#the voice actors are godly for making them more adorable
pussyeater8000 · 1 year
Everybody shut the FUCK up i will be talking about this for the next several days
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exquisitexagony · 3 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
TAGGED BY: @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable
TAGGING: @miidnighters @heartxshaped-bruises, @dramatiique, @starrymused, whoever wants to really!
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Answering this based on all of my muses between all 4 of my blogs since this blog is technically not a multi-muse. Thanks for tagging me!
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise)
Ohh...That's a tricky one...I thinks softest is a tie between Rhys and Sam. Ah! Or maybe even Daianira or Hypnos! When I first think of softest, though, my brain goes to Rhys. He's always been my precious little boy. Toughest? Jazzi or Chell, maybe E. I think Chell comes to mind first, though.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly?
Aurelius Bridgers...Because $1,000 is nothing to zem.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them?
Rhys & August have a couple of my fave nicknames I've written for characters. Rhys' being Reese Cup & August's is AJ or Almond Joy. They typically only really use those names with each other, like sweet little brotherly affections, but August will use AJ with people he's close to...Samuel's nicknames include Sami, Sam, and even Arthur which is his last name or Arlo when he was a kid. Aurelius has lots of little nicknames mostly because people struggle with spelling and/or pronouncing his name and it's just easier that way--his stage name is Aurora. Daianira goes by Daylight or Day because they find it pretty and it's easier to pronounce/spell for most humans. I also gave that to them because it reflects their personality very well--sunshine. Elizabeth goes by "E" because they hate their name and it's more gender neutral, which they prefer. Leo (@gollldrush) calls Ambrose Rose which I find absolutely adorable. Jhazala typically goes by Jazz or Jazzi again just to shorten the name. Some people call Demetrius Demi, but don't ever say it to his face because he'll smite you. James hates nicknames and would be absolutely livid if anyone called him Jim or any shorter version of James. Shimi goes by Sami or Sam sometimes as a sort of "human" name in homage to his transition from living with xyr jinn brethren to living amongst humans.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
OK that last one was long, I'll try to make this quick: Sami is very old school. Aurora is trendy as hell. Rhys is old school or at least just somewhere in the middle because he doesn't care. August is a mix of old school and trendy--he likes what he likes and sometimes that's old stuff sometimes that's new stuff. Chell, Ambrose, Luna, Demetrius, Jazzi, and maybe Skylar are all what I'd consider up-to-speed on trends. James, Shimi, Sarai, and Day are all a little old school. The rest just don't care so they're probably aware of trends but don't pay much attention to it.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings?
Rhys & August, of course.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune?
Aurelius, for sure! Godly voice and proud of it. August would try to talk Rhys into it, but he'd definitely decline and August wouldn't push him too much. Luna would probably jump up there too. Maybe Ambrose because they'd probably be drunk as all get-out.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model?
Oh gosh, um...Probably Rhys & August would be least likely, but also Elizabeth, Day, and obviously Sarai would require a lot of convincing. Hypnos probably wouldn't either and probably not Hermes.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed?
Muses that would panic: Sami, Hypnos, Day, Ambrose, Luna (but she'd be enjoying it), Aurelius (also probably enjoying it just a little)
Muses that would be panicking on the inside: Shimi, Rhys, August, E
Muses that would be unfazed: James, Sarai, Demetrius, Hermes, Zagreus, Chell
Muses that would be kicked out for punching an actor: Chell (maybe if they happened to spook her), Elizabeth, Skylar, Jazzi
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation?
Rhys takes the bus or bikes a lot because he can't drive. He definitely prefers biking over bus, though, and is known to bike in the rain so long as it isn't storming. Aurora loves to take his convertible whenever he can have the top down. Sami prefers not to drive even though he can so he'll take the bus sometimes. Day will usually walk because she can't go very far anyway and she's taken a couple of taxis but has definitely gotten in trouble for not having money to pay for the trip.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse.
Oh gosh...but I have so many muses with so many little facts! Here, I'll throw a few out there... Rhys is trans-male--something that I've gone back on in the past but recently brought back again because it just feels right for him even though his faceclaim isn't trans. Sami doesn't talk about it at all or even know how to put a name to it, but he's definitely queer in terms of gender, which is why I use different pronouns for them even though they would never ask someone to do it because they're still learning. Aurora has a verse that's technically his canon in which about 10 years from his main verse he contracts a deadly disease that is extremely rare and most typically developed in demi-gods and basically dies in his mid-thirties! Little known part of that is that it's also the same disease that killed his mother.
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
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Seduce Me: Just A Taste (Kyōjurō x F!S/O, AV Actor AU, NSFW Scenario)
Summary: (Y/n) comes back to the studio to continue observing Kyōjurō. She feels the pull of attraction towards him, but wants to keep her distance since they’d only just met. A simple conversation leads to a kiss… and other unexpected things. Note: I know, I know, I said I wouldn’t update... but I took a long ass nap earlier and couldn’t sleep. Enjoy, bbys!!! 😂🍉🍉🍉 Also, I’m thinking of extending the story to like Kyō meeting her parents... and just making it longer like Peach(es) and Cream... would you bbys be on board with that? Chapter: 2/4 Word Count: 3,346
Warnings: Smut, Making Out, Dry Humping, Bareback Grinding, Marking, Biting, Cum On Pussy, Language
Everything was subpar; nothing was good enough for (Y/n).
And if she had to change her outfit one more time, she was going to scream— because she didn’t even know why she was all keyed up about looking perfect for her day observing Rengoku Kyōjurō.
She didn’t even have to dress up, since it was a casual affair; yet she still found herself digging through her closet to look for something that looked suitable enough.
Nothing passed muster. At all.
A long-suffering and frustrated sigh escaped her lips at the sight of her reflection in the mirror, and she dismissed her appearance for the nth time to look over at her dog— who laid in her bed while she got ready for the day. “I shouldn’t care about how I look, Riku, but I do.”
The adorable Corgi barely even looked up at her, before closing his eyes to continue his nap; as if telling his owner to get a grip on her self-induced worries.
“We’re playing that game today, aren’t we?” (Y/n) scoffed with a roll of her eyes, then gave herself another once-over in the mirror before settling for the dress she had on— or, at least, forcing herself to settle for it.
It wasn’t that it looked unflattering on her; she just didn’t like how it screamed ‘I put effort into my outfit for you’. And that was the last thing that she wanted her clothes to come off as to Kyōjurō.
She shook her head at that thought, deigning to feign blissful ignorance— however, his smile from yesterday popped up in her head and she was stuck in place with a vibrant blush on her face.
Someone shouldn’t have been allowed to look that sinfully handsome, and also be armed with such a killer smile that was enough to make her panties cling to her pussy with how wet he’d made her.
“Fuck, fuck! Get a grip, (Y/n).” The young woman slapped her cheeks with a resounding smack, not even flinching at the stinging pain that came with the action.
More words of encouragement were about to bubble free from her lips, but she was cut off by her phone pinging with a text message. And, in a few short strides, she crossed the room to get to her bed and pushed Riku’s belly off of half of the device— picking it up and huffing out another sigh when she saw her uncle’s text.
I told Kyōjurō to wait for you at the lobby today. 10 AM, (Y/n). It’s just going to be you two today…
Her eyes scanned the text once more, as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth— in an unconscious effort to calm her suddenly-racing heart, as well as the butterflies that fluttered around inside her stomach.
And, with a short and mildly disbelieving laugh, she looked down at Riku and deigned to just scratch the top of his head. “Well, we really are playing that game today. Just… fuck me, am I right?”
She didn’t even know how true her statement was going to be; and, if she had known, she would have just stayed home… or maybe not.
The moment that (Y/n) stepped into the studio’s lobby, she was instantly hit by the smell of lemon-scented cleaner; it wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but it was irritating what with how strongly it wafted to her and filled her senses.
She typed out a short text to her uncle, telling him that she was already there at the studio, as well as thanking him for setting the entire ordeal up— even though her nerves felt as if they were about to make her implode.
‘The probably have to use a lot to mask the smell of so much sex,’ She thought to herself; stifling a laugh that immediately died in her throat when she looked up from her phone, only to see the absolutely heart-wrenching vision that Kyōjurō made as he stood right by the reception desk.
(Y/n) almost paused in her steps, just so she could look at him for a bit longer, but figured that doing so would only make her look like a dumbstruck fan— so, she steeled herself and kept marching forward; only to actually freeze when the blond looked up from tinkering on his phone, and gave her such a warm and panty-melting grin that had her breath catching in her throat.
He looked so incredibly, and boyishly, normal that it was hard to believe that he did porn for a living. There was no hot and heavy aura about him that indicated that he was a well-known porn star; he was just… normal— on a godly level of handsome, but normal.
“Hi,” Kyōjurō greeted softly, even offering a somewhat awkward wave that did nothing but endear him even more to (Y/n).
“Hi.” She returned his gesture with a shy one of her own, and was highly surprised when he closed the distance between them to stand next to her.
The blond then placed a hand on her lower back; not really copping a feel, but as more of a gentlemanly gesture, since it was only his fingertips touching her. “I only have to sign contracts for this morning, so it’s going to be very uneventful.”
Still, that faint touch of his had her swallowing thickly while trying to string together coherent sentences in her mind. “That’s no problem, really. I’m here to document a week in the life of a porn actor, so…”
Kyōjurō only chuckled at that; a laugh that had wetness pooling in (Y/n)’s panties just at the notion of hearing it.
And, with that exchange, she was led down numerous hallways— only to end up in front of a door that had Kyōjurō’s name on it. He opened it for her, and welcomed her into the small and simple dressing room; pointing out things such as the fridge and the bathroom, and telling her to make herself at home.
It was silent for the first few minutes, as both of them tried to do their jobs— with (Y/n) typing down what she could on her phone, and Kyōjurō going through the small stack of contracts that were on the coffee table.
There was only one sofa in the space, so both of them had to sit together— which didn’t really bother either of them, yet placed a thickness in the air that didn’t have anything to do with something childishly awkward.
It played more along the lines of sexual tension; since it put both of them close together in a confined space. (Y/n) could admit to that much.
So, she busied herself with writing what half-baked ideas she could for her outline, before eventually giving up and settling for scrolling through her blog, when she found that her gaze always drifted over to the man sitting next to her.
It didn’t help at all that when she looked up for the fifth time, it was to see him also looking at her.
She immediately looked away from Kyōjurō, while he chuckled and set down the pen on the table. The blond then sat back against the loveseat, resting his head against the top of the backrest, while his hands were splayed out on either side of him.
His eyes never left her face— choosing to just blatantly admire her, instead of skirting around the act like he had been doing earlier. He took in the way her profile looked, taking to memory the set of her nose, and the arch of her brows from where he sat; which wasn’t really far at all.
In fact, if he wanted to, he could reach out and touch her cheek.
Usually, he was so vocal and chatty… but with her, he couldn’t even think of anything to say, because all that was in his mind was her. It was a highly embarrassing thought, but it was the truth; all he could think about was her… ever since yesterday.
Silently, he willed her to look up from her phone— to look at him the way that he was looking at her— and he almost shouted in joy when she locked her phone and glanced up to catch his eyes on her.
Kyōjurō lifted his head from the back of the couch, and shot her an earnest smile; leaning closer to her as he gave in to the urge he felt to kiss her.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) placed her phone in her bag, needing a momentary distraction as she tried to dismiss the blatant need on Kyōjurō’s face as nothing important or notable when, in reality, it spoke volumes about what he wanted to do to her.
“(Y/n)…” The young man called softly, which made her look up at him hesitantly; all as she tried to calm down her frantically beating heart.
“Kyōjurō,” She answered— trying to tease him, but having it end up as breathy and flustered as he leaned in even closer to her. The voice inside her head told her that she should push him away, because it really wasn’t proper etiquette to want to kiss someone she had just met; yet she found herself reciprocating his actions and slowly closing the distance between them.
He smiled briefly at that, then boldly uttered under his breath, “I want to kiss you. Can I?”
A million thoughts began flickering through (Y/n)’s head at that question and, to her absolute surprise, all of them ended up wanting to say yes to him. So, she opened her mouth to tell him that yes, he could definitely kiss her— yet she could only nod as her gaze flickered from his eyes down to his alluring mouth.
Kyōjurō leaned in closer to (Y/n), trying to calm his heart down when the tips of his fingers brushed against hers on the loveseat. He almost pulled away at the electric current that flowed through his body— all at the faintest of touches.
Her eyes never left his and, inevitably, it was like falling from a great height; slowly at first, and with no clear end in sight— fearing if he would be ever allowed to feel anything other than his own fears and trepidations, or be able to hear something aside from the frantic palpitating of his heartbeat in his hears.
The blond licked his lips tentatively, closing his eyes as he felt her breath mixing with his own. Never had he been so nervous about initiating something before, but the woman in front of him… she made him feel so many new things that harped at the innocent feelings that he had securely locked up in his heart of hearts.
He didn’t even know if her eyes were closed like his but, judging by the way that her bottom lip quivered lightly, she was as nervous as he was.
“Relax. It’s just me,” He found himself whispering, all while allowing his left hand to rest on her thigh— gently running his fingertips up against her skin, before gripping the supple flesh as tenderly as he could.
The first press of his lips against hers had him pulling back; it was feather-light against his own mouth, but it felt so intense as it made his chest tighten up.
And, at that, a small smile made its way onto his face— before he delved back in to (Y/n) to get another taste of her; a better one, that had him tilting his head to the side to deepen their kiss.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) sat tensely in her seat— with her back ramrod straight, and her muscles all coiled up as she felt a telltale heat build up inside her.
Before she could even process what was happening, Kyōjurō had already pulled her into his lap— making her straddle him as his hands anchored themselves to either side of her waist. Her heart was hammering wildly inside her chest out of nervousness, but she couldn’t deny that she wanted what was happening.
She had been wanting it ever since she’d seen him yesterday; craving it, even.
Slowly, she wrapped her arms around the blond’s neck— delving her fingers into his hair and returning his amorous kisses as best as she could. She didn’t even want to open her eyes in fear of being woken from the fantastic dream that she was having; as it really felt like she was dreaming.
Especially when he pulled her crotch flush against his, and began grinding his clothed erection against her panty-clad cunt. She’d known that he was big, but she didn’t expect for him to feel even bigger despite their clothes being in the way. And the mere feel of him rubbing up against her had her gasping against his lips— which gave him the opportunity to slip his tongue inside to play with her own.
Their heavy breaths filled the room with every second they took to rest— only for them to dive back into each other and pick up where they had left off. They both felt insatiable thirst for each other, and that much was obvious with how passionately they claimed each other’s mouths.
All the while, Kyōjurō guided (Y/n)’s hips to move against his— thrusting in sync with her so he could rub his cock up against her pussy. However, having her grind against the top of his cock wasn’t enough to give him the kind of pleasure that he wanted; so, he quickly reached his left hand into his sweats and readjusted his erection— so that she could start grinding herself against the underside of it.
And, instead of going back to its previous place on her waist, he slipped it beneath the skirt of her dress and gripped the front of her panties in a bold move— pulling it up so that the material would bunch up and slip inside her slit to rub up against her clit.
The first tug of his hand had her hips jerking wildly in his lap, as her hands gripped his hair even tighter. A surprised moan was also ripped from her throat, which he accepted with a bit of smugness— right before continuously tightening and slackening his pull on her panties.
Every tug had her mewling against his lips, while her hips bucked against his in search for more friction. But it wasn’t enough for him.
So, in one smooth move— which had taken years to perfect, and had unfortunately taken her lips off of his— Kyōjurō flipped her onto the loveseat and nestled himself between her legs. He pressed his cock up against her pussy, looking down at her flustered face as he began thrusting against her.
With every thrust, he would tug on her bunched-up panties so it would rub against her clit. And with every subsequent move, she would moan so softly that it was barely audible to his ears; but he would be damned if he didn’t admit that that was hotter than the loud cries of his previous co-stars.
(Y/n)’s eyes had fluttered closed, while Kyōjurō kept his gaze solely trained on her; still moving his hips like he would if he were actually fucking her. Her legs had taken to locking around his waist, as if surrendering herself to the pleasure that he showered upon her.
“You’re so beautiful,” The blond whispered— almost reverently— before pressing a kiss against her lips, and then trailing his mouth down to her neck, where he nipped and sucked on the supple skin to let everyone know that he had been there…
That he had managed to hold her, even if it wasn’t all the way. At least, not yet.
“K-Kyō… jurō…” She gasped out as best as she could with her quivering body beneath his. “I’m cumming.”
He wasn’t close yet and— in his want to cum with her— he let go of her panties after slipping them to the side, and quickly pushed his sweats and boxers down to free his cock from its confines. It slapped up against his stomach the moment it was free, then he wasted no time in gripping it his hand— all so he could rub the tip up and down (Y/n)’s slit.
Both of them moaned when Kyōjurō pressed his cock flush against her pussy— strategically positioning the head of his cock against her clit before rubbing up against her; moving with such urgency that had him biting down on his bottom lip to keep himself from spouting the filthy words that he wanted to say.
Like how pretty her cunt was, and how much he wanted to feel her walls around him. And also how badly he wanted to fill her up with his cum— over and over, until she memorized the feel of every inch of his cock.
He feared that saying all of those would scare her away, so he did his best to keep himself quiet— settling instead for grunts and breathless moans which grew louder and louder the closer he got to his climax.
(Y/n) gripped Kyōjurō’s hair even tighter, then let go of the blond locks so she could dig her nails into his back instead; hugging herself closer to him, and biting down on his shirt-clad shoulder when she felt her own orgasm wash over her like an intense wave.
Her whole body shook with her release, and her teeth clamped down even harder on his shoulder to keep her from screaming out; because really, that was how good it felt. Every brush of his cockhead against her clit had her wanting to feel more of him, especially when he would go low enough for the head to catch against her entrance.
It was a well-executed, and extremely pleasurable teasing game that she actually liked… for once.
“I’m going to cum, baby,” Kyōjurō managed to rasp out through his incessant thrusting, sounding almost desperate and needy as the need to cum took him over. “Where do want it?”
It was probably the dumbest answer ever, but (Y/n) found herself saying, “On my pussy. Please.”
Inititally, her words surprised Kyōjurō, but he found himself get even closer to his release as her words sank in. Cumming on any other part of her was already hot, but cumming on her pussy was the hottest thing he could have ever imagined— right after cumming inside her.
Then, reluctantly, he pulled away from her so he could grip his cock with his right hand. His arm had gotten sore from having to hold most of his weight, but he paid it no mind as he jacked himself off to the sight of her all pleasurably satisfied because of him.
To his surprise, however, she boldly slid her right hand between her legs and parted her pussy with her index and middle fingers— giving him a view of her pretty cunt, and finally bringing him to his climax.
His cum shot out of him in thick, hot ropes; landing right on her clit before dripping down her slit. The sight was one that would stay with him forever, as more of his jizz spurted from the head of his cock— ending up in a small puddle of cum beneath her.
When he was all spent, he finally managed to look up— only to see (Y/n) blushing furiously with a hand covering her blushing face. It was so at-odds with the hand that still held her pussy open for him, that he couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she was being.
However, he didn’t act up on the urge to tease her. Instead, he hovered over her once more, and pressed his lips against her forehead. “You were amazing, (Y/n).” ||Masterlist||
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luciferpens · 4 years
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( CAMILA MENDES , FEMALE, SHE/HER ) ⌇ have you seen RAYE TORRES around icaria? they are the 30 year old child of HADES. they remind me of THE THEATER MOMENTS BEFORE THE CURTAIN OPENS, COLD NIGHTS WITH A DRINK ON THE ROOF, and A SILKY SMOOTH VOICE. They’ve been on the island for 7 years.
FULL NAME: Raye Torres
FACE CLAIM: Camila Mendes
AGE: Thirty
SEXUALITY: pansexual & panromantic
GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis female she/her
EDUCATION: Masters in communications. 
OCCUPATION: Voice actress. Theater director of Deadpan Theater.
GODLY POWERS: Pyrokinesis is & phobokinesis are her strong suits. She can create any sort of flame she wishes, along with control or elicit fear in those around her.  She can’t fully see ghosts (its more like a shadow) but she knows when they are around her and is working on her ability to truly speak to them. 
Martina Torres was a drug addict and a horrible mother. She abandoned her infant child to the system and avoided any contact Raye has ever tried to make with her
She was adopted by Richard and Gale who feared their daughter. Richard started to abuse Raye as her powers started to show.
He threatened to kill her at a young age
Raye ran away from home and lived on the streets.
She got addicted to drugs
Delilah found out and her family took her in, got her clean and loved her.
She started to show an interest in acting and was scouted at 17.
Raye started to do voice acting and after 5 years she had become well known among actors. She was allowed to move wherever as long as she had a home studio.
Hades moved her to Icaria -- and set her up with Lyric. 
Lyric and Raye dated for 3 years.  But things fell apart and they both realized they were better as friends. 
Raye then met Wesley and they fell deeply in love, marriage was on the horizon until Raye met Ava who told her there was a chance of her love dying. Raye panicked and made up a lie to protect Wesley. 
She vanished to LA and only returned because Hades forced her.
TW: Miscarriage -- Raye was pregnant but had no idea until she was mugged one night and ended up in the hospital and found she miscarried. Its been a year and shes not told anyone.
Maria Torress was not what you’d call a good mother. In fact, she was a piece of shit woman who Raye denounces at literally any turn she gets. Maria was an alcoholic and a druggie from the age of 20 till -- well as far as Raye knows, now. Maria has tried over and over again to get clean but within a couple of days falls back into drug use. It was during one of these times that Maria was out at a Halloween costume party when she met Hades. The two hit it off and had a night of fun together. 
He was gone the next day. Maria ended up on drugs one again. Three months passed and it was clear that the little bit of weird sickness she was feeling wasn't from the drugs and instead from pregnancy. She didn’t care much though, but she did stop the harder drugs and instead just drank herself silly. When 9 months passed and Raye was born Maria returned to her druggie ways and left Raye to the system. She was an infant addicted to drugs and alcohol and she spent three months under the care of the hospital before she was deemed safe and given to the system. 
She was placed in a foster home, Richard and Gale, and things seemed well for the infant until she was about 4 years old. Like any other toddler she had fits and crying fests, but at 4... her fits started little fires. The family was shocked and terrified. Richard said she was a devil child, Gale agreed but said they needed to try and “save” her. At 5 Richard snapped when she set a towel on fire and he smacked her; Gale never knew. Any time she set something on fire and Gale wasn’t around she was smacked.  A year passed and at 6 she had started school, started to learn that being hit by your parents wasn’t normal, that what she could do wasn’t normal. She had another temper tantrum and this time her father threatened to kill her if she didn’t stop with the fires. This installed true fear in the child, a feeling she had never truly felt.  This fear triggered another power lingering in the child and when she wanted or needed to, she could toss her fear or create fear in others. This ability was wild and uncontrollable like her pyrokinesis. But this fear, these powers reacted whenever Richard was home, putting them into a deadly spiral. Her fear and fire jumped to them, their fear and anger made her fear stronger and on and on and on. 
When she was 13 Richard found out that she had gotten a bad grade on a test he smacked her so hard she fell into the table and busted it and part of her face. She set the table remnants on fire, along with the carpet in her anger and fear. Raye ran into her bedroom, grabbed her go-bag, a bag she had put together when she was 10 and just switched out items over the years, and ran. 
She lived on the streets for a year and a half, sleeping in parks, showering at the school gym every day, and finding random odd jobs to do around the city to afford any food she might need other than her school lunch. In the midst of all this, she made some bad friends, ended up on drugs, luckily for her they weren’t the worst of the worst. When trouble came for her she defended herself with her fire, and when she burned someone and gave them 3rd degree burns she panicked. That night Hades came to her in a dream, he told her he was her father and that her powers weren't a curse given by the devil but instead a gift given by him. She was good at keeping her appearance normal, at not letting anyone know of her situation. Well, that was until she met Delilah, Delilah saw through her lies and saw that she was suffering, she brought the girl home and there --Delilah’s grandparents took her in helped her get clean. 
Raye lived quite happily with Delilah and soon the two found out that they were related in another way -- they shared a father in Hades. The two became thick as thieves, and when Delilah’s grandparents realized the connection the girls shared -- they more or less adopted her on the spot. Raye adores the Sun family and they are the only people besides Hades himself she calls true family. 
The Sun family pushed Raye into acting when they realized her love for the art. She started acting in school plays during the year and in the summer was doing community theater. She was 17 when a scout arrived at their small local NYC theater, he recognized her talent and within six months he was her agent. She started doing voice acting and small bit roles in tv shows filmed around the city. Raye spent the next 5 and half years making a name for herself within the community and traveling the world for conventions. Her love for travel was well known among her employers and as she neared 23 she was told she could move wherever she wanted. So long as she had a fully built and to code sound recording booth. Figuring that was easy enough she decided to try a more -- tropical area and Hades suggested Icaria considering it was a demi-god safe zone. 
After a couple of months, Hades set her up with Lyric, another demi-god child in hopes the two would fall in love and maybe marry one day. There was a deeper plan in place and Ava knew that. She knew there was a reason her father wanted her and Lyric to be together, what that reason was? She had no idea. And for a couple of years, it actually worked out, the two were close, rather in love and happy. But slowly, things fizzled out and the two slipped into a comfortable friendship and realized -- they were truly better as best friends than lovers. They broke up but continued to be best friends, even when Lyric went into the peace corps and Raye moved on. He was one of the first to hear about Wesley, one of the first to know they got engaged -- and one of the first to know about their breakup too. 
And sure -- while they were happy....Hades and Aphrodite weren’t.  
Raye hadn't known what would come from meeting Ava, if she had even had a lick of an idea of what would spiral from it she would have avoided the other woman’s warning. But luck, that was not on her side. Tragedy and fear seemed to always surround her, just another great thing as a present from her father. The two women had bumped into one another at the end of one of her plays and dived into deep conversation. Slowly it turned to relationships and the future when Raye noticed Ava seemed highly nervous, the woman ended up explaining her powers, how she saw strings and how a frayed almost broken string of fate meant one side of the string was close to death. She warned her to be careful and conscious of what was happening around her.
Fear rushed through her -- she was the daughter of the god of death. Death surrounded her normally, from ghosts to fear and depression, that was normal for her. But to know that one side of a string, that either her or Wesley were close to death? Fear overload her brain and she panicked knowing that her father wouldn’t take her but -- Wesley? Wesley, he might take as punishment for disobeying him. She knew she had to get away from Wesley, it was the only way she knew to keep him safe. To keep her father from revenge. 
She rushed to her best friends told them what she had been told and multiple plans formulated. First, she needed to break up with Wesley. Second, she had to move off the island and far away to keep her father’s attention on her, not Wesley.  She would move to L.A. would continue her job -- it was easy enough to convince her employers that being in L.A. for a bit would be better than being in Greece for a while. Hell, she did have a premiere coming up -- no one would question it... 
But the part she knew would be hard would be that break up. There was no way to leave Icaria without Wesley chasing her; that was to be expected -- he was her fiance. There was nothing she could say to convince Wesley to let her leave without him coming with her.... at least.... nothing that would be harmless. So the plan went into motion, they had to pretend she cheated, that she slept with another person... It ripped her soul apart but it was for his safety.. so Leo agreed and the plan was in motion. She told Wesley she had to go to L.A. for a couple weeks for work -- nothing out of the ordinary... then at the airport she broke the “news” told him what she had “done” and they were over. She got on a plane, moved to L.A. 
TW: Miscarriage, Violence & Depression
 It was a short train ride from her house to get to the studio and every day she took the same path to and from the train at about the same time... Her routine grabbed the wrong person’s attention. While walking home one afternoon two men jumped her stealing her purse, jewelry but somehow missing her engagement ring that hung around her neck and under her shirt. She screamed and screamed until she passed out and they ran off. He screams had gotten the attention of a neighbor who found her beaten and bloody, passed out on the street. She rushed her to the hospital. She awoke in a hospital bed under heavy sedation, an IV in her arm, three ribs were broken, she had a concussion and she was covered in bruises. A nurse rushed in when her heartrate spiked and they realized she was awake.
The Nurse checked everything and then got the doctor and the two of them broke the news that she had lost her baby. Now, this was news to her -- she hadn’t even known she was pregnant and to find out she had been... only to learn instantly that she had also lost it... Raye was not in a good place mentally.  The nurse, Ally, sat with her for the next couple hours, despite being off the clock, as she worked through the first wave of emotions. They signed her up for a miscarriage support group and got her signed up for counseling. she stayed in the hospital for another four days before they released her into the care of a coworker who had become one of her closest friends while in L.A. And for the next couple of months, she went to see her therapist twice a week and she started taking anti-depressants to quell the dark thoughts that were lingering in her mind. 
End TW
Despite all of this, L.A. was still a great place to be, at least for her career. It took off in a whole other path. She worked on more and larger name shows, throwing her voice into tons of cartoons and online shows, she appeared on tv itself in multiple shows when she had the time and was generally... making a small name for herself within the voice acting community. Raye had pretty much decided that she would stay single forever now, not ready or willing to move on from Wesley. She wore the ring around her neck on a necklace and never took it off. Sure she got questions from fans and the occasional interview but she never spoke on it, never mentioned him, not wanting the fans and reporters to try to hunt him down. 
She was content with what her life had become, settled in it, and ready to deal with what became of it when Hades appeared to her one night and forced her to move back to Icaria. So she did. She uprooted herself, her studio and her work and moved back to Icaria only a little over a year after she left in the first place. 
Anyone from his childhood. Especially anyone would might have thought something was weird about him
An ex-boyfriend or girlfriend who knows of what his family does.
Someone he’s helped over the years!
Friends of the family who know what he does.
5 notes · View notes
shreddedparchment · 5 years
The Brightest Star Pt.02
Forged Starlight
Pairing: Thor x Reader          Word Count: 11,827
Masterpost          Warnings: Sexy imagery, language, violence with children
A/N: Okay, so...the first half of this chapter is edited. The second half is not. I’ve been writing for hours and I just wanna post it. lol I’ll come back and read it tomorrow and probably fix it up. I didn’t mean for it to get so long but I’m kinda glad it did because this was a big chapter. Lots of revelations. Hopefully y’all like it. As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
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You’re still in a little bit of shock. You’re not sure what the hell happened. You know what you think happened, but that could have very well been a dream.
It’s not like you hadn’t seen him in the café before. You’re there every day. Of course, you’re going to notice a tall, lumbering, snack of a man. No…Thor isn’t a snack.
Thor is a full course meal, with desert, and a second helping.
The idea of him noticing you had never once crossed your mind. You saw him walk into the café one morning. He marched over to the barista and placed an order for a simple coffee. Cream and two sugars. Then he took his drink and wandered to one of the small booths in the alcoves on the back wall—the very same booth you’d sat in today actually—and he simply drank.
He doesn’t look up. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t say anything to anyone or do anything other than lean both arms on the table, crossed as he loses himself in thought.
You watch him for a few minutes, mesmerized by his rugged beauty, the pucker of his lips as he holds his cup up to drink.
Despite the calm he’s in as he sits there doing nothing, there’s a chaotic way about him. A harsh aura bathed in golden Godly light. You can’t understand why everyone else doesn’t see it.
You know he’s Thor. You know he’s the God of Thunder and although people notice this about him, they accept it only because they know that’s who he is. They can’t see him. Not truly. They see what they are told and nothing more. The Avenger. The hero.
To you, as you continue to watch him ponder his existence, he literally emanates the wild spirit of his true nature. A God. An alien. A species apart from your own. He’s powerful and he could tear your head from your shoulders before you even had the chance to get up and run if he wanted to. Beneath the calm surface of his sun-kissed skin and wavy golden hair, he’s vibrating violently. Blue-white fire filled with the sharp bite of electricity.
You can smell the ozone saturating the air. It floats off of him in waves, pulsating through the room like an errant heartbeat.
He’s so full of it—the force of his essence that he should be spilling over with it. A less controlled man, someone new to the power might explode with it and char everyone in the café, the block, the city, hell, he might be capable of burning the entire continent.
Yet, there he sits, calmly. Looking downright kissable, gently caressing the curve of his cardboard cup with scintillatingly large hands. You have never wanted to know someone so much before. You’ve never had the urge to kiss someone instantly.
Well, no one that you really know. There had been a few actors and singers when you were much younger but a real person? Someone you could literally reach out and touch? No.
This is a first for you. What do you do? Can you introduce yourself to him? Would he be offended if you were to get up right this second, march over there, and tell him your name?
His brow furrows, worry creasing the marble-smooth plane of his forehead.
What is he so worried about?
He lifts his cup to take another drink but then looks confused as he lowers it and looks through the small split at the mouth of the cup to look inside. His amber eye glistens in the dim light of his booth and you smile at the pout on his large man-lips.
It’s a strange expression to see on his face. The God of Thunder is ridiculously stupid hot. You didn’t know he could look adorable too.
He looks up towards you and you quickly look away. You stare down at your unopened book with wide and terrified eyes. You quickly fumble to flip it open and try to quash the intense interest you have in him.
You don’t want him to see.
He’ll reject you. No…he’d have to notice you to reject you. No one ever notices you. Even the people who do don’t really notice you. They like you there. They like to have you around, but they prefer it when you’re quiet and compliant.
You give them what they want. The alternative is terrifying.
If they knew you. If they really knew you, they would fear you. They’d call you a freak. They’d push you away and then you’d be truly alone.
At least in this way, being around them but unable to truly join them, you’re not alone.
You hear Thor get up. He marches back to the barista, his large hand grazing your shoulder as he passes and you squeak, surprised by the heat of his touch on the nape of your neck.
Your skin erupts into goosebumps and you were right in your assessment that he’s overflowing with power.
His spirit damn near scorches your skin. Not physically, of course. Not much can hurt you but if Thor wanted to try, he probably could. He totally could.
“Sorry.” He mumbles, distracted. “Excuse me, Miss. May I have another coffee? Cream. Two sugars.”
The short barista, a girl who is always polite and nice, nods. Her mouth is split, open in awe. She wanders away and Thor turns to lean on the counter, his large arms crossed over his chest as he waits for his coffee.
Your eyes are saucers again, staring at the random page you opened your book to when Thor got up.
You sneak a glance at him and nearly squeak again when you find Thor looking at you. No, hold up.
You sneak another peek and yes, he is indeed staring in your general direction. He’s only three feet away but he’s looking right at you and like everyone else on this stupid, miserable, fucking planet…he doesn’t see you.
Your heart gives a painful ache and you stare at him openly. He’s lost in thought again, thinking about something or someone else. His blue and amber eyes dance minutely from left to right. It’s almost as if he’s reading a book you can’t see.
Notice me. You beg silently.
You want him. You’ve never felt like this before. This need to possess. Not a person. You’ve wanted guys before. To date them. To be with them. But never to have them. To call them yours.
You want Thor.
Four minutes have passed and he’s still staring right at you but not seeing you. Finally, the barista behind him speaks up. There’s a lilt in her voice. She’s flirting.
“Here you go, Mr. Thor.” She says then slides his coffee out towards him.
As she turns the cup around, you notice a number on the front which she’s deliberately turned out to face him.
Her phone number.
He smiles at her, a stunning toothless grin that gives you the same adorable impression that his pout had.
“Thank you.” He says.
As he crosses to the door of the café, he holds it open as Nan with curls in disarray as usual come barreling through the door. “Ooh, thank you.”
She gives Thor a quick head to toe and Thor nods at her, smirking flirtatiously and you hate her, and you hate him, and you hate your life.
“Y/N!” She calls out to you as Thor disappears back out into the world, probably away from you forever. Perhaps he’ll even give the barista a call? “Is Seth here yet?”
You shake your head. Speaking with Nan and Seth doesn’t seem to be a requirement.
“Oh, good.” Nan gasps and drops her purse off on her seat then pulls out her makeup bag. “I’ll be right back.”
She speaks in singsong and marches towards the bathroom with her wide hips swaying and your mind helplessly trapped replaying the flirty smirk Thor had given your only female friend.
After that initial encounter when you’d thought you would never see Thor again, you turned your mind back to Seth. You’d known that Nan was a flirt, but you hadn’t expected her to fall for Seth too.
So, to keep them both, you backed off—as if you’d ever really stood a chance. What you also hadn’t been expecting was to feel Thor’s presence again.
It’s so distinct and potent. How people can be surprised to see him is a mystery to you. The moment he walked into the café again, you felt him.
Intent on forgetting him though after that disastrous first encounter where you pined like a stupid schoolgirl over a man so very obviously out of your league, you had no intention of being miserable and tried to throw yourself into your relationships with your friends.
That became harder as time passed and Seth finally asked Nan out. It was disheartening to hear her gush about him. About their first date. About their second. Third. Fifth. The night they had sex for the first time…and every time they had sex after that.
The only comfort that you found in the days following Nan and Seth’s burgeoning relationship were the days when you felt that heat in the room. Soothing sun warmth. It radiated from whatever part of the room he was in.
You never looked at him. You couldn’t. If you stared again, eventually he’d look back at you and his eyes, one amber, one blue, would pass over you. Like the very first time he wouldn’t notice you and you’d be reminded just how much of a nothing you are.
So, you got so used to his warmth that you hardly noticed him anymore. Your body became acclimated to its presence. There were days when you didn’t feel it and days you did. In the back of your mind, where it doesn’t matter, you notice if it’s there or not.
Your mind takes fleeting note of it. He’s here. Then it forgets because he’s not there for you.
Until the day he finally turned to you and spoke. You hear the usual banter. The barista is flirting with him again and it’s irritating.
You’re trying to ignore the jealousy, the pang of hatred because it’s unreasonable and you have no reason to hate the barista. Just because she’s trying to talk to him, to make a connection and you aren’t is no reason to throw such negative energy at her.
So, you do the only thing that you can do. You get up and you move.
When you return to grab your reusable cup, Thor speaks to you.
Thor…the God of Thunder, speaks to you.
“Excuse me, Miss? I’m sorry to bother you but, might you perhaps make a suggestion?”
You can’t breathe. You’re stunned into silence. Your mouth is probably hanging open with the shock and your eyes, you know they’re stupidly wide. Stop looking so surprised you dumbass!
“I like coffee,” Thor continues. “but have never had anything more than a plain coffee with cream and sugar.”
Yes. You know this. You’ve listened to him order it over and over. Day after day. He brings his shoulders down, ducks his head, and the clear intent to make himself smaller confuses you. Not to mention, you’re astounded that he’s talking to you at all.
Does he know that he’s talking to you? Wait, of course he does. Stupid. You’re taking too long to answer. What had the question been again?
What had he asked you?!
You look to the barista in confusion and that reminds you of what he asked. You take a small breath, gathering all of your composure to speak loudly. Firm. Strong. You don’t want to sound dumb.
“Wouldn’t the barista know more about what you should try than I would?”
“Oh, but your coffee al-your coffee smelled so tempting just now when I passed you. What are you having?” Thor can smell your coffee.
You bring your cup up closer, give it a sniff, and smell the sharp tang of the coffee but also the soft sweet aroma of the chocolate.
“It’s a White Chocolate Mocha. Without whip cream.” You tell him, suddenly nervous about your choice of drink.
Is it too sweet? Too rich of a drink? You don’t think so but what if Thor hates it? What if your suggestion is crap and he glares at you later because he takes a sip and he dislikes the taste? Crap. Can you take your answer back?
You’ll just amend it. “Without the whip cream.”
Wait…what if he likes chocolate and sweet things and by telling him to get it without the whip cream ruins the drink for him? What if he wants it to be super sweet? Fuck!
Amendment number two: “If you have a sweet tooth though, with the whip will be better.”
You release a very small breath, nervously tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“Sweeter.” You tell him, finally satisfied with the two options you’ve given him. You smile, unable to help yourself. You’re suddenly giddy. Thor asked you for your opinion!
“R-Right. Right. Thank you. I will try that.” He says, his deep voice so much nicer than you ever knew it could be. It fills your chest with that same sun-warmth. It makes you feel godly golden too. You’re suddenly illuminated from within by Thor’s very deep voice. Fuck, it’s sexy.
Thor is talking to you! You’re nothing. Nobody. You’re just you, often ignored, never asked about her opinion and here is Thor the fucking God of Thunder asking you for suggestions for his coffee.
You laugh, squirming internally from joy. Just a small huff of air as this fact bounces around in your brain and then falls to your chest to warm it again. You look at his chest and wonder what it would feel like to press your hand to the chiseled planes.
The blue sweater he’s wearing looks cozy.
It’s stupid, but you picture yourself wearing it. Cuddled up in his arms. So stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Schoolgirl with a crush.
The sweater falls on his muscles loosely. Soft waves of fabric, sleeves rolled up to his elbow.
God, you wish you could slip your hand into his sleeves to feel not just the soft sweater but the heat of his skin.
You tear your eyes back up to his, mesmerized by the dissimilar hues, and nod. You have to tear yourself away. You’re going to be obvious if you aren’t already! What if he can see it in your face, this want to possess him? To keep him. To have him. To have him have you and want you and possess you?
As you settle yourself down in your booth, you steal one last glance at him to make sure it all really happened. He’s real.
He’s still watching you!
Your heart flutters and you quickly look down at your book and try to read.
It takes several more minutes until Thor has his coffee again but when he does, he marches towards you and you force your eyes to focus on the words of your book harder.
You may be shit with speaking your own thoughts but at least you can look busy if you want to. You know how to look as preoccupied as everyone else when the need arises. And Thor approaching you for a second time in one day is definitely a need and it has arisen.
He suddenly stops his approach, slipping on the floor by the sudden stop and you wonder if he’s changed him mind about talking to you again.
What if he just wants to complain about the drink? You should show him that he can come and do so if he wants to.
You flip the page even though you haven’t read it. The look on Thor’s face is confusing. He has no reason to look so perplexed, so unsure. He’s hesitating. That pout from before is on his lips and damn him, it’s so cute.
You know you fail now because the want of him is pouring out of you. The excitement he insights in you is unrestrained for a bit and you let it. Fuck me. I want him! You think passionately.
You’re being so stupid. He’s a God. You’re a human. The idea that he might actually be interested in you is so ridiculous that you actually laugh at yourself for being such an idiot. Just a giggle. It slips through your lips without your permission.
Then he speaks, “Excuse me?”
He steps towards you and ducks because the alcove is shorter than him and can someone be fuckable hot and heartachingly adorable all at once? Because Thor is.
You look up at him and smile, unable to help yourself. “Oh, hi.”
Then somehow, after sputtering a greeting several times, he asks to sit with you and you’re so at a loss that you agree then sit in silence for too long.
You realize that he’s not going to speak first. He’s made the first move. Your turn, stupid!
You bring your hands down to your lap and bite your bottom lip, wondering if you’re about to be lame. “H-How do you like the coffee? Too sweet?”
“Er, no. It’s just right. Perfect. The whip cream is great.” Thor assures you and takes a long drink.
You’re so glad he likes it! What if he’s just being nice, though?
“I-I actually don’t like the whip cream. Sometimes they forget to take it off and I’ll drink it like that, but I prefer not to have it.” Like he cares. What kind of conversation is this, Y/N? Get it together.
“Do you not like the taste?” Thor asks, a small hint of something vital in his tone.
Your mind floods with a sudden image of him asking you that same question but instead of a booth you’re both sitting on the edge of a bed and you can’t even finish imagining the fantasy because it’s too much. Too hot. Too dangerous.
“Oh, no.” You rush to say, blinking away the image of him pulling off that blue sweater. “It’s not that. It’s just messy.”
Now the shirtless Thor in your mind has the stupid whip cream messily spread across that hard chest of his, small peeks of golden skin in the broken spots of white cream.
“It makes the coffee all weird. I like whip cream.” You assure him as the you in your head leans over and licks up the cream on fantasy Thor’s chest. Holy shit, is it hot in here? “In moderation.”
You reach up to touch your suddenly burning cheeks. Even the tips of your ears are flaming.
“I see. Sugary foods are best in moderation.” He agrees.
Oh, thank God he didn’t notice your lusty fantasy playing out in your mind.
“Or so the team keeps telling me. I never leave them any Pop Tarts and they get angry at me.” He looks at you bashfully.
Eating all the Pop Tarts. He’s so cute! You laugh because you’d love to see him with his friends. He must be more relaxed. Not brooding like he had been that first day…
“I’m sorry, I seem to have lost my mind today.” He sighs. “I am Thor, son of Odin. God of Thunder.”
“I know.” Fuck…wait, that’s not something to be worried about. Everyone knows Thor! It’s not like he’ll know that you’ve been enjoying his beautiful chaotic aura. “I mean, it’s nice to meet you.”
As he blushes, you have the sudden urge to reach out and touch him. Cup his cheek. Would he pull away? Maybe a little test? You’ll say something that might be unwelcome and if he doesn’t like it, you’ll know where you stand.
“Though honestly, dressed like that,” You give his body another appreciative look. “I didn’t realize it was you at first.”
It’s a lie. You know Thor by his mere presence now.
“You look different than when you’re in your uniform?” You chance a third look.
Maybe you’ll try to touch his sweater…?
“A bad different?” Thor asks, his voice suddenly saturated with concern. You look up at him and can see the worry in his mismatched eyes.
Does he think that you think he doesn’t look good?!
“No!” You almost shout. You reel it in again. “No. You look…”
Oh, man. You really shouldn’t be thinking about how good he looks. Your cheeks burn again, and you press your hands to them to try and cool them. He’s just trying to be nice. What if he gets wind of your desire for him and he gets all grossed out and storms away?
You definitely don’t want that. When you look up at him, he’s blushing, and you feel a little better knowing that maybe he’s got a slight hint of what you might be thinking, and he still stays seated beside you.
His knees is touching yours. You need only reach out a little and you can touch it with your hand.
“And what is, if you do not mind my asking, your name?”
You haven’t given him your name yet?! What the hells is wrong with you? “Wow, I’m an idiot. Sorry. My name is Y/N. Y/N y/l/n.”
“It is my great honor to meet you, Y/N y/l/n.”
Oh Jesus. He said your name. Your name. With his own lips. His deep voice wrapped around it so nicely, perfectly. Can he just say your name for the next few hours? That would be perfection.
That fantasy with the whip cream crashes down on you again, only this time he moans your name and you just might faint.
“Y-Y/N…” He stutters, and you have to actively fight the images flooding your mind. Some of them sweet. Some of them as lurid as the whip cream one.
His eyes meet yours and you’re under his spell. There’s no denying it now. You don’t want to deny it. You want to give in. No one else in your life has ever had this power over you. Not since…
Something about the way he says your name. It’s like he’s muttering a spell to bewitch you. You even feel a pull towards him. It’s strong. That essence. His golden essence, charged with lightning, it draws you towards him.
You’re overcome by it and you scoot closer.
He shuts his eyes tight, breaking the connection with you and you hurry to turn towards the wall. Because it’s there, you lift your jacket and lay it closer to the edge of the seat as you recover from whatever it is that just happened.
It had been so overpowering. It’s definitely not normal. Now that you’ve felt it, you can shield from it.
It takes a few seconds, but that pull, the attraction calls to you again. You turn to look at Thor, turning on the seat to face him, shoving your back flat against the wall so that you can remind yourself with the cool plaster that you must resist.
You have to shove your hands on your lap, hold them tightly as you twiddle your thumbs and fight it. It’s not easy but the longer you feel it, the simpler it gets to ignore.
“Um…” Thor reaches out and touches your book, your heart skipping a beat as you think that maybe he might reach for you. But he doesn’t. “Um…what is this book about? You looked very engrossed when I walked up.”
Oh, good. Pretending worked.
“It’s a novel.” Your neck burns in embarrassment, but you love these stories. They are such a far cry from your own life. “A er…a love story to be honest. Do you read novels?”
“I must confess all of the books I have read were mainly in my studies as a Prince of Asgard. While that did mean reading a few classics, they were of Asgard.” Thor replies honestly and of course; he’s not going to read damn novels.
Unlike what some have said is squandered opportunity to do real good in the world, he’s too busy to spend time reading stupid love stories.
“Ugh, I should probably be reading education books. Non-fiction. But I-I’m a sucker for a good love story.” You peek at him, nervous about him realizing that you are so head over heels for him already.
His warmth is what drew you to him, his Godly presence. Now that you’re speaking to him, he’s so smart and sweet, and adorable! Who the fuck knew that Thor would be this adorable?
And you can’t compare.
“What is this one about?” He asks, and the softness and genuine interest in his voice. But…what if he’s pretending? What if he’s only trying to be polite? It wouldn’t be the first time.
No one cares about what you read. Nan sure doesn’t and Seth hasn’t really talked to you one on one since he and Nan started doing the deed. You’re nothing to them. Why would Thor be any different?
“You wouldn’t be interested.” You tell him, and you sigh with defeat. This is all too good to be true. Why is he even talking to you? Had someone paid him to do it? Someone from the office?
You could see how they might think it’s good for you.
You start to wonder about the chances that this might be an attempt at recruiting. What if Thor has been around the past few months actually watching you. Planning and noticing how much you like him so that he might get you to agree to what you’ve been refusing to do for so long?
He suddenly shifts closer and his heat is so close that you look up. His eyes are so soft, so caring. How can he fake that? Is it possible that he’s that good of an actor?
“If you are interested,” He begins, his voice low and soothing. “I am interested. Please, tell me.” He begs.
You stare at him, longing for the sincerity in his blue and amber eyes to be real. You wait for it, the fall of his mask, but it never comes. He smiles at you, softly, encouraging, and it pacifies your distrust.
His arm is suddenly there, beside you, spread out along the back of the booth as he turns to face you a little better and your heart is racing.
You don’t care if he’s faking it. Fuck it. This is too good an opportunity to pass up. You want him to mean it and he seems to, so you’ll take it, even if it’s a trick. He’s perfection. A literal God and he’s talking to you. Not the barista. Not Nan. No one but you.
You sink your teeth down against your lower lip again, huffing a small laugh at the mere chance that this might all be real.
Something like a sparkle, a brightness in his eyes appears when you laugh, and there is no doubt in your mind that he means it. He wants to know. He wants to talk to you. You tear your eyes away, down to his chest, unable to hold the intensity of his dazzling eyes.
He seems unashamed by the look he’s giving you and it makes your heart stutter. Could he really like you? You?
You spend the next three hours talking to him about your book and the story within. He asks a few questions. Just enough to keep you in no doubt that he’s listening and listening intently.
You stop to giggle several times, nervously of course because no one has ever paid this much attention to you. Not since…
You don’t know how it happens, but he asks you about your love life. You’re so surprised that you can do nothing but answer his questions.
You’re saying something stupid about people having legitimate reasons for cheating sometimes and you hate the idea that if he is really considering you as a partner—just thinking it seems so farfetched and stupid—that you’re telling him in the right circumstances, you’d cheat.
“Not that it’s right.” You hurry to explain yourself, worried. “I’m not defending it. I don’t really have much experience myself, but I would never cheat.”
“Have you not dated?” He asks.
Could it be possible that he’s actually interested in you? No. No. Not possible.
“Not for a long time.” And you’re so confused, but so happy about his interest that your excitement is palpable. “We broke up because he moved, not because we grew apart.”
“Oh?” The brightness in his eyes fades and you wonder if he’s losing interest.
Maybe he would prefer a girl with more experience? You’d be lacking in the bedroom a little bit too. Fuck. Why didn’t you just sleep around when you had the chance?
In your defense, you didn’t know that some day you’d meet Thor and even be contemplating how disappointing you would be in the sack for him.
“This was years ago.” Shit. That doesn’t help. Not only have you had very little sex but now you’re telling him that it’s been years?! You push forward nervously, eager to take the heat off of yourself. “And you?”
He smiles again and it makes you feel better. Then as he begins to speak, you realize that you’ve asked him about his exes. This can’t end well.
“Well, I dated Jane, here on Earth. Most humans know that.” Does his voice sound nostalgic? It does. Fuck. Does he miss her? Does he think about her all the time? He must. She’s such a brilliant woman.
You’ve met her. Her brain is amazing. Weird thing to be intimidated by but having met her, you know that she’s the full package. Beauty and brains. And down to earth to boot.
“It wasn’t exactly a secret.” He continues. “And I did have a lot of time to court others back on Asgard and on other various planets throughout the Universe.”
What the hell are you doing, Y/N? You’re a mere human on a small insignificant planet. Thor has lived for what? Hundreds of years? He’ll have had thousands of girlfriends probably. Maybe even boyfriends? And then there are other aliens too.
You tear your eyes away from his face and fidget with your hands on your lap, the useless ache in your chest intensifying as you accept once again that you’re no one important in the grand scheme of things.
“Now that I think about it, I’ve had lots of experience dating.” He smiles.
Translation: I’ve had a lot of sex with many different species and races of being and you probably can’t compare to any of them as you are young and inexperienced compared to the others I’ve been with.
“I should go.” You panic, blurting the words out because you need to get away. You need to shut your mind off and somehow recover from the last few hours of hoping and picturing yourself with Thor when you never stood a chance.
“Go?” You don’t dare look up at him.
“Yeah. I’m meeting my friends in the park? They wanted to go see this new store opening downtown and then I have to go into the office for a few meetings.” You turn to face the front of the booth and start to pull your things together. Coat, purse, book, dignity. “I’m actually late. I should have left half an hour ago.”
You look at your phone, the time late, and shove the phone into your purse. They probably left if you’re honest.
Nan and Seth wouldn’t wait for you. You know that. Even so, now that you know Thor is out of your league in more ways than one, you just want to get away.
“Forgive me. I didn’t realize we’d talked for so long.” Wounding you, Thor slides out of the booth and gets to his feet.
He could have resisted a little…jerk. Asked you to blow off Nan and Seth.
You get out too, pull your coat on and put your book in your purse.
No. This isn’t Thor’s fault. You’re just…you’re not anyone. You should accept the time you got to spend with him and be happy for it. You give in to this idea, hoping to salvage the small bit of happiness that Thor was able to give you today and turn to look up at him with a small smile then start for the door.
“Um…thanks for keeping me company. I had fun.” And you mean it, it smooths the sad lines around your eyes, and you give him a real smile.
You did have a lot of fun talking to Thor and fantasizing about him however unrealistic it was. You enjoyed hearing his voice and having him sit so close. The smell of him; fresh rain, crisp clean spring wind with juniper, oak, and the slightest hint of that ozone char, had been a detail about him that you could not have made up or dreamed up.
You’re grateful to have it. To dream about it. To want it even though you know you can never have it.
Your eyes travel down to his cup as he leans towards you, startling your heart. The flash of black digits has you reach out towards him and you grab his thick wrist, your smaller hand barely able to wrap around the thick muscle and bone.
His skin is so hot. The touch of it. Just as you remember from that very first day when he’d accidentally touched you. The energy coursing through his large body is even hotter. Not as in sexy but burning. He’s got such strong vigor. How does no one sense that?!
“Aren’t you going to save it?” You feel bad. The barista? Guess after that one time, he never did call her.
Just because you’re not worthy of him, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t give the sweet girl behind the counter a chance. She might be his soul mate, if things like that actually exist?
“Save it?” He wonders, confused. “My cup?”
“No…” You quickly adjust your grip on our cup, shoving it under your arm and squeeze it tight so that you can take hold of the side of his hand. You cup it, resting it in your palm and slowly turn the cup around so that he can see the phone number.
He looks so happy. Ecstatic. It’s like all his prayers have been answered.
You wanna die.
“The barista went out of her way to get you her number.” You explain, somewhat morose by the happiness he’s exuding. “Aren’t you going to keep it?”
“Oh.” He says and you drop your hands, sighing lightly as you adjust your bag on your shoulder and grab your cup again.
“No.” He throws the cup.
Thor moves past you. He opens the door and the slight chill of the autumn air filters in.
Why did he throw the cup away? He’d just been so excited about the phone number. It takes a few seconds, but you realize that he’s not leaving. He’s waiting for you to go out first.
What a fucking gentleman.
You hurry out but stop just outside the door, contemplating the excitement you just saw him go through and the fact that it doesn’t seem to tie to the barista’s number, but it does at the same time. Why had he gotten so happy about it and then still thrown it away?
Is he playing hard to get?
“Y/N?” He asks, and his voice is soft and tentative. It makes your heart flutter.
“Might I not have your number?”
WHAT?! What did he just ask you? Is this real life? Is this seriously happening?
You don’t know how you’re able to keep from jumping, dancing on the spot at the pure joy and relief that you feel. It fills you from head to toe. You want to burst with it. Explode with the elation you feel.
You bite down on your lip hard to keep from screaming out in triumph. You hadn’t been reading into things? He’d really been interested in you. How is this possible? You shake your head.
With trembling hands, you reach into your purse and pull out your book and the pen that Nan had given you for your birthday. A lazy gift as you’d been with her in the store when she’d asked what you wanted, and you just pointed at the first thing you saw.
You scribble your name and number on the inside cover of your book, underline your name so that he won’t forget you, then hold it out for him.
“If you weren’t you, I wouldn’t be giving you that.” You admit, voice quivering with excitement and nerves. “I don’t give out my number to strangers but you’re not exactly a stranger, are you?”
His own nerves shine through as he takes the book. “Er…I…um…well, thank you.”
He’s so adorable. So cute. You want him. Fuck, you’re late. For your meeting this time, not Nan and Seth.
“I really do need to go.” You groan, hating to leave him.
“Of course.” He nods. “Have a—good day?”
You smile at his cuteness, his massive body in stark contrast to the timidity of his shyness but unable to think of anything to say, you turn and walk away.
What if he doesn’t call? What if he takes the book, shoves it onto a shelf, and doesn’t ever open it again?
No. That can’t happen!
“Thor?” You turn to look at him, his face alight as he stares down at your number. He’s seriously interested in you? You have never been so fucking happy in all of your life! “Make sure you call me, okay?”
You can hear the worry in your voice, the feeling that he might forget you shining through. Also, the desire to have him so you make up an excuse other than the real one of wanting to sit in his lap and kiss him until he can’t breathe.
“I really want to finish that book.”
“Of course.” He promises and holds the book up.
“Bye, Thor.” Stupidly, you wave and then turn to hurry and find a cab.
It takes you only fifteen minutes to get to the office and only that long because of the traffic. Your building as it were, is located only a few blocks from the Avengers tower. You’ve often sat at your desk, staring out your window at the tall building. It’s only slightly shorter than yours and you assume it’s because of the design.
Yours, a long wide spiraling skyscraper that waves from left to right like the smooth flowing tendrils of galaxy light in all those pictures NASA likes to release, is unique among the buildings of the world. It shines bright and silver, long solid waving lines of steel fitted with millions of solar panels that help power the building. At the tip is a sharp illuminated point at the base of which your office is located.
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In fact. You have the entire floor.
You hurry inside, the crisp filtered air of the building biting into your skin. You’re not cold, but you think maybe the employees might be.
As if on cue, a woman hurries in from the street behind you and shivers audibly.
“Jeez, is it colder in here than it is outside?” She doesn’t notice you as she passes. No one does.
You move over to Deacon, your lead front desk security officer, and he quickly rises to his feet. He’s a sturdy looking man, with a narrow brow, wide lips, and a kind smile that shines pearly white against his dark skin.
“Mr. Phillips, can you please contact maintenance and tell them to raise the heat by four degrees?” You smile at him kindly, and he nods.
“Right away, Ms. y/l/n.” He moves to grab the phone, but you smile more genuinely at him.
“Did your wife have the new baby yet? A girl, right?” You remember him mentioning her in passing but you can’t remember the sex of the baby.
“Yes.” His eyes brighten, ecstatic that you’ve remembered. “A girl. She’s due next week.”
“Well, congratulations. Did you put in for maternity leave already?” You wonder with worry.
“Oh. No. I-My wife and I can’t afford to-” You frown at him and reach for your phone.
As you scroll through it to get the number you want, you give a passing glance at your messages. Nothing yet. Damn it.
Yes, you literally just left Thor, but he might have texted since then, right? You doubt you’d have been able to resist texting him right away if you’d had his number instead of the other way around.
You swipe along the name you’re looking for and hold the phone up to your ear. It rings twice.
“Human Resources, Bridget speaking.” Your head of HR is a woman in her late fifties. Kind but detail oriented and a hell of a multi-tasker.
“Bridget, can you put in maternity leave for Mr. Phillips, please? His wife is due next week.”
“Of course, Ms. y/l/n.” You hear the frantic clicking of a mouse and the quick click of her fingers on her keyboard.
“Set it in for Monday. And make sure we put him on tier one benefits, please. Do we have the budget for a full-time security officer down at the front desk?” You wait as her clicking gets faster.
“It looks like all full-time security positions are filled.”
“I didn’t ask if they were filled, I asked if we had the budget.” You sigh, irritated.
“Of-of course. Mr. Byun left us for Google last week, so we have the budget.”
“Good. We don’t need another Financial Officer. Divert some of that and promote Mr. Phillips to full-time front desk security. And give him a dollar raise.” You smile at Deacon as he gapes over at his coworker then turns back to you, his lips curving up into a wide smile.
“The raise will go into effect at the end of the next pay cycle, but his position is updated. Can I help you with anything else, Ms. y/l/n?”
“No. Thanks, Bridget.” You’re already walking towards the elevator at the end of the long foyer, last one on the left as you hang up.
“Th-Thank you, Ms. y/l/n!” Deacon calls after you. “Thank you so much! My wife’s gonna flip her lid.”
You chuckle. “I expect to see pictures when you come back, Mr. Phillips. I love babies.”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
Smiling, you press your hand against the light blue panel just below the call button and the elevator doors open. The elevator already waiting for you. Only two other people in the building can use it so it usually sits waiting for you.
You make your way to the 84th floor, the high-tech lift moving at stunning speeds to take you there quickly. As you ride, you begin to peel off your coat, slowly unfastening the buttons as your mind wanders back to Thor.
You hate these monthly meetings and thinking about Thor is a decent distraction.
Would he be put off by who you are? But he’s friends with Tony Stark, so maybe not? Then again, Tony’s brain is beyond unbelievable. He’s smart and so capable while you…well, best to just get this meeting over with.
The 84th floor is nothing more than conference rooms and private meeting rooms. A few offices for some of the board members with larger stakes in your company, but they rarely use them.
The elevator stops and you disembark, Jeremy already waiting for you. His eyes go wide as you step out and he rushes towards you.
Jeremy is kind. Sweet. Energetic, but highly focused, and driven. He’s the thorn in your side if only because he’s very good at his job and getting you to do the things you don’t want to do. He’s stern. Very much a big brother but paid to be so. Paid really fucking well, at that.
“You’re late.” He sighs, exasperated, but reaches for your coat and purse. He slings it onto his shoulder and folds your coat over his arm as he moves towards the hallway to the right.
“They’re in the big conference room?” You wonder, irritated by all the ceremony. Every month is the same. Why do they have to make it a big deal every single time?
“Yes. All the board members came. They’re all upset about the Gala last week. You didn’t go? I drove you there myself, Y/N.”
You shrug. “I’m sorry. I just…Nan and Seth were going to be there. I couldn’t go in.”
Jeremy gives you a sympathetic frown. “How long are you going to let those jerks treat you like dirt?”
“They’re my friends.” You shrug.
“I’m your friend.” Jeremy counters.
You chuckle. “You’re paid. To be my assistant. Not my friend.”
“Tomayto, tomahto.” He waves you off. “I care. If you don’t start going to these things, they’re going to vote you out.”
“Promises, promises.” You sigh.
Jeremy stops and moves to stand in front of you. You have no choice but to look up into his dark eyes. His dark brown hair is in slight disarray. Probably from running his hands through it over and over again worried you wouldn’t show. His suit, just a pair of slacks, a crisp white button up, and a nice black vest, is wrinkled.
He’s been hard at work all morning while you’ve been sipping coffee with Thor. And yeah, you kinda feel bad, but you definitely don’t regret it.
“I don’t know what’s been going on with you lately but this think-about-what-you’re-doing talk is coming a month early than normal. Don’t forget that if they vote you out then you’ll have no say in how the company is run. You won’t get to tell them no when they decide they want to start investing in fossil fuels. They’ll cut off all your charities and you can bet your ass they’re going to cut those benefits you pushed so hard for.” Jeremy sighs, tired. You should give him the rest of the day off.
“I know.” You grumble. “You’re right.”
You really do hate all that pomp and circumstance though. Why do you have to show your face?
Jeremy widens his eyes, waiting for it.
“I’m sorry.” You groan, holding both hands out to your sides before dropping them down to slap against your thighs.
The phone in your left hand dings and you quickly lift it, hope filling your chest.
“Expecting someone?” Jeremy asks, too observant for his own good!
“I uh…yeah.” You sigh because it’s just an email.
“No.” You grumble and start to walk again.
“Seth?” Jeremy asks, falling into step behind you.
“No.” Your cheeks burn despite what happened today with Thor. Jeremy had been the only person in the world that had known about your crush on Seth before he and Nan started dating.
Stupid, tall, good looking blonde.
“Then who? Because you don’t know anyone else.” Jeremy’s shade is dark.
You frown at him, scrunching your lips and nose at him. “I’m not telling you. Jerk.”
“Fine. Don’t tell me. But you better not be staring at that phone the entire meeting.” He drops his voice as the two of you approach the large conference room at the end of the hall and sure enough, just as he said, every board member and senior employee is sitting at the table.
They look annoyed, tired, irritated for having to wait for you. The resistant successor.
“Are they going to spring anything new on me?” You whisper.
“No. I don’t think so. But they’re going to try for fossil fuels again. Just, F.Y.I. I heard Director Harger talking to VP Willows about it before the meeting.”
“Ugh. Why can’t they just give it up?” You growl.
“Lots of money in that industry. Never mind that your family has been trying for renewable energy sources since the sixties.” Jeremy waves his hand, blasé attitude adopted to imitate your board members.
You don’t want to think about how long the company’s been around or the lack of respect that these people seem to have for its original vision.
“My dad’s been dead too long.” You explain, as if he might come back to life at any moment to remind them.
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself.” Jeremy pushes your shoulder. “Get in there. And stay off your phone.”
You turn to stick your tongue out at him as you move into the large room and take your seat at the head of the table. The men and women in the room rise and then sit back down once you’re seated.
“First item?” You sigh and set your phone aside with the screen facing out so that you might see if and when Thor finally texts you.
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“Is this it?” Thor wonders, gripping the shiny blue metallic phone in his hand. It’s beautiful in its design, he supposes.
Outdated still compared to some of the more amazing things he’s seen in all his years, but he can see why everyone wants one.
Its main appeal for him? You.
“How do I call her?” Thor asks, staring at the bright screen before pressing the small green phone icon.
“Lemme see.” Nat moves behind him and stands with her hands on his shoulders. “Look at you. You’ve already got the dialer open.”
She teases him, but Thor smiles wide. “Yes. These devices are pretty straightforward. I don’t know why I was so afraid to use them.”
Nat laughs, her plump lips curved up towards the right. Her red hair sits braided on her left shoulder, her pajamas, a pair of gray jersey shorts and a blank tank top clearly show she’d been getting ready for bed.
“Well, as good as you are at using it, it’s really late, Thor. Calling her right now might not be such a good idea.” She warns.
Thor’s heart drops. It had taken all day to get him a phone! Finally, Stark had intervened and set him up with one of his own specially designed ones. He doesn’t want to wait to call you.
“I promised.” Thor insists.
“Mmm, how about a text instead?” Nat suggests.
“A text?” Thor asks, curious but confused.
“Yeah. It’s like a quick little message that she can read and respond to.” She explains.
“Oh. That sounds nice.” Thor agrees and holds the phone up for her but instead Nat shoves it back down and leans over his shoulders, her arms extended on either side of him to gesture at the device.
“Okay, so, first we’ll add her phone number.”
Thor pulls the book closer and opens it up. Nat gives your handwriting a long look.
“You said she’s nice and sweet?” Nat asks, brow furrowed.
“Yes. The sweetest most exquisite creature that has ever walked the cosmos.” Thor gushes.
Nat scoffs. “Well, your sweet creature seems to have some secrets.”
“What? How can you know that?”
“Just a hunch.” She says then taps his hand, the one holding the phone. “Dial her number.”
Thor punches in the number, carefully, slowly, one number at a time to make sure that he gets it in there correctly.
“Okay.” He says and holds it up for Nat to see. She pushes it down again then points at the top.
“Create a contact. And put in whatever you want.” She instructs.
“Whatever I want?” Thor looks up towards his right at her, face close but both of them are unaffected.
“Yeah. The name that will pop up when she calls or texts you? You can literally put anything.”
Thor smiles and he taps the small space where it says Name and his large thumbs move across the small keyboard slowly. When he’s done, he holds it down a little so that Nat can see it.
Starshine flashes up at Nat and she shakes her head.
“I didn’t realize you were such a sap.” She teases. “Why Starshine?”
Thor isn’t offended by being called a sap. “Her eyes. There’s something about them. They shine like the galaxy. It reminds me of the stars that surrounded Asgard before it was destroyed. Breathtaking.”
“Hm.” Nat nods. “Okay, now that we have her contact made, tap her name and punch the button that says message.”
Thor does as he’s told. The screen shifts and he’s offered a blank white screen with your contact name, Starshine at the top underneath the words New Message. The keyboard is out, and the dialogue box waiting to be filled.
“What should I say?” Thor asks, looking up at Nat again as she rests her arms on his shoulders, hands clasped at the center of his chest.
“Whatever you want. Hi? Hello? Hey, I hope you don’t mine me saying that I love you and I want to impregnate you with my offspring?” Nat smiles down at him, giving him a shake and feeling maybe a little bad that she keeps teasing him so relentlessly.
Thor is silent for a moment then he slowly turns to Nat. “Can I really say that?”
Nat laughs. “No!”
“Oh. Well, I’ll go with Hello.” Thor types it in and watches the screen populate.
“What the hell is going on in here?!” Bucky’s voice fills the kitchen and Nat looks up at him, her hands shifting back to rest on Thor’s shoulders as she grins and eyes his heated look.
His steel ice eyes are blazing and the flush of his cheeks and ears the mark of his upset.
“Oh, hey. I didn’t know you were awake.” Nat sighs. “I was just telling Thor goodnight. Girlfriend style. He’s finally asked me to go steady and I said yes.”
“What?” Bucky blanches. “What the hell are you talking about? What happened to Miss Perfect?”
“I had a change of heart.” Thor explains, dropping his phone onto his lap. “I have realized that true beauty has been before me all along and Natasha is just the woman that I am meant to be with.”
Nat leans down and presses a long slow kiss to Thor’s right cheek.
Thor, bastard that he is, smiles wide. A big toothless grin, smug and clearly meant to rub that kiss in Bucky’s face.
Bucky huffs and without another word he storms back out of the kitchen and out of sight.
Thor chuckles. “You should stop playing around with him and just give in. Both of you. Time is precious. And you humans have so little of it.”
Nat’s face shifts into genuine bliss. “Yeah.”
Thor watches her bite down onto her plump red lips before she gives him another kiss, friendly. A thanks.
“I should go after him.” She says.
“Good night, Natasha.” Thor nods.
“Night.” Nat hurries out of the kitchen and Thor smiles wider when she calls out for Bucky. “Barnes! Get your ass back here. I was just joking.”
“You still in here?” Tony’s easy snark turns Thor’s head and Thor shifts in his seat at the table to look at Tony, dressed in a pair of cozy navy pajama bottoms and a plain white t-shirt as he moves to the fridge to pull out a bag of blueberry yogurt chips.
“I am.” Thor nods.
Tony moves around the island leans against the table, then holds out the clear bag to Thor who reaches in and takes a handful.
“Still trying to get a hold of your mark?” Tony’s eyebrows rise and fall quickly, a clear indication of his playful joke.
“Very funny.” Thor snidely replies. “No. I’ve sent her a text and have only to wait for her reply. It is late. I may not get one until the morning.”
Thor sounds awfully depressed as he realizes that sending a message might be good for you since you won’t be woken up by his random call in the middle of the night but also that he’s going to be up all night waiting for your reply. He sighs heavily then pops a yogurt chip into his mouth.
“Maybe she’s a night owl? Could be up working. What does she do?” Tony asks, chewing quietly, staring at Thor with amusement.
He’d known Thor when he was with Jane and though Thor had been devoted, he had never seen him this head over heels. They’re not even together yet.
“I don’t know.” Thor admits. “Now that I think about it, I only ever saw her going about with her friends. Perhaps she doesn’t work?”
“What? Like she’s a bum? Doesn’t have a job?” Tony tilts his head once, as if he doesn’t believe it. “What’s her name? You gotta know at least that much, right Romeo?”
“Of course, I know her name! I’ve told you before. Her name is Y/N.” Thor pops another chip.
“No last name? Who is she, Cher?” Tony asks.
“She has a last name. It’s y/l/n.”
Tony suddenly freezes mid-chew. “Hold on. Are you telling me that you’ve been following a girl named Y/N y/l/n around for six months? Y/N?”
“y/l/n? Y/N y/l/n?” Tony asks again, not believing Thor for some reason.
This irks Thor. He wouldn’t lie. Why does Stark keep asking?
“Yes. Why? Is there some sort of significance to that name?” Thor wonders.
Tony smirks, “F.R.I.D.A.Y. bring up the latest picture of Y/N y/l/n from the most recently released news articles.”
“Why would my Y/N be in news articles? Surely she’s just your average-” Thor’s words die in his throat as the screen in the kitchen by the refrigerator pulls up a new scan from a newspaper.
The headline jumps out at Thor first: Surestar Energy Heiress Ditches Prestigious Gala.
Heiress? What?
His eyes move to the photo and there you are—or, it looks a lot like you. You’re wearing a lot of makeup, not that you don’t look beautiful. You do, but he’s grown so used to seeing the purity of your bare face over the last six months that he’s a little startled by the sudden beauty he sees before him.
It’s different to your actual beauty. It stands you apart. It makes you noticeable whereas the one he’s come to know is so much more…you. Your hair is piled high up on your head, your neck visible for all the world to see.
He doesn’t want them to see it. He wants to hide it and keep it for himself. Your gown is shining black night sky with a low V-cut neckline. It’s more of your skin than he’s seen in the last six months and he hates that everyone can see it.
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The dress itself reminds him of space. Crystal galaxies and silver, red, and gold stars shining brilliantly against black silk organza at him through the photograph.
The picture is a candid. You’re caught by surprise and the cosmos shine on your dress but is void from your eyes where he’s so used to see that shining starlight pour out when you’re excited.
You didn’t want to be at that party. The headline makes sense now.
“Really rich.” Tony finishes. “Her father, Henry, was a good man. Noble. Honorable. Nice. Kinda like you but more fragile. He died very suddenly when she was about four? A lot of people thought that maybe his partner had killed him. They’d been fighting about the direction to take the company in but since Henry had more stake his word carried more weight and the board ended up voting with him to keep the money coming in.”
Tony pops in some more yogurt chips then moves to the screen and swipes to the left and there, finally, is Thor’s Starshine.
It’s you, looking normal. No makeup, well, maybe some lipstick? Your lips are painted lightly but the rest of your face is normal. You’re wearing a pair of jeans and a plain red t-shirt. He’d seen you in that outfit a few months ago.
In the photo you’re sitting in a park next to two people he instantly recognizes. Your friends. Seth and Nan.
“Who are they?” Thor asks.
“Other rich kids. She’s the only one that attempts to work for what she has. Still sits in at the meetings but from what I’ve heard she hates it. Tends to stick to her lab. I think, they’re her attempt to get a life.” Tony flips through a few more pictures and he gets to some of you a little younger.
In these, Thor can see that you’re always alone. In shops. On benches. In cars. At dinner. At lunch. Or you’re accompanied by a man with brown hair. He’s handsome, and Thor’s heart drops.
“Who is that?” He points at the screen.
“Her assistant. Good one too. He’s been with her for about five years. He’s the only one that can get her to do anything. I’m guessing he got her to go to that gala from the headline and she ditched instead of going in. Shame. I was there. I’d have liked to pick her brain.”
“Is she smart?” Thor asks, eager for more insight.
He knows you’re smart but what he’s asking, what Tony understands, “No. Not like that.”
Tony smiles at Thor.
“She’s no Jane Foster. She’s just very curious.”
“You said she has a lab, though?” Thor argues.
“Yeah. No one really knows what she does in there. Except for her assistant. She lives in her company’s building. The whole peak is hers from what I hear. I’ve never been in there. If you get to go, put in a good word, huh? I’ve been trying to get her to see me for ages.” Tony’s voice is wanting, like he’s desperate for you.
This intrigues Thor. “Why? What’s so special about her?”
Tony blinks, staring at Thor as if he’s trying to make up his mind. “Follow me.”
Tony leads Thor to another floor, his own. He takes him into a large office, pulls his chair back and motions for Thor to sit.
“I think maybe it’s better you know now than find out on your own. If I’d known this is who you’ve been obsessing over, I’d have pushed you to get after her harder. You’re pretty well matched though that’s just me guessing. I don’t know for sure. She won’t let me find out.” Tony presses his hands to the top of his desk, and it comes to life at his fingertips, blue green lights shining as he sifts through illuminated files.
Thor sits and watches Tony work, his heart beating steadily but leaning towards panic. The way Tony’s talking…what does he mean that you’re well matched for him?
“Remember how I told you her dad died?”
Thor nods.
“Well, after he died, his partner married her mom.” Tony stops at a file, his finger freezing before he literally flicks it out towards the edge of the table, and it flies out and into the air.
For a moment nothing happens. It’s an image, Thor thinks, of a lab. Concrete floor, one glass wall, a long table with metal rings from one end to the other with barely a foot of space between them.
There is more medical and science equipment on metal tables. Thor focuses on the sky outside the windows and he realizes as they twinkle at him that this is a video and not an image.
“Only reason I have this footage is because a couple years ago, some Hydra bigshot broke into the Surestar Energy mainframe. You were, I don’t know, somewhere else. Saving the universe and all they stole was this video.
“Not energy plans or future business strategies, no bank accounts or personal information. Just this.” Tony points at the video.
“What is it?”
“Arnold Carne, her new step-daddy, had spent time dabbling in cosmic energy. Everyone was trying to figure out how to break into clean energy back then. This need for renewable energy crops up every few decades. It’s why my dad built the arc reactor. The original one. Fucking, monster of a machine, and Surestar Energy turned their eyes on space.
“Henry devoted his life to figuring out how we might use space for energy consumption, but he was meticulous. Didn’t do anything without researching the hell out of it.” Tony explains.
“But his partner was different?” Thor guesses.
Tony snaps his fingers and points at Thor slowly.
“Arnold Carne believed in risk. Take the risk to get the reward. So, he did.” Tony nods, his face stoic but his voice somber. “This risk—her mom should have known better.”
The bitterness, angry and sharp in Tony’s voice draws Thor’s eyes again until the sound of footsteps and voices pull his eyes back to the screen.
A man, tall and slightly heavy with thick black hair and pale white skin hurries into frame. He stops at the metal table and messes with a small control panel at the foot. The steel rings fold down enough to allow someone to get on if they needed.
A moment later, a woman with long hair—she looks so much like you. Almost exactly—is gently ushering a small girl into the frame. They stop just at the edge and Thor can’t help himself. He leans forward, smiling lightly.
“Is that her? My Starshine?” Tony doesn’t answer but Thor devours your cuteness. You’re tiny. Little hands. Little feet. So short. Your head ducked with shyness. Your eyes wide and staring at the metal table.
“Come here, Y/N. You don’t have to be afraid.” The man says. Arnold?
Little you doesn’t move, and Thor’s heart suddenly begins to pound faster. Harder. His smile falters.
“Y/N? Come here. It’ll be over in seconds, honey.” The man urges again.
You don’t move. In fact, you take a step back to press your little body against your mother’s legs, your small hands curling into fists against the front of your girly yellow dress.
“Would you get her over here? We don’t have time. We’ve got ten minutes tops and then this window closes.” Arnold gripes at your mother.
She turns and drops to her knees, turning you around to look at her while she holds onto your arms gently.
“We talked about this, Y/N. Remember? Daddy wanted to try something, and Uncle Arnold is just trying to see if it will work. Don’t you want to help daddy?” She asks you.
Thor shoots to his feet, his rolling chair speeding back until it crashes into the wall with force and a noisy clatter. With his hands balled into fists, small sparks singe the air as they erupt from his clenched hands.
“No.” He says. “What are they-?”
“Yes.” Your tiny voice responds. It’s high and heartbreakingly vulnerable. Thor can hear the desperation in your voice to make your father happy. You must not even realize that he’s gone. You’re so young.
“Okay, then. We’re just going to lay down on the table for five seconds. Can you count to five for me?” Your mother asks.
“Oone.” Thor’s heart breaks. Your voice is so small, like the weak twittering of a baby bird. You draw the numbers out, elongating them as if you’re trying to remember what comes next. “Twoo. Threeee. Foour. Fiive.”
“Good girl.” Your mother says.
She pulls you towards the table and you don’t resist this time. She helps you up onto the table and little four-year-old you lays there obediently. Compliant. Everything that he’s seen you be in the past six months but to a more heartbreaking degree.
That is a woman you trust. Your mother. Tony would not be showing him this if it doesn’t end well.
The man messes with the control panel and the large steel rings fit back into place. They begin to glow blue filling the room with an eerie and artificial light.
“Mommy…” You whine, brutally ripping at Thor’s heart with the fear in your voice.
“It’s okay, baby. Count to five for me again. Okay?”
“Okay.” You agree. “Oone.”
“She’ll be okay, right? Arne?”
“She’ll be fine.” He says, ignoring her, offhand, like it doesn’t really matter.
“Twoo.” You continue.
A loud hum begins to fill the room and your mother and Arnold step back away from the table. As they retreat, your little face contorts with fear as your mother, your protector moves away from you.
“Mommy!” You cry out, terrified.
The light becomes so bright that Thor can’t see you anymore. The video is nothing but light but over among the pulsating hum, Thor can hear your cries.
He has to lean forward onto the table as his knees grow weak and his stomach churns.
As promised. It’s over in five seconds. The light disappears and you’re laying on the table, crying loudly. Keening baby sobs, wretched and brutal.
“Oh, she’s okay.” Your mother gasps and she comes back into view but then you start to scream louder.
You yell like you’re being burned and as Thor watches, he sees your tiny body begin to char. It turns black first at the tips of our fingers and probably at your toes, but he doesn’t see it until it travels up above your sock covered ankles.
“NO! Arnold! What the hell is happening to her?! Stop this!” Your mother screams, all too late.
The black disappears under your little dress but spreads down along your arms. Your chest. You scream until the burn reaches your face and then you’re silent.
Your mother is sobbing. Screaming words that don’t matter because she already failed as your mother. She didn’t protect you. She’s as bad as Arnold Carne.
“What-?” Thor begins but the screen bursts with rainbow light. It’s astonishing, the colors, the shine to them. It fills the room drowning out all noise and sight and then the light is suddenly sucked back in towards the table where you lay. It fills your little body which is no longer black leaving the room in dead silence.
Thor can see that the windows of the room have been shattered by whatever power just burst through you. Your mother and Arnold Carne are laying on the floor. Unmoving along with your now perfect little body.
You glow for a few seconds, rainbow brilliance fading until you look just as you do now as an adult. Perfect.
The video cuts out.
Thor turns to Tony who’s hiding his eyes behind his hand, his own right hand clenched into a tight fist.
“Stark?” Thor asks, bewildered by what this means but clear about the amount of agony you must have felt while whatever they did to you happened.
Tony removes his hand and sighs heavily, chewing on his yogurt chips.
“I’m really glad they died that night, or I’d have killed them myself.” Tony nods, flexing his bearded jaw before he smiles, exhausted, at Thor.
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The Brightest Star
Nothing to see here.
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felassanis · 5 years
Gems that I have found on Netflix: PT 1
Shirkers: A dream-esque documentary telling the true story of how a group of girls from Singapore accomplished their dream of creating their very own quirky film. Only for it to vanish along with the sudden disappearance of an older man the girls had been good friends with. I cannot recommend this documentary enough, the visuals are stunning, the people are interesting and they really delve into this story (well why wouldn’t they? it was their film that disappeared) and the entire story just leaves chills running along your spine. The documentary is told by the director of the movie as she goes back to Singapore to interview the friends that helped her work on the movie. They talk about their childhood and the series of events that led to their film being taken and their friend going missing.
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Snow Piercer: I’m not really sure how popular this movie was but I had never heard of it! Despite that, it is a GREAT FILM. This film is grizzly, gruesome and haunting. If you're a fan of post-apocalyptic movies then you’ll love this, plus it stars Chris Evans if you just want to get your daily dose of the Evans-man. Set in a class divided Train that propels itself around the globe containing the last survivors on Earth, the higher class consists of vindictive dictators who abuse their power to put down those in the lower class. Until they rebel that is....I also recommend the Snow Piercer and Willy Wonka connection video on youtube after you watch this...your mind will be blown...
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The Alienist: Instead of studying the body like most doctors, an alienist strive to deduct the mind, and what alienates people from behaving ‘normally’. This series is a Netflix original and needs waaaay more attention. It is a little slow to start but it is honestly really good! The people behind the camera are masters of angles and shot, the visuals are stunning and whoever was in charge in making the sets feel like Victorian America did a GODLY job. You also have a cast of wonderful actors and actresses and you have a strong female character who does more than stay on the sidelines, despite being in an age where she is constantly belittled. The show touches on some heavy, disturbing and dark subjects and reveals a multitude of gory scenes but hey, some people are into dark things. What I like most about it is the sticking to historical truth and not cutting corners when it comes to certain topics that occurred back in those days and the characters are incredibly flawed leaving the audience sympathising and even relating to them!
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Midnight Dinner; Tokyo Stories: People HOP ONTO THIS SHOW! Midnight diner is about the plethora of stories told by people who arrive at a diner that is only ever open from 12:00pm to 7:00am. They are all short stories that leave you in tears, laughing fits and feeling warm inside. The vibe this show gives is unlike anything I have ever seen before and you get really intriguing characters who feel like real people, and they all come together over some food at this mysterious small diner. The chef is this wise old man who intently listens to these people and the food he makes leaves your mouth watering, makes me wish a place like this existed in England! The show is Japanese and I think it was based off a manga, but that shouldn’t be a reason not to go and watch it, you will not regret it!
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IO: This isn’t a film that entails a lot of action or drama, but I did like it because the acting in it is fooking gOoD and it’s almost...spooky in a way because it’s set in a world where humans have left earth due to the overbearing pollution (it’s kinda a glimpse into our future if we don’t get our shit together) but some people have stayed to try and save their home. Namely two people as far as we know, a young woman named Sam who has pet bees and journeys into the world trying to salvage life because of her inspiring hope that Earth isn’t lost. I don’t usually like characters with their romantic obsessions of pure and heroic goals and desire; but Sam is different, I actually love her for her stubbornness that Earth can be saved, it really drives her character and everything she does is for Earth. The other geezer is Micah, a man who literally dropped in after hearing a radio signal and is clearly...well he’s one of those with a tragic past making him all mysterious and broody. Nontheless, he and Sam form a bond as they try to come up with a plan about what to do, he wants to leave and she wants to stay. WHAT WILL HAPPEN!? Go watch it duh! the ending is rather...hmm...just watch it.
 Also Micah played by sweet SWEET Anthony Mackie an actor I personally adore
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Some Like It Hot: Marilyn Monroe? Yes! Black and white movie? YES! Hilarious? Fucking A! This is a personal guilty pleasure of mine, the film is completely wack but if you just need a good laugh, a bit of nostalgia for a time you never even knew and the absolutely beautiful Marilyn Monroe gracing your screen then this film is your true love. I have to admit, some of the humour is a but outdated, but the majority of it is completely hilarious and all in good fun. The acting is rather good and the two male protagonists remind me of Miguel and Tulio from The road to El Dorado and that really ought to sell you on this movie. Marilyn also sings in this movie, and her voice is <3
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gaad · 4 years
"When contemplating the Notre-Dame cathedral, one had better consider how its compares with other cathedrals and sacral buildings rather than begin by visualizing it as an accretion of mineral solids."(1) One also rarely judges the construction and constitution of it but rather contemplate it, astonished, without grasping the motive, as one could freeze in front of a monster. This accretion of mineral solids who stands in front of us, and those disseminated in Paris, are our rivals today. And we shall overpass them by our overwhelming greatest attention. By listening to you, you will listen to us. It is time for a new humanism. Time to set a place, a forum able to stage the powers of today. Time to call up the ancient, dispose them, squeez them, twist them to reassess todays world. We have lost the meaning of natural proportions, let us look at godly excess. Monotheic religion castrated our apprehension of the world, seeing things either good or bad. Even the Opera Garnier which claims to be an ecclectic, never-ending spectacle appears flat in its complicated oppulence. Sophisticated complexity is what we are longing to. The polytheic family encompasses the world and beyond, spinning around our prosaic flatland. A figure founded on intricated concepts is a powerfull constellation naviguating above polysemic ambiguities.  As the grand daughter of the Philantropist eponym Elisabeth Murdoch, Elisabeth Murdoch feels the will to engage her vision in the public debat. Since her childhood she was confronted to a rigourous, competitive, mostly manly world. Inspired by her grandmother she cultivated a spiritual friendship with greek feminin characters. Grew up with them. Now her interest does not lie in presenting her various personal relations with them but to stage them. (...)(A)dvertising, news, publicity, periodical literature. This is Elisabeth's inherited background. (...) They work to a single end: to give the stamp of authenticity and value to the style of life that emanates from the metropolis.(...) (T)hey create a picture of a unified, homogeneous, completely standardized population that bears, in fact, no relation to the actual regional sub stratum—although in the course of time it partly succeeds in producing the thing it has imagined. Take Paris for example: (...) the Champs Elysées, become the goals of vulgar ambition (and a)dvertisement becomes the “spiritual power” of this new regime.(2) Now we shall refute that. "This is the moment when the masterpieces of ancient sculpture are about to appear in all their glory in front of the eyes of France (...)  (they) have chosen to live amongst the French, and are to be adored in their living images. Ah! Who would be able to step into the temple of these divinities without saying to himself: these masterpieces, these gods had ceased to be gods for us; the cult of Antiquity had been forgotten; who would believe it?(...); it is Vien, it is David, who then made themselves into their apostles and ministers; it is through them that this great revolution, which has at least given us the hope of creating gods ourselves, has taken place in the arts."(3) So it appears appropriate also for us, architects, to call up and refer to past apostles of our art. Vitruve, Alberti, the one who in Momus places "the extended climax (...) in an urban theater where the gods act as their own effigies(, the one who) repeatedly uses the word persona (“mask” or “personality'') to underline the false, theatrical behavior of his characters."(4) Alberti will embody our urban theatre, Elisabeth's friends, our Personas. The story will therefore intentionally follow the unfaithfull path. And those masks will "assure(...) the erection, the construction of the (new) face (of Elisabeth), the fascialization of the head and the body: the mask(s) (are) now the face itself, the abstraction or operation of the face. The inhumanity of the face."(5) So be it. Let them be the masked actors of a twisted tragedy, trapped in their performance, speculating above our heads, fertilizing our ground. A spectacle of a new kind. Let them play, individually, together, contradict each other, themselves. Let them work as technologies, systems, embedded in concepts and rituals.
Three personas. Pandora, Circe, Metis. Not the ones we usually know. Their Alter Ego. The ones who stand up,do not apologize. This are Elisabeth's Friends. Pandora has herited a box, a jarre which contains unspeakable truth (she knows now how to sort things, pick up elements, unleash others). Circe masters metamorphosis by exploring with drugs and potions (she learned to articulate her recipes and to play with the right parameters) and Metis is renowned for his wiseness and cunning, making problems no longer valid. As a constellation, they are powerfull. As a unity, they can deal with the plenty, transform it. As an unfaithfull story, it accesses the realm of discussion. As statuses, they need a sophisticated territory from which to operate, a palace. Three Faces where "(i)t is not the individuality of (each) face that counts but the efficacy of the ciphering it makes possible, and in what cases it makes it possible.(...) The face is a surface, (...) the face is a map." (5)
"For each genre, now, the problem will be to decide whether its audience is such as to demand utility or delight or both, and what brand of either of these will be acceptable to it."(6)  Time to summon Alberti and Vitruve. But keep in mind : "The mathematics that is needed here is of a new brand."(7)  Their concept and ideas of proportions being a fertile ground from which we should elevate. If we follow them, we can see in the theatre typology a kind of mythical module. Take the theatre, elongate the arms along parallel lines and you have a circus, or duplicate it, set them in a circle and you have the amphitheatre. As such, they have most of their elements in common. Or as Alberti likes to say: "if I am not mistaken, (they) are totally composed of either stairways or, more especially, windows and doors."(8) Of course not. But we got the idea. Therefore Elizabeth's palace will be a theater, a circus and a amphitheater, simultaneously, as the temple of our time, able to adapt to change, suitable to glorify the unknown, a place which could embody the spectacle. The Palace of Spectacle. Our focus will lay on the didactic articulation of the elements in Alberti's treatise through the prisma of the theatre and how it can possibly be translated into contemporary logic. Keeping in mind that if "the whole matter of building is composed of lineaments and structure."(8) Alberti would be the first and our Personas the latter. So after we have chosen the locality and the area ,we should proceed to the "compartition (which) divides up the whole building into the parts by which it is articulated."(8) In our case: our three figures, one third for each, with their own structured language, tied together in a balancing whole "(j)ust as in music, where deep voices answer high ones, and intermediate ones are pitched between them, so they ring out in harmony." "We need to consider, therefore, which are the primary parts of the structure, their order, and the lines of which they are composed."(8) For this we should follow the generic category of Alberti which are walls, openings and roofs. The first will mostly be composed of "a row of columns (which) is nothing other than a wall that has been pierced in several places (...). For the second "The spaces between the columns should certainly be considered among the most important of openings"(8) encompassing doors and windows, maybe also inbetween categories. The third one, the roof, is in the case of the theatre a temporary element, which should provide the open area shelter from sun and rain. We can already foreshadow how a glass ceiling today could provide openness and protection. As we go further in Alberti's treatise, the categories receive subcategories and links between them are beginning to appear. "anything else that acts as a column and supports the trusses and roof arches (...) come under the description of bones. Also included in the bones are the coverings to the openings, that is, the beams, whether straight or arched: for I call an arch nothing but a curved beam, and what is a beam but a column laid crossways?"(8) Here we note the importance of the column (also in horizontal dimension). "The zone stretching between these primary parts is referred to appropriately as "paneling" (consisting) of two components, which (..) are common to the whole wall: the skin and the infill. There are two types of skin, the inner and the outer."(8)  Everything becomes clear. With this hierachy we almost feel the hardness of some elements, the softness of others and the possibilty to rreinterpret the layering and opacity of them. Now the connecting elements: the cornice which "binds the wall tightly together(, ...) binds the work (...) and in addition acts as a roof to the wall below,"(8) the roof which has almost the same categories and hierachies as the wall: "(...) the bones, muscles, infill paneling, skin, and crust" and "the (...) portico (which) facade and colonnade (...) do not receive light from outside (...) but face (...) toward the central area of the theater (preventing) sound from escaping."(8) Last but not least, the steps as the motive of the building. They shall throne on the structure for what they are, accretions of mineral solids. Otherwise, the material used will be mostly steel as we find it most suitable to depict the constituion of the building. Pandora, Circe and Metis "(...) (a)re living geometry, lines and curves of color, entwined into a coalescing whole yet maintaining distinct identities."(9) They shall express themselves following the articulation in each elements with different rythms, forms, proportions and nods.
1) D. Corfield, Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics 2) Mumford, The Culture of Cities 3) Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815 4) Alberti, Momus (Preface) 5) Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus 6) Weinberg, A History of Literary Criticism in the Italian Renaissance 1 7) Ayache, The Blank Swan 8) Alberti, On the Art of Building in ten Books 9) Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
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yukimuraseiichi · 7 years
Tenimyu Challenge!
Tenimyu 30-day Challenge
1. How did you first come across TeniMyu?
It was back in late 2010/early 2011. I had just learned about the wonder that is tenipuri character songs and was browsing YouTube for more tenipuri material when I stumbled across a video of 1st season’s Do Your Best. I found it odd, to say the least, but the songs were very catchy and I recognized Shirotan from clips of the live action tenipuri movie so it got me curious. That led to more tenimyu videos, including clips from Imperial Match Hyoutei, Dream Live 3rd, and by the time I found a clip of the Rikkai’s medley on Dream Live 7th, I was completely hooked. (Massu is the PERFECT GODLY BAD ASS YUKIMURA.)
2. Talk about a performance/show that gave you a lot of feelings.
Oretachi no Aikotoba from Dream Live 6th. My precious 4th cast babies were all crying, some even admitted in their speeches that they didn’t want to stop playing their characters and leave tenimyu. how can I not cry
3. Favorite Seigaku cast? Who’s your favorite member?
4. What kinds of TeniMyu merchandise do you have?
So far I only have clear files of Seigaku 6th cast and Rokkaku from 2nd season’s Seigaku VS Rikkai. Looking to get my hands on that Seigaku VS Rikkai DVD soon mhmm
5. Favorite Shitenhoji cast member? Which cast do you prefer and why?
Shiraishi actors are all perfect 
6. Which TeniMyu song would you cover?
I’m pretty sure I don’t have the vocal range to sing it correctly, but I’d love to sing Yudan Sezu ni Ikou in karaoke.
7. Shuffle your TeniMyu songs on your iTunes/music player. Choose the first five. What’s your opinion on them?
At the moment I only have 2nd season’s Seigaku VS Hyoutei, Seigaku VS Rikkai, and 3rd season’s Seigaku VS Hyoutei
Ranking (3rd SvH) - I don’t really like how it sounds like a hiphop song?? I tend to skip it when I’m listening to this playlist.
Oretachi wa Blizzard - I love this so much, especially Miura’s solo part. It’s such a catchy song.
Samurai - This one’s kinda meh, I’m not really that into it
Mirai e - I don’t know how to express my love for this grad song in words. It’s just. perfect.
Tomorrow for You & I (2nd SvH) - MY TEARS. I love this cast, and I especially love Wada Takuma, and you can hear his voice faltering and just crying and just BABY DON’T CRY
8. Favorite Dream Live?
Dream Live 7th, hands down. It’s the Dream Live that got me hooked. They have adlibs, my beloved Rikkai and Massu, my favorite Echizen, Shirotan, and even 1st cast. 
9. A song you feel indifferent towards and a song you hate. Why did you choose these songs?
Idk its title, I just really don’t like the Burning song with Kabaji yelling “BAU!” 
10. Favorite Rikkai cast and cast member. Why did you choose the ones you did?
Why do you do this THIS IS SO HARD. I wish I could include 3rd Rikkai here already because I heard they’re amazing, but the DVD isn’t out yet.
11. Do you actually stalk any TeniMyu actors (e.g. their twitters, blogs)?
Mostly just 3rd Rikkai’s Tateishi Toshiki for pictures of his dates with Shogo, Shogo for his cute selfies, and Takuma Isawa, my love, because he’s just so damn handsome and he tweets in Chinese (which I can’t speak but it’s still adorable  <3
12. What’s your opinion on the Rokkaku and Higa casts? Do you have a favorite moment or actor in them?
I can’t remember them much because it’s been years since I last watched 1st and 2nd season and they didn’t really leave much of an impression except for 2nd Saeki and Luke C. 
It’s actually amazing because I hated Kite in the anime/manga, but Luke C. makes him impossible to hate. 
2nd Saeki had a pretty voice and a pretty face. I can remember watching this Shounen boyband thing that he was in back then just for him.
13. Who plays the best Tezuka? The best Shiraishi? The best Ryoma? The best Fuji?
He’s the Tezuka actor who looks the part the most, acts like Tezuka in the sense that he seems rather strict, and honestly, when he sings, he looks like how I’d imagine Tezuka would look like while singing. His movements are graceful and perfect, he always stays in character and keeps a straight face, and when he finally does smile, it’s just so beautiful I could melt. He’s a Tezuka to the core.
Sasaki Yoshihide is super graceful as Shiraishi and crazy fun backstage. Love him.
I only like Echizen (only in Tenimyu) thanks to his actors but most especially because of Takahashi Ryuuki’s performance in Final Match Rikkai 2nd
Furukawa Yuuta is probably my favorite Fuji. He has an amazing voice and beautiful dancing skills.
14. Favorite song and actor from any St. Rudolph cast.
2nd season’s Erabareshii Elite, was it? That was a beautiful song with beautiful choreography, and I absolutely LOVED Mizuki in that one (who doesn’t??)
15. Favorite song and actor from any Fudomine/Yamabuki cast.
3rd Yamabuki’s Sengoku has the most charming smile!! I love how he keeps winking.
16. How many TeniMyu songs can you sing along to (50-100%) by heart?
The Prince of Tennis, Do Your Best, Yudan Sezu ni Ikou, Ikki Uchi, Yume wo Tsunage, Koori no Emperor, Season, Kiken na Game, Petenshi daa nanto demo ie, Kourin Suru Ouja, Omaera Gakeppuchi Girigiri, Kimi wo Shinjiteru, Mou Mayoi wa nai, Oretachi no Jisho ni Haiboku wa nai, Remember Hyoutei, Hyoutenka no Jounetsu, Koori no Sekai, Heavy Rain, Oretachi no Aikotoba, Sanrenpa ni Shikaku nashi, Highlight, Boku wa Dare, Dead End, Kore de mo owari kai, FGKS, On My Way, Tenimuhou no Kiwami, Mirai e, Tomorrow for You & I, etc.
17. What’s your opinion on the Hyotei casts? Do you prefer one over the others? Why?
I adore Miura Hiroki!!! Tiny ballet Atobe is the best Atobe
18. A character you like in TeniMyu but don’t like/feel indifferent towards in The Prince of Tennis.
Echizen Ryoma, Kite Eishirou, Mizuki Hajime
19. A character you like in Prince of Tennis that was ruined by an actor’s portrayal of it in TeniMyu (could be from any cast).
idk... none for me
20. Top three favorite songs from TeniMyu.
why :(
I’d say Oretachi no Aikotoba, Do Your Best, Yudan Sezu ni Ikou
21. A cast you’d want to hang out with for a day.
???? 6th cast? 8th cast? Or 3rd Rikkai cast!!!
22. So far do you prefer the first season over the second season? Or is it a vice-versa kind of situation?
Although the production of second season had a huge step up in quality, I still prefer many of the first season songs and casts over the second season ones.
23. Favorite backstage moment.
any moment with crying babies
24. Favorite stage moment.
For a whole song performance, I can’t choose between the Atobe solo in 3rd Seigaku VS Rokkaku bc MIURA, but there’s also the 1st Petenshi daa nanto demo ie with the perfect Niou and Yagyuu.
For a single moment, I love the short part in between 神の子~DEAD END where Yukimura raises his racket and the Rikkai regulars surround him, kneel, and raise their rackets to him. 
25. If you could see any past TeniMyu performance live and front-row, which one would it be? Would you change anything about it?
3rd Season Seigaku VS Hyoutei, and I’d like to change what happened at senshuuraku because it’s a very special day and I don’t want it to be ruined or dampened for Zaiki (and ofc I don’t want him to get hurt).
26. Somehow you manage to get a whole day to “date” your favorite TeniMyu actor. Who is it and which TeniMyu song would they serenade you with?
27. What was your favorite cast when you first started watching TeniMyu? What is it now?
1st season Finals Rikkai because Massu, Okki, and the old cast
at the moment it’s 8th cast because ... Zaiki
28. Honest opinion, who’s the worst singer of TeniMyu? The worst actor?
:( idk
29. The best singer of TeniMyu. What about the best actor?
Onoda Ryunosuke (Rikkai B’s Yagyuu) is Chris in Miss Saigon so ...
Best actor for my biased self is Zaiki because he is Tezuka
30. Who’s in your ideal Dream Live performance? What songs would they sing?
All Seigaku casts!!!! or all Rikkai casts or just 8th cast + 3rd season’s Hyoutei + 3rd Rikkai singing 1st cast songs and I want SanaYuki + TezuFuji or AtoTezu fanservice songs lol
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Dancing With The Stars Surprise: Fighter Chuck Liddell Knocked Out
Tom Bergeron dubbed him Louie Frodo, and to a certain extent he summed up Louie Vito's appeal. Dancing with Chelsie Hightower with his sweet smile, he has a particular whimsical appeal. There had been several fans that were stunned by the reports when they had been broken in the media, and now that it has been introduced that site web will be showing on the information show, it is particular that followers will be tuning in to view what he has to say about the story.
I'd never truly seen much of Mark outdoors of "Iron Chef," and he was really a fairly fun man to view. He might have experienced the cheesiest presentation of anyone I've seen to begin the display, but he could move pretty well. The biggest problem for him will be staying targeted on the dance. Tonight's magic formula component is.dancing! (Alright, only kidding.) Mark finished up with a 21 and a 2nd-place end in the team waltz.
Aaron Carter Wiki
Co-hosts Tom Bergeron and Samantha opened the hour of the first Dancing with the Stars drop 2009 results show by turning to head judge Len Goodman and requesting the judges' pick for the encore dance. Final night's surprise graceful swan of the ballroom Kelly Osbourne and Louie van Amstel delighted the crowd with their Viennese Waltz once once more. I'm nonetheless so amazed with Kelly. I experienced, pretty literally, almost no expectations for Kelly Osbourne on DWTS season nine. I believed she'd suck and I felt badly for poor Louie. But she's amazing and was incredible yet once more tonight.
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It makes me really pleased to know that people are that interested in sitting down and listening to what I have to display them. It makes me happy to know that people really appreciate my songs and enjoy the effort I put into it all. Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson. Donny Osmond currently seems with his sister Marie (the previous DWTS competitor most famous for fainting throughout a display) at the Las vegas Flamingo Resort. Donny has been a singer, musician, actor, speak and game display host and very best-promoting author. He would adore absolutely nothing much more than to progress higher than sis Marie did. His companion Kym Johnson has been on DWTS since Season three when she was paired with Jerry Springer. Other previous partners include Joey Fatone, Mark Cuban, Warren Sapp and David Alan Grier. This couple ought to mesh nicely and do nicely in the competition, maybe providing Mya and Dmitry a run for their cash.
Nick Carter And Aaron Carter
This is my plea to the producers to get their act back again together and give the viewers what they want - - enjoyable, drama, intrigue, comedy - - and, of course, great dancing. Deny us what we want and we will gladly capture "So You Think You Can Dance" instead. It never disappoints. Donny Osmond is an entertainer and he's produced this season very entertaining--on and off stage. The kiss with judge Bruno Tonioli was shock that Tonioli and Osmond continue to play on. Yet Osmond is a competitor and he took the criticism to heart, making sure his moves had been sharp. Last evening, during his Argentine tango, it payed off. He scored a 29--two tens and a nine (from Len Goodman). There were several followers that had been shocked by the reports when they had been damaged in the media, and now that it has been announced that this article will be appearing on the information display, it is particular that followers will be tuning in to watch what he has to say about the tale.
Aaron Carter Arrested
Results show: Alicia Keys will be there, as well as a bunch of other performances. Melissa Rycroft will return as well! Tune in tomorrow night to see who makes it to the finals of Dancing with the aaron carter tour 2017 Stars Season 9. On your YouTube channel, you have nearly 3000 subscribers and 400,000 sights. These are massive numbers. What goes via your thoughts when you truly sit back and understand that this many people are intrigued in what you're performing?
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Aaron Carter Chris Crocker
Q: You are a songwriter; you've worked with some incredible artists like Robbie Williams and Hilary Duff, who do you like pay attention to when you're not coaching? Judge verdict: Len, a vocal critic of any additional theatrics, stated, "It's not necessary to waste 20 bars sharpening my desk" including that he was "very disappointed." Bruno Tonioli countered that remark with his personal take. "Cleanliness is next to godliness," he declared. Host Tom Bergeron utilized his "golf announcer" voice to contact out the scores, which helped make the four-minute marathon remarkably fun to watch. The partners stepped, shook and shimmied their way around the dance floor-that is till the judges decided or else. It arrived down to Joanna and Mya but a final moment costume twirl by Joanna illustrated her combating spirit, Carrie Ann stated.
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