#the way both of them are also holding their own hands 😣
416piastri · 5 months
33 days of no landoscar
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batterygarden · 5 months
oh no! your big brother's best friend is the only one around to help you put in a tampon 😣.
yuuta x fem & afab reader. 18+ MDNI.
cw: yuuta is his own tw, somewhat taboo dynamics bc he has viewed you as a sibling, graphic period descriptions and blood, um it's sexualized, everyone's adults, reader just hasn't used a tampon before, yuuta masturbating mention, 1.3k words
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“I just- I don’t know what to do. She wants us to take pictures in the pool! Like, I can’t avoid it!”
“Um. Maybe one of the other bridesmaids could help?” 
“I’ve barely spoken to any of them! They’d think I’m so dumb, Yuuta!”
Yuuta can only lean against the bathroom door and bite his tongue, completely at a loss. He wonders if even the wisest man alive would know how to navigate this type of thing—his best friend’s grown little sister’s period troubles. 
“‘M sorry.” He says earnestly. 
He hears you sniffle and mumble how it’s not his fault. Then there’s a slam of what’s presumably a cardboard tampon box thrown to the floor. 
“God, these instructions aren't helping at all! It hurts!” 
Yuuta’s pretty sure it’s not supposed to, at least from his experience knowing people who menstruate. Tampons are, like, tiny. He catches himself before he can really pursue the train of thought he starts heading towards—one where he contemplates if you’re a virgin, and if somehow that could make it harder to put in. He has to mentally slap himself; he’s being disgusting. 
“The YouTube video I sent—“ 
“No, yuuta, I swear, my vagina’s just, like. Different from anyone else’s. I need a doctor to do this, not some video.” 
You’re talking through quiet sobs and he’s concerned and he cares about you but Yuuta also can’t help but think you’re being a bit ridiculous. Soon the both of you will be late to your own brother’s wedding. 
“I can’t do this! I'm really and truly starting to freak out, Yuu!”
“Okay, I think—“ 
“Can you just come in and help?” 
The breath is knocked from his lungs.
“Please Yuuta there’s no one else who can! We’ll be late!” 
Yuuta purses his lips, checking the time on his phone for maybe the third time in the past minute. 
“Please, just come in”
Deep exhale. “Alright then, I’m opening the door.” 
When he does, he finds you exactly the way he expected, perched on your toilet with closed legs, your baggy tee barely concealing the space between your thighs—he’s glad to note that your hair and makeup at least seem to already be done and your dress is hung up and ready. He spots the tampon box on the ground in front of you, its contents spilling out on the bathroom tiles. Then his eyes find your hands hovering over your lap, one of them clutching a plastic tampon applicator, both of them with bloody fingertips. 
Yuuta squares his shoulders. 
“So what’s the situation?” 
He’s very consciously only looking at your eyes when he asks, staring too long anywhere else feels rude. 
“This thing is literally tearing up my insides everytime I try to use it—maybe I’m not putting it in the right way.”
“Kay,” Yuuta’s thoughts seem to be moving incredibly slow. “Uh, do you wanna try again and I could, like, read the instructions for you while you do it?” 
You huff, giving a nod. 
“Okay.” He fumbles with the box, sitting next to you on the edge of the bathtub. Another deep breath. 
“Place the tip of the applicator at the vagina opening
” he notices you doing so out of his peripheral. His cheeks could not get any redder. 
“Now slide it in, up to where your fingers are.” 
He notices the way you hold your breath when you try—then you squeal. 
“No, this sucks yuuta! I can’t even do that—I need to angle it perfectly parallel to my tummy so it won’t hurt and I just can’t.” 
He sees you’ve taken out the applicator again. 
“I honestly think you’re making this more complicated than it needs to be, yn.” 
“Well how would you even know?” 
“I mean. I’ve seen a woman put in a tampon before
“The YouTube animation isn’t the same, Yuu!” 
“Uh, well
 I meant maki.” 
Yuuta watches as just about every emotion on earth briefly crosses your face. 
“That’s—“ you shake your head. “Why?!” 
Suddenly he wishes he had just kept his credibility to himself. 
“She was my girlfriend at the time, it’s not like it was weird! What I’m trying to say is, you should just relax and not think about it so hard. I think you’re too tense and thatïżœïżœs why you’re getting hurt.” 
You hyperventilate a bit again—hopefully getting it out of your system—before nodding and trying again. This attempt ends in another sob. 
And there Yuuta sits, a foot away beside you, staring at the ceiling and praying to whatever god is out there for this moment to pass. 
“Yuuta—“ you sniffle, “can you do it for me?” 

Yuuta sighs a deep, long sigh. He
 had an idea that’s where this was headed. And what’s he supposed to do? Leave you hanging right before a huge wedding which you’re both in the party of? While you’re crying and freaking out? 
alright, I’ll try.” 
He rolls up his sleeves, then he washes his hands, holding them up like he’s about to perform surgery.  
You offer the tampon. 
Gingerly, he plucks the bloody applicator from your fingers. 
He squats down in front of you then, eyes flicking to your sniffling face while wearing his own similar, very somber, expression. 
“You’re gonna have to open your legs.” 
Slowly, you do. 
And yuuta tries not to be weird about it—he doesn’t know what even constitutes a normal reaction here, but he can’t help but instantly engrave the image of your spread pussy, blood staining its lips and dripping out of it, permanently into his brain. He knows it’s permanent because he doesn’t want it to be. He knows he’ll think about it because he’ll try not to. This is some kind of test from the universe and he is failing. 
He stares for a second, instinctively catching every detail. The way red smears across the plush insides of your thighs, the way you clench yourself automatically under his gaze, the way a red drop oozes from your hole when you do. The shape of your lips leading up to your clit. 
He shakes his head microscopically to clear it, hoping you don’t pick up on his pause. He uses one hand to grip onto a thigh then, holding steady while he brings the applicator to you for the millionth time today. You make a worried noise. 
“Breathe for me?” 
When he hears you exhale, Yuuta eases the applicator in bit, angling it up whatever way feels natural, then he pushes the trigger so the tampon’s inserted. 
You make a surprised gasp, mumbling a little oh my god before sitting up straight. Yuuta knows it’s finally in there correctly. 
His hands are washed and he is out of that room faster than you could say thank you. 
The drive to the event is less awkward than it could be, thanks to the news podcast Yuuta always listens to and an interesting story spurring on conversation. But yuuta can’t stop thinking about it. He’s known you since you were kids—only ever looked at you like a somewhat annoying little sibling—but now his brain keeps reverting to thoughts of your warm little pussy every other minute. When you talk, when you look at him, when you hold his arm walking down the aisle before the bride. When you dance later in the night. And most importantly, when his fist’s around his cock in his hotel room later, turning in early even after one of your pretty cousins kept trying to get inside his pants all night. He might not have turned her down under different circumstances, but he knew he had to when his head kept reverting to you, eyes darting to find you at the reception almost every other minute. Drifting to your body whenever they did

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tonowarii · 1 year
this is probably a lame idea, but can you write a one shot that takes place sometime after twow. where tulkun are returning again and ao'nung tells his spirit brother that he became mated with sully!reader? maybe reader is clueless what they're talking about idk. i just want some established relationship fluff with him and there are not a lot of writing like that 😣
ao'nung x gn! reader
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It was an ordinary day. The Sully family welcoming the day by spending the time together in their marui. Laughing and catching up with each member of the family. Their laughter was cut off when the horn sounded again, and they heard it.
“Everyone, the Tulkuns have returned!”
Your ears perked up at the sound of Tsireya’s joyous voice. It had been something you hadn’t heard in a long time. All of your siblings looked at each other, excitement filling your eyes as you all scrambled to stand up and race outside your marui.
Neteyam laughs in victory being the first one to step foot outside. “No fair, bro!” Lo’ak playfully shoves Neteyam as Spider came second with you. Then Kiri and Tuk.
“Let’s go!” Tuktirey shouts, running and calling for her ilu.
Everyone followed her, but Lo’ak went out of his way to go over to Tsireya. While an all too familiar figure walks towards you, his signature smile plastered onto his face.
You already feel your body reacting on its own as you smiled back, cheeks warming. “Hey there.” Ao’nung greeted, taking a glance out in the sea to find everyone finding their own spirit sibling.
“Care to join me?” Ao’nung offers his hand.
Who were you to refuse your mate?
“Gladly.” You reply, taking his hand. Ao’nung called to his ilu and you already made your way behind his back, your arms wrapping around his waist as he looks hack at you.
Once you have him a nod his ilu was off, diving into the ocean. Ao’nung’s eyes scanned the water for his own spirit brother.
It also registered to you that this’ll be the first time you’d see his spirit brother, and you suddenly got nervous. But you really did not have the time to learn what they were saying, so it made you all the more nervous.
Once Ao’nung finds his spirit brother, his smile grows approaching the Tulkun.
His ilu slows.
Your eyes then travelled to the creature in front of you. It was huge and it had the same tattoos on its belly like on Ao’nung’s arm. Your eyes widened. Then the two of you dismount his ilu.
You watched as Ao’nung approached his tulkun, signing his greetings which you knew.
`I see you, brother’ Ao’nung signs towards his spirit brother, who in turn sounded his reply.
Your smile only grew seeing Ao’nung catch up with his tulkun. But to be honest, you really didn’t know what he was saying, nor what his spirit brother was saying.
On Ao’nung’s point of view, however.
Ao’nung takes a glance at you before signaling for you to come closer.
You shy, but follow him as you swam beside him, facing his tulkun.
‘This is (Y/N)’ He signs to his spirit brother.
You could hear him squawk in a high pitch tone.
‘And they’re my mate’ Ao’nung signs rather proudly.
You were still confused as Ao’nung’s smile grew as his brother responded.
‘That is amazing news, I feel the two of you are made for each other’
Ao’nung nods before replying ‘I don’t know what I’d do without them, I’m really thankful for it’
Then his spirit brother turns to look at you and you swore by the way its head tipped down and its eyes bore into yours that it had accepted you. You smile, signing your greeting.
After they had caught up, Ao’nung invited you to ride with his spirit brother.
‘Hold here’ He signs, patting its fin. You follow, placing your hands on its fin. Ao’nung did the same beside you as he signals his tulkun brother to go.
Then you both were being swam around, doing a couple of loops.
Ao’nung occasionally glances at you, his heart being overwhelemd as you had a huge grin on your face as you signed ‘Thank you’ to his tulkun.
And after that, the two of you found yourselves atop his tulkun, sitting across from each other.
“Ao’nung, I cannot describe how this makes me happy.” You say, referring to him and his tulkun’s connection.
“He knows who you are already.” He replies, taking your hand in his and stroking the back of it.
“He likes you.” Ao’nung said after you didn’t respond. “Really?”
“Yes, really, you know what else he said?” Ao’nung smirks at you, now pulling you close to trap you in a hug.
“That we’re made for each other.”
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insilanar · 5 months
Any lestappen fic rec to share ? 😣 Any favourite author on ao3! I need some!
Hi anon 😘 Of course! In fact I've actually been working on a personal fic rec, so I'm glad I get to share it with you!
Here you go, hope you enjoy <3
Lestappen fic rec
Short-ish fics đŸ©”
control systems a College AU by @itsgoingdutchin2021 | 1.2 k
Due to an unfortunate encounter in their freshman year, both Charles and Max hate each other. Then they are assigned a group project.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
your hands are cold a High School AU by dhufflebee | 3.9 k
“I feel like this event should really be called ‘Frosty Fusion’ or something like that.”“That is, of course, incredibly stupid.”“Hey!”“It doesn’t mean that ‘Snowmen Competition’ isn’t the most boring name ever, though.”OR: long-time friends and rivals Charles and Max hail from neighboring schools, and brave the biting cold, the challenges of snow sculpture, and their own buried feelings
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Kiss It Goodbye (Your Little Panic Attack) F1 Fic by @celientjeee | 5.1 k
‘What- How did you do that?’ Charles asked, he still felt a bit shaken and hot, but the tingling had disappeared.Max smiled at him and let his hands drop away from Charles’ cheeks.‘I once read that holding your breath could stop a panic attack and when I kissed you, you held your breath.’‘I did?’ Charles winced at how high his voice sounded. OR: Charles gets a panic attack and Max helps him (more than once)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Fics between 10 k and 20 k 🧡
Cheating at Bingo and Other Christmas Traditions a Cozy Winter AU by @wanderingblindly | 12.4 k
"You know, there’s a very nice, very handsome young man in my neighborhood –” She starts back up, flagging down their waiter for another glass of wine.“Absolutely not,” He cuts her off with a dismissive wave of the hand. “Next topic.”“So you’re too good for him, is that it?” She sounds defensive, but her tone still has a mocking edge to it – emphasized by the quirk of her brows.Hardly holding back a groan, Charles tries to think of a way out of this. She’s like a cat, batting at him until he gives up, rolls over, and plays dead. “That’s not – I’m just busy, and it’s –” OR: Hallmark style fluff featuring an irritated Charles, a well-meaning Max, and the grandma that just wants them to kiss
Rating: General Audiences
Golden Hour a Uni AU by Chariots4 | 13.2 k
Max is a great roommate. So great that when Lando asks him to be part of a music video he’s filming he does so, without asking what it will be about.Turns out he will have to model with no other than Charles Leclerc. As lovers. The two men’s desire to not be outdone by the other takes the whole thing to new levels.
Rating: Explicit
-> This is also a personal favorite of mine since it was my first ever Formula 1 RPF fic and honestly, it's written amazingly well!👌
oui chef a Chef AU by @sunshineyoujustwait | 16.2 k
There’s someone standing in his kitchen.He looks young, maybe close to Max’s age, with messy dark brown hair that’s pulled back from his face by a red bandana, and he’s leaning against the kitchen counter like he’s supposed to be here.Max’s first rather unhelpful thought is; fuck, he’s gorgeous. His second, more reasonable thought is;“Who the fuck are you?”“Charles Leclerc,” the man smiles. It's a little bit dazzling and Max is not at all distracted by it. He extends his hand for Max to shake. “I’m your new executive sous chef.” OR: Max is very happy with his life, thank you very much. He has his restaurant, his team, and two Michelin stars at the age of 24. He definitely does not need some pretentious Monegasque chef coming in and throwing everything into chaos.Except, maybe he does.
Rating: General Audiences
you got me a College AU by @fueledbyremembering | 16.6 k
When Max looks up he stares into pretty green eyes behind black rimmed glasses. His hand is still blindly feeling around to find the books—his brain lagging—as he stares at the guy from last night. He straightens up and Max follows, staring dumbly as he holds out the books for Max to take.“Thanks,” Max says, feeling like an idiot as he takes the books, their fingers brushing for a split second. This was not how he wanted to meet again. “Again, I’m so sorry.”The guy smiles and Max thinks he might just die a little when he notices he has dimples. Of course he has dimples. OR: Max falls head over heels for the cute guy at a college party and he can't stop thinking about him (aka the lestappen college au nobody needs).
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Fics above 30 k ❀
Late night devil put your hands on me a Thief/Detective AU by @f1-giuki | 42.1 k
"Do you want to know what is more incredible?" Max asks, staring at Charles' full and round pecs without any shame. "What?" Charles asks, enjoying how Max's cheeks get redder and redder as he licks clean the fork. "Stealing the Nine Pieces of Eight, with me," Max says and Charles drops his fork in the plate. "The Nine pieces of eight? Isn't that like a legend? The owner of those artworks is unknown
" The Monegasque asks, furrowing his brows. Max grins and rolls his eyes. "I know a guy..." Max says, pulling Charles close by the elastic band of his boxers. OR: World-class thief Max Verstappen asks Interpol Detective Charles Leclerc out on a date (to put on the world's most complicated heist ever conceived) but things never go as planned.
Rating: Mature
To Your Heart’s Content a Mafia AU by @cornerofacry | 119.4 k
Max pinched the bridge of his nose as he went into the car. Before his chauffeur could close the door, however, Daniel leant in, having rushed from the bar’s entrance."I forgot to tell you
" the Australian begun, his face serious and grave.Max gritted his teeth, silently nodding for the man to continue. He couldn’t stand much more. He wanted to scream at the entire world. To run home and hide and force some sense down his own throat.To put himself back together."I left a- a gift at your house. For your birthday
 I planned it long ago, before-""Alright," Max cut him, short and harsh. OR: Charles, a high end prostitute, finds himself in the arms of a man who really, really, cares for him, despite the gun on his nightstand.
Rating: Explicit
Favorite lestappen authors 💕
NovaCloud, Richardmarie75, WanderingBlindly, xxcelientje, amarynas, charlescoded, LestappenForever, linearity
Note to the authors: If your fic is on here and you would like me to take it down I will. Feel free to just dm me about it or drop and ask 😌
And anon I hope you find something you like on this list!
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
I’m under the weather 😣 so how about headcanons for our favorite Duros taking care of their respective s/o’s when they are ill? (Or, potentially not, in Cad’s case? 😅)
I am sorry to hear that! Hopefully this will amuse you somewhat and help you take your mind off things! @wingofshadow
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Being a Duros, both Cad Bane and Shriv Suurgav would be able to tell something was off perhaps before even you did.
They would definitely be able to tell if/when you had a fever due to the change in your body’s temperature without needing a thermometer, as I headcanon their specialized eyesight can register thermal signatures.
Cad Bane would not know what to do with you. He might stare at you while you coughed and sneezed, quietly sipping his caf with his legs crossed at the kitchen table.
He narrows his eyes at you if your coughing fit goes on for too long. Not at you personally, but at your illness. He doesn’t like seeing you this way, especially because you complain.
He hates hearing you complain that you are sick, mostly because you are annoying and whiny about it in his opinion, but also because if you weren’t sick you wouldn’t be acting this way.
He might quietly make you a cup of tea, hand it off to you, and not speak another word about it.
He mostly stays out of your way because that is what he would want if he were sick –  peace and quiet and no one to bother him. (He is most assuredly a grump, more so than usual when under the weather.)
At least that’s what he thinks he would want. Cad may very well like being babied and taken care of when not feeling well - he would just never suspect such a thing until someone bothered to try, which no one ever has.
Maybe he has a recipe memorized that he used to make for himself. Something warm and light; maybe a soup of some kind. Maybe he bothers to make it for you because he knows being sick makes you weak, and you need to keep your strength up. Even though he rarely admits it to himself, he likes having you around.
If your fever gets too out of control, he will not mention the reason for his behavior, but he will calmly sit by you, hoping that you take the hint. He knows his microscales are cool to the touch, and unless he absorbs too much heat from you for his own comfort, he will let you cuddle him though he will mildly complain just to make you think he’s doing you a favor, and not because he wanted to help you.
Shriv Suurgav would spend most of his time frowning at you out of pity and concern.
He would give you that “poor baby” look while he put his hand on your forehead to try and cool you down.
He would prattle on about this or that thing his life-giver used to do for him when he wasn’t feeling well, and he’d try every single one of them on you until something stuck.
He would also make you tea, but he would sit beside you while you drank it. Maybe he nudges you with his shoulder to encourage you to finish it because it’s good for you.
He might make a joke or two about what “doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” unless it does kill you, then he would be sorry he said that because you were dead and riddled with horrible guilt.
If you were cold, he’d make a nest out of blankets on the couch or bed and bundle you up into it like a little burrito.
If you were hot, he would cuddle with you and have no shame about it, so the coolness of his microscales could work their magic on you.
If you were out sick from the day-to-day operations as an officer in the Rebellion, he would give you all the latest gossip and would assure you that everyone missed you and hoped you “got well soon.”
He would run a hot bath for you if that were an option.
If you couldn’t sleep, he’d hum a little Durese nursery rhyme, something his own mother used to sing as he stroked your hair in bed.
He would hold the tissue for you so you could blow your nose and wouldn’t even complain that it was gross. (Well, maybe he would a little bit, but in a very good-natured way.)
He might even try to cook a little something for you, though he’s not too good at it. It’s the thought that counts, or he at least brings you take-out.
He might even suggest curling up to watch old holomovies with him until you felt better. He would definitely let you use him as a pillow.
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rosey100 · 8 months
Previously a few weeks before the date
It was the Finales party for everyone who passed at the La Brisa Gala Gallery, For JJ that was the best opportunity to confess to his middle school crush,but things took a bad turn for JJ and long story short he was heartbroken. Varina who saw the whole thing that it wasn't going to let him go out like that and so when in the halls to find a crying JJ on the floor without missing a beat she knew what to do for him.
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"Sorry for your little um... incident there...I ah."
*Sniffles* It fine *Sniffes* I know it wouldn't work out.
"Here I figure you need this."
*Hand JJ a tissue
"JJ, I'm so sorry that-
"I..She was... Sh!t i was..I just thought she would be happy or have feelings for me at least."
"Guess she right, I was just dumb to assu-"
"Hold on! I know that you can be dull and bias intelligence and socially but you are not dumb for showing your feelings for someone to hurt you that way. "😠
"And I see- NO! I know that what she has no f##king say about you being at a prestigious party? My guy I can tell you half of the place is decorated by stuff that was here two years ago or something minus the chandelier and the buffet and for what I tell you half of year ago she was caught for cheating on one of her texts and I heard rumors that she was cheating on her last boyfriend with Shane George in the Lanes Loin mascot costume and they would both in the costume."
"What I'm saying is that you too good for her JJ, she just a pretty face with a ugly heart, spoiled, unconsiderate, lazy, floozy b!cth who think about nothing but herself and she's the dumbest one here.😒
"JJ I know about having to telling you're own feelings to someone but if they show you something truly different, they're not worth crying for than."
"Plus people change thought time and theirs no choice if they show you a differentiate or not, that doesn't make differences on what you do forward."đŸ˜”â˜đŸ»
"You think so? *sniff*
"I know so J, I mean you're one of sweet, caring, honest, cutest loyal person I ever met and she isn't coming up with a princes let's she want something out of them."
"I guess your right."
"Thanks VVđŸ„ș
*Lay her head on his shoulder
*Sighs "Your welcome J, I just hate seeing people getting stamped on for show themselves."
"Also one thing?"
"Did you just called me Cute?!?"
"Wha...No I ..I was just.. Um..You Ah I!?!?!"
*Cartoonishly fastly stands up*
"Pff, Let go get ice cream or something this lame party food stuck anyway."
"Uhh but I thou-?"
"Come on already!"
(Ha she's firery ain't she.😏 )
**Gets up walking beside Varina to the exit**
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yaffles-world · 2 years
In response to this, once again, just answering and not waiting hehe.
For Spike Spiegel, my beloved.
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💜1. Everyone always asks about the first kiss. What about your first make-out session?💜
We had been together for about 2 weeks, and we were at a mutual friends party. Tipsy but far from drunk, our casual touching and quick kisses lingered on and eventually we found ourselves pushed into the dark corners of the room, then into the dark corners of the house. We were both sweaty from the party, he smelt like cigarette smoke, but tasted delicious and I wouldn't change it for the world.
💜2. What are some ways in which you and your F/O don't mesh well? How do you overcome these differences?💜
Sometimes he doesn't take things seriously enough. Sometimes I take things too seriously. We generally balance eachother out but sometimes we have a hard time discussing serious things. He's also a guy so the classic "I just want an ear and a shoulder to cry on" and he just wants to come up with solutions
. Particularly when those solutions are bad. Mostly it's overcome by realizing these are small issues overall and that ultimately we love each other. That and communication about expectations from every conversation. Also he can't god damn cook 😣
💜3. What was your SECOND date like? Was it an improvement on the first in some way?💜

.. our second date was a bit impromptu.. I was over at a friend's house, the friend who set us up, actually. I was dog sitting/house sitting for them over the weekend. And the dog, a lovely corgi, ended up escaping on the Saturday evening - I didn't want to worry my friend, so I called Spike. He came over, we tracked down the dog pretty easily - I probably could have done it on my own but a mix of stress clouding thinking and wanting an excuse to hang out with him :p we curled up under the blankets on the couch and watched movies with the dog. 
💜4. What's the strangest gift your F/O has ever given you?💜
 a cactus? Which, isn't that strange if we had been dating longer, but it was a bold move for a gift on the 3rd date. Either that, or he's really perceptive. Either way, I love the cactus and I still have it. 
💜5. What's your F/O's favorite type of kiss to receive? Slow, passionate, sloppy, quick, sweet? What about you?💜
F/O - passionate and slow. Me - quick and sweet. 
💜6. What kinds of kisses does your F/O give you? What kinds of kisses do you give your F/O?💜
Depends on the situation. It took him a while to get used to kissing as it's own thing? Especially if it's in anyway related to PDA. He's much more comfortable with all sorts of kisses now, but it depends. Spike is more a lingering lip kisser I'm more of an excited cheek kisser. He's a lot more romantic about it but if it's casual, I'm more likely to just give an enthusiastic quick kiss. 
💜7. If your F/O were a type of dog, what breed would they be? Maybe a mix?💜
I am so stumped I will get back to that
💜8. Where are your F/O's hands while y'all are walking side by side? Are you holding hands? Is their arm around your waist? Somewhere else?💜
Ass. Just kidding, usually some form of holding hands. Either hands together not interlaced or I'm holding some number of his fingers
 He has big hands :p
💜9. What's your F/O's favorite cuddling position? Yours?💜
Mine - classic little spoon. His - on his back with me nuzzled in.
💜10. Have you ever fallen asleep on your F/O's shoulder? How did they react? Have they fallen asleep on your shoulder?💜
Second date, I fell asleep while we were watching movies. He was very wide eyed about it and not sure what to do, but he certainly didn't mind. He ended up tucking me into bed. Him falling asleep on my shoulder is a lot rarer. It was probably after 6 months or so of dating, we had a big day out and he fell asleep on the bus ride home :))
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bolontiku · 3 years
"The Silence Between Us"
Avengers AU - Chapter 4
Characters: Bucky, Reader, Steve, OFC!Emma
Posted: Oct 16th
A/N: this is the final chapter for these three. I love the way I end things. đŸ€Ł everyone will probably hate me...
Also, this chapter kinda jumps around so sorry if it is confusing. 😣
WARNINGS: mention of blood loss, traumatic events?? BE WARNED IDK HOW TO TAG THIS EVEN
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**Please Do Not Repost My Work**
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She watched as Steve wrapped his arms around you, chin dropping to the top of your head and eyes crinkling at the edges as you squirmed and struggled in his hold. Only letting go when you gave him a small squeeze in return. 
"Book boyfriend!!!"
"Pretty girl!!!"
It had been a surprise to find out that the two of you already knew each other. Pretty girl, what was that about?
Emma frowned.
She had worked so hard to be friends with you, you had always been so guarded, turning others down with just a look. Emma had been determined, she wouldn't give up, she couldn't. Others had told her Y/N was nothing but trouble, always messing with guys that didn't belong to her. She had broken up three relationships already. No, no one saw her with him and yeah he denied it of course he denied it. But everyone saw how friendly she was with him.
Emma had poked and prodded. She had gotten coffee and hugged and smiled, it had taken her time but then Y/N smiled at her. 
It had been worth it. 
Emma hadn't expected you to show up, but there you were, feet propped up in Steve's lap after a long day at the compound. Glancing at the TV she sighed, more Bob Ross. "Dinner?" 
You beamed at her, "let me help!"
Steve followed, Emma caught his elbow as he did, and he grinned at her. One hand slipping around her neck and pulling her in for a kiss. 
"Gross. Hey, when y'all gonna get married? Kissing is for old people!"
She laughed, "you kiss plenty!"
You gaped at her, "ma'am?! I am the picture of innocence!" 
Steve laughed.
 no, no! Don't do this! Y/N please!?"
"Emma what did you do?!" Steve yelled, shaking her slightly before pushing past her. 
The way he looked at you, Emma screamed, you weren't moving and the knife laid in the snow, red surrounding it. Red pooling under you, red all over her hands. 
Why wouldn't he look at her that way??
Emma couldn't stop screaming.
She just wanted him to look at her, when had that happened? When had he stopped looking at her?
Emma stopped outside the coffee room. 
"She's always hanging off him." 
There were a couple snickers, "if he were my boyfriend then there is no way I would leave her alone with him!"
"Betcha they are fucking"
Emma jumped as someone brushed by, the redhead stepping in and silencing all conversation as she grabbed a mug. "Funny how bitches will talk about a man they could never land
 isn't that right Emma?"
She stepped in, the three women dropping their heads as they scooted around to escape the room. "Thank you."
Natasha stared at her as she made her own cup. "Steve's my friend," she shrugged and walked away. 
There was so much blood. Bucky pressed his hands over the wound. "Steve? Fucking leave her! We need to get Y/N to the compound! STEVE!!" he cursed as he pulled out his phone, blood smearing across it as he dialed and Tony answered. 
Your blood.
His hands shook. He couldn't breathe. He had seen blood before
 why were his hands shaking?? It wasn't the first time he had had blood on his hands.
But it was your blood..
They were whispering again. 
Emma ignored it. Yet they didn't stop it. "He wouldn't do that!" She turned to them, "Y/N isn't like that. She's a good friend!" How many times had she said this? It didn't matter, she'd do it again. 
"Really? Where are they now?" "Aren't they a little too friendly with each other?" "Don't you worry?" "She touches him a lot." "I thought she was his girlfriend!" "Surprised to find out it was you."
Emma took in a breath. "You don't know him or her. I trust them. Love both of them. Maybe if you weren't so small minded and
 and gross then you'd have better lives!" She stomped away, angry that she couldn't say anything better. Pulling out her phone she sent a text and got an answer almost immediately. 
Stevie: with Y/N at the pier. 
Steve. Get Emma. She's screaming.
You couldn't move. You needed to speak, needed them to understand, it wasn't her fault. No. It was always yours. 
"She's in shock-"
Someone get Emma

"Y/N you are not allowed to do this! NO!" 
You felt bad, he sounded so
 desperate as he shook you, large hands pressing against the wound. 
 please help Emma
 she's screaming
 please get Emma...
"Y/N-" his voice was shaking, why was his voi- ouch, it hurt. "Please?" His voice was low, close to your ear, "listen, I haven't said anything cause I didn't wanna push ya but I need ya to open your eyes-"
Push what? Bucky? What are you talking about? Emma. Bucky help Emma-
"C'mon princess, need ya to open yer eyes and swear to god above I will do anything you ask
 just.. Just open your eyes, pleeease open your eyes
The pier. That meant fishing. Emma hated fishing but
It didn't take her long to get down there. She kinda rushed it. Not because she didn't trust either of you. She just wanted
 to see
 her boyfriend. 
Steve was busy with his fishing line, thick fingers easily untangling the mess before him and you, you sat off to the side with a smile on your face. Emma halted as you looked over, voices sneaking into her head. 
They were wrong. 
You weren't like that. 
Steve waved and she moved again, hurrying to wrap her arms around you quickly before moving to wrap herself around Steve. She had been right. 
You wouldn't do that. 
He wouldn't. 
She had been right. 
"Bucky should be here in a second," Steve managed before Emma was kissing him. He smiled at her, "everything alright?. He asked, expression a mix of curiosity and confusion.
Relief swamped her followed by guilt as she nodded quickly. She had thought for a moment
 Emma shoved the thoughts aside as she ducked under Steve's hand squealing as he chased her with bait. 
She ignored how quiet you had become.
The flight took no time. Tony came with a medic crew. They moved you quickly, the plan was to get you back, the small medic crew managed to stop the bleeding.
Steve didn't like the way Bucky held onto you. The way he held your hand. That was his job, you were his best friend. His girl. 
He knew it now better than before. He didn't dare look at Emma. She had stopped crying his name on the flight back. 
Steve was home more, you didn't answer his calls or texts. He sought her out more, oftentimes their conversation steered towards you. He wondered if he had said something to offend you? Had he been a bad friend?
He said that his last shopping trip with you had ended in a small argument. It had been nothing really, he wouldn't tell her what it had been about. No matter how much poking and prodding, he just dismissed it, but the look on his face said it was definitely more than he was letting on.
The memory of you staring at the ring on your finger stuck in his throat. Steve wasn't sure what it was, he wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew he needed to try. And in order to try to understand he would need to end one thing in order to even attempt the trying. He took a deep breath, "we should stop this, I need time
 I need-"
"Stop this?" She heard wrong, he didn't know what he was talking about. Emma wrapped her arms around him, lifting her face to his, pressed kisses to it, which led to deeper kisses and more. She ignored his words, certain he didn't know what he was saying. There was no way he wanted to end things, it was only beginning. They had the rest of their lives to figure it out. This wasn't the end
Steve didn't think of you when he touched and kissed Emma. Not of you when he pressed between her legs. The way you looked with that ring on
 what you might look like if he had you under him.
He laid in bed, arm draped over his face once she had fallen asleep. He felt bad, he hadn't been able to say no to her, it was the last time. She had to know.
Gis phone buzzed and he caught it before it woke her, his heart thudding loud against his chest as he saw who it was and he slipped out of bed answering it quickly.
".... Steve?" Your voice was slurred, still a little breathy and he could hear you shiver, it made his heart skip.
Emma woke to find him gone hours later. Where had he gone? Of course she knew, deep down she knew where he was, who he was with. Reaching over and grabbing her cell she sent out a text.
Bucky ran his thumb over your knuckles. 
He thought about the way you looked when he sat across from you and held a forkful of pancake up to your lips. He huffed a quick laugh, running his free hand through his hair and dropping his head. 
"You deserve better-"
Steve paused in the doorway before stepping in where Bucky could see him. "Doc says they kept her sedated due to the shock she was in," the memory of the way your lips felt against his own flashed through his mind. "Bucky- I love her."
He stood and glared at Steve, anger boiling his blood, "then how could you let this happen? Your girlfriend- her best friend is the reason she's laid up here!" 
Steve nodded and looked away, eyes rimmed in red. "I know I messed up, I made a mess of things, I was trying to figure it all out and
 I guess I was a little late," he stepped towards you, hand falling on your covered feet. "That doesn't mean I didn't do it right. I broke up with her, Emma is not my girl
 Y/N.. She means more to me than I ever knew."
Bucky bit down on his tongue, if he spoke now- he turned his head away from his best friend. Eyes falling on your face. How many times had he stared while you slept in his bed?
"I get that you feel some way about her, but I am not walking away. I am going to stay. Let her know how I feel. I need her to know."
"Pretty sure you made that clear back there," Bucky bit out harshly and a little bitterly. 
Steve smirked, "yeah, I
 I couldn't stop myself."
Bucky took in a breath, "I ain't gonna give her up just so easily but she is gonna need some time. She's gonna need to heal."
Steve nodded, "whatever she decides."
".. Alright Princess
"I can't lose you-"
"... I love you, but couldn't you have left him to me?"
The ache in your chest was too much, you had given away too much of yourself. You moved to swipe at your eyes, but your hand was too heavy. Looking over you found deep blue eyes staring at you, Bucky's fingers tightening around yours.
"Hey there Princess," his voice soft, quiet, you briefly wondered where you were.
"Hey-" you caught a breath, looking down.
"Dr. Cho has some nifty gadgets, left you brand new," he said and scooted forwards on the seat.
Bucky looked away, jaw jumping as if he was holding back. Had it all been a dream? A terrible nightmare? 
"Can we go home?" He looked at you, a little shocked at the quiet of your voice, "Buck
 I just
 can we go home?" Your brows drew together, your throat tightened. You didn't want to deal with this. You were tired and wanted to sleep.
"If that's what ya want?" You nodded and he stood, pausing when you didn't let go. "Do you wanna wait?" He asked, thumb grazing over your knuckles.
"Steve?" Your grip tightened and you tugged at him. Bucky slid in beside you, tensing when you wrapped around him, face burying into his chest. "Hey
 I'm sorry, shhh, we can go-" he breathed quietly, carefully rubbing your back. "I can take you home, pretty sure  you wanna sleep in your own bed now huh?"
"No-" you tightened your hold on him.
"No?" He asked, looking down at you.
You wanted to go back, back to pancakes, to books scattered everywhere, to a warm bed. To the comfortable quiet of his place. To the way he smiled at you. Your throat tightened and you thought of the way his lips felt against your own. His expression when he regretted it.
Bucky cried out when you shoved him, "hey!"
"I'm sorry!" 
What did you have to apologize for? And suddenly he realized what you had to be thinking. "No, hey, hey!" He struggled with you, his heart clenching as you sobbed, turning away from him. "No!" He growled tugging you close, "no, I'm sorry- you deserve the best and I took advantage-"
You stilled, what was he saying? "Bucky
 I just need
 I need-"
He didn't understand, your tears tore at his heart and all he could think of to do was hold you. So he did. He tugged you into his lap and held you tightly, refusing to let you go. "Hey there princess, I'm sorry, I'm right here. Gonna be right here for ya, it's gonna be alright. We'll figure it out. Shhh," he rocked you back and forth, one hand in your hair, the other wrapped tightly around your waist.
You softened in his hold. Bucky. Bucky. He was right here. He wasn't leaving you. You held on. Bucky had become so much more, he had become your constant, your anchor when everything was so fucked up. Calm in the turbulent sea of emotions that wanted to engulf you. Silence when you needed it.
Steve stood outside. He had paused in the doorway when you shoved at Bucky and he watched as Bucky dragged you into him, held on tight like he wanted to.
Your little sobs tore at him.
The fact that it was Bucky you held onto tore at him. 
His gut roiled. His heart sank.
He took a breath and stepped back. 
He needed and wanted you.
But you didn't need him.
He waited till you quietened before walking away.
The silence deafening.
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bakumu · 2 years
What type of engagement ring would you like Kasaki to propose to you with?
And what would be your ideal proposal, wedding, and honeymoon?
Omg anon thank you so much for asking, and thank you for being patient with me, this got asked so long ago 😣 but I appreciate it so much!! And this is so long I'm sorry lol
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Proposal and ring:
For Kisaki's proposal, he took me to a garden or shrine (i can't pick lol) with a lot of wisterias in late April on a warm spring day. He donated a ton of money so that the two of us would be alone as we roamed amongst the blooms. He visits this place a lot and has taken me here many times and it's always quiet between the two of us as we hold hands and wander.
Eventually, we’d make our way to a bench that overlooks the garden and I’d sit nestled into his side. Kisaki is a little restless at this point, it's hard to notice but he keeps bouncing his leg and rubbing his thumb and index finger together, it's a little subconscious thing that he can't hide from me. I think that he's just having a rough time with work and stuff but little did I know
 He starts playing with the hair on my shoulders and talking just loud enough that I would be able to hear him.
I don't want to write the actual dialog because I will cry but just imagine the cutest love confession he can muster. He talks about how he doesn't deserve the happiness I give him, but he can't make himself give me up, he has to be selfish and keep me all to himself. And at this point, I'm crying lol. But he pulls the ring box out of his pocket and asks me if I will marry him. The ring would be biggg, like one big single princess cut diamond. Maybe it would have some side diamonds but they would be very very small in comparison. Of course I say yes.
I don't really care about the fact that he didn't get down on one knee or all that because it's not really him, and also I don't really care about that tradition lol.
The Wedding
Kisaki and I own an Italian Villa on the coast somewhere, lmao because of course we do. So we flew all the important people out to Italy for a small wedding. The villa is huge too so most of the guests stay with us. We'd be there a few days before the wedding with everyone and then afterwards kick them all out lol.
The day of the wedding would probably be really relaxed. We have had a team of chefs on staff that handle the food, and so we'd probably only need a few rentals and flowers, and a photographer.
Oh and you can't forget the Assassination attempt lol. I, of course, know nothing about this and Hanma pretty much takes care of it but it was just a small glitch in Kisakis perfect day.
I think Kisaki cares about the day more than me tbh. Like I care about the photos and having a good time but the day is much more symbolic for him.
It's normal wedding activities tho. A short ceremony where we both write our own vows. Photos and dinner afterwards. Some dancing and celebrating, and I think Kisaki would let himself get a little tipsy even, which is rare for him.
And then after the party is done we go back to our room and have very passionate sex lmao. Lots of him calling me his wife because holy shit it makes him feel so good. My possessive husband đŸ’–đŸ„°
The honeymoon
Once our guests are all gone, it's just me and my new husband, the security team and then Hanma and Hanmas girl. And we get on Kisakis Yacht (lmao you know I had to).
We sail around the Mediterranean hitting up all the big cities and even some of the smaller ones. There's a lot of sneaking off to have yacht sex and Kisaki still has to do some business but he keeps it to a minimum because he loves me.
The honeymoon is probably the easiest he's ever been to seduce lol. All I have to do is climb on his lap and push his papers aside and he is unable to tell me no.
So yeah, good food and laughs for a bit, maybe 3 weeks? I spend way too much time in a bathing suit lmao.
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