#froldgapp writes
froldgapp · 1 year
Cat Run
Started a new fic. It's going to be goofy and angsty and a sweet little adventure (I hope). Any guesses for what Plagg's special "gift" will be? Excerpt below. First chapter here.
“I was thinking about what you were saying earlier.”
“Plagg,” Adrien groaned and sank back in bed, closing his eyes again.
“About feeling trapped.”
“Plagg, it’s two in the morning.” This must be what owning an actual cat was like. Or a baby. Or several cat babies.
“And there’s this ritual we kwamis can do–only the most powerful and talented kwamis–where we can offer our holders a temporary gift.”
“Is it the gift of sleep?” mumbled Adrien against the blankets.
Plagg zig-zagged his way through the air so he was resting on the bed and again facing Adrien. He wiggled his bottom until he made a little cup for himself in the blankets. “That’s very funny but no. It’s a gift to help you break through any frustration or block the miraculous holder has in their life. In your case, being bossed around and feeling trapped.” 
“How about being woken up and feeling sleepy?”
Plagg rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Eh… Did I mention that this gift can only be offered by the most powerful, talented and handsome kwamis?”
Adrien sighed. He really didn’t want to fully wake up and completely break his sleep. It was early summer, and soon the sun would be streaming around the edges of his curtains, kicking off another tiring day. Sometimes, most times, it was just easier to say yes.
He cracked open one eye, just the tiniest amount. “Sure, I’d love your gift, Plagg.”
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appropriatehole · 7 years
Good ol' classic quicksand!
is quicksand classic? anyway, here’s this crack:
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The vibrant blue dunes of Eyquksal look attractive, at first,until Lance takes the first brave step into the desert and screeches in terror.
“Quicksand! Quicksand! Help, Hunk, save me!”
Hunk has barely reached out a wary arm before Lance throwshimself at his larger friend, clinging tight and shaking his right leg indistress.
“Hunk, Hunk! Did it eat my leg?”
“… no?” Hunk can distinctly feel a pair of lanky legs strikinghis side with each wail of distress. “Hey, buddy – the quicksand isn’t going tofollow you up here. You can get off now.”
Well, even if they can’t actually walk in the desert itself, the scenery is still nice. Hunk andLance settle beside their respective Lions, waiting for the others to breachthe atmosphere. (“Your fault for being so enthusiastic about hot alien babes,”Hunk mutters.)
And then a streak of red blurs past them – the Red Lion andher pilot … ejecting himself out of her mouth and somersaulting right into thedesert?
“No! KEITH!”
“Lance, he’s just – no!”
They watch in horror as Keith, the fool, descends rapidlytowards the blue plains, as if his jetpacks were disabled.
Hunk cradles his face in his hands. “Oh my god, Lance, whatdo we do? What if he dies – or drowns – or,”
With how much they’re shouting into their communicators, it’sno surprise Keith can hear them. But it takes a little more effort on theirpart to hear the calm, quiet, and slightly-staticky:
“Did someone say quicksand? I love quicksand.”
Lance rushes forwards in terror, teetering on the edge ofthe black schist their Lions are perched on, to see Keith land gently on thequicksand.
“Holy shit, Shiro! Shiro, get down here, Keith has a deathwish!”
Shiro’s yell is loud enough to drown out both him and Keith.Who, strangely enough, sounds like he’s quietly giggling to himself. Lanceshoots him a murderous glare.
“Keith, I swear to god, if you don’t get out of there – and stop bouncing!”
“What is he doing!” Shiro yells.
“Bouncing! In quicksand!”
As though it wasn’t chaotic enough already, Hunk joins thefray, grasping at Lance and staring at Keith in horror. “No! No, why is he – What if he drowns? Oh god, someone save him!”
“I like –” Keith responds, but he’s quickly cut off by atrio of yells, until finally, finally, Black swoops down from the sky like anangel, Shiro muttering something about Keithdon’t die you’re so young so full of potential oh my god –
Keith pauses in his bouncing to stare up at the sky, barely flinchingas Black opens her mouth and swallows him whole, Shiro sobbing in relief theentire time.
(“I just – I just likequicksand,” Keith grouses later. “Itreminds me of home.”)
(feel free to send me more october fic prompts)
ao3 // twitter // buy me a coffee
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rangergirl3 · 6 years
Ch. 6 is up! :D
My brain after writing, editing, and especially while proof-reading:
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@callaeidae3 @zenthisoror @haleykim84 @havetoomanyfandoms @froldgapp @arrowcomix @jpnpr @noromojustkeith @noodlegirl5 @ladylienda @darkstrangevirgilanxiboi @drizzlydaybeforethespring @glitteringconstellations
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Hi there! Can I ask a question? You're always recommending amazing fics (and writing them, haha). Can you recommend any of the people you follow and love when it comes to finding these fics? This can be either tumblr writers or Ao3 writers, or maybe even any tags that you monitor or something? Thanks in advance! P.S. Have you been catching "Breathing In, Breathing Out" on Ao3? Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like it would be up your alley - great Keith whump following his fight with Shiro post s6!
Well, thank you kindly! Glad you like both my recs, and my fics! And yes, I’m actually subscribed to Breathing In, Breathing Out at the moment, and am loving it so far! (the link to the fic here for those who are interested).
I don’t track any tags for finding fics, but I do check AO3 pretty regularly and have search settings bookmarked so I can exclude the ships for him (because he’s aro-ace, will forever be aro-ace, and I'm just not really interested in reading him any other way) and the tags that I’m not into, and there are some writers who are pretty reliable at putting out great Keith content.
Some recs for people who write gen content for him exclusively:
Some who write a mix of gen and shippy content, but you can skip the shippy content and/or the shippy content could be read as gen:
And if you don’t yet follow @noromojustkeith, then that’s something that can open up a whole world of ship-free Keith content for you. They keep a giant masterlist of gen Keith fics and post reblogs and links to fics on the blog proper pretty regularly. (Also I think the mod for that blog is the one running @keithgenuary, which I’m super looking forward to, so, bonus).
I’ve also been able to find some excellent content in the #vldgen tag, so that’s a good one to track especially if you’re interested in stuff focused on the others in addition to Keith too.
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blackcatsboon · 6 years
WIP Meme
Tagged by @froldgapp here.
The Rules:
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Pick out the title that most intrigues you, or interests you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
I’ve only included stuff I’ve actually started writing, not just plotting, because otherwise we’d be here all day.
Current WIP titles:
Red - Chapter 5
Pattern Against User
Sometimes To Win You Have To Lose
Tagging: @chrissysky @eightopals @sixelona @ringlov @pratktcven
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seliipi · 6 years
Sheith Participation Week - Day 2: Rec a fic Lmao how can I rec just one. Sheith fic is what got me through nursing school. :^) all you love, you keep by Arahir “I don’t remember much, but I remember you.” A line that stabbed me through the gut. A secret marriage, dog tags, and Arahir’s way with words. God I love this fic. Check out her other works too!! go alone, and never speak of this again is another one for late night rereads. Drift by lilien passe A Garrison AU with strange lapses in time. God. Something about this fic just draws you in and makes you feel like you’re actively there. You just feel this strange growing magnetism between Shiro and Keith and wonder what’s going on. She writes Shiro a bit differently than I’ve seen in most fics but it works. Slip the Surly Bonds by Sol1056 A complete Pre-Kerberos Mission fic with 21 chapters that honestly has raised my standards for anything canon is willing to throw at us come S6.  wake me up, keep me conscious by Graysworks Excited for where this one’s going! An unexpected incidence with quintessence and two lives are in danger. Context by Lycoria Keith’s a mind-reader with trust issues who meets someone that never lies to him. This fic is so endearing.  window by kuill, kurenix College AU with some late night pining. Prepare your heart for fluff. Susurrations and Transmission Impossible by Froldgapp Love me some Keith affected by strange energies/in a weird trance. :^) They’re a master of body horror and they also have a fic called Collisions which is a His Dark Materials AU with daemons and god I love daemon AUs. til the stars didn’t recognize me by epiproctan A space pirate captain meets a long-mourning Paladin of Voltron. Mmmhm does distance make the heart grow fonder.  The Quintessential Bond by avidbeader
A soulmates AU with a strong quintessential bond amplified by a separation farther than any two soulmates have been before. Ongoing and reading about the effects of this bond on the two and Team Voltron is pretty darn fun!! Darkest before the Dawn by BossToaster Shiro and Keith have a bet going at a masked ball. Gotta love that introspective Shiro.
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maychorian · 7 years
Weekly Voltron Fic Recs #61
Rules: You can find past weekly rec lists here, and non-list recs in my general fic rec tag. Also follow @maychorianrecs for individually tagged posts, the easier to search and reblog. This is stuff I like, and I have a huge bias toward Lance, hurt/comfort, and general fluff, in that order. Gen unless otherwise noted. Please comment on the fics if you read and enjoy them!
No Time For Getting Old by QueenofCheese (Supertights) for burrsir Words: 4,509 Author’s Summary: Shiro might’ve forgotten what day it is but no one else in his life has. My Comments: Perfect birthday fic, sweet and warm and lovely. It made me nostalgic and happy. Shiro deserves all the love.
put this stuff back where it came from, or so help me by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions) Words: 9,055 Author’s Summary: “Unbelievable.” Platt’s eyes widen, posture straightening and perking up at the words. For some reason, the mouse looks positively content. Oh. Right. Keith almost forgot. The mouse doesn’t get sarcasm. “No that - that is not a compliment!!” —- After a long mission away, Keith returns to a few big surprises… My Comments: Sequel to a previously recced fic about Platt going with Keith to the Blade base. It’s funny and heartwarming and sweet and unexpected and so, so good. I love the OCs, and I love how the author writes Keith and Kolivan and Regris, too. Such a fun fic.
You are home to me by thisfairytalegonebad Words: 6,725 Author’s Summary: When Keith is minorly injured in a mission, Kolivan sends him back to Voltron to have him healed in a pod. Keith gets to spend time with his family. My Comments: I love the relationships Keith has in this fic, with both Kolivan and the Voltron team. It really felt like a homecoming, and it was very soft and warm, especially at the end.
The Weak and the Strong by Bandity Words: 10,483 Author’s Summary: Lance was glad it wasn’t actually raining. It would have made him uncomfortable to get soaked. Not that he was comfortable lying in this alleyway, watching the world spin above him. He knew he needed to call for help, but his head hurt so much and, while he was ashamed of it, he was scared. He didn’t know how much time had gone by since he lost consciousness. He didn’t even know where he was exactly. He didn’t know if that man would be back. My Comments: New favorite fic. This just has so many things I love: Lance getting hurt, a protective team, aftermath and follow-up and consequences and just, ugh, it’s so good, so many of those little whumpy details that hit the h/c lover right in the best place, and emotional comfort as well as physical healing, just everything is amazing.
Common Enemy by SonderQuill (underHiswings) Words: 3,689 Author’s Summary: Shiro wished Allura was here. He wasn’t good enough at diplomacy yet. The meeting he was supposed to chair was getting out of hand—and fast. My Comments: Nice, light fic with Shiro figuring out a diplomatic conundrum, with Matt and Pidge along for the ride. Some great action and fun, humorous dialogue along the way.
I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine (it’s not a problem) by AnaliseGrey Words: 8,341 Author’s Summary: Shiro’s definition of ‘ok’ doesn’t always match the definition his team uses. My Comments: Great Shiro whump and comfort, in the style of “5+1,” everyone getting a chance to help Shiro through something difficult. My favorite was probably Lance’s chapter and maybe the last one, but that’s because I’m biased. They’re all lovely.
Birthday bash 2017 by kitsune13tamlin Words: 5,843 Author’s Summary: so it was Shiro’s (kinda) birthday. And why celebrate a day when you can celebrate an entire week? A fic a day, some short, some long, to explore and celebrate a one of a kind guy. My Comments: Lovely collection of ficlets, each different than the last. Some are angsty and some are sweet, but all are worth reading.
Grounded by FroldGapp Words: 2,843 Author’s Summary: There was no rulebook for the life they’d made. All Krolia could do was make it up as she went along. My Comments: Season 5 spoilers. Angsty and sweet and a little heartbreaking. I love the worldbuilding, all the little moments, and especially the ending.
But At Least by yet_intrepid Words: 2,411 Author’s Summary: He should check his texts, Shiro thinks, as he picks his way around scattered clothes and papers and alien objects towards the door. He should see where Keith is, if he’s okay. He should eat something; he should get back to his job search; he should clean the kitchen; there’s so much to do and it’s all so damn small and yet it’s harder than saving the universe ever was. My Comments: Heartbreakingly realistic, but so, so good. I absolutely love these aftermath stories, and I love the idea of the paladins plus Matt sharing an apartment, even though there’s not enough room and they’re exhausted and readjusting to civilian life is so, so hard. It’s gonna be a great series, I can tell already.
Here to See You Through by yet_intrepid Words: 1,931 Author’s Summary: For a second Matt thinks the room is empty, so he swings the door all the way open with a deep breath of relief, letting his backpack slide down from his shoulders. Then he hears the crying. “Shit,” Matt says again, because he is so good at words. So very good at them. “Uh, Pidge?” “Fuck off,” says Pidge. My Comments: Part of a series, and here we get some of that good platonic comfort to counteract all the hurt. Matt and Pidge are the sweetest siblings. Lovely.
Repeat After Me by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) Words: 7,512 Author’s Summary: The end of February is coming up, and both of the twins have strong ideas of how it should be spent My Comments: Part of a series, and this is such a great addition, a birthday fic with Shiro and his brand-new twin conspiring behind each other’s backs to give each other great day, and succeeding better than they realize.
A Different Story Much the Same by nadagio Words: 4,205 Author’s Summary: Second Lieutenant Lance McClain isn’t exactly thrilled to be a cargo pilot, but sometimes the job comes with extra perks… Like visiting the Castle of Lions.What should be a simple in and out resupply mission takes an unexpected turn. My Comments: Fun little snippet, just enough to whet your appetite and make you wish for more, but what’s here is delightful.
Fics with Season 5 Spoilers Under the Cut:
Prove It by TheClassiestHat Words: 2,048 Author’s Summary: At long, long last, Krolia finds herself reunited with her son. And the reunion goes… less than perfectly. My Comments: Season 5 spoilers. Angsty and realistic continuation of that scene with Keith and Krolia. I could definitely see it going this way, though I hope it doesn’t.
second guessing real life by hollow_city Words: 2,152 Author’s Summary: ”are you okay?” “i don’t know.” or, shiro asks for help. My Comments: Season 5 spoilers. I like this vision of how things could have gone between Lance and Shiro after their talk. A lot. I think canon is going to be much more dramatic, but something like this would be easier. For everyone.
importance by nigiyakapepper Words: 2,928 Author’s Summary: “Mom left right?” “Kid, you already know this. She had to do something more important.” Keith goes quiet after that. He doesn’t know what more important could be, but he—their family—is less than whatever it is. The knowledge settles under his skin. - - Snapshots of Keith growing up. My Comments: Season 5 spoilers. I love this idea for Keith’s backstory, the details woven into to it, and just the whole thing. It’s a beautiful read. But I do need someone to tell Keith just how very important he is.
Lost and Found by IcyPanther Words: 5,950 Author’s Summary: [Season Five Spoilers] Something is wrong with Shiro. Lance can feel it. He’s determined to find answers and returns to the Astral Plane to do so. All is most definitely not as it seems and it’s going to be up to Lance to save the day. If, well… he can save himself first. / “Sh-Shiro,” he choked out. A dark laugh sounded behind him. “Come now. We both know that’s not true.” My Comments: Season 5 spoilers. Somewhat dark and very cool take on Lance searching for Shiro after the events of the recent episodes. I enjoyed it, though my preference is for a nicer Kuron than we get here.
Strike a Match by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) for cofie Words: 4,938 Author’s Summary: Shiro realizes why his head hurts, and Lance is faced with the reality of responsibility. Based on art by Littlecofeiart. My Comments: Season 5 spoilers. This is horrible, but I love it. I absolutely believe that Shiro, any Shiro, would go this far to protect his team. And I love Lance being so sweet and protective, good lord.
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camachameleon · 7 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 3/∞
VLD Rec Lists:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
    **Recoil/Release by Cheshyr
Word count:  22,387 (13/13)
Summary:  When Keith is bitten by an alien creature with venom that causes your dominant emotions to be amplified, the team is ready for a day of dealing with an incredibly angry paladin.
Which means they’re not ready at all for what actually happens.
Comments:  The almost stream-of-consciousness writing of Keith’s parts are really gut-wrenching because it’s as if you are experiencing it with him. (Warning for panic attacks- if you are triggered at all by that sort of thing you may want to sit this one out, it gets pretty graphic). A couple good song pairings for this fic to set the tone are Broken Crown and World Gone Mad.
    **Synergy by Kokochan & Spanch
Word count:  74,064 (10/10) 
Summary:  The vines were large, stiff, gnarly, and thick-stemmed, with blue leaves as big and round as dinner plates, but Shiro’s battle-arm was able to sever several long straggles with ease. The vines draped easily enough over the shuttle and hid it quite handily from view. “Good enough, I suppose,” Shiro said, glaring at the empty greenish-blue sky. “Come on, let’s… Hunk? What’s the matter?”
Hunk was staring at something behind him. “Shiro, don’t make any sudden moves just now, but there’s a really big lizard thing standing right behind you. Um. Two of them.”
Surprised, Shiro turned, albeit carefully. He’d never even heard them approach. That was rather impressive, considering the size of the beasts. It was as though someone had taken a pair of Arizonan horned lizards and rebuilt them more on the lines of a tiger without leaving out any of the spikes, then expanded them to about the size of an Indian elephant and added six large, intelligent blue eyes. Understandably, Shiro froze in place.
Comments: OH. MY. GOSH. OK. SO. This bad boy is Part 1 of 3, so far, with a total series word count of 241,404 at the moment. This beautiful titan of a series is named Of The Pack, and it updates with great speed, considering it has two top tier authors working on it. The several OCs in this story are so lifelike and realistic and fit so well into the universe that I forget that they aren’t actually canon and I kind of miss them when I’m reading other Voltron fics. My favorite part is the world-building it does. Everything about this fic is so dynamic and multi-dimensional, from it’s characters to the epic plot - this is the exact opposite of lazy writing. I am so here for badass Pidge, and the matriarchal Galra culture and the dragons. I👏LOVE👏THIS👏FIC👏
Also there’s magic! (with a scientific explanation, of course)
A cool song that I think goes nice with this fic is Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw.
  The Kids Are Alright by pugglemuggle
Word count:  10,430 (3/3)
Summary:   Three Garrison Cadets Missing After Freak Satellite Crash
By Mara Garrett, News Editor | The Guardian | Monday, June 13, 2103 7:40 A.M. ET
Two seventeen-year-olds and a fifteen-year-old went missing Friday night after a rogue satellite crashed into the desert a few miles away from the Galaxy Garrison Training Facility, reports say. Garrison officials were quick to cordon off the area, claiming many of the remaining satellite fragments were dangerous and unstable. Government search parties have been sent out into the surrounding desert areas. Details are forthcoming.
Her brother is missing. Lance’s sister isn’t about to sit quietly while the Garrison keeps lying to the press. No—she’s going to get to the bottom of this.
(Or: The paladins’ families team up to find their kids and overthrow the corrupt Garrison regime. Told through news articles, prose, the internet, and art.)
Comments:  The format of this is very intriguing and fresh. We get to see scenes of our favorite paladins through the eyes of their friends and families, from before they disappeared and the aftermath. The open ending is still satisfying and leaves you with a sense of determination and hope for these characters that you just couldn’t help but get attached to. If you’re big on government conspiracies then this is the fic for you!
  **Patty Cake by Froldgapp
Word count:  7,829 (6/6)
Summary:  Quiet, aloof, and alone, Keith is distant from the rest of the team. Hunk begins to suspect why, and it’s only when the red paladin pushes himself too far, the Voltron gang realise he’s just as vulnerable as the rest of them.
Comments:  Aaaaahhh this fic. Something about this one has me coming back to reread it all the time even though I always cry. It is just so angsty but in a more poignant, sharp, breathless kind of way. Some of the things the characters say send painful stinging jolts into your chest and you can feel your heart cracking and then you get angry because how dare (I mean ch4 tho holy sh*t). I just want to hug Keith so much ugh. Hunk’s protectiveness of Keith gives me the strength to finish this masterpiece every time. Also, this can kind of be Sheith if you squint (or not, if you don’t).
  The Message by Shipstiel
Word count:  132,787 (45/45)
Summary:  (4:07) okay, but considr this, and hear me out here (4:08) so like, a photobooth u can do with ur pets like there’ll be lil costumes that u can dress them up in, and u can do liek, period costumes and shit with them (4:09) omg, can u imagine, u and ur cat/dog, and theyre in a lil 1800s dress and one of those lace umbrella things omg so cute
(4:15) Why the FUCK are you texting me at four in the morning with this
Keith is texted by accident by some idiot one day, and honestly he’s not even sure why he responds. Or why he keeps responding. Yet somehow he finds himself drawn in, and okay, so maybe this fool is mildly entertaining after all. Who would’ve thought.
Comments:  Slowburn Klance Wrong Number AU. These two are so cute I just can’t. This is the perfect story if you are looking for something effortless and relaxing to read. Even though this contains some softcore Langst, it is still a very cute and heartwarming story about two dorks slowly falling in love. It features Lance’s mother who I fell in love with here, and the kind of supportive nosy best friends that everyone wants in real life (i.e. Hunk, Pidge, and Allura).
  **The Quiet by MilkTeaMiku
Word count:  66,700 (32/32)
Summary:  Does he not realize he’s dead?
Keith can see ghosts. As a part of his Garrison training, he’s sent to a hospital to do one year of medical clerkship - it’s there that he meets a charmingly irritating chose who definitely needs to learn what boundaries are.
Comments:  Modern Ghost AU with eventual Klance. This fic is the most suspenseful story I have ever read in my life. Idk if it’s just me, but I just have this feeling building up paragraph by paragraph of an impending… something. And it has my heart racing which is crazy because it isn’t even particularly fast-paced. There’s just a heaviness to the words that have the hairs on the back of your neck prickling. I literally have to take a breather from reading sometimes to calm down. 
A couple cool songs I think set the mood for this fic is Smother and Mirror.
  Finding Home by spacegaykogane
Word count:  26,966 (6/6)
Summary:  After the wormhole collapses, Keith finds himself stranded on a strange planet. Alone. Until Lance comes along. With their lions dead and resources limited, Keith and Lance need to put aside their differences and work together to get home. Wherever that may be, now.
Comments:  Klance. I love Stranded fics where they have to work together to survive and bond over that. So yeah this one has some whump obviously, bc you know, crash landings aren’t very fun. This one is angsty but its balanced out by the fluffiness in the end.
  Cuddle Puddle by nothingwrongwiththerain
Word count:  46,782 (6/6)
Summary:  Unexpectedly, Shiro’s hand landed on the top of his head. Apparently with Lance and Hunk taking up all the shoulder real estate, Shiro would settle for ruffling Keith’s hair.
Keith was fairly certain his soul was about to detach and abandon his shaking body on the couch. He was surrounded, in the complete and total sense of the word, by other people. Not once before, not in his whole life, had he dealt with a situation like this one.
Or, five times Keith found himself too close for comfort and one time he couldn't get close enough.
Comments:  Klance featuring ace!Keith. Don’t be fooled by the fluffy summary, this is a very angsty fic with lots of Keith whump. Basically, as stated by the author, this story is about ‘Keith struggling with physical contact and learning to accept people care about him’. I love touch-starved Keith stories, like this one. I love the scenes with Kidge bros, featuring a super supportive Pidge. 
  At the Beginning by Sakuraiai
Word count:  64,203 (12/12)
Summary:  Inspired by Anastasia
King Zarkon of the Galra empire lost his only way in to the Kingdom of Altea. In his anger, he put a curse on the royal family. The young, adopted half Galran prince Keith disappeared when the palace was overrun, never to be seen again -- or so it seemed. The only surviving princess, Allura, grieving for her child, offers a reward for Keith's safe return.
Con artists, Lance and his best friend, Hunk plan to pawn off a phony to the princess, hoping to reap the rewards. They hold auditions and choose an orphan man who has a remarkable resemblance to the missing prince -- all the way down to his fluffy Galran ears.
Comments:  Can anyone say Anastasia AU?! I waited with baited breath for each chapter to come out and I was not once disappointed. I love the integration of the different alien races in this timeless story, it all works out so well. Keith just wants to find his mommy and I just want to cry. Also Kidge bros are still my fav as always.
  out of orbit by rbillustration
Word count:  78,135 (19/19)
Summary:  Dragged apart by Haggar’s attack on the wormhole, the paladins and Alteans struggle to survive and find one another again. Luck has placed them all within the same galaxy… but their fortune ends there. Lance is stranded with a badly-injured Shiro and his relief at finding their leader still accompanying him soon turns to terror. Keith may be the only who can rectify the situation - but the Galra have him in their grasp, and they don’t want to kill him. They want him as one of their own.
Comments:  ANGST. SO MUCH ANGST. A brainwashed Galra!Keith plus a Possessed!Shiro. This is the perfect recipe for disaster if I ever saw one. If lots of blood bothers you proceed with caution. I love stranded fics.
A good song rec for this one is Darkside.
  VLD Rec Lists:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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haleykim84 · 6 years
Get to know meme!
Rules: answer the prompt and tag 20 people you would like to know better!
I was tagged by @sonderquill ! Thanks so much, Sonder! I actually really enjoy doing these things :)
Nicknames: Kim, Haley, Kimmy
Gender: female
Star Sign: pisces 
Height: 5'2.5"
Time: 15:51
Birthday: 20 February
Favorite Bands/artist(s): Yikes, so many, depending on my mood. Some of my faves are Linkin Park, Sia, Imagine Dragons, Within Temptation.
Song(s) stuck in my head: None at the moment!
Last movie I watched: Maze runner: Death Cure
Last TV show I watched: Currently rewatching Star Trek: Voyager.
What I post: Mostly Voltron, mostly gen or platonic stuff, but also some Sheith every now and then. Sometimes I'll rb nature pics, writing advice or other things that amuse or interest me. Oh! And I post about my WIPS and my finished fics!
Do I get asks: Not often, but when I do it makes my day :)
URL meaning: Honestly, in retrospect I find my URL and penname incredibly lame! I wish I'd thought of something cool, like with "dragon" in it or something! But really, I'd always liked the name Haley and Kim is my actual first name and I couldn't really think of anything else right at that time, so… Like I said, LAME! ;)
Average hours of sleep: I've been trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, which includes getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Some nights I'm more successful than others…
Nationality: Dutch
Tagging: @noisypaintersong @rangergirl3 @nightfell @mishion @ptw30 @heyheroics @froldgapp @radiofreekerberos and anyone else who wants to join in! Also, please ignore me tagging you if you’ve already been tagged!
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antigonerex · 6 years
6 & 11 kkkkkkkkkkk
6. What’s the detail you wait on bated breath for readers to notice?
This question assumes that I know what I am doing, as though I’m intentionally injecting details into my story for people to notice - HA!
In all reality, I most hope that people catch the callbacks I made / will make in my multichap stories.  The last few chapters of Reverberations in particular will depend on readers remembering certain details from the early chapters.
I also love it when people pick out little quotes from my writing and stick it in their reviews.
11. What’s a fanfic idea you haven’t done yet?
So many.  Three big ones which I do not have sole rights to and therefore cannot divulge...
I can say I’m working on a Bounty Hunter fic for FMA that I haven’t started publishing just yet.  Roy is the hunter and Riza is the hunted.  It fulfills my base need for tropes, action, angst and horribly written romance.  It’s straight up juicy fanfic goodness and it’s terrible and wonderful on one messy package.
Please answer #8 and 11 my dear... @froldgapp
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avidbeader · 7 years
Got tagged by @froldgapp - thank you!
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, fanwork, or original work!
Hoo boy...this is where I reveal my madness (again).
1. “The Quintessential Bond” (Voltron) - the Sheith soulmates AU. I’m on Ch. 14 and I’m kind of stuck. I thought I knew what I wanted to do with the team forming Voltron for the first time and when I sat down to try and write it, it no longer felt right given how I’ve depicted the lion bonds in the previous few chapters. So I’m rethinking and trying to peck at it every few days, but it’s very annoying because I know a lot of people are enjoying it and waiting on me.
2. “The Perils of Innocence” (Harry Potter) - The next chapter is about half written and I think people will like it. Dumbledore steps in it again and gets taken to task almost immediately for it. Again, trying to peck away at it every few days, because a LOT of people read that one and are waiting for what comes next.
3. “Skydancer” (Voltron) - This is the sequel to “Scattered”, my S2 AU genfic. I’ve got an outline mostly done and I know what I want to happen. But there’s a little matter of actually writing it...
4. “The Icarists” (Voltron) - Just sent chapter 2 to my beta. This is the Sheith historical circus steampunk AU and this is the story that currently has me the most excited. It’s pretty much outlined, but I discovered a new potential character interaction in Ch. 2 that I think I’m going to have to flesh out a bit. But this one also takes time because it’s research-heavy. It may be an AU and I may be taking some liberties with history, but I still want a lot of things to feel right.
5. Untitled fic (Voltron) - This is a Sheith story that I’m not talking about much yet and will probably write out fully or almost fully before sharing because this one is one I really want to get right. I’m making some decisions that some readers probably won’t like and I’d rather not have the negative input while I’m still writing it.
6. “Regrouping” (Sense8) - This alternate to S2 is 3/4 done. I just need to get people in place and have them finish their jobs.
7. “Desperate Measures” (Voltron) - I wrote this as a one-shot during Sheith Quote Week in December. It was meant to be just the one scene, and then I wrote a line that led to me half-assedly summarizing the rest of the story just so I could get it posted on time. Now I’m going back to expand on how the team learned about the clone and found Proper Shiro. But I absolutely must do this scene justice.
So yeah. Lots of stuff in my head and in pieces on my computer. I just need time to actually focus on them.
I shall tag @significantowl @lionescence @tigerarchivist and @stlgeekgirl to play if they so choose and haven’t already been tagged.
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froldgapp · 1 year
Everything In Its Right Place Chapter Three
Anger blossomed, bitter as the fruit. Luka pushed back against the kiss, then broke it. He swept out from between Adrien’s arms, suddenly allergic to his intelligent, searching eyes. He pressed his palms into his face, dragged them down, cast a glance at Adrien–fuck!–then stalked off to find his jacket.
“I need a cigarette,” he grunted. Shaking fingers retrieved his pack from his jacket by the door. He sparked up and approached one of the sash windows, tugging it open violently. He swiped a hand under his nose and inhaled like a drowning man. Adrien approached silently from the kitchen, face stricken. He stopped next to the sofa, looking for the world like the lost and delicate boy he’d been back then. Luka closed his eyes, felt more tears spill loose, and turned to look out the window.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” he said thickly. Adrien didn’t reply. Because he couldn’t. Adrien Agreste would never utter another word again.
Read the final chapter here.
Start from chapter one here.
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fluffy-luffy · 7 years
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Tagged by @froldgapp List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, fanwork, or original work! So this is something im working on for school. Its getting done slowly but surely. Tagging @kcgane, @keiths-stupid-mullet, @thecaroliner, and anyone else that wants to do this
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redherring7 · 7 years
tagged by @salineshots
1) How many works do you currently have in progress?
Gosh one that I’m actually actively working on and really motivated to finish. Like a bunch of others that kind of fizzed out and died. Maybe 3 that I’ll probably get back to eventually??? 
2) Do you/ would you write fanfiction?
Yup x1000 that’s like ALL I write lol
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
I love the convenience of ebooks. I have the kindle app on my phone and its amazing. Plus I’m really impatient and I love that I can just click a button and have the thing I want to read instantly?? There is something nostalgic and sort of lovey about paper books though... 
4) When did you start writing?
When I discovered fanfiction at like 15 and was like huh, I could probably do that. 
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
Does posting stuff online count?? 
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
Haven’t really got a favorite place. Somewhere where I can have a cup of tea and biscuits within easy reach. 
7) Favorite childhood book
Its hard to pick because I read a lot as a kid (still do) probably Harry Potter tbh?  
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
Fun for now, probably fun forever haha
9) Pen and paper or computer?
Computer! I can type waaaay faster than I was write. 
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
Nope maybe that would be a good idea...
11) What inspires you to write?
Compelling characters in interesting situations. I like imaging what they would do...
I’m supposed to tag other people I think?
@paladin-pile @thisgirlhastales @froldgapp
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froldgapp · 2 years
When the Blood Burns
A little fix-it fic for after vampire!dick smooshes Tim’s head. Read here.
Tim closed his eyes. No use. He still saw the phantom echo of Dick’s fist through Bruce’s chest. The way Bruce had gasped. The way Damian had fallen on the body even as the rest of them tumbled towards Dick in a confused, horrified clump of unfit bodies. So clever, really, Dick being the one to turn on them all. Even if they suspected him from the start, they’d still have had a hard time looking into that face and saying “no.” He was their sun.
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froldgapp · 1 year
I somehow managed to tumble into the MLB fandom. Not quite sure how that happened, but anyway: Adrien is such a compelling character that I just had to write something.
Synopsis: Adrien Agreste may be sick but he still has his duties, and nobody's about to let him forget about it. Plagg sees it all.
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