#founders fanfic
pachu09 · 2 years
MadaTobi One night stand AU
Madara's narrowed black eyes followed Tobirama as he carried his little son away. Something unsettled him whenever he looked/got a glimpse of little Senju Kagami.
( He himself had never interacted with the boy; not because he doesn't like the child but because whenever he was near the vicinity of the little one. Miraculously, one Senju Tobirama would show up to carry his child away. )
He had felt sheer befuddlement the moment he saw the child for the first time. The boy never had the typical looks of his Clanmate yet he looks like the typical Uchiha. If Hashirama hasn't confessed to him the secret of Senju Carriers he would have incorrectly assumed Tobirama had managed to impregnate one of his Clanswomen and ripped her child off of her loving arms.
But, knowing that the Albino himself carried little Kagami. It made Madara curious as to who the Albino had lain with and why does the child looks so much like a typical Uchiha?.
Does this mean Tobirama's type lies in with black haired people?.
Interestingly enough, he even let a man with an Uchiha characteristics impregnate and left him to deal with raising a little one alone...
Madara cocked his head as his activated Sharingan eyes continued to follow the Albino's rather alluring form.
So many questions swirled in Madara’s mind but no one can answer his questions unless Tobirama himself answered it.
But alas, it would take a miracle for the Senju Heir to even talk to Madara alone. Which he wouldn't hold his breath in. Tobirama had acted as if the Uchiha Clan Head doesn't exist as soon as the day's bureaucratic work ends.
He could point out to Hashirama his younger brother's disrespectful ways. But he wouldn't want to be accused of filling Hashirama’s ears with lies the moment he called out Tobirama’s infuriating behavior to the Uchiha as a whole....
Madara sigh out loud as his thoughts starts to darken. He shook his head to rid himself of such tempting thoughts. It is never a good thing to dwell with that kind of sick Fantasy.
He finally turn off his Sharingan as soon as Tobirama and Kagami had vanished from his sight...
Sighing deeply, he turn around and started his lonely trek back to his own House. He enviously eyed a couple who playfully swing their child between them...silently wishing, hoping even, that perhaps soon he'd have his own little Family to love and cherish too.
The mystery of Kagami's mysterious birth itches on Madara's psyche the more of the peaceful days passed. But he was unsure as to how to seek the answers he needs when he knew for a fact that the younger Senju avoided him like a plague as soon as they exited the Hokage Tower.
Sure, he can rely on Tobirama to do his responsibilities as one of the Founders of Konohagakure. But aside from their duties, Tobirama is far from being an acquaintance let alone a friend. Even Izuna had given up in chasing the Albino's friendship when it seems Tobirama is too hostile about befriending any Uchiha....
Madara rubbed his aching head at the difficult conundrum he's facing. He really hope that there's a Kami given sliver of chance he could exploit to find an answer to Kagami's existence.
A week later, Madara finally had the chance he was waiting for when some of his Clanmates children had come thundering back into the Uchiha Compound with anxious excitement and delivered the news that...
" Senju Kagami activated his Sharingan, Madara–sama and we all saw it!. "
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risuola · 5 months
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Tobirama never wanted children and not one of you ever brought the topic up, but now, as you grow more and more intimate and comfortable with each other you wonder, what if...?
contents: smut, reader discretion is advised — 2,1k words
a/n: i need to tell you guys that i'm so incredibely grateful for the positive feedback i got from you readers! i know that Tobirama isn't the most popular character in Naruto and i chose him to make this series about (because I love him, that's why) and it makes me so happy that you enjoy his little persona too! ❥ also, i'm very sorry for posting so rarely for this series, i was stuck in where to take the story now.
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“God, I’m so damn busy.”
Tobirama’s low, deep voice rumbled against your skin as he kept latching his lips along the edges of you. You let your nails gently run across the pale flesh of his sides, your hands long gone underneath the dark ink-blue fabric of his blouse, yearning for the warmth of a man that has your heart in a tight grip for way longer than you’d ever suspect. The marks he was leaving at his wake matched the color to the ones you were painting on his back and you couldn’t help but grin with satisfaction when he hissed near your ear. The stinging sensation of your scratches fueled his fire even more and only seconds passed before your pants were pushed down and underwear got ripped into pieces. The heat of your core now exposed to his whims, starved tremendously for any touch of his, and you whimper – the sound nearly pathetic, as he moved his fingers along your dripping slit, spreading the slick and making their way around the pulsating bud.
“My love,” you breathed again, leaning your head against his peck, inhaling the subtle, fresh scent that always stuck to his body. A mixture of tangerine and pepper, a hint of sandal wood hovering above the soft undertone of morning dew and rain. “My god, I missed you.” You spoke, but what was leaving your mouth was incoherent, it was airy and broken; stuttered between the expert circles Tobirama was massaging right into your nervous system.
“I missed you too,” he replied, quiet against the crown of your head, taking in your aura and impatiently moving his fingers a little bit further, making them slip right into you. One by one, he was focused on stretching you out, the tight ring of muscles clenching around his digits as he moved them back and forth.
“Tobi, please–“ you whined, gripping onto his sides with enough force to ground yourself.
“You think you are ready for me?”
“I do, please,” there was no hint of uncertainty when you begged for him to fuck you. Right there, on his desk, in his office in the hokage tower. There was no worry in you, no thought about his brother few doors further down the hall, no nothing that could convince you that it wasn’t the best idea and it seemed your husband has just as little concerns because it didn’t take him long to be inside you.
A low, gravelly groan escaped his throat, vibrating against your lips that glued to his throat marked their way across the sensitive skin over his Adam’s apple. It’s been too long since he felt you that close, it’s been too long since he was able to just lose himself in you, be vulnerable in the loving embrace of your body, be the person he never got to be publicly and instead of thinking and analyzing, just letting himself feel. And then, he was sure, that if ever he wished to feel anything, it was you he wanted to experience. It was you since the day he saw you for the first time, led by a servant in your family palace, blinded and obedient but bearing a beauty that tainted his thoughts perpetually.
Tobirama will always remember the feeling of your body – the soft curve of your shoulder he kept his hand on to lead you out of your village, the gentle brush of his fingers against your cheekbones when he took the blindfold off your face, revealing the eyes in which he got lost with no return. You were nothing more than a girl he just met back then, a wife-to-be but someone unknown and yet, his heart knew on the spot that things will change. And they did, he knew it’ll happen, but he wouldn’t dare to wish his life to turn out so dramatically different to what he predicted. Love was a feeling as foreign as fear to his heart. A heart he thought was frozen and nothing more than a dot in the constellation of organs that kept him alive. The beat in his chest has never had any more meaning than to keep his body going and the very same beat now goes crazy, rumbling against his ribs whenever he sees you. Tobirama knew his life will change, the very moment his head was filled with terror and uneasiness when Hashirama passed him the decision regarding the arrangement. He knew about all the shifts in his day to day life he will simply have to commit to and yet, the most vibrant of his dreams, the most brave and perverse could have never created what he had now. You.
You, on the desk he’s used to work at. You, with your plush thighs wrapped around his waist, your hands gripping onto him for just a fraction of support, panting out moans, so light and breathy, against his lips, quietly escaping only for his ears to hear. With your core clenching, aching to accommodate him whole and yet, greedy enough to take everything, to want more. Senju would never imagine he will be blessed enough to hear his name spoken with so much love he could actually feel it seeping through the sound of it.
You kept squeezing him and he kept losing his mind over every twitch your walls did around him. You were a work of art, he thought as his eyes followed the lines of your body. An arch of your back now prominent, and the only thing that kept you from falling flat onto the desk was a pair of his hands, strongly holding your waist to himself. Your eyes were absent, your mind long gone into the realm of pleasure and yet, your fingers stayed on his biceps, squeezing the flesh and wandering, hungry to have more of him.
“Tobi–“ you breathed out, the name just barely sliding on top of the air you were panting out and you pulled yourself closer to him. Your palms now found their way to his back, stretching the fabric of his blouse to feel the skin underneath it and you leaned into him, as he leaned into you. Your foreheads touched, noses squeezed together as the final moves of his hips brought both of you over the edge. Your breaths mingled together, a soft, broken sounds made for a cacophony of love you just shared and you shut your eyes to just feel him fully.
“Welcome back home,” your husband whispered finally, kissing your lips shortly after your smile acknowledged his words. The gesture was soft, languid and though you knew it was carrying much more than just concluding the sex. There was love that it carried, emotions unraveling with each movement of his mouth against yours and you felt the warmth spreading all over your body.
“I missed you too,” you replied, softly and quietly, slowly breaking the kiss off but not shying away from marking the line of his jawline with few more wet spots. “Let’s get cleaned, shall we?”
* * *
Watching Tobirama fight was one of your favorite things to do ever since you got to marry him. It amazed you every time you had a chance to witness his training and your husband never failed to take your breath away with how skilled and precise his movements are, how much control he has over nature releases and how well he wields the sword. Of course, the moment he offered you to join him while he trained with Kagami, you said yes without a second thought.
The boy from the clan of fire has become a part of your family in a way. Ever since you gave him a hand, helped him go through the traumatic events that happened with his biological parents, you kept an eye on him. With regular visits at his new home, you got to know his new parents – lovely people – and you really attached yourself to the little kid. He was growing so fast, warming your heart and soul as you watched the smile on his face and pinched his cheeks every time you had a chance, because soon he’ll be too big for you to do so any longer (you’ll try anyway). Kagami was a constant guest at your house, spreading his warm aura across the place where you and your husband live and making you smile every time you saw him, because the few days you got to take a close care of him were the sweetest memories you held onto. You’ll never forget the way he clung onto you, with trust and a kind of love that a child gives an adult that it feels safe with.
Tobirama grew to love the boy rather quickly – though he was reluctant to admit how fast it happened, but you knew he felt the intense need of care in just few days of little Uchiha in his life. Now it wasn’t a secret anymore – your husband openly treated the kid as if it was his own and even though he strongly believed that kids shouldn’t be exposed to war and violence, he was very supportive when it came to trainings. Even on the busiest days of his schedule, he always found a moment or two to spare for the cheerful child that came to visit the hokage tower every time he was around.
“Tired already?” Senju asked, watching the brunette gathering up from the green grass on one of the meadows that were more of a training field than a piece of greenery. An open space so big in comparison to the almost eight-year-old tiny human and yet he bravely raised up to his little feet, clenching his fingers around the handle of his kunai.
 “No!” He called out, panted and a small smile tugged on your husband’s lips as he got into his stance yet again. It was a spectacle of trust and power and you admired your man for being able to perfectly calculate how much strength he can put into every move of his body to make the little one hustle just enough.
You, as you sat on the side, resting on the soft blanket and surrounded by homemade food you prepared to feed both boys after they’re done and some bandages and first aid supplies that you knew will be needed to tend scrapes and cuts that Kagami will most likely be covered in after the session. All those little, harmless wounds you’ll later kiss and wrap around, tickling the child and basking in the sweet sound of his giggles muffled by the pieces of rice and meat you’ll give him.
You smiled, then sighed, feeling a sentiment washing over you. A slight tension made your muscles twitch and soon you found yourself pressing a hand onto your belly. You wished to have children, not always – but now, as you found love in the village that confidently you call your cherished home, more and more often you catch yourself thinking.
Tobirama didn’t want any offspring, at least that’s what he told you few days after the wedding – as he was explaining to you the mechanisms of the arrangement and briefing you through his visions of the future between you and him, he mentioned that his brother will secure the bloodline, therefore he has no wish to have kids himself. It’s something you agreed on, then slightly intimidated by his cold and calm persona, but three years had passed since you and him got bonded by knot of matrimony and as you think of it, none of his predictions came to life.
Sometimes you chuckled mentally, knowing how far off is what you have now to what he told you he think will happen. It was meant to be loveless, it was meant to be dry and distant. He told you that he’s sorry for the future you were given to, that he’s not going to love you just like you deserve but then, he did just that. He swore he’s cold, that his heart isn’t capable of sharing feelings as romantic as love but Tobirama loves, and he loves hot. Every kiss and stolen touch with him burns right into your soul, warms you from the inside, makes you happy and cherished, and you knew, deep inside of your heart, that his mind changed long time ago. You knew, deep down, that he’s content with what you built together, that he’s happier than he ever would be if your marriage turned out as he thought it will.
And so, you wondered if his will to have children changed as well? You never talked about it with him, never asked and he didn’t as well. Lost in the constant rush of his busy schedule, from meeting to meeting and from fight to fight, Tobirama stayed quiet about the issue and you, now leading the anbu, never had guts to bring it up either. But now, as you sat there, basking in the warm rays of the summer sun, you wondered what if…?
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taglist: @garouaddict @bluebreadenthusiast @nelivv @drthymby @humongousdreamlandbear @darlingxoxo15 @gaozorous-rex-blog
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kazbrown · 1 month
I've been thinking about an watching/reaction fic idea for FOP.
Weird, I know, but listen.
Timmy, Tootie, the twins, Cosmo, Wanda, Peri, Hazel and Dev watch some of Timmy's best moments/episodes, cuz I feel like people sleep on Timmy's accomplishments over the years.
I can see a couple things happening in this kinda fic:
Tootie would be matured but still fangirl over her husband's heroics with Peri being almost just as bad.
Tammy and Tommy would see how cool their dad is
Cosmo and Wanda being the sappy, embarrassing, proud parents over their son.
Hazel would be awed at her godbrothers(?) feats.
Dev would be at first be jealous of Timmy and be insecure about himself, but will eventually see Timmy be a better father than Dale.
Episodes they should watch:
Channel Chasers
Fairly Odd Baby ( to embarrassed Peri lol )
For Emergencies only
Any Tootie foucued episodes
Jimmy Timmy Power Hours
Nicktoons Unite ( not necessary but fun idea )
EDIT: I totally forgot about one episode they HAVE to see: It's a Wishful Life! It would get EVERYONE foaming at the mouth and angry at Jorgen. I've imagined Timmy never told Cosmo and Wanda about that wish, since they seem to not remember.
Anyway, what do you guys think? Just a fun and unique idea I thought of while getting in back into Fairly Oddparents, I know I can't be trusted to write something this good ( I've still yet to update my Hazbin Hotel fic since May 😭 ), so I hope someone would see this and write it.
Please, I'm VERY DESPERATE for this kind of reaction fic!
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wing-ed-thing · 8 months
Foul Creature (Tobirama x Reader) Part VII
Synopsis: You would say that you grew up together. From children, to teenagers, to young leaders, you did nothing but be who you were and Tobirama would forever name his love for you as the reason he hated the Uchiha.
Word Count: 5k
Tags/Warnings: Warning for dark themes ahead, including graphic violence. Fem!Uchiha!Reader. Please consult AO3 for more specific warnings.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI
Notes: Considering Izuna and Sasuke look so much alike, part of me wondered if I could use a picture of Sasuke for the front panel and if anyone would truly notice if I claimed it was a panel of Izuna haha
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The gates to the Uchiha settlement were open, and enemy forces began gathering outside.
However, when describing the formidable territory the Uchiha had collected over the past few years, referring to their land as a settlement was a rather egregious understatement. The Uchiha gathered upon a sprawling territory equalling half the Grand Mountain range in addition to a handsome chunk of the flats, with the main sector they called home being in the center of the dense forest on a level section of the elevated land. 
After a long and strenuous trek up the mountain, the foreign battalions sat in wait among the tree branches in the shadow of their last obstacle. Tall, jagged tree trunks lined the main sector of the Uchiha civilization, forming a wall stretching almost infinitely in both directions. The barrier was interrupted only by a single open gate. 
It sprawled open in the cool night air. The sharpened ends of the wooden fortress pointed up toward the heavens, casting a jagged shadow across the ground to the treeline like ferocious teeth lining an agape jaw. 
A slight breeze caused the leaves to waver as the shadow-shrouded leadership pondered the open gate. Desperation and bloodthirst were almost palpable among the forces, exacerbated by fatigue and impatience. 
They ultimately trickled in against their better judgment, passing through the mouth of the Uchiha settlement in the moonlight. Years of passage in and out of the gate reduced the walking paths to little more than dirt and weeds. 
The battalions pressed on. The commanding warriors motioned for their squads to fan out in the darkness, moving low and quietly to fan out among homes and buildings. The battalions proceeded stealthily across the beaten-down ground, filling the entire west end of the camp before they squatted in the darkness with weapons at the ready.
Stillness once again overtook the quiet compound. 
The bright light of the full moon illuminated the settlement’s center, but the presence of the wooden fixtures left starkly black shadows around the camp’s perimeter. Even for nighttime, the shadows lingered a bit too largely among the buildings. 
Not a single Uchiha walked the dirt paths or stood guard in the tall perches that littered the fortress walls. Those had been the largest consideration in the foreign battalion’s strategy, as with the sharingan eye, a single guard could see down to the base of the mountain and miles beyond. And yet, not a single Uchiha soul was to be seen or sensed in the dimness of the night.
A muffled grunt sounded at the back of one of the squads. Members of the rear squads turned in alert, only to find nothing there but a swordsman-less sword and a patch of trampled dirt. 
And then the gate closed.
The honed ends slammed into ditches made in the ground long ago by movement. And before any response could be given to the disappearance of their most rear troops, all attention shot to the sealed-off exit. The invading force couldn’t help the surprised and horrified gasps that echoed through their ranks. Leadership hushed them quickly, whispering harsh words to recenter their feeble troops. 
Red eyes began to illuminate the darkness. 
Gurgling noises were swept off into the night as the warriors could only turn just in time to witness the corpses of their comrades being dragged off into the shadows. Kunai flew silently through the air. Blunt noises announced their impact, followed by the wet, squelching noises of blood spatter. 
Members at the front of their squads were quick to light torches, illuminating the battlefield in a wave of flame to reveal the creeping Uchiha waiting in the murk. The Uchiha held their weapons at the ready with their piercing gazes. Some crouched near the ground, holding the bodies of warriors before them with slit throats. A few of the captured were twitching; heads hung as the barely alive men were forced to watch their own blood stain the fronts of their armor red. 
With rage and fear in their eyes, the attacking forces led a charge, hollering out in the air with raised weapons. Their battle cries were enough for the battalions to summon back some courage lost at the sight of their fallen comrades. The clanging metal of swords filled the atmosphere as shouts rose toward the night sky. Uchiha stormed out from their hiding places, making expert use of their superior ocular abilities and quality weaponry. 
The resistance was futile. 
The sound of battle rang out, cries of pain only fueling the will of the Uchiha to defend their home. Forces gathered near the center of the main entry path, all having been stopped from moving farther. The enemy forces tried to press on in the face of their obstacle, but the bodies continued to drop. A mass of flesh and metal, the impact made an unmistakable clatter as carcasses hit the dirt below. One by one, they fell with a swiftness that dared to resemble mercy, and above them all, Madara emerged. 
Madara Uchiha, who already had a tall and bulky figure in his teenage years, had filled out his crimson-red armor. It proudly adorned his broad chest and squared shoulders, the pieces clanging together harshly as he moved— like a snake’s warning rattle. Madara’s foot found soft flesh as he stood tall upon the mountain of corpses, his oversized weapon slung across the back of his shoulders and the full moon framing his head. He wore his scars pridefully, displaying his well-earned trophies as symbols of his strength. Madara was no longer a boy green in his leadership skills but a battle-hardened man.
And his vast, infamous reputation proceeded him.
A few warriors stood strong against him, holding their swords up as they cried out rageful battle cries, ready to engage in combat again. But they were far and few between compared to the forces that turned and attempted to flee. 
Madara watched them with a critical eye, and the remaining warriors couldn’t help but glance out of their peripherals in horror as their remaining comrades were cut down as they ran back toward the closed gates. 
It was a massacre led by Izuna Uchiha.
He expertly swung his katana— his movements looking far more like a dance than a slaughter— pivoting in a single place as he cut down the fleeing forces that passed. The retreating forces who managed to make it past pounded on the closed entrance as those on the outside of the crowd were slowly picked off one by one. 
They clamored over each other, stepping on one another as they tried to climb up the towering fortress walls. Their wailing and begging resounded into the darkness of the night as Izuna moved in, his Mangekyō Sharingan allowing him to pay little regard to any attacking soldiers as he cut them down with ease.
The night turned silent once again. 
Tall torches were lit, lighting the battlefield in a rich glow. The cleanup began as Uchiha dragged corpses and barely alive men through the dirt to a pyre. Children scrambled through the blood-stained village to collect weaponry that could be melted down and reforged. 
Madara searched the piles of bodies himself, stalking through them like a proud tiger. Sharingan still ignited, he searched for survivors. Madara plucked one out of the pile by his hair. A strangled, boyish cry pierced the rotting atmosphere as Madara threw him down into a puddle of mud and blood. 
The swordsman, a boy no older than seventeen, picked his face up and laid against the bodies of his slain comrades. A gaping wound stretched across his stomach at the bottom of his ribcage, staining the cloth he wore under his armor a sickly dark red.
Madara stared down at him with severe eyes. The black patterns were still swirling within the reds of his irises. The young swordsman met his gaze head-on like a cornered and wounded animal, teeth clenched and brow knitted.
His shaking fingers tightened weakly around the hilt of his sword, and in one last act of defiance, the young warrior pointed the tip of his weapon at Madara. 
The entire sword shook.
Madara watched the display without expression, meeting the young warrior's gaze with a blank scowl. The young warrior quirked a semblance of a smile, painfully aware of his impending fate. 
Madara extinguished his sharingan, ignoring how the sword’s tip swayed with the boy’s dwindling strength. It was kicked away, and Madara took the boy by the hair again, dragging him off.
The young warrior moaned in agony but ultimately couldn’t do much to resist. Madara dragged the boy along the ground, filth that wasn’t his own collecting in the young warrior’s mouth as the skin on his torso tore. His head hit one stair, then another, and when Madara threw him down again, he found himself on a wood floor. 
The room was warm. 
When the young warrior opened his eyes, he could barely make out what he was looking at, but then the handcrafted cabinets became focused. Vials of plants in vials lined the shelves. Dried flowers sat suspended in liquids. He couldn’t take his eye off the jar in the center of his sight: a thick-looking clear liquid with the heads of white flowers floating within. The petals were slightly curled, but the flowers retained their overall structure. He couldn’t think; he could only stare at the little flowers suspended inside.
He heard footsteps above him, somewhere just farther into the little building. The boy laid curled in on himself, unable to see much more than the shelf in front of him and Madara’s long legs, which ended somewhere out of his sight. The sound of the steps he couldn’t place was light and stopped short of him.
“I will grab another cot,” a woman spoke.
Cot? For him?
“No need,” Madara quickly cut her off. A few other Uchiha warriors entered the door, but the young swordsman could barely register anything. “Handle this swiftly.”
Another set of steps vibrated harshly through the wood floor. The young warrior’s eyes moved weakly, spying a familiar green armor from one of his allies. An Uchiha warrior hauled the corpse. The green-clad sleeve wavered limply in the air. He might have wondered how many of his comrades had been taken to this place if he had had more strength.
“Stay here.” The lighter steps walked off again. Even though they were traveling away, they were louder this time. The wood floor adjusted. The young warrior’s chest clenched, instinctively jumpy at unseen movement near his head. 
“I have informed you that there is no need.”
“Ah, let another boy bleed out onto my floor then. I will ensure that the mop makes it to your hand,” the woman quickly snapped back. More noises resounded through the wood floor as she seemed to drag something forward. It sounded large if such a sound existed. There came a pause. “Well, do you intend to make yourself useful?”
“Woman!” The shout was loud enough to make the boy flinch. He wrapped an arm over his stomach. The bleeding wouldn’t stop. He could hardly feel the sting of the dirt contaminating his insides. “Do not push your luck.”
Before he could comprehend, the young warrior was lifted up. He gasped in pain, a noise of distress falling from his lips as his wound stretched before he settled on an elevated cot. A thick layer of fabric sat between him and the thin mat. A lantern light flashed, blinding him for just a moment as a set of hands came over his wound. 
When he cracked open his eyes, he saw you. You stood over him, one hand stopping the bleeding of his large wound with a clean cloth. He flinched away as the other came toward his forehead. You brushed away some wet strands of hair stuck to his sticky forehead. 
Madara stood a few feet behind you, watching over your shoulder. He took a long stride forward. 
“That is enough with your nonnecessities,” he protested. You dismissed him with a sound of annoyance, holding your hand out to prevent him from getting any closer. 
“If you cannot control yourself, you may wait outside,” you nodded without a second thought, departing from the young warrior’s vision again. 
“Woman—” The foreign boy felt a sharp movement somewhere out of his vision. He closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of quick pivots and the sound of fabric snapping. Madara’s armor rattled. But the sound of a palm slapping skin that the boy anticipated didn’t come, and after a beat of slowly declining tension, you padded somewhere deeper into the room.
You left a cool breeze in your wake, and to his surprise, Madara remained quiet where he stood. The Uchiha clan head puffed to himself, the simmering of his temper not yet reaching a boil.
The door swung open, allowing night air to flow into the room, but the new spectator didn’t announce his presence. 
The foreign warrior could hear you fiddling with something in your hands. Rapidly weakening, all the young warrior could do was hold the fabric you slipped under his hand on his wound. 
When you appeared over him again, the lantern light illuminated the back of your head like a halo. And as you pressed something into his mouth, he couldn’t help but consider you one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. 
Even at this hour, your hair draped gracefully over your brow. You had grown into your awkward features from adolescence, your immature frame having settled nicely into a distribution of healthy adult weight and functional muscle. You filled out in the way your biology intended. This might have been the first time he’s ever seen you, but the way your skilled hands and sharp mind held a commanding presence over your apothecary didn’t escape him— even as the elite Uchiha warriors hovered over your shoulder with every move. 
You must be Madara’s wife, the young warrior presumed somewhere in the fog of his dizzying head. He considered the thought amusing, for who else could talk to the infamous warrior Madara like you had?
“Tell me—” You spoke gently and turned the young warrior’s head to the side to face you. You wiped off some of the grime that caked his face. —“What clan do you hail from?” Your hand wrapped gingerly around his wrist, and two fingers rested below his palm. The words spilled from his lips without a second thought. 
“Sugai,” he answered as if his throat had retained strength while the rest of his body waivered. The word spilled out from his lips. He hardly registered it himself.
The handful of warriors who stood behind Madara muttered amongst themselves. 
“The Sugai Clan…”
“Were all your comrades members of the Sugai Clan?” you questioned. Were. You didn’t even have to leave your apothecary to know what happened to the rest. The young warrior didn’t register your tense. He only answered.
“Not all,” he said before his voice drifted into a faint whisper. You leaned down so that your ear sat adjacent to his lips. Strands of your hair fell over the clammy skin of his face. You kept a keen watch over the young warrior’s hands. The cloth on his stomach had changed colors completely. 
You continued your questioning and interrogation in a soft, low voice. You muttered to each other in the lantern light. Madara waited with frustrated anticipation, simmering to himself. After all, Madara had little patience for your involvement to begin with. 
“It appears that the Senju have migrated north.” You finally resurfaced, adjusting your robes and releasing your hold on the babbling boy on the cot below. “They are snatching up alliances, it seems.”
“The Sugai Clan has allied with the Senju?” one of the Uchiha warriors questioned from behind you. Madara swiftly hushed him.
“Silence.” The room returned to a standstill in an instant, nearly militantly. Madara took a moment to think to himself, crossing his thick arms over his blood-stained chest plate. He stared at the dying warrior on the cot, watching as the pool of red crept onto the fabric below. His eyes flickered to yours. —“Not just the Sugai, but all minor clans in the east have been pushed from their territories. The raid tonight was unsurprising, to say the least—” Madara glanced outside through a sliver in the ajar door as the bodies piled up outside. “Clearly.”
“Four other small clans to the southeast have allied with the Sugai now that the land between Uchiha and Senju dwindles by the day,” you added, leaning against the counter. A jar of processed flower buds— the same that you had shoved into the young warrior’s mouth— sat next to your elbow. Your eyes flickered again to Madara’s, watching him closely to gauge his demeanor. You were the interrogator, but then again, when the head of the Uchiha ordered silence, even you were not immune. 
“Indeed—” He chose not to regard you. —“We expected as much. This information is not new.” 
Without a second thought, Madara swiftly cut the throat of the Sugai warrior before swiftly retreating out the door with his war fan. 
One of the men behind him collected the young warrior, throwing him over his shoulder to be burned with the rest of the corpses. The boy coughed up blood, spewing it onto the wood flooring.
The door flapped back and forth in the doorframe. You watched as Madara and his pack of elite soldiers left between sways of the door. They grew smaller in the distance with every wave. You lurched forward, intent on following after them, but an arm swiftly wrapped around your torso. The motion almost swept you off your feet as Izuna’s shoulder blocked you from racing out the door. He gave a bit into your velocity, pivoting a half-step backward.
“Do not go outside,” he warned. You gripped the arm holding you, looking into Izuna’s dark eyes. A neutral expression held his face in acute severity. You didn’t miss how he held you at a calculated distance. Izuna’s lip shuddered once. 
“You are not my keeper, Izuna. It is not your place to stand in my way.” You brushed him off and ripped your arm away from his stern grip before readjusting the shoulder of your robes. He let you, watching the backs of your robes while uncertainty swam in his dark irises. You set out through the door.
Madara ignored you, pretending not to hear as he stormed away, but by the third shout of his name, he reluctantly stopped in his tracks. His posse of elite military figures passed by him as Madara heaved a heavy sigh, his armor clattering with the motion before he turned to you. You made your way down the stairs. Smoke and mild debris wafted through the air as the Uchiha warriors made short work of tidying up the settlement. 
“Madara!” You called again as he lumbered over to you. He held his back erect with his weapon still clasped tightly in his hand. Madara said nothing as he expressed his usual stoic demeanor. You stood at the bottom step of the apothecary with one foot on the ground. Madara stopped a few meters away, still within earshot. He did not appear anywhere near as concerned as you were as you questioned him with wide eyes, “Are you unconcerned that Hashirama has been named head of the Senju clan?”
Your words remained stuck in the air, caught by the particles and impurities that danced in the atmosphere. The smell of death floated in the cool, nighttime wind. 
Madara’s lip dipped into a frown. 
“Lack of concern would be reckless indeed,” Madara muttered, puffing another deep breath out his chest. He pivoted slightly, turning his attention upward toward the moon. “However, it is not as reckless as refusing an alliance with the Senju based on Hashirama’s lack of leadership experience alone in favor of attacking the Uchiha. Small clans certainly have foresight equivalent to their size. The Sugai prove to be no different.”
“I worry about what this change in leadership will bring. It is most unpredictable.”
“Then it is fortunate that you are not in a position to worry yourself over such things.” Madara barked out what could have been mistaken for a laugh. “We have engaged with the Senju countless times. Formidable as they may be, the strength of the Uchiha is far greater.” 
He dismissed you with a wave of his hand, returning to head deeper into the settlement again. Now that you had inserted yourself into village politics, Madara had had enough of humoring you. You followed. 
“Tobirama Senju is a foul, beasty man. I can only imagine how— how objectionable the older one must be.”
Madara moved with wide strides, continuing with extra swiftness to purposefully lose you. 
“And what do you know of Tobirama?” Madara scoffed. He faced forward, completely missing the expression of dread that fell across your face. 
“The tales from Izuma, of course!” You quickened your pace.
Madara stopped once again, but you ran straight into his backplate this time. You stumbled back, a hand to your nose. Madara barked orders into the orderly chaos in front of you. He had taken to his role as clan head long ago and excelled in the position. 
“For yet another time, you need not concern yourself with affairs on the battlefield. Do you understand this?” Madara only spared a glance over his shoulder at you. His irises flickering across your form with something akin to skepticism. Madara averted his gaze before you could meet it.
“You bring foreign boys to my doorsteps to rifle information from—”
“Enemy warriors who attacked your kinsmen and home.”
—“And you expect—”
“I expect you to hold your tongue and obey your clan head.” You stopped in the middle of your sentence at the sight of Madara’s sharingan. You frowned but looked away. You had pressed as far as Madara would allow. “Clean what you must in the apothecary swiftly, then go straight home.”
You retreated the way you came back toward the apothecary, sparing not even a pout of defiance at your clan head. 
When you arrived, you found your space pleasantly lit as you pressed open the door. Izuna stood in the center of the room by the counter. A bundle of incense sat between his clasped hands. Izuna muttered a prayer as the smoke cleansed the apothecary. Death had occurred here, after all.
Izuna had lit every lantern and candle in the apothecary with his fire style, and the warm embers lit your workshop in a serene glow. The flame flickered in the reflection of the jar that held your truth-telling flower buds. A small line of smoke drifted from the incense, sailing up toward the high ceiling far above your heads. He followed the wisps with his eyes, tilting his chin up as he appeared deep in thought. 
You guided the apothecary door shut behind you. Izuna continued to withhold his eye contact, almost as if you wouldn’t notice him and shoo him away if he didn’t meet your eye. The cleaning supplies had already been brought out of storage. The bloody cot— along with the others from earlier in the night— was gone, along with the bloody streak across your floor. 
You stepped forward to inspect the wood paneling. No, some of the blood stains still remained, deepening the color of the previous one, which deepened the one before that. 
“Women should not have to be so close to such barbarism,” Izuna spoke, gaze training on the little jar of flower buds. He placed the incense in a ceramic holder, lingering for only a second before finally turning to face you directly. 
The orientation of his clothes appeared neat compared to the rest of him. Sweat, dirt, and blood layered his skin, deepening the complexion of his skin tone. Spatterings littered his armor. A prominent line of rust-red extended from his chest to over his right eye, bisecting his face with sanguinary matter. But his hands were clean— starkly pale and pristine in comparison to the blackish mix of earth and gore that stained his skin above his wrists. 
“I will be standing guard outside,” he said, “I am well aware that you will not be sleeping tonight. I would normally protest, but it is preferable to you venturing outside.”
He offered you a nod and little else as he began to walk toward the door, the back of his robes fluttering with his stride. You stepped after him, swiftly snatching his sleeve. Izuna turned to you, his motion gentle. 
“Izuna, please. You are being ridiculous.” It was uncomfortable meeting his eye. He looked intently at you as if just speaking was a contract binding his full, undivided attention. Even without his sharingan, it felt like he was looking right through you. “Stay. Let me treat your hands and cleanse your armor.”
Izuna’s gaze flickered gently down to your hand as he slotted his index finger into your grip on his sullied robes. He cocked his head to the side, more interested in searching for grime he may have transferred onto his skin than your protests. 
“My presence here is unsanitary and overstayed.” He took your fingers in his, gently prying your stubborn hold off his sleeve. 
“Bathe then and come back.”
He held your attention as he slowly circled you, backing up until he put himself between you and the door. Izuna continued to gingerly hold your hand as if keeping his touch on you would prevent you from acting recklessly. His lips quirked to the side at your notion, and unlike his older brother, who you could read like an open book, Izuna remained as composed as ever.
“Your attempts to deceive me into disclosing information about the military ventures of the clan are admirable, but I am not so easily fooled.” He gave your hand a soft squeeze.
“As if I would dare attempt to trick you—” You could barely speak the full sentence without your lips crinkling in guilt. Izuna’s cheeks creased, forming deep dimples on both sides of his mouth. He slowly released your hand.
“I will be right outside.”
“We hardly spend time together anymore. Do you remember our expeditions into the forest when we were children?” you trailed off. “Before all that happened…” Izuna suddenly formed an air of seriousness about him. 
Izuna was the only one you told about your encounter with Tobirama— or, more precisely— that Tobirama had been the one to attack you. The feud between the Uchiha and the Senju had raged for generations, but confrontations rarely left the battlefield as the two large clans carved up territory. So when a warrior in training from the Senju attacked an unarmed Uchiha girl, the clan was outraged. 
You left willingly to the coast with family and a few others. Although, given that the art of fishing knots was passed down matrilineally, this wasn’t out of the ordinary. 
You were told it was to practice a protection ritual in the salty waters and lend your hands to bringing in fresh, coastal resources, but a deep part of you knew that the clan leaders worried about the Senju targeting young girls. And if any resource was more valuable to the Uchiha than salted fish or powdered shells, it was the upcoming generation of young women, for who would bear the next generation of Uchiha warriors otherwise?
In the wake of the Senju raid on the village, your relationship with Tobirama weighed heavily on you, blanketing your head and shoulders as his fur had for too many nights by the river. 
Izuna seemed like the right person to tell.
You masked it as a realization. He only asked you how you knew Tobirama had been the one to attack you so long ago. Your response was vague, but Izuna didn’t push. 
“It would not be wise of me to overstay.” His voice was gentle when he finally spoke. His light tone snapped you from the rabbit hole of memories that instantly plagued your head. Izuna backed up to the door, his fingers pressing into the wood. The flames that topped your simple candles wavered, but Izuna’s eyes didn’t budge from yours. He looked at you with a soft certainty. “I will be right outside.” 
“Izuna—” You took a step forward but stopped short. His brows perked up slightly on his forehead as he let out a light hum. He held the door slightly ajar. “I—” Your words left you under the subtle pressure of Izuna’s gaze. You toyed with the seam of your robes but kept your attention locked with his. “Madara still fancies me.”
It was meant to be a question, but the words left your lips definitively, almost like an accusation. Izuna’s expression didn’t change, and his forced stoicism only served to confirm your hunch. The corners of your lips fell with your shoulders. 
You turned with a snap, facing the counter behind you. You gripped the wooden ledge, intending to find something to make you look busy, but to no avail. Izuna continued to stand with the door ajar, unmoving. 
“Why is it always about what Madara wants?” you puffed. Silence overtook the apothecary. The flames continued to waver. “It is true. You are far too loyal, Izuna. Do you not know of such things?”
The door creaked farther open before stopping. You refused to turn around, even as the back of your neck and back began to feel heated by the imaginary gaze that haunted your curiosity. 
You took a breath, tilting your head toward a large jar on one of your shelves. You could just barely make out Izuna’s figure as he stood in the doorway, not wholly committed to facing fully away from you. 
“I will be right outside until you are prepared to retire.”
The wooden door creaked quietly open before swinging closed, wavering in the night.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Author Commentary: Timeskiiip! They're all grown up! When I was writing this fic I imagined it like how they reintroduce all the nostalgic characters in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie. That's it, moving forward imagine Foul Creature of the set of pirates! That will certainly work! Tobirama may not be in this chapter, but rest assured this is still a Tobirama fic.
More importantly: In my experience, I always thought that people didn't like when series were, say, more than 5ish chapters. I found that a lot of people lost interest, so I tried to keep chapters themselves long and the quantity of them to a minimum. In my latest poll, most people didn't have a preference, but after that, people liked multiple shorter chapters. I wanted to wrap this series up in 2-4 long chapters, but maybe I'll drag it out a bit so I can post more frequently. Thoughts?
@gracefulbumblebee @norasincubi @rahatake
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI
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writersfantacy · 4 months
Tobirama Senju Fluff
Imagining Tobi as an Uchiha's significant other is quite the scenario. He might tease their partner's clan in jest—or so it seems, though his insults aimed at Madara are delivered with earnest seriousness.
He would only reveal his gentle side to you. It would take him a considerable amount of time, and by that, I mean a very long time, to become accustomed to your presence. He had grown accustomed to solitude since the time of war. Hashirama was a good brother, yet he often spent time with Madara. While Hashirama found companionship, Tobi remained alone. So he can't get accustomed to your approaches. Being an Uchiha, he's inclined to doubt your intentions. He simply can't understand why you, a beautiful, young, and cheerful woman, would be interested in someone as grumpy and serious as him.
His emotions are in turmoil. He's struggling to decide whether his feelings are mere attraction or genuine love. Having never fallen in love before, the thought of being in love with an Uchiha feels almost overwhelming. Whenever he sees you speaking with another man, his heart aches, but he can't pinpoint the reason. Whenever you undertake a risky mission, he becomes worried about you, yet he can't explain why.
Hashirama has noticed his younger brother's behavior and often teases Tobirama about his crush, finding it humorous and entertaining. Hashirama attempts to assist Tobirama by encouraging him to converse with you. Occasionally, he might even broach topics like marriage just to see the reaction from both of you.
Upon hearing that Madara was seeking a potential mate for you, he implored Hashirama to intervene. Unwilling to watch you marry another without making an attempt, Hashirama advised him to speak with you directly. But how should he explain it to you? How should he ask for your marriage? What if you reject him? These thoughts would occupy his mind. He would never reveal his nervousness, as his ego is substantial. However, his nights would be restless, consumed with thoughts about the outcome.. He often imagines you in his dream ;)
Eventually, he will muster the courage to invite you for a simple walk. Strolling beside you near your cherished place, chatting about the things you love, attentively listening as you speak of some matters that doesn't make any sense, and gazing at you with eyes full of longing. He would notice you struggling with your hair falling in front of your eyes and would assist by gently tucking those strands behind your ears, all the while maintaining eye contact. This is the ideal moment to propose; he leans in closer, resting his head against yours.
"Y/n...I think I am falling in love with you" he would say sincerely, his voice holding a type of vulnerability you have never seen before. He would wait for your response. If you said yes he would kiss you deeply.
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The AFO Sanctuary has finally Upgraded to The AFO Network with over 100+ Discord and as part of the celebration we are holding an event! For this Summer we are going to practice AFO's favorite Tropes, The Bad Guys win and Heroes Corruption!
But we are looking at Prompts, AU's and the likes after all there are many ways for these tropes to work. They can be horror, drama, dark fantasy, thriller and the likes. So do come share your ideas with us and share this post~! Let's have fun being a little villain~!
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Alright, another idea for you! For the danmei club prompt ask thing:
NingXian, Burial Mounds settlement days, Wen Ning lovingly bullying WWX to take care of himself. Sad eyes/ puppy eyes are fair use, regardless of what wwx says.
Gimme bittersweet. Maybe alpha!Ning? Do sentient corpses still have scents?
Yes they do, cuz I say so. But I am limiting Wen Ning's alpha-ness to just scents, being able to mate/bond and using the bond to feel what his mate feels. No sex for poor dead guy oop. Zilia, this isnt just for Jaq, this is for you too because you're the first person in my orbit who started chanting "NingXian. NingXian. NingXian".
Instead of 500 words, have 4.1k (what a horrible number) words instead!
“Are you alright?” He couldn’t hide the concern in his tone. Wei Wuxian had just come out after his self-imposed heat confinement and he looked terrible. He was gorgeous as always of course, but the Burial Mounds were hard on the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation too. Although the way he looked now was way worse than he usually did which seemed impossible yet here they were.
“I am fine, all good, see?” He assured or tried to. The hoarseness of his voice gave away how long he had been screaming for an alpha who would never come. Wen Ning was seeing alright.
“Sit here, I’ll bring some broth. Heats are already hard on omegas and they get worse if you intentionally starve yourself.” He pushed him to sit on a fallen log and Wei Wuxian startled, a guilty expression contorting his face. Wen Ning had a good idea of the self-sacrificial bullshit going on in the omega’s head that made him so reckless with himself.
When he handed the bowl to him, Wei Wuxian immediately began employing his puppy eyes. Now, Wen Ning wasn’t a strong man, wasn’t one even in life and as an alpha, he really couldn’t remain unaffected by an omega he cared for but this was ridiculous. “Eat,” he said and the omega pouted harder.
“This is too much A-Ning! We could give half of it to A-Yuan, or Popo or-“
“Eat,” he simply said but then decided he much rather keep vigil unless Wei Wuxian tried sneaking away to give his food over. “Want me to feed you?” He asked and Wei Wuxian grinned and nodded.
The smile left his face when Wen Ning took the bowl from him and his cheeks darkened to a rare rosy hue that would have Wen Ning swooning if he wasn’t busy trying to coddle him. He’ll revisit that sight and fixate on it later. Right now, he was going to enjoy Wei Wuxian sputtering about not being an invalid. The omega wasn’t the only one who could turn the tables and fluster others. 
“This is ridiculous, I could’ve shared this much food with someone. It's being wasted on-”
“Xian-ge!” He turned and widened his eyes, pouting slightly and Wei Wuxian gulped and clamped his mouth shut. Wen Ning wasn’t above playing dirty and he knew exactly how susceptible Wei Wuxian was to his own puppy eyes. Hell even Jiejie wasn’t above falling for them so who was Wei Wuxian in the grand scheme of disguised manipulation?
“You don’t fight fair,” he whined and focused his attention back on the bowl, as if glaring would make it vanish into thin air A beat of silence passed as Wei Wuxian scowled and then downed the entire bowl in one go, sputtering about radishes and the lack of spice.
There's more ofc, but please go read it on AO3 :D
Please give a round of applause and listen to the song that inspired the vibes and how I went about this fic! aka REFRAIN by Miyano Mamoru!
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talk-danmei-to-me · 2 months
I rewatched Ai no Kusabi this afternoon and now I want to Wangxianify the shit out of it!
I mean:
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Wei Wuxian, is that you?
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Look at his little smile. Literally, Lan Wangji's facial range whenever he Wei Ying enters a room.
Anyways... I've proven my point Wangxian be serving Riki/Iason vibes. Now for the rest of the cast.
Lan Xichen is giving Raoul
Kirie works for Jiang Cheng (apparently he's mdzs version of Jun Wu for me. Happy to defame him should the opportunity arise).
I feel like Wen Ning could serve Guy, but I don't know if I can defame my undead goodest boy that way.
Katze is a tricky one too... Maybe Nie Huaisang.
I'm open to suggestions for Katze and Guy.
And if you're on board with seeing the Frankensteins monsters I can make out of 90s yaoi and danmei, please consider reading my reimagining of Boku no SH with tgcf characters
The Wangxianification of Ai no Kusabi is here.
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krispycreamcake · 10 days
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Say NO to homoerotic literature today!
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chaoticfandomgirly · 8 months
So you all have the Marauders fandom that is mostly out of jkr's clutches. It's super gay and fun and we all love it.
BUT...what if I tell you about the Four Founders fandom where Jkr only has her the tip of her little pinky, giving us a LOT to work with. Where it's old magic, medieval fantasy with cottage core aesthetic, discovering Hogwarts, battles, royalty, found family, strangers to hostile friends to friends to lovers to enemies! and as usual pain...a lot of pain. This one is also gay just in case anyone was wondering.
'Cause I have a project going on. I already have some dedicated readers, but just in case anyone missed out here's your chance!
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Okay but why do office/corporate AUs never depict Mian Mian's departure from the sect as her becoming a freelancer? It's canon-accurate and would be an interesting detail.
Now I kinda want to write a Business AU where rogue cultivators are simply freelancers and Wei Wuxian became reviled for helping the Dafan Wen unionize.
But I won't because I already have way too many WIPs so I'm freeing that prompt into the void.
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pachu09 · 2 years
Nidaime Madara and Reluctant Secretary Tobirama AU.
" You have got be kidding me, Anija!." Tobirama snap at Hashirama who stared back at him with hard flinty eyes. The Hokage for the first time sat on his seat without fidgeting and Tobirama knows  that this time, he had finally made his brother’s infinite patience ran out.
He could see in his peripheral vision how the Uchiha Brothers are smirking victoriously at him. And Tobirama wants to fucking stab them for daring to suggest such an abominable thing to his Brother.
" Yes, Tobirama —  " Said pissed off Albino switch his attention back to his grim looking Brother. " — I am tired of hearing you and Madara squabbling like children whenever you're near each other. You can thank Izuna, who already thought up a way for the two of you to finally get along. After all, spending time with each other will surely make you dial down the fighting to a minimum, no?." Hashirama tilted his head to stare down his angry brother.
Tobirama merely sneered. " Not at the cost of me lowering myself to be that man's glorified secretary. " He furiously glared at the Uchiha Brothers who snickered at his scathing response.
In a span of second, a volley of deadly kunais sailed through the air targeting the Uchiha Brothers. Izuna yelp and instinctively duck down to avoid it while Madara easily deflected the sharp weapons. His smug smirk never left his face as he stared down the angry younger Senju.
Tobirama scowled as his surprise attack failed. He was really hoping to take out Izuna’s eye with that one.
" Enough of attacking a comrade, Tobirama!. " Hashirama shouting angrily made the Albino flinch and cower as his tremendous chakra flooded the Hokage's office.
Taking a few steps back away from his suddenly fuming older Brother, Tobirama startled as his back bump to another's body. He unexpectedly shivered as hot hands inappropriately settled on the jut of his waist. But before he could violently toss away the asshole behind him. He was distracted by the feeling of Madara's face perched tauntingly over his shoulder.
" Why don't I take your brother back with me, Hashirama?. Afterall, I still need his help in organizing most of my projects. His help will be the most invaluable out of all the others, now that you're passing that Hokage position to me. "
Tobirama stiffen as Madara’s arm sneak around his waist and he nearly punches the man as the Uchiha had the gall to pet him as if he's a spooked animal ready to bolt at a moment's notice.
" That's a good idea, Madara!. In fact why don't the two of you take a leave of absence for today and just bond with each other?. " Hashirama’s glower was instantly replaced with a happy beam at Madara’s suggestion.
Tobirama scowled. He doesn't like this. Why can't Hashirama see that Madara can take advantage of him, what with his lowered position?. The Uchiha could do anything to him and Tobirama would be forced to comply lest he be written up ( as the first Konoha Shinobi ) with an insubordination record?.
" Lighten up, Senju! I'm sure Aniki won't work you out too much if you're nicer to him! " Izuna beaming at Tobirama made the Albino glowered down at his ex–rival. He scoffed, as if Madara wouldn't work him to the bone now that he had a legal reason to command him to do anything.
The first day of the the Spring Season .
Tobirama scowled as Madara crowded behind him. The man had hooked his chin over his shoulder and no matter how many times he shrugged off the Uchiha to take a step away from him it only resulted with Madara clamping his hands on his hips again and the man dragging him to sit on his lap.
" Huh?. So Kagami still needs milk even if he's a toddler now? " Tobirama shivered as Madara’s breath tickled his left ear. He looked down at the toddler laying on his lap contently snacking on the bottle of milk he's feeding him. Kagami's half lidded eyes made Tobirama smile. The boy sure is a handful to take care of. But he's also one of the well behaved toddler he had ever seen ( the likes he had only experienced with Itama ) so taking care of the little one is not so much of a hassle ( that he complained to Madara ) but he knew he was getting attached.
Very, very dangerously and quickly attached. He'll likely take off Madara or any Uchihas Head if they dare to take Kagami away.
Tobirama shook his dangerous thoughts away. He cleared his throat and stiffly answered. " Of course he still needs milk. Children knows what they want and what they want the Adults should provide it. Within reason of course. "
One of Madara’s hand had continously petted Kagami's curls gently ( it made the toddler fall asleep in content ) while the other one remain tightly clamp on Tobirama’s hip.
" You've been taking care of Kagami for two months now. He's so attached to you that when we're at Home he usually cries and expects that you'll show up to take care of him. The baby sitter we hired had a hard time taking care of him at night. "
Tobirama stiffen at the thought of Kagami crying out for him. He squirm on Madara’s lap as he thought up effective solutions to Kagami's situation.
A broad palm rubbing on his back made Tobirama stop squirming. " I would offer you a room in my house if it means you'll take care of Kagami even at night. But I know you need your own down time after dealing with— "
" I agree!. Madara–san!. " Tobirama rushes to answer as he tilted his head to look at the Hokage. Madara blinked back at Tobirama in confusion.
" What I mean is. I wouldn't mind taking care of Kagami even at night, so I accept your suggestion. "
Madara nodded his head. He inclined his head and considered Tobirama with a serious look. " Very well then. I'll command a few Uchiha to help you fetch your belongings — "
Tobirama winced. " No. Thank you. But I won't need anyone's help. There's some personal effects of mine that would be deadly if anyone were to take it out of my rooms. "
Madara stared blankly at the Albino. " Alright. I'll trust that it won't take you long to pack your things up?. "
The Albino quickly calculated how much time it would take for him to pack up his important belongings. " I'd need at least three days to properly pack up everything. "
The Uchiha waved his hand. " No. That won't do. Either you let some Uchiha help you or I would help you. "
Tobirama frown. " Don't be unreasonable Madara–san. Its only three days. I won’t be gone for a week. "
Madara suddenly glowering made Tobirama shifted in fear. He carefully adjusted Kagami's sleeping form on his lap. " Think about the three days Kagami had to wait for you. "
Tobirama deflated. He didn't like the thought that Kagami had to wait for three more days too. But he cannot trust anyone to handle and pack carefully of what is essentially his prized possessions, research papers and experiments he collected throughout the years.
" I'll take your help and the other Uchiha then. If it saves more time then, I'll gladly take any help I can get. " Tobirama had to looked away from the black eyes that carefully examine him.
And that was the end of their conversation.
A day later, Tobirama found himself settling down into the opulent room that was across Madara’s. He's happy to know that Kagami indeed is still a sweet boy when he knows that Tobirama is the one who'll put him to sleep. ( He's so very pleased to witness how Kagami cutely snubbed his other baby sitter ).
He gently cuddled Kagami to his chest. The boy's soft breathing indicated his deep sleep made Tobirama ridiculously happy. He softly hummed one of the lullaby his Mother had sang to him. Walking back and forth across the spacious room. Tobirama took the soft blanket ( he gifted a month ago ) that was drape over his shoulder to gently cover Kagami with it.
" You're really good with him. " Tobirama nearly gave himself a whiplash with how quick he took note of; at the man standing in the hallway.
In front of his personal room no less.
" Good evening, Madara–san. " When Madara, without so much as asking for permission entered Tobirama’s bedroom, the Senju had to bite his tongue to stop any of his protest. He cannot forbid Madara in entering his room when the whole Uchiha Compound is own by the man.
As Madara stood beside Tobirama, the Albino had to make himself look busy or else the man would surely reprimand him for slacking off.
" Aren't you tired?. I thought I'll find you sleeping with Kagami right now?. " Madara’s whisper made Tobirama confused.
" Um. I'll sleep when I'm sure Kagami won't wake up again? " The Albino awkwardly explain. Madara accepted his answer with a single nod. The man then gently carded a broad hand in Kagami's curls.
" Its nearing midnight. You're probably too tired now. You need to sleep Tobirama or else you'll be too tired tomorrow to do any of your jobs. "
Tobirama shifted away from Madara. He knew what he's wearing must be too scandalous for an Uchiha but the sleeping robe he's wearing is one which his Mother had painstakingly created for him and he loathed not wearing it as his regular sleeping robe.
He ignored Madara’s searing stare across his back. He wasn't expecting a visitor that's why he wore his Mother's gift. Its not his fault that Madara got an eyeful of his near naked body when the Uchiha entered his room without asking if he's even decently dressed.
Tobirama carefully kneeled down to gently settle Kagami on top of his soft Futon. He made sure that the litte one was covered with his blankets and his small pillow was properly fluffed up; to avoid the child feeling too cold later. Smoothing the blankets covering Kagami's body, Tobirama was displeased to note that Madara was still standing in his room.
" Not to be rude, Madara–san. But aren't you going to sleep too?. " Tobirama stiffen as the man walked towards him. He stared incredelously as Madara gently peeled off one side of his carefully arranged blanket and gestured for Tobirama to slip in the Futon beside Kagami.
" Non sense, Tobirama. I need to make sure you'll sleep first. " The Senju only hesitated for second before he followed Madara’s command. He carefully slip into his Futon and rearrange himself to lay on his side and so that he can check on Kagami from time to time.
Tobirama ignored Madara’s hands smoothing the blankets covering him. He yawn, if the Hokage wanted to stay up late, who was Tobirama to stop him?. He's only Madara’s Secretary. Not his Mother nor his Wife to worry about him...
Tobirama’s thoughts became disjointed as soon as that remarked passed his mind.....he didn't even notice that he unnaturally fell asleep in just under a few minutes...instead of an hour.
Madara gleefully looked down at the sleeping Senju safely ensconced in the Futon he had prepared for him. The younger man looked so soft and vulnerable just like his adopted little son.
He softly chuckled. Oh how he wanted to desperately touch his Senju... but alas, if Tobirama knew how he exercises self discipline when it comes to their interactions?. He's sure Tobirama would run, run far, far away from him if the man ever knew the depths of his manipulation. Hashirama would even be forced to fight him if he knew how deep an Uchiha obsession runs...
Madara hum and without so much of a guilt. He quickly leaned down and gave a soft kiss to the slacken lips of his dear Senju. He smirked at the guards that are his only witnesses for his transgression.
The guards flashing Sharingan and playful Chakra poking fun at him made Madara flipped a bird at them. He doesn't need their needless goading to know he needed to up the ante if he didn't want Tobirama to realize the depths he would go to...
To own every part of him.
Madara knew he is a greedy man. As every other Uchiha in their Clan is. He wanted Tobirama’s everything and he needed the man to be as equally devoted to him if he wanted a successful and loving marriage in the future.
Tobirama being attached to his adopted child is the quickest way for the man to crumple underneath his manipulation. And Tobirama had lovingly fell into the second trap he and Izuna had gleefully set up.
Madara sigh in satisfaction, he lovingly brushes away the long bangs away from Tobirama’s cool forehead. Now, unexpectedly Tobirama himself had walked into the third trap without much of his interference. And wasn't that a delight to discover?. As soon as he told the man that Kagami needed him. Tobirama had quickly volunteered to move into his house without much of a fuss. Even the time it would take for the man to packed up and leave the Senju Compound...Tobirama hadn't fight him too much about it.
A day later and here he is....safely ensconced in Madara’s territory.
Madara chuckled darkly and now, he'll need his Clanmates help to make sure Tobirama won't ever leave the Compound again.
Not until Tobirama agreed to be courted and be Wedded to Madara himself....
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risuola · 3 months
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You had given him the world, he held it in his hands and shed tears of joy for the first time sinc ehe was a child.
contents: fluff — 0,8k words
a/n: i can't tell you how incredibly sorry i am for updating this series so rarely. i genuinely like this series, i love tobirama and i am grateful for each and every one of you who reads this ❥ this chapter is much shorter than the rest, but the one that follows (that's in the writing!) will most likely be longer! that being said, we're heading towards the conclusion of this series, i think.
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Tobirama didn’t remember when was the day he cried for the last time. Was it at his brother’s burial? No, he didn’t cry back then, he was the strong one for Hashirama. After losing so many family members and seeing so many deaths and spilling so much blood, he thought he’s no longer capable of crying, but ever since he’s met you, you proved him wrong on many things he thought he’s not able to do anymore.
You loved him like no one else, you melted his long-frozen heart and caused it to beat again and it was beating solely for you since the day you first kissed him. He remembered the day as if it was yesterday, when for the first time your lips brushed against his own. It was an accident, he thought, you aimed for his cheek but he turned his head and then the world stopped for a moment. Or so he thought, it sure felt like it. Your lips were soft, warm, plush against his own and he flushed like never before. Like a teenager, but you smiled and kissed him for the second time — on purpose. Because you wanted to. And he wanted that as well. You were a blessing, a true gift and he thought nothing better will happen to him. He thought that the luck reserves have already run out because he’s got all he could’ve ever wished for. You proved him wrong again.
The tears rolled down his face in silence, he was careful not to wake you up — he was careful not to wake up the world you have given him. A baby, his baby, a bundle of joy that rested on his chest, wrapped tightly in a soft blanket, sleeping peacefully in his arms. Unaware of anything or anyone and yet, instinctively leaning into his heartbeat. Tobirama couldn’t believe it was real. Was it even real? It was, it had to be, he could feel it.
The baby was small, too tiny to hold in his large palms and he was scared to hurt it. But the boy was calm, a gentle smile lingering on his pouty mouth and his miniature hand wrapped around the tip of Tobirama’s finger. He was beautiful, with your charm and Senju could’ve sworn he saw a glimpse of your eye color when his son opened his eyes just barely for a second or two. The tiny tuft of pristine white hair stuck out of his little head, already unruly and Tobirama couldn’t help but sob quietly.
You gave him a child. You gave him a son, a life made of you and him. You gave him hope, another reason to love more, to love harder. You gave him another creature to care and protect and he was ready to take on the challenge because just as much he loved you, he already loved the little human in his arms. The puffy cheeks and long eyelashes. The few kilograms of nothing but joy and affection.
“I’ve never seen you cry,” your voice was hushed when it cut through the quiet in the room. Tobirama leaned into you and you reached towards his face, your gentle thumb wiping the tears from his cheeks as you cradled him in your grasp.
“I don’t remember when I cried for the last time,” he confessed, half-whispering his words, careful to not wake the treasure he had on his heart. “How are you feeling?”
Your life was a dream. It truly was and you owed it all to Tobirama. Your husband. The man you love to the very core of your existence, the beautiful soul that opened itself before you and allowed you in. You basked in the caring interiors, in all the gentle touches and desperate kisses. He’s got your blood pump frantically in your veins and your body melt against his warmth; he’s got you smile like you never did before and love like you thought you’ll never do. And now, he’s made you a mother.
“You look beautiful,” he said and you couldn’t help but chuckle. Your heart fluttered in your chest and you knew you probably look tired. You felt tired, exhausted even, but the pain was long gone. The moment you went into labor, one of the best medics from the village joined your side to tend to your health and you couldn’t be more grateful for it.
“Aren’t you the sweetest husband,” you teased and he smiled through the tears that stained his handsome features. “Are those tears of joy?”
“Certainly,” he turned his head slightly to kiss the heel of your hand. “You made the dreams come true, the ones I thought I couldn’t afford to have and I promise you, I vow, that I’ll protect you and our son with all of my might.”
“I know you will, my beloved lord.”
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taglist: @garouaddict @bluebreadenthusiast @nelivv @drthymby @humongousdreamlandbear @darlingxoxo15 @gaozorous-rex-blog @hanamisofficialspouse @claireshelby
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titaniafaeriequeen · 3 months
MadaTobi Kinktober Prompts 2024
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Since I haven't seen anyone do this, I figured I might as well do it myself. (And if someone has already done it, I would very much appreciate the link!) The list is put together with the help of the lovely people on Discord (you know who you are!), and was created in a frenzy today, so if I have missed some double listings, please let me know.
Other than that, I have created a collection on AO3 (MadaTobi_Kinktober_Prompts_2024) where you can add your fic or art made from this prompt list if you want. It is currently unrevealed, but will be revealed on October 1st and I'll close it on December 1st, so that if you can't finish your work on the day, you can still add it to the collection later if you want.
The only rules I have for the collection is that fic needs to be at least 50 words (meaning drabbles are fine.), art needs to be checked that it loads properly from wherever you host it, and the main focus needs to be Madara and Tobirama. That means you can use as many of the prompts as you want, and write as many fics or draw as much art as you like for each day. Pick and choose which prompts you like, and what you have spoons for, and have fun!
List below the break! (Be aware that this is a kink list, so there might be things on it that you do not like, but I have chosen to be inclusive and not judge.)
MadaTobi Kinktober Prompts 2024
1. Tickling – Breath control play – Spit-roasting – Conditioning
2. Bondage – Massage – Loss of virginity – Objectification
3. Public but secret – Age difference – Prostate milking – Rimming
4. Necrophilia – Edging – Dirty talk – Cruising/dogging
5. Monsterfucking – Maid – Riding – Mutual masturbation
6. Sadism/masochism – Glove kink – Shower sex – ABO heat/rut
7. Lingerie – Temperature play – Facefucking – Agility kink
8. Heliophilia/selenophilia (sun/moon fetish) – Cockwarming – Service sub – Cumdump
9. Foot Fetish – Roleplay – Double/triple penetration – Over-the-knee spanking
10. Somnophilia/wet dream – Topping from the bottom – Forced orgasm – Oil
11. Size-difference – Sensory deprivation – Chakra kink/chakra play – Wall sex
12. Crossdressing – Biting – “Shh or they will hear you!” - Latex/Leather/Lace
13. Uniform – Kage Bunshin – Creampie – Discipline
14. Oviposition – Hand job – Feminization/sissification – Power imbalance
15. Master/slave – Mirror – Daddy – Sounding
16. Corsets – Breeding – Voice kink – Object penetration
17. Free use – Oral – Claiming/branding – Photography/recording
18. Pet play – Whips – Belly bulge/cum inflation – Figging
19. Shibari – Femdom – Body worship – Sugar daddy
20. Misuse of jutsu – Overstimulation – Hate sex – Wax play
21. Biker gear – Rape fantasy – Intercrural – Knife play
22. Glory hole – Praise kink – Fisting – Deep throating
23. Exhibitionism – Kama Sutra – Public sex – Gags
24. Trichophilia (hair fetish) – Body Modification – Furry – Doggy style
25. Clone gang bang – Collars – Desk sex - Gym kink/locker room cruising
26. Dacryphilia (aroused by tears) – Knotting – Chastity device – NTR/Cheating
27. BDSM club – Sex training – Degradation/humiliation – Erotic literature
28. Voyeurism – Tantra – Blood play – Hunting/capture
29. Consensual non-consent – Lactation Kink – Drugs/sex pollen – Incest
30. Paddling – Trampling – Begging – Cuckolding
31. Costume – Edo Tensei – Size kink – Safe, Sane, and Consensual
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4mastom4 · 10 months
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Hashirama was sick of responsibility, of choice, of himself. Hatred burned through the brain, flowed down the throat like a red-hot iron, choked with tears. Then it accumulated in the stomach, turned inside out, and then, when there was enough bile, poisoned the heart, trembling under the blows of fate.
Hashirama warmed and nurtured the pain in himself, so much so that it took root in him like a tree. Luxuriously spreading branches in the sternum area, wings covered with foliage feathers, razor sharp and heavy as steel. Hashirama won't be able to fly with them, Hashirama will lose a lot of blood with them. The trail will stretch out in a thick strip, smear the feet and back, and then there will be so much of it that it will flood, soften the ground, and the bloody mess will drag the ankles to the bottom.
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indulginginbeauty · 27 days
🖤❤️ 🐰 New fic I’m working on! Its still pretty new but there are 4 chapters out and a 5th on the way. Let me know what you think if you read it! Enjoy☁️🤍🩵
A gentle touch stroked his back, and Wei Ying stiffened in surprise. He looked up to find pale-gold eyes staring down at him intensely.
He gulped.
“Are you hurt?” The young cultivator asked in a soft voice, as if he expected an answer— even though he was already prodding Wei Ying’s ears and legs to see for himself. When he didn’t find evidence of injury he seemed to relax. “Are you frightened?”
If Wei Ying were human, he would have blushed and tried to crack a joke to hide it. As a rabbit, he could only kick his feet like a shy toddler.
“Wangji? I heard a commotion. Is everything alright?”
With the swiftness of a child being caught up past their bedtime, Wei Ying was shoved inside a billowing sleeve.
This is a ‘The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish’ AU for Wangxian. That series captured my heart, so then this happened. For those who don’t know that story; you don’t have to read it to read this. I don’t follow the plot at all, and I even changed the premise a bit. It’s only loosely inspired by it.
Also just to be clear: Wei Ying is not a rabbit 100% of the time.
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