#the verdict is love your honour
tomgrcg · 1 year
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not ready for whatever the fuck this is
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jaskierx · 11 months
so there's been a lot of posting about things like ofmd not being a 'kind show' and no longer being 'the queer joy show' etc etc and. i just want to remind us of where everybody is in s1's finale vs s2's
let us begin
stede: stede ends s1 on a hopeful note (setting off to go get his man) but shortly prior to that he's kind of been through it (he nearly got executed and then two different people tried to murder him). stede ends s2 on an even more hopeful note, having got his man, ready to open an inn with him. verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2
ed: ed ends s1 in absolute despair. izzy has been a real dick to ed (depending on your interpretation, he's done something ranging from being a little tiny bit mean to ed to calling him a slur and threatening to kill him, but we're not having this discourse again) so now he's back in his blackbeard persona mere days after feeling some hope that he was finally free from piracy and ready to run away with someone who loves him for who he is. the last shot we see of s1 ed is him absolutely crying his eyes out in the bed nook. it inflicts d4 psychic damage on me whenever i look at it. anyway at the end of s2 he's been on an absolute journey, he's learned that he's loved, he's free from being blackbeard, he's stood beside the man that loves him and they're going to give everything a go. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
stede's crew: i mean. what is there to say. at the end of s1 they've just been marooned and social order on their little island is rapidly breaking down due to buttons and roach teaming up to try and eat the swede. at the end of s2 they're happily back at sea and the swede has spanish jackie to fight off anyone who would even consider having a nibble. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
honourable mention - buttons: ends s1 unsuccessfully trying to eat the swede. ends s2 having fulfilled his life's dream of becoming a bird. good job buttons. verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2
ed's crew: as above, the crew end s2 happily sailing away into the literal sunset. we finish s1 with jim presumably unconscious and izzy pointing a gun at frenchie. so not an ideal situation really. fang seems to be having a good time though and ivan gets killed off between seasons (rip king) so it averages out at a slightly better rather than a significantly better. verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2
honourable mention - frenchie: ends s1 hoisting his flag at gunpoint. ends s2 captaining the bloody ship. go frenchie. we love to see it. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
lucius: ends s1 soggy. ends s2 not only dry, but married. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
izzy: ah yes this old chestnut. so. two perspectives here. one is simply that he ends s1 alive and ends s2 dead. so. possible verdict: significantly worse off at the end of s2. alternatively, he ends s1 as his classic repressed self, smiling from ear to ear because ed cut his toe off and it sparked joy, disliked by the crew, resented by ed. he ends s2 having accepted himself and having experienced all the queer joy he would never have permitted himself in s1, having experienced more screentime and growth than any other secondary character in s2 (yes he's a secondary character no i won't argue with you about this), and dies exactly as he lived - being a pirate who can pull off a plan. he gets to have his deathbed deep and meaningful conversation with ed, which brings closure to them both. he gets buried beside ed and stede's new inn, on land where his grave will be tended, having been given a nice funeral by people who once despised him. so. possible verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2. he definitely seemed happier in s2, and died at peace rather than as a frothing little ball of anger, which is more than i could've foreseen in s1.
anyway. the eagle eyed mathematicians among you will notice that even if we take it as read that izzy is significantly worse off at the end of s2...
every single other character ends s2 in a better place than where they ended s1.
ofmd is a kind show that's full to the brim of queer joy. you guys are just sad that your fave died. and that's fine. the writers did a great job creating a story with characters that were so well written that people are genuinely grieving izzy's death.
but his death does not erase the inherent kindness and joy of the rest of the show.
anyway thanks for reading. i had fun playing with the tumblr post editor settings. by which i mean changing the text colour was unreasonably difficult and now i am stressed
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rishiguro · 1 year
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kinktober is right around the corner — but if you‘re like me, you don’t read (or write) a lot of smut. so let’s make it angsty, solely because we can
note: four fics for four weeks of october — one for every fandom i write for (haikyu!!, jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact and my hero academia). please read the warnings mentioned for every fic
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FANDOM: genshin impact
PAIRING: neuvillette x reader
SUMMARY: for all your life you believed that the judicial system was infallible. that was until you were put in the dock and convicted.
WARNINGS: mentions of murder. mentions of minor character death. reader has a brother.
DATE: 5th october
FANDOM: my hero academia
PAIRING: dabi x reader
SUMMARY: deep down, he was a scared child, terrified to be alone. so what should he do when he’s about to lose you, the last person he had left, too?
WARNINGS: mentions of murder. non graphic injuries. swearing.
DATE: 11th october
FANDOM: haikyu!!
PAIRING: kita x reader
SUMMARY: falling out of love is hard — especially when it’s with somebody who everybody would consider to be “the perfect boyfriend”.
WARNINGS: break up. heartbreak. self-deprecating thoughts. hurt/no comfort.
DATE: 26th october
FANDOM: jujutsu kaisen
PAIRING: nanami x reader
SUMMARY: nanami's resolve and honour were incredibly admirable, but now when you face off against him as foes, you wish that the strength of his character was on your side.
WARNINGS: set during jjk0. major character death. weapons. heavily implied past lovers. no happy ending (but are we even surprised). swearing. reader is on getou's side and believes in his cause.
DATE: 31st october
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please reblog to spread the word!
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©rishiguro 2023. do not copy, translate, share.
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goldsainz · 2 years
A/N: i’m not making a masterlist for this man, not worth it, only fic i’ll make for him ever (and i mean that because as much as i love reading about him, it would hurt my heart to write good things about him) velaryon!reader (no stating of bastard or true born, just rhaenyra’s daughter) i’d recommend listening to bigger than the whole sky because it sets the mood greatly [gif cred: @gameofthronesdaily]
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You had claimed the second largest dragon to exist, Vermithor, when you were just 9 years old. 
It was a great feat, and an outworldly honour to be his rider. Though tensions weren’t as high within your family, having claimed that dragon was an obvious gain towards your side. 
You had sung to him, paying no mind to the warnings of the dragon keepers as you ventured into the depths of the dragon pit. It was like a match made in heaven, as Vermithor found you worthy, being claimed once more.
You could offer a protection many dragons lacked, as did their riders. It made perfect sense in your head to advocate for yourself and go to Storm’s End with your brother, Lucerys. And even though you would be of better use somewhere else, the thought of your little brother being sent alone, even as a messenger, was outrageous in your eyes.
“It will be easy, mother. In and out, he’s just a messenger.” You continued to argue with your freshly crowned mother.
“You would be of better use elsewhere, Y/N.” Her voice was stern, you were sure she was a breath away from commanding you to drop the matter.
“What of the skies? Arrax is far too young as is Lucerys, Vermithor will serve the both of them with great protection.” Lucery’s huff was not unheard, but you chose to ignore it, you had more pressing issues. 
“Lucerys will be just a messenger, what would he need protection for?”
“Our foes.” Your voice is chilly, it makes your younger brother’s hair stand up. He knows the risk, and yet he is willing to still complete his duty, but you won’t let him do it alone.
“Lord Borros is a proud man, he would not let harm come to his guest.” Your mother’s words are true, but the fear burning in the pit of your stomach could not be quelled.
“It’s a short flight, we'll be back before you know it.” You assured firmly, reaching to grab one of her hands, “Please let me do this, I will go wherever you need me to after coming back, I swear it.” Your whisper was intended only for your mother’s ears only, as she nodded her head, the rest of the people in the room awaited their Queen’s verdict.
“Princess Y/N Velaryon will aid her brother, Lucerys Velaryon, in his travel to Storm’s End to prevent any conflict that may arise.” You let out a breath, the grip you had on the table lessening in force as you looked at your brother, noting the relief of not being alone.
You stared at the ceiling above, hoping that the Gods were not playing cruel games with you. You prayed for your fears to be misplaced, that you would return home safely.
Flying towards Storm’s End was more dreadful than you had anticipated. You flew over Arrax, as your own dragon shielded Lucery’s. You were both slightly shaken from the tempestuous storm coming, your hair now laid messier and more like knots form the strong winds.
Sometimes Vermithor grumbled from the thunder, as if to challenge them to be louder. You urged him to be calm, but he was set on showing his strength. Though you weren’t sure to whom.
When you finally landed you viewed the guards standing in front of Lord Borros’s hall. You hopped off from Vermithor, gracefully landing on the ground. As you walked behind your brother, you both heard a roar that made you turn.
Vhagar was here.
You had to swallow down your worries, preparing for the worst, but mostly to defend Lucerys. Something in you urged you to turn back, to denote the Baratheon’s as a lost cause, but that would not suffice. So you took all of your bravery, and continued to walk.
“I am Prince Lucerys Velaryon.” You knew him, he was fearful but still remained poised for the realm’s sake, more so your mother’s.
The guards looked at you, “I am Princess Y/N Velaryon.” 
“We bring a message to Lord Borros from the Queen.”
“Prince Lucerys Velaryon.” The thundering does not stop, but as he is introduced a figure turns around.
You know exactly who it is. Aemond Targaryen had not been a pleasant surprise, but you were grateful that the sighting of his dragon could mask the utter shock of seeing him, once more.
“Son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. And his sister, Princess Y/N Velaryon.” One of the Baratheon guards finished.
You held his gaze, looking straight at his eye, no fear visible for him to take advantage of.
“Lord Borros... we brought you a message from our mother... the Queen.” Lucerys says, 
“Yet earlier this day, I received an envoy from the King. Which is it? King or Queen? The House of the Dragon does not seem to know who rules it.” Borros Baratheon laughs at his own jests, but you do not even twitch from it. Your posture straight, which made his laughter die as he viewed your hard stance. “What's your mother's message?”
Your brother hands it to one of his guards, so that he can place it on Lord Borros’s hand.
“Where's the bloody maester?” The maester makes haste to him, grabbing the message as he whispers it’s content to him.
Whilst you awaited for him to finish, you quickly avert your eye to your once lover, now enemy. It seems the joy shared just days ago quickly died, as did the memories of you and him together in your heart. Replaced by betrayal, the usurping of your mother’s throne no doubt supported by his end.
“"Remind" me of my father's oath. King Aegon at least came with an offer: my swords and banners for a marriage pact.” The smirk on Aemond’s face never leaves him, only seeming to be reinforced by his seeming victory, “If I do as your mother bids... which one of my daughters will you wed... boy?” 
“My lord... I am not free to marry. I'm already betrothed.” At Lucerys’s words, your uncle smirks more, the change noticeable to the both of you.
“So you come with empty hands. Go home, pup. And tell your mother that the Lord of Storm's End is not some dog that she can whistle up at need to set against her foes.
“I shall take your answer to the Queen, my lord.” Your brother says, making his way out of the Hall. You follow in suit, your hand still gripping the sword on your hip tightly. 
“Wait... my Lord Strong.” You tense at his voice, watching as Lucerys turns to him. “Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?” 
“I will not fight you. I came as a messenger, not a warrior.
“A fight would be little challenge. No. I want you to put out your eye. As payment for mine. One will serve.” Aemond takes of his eyepatch, his sapphire eye a sight you often saw in the privacy of your chambers. He then proceeds to take out a dagger, throwing it onto the ground. You step in front of your little brother, cocking your head to the side as if to challenge him. “I would not blind you. Mm, plan to make a gift of it to my mother.” 
“He will do no such thing.” You seethe, your voice overpowering your brother’s “No”.
“Then you are craven as well as a traitor.” Aemond seems to come to his own conclusion, but you just scoff at the irony of his words.
“Says the usurper’s brother.” He smirks at your words, only infuriating you more.
“Not here.” 
“Give me your eye or I will take it, bastard!” You take out your sword, pointing it to him, watching as he runs towards the both of you. Lucerys has taken out his own, too, but you know that only one of you can put up a fight against him. It seems your fears were correct, you only wished they didn’t escalate further than mere threats.
“Not in my hall! The boy came as an envoy. I'll not have bloodshed beneath my roof. Take Prince Lucerys and Princess Y/N back to their dragons.” The three of you make no move, “Now.” 
You made your way to the exit, gripping your brother’s hand to show even the slightest of comforts to him. You shuddered out a breath as you noticed the terrible storm you now had to fly in.
You watched Lucerys run to Arrax, the dragon meeting him halfway. You avert your gaze from them, looking out for Vhagar, but she was nowhere to be seen, and that made you tremble. And the cold was not at fault.
“Sōvēs, Vermithor!” You took off when Arrax did, following them from behind this time.
You yelped when you saw Vhagar appear above you, watching intently as your brother appeared to be shaken from the scare. 
Aemond’ laugh was cruel, not the one you loved. It made you gulp, trying to maintain Vermithor at bay as he sensed your worries. You had a great bond with him, but he was not called the Bronze Fury for nothing, and now was not the time for him to show it.
Aemond shouted things you couldn’t quite make out with the heavy storm, but what you could make out was Vhagar trying to bite Lucerys and his dragon like it was her last meal. Though Vermithor was big, he paled in comparison to the mighty Visenya’s dragon. Which is why you feared greatly for Arrax, who in your eyes was still just a baby.
Your brother shouted for his dragon to turn quickly. You gripped the reins and flew after him, swishing around Vhagar who seemed to not be bothered by the big dragon by her side. The same could not be said for her rider, who was watching you attentively. 
As Lucerys entered a narrow passage made of rocks, you were below Vhagar but still slightly behind her. You now set your eyes only on Lucerys, making sure not to lose your sight on him.
Aemond continued to laugh, talking to the rain about how he was still owed a debt. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, wind jig what possessed him to create such a dangerous chase for something that had not great value now. He had claimed Vhagar, wasn’t that what he once called, a fair exchange?
You were suddenly pulled down by your dragon, no command needed as you watched fire be thrown to Vhagar, some of the heat reaching you. Vermithor seemed to be aware of his surroundings more than you were, but you were frightened, he did something under no command. Yes, he had saved you from being burnt, but who could say what more would be done without your word. 
“No, no, no, no, no! No, Vhagar! No!” Aemond shouted to his dragon, who seemed to have made her own mind up as to what she would do in retaliation.
Vermithor roared, a protective nature you had now passed onto him. He quickened his flight to reach Arrax faster than Vhagar, and you were now flying upwards, reaching a clear sky.
Vermithor was now surveying the new landscape, he was near your brother but not close enough to shield him from the wide mouth of Vhagar.
It had happened far too quickly for the both of you, the screech from Arrax, the frightened scream of Lucerys, and the chilling roar of Vhagar. In just a second you had watched your brother fall from the sky, whatever was left from his dragon almost grazed you. 
You looked to Aemond, who seemed just as distraught, the evident loss of control over his own dragon did nothing to your growing anger. There was no time to truly grasp the severity of the situation, your new mission was to get to Dragonstone physically intact. 
“Sagon adere, Vermithor, adere!” You shouted to your own dragon. Be fast, Vermithor, fast!
The chase was now bloodier, it was no longer a game of a scorned man, but that of a war scarred dragon. Vermithor was thankfully faster than Arrax could have ever been, which was why you had managed to loose Vhagar in the clouds. Though you could still hear her roar every once in a while, you weren’t sure if it was true or just your imagination replaying it. 
But you knew one thing for certain: this meant war. This was one of the biggest crimes a man could commit, and you would make sure it was known by every single lord lyal to the Blacks or Greens, the world would know. 
Aemond Targaryen was a kinslayer, and your little brother had been his victim.
When you reached Dragonstone, only then did tears start falling from your eyes. Vermithor wailed as he felt your pain.
You sobbed still sitting on your dragon, you hadn’t even reached the dragon keepers, resting by the mount. You felt helpless, like a failure, you had been sent to avoid anything even touching Lucerys. Yet here you were, without your brother, mourning over a loss you had witnessed.
It shouldn’t have been him, he was young, far too young, with so much life to be lived. What were you supposed to say? There were no words that could ever suffice for the horrible event that had happened.
Your mother had lost her daughter just hours ago, and now, Lucerys was gone too. You screamed in agony, hitting the saddle with all of your might, knowing Vermithor would just barely feel it. He roared loudly, and if the people at Dragonstone hadn’t heard him before, they had now.
You cried for what felt like hours, until your face felt dry from the tears. Your eyes were red, your face puffy, all things you rarely saw from yourself. You didn’t even bother fixing your soaked hair as you commanded your dragon to fly towards the dragon pit. 
The keepers made now questions with your state, already fearing the wrath painted all over their Princess’s face. You walked painfully slowly towards your mother, not giving any time for the guards to open any doors or announce your presence to her. You only stood in front of her from the other end of the table. 
Daemon sensed something was wrong with his daughter, ordering the room to be cleared. All of the lords and guards left as quickly as their feet allowed them too. 
“Where is Lucerys, Y/N?” Your mother carefully asked, watching you intently as you made your way to her.
You didn’t dare to look at her, tears dripping onto the floor. You heard her take a sharp breath, turning to look at the fireplace. You saw Daemon follow in suit, his hand intertwined with hers. 
When she turned around, you glanced up and saw a look on her face that could only mean trouble. There was no way to go back now, any ounce of mercy that existed inside her, was now gone. 
You bowed your head to her, your lips trembling from grief and rage. 
Lucerys would be avenged. 
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WiP Wednesday
Thank you for the tags @lokimobius @kcscribbler and @thosegayoldmen 😘🥰
So, remember that post I uploaded like... this morning, about the Lokius/BG3 brainrot being real? And five minutes later, I had IDEAS?
I give you, the first draft of a fairytale prologue. Because now I have the whole thing plotted out in my head, start to finish - and NOTE TO SELF: it's gonna be A ONE-OFF FIC, not a bajillion chapters.
Once upon a time, there lived an elven lord who wanted for nothing. His wife was formidable, a warrior in her own right, and gifted with magic. They’d fought together, side by side, as long as they’d known each other. He was her blade; she was his shield. They lived for each other. They fought for justice and honour, and for a time they were happy.
But when they had their firstborn, she was fulfilled in ways her husband could not be. The lord secretly wanted more than the quietude of domestic life and a political position away from the battlefield. He longed for knowledge, and through it, power.
That longing brought him to one of the Nine Layers of Hell, where he fought all manner of demons. Wading through the darkest depths in search of enlightenment.
What he found was not knowledge. It was not power, the way he’d anticipated.
What he found was a newborn tiefling, with dark blue skin and the most vivid, orange eyes, and within the elven lord something…stirred. Compassion, for a hornéd Hellspawn.
He brought the child back home to his lady wife, whose heart swelled for the baby. She would love him forever, like one of her own. The lord dismayed. They could never raise a tiefling child. Even under their protection, he would never be safe from harm.
So it was that they took the baby to an old woman who lived in the marshlands to the south, for she was as old as time, and knowledgeable of the old magics that governed the wilderness.
“Please,” the lord begged the hag. “Make this child invisible to those who would hurt him.”
“Shield him,” begged the lady. “In ways I cannot.”
“Let him grow up as part of our family. He has no one else but us.”
The hag considered their words, and plucked the baby from its new mother’s arms. She weighed and measured him by the scope of her eye, from the tips of his black horns to the tip of his dusty blue tail. “I’ll do as you ask, my lord. Transform the boy indefinitely, in your image. He'll want for nothing, raised as an elf in such a wealthy household. Money. Status. Power.”
“In exchange for your left eye,” said the hag to the lord. “I’ll give him the prettiest face in all the land, and let him keep his innate abilities.”
The thieving parents were pleased, having thought a bargain with a bog witch would come at greater cost.
“But,” said the hag, one finger raised in warning. “My magic does not extend to the child's future offspring. Blood, like truth, will out. One way or the other.”
The lord turned to his lady wife, distraught. “Such can never come to pass. Devilspawn grandchildren bearing my name? No. The boy shall never know love,” he told the hag. “You must make it so, and he'll never want to marry.”
“No!” Said the would-be-mother. “He must know love, for that is what brought him to us.”
The hag considered this, and made her final verdict. “I promise you this: no matter the love you pour into him, it shall never be enough. Until one day, when he shall be seen for what he truly is, and neither man nor woman shall love the devil in him.”
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thekenobee · 2 days
Now that you've seen Waterloo (looks awesome, gonna watch it myself!), who is your favorite/who is the best Wellesley?
That is such a difficult question!
Hugh Fraser perfectly captured Cornwell's somewhat distant, difficult, sometimes even bitchy! Wellesley whose kindheartedness we can only see glimpses of and I think it's just such a shame we couldn't get a better insight into it!
Christopher Plummer's Wellesley, on the other hand is sassy, charming, charismatic, unafraid to socialise with the common soldiers which is something that makes his performance really special to me. I really wish we could have gotten that witty Wellington in Sharpe series but I don't think it would work- BC in Sharpe, Wellington is supposed to be the counterbalance to Richard's impulsiveness and often disrespectful stunts (which are, again, very often justified, but that's not the point hahaha!)and having such a headstrong character like Sharpe would definitely call for someone to keep him at bay.
VERDICT: I love them both, Your Honour, and due to many circumstances Plummer's Wellington was much more charming and witty!
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archiveikemen · 1 year
"Black Wedding" Story Event: Premium END
William's Route
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
This story is in William's POV
William • Kate: I don't.
The air in the church instantly turned ice cold.
(... I expected her to hesitate a little.)
(Such a firm declaration. As expected of Kate.)
I gazed lovingly at my partner in her black dress, then turned my eyes to the man who was to be judged for his sins.
William: Founder — I mean, Mister Amor.
William: You've killing the couples who vowed their love here, haven't you?
Amor's shoulders trembled and he tried to argue, but I had no intention to accept any of his excuses.
William: Ah, save your breath. We have already ascertained that you're hiding the bodies in the basement of his church.
William: Your motive for committing those crimes is...
William: Before you started this organisation, you were betrayed by your fiancee whom you loved so much...
William: You lost all your money and honour, you were at the brink of death.
Amor: H-How did you know that...!?
Cultist: What does that mean, Father*?
*I chose this word because in a church, the pastor is addressed as "Father", right? Feel free to let me know if there is a better alternative.
Cultist: Didn't you receive the divine relevation to become a messenger of love...?
William: Did you do it out of good faith to prevent others from suffering the same fate as you, or was it out of jealousy?
William: Honestly, I'm not so interested in whatever motives you may have.
Amor: All of that is untrue! Silence this man!
William: You brainwashed all your believers into becoming your obedient servants and killed those couples who were free to love each other.
William: That's a fact that will not change.
The blood drained from Amor's face upon being confronted with his sins.
However, no amount of fear, crying, or begging for mercy meant anything.
William: It's up to the individual to decide their form of love and how they wish to prove it.
William: We won't just watch from the sidelines as you take the lives of innocent people because of your selfish ideals.
William: Therefore, my verdict is — you're guilty.
Amor: *gasp*...
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William: "Stay there and don't move".
After stopping Amor from fleeing, I turned to look behind me.
His believers who stood there dumbfounded were also victims of having their freedom stolen.
William: "Get in a single file and leave this place quietly. Follow the man waiting outside who identifies himself as Victor."
At my command, the believers left the church like puppets.
Amor trembled at the sight of that bizzare spectacle.
Amor: ... Wha... what was that...
Amor: Why!? All of you are supposed to only obey me!
Amor: Obey me! I... I'm the only one who's right! I will never forgive you for your betrayal!!
William: "A domesticated animal"...
William: "Docile, as a man tamed it"...
William: Very tasteless of you to decorate the beautiful garden with anagrams of sheep and your believers.
William: Nothing bad about creating an ideal place, but you should do it alone.
I placed a knife in Amor's trembling hand.
Standing next to me, Kate silently watched the scene unfold.
The villain who was to be punished for his sins — and the villain who will punish him by committing the same sin.
(Make sure to properly burn this moment into your memory.)
(And write my sins down in your reports.)
William: "Stab your heart, and sleep forever".
I went outside after condemning Amor for his sins, and saw Victor leaving with the believers in a carriage.
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Kate: What's going to happen to them...?
William: They'll be put in the Royal Hospital for some time.
William: Some of them will wake up from this nightmare and return to their original lives...
William: While the rest will search for something else to rely on.
Kate: ... Is that so?
Kate watched as the carriage left, perhaps wishing that there would be hope for their future.
(... How beautiful.)
Kate was dressed in black, like she were attending a funeral possession.
Her eyes didn't look like she was bidding farewell to the dead, but instead looked like they held a light that believed in rebirth.
(Even when you're shrouded in darkness, your radiance never disappeared.)
She was willing to become evil for the sake of others, and yet wished that there would be a day evil would vanish from this world.
How could I possibly not love a woman this foolish and kind?
(She seems to agree that marriage vows are unnecessary.)
(Being addressed as the "bride", choosing a wedding dress, and putting it on...)
(She found the wedding process itself enjoyable.)
Formalities weren't important to her, she was instead open to having color in her life and enjoying herself.
William: Kate.
Kate: What's the ma— mmph.
I pulled her close and stole her lips in a kiss.
Kate's eyes widened in surprise for a moment before closing to receive the kiss.
Standing in front of the church with blood on my hands, I unreservedly cherished my bride who was raptured by the kiss.
Kate: Mm... haah... what's the matter, all of a sudden?
William: We haven't had a "memorable, blood-stained promise kiss" yet.
Kate blinked in surprise and chuckled.
Kate: Fufu... that would be a great memory.
William: Wonderful.
William: While we're at it, shall we go on a honeymoon, my bride?
Kate: ... Huh?
I left the church with Kate still in her wedding dress, and we were now seated in a carriage that swayed lightly and rhythmically.
Kate: It's so dark outside.
She looked stunning in her black dress, like a single black rose.
Kate: But I was surprised by your sudden suggestion to go on a honeymoon...
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William: Looking at you made me want to whisk you away.
William: I wanted to enjoy the sight of you in your wedding dress a little longer.
Kate's cheeks turned red.
(Ah, I want to see her wearing a red dress as well.)
I had a sudden whimsical thought.
Kate: ... Hey, Will.
William: Hm?
Kate: I've always thought that wedding vows were a very serious thing, it was the goal of two people deeply in love.
Kate: But when it was our turn to say our vows... it felt so trivial.
William: ... Fufu.
Kate: Why are you laughing?
William: Pardon me. It's because of how serious is the look you have on your face right now.
William: Everything is trivial compared to what you've sworn to me, Kate.
There was nothing that could be greater than Kate putting her life at risk by swearing her love to me.
Kate: I mean...
Her slightly pouty lips were adorable, she looked like she was feeling embarrassed from being laughed at.
(I could stare at her like this forever.)
Kate: Regardless of whether we're married or not...
Kate: We have a special relationship whereby we've both sworn our love to each other.
Kate: Today's mission... it made me really happy.
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William: ...
The sight of her carefree smile made my heart ache.
I knew that when I lost her one day, that pain would eat me alive.
William: ... So, have you lost interest in having a real wedding?
Kate: … Huh?
William: I just thought it’d be enjoyable to have a real wedding with you.
Kate: …
(This face she makes is adorable too.)
William: You looked so happy to be in a wedding dress.
William: Being called my bride, choosing your dress… and of course, you look happy right now too.
I touched her cheek and looked into her face.
William: Ah, I won’t tie you down with marriage.
William: But if it means I can see your happy face, I don’t think having a “ceremony” is a bad idea.
Kate: … Will…
William: We can have multiple wedding ceremonies if you wish.
William: Next time, we’ll have you wear a dress of your choice.
William: When you wear a red wedding dress, let’s have a wedding with just the two of us. No one else will be there to see it.
(Someday, her smile, warmth, and flame of life would disappear forever.)
(Until that moment comes, let’s make many happy memories together.)
Kate innocently blinked and then narrowed her eyes.
Kate: … Alright, then let’s hold 10 ceremonies.
Kate: I, too, want to see you in both black and white tuxedos.
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William: ... Fufu, 10 times, huh?
William: You’re such a greedy bride.
Kate: … My bad, that was false. Actually, let’s have 100 ceremonies.
William: Ahahaha!
I burst out laughing, and Kate joined in the laughter.
Hearing her laughter in the darkness brought me more joy than any sacred vow could.
William: If we have 100 ceremonies, that means we’ll have 100 promise kisses.
William: But for now…
William: I want to give my one and only bride a kiss filled with my love.
(We’ll vow to each other as many times as we want.)
(Until the very end, when this happiness turns into a poison that will kill me.)
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jordanstark007 · 4 months
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Chapter Six
Alex Cabot / Amelia Chase
Watching two marines and two ADA’s book it down the halls of the DA’s office was obviously a disturbing sight, especially for the junior baby ADA’s. Not that Alex cared in that moment Jack McCoy and Arthur Branch could suck it.
When they got to the hospital they simply followed the line of detention officers that lined the halls, although Enzo and Casey didn’t miss the sight of Pam Adler in a bed of her own littered with more cuts and abrasions than either could count.
The issue was that the shiv had pierced her lung, and with the bacteria on the weapon Amelia was still at risk of infection. Sepsis was incredibly possible which is what lead to the group all pacing or sitting anxiously in the waiting room.
Alex finally broke, standing, “I’m going to talk to Pam Adler.” Casey caught her wrist as she walked past,
“Don’t do anything I have to prosecute you for.” The ADA nodded curtly, although the thought was tempting.
“Of course.”
Walking into Pam’s hospital room Alex could finally appreciate the injuries that Amelia had caused, the former lawyer glared at Alex, “Come to gloat councillor?”
Alex shook her head, “I came to ask why you did it.”
She shrugged, “Bitch was gonna take my parole of the table, and I had to shut her up.”
The ADA nodded, “Parole’s off the table and the DA’s office will be pressing charges for attempted murder, that’s another 20 years.”
Pam laughed although it didn’t last long as she winced, “She’a really got you following her like a lost puppy it’s impressive honestly, the great Alexandra Cabot in love with a criminal.”
Alex glared at the woman, “Ex-criminal who’s record will be expunged, I’m going to make this simple for you going after someone I love, bad idea because I will bury you until your chocking on dirt.”
“That a threat councillor?”
“A promise.”
When Amelia woke up Alex was at her bedside, a hand clutching hers, she was groggy the world spinning as she stared at the ceiling.
“I must be in heaven, because I’ve got an angel at my bedside.” Alex laughed hurriedly wiping away the tears,
“No your here, alive with me, Pam’s being charged with attempted murder and your hearing has been moved forward to next week.” Amelia nodded with a low groan,
“I love you Alexandra.” She feel to unconsciousness following that although Alex’s hand still gripped hers.
“Councillor your representating the defendant Amelia Chase.” Trevor nodded,
“Yes your honour.” The judge nodded,
“I understand have a motion.”
“I do, based on new exculpatory evidence, defense moves to vacate the sentence of Amelia Chase.” Judge Petrofsky nodded,
“People.” Alex stood,
“The people believe there has been a miscarriage of justice in this case your honour due to newly discovered evidence with the alleged victim admitting to wrongful accusal and disrupting a criminal investigation, and the murderer and her accomplice admitting to police that Amelia Chase had no part in the murder of Sydney Greene, as well as the sighed statement from a pyschologist stating that the defendant didn’t posses the mens rea to commit the crime due to her mental state. The people ask that both verdicts be vacated.” Judge Petrofsky nodded turning to look at Amelia, the woman still nursing her injuries,
“Ms Chase please rise.” It took a moment but she eventually managed it,
“On behalf of the state of New York and this court I’d like to apologise for the gross oversight of justice, and today it is my duty to vacate that conviction. You are free to go, bailiffs if you could remove the restraints.” Amelia sighed relieved,
“Thank you, your honour.”
Walking out of the prison toward the sisters the relief radiated from Amelia. She was free. And seeing Alex stood waiting for her, that brought about a peace she never thought she’d feel again.
“Hello gorgeous.” Alex smiled walking toward her wordlessly pulling her in for a kiss, it was deep and passionate although gentle to mind her injuries.
Breaking from the kiss Amelia smiled her arms wrapped around Alex, the lawyer speaking softly, “It feels good to do that without worrying about being caught.”
Amelia nodded feeling a large burden lift feeling Alex burrow into her arms, she revelled in the feeling of comfort. “I agree.”
Her first day as a free woman, she spent in bed with Alex wrapped around her, her fingers tracing the bare skin of the blonde, as they lounged in bed.
“The FBI approached me about working for them, before I was released, they reiterated the offer when I got out, I received the email an hour ago.” Alex looked up at Amelia her chin resting in her collarbone,
“Doing what?” Amelia pressed a kiss to Alex’s temple,
“I’d be working as a special agent, when they found out I got a confession out of one of their serial killers for the murder of 24 people, they extended the offer. I think I’m gonna take it.” Alex smiled pressing a kiss to Amelia’s collarbone,
“Does that mean I’m gonna lose you to San Francisco?” Amelia shook her head,
“There’s a task force being assembled here in New York of Agents, profilers, behavioural analysists, I just got you Alex I’m not ready to let go of you just yet.” Alex breathed a sigh of relief their lips meeting softly,
“Good because I’m not letting you go either.”
Alex would never admit it but seeing Amelia in her uniform, made her want to immediately rip it off. The badge, the gun, God did those do things to her.
“We still on for tonight?” Alex nodded as they danced around each other in the kitchen,
“Of course, I’ll meet you at the restaurant, 8pm.” They separated when Amelia dropped her off at the DA’s office a fleeting kiss before she hurried up the steps.
It seemed Alex had walked away from her blissful bubble of a week and weekend straight into the lions den when she entered her office to see Casey with a teasing smirk,
“So I didn’t hear of Amelia all week, or weekend, and you week off seemed to have coincidentally coincided with that, anything to say about that councillor?” Alex cocked a brow,
“I plead the 5th.” That made Casey snort a laugh,
“I also heard a rumour that your fucking an FBI agent, what do you have to say about that councillor?” Alex blushed a deep crimson crawling up her throat.
“Amelia received an offer to work for them, she took it, todays her first day.” Casey quirked a brow already pulling out her cell,
“And I’m now $50 dollars richer, Abi bet that she’d go straight back to Wall Street.” Alex giggled quietly setting down her briefcase,
“But in all seriousness SVU called, they gave up warning about the new case their prosecuting, a pedophile ring, seems like we’re going to be drowning in paperwork for the foreseeable.” Alex groaned but nodded regardless,
“Alright thanks for the heads up, I’ve got an arraignment in an hour call me if they get anything.” The red head nodded diligently, sauntering out of the office.
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gregoftom · 1 year
and tom makes himself so vulnerable and gets rejected twice!!!
greg doesn't respond right/enough to your my favourite/I'd marry you, when like you say it's such a confession. so then he's like fight me (entangle our bodies together) fight me fight me (grab me hold me let me grab and hold you) (lay with me wrapped around me). and greg's strong verbal rejection, then tom's "I don't want to either!!!" is soooooo telling so insane crazy so heartbreaking!!!
bro is breaking down about prison and just wants some comfort so goes to his actual favourite and bleeds in front of him trying to connect in the most genuine way he never has before/can. and greg gives him a bashful smile and concern but not the tactile love and passion and touch that he's after.
this man needs to be touched!
he's trying so hard to ask for it to instigate it and it's painful being that vulnerable, and then he's opened himself up too much and lost and feels worse than before. and maybe he's not his favourite's favourite. and maybe he's alone and lonely and it's not for lack of trying so there's nothing left for him to do but be hurt. and push greg away (but tom can't ever push greg away for good! because greg's still and always tom's favourite! it's repeated in the bathroom fight and forehead sticker soooo directly!!! you hurt me, I try to hate you, I pull you close and kiss you with care and tenderness).
and now I'm also just thinking about all the times that tom's touched greg and how what that really means is he wants greg to touch him.
(and how in s4 and beyond the finale greg is touchy with him and will be touchy and will rise to fight and grab when tom wants and needs to grab. how tom is greg's favourite too. how greg becomes and grows to be everything tom's needing from him, and it's just from greg becoming so comfortable in they're relationship and wanting tom in turn and caring about tom in turn and being possessive of tom in turn. the verdict is love, your honour!!!! they're married now)
OOF OUCH OUHIES OW OWwwwwwwwwww whywhwwdhywndshuhuhuhufhgughhuuuu [sounds of me crying]
no but exactly like, to have an unrequited fp is like. actually soul crushing and greg is not at the point yet [re: nero sporus scene] where he can trust tom's affection, not only because tom is. well you know, tom, with him, at the start, but because he's been given up on and abandoned before. he also can't really comprehend someone actually wanting him to touch him or him touching someone and it being welcomed either because of how often he is recoiled from or treated like something gross. also it's like. a really heavy thing on someone! he responds nicely but he just can't reach that level yet because why should he trust tom's love like that when people have thrown him around before depending on actions which he can never get right [ewan] or abandoned him to fend for himself even though he's tried to take care of them [marianne].
yeah yeah tom needs touch absolutely. he's always touching greg because his love language is touch [lucky for him greg's is too so that works out when they finally realise that each other is genuine and really does care about one another] and again greg is kinda like. HUH?? because he's so used to people purposefully trying to avoid him physically. he likes it but he can't fully commit to it s1-3 [3.09 is i think the first time he realises that maybe it's okay because he reaches up to hug at first, then decides not to because he doesn't want to frighten tom off, but then tom holds his arms out and he takes tom's shoulders and pulls him in slightly and tom is jostled a little with the force of that hug, like. man.] because he's just like. what is happening? is it real?
and ohghhgnfdf yeah definitely earlier on tom tries to push greg away but just can't which is another reason greg reacts so strongly to tom pushing him away/withholding the love and trust from him in later s4 that he's given earlier on, because wtf man, i thought we were best friends? i thought we were over this shit, i thought i was your confidant? he even asks in america decides, what are we? because he doesn't want to be tom's side piece any more, he wants to be his lover. he doesn't want to be treated as someone who is told in the aftermath. but tom is doing it unintentionally here bc he's so laser focused on getting to a position where he can secure greg like he's so desperate to keep greg with him he ends up pushing him out by accident. he does admit to needing greg specifically but it's not enough, and it leads to greg's actions in the finale - he needs to protect himself because he's not sure if tom still will. everything is so much.
but YEAH ON GOD S4 GREG IS MY ENTIRE ASS FOR THIS REASON. he's soooo. god. he wifes for tom so hard it's actually insane. it becomes very clear to us that greg absolutely adores tom back; he's being carefree with him, laughing openly with him, pressing his whole body to him, being practically glued to him in the sense you won't see one without the other, singing his song, taking care of him, watching out for him, coming into the damn ass wake with him because it makes tom feel safe, being his literal lifeline and not hanging up on him when he needs it most, smashing a bottle in the face of the person who hurts his best friend bc enough is enough. between s3-4 they became best friends which is just so like. deep, and builds a stronger foundation for whatever fucked up lusty thing they had before. possessive greg of tom is my ASS god i wish we had gotten more of that. but at least we have these pics.
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lazuli-writes · 1 year
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Aloha mai kākou 🩵 welcome to my (@little-lazuli) writing blog where I’ll be posting my written works. You can also find my works here on ao3 if you wish :) but here is a quick masterlist of all of my current works.
Thank you @cafekitsune for the beautiful text dividers. Please take a minute of your day to visit their blog and enjoy their beautiful works.
I currently write for select K-pop groups, Harry Potter and Asoiaf. I do not currently take requests or commissions, but if you any asks pertaining to any of my works, please feel free to ask.
Also please be wary as my screen reader setting is my current beta reader. That being said, mahalo nui loa and enjoy 🩶
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Hell: [angst/apocalypse au] San has a nightmare about his biggest regret.
Alone: [angst-ish/thriller] Hongjoong has an epiphany after a call from a sick Jongho.
Intruder: [angst/comfort-ish] part 2 of Alone — There’s an intruder in the Ateez Dorm.
Wake: [angst-ish/hopeful] Jun is the only one who can handle seeing Vernon in the hospital.
Leave: [angst/sci-fi] Donghyuck finds himself in over his head after traversing space and time.
Cosmetology: [domestic/apocalypse au] Donghyuck has a crush on someone who confuses stars and makeup.
Dream: [domestic/spy au] Jeonghan sings to his son.
Brutal: [domestic/spy au] Jeonghan hates the avengers.
Sing: [angst/vampire au] Taeyong sings to his son.
Starlight: [angst/cosmic au] Yunho was your favorite love game.
Heaven: [domestic/slice-of-life] Xiaojun riding a harley in Hawaiʻi.
Esta Noche: [suggestive/song fic] You meet Chanyeol at a small pub
Sighs: [smut/pwp] San scolds his duckie
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a song of ice and fire
What if series: [a series of useless rants and rambles on different possible possibilities]
What if Benjen Stark married?
What if the Sarnori migrated?
What if Jon Snow didn’t join the Night’s Watch?
What if Joffrey Waters was a hero?
Pragmatic: [hopeful/slice-of-life-in-westeros] Sansa makes her escape from that wretched city for a second time.
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harry potter
Hiraeth Series: [angst/slice-of-life-for-a-slytherin] Several perspectives of Ron’s life after being sorted into Slytherin. This series was inspired by some of my favorite ron-centric fics: @chuchiotaku’s “There and Back Again” and TheTrueSpartan’s “Fate”
Son: [angst/molly weasley pov] Molly cannot blame anyone else but herself, her son was gone.
Spark: [fluff-young love/ron weasley pov] Ron’s first spark of love with Daphne ignites before a reflection.
Survivor: [teen angst/slice-of-life-for-a-slytherin/ron weasley pov] Ron purchases his very own wand, a survivor’s wand.
Outtakes - Character Profile: Ronald: Character Profile of Ronald Bilius Greengrass née Weasley
Honour: [slice-of-life-for-a-slytherin] Muriel reads Ron’s letter he left before going to restore his honour.
Verdict: [hurt & comfort/daphne greengrass pov] Daphne awaits Ron’s verdict at his trial for being a death eater.
Outtakes - 100 Headcanons: 100 headcanons for Ron after being sorted into Slytherin.
Outtakes - 100 More Headcanons: 100 more headcanons for Ron after being sorted into Slytherin.
Outtakes - Unfinished Moments: Unfinished memories from a pensieve; with moments from Tracey, Astoria, Muriel and Theodore.
Outtakes - 25 Quotes from the Silver Quartet: 25 random quotes from each member of the Silver Quartet.
The Vanishing Series: Under the threat of defeat, the supporters of the dark lord cast a curse that banishes half of the Wizarding population of the British Isles.
Intro i
Intro ii
Opulence: [fluff/slice-of-life] Fred has a question for Roland (oc).
Sunshine and Rainbows: [angst] Fred has some choice words for Roland (oc).
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©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, translate without permission.
And please note: I do not give any permission to consumers to feed my works to ai. I repeat, I do not give any permission to consumers to feed my works to ai. Let it be known.
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episodicnostalgia · 1 year
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Star Trek: The Next Generation, 103 (Oct. 10, 1987) - "Code of Honor"
Written by: Katharyn Powers & Michael Baron Directed by: Russ Mayberry
The Breakdown
YIKES. Well that was uncomfortable to watch.
So basically there’s this alien race, the Ligonians, cast as all-black-noble-savages, adorned with what feels like a stereotypical depiction of a middle eastern/Asian aesthetic, if it had been designed in the 1930's by someone who had only read about “the mysteries of the orient” in pulp magazines.  the Ligonians all live by a code of honor so bafflingly convoluted that the Klingons seem downright reasonable by way of comparison. This code also promotes kidnapping because it's so risky that it can be deemed honourable... somehow.
So the King (Lutan) kindaps Tasha because he’s horny and wants to make her his number one babe, which obviously his wife takes issue with.  Naturally, the Queen demands a fight to the death with Tasha, because that’s the contrived way their society works.  I wish I could say that’s as ridiculous as things get, but somehow the episode continues to get weirder as it goes right up until the end.
The Verdict
I’m not going to waste time explaining why so much of this episode is in poor taste, since it’s shittiness is both obvious, and fully acknowledged by the cast and crew. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine this wouldn’t have raised some eyebrows even in 1987, but then I guess it must have since the director was fired by Gene Roddenberry himself. Even disregarding the in-your-face racism, this episode is filled with lazy writing and contrivances that would make it difficult to enjoy on any level. I’d read about this episode years ago, but had forgotten the specifics. Needless to say ‘code of honor’ is indeed dog shit, and also a valuable reminder why representation matters in front of AND behind the camera.
0 stars
Additional Observations
Oh yeah! At one point Troi essentially resorts to victim blaming when she more-than-implies that Tasha “totally loved the attention”.  Holy shit.
Data tries to learn about jokes: Laforge is the last person who should be teaching anyone about humour. His example of “what IS funny” is somehow even dumber than Data’s attempt. Also, Data has slip of the tongue? Shouldn’t he be incapable of that type of error?
Picard’s an asshole: “Is the whole ship deaf!?” Well EXCUSE ME captain, it’s just that every time Wesley even looks at the bridge you nearly bite his head off, so yeah, inviting him to hang out at Ops is kind of a shock. Jesus Christ dude, get laid or something.
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melliemd · 1 year
“Hey are you okay?”
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If you really think about it Mama Lasso and Trent made a heart shape when Ted was looking at them which means that Trent is Ted’s new heart and home is where the heart is and it’s where there’s love overflowing and who has love overflowing? who burst into a hallway with joy and love for Ted and his brilliance? The verdict is LOVE your honour I re—
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haven-is-happy · 11 months
How Battle Changes: Jesse
Chapter 6
Pairing: Dogma x Jedi!reader, platonic Wolfpack,
Chapter description: Jesse reaches a boiling point with you
Warnings: unhealthy eating habits, reader has very little mental health stability, big emotions, angst
Wordcount: 1,3 k (it keeps fucking happening, most of the chapters are this long)
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There are times when you just wish to be left alone. You lock yourself in your room, soundproofing it with technology and force as much as possible. Meditation is hard below the surface of Coruscant, but you suppose imagining the temple gardens will have to do.
It's been weeks since Fives left for Kamino. He volunteered to infiltrate it as a standard guard stationed there, as he felt useless just sitting in your apartment all day.
"At least this way I can get you any information about the living conditions there," he justified, when he pitched the idea to you.
Guard duty for politicians never really fit him, and now that you are a public figure, almost all he has to guard you against is poisons that he can't see.
It took only two sessions of laser tattoo-removal and shaving for him to lose all his outward individuality, a process that hurt to carry out and look at.
And Jesse, ever the leader, wanted to refuse him, even if he can't command him like an ARC anymore.
You never asked if it was because he wanted his brother to stay, or because he had been the one itching for action, even if the "mission" was stealth.
You rarely talk to him. He's grown cold in the months since the trial and his official exit from the GAR, mostly towards you.
Dogma relays him messages from you now.
Which leads to countless fights, as most of your orders are for them to guard you during speeches and senate meetings and dinners.
All things Jesse finds entirely useless, something he never fails to point out to Dogma in private.
“How are you alright with this? They can expose Krell and you can get your honour back! We could go back to the GAR! All they do is give grand monologues and chat with representatives!” Jesse points out. The conversation has been increasing in intensity, now visibly becoming a fight.
Dogma sucks in a trembling breath. That topic weighs more to him than the black hole at the centre of the Galaxy. His love for you never seems to end and he understands more than anyone why your path is the only viable option.
However, the ugly resentment doesn’t disappear on its own, and like a hydra, comes back no matter how many heads you cut off. He could have it all back, be a soldier again, follow orders, all three of them. Fives and Jesse could be back, be ARC troopers again.
This time, he isn’t explaining the situation only to himself. 
“For this to succeed, they need to have the bargaining chip against the Council and Senate.”
“WE’RE BECOMING THE CORRIE GUARD!” Jesse roars back in rapid fire.
He isn’t stupid. He knows that politicians face a different kind of danger. One not immediately clear to sight, something concealed with plots within plots within plots.
But those plots were aimed at bad people, no? Scum who live off profits and spoils of war, invest in machines made to destroy en masse.
“(Y/N) has put themselves into an early grave to save our asses! There would have been no official trial, once the verdict has been given, we’d have ceased to exist! They saved our lives and continue to do so by protecting us with their own body! Their shield only exists because they hold that information…” he yells it out for the world to hear, as if anything could get out of the bustling lower levels of the Coruscant streets.
The yelling match between Dogma and Jesse lasted until early morning. You emerged from your meditation room to try to dispel the tension.
Their auras were so loud they pierced your mind even through the walls and your own eyelids.
Just the door being thrown open is enough to make them both stop dead. Jesse with an open mouth, mid-retort, and Dogma with his hands up (which gradually fall).
"Dogma, please go to the meditation chamber and turn on the soundproofing system," you say softly. It isn't a command, more like a request poised like one.
He looks at you to plead his (or Jesse's) case, but the determination and subtle twitch in your eyebrow tell him that this is a conversation between four eyes.
You lock eyes with Jesse and stare. His mouth slowly closes and you don't look away, even when you hear the door click into place and the soft whirr of the soundproofing system booting up.
"I want to tell you something, and I want you to listen. I know you are angry because I took you from the only semblance of a home you had, and I want to tell you my perspective."
Jesse clenches his jaw and shifts his posture. A gesture with his arm, a sort of "by all means, go ahead" signal, tells you to sit down on the couch, while he sits on the small sofa angled towards you.
You sit and take a deep breath.
From the bottom of your heart, a string pulls.
One of sorrow, anger, longing and distress that has been tangling itself around your Force presence ever since the start of the war. 
"I was taken into the order as a child. I was three years old. I don't know who my parents were, or if they're alive. You've heard this speech multiple times when I gave it in front of the court, then the senate, and then in public who knows how many times."
"But that's not all I know. The best information I tracked down is a system under the separatist rule used as a slave world. The master who found me died on Geonosis at the start of the war. I was actively discouraged from finding my biological family."
"The Order, the one place where I felt safe when the colours of the world got too much, is no longer an option for me. My master, the closest thing I had to a father, cannot interact with me, unless we meet in secret. My friends, my pack, have strict orders to not interact with me, and I have only seen a handful of them since the trial."
"None of us have a support system currently. I know you have come to terms with what happened in the courtroom, but there is more. You may never go back to the GAR as is, maybe ever."
"They do not value an individual clone as human life. The Vode likes to joke and say they are replaceable, but the harsh reality is worse."
You exhale. Jesse is still listening, jaw set, unmoving.
"Jesse, the Vode calls me "brothers' vengeance", praise me and tell me of their stories, not knowing I can't keep solid food down if I have a speech in the same week."
His eyes finally leave yours as they look down at his feet.
He heard about your nickname and found it amusing, if a little ironic at the start. He flinches when he hears you repeat his name.
"I am fighting for my life to give you a chance, give all of your brothers a chance at life if this war ever decides to end."
"I have been in love with Dogma for two years. I know that if the clones got human rights tomorrow, I would marry him, Jedi code be damned. It feels like we are wasting the precious time we have left by fighting a losing battle," you feel like you're saying word vomit at this point. The thread unravelled so fast it snapped beneath the force of the pull.
"I know you want it all back. So do I. But by charging in, neither of us will live to see tomorrow."
You don't remember much after that. At some point, Jesse starts crying and you join.
When Dogma leaves the meditation room, he comes out to see the love of his life and his brother embracing and crying, finally setting aside their differences.
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 1 year
Snippet from Three Car Train under the cut!
"Alright! Lady, gentlemen, what’s the verdict?” Elesa strutted down the catwalk of her new gym, grandly spreading her arms as Ingo, Emmet and Skyla trailed after her.
“I love what you’ve done with the place! Bravo!” Ingo applauded, and it echoed off the cavernous walls. “Your use of lighting is absolutely ingenious!”
Emmet shrugged. “It’s okay. Needs more soundproofing. Too echoey.”
“It’s a nice place and all but I think I prefer your old gym,” Skyla said. “The rollercoasters were more exciting.”
“I also liked the rollercoasters.” Emmet nodded.
Ingo elbowed him. “I like the new gym! It’s far more suited to your modelling career than the previous one.”
“Thank you Ingo and nobody else.” Elesa rolled her eyes.
“Ah, sorry!” Skyla laughed sheepishly. “The new one is nice too. The catwalk is fancy!”
“Schmancy!” Emmet agreed.
“No, no, it’s too late! Friendship ended with the both of you.” She slung her arm over Ingo, making him jump. “Subway Boss Ingo is my new best friend.”
“I- I am honoured but this is hardly worth ending friendships over.” Ingo stammered with the hunted look of someone who had just realised they had walked into a trap.
“She’s only joking.” Emmet elbowed him. “Besides. We all know Skyla is the favourite.”
“Emmet,” Elesa hissed, the tips of her ears turning pink.
“Don’t be jealous Emmet,” Skyla scoffed. “Elesa doesn’t play favourites.”
Emmet and Ingo exchanged an exasperated look.
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genrerolereversal · 2 years
GRR media adventures: A Squire’s Tale
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The GRR elements:
You are a young squire, and your knight/mentor is Lady Catherine D’Arundel. I’m pretty sure she’s older than the MC. She’s a skilled, honourable fighter and has no qualms about taking the lead or asserting herself.
You can play as a non-combatant squire, focusing on music and falconry rather than the art of battle. Let your lady do all the fighting and protecting #feminism
Even though the story makes it out to be a forbidden relationship, it feels like Catherine is the only romance that makes sense. You meet other potential romances, but it’s kind of hard to believe that they become your true love after essentially one adventure, whereas at least you and your knight have known each other for a while.
Despite the prose using "men" to refer to other soldiers, you do fight the occasional female opponent, and it’s treated as an ordinary thing rather than highlighted in the story. 
I wish we got to romance the prince (and that, you know, we got to know him as an actual character rather than a plot device). The knight rescues a prince(ss) trope is a classic for a reason.
Also kind of wish we got to know more about Rose, the other female knight you meet at a feast.
This scene 😳😳
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If this got you excited to buy the game, sorry to say but romance plays a small role in the story. Better for me to be honest than to disappoint. You do get small moments here and there but not much else. At one point you even have to choose between dancing with your lover or spending the night with them.
Other notes:
The setting is Middle Ages England and all that implies, be it historical figures, fashion, locations, even concepts like the land of Cockaigne. Your character is a member of the Dacre, a real noble family.
The story seems to expect you to have some background knowledge as there is little explanation about said setting, whether diegetic or on the stats screen. You are thrown into the plot straight away--no prior interactions with major characters or learning about the world as you go about your squire-ly business. This hinders the reader’s investment in the story and the people involved. It’s hard to care about the quest the king gave you to find the kidnapped prince when you have never interacted with them, and have no sense of their personality or influence in court.
For positives, the characters actually talk like they live in a medieval society. You’re offered the exciting parts of knighthood: fights, a tourney, supernatural encounters.
The story is short and mostly stays the same plot-wise, like many CoG-style games. “Interactive-ness” is mostly about your choice of skills and companions/romance.
Verdict: A diverting enough read. Probably buy on sale.
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midchelle · 11 months
Writing pattern game
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (from most recent to least recent, starting from the top)
Thank you @aquarianshift and @eveepe for tagging
tell me all my love’s in vain Why did you do it, Mo?
you and I have memories He first gets the inkling that something is wrong in St. Tropez.
Sorry Girls, He’s Married Paul blinks awake, eyes dry and gritty, to a face full of blonde hair.
oh, what a night! “Oi!” John shouts. “What’s going on here?”
my brother’s keeper What did they say in a tale of two cities?
the late, great, johnny ace "This album," George said dryly as the slide guitar trickled away, "has the distinct honour of being the first effort by an ex-Beatle to be rejected by a record company."
Verdict: two counts of rhetorical question, two counts of in media res dialogue, one count of thesis sentence, and one of straight panic. Something here about starting in media res and zooming back, but it’s not quite a rule.
Cannae think of anyone who hasn’t been tagged 🧍‍♀️
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