#the uchiha are cursed
pachu09 · 2 years
Set in WSE AU
The Uchiha are cursed. Specifically, they are cursed not to touch another living being lest they killed them. Their bare hands can reduce any living things into ashes as soon as they touch them.
But the other Clans didn't know this Secret. They thought it was just another Fire Technique the Uchiha had invented. But the Uchiha knows the ugly truth. After Centuries of trying to find a Cure, they are left hopeless with repeated failures.
But hope begun to came to the Uchiha when...
The Nakano River Incident happen...
Tajima in his anger at Butsuma for daring to attack his younger son had took ahold of the Senju Clan Head wrist. Butsuma had expertly dislodge the Uchiha’s hand off on his person. Leaving Tajima shaken as he stared wide eyed at the bruised wrist of the Senju Clan Head.
" What are you doing, Uchiha?. " The squeaky voice of one of Butsuma’s son's rang in the air.
Tajima quickly retreated and put in the back of his mind Butsuma’s Fascinating Reaction to the Uchiha Curse. He Shūnshin near his younger son's location but what he saw made him stop in his tracks.
Izuna and Madara had successfully pinned the younger Senju down. The older son of Butsuma warily stood a few feet away from his sibling, his Mokuton vines and wood are ready to attack and snatch away his younger brother in a second if both of his sons acted hostile.
But Izuna and Madara were only pinching the pale haired boy's cheeks in fascination, that must be the only reason why the Senju Heir didn't want to attack Madara.
" Anija, Help!. Why are you just standing there?! " Butsuma’s elder son narrowed his eyes in concentration and the thick vines on his feet lashed out towards his sons.
Tajima blew it away with a powerful Katon. Butsuma’s Heir retreated and called more of his Mokuton vines. Butsuma himself had just arrived and his face paled as he spied his younger son pinned down beneath Tajima’s sons.
Tajima casually stood in front of his distracted sons and he smirked as Butsuma’s face turn red in furious anger.
" Well, would you mind if I take your Son with us, Butsuma?. I promise we'll treat him very well. "
Butsuma snarled helplessly. His face paling even more as Tajima gestured for his sons to knock unconscious the struggling Albino child. Madara eagerly collected the sleeping boy in his arms meanwhile Izuna collected the boy's discarded weapons.
The Senju Heir screams his sibling name in anguish. His trembling body looks seconds away from rashly attacking Tajima and his sons. Butsuma’s tight grip on his Heir's arm is the only thing that prevents the boy from charging at the Uchiha.
" Please, Madara. Don't take away my last Otouto. " Tajima watched indifferently as the child pleaded with teary eyes at his son.
Madara looked up at his Father, hesitation clear in his black eyes. Tajima shook his head and step in front of his son making the Senju shift in their stances.
" Tajima. You bastard, if I ever get ahold of you!. " Butsuma yelled furiously, his eyes shifting worriedly to his unconscious son and glaring venomously back at the Uchiha Clan Head.
" Hm. We'll see about that Butsuma. I'll send the first draft of treaty three days from now. I'll keep your son for the meantime since my sons would like to play more with him. " Tajima out of nowhere activated Amaterasu which forces Butsuma and his Heir to retreat in haste lest they be burn alive. He ignored the Senju Heir screaming for his brother’s name. He let his sons flee ahead of him straight back to the Uchiha Compound with Izuna leading the way and Madara following closely behind. It wouldn’t do if Butsuma insisted on following them behind. He'll personally deal with Butsuma a week from now on.
The Senju Clan Head is a loose fire if he let him roamed around with that kind of nullifying Ability.
Tajima would make sure Butsuma would be in the clutches of the Uchiha soon enough.
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cloudabserk · 2 months
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sns as castle in the sky & spirited away doodles
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asiriyep · 5 days
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Kakashi Week 2024.
Day 4: Curse.
Where Kakashi does not revive.
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natbrooks-art · 1 year
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yeah im alive and unfortunately so's this asshole
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 5 months
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Sasuke Uchiha Sharingan
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Shikamaru buried the murderer of his sensei alive and you don't call that "curse of hatred". Imagine what he would have done if someone exterminated his whole family and grave robbed them to implant stolen body parts on themselves. I honestly think you don't appreciate me for how trully chill and rational I am in comparison to the average shinobi.
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atoriv-art · 7 months
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what if we were trying to fix our stupid village but we each have 10 complexes stacked on top of each other and we are also 17 and therefore deeply stupid. and we were both boys
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sulky-cabbage · 1 month
Imagine if jjk ended up like Jojo's bizarre adventure...
Sukuna wins and we have a new cast every century (with some old characters from the previous season as teachers) and they try to defeat him.
We get to know Sukuna more during the seasons (and we get the heian flashback)
The best part is that Sukuna will definitely start glazing Gojo like Madara glazed Hashirama...
Something like this:
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Sukuna: Gojo Satoru was the only one who could stop me. But he's no longer here.
Sukuna when Gojo's is reborn: I'VE BEEN WAITING GOJO SATORU!!
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equill · 8 months
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Younger Kakashi & Hatenna with Obito
(pre-evolve form from hattrem)
Panel 1: Pictures!
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Stufful & Riolu!
very huggable
Panel 2: You’re heart is different.
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Panel 3: Goodbye.
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arfisrar · 2 months
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21: Cursed
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ladykissingfish · 7 days
*walking through the village* Sakura: Sensei, do you believe in witches and things like that?
Kakashi: Never really thought about it. Why do you ask?
Sakura: Halloween is next month, and some of the kids say that it’s when you’ve got to watch out for witches the most, because if you cross them, they’ll put a curse on you.
Kakashi: *pats Sakura’s head* I don’t know about all that, child. I think we create our own fortunes in life; blessings, curses, the whole lot of it.
Sakura: What blessings have you made in your life, Sensei?
Kakashi: My friendships, for one. My place in the village, my home, my dogs. And you guys, my Team. You’re all just about the biggest blessing of my life.
Sakura: *hugs Kakashi* That’s so sweet! So with all that, you must not be cursed with anything, huh?
Kakashi: *hears Sasuke and Naruto fighting in a shop nearby, and the owner yelling for Kakashi to come and pay for the damages*
Kakashi: I wouldn’t exactly say that.
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fade-steppin · 4 months
what naruto characters are team edward and team jacob
naruto is firmly on team jacob. he's the superior choice! the childhood best friend who's been there the whole time! sakura bella can do way better than than pale weirdo!
sasuke pretends he doesn't know what twilight is but he does and he's team edward
sakura is team edward. they're soulmates! two halves of a whole! it's romantic!
hinata thinks edward/bella is very romantic but she's trying to come around on jacob for narutos sake
kiba is team jacob, obviously. he's a werewolf. that's awesome. who wouldn't want to date a werewolf?
shino is team edward. possibly just to piss kiba off.
ino is actually team jacob. she thinks he's just objectively hotter than edward.
choji is also team jacob, because jacob just seems like a nicer guy and edward is weird
shikamaru is team edward and irritated that he's the only one on his team who is
rock lee is too much of a sucker for love to be anything but a bella/edward shipper.
neji is on team jacob bc he cant help but root for the underdog.
tenten, just to be contrary, says that bella has better chemistry with alice
sai thinks they should just cut out the middleman and have edward and jacob kiss. problem solved.
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
Why are the Uchiha considered a non-oppressed group? Naruto's fandom, specifically pro-Konoha readers, tend to claim that neither Sasuke nor his family was actually oppressed nor discriminated against prior to their killing; furthermore, some tend to state that it's for this supposed reason that the massacre was justified, as not only they perceived no injustice when presented with evidence of their treatment at the hands of those in positions of power (who should've had guaranteed their survival at the very minimum, as that was the reason for the village's creation), but also consider their plan to coup a consequence of their "traitorous" nature; a disservice after everything "Konoha did for them".
Some other fans, not much smarter than the first group, are willing to admit some of the discrimination they suffered; but they are reluctant to see such conduct as a learned animosity, labeling it as a "modern occurrence" (when speaking of Hiruzen's timeframe). According to them, the Uchiha had just begun to be discriminated against, so their reaction was disproportionate; apparently, it's mandatory to wait for such bigotry to be repeated for a few generations before considering it a systematic occurrence rather than an isolated event.
Genocide doesn't happen in a vacuum, it's not an option that is plausibly considered if not after years or decades of cultural and political repression and degradation. It's the growth of a slow but consistent process of dehumanization, to the point where those taught under such a regime of thought truly consider their life, rights, and opinions far more valuable and important than those they degrade.
Arresting or even killing the clan members that actually wanted to coup would've been far more understandable had those in power seen Uchiha humane enough for their lives to be considered, to matter; yet the elders quickly saw mass murder as an enticing option, sending one of the kin they wanted to exterminate to do their dirty job so they wouldn't lose "one of their own" and still look pristine.
They were able to do so and still see themselves as agents of peace because they were taught that they were on the right side of history, as the story was told from their perspective; the handwriting of their mentor shines dark and spotless on the parchments of their national library.
And, as for them, there were no real losses that day, their life continued. And those responsible for the death of dozens kept smiling, kept walking amongst the classmates of the children they sent to murder, telling them to fight for their memory, to give meaning to the pain by growing.
The fandom still believes that their death was requited, necessary, and fair; putting the blame of the genocide at most upon two sets of shoulders (Danzo, Hiruzen) instead of (at least) six (Tobirama, Danzo, Hiruzen, Koharu, Homura and Itachi), because they truly think that such an idea can be created out of thin air and it's not the consequence of an oppressive system that it's constantly demoting a specific group's value; because they truly think that the Council is acting on their own volition and isn't abiding the structure set by those before them. To them, four men and a woman created and taught themselves their own moral, social, and cultural parameters for this specific portion of the story before renouncing them and subscribing once again to their teachers (who somehow are painted as ~agents of peace~).
But alas, let's dissect some of their arguments, perhaps like this some of their brilliance shall illuminate us:
Their doujutsu and overall pride as a clan. The Sharingan is probably the most powerful doujutsu inside the Narutoverse (slightly less so than the Rinnegan but that needs the Sharingan as a base to develop), which for them translates into their clan having a “natural advantage” over others during a battle; thus, if they are so strong, how come they are oppressed? For them, that’s a contradiction because they can only phantom oppression if it’s visible, as in physical: literal submission through physical strength. Yet the Sharingan is canonically expressed to be a rare outcome inside the family, a rarity that just a few members of the clan possessed, so it’s a “natural advantage” that not many Uchiha have nor had at the time of their murder. But the tale hasn't finished, because there's a recurrent joke amongst these antis, for "how come the Sharingan is so powerful yet they were whipped by Itachi in just one night!", they shout, hyena laughter amidst their group; yet they don't talk further as not to attract detractors with quick wit, as they don't take into account (can't take into account) not only the prior point but also Obito’s participation -who was in charge of killing the strongest members of the clan but Fugaku (the later who decided not to fight), and without minding the context in itself as Itachi sneaked into clan members' homes and killed them when their back was turned, as he took advantage of the trust they bestowed upon him.
They were the ones who were “entrusted” by Tobirama to make Konoha’s citizens respect the law -summarizing, they were “given” the Police Force. In this specific regard, the police force inside the Narutoverse is directly compared (and therefore, read) to its real-life counterpart, yet: a- The Uchiha’s job was to be carried inside a military state, most of the citizens inside Konoha have tools at their disposal to either evade or fight back the Uchiha's "authority". It's difficult for them to read such phrases for it shatters their self-insertion; how come Naruto isn't about my self-perceived value inside the country I inhabit? b- The Police Force’s power, influence, and control were directly limited by the Hokage, they couldn’t arrest ANBU members (meaning those who were, one in charge of spying on them, and two a big portion of Konoha’s forces). c- Uchiha couldn’t aspire to be something else but members of the police. The only ones who could work outside that specific force were those individuals that abandoned their identities as clan members and swore allegiance to Konoha. Only Itachi (the perpetrator), Shisui, and Kagami (who were luckily dead before the events of the UCM transpired) were shown outside such a limited sphere. No other clan was shown to need such extreme measures to work in their chosen field. The fact that the prison was constructed to be inside their compound prior to them being moved to the outskirts of the city isn’t enough for them to understand that this specific job was forced upon Uchiha. "It's easier for them to keep an eye on the prisoners," they claim, clicking their tongues, yet won't see what it politically entails, for Uchiha members can never detach themselves from their duty, as it was physically adhered to their lands. "It's a duty they could thrive on," they vomit, and they did, yet no one sees -because it all happens inside their own compound. Not a single clan is shown to “have one specific job” inside Konoha but the Uchiha. d- Nevermind the very real and canonic impact that such work has amongst Konoha citizens, as the lesser members of Konoha's militia grow resentful of those that "control" them; in addition, such position also prevents the Uchiha from properly integrating amongst the general population, as they can't commune completely with those they need to keep tabs on. Was the Police Force ever rebuilt after the UCM? ANBU forces were quick to absorb their duties after the Kyuubi attack, decreasing at a much faster speed their position inside the place they built. The Police Force was dismantled and forgotten after the massacre, further proving the real irrelevance of such duty and the actual hidden purpose in its creation. e- How come the Uchiha "monopolized" a force that was literally and canonically given to them? How did they take over and denied anyone else's presence inside that structure when not only did they not create it but the prison was built by the government itself inside their compound? Someone with fewer brain cells than them will think that it's Konoha's government the one limiting the nature of the members that had to forcefully take care of that task, as clan compounds have restrictions on who can enter; but not them -oh no, ah, the wisdom of these people amazes me...
Their members’ popularity. Specifically, Sasuke and Itachi. What they say while fidgeting in their seats is simple: "how come Itachi (prior to the massacre) and Sasuke (after) were so praised by non-Uchiha if they were discriminated against"? And, ah, we could've finally reached enlightenment; yet their worldview is irrevocably simplistic, as systematic oppression doesn’t always translate into direct discrimination at the hands of other citizens. The Uchiha clan was moved to the outskirts of the city without any other family raising any eyebrows, they don’t have to be spitted on by other shinobi for them to be oppressed, that’s limiting the notion of discrimination/oppression to a single factor -the physical one, without minding the others. To explain it in lesser terms, as we must crouch down to speak to them to be on their level, saying that the Uchiha weren’t discriminated against due to lack of physical aggression, and I guess a genocide isn’t enough aggression for some, it’s like saying a man is a misogynist only if he slaps a woman. That way, monetary, social, cultural, and political domination are left out of the discussion, therefore, it’s limiting sexism to individuals’ actions rather than seeing the system these men were raised on and that it built their resolve to, finally, physically attack a woman. Uchiha were the only ones whose value was tied to their biological nature -no other families inside Konoha found as many restrictions as they did (might I remind you that there was a clan that happily enslaved their members and no one seemed to care?), their biology was enough reason to keep them both away of positions of power (meaning that the laws/decisions that influenced their lifestyle were made for them without a single Uchiha consultant), and restricting their movements inside their village. And I know many of these antis will claim “oh, but name one of the other noble clans (but the Nara’s, of course) that are actually in a place inside the Council, none of them were!” And you see, they miss the point by a mile, because the issue isn’t only the Uchiha not having incidence nor right to (at least) vote inside a village they founded, but specifically them being denied such presence under the premise of a biological predisposition that they have no control of. No other clan, whether they are or not at this point in time inside the Council, is denied a future position under those premises, they either can’t achieve it due to their lack of connections (Minato Namikaze, member of a non-noble clan was made Hokage due to his relationship with Jiraiya) or having not enough rank to participate (Morino Ibiki, also from a clan not specifically important, is the Head of the T&I Department).
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 5 months
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Sasuke Curse Mark Orochimaru
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Mr "Let's kill the Uchiha to prevent a war" here showing how much he cared to prevent village destruction and its vulnerability to foreign invasion during Pain's attack.
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ripeices · 2 months
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once a brat always a brat 🍏
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