#the way i luv peeta
hueningsspam · 10 months
just bought a peeta mellark shirt cuz i can and it’ll be arriving soon hopefully god i love the internet
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coryosmin · 7 months
Actually I was stopping by mainly to say that lately I'm really enjoying getting into your profile and just reading the things you've posted. I luv u <3
But since I'm here, I would like to know how thg characters will react to jealousy!reader pls 🥹
thank you so much!! i’m glad you like my writing! <3
coriolanus - he would take pride in the fact that you’re jealous. he would actually kind of get off on it. it’s a control thing. it means he has you right where he wants you to be and truthfully, it just means that you are loyal to him. he’s a jealous guy too so really it works out. though it could definitely get toxic.
sejanus - sejanus would reassure you that there’s nothing for you to get jealous over and that he’s 100% loyal to you and you only. he would hug you, kiss you, let you know that he’s completely yours.
finnick - i think finnick would find it cute. he would think of you as adorable that you think he would want anyone other than you. he would definitely reassure you but in a teasing way with a smirk on his face like “you really think i’d ever be interested in some random person flirting with me when i have the whole package right in front of me? baby you know better than that.”
peeta - truthfully mans is oblivious when someone flirts with him. so when he sees that you’re jealous, he’s very confused and asks what’s wrong. and when you explain it to him, he’s like “oh” and surprised pikachu face. but he’ll reassure you that he had no idea and that he apologized for making you feel that way.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
I'm actually desperate to hear your thoughts on the new hunger games book.
What characters do you wanna see? You think there will be a romance aspect? Who's POV should it be in?
Do you think this is Suzanne's final attempt to make it as clear as possible that the games are NOT cool and snow is NOT a misunderstood good guy?
And the movie too!!!! You have any fan-casting ideas?? Think young haymitch is gonna be hot?
Idk no pressure man I luv u :3
I'm excited! I'll actually be completely honest, I seriously didn't think that we were going to get any media about Haymitch's games since we already went over the events in 'Catching Fire.' I would like to apologize to the prophets, clearly I was wrong. Sorry for silently judging your requests by thinking y'all missed the point, I'm sittin' down now.
So, tackling POV first, I personally think it's definitely possible that we're working with a multiple POV situation due to the fact we did already go over the events of the Games in CF. Or, if not multiple POVs, I actually think it'll be retrospective.
Remember how Katniss and Peeta end 'Mockingjay' by creating the book of memories? I think it's possible that Sunrise is meant to be Haymitch looking back on his Games. How he survived, maybe who he mentored after. Honestly, this is what I'm hoping for because I admittedly am a desperate whore for canon post-Mockingjay material. (Please, Suzanne. Just a crumb. A CRUMB!!)
I think we're done with Snow's POV. I may be wrong on that, but I'm admittedly hopeful on it. 😭
LISTENNNN I liked Ballad and I think it was WONDERFUL writing, but Jesus fucking Christ was I happy to be away from Snow by the time it was over. He was an asshole, that was the point, I respect it and love it as media but reading it was/is hard, and honestly? That's praise. But besides personal preference, there's also just a straight 'The End' at the end of Ballad. Maybe that's subject to change, but with Suzanne's masochistic level of detail? Probably not. Or maybe I'm stupid and will eat this post in nine months, find out soon!
ANYWAYS. I so want to see Mrs. & Mr. Everdeen in this, as well as Peeta's parents. Give me their fucking names, Suzie. NAMES.
Haymitch's girlfriend is probably gonna be my favorite character. Imma be honest. I know nothing of her, nada, zip, zilch. But I can sense it in the air. There will be kinship, and I will kill myself when she dies.
(Suzanne, please don't make me eat that last statement.)
Romance aspect? Yes. Between Haymitch, his girl, and the Everdeens? Plus if we get Peeta's parents? I think one of the main points of The Hunger Games is love and the different ways it exists, so I think there will 100% be romance.
Hell, maybe Suzanne will throw us a curveball and the POV will be one of Everlarks parents. If so, probably Mrs. Everdeen as that'll give us insight to the merchant part of District 12, Madge's family and what it was like to be of Reaping age in the thick of Snow's reign.
I want Mr. Everdeen confirmed as Covey. This is a demand. I have hostages. (My lawyer wants me to clarify I don't.)
Now, in terms of the books real world meaning, I'm interested to see. I think the safest guess is 100% a commentary on Palestine, Congo, etc. But I am interested to see what else there is to say.
Personally, I think there really is a possibility this book will be centered around healing. Especially if this is Haymitch looking back at his life, it could offer commentary on his recovery from his Games, the war, as well as everyone else's. This perspective is 100% the one I would love to see the most, but we all know imma be a fiend for whatever happens.
And to wrap this up, fancasting? Stanley Tucci. If Caeser comes back and he doesn't, I have fucking hostages. (Again, I don't.)
Imma be honest, to add to your question, yes young Haymitch is supposed to be hot, but I want him to be a kid. I want a teenager cast and I want him to obviously look like a teenager, even if he is handsome. I think that's an important point of the Games people miss.
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petruchio · 2 years
I love all your thg posts.. If you have time could you write about Katniss' weakness? Not necessary correlation with her PTSD later. Or what you don't like about Katniss characterization? Thank you so much.
ooh! this is a really good question!! i've been struggling to think of things i personally don't like about her tbh because i just love her so much. like she’s my girl. my bestie. my number one. but in terms of character weakness?
i feel like probably it's her tendency to jump to conclusions? one thing that happens pretty often in the books is that she'll be talking about something pretty normal and she'll be like "OF COURSE someone like peeta would NEVER think of this" and it's like katniss... literally how would you know that… she doesn't give anyone the benefit of the doubt and sometimes it's like damn girl you could at least give people a little bit of credit!!
like most of her flaws though, it makes a lot of sense *for her character* but sometimes it’s just kind of like girl please chill. im trying to find a good example from the books because i know there’s a lot but i think the most obvious would be stuff like “i always assumed peeta had enough to eat” or “peeta wouldn’t understand the concept of owing someone something” and it’s just like… katniss even if you are *right* why would you make that assumption!!
(and i feel like this is a big learning curve for her throughout the series and is one of the best ways she grows as a character, as she learns to stop making these sweeping assumptions about people and instead just see them as human beings — it’s similar to how she starts out viewing finnick as this playboy famous guy and by the end she realizes that was never really true. the arc of katniss’ realizations is so important for the arc of the story and its themes because it reminds the reader not to do the same — just because someone’s life looks a certain way to you doesn’t necessarily mean they have it easy or good, and at the end of the day, it’s more important to meet them where they’re at and see them as a human being instead of resting on the assumptions you’ve made about them because of their background or how they look.)
and i mean apart from that i guess one of her character flaws (in a sense) would be her iconic self-unawareness. like yes again it makes sense *for her as a character* but there is truly nothing like reading the words “nobody’s arms have made me feel this safe since my father died” and then having her immediately be like “this is so fake i can’t believe i have to pretend to like this guy.” i know some people and reviewers find this annoying about her but again i can’t say it’s something i personally dislike about her because it’s <3 so iconic <3 and probably one of my favorite parts of reading the books lol.
i feel like that was kind of incoherent but hopefully that’s at least sort of what you were looking for?? anyway yeah katniss is and always will be the loml and a big part of that is that she IS a flawed character but that’s just what makes her all the more believable and (imo) endearing. so yeah :) i luv her
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Get to Know the Writer
Thank you @thedreamsofthesky for tagging me in this! 
Relationship Status: Single 
Favorite Color: It depends on what for honestly? There’s certain colors (maroon, dark purple, navy blue, and black) that I love to wear, and other colors that i really love to put on my face (gold and brown eyeshadow for example), and colors I like to decorate my room with (white). I like when colors are striking I guess, like the way the ocean looks under the sun. That would be the closest to my favorite color honestly, even tho I’d never wear it. I guess in that sense it’s more about the situation than the color itself. 
Top Three Favorite Ships: Oh god I haven’t really shipped anyone for a while now, but when I was younger I really shipped Percabeth (I think that was their ship name-Percy and Annabeth from PJO). I also shipped Katniss and Gale instead of Peeta just because my younger self thought Gale was a better fit, but wow it’s been a while. I’ve only watched a few episodes of B99 but Jake and Amy are cute I love them. I need to sit down and watch that show properly now that it’s summer. 
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick is a life essential, like I don’t go a day without it, but lipstick is a game changer. Your whole face just looks better even if you do nothing else; lipstick is honestly magical. 
Last Song: “Mikrokosmos” by BTS! I love!! This isn’t my BTS account, but I will talk to anyone anytime about them (unless you’re an anti or a solo stan or ot6 like pls do me a favor and stay away from my account thanks!). Stream “Boy With Luv” folks
Last Movie: Black Panther ! I watched it with my friend recently and it was amazing I loved it so much! Everyone did, but you know, good stuff. Never gets old.
Last Book: Map of the Soul by Murray Stein. It’s a psych book, mostly about Carl Jung’s theory of the mind/soul. Jung’s actual works/quotes were a bit hard to understand for me, but this book did a good job of summarizing and explaining his ideas. 
Currently Reading: The Essential Rumi by Rumi the man, the myth, the legend himself (jk this was published in 1995 but it’s his translated work). I’m not a poet and I was never really a fan of poetry tbh, but Rumi’s poetry is really good. The whole world knows this-he’s been celebrated for centuries- but I just started reading his stuff and I’m glad I did! 
Fanfiction: I’ve never read any full-length fanfics before (shocking I know). The only things I’ve read are those BTS twitter AUs that went viral (Outcast and Dora- if you know, you know), and they were pretty good. Both of them were horror, but the Dora one was hilarious too. The experience of reading it and waiting for updates and seeing all the memes/ reactions as the story unfolded was all was super fun. I don’t know if I could ever pull it off, but I think writing mystery/horror would be a lot of fun. 
This is where I’m supposed to tag people, but I don’t have any friends on Tumblr, so if anyone sees this, pretend I tagged you specifically. Feel free to tag me in yours if you choose to do it!
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nataliajasterauthor · 7 years
Hi.., just dropping to greet and say that even though I'm happy that you're novel writer, I really miss your writing of Everlark fics. I love everything you write, but I really miss the way you created stories for Katniss and Peeta...Luv ya
Aww, thank you for reading my stories 🖤
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