#the umbrella was too much
apollos-boyfriend · 4 days
i’m gonna cry it’s raining right now and i just passed by a family where both parents were without an umbrella but their kid who couldn’t have been older than like 3-4 was proudly holding this GIANT umbrella whose diameter was as tall (if not taller) as the kid. both the parents were getting absolutely drenched but u could tell the kid was just so happy to have an “adult” task and carry the umbrella themselves and i think that sacrifice is what love is all about
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nothingtoseehere00-00 · 2 months
Just imagine Steve figuring out he's bisexual and realizing that when he dates a girl, at a certain point into dating them, he's gonna have to tell them that he's also into men. Of course since it's the 80s, the chances of them being okay with that is probably slim. They might think he's disgusting or that he's just gay playing straight.
So he tries dating guys instead, thinking that's safer. And he ends up meeting a great guy named John at a gay bar who he really likes. Things are going strong until they started talking about past crushes and first loves. Steve casually mentions celebrity crushes on women and having loved Nancy. And thus Steve gets his first ever experience of the rampant biphobia in queer spaces. John accuses Steve of being confused and trying to hold onto his "straightness". Steve tries to explain himself by saying that, no, he really does like women, but that only makes things worse. John now believes that Steve is just going to eventually leave him for a woman, if he hasn't already been cheating on him. John ends up storming out leaving Steve devastated.
He goes crying to Robin and explains what happened. He's horrified to realize that no matter who he dates, there's always going to be the risk of them not accepting him, guy or girl. But he can't hide that part of himself, it's too big. It's who he is. Robin is there to reassure him that if someone can't accept him being bi than they don't deserve him. It's able to cheer him up a little, but the damage has been done.
Steve is now very reluctant to date anyone. And if he does manage to bring himself to go on one, he gets complaints of being very emotionally distant or having a fear of commitment.
When Steve inevitably falls for Eddie, he's scared out of his mind. It's clear that Eddie is gay based on his hanky, but, again, that doesn't mean he'll accept Steve's bisexuality. One night, while the two get so high in Eddie's trailer that Steve has to stay over, they argue about sleeping arrangements. Eddie keeps insisting that Steve would probably be more comfortable with Eddie sleeping in another room for some cryptic reason and Steve, who gets incredibly clingy while high, keeps shooting back with them sharing a bed being fine. When Steve keeps asking why they can't over and over again, Eddie blurts out that it's because he's gay. Without hesitation, Steve's says he knows and points at the hanky on the dresser by the bed. Staring at Steve for a moment, Eddie then asks how he knows about the hanky code. This time Steve hesitates. For awhile. It honestly scares Eddie for a moment, thinking he's been vecnad. If Steve hadn't been high, he maybe would have been able to think of an excuse, some way to get out of this conversation, but he can't. So he admits that he likes guys.
Eddie very excitedly starts asking a bunch of questions and talking about how they finally found something they have in common, who knew? When he notices the tears in Steve's eyes, he stops, confused, and asks what's wrong. So Steve tells him. He's not like Eddie. He's bisexual. And he braces himself for the backlash. For loosing his best friend and crush.
But then he feels a hand grab his. Eddie tells him that they still have something in common because he's also bi. Steve points out that he said he was gay, though. Eddie asks if he has ever told anyone that he was bi before, specifically gay men. Steve nods. Then he asks if it went well. Steve shakes his head. Eddie tells him that's why he said that. He's explains how tiring it is to have to explain his existence to people who won't get it and/or react badly to it. So he just tells guys that he's also gay. It just makes things easier. And Steve gets it. By God, does he get it. They spend the whole night exchanging stories and experiences, for the first time able to talk freely about their love life.
And by the end of the night, they stumble over each other trying to ask the other out. They laugh and both say yes.
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ryllen · 8 months
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 𓆟 𓆞 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚…
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" of course you'd love the rain " x
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freetobeafcknriot · 1 month
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╰┈ ‘‘You murdered OUR BROTHER—!’’
ft. Allison & Klaus Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy, season two episode four (2024).
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laurrelise · 2 months
beautiful gorgeous stunning women of the umbrella academy save me SAVE ME
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list of shows i loved that netflix ruined
shadow and bone (cancelled)
julie and the phantoms (cancelled)
lockwood and co (cancelled)
dead boy detectives (cancelled)
the umbrella academy (shitty final season)
edit bcoz i joined the fandom late: I am not okay with this (cancelled)
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vibinginthebg · 3 days
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✨Some doodles of the siblings to try to see how to draw them ✨
(I am super late to the party hello)
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carnation-phoenix · 4 months
Gnawing the bars of my enclosure waiting for season 4 so we can figure out what the hell Five has been doing for the past couple of years during the timeskip.
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rhetoricalsoapbox · 1 month
I don’t know if this is just me but I thought it was so interesting to see Viktor changing the radio channel to older country music when he was in the car with Reginald.
Like my only thought was “oh is that because of Sissy?”
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sometimesraven · 1 month
Am I the only one confused as to why this season was so short??
Like every season has been 10 episodes long until now. They were paced pretty well, the plot of each season felt well rounded and ended satisfyingly
And then the final season is only 6 episodes long? Ignoring that it spends two of them completely fucking over two of the most beloved characters, I feel like most of the problems with the season could have been fixed with more episodes actually having some proper build-up and final character exploration/growth?
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hopelessfandomfreak · 1 month
how did they so badly fumble diego, lila and five’s character arcs?? like how do you screw all three of them over so fantastically?? I just do not understand where the writers came from and why in the world they thought any of it was a good idea or would be well received
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ramblings-of-lola · 6 months
Five's conversation with Viktor was one of my favorite scenes in season 3 so of course, I have to analyze it, specifically the following quote:
"If you need anything, I'll always be there for you. But if you lie to us again, I'll kill you myself."
Five was alone for 45 years and that made him desperate to the point of becoming an assassin. Earlier in this conversation, he warns Viktor about becoming a villain by acting alone, maybe because that's how Five views himself.
My interpretation of Five's final sentence to Viktor is that he's saying that this family is a team and they can't afford to lie to each other. They will also always be there for each other, Five included. Lying to them might cause Viktor's death, either by Five's own hand or maybe by something else that's a consequence of Viktor lying.
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arrowurboat · 2 months
//tua s4 spoilers
honestly, i was willing to overlook the plot holes and enjoy the season how it is but then the second half happened.
look, my standards were low to begin with, but i was excited to at least get some closure, but that just didn't happen. it had so much potential to be great but messed up at almost every single chance it got to be redeemed.
i literally cannot get over the fact that they basically used five and lila's characters to stir up drama when it's been established that they both would never do that?? five risked his life to get back and save his family, he had proven time and time again the lengths he'd go to just to protect them, but he'd ruin his bother's marriage and, not to mention, their relationship, just like that? and lila, who was introduced as an independent and capable woman, who loved diego and started a family with him, leaving her band and everything to stay with him, gave that all up for some kid (from her perspective here, he was a kid when she met him).
do you really expect me to believe that the writers even know the characters they write for? that they confidently plated up this last season as something special for all the fans? absolute bullshit.
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shriamato · 22 days
You know, we're in a time where we get some shows with really good writing, diverse characters who are more than just shades of black and white, who are stupid and funny and lovable and fucked up and you can hate them and love them at all once and the storylines are unique and engaging... but we're forever left with one of two equally shitty options.
Either the show gets axed after one season and the story never gets finished or it goes long enough that the creators decide that happy ends are overrated and fuck everyone over for shits and giggles.
I'm really tired of not getting happy endings in shows anymore. Life is bleak enough. I don't need it in my escapism as well, thanks.
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merrilark · 2 years
If TUA S4 actually does put Five in school to help him “blend in” or whatever, all I beg is that at some point “Teenagers” by MCR plays over a montage of Five really going through it in school and barely containing his homicidal rage while some snotty teen shoves him into a locker.
Finally Five has enough and verbally eviscerates Head Bully until they run, tail-tucked between their legs. Some other kids see and Five accidentally becomes the champion of school losers. All the nerds and outcasts flock to him for protection and absolutely no one gets pushed around on his watch. Oh were you thinking of stealing Jimmy’s lunch money? Too bad, Five Hargreeves is smiling at you from across the cafeteria, which means you have about three seconds to run.
Eventually Five begrudgingly discovers that he’s fond of the awkward gaggle of teens that look up to him. This is the only reason he goes from “I’m almost 60 years old with an IQ of 190, goddammit, I’m not going to school!” to “Yes, I am getting up at 6am to catch the bus; school starts at 8 o’clock sharp and I refuse to be late”. Those idiot kids NEED him, okay, and he won’t disappoint.
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fiivela · 26 days
Lila is truly a pioneer for choosing the short king
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