#and i’ve luved him for forever
hueningsspam · 10 months
just bought a peeta mellark shirt cuz i can and it’ll be arriving soon hopefully god i love the internet
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DDD #17
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Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Summary: Jensen wakes up one night in a cold sweat from a nightmare and YN is there to comfort him.
Warnings: Nightmares, Yelling, Panic, Past Trauma, Mention of abuse
A/N: Week 17 is here! Make sure to check out @mlovesstories​ drabble and her masterlist. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
***ASK OPEN***
Dynamic Duo Drabbles Masterlist
"He was heading back to the one place he hoped he’d never have to see again."
YN felt Jensen wrap his arms around her body during the night. It wasn't unusual for him to do this. He'd never admit to it, but he was a cuddler through and through.
But when she felt him shaking against her and breathing rapidly, she knew something was wrong.
"Jay, honey? You okay?" YN whispered to him.
He didn't respond to her, which made her worry more than she was. She tried to roll over to look at him, but he had a tight grip on her.
"Jensen, baby, tell me what's wrong," YN tried again.
Instead of a verbal response, she got a vigorous headshake from her husband. Though he was somewhat communicating with her, he still wouldn't allow her to move. She glanced up at her clock and saw it was 3:34am.
YN let out a long sigh of exhaustion, "Honey, I can't fix it if you don't tell me-"
"P-please..." Jensen whispered.
YN blinked a few times and tried to turn her head to him, "What was that?"
"P-please...just...don't g-go."
Don't go? What? "Jay, what do you mean 'don't go'?"
"Don't l-leave. Don't hurt m-me, please. Just..."
YN felt his arms loosen around her, which allowed her to turn and look at her husband. His face was covered in tears and sweat, his eyes were puffy, and he was breathing pretty hard.
She laid a hand on his cheek and whispered, "Was it a nightmare?"
He gave her a small nod while he rubbed his eyes with his knuckles. He moved away from her slightly and sat up in the bed, clutching a pillow in his arms. YN sat up as well and leaned to turn on the bedside lamp.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked calmly.
He shook his head, "Not right now."
"Must've been a bad one, huh?"
"Very bad. Very, very bad."
YN pushed the covers off of herself and moved to stand, "I'm going to go make some tea then."
Suddenly, Jensen grabbed her arm and squeezed hard enough to bruise, "No, no, no, no, no! Y-you can't leave. You can't go!"
"Okay, okay," she sat back on the bed, "I'm not going anywhere, Jay. I'm right here. I'd never leave you."
Jensen slowly let go of her arm, "I-I'm sorry."
She took his hand in hers, "It's okay. You're just scared, yeah?"
He nodded, "I just don't want to be alone right now."
She laid a hand on his cheek and tilted his head up, "Would you care to join me downstairs then? I'll turn on the fireplace and make some tea-"
"Can we have hot chocolate instead?" he interrupted her.
YN smirked, "Of course, baby."
She waited for Jensen to step out of the bed first to make sure he'd be all right. Before YN could step out of the bed herself, Jensen walked over and picked her up in his arms. He laid his head in her neck and walked out of their bedroom.
He must've had a good memory of the house layout and the stairs because not once did he move his head from her neck. He made it down the hallway and down the stairs without a single problem.
When they got to the kitchen, YN laid a hand on his check, "Honey, I can't make the hot chocolate while in your arms."
Jensen lifted his head and looked at his wife, "Can you try?"
YN rolled her eyes, "I don't want to risk pouring hot milk on myself, Jay."
"Okay, that's understandable," he set her down on her feet and held on her hand, "What about one handed?"
"Nice try," YN smiled, "Why don't you help me instead? That way you can stay right here."
Jensen nodded, "I can handle that."
YN instructed Jensen to get the hot chocolate packets from the cabinet while she boiled the milk. Once it boiled, Jensen added the hot chocolate to it while YN stirred the mixture.
"Can you grab a couple mugs from the cabinet?" YN asked.
Jensen nodded, "Sure."
He grabbed their 'Mr. and Mrs.' mugs and passed them to YN. She poured the hot chocolate into the mugs and put the other dishes into the sink. As YN reached for the mugs, Jensen stepped in front of her and took them.
"I can take them, honey," YN reached for the mugs again.
Jensen leaned away from her, "No, no. I can handle this," he looked towards the living room, "C-can we go in there now?"
"Sure, Jay," YN nodded.
The two walked into the living room side by side. Jensen set the mugs on the coffee table then turned to YN. He lifted her once more in his arms and sat on the couch with YN in his lap.
YN chuckled, "Well how am I supposed to reach my hot chocolate now, baby?"
Jensen leaned forward, grabbed his mug, and handed it to his wife, "C-can't we just share mine right now?"
"Of course," YN took a sip of the hot chocolate.
She then lifted it towards her husband's lips to let him drink as well. She kept the mug close to her as she absorbed the warmth.
"Do you want to talk about your nightmare now?" YN asked.
Jensen nodded and took a deep breath as fresh tears filled his eyes, "He was heading back to the one place he hoped he'd never have to see again."
YN blinked in confusion, "Okay, you're going to have to explain that one to me a little more in detail."
Jensen closed his eyes as he spoke, "You remember my ex, right? The...the abusive one?"
"Unfortunately, yes I do," YN nodded.
"S-she was in the nightmare. She was...still around, as in still my..."
"Still your girlfriend."
Jensen nodded, "Yes," he paused, "I-I don't want to go into a lot of detail b-because I don't really have the energy f-for a panic attack right now."
YN brought the mug to his lips for another drink, "Here, take a sip of this."
He took a small sip before nodding for her to take a drink as well. YN took her own sip then brought the mug back down to her chest.
Jensen took a breath and continued, "All I c-can fully recall is...she kept telling m-me...that you'd leave me...forever..."
"Jensen, look at me," YN laid a hand on his cheek, "You are the most amazing man I've ever met. You're kind and compassionate and loving and funny and smart and so very handsome. You know that I'd never ever leave you."
A tear fell down Jensen's face, "Do you promise?"
YN wiped the tear from his cheek, "I promise," she leaned forward and kissed him.
Jensen smiled, "I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you most."
YN looked out the window, "Look, it started snowing."
Jensen turned and looked as well, "It's beautiful. Do you think we could stay here and watch for a while?"
"Well, I don't plan on going back to bed any time soon," YN lifted the mug, "And I'd like to finish the hot chocolate."
Jensen moved himself and YN to where they could see the snow falling better. He leaned back into the couch and laid his head on his wife's shoulder. YN smiled as she snuggled into her husband.
"You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Mrs. Ackles," Jensen whispered.
YN sighed in comfort, "And you, Mr. Ackles, are the greatest part of my life."
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​​​​​ @smollestbean-2​​​​​ @kitwithnokat​​​​​
@idksupernatural​​​​​ @desiredposion​​​​​ @thevelvetseries​​​​​ @let-me-luve-you​​​​​
@obsessedwithfandomsx​​​​​ @mangueweaschester​​​​​ @starchildwild​​​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​​​
@spnbaby-67​​​​​ @unicornmadness2444​​​​​
@emery--nicole--morrison​ @spnfamily-j2 @akshi8278​ @avocadogirl216​
@imthedoctorlove​​​​​ @wecantgiggleitsafandom
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 29 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 29 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
“Kurin and I were playmates when we were young,” Silor began earnestly. “We didn’t know what Cat was back then.  She was just someone who was always there.  Cat knew lots of good stories about the First Ships.  That’s where it started.  Kurin started asking for more stories and Cat started teaching her apart from the rest of us.
“One night, Kurin’s father died.  He was only twenty nine or thirty. Kurin found him.  Within a short time, her mother went raving mad, then ceased to move or do anything.  She’s still like that. Afterwards, Kurin and Cat, the Dragon, became inseparable.  I think that her parents were a test of Kurin by the Dragon but I’ll never know for sure.
“A little after that, Kurin beat me out of the boat-shop apprenticeship under Master Juris.  I was two Gatherings older and considered likely for the job.  Then, without any explanation, no other Craft on the Longin would have me either.  Her influence was spreading.
“To be fair, I never heard of Cat doing anything evil.  She wasn’t human, so she may not have realized what kind of person she was teaching.
“I became a deck-hand.  I was a good one.  In only one and a half Gatherings I was made lead deck-hand, the youngest ever on the Longin.  Ask anyone, I was well-thought-of, maybe officer material in a few more Gatherings.
“I admit that I fell asleep on watch.  It was only a nap, and I was on duty in the hold.  How much trouble was that?  I’ll tell you.  They stripped me of my lead deck-hand job!  Only three of her lousy crabs died, and they broke me for it!
“Later, I was in a class,” Silor paused, torn between ingrained loyalty and his tale.  “I can’t tell you what the class was about.  That’s Ship’s Business.  The important thing is this.  She was in the class, too.  Captain Mord told me that I was doing well and then threw me out of the class.”
Huh, she thought, hearing this out, If he believes what he’s saying there’s enough emptiness in his head to make a good float out of it.  I’ve heard some of these tales from other sources.  It’s obvious that he’s left out more than he’s told.  “Ye make a start on yer case but i’ t’is come up in t’e Arrakan fleet, ye’d lose.  Oi need more proof.  Especially about t’e fleet bein’ under ‘er control.  Ye’ve nae even addressed t’at.”
“Tanlin, love, I can attest to at least some of what he says.  He first brought the matter to my attention five Gatherings ago, as a lad of nine.  Since then I have watched the surreptitious machinations of Kurin.  She does far more than make toys!”
“Oi fail t’ see ‘t, Barad, m’ luve.  T’e fleet dinnae revolve about ‘er.  She commands nane, nae is she any but kind.”
Silor started to rise up in protest but Barad waved him down.  “That is true.  She is far too clever to put herself in so exposed a position. Why should she take risks when others will do so for her without even knowing that they serve her?  She has real power — — and no need for the trappings of power.”
He appeared to be hit by inspiration.  “Stand up, Silor!”
Mystified, Silor did so.
“There you are, Tanlin, the proof stands before you.”
“Oi’m now confused.  Enlighten m’.”
“Why was he exiled?”
“‘E slept on wotch, w’ich ‘e admits, an’ gave away Ship’s Business.”
“What business did he give away?  I’ll tell you.  He told amusing stories about their crabbing venture, which I grant is a main business for them.  The deadly revelation?  That they had special nets for crabs and knew where to find them.  Both are obvious to anyone who thinks for ten seconds.”
“Oi’m beginnin’ t’ see.  T’is wa’ a mere pretext.”
“Exactly. Once he was ejected from the Longin, his credentials should have gotten him an immediate berth on almost any ship in the fleet.  It didn’t happen.
“I was at the Captains’ Council.  Everyone agreed, even the Longin, that he had done nothing to die for but no ship would save him.  And they agreed that he was worth saving.  Thus, exile.  She rid herself of a nuisance, and no blood shed, nor clue that it was even her doing — — unless one looks at the whole unlikely chain of events.”
“Wy’d ye nae just take ‘im up t’en, like so many ot’ers ye’ve ‘elped?”
“Yes,” said Silor.  “Why did you let me be sent away?”
“Safety,” said Barad solemnly.  “Yours and mine.  You opposed her openly and she determined to have you removed.  That is why the others would not help you.  
“What would have happened to your only refuge if I had opposed her will by taking you openly?  I play the part of buffoon, many laugh at this ship and myself.  Let them.  It keeps her from taking us seriously. That is the only safety that there is.”
“Now Oi see ‘t.  Wye wa’ ‘t so ‘ard t’ see?”  You do play well to his madness, Barad.  I would not have tried to turn this one to a tool.  I must learn what you plan to do.  This one is dangerous.
Solemnly Barad said, “This is why only she, of all who claim to be Dragon-witches, is dangerous.  She never owns-up to her power.  She never claims it.  She just uses it, hidden from all.”
There was a discrete rap at the door.  They all quieted at once.  Barad went and opened it a narrow slit.  A whispered conversation followed.
“That was the watch officer.  We need to go up on deck.”
As they were going up the companion-ladder to the deck, Barad asked casually, “Have you ever seen your boat before?”
“Yes,” said Silor tightly.  “In the Longin’s boat-shop.”
“Master Juris must have been pleased with it.”
“He was but he didn’t build it …”  A look of fear washed across Silor’s face as the realization hit.  “Kurin did.  It was her journeyman’s submission piece.”  He ran to the rail.  “Where is it?  Where’s the boat?”
“I’m Officer of the Watch, Theld Elon, Sir.  Boat’s at the end of its line.”  The line went down into the water, drawn tight and pulled back at an angle by the Grandalor’s speed.  “Went down sudden a few minutes ago.”
Tanlin looked calmly over the side.  “‘T appears t’at we almost missed pickin’ ye up.  Oi wonder ‘ow t’is ‘appened?” How did you do this, you old dragon?  What a touch!  I would never have thought of this!
“Mister Theld, heave to,” ordered Captain Barad with quiet authority.  “Get a diver on deck now!  We need to secure that boat for lifting.  With the water in her she’ll be heavy when she breaches the surface.”
Theld set to issuing orders, and the tocsin began its tattoo of command, bringing the watch to deck.  A diver, roused from her bunk, came up still yawning and stretching.  A pair of ungainly looking flat things were hung over her shoulder.
“What’s the problem, Captain?”
“We need to retrieve the boat that’s on the end of this line.”
Without any question as to why or if it were urgent, the diver got straight to business.
“What kind of boat is it and how big?”
“Day-sailer. About twenty five feet long, loaded for a month’s voyage.” Captain Barad looked for confirmation to Silor, who nodded.
“How long is this line?”  She had stripped, leaving only a pair of tight fitting shorts.  Sitting on the deck, she began strapping the flat things onto her feet.  She tied her hair into a tight bun.
“About forty feet.”
“OK, I’ll need two fifty foot, number three cables.  Attach the first one to the cargo block of the heavy crane.  Get the portable crane over here and secure it to the mizzen mast.  Put the other cable onto its cargo block.”
There was a lull for Captain Barad, Tanlin and Silor, as the watch crew prepared things to the diver’s satisfaction.
“What are those things on her feet?” Silor asked.
“Arrakan diver’s flips,” Tanlin answered.  “Our divers ‘ave used t’em for Gat’erings past remembering.”
“I thought that you lost your memory,” said Silor curiously.  “Did it come back?”  At her look of distress and Barad’s of rage, he feared that he had made a serious mistake.
“Nae, Luve.  Donnae ‘old ‘t against ‘im.”  She was biting back tears.  The more I do this the easier it is to forget that it’s an act.  “Ye cannae protect m’ from t’e world forever, an’ Oi must learn t’ cope wit’ ‘t.” She turned to Silor.  “Tis like t’is.  Oi lost only ane t’ing from m’ memory.  People. M’sel’ an’ eveyane t’at Oi’ve ever known, until Oi awoke t’ t’e Orca song.
“Oi can draw ye t’e plan an’ lines o’ ever’ ship Oi‘ve lived on.  Oi know all t’at Oi used t’ know.  Oi ‘ave t’e ’ule Arrakan fleet, ‘ts laws, customs, navigation, ever’t’in’s ‘ere,” she tapped her temple.  “But t’ere’s nae ane person t’ere!  Nae even m’sel’!  Tis worse t’an ghosts.  Tis utterly empty an’ never stops ‘urting, unless Oi can focus on somet’in’ new.
“Barad’s precious t’ m’ because ‘e keeps m’ safe at night.  ‘E ‘olds m’ an’ keeps t’e emptiness inside from swallowin’ m’.” Strange, but that’s nearly true.  Even if what we did was wrong, what’s done is done.  We were married before the whole Naral fleet by Arrakan law and, as it was accepted, it’s now legal by the Third Great Law.  I’m being treated like a partner and friend as a wife should be.
“I’m sorry,” said Silor sincerely.  “I have some idea of what you must feel.  I’ve lost my ship, too.  Also, my fleet, all that made home for me.  They’re gone but I remember everything and everyone.  It hurts.”
“Oi donnae t’ink Oi’d like t’ trade places wit’ ye, Silor.”  My act is sailing closer and closer to reality.  Your madness is driving you ever further onto dry land.
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Return to World of Sea
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twilightvolt · 5 years
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And so, another year has come to pass.....almost. ^  ^
Remember when i said i was branching away from Digimon back when i drew up Venom fanart? y’know, “I wanted to be more than what i used to be.” that being “a Digimon artist.”
2019 was basically just that. lots and lots and LOTS of fandom hopping.
If last year was me recovering from the pain and crippling anxiety of 2017, then this year was me finally getting up again, learning to stand up and live for myself rather than in fear of those i shouldn’t care about anymore. life still hasn’t been too kind to me even though, compared to last year, we’re in a better space. but i’ll get into more detail about that while i go through everything month by month on the clock.
Before we begin, if you’d like to see the previous years, here’s the links!
Might wanna grab your popcorn, my dudes. this is a long one.
January: On the Web
Coming out of 2018, things were pretty ok if i remember. i don’t remember much from this month aside from a few doodles i did like this one from when Spiderverse was the hottest thing. this was one of the last things i drew in my old style. before i decided to officially change things up in the next month.
February: Gotta Kick it Up
Pokemon Sword & Shield were announced and things were hype! oh, how things soured as the months went by. lol
But yeah, this was me taking that experimental sketchy pencil style from that Smash Bros. drawing and rolling with it all the way! it’s become my new go-to style and even though it’s still hella sketchy at times, i feel like it looks better in comparison to my old ink outlined drawings.
March: The Overdrive Dweebanoids
Oh right. my old Ben 10 phase that lasted for a millisecond in 2016 returned with a vengeance. and it was glorious. lmao
It spawned an AU that i didn’t delve into much, but if i ever get that spark for my favorite alien watch bearer, i’ll get back to it.
April: True Blue Lizard Bois
My Ben 10 streak continues and i was crankin’ out art left and right for it. i luved all the “doodle dumps” i made, but this drawing was wholesome and i picked it because of that.
To some extent, this could be a comparison between my past and my present. that being Overdrive!Ben being what, at the time, was my current obsession while Digimon!Vivi was a representation of where i used to be, back when i was starting out and entering Digimon OCTs on Deviantart.
May: Return to the Realm of Sleep ~HD ReMIX
Now THIS i feel was one of the grandest drawings i’ve done this year. hell, i even made a wallpaper out of it.
like, it was just a redraw of an old drawing from 2017. but to me, it was a way to tell me just how far i’ve come since then. and i couldn’t be happier.
This was also the month i rebooted my DA after a long time of inactivity!
....Iiiit didn’t really work much, but i’m still working on it. though i highly doubt it’s worth it considering most of the ones i used to hang with there are either people i don’t wanna associate with or people who left while i was gone. seriously, it’s a ghost town there.
June: Art Fight 2019 ~Dreams Vs. Nightmares~
Ahh, my second year of Art Fight. for this year’s event, i wanted to be a tad more grandiose. like drawing up this banner. i like being extra and stuff even if it kills my drawing hand, so yeah. lmao
Florida thunderstorms are friggin’ terrifying. idk HOW anyone can get used to that.
July: - BREAK DOWN -
Oookay, it was hard picking my favorite attack this year cuz i pretty much was satisfied with all of them. but i had to go with this attack because the artist i drew it for was someone i really admired for years and i’m just happy i could finally have an opportunity to draw them something. like, i luv how it came out, so yeah.
This was also the month i forced myself to finally do the thing and let go of the constant fear i felt towards certain people i used to hang with. while remembering 2017 will never NOT hurt, i can’t let that fear rule over me forever. i have to take control and not let it stop me from doing what i want. and that’s exactly what i did.
August: Ricky ~Sapphire, Emerald and AlphaSapphire
Oh yeah! after Art Fight ended, i returned to Pokemon randomly cuz i wanted to go back to my roots for a moment. revamping Ricky, formerly Ragna, and Yagami was something i’ve been meaning to do for awhile and it reignited a waning love for a series i started growing distant towards since Gen VII.
I used to really like Ricky’s old design even though i barely ever used him. but i guess this just shows how much more original i’ve gotten in terms of character design. ^  ^
September: Heartbeat Inferno
Now, i haven’t really talked much about what’s been going on life wise for most of this post, but trust me when i say irl, things weren’t really.....happening. like, it’s hard when you live (or rather, lived now) in a place with little job opportunity and you have NO experience whatsoever. the lack of progression must’ve hit something in me, so the week i drew this was me just....shifting moods, feeling everything at once. one day i’d be agitated as hell, the next i’d be so depressed i took a some odd hour nap and didn’t wanna get out of bed. like, for most of this year, i haven’t felt this stressed out and frustrated with myself. so this sudden crash was kind of....unwelcome.
But this drawing was a fresh change though, if i’m being honest. i’m not usually this uncaring about how clean the coloring job is, but i like it! i’d choose that other drawing i did for my friends’ birthdays, Skirmish at the Cable Club, but this one had a more personal drive behind it.
October: - PAPERMOON -
beastarsbeastarsbeASTARSBEASTARS--*COUGH COUGH AHEM* I MEAN....hai. :D
Continuing with my Pokemon shenanigans, i drew this big piece which was something i had in my head for years now, but never actually acted upon it cuz i always felt it was too big of an idea to work on. i’m happy i’ve managed to capture what i envisioned originally.
As for interests, i’m sure most of my current followers can deduce that i quickly shifted gears to Beastars as soon as the anime was released and so far, i regret nothing. it’s spawned a metric butt ton of new art from me and the way i see it, this phase ain’t stopping as long as this series continues. brace yourselves fam, i believe i’ve finally found the successor to my Digimon phase. lmao
Like, damn, i had a tough time choosing art for this month. i was stuck between this, - SMILE/WILD SIDE - and Slip Into Madness. so many good drawings i was satisfied with, y’know?
November: The Future is Now
I was SO planning on putting something else here, but then suddenly i just kinda had this urge to redraw that uggo gouache painting of Miyagi from highschool. and it turned out so good that i had to. like, really. lmao
As with the redraw of Dream Drop Digital’s key art, it was a reminder of how far i’ve come since then art wise. and i feel like i’ve accomplished so much this year because of it. ;w;
December: Winter Lights
And now we’re back to the present time. after over a year or so of living in Florida, we’ve moved once again back up north a bit. yet another clean slate, but things seem to be looking up despite the rather large bumps in the road the past week or so. lately i’ve been feeling that seasonal depression starting to set in, but i think i’ll be fine as long as i stay positive. cuz y’know, it’s not being happy all the time. it’s just knowing that things will get better someday.
One of the other reasons i drew this drawing was cuz i REALLY wanted to have something Beastars related on this clock. this series (and Legoshi in particular) really inspired me, so i had to leave a wedge open for my boi.
Looking back at the beginning of this decade (as 2020 would mark the next one), i realized that the 2010′s were basically me becoming more artsy. finding enjoyment for a new hobby that quickly became something i’m now more passionate about than video games which i didn’t think would EVER be the case.
Funny enough, it all started in the RP section of a little forum for an MMO called Wizard101. i was only in middle school at the time and, to tell you the truth, i had no idea i’d be going at it for this long. thought i’d just do it on the side but not really delve into the art world more.
But despite all the trips and falls, fandom drama or otherwise, i wouldn’t change anything if it meant i wouldn’t have the friends who’ve stuck by me in the aftermath of those times.
I may not be really succeeding in much, but it’s the small steps in life that matter most in the end. these past few months in particular was me getting fed up with feeling sorry for myself for not doing the things i was interested in in the past, getting over my regret and making plans for starting something new even though i know i’ll suck at first and not worrying so much about how others might perceive me.
And just like how life was changing for our resident grey wolf this first season, mine seems to be doing the same. and i believe this decade ended on a better note than i thought it would during the past couple years leading up to this.
Here’s to a new decade! ^  ^
~ For a future I want to believe in. ~
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lamptracker · 5 years
FIC: Win/Win (Part 8/?)
Yeah, I’m sorry this is about 97 weeks late. And that it’s tiny. But I’m *just* getting back to where I can write actual fics again, so. I don’t know what to tell you.
Series Masterlist
Overall Summary: Temporarily homeless, the reader needs a place to stay. Her friend Tom, who has a reputation for being a womanizer, has an extra room… and an idea.
Very loosely based on the How I Met Your Mother episode “World’s Greatest Couple,” where Lily posed as Barney’s wife to help him get rid of his one-night stands.
Part summary: After Jacob and Zendaya take the next step in their relationship, Tom and the reader ponder doing the same. 
Warnings: it’s so fluffy I want to DIE
Tags: @sspider-parker @dipshithipster @stephie-senpai @lemirabitur   @gravity-jade21   @ocaptainmycaptainrogers   @hollandfieldblurbs   @unicorn-princess-1999   @grace-wheeze @writings-and-stuff @almostrosadiazz @vendylewin @doctor-ninja @let-me-luve-you
Tom slowly sipped his beer while he waited for everyone else to show up to the bar after work. (y/n) normally got there first, but she had an after-school staff meeting. She came in about ten minutes after he did, a slightly sheepish smile on her face.
“Hello, love.” Tom took her hand as she slid into the booth, kissing her softly once she’d settled in. “How was your day?”
“Pretty good. Staff meeting was boring as hell and could have very easily been an e-mail.” She chuckled quietly to herself. “I, uh… I did something.”
Tom raised an eyebrow. “You did something?”
“I did something. I don’t know if it was good. I think it might have been a little bad. For the sake of argument, I’m going to call it… morally ambiguous.”
“What did you do?” Tom asked, in that tone of voice one uses when a toddler does something naughty.
“I saw Tony in the parking lot.”
Tom scoffed. “Wow, he really likes to talk to you a lot for someone who was told to never talk to you again.”
(y/n) shook her head. “Yeah. He’s, just, an awful listener. It was a big issue when we were dating. Anyway, he wanted to talk to me because he wanted to formally announce that he is done pursuing me.”
“What, did he give you a Certificate of Completion or something?”
(Y/n) snorted.  “So anyway, I ask him why, and he says he and Morgan are getting back together because… get this… she’s pregnant.”
Tom’s jaw went slack, his mouth forming an “o” shape. “Get out. Then what?”
(y/n) cleared her throat. “This is where it gets, ah, morally ambiguous. I put my hand on his shoulder, I looked him square in the eye, and I said: ‘Oh, Tony. Are you sure it’s yours?’ And then I just… started walking away.”
Tom instantly regretted choosing that moment to take a swig of his beer, because it very nearly shot out of his nose. “Oh, my God, that’s fucking awesome, babe.”
(y/n) laughed. “I heard him get his phone out and say, ‘Are you home? No, don’t go anywhere, we need to talk.’ I should feel worse about that than I do, shouldn’t I?”
Tom started laughing, more loudly this time. “No, no, I think that after everything he did to you, that was absolutely called for.”
“Oh, good.”
Just then, Harrison walked in and sat across from them.
“So guess what,” he said, plucking a spicy pretzel from the bowl on the table. “I, uh… I have a date.”
(y/n) smiled widely. “Really! Tell us all about them.”
“Well, her name is Amelia. She works at the bank down the street from my office. We met in line at one of the food carts outside, the tamale one?”
“Love tamales,” (y/n) said; Tom just nodded.
“Anyway, we’re going to dinner tomorrow night. I can’t wait, she’s so awesome.”
“You taking her out for tamales?” (y/n) asked; Tom and Harrison stared at her. “What? I thought it’d be a cute callback to how they met, I - oh, Jacob and Z are here.”
Jacob and Zendaya walked in, stopping at the edge of the table.
“We, um, we have an announcement,” Jacob said.
“You’ve decided you’re officially done pursuing me?” (y/n) asked; Jacob laughed.
“No, but I did see Tony in the parking lot… what did you say to him?”
“Nothing,” (y/n) replied casually, “so what’s this announcement?”
“We’re getting married!” Zendaya held out her left hand; a silver ring with a single round diamond encircled her ring finger.
Harrison, Tom, and (y/n) collectively gasped as she brandished the ring. Finally, all three of them started excitedly yammering at once:
“Oh, my God. Congratulations, you two!”
“Zendaya, that ring is gorgeous!”
“About time you locked that down, Jacob, congratulations!”
“I’m ordering a round of champagne for the table,” Tom said, getting up to go to the bar.
“(y/n), I want you to be my maid of honor,” Zendaya said.
“Oh, I’d love to!” (y/n) exclaimed.
“And I can’t decide who I want to be my best man, so I want Harrison and Tom to be co-best men,” Jacob said.
“I’m in,” Harrison said.
“Me too,” Tom added, carrying a tray with a bottle of champagne and five glasses to the table. He carefully distributed the champagne amongst the five glasses, then everyone took one. “I’d like to propose a toast. To Jacob and Zendaya!”
“To Jacob and Zendaya!” Everyone clinked their glasses together and drank.
“I am so happy for them,” (y/n) said, hanging her jacket on a hook just inside the apartment door.
“Me too.” Tom settled down onto the couch, patting the cushion next to him. “Let me ask you something, Tom.” (y/n) sat down next to Tom, head resting on his shoulder; his arm wrapped around her, pulling her close. “Do you want to get married someday?”
Tom chuckled softly, his thumb rubbing slow circles on her shoulder. “If you had asked me that a year ago, I’d have a dramatically different answer.” He looked down at her, smiling. “But, thanks to you… yeah. Someday, I do. And I want it to be you, you’re the one that taught me it was okay to love again. You’re the one that said it was okay to give my heart to someone again. I’ve given it to you, and I want you to have it forever.” He kissed her forehead; her eyelids fluttered closed and she sighed happily. “What about you?”
“Oh, absolutely. When I was with Tony, the thought of marriage never crossed my mind. I cared about him, you know? But I’m not sure if I ever truly loved him, not like I love you. You kept trying to tell me you were a bad boyfriend, but you’ve been perfect. You’re sweet, you’re funny, you care about me and you want to listen to my problems without trying to solve them for me. I thought I was in love before, but now… now I know I am. And when I picture my wedding day, I picture you at the other end of the aisle.”
“Am I wearing a tux?”
“Well, it’s a drunken Vegas shotgun wedding, right? So you’re probably in a Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops.”
Tom laughed. “Horrifying.”
“You should see the Elvis impersonator, I never said which one of us was going to be drunk.” (Y/n) nudged him with her shoulder, giggling. “I love you so much, Tom.”
“I love you too, (y/n).”
“I’m not ready to get married yet, though, not for a while.”
“Me either. But I promise you this, I’m going to marry you someday.”
(y/n) smiled softly at him. “I can’t wait. Well, I mean, I can, that was the whole point of this, I mean…”
“Darling? I love you, but… you’re rambling.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Maybe you should shut me up then.”
Tom stood suddenly, scooping her into his arms. “Challenge accepted,” he said, winking, as he carried the now-giggling (y/n) into the bedroom.
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Liquor Truths
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Requested: Anonymous
Word Count: 1370
Pairing: Natasha X Reader
Warnings: Drunk, descriptions/mentions of depression. ANGST!
Request: Hi!! Love your writing btw :D ok, my request is Natasha x fem!reader with ANGSTTTTT. Get creative girl! I don't care the ending lol just make sure you break my heart lmao (I'm a slut for angst) xoxo
Maybe it was for the best. Maybe there was a reason for it. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
Your name shook you out of your dark thoughts, looking over your shoulder, you saw Steve approaching, with a cup of Asgardian liquor in it.
“Hey Cap. Some party, huh?” You gestured out towards the crowded common area where revelars were laughing and getting drunk.
Steve squinted at you suspiciously, but your pasted smile was perfected too much for him to see past it. He shrugged, taking a sip of the only alcohol that could give him a buzz, “You know Tony likes it, and thinks it gives good press, but you know I don’t really care for these things.”
You laughed, punching him lightly in the shoulder, “You’d rather be out there butting heads with hydra ops, we know.”
Steve flushed slightly, coughed, and raised his cup to his eye, “Stronger than I remember. I better lay off or else I be like Bucky here in a few.”
You and Steve both glanced over to the balcony where Bucky was making out with his own reflection.
“That’s probably for the best.” You took his cup from his hand and set it on the bar before turning and pushing him away from you, “Now go out there and mingle, people came to be wowed by America’s heroes.”
If Steve noticed that you didn’t include yourself in that category, he didn’t say anything. He smiled, ruffled your hair and walked away.
While it was true you were part of the Avengers, you didn’t feel like you deserved the same praise and attention as the rest of the team. You weren’t anything special. The most you could do was change your appearance into a mouse. That’s right. A mouse, and nothing else.
You glanced at the half full cup of Asgardian Liquor sitting before you. Glancing around the room confirmed that no one was paying attention to you. You knew that Thor said that it was not for ‘mere mortals’, but you needed something to get you out of your own thoughts.
“Here goes nothing.” You muttered before swallowing it all in one go.
“Huck! U-ack!” It burned something horrible and felt like fire going down your throat.
“[Y/n]! You okay?” The sweet honey toned voice of your girlfriend floated in the air before you. Your eyes tracked the soft words, following them back to ruby red lips.
Giggling, you gripped her arms, letting her hold your weight as you stumbled, “You sound pretty..hehehe...I sound sad.” You raised one hand and weaved it through the air in front of you where your words mingled with everyone else's.
“Oh my god, [Y/n]... How much have you had to drink?”
You frowned at the gruff tone of your girlfriend, tears welling up in your eyes, “Are you mad at me Natasha? Please, Don’t be mad at me…”
You turned your puppy dog eyes up to meet her emerald green ones, they swirled like oceans, drawing you in.
She blinked, drawing in a breath, before tugging you close to her and started walking towards your room in the tower, bypassing nosy guests. “Of course I’m not mad at you [Y/n].”
You cheered and nodded, “Good! Cause I hate myself enough already!”
“What? [Y/n]? What are you talking about?” You noticed that you were now in your room, wow, your girlfriend walked fast.
You ran from her arms and jumped onto the bed, leaping and trying to touch the ceiling, “Hehe. This is fun! Come on Tasha! We never have fun anymore!”
Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose, “I know we’ve been going through a rough patch lately [Y/n]. What with all the missions Fury has me going on, but I am not discussing this with you when you are obviously drunk. Now, sleep it off!”
She stormed out and slammed the door behind her, causing you to fall into a heap on the bed, staring after her.
The energy she left behind was a faded blue, raising your hand, you saw that your energy radiated a red.
“You were blue, and I was red, and together we created a violet sky. But Purple isn’t enough for you.” You murmured the words, vaguely recognizing them from some sappy quote thingy you saw on a wall once.
Fire rose in your eyes as yous talked across the room to the balcony of your room. Throwing open the french doors, you felt the wind tangle its fingers in your hair, its breath caress your cheek and tickle your ears as it spoke in silent whispers.
“Of course Fury wants her on all the missions, she’s more talented. More better….Murrr Avensher than meee.” You laughed as your words came out garbled and sloppy.
“Cush I only do tsiss…” Your body tingled for a minute as you suddenly shrank down into our mouse form. Squeaking, and stumbling, you gripped the side of the building with your paws and began climbing the side of the building up to the tippy top.
Once on the top you changed back into your human form, on your hands and knees, gaspiong for breath between hysterical laughter.
“Ishhhh better this way….maygeee.”
You crawled to the edge of the tower, and glanced down. The building seemed to be swaying from side to side. The moon called out to you in a haunting howl as the ground beckoned you with dark shadows and sweet surrender.
“Who would luve me? I’m brosken. Tattered. Not an avensher worth Natasha.”
Tears found their way down your cheeks in shallow rivers.
“Sorry. Sorry. Sorry!” You screamed out into the busy New York night.
“It’s better this way!”
“I’m not worth it!”
You were feeling everything tenfold. In the back of your mind, you figured it was the Asgardian Liquor doing this, amplifying the feelings and thoughts you already had.
“[Y/n]? FRIDAY says you climbed up here. Are you okay?”
You slowly stood and turned to face Natasha, Steve, and Tony. They all looked worried. Standing in front of the door to the fire escape.
You doubled over in laughter, the tears splattering the grey roof. You took a step back, which was also up, onto the edge.
Natasha jerked. Steve’s eyes widened and Tony grimaced, hands on his watch.
“No suits Tone tone!” You sang, as the realization hit him. He had Dum-EE doing repairs on the one suit he kept after getting back together with Pepper.
“[Y/n]...you’re drunk. Let’s go to our room. Come here..”
You screamed as Natasha took a step forward, causing her to freeze.
Not once did the tears stop, they were a constant lullaby of despair.
“I’ve felt this way for a long time! No one noticed! I’m not worth saving!”
You heard your words, no longer garbled, now sharp as a knife, piercing the hearts of the three people before you.
Tony spoke gruffly, you could see the shimmer of water in his eyes, “[Y/n], I’ve been where you are, it doesn't have to end like this.”
You stared him down, “You have never been here. Because you are Iron Man. And you,” You turned to Steve, “ Are Captain America and you,” You looked at Natasha, your gaze dropping as your heart sang out to her, “You are Black Widow, the woman who owns my heart. Maybe it will still be beating when you scrape me from the ground.”
You edged closer to the ledge, the heels of your feet teetering close to the open space. The thousands of feet to the shadow covered ground.
“[Y/n], what are you talking about!? Get off the ledge, please!” You could smell and see the desperation and the love in her voice, but it wasn't enough. It was too late. It was better this way.
“I was never an Avenger. Let’s be honest. I’m not apart of this team, or this family. Goodbye.”
And with those last words, you let your body fall backwards.
The sight of the red hair of Natasha spilled across your vision as the wind rushed to cushion you. You smiled as you closed your eyes.
You were finally free.
@sxph-t @littlestfangirl @rainydaysrnevergrey (No Smut!) @platonic-plots @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi @ayyidkeither @mcuimxgine @mythixmagic @chas-z @iflew-onabus @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger
Natasha Taglist:
@ludwigvonbaethoven @hanjiscience-slut @kitten-q-p @morbid-gaymer @honeybadgerwhodoesntcare @sunnyandtwisty @zoeyknight @kurlyafro @thewomanofwonder @5aftermidnight
Avengers Taglist:
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stevenrogers5-blog · 7 years
Things Happen 2
Summary: Several nights together, one leads to an untimely moment that would forever change yours and Bucky’s relationship. 
Warnings: Hint of Smut. Fluff. Fighting. Angst. Angry words! 
A/N: Second part to things happen!! Hope you guys like it! 
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A few missions later, and we were back in the states for one more mission before we were to return back. We are sound asleep in bed, just after an amazing night together. Or so i thought.  Bucky stands shirtless, starring out of the window. I lay on the bed, watching his back as he watched the people down below.
“Come back to bed.” I mumble as sleep still laces my vocal chords. He turns, smiling softly at me. He moves back towards the bed as i sit up. He stands just in front of me. “Why are you up?”
“I had a nightmare about you. I didn’t want to wake you.” Bucky explains as he dips his head down to kiss you softly. You smile as you pull away.
“I am always here if you need someone to talk about anything.” I mumble as he climbs into the bed next to me. I turn my body and face him. He smiles slightly before laying down. I watch his face before taking his hand in mine. “Could you be happy here with me?”
Bucky lays silently as our fingers played with each other before he opened his mouth “I need you to know that when i picture myself happy… it’s always with you.” He brings my hand to lips and kisses it softly. Running his lips across my knuckles. I smile as i dip down and lay next to him.
“I can’t …. I can’t ever lose you Bucky Barnes.” I mumble as i stare and watch our hands. Our eyes meet as we search for the right emotional connection.
“Then you deserve to know that i can never get you off of my mind.” Bucky mumbles as he pulls my body closer to his. “But maybe it is best i disappear once we get back for a little bit. Really figure out what my mind wants from me.”
“Bucky. I can’t let you do that. Not without me at least.” I say as i caress his cheek. He closes his eyes at the contact.
“I can’t… I won’t start over again.” Bucky mumbles as his dilated blue orbs stare back into my eyes.
“Then don’t. Be with me. Let’s figure this out together.” I mumble back as he inches his face closer.
“I really can’t get you outta my head.” Bucky whispers before kissing me. He soon rolls over, earning a soft giggle as his lips connect to my neck.
“You are going to be the death of me, Barnes.” I say through laughter. He smiles as he props himself on his elbows.
“Well, till death do us part.” He says. I smile at him before he returns to his attack on my neck. We lose ourselves once more before we had to return to the boring life style of New York.
I was moody enough as it was the last few months since we had gotten back. Bucky was noticing and he was not having it. He wanted to be serious but everything lately had him further and further away from me.
So here we were, Standing in the hallway of the rooms just before the hall to the living room. Bucky once again mentioned how he was thinking about leaving. To get away from it all.
“Why do you always want to go?!” i cry out as Bucky leans against the wall. He sighs, running his fingers through his hair.
“Come on. Don’t be like this!” Bucky yells back before he pushes himself off the wall, reaching for me.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” I scream as i push him away and start stomping down the
hallway.  He chases after me, trying to grab my hands.
“Seriously!? Why are you so fucking moody lately!?” Bucky yells after me. I turn and point my finger sharply at him.
“Don’t fucking say that. Not now. You do not know what i am going through.” I exclaim as tears start to form in my eyes. I spin on my heels and book it for the living room.
“Y/N! You know i lo-”
“Don’t you say you love me! You clearly don’t!” I scream as the tears fall faster.
“Will you just fucking listen to me for once?! I need to go. I need to get better control of my mind and arm. This was never going to last forever. I am not a forever guy.” Bucky tries to explain as he finally steps in front of me to stop me.
“Go Then, Leave! See if i care!!” I scream in his face. He stands for a second before closing his eyes.
“Fine.” He mumbles before going back in the direction we just came in. Once out of sight, i hug myself as i start to cry harder. I sigh, turning a little to see Steve and Natasha standing speechlessly on the steps near the balcony.
“How long have you guys,” I wipe my face, “Been there?” They sigh as they slowly move closer to me.
“Long enough my love.” Natasha says as she rubs my elbow comfortingly. Steve half smiles as he stands silently. “Y/N… Does Bucky know about the baby?”
“Baby?!” Steve exclaims, earning annoyed shhhs from Natasha.
“Yes. Baby. I’m not just fat, i have a human growing in me. That is yes, Bucky’s child.It was that one night before we came back from our missions. Natasha and Bruce have been helping me keep check on the little one, who we found out it a girl may i add.” I explain.
“So, does he know?” Steve repeats Natasha’s question. I shake my head no as tears form once more.
“But i can manage my own..” I mumble.
“I know… But you love him. You can’t just give up on a person you love!” Natasha tries to reason.
“I know Nata-”
“Don’t give up on him! He needs you! He needs someone to watch over him!” Steve tries to explain.
“And you don’t think i need someone!? That i need someone to help me?! My own babies daddy would rather skip town then work anything out!” I yell. The group goes silent as i rub the back of my neck.
“I think i just want to be alone right now.” I mumble as i push Steve and Natasha’s hands off of me.
“Okay. I am always a call away if you need me.” Natasha says as she grabs Steve’s forearm.
“Me too. I will always be here for you and my niece.” Steve presses his lips to my forehead before walking off with Natasha, leaving me to my own thoughts. Drowning was the only feeling i could understand.
Bucky and i kept our distance after that fight. He yearned to hold me, love me. I was glowing more and more each day. He was loving it, wishing he could just love on me. Although my weight gain was starting to become more rounder than baggy. A few members made a comment but no one had confirmed nor denied what the whole group was thinking.
Steve walks towards Bucky’s room, standing in his doorway. Bucky sat on his bed, only looking at briefly before standing a shoving another shirt into his bag. Steve sighs as he just watches him.
“Do you think she could have really loved me?” Bucky finally asks, breaking the silence. Steve laughs a little, earning a curious look from Bucky.
“That’s the thing. She does really love you. You deserve a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. Look… We need to talk.” Steve says, walking closer and shutting the door behind him.
A good hour later and Bucky was sprinting through the halls, looking for me. Searching for the woman holding his baby. His little girl growing. He knew it was the reason you were glowing.
A knock comes to my new room. I stand slowly from my chair and try to walk as normal as possible towards the door. I pull the door open and instantly feel my heart drop. We stare into each others eyes before i move back, allowing him to walk into the room.
“I had to see you again.” Bucky mumbles as he sits down on the end of my bed. I try to plop in the chair smoothly, but the bump was starting to make it look a tad bit unnatural.
“For?” Bucky sits silently, just staring at my belly. “Go on then, tell me why you are here? Is it to tell me you still don’t love me? To rub it in that you were leaving for good?” Bucky sighs as he finally looks me in my face.
“No… Before i talk about anything, i need you to know that i do love you. Always have. Always will.” Bucky sighs, getting up and kneeling in front of me. “I know You’re pregnant. I saw you take a pregnancy test a little bit ways back. But you never said anything so i assumed you weren’t. But you gained weight. And it’s a perfectly round belly growing. With my baby girl in it. Oh, Y/N, I could never leave you and our baby girl. I love you both too much.” Bucky gushes, crying as he sticks his out towards my belly.
“Bucky… I did not ask for any of this! I made the decision to give her up for adoption. I can’t trust that you won’t run out on us! All you do is talk about running away from here.” I mumble, pushing his hand from my body.
“I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it! I will be with you. We are keeping this baby. And someday i will marry you!” Bucky grips my hands with his. I sigh as i look him in the eyes.
“No. We will work this out! We will learn to make this work. I have my problems. But i will work past them. I will provide the best life for you and our baby girl. Just let me do it! Let me be the man i was made to be! I was given a second chance at life. Let me use it to build this beautiful one for our girl.” Bucky says, tears now streaming down both of our faces. I finally sigh and nod my head.
“I guess I was wrong about you. You’re not so bad after all.” I mumble as i pull his hand closer to my body. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I first laid my eyes on you and – Oh, screw it!” I lean in and kiss him softly. His hand holds my belly gently as we sit like that for a few seconds. Wiping his tears as i pull away from him, a soft kick comes from my belly.
“I love you too my sweet baby girl.” Bucky mumbles as he brings his face to your belly, lifting my shirt and kissing the skin softly.
A few months later...
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Requests and Tag Lists are open! 
Permanent Tag List:
@ailynalonso15 @ geeksareunique @patzammit  @autumnlovebaby @i-love-marching-band @philosophies-angst  @let-me-luve-you @pigwidgexn @cadence-jeannette @pastelllic
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hryptid · 6 years
Amsterdam Harris Reed - a sexci pirate courtesan whom could probably swindle me out of everything i own. there is just something so indescribable about the way harry carried himself on stage that night, nd the only thing that comes 2 mind when i think about him flouncing around without a care in the world is Harris saying, “[my clothes] allow somebody to fully inhabit who they’re meant to be.” 🤧
Glasgow Kilt - gothic cryptid of the highlands. probably spends his time roaming forgotten castles. he joked he’d been looking for a reason to wear a kilt but i FELT that. this might be a reach but i really do hope this has Maybe, Possibly, opened a few more doors for him in terms of dabbling in more experimental silhouettes in the coming years. SWISH SWISH. 
now 4 The Order,,
London Gucci - an absolute DREAM. i feel like this entire look was out 4 my neck Specifically. A High Waist! Quintessential Gucci glitter fuckery! Side stripe detailing on the trousers! nd for a Wee throwback, frog closures done RIGHT in the name of that terrible yellow suit he wore in melbourne last year. LUV U GUCCY UR A REAL ONE. 
Madrid Palomo Spain - SHE DIED(RIPPED) SO THE REST OF US COULD LIVE. Ass x22. 
Stockholm Calvin Klein - GIGANTIC RAF NUT. a beautiful checked strawberry shortcake with boots made from outer space. moment of silence 4 the First Appearance of The Vests nd also the last of my sanity. 
Basel Gucci - black monochromatic disco ball darling. i hav a strong Hemotional Honnection 2 this one purely because it was the first night and i will never forget the I Just Drank Six Shots Of Espresso In A Row feeling i had watchin the livestream nd seeing him sparkle and sway like the littol rhinestone he is
Mannheim Charles Jeffrey - MY SAFETY PIN SWEETIE. i’ve been enjoying the variety of Shapes we’ve seen this tour so far, and the billowy curtain vibes of this look really Kills the man. henry’s weeping willow-esque frame has the tendency to get lost in swathes of fabric but i LOVED the fit. and he luved her enuff to wear the trousers out and about in london two days later :’((((( 
Dublin Charles Jeffrey - MOTHER KIWI!!! i thot i loved this jumpsuit the first time around but i would DIE 4 her now. the tailoring both raised and murdert me. PLEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Birmingham Calvin Klein - GIGANTIC RAF NUT PT. DEUX. i would pay him 2 step on my neck with him striped boots. 
Bologna Gucci - HOT PINK, SHEER SHIRT, MY ENTIRE HEART. ETC ETC. he loved her enough 2 wear her for the entirety of his Italian excursion. ate very expensive pasta in her. a queen of VERSATILITY. we saw her with 3 different shirts nd shoes combos nd she looked great the whole time. Wowmst. 
Milan Gucci - A SENTIENT BOW. he was the christmas present i always wanted but never received. 
London McQueen - HANIA STWAIN. the fit looks iffy in some shots of her BUT she’s fluffy and everything my early-noughties-self could hav ever hoped for. 
Copenhagen Gucci - How To Look Like An Ethereal Celestial Nymph In Head To Toe Blue Glitter - a memoir by Harry Styles. gucci rlly fucking knows how to make a fucking suit. 
Oslo McQueen - Bougie Bathrobe Wearing Old Man Staring Wistfully Out Of The Peaked Windows Of His Manor. he looked a bit lost in the shape of this one but the patchwork was GORG 10/10 def would listen 2 him wax poetic abt the state of his gold candlestick holders. 
Oberhausen Givenchy - A nice foray into embroidery. The fit of the jacket left me mourning what Could Have Been, but she was an accomplice to the Avocado photo nd for that i will forever be indebted. 
Munich Calvin Klein - 21st CENTURY WILLY WONKA. This had the potential 2 be top ten but Harry disrespected me by wearing sparkly boots instead of the original white ones. A victim of my own pettiness. 
Manchester McQueen - Subtle Hot Pink Heetlejuice. would hav ranked higher if YOU’D TAKEN THE JACKET OFF YOU COWARD
Hamburg Gucci - an assemblage of multiple interior decorating mantras circa 1974 amalgamated into One Single suit. i am currently in a passionate Love/Hate relationship with this one. it was refreshing to see henry in a geometric pattern rather than a floral for once, and the soft pink contrast lapels and buttons did their best 2 offset the Brown Throw Pillow My Nan Used To Have vibes, but alas......... 
Antwerp McQueen - a suit that did not age very well in terms of the overall Collection of LOOKS Harry² hav thrown at us this past month. She’s cute! She’s giving us ornate yet dreamy lace detailing! And we do love a nice Sparkly statement shoe in this house! but she is..... dare i say........................ a bit Boring..... 
*terms and conditions apply, this ranking may be subject 2 change, see back next leg of tour for more details
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can I get a jensen ackles where he has five sons and finds out he's going to have a girl. boys names and ages are mykel age 12, apollo age 8, kutler age 4 weston age 2, tiberius age 1 and girl name is leighton
Boy or Girl
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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Though Jensen has been through the birth of his 5 boys, he is still nervous about the birth of a 6th. And for good reason.
Warnings: Childbirth, Hospital, Mega Fluff, Anxiety
A/N: I tried my best to know how young boys act, but as an only child surrounded by females in my family, it was difficult. Enjoy!
Jensen - 42 YN - 40 Mykel - 12 Apollo - 8 Kutler - 4 Weston - 2 Tiberius - 1 Leighton - Newborn
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom Asks Masterlist
The day Jensen found out he and his wife were going to have another child, he was panicked. When he and his wife agreed they'd wait until the baby was born to find out the gender, he was panicked. The morning his wife went into labor and had to call his parents to come to the hospital to watch his boys, he was panicked.
And now, pacing around the hospital lobby and sweating bullets, Jensen was panicked.
He was lucky his boys were so calm during all of this: Mykel sat in a chair playing on his Nintendo Switch, Apollo sat next to him watching the game, Kutler was coloring in a book on the floor, Jensen's mother held Weston in her lap while bouncing him, and Jensen's father held a sleeping Tiberius in his arms.
Jensen smiled looking over at his family. He sighed, knowing how lucky he was to have such a big family. And it was about to get bigger.
His mother waved him over to her, snapping him from his thoughts. Jensen walked over and sat next to his mom.
She patted his cheek and smiled, "Are you excited?"
Jensen nodded and sighed, "Just nervous. And I don't know why. I've been through this 5 other times."
"Well, your father was the same way with you 3 kids. He couldn't sit still in the waiting room. He was just so excited to meet you all for the first time," she replied, leaning to her husband.
Jensen's father whispered to him, as to not wake the baby, "She's right, as always. It doesn't get easier with each kid. But that doesn't mean that you won't love them any differently."
Jensen smiled, "Thanks, Dad."
His mother nudged his shoulder, "So, what do you think? Boy or girl?"
Jensen shrugged, "No clue. Based on these 5, my guess is boy."
"Any names picked out?" she asked him.
"If it's a boy, Landon. If it's a girl, Leighton," he replied.
Suddenly a doctor burst into the waiting room. Jensen was on his feet in a second, panicked once again.
The doctor walked up to Jensen, "She's about to give birth. Do you want to be in the room?"
Jensen opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. He nodded vigorously to the doctor and followed him down the hallway.
Once he got to the room, they got him into a gown, gloves, and a mask. He saw YN on a bed sitting up, covered in sweat, and breathing heavy. He walked over to her and sat in the chair next to the bed.
The next few minutes felt like seconds to Jensen but hours to YN.
Before they both knew it, the doctor was holding their baby up for them to see as he exclaimed, "It's a girl!"
Jensen's jaw hit the ground. YN was crying from happiness.
She reached out to grab his hand as she whispered, "It's Leighton."
Jensen's eyes filled with tears almost instantly as he heard his daughter's name for the first time. He put a hand to his chest and looked down at YN. She was smiling at him and crying.
A few hours later, Jensen's parents along with his sons were sitting around the bed. Mykel and Apollo were on YN's left, Jensen's parents at the foot of the bed, Kutler was sitting on the bed at YN's feet, Weston was next to Kutler, and Tiberius was in Jensen's arms.
Leighton was fast asleep in YN's arms. She smiled down at her baby, "Hi Leighton. You're so beautiful," she said kissing the top of her head.
Tiberius pointed at Leighton, and yelled with excitement, "Baby!"
The room burst into laughter as Jensen bent down to YN, "That's right, son, baby. Baby girl, a little sister."
YN smiled at her husband, "Jay, do you want to hold her?"
Jensen's eyes instantly filled with tears as he nodded.
His dad walked over and took Tiberius from his arms. YN sat up and handed Leighton over to Jensen. Jensen took her and stared at her for a bit.
He smiled as a tear fell down his face, "Hey, baby girl. I'm your Daddy."
Leighton opened her eyes slightly and giggled at Jensen, which pulled at his heartstrings. She reached up a hand to him and wrapped it around his finger.
"Don't worry, Leighton. I'm going to protect you with everything I am. Daddy's got you. Now and forever."
From that moment on, Leighton had Jensen wrapped around her little finger. And Jensen was trilled to have a daughter for the first time in his life.
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​ @chessurkait​ @adorable-minibot​ @desiredposion​ @idksupernatural​ @thevelvetseries​ @spnfamily-j2​ @let-me-luve-you
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cherrythot-s · 3 years
been luving my life lately... despite feeling stressed and scared and ya... like idk i’m not exactly where i want to be yet but i can tell that the work i’ve been putting in is making a difference little by little... things take time!! not everyone is on the same timeline and i have lots of time no need to stress so much that it paralyzes me lol. i’m not annoyed at the boy anymore ... mainly bc he was a huge help to me recently... and i don’t like being mad so i was getting over it anyways but the favor sped up the process lmao. happy he is in my life not j cuz of the favor ofc lol but j bc honestly he has rly been super encouraging and helpful and he’s definitely pushed me to better myself. idk how i could ever help him but i hope that i can at least b there if he ever needs anything. i admire a lot of his qualities tbh like i want to be more like him???? LOL sounds kinda weird but i just mean like he does all these things and some that i wish i could do too and i think it’s rly cool that he actually like does them?? haha. he’s v hardworking and i kno his hard work is gonna pay off and i feel so happy and excited for him! i’ve also been feeling excited for me too bc if i make it happen, i will put myself in a better place and ahhhh i really really want this. i just have to put in the work and make it happen! i’m scared it won’t happen. but i can’t let that fear get out of hand. i will make this happen. i will pass and get what i want. it’s all going to work out. this is what i’ve been wanting and waiting for. and now i just have to work for it and receive it. it’s already mine. i feel like i might sounds crazy to some people but idec bc i genuinely believe my efforts to get in touch w my ancestors and my spirituality and self have made a huge difference in my life. my grandpa passing away was something i did not think was just idek like i didn’t think that was ever going to happen any time soon. and it makes me so fucking sad bc i won’t be seeing him in this life anymore. but i know he’s here like i know he’s watching over me w the rest of my ancestors like i can really feel it. i can feel them with me. i can feel them encouraging me and wishing me the best. everyone who’s in my life rn i love so fucking much. like so much. good things are coming. my trip, and other stuff and who knos what else but i know it’s gonna b great and it’s exciting!!! had contact w my ex bf earlier this week and wow um yeah i’m SO happy i am where i am. i’m so happy to b picking me. to b luving me and caring for me. bc staying away from him is literally self care lmao. speaking of self care gym is going goodish!! trying my best don’t rly kno what i’m doing but i’m trying lol. i’ve been trying to have a better relationship w food as well. i like to make myself my own food a lot more now. healthy food can b good as fuck i luv what i’ve been making myself :D i’ve been making myself my own food more lately bc damn it’s rly hard af being oaxacan and eating healthy lmfao. my mom will make memelas or tortas w cecina or chorizo or tlayudas the list can go on and on lol and it’s not always the healthiest food u kno? but it’s soooo gooodddd i know i can eat what i want in moderation but it’s hard eating those foods that way cuz i j wanna stuff my face ;-; but it’s ok i’m glad i’m learning new foods to make myself bc it’s fun! and a healthy adult thing to do! ya life is good. i luv my family and friends so much. they r so important and special to me. forever grateful
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : World of Sea : Part 29
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2018
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
“Kurin and I were playmates when we were young,” Silor began earnestly. “We didn’t know what Cat was back then.  She was just someone who was always there.  Cat knew lots of good stories about the First Ships.  That’s where it started.  Kurin started asking for more stories and Cat started teaching her apart from the rest of us.
“One night, Kurin’s father died.  He was only twenty nine or thirty. Kurin found him.  Within a short time, her mother went raving mad, then ceased to move or do anything.  She’s still like that. Afterwards, Kurin and Cat, the Dragon, became inseparable.  I think that her parents were a test of Kurin by the Dragon but I’ll never know for sure.
“A little after that, Kurin beat me out of the boat-shop apprenticeship under Master Juris.  I was two Gatherings older and considered likely for the job.  Then, without any explanation, no other Craft on the Longin would have me either.  Her influence was spreading.
“To be fair, I never heard of Cat doing anything evil.  She wasn’t human, so she may not have realized what kind of person she was teaching.
“I became a deck-hand.  I was a good one.  In only one and a half Gatherings I was made lead deck-hand, the youngest ever on the Longin.  Ask anyone, I was well-thought-of, maybe officer material in a few more Gatherings.
“I admit that I fell asleep on watch.  It was only a nap, and I was on duty in the hold.  How much trouble was that?  I’ll tell you.  They stripped me of my lead deck-hand job!  Only three of her lousy crabs died, and they broke me for it!
“Later, I was in a class,” Silor paused, torn between ingrained loyalty and his tale.  “I can’t tell you what the class was about.  That’s Ship’s Business.  The important thing is this.  She was in the class, too.  Captain Mord told me that I was doing well and then threw me out of the class.”
Huh, she thought, hearing this out, If he believes what he’s saying there’s enough emptiness in his head to make a good float out of it.  I’ve heard some of these tales from other sources.  It’s obvious that he’s left out more than he’s told.  “Ye make a start on yer case but i’ t’is come up in t’e Arrakan fleet, ye’d lose.  Oi need more proof.  Especially about t’e fleet bein’ under ‘er control.  Ye’ve nae even addressed t’at.”
“Tanlin, love, I can attest to at least some of what he says.  He first brought the matter to my attention five Gatherings ago, as a lad of nine.  Since then I have watched the surreptitious machinations of Kurin.  She does far more than make toys!”
“Oi fail t’ see ‘t, Barad, m’ luve.  T’e fleet dinnae revolve about ‘er.  She commands nane, nae is she any but kind.”
Silor started to rise up in protest but Barad waved him down.  “That is true.  She is far too clever to put herself in so exposed a position. Why should she take risks when others will do so for her without even knowing that they serve her?  She has real power — — and no need for the trappings of power.”
He appeared to be hit by inspiration.  “Stand up, Silor!”
Mystified, Silor did so.
“There you are, Tanlin, the proof stands before you.”
“Oi’m now confused.  Enlighten m’.”
“Why was he exiled?”
“‘E slept on wotch, w’ich ‘e admits, an’ gave away Ship’s Business.”
“What business did he give away?  I’ll tell you.  He told amusing stories about their crabbing venture, which I grant is a main business for them.  The deadly revelation?  That they had special nets for crabs and knew where to find them.  Both are obvious to anyone who thinks for ten seconds.”
“Oi’m beginnin’ t’ see.  T’is wa’ a mere pretext.”
“Exactly. Once he was ejected from the Longin, his credentials should have gotten him an immediate berth on almost any ship in the fleet.  It didn’t happen.
“I was at the Captains’ Council.  Everyone agreed, even the Longin, that he had done nothing to die for but no ship would save him.  And they agreed that he was worth saving.  Thus, exile.  She rid herself of a nuisance, and no blood shed, nor clue that it was even her doing — — unless one looks at the whole unlikely chain of events.”
“Wy’d ye nae just take ‘im up t’en, like so many ot’ers ye’ve ‘elped?”
“Yes,” said Silor.  “Why did you let me be sent away?”
“Safety,” said Barad solemnly.  “Yours and mine.  You opposed her openly and she determined to have you removed.  That is why the others would not help you.  
“What would have happened to your only refuge if I had opposed her will by taking you openly?  I play the part of buffoon, many laugh at this ship and myself.  Let them.  It keeps her from taking us seriously. That is the only safety that there is.”
“Now Oi see ‘t.  Wye wa’ ‘t so ‘ard t’ see?”  You do play well to his madness, Barad.  I would not have tried to turn this one to a tool.  I must learn what you plan to do.  This one is dangerous.
Solemnly Barad said, “This is why only she, of all who claim to be Dragon-witches, is dangerous.  She never owns-up to her power.  She never claims it.  She just uses it, hidden from all.”
There was a discrete rap at the door.  They all quieted at once.  Barad went and opened it a narrow slit.  A whispered conversation followed.
“That was the watch officer.  We need to go up on deck.”
As they were going up the companion-ladder to the deck, Barad asked casually, “Have you ever seen your boat before?”
“Yes,” said Silor tightly.  “In the Longin’s boat-shop.”
“Master Juris must have been pleased with it.”
“He was but he didn’t build it . . .”  A look of fear washed across Silor’s face as the realization hit.  “Kurin did.  It was her journeyman’s submission piece.”  He ran to the rail.  “Where is it?  Where’s the boat?”
“I’m Officer of the Watch, Theld Elon, Sir.  Boat’s at the end of its line.”  The line went down into the water, drawn tight and pulled back at an angle by the Grandalor’s speed.  “Went down sudden a few minutes ago.”
Tanlin looked calmly over the side.  “‘T appears t’at we almost missed pickin’ ye up.  Oi wonder ‘ow t’is ‘appened?” How did you do this, you old dragon?  What a touch!  I would never have thought of this!
“Mister Theld, heave to,” ordered Captain Barad with quiet authority.  “Get a diver on deck now!  We need to secure that boat for lifting.  With the water in her she’ll be heavy when she breaches the surface.”
Theld set to issuing orders, and the tocsin began its tattoo of command, bringing the watch to deck.  A diver, roused from her bunk, came up still yawning and stretching.  A pair of ungainly looking flat things were hung over her shoulder.
“What’s the problem, Captain?”
“We need to retrieve the boat that’s on the end of this line.”
Without any question as to why or if it were urgent, the diver got straight to business.
“What kind of boat is it and how big?”
“Day-sailer. About twenty five feet long, loaded for a month’s voyage.” Captain Barad looked for confirmation to Silor, who nodded.
“How long is this line?”  She had stripped, leaving only a pair of tight fitting shorts.  Sitting on the deck, she began strapping the flat things onto her feet.  She tied her hair into a tight bun.
“About forty feet.”
“OK, I’ll need two fifty foot, number three cables.  Attach the first one to the cargo block of the heavy crane.  Get the portable crane over here and secure it to the mizzen mast.  Put the other cable onto its cargo block.”
There was a lull for Captain Barad, Tanlin and Silor, as the watch crew prepared things to the diver’s satisfaction.
“What are those things on her feet?” Silor asked.
“Arrakan diver’s flips,” Tanlin answered.  “Our divers ‘ave used t’em for Gat’erings past remembering.”
“I thought that you lost your memory,” said Silor curiously.  “Did it come back?”  At her look of distress and Barad’s of rage, he feared that he had made a serious mistake.
“Nae, Luve.  Donnae ‘old ‘t against ‘im.”  She was biting back tears.  The more I do this the easier it is to forget that it’s an act.  “Ye cannae protect m’ from t’e world forever, an’ Oi must learn t’ cope wit’ ‘t.” She turned to Silor.  “Tis like t’is.  Oi lost only ane t’ing from m’ memory.  People. M’sel’ an’ eveyane t’at Oi’ve ever known, until Oi awoke t’ t’e Orca song.
“Oi can draw ye t’e plan an’ lines o’ ever’ ship Oi‘ve lived on.  Oi know all t’at Oi used t’ know.  Oi ‘ave t’e ’ule Arrakan fleet, ‘ts laws, customs, navigation, ever’t’in’s ‘ere,” she tapped her temple.  “But t’ere’s nae ane person t’ere!  Nae even m’sel’!  Tis worse t’an ghosts.  Tis utterly empty an’ never stops ‘urting, unless Oi can focus on somet’in’ new.
“Barad’s precious t’ m’ because ‘e keeps m’ safe at night.  ‘E ‘olds m’ an’ keeps t’e emptiness inside from swallowin’ m’.” Strange, but that’s nearly true.  Even if what we did was wrong, what’s done is done.  We were married before the whole Naral fleet by Arrakan law and, as it was accepted, it’s now legal by the Third Great Law.  I’m being treated like a partner and friend as a wife should be.
“I’m sorry,” said Silor sincerely.  “I have some idea of what you must feel.  I’ve lost my ship, too.  Also, my fleet, all that made home for me.  They’re gone but I remember everything and everyone.  It hurts.”
“Oi donnae t’ink Oi’d like t’ trade places wit’ ye, Silor.”  My act is sailing closer and closer to reality.  Your madness is driving you ever further onto dry land.
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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DDD #15
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean and YN find a dog roaming the streets, take it home, and are trying to figure out what's wrong with it.
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Cursing, Slight Depression
A/N: Week 15 is here! Who remembers Dog Dean Afternoon? Hint, hint! Make sure to check out @mlovesstories​ drabble and her masterlist. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
***ASK OPEN***
Dynamic Duo Drabbles Masterlist
“The dog sniffed his owner's hand and then said to him, 'Hello, my name is actually Rufus, not Buddy...'"
While taking a nice Sunday drive in the Impala, Dean and YN see a dog walking down the side of the road. Dean pulls the car over to the shoulder and puts it in park.
"What are you doing?" YN asks.
"I just want to make sure it's okay," Dean says as he opens the car door.
YN watches him cross the street and calling the dog to him. She steps out and watches Dean whistle at the dog to get it to come to him.
Eventually the dog walks over and sniffs Dean's hand. Dean pets it a few times and looks for a collar. When he doesn't see one, he picks up the dog and walks back to the Impala.
YN chuckled, "Let me guess. We're taking the dog with us?"
Dean nodded, "You said you've always wanted a dog, YN."
"I'm pretty sure I said puppy dog. Not a full grown dog."
"But look at him. He's still pretty small for his size."
"So it's a boy?" YN smirked, "Congrats, Dean."
He rolled his eyes, "Hardy har har."
Dean opened the backseat and helped the dog inside. He and YN climbed back into the Impala and continued down the road.
Every once in a while, Dean would look in the rearview mirror at the dog. The dog laid perfectly still in the backseat. He seemed to be sleeping and would take long, deep breaths.
"You think he's okay?" Dean asked.
YN looked in the backseat, "I don't know. I've never seen a dog sit that still before," she turned back to Dean, "Too bad we can't just communicate with him."
Dean smirked, "That's what you think." -------------------- Once Dean and YN were back at the bunker, Dean carried the dog inside while YN looked for something they could use for a bed and a collar.
Dean laid the dog down on an old pillow and YN tied a piece of rope around it's neck. YN went into the kitchen and got him a bowl of water, hoping he'd drink something and feel a bit better.
Unfortunetly, the dog just laid still once more.
"If you can trust me, I have an idea," Dean suggested.
YN gave him a nervous look, "Okay?"
Dean ran off to the hallway while YN stayed with the dog. She sat down next to him and started petting him lightly.
She smiled, "You're a good boy, aren't you? We're going to have to think of a name for you."
"How about Buddy?" Dean said as he ran back into the library with a book and small box in hand.
"That's very ordinary, don't you think?" YN made a face at him.
Dean shrugged, "Well, it's better than nothing. We can't just call him dog forever."
He sat a rather large book on the table and sat down in the chair. When he opened the book, he scanned page after page, looking for a specific spell.
After a moment, he pointed at a page, "Here. An Inuit spell."
"A what?" YN asked as she walked over to him.
"It's a spell to be able to communicate with animals," Dean replied as he walked into the kitchen, "Like a human/animal mind meld. Or reading thoughts."
YN looked at the dog, "It won't hurt Buddy, right?"
Dean walked back into the library, "No, it won't hurt Buddy," he bent down and plucked a hair from the dog's fur, "Okay, that might've hurt a little. But the spell won't."
YN watched as Dean mixed together ingredients he grabbed from his room and the kitchen. Whatever concoction he was creating looked disgusting. She just hoped she didn't have to drink it.
Dean held up the glass, "Gross, right?"
YN nodded, "Nasty."
In one large gulp, Dean downed the disgusting liquid and groaned, "It definitely tastes as bad as it looks," he looked down at the book and read from the page, "Deila hér me. Dag eru nou rar vitur orum."
The two sat in silence for a moment, looking between each other and the dog. YN was starting to think the spell wasn't going to work.
"Give it time," Dean said as if he was reading her mind, "It takes a minute to kick in."
YN walked over to the dog and sat next to him, "I just hope he's okay."
Dean stood from his seat and sat next  to the dog as well, "We'll be able to figure out what's wrong with Buddy soon. I promise."
The dog sniffed his owner's hand and then said to him, "Hello, my name is actually Rufus, not Buddy..."
Dean stared at the dog wide eyed, "Whoa, that was quick."
YN grabbed Dean's hand, "What? It worked? What's he saying?"
"He said his name is Rufus," he answered.
"Rufus? Damn, Buddy was growing on me," YN crossed her arms.
"Really? You think Buddy is better than Rufus? I pity what you end up naming your children," Rufus said.
Dean chuckled, "Ouch."
"What? What's he saying?" YN asked.
"Nothing, nothing," Dean smirked.
YN grabbed the water bowl and moved it to Rufus, "Can you ask him to drink something?"
Dean turned to Rufus, "How about it, Rufus? You thirsty?"
Rufus shook his body, "Nah, not in the mood for it."
"He said he didn't want it," Dean told YN.
"See if you can figure out what's wrong with him," YN suggested.
Dean turned to the dog, "Rufus, you've been acting weird since we picked you up from the street. What's up?"
Rufus whimpered as he laid back down, "My best friend. He went off somewhere a while back and hasn't returned. I left my home to search for him, but I don't know where he is."
"He said his previous owner is gone. He's been looking for him," Dean explained to YN.
YN sighed and pet Rufus, "Poor thing. He must be so sad."
Dean scratched Rufus' head, "Judging by how skinny he is, I bet he's been searching for a long time. Who knows what happened to his previous owner."
YN thought for a moment, "Did you have a collar, Rufus?"
"No," Rufus answered, "My best friend couldn't afford one."
Dean shook his head at YN, "I'm starting to think maybe his previous owner was homeless."
That statement pulled at YN's heartstrings, "Rufus, you can stay with us if you want. If not, we completely understand. But we'll feed you and take you for walks and play fetch."
Rufus wagged his tail in response, "I do like walks."
Dean smiled, "I think you hit the nail on the head there, YN."
Rufus jumped up on YN and licked her face, causing her to fall backwards in a fit of laughter. Dean started laughing as well as he watched YN and Rufus bond.
"Who's a good boy, Rufus? Huh? Who's my good boy," YN said while scratching Rufus's stomach.
Rufus barked at her, "Me! Me! I'm the good boy!"
Dean smiled at the two, "Welcome to the family, Rufus."
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​​​ @smollestbean-2​​​ @kitwithnokat​​​
@idksupernatural​​​ @desiredposion​​​ @thevelvetseries​​​ @let-me-luve-you​​​
@obsessedwithfandomsx​​​ @mangueweaschester​​​ @starchildwild​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​
@spnbaby-67​​​ @unicornmadness2444​​​
@emery--nicole--morrison​​​ @spnfamily-j2​​​ @akshi8278​​​ @avocadogirl216​​​
@imthedoctorlove​​​ @wecantgiggleitsafandom
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lamptracker · 6 years
FIC: Win-Win (part 6/?)
Probably only one or two more parts of this. Also, ahh, how happy is Tom in these pictures/videos from Brazil?? I love it.
And I know there’s still stuff in my inbox but it’s Monday, so.
Overall Summary: Temporarily homeless, the reader needs a place to stay. Her friend Tom, who has a reputation for being a womanizer, has an extra room… and an idea.
Very loosely based on the How I Met Your Mother episode “World’s Greatest Couple,” where Lily posed as Barney’s wife to help him get rid of his one-night stands
Part summary: The reader finally responds to Tom’s confession, the gang finds out, Tony once again thinks he has a say.
There’s a lotta fluff in this part.
Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 * Part 4 * Part 5
Tagged: (if I forgot to tag you let me know!)
@sspider-parker   @dipshithipster   @stephie-senpai   @lemirabitur   @gravity-jade21   @ocaptainmycaptainrogers   @hollandfieldblurbs   @unicorn-princess-1999   @peter-holland-parker1996   @writings-and-stuff   @almostrosadiazz   @vendylewin   @doctor-ninja   @let-me-luve-you
“Please, (y/n), say something.”
Tom was looking at her, a mixture of hurt and adoration in his deep brown eyes.
(y/n) was stunned. He had just gotten through telling her about the nasty breakup that he’d endured three years prior, just before she’d moved to the city. How that breakup messed him up inside, made him swear off love forever…
...and how he’d fallen in love again.
With her.
With her.
Part of her was telling her, he doesn’t mean that. It’s a line, like he uses on all those girls to get them into bed. That’s all he wants, you know, to sleep with you.
But the way he was looking at her, coupled with the way his hand trembled as she held it in hers, proved otherwise.
Tom Holland was finally in love. And he was in love with her.
She loved him too.
But words were completely failing her right now.
“Look, if you don’t… I mean, if you’re not…”
(y/n) put her free hand on his arm as she shushed him. “Hold on, Tom, I’m just… I’m trying to unpack all this, okay?”
“Sure, take your time.” He didn’t let go of her hand, but he did look away.
(y/n) bit her lower lip. She wanted to tell him, wanted desperately to tell him. But… she just couldn’t come up with the words. So, she decided: Action.
He looked up at her, his eyes wide and glassy with unshed tears (another sign that he truly was in love). She hooked her finger slightly as she tipped his chin up so he was looking at her. She licked her lips before leaning in to softly press them against his.
Tom stiffened in surprise for just a moment, before he realized:
She feels the same way.
His mouth opened slightly as their mouths slotted together. Her hand moved from just under his chin to his cheek, fingertips dancing along his cheekbone. He gripped her other hand more tightly as his free arm snaked around her waist.  She scooted closer to him, mouths never breaking apart.
He finally pulled away, but just to catch his breath. She looked at him, a soft “oh” escaping her lips before he kissed her again.
This kiss was much more confident, more firm, more needy than the first.  His tongue found her way into her mouth, lightly caressing hers. Her hands tangled in his short auburn curls.
When they finally broke apart, they met each other’s gaze.
“Wow,” (y/n) said.
“I...yeah.” Tom ran a thumb over her lower lip. “God, you’re amazing at that.”
“I’m pretty amazing at other stuff, too.”
“I bet you are. But… I want to take things slow, if you don’t mind. I really want to do things the right way. God knows I’ve spent enough time doing them the wrong way.”
(y/n) nodded. “I’m good with that. We’re sleeping in your bed tonight, though. I’ve been dying to try out those 1800-count Italian sheets since you brought them home.”
“Oh, my God, (y/n). Them, plus that faux-fur comforter? It’s like sleeping in a tub of whipped cream.”
“That… is a weird metaphor.”
“I couldn’t think of a better one. My goodness, you’re just...you’re beautiful.”
(y/n) giggled. “I should hope you’d think your wife was beautiful.”
“Ex-wife,” Tom replied. “I don’t need you to pretend to be my wife anymore.”
“Okay. Let’s go to the bar, drink a toast to this...ah… divorce. We can tell the gang then.”
Tom nodded. “Sounds great. How should we break it to them?”
“I have an idea.” (y/n) grinned slyly. “But first, can we make out some more?”
“Absolutely we can.”
“Did I tell you guys about this phone call I got today?” Jacob asked as Harrison brought a pitcher of beer and five glasses to the usual booth at the bar.
Zendaya shook her head. “No, what happened?”
“So I’m sitting there, working payroll for that little bakery, y’know. And my phone rings, I answer it, this woman immediately launches into a speech about her cat. He’s not eating, he’s got this symptom, he’s got that. I finally had to stop her and was like, ma’am, this is Anderson Accounting. My name’s Jacob. And she was like, ‘this isn’t the vet’s office?’” Jacob took a sip of the beer Harrison had just poured for him. “So I said no and she was just, ‘well, do you know what’s wrong with my cat?’ No, but I could probably figure out what he spent on catnip last year.”
Harrison and Zendaya doubled over with laughter. “Hey,” Harrison said. “Tom’s not here yet.”
“Neither is (y/n),” Zendaya added. “I wonder how their talk went today.”
“Oof. Not great, I guess.” Jacob pointed to the corner of the bar by the jukebox. There was Tom, his back to them; he was making out with someone they couldn’t see.
“Oh, great.” Harrison groaned as he rested his head in his hands. “She probably said no, so in typical Tom fashion he grabs the first random floozy he sees and...wait. Wait.”
Jacob and Zendaya turned their attentions to the corner. Tom had pulled away from the girl and grasped her hand; he finally moved to where all three could see the girl.
It was (y/n).
“Hey!” Jacob exclaimed. “That’s our floozy! I mean, I know… she’s not...I just…”
“Jacob, sweetie.” Zendaya leaned her head back onto the seat as she face-palmed. “I love you, but, ah...you may want to quit while you think you’re ahead.”
“Hey, guys.” Tom sat down in the booth next to Harrison; (y/n) slid in next to him. “So, um, (y/n) and I would like to announce that our fake marriage has ended in fake divorce.”
“Yeah,” (y/n) replied. “Figured I couldn’t pretend to be his wife to scare off random hookups if he, you know, doesn’t have them anymore.”
Zendaya started giggling, Jacob’s mouth went slack, and Harrison smiled.
“I am so happy for you two!” Harrison said.
“Me too,” Zendaya replied.
“Um… wow, congratulations!” Jacob finally responded, with a huge grin on his face.
“Next round’s on me.” Tom motioned for the waitress. “All this time, I’ve been looking for just the right girl. Turns out she was right here all the time.”
“Oh, stop it.” (y/n) leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“Um.. so what’s going on here?”
Everyone looked up. Tony had walked in and was at the edge of their table.
“Hello, Anthony,” (y/n) said coolly as Tom wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Tom and I are dating now.”
“Really,” Tony said flatly. “Hey, (y/n) can I talk to you over here for a minute?”
(y/n) eyed him suspiciously. “I… guess. Excuse me for a minute. Be right back.” She softly pecked Tom’s lips before joining Tony over at the bar. “Okay, what?”
“I don’t like this.”
“I don’t care,” she replied, mimicking his tone.
“You know how he is, (y/n), this is a big mistake.”
(y/n) rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “It might be. It might not be. It might be the best relationship I’ll ever be in. How am I going to know if I don’t try, though? Also, ah, people change.”
“People don’t change.”
“Really? When I started dating you, you were sweet. Loving. Monogamous. You changed.”
“This isn’t about me, it’s about Tom. And you. I’m just…” Tony sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m trying to save you from potential heartbreak, that’s all.”
(y/n) scoffed. “Wow, okay. You’re trying to save me. How noble. Listen, Tony. I am not a damsel in distress, and you are not the white knight that needs to show up and save me because I do not need to be saved. Okay? I am a grown-up who can make her own decisions. Right now I am deciding to date Tom because I like him. I am deciding to let whatever you tell me go in one ear and out the other, I am deciding not to order a glass of water and dump it over your head. I am also deciding to go back to my booth and enjoy a glass of beer with my boyfriend and my friends. You would do well to decide to leave me the ever-loving fuck alone. Got me?”
“I… if that’s what you want. Okay. But when this blows up in your face, don’t come crying to me.”
“If. If it blows up. And… yeah, somehow I doubt that’ll be a problem. See ya, Tony.”
Tony started to protest as (y/n) walked back to the table, sliding back next to Tom.
“Now, where were we?” Tom said, kissing (y/n)’s temple.
“Oh, right.” Jacob held up his beer. “They say when one door closes, another opens. You’ve closed the door on your marriage, but have opened the door to a whole new relationship. To Tom and (y/n)!”
“To us!” Tom shouted, as the group clinked their beer mugs together.
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