#luckily im almost better i think
whoever was the wise guy that decided adult cold medicine comes in massive horse pills rather than easy to swallow liquids, turn on your location i just wanna talk
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serejae · 2 months
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pairing : scoups x reader
WHAT ! - in which seungcheol will always be young to you (or, youve watched seungcheol grow as your relationship does)
warnings : corny ending paragraph (booooo) so self indulgent, i found a gray hair tdy (im 20.)
happiest birthday to my cherry :-(
seungcheol sat between your legs peacefully resting his head on your thigh as he scrolled through his phone. you subconsciously run your hands through his hair until you spotted something. taking a double take you gasp making seungcheol look up slightly with his brows furrowed
“whats wrong?” he asked softly clearly tired
“you have a gray hair” you replied laughing slightly still shocked
seungcheol then sat up with one hand ontop of this head with his mouth agape “youre lying” he almost whispered before pacing to the bathroom mirror, you followed him and stood by the door frame watching him move his hair around searching for the gray hair. smiling at the sight you found a pair of tweezers in the drawer and stood behind him pushing him to lower down to get a better look at his hair
“i dont think there was a gray hair baby” he mumbled still in denial
“it must have been the hair dye i have on, its gray right?” he asked looking at you through the mirror
not replying you plucked out the piece of hair that distinguished itself from the rest on his head, it was metallic, clearly a gray hair.
as seungcheol stood there he went back to the couch and face planted on it making you laugh, again you followed him and laid on his back as you ran your hands through his hair
“im so old” he mumbled against the couch letting his shoulders deflate, you rested your chin on it and laughed
“youre still handsome”
“am i?
my younger features are being lost”
“and i watched you lose them, thats the beautiful thing cheol”
he peeped his face out to slightly look at you on his back with his confused face
you were walking the streets just roaming around when there were a group of guys about to walk past you on a street, you looked at each boy but your eyes settled on one as his settled onto you
he was so cute, his features were so soft. he had a baby face almost (he also had that goofy tall mountain haircut everyone had back then)
that was the first thing you could think of and you couldnt really think of anything else because he stopped you
“hey, uhm…” he paused slightly leaving his hand out
you awkwardly shook his hand as you muttered a “hi”
a few more seconds of awkward silence he continued “i just came to this part of town, do you want to be friends…?”
he had a slight grin on his face which subconsciously traveled to you, it was like he put you under a spell. you nodded making his smile a bit wider
“im seungcheol”
seungcheol was gonna continue talking but you both heard his friend group call out for him
“uhm lets exchange numbers really quick yeah?” he again, use that smile that you couldnt resist
its almost been a year since seungcheol and you have met and almost 5 months since you both had started dating. its crazy how a cute boy you met on the street was now laying on your lap after YOU asked him to be your boyfriend when you both were in a diner and the tension between the two of you in the booth but no words were spoken. you could tell seungcheol tried to utter the words out but the slowness made you eager and say it first. luckily, he immediately nodded needing no time to react
“yes, yes i want to be your boyfriend”
you remember those words he said on the 27th even 10 years later because seungcheol kisses you everyday 27 times in the morning and night to apologize for making you ask him
so as he laid on your lap your fingers softly traced the soft curve of his nose, lips, and face shape. taking in the beauty of the man on your lap you were a bit spaced out not noticing the smile placed on his lips
but its not like the both of you cared
slowly and quietly you made your way to seungcheols gaming room in the shared apartment with his lit birthday cake in hand as kkuma followed behind you with her paws hitting the floor softly. you stood out outside the room looking at your phone
you opened the door slightly and peaked in to see him fully focused on the game hes playing
just then you carefully walk in and tap his shoulder. seungcheol immediately took off his headphones and turned to look at you, when he realized what was going on he smiled and turned to the computer to check the date, turning back to you, you started to sing happy birthday as he looked up at you forgetting about everything around him
when you finished singing he took a moment to continue admire you before letting out a small
“thank you”
before blowing out his candles, but instead of going for the cake he wraps his arms around your waist still sitting in his seat
“can i stay like his for a bit?” he muttered resting one side of his face on your stomach
“yeah, of course” you smiled as you put the cake on his table letting you arms relax down his back as you looked down at him. your hands trace the side of his face that is visible to you, you notice the maturing his face has did over the 4 years.
his features are still soft but more prominent, his nose had shapened a bit, his lips were slightly plumper, and his face was slimmer.
smiling at the baby cheol that you met before youre met with semibaby cheol
but he doesnt have to know that
i guess he didnt have to know that because he found out himself, thats why youre laying ontop of a 28 year olds back running your hands through his hair as he listens to you talk about how his features have changed from when he was 18, 19, and 23
“i guess 23 when was i realized that your features had changed slightly, 19 was only a bit of difference from 18” you explained to him as he laid one side of his face on the couch
“and now?” he muttered
“youre features…”
you traced over them again causing his lips to lift slightly at the contact
“theyre more defined, your soft nose is more prominent, your plump lips are plumper and pinkish, and your face is more defined”
“but am i-“
“yes, youre still handsome cheol gray hairs and all”
he smiled at the words
“just wanted to hear you say it
you think im old though?”
you smiled continuing to stare down at the one side of his face visible moving a few hairs away from his face
“youre closer to 30 than you are 20 babe”
his lips pouted making you chuckle
“i want to be forever young” he sighed
“then what about me? id be old” you teased making him huff
“then i want to be forever old-
wait no i dont”
you laughed at his slip up making him laugh too
“if there was a chance for you to he forever young but you would lose me from your life-“
your question was cut off by seungcheols quick
“i wouldnt want to live any life without you in it. if im young, if im old, i want to do it with you
i want to be forever young with you
forever old too, forever mid age, i just want to be forever with you”
“i want to be forever with you too” you smiled caressing his cheek
“your birthdays soon” he nodded and leaned against your touch
your hand slowly made it back to his hair
“maybe youll get more gray hairs sooner then”
“you know, gray hairs dont seem too bad if theyre with you” seungcheol said
“yeah, i guess youre right in a way, they remind me of the stages of our relationship and how youve been there with me for it all
and it also reminds me of how i cannot wait for you to get your gray hairs” he smiled cheekily
“hey” you scolded him slightly
“you said it shows us growing up with one another so-“
“but still!”
and as the evening continued with bickering it was as if time never changed anything, even when your features are being changed youre reminded that you still have the same seungcheol and you through moments like these
so no, you dont have baby cheol nor semibaby cheol looks wise but cheol will always be your baby
even if you both arent forever young
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nvuy · 3 months
hey gorjous im just curious will you ever write for aventurine?by the way loveeee your works
rose-tinted glasses & the scent of you — aventurine
summary. you’re offered a chance to win close to a million credits. only issue is, you suck at poker. luckily, some blond man with the prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen comes to your aid.
notes. who is aventurine and no i will never write for him. it is 3:30am and i am now going to sleep goodnight!!!!
warnings. the dude your playing poker with is an asshole and says some strange things, i guess a bit of power imbalance, gn reader but referred to as ‘beautiful’ or ‘gorgeous,’ light cussing, i don’t know how to play poker and i fight the gods trying to write aventurine.
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“So… tell me… what made you think you could win?” 
The older man stares you down with those awful brown eyes. They flicker even darker than black itself in the low lights of the VIP room he’s dragged you into. 
You glance up from your deck of cards. Your fingers are trembling. You swallow and tell the man, “I never even agreed to play this game with you.” 
The man leans back in his chair. He merely rolls his eyes. The woman over his shoulder—and she’s a gorgeous woman. She looks much too young for him—giggles at his antics. She looks more like a prize than anything. 
Your eyes snap to the man’s again. “And I don’t want to be your arm candy.” 
“Oh, but that’s what you were made for.” The man yawns as if he could be doing anything else with his time. And he could have; he was rich. Filthy rich. He paid for women, cars, and every high end restaurant in this district that was under his name one way or another. All his. He could have been off on his yacht somewhere in the ocean for all you cared, sipping a nice martini. 
But, no. 
He’s here. And he wants you. 
Some lowly office worker. You knew the gut feeling when you stepped into this casino, and you had ignored it. Now, you were kicking yourself repeatedly for it.
You almost consider throwing your cards down onto the table and storming out, but the room is closed off by two big burly men standing on either side of it.
And if you give up, he wins.
But he’s already winning, anyway. 
“Play the game,” he repeats, this time firmer. 
“I’m folding,” you said with just as much vitriol. You drop your cards onto the green velvet and swallow your pride. 
The man hums with triumph, drops his deck—of course, a royal flush glimmers back at you on his pristine customised playing cards—and collects the chips in the middle of the table. 
“That’s another round for me,” the man whispers across the table. “Another drink?” 
You shake your head. The thought of him making you down even more liquor with him made you feel sick. “Can I leave?” 
“‘Leave?’ It’s only round four.” The dealer takes the cards silently. Another woman. Her name badge reads ‘Jewel,’ though you’re sure that’s not her real name. “You said it was best of five.” 
You look down at your hands.
They’re still trembling. 
“This isn’t fair.” You try not to tear up, but your voice shakes, and it’s difficult to mask. Your hands continue to quake and your legs can’t remain still. You were sure he could feel the floor vibrating with how you bounced in your seat. “I can’t even play with these cards–” 
“I hope you’re not suggesting I’m taking advantage of you, beautiful.” 
Your face screws up at that. 
He’s not cheating. How can he possibly cheat? You had elected the dealer yourself, per his request, and had been watching him like a hawk for the better half of an hour. 
Your hands were awful every time. Not even a simple pair. Just random useless low valued cards thrown together, while the man opposite you seemed to have an endless amount of tricks up his sleeve. 
Poker was luck based. Mostly. There was skill and strategy, but it was like detective work. You’re no professional, but the dealer has no idea what they draw for each player, and the chances of you being drawn a horrible hand twice in a row now was creeping up on you.
It’s all guesswork and mind games. Being a sleaze is this dude’s lifestyle. You work in an office answering phone calls all day.
You glance at the dealer again. She’s still shuffling the cards by hand, and she’s not looking at them either. There’s no possible way she could know what she is handing out. 
You sigh shakily. “No.” 
The man leans back in his chair. 
Then, he glances up when the door opens behind you. The woman over his arm gets up and leaves. 
At first you presume the man has called in another woman by the way his eyes light up.
His grin is wicked. “Mister Aventurine, you son of a bitch.”
He gestures to you and says, “you’re in luck. Maybe this’ll be your turn around. You’re going to need it.” The man leans back in his chair, suddenly smug.
You feel a hand brush along the back of your shoulder.
There’s a strong scent of clove oil and chestnut as the newcomer, Mister Aventurine, glides past your chair and over to the man’s shoulder. 
You notice flicks of water on his coat.
“Evening, Keres.” His voice is just as smooth. “It’s raining hard out there.” 
“Is it? I ain’t been out since this mornin’.”
When you take a proper look at him, he’s wearing clothing more expensive than all of your bills combined. That was real fur around his collar; you could tell from the organic coarseness of it, and the way the pattern was inconsistent and natural. The watch around his wrist was most definitely real gold with an emerald green face. 
And hair is perfect, laid down flat, but with pieces fluffed out intentionally. Everything is done with purpose. He carries an air of confidence to him, and it only falters for a moment when he adjusts the black gloves on his hands. 
He’s wearing rose-coloured glasses.
“Harassing the locals again?” Mister Aventurine asks playfully. 
He’s talking about you.
You bristle in your seat.
“Hardly.” The man, whom you now know as Keres, leans over the table with an arm on the velvet. “This one’s gotten a little too excited at the prize money.” 
“And how much is that?” Mister Aventurine finishes fixing his gloves before he stands up straight. 
“A good seven-hundred and fifty thousand. Enough to pay the bills for the year and get yourself something nice, right sweetheart?” He raises a silver credit card he pulls from his pocket and waves it side to side. “All right here on this shiny, pretty card.”
You feel like a fish staring down a hook with worm bait stuck to the end.
He’s speaking to you again, but the question  remains unanswered. Keres raises an eyebrow—and you would have considered him handsome if didn’t make you feel nauseous every time he spoke to you—and waits.
You say nothing. 
Mister Aventurine is looking at you now.
You feel as though you’re being hypnotised. Though the colour of his eyes are left muffled by the rosy tint he wears over them, they’re so bright. There’s two colours you can barely decipher: some sort of light green and a deep purple.
And they’re beautiful. 
“I take it you’re winning?” 
Keres picks up his deck of cards for the dealer as she lays them out on the table.
You swallow as she deals out your hand next. You don’t even want to flip the cards. You already know it’s over.
By some miracle, you have to win this round.
Keres had gone easy on you the first round, calling your bluff and being wrong, since you told him you weren’t sure how to play, and he felt only the slightest bit bad he roped you into the game in the first place.
Now, he didn’t care. 
“‘Course I’m winnin’.” 
Your teeth grit behind your lips.
You swallow and peek at your cards. 
Huh. They’re actually not so bad this time around. Your hands had been awful for the last hour. 
Mister Aventurine is still looking at you.
You try not to return his gaze. You keep your eyes glued to the table. 
Mister Aventurine hums curiously.
You can still smell his perfume, and the delicious bottom note of vanilla musk, even as he stands on the other side of the playing table. If you weren’t in the position you were in, you would have asked him what he was wearing. 
He clears his throat. 
You glance up at him.
Then, he nods subtly at you, seemingly pleased. “Great hand, Keres, don’t you think?” 
“The secret to winning is to remain humble, Mister Aventurine,” Keres reminds him. 
You almost scoff. 
Mister Aventurine’s lips tick up into a grin. “Is that so?” 
Then, he tilts his head slightly towards you. It’s not enough to look awkward or out of place, but it’s just enough for you to notice the very small, and nervous tick of one of his gloved fingers by his sides. 
He’s still staring at you. 
And there, slightly warped from his curved lenses, is a rosy and mirrored reflection of the man’s cards. 
For a moment, you look away, glancing at the security guards situated behind you standing in front of the door. Though you still could never make a run for it because both of them were triple your size, one of them was tapping away on his phone, and the other was leaning against the wall and staring off into space. 
You turn back around. 
Mister Aventurine merely raises a brow. 
Keres notices that. “Taking an interest in my opponent, Aventurine?”
Aventurine does not move to address the man, too afraid he won’t garner the correct angle on his glasses again, but his eyes do flit in his direction. “Maybe.”
“Don’t use that charm just yet, sir. I’ve got a game to win.” 
“Of course.” It’s a mere send off of his tone, as if he’s just carelessly thrown the words in to keep the man satisfied. 
He’s doing this on purpose. 
You glance down at your cards again. 
Keres’ hand is good. It’s not amazing, but it’s good. It’s almost an even match, though the game is tilted slightly in his favour. 
But, he doesn’t know your cards. 
Neither does Aventurine. You think. Unless those freaky eyes grant him a sixth sense, and he can see through the card backs like an x-ray. That wouldn’t surprise you in the slightest. 
You exhale as steadily as you can, trying to slow your racing heart. 
Then, you whisper, “if this is the final round, I’m going all in.” 
Aventurine’s face does not shift. His lenses flicker in the lights, and for a moment you panic, convinced that the reflection is lost.
It returns a moment later. 
Keres grins. “As you wish.” He slides all of his own chips into the centre of the table. 
You’ve confused Keres, that’s for sure. The round has been lasting a lot longer than he liked, and as he grew more and more impatient, he grew sloppier. 
You’re not any good at this game. You’re not a genius strategist, that was for sure, but judging by the slight flinch in Aventurine’s face when Keres slammed his hands on the table, you could tell he was being run around the very table he sat at. 
He’d first accused you of cheating halfway through the round, so much so that the security guards were ordered to pat you down for extra cards, and the dealer was escorted out of the room. 
Then, Aventurine had rested a gloved hand to the man’s shoulder and reminded him, “calmness is the cradle of power, my friend.” 
That barely calmed him down, but it was enough to seat the man again. 
Now, Aventurine was not showing you his hand anymore, but you didn’t need it. 
“I’m raising,” Keres whispers. 
Aventurine’s eyes narrow suspiciously at his deck. 
You swallow. 
“Then I’m calling your bluff,” you mumble. You won’t fold. Not here. Not when you know you’ve won. 
Your heart is racing.
There’s a small voice in the back of your head telling you that you may have overstepped. You may have grown too big in your own head. 
Aventurine is staring at you, completely expressionless. He’s casually leaning against the back of Keres’ chair. 
Come on. Come on, come on–
You grip your cards for dear life.  
Keres drops his cards. “Fuck you.” 
You sigh in relief and drop your own cards.
You bury your face in your hands and lean against the table on your elbows. You could cry. Oh, you could get on the floor and weep to the Aeons. You could give Aventurine a giant kiss on the lips. 
Oh, thank the Aeons for blond men. 
You didn’t have to worry about waking up in this man’s bed tomorrow morning. 
Keres gets up, and as he does, Aventurine adjusts his posture and clears his throat. He says nothing when Keres passes him. 
There’s a nasty whisper of a, “some lucky charm you are,” before the credit card is thrown into his chest. 
Keres hits you in the shoulder on his way out. The security guards allow him through first before they both file out. They close the door to the VIP room behind them. 
You contemplate leaving as well. You just desperately want to go home. It’s getting late, you think. You had caught a glance of Aventurine’s watch before, and the large hand was ticking towards nine o’clock. 
“Congratulations.” It’s warm. It’s genuine. When you turn, Aventurine is holding out the credit card in front of him. “Don’t forget the ‘shiny, pretty card.’” 
Your chest warms, and you feel this is the first time you’ve smiled properly in a long time. 
You move closer to the man. “You…” You hesitate before the credit card, but Aventurine makes no move to pocket it for himself and leave. “I- I don’t know how I can thank you enough for this.” 
You take the card and stare at it for a moment. 
Then, you place it safely in your coat pocket. 
Aventurine tilts his head, confusion scrawled onto his face as saunters past you easily to hold open the door for you. “Thank me for what?”
As he waits, he pulls off those rosy glasses and folds them neatly. He holds onto them.
His eyes are beautiful. A light blue ring surrounds his slightly slitted pupils. A gorgeous rich royal purple wraps at the edges of his iris, bordered by a thick black ring. 
You stop for a moment before you step towards the door, looking equally as confused. “The reflection? With your glasses?” 
Aventurine looks down at the said pair in his hands. He then smiles, but it seems more to be polite and to entertain you. “Sure.” He shuts the door behind you when he follows you out. 
You knit your brows together. 
Then, it wasn’t intentional.
Or, he’s just really good at playing dumb.
You can’t exactly tell.
His grin spells mischief, however. “Would you like a drink?” 
Your eyes flit towards the bar. It’s always fully stocked, and the bartenders are always lovely, but the idea of liquor in your already churning stomach makes you feel sick. “Oh, no. But thank you. I’m probably just going to go home.” 
“Of course. It’s late.” Aventurine glances down at his watch. “I’d be more than happy to walk you to your car, if you’d like.” 
You blink at him, only slightly dazed. 
You felt as if you had just swallowed three shots of straight vodka. 
Your legs feel unsteady for a moment, and you’re afraid you’ll teeter and fall flat on your face. You can smell his perfume again. It’s stronger now since he’s standing so close to you.
It’s almost humiliating how easily he sends blood rushing up your neck. 
“I don’t- uh… I don’t have a car,” you murmur. 
Aventurine blinks and takes out his phone. “Then I’ll call you a cab.” 
“Thanks.” You clear your throat when his lips stretch into a smile again. Embarrassingly, you add, “you smell so nice.” 
He laughs then, and you like the sound. He narrows his eyes playfully. “Thank you.” 
As if it couldn’t get any worse, blondie then offers you his arm. You could’ve melted on the spot into a puddle of goo all over the plush red carpets of the casino. 
The sound of slot machines, loud chattering, and drinks clacking together in toasts, drowns out the sound of your stuttered breathing and the roar of blood in your ears. 
Aventurine greets one of the staff members on his way out. His arm linked with yours is gentle, more of a persistent comforting anchor than a leash to drag you around in.
He smells really, really nice. 
Your face grows hot.
This is so bad. 
It’s raining outside. The entrance to the casino is large enough to provide enough relief to city goers seeking shelter from the rain. The press of the heating from inside dissipate as soon as you step through the doors.
It’s freezing. The wind whips and sounds as though one thousand ghosts float through the air, lost to time. 
You’re relieved the exterior roof keeps you mostly dry. 
You shiver. 
“They’ll be a cab for you in five minutes,” Aventurine says softly. He lets go of your arm. You ignore the disappointment you feel in your chest. 
“Thanks.” You cross your arms over your chest to shield yourself from the cold as best you could. “You don’t have to wait out here with me.” 
Aventurine looks at you strangely. “Well, it’s not like I’m doing much else.” He gives you a once over before you hear his clothes shifting. 
This is so awkward. 
You feel the foreign tickle of expensive and real fur on your neck. 
You glance at him suspiciously before your shoulders are swamped in his jacket. It’s warm, warmer than anything you’ve ever worn from the velvety insides and his own body heat, and heavy with luxury. 
Your heart stops when Aventurine hums, pleased. 
Your hands shoot to the white fur on the collar to shuck it off and hand it back to him. “I’m fine, really–” 
“Oh, please.” He waves you off gently. “You’re clearly freezing.” 
“I’m really okay–” 
“And would you look at that.” Aventurine straightens up and pushes his rosy glasses back onto his nose bridge. “Your cab’s early.” 
You shrug off his jacket, careful with the expensive material. “Thank you so much, but–” He pushes it back onto your shoulders, following you to the car door. “Mister Aventurine–” 
“I insist.” He opens the door for you. “You’ll freeze.” 
You can’t imagine him standing around in a suit vest and a shirt is warm, either.
You say nothing about it. You practically fall into the back of the cab, shocked. 
“Take it home.” 
“‘Take it–‘” You shake your head. You feel like you’re dreaming. “I can’t take this home. This thing is worth more than the money I just won.” 
But it’s warm, and it’s weighted in the most comforting way.
It calms your nerves. 
“It’s nothing fancy. It was only around one-hundred thousand credits.”  
“Are you serious–” 
“Take it.” And he is serious. You can see your reflection in his glasses. “Please.“ 
His eyes are really, really beautiful. 
You find yourself lost in them for a moment. 
His back is slightly soaked from the rain. He barely notices it. His hand rests on your knee when you swing your feet into the cab. 
You nod once, more to reassure yourself than anything. “Okay.” You look up at him. “Thank you so much.” 
“Don’t mention it.” He offers you a gentle wave before he shuts the door and the car drives off. 
He is cold. Frightfully so as you watch him shiver through the rear view mirror before he steps back into the casino. 
As the cab moves, you relay your address to the driver and sit back in the seat. You feel like you can finally breathe, but when you do breathe, you only smell chestnut and vanilla, and it blurs and muddies your senses nicely. 
You bury your icy fingers into the pockets of Aventurine’s coat, sinking into the neckline until the fur tickles your ears. 
Your fingers come into contact with something smooth and cool, like glass.
You fish it out. 
It’s a small perfume bottle. You pull the clear lid off of the tip of it and curiously smell the top. It smells exactly like him, the same perfume that’s drowned you for the last hour.
You don’t think you can get enough of it. 
You feel only slightly guilty for digging around in this man’s pockets—and, unsurprisingly, you don’t find a wallet—before you fish out a pair of fancy looking golden dice with light green dots on the faces. 
The dice, the perfume, and a small card. Not the credit card you won. That one is tucked away safely in your bag. 
It’s a business card. His business card. His name, what you recognise as the IPC’s logo, and his phone number are written in gold lettering on the laminated white card. 
You hum curiously.
Then, you fish out your phone and slowly type his number onto the screen. 
You: thank u 4 winning 2night for me. & the coat. the coat is nice. x
Sent 9:56pm
Aventurine: You found my gifts! :0 Did you like them?
You: maybe. i did like ur vest btw.
Aventurine: You can have it next time ;)
You find yourself smiling. Your fingers tremble with excitement over the keyboard on your screen.
You: i’ll give u a kiss 4 it :*
Aventurine: Done, deal. Pleasure doing business with you, gorgeous.
You have a feeling your wardrobe will be full of his clothes in the not so distant future. 
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emphistic · 6 months
Doctor's Orders
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Synopsis: Sukuna catches a cold, and isn't able to make it to your guys' planned lunch. Luckily for him, though, you still take the food — as to-go.
A/N: i have a lot of works planned, but im kinda slow, thankfully i have a lot of free time now so i'll try to pump out as much sukuna content as i can
PS: i got sick the second day of writing this, why world? whyyyyy? also, i hated writing this. i am not proud of this whatsoever
Taglist: @starlets-things
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R u dead or smth??
You're late
Delivered 25m ago
Those were the last text messages you sent Sukuna, before picking up two hummus wraps and drinks from Sunny's Diner. The two of you were originally supposed to meet up there and have lunch together, but the pink-haired teen wasn't answering his phone, at all.
Now, you stand before his front door. A to-go bag tucked under your arm, and another hand rapidly knocking on the door.
Mr. Itadori — Sukuna's grandpa — wasn't home, you assumed, so you were alone in this.
Sighing, you decided to do this the old fashioned way.
It took you less than five minutes to climb the tree outside of Sukuna's bedroom, and five seconds to crawl on a branch to his window.
Finally, you pressed your face up against his window, and saw Sukuna — still in bed — with the blankets covering all of his body.
You aggressively knocked on his window, and saw him moving under the blankets before sticking a head out. He immediately fell back onto his bed at the sight of you.
He looked awful; there were bags under his eyes; his hair looked like a bird's nest, not to mention, he was sweating all over.
"Open the window!" You shouted, loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to not disturb the peace in the neighborhood.
Despite being outside, you could practically imagine his groan at the sound of your voice.
Sukuna knew he had no choice, though, so he begrudgingly got out of bed, and walked — no, wobbled — over to his window. His arms felt like Jell-O as he opened his window, and you crawled into his bedroom.
As soon as your feet touched the floor, you felt a familiar weight fall upon you, before you crashed into the wall and onto the floor. You were in a pile of tangled limbs.
"Sukunaaaaa, oww!" You rubbed your forehead.
You tried to stand back up, but the boy's body would not give you the chance to.
"Get off of me, you slug."
"I'm good." He mumbled into your neck.
"You're too heavy," you pushed at the older's shoulders until he finally rolled off of you.
You sighed in relief. "Thank God."
You stood up, pulling Sukuna with you. Despite his size, you had to practically hold him, and yourself, up.
"You look like shit." You cupped his face to get a good look at his condition.
"Wanted to look like you."
"Well, you failed. I'm flawless."
You maneuvered the boy to his bed and let him flop down onto his stomach, before you rolled him over on his back to a more comfortable position.
You grabbed a blanket and placed it onto Sukuna, and you sat down on the side of his bed, your hand placed just inches away from his head.
"So, like, you gonna tell me what's wrong?" You raised a brow.
"What do you think, dumbass. I'm sick," he coughed, "duh." Sukuna quickly retorted, curling onto his side in order to put his head on your lap.
"How'd you get sick?"
Sukuna glared up at you.
You sigh, carding your fingers through his pink, unruly hair. He hummed, clearly content. And if you didn't know better, you would probably assume he was purring.
"Oh! I almost forgot," you rummaged through your bags; Sukuna grumbled at the lost feeling of your hands in his hair almost immediately. "I got food for us. Since someone decided not to show up."
You placed his hummus wrap — covered in foil — onto his bedside table, and set yours likewise.
"Have you eaten yet, 'Kuna?"
"I haven't had breakfast," he murmured.
"You could've just said a quick 'no'."
"Girls are so bossy."
Sukuna cut you off with a whine. "Ughh, my throat hurts. And my head is throbbing."
You rubbed your chin with your thumb and index finger. You put the back of your hand against Sukuna's forehead. "You have a fever."
"Really? I couldn't tell."
"Take off your shirt," you demanded.
"In your dreams."
"More like my nightmares," you giggled, before helping Sukuna to remove his shirt.
You stood up to walk to his bathroom; Sukuna was quick to pull you back by the wrist. Even when he's sick, he's still got a strong grip.
"And where do you think you're going?"
You tugged your arm out of his grasp, "Don't."
You managed to enter the bathroom — without any more nagging from Sukuna — and grabbed a towel, soaking it in cold water.
Then, you walked back into his room, and placed it atop his forehead. Sukuna immediately went to remove it, before you swatted his hand away.
"Get this thing off of me. It's freezing," Sukuna scowled.
You had to restrain yourself from putting him in shackles, "This is literally helping you. So, shut up. You talk too much."
"This is literally," he coughed, "my house. Don't tell me what to do, girl."
"Doctor's orders."
"Nuh uh, you're far from a doctor. More like a witch instead," Sukuna snickered.
You rolled your eyes, already used to Sukuna's antics by now.
"Do you have medicine anywhere in the house?" You asked, caressing his cheek and rubbing it with your palm.
"Mmhm." He nuzzled his face impossibly closer into your hand.
You sighed, "C'mon. Work with me here, 'Kuna. Where's the medicine?"
A long break of silence, "'m not gonna tell you."
"Tell me, or else, or else I'll — ," you thought for a moment, "or else I'll tell your grandpa. And you know how he takes of people when they're sick."
Sukuna's eyes immediately shot open. He knew his grandpa's old fashioned ways.
"It's in the cabinet in the kitchen. The one above the fridge."
You struggled to reach, having to stand on your tiptoes, but at last, you brought a bottle filled with red liquid and a measuring cup to Sukuna's bedroom.
When you entered, he immediately started to move away from you. Alas, he only had so much room on his bed.
"I would rather die, than drink that shit." Sukuna pointed at the cup with his finger.
"Then die," you quipped back, shoving the cup — that you filled with medicine — into his hands.
Sukuna glared at you, but you remained unwavering in your demand. When he realized there was no point in trying to argue, he leaned his head back and drank.
"Weirdo," you sneer.
"What's the problem now?" Sukuna placed the now empty cup on his table and fell back onto his bed, covering his eyes with an arm.
"You drank the medicine like it was a shot."
"Doesn't matter."
Sukuna began to cough, and cough, and cough. He sat upright.
You rubbed his back.
Sukuna felt utterly selcouth. He never had someone help him through a sickness. Sure, Grandpa was always there, but he's different. Sukuna's had tutors, coaches, people whose jobs were to help. But it wasn't your job.
"Why?" Why do you help me? Sukuna asked.
You know why. But those words never left your mouth. Instead,
"Shh. Be quiet. Let me take care of you."
At the end of the day, you knew why you were helping Sukuna. And Sukuna knew how you were helping him.
You tucked him in, raised the blanket up to his shoulders, adjusted the towel on his forehead, and kissed his forehead.
"Don't overexert yourself," you walked to the door, "I know you will."
Sukuna wanted to call your name, have you stay by his side, run your soft fingers through his hair for just a little longer, but his throat itched, and he didn't even have the energy to cough or sneeze. So, alas, he shut his eyes, and dreamt instead.
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aliwritex · 8 months
welcome to my new obsession: F1
part 2
long ass thoughts about daniel x alonso!reader (daughter) im talking like 4k
for context: i was thinking like monegasque/spanish!reader, like, her mom from monaco and she was like born there or smt. this can be quite messy bc it really was just thoughts.
warnings: SMUT (oral – M and F rec–, fingering, anal fingering, PinV, danny being kinda rough) with barely any plot, danny and reader being sluts, not proof read in lazy, AGE GAP (reader is like 20) size kink
"Are you not gonna kiss me?" you asked after dancing with him for what felt like the entire night.
"How old are you?"
"Old enough to be in here"
"That's good enough"
He lowered his head to reach your lips and kissed you hungrily. It was messy and you both tasted like alcohol but you couldn't care less.
You weren't so sure of how you ended up waking up in his hotel room with your dress unzipped, bunched up around your waist and no underwear. You sat up for a second, trying to remember who you left the club with, luckily, an vcarb shirt was laid on the chair next to the bed. Considering that you had a 50/50 chance, you were pretty lucky to get it right. "Daniel?" you called from the bed.
"Good mornin" he smiled as he came out of the bathroom, still damp, hair wet and a towel around his waist.
"Not so sure it's a good morning when I don'tremember what happened last night. Did we fuck?"
“You better hope not cause i don't see any condoms around here."
"Daniel, are you fucking serious right now?" you ask, before putting on the t-shirt he just threw at you.
"I'm kidding, alright?"
"Then what the fuck happened? Why aren't my panties on my body?" you asked almost angry at how calm he was about this.
"Hey, hey, no need to freak out. I just ate you out, alright? But I guess you were too drunk because you fell asleep almost instantly after you came on my tongue and told me I was 'too fucking good'
"Oh god, I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing. How can you be sure that happened? You were drunk too"
"Well, you were quite unforgivable, babe, pulling my hair and grinding on my face. That and the fact that I can handle my alcohol." he chuckled.
"Don't fucking laugh about this, s'not funny" you hit his stupid smile with a pillow. "God, my dad is gonna kill me. He was afraid i'd get with stroll, you know, but this? This is so much worse"
“Why am I worse than stroll?”
"Cause you're like, almost 20 years older than me. this is so messed up. How am I gonna get out of here, there are people outside." it was your home town after all, people knew you.
“I'll figure this out, okay? just wait a second and stop freaking out."
You got up from the bed, taking the rest of your dress off before walking to the bathroom. the second you saw yourself in the mirror you started washing all that old make up off, you looked destroyed. as you looked through daniels things, trying to find a face wash or a moisturizer, you heard him on the phone
"Hey, Lan, can you do me a favor?"
"Sure, mate, what's up?"
"Is your girlfriend with you?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Do you think she could borrow yn some sneakers and like, training shorts or something?"
"Why on earth are you calling about yn?"
"Well, we kinda had a thing last night and now she's like, stuck in here, only in her party dress."
"Are we fucking talking the same yn mate?"
"I would think so, yeah"
"Are you taking a fucking piss?"
"Not at all"
"Oh this is so messed up. you fucked your coworkers daughter?"
"Kinda, and i don't see how this is messed up"
"Mate, how old is she?"
"She was old enough to be in the club"
"Can you just cut it? who the fuck are you telling about us?" you came out of the bathroom, done with his conversation.
"Just Lando, I'm trynna help you out here" he told you before talking back to his phone "can you just please ask your girlfriend for the clothes? Thanks, I'll be right there." he ended the call, laying his phone on the bed as you stood right in front of him. "Don't be mad at me, alright?" he pulled you closer, in between his parted legs, and kissed your love handle, over the shirt. you ran your hand through his wet curls, locking your fingers in them when he grabbed your ass. "Dan?"
"Yeah?" he looked up at you with bright brown eyes.
"Think i can make up to you for last night?"
"Would love that, yeah"
You straddled him, hands meeting his cheeks as you kissed him. His arms wrapping around your waist, making you grind down onto his towel. You could feel him growing against you as you let the texture of the towel catch your clit. You really tried to drag out the making out but after a couple of minutes his tip as aggressively poking your thigh. “That was quick" you tease and you slide off his lap, going on your knees in front of him. You unfolded the towel that hung around his hips and almost didn't believe what you saw. "Fuck" you sighed.
"What's wrong, baby?" he teased, looking down at you and brushing your hair off your face.
"You could've given a warning" you joked before wrapping your hand around his base, leading it to your lips, you spit on the tip, using your other hand to smear it all over him, his cock so thick he fit perfectly in your fist. You started pumping slowly, looking up and holding direct eye contact with him, starting to feel hot under his stare. Your hand moved loosely around him, your palm feeling all the prominent veins of his cock before stoping at the base so you could leave a kiss on his tip.
"Stop teasing, love." he complained, slightly bucking his hips up so you took his head into your mouth. You did, gladly, sucking hardly on it before going all the way down. You couldn't quite take all of him in your mouth but you came close, the move making you slightly gag around him. You pulled away, pumping your hand while you recovered from it. You swirled your tongue on his tip, watching as he threw his head back, hands becoming fists that propped him up on the bed, you let your mouth slide down on him, always taking everything you could. Every time you had to pull away to breathe, your hands made up for it, either pressing your thumb down on his slit or running your palm against his sensitive head.
"Fuck, baby, feel so good, 'm so close" he groaned as you popped off his length with a disgustingly erotic sound, string of saliva connecting your bottom lip to his tip. "shit"
"Want you inside me. please?" you asked, taking your spot back on his lap.
“If someone ever says no to that question, love, they're going insane." he smiled against your neck before kissing down to your shoulder. His hand went back down to your ass, lifting the shirt you wore and spreading your cheeks apart, his long finger reaching for your opening. he circled it, spreading your wetness around before dipping into you, making you wiggle your hips till you got used to the feeling. As much as you just wanted him inside you, he barely fit in your mouth so you knew this was necessary. When he slipped the second finger in, your head fell onto his shoulder and as a gagged moan fell out of your lips you felt him smile against the skin of your neck.
“Think you're ready, baby?" he whispered in your ear and you nodded. Daniel pulled his fingers out of you, reaching for a condom on the bedside table and putting it on before lifting your hips till his tip tapped your hole. His hands on your ass started lowering you onto him, you were unbelievably tight compared to his girth and it had you squeezing him so good.
"Dan" you called, face buried in his neck, hands running through the short curls on the back of his head, "so fucking big." you sighed as you tried to make him bottom out inside you. he couldn't help but chuckle against your neck, he already knew he was too big for your petite figure but you were not giving up on taking him whole. You felt bad enough for using him the previous night, you needed to make him feel good.
"Don't need to take it all if you can't, baby" he said before laying back on his elbows, watching you struggle as you took him in, a smirk never leaving his face. When he finally watched himself bottom out in you he sat back up.
"Doing so good, didn't think you'd be able to take it." he whispered to your lips before crashing them against his.
Daniel lifted your shirt till he met your tits and started to give them attention, kissing and sucking, kneading and bitting, all of it borderline overwhelming as you were still getting used to him inside you. He had both of his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you as close as he could as you started grinding against him. He was sucking on your tits so hard, making you wetter by the second, as he moved his hips to meet yours.
"Dan, fuck, feel so good, so big" you whispered against his lips before kissing him, it being so deep and intense that you slowed down your hip movements. Daniel, however, made sure to increase his movements, fucking up into you. even though you were the one trying to make up to him, he was the one who seemed to be doing everything in his power to make you feel good.
With a particular thrust, you let a moan out into his mouth making him part the kiss and take his lips down your chest again. the attention he was paying to your boobs was driving you insane, all the kissing and sucking being almost too much. your moans becoming louder with every thrust of his as he let out groans against your skin.
"fuck, so fucking close, cmon, baby, don't stop." he said in your ear, making you shiver. you sped up your bouncing on his lap and started clenching on purpose around him. it wasn't long before he came with a deep moan in your ear. Barely taking time to enjoy his release, he flipped you over onto the bed, one hand beside your head, holding himself up and the other right down to your clit, circling it as he trusted a few last times into you, his softening dick still making you feel full. "come for me, baby, need to make sure you're done too" he whispered.
"so close, just a little more, please" you begged and he thrusted into you one last time, making you cum. he immediately fell on you, burring his face in the crook of your neck as you came back from your high. “‘kay, get off, still need to get out of here."
"yeah, okay. i'll just get dressed and i'll get you some clothes." He flipped off you, pulling his towel to cover himself again.
"have you seen my phone?" you asked, looking around the room. he handed it to you, along with a charger and pointed to the outlet by the bed.
You watched him get dressed as you waited for your phone to turn on, his muscles on display for you, gradually being covered by some shorts and a tshirt, leaving most of his tattoos uncovered. You couldn't help but let your eyes wander around his body, his muscles, his hair and his nose, you pressed your thighs together at the thought of riding his face and pulling his hair, having his beard scratch your legs, god, you wish you weren't so drunk the night before to remember how good he was.
"be right back" he warned, pulling you out of your daydreaming before leaving the room. as he left, you decided to get up to take a shower, you still smelled like alcohol and daniels cologne from the night before.
While you were in the shower daniel headed to landos room, knocking on the door when he reached it. "mornin' mate"
"did you fucking do her again?" Lando accused as soon as he opened the door, noticing his friends smile and his flushed cheeks
"none of your business, dude." he pushed lando on the shoulder. "thanks for the clothes, though, really saving my ass here. see you later, yeah? still coming with me?"
"sure, see you" he said, clearly just trying to get rid of daniel.
and he did leave, walking back to his room with the shorts and shoes in his hand. "m back, got your clothes" he laid it on the bed before starting to collect his things from the room.
"thanks" you said after coming out of the shower in your towel. you got dressed, annoyingly going commando since you couldn't find your underwear anywhere in his room, and started collecting your stuff too. “think i'm good to go"
"wait" he stopped you "here" daniel placed a cap on your head, tightening it and handing you sunglasses. "ll make sure you get your dress and shoes back, 'kay? will you be in spain?"
"course, but only on saturday. ill text you the place when i get there, so, like, check your dms or something" you commented already going out the door and checking your phone to know where you'd be meeting your dad.
the next time you saw daniel was on monday afternoon.
you went to a coffee shop at the airport after saying goodbye to your dad for a week. he was walking past and stopped immediately when he saw you, approaching your table and asking if he could sit.
"sure, go ahead" you weren't exactly happy about the situation, still afraid this would get to your dad, he wasn't opposed to you dating anyone but, this was his coworker and he was 15 years older than you.
"i got something for you. was gonna wait to give it to you later but i thought you might be needing it." he pulled a small piece of fabric from the pocket of his jeans and bunched it inside his fist before giving it to you.
the second you realized what it was you kicked his leg under the table. "daniel! for fucks sake, have you completely lost your mind?"
"just thought you'd wanna be wearing this again next time you throw yourself at me at the club."
"don't worry, won't be doing that ever again. wasn't really worth it, too much effort, not enough pleasure, you know?" you teased before taking a sip of your coffee.
"sure, keep telling yourself that. listen, i gotta go, see you in like, what, three days?"
"five" you corrected, also getting up from the table.
your next encounter was on saturday night.
Daniel had gotten pole position on quali and as of mandatory gone partying. It was actually insane to you how he managed to end up in the same club as you in a city as big as barcelona. maybe he saw your story and found out where you were but you didn't mind to check.
You were just sitting on the bar, mindlessly flirting with some guy that didn't have a single chance when you saw him. You decided to ignore, not minding his presence while you talked to someone else, but he reached you first. He walked over to you from behind so you didn't notice till his hand was discreetly on your waist, the guy your were taking to left as soon as he realized who daniel was.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me" you said, loud enough so he could hear it, slipping out of the stool
"Hello to you too." he smiled
"what are you doing here?"
"Celebrating. Got fucking pole position" he said, taking a sip of his drink.
"Are you gonna be able to maintain it drinking like this?"
"First and only" he lifted his beer bottle. "Wanna dance?"
Now Daniel wasn’t the best at dancing – though he did love to –, but when your hips caught his he knew exactly what to do, they followed yours to the rhythm of the music and his hands roamed through your body with yours on top. You danced through a few songs as Daniel tried kissing you, you denied, knowing that as soon as you kissed him, you’d want to go home with him.
“Just a kiss, c’mon” he whispered, beard scratching on your neck.
You shook your head, turning around to face him and taking his hand. “Just dance with me, yeah?” you smiled, starting to fold your knees and using his handhold as support, in seconds you were on the floor, twearking as you stared at him. You caught his lips moving as he cussed at the view, now if he didn’t go home with you tonight he would go insane. Daniel helped you up, watching you come up from the floor while swaying your hips.
“Stop playing me, we’re gonna do this or not?” he asked you with some level of dominance, something you found extremely hot on that moment. You nodded, pulling him away from the crowd by the hand, when you got out he just looked at the valet and in matter of a minute his Aston Martin was by the door. Daniel helped you into the car before settling himself.
“We can go to my apartment, it’s a bit messy cause i just got there today but, no cameras.” you suggested
“Is it close?” you nodded “lead the way.”
In about 15 minutes you were inside your house, he looked around as you kissed what you reached of his neck, his hands sat on your ass cheeks. “Danny, come on” you groaned against his chest as you unbuttoned his shirt.
“Just looking for somewhere i can fuck you, baby. Think i just found it.” he picked you up from the floor, caring you over to your couch and laying you on it. Daniel easily climbed on top of you, kissing on your neck and visible parts of your chest. Your legs wrapped around hism, making your dress ride up and pool around your waist.
“Dan” you whispered in his ear, hoping it would make him act faster. It just made him quickly grind down on you before going on his knees.
“Gotta make sure you remember how good i make you feel in the morning this time, baby.” he teased as he spread your legs, placing himself between them. Daniel hooked his arms underneath your thighs, settling you to be face to face with your heat. He blew against your aching core, sending shivers down your spine making you close your knees. “love the reactions your body has to me, baby, but keep these apart, wanna make you feel good.”
You threw your head back as your hands went to his hair, you ran your fingers through the curls and pulled him closer to you.He kissed your clit through your thong, smirking as he pulled it to the side and swiped his finger between your lips, guiding it to his lips and sucking on it. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you watched him do it.
“Daniel, stop teasing. Just eat me out already, please” you cried out.
He smiled as he pulled your panties down your legs. Daniel kissed and licked your thighs, ignoring your wish, the teasing driving you insane. Two of his fingers split your lips open, your wet cunt now completely exposed to him, he kissed around it, the creases between your thighs and your middle and the bottom of your stomach before planting a kiss right on your lips, anticipation killing you by the second.
“Danny, please. Need you now” you groaned not even thinking about how desperate you sounded, when he had barely touched you.
“You talk a lot less when you’re drunker, love. Maybe I should get some more alcohol in you before fucking this pretty cunt” he whispered as his fingers circled your hole, a sigh of relief leaving your lips immediately.
He grinned at your reaction before his lips met your heat again. They kissed your hole, tongue slightly dipping into you before making its way up. His flat tongue traced from the bottom of your vulva all the way up to your clit, lapping at it. His hand made their way up your waist under your shirt, trying to reach your chest but your shirt was too tight. “Off” he mumbled against your skin.
“what?” your question made him lift his head, letting you catch a glimpse of his lips, glistening with your wetness.
“Off. Take your shirt off.”
You pulled your top over your head, throwing it to the side before your hands made their way back to his hair. His fingers tweaked your nipples between them before palming your boobs entirely. He started fucking you with his tongue, penetrating it slowly as the bridge of his nose caught your clit, giving you the lightest of pressure whenever he moved his face around. His tongue left your hole when you stopped giving him reactions, mouth now working on sucking your clit.
“Danny, please” you moaned when his lips left your clit and started teasing by sucking on your lips. Your begging made him give up the teasing.
The tip of his tongue circled your clit before liking up and down your hole, his nose hitting your sensitive nub again. A soft moan left your mouth as he moved his head side to side, using his nose to stimulate your clit but he stopped as soon as you did. You looked down at him, about to complain but you caught a challenging look in his eyes and understood what he wanted. You started grinding your hips against his face, the pressure of his nose just perfect and in a couple of seconds he had you uncontrollably humping on his face.
“Dan, ‘m so close” you sighed.
He let you use him for your release as his tongue lapped at your dripping hole, the noises his mouth was making so unholy. His pants were getting uncomfortably tighter by the second, he needed you on his cock. Gladly, you, too, were desperate to have him. You came the second he penetrated you with two fingers, ridding down your high as he curled them inside you. His head left the space between your legs and came up to face you.
“Don’t go sleepy on me this time” he joked “wanna fuck you so bad.”
“Fuck, Dan. Let’s go to my room, please, need you.” you mumbled as he kissed your neck, hands snaking under your ass to lift you up. he effortlessly carried you inside, opening the door he guessed was the main bedroom and threw you on the bed. You giggled, watching as he unbuckled his belt and undid his pants before pushing his already unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and taking off the tshirt he had under it. His hands looked for the zipper on your sparkly skirt and pulled it down, sliding it off your legs, leaving you completely bare in front of him. You pulled him down making him lay over you, holding his torso up with his forearms beside your head.
“Wait, wait, wait” he mumbled into the kiss, getting up again to take off his pants for good after kicking his boots away. He then laid over you again, kissing every single inch of your neck as you tried desperately to grind up onto him and feel his hardness. “so fucking impatient, you are. Have you got any condoms here?”
“Probably” you turned on your side, reaching for your bedside table and found a single one, handing it to him after checking the expiration date. You watched as he opened and put it on, mesmerized by how hot he looked in agony. Seconds later he was lowering his hips, finally penetrating you, his thick cock spreading you up and making your walls burn. “Fuck, Dan, so fucking big” your legs wrapped around his hips, driving them deeper inside of you.
Daniel groaned in your ear when he bottomed out inside you, the feeling of your cunt swallowing him being ridiculously overwhelming. His lips met yours as he started to grind onto you, hips building up the pace till he was pounding into you. All you could do was moan uncontrollably, if you saw the state you were in you’d be embarrassed but when you had his dick buried inside you it really didn’t matter.
“Daniel, please, faster” you begged, making his hips start snapping against yours. You smiled, feeling every thought slip out of your mind as he fucked your pussy, it hurt so bad but so good, you could feel the tears running down your cheeks.
When he lifted his face up from the crook of your neck he finally saw the state you were in. His hips slowed down reluctantly as he starred at your face. You were about to complain but he cut you off. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, shit, don’t stop, Daniel, please.” you kissed him to show that you were fine, making him speed his movements again. He tried carrying the kiss but your mouth started falling open in pleasure, just whining and mumbling in his ear, you needed more, apparently. So Daniel lifted his body up and threw your legs over his shoulders, shoving a pillow under your hips, you cloud feel every single inch of him as he snapped into you.
“Do you ever shut up?” he teased, annoyed with all the options you had to give on his performance. He then took his two middle fingers and pushed them past your lips. The sight of you sucking on the fingers of his tatted hand driving him crazy. Daniel felt possessive and controlling and you weren’t complaining, felt great having someone wreck you completely. His right hand traveled down from your thigh to your clit, circling it ferociously because he could see and feel how close you were. You came with a embarrassingly loud moan just after a few seconds of his fingers on you, squirting on him and yourself. It dripped down your folds wetting his cock and down the back of your thighs that stamped on his as he still snapped inside you.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me.” he admired the view in front of him. His fingers were still in your mouth but not sucking anymore, your hands loose above your head, all your muscles shutting down as you let go of the tension that had been building up inside you. He pulled his fingers from your mouth, and his cock out of you before straightening his back “Flip” his hands each side of your hip helping with the transition.
He pushed himself inside you again, the burning sensation less intense now that he had already stretched you on his cock. His thrusts started slow, taking his time to pick up the pace and fixate his eyes on your body. Your head was laid flat on the bed as you arched your back to the maximum, he took notice of your hair splattered out on the covers, of your waist and how small it looked with his hand around it and lastly of your asshole. It was wet from your arousal and release, glistening under the lights and calling for him, he could see it clench around nothing.
Daniel moved his hand from your waist, taking it to his mouth and sucking and spitting on his thumb before folding over you, your back to his chest as he circled the finger around your hole. “Breathe” he whispered in your ear watching you nod before pulling away to watch as his thumb entered you. “Shit” he moaned, felling how tight you were around him, the overwhelming sensation of penetration making your cunt and asshole clench around him in a synchronized motion.
“Daniel, please, just cum, can’t do it anymore, too much.” you groaned against the pillow, feeling overstimulated and used. “Fuck, cum on my ass, Daniel” you whispered, knowing it would drive him insane.
“Fuck” he sighed before he pulled out and ripped the condom off of him, watching your gapping hole clench. The hand that had a finger inside you pulled you closer by the ass, making it rest against his thighs and he pumped his fist around his cock till his cum painted your back with ropes of white. “Shit, shit, shit. Don’t you fucking move” he reached for his pants and pulled out his phone, his thumb immediately making its way back to your hole so he could snap a picture. “That might be the prettiest sight of all, babygirl.”
Daniel pulled out completely, pushing your hip so you fell on your side, your body immediately curling up and shutting down on the mattress. You were a mess, spit covering half of your face, your thighs slippery with arousal and now your back covered in cum.
“Dan?” he hummed “there’s a small towel in my suitcase, right on top. Can you wet it a bit and bring it to me? Please?”
“Yeah, don’t worry i’ll clean you up. Just let me sort myself out first.” he was slightly out of breath too, you could hear it in his voice “Fuck, baby. You okay?” you nodded against the pillow. “Too week to shower right now, yeah? We can shower in the morning.” he said after seeing that your thighs were still quivering.
He got up from the edge of the bed where he was sitting and grabbed the towel from your bag before leaving the room. He came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water and the dampened towel. He dragged it against your thighs, lifting the right one so he could get to your messy middle. Being extremely careful with it he cleaned you up entirely, making sure to leave his cum for last to not spread it all over you.
“Here, got some water.” you sat up against the headboard taking the bottle from his hands. As you drank your water you watched him put his boxers back on and pick up his clothes from the floor, folding them messily and putting them on top of your dresser, his keys and wallet beside them.
“Daniel, just leave it. Turn off the light and come here. ‘M tired.”
He did what you asked and got under the covers, bringing them up to your chest as you laid with your back turned to him. He scooted closer and pulled you in easily with an arm around your waist.
“I’m a cuddler, gonna have to deal with that.” he smiled against your neck, leaving a small kiss before tucking your head right beneath his own so you were comfortably fit in his embrace.
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hypnos333 · 7 months
Sloth + lust = Fizz
fizzarolli x Reader x asmodeus
Synopsis: Fizzarolli and Asmodeus purposed to you but only Asmodeus can announce his proposal and Fizz is upset about it
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“Just in we have wonderful news for Lazy town and lust city it seems like Asmodeus purposed too the sin of sloth and united both the town and cities-” the Tv cut off with Fizz turning it off pouting as He sat next to a still sleeping you with your diamond ring on your ring finger from both him and Asmodeus.
“Lovely aren’t you supposed to be making deals today” Fizz asked shaking you gently to wake up. Making one of your eyes open as you look at him in a sleepy way.
“Hmm, nope i’ll just have Asmodeus do it” You simply said closing your eyes, Fizz thought maybe he could ask you since even if lazy you were reasonable and less busy. “Why does Asmodeus only get to announce his proposal to you but I can’t do mines publicly” Fizz bluntly ask emotional making you tiredly stare at him as he fiddle with his hands.
You tiredly reach holding his hand, “Me and Asmodeus are overlords hun, but you are different, your special but your also below us it would be a disgrace to every overload if we show up unannounced with you hun” You said reasonably 
Fizz teared up making you instantly sit up and hugged him, he nuzzled into your neck. He sobbed into you. “I-I hate us hiding, I h-hate it so much” He cried.
“Shhhh I know hun, but this isn��t permanent until we can find a right time to announce you before our wedding, I promise honey” You vowed to him kissing him all over his face.
“IM BACK WITH SOME FOOD MY LOVES” Asmodeus yelled out making you jumpy but luckily Fizz was able to calm you with a reassurance hand squeeze. You sigh tiredly before wiping Fizz tears with your sleeve. “Dry your tears hun, everything’s gonna be okay” You said before dragging him downstairs to go downstairs for food.
“Ah hello my sleeping beauty it’s nice to see you awake with your beautiful self” Asmodeus greeted you lifting you up placing kisses all over your face.
“Hello to you too my king” You mumbled before you threw yourself down from him making Fizz panic before clinging to you before you fell off the floor trying to injure yourself. They both looked at you unimpressed as you dragged yourself to get some food in your sluggish both.
“She is something else” Asmodeus bluntly said making Fizz hum in agreement as his heart was still racing from you almost getting hurt.
“Hello Fizzy, How are you?” Asmodeus asked doing the same thing to him too what he did to you.
“I’m okay” Fizzarolli said simply but with a fake smile and sadden voice. Asmodeus gave a questionable face and before he could ask his other lover you came running with baked honey garlic chicken stuffed in your mouth.
You pulled Fizz down from your lover making him try the chicken that claim “Taste better then anything else in hell” making Fizz feel better with you cheerfulness.
“Okay okay I’ll try it” He said making you silently cheer before holding the chicken up to his mouth with a fork, He bit into the chicken before chewing it.
“What did you think about it hun?” You asked
“It’s delicious baby” He answered smiling at you, Asmodeus watched you and Fizz love sickly being loving to one another. He loves days like these.
“Oh right My sleeping beauty I had handled your deals and you have a couple of good ones” Asmodeus stated making you sigh tiredly. “Now now my Beauty we both know you have no choice but to do this” Asmodeus added.
“I know but you know I don’t get nothing done” You said tiredly.
“Let’s go baby we can do it together” Fizz said cheerfully making you nod in agreement before dragging both of them into you office.
“Thank you my loves” You said kissing Fizz lips first before kissing Asmodeus lips. They both sigh in content as you turn to lead them in your beautiful office that your man’s did for you.
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zvdvdlvr · 8 months
Your Hotchner blurbs are so fantastic I've read them all twice now! I was wondering if you have any thoughts on hotch collecting his drunk girlfriend from the bar? Xoxo
you’re so sweet, angel!! thanks for the love :)
— The One with all the Alcohal (and Jack)
“Honey?” Aaron asked, holding the phone up to his ear.
He heard high-pitched giggling in the background and knew it had to be something relating to you.
“Tell him I love him!” He heard your voice say, quiet im contrast to the voice that crackled through the phone next.
“You need to come pick y/n up,” your friend said, laughing at something.
“Yeah I’m- I’m on my way. What’s the address?”
“Hi Aaron!” You called. “I miss you, baby. Like, a lot. Almost as much as the… what’s that book you used to read to Jack?”
“I love you to the moon and back,” Aaron answered, opening the door for his son to climb into the vehicle, repeating the address your friend gave him in his head.
You giggled on the other line. “I love you more,” you said.
Aaron shook his head and smiled. “You ready, buddy?” He asked Jack.
Jack nodded. “Can i say hi to y/n?”
Aaron nodded. “Y/n, honey. Jack wants to say hi.” He handed the phone to Jack and climbed into the front seat.
“Hi, y/n/n!” Jack greeted cheerily.
Aaron started up the car and peeled out of the driveway. “Tell her we’re on the way.”
“Daddy says to tell you we’re on the way,” Jack repeated. Aaron heard you talking to Jack and then Jack’s little giggle. “Do you really think he will?”
Aaron looked at his boy through the mirror and couldn’t help but soften at the way he kicked his feet in excitement to talk to you- to go pick you up. The ring in Aaron’s desk had been heavy on his mind as of late. “Tell y/n we’re almost there, kiddo.”
Jack did as he was told and kept up the comversation. “I miss you too! Do you think you and Daddy can make some french toast tomorrow? Actually… can you make it for me? You make it better than Daddy. He burns it.”
Aaron heard you laugh through the phone and heard you say something that sounded like “I’d love to, Jackie-boy.”
Aaron pulled up to the bar your friend had said you were at. “Okay buddy. You keep talkin’ to y/n. I’m gonna lock the doors. I want you to wait until I knock on the door to unlock them, okay?”
Jack nodded. “Daddy’s coming in to get you,” he said as Aaron handed him the car keys.
Aaron kisses Jack’s head before shutting the door and hearing Jack lock the door.
— 🧠
Pushing through the sweaty, lewdly dresses bodies, Aaron was glad he made sure Jack stayed in the car. Luckily, Aaron was tall enough to see over most of the heads of people getting hammered.
Then he heard a laugh. It was most definitely your laugh. He pushed through even more people wondering how many people could possible fit under one roof.
“Y/n,” Aaron sighed in relief to himself. You were sitting at the bar, still talking to Jack; your girlfriends taking down shots by the second. Damn.
“Hey, you,” Aaron greeted, a hand on your shoulder. You turned and faced your boyfriend, not recognizing his voice.
“Aaron!” You squealed lunging from your chair into his arms, phone discarded on the bar.
Your boyfriend smiled. “Hi, honey.” Rubbing your back as you clung to him, fingers fiddling with the hair at the nape of his neck. Aaron reached for the phone. “Hey Jack. We’ll be out in a second, buddy. Are you okay in there?”
“Yeah!” The little boy answered, growing antsy.
Aaron hung up the phone and tucked it into his back pocket. “You ready to go, sweetheart?” He asked, turning his attention to you.
“Yeah, A. I-“ you paused and looked up. “Where’s Jack?”
“He’s in the car-“
“Ohmygoodness Aaron. You can’t leave him in there! He might get kidnapped! He’s- Aaron he’s too cute and sweet to get kidnapped. We gotta go make sure he’s safe,” you blubbered, emotional over the fact that Jack’s all alone.
“Okay, honey. Whatever you want,” Aaron said, guiding you through the crowd. Secretly, Aaron felt his heart swell at every interaction you had with Jack; he’d never really seen someone other than Hayley dote on him and love him like their own flesh and blood. Aaron had even asked Jack what he thought Aaron should do. Aaron remembered Jack looking up from his Captain America coloring book and his little voice saying “I won’t be upset if she’s gonna be my new mommy”. That really struck a chord for Aaron.
“Be careful, honey,” Aaron said, wrapping his arm around you waist to ensure you didn’t fall on the sidewalk.
“You know,” you began, liquor destroying any kimd of self control you still had left. “You’re way too good for me. You an’ Jack… both are the best things that’ve ever happened to me.”
Aaron stopped and swept you off your feet, delighting in the giggle you let out and the way you clung to him just a little bit tighter. “If anything… you’re too good for me, y/n. The way you love Jack as your own, make sure I get abreality check when I need one… the way you love us… you’re too good for me, honey.” Aaron said.
But you didn’t hear a single word because you were too busy admiring Aaron’s features, lightly brushing a pointer finger across his features. “Wow,” you breathed.
That made Aaron chuckle. “Hold on, honey. I gotta have Jack unlock the door.”
You didn’t really hear that either, still giving Aaron that star-struck look you do so well.
And then you heard Jack’s happy voice say hi.
Aaron didn’t say anything as he drove home. He had his hand on your thigh to make sure you didn’t move around too much, but was quiet. He listened to you talk with Jack and how involved in the conversation you were, even if he was just a little kid. Your kindness and passion would always knock the wind out of Aaron’s lungs- in a good way.
Just as he had ushered Jack inside the house and gotten you onto your feet, you had yawned and all but melted into Aaron’s side.
“Come here, honey,” Aaron cooed, picking you up bridal style. You relaxed in his arms, even if your pretty dress was growing increasingly uncomfortable by the minute.
“Jack, buddy, I’m gonna help y/n take off her makeup and get her all tucked in before reading your story,” the father explained to his son.
Even though you couldn’t really keep your eyes open, you knew Aaron was doing your skincare routine right because of how observant and thoughtful he is.
And then, when Aaron tucked you into his (!!) bed, he kissed your forehead, believing you to be asleep. “I’ll be right back, honey. I love you,” he whispered, pulling away to watch you curl up and get comfortable in his (!!!!!!) bed.
A sleepy smile painted your face as he padded out of the room: you heard him drop the ‘L bomb’.
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stringsbasement · 2 months
Your art of peri and your Villain AU of him? perfection. I read your twt thread and I'm greedy for more, im so serious like If there was a 100k word fanfic of your au I would read it in a heartbeat!! THATS how much im obsessed with the concept
thank you so much! i didn't expect there to be so much interest in my thoughtless doodles and rambles. luckily, i already have a draft for a rant i formulated about this version of peri's possible motivations, and now i have an excuse to share it!!
also, as a bonus, have this silly doodle :)
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[his hairstyle is his attempt to separate himself from his parents, but no matter what he does with it, he can never get it to sit without that stray tuft and curl at the very end.
also, his bowtie is in reference to chloe and my initial art of irep before his design was revealed. the latter almost makes it seem like they "swapped roles."]
the thing is, it's hard to imagine peri as someone purposefully wanting to harm others for his own pleasure. for a "bad" au of peri to occur, he'd have to take after timmy, and seek chaos the same way he did
now, timmy is a good person at heart. his fairies love him, and he loved them in turn. that's undeniable. however, timmy was so stressful he affected cosmo and wandas marriage, and they had to retire right after him to rekindle their love and stop being so awful towards each other. timmy was simultaneously one of the best and worst things to ever happen to them
so it's not that much of a stretch to think he'd affected peri during his development, to the point he unknowingly influenced peri's core beliefs, which he'll carry over later in life
timmy used his fairies to escape from his regular life. he was incredibly reckless, and shirked responsibilities till the consequences got him back tenfold. a dangerous, but fulfilling way of living. he might've mellowed out in the later years, but considering he chose to keep vicky around to purposefully make himself miserable and keep his fairies instead of facing reality, maturity wouldn't be a straight or easy path
peri, adopting this way of thinking, believes the best way to live life is taking risks. ignoring your present problems in favor of escapism. he would insist this upon his godchild, and be blind to the complex nuance of dev's situation
dev's parental neglect differs from timmy's, and thus requires different treatment. but peri doesn't realize that, and dev is a child who cannot comprehend how awful he really has it, let alone communicate it in a way that isn't just lashing out and throwing tantrums
for classic peri, this is an annoyance. for this peri though? he'll enable it, because he thinks dev needs to get it out of his system. like timmy. which is in some way correct, but it's a flawed, only temporary solution
and it's in this way a path of deeper exploration opens up about characters similar to cookie, highlighting how flawed the godparent system can be when a child is assigned a godparent who cannot fulfill what they truly need
starting a ghost apocalypse is nothing compared to the wishes that has been granted before. and, honestly, dev taking viozalia's staff to use against her is a clever move. this peri wouldn't be downtrodden like he was in the original scene, but impressed. he would say as such, and dev, being the emotionally starved 10 year old he is, will soak those words up like a dry sponge
(slightly off topic: i like to think a little quirk this peri would have is, instead of looking to da book of rules for guidance, (cosmo, wanda, and his classic self do this multiple times in the show when in unique situations,) he'd be searching for anything that states what can't he do. "what to do when your god kid tries to start a ghost apocalypse... nothing? sweet!")
this would naturally allow him and dev to bond a little more. even if it's just shit talking other people and how they're totally better than everyone else
it doesn't mean they get along splendidly. dev is still pissed that he can't make the wishes he wants, and peri overcompensates by allowing him to throw himself into situations that just narrowly avoids sanction. because, oh yeah, peri would not appreciate being forced to follow the rules which includes wiping the godchild's memories after the godparent's term has passed
(if anything, he'll find a loophole out of it. he learned from the best, after all)
this is also where peri's spoiled nature would shine through. being offered everything just because he was a baby would make anyone entitled
he and dev are too similar for their own good. they have have access to anything they could ask for, but are unable to get love from one person they want it from. it's almost pitiful
to keep those thoughts out of dev's (and his own) mind, peri resorts to pushing dev out of his comfort zone, which would ordinarily be a good thing, only, he goes way too far to the point of regression
you know, it really doesn't help that dev looks a lot like timmy. i mean, look at them...
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that's timmy with slicked back hair and a white jacket. c'mon
but even with all of this, peri doesn't really become a villain. he's antagonistic at most, with his strained relationship with his parents and his help in making things harder for hazel. luckily, the latest episode has given me a few ideas
when peri inevitably comes to care for dev, he'll obviously has to do something about his constant unhappiness. dev has a point in complaining about the fact hazel has two godparents and he only has one, even when his life is "worse" (another unhealthy way of thinking,)
hmmmm. so how can dev have two fairy godparents, and how can peri break da rules without putting himself at risk?
who other than a mirror of peri's own self?
a shift inevitably took place, one where peri became more intense and irep more soft. it's so subtle it goes unnoticed until thousands of years have passed
irep has become timid, soft, and well-meaning. if peri either quits his position or gives way for another slot and puts dev under a sort of split-custody, dev will be able to use anti-fairy magic, which can completely bypass any of the rules regular fairy magic is withholden to
irep will get what he wants as well. in this post, i answered an ask in which i speculate that irep genuinely does want a godchild, and the love and appreciation that comes with it. that much would stay the same for this au
and, well, unlike irep, peri has always been willing to share
this would make way for a bunch of whacky hijinks, potential plots, and new threats. consequences piling up until they become too huge to ignore. not to mention the full implications of a fairy and anti-fairy switching roles. of course, this is just a fun idea i came up with on the spot, and i haven't thought it out too much, so pointing out any plot holes that would come from this is appreciated!
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
thank you for making me write all of this!
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ninikrumbs · 1 month
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I can't go out, Im sick --
Suguru geto x femreader
Summary: Your sick, but stubborn. Luckily Suguru has creative ways to make you take your medicine.
Tags: Suguru geto x femreader, fluff fluff fluff.
A/N: Shot and sweet. A little self indulgent.
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"Just drink it, pretty."
You shook your head stubbornly, burrowing deeper into your covers. "No."
"Please, its for your own good. " Geto pleaded.
You didn't hate a lot of things. You hated curses, obviously. You hated Gojo's overly obnoxious personality (you treasure him, really). And you hated those stupid higher ups.
But that slimy, fuchsia pink liquid, pretending to be strawberry flavored hell in a bottle had to top everything off.
"That will just make me feel worse, Sugu." You whined.
"You know that's not true."
He sighed and sat on the edge of your bed, your messy hair in a loose bun the only thing he could see as you desperately tried to hide under your covers.
"Its strawberry flavored."
"I don't how that's suppose to make it better and besides, strawberries don't taste like that."
He pinched the bridge of his nose, stressed. He's been taking care of you for days and you're almost better. But he practically has to wrestle you to take your medicine.
He couldn't even feel annoyed because even this behavior, he found charming. You were a brat, spoiled rotten, but you were his brat.
And also because he hasn't forgotten the panic that went through his body when he saw you writhing in pain with a high fever.
Then, like a stroke of brilliance he thought of something. You might get mad but to hell with it.
He moved closer up the bed, bottle in hand. He opened it and took a swig of the bottle and swiftly peeled off your covers.
"Suguru, I sa-
He pressed his lips onto yours, opening your lips with his. Hands on your face, to make sure you don't move as his tongue gently danced around yours.
He'd like to think that he did this for you benefit but really it was for him. He hasn't been able to kiss you for days so bitter medicine be damned.
Geto pulled away and saw you swallow the medicine. You were flushed but now for a different reason.
He smirked. "Did that taste better?"
You glared at him before roughly pulling him down by his collar and smashing your lips together.
Geto grinned victoriously against yours lips.
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Geto laid in bed as he sneezed for the nth time, and you stared at him with an I told you so look plastered on your face.
"This is why you shouldn't kiss sick people."
He had the gal to just shrugged nonchalantly, "It was worth it."
He pulled you close by the hand. "Now come here and kiss me back to health."
You immediately pushed him away, "Suguru, no!"
Never the less, you nursed him back to health without any medicine induced kisses, to his dismay.
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soxcietyy · 7 months
hii, can i req a older bf + soft dom yuuta please?
Biker Yuta
Age gap, soft dom, Yuta being fine af in general
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It was almost every night, the exact time at 1:30 am where a loud bike would pass by your house. It was so loud that it would wake you up from the deep slumber you where in.
At first you didn't think much about it when you first moved into your new house but now its been months and you kept hearing that loud bike zoom by. At some point you grew tired of it and decided tonight was the night you would confront whoever this selfish individual was. There was tones of roads that person could go on and he decided your street was the one to travel on every night? Did this person not have a job?
Grabbing your coat you slip it on and walk out in your pajama’s that consisted on small shorts and a tanktop. Checking the time on your phone you noticed it was five minutes till one. Walking out the door you stand by the mailbox with your arms crossed. The passing cars probably thinking that you weren't fully right in the head. After a few minutes of standing there you could hear the loud bike from a distance.
How where you supposed to get this person attention? you had no clue but decided to find out once it was time. As the bike got louder you step into the middle of the road. When the vehicle came into view you had to shut your eyes from how bright there headlights. Using your hand to cover your eyes from the light you could feel two hands grab you and pulled you to the side. With a gasp you turn around to see them?!
What was the biker doing here? shouldn't he be the one...
before you could finish that though a car zoomed by extremely fast. Then it hit you, you could of almost died mistaking that car for the biker.
"what are you doing in the middle of the road like that? you could of gotten hurt." A male voice said from behind that helmet.
"I thought it was you!" you say grabbing you heart that almost popped out of your chest
"Me? either way you shouldnt be doing that. Arnt you supposed to be in bed at this time?" He asks as he sat you down on his bike.
"yea i actually am but a loud bike likes to go through my neighborhood, waking me and everyone else up! Do you know how much sleep iv lost because of you?" you say angrily.
grabbing his helmet with both hands he slowly takes it off and shakes his helmet hair before looking at you. "Im sorry I didn't know i was bothering people with my late night rides." he says. "Im usually coming out of work at that time and well this is the way I go to make it home.
"Well how about being more quiet? I would hate for us to have issues." You put your hand on your hip.
"Issues? Now I don’t think that’s necessary. How about I make it up to you?" He mocks you by putting his hand on his hip too.
"How will you make it up to me? Do you know how much beauty sleep iv lost because of you?" You quirk your brow.
"Well before I even give you an answer I need to know about you such as name and age."
"My name is y/n and I’m nineteen." You answer.
"Seven years apart mmh, well how about you let me relieve all that stress you got pent up? If you know what I mean. My name is Yuta by the way." He places his helmet under his arm.
27 and he looks young? He’s also not bad looking at all. It wouldn’t hurt to try something with someone more experienced than you. "Sure but I would hate for your back to give out in the middle of it." You hum
"Hey I’m not that old, let’s see who’s back gives out first huh?" He chuckled as he followed you back to your shared house.
Your roommate was luckily out of town for the week so you had the whole house to yourself. It didn’t take long until he was over you. Smothering you with kisses and the string cologne he wore that smelled rich of leather. His bangs touching your forehead as they dangled over you. He still held his helmet in his hand before he dropped it so he could get a better hold of you.
The kisses were fast but deep. It was almost as if he was so desperate to get a taste of you. As he continued to kiss you his gloved hands snaked under your shirt and fondled your breast. You couldn’t lie and say he didn’t look fine with his blacked out gear. If you knew he looked like this you would have confronted him long ago.
Pulling you closer to him he removed your bottoms and his right hand glove. "Want me to teach you how a real grown man should treat a lady?" He whispers in your ear before sliding his fingers in you.
He long fingers bend and move around inside of you. He made sure to touch every spot causing you to throw your head back in pleasure. Biting your bottom lip you shake your head unconsciously. You didn’t even noticed when he crouched down and began to eat you out. That was until your legs began to shake uncontrollably.
"Yuta" you moan
Hmm? He Hums causing you to jolt from the sudden vibration. Why was he so good at this? Could it be his years of experience? Whatever it was you wanted to thank everything that made it possible for him to be with you tonight. He was eating you out so sloppily that the noises echoed in the room. His tongue glided side to side on your clit as his fingers moved in and out of you. You gripped his hair as you got closer to your orgasm. His other hand grabbed your thigh so you wound the able to escape his grasp.
When you started orgasming you moaned his name once again. Tears rolling down your face from how good it was.
Turning you over on your stomach you could hear him unbuckling his belt. Tilting your head back you could see him adjusting himself to your entrance.
"Arnt you going to take your clothes off?" You ask him wondering why he was fully clothed.
"Wouldn’t want to distract you from the main event." He smacks his hard member on your behind.
He then leaned over you and grabbed your face directing you to look at your pile of stuffed animals in a corner.
"Arnt you too old for those things?" He says amused.
"You can never be too old for stuffed animals" you mumble.
Without saying another word he slammed right into you. Your eyes widen at the feeling of being filled up. You don’t think you’ve ever had something this big inside of you. Squeezing your eyes shut you feel how he slides in and out of you smoothly.
"There you go, you’re taking me so well. Thought you would have been crying for me to stop." He says as he quickens his pace. You grip onto your blankets as he slams in and out of you. Each thrust getting deeper and harder. You could hear him breathing heavily next to you ear. You could also heard how the necklaces and chain that he wore cling together with every move. His non gloved hand moved under you and began to pull on your nipple as he continued with his pace.
"You just so cute." He says as he kisses your head, your cheek and your shoulder. "I think I’m gonna start bothering you even more if it mean we get to do this everytime." He mumbles. "Not going to lie I was having second thought about this but I’m so glad I went along. You feel so fucking perfect around my cock." He wraps his arms around your body and slams you all the way into him until he reached places you never thought were possible.
Your jaw drops as he doesn’t let go. Your eyes rolling back at this new painful yet pleasurable feeling. "Yuu" you cry out trying to catch your breath but him hearing you say his name like that turned a switch on for him. He fucked you while you were still being lifted up. Your feet not being able to touch the ground as he used you like his personal cock sleeve. You squirm in his arms being overwhelmed by everything but he held a tight grip on you. At some point you stopped trying and gave in. Your toes curling as you orgasmed once again coating his member in white.
"Easy now, just bear with me for a minute I’m almost there." He groans.
After a few more slams he finally finished inside of you.
He placed you back down slowly and collapsed on top of you. Breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.
"Fuck, are you On birth control? Or do you need me to get you a plan B?"
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spideyhexx · 7 months
all of my ideas tonight include stitching up wounds after fights. so now im just thinking about taking care of billy after a fight. and you’re speaking to him in such a soft, soothing voice. and you two keep making eye contact. and after you’re done stitching up a cut on his temple he just mumbles a small “thank you, darlin’” and OHHHHHHHH…….. THE ROMANTIC TENSION IM CRUMBLING
I LOVE IT (and you, hugs) I AM ALSO gonna write this for my saccharine series CAUSE I HAVE TO
for more, saccharine
fyi, you don’t need to read the other parts of this series to enjoy this🫶
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Billy comes into the camp his gang had set up for the next few weeks, stumbling, his nose bloodied, his knuckles red, the cut on his temple making him wince.
His eyes are squinting, and he almost rubs his bloody hands into his eyes, but he stops himself. No one seems to be awake until his eyes lock with you.
Once all the men were asleep, you took the opportunity to bathe in your lonesome. It was nice and relaxing to finally scrub some of the grime from your skin and the sweat from the day. Your head felt heavy with sleep already. You were walking to your little tent when you locked eyes with Billy.
Your heart drops at the sight of him, and a burst of energy flows through you as you drop your dirty clothes and run over to him.
"Bonney, what did you do? What happened?! You're bleedin' still, what did you-"
"Sweetheart," he stops you from talking, his voice low, gravelly almost. You forgo the blush that rushes to your cheeks when he uses that name. He usually only did when he was mocking you or playing your game back at you, but now his eyes looked dazed, out of it. You nod your head a few times, almost like you can't stop it.
"Okay, okay, uh, c'mon," and you take his arm, dragging him more into the camp and sitting him down on the log near the burnt-out firewood.
He sits down with a grunt, his mouth parting to say something to you, but you're running off before he can even speak. Billy sighs at it, shaking his head, but all it does is make him wince in pain again.
You come back with some supplies, your canteen falling out of your arms to his feet, but luckily not spilling the water as you rush.
"Easy, sweetheart," he says, his voice is so soft, it's unnatural to you, but you can't even take the time to appreciate it. Billy is both annoyed and thankful you're up. Annoyed because of course it's you that is still awake. Thankful because he knows you care. And care enough.
Despite his words, it's hard for you to slow down. You clean his hands first, at least the knuckles, kneeling on the ground in front of him, your brow furrowing at the sight of them. "These are gonna bruise a lot," you mumble more to yourself than him, but he still replies.
"'M aware." You glance up at him, and Billy's eyes look blank, tired. Your own soften and as you clean the remainder of his hands, you try to be gentler, dipping your rag into the water and cleaning the blood.
He keeps still, but his fingers twitch when you get to one of his fingers. Once you finish cleaning it, on instinct, you lean down and kiss his knuckle, your lips more ghosting over his skin than a firmer kiss. Billy's breath hitches slightly, but he doesn't comment on it, almost too stunned that you actually kissed him. Kissed a part of him.
"There, those are all clean," you say, mustering up a smile as you grab a new rag and start cleaning the blood on his face. His eyes bore into you and it makes your heart stop.
"You have an eye contact problem," you murmur, your face inching closer to his, but only to clean his nose better. Only for that reason.
"Thank you, sweetheart," he says, his voice dripping in sarcasm and it quirks your lips up a little. You will yourself to look into his eyes, the same dazed look present in his.
"What happened?" You don't want to pester him about how he ended up like this, though your impulsivity tells you to. So you promise yourself that you'll only ask him this one time. Deep down, you felt as though you knew his answer would be vague, or he'd stay silent, so you prepared for it, to accept it and move on.
"Bar fight. This guy was pickin' on me. He started it," Billy replies after a moment, and he takes a deep breath. You feel his jaw clench slightly as your cleaning continues, but you still. He actually answered your question.
"Somethin' wrong?" He searches your eyes, your expressions are always pretty easy to read, but he doesn't have the full capacity to ponder right now.
"No," you tell him, taking a deep breath of your own before continuing. You're almost done, but you can't seem to take your eyes off of his. You've never had to tend to him like this before. You've thought about it, those times after hearing how he got a bloody nose or a nasty cut, but never did you think it would happen. Or that Billy would let you. Maybe he was softening up on you. Or maybe he doesn't care, he just needed help. You'll overthink it later before bed.
When you're done, you're about to stand when he grabs onto your wrist, turning his head slightly and you see the cut on his temple.
"Billy....shit," you say, moving to inspect the cut, holding his head in your hands and he feels his cheeks warm. He prays you don't notice.
You do. You rifle through your bag and sit with him, cleaning the cut the best you can before you attempt to stitch it. He winces, his hand jutting and grabbing your knee, making you both still.
"Sorry," he mumbles, retracting his hand and you shake your head.
"Squeeze it if you need to. 'M a strong girl." You get a slight, breathy chuckle out of him. It satisfies most of your nerves as his hand returns to your knee. You work again, stitching his cut and he sucks in a breath, "'s okay, you're doin' good, Billy."
His heart wants to twist and turn at the sound of your voice, so soft, so soothing. "Almost done, then you can go rest," you coo at him, his hand squeezing your knee tighter. He swallows hard, breathing through as you finish, giving him your smile.
He doesn't return it, but instead looks at you, piercing his gaze into your eyes without really meaning to. Your smile starts to drop a little at how intense his look is, your hands settling into your lap. Your mouth parts to speak, but you stop when he pats your knee.
"Thank you, darlin'," he breathes out, his gratitude different from the sarcasm he used earlier. His eyes almost looked teary in the moonlight but there was no way in hell you would mention it.
"Any time," you whisper, hesitantly putting your hand over his, patting the top of his hand. You've never felt this genuine with Billy and you longed for it to last. But you find yourself nervous, too anxious to move closer to him even though your body is aching for it. You swear that you see his eyes flit to your lips, but you determine it was your imagination. Your dreams getting in the way of reality.
Billy doesn't know how to handle himself either, but he knows that he likes his hand on your knee. That he likes your hand on his. Not that he'd say that.
When his head shifts in the slightest of movements, your senses kick back in and you take your hand away from his.
"You know, you're real dumb for gettin' in a fight while all alone? Or gettin' in a fight at all," you jab at him, resorting to your teasing to cover up the sensitivity of what occurred.
He rolls his eyes, but his stomach is fluttering from how quickly you jump to this side of yourself. "You're one to talk, sweetheart, didn't you fight that-"
"Don't turn this on me, Bonney, at least I walked away unscathed," you interrupt him and he turns more to face you.
"No, you didn't. You had that cut on your lip," he argues back, but a slight smile makes its way to his lips.
"No, I didn't." He was right, and you had forgotten in the moment that you did get hurt a little, but you didn't feel like giving in to him.
"Yes, you did, sweetheart. You were complainin' about it. For days," he counters, glancing down at his knuckles, before returning his gaze to you. To your lips. But only for a second.
The eye-roll and scoff you give him before you speak makes him smirk a little more, and he knows he won't be resting just yet.
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mommypieck · 11 months
𑄽୧ pegging with nanami 𔓘 ᰍ
kinktober day 24: daddy turns into my toy!!!
✿ nanani kento x pirate ! reader
✿ warnings: pegging, use of strap on, a bit dub con, anal fingering
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Your long braid swings over your shoulder as you take a better look at your loot. It's not money as always, your pockets are full of gold and coins. This time, it's a man. You got him when your boat was looting the king's boat. He just looked so cute.
"Let me go, and I won't have you killed," he tells you in a calm steady voice, making you raise your eyebrows at him. he should be scared of you.
Maybe he's just this fearless. He struggled a lot when you found him, but you're strong enough to drag him to your ship. The captain and others were pissed at you for bringing the bourgeoisie to the ship, but you have a goal.
"I'm gonna have a little fun with you." you flash him a smile before you tiptoe to a cupboard to search for something. His gaze turns to a scared one when you come back with a strap-on in your hands. He was prepared to be ogled over by the pirate girls and not this.
"You're not gonna use that on me, will you?" he asks you, speaking slowly so that you can understand everything he says. He heard that pirates are slow thinking.
"I will," you respond happily, smiling from ear to ear. You longed to use this on someone, but the other pirates don't know how to have fun, and they would always turn you down.
That's when Nanami starts to panic. He'd never had something inside of him, let alone the big strap-on you are holding. But he's not gonna lie, you're one pretty girl, and he's lucky to be with you rather than some toothless pirate.
"How about compromise, Im gonna fuck you instead of you fucking me." his offer makes you laugh out loud. Poor boy would rather fuck you than let you be in charge. Every man is the same, they always have to feed their ego. But you decided what you want today, and that is to be inside of you. You shake your head in protest, slowly tugging his pants down his legs.
His time has come, he thinks. The whole moment couldn't be worse when you finally shake his pants off just to find it half-hard. You never had someone react to you so quickly.
You look into his pretty eyes, he's very handsome. And you're going to enjoy this.
Not wasting any time pulling down his underwear, his cock springs free. It's a pretty cock. He's long but also enough in girth. You have taken a lot of cocks in your life, but this might be a challenge for you.
The expression on his face is sour. He's not gonna fight you at this point. And to be true, you are pretty. Your attitude is all about being bossy and tough, but your face is cute. He's sure living on a boat with strong men has taken a lot on you. So why wouldn't he ease the stress?
"What's with that face?" you pout at him, your lips coming together in a cute expression. Nanami shakes his head, encouraging you to do what you want. You squeak when he finally agrees on it.
"Legs up," you order with a smile. Your fingers tease his hole gently before you press two fingers inside. You want this fast, and he has to take it. he hisses under the stretch but tells you to keep going.
After a few minutes, he's finally ready, and you can enter him. The tip of your strap pushes onto his hole before slipping inside.
"Oh fuck, slow down." he's wearing a pained face. The sting is painful, and the strap is surely big. He tries to breathe in and out to ease the pain. You stop at his comment, tilting your head to look at him. You're confused, he's supposed to like it.
He yells when you slam the rest of the strap inside. You're not going to listen to some peasant ordering you around. Luckily, the tip of the strap hits his prostate straight on. You thrust inside him with all you have, your legs almost shaking.
He's tight as hell, and you're having problems moving inside of him. he loves it though, the pain is there, but you're hitting his sweet spot with every thrust. By your movements, it's obvious you have never done this before, and he's willing to touch you. He's sure you're not letting him go anytime soon.
"Try pulling out more," he tells you, grabbing your hips. He tries to operate your hips himself. It's not that he doesn't like it, you're just too clumsy.
"but you're too tight," you whine. It's true. You can't pull out when his hole locks your cock tight.
"You can't even fuck me hard." Nanami groans as he throws a hand over his eyes. You stop, how dare he say something like this?
You use your strength to pull out before slamming in again. That's more like it. You're more confident in your thrusts, acting like you're using him for your pleasure. You look more sexy like this too, eyebrows furrowed in an angry expression.
His hand travels to your shirt, ripping the first two buttons to free your boobs. You aren't sure why he thinks it's okay to touch you, but you let him do what he pleases. His fingers circle your nipples, playing with them and making you moan.
"I'm close," he says. Nanami hugs your back to help you with the thrusts, to bring himself over the edge. Your body is on top of his, and you feel weird, You have never been so close to your enemy, with someone you captured.
He moans, cumming on his belly and the blanket under his. His hole looks down on you, making you unable to move. You watch his face with interest, loving the expressions he makes.
When he calms down, you pull out of his to take the strap off your body. You're horny but also too taken aback by the experience to care about your own needs.
"You're gonna keep me here?" he laughs, resigned to his fate.
"of course," your behavior turns into your normal one, and you snort at him, "you're actually a good toy."
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taglist: @mcharris747 @huuuuut30 @krispsprite @bejewelledd @cawwn @veryninjanacho @jamayah @dngerwayz @nwptune @universlypiratecolor @ffakegucci @merachannie @d1lf-luvr @th3girln3xtdoor @nobody289x @iheartpieck @gia999 @kawasgirl @st4rrlighttt @candyeyeroll @7haze @banchangsbbbg @nigthmar3moon @softlilpeachxx @d1gitalbathh @jaenniii @armahnsie @satorustar @balenciagarette @erp1007
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hazelnutsforellie · 2 years
truculent | e. williams ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
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PAIRING— ellie williams x afab!reader
SUMMARY— archnemesis in the streets, fuckbuddy in the sheets (and on the table).
WARNINGS— smut (18+), language, sorta established fuck buddies, implied consent, jealous ellie, verbal top!ellie, sub!reader, fingering (r rec), oral (r rec), light overstimulation, dirty talk, choking, not proofread
WC— 3k
AUTHOR'S NOTE— this is my first post!! feedback would be appreciated so i can work on making my writing better :) ignore changes in tense i suck at sticking to just one (im working on it, swear). anyway, enjoy!
All of your friends, if not all of Jackson, knew that you and Ellie absolutely hated each other. They weren't sure why, or when it started, but it seemed that the two of you never clicked ever since you arrived to Jackson and made it your home.
It wasn't that you were complete opposites. In fact, you and Ellie were quite similar. Protective, quiet, attentive. Soft, sympathetic, affectionate. Maybe it was from your heads constantly crashing, wanting to take control over the other. Waiting for the other to just give in and stop the constant fight for the last word.
"I should probably head out soon," Dina advised as she picked up a card from the deck that laid in between you on the table. According to Dina, you were playing a very intense card game. "We can finish this game though. Got a four?"
"No," You replied with a sigh as your eyes scanned your cards, causing Dina to roll her eyes at you for not saying 'Go fish.' You continued, "I'm getting tired anyway. I don't even know how to play this game."
"I told you how. Twice," Dina shot back, playfully rolling her eyes with a smile when you stared at her with an honest expression. The two of you were sitting at your small round table, in between the kitchen and living room, that could be seen from the front door. Your back was facing the door, trusting Dina to keep an eye out for it.
"What do you know how to play?"
"Poker," You admitted flatly.
"Poker?" Dina couldn't believe you knew how to play poker but not go fish.
"Yes?" You answered, confused as to why she was confused.
Knocks erupted at your front door, causing you and Dina to fall silent and turn your heads toward it. Dina's confused expression grew stronger, and yours went from surprised to anxious. You knew exactly who it was, and you had no idea how you were going to get out of it without Dina finding out.
Despite the fact you and Ellie are enemies, the two of you have a rather interesting nightly routine. Nearly every night, Ellie visits you. Not because you're friends, or because you want to have a casual conversation.
Somehow, the two of you found yourselves lusting for each other. A one and done wasn't possible. It was almost, almost as if the two of you fought just to have an "excuse" to "address" each other. Dina has taken note of the way Ellie watches you when you're not looking, mainly to admire and to protect you, in a sense. Dina didn't think of it as weird, though. She had a feeling she knew what was going on because of your suspicious behavior whenever Ellie is mentioned.
"Are you gonna get that?" Dina asks, raising a brow at your back since you were now turned toward the door, your upper body doing a full 180.
"Shit, yeah," You murmured, standing from your seat to make your way toward the front door. As you made your way over, you scratched the back of your neck, worried that Ellie was going to leave you to explain.
You pulled the door open to be met with... Ellie. There was a twinge of hope that it wasn't, for the sake of your secret staying hidden.
"Ellie," You said flatly, your eyebrows raising at the same time as Ellie's. As your eyes fell on her, her eyes fell on Dina. Both of you felt an instant panic. You both had the same look but for different reasons. Ellie was surprised to see Dina, knowing what situation she had at hand. She could feel her heart begin to race, and so did yours.
Luckily for Ellie, she had to go on patrol with you earlier in the day, and could use that to her advantage. Maria insists that it's necessary for you and Ellie to patrol together and try to make amends. The problem was, there was nothing to make amends for. You have clashed [for no reason] since the beginning.
"You have my knife in your bag from patrol earlier. Y'Never gave it back to me," Ellie lied on the spot, and you instantly felt relieved from her save.
"You sure?" You pushed, raising a brow. You were testing very shallow waters, knowing that what you were doing was going to make Ellie angry. Ellie was taken aback by your response, and Dina could feel the tension growing thicker.
"I gotta head out anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow," Dina said, mainly toward you, before passing Ellie and making her way down your steps toward the road. Ellie watched as Dina disappeared out of view before turning her head to look at you.
Her eyes were stone cold, as if something had already pissed her off before she arrived. Her hair was messily put up in a half down bun, her loose hairs blowing against her cheeks.
She didn't say anything. Instead, she just backed you into the house without a word, tilting her head in annoyance.
"Why didn't you help me?" she inquired calmly. You weren't sure if it was a play, because normally, Ellie isn't as calm. You quirked an objective brow at her, backing up a few steps as she walked in.
"You handled it quite well--"
"Don't start," Ellie sighed, closing the door behind her with her back facing it. You heard the faint click of the deadbolt locking, followed by Ellie's footsteps. "I've had an awful fucking day, and I don't need you getting bitchy with me over a question."
You were used to Ellie's mouth, it wasn't anything personal. She swears more than a sailor.
"I was being serious... What's your problem?" you admitted, noticing the slump in her steps as she came in. She looked frustrated yet exhausted. You knew Ellie was serious too, you could tell that something upset her. It's not like Ellie would open up to you about it either, you just had to wait and see if she brought it up on her own.
Ellie didn't care to waste time staring and cut right to the chase, grabbing you tightly by your waist before walking you backwards, taking you by surprise.
"My problem?" Ellie snarked with her eyebrows furrowed, her grip tightening on your hips. The back of your thighs pressed against your table, and you couldn't see it, but you could hear all of the cards getting shoved off of the table, plummeting to the floor. "Don't act like you give a shit."
"Ellie--" you tried to speak as her slim fingers of both hands moved to the underside of your thighs, lifting you onto the table. You weren't opposed to what she wanted to do, it was a mutual understanding. The two of you never particularly said you were "fuck buddies," but you didn't have to since Ellie was at your house nearly every night, and was just as bossy as usual. On nights she doesn't show up, it's mainly to piss you off and rub it in your face the next time for waiting on her.
You weren't sure what to make of the situation. When you passed each other in the streets of Jackson, you would nudge shoulders, or send each other glares. But whenever you would find yourself in bed with her, you couldn't help but feel like she doesn't hate you based off her actions.
The pure definition of mixed signals.
"Try to keep your mouth shut, yeah?" Ellie cooed to tease you, her cold knuckles grazing on your tender skin from underneath your shirt as she unbuttoned your pants. "I know you can't help it, sometimes."
"You're the worst--" you groaned at her dirty comment, using both of your hands to stabilize yourself on the table. You were cut off by Ellie's lips aggressively slamming onto yours, her top lip fitting between yours perfectly. She quickly unbuttoned your pants and used her left hand to wrap her fingers around your neck, pulling you by it to kiss you harder.
Ellie rarely kissed you, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't think you would like it. You use each other for sex, and hate each other. Why would you care for a kiss?
Truthfully, you did like it. You craved the touch, especially when she makes you feel so good, hence why you nearly always initiate it. When you do kiss her, she returns it. Unless it was a really bad day, then she's a stone.
"The worst makes you wet like that?" Ellie cockily shot back, her breath hitting your lips as her fingertips of her right hand grazed your slit through your underwear. You didn't even notice her finish unbuttoning your pants and slide her hand underneath. Your chests were nearly pressed together, Ellie's height slightly dominating yours from your sitting position.
If you weren't so lust drunk, you'd say you both looked pitiful. Firing piteous shots back in forth to act like you hated each other when you were actually melting into one another. Every time you slept together, that is.
"So cocky," you mumbled, not really caring if Ellie heard you or not. The pad of her ring finger slid up your clothed slit, sending shivers up your spine to your neck, where her other hand suddenly landed.
"Are my ears ringing or did you say something?" Ellie mocked your attitude, her grip tightening on the sides of your neck. You were speechless, caught off guard by Ellie's harmless aggression. You knew she wouldn't hurt you. Ellie has grown less hostile each time you've slept together. What you couldn't shake was how she would go right back to resenting you afterwards.
"That's what I thought," she purred, her fingers teasing the waistband of your panties before diving underneath. You shivered, feeling the cold fingertips of her ring and middle finger glide through your slit, a short breath falling from your lips.
You hoped Ellie didn't hear it, but she did. Of course she did. Your lips were right next to her ear since she couldn't stop herself from nipping at your neck, suckling your tender skin. Ellie tended to leave hickeys where she knew you would have to hide it carefully.
Ellie suddenly pulled away from your neck, her eyes casting down to your lower half as she began to tug at your pants.
"Up," she uttered, followed by you lifting your lower half so she could tug your pants off your legs while you hovered over the table. Then, Ellie's hands landed on your shoulders, pushing you down so your back was flat against the solid wood. Her fingers trailed from your arms to your hips, tugging your panties down your thighs just enough to give herself access to you.
"I have a question for you," Ellie said in a low tone, her middle and ring finger sliding up your soaked slit before sinking into you, causing you to let out pitiful moans while she spoke. "Dina. How long as that been going on, hm?"
Her fingers were sending waves of pleasure throughout your body, and you couldn't think of a proper response. "W-What?"
"Don't play dumb," Ellie muttered, her head slowly shaking in disapproval as she began to fasten the pace of her fingers thrusting in and out of you. "My god, you look pitiful."
Your moans nearly pulled one out of Ellie as she carefully watched your face contort in pleasure, feeling herself grow more soaked by the second.
"I've never slept with Dina," you managed to say between moans, not that it was Ellie's business in the first place.
"Bullshit," Ellie accused, curling her fingers inside of you. You slowly began to piece it together, and realized that Ellie knew Dina was at your house before she even got there. She just wasn't expecting Dina to still be there when she showed up.
"You don't own me," you snapped back, and Ellie's reaction surprised you. In fact, Ellie was just as surprised. Ellie took pride in being able to make you melt underneath her, no matter how much you claimed to hate each other. You felt her fingers halt inside you before you didn't feel them at all.
You whined, using your elbows to partially sit up. Ellie leaned down, her lower half pressing into yours while she stabilized herself with her left hand on the table. With her right hand, she held her fingers out not even an inch away from your lips, and she could've sworn she saw you shrink.
You knew what she wanted you to do. Without making her tell you what to do, you maintained eye contact with her while you accepted her fingers into your mouth, licking them clean.
"Oh, yes I do," Ellie cockily shot back for your snappy remark. Ellie believed she owned you, and it was easy to understand why. You proved her point for her.
She gave you a small smirk before she quickly sunk down, maintaining eye contact as she knelt before you so she was at eye level with your core. Her grip on your thighs tightened, pulling them further apart before diving her tongue between your slit, lapping up your juices before sliding her tongue up to your clit, flattening her tongue.
You weren't shy when it came to expressing how good she made you feel. Your hands flew to her auburn strands, fingers curling against her scalp. Pretty moans fell from your lips the moment her tongue made contact with your core. Your moans alone were enough to make Ellie cum at the touch when they're because of her.
"Oh, fuck," you whined helplessly as the tip of Ellie's tongue swirled around your sensitive bud skillfully. You could feel an orgasm creeping up on you at an abnormally fast pace. Ellie hummed against you, closing her eyes to savor you, her lips wrapping around your clit before suckling. "F-fuck!"
Ellie nearly moaned from how sweet you tasted, not wanting to stop until you were shaking. You bucked your hips into her face, causing her to wrap her arms around your thighs from underneath, tightly holding them in place.
"Please don't stop," you begged, running your fingers through her hair before fisting it, tipping your head back in pleasure. Of course, Ellie couldn't comply. She captured your sensitive bud between her lips, tenderly sucking one last time before pulling away.
"You taste so fucking sweet. This is all for me?" Ellie asked you, looking up at you with mocking doe eyes, using her right hand to tightly squeeze your inner thigh, her thumb rubbing tight circles on your clit as she continued to half-kneel in front of you. You were close, that was for sure. She could tell.
"Y-yes," you stammered through soft moans, still sitting up on the table with one hand behind you for stabilization, and one in Ellie's hair.
"Good," Ellie muttered with half of her mouth while she attacked your inner thigh with her lips, sucking and nibbling as she quickened the pace of her thumb on your clit. Ellie took every chance she got to mark you up, to remind you and anyone else who got to see those parts of you, that you were claimed.
Catching you off guard, Ellie shoved her tongue back inside of you, lapping at your juices like it was her first time. She wanted all of it, she earned it. Your moans grew much louder than before, desperate for that climax you had been waiting to reach.
"E-Ellie! Fuck," you cried as you laid back down on the table, unable to continue holding yourself up to watch Ellie work her magic. Your orgasm was creeping closer by the second, jumping ahead every time Ellie would give attention to your bundle of nerves.
The moment your legs began to tremble was when Ellie knew you were teetering over the edge, needing that one last push. The grip of Ellie's right hand released from your thigh before you felt two of her fingers teasing your entrance, sinking into your wet folds once again.
Ellie could hair a faint gush every time she pushed her fingers into you, leading her to occasionally moan against your clit. The combination of her tongue and her fingers was overwhelming. You were practically gasping for air, arching your back against the solid wood table. You had no time to warn Ellie before the knot in your stomach unraveled, your orgasm crashing into you.
Even though she couldn't see your face, Ellie could tell you reached your peak due to your staggered moans and how your thighs tightened around her face. Ellie didn't back down, continuing to suck on your clit to overstimulate you as you came down from your high, refusing to be wasteful.
"Oh my-- Ellie!" you cried between moans, trying to use the grip you had on her hair to pull her face away, the overstimulation ready to send you into another high. Despite the sensitivity, you knew you could keep going, but Ellie wasn't even allowing you to take a breath.
As much as Ellie would've wanted to keep going, you were driving her crazy and she was craving her own release.
Ellie's lips gently released from your sensitive bud for the last time before standing, using your thighs as leverage before she peered over you, seeing your flushed cheeks and rosy red lips.
"You made quite the mess," Ellie smirked, noticing the glistening drops of saliva and your fluids on the hardwood floor beneath you, just over the edge of the table. "Get up."
You continued to catch your breath as you sat yourself up, your eyes gliding up to hers. Ellie was also slightly out of breath, her chest heaving as she stared at you in hunger. Feeling you, tasting you, hearing you... it wasn't enough, she needed more.
You waited for Ellie to say something, but you were surprised when Ellie took your hand and started walking you away from the living areas, toward your bedroom. You followed closely behind to avoid tripping, knowing that Ellie only has one goal in mind.
You knew it was going to be a long night.
a/n: i hope you enjoyed my first smut on this account :) pls feel free to send requests and share some love!! ೃ⁀➷
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Skz hyung line react to being called good boy
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Guess what?
Im not dead
Sorry i dropped off the face of the earth for like three weeks
I dont really have an excuse for it lmao
But hey! My ult groups both had comebacks so that's a plus ig
Also i kinda changed my organization style a bit bc it fit better with what i was writing
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Warnings: slightly suggestive(?) fluff, read at your own risk ig, mild cursing, Minho is probably the most suggestive so you can skip if it makes you uncompfy, readers gender is not specified but they do wear more "feminine" clothes in Minho's, mentions of food
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Is the only way i can describe it
Literally whips his head around with he most bewildered expression on his face
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Ya know?
Kinda like that
You had been feeling a bit ✨mischievous✨ lately and decided to prank Chan. Luckily he was a very compatible victim and had not a single clue what you were doing.
"Channie can you get that box from up there"
You say, looking to him for help with the box you had definitely not put up on the top shelf earlier needed to get down
Chan, being the chivalrous bf he is, plucks the box down from the top shelf and hands it to you.
"good boy" you say, standing on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek and walking away nonchalantly.
"your welco- wait what" Chan says, looking at you flabbergasted as you walked away from him.
But soon he grins and sets off after you down the hall
"good boy huh? I could get used to that"
*realises i just wrote that*
Anyways moving on
Ok so there's two options
1. 😏
2. 😐
Or both
But most likely 1
" min can you come in here?"
You call out to your boyfriend, awkwardly holding the top of your dress up while the back hangs open.
"hmm? Yeah what do you need love- oh"
He stops behind you and you can see his eyes in the mirror traveling from your reflected face to the front of your dress to thr back and down lower-
"will you quit staring at my ass and help me with my dress"
You say, meeting his eyes in the mirror as he grins
"how can i help it when you look like this?"
He says, causing heat to rise on your cheeks as you feel his hands warm on your back
He laces up the back of your corset top dress and ties it at the end, stepping back to admire his work
You turn around to see what he's done and find it acceptable
"good boy" you say, turning back around to smooth out the front of your dress
Minho freezes, blinks a few times, then smirks and leans down over your shoulder
"good boy?" he says with a raised eyebrow "are you trying to make us late to the party?" he murmurs in your ear, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him
You were in fact late to the party and although you told everyone you simply lost track of time (which was technically true) your lipstick peeking out from Minho's collar which he "forgot to rub off" told a different story
No thoughts
Head empty
(except Minho, he's always in there)
⸜( •⌄• )⸝
He is also shook
But in a more innocent way?
Like he doesn't know how to react but he thinks he likes it
He definitely likes it
The two of you were going on a nice walk out in the park and were having a lovely time.
You decided to stop on a bridge to look over the edge and take a break from walking for a bit.
Changbin was telling you about his past week and how busy it had been when he noticed your shoe was untied.
"we've been practicing almost every day for such a long time now im glad i get a break today- hey your shoes untied"
He stoops down, still talking and ties your shoe for you while you watch him.
You've tried telling him you can tie your shoes on your own but alas, he doesn't listen so you've gotten used to it.
But this time you decided to pull a little prank on him.
"good boy" you say to him as he stands back up to your level.
"and on tuesd- what" he stops mid sentence, looking at you confused. "what did you just say?"
You frown, faking confusion
"what? I didn't say anything"
"yes you did i heard you"
You laugh, linking your arm with his and pulling him along the walking trail.
"you shouldn't say things like that in public baby it sounds wierd"
You glance up at your boyfriend, who's face now has a red tinge and laugh again
Who knew you could get him so worked up with just two words?
God i love him so much
Boi likes it
But doesn't show it
Because he's too shy to admit he wants you to say it again
But he might ask
Hyunjin had been watching movies with you for the past few hours and had just gotten up to make yet another bowl of popcorn for the two of you.
He came back with a heaping bowl for both of you to share and held it just out of arms length from you.
"isn't there something you'd like to say to me?" he asks, looking down at your small form curled up on the couch.
"close, but not quite"
Hyunjin grins, still holding the bowl just out of your reach.
"im looking for two wor-"
"good boy"
He freezes, and you take advantage of his confused state to lunge and grab the bowl.
He takes a few seconds to fully process what you just said and flops down on the couch next to you.
"why'd you say that?" he mumbles, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
You laugh "to see your reaction"
Hyunjin sits in silence for a few moments, contemplating life and processing the last few seconds
"say it again"
"say what again?"
"...you know"
You laugh
"good boy, Hyunjin"
Don't you just love it when Hyunjin system malfunctions? 🥰
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I enjoyed writing this
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Can you do an Yandere Idia x male reader
with reader being Idia's fake boyfriend so Idia's parent don't have to worry or talk about his social life but then Idia got too attached to reader during their fake relationship.
reader sleeping on Idia's room and Idia's horny thoughts took over him and he ended up fucking reader and then after that guilt tripped reader to staying with him as he was starting to become more and more desperate for reader's prescence, time, and body.
(i can't think of deeper details im so sorry 😭)
No need to apologize, reader! I think this is quite doable~
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Title: Attached
Characters: Idia x m!reader
Contains: Dark Themes(Yandere, manipulation), somniphillia, handjob, biting
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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For Idia, to finally have his parents stop asking about a partner was a blessing, but unfortunately for him, it would start a mess.
It had been over a month, maybe two, since this pretend relationship started. You agreed to help the socially awkward male to get his parents off his back. Did it mean having to share a kiss here, a hug there? A few Magicam images to really sell it?
Sure, and really, neither of you minded.
Except now, in the hours of the night, Idia found himself staring at the ceiling, unable to even play a game or check his phone to distract him. His thoughts ran wild, and you sleeping beside him didn't help. His yellow eyes, practically glowing in the dark as they darted to your sleeping form and back up to the ceiling. The whole reason you were here was at his request. It seemed out of the ordinary for you two, and you couldn't quite understand why he would want you over, but assuming it was to set up another farse to fool his parents, you agreed.
Now he was almost regretting it.
Sitting up, Idia's gaze started from your head to your legs. In your pajamas, you slept on top of the blankets, having commenting on how warm it was in the dorm. Idia had yet to change, but he had assured you he would.
He didn't. His mind was too busy.
The only thing he kept thinking about was you.
He never broke his stare, leaning towards you with an outstretched hand. He had plans to turn you, but luckily for him, you turned on your own, now lying on your back. He got a better view of your face, your sweet, sleeping face.
The memories of your fake dates called back to him. The way you held his hand was far too real, the way your fingers would intertwine. The looks you would give him would cause pink to rise to his pale face. He longed for this more than just for the time he needed. He longed for you, for your time, your energy, your...
Idia positioned himself over you, his head over yours, His heart hammered as sinful thoughts danced along his mind.
Blue lips carefully brushed against your slightly parted ones. You didn't stir, which Idia was thankful for. He firmly pressed his lips to yours, enjoying a sweet, yet needy kiss. It was quick, as he didn't want to wake you from your slumber, not yet.
A kiss wouldn't be enough, however, and now that he had a taste, he wouldn't hold back.
Not moving from your side, Idia sat up, eyes darting to your pajama bottoms. With shaky yet eager hands, Idia undid the button that kept the fabric together at your crotch. Instead of digging into your boxers like he wanted to, he attempted to still, and instead gently rested his hand over the mound of fabric. A shuddering sigh left his mouth, eyes nearly fluttering at the touch.
Ever so carefully, he began to massage you, a soft hum leaving you through your nose. He had never done such a thing to another, only himself as he had many a night to think about all the things he wanted to do with you, to do to you. He felt you begin to harden under his hand, your brows furrowing as a breathy moan slipped by your lips. Your arm moved, causing Idia to stop. To his luck, all you did was rest your arm over your eyes, body stilling once you were finished. Idia waited a couple seconds before continuing, this time finally slipping his hand into your boxers to present your semierect shaft to the warm air.
Idia practically drooled at the sight, his face hot from merely holding it in his hand. There was no turning back, and ever so gently, he began to pump his hand along your cock. A groan startled him, but he pressed on. You felt hot in his hand, almost unbearingly so, and the last sane part of his brain screamed at him to stop, but all it took was a name to make him come to a screeching halt as his head slowly turned toward the source.
You weren't awake, you were still asleep, but you had uttered a name that made Idia's heart swell.
A dream, he thought. He has to be dreaming.
And if you were dreaming, then that means you wanted this too, right?
Throwing caution to the wind, Idia attempted to carefully readjust, putting himself by your legs as he finally, yet reluctantly let go of your cock, which now was harder than what he started with. Excitedly, Idia worked to carefully remove your bottoms, boxers and pants now crumbled beside the bed. Idia messed with the buckle of his belt, shaky and sweaty hands fumbling with the leather and metal as he finally worked on his zipper. Eventually, his cock sprang free from the confines of his black boxers. Not wasting any time, fearing you would wake up soon, he positioned himself, lifting your legs up to gain access to your hole. He knew there was no prep, but time was of the essence for him. He pressed his cock to your entrance and--
At the same moment you attempted to speak his name, Idia pushed himself in, your walls not ready for such a protrusion, but the male didn't care, not at the moment. Right now, he stared you down, glazed yellow eyes meeting your pained ones. You had gripped the blankets below you, swearing out with a sob as you made a fist to hit the mattress in frustration.
"I-I'm sorry, y/n, but I...I couldn't help myself anymore." Idia's voice trembled, but not because of fear. It trembled because he was desperate. He needed to move, he could always explain what's happening in the meantime, right? With that in mind, he began to gyrate his hips into yours, both of you filling the hot air with sinful sounds of lust.
Unable to speak, all you could do was grip at Idia's sleeves, panting heavily with each blissful impact of his cock inside as you met his frenzied gaze. Not like Idia would answer anyway, as the man was babbling a mile a minute about how good you felt, about how incredible you were.
Idia fell over you, his head close to yours as his feral thrusting never ceased. He stared down at you, a twisted smile revealing his sharp teeth.
"I-I want you I want you I want you I want you...!"
Before you could give a rebuttal, or rather attempt one, you found Idia's mouth on your neck, those very teeth digging into the top layer of your flesh. All the while Idia's movements never stopped, not even while you let out a scream, the pain oddly sending a jolt to your stomach, heat to your cock.
And he didn't let go. Idia's jaw locked onto your neck, growls and panting sounding beside your ear. With his teeth sinking in, and his thrusts neverending, you found yourself in a taboo position. You were still waking up, and all of this was happening to you. You weren't sure how to react, what to say. Your body was assaulted with pleasure, and all you could do was let it happen.
But to your luck, or misfortune depending, Idia was quick to cum, likely due to his frenzied state, his desperate need to have you.
He filled your hole decently, a slip of cum escaping from the bottom of your stuffed ass. Part of you was grateful it was over, but another part didn't want it to end. Idia finally released his jaw from your neck, indents of teethmarks branding you, some having specks of blood from the pierced skin. As far as Idia was concerned, you belonged to him.
"Hah...~ Look at you...~ You're a mess...~" Though he was one to talk. Despite the sweat sheening on your forehead, the tired eyes that once again met the flame haired man, it didn't compare to the crazed look Idia wore, the toothy grin that just cursed you with a bite. "Don't worry, though. I-I like messes~ You're my favorite mess~"
"I-Idia..." Your voice sounded like a whine, a plea. Idia never pulled out, but instead remained inside, as if leaving would kill him.
"Shhh it's okay." He leaned back down, and you flinched, thinking he would bite you again, but instead he left a kiss on your forehead. "No need t-to say anything, okay? Couples do this. It's normal."
Couples...wait. Did Idia forget it was all for pretend?
"B-But we..."
"Hm? We...what?"
You blinked back the fatigue that crept up on you. "I-Idia...we're not really dating."
Surprisingly, his face went unchanged. "Of course we are. It's been two months. You agreed to go out with me..."
"Idia that's not--"
"So you lied to me...you were just pretending to date me?"
That...that was the whole point! This was all for pretend to get his parents off his back! You blinked back confused tears.
"We agreed--"
"I don't u-understand...why would you do this? Why would you spend...a-all that time with me...?" You felt the air change, his hair looking more active than normal.
"I-It was for your parents, remember?"
"My parents? My parents are thrilled I have someone! If you leave me they'll never let me hear the end of it!" Orange speckled the blue, he was close to popping off, but instead, you thought back on your actions. Perhaps...you had simply misheard him initially. Maybe you thought it was for the parents, but maybe that was a lie Idia came up with to ask you out, fighting his anxieties.
"I-I...I-I'm sorry. I must have m-misremembered..."
The orange settled, and a smile, not as deranged, grew back to Idia's face. "I don't blame you, love. It's late after all."
Finally pulling out from you, which caused you to whine out lightly, Idia got settled with you in the bed, pulling the blankets up to cover your half nude form with him by your side.
"Sleep. You need it, okay?"
Without another word, and afraid to turn your back on him, you curled up, closing your eyes...
...unable to see the traitorous grin that Idia wore.
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lass-us-slay · 26 days
Alr so I was watching edits and came across Arlecchino and an idea popped into my head!
Danny Phantom as Arlecchino in DC also know as: Phantom the Knave Sovereign
(Still working on the name- Before we start I wanna say, I’m just trouble shooting rn and seeing what new ideas I could add with your guys input too. But so far this is what I have)
Ok so plot points:
Somehow Pariah Dark gets free of the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, either because of Vlad or the Observants
Pariah seeing potential in Danny (and cause he was already dubbed to take Pariahs place after he was old enough) starts trying to become Danny’s parental model (much like Vlad. But Worse.)
It was annoying at first, but slowly over time, Pariah started taking his role as Danny’s “Father” too far and twisted. Wanting to make Danny strong, stronger than he ever will be.
Then one thing leads to another and an identity reveal happens. Except the Fentons now pretend Danny Fenton no longer exists, and it’s just Danny Phantom that is an after image of their boy. Which pains them so they keep their distance, but still help what they think is left of their boy.
Danny is sad about that- but he has his sister Jazz and his two best friends! He can live with his parents pretending he doesn’t exist, atleast not as Danny Fenton no he can’t- he really can’t-
Then shit hits the fan, resulting in Danny’s home dimension into imploding into itself. (Which may or may not be the fault of Pariah Dark)
Luckily Danny is able to get out with Jazz!
But he’s too angry to rationalize himself after the death of his Haunt and almost all his fraid dying. He attacks and attacks Pariah and observers and whoever that threatens his last family at every turn.
More shit hits the fan, resulting in Danny getting cursed, which really hurts Danny. Enough to do weird ghost shenanigans to his biology, (via curse), and Jazz gets caught up.
Pariah sees a golden opportunity to use this to get Danny stronger to become the next king.
But Clockwork has had enough and steps in. Only to be promptly sealed away by the still acting king; Pariah Dark. Which Danny not even knowing as he’s out for the count thanks to the curse. (Jazz is the only witness. But Pariah can’t kill her because of Danny.)
More stuff happens and now Pariah is the acting Father of Danny and Jazz (with amnesia) who are in a ghost normal(?) orphanage with other kids.
Basically Arlecchino’s childhood happens to Danny and Jazz. Just that Pariah has decided to false make Jazz his “bio” kid to mentally fuck with Danny (smol child, and poor Jazz).
Danny still sees Jazz as his sis even if he doesn’t remember
After Jazz sadly doesn’t make it, Danny faces off Pariah once more for the first time. And consumes Pariahs Core into his, eating him alive so no more Pariah for the rest or eternity.
Then remembers- holy shit his names Danny! Not Peruere, which ew- (kidding I love the name-)
Anyways Danny gets mad at Clockwork only to find him sealed and the timelines fucked- and with Clockwork being so weak since the seal-ment, it’s up to Danny to fix the mess (and the one that was caused by the Observants once more with no one on the throne)
And so now Danny travels around timelines, picking up strays and adopting them (much like Batman, but better)
That there is the rough outline of the story!! I probably will make more but I just need to organize my thoughts before going into finer things (and art!)
Also I’d like to mention- while in the orphanage, Danny’s human side takes on more physical characteristics of his ghost form. Sorta merging the two forms into one? Not sure about it.
But Danny’s human form has definitely changed, and the curse is the same as Arlecchinos from Genshin (although would be nice if someone actually explained the curse to me fully- cause I don’t get it at all 😭)
Anyways that’s it- im thinking about interactions with the kids Danny Adopts and such but that’s for another time 💀
Aight peace ✌️
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