you can read peoples minds lol) and also his eyes are beautiful.
Ps. I’m still confused about what’s his nameless, the professor guy Toby knows and wether or not he has some ability to read minds cause the mute guy in that one previous episode like, when it was just him and the professor dude (Bert? I’m gonna call him Bert) we heard his thoughts so like, did Bert actually hear them or did the mute guy really think that most everyone is a mind reader of some sort? Also, he isn’t wrong about telepaths so what was it that caused him to believe (if we believe Bert) that most everyone is telepathic?
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maskyartist · 1 year
mmmmm one day imma rewatch soul eater then u guys are fucked
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flovverworks · 1 year
its just. oz takes in the abandoned arthur and raises him until hes 10-something. 12-13-whatever yo chloe asks rustica to take him along, escaping his family. like. do u. do u get me
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