#the vulcan hello
leehallfae · 3 months
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star trek discovery (2017–2024) s01 e01 “the vulcan hello”
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grayrazor · 1 month
I really don't like the recurring idea that if the Federation and Klingons go to war, the Klingons run roughshod over the Federation and can only be defeated by a deus ex machina.
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It feels very conservative, very Red Dawn or Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that a liberal bureaucratic state is weak and womanly, and will be inevitably dominated by a strong manly warrior race.
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If anything, it'd be more reflective of what we know now about WWII, the Cold War, and after, if Klingon aggression is mostly a bluff.
They know the Federation massively outclasses them in terms of population and industry, and are ruining their own economy dumping everything into the military in the hopes that the Federation doesn't realize it too.
"The Federation says they're all about peaceful coexistence, but what if they're lying? How would we survive?"
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Section 31 was created to explain how how such a pacifist organization as the Federation could survive with hostile empires on all sides. I think it’d be better if it was really just because the UFP is such a diverse alliance, it inherently has more population and industry than the many single-race empires.
If on a full wartime footing, the Federation should probably win simultaneous wars against the Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians even if just by burying them in starships and soldiers.
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I give Discovery a lot of crap for this, but much as I love DS9 they were really bad about buying into the whole "hard men making hard decisions win wars" idea, both in terms of portraying the Federation as needing the occasional war crime to survive, and in terms of the Terran Empire being overrun by the barbarians after they became more progressive.
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ussjellyfish · 9 months
The Vulcan Hello!
thanks @startrekdiscoverycelebration for having such lovely reminders all week.
This episode is GORGEOUS. The colors, the detail, the costumes...
I love you old blue uniforms.
Stray though...Michael spends more time in space in just a suit than really anyone else we see. Here, in the Red Angel suit, in season 2 when they get Reno...in season 4...
It's great how much she loves being out in space. I love that about her.
(I love Michael and Philippa and Saru and Keyla!!)
Captain Georgiou is fantastic.
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
Michelle Yeoh (Captain Philippa Georgiou) 2017 in Star Trek: Discovery "The Vulcan Hello“
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
I think Vulcans could take cucking to the next level. Vis a vis their mind-body martial bonds.
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isagrimorie · 11 months
Watching the first episode of Discovery and I do like Emperor Georgiou but in the few minutes we had her I loved Captain Philippa Georgiou.
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Michael: How did they find us? Georgiou: I set a star.
This was the moment I loved Captain Georgiou and I wish we had more time with her.
Also, I love the USS Shenzou and its bridge, even though I'm more partial to the Command Dias configuration from the TNG/VOY era.
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Also, look at the color.
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Not gonna go into detail rn but if we’re being honest Vulcan children probably act a lot like those possessed children in horror movies
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hexavexen · 6 months
Thoros lives. Keep the portals inactive.
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Hex is angry. Distraught. The quiet, continuing betrayal of someone so dear to him stings in a way he's still trying to comprehend.
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smallblueandloud · 11 months
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seud-luachmhor · 23 hours
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eastsideofthemoon · 8 days
I've come to a theory based on a lot of these Star Trek polls. Most who participate didn't watch Discovery past season 2, or stopped during season 3.
It's not about winning. We all know none of the Nutrek captains are going to win. It’s the stuff they say about her where you can tell they haven't actually seen CAPTAIN Michael Burnham.
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leehallfae · 3 months
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star trek discovery (2017–2024) s01 e01 “the vulcan hello”
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thresholdbb · 7 months
Casually screaming about Tuvok’s goodbye to Neelix
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kilioio · 1 year
HEARTBREAKING: artist i really like has a god awful take about shipping
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data2364 · 2 years
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Michelle Yeoh as Captain Philippa Georgiou 2017 in Star Trek: Discovery ”The Vulcan Hello“
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
Tuvok & Janeway both strike me as people who insist they aren't rich* but then they bring up a summer house or something in casual conversation *note: I'm aware that Star Trek humans live in a post-scarcity world with no money but still. I can't help but see the truth and the truth is that Janeway's fridge had an ice dispenser.
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