#the truth is that keith really needs to kick lance's butt
binart · 2 years
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get outta here shiro, THAT'S A LANCE OVER THERE!!
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polarishpd · 6 years
A Month of Truth: Narrated by Lance and Pidge  (Chapter 3)
Chapter 1 
Take a chill pill, Pidgeon
Okay, fine. The narrative in this one is going to be more interesting simply for the narrative effect.
Smart. Never thought you a storyteller, though
Aren't I?
DAY 13:
The sounds roar in her ears, the loud screeches and screams of battle emanating throughout the echoey planet of Galaxor. Today was one of a series of battles that Lotor had suddenly decided to start. Rather unlike him.
She hears soldiers fall, Galaxorians fall, and flashes of light blink from some distant place, shining from in front of the mountain Pidge was hidden behind.
A war that Prince Lotor seemed intent on winning.
Why this planet? Why did he want this planet so much? Lotor had even gone far enough to mobilise ground troops; he almost never does that. Lotor doesn't normally capture planets, for that matter. That's more of a Zarkon thing, frankly.
Angered at yet another sound of anguish, Pidge nearly slams her hands on the controls of her lion. Nearly. But she doesn't.
Allura ordered her not to blow cover that Voltron is here, and she is trying her freaking best to hide herself in her lion, but...
"Pidgeeeee, I'm bored," Lance whines, from the other end of her intercom.
"Go suck your own dick or something, I'm not here for entertainment," she groans, tapping her forehead in thought. She gets up, wanders around, and it does nothing.
"I would if I could, but even Loverboy Lance isn't that flexible," he responds. Pidge chokes on her drink.
"Too much information!"
"Not like I can control it," he defends, and Pidge is wondering how he doesn't seem the least bit abashed of that fact. "Besides, isn't that the whole reason we're stuck in here? Because we can't hide it?"
"Uh, duh." So lame, she thinks. Her response, that is. Even with a truth spell, her answers are as bland as ever. "But I still don't need to hear about you sucking your own dick."
"Fine, then do you wan-?"
"Oh, shut up," she cuts off quite dismissively, cleverly making sure that he doesn't finish that question.
...who knows what she would have answered with? She doesn't really even know what the truth is anymore. It's fucking confusing.
"Hey, Pidge?"
"Lance, I swear to god-"
"No, Pidge, I think I see Allura."
Pidge scrambles to her window, peering down.
Sure enough, there was a little Allura, frantically waving her hands and pointing.
Is that a battalion of Galra soldiers?
"Sources show that Lotor's army is approaching Galaxor," Allura begins, pointing at Pidge's Galra tracker (colour-coded obviously, because what are they? Animals?). More sources from Galaxorian lookouts say that he's planning to take the capital today. And kill royalty to do so. Not Lotor's style, I'll say, but we'll have to deal with it."
Allura's face visibily falls, then she frowns, looking almost angry. Pidge understands why; if anyone even dares to lay a finger on dear Eejin, she will kick their head off. Literally.
If Lotor takes Galaxor, what will he do? The only thing the team figured out is the strategic position of the planet in the solar system. Might strengthen the Galra's empire considerably due to its location, less for the power of the planet itself.
"Well, I'll protect the princess with everything! Both of them, that is," Lance exclaims, as if he has the power of anime and god on his side, smirking at Allura.
"As if you like the princess," Pidge blurts out. Shit. What's happening? She didn't mean to say that! The spell is supposed to only compel her to answer truthfully!
...it's not worsening, is it?
"Yeah, I actually don't, not in that way. But I still want to protect her, yanno?"
Wait. Lance doesn't...?
That's surprising...
Shiro coughs, sounding a little annoyed, but he doesn't say so. Hunk, from the side, snickers a little bit.
"Allura, is the Blade helping out?"
"Certainly. Kolivan is mobilizing a force and we've strategized the plan for the foot soldiers, because this mission is purely land based," Allura confirms with a smile and nod. Hunk looks happy. Lance looks happy. Keith looks down at the ground.
"We'll use the lions to fly down, land somewhere hidden, cloak the lions and then proceed as two smaller, stealthier teams. The Blade and other willing members of the coalition will be handling areas that they can."
Pidge wonders if such a simplistic plan really will work.
Maybe Allura hides more behind the scenes than Pidge guesses.
"You see anything?" Hunk pants out, speeding in a curved spline to avoid bullets coming in from random places, shields activated. Pidge, having no problem because of her small stature and pure speed, does indeed see something. Their target.
Infiltrate the main centre that Lotor has taken over and retrieve the royal family. Easy peasy. That's the job that their trio has to do.
"This way!"
Shiro grabs Hunk, pulling him along. Hunk shields Shiro.
Pidge just speeds like a bullet ahead.
She almost longs to work with Lance again, because they work amazingly together, but Pidge does understand the groupings. It would be plain stupid to group two truth-spelled Paladins together.
Quickly, the trio dart behind a wall for cover, spotting a row of Galra lined up and blocking the entrance, armed and ready to shoot.
Pidge knows what to do, miraculously.
She leaps forward the same second Hunk grabs her hand and pulls her back.
"What the hell, Pidge? You don't just jump out there!" Hunk scolds, more harshly than usual. It kinda stabs at Pidge.
Why did she do that?
She knew what to do, but she wasn't going to do it. Why did she do it?
Shiro looks concerned.
"We'll go in a little while. Pidge, remember that we're a team, and we're better as a team," he kindly reminds. Pidge stutters.
"I-I know that, I don't-"
She pauses.
"What?" Shiro asks. They don't have time to do this, Pidge knows. It's a bit hard to forget, considering the abundance of noise and screams.
"No-nothing. On your command, Shiro," Pidge quickly rescinds, holding up her Bayard and grinning.
"HOLY SHIT, LANCE!" Keith howls, hopping on one foot. "WHAT THE FU-"
"Keith Kogane!" Allura snaps loudly.
"Sorry, Allura. But Lance just jumped on my foot! I'm a tough guy-"
"No you're not, you just act like that-"
"I didn't know you could lie right now, Lance!"
"Just-just stop bickering, okay?" Allura huffs out, arms folded and eyes furious. "We're stuck on our path because you two can't get along!"
Keith sighs, shaking his head.
"Allura's right. We're supposed to be better than this. Especially me." He readies his Bayard. Lance frowns, kicking at some stones at his feet.
"What's it?" Keith asks, sounding considerably more concerned than he had earlier.
"I didn't mean to step on your foot. I literally didn't. As in I think it was-"
"Lance, shh!"
Lance is suddenly knocked aside to some greenery, Keith and Allura diving to the side likewise.
Lotor and his Generals, running down the very same path they'd been on.
"Damn, his hair still looks so good," Lance states, "but we do need to follow them. I think he's going to the center."
"Fine, fucking quiznak, let's go!"
"Was that a double cuss in two languages?"
"Let's go!"
"Lance! Lance!"
Where is she?! So much noise...so much yelling.
Lance isn't supposed to be in the midst of it. He's supposed to be at the sides, quietly sniping off people from the sidelines.
"Pidge!" he screams. A Galra swings at him, catching him in the side, and making him fall, but Lance doesn't care. He fights, gets back up, slamming the butt of his bayard into the Galra's face. "Pidge!"
The mission wasn't supposed to go like this.
The mission wasn't supposed to go like this! He wasn't supposed to even see Pidge until back at the Castle, she was supposed to save the family, he was supposed to stop Lotor and his Generals. Distract them and take them down.
What happened?!
He sees Pidge slashing fiercely with her bayard, surrounded by a hoard of Galra soldiers.
Is that...blood?!
Oh wait, it's not Pidge's. Nevermind
Lance still kicks, screams, punches, so unlike him. He doesn't know what he's doing at this point, just fighting to get to Pidge. She lunges at him, grabbing his hand, as he pulls her away and to the side.
"I didn't need your help, but thanks," she thanks, rolling her eyes.
"You were literally calling my name!"
"I was looking for you."
Casually, Pidge electrocutes an incoming soldier without even looking at him. Straight after that, she proceeds to grapple and kung-fu style swing take down a whole group of soldiers.
Lance's jaw drops.
Holy shit.
He whirls around, the blade of a solider coming painfully close to his face. He ducks, rolling off to the side and catching his enemy with his knee, slamming his gun into his knee for good measure.
"Thanks, Pidge!"
He lunges towards her, locking their fingers and pulling her away from the Galra. Yes, Pidge is badass, but there's only so much she can take.
Pidge squeezes his hand, and suddenly Lance feels something cold trickle in his body. She pulls him, neatly weaving through the throngs of confused soldiers and out through a back entrance.
They hide in the royal greenhouse, nestling themselves amongst large, flowering bushes.
The rest of the Paladins are nowhere in sight.
Pidge breathes heavily, squeezing his hand again and the cold feeling stops.
Lance crouches with his hands on his knees.
Flustered, Pidge snatches her hand out of Lance's, waving them around in frantic hand gestures.
"Before you say anything, I only squeezed your hand to activate-"
"-my particle barrier?"
"-yes-wait, no!" Pidge stutters, shooting Lance a glare, cheeks suddenly pink. Probably the exertion, Lance thinks. "It was to activate a new cloaking system I invented. Works for a little while, long enough to conveniently escape."
Upon saying this, something slams into Pidge's feet, knocking them clean under her and landing her on her back.
Lance lunges forward, throwing an arm out for Pidge, but he is suddenly pulled back by some invisible force, gripping at his torso. He whips around, knocking his elbow into the perpetrator's face, Pidge bounding back up and whipping out her bayard.
"Zethrid?!" Lance yelps. Pidge swings her hook out, catching Zethrid and making her drop Lance. Sudddenly, three more shadowed figures move in the distant forest, approaching at breakneck speed into the light. Pidge moves away from the bushes, for fear that there is still someone there. Zethrid kicks at Lance's knees, driving him down, but he returns the favour with a well aimed punch.
Pidge feels herself being punched in the gut, barely registering the pain from the pure speed and surprise of the movement, flying across the terrain and slamming painfully into the bejeweled wall. Pots fall and break, the whole greenhouse shaking at the impact.
And ah, shit, now the pain is back. ACK-
"Ow, what the hell? Are you an acupuncturist now?!" Pidge complains to a grinning Lotor, Ezor, Acxa and Zethrid, Narti slithering out of the side bushes staring at her and (a beaten up) Lance, forced against the wall. So that's who decided to make her fall flat on her ass.
"I don't know what that is, but okay," Lotor answers, voice tinged with amusement. Acxa is unreadable, Narti too, Ezor just smiling all the goddamn time, and Zethrid looking way too sadistically happy about their pain. Lotor just looks goddamn gorgeous, honestly, but Lance and Pidge don't want to think about that.
Lance shoots Pidge a look. Don't talk. Don't open the mouth. Hold in as much as possible.
Is it possible that Lance had been experiencing the same issues as her? Where statements and opinions just fly out, not just brutally honest answers?
What a time for this development, Pidge thinks bitterly; right before they get captured by five of the deadliest people in the universe, one of which being their very spellcaster.
"Why did you spell us?!" Pidge blurts out. Lance glares at her, something he almost never does, stabbing tiny needles into Pidge. Her face falls, apologetic. Ezor giggles a bit.
"Well, Lotor said he had his reasons, but I can tell that you two definitely need a bit of pushing to get where you want to be!" she laughs out, almost in a friendly manner, if not for the fact that her gang was the one basically keeping them hostage.
"You want us dead, not together," Lance spits out. At first, Lotor cocks an eyebrow, as if surprised by the answer. Then, Lotor tuts, tongue clicking slowly. It sets the two in a trance, almost.
"And that's where you're wrong, Lance. I don't want you dead. You're replaceable, so it doesn't matter if you're dead to me. Doesn't help me much." Pidge nearly wants to lunge at Lotor for saying that, because god, if anyone were irreplaceable it would be Lance. Pidge wants to scream that out too, but she's A) too curious for what Lotor is about to say, and B) Ezor is ready with the shipping goggles. "What is Voltron's plan in future, Lance?"
Crap. Pidge has figured out a way to manipulate the spell a bit. If she focuses a bit on a part of truth, she can filter it out.
She only prays that Lance, who already nearly had a nonexistent verbal filter before this, has figured out something similar.
He frowns, immediately alerting her. She's found that the more you resist, the more blatant the truth that ensues becomes. She figures that it's the nature of the spell.
Damn Alteans.
"We plan to capture-"
Is that the crack of a whip? The bang of a gun? Swish of a sword?
"-the row of planets-"
A whip snatches out, strategically whacking Lance in the face and knocking him out. The whip flips back, aimed at Lotor, who evades it with no problem.
"Ah, Princess Allura! What an inopportune moment," Lotor greets, smiling that devilish smile of his. Allura smirks on return, not backing down.
"You say inopportune, I say perfectly opportune for me, " she slurs back. Keeping him transfixed on her, she deals a neat slash to his body, which nearly catches him in the side.
"So close!" he taunts. Allura growls, and their dance begins all over again.
Meanwhile, Shiro, Keith and Hunk roll out, immediately marking the Generals for themselves.
Lance helps Pidge up, the two of them probably more injured than the rest. Wherever they were at the time, they were looking a whole lot better than them. Shiro and Zethrid look like they're having a bicep competition, amusingly enough, as they wrangle and tussle.
Hunk takes Ezor, Keith battling Acxa. And what a fight it is.
Suddenly, Allura manages to finally land a blow, getting very frustrated but also very hasty, and Lotor easily knocks her back off her feet in one fell swoop.
Suddenly, they hear the marching, screaming, shouts, sounds of metal hitting metal.
The Voltron Coalition, not too far from where they are, fiercely battle the soldiers.
Lance bitterly wonders where the hell they were while he and Pidge were fighting.
Lance blanks out for a moment.
Something in his head isn't letting him function.
Too much...
And then he sees Pidge hit over the head, crumpling to the ground.
It's the longest five hours of his life.
He spends half of them sitting in front of her in the healing pod, waiting, watching.
Her face looks more serene in sleep than wake, he notes. Pidge always seems so stressed out, rightfully, like he currently is. It's a lot of pressure, being under a truth spell.
At some point, he's not sure when, he kneels in front of the glass and prays. Prays.
He knows that the healing pod works wonders, but...there's always a nagging little feeling...
He didn't want to look at her face when he pulled her away, slinging her on his back and sprinting back to his lion before any of the team could stop him. He didn't care about the mission in that moment.
So dangerous.
When she does wake up, bright eyes flying open, he's gone.
No one, not even Coran, tell Pidge about Lance's behaviour. It doesn't even cross her mind, after all, that Lance would even pause in front of her pod for a moment, much less a few hours.
Allura calls a meeting in the recreation room.
"Welcome back, Pidgeon!" Lance grins, throwing his arms open wide as if anticipating a hug. She walks in, rubbing her half-open eyes tiredly. Pidge lazily walks into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist and letting her face fall somewhere at his shoulder. He can't help but cuddle
Lance has to do his best not to steam and scream right there. Pidge never accepts his hugs! What the fuck is going on?!
Allura snickers, Shiro raises an eyebrow curiously, Hunk giggles, Keith coughs.
Pidge lets go, walking just as sleepily to her spot on the sofa. Maybe she is so tired until she doesn't know what she's doing?
"Pidge, are you feeling alright? Pidge?" Allura taps her, gently giving her a shake.
She nods slowly.
Keith uses his ever so expressive eyebrows to urge Lance on; go keep Pidge alive already! He huffs, heading over and placing Pidge's head on his shoulder, keeping her upright.
"Pidge, Lance," Shiro starts, coughing and looking apprehensive.
Inside, Lance isn't even paying attention. He's thinking about how damn cute Pidge is acting, especially when drowsy. Cute!
And suddenly, she accidentally lets her head fall on Lance, letting out a sleepy yawn.
Shit, Lance has to cover his face to hide how smiley and red he currently is.
"Uh-um yes!"
Shiro drops the bomb.
"Allura, Keith and I have decided that you and Pidge will not be going on ground missions until you're cured."
Lance nearly drops Pidge, who immediately wakes up and glares angrily.
"Look, it's not safe, and we think that you guys are acting under the impulse of the spell. It's even worse if you, say, get captured," Keith reasons out, a rarity coming from him. "And Pidge is injured. That too."
"I am fine!"
"You were literally hanging on Lance just now!" Keith argues. "It's not safe!"
"That was all me doing that!" Pidge exclaims in retaliation, "I can't lie, hotshot, I am fine!"
Pidge pauses her rant.
A chuckle.
A snicker.
Hunk smirks.
Keith side-eyes.
Lance reddens.
"W-well," a now stammering Pidge begins, "the point is that I'm fine! Not that Lance is comfortable!"
Allura is the first to start laughing very, very loudly, everyone else except Lance and Pidge joining in.
"Great, you and Lance can cuddle in the Castle while we finish up the mission!" Hunk suggests. Pidge immediately scowls, curling up into a ball and hiding her face. Instinctively, Lance flops back on her, earning an annoyed grunt out of Pidge.
"At least let us stay in the Lions. As backup. We can't communicate information from there," Lance points out, "and Pidge is all well."
"We will see."
Lance and Pidge only hope that it's a yes.
And thus, here comes the grand story of how me and Pidge, under the influence of alien space drugs, managed to complete the ground mission while in spaceships-
The Lions are pretty flexible, though.
Shh, Pidge, I'm telling it in the dramatic way you wanted. What happened to the storyteller?
I was being sarcastic, in case you couldn't notice, which I think you haven't.
Love you too.
Lance quickly freezes a whole group of Galra, jumping and trampling a bunch of them. Pidge does the same, aggressively aiming and demolishing the targets.
They only pray they don't kill or damage the Galaxorians.
In that moment, Pidge wonders if it's really worth it. All this fighting. Aggression.
Lance and Pidge switch on the group intercoms, hearing aggressive screams and grunts from the other four.
Pidge sees the path clearly; what they need to do. Their task, today, was to clear Galaxor of Galra influence; Lotor and the Generals had taken the castle and had quickly spread their influence throughout the capital city, rooting Galra soldiers throughout the towns. Everywhere.
Pidge needs to draw the soldiers away. Give them the opportunity.
"Yes, mi'lady?"
"Oh Jesus, don't call me that-" Pidge cuts herself off, shaking her head frustratedly. "-anyway, Lance, you need to draw the army to the right. I'll get the left. Once we separate the armies, the main bunch can infiltrate the castle and draw out Lotor," she rambles. Looking out, she already sees the Blue Lion flying off, Lance dutifully obeying.
Pidge knows that the rest can hear to, so she hopes that they agree with the plan. Well, either way, she's going to do it. The truth spell is kind of forcing her to, anyway.
"Always so smart," he remarks, as he casually fires down a bunch of the soldiers.
"I would say flattery would get you nowhere, but I'm not allowed to tell lies, " Pidge grits her teeth, the words slipping out between them. She can hear Lance chuckling from the other end of the intercom.
"Nice to know I've got an effect on you like you do on me," Lance remarks, sounding a little distracted. And that gets Pidge distracted, at least once she comprehends what he means. God, the spell...
"Dear god, Lance, can you not?" Pidge hushes. She can almost see him rolling his eyes at her from the other end.
"Well, sorry if my flirting is distracting you!" he protests. Pidge nearly halts the Green Lion, eyebrows furrowing and eyes narrowing suspiciously. Is that a glimmer of hope in the horizon?
Wait no, that's just the Galaxorian equivalent to a sunrise. Not her metaphor, unfortunately.
-insert Pidge.exe has crashed-
"Flirting?" she dares to question, almost violating her own rules. Don't make him uncomfortable. Don't do unto him what would piss herself the hell off.
"Well, Lancey Lance thinks you're great, despite what you may think, and he also thinks you're pretty damn oblivious-"
"Guys!" Keith's voice blares from the intercom, and both Lance and Pidge freeze up in realisation that the WHOLE TEAM WAS ON THE INTERCOM, INCLUDING CORAN. "We hacked the castle! They're out! We have to go now, pick us up at these coordinates, and stop flirting for god's sake, it's fucking disgusting!" he screams, quiet murmurs of 'yeah', 'distracted', 'totally in love' and 'please why' ambiguously filling up the background noise.
Pidge and Lance hit the accelerator, flying up and speeding the lions over to the castle, the coordinates Keith had sent.
"Well, someone's jealous that they aren't smooth enough to flirt," Lance tuts. Pidge bursts out laughing.
"Look who's talking!"
Turns out Lance isn't so smooth after all.
DAY 16
"I'm just going to go to the library now. Work on the spell," Pidge reasons to a believing Keith. He shrugs.
"Yeah, okay," he agrees. "The faster you get rid of the damn spell, the faster we can get Voltron back on its feet.
Pidge finds that funny. She and Lance are the arms, after all.
"Bye, then."
Hands tucked in pockets, feet gently brushing the floor as she walks, Pidge heads her way to the massive Altean library, the massive Altean library that she can't seem to find this one piece of information that she needs.
With a strong push, Pidge forces the grand door open, heading into the still-unfamiliar library. Almost unconsciously, she nagivates to that same spot where the first part of the cryptic spell had been found. The little square, hidden among beautiful and amazingly tall bookshelves.
And she finds Lance McClain, frozen to the spot, staring at a piece of parchment.
He turns to her, holding up the paper.
"Pidge, have you seen this?"
Curiously, she steps forward and peers at the paper, relaxing her head on Lance's shoulder.
Though this spell brings out truth,
There's one thing it can hide,
A deepest darkest secret,
Hiding inside the mind
The spell lasts for a month of moon,
Unless someone decides,
To reveal their deepest secret,
To the world from the inside
Pidge pulls out her phone, showing a surprised Lance images of the first part of the poem.
"You saw this and you didn't tell me about it?" Lance questions, sounding a bit affronted. Pidge scoffs, playfully making a face and continuing on.
"Wait, we need to search the whole place first. See if we can find another loose paper. I've never been able to find information about the spell in books," she says, eyes already scanning the place, "but the thing is, both pieces of the spell have just appeared here. Without warning."
Pidge sits on the ground, staring at that one spot of carpet as if she could magically will another paper to appear.
"Why don't we go back to your room and check the paper?" Lance suggests.
Not a bad idea.
"According to the pattern, another one isn't gonna appear anywhere else but here," Lance states, "so we should analyse what we have."
"When did you get so analytical?" Pidge blurts out. Shit. But hey, it only makes Lance laugh.
"Looks like I've been spending too much time with you!"
"Is that supposed to be an insult or compliment?!"
Lance pauses.
"I think it's both? Anyway, come on Pidge, I'll piggyback you to your room," Lance offers kindly, Pidge leaping on his back without hesitation. She'd be stupid to give up the chance to grow five feet taller (totally not an internal excuse that she'd like Lance carrying her...)
As he carries her out, running, Pidhe can't help but nestle her face next to his, around his neck, which kind of makes him halt for a moment before he pushes the door open and heads out.
"You tease..." he mutters, but Pidge doesn't catch on.
Maybe she does kind of like hanging around him. Maybe she does kind of get jealous when he flirts with other girls. Maybe...she wishes she were one of them. But then she remembers that she likes herself a whole lot better, and Lance isn't worth losing everything good about her.
"You're so light!" Lance exclaims, turning his head and suddenly coming way to close to her, Pidge's lips nearly brushing his nose. He stops, surprised and blinking rapidly, before resuming his usual cheer and running again.
Pidge tries to swear that she didn't imagine a tinge of pink on his cheeks. And that she's not thinking about how his hands now grip her bare thighs her shorts ridden up. She's totally focusing on the mystery of Altean spell books.
He drops her off, smacking his hands together and seeming pleased with himself.
"That must be a new record!"
"Can't be, only counts as a record of you've tested me as a subject before," Pidge corrects, against her will. Lance tuts, waggling his finger in her face, correcting her with an air of pride.
"I have tested you before, I think at least five times? I can't really remember. How exactly do you think you fall asleep in the library and magically wake up in your room?"
Pidge blanches.
"Wait, what?"
"You always fall asleep in the library because you've been working so hard, " he answers, "so I end up carrying you back here and pray I don't trip over your junk."
Does she really fall asleep there so much? She doesn't remember anything other than the library before she sleeps. How did it take her so long to notice?
Jesus, and why does she turn so red when he says that? Is he seeing her right now?!
"Anyway, lets go in, I really need to check that spell paper."
How exactly is she supposed to just act normal after that??? How does he act so casual after that great, life-changing revelation?
Right, truth spell.
Pidge acts as normal as she can.
She acts normal when he lies down beside her and laughs so brightly.
She acts normal when he compliments her for being smart and brilliant and all that.
She acts normal when he says she's great.
She acts normal when he gets a little too close while they lie on her bed, worn out from their stupid games.
Pidge acts normal.
Night comes quickly.
Or at least, the closest to night they can get out in freaking space.
And Lance is definitely surprised.
See, for possibly the first time, Pidge fell asleep before he did, splayed on the bed. Fell asleep with her face in the first spell paper. Kind of a funny sight, her glasses pushed up, mouth drooping open, hair messed up. But at the same time...Lance can't help but find it kind of cute.
Damn, there goes his heart.
They ended up spending most of their night together playing with Pidge's gadgets or talking rather than actually trying to fix the spell paper. And the spell.
It's strange. Shouldn't they be a bit more motivated to save themselves?
Upon further inspection, Pidge had noticed more strange markings on the back of the second spell paper Lance had found. And chastised Lance for not noticing it sooner. And didn't he compliment her after that, without thinking? Without thinking about what she might think?
He'd even made an attempt to get closer to her. Well, his rational mind wouldn't have allowed him...something forced him to do it. Can't really tame it either. Why the hell it had decided to come in the form of sudden hugs, lying beside her, leaning on her, letting her do the same, Lance has no idea. Not that he minds it.
It's suddenly so quiet, without Pidge talking next to him. Suddenly sort of lonely. Lance sits up, pulling the blanket over Pidge, gently tugging her glasses off and folding them, placing them on her nightstand. The spell paper goes back on the table, joining the first.
Is it creepy to stare at her? She looks calm, unusual for her in these strange times where she's hyper stressed. Or worried. Or annoyed. Or an imbalanced mix of the three. Lance doesn't want to admit that he likes looking at her, but he does. A lot. It's not the radiant beauty that Allura just projects, it's something he likes more. She's home to him.
He pushes back her hair, wondering what she would look like with long hair. Would she still look like herself?
"Damnit, Pidge, stop making me like this..." he mutters.
Lance nearly jumps back from a mumbling Pidge.
"Oh. Sleeptalking again."
Too much shit in her brain. It never stops. She's non-stop.
"Like Lance," she says, this time much more clearly. And that startled Lance, because it was obviously the truth spell! Pidge is never that nice to him in real life.
What if she meant it differently?
What if she means it like he does?
What is she...?
"Like Lance how?"
Lance holds his breath.
Pidge doesn't remember anything save for blurry memories of a night-lit Lance looking at her with eyes more tender then she'd ever seen.
Did she confess?
She doesn't know.
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froldgapp · 7 years
Film. Reel.
The original approach to what is now Transmission Impossible. I abandoned it last night for... reasons, but thought I may as well pop it here! Can be considered S1/2 before Lance and Keith found their stride. More under the cut!
Snack wrappers, it turned out, were as annoying in space as they were on Earth. With every deafening rustle of the chip packet, Keith’s shoulders crept closer and closer to his sensitive ears. Naturally, it was Lance who tore into each and every packet with an aggressive vigour that recalled a sledgehammer trying to open a glass patio door. Though Hunk and Pidge were almost as bad. Shiro didn’t snack at all, opting instead for a greeny-brown health shake Coran made. Nothing confirmed the Black Paladin’s martyrdom as much as his willingness to indulge Coran’s efforts in the kitchen.
The paladins were arranged on the common room couches, all ready for the evening’s movie; a bizarre fantasy epic about sluglike creatures and their destiny to overthrow evil, humanoid creatures. Pidge translated the reviews using her pad. ‘Destroy the upright! They defecate sitting down!’ read one of the more colourful ones. The humour was lost on Keith, but he didn’t mind so much. He didn’t come to movie night for the pleasure of viewing anyway. Truth be told, he really liked the company. He was getting used to it.
Keith jumped when a large Pop! bounced off the common room walls.
‘Lance!’ he yelled, leaning past Shiro to glare at the Blue Paladin who glared back in turn, both palms pressed flat on either side of the packet he’d just exploded.
‘What Mullet?!’
Shiro slurped tiredly on his muck drink.
‘Do you have to be so damn noisy all the time?’
Lance made a face – presumably an attempt to parody Keith – and flapped his head from side to side, whining, ‘Do you have to be so noisy rawl the tam?’
Keith folded his arms. ‘That’s not what I sound like.’
Pidge snuck a glance at Hunk that suggested it very much so was.
‘Uh… yes, it does. Anyway, I don’t even know why you’re here. You always fall asleep, like, ten minutes into every movie and then ask a bunch of dumb questions near the end.’
A ragged growl jumped up the back of Keith’s throat. ‘I’ve literally never asked a single question about any movie.’
Lance thrust his head forward. ‘Yes, you have, Mullet,’ he said. ‘You ask with you ahs.’
‘That’s not how I say ‘eyes’!’ His voice cracked on ‘not’ and he ignored the little titter of amusement from Shiro to his right.
‘Movie’s starting!’ Pidge declared, punching her tab to start the film; the universe’s clunkiest attempt at diplomacy.
The lights dimmed, hiding Keith’s burning cheeks and quieting the group somewhat. The drinks kept slurping and the packets kept crunching, but after fifteen minutes or so it seldom seemed to matter anymore. With Pidge to his left and Shiro to his right, Keith settled into his little pocket of the couch. Another five minutes, and he’d tucked himself neatly against the solid warmth of Shiro’s broad arm, Pidge’s legs thrown messily across his own. She aimlessly played with the hair at the nape of his neck, and occasionally even deemed to pop candy into his mouth. He stared at the screen, eyes half-mast, as a familiar pulsing started in the space behind his eyes. Gold over black over gold over black; like looking through a car window as telegraph poles cut the sun into shadows. He smiled and closed his eyes, just for a moment.
Just for a couple of ticks.
‘Hey, Mullet!’
Keith gasped awake, almost scalping himself on Shiro’s chin. Lance was standing in front of him, arms folded and slippered foot tapping. By the silent audio speakers and mounting groans from the others, it was clear the film had been stopped for this special intermission.
‘Why are you sleeping?’
Keith picked up a pouch of space juice and sucked in a long, belligerent draught.
‘Just go to bed, Keith.’
He genuinely laughed at that, choking on juice as he replaced the pouch on the table behind Lance. ‘What? Why?’
Hunk threw his hands to his face and spoke through a groan. ‘Why do you even care, Lance?’
Lance huffed and rolled his eyes, when he spoke next it was with a tone one used when speaking to a particularly dull child. ‘Because he does this all the time. We watch a movie: he sleeps. We play a game: he sleeps. We go for a picnic on a babe-rich planet: he sleeps (which isn’t so bad I suppose). He slept at that concert the Hyvens threw us like last week.’
Pidge snorted. ‘Lance you hated that concert. You said it sounded like a Chamber Orchestra of Butts.’
‘Okay, a: it did, and b: if I keep getting called out for not focusing, I don’t see why Keith gets to sleep through entire diplomatic occasions.’
Keith made to protest but Shiro hushed him with a raised hand. ‘It’s just a movie, Lance.’ He nudged Keith’s shoulder with his own. ‘Let him sleep. What does it matter?’
Lance brought his hand to his chest with an appalled gasp. ‘What does it–?!’ He collected himself. ‘Movie night is a collective endeavour. The snacks, the Oos!, the Ahs!, Hunk scared crying, Pidge asking question after question only to have the movie answer them five seconds later... It’s a bonding exercise! Besides, he snores!’
‘I do not.’
Silence. Ah.
Pidge kicked Keith’s toes with her own. ‘You do snore. Sorry, Arm Fam.’
Heat rushed to Keith’s cheeks again, and he thrust himself to his feet, earning a squawk from Pidge as her legs were dislodged. He met Lance nose to nose. ‘Fine!’ he barked, though he knew with absolute certainty he didn’t want to be yelling right now. Humiliation hammered on his sternum and his legs shook with the sudden need to get out.
‘Keith.’ Shiro. Calm and deliberate always. ‘It doesn’t matter if you dose off, Keith. Come on…’
‘“Don’t be like that.” I get it,’ Keith interrupted. He shouldered past Lance, who stumbled awkwardly into the low table behind him, and stalked up the stairs, throwing a wave over his shoulder. ‘Enjoy your movie,’ he said to a chorus of protests from the others.
The corridors stretched on forever as Keith charged back to his room, fighting down the lump in his throat. When he finally reached his door, his eyes were stinging, his vision blurred. The door hissed shut behind him. He sat on his bed. He stood. He strode to the bathroom, ran the tap, washed his face off with chilling water. Sat on the bed again. Stood. Climbed out his clothes, his tee damp with sweat. His jeans caught on his right ankle and he roared as he tore them free and flung them to the ground. He stormed back into the bathroom and yanked on the shower. Yanked it off again. He brushed his teeth and ignored the thin string of blood that swirled into the plughole. Again, he turned on the shower and stepped inside. At last, with a messy sputter, he cried.
‘Stupid,’ he muttered, pressing his forehead to the cool, ungiving wall. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid.’
Shower finished, Keith tottered to bed on numb legs. He fell on top of the covers, naked and still soaking wet. He closed his eyes, but the fight was still fresh in him, and he knew he wouldn’t sleep now, far away from the warmth of the others.
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starrbomb · 7 years
While lamce is in a healing pod, slab discuss the infinite realities where get get hurt (aka langst) and the team grow concern and promise 2 keep a better eyes on 4 him. Bonus, plus lance get out, group hug and slav tell them,about many realities about who lance end up with4 humor.
Thank you for the prompt!!! Sorry you had to wait forever to finally get it. I’m mixing this with some much needed birthday lance, But I hope you enjoy it!
When lance fell out of the pod, he thankfully met Hunk’s chest instead of the floor. He wraps his arms loosely around Hunk and just lets the warmth from his friend help get rid of the chill that always seems to cling to his bones whenever he comes out of the healing pod. When he removes his face from Hunk’s chest, he was expecting to see Hunk’s relieved smile and maybe Coran if he wasn’t busy in the control room.
Instead he sees the whole team, tears streaming down their faces with some sort of expression that Lance can’t quite place. Hell, he even sees Slav, who avoids the medical bay like the plague. His injury wasn’t that bad was it? Well, he knows it was bad enough that he needed the pod, but he’s never seen the whole team when he comes out, let alone crying.
“Ummm? Is everything okay gu-” Lance is cut off by the whole team throwing themselves into a group hug, and Lance seems to be the center point. “Uh-did something happen while I was out? I’m okay now guys, you don’t need to squeeze the life outta me.” He’s not sure how long they stay like that, well long enough for them to move their hug to the floor, but Lance really smelled and he really had to use the bathroom, so with some poking and prodding the team finally let him loose from their arms.
Okay, this is just starting to get super weird.
After the huge hug fest, Lance was sure that things would go back to normal. Everyone would just sort of forget about him and he can go about the castle doing his own things. Sure, normal doesn’t mean it it’s healthy, but Lance has been able to deal with his own issues while helping the others as much as he can. His anxiety doesn’t help anyone, and their problems are more important; Shiro is suffering from PTSD, no matter how much he tries to deny it, Keith is having an identity crisis that can really scramble his brain if he thinks to much about it, Pidge is trying to find her brother and father, and Allura and Coran are still mourning over the lost of their entire civilization. Compared to all of them, Lance’s own self esteem issues and anxiety doesn’t reach the same level of need as the others. Sure, sometimes it can so overwhelming that he hides away from everyone to try and deal with it himself, but Hunk usually finds him, bless his soul, and helps Lance feel a little bit better about himself by getting him to help out with lunch or dinner, and before anyone else can the see the awful mess he feels like he is, he slaps on a smile and just lets the others enjoy themselves. Helping his team is way more important to him than trying to deal with his own problems.
But it seems that now, whenever the others even think that Lance is going off on his own, they’ll scramble to try and find something to do with Lance. It was nice the first few days, being able to spend quality time with each of his teammates, helping Pidge with her projects and getting her to talk about her family more (she deserves to remember all the good times every now and then.) or to go on patrols with Shiro before bed (Lance loves being able to help Shiro fall asleep better, he’s a wiz at getting people to fall asleep. Even though it isn’t always a good thing.) hell, even being able to go around or two with Keith is nice (Lance knows that Keith can sort out his thoughts better when he’s moving around a lot, so he doesn’t mind getting his butt handed to him now and then.)
But it doesn’t stop. Instead they seem to be trying so much harder to find something todo with him, to not let him be alone. And yeah he’s a social butterfly by heart, but even Lance needs some time away. If not, his mask will crack sooner or later, and he doesn’t want the team to see him like that. They already have so much on their plates already. He doesn’t want to make them worry more.
Today just wasn’t a good day. At all. He woke up in the middle of the night from an awful nightmare about not being enough to save his friends, his family, his planet. It a like he’ll never be enough. No. No Lance, don’t think about it. Not today. He checks his phone to see what day it would be on earth, a habit he’s picked up awhile ago, and….wow. Today’s his birthday. How has it already gotten around to his birthday? What would his family be doing right now? Do they even know the truth? Probably not, considering the galaxy garrison. Do they think he’s missing? Are they just going to wait around, hoping that he’ll come home?
Lance knows that he isn’t going to fall back asleep, but he still lies on his bed, trying to quell the bubbling homesickness. But it only seems to make his self doubt worse with each hour that he lays there, trying to keep back the tears that are threatening to spill. He can’t break down. Not today. Today just needs to be a normal day like any other.
Don’t break down lance. Don’t break down.
Lance repeats those two sentences in his head like a mantra, finally getting his body to cooperate with him and move out of the bed. He goes through his normal morning routine, albeit much slower, and heads out of his room, even though he knows it’ll still be hours before anyone will be up and moving about. He can take this moment of solidarity to try and get his emotions under control, to get some kick in his step.
Lance walks around the castle, the same dread and worrying thoughts circling around and around in his head. He doesn’t know how but he ends up at the Main hall, the large doors closed to keep out the empty and death bringing thing known as space. He notices some odd carvings on the side of the door that he hasn’t noticed before, and upon closer inspection he realizes that the entire border is covered in these carvings. While simplistic, they are still beautiful to look at.
Lance jumps at the sudden voice, whirling around to see Allura, still in her nightgown and robe, standing at the top of the stairs. She glides down them as if it wasn’t some hundreds of steps and soon ends up right beside Lance in front of the door.
“Princess…” god, his voice sounded awful. It’s all scratchy and just so raw with the emotions he’s trying to hold back. He clears his throat and tries again, “I didn’t think I was going to see anyone this early.”
“I thought the same. I especially wasn’t expecting to see you til much later.”
Lance nods, wishing that he could just fall back asleep and just forget about the rest of the world. But the nightmare is still too fresh in his mind for him to even consider trying again.
“Yeah, I…uh, wanted to get a good start on the day?” Lance knows it doesn’t sound convincing, and by the look Allura is giving him, she didn’t buy it. Eager to try and change the subject before she asks anything deeper, Lance turns back around and gestures to the doors “I was looking at these carvings. They’re really beautiful, I was wondering what they’re showing?”
Allura gives him another look of our-conversation-isn’t-over-yet, but concedes and after both of them took a seat on the marble floor, she goes on to explain that the carvings depict the legacy of each king of Altea since the beginning. Some showed the peace and prosperity that Allura has spoke of before, while others show the downside to any great kingdom; famine, war, and from the looks of it, there was even a depiction of one king being overthrown by the people. “Just because they are a king, doesn’t mean that they are a good king.” Lance comments, remembering the history lessons back from middle school and high school. They sit in a thick silence, both of them wanting to ask questions to the other, yet unsure if it is the right moment.
Okay, so maybe it was only Lance who was trying to figure out when was the right time to talk.
“Why are you so sad? I know that being out here, in the middle of a war and far away from home, it’s tough on all of you. But you always seem to help cheer the others up, you always seem to have a smile in your eyes. Except today….why? Is something the matter?”
Lance lets out a long sigh, he knew this question was coming the moment the princess had come down the stairs, he didn’t have the energy to try and worm his way out of this.
“Today’s my birthday….”
Allura’s eyes shimmer with realization as it dawns on her.
“Oh. happy birthday Lance I hadn’t realized that-”
“It’s okay princess, you don’t need to apologize, you didn’t know. The team doesn’t even know. Well maybe Hunk, but I’m not sure if he’s been keeping track of earth days.”
Allura leans into Lance, trying to give some comfort to her blue paladin. “Well, I am sure that the others would be happy to know today is a day of celebration. Is there anything that you wish to do to celebrate this occasion?”
Lance doesn’t want to make his team feel bad for not knowing his birthday, and he just can’t bring himself to want a party, unsure if he’ll be able to keep his mask up for that long (or at all) by then he remembers something that his family would always do.
“When I was much younger, my family was in a tight spot. We couldn’t always do what we wanted to do for our birthdays, sometimes we couldn’t even have a cake. but….we always had pancakes whenever it was someone’s birthday. It’s silly, but we always knew that even if we couldn’t celebrate much, we could at least enjoy ourselves with a stack of pancakes.” Lance can’t help the sad smile that grows on his face, remembering all the times they would sing happy birthday to his siblings over a pile of pancakes.
“Well then, I think we can do that. Let us go make the pancakes!”
“And by ‘we’ you mean Hunk, right?” Lance quips, seeing how Allura gets flustered at the obvious truth. Lance chuckles at Allura trying to figure out the right thing to say. “Can we just….stay here a little longer. I’m not really ready to face the universe just yet.” Lance asks, sure that Allura will decline and make a bee line to Hunk’s room. But instead she merely smiles and nods her head, letting the silence wrap around them once again. But Lance still has his question, and he hopes that he can get some sort of answer from Allura.
“Yes Lance?”
“…why is everyone being so….so….”
Lance tries to think of the word, pulling up a huge fat blank in his head.
“So adamant to not letting you be by yourself?”
Allura looks at Lance before looking back up at the door, obviously trying to figure out the best way to explain their friends behavior.
“When you were in the pod….everyone was pretty worried. It was the third time you’ve been in it this week, and we were worried sick about why you were always putting yourself in harms way.”
“I just want to-” Allura puts her finger to Lance’s lips, silencing him mid sentence. Allura continues on with her explanation.
“That was when Slav entered the medical bay, which pretty much surprised all of us. He was wondering how you were doing and seemed to be relieved to see that you were healing. He started to ramble on and on about how in other realities, you were so depressed that you didn’t care anymore or how you ended up in Galra hands to try and save to others, and then Hunk told us about how you’ve been struggling with homesickness and self doubt. Slav went on to talk about how in other universes, you would even die because you didn’t think you were important to us or voltron. It was a very agonizing eye opener, and I guess we’ve been trying to show you that we need you and that your important to us. Without you, I’m pretty sure everyone here would just fall apart.”
Lance can see the tears spilling down her cheeks, and can feel his own plopping off of his chin. He pulls Allura into a hug, one that she eagerly returns with as much need of comfort as Lance.
“Promise me Lance….promise me that if your ever feeling inadequate or if your struggling with your anxiety or with homesickness…don’t hide it from us. We love you, and we want to see you. All of you.” At the last sentence, Allura tightens her grip around Lance’s chest just enough to make her point.
Lance isn’t sure if he can promise that…..but he can try.
“I’ll try. Now come on, lets go and get Hunk and make some pancakes, yeah?” Lance says with a watery laugh. The two help each other get off the cold floor and make their way to hopefully a bit of a better day.
And voila!!!! And if your wondering why Slav doesn’t go to the medical bay, (Slav voice)just think of all the sharp objects and all the things that could go horribly wrong! Haha, also the pancake thing? My parents would always make pancakes for us whenever it was our birthday, since usually we had to go to school, it was just a quick way for us to say happy birthday to each other!
Again, thank you so much for the prompt! I hoped you like it a lot!
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
Baby Reacts to “Voltron Season 3″
Episode 1
So That's Zarkon without his helmet
It seems that a timeskip has taken place and that everyone has been taking up Shiro's absence with a stiff upper lip
Alluras 1000 yard state
Note how when everyone mentions how important meeting Shiro was to them, Keith again doesn't explain about their earlier meeting
So the BoM guys just jump out. Yep, yep, I can see Keith being related to some of them.
Seems like the Paladins and the BoM are fully allies now, they interact with Kolivan rather casually here
So hunks claw thing can attack defensively, too!
Interesting how we get to see this whole bunch of Galra & their range of features, something of their society
act merciful then reassign him to space siberia. That's one establishing character moment right there.
But one interesting thing here is that while he's sneaky and manipulative he IS a fighter.
Keith is not the world's most diplomatic person but what he's saying IS the truth
Episode 2
I guess a theme of this episode seems to be that the characters are all capable of more than their straightfoward designated 1D roles. 
It's not just lance they were all sorta identified with their niches.
Hunk loving Yellow so much is so adorabs tho
Reminds me of this thing in guilty crown where a once wimpy character was inspired to „become“ a more confident one
Quirky miniboss squad has varied designs.Lotor has such a punchable face
Episode 3
So they go in when they can barely fly... They were fairly ragtag when Shiro took over tho – It wasn't TOOO bad thinking from Keith, he thought of placing the tracer
So Lotor's a genius pilot, too. They even THINK similarly „Don't waste the enemy's time of weakness.“
Again the formation gag
Allura is REALLY not good at this
So there is a „Voltron Feeling“, intersting
I feel ya so much Keith. I can't into group activities either.
Thing is he is actually a good planner he can even bark out orders well but he's used to risking & utilizing only himself with no further consquences.
I just hope the discourse squad isn't gonna hate on him too much, like, he said he wasn't cut out for it he's improvising as best as he can
There's a little Zethrid in all of us
Lance has this complex of not having a special role, but, he's kinda the ~Versatile~ guy, stepping into whatever roles are needed (just like water flows & changes shape)
& right here he's trying hard to be the glue
It's sort of a reversion because usually it's the charismatic guy who's the leader and the prioritize-the-mission guy who is number two (See Kirk & Spock)
Still I would like to stress that what Keith's doing here is his consistent trait of prioritizing the objective
I did not expect Allura to get this deep character moment but it makes sense
I wonder what we can infer from this about lance; Blue remains mysterious
They're all getting into it~
Oh Transformation sequence, how I missed thee
„I'm a leg“ Yeah now we know we've seen Allura without her mask
I must admit I got a mild case of the feels at this point
Opportunity, heh? He's got a plan. Probably capturing it for himself
Ep 4
Well this one cuts to the chase right away. Not much downtime this season.
Again I didn't expect Allura to get the focus this season.
Not having Shiro as a co-leader is srly fraying her nerves & making her feel the burden of her task. From the beginning she was always characterized as somewhere being an ordinary girl put portraying strenght because of the burden of her father's legacy – When you think about it, she is so, so stranded & this possibility is gonna compromise her bigtime
It's kinda like the plot of  „The Doctor's Wife“
There comes another favorite, the negative space wedgie
I like it when the technobabble includes references to how they are actually determining things („Gravity isn't being diverted“ etc. )
Its like a magic Event horizon!
Poor Coran what has he done to deserve this
Aaand the creepy abandoned ship trope! Delightfully Star Trek Esque
Aaand the apocalyptic log trope
Aaand the Paralel Universe! They're sampling all of TOS here
That's it I'm officially christening this episove Vol Trek
Yep, it's the Mirror Universe! Please tell me Mirror Keith has a beard
Im glad I know enough to catch the „Sven“ reference
I did not expect Alternate Realities to actually show up
I wonder, was there some historical crossroads where Alfor makes the deal with the Devil rather than Zarkon? Are we gonna meet Good!Lotor as this 'verses Allura?
And lool the alternate Sentries
It's not Alfor, it's ALLURA who's alternate Zarkon? That's gonna screw with her head
Her whole Arc in season 2 was growing out of the black & white Mindset that Zarkon's betrayal left her in (ie, realizing the BoM and Keith are good, finding out the evil Haggar is Altean) but this takes „For Want Of A Nail“ even further
Didn't we see that blue haired altean techie in the background in one of the black lion's flashbacks?
Aaaand we're getting more detail on what Voltron even is
A VOIDSHIP now we're doing Doctor who, too?
Are they not evil or is Allura just not getting it? Poor girl she's in for a schock especially since the Galra homeworld was supposedly destroyed – Did Zarkon act out of revenge, too?
Aww Slav has faith in them... kind of.
UGH They are WORSE than Zarkon because they have more advanced technology
Also Mindfuckey
Do they have their own BoM counterpart, too?
I did not expect this how did they do so much in so little time
Aww the Space Mice hugging each other :(
Ah and now Sven is gonna die for a continuity joke
Any moment now, they're gonna say „He was rather like our Mister Spock.“
Iwho knew Slav could be cool?
It's also worth mentioning that Keith kickied lots of butt in this ep
Lotor's plan kind of allmost got his whole universe invaded by brainwashing dimension hoppers tho
So it WAS a trap
Damn Lotor's manipulative. He knew this would get Allura.
Ep 5
A tank? Are we now going Pokemon? Or possibly Evangelion?
This started slow but now it keeps sucker-punching us
SHIRO and he's got Hermit Hair.
OOOH Not AgAIN This must be so retraumatitzing for him
We've gone F.E.A.R. As it would seem.
No, It's fucking LAIN
Ohh I do love symbolic mindfuck sequences
He's supposed to look all ragged but he's so hot with this hair lenght
Everything about the cinematography here is just perfect
So there's Haggar-
Kuwagamon is that you?
Interesting perspective with Lotor's faction & the rest
I just noticed that Lotor does, just slightly, have fangs.
Ohh I see Shiro's PoV is happening in parallel.. they were so close!
Shiro is badass as usual
Ohh Lotor, do I sense daddy issues? Or maybe just a drive to prove himself.
Haggar's right tho, with all his ideas & somewhat obsessive/ singleminded tendencies he's actually a lot more like his father than his demeanor suggests.
Again Paralellism to Allura & Keith trying to fill the shoes of Alfor and Shiro respectively
So in the end Shiro found THEM before they found HIM
Still, a bit anticlimatic; I'd expected more of a finale than just „The lion senses him“ & no explanation for what happened, or will that be filled in later?
Alien Ramen.
So... that didn't contain what I think it would & contained lots of stuff I didn't see coming. In a way it was a huge break from the format, really nonstop plot instead of the previous slower pacing & focus on character interactions.
I would have expected the revelations from season 2 to play more of a role (Keith's origin, Allura's newfound magical capabilities, who or what is Haggar)
I mean it makes sense because it's an exceptional situation with Shiro being gone & Lotor hot on their tails. I wonder what season 4 is gonna be like, thankfully it might be there soon.
It's been a bit since we had a Hunk or Pidge episode & I was looking forward to less utilized interactions such as Shiro with Lance & Hunk or a episode where Pidge & Keith go on a mission together
IDK there's so many dangling plot threads and now there's MORE but even so most of this was  good writing when seen for itself.
There wasn't a lot of Pidge content which isn't that bad given that she got to be showstealingly hypercompetent in the last two seasons but they better give us a Hunk episode in October.
Ep 6
Ahh, Sharpshooter
Let us appreciate Keith's casual massacre skills. He tough
Cool thinking Lance!
So Allura's weapon is a flowy gymnastic ribbons thingy... kinda like a shinier version of that whip Zarkon's so fond of tho
I'm glad we got to see her kick butt with it before handing the Blue Lion back to lance
This fight scene well utilizes the bunch
AH now there's explanations, or at least an aknowledgement of a need for one. And again we see that Keith & Shiro sort of have a special confidence between them. Shiro allows himself to sound audibly distraught here. He looks to weird in such casual clothes, too. We never saw his pajamas in ep 2 so I guess now we know.
At which point during these last few eps did Keith acquire those bags under his eyes? Is it me or does he seem a lot more in control? Or perhaps its just the familiarity.
That moment at the end tho, aww. No one minds saving you, Shiro, because they all LOVE YOU TO BITS, especially Keith.
Ahhh I wanted him to keep the hair. But I guess he is the proper sort/ feel a bit less like a plant when he's clean-shaven. Yes bby tell them how proud you are.
Pidge and Hunk talk engineering why Lance makes a face in the background <3 All the nerd conversations plz
It shows how much both have matured but, NO. I did not see that coming ouch nor did that conondrum occur to me. Hence I see why Shiro coming back was not the final climax
That moment when Shiro & Keith talk at the same time out of habit tho.
What's going on THERE? Sabotage by Haggar?
I didn't think they could wrap much up but it's going fast.
...Keith has always been quick to just pack up & withdraw hasn't he? I guess that quote about Alfor becomes relevant again here.  Aaand another plot twist why do I even bother with the pause button. How's this even gonna continue, is Shiro just gonna do mission control from now on? I'm gonna miss Keith doing Keith stunts if he's gonna be tied up as the boss man.
Even so, the teleport question is still no answered.
Was Shiro Ayanami'd somehow? (replaced by a clone or something)
I was beginning to think they couldn't wrap up THAT much in just 2 episodes but they seem to have taken this as a challenge. T'is a rolacoaster.
Hey isn't that the guy from the first episode? In any case you almost have to sympathize with that random Galra comander.  Poor bastard. Two invading parties. +Is there gonna be a confrontation now? Keith Kogane and the Halfblood Prince. Ohh this buildup of epic music cant be good
the four way battle with the generals was interesting/ pretty cool like theres one for each of them to smash. Are they setting up miss scaultrite thief for a high heel face turne? I hope not that would kind of be trite.Some are saying she might be part of his long-lot family, but wasn’t Keith’s mom supposed to have been with Marmorites instead of the Empire? 
Keith PLUS mission control Shiro would seem to be its wholly new desaster to adjust to. Keith did not ask for nor deserve this you can tell he hates every minute of it.
Ep 7
At this point its srly weird how the opening is still the same, especially after they set up all those elemental associations for everyone's original lions.
So lotors mom WAS altean but it wasn't Haggar herself as far as I can tell.
I'm smelling a gendo ikari type backstory here but i hope theyll be creative about whatever they do. And ooh, allura's parents in the backround her mom looks just like her.
There goes my headcanon that the original green paladin was olkari. But also ooh backstory.
But hey I think Pidge's predecessor was also a girl? And Lance's is... also very obvious. Alchemy!
Oh wait it is Haggar, and that WAS, indeed, the Galra homeworld. Classic „overdid the black magic“ backstory & went bonkers backstory Though Zarkon seemed to be lowkey authoritarian & obsessed with destructive potential well before he went bananas. I suppose the series has stuck to classic tropes.
Interesting choice to top it off with the backstory & let that be the twist/ finale with the character arcs themselves being left dangling – Last we saw of Keith, it seemed like whatever sense he had that he was getting the hang of it had just kinda crumbled away again and he seems so miserable, like, glancing away even at the end of the conversaton with little resembling a resolution.
And we still don't know what actually happened to Shiro. Did we even see how Zarkon got his scar? 
Also, did our Evil Overlord Couple make Lotor before or after they turned into zombies? 
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kallurance fake dating, altean time AU headcanons for you 💜❤️💙
Lance is a human, Keith is part galra, part altean.
Allura is still the altean princess.
Keith and Lance are best friends and rivals. Have been for two or three years now.
Keith grew up with the BoM and while he respects Allura as a political and diplomatic ally, she doesn’t mean anything to him when it comes to royalty. He was never a devout follower of her like other fellow alteans, mostly because he didn’t grow up in Altea anyway.
The BoM were originally created by refugee galras, sanctioned by Alfor and given the morale, setting and order to operate on their own. With time, they became their own civilization and no long operate under Alfor.
Strictly speaking, that is. The BoM are still incredibly thankful and devout to King Alfor, which is why even though they’re independent now, they still negotiate with Altea and keep king Alfor’s well being and needs one of their highest priority.
The BoM works like shadow operatives. Kolivan calls the shots, usually to strike where Alfor’s hands can’t reach. If Alfor needs someone to stay hidden and spy, the BoM are his best allies. The BoM doesn’t have the might of a whole army, but the have the means to collect Intel and strike in precise locations.
Allura had a brief contact with them when she was 8-10. She studied martial arts during the cultural exchange, learned about galra history and differences with the BoM, met Keith, Kolivan’s adopted son. She kicked Keith’s butt and he returned the favor. That’s when Kolivan knew the two of them would grow up to become best friends.
He was right, of course.
Lance was a hostage to the galra and was rescued by Kolivan himself around the time he was 12, and was sent to Altea to live a peaceful life.
Lance and Allura have been friends since his first day in Altea and he enlisted in the army to “keep her safe” when he turned 18 or 19. She rolled her eyes at that. At the end of the day, she’s the one who keeps him safe from trouble most of the time anyway.
Keith constantly visits Altea and the three of them have a lot of fun.
So fake dating, right? Lance may or may not have feelings for Keith, which confuses the hell out of him because all this time he thought he was only interested in Allura. He is very confused for a while.
That confusion makes him act weird around both of them and after a lot of prodding coming from Allura, he kinda blurts out one day that he and Keith are dating.
They aren’t, but Allura didn’t know that.
Apparently neither did Keith.
Unknown to Lance, Keith and Allura have been fooling around recently.
This makes Keith and Allura blink in surprise with a soft “oh”.
Also unknown to them, Antok accidentally overhead this. They had been in the cargo bay where Keith had been helping Antok fix some shuttles when he heard the whole thing.
Antok also knew about Keith and Allura going out for the past month or so.
Which comes down to Kolivan hearing all this from him and assuming the three are an item. Galras are used to having more than one partner so it doesn’t come as surprising. What does come as surprising is the fact that the princess is involved. It’s not particularly a bad thing but… They should be cautious regardless. She is Alfor’s daughter after all.
Which means Kolivan and Keith have The Talk™ when Keith goes back to BoM headquarters and Keith is horrified to know his father thinks he is dating either of those two. He doesn’t have the heart to say no to him though, especially when he knows what Allura and Alfor represent to Kolivan. It’s not like he has the time to say anything anyway, Kolivan just keeps talking.
Keith admits to Allura and Lance the whole thing. He can’t tell Kolivan the truth now. Allura doesn’t really mind, finds the whole thing funny. Lance just cracks his knuckles and considers himself the luckiest man on the universe for having such gorgeous people in his life. That earns him both Keith and Allura rolling their eyes, but snorting all the same.
So they fake date for Kolivan.
The fake dating makes Lance feel EVEN MORE CONFUSED
Keith did grow up with watching his galra friends having multiple dads and moms. It never crossed his mind that this wouldn’t be normal to Lance.
Lance was kidnapped as a kid from Earth but still has the preconceived notion that couples are just two people. That fucks him up for a bit but seeing more of the BoM really starts to change him.
Alteans are are also open to multiple partners, though it’s not as highly encouraged as the galra/BoM. Allura is used to it but never particularly thought of herself in such a position. The experience is nice though and she is thankful she gets to share it with Keith and Lance, her best friends, rather than strangers.
The whole ordeal, naturally, brings them a lot closer.
They’ve always been close but. Now stargazing together feels different. The cuddle piles they’ve always had feels entirely more intimate. Even just lazying around on the palace halls together feels entirely new.
A good new.
Keith is the first to realize he really does love these two people and never wants to let them go.
Allura comes to that realization immediately after. Somehow watching the changes in Keith’s expressions and the way he acted towards them was enough to make her realize: these two are The Two™.
From there, it’s sort of a joint effort between Keith and Allura to get Lance to realize it too.
For all of Lance’s flirting, he is a surprisingly dense.
Lance’s been in love with both of them from the beginning. He just didn’t know it.
They all love each other.
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littleblackchats · 7 years
Ok but can we talk about how the Paladin’s bayards don’t just suit them, but actually ARE them? THE BAYARD PICKS THE PALADIN, MR. POTTER.
The bayards are frankly the coolest metaphorical device happening in this show and I haven’t seen anyone talk about it yet (I’m sure someone has, but I feel like it’s not really... a thing??), and if my major has taught me any(useless)thing it’s to get stuck on functional motifs in storytelling so
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I mean this is just fun. You’re probably not surprised that he gets the big blade because he’s main-character-red and the emo/possibly-Asian-one, but let’s consider a few things: 
The fact that it’s sharp on both sides acts as a physical reminder of the duality happening within his character (he cuts others down, but internally he’s cutting himself down just as much: a double-edged sword). 
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Furthermore, that double edge reminds us that it’s a loner’s weapon: he needs to be able to attack with each swing, in any direction, because no one’s coming to back him up. It may be space, but dude is clearly rockin’ the lone wolf/samurai vibe. The length backs that up a bit as well--it keeps everyone he sees as an ‘enemy’ or a ‘rival’ at a distance (//side-eye @ lance). 
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What’s even more interesting is that if you look at Keith’s relationship with his bayard compared to his Marmora blade, they represent his hidden and public selves: who people see him as/expect him to be vs. who he truly is and wants to be (is afraid to be) himself. 
Most people only see his bayard, a classic warrior/knight weapon that represents strength and grace and leadership. Keith brings this out in battle, in front of his friends, before enemies, etc. But when he’s alone at night or when he’s holed up in the desert, the blade on his mind and in his hand is his Marmora dagger. Despite being a secret for so long, it is actually this blade (and not the bayard he got from Voltron) which Keith always keeps close to him (and which he keeps strictly concealed). 
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He covers up the mark on the hilt as if to cover his own hidden thoughts and feelings (and maybe even dubious past). In public, he feels he can proudly show his bayard but doesn’t want anyone to know he has the dagger, even before he himself knows what it might mean. 
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Even more interestingly, this blade also represents close combat--letting people get close to you--and the desire to protect others, showing that these are things Keith thinks about, feels, and even wants, but is afraid to show to those around him. What’s more, while the obvious skills and general cool-dude-ness associated with the bayard are something Keith has earned/achieved by his own merit, the Marmora dagger (and all the things it represents) were something he was born with; something inherently part of him. Ironically, once Keith learns more about his dagger and what it represents, it becomes longer--it adds distance, just as the truth about his past puts distance between him and the other paladins.
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Like, I could literally (gladly) write an entire essay just on the symbolism of how Keith treats these blades, but you get the idea. 
I was gonna do Shiro next but his is even sadder than Keith’s so let’s do
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So some things about this are obvious: it bears a (kind of adorable similarity) in shape to her head. It’s small, she’s small, but if you underestimate either of them you will be sorry. It’s an incredibly quick/nimble weapon (a great parallel for her stinging wit). Her bayard is designed for quick, surgically precise movements, which is exactly how Pidge works (both mentally and metaphorically).
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However, while it has great attack capabilities, that’s clearly not the bayard’s (or Pidge’s) main purpose; it’s a necessary consequence in the pursuit of other goals. Rather, the transformative and flexible uses of Pidge’s bayard emphasize the desire to be useful and to solve problems over attacking. This is belied by the fact that Pidge forms Voltron’s shield. Pidge would much rather think her way out of/around a problem than charge in head-first. 
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Her bayard is a reflection of that. Pidge’s bayard is also the most technically complicated, which is another great parallel for her mind. Furthermore, the grappling hook function of her bayard echoes her desire to find things out of reach, and cast out into space and bring those things close to her, or herself to them (*cough*MATT*cough*). 
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TL;DR: it’s an all-purpose, unassuming weapon meant to perform multiple tasks in an efficient, creative way, and it focuses on problem solving/extraction more than brute attack (though it packs plenty of punch when cornered). And, of course, though she be but little, she is fierce.
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As his swagger (and even his name, like talk about being on the nose) suggests, Lance is totally in-your-face, up-in-your-business blabbermouth who seems pretty simple to understand. So why does he have the weapon that arguably requires the most finesse, patience, and also has a long range? Because that’s what Lance is really like under all that talk. It may seem like Lance lives with the words “are we there yet” on his tongue, but consider this: Lance wanted to be a pilot, but was originally relegated to commercial-class ranks. Did that stop him? Nope. He kept at it until he made it to the top of those ranks (it’s safe to assume that if they only promoted one pilot to fighter-class after Keith’s expulsion, it would be the top of the commercial-class students). That’s more patience than any of the other paladins have shown.
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As a gun in a team that has close-combat weapons, Lance’s bayard automatically assumes a supportive role (despite all his talk about beating Keith and being the best), and we see this multiple times throughout the show. His first day as a fighter-class pilot, what does Lance do? Talks to his team and says they should stick together. How does he find out about Shiro? He’s following Pidge and asking about what she’s up to--crazy theories that others wouldn’t care to hear out. There are a lot of other examples of this (notably, when he throws himself in front of Coran), but from the get-go we’re slyly shown that Lance actually cares about and pays attention to those around him (even though he keeps talking about kicking their butts and being #1). It makes sense, then, that his weapon would be one designed to support and provide cover for others. In fact, we see Lance doing exactly this in the first episode when Pidge mouths off and he rushes in to cover for her.
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Sadly, as one of the longer-range weapons, Lance’s bayard is also one of the loneliest metaphors in the group, and we see the reason for this just as much in VLD: Lance doesn’t feel appreciated (or sometimes even accepted) by the people around him. He often feels distant, though not by choice. He may shoot (ha) his mouth off a lot, but at the end of the day it’s pretty apparent that this boy craves love and attention, almost as much as he wants to be perceived as a ‘top gun’ (double ha) within the group.
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A gun--especially the rapid-fire type that Lance has--further mirrors his tendency to be impulsive (and even impetuous) rather than controlled and thoughtful. On the bright side, though, it is exactly that willingness to pull the trigger that has catapulted the gang forward on a number of occasions.
Between Shiro’s arm and his bayard there are so many different things going on here I don’t even know how I can touch on all of them. If I could write an essay on Keith’s weapons, I could write a BOOK on Shiro’s.
First, let’s talk about Shiro’s actual bayard. In Zarkon’s hands, you can read this as a physical extension of Shiro’s freedom, or even as Shiro himself: Zarkon took the bayard--something meant to be used for good--from another world, and then warped it in the hopes of using it to cause destruction. 
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The good news is that both Shiro and the bayard escape Zarkon’s clutches because of Voltron, and though Zarkon intended to use them, they instead become the strongest weapons to fight against him. They will always feel the effects of Zarkon’s influence and ownership--the bayard because of Zarkon’s former paladin connections, and Shiro because of his arm and PTSD--but they still fight. In the end, it is Zarkon’s obsession with them as his former ‘possessions’ that becomes his downfall. So deep is his trauma that Shiro actually waits until it looks like they’re about to die (when Voltron is in an electric headlock) to activate his bayard. Why? Because he doesn’t trust his arm, he doesn’t trust his hold on the bayard or the lion (don’t even get me STARTED on how the lion--down it’s right-hand weapon and still somewhat under Zarkon’s control--represents Shiro himself), and as a result he doesn’t trust himself to be stronger than Zarkon. 
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Even when Shiro finally gets the bayard back, he doesn’t call it his bayard, or the black bayard; he calls it Zarkon’s bayard (and it looks the part). This can be seen as a mirror for how Shiro sees himself: even though it’s a bayard, Zarkon tainted it, and now it doesn’t belong to him even though it’s rightfully his and he has it in his hands (which, ironically, is still technically Zarkon’s hand... you get the picture).
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However, as Keith corrects him (”you’ve got your bayard”), the bayard rejects the changes Zarkon forced upon it, and reverts to a form that matches Shiro and the other paladins (likely how it looked before Zarkon started using it for evil). Just as the paladins healed Shiro by rescuing him and making him part of Voltron, Shiro does the same for the black bayard. Indeed, he only pulls out the power necessary to retrieve the black bayard once he wakes up to find the team fighting to protect him. It might be telling symbolically that Shiro leaves his bayard behind when he goes missing at the end of the season--perhaps he’s won his freedom only to have it taken once again.
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 Which leads me to... 
The black bayard could also represent Shiro’s memories: both are known to exist, and we get hints/flashes/teases throughout the show, but both are initially “lost”. Slowly, it is revealed just how both Shiro’s bayard and his memories have been taken/corrupted by Zarkon. We see this in the way Shiro’s memories haunt him, only to frustratingly elude  him when he needs them. When Shiro finally tries to find out more about why Zarkon has the bayard, he’s also facing his own mind--his memories, his insecurities, and his apprehension at what fate awaits him--as well.  In this sense, when Shiro reclaims the black bayard, he is also reclaiming so much more: the hold/fear Zarkon held over him, the insufficiency and anxiety he felt because of it, etc. 
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You can also read the bayard as a mirror for Shiro’s arm: Zarkon took Shiro’s arm and replaced it with something Galran. Shiro joins Voltron only to find that Zarkon also has his metaphorical right hand--his weapon. Shiro can’t use the weapon he should be holding (in a hand he doesn’t have because of Zarkon) because Zarkon took it. Talk about a vicious cycle. This symbolism is supported all through season 1 and parts of season 2 where we see Shiro simultaneously struggle with controlling Zarkon’s lasting effects on Voltron and coming to grips (ha) with controlling his arm. It’s hinted--both during battle and through PTSD--that if Shiro doesn’t control his arm, it will control him, just as Zarkon demonstrates that if Shiro can’t reclaim the bayard, Zarkon will use it to kill him (we see a similar parallel with his memories). 
I’m just going to stop here because the black bayard and Shiro’s arm can represent so many different things that it totally distracts me and I can only really do it justice by literally sitting down and writing out a full on dissertation on it.
But TL;DR: Shiro’s arm and his bayard are in a crazy, soap-opera drama with Zarkon on so many different levels and it is symbolistically incredible.
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Hunk’s bayard, much like Hunk, is pretty straight-forward and simple. Physically, it’s a big weapon. A big, hulking (Hunking????) weapon. It looks incredibly imposing, but its chief function isn’t destruction, but preventing destruction. Just as Hunk likes to avoid violence, his canon is mostly used to disable enemy weapons as part of Voltron, and individually Hunk uses it to provide long-range cover fire for his team (when he tries to use it in a more actively combative role, he just ends up almost shooting Pidge... gg, Hunk). 
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Unlike Lance’s more nimble and quick-fire weapon, Hunk’s takes a lot of strength to move around and a long time to power up--this mirrors Hunk’s own well-rooted stance (he’s not easily swayed), and his cautious nature. He doesn’t do things off-the-cuff or on a whim; he thinks them through first. Indeed, it’s almost always Hunk warning the others of the possible outcomes of their proposed escapades. 
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He’s also slow to anger, just as his weapon is slow to fire. However, once he has decided to take a shot, his firepower is incredible, just as when he does decide to take action (like with the Balmerans), his will is unstoppable. 
I could go on for days, guys. I have so much stuff I had to cut out because even the hardcorest Voltron fans don’t care about underlying motifs this much, I know, but AGH. GUYS. GUYS. THE BEAUTY??? OF THIS WRITING??? IN A KIDS’ SHOW????? 
PS this is long I didn’t proof read it SO SUE ME
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melancholy-imagines · 6 years
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A/N: if y'all like Voltron x reader stuff, check out my fic on Wattpad called Euphony. Also I love Lance.
Once training was over, you carried the back of your hand over your forehead. The amount of sweat dribbling down your head was annoying and quite gross. Your limbs ached, from head to toe. All you really wanted was to just take a shower and go to bed, hopefully catching up on some lost Z's.
Exasperated from sparring with your comrades, you let out a long groan, bending your back slightly. When all of your tension was released, Shiro walked by you placing his cybernetic hand on your shoulder.
"You did great today! Keep it up." He assured you. He gave you a warm smile once more and left the room.
A compliment from Shiro was always great, it made anyone feel good.
Once you gathered your belongings, you headed for the exit.
You looked to your right to see Lance flirting with his long time 'crush' Allura. She as always looked quite vexed at his flirtatious advances.
When you walked passed him, he did a double take and smiled.
"I'll talk to your later, Princess." He shot her a wink and quickly walked up next to you.
"You kicked butt out there today. Especially Keith's. He's still kinda salty about, though. I thought it was hilarious." He pressed his arm against yours, disobeying the law of personal space. You were used to it though.
"It's not my fault his stance sucked." You simply shrugged. Lance's snickered in agreement.
"I can hear you guys!" Keith's voice echoed from behind you.
"It's still the truth!" Lance's voice bellowed as you two walked down the castle's corridors.
"Okay, okay. I have a good one today. You ready?" Lance nudges your arm in excitement.
You looked at him silently, waiting for him to do his routine joke. He'd always try to make you laugh with an awful joke. Most of the time, it would end up with him holding on to you to prevent him from falling from laughing too much.
You would sit there, being forbearing with his hysteria.
"Okay so," he already cracks a smile but contains himself.
"Why can't dinosaurs talk?" He asks in the most dry expression he's ever used. "Because they're dead."
You sat there for a few moments analyzing his joke. You began to smirk, and before you knew it you were giggling at his terrible anti-joke. The monotonous delivery made it all the better.
Lance's smile grew into a grin that reached ear to ear. He finally got you to laugh at one of the worse jokes he's ever told.
When he looked at your face filled with much needed euphoria, his pulse began to race.
His face grew hot. A beautiful crimson dusted his cheeks. He felt as if something was thrashing in his stomach in the most pleasant way possible.
Your laugh was so melodic and he wished to hear it more.
You stopped chuckling when you noticed Lance staring at you in doting awe with tinted cheeks.
"Lance, are you alright?" You lightly rubbed his face, checking his temperature.
He was knocked back into reality when he felt your hand gently come in contact with his face.
Blinking rapidly and mouth dry, he nodded.
He needed the expertise of Pidge and Hunk to assess what is wrong with him.
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kingflups · 7 years
It was supposed to be bed time...
Summary: While mulling over recent events discovered about his roots, Keith finds himself with a late night visitor. Takes place during or after season two. Rated PG and SFW. Not sure what you’re doing reading Voltron fanfiction at work though. Klance? 
Word Count: 1,885
Keith sat the edge of his bed. It was late at night, at least by earth’s time. But, honestly, it was much harder to tell time off planet with no sunrise and sunset well, anywhere.
The rest of the team had all retired to their rooms and had long fallen asleep. Keith knew this because he had been lying in bed, silent, for at least an hour and a half to make sure the castle was completely silent. Once everything was quiet, he pulled the knife out from under his pillow. The whole team might about his Galra roots now, but leaving the knife in the open felt much too unnatural.
Looking down at the knife in his hands, Keith unraveled the athletic bandages from its hilt. The Galra insignia shimmered purple as he rotated the weapon in his hands. He stabbed at the air with it once. The knife had since regained its original size from after it changed during the Marmora trials, but still felt different somehow. Almost like it carried a new weight. Not physically, of course, but it rose enough questions to leave more than enough weight. He stabbed at the air again with the weapon. Questions he was determined to get to the roots of.
“Like where you came from.” Keith said aloud.
“I came from down the hall, dummy.” Lance answered. Keith jumped out of bed and hid his knife behind his back. He turned to see Lance standing in the open doorway to his room, wearing his blue robe and ridiculous facial cream. “How long have you been brooding over that knife?” Lance asked.
“How long have you been watching me!?” Keith hissed in reply.
“I don’t know. Five minutes? I kind of assumed you would say something when the door opened, but I guess you were too deep in the emo zone to notice the sound.” Lance shrugged.
“Why are you in my room!?”
“The light was on.”                              
“Lance!” Keith shouted. He was growing flustered, and could feel his face growing red. “You have no business barging into my room.”
“Whoa, I’m just checking in on you dude.” Lance held his arms up in a dismissive manner. “I figured you might want to talk some about recent events.” Lance rose his eye brows and looked at the arm holding the Galra knife behind Keith’s back.
“I’m good.” Keith told him. He sat back down on the bed, away from Lance’s line of sight.
“Aw, come on, you don’t want to talk about your mysterious family tree?” Lance continued. He walked over to Keith’s bed plopped down beside him. “I bet there’s some real shockers in there.”
“I’d rather not.” Keith warned.  
“Alright, you don’t have too then.” Lance conceded. “I’m sorry if I pushed a little too far, Keith. I’m sure I’m the last thing you want to deal with right now.”
“You’ve got that right.” Keith snarked back.
“Well, I was expecting something more along the lines of ‘No Lance, you’re no trouble at all,’ but that’s okay too, I guess.”
They were both quiet for a moment, listening to the sounds of the tired castle. Even though there was no such thing as night in space, the castle seemed to creak louder when everyone was asleep.
“Could you get out of my room Lance?” Keith asked. Lance in turn laid down on his bed and spread his lanky limbs over the entire spread.
“But your bed is so comfortable,” Lance played, looking up at Keith with phony puppy dog eyes. Keith swiveled on the bed and pressed his legs up against Lance’s torso. A look of concern took over Lance’s face. “You’re not going to kick me off, are you bud?” Lance laughed nervously.
“Of course not.” Keith lied. He pushed back and forced Lance against the wall with his feet.
“Hey!” Lance cried out in protest. He swatted at Keith’s legs, and Keith pushed back harder. “Get off of me!” Lance laughed.
“Get out of my room!” Keith shot back.
“I can’t! You’re pinning me against the wall!” Lance cried. He grabbed at Keith leg’s and slapped at it weakly.
“You are not going to get me to move by hitting me like a little kid would,” Keith laughed. Lance grabbed his knee and yanked, pulling Keith loose from his position. “Hey!” Keith yelled. Lance laughed as he pulled Keith off his butt and pushed him onto the floor. Keith grabbed Lance’s knee as he fell, pulling Lance to the floor with him.
Lance landed on top of Keith’s side, which cracked against the hard floor.
“Ow.” Keith yelped.
“That didn’t hurt.” Lance accused Keith.
“How would you know?” Keith pushed at Lance’s chest to push him off, but Lance stayed firm in place. The pilot had enough rough play experience with his siblings and cousins to be able to keep himself where he wanted.
“Dude, you fall on your butt in the training room more than everyone else. If anything, your butt is callused enough to take a fall off anything.”
“I didn’t know you knew so much about my butt.” Keith deadpanned.
“Alright, you made it weird.” Lance recoiled and pulled off himself away Keith. Keith squirmed away and pulled himself back onto the bed.
“About time you got off,” Keith sighed. “I thought I was going to have to threaten you.” Keith removed his knife from the waist band of his pajamas and placed it delicately on the bed.
“You still had the knife?!” Lance darted up and stole the Knife from the bed.  “What the heck is wrong with you? You could’ve accidentally stabbed me!”
“Accidentally?” Keith asked.
“See, there you go threatening to murder me again. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Galra Keith is finally ready to make his move and kill the leader of Voltron.”
“First of all, you are not the leader of Voltron.” Keith pointed out. “And second of all, Galra Keith is still just Keith.”
“Whatever you say, ‘Keith.’” Lance pressed. “Besides, we all know who runs things around here.”
“I guess you do a lot of running as the right leg.” Keith concluded, skeptically.
“Well thanks buddy. You make it sound so underwhelming.” Lance smiled, sort of bitterly.
“No problem buddy.” Keith patted Lance on the back. “Any time.”
“Alright, don’t get all touchy and feely with me Keith. Your furry genes will rub off on me.”
               “Excuse me?” Keith exclaimed. He pulled his hand away and scooted further down the bed. “I am NOT a furry.” He held his index finger up and pointed accusingly and Lance
“I didn’t say you were.” Lance pointed out. “I only said you had furry GENES.”
Keith was taken aback, and now had both of his hands placed defensively on his chest.
“How could you say that?!” Keith exclaimed.
“Well, obviously someone in your family was a furry. And I don’t want to risk catching that.”
“No one in my family was a furry, Lance!” Keith shot back. Lance shrugged defiantly.
“Well somebody had to get with a Galra.” Lance shot back. “And it had to have been somebody directly related to you. So… Who is it?” He teased.
“No one!” Keith started. Then he paused. His eyebrows knotted together as he fell into deep thought. Suddenly, his face drained of color.
The room fell quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time.
“Keith, are you alright?” Lance finally asked.
Keith stayed frozen in place, but Lance could see the slight shaking of his hands. Lance tentatively placed his hand on Keith’s back. “Is it because I asked about your family? Dude, I’m sorry. Everybody has weird family members. It’s really no big deal.”
“Oh my god.” Keith muttered to himself.
“What? What is it Keith?” Lance asked.
“Lance,” Keith turned to look Lance in the eyes. “I think it was my dad.”
“The furry or the Galra?” Lance questioned.
“The, ugh, furry…?” Keith muttered.
“Oh,” Lance muttered. “I didn’t think you would actually know who it was.” He turned and ran his fingers nervously through his hair. “I, ugh, ugh… Yikes dude.”
“Yeah, yikes…” Keith repeated. His thumb was rubbing the symbol on the knife again, almost absentmindedly. Lance patted his back a couple more times, then slowly started to rub his back. Keith made a strange noise, and it took Lance a minute to realize what it was.
“Whoa, are you crying?” Lance asked. Keith dropped the knife and buried his eyes into the crook of his elbow.
“No,” Keith whimpered. “I just need a minute.”
“No, that’s okay man, take a minute.” Lance assured him. He patted his back again, then rested his arm across Keith’s shoulder. Keith whimpered something and nodded in understanding.
“It’s just,” Keith sniffed and swallowed hard. “It just sort of all felt real all of a sudden. Why I have this knife, why I never met my mom…” A weak whimper escaped from him as he leaned in closer to Lance.
“You’re okay,” Lance uncomfortably soothed. “I’m sure you’re just tired.”
Keith pressed closer into Lance’s side and cried even harder.
“Okay, we’re doing that now,” Lance said aloud. He moved his other arm and draped it around Keith. “That’s okay, let it out man.”
“I can’t believe you called my dad a furry.” Keith cried.
“I’m sorry.” Lance apologized.
“I can’t believe you’re right.” He cried even harder.
“I know,” Lance nodded. “I have a way of bringing out the truth in people.”
Keith weakly punched him in the shoulder.
“You’re the worst Lance,” Keith sniffed as the last bit of water left his eyes.
“I know, you’ve told me that too.” Lance laughed.
Keith laughed lightly and pulled away. He sat up and wiped his eyes, leaving his face red and puffy.
“Thanks for the minute, Lance.” Keith said.
“Ah, don’t mention it man,” Lance smiled. He pointed at Keith’s face and waved his finger purposefully. “This just means you owe me one later.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that.”  Keith smiled.
“Yes we will Keith! You never know when I might need some a backup emo-support.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at him with a pair of finger guns. “Maybe even some backup Galra support.”
“Still just Keith support.” Keith told him. Lance pushed himself off the bed and began walking towards the door.
“That little but of Galra in you we know about now, doesn’t change how we knew you before Keith. You’re still my hot headed copilot. You just have some bonus favor points now.”
“Gee, thanks Lance.” Keith deadpanned.
“Your welcome.” Lance grinned. He placed his hands on the doorway right before he left. “Can you promise me something Keith?”
Keith leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Ugh, yeah. What is it?” he asked.
“If you suddenly sprout pointy ears, or start showing signs of purple skin, you better tell me ASAP.” Lance smiled. Keith rolled his eyes and pulled away.
“Fine. If I suddenly hit a second puberty and literally become ‘Galra Keith’, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Nice.” Lance smiled. He stepped backwards into the hall and placed his hand on the door scanner. “Well, a face like this needs a healthy amount of beauty sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yeah. Night Lance.”
“Night Keith.”
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