#the way you draw faces and hands is so nice aswell
aaronhotchnersworld · 8 months
Hi! I saw you were looking for Aaron requests. Its a little (okay veeery) cliche but i love when Jack exposes Aaron and readers relationship to the team. I will leave the rest up to you! thank uuu
Hi I hope you enjoy this!!! I know i’m not the best writer but i’m trying my best!
As you walk into the BAU for the day, a paperwork day to be specific, you see Jack in Aaron’s office. It immediately makes you smile, which you are grateful for considering you were extremely exhausted from the lack of sleep you got last night.
You and Aaron have been dating for 2 months and haven’t told anyone on the team yet. You’ve spent plenty of nights at Aaron which included spending time with Jack aswell, which you loved.
You make your way to your desk and set down all your belongings, greeting the rest of the team. You make your way up to Aarons office, knocking before entering.
“Y/N,” Jack shouts as you walk in, running over to give you a hug. “Hi Jack,” you say with a smile.
“What are you doing here,” you ask him.
“I don’t have school today so daddy said I could come with him to work!”
“ohooo fun,” you tell him. He walks back over to the couch to continue working on his drawing.
You sit in the chair across from Aaron and give him a small smile. “You alright,” he asks you with concern laced in his voice.
“just a rough night but im better now that I get to see you and Jack,” you tell him honestly. He reaches across his desk and takes your hand into his.
“I should go get started on my paperwork and let you finish yours,” you say with a frown as you stand up and make your way towards your desk.
Emily’s desk is directly across from yours so you always talk to her about the most random things, especially on days where you guys are doing paperwork.
“I went on a date last night.”
“oh my- tell me more Em,” you say excitedly.
“He lives in my apartment complex, and he finally asked me out. We went out to dinner and it was so fun I loved it,” she tells you happily.
“aww Em i’m so happy for you. What’s his name?”
“His names Tyler and he’s an occupational therapist, he’s so so nice.”
“this is so exciting,” you tell her with a smile on your face. “I know, i’m so happy,” she says.
After you guys wrap up your conversation, you all start working on your paperwork. You look up as you see Aaron and Jack walk out of his office.
Jack runs up to you and says quite loudly, “when’s the next time you’re coming over to have a sleepover with me and daddy?”
Everyone looks up from their paperwork, smiles flooding their faces.
Penelope just so happened to be standing next to Derek’s desk, speaking to him. She was the first to say something.
You giggle at her response as Aaron and Jack stand next to you.
“why didn’t you tell me y/n this is so exciting!” Emily says with a big smile on her face.
The entire team was so happy for you and this was a big stress reliever for you both.
“We’ve been dating for two months, we just wanted to see how things went before telling you all,” Aaron says with a smile as he puts his arm around you.
“i’m happy for you,” JJ says happily.
“so am I,” Derek says.
“good for you guys,” Rossi tells you both.
You smile at all of their responses, feeling so much better knowing you don’t have to sneak around anymore.
“Thanks guys,” you both say happily.
“Now if you would excuse us, i’m gonna take my girlfriend and my son out for lunch.”
“you go guys haha!” Penelope says.
The three of you walk to the elevator and enter when it opens. “I didn’t mean to tell them,” Jack says with a frown.
“no no no buddy don’t worry about it. You didn’t mean too and we’re so glad they know,” Aaron reassure his son as he kneels down to be on the same eye level with him.
“we’re so happy Jack don’t apologize for anything,” you tell him softly.
Aaron stood back up and engulfed him in a hug. He kissed your forehead.
You were all happy and could finally be open with your relationship.
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warmilksz · 2 years
How will your future spouse comfort you when you are sad?
Pick a Ghibli character Intuitive reading
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Hi everyone 👋☺️ here is another reading I hope your ur day is a little brighter after reading this💕🫣 (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ Ghibli movies are my favorite movies ever. So I decided to make that the theme on this post! 💖💖💖Thanks for reading, liking, reblogging and sharing 💖💖💖
**just a disclaimer: take what resonates and leave what doesn't for others. Go with he flowwwww It's a general reading (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
CENTERING: Aight, just inhale for 4seconds, hold for 6, exhale for 8! Put all thoughts of the future and past to rest. Feels your hands, your chest rising and falling. We will get in touch with your intuition by appreciating the present.
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They really care, they love you. If you want to be alone they will respect that and leave you alone. I'm getting that when you guys are happy your really happy together. This may be my physical group 😳. Maybe they might try to soothe you sexually. I think they are kinda awkward when ur sad and they may not know the right words to say at times. But they know what makes you feel good so they will try to comfort you that way if u catch my drift 🫣. But I'm getting you may not always be happy after that, and may want to be left alone sometimes. Just to process your thoughts. (I'm feeling kinda heavy, are you going through something tough rn?) In any case, your spouse knows that u need space for you and wants to respect it by leaving you alone when you need it. And when you're ready to open up, they will be there waiting for you ready to hear you out 🤗.
Hmmm interesting I'm drawing a blank here. Maybe this person doesn't wanna show you, or has a hard time being vulnerable. The thing is, If you were sad, it would still shake them up emotionally. It's like they want to be this tough and strong for you on the outside ,your rock. But seeing you cry would shatter their heart inside 🥺! They would feel obligated to action. Like if it was something someone said that saddened you, they would confront them. If not they would immediately want to find a solution for you. On that note, I'm getting a strong masculine and possible feminine vibe here. Like a knight and a princess ☺️ Mainly the masculine one tho . Like one of you is kinda stoic and the other may be sensitive 😩. I think your relationship will teach them more about feelings and how important it is to be intune with emotions and not close their heart to things. U Will help them with it
Similar to pile 1 they will have a lot of respect for you and want to treat you like the independent person you are. But they also feel drawn to you when you are sad. It's very nurturing.. Im also picking up that some of your spouses are good communicators and they may have a way with words but for the most part, choose to stay silent and just hold you gently when ur sad. They want you to be at peace when ur with them, they wanna be your oasis in the dessert. I think they realize deep down they really just wanna scoop you up and never let you go from their arms 😢💕. I think you'd let them too 🩷😭 Awe! Sometimes silence and a gentle hug can speak more than any words.
For this pile, I'm getting they're such a try hard lol. It's really sweet and I'm already feeling kinda bubbly for this pile hahah. If u was sad, they would take one look at your face and be able to tell without you saying anything. This person takes notes on you 📖🩷! They would probably start being extra nice to you aswell. I'm getting buying you ice cream, or other sweet stuff, buying you shoes or that thing they saw you staring at while you didn't notice them. Maybe this person is well off 😌 cause when your sad they want to buy you happiness lol. Hmmm, if happiness was made, they'd buy the factory for u 😏 But they know that is just a bandaid. I think they love you so much they can't stand to see you feel sad. As adorable as it is, it's important to feel all your emotions, even the sad ones. Maybe you guys can cuddle and cry together. I'm getting they would share your tears just so you'd have less of them 😢💘
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sapnapstummy · 1 year
🔥🔥 sapnap
Finally wrote the sapnap treatment essay I've been thinking about for a while
Tw for fatphobia and homophobia under the cut
I feel like I with never be able to fully articulate what I'm trying to say but I gonna give it a go.
Sapnap in general has been treated really differently in this fandom than Dream and George, while they've all had their share of bad treatment, sapnaps is different for a few reasons. Fatphobia is the biggest one off the bat for me. I know there's a lot of new people who weren't around for Texas sapnap, so I'll try to summarize. Sapnaps always been a liked a little less just due to the fact that he doesn't feature in as many videos and has less videos up. But sapnap faced so much fatphobia in 2020 especially September/November if I remember correctly, this coincided with the huge burst of the dsmps popularity and the dsmp becoming a bit more mainstream, it was also the time when tubbo was getting a lot of bodyshaming and sexualization too.
Looking back at the fanart of this era, there was hardly any sapnap fanart that reflected what sapnap actually looked like in real life (the fandom still has a problem with drawing people skinnier than they are, which is prevalent in all fandoms and has been an issue for a really long time). After sapnap moved in with Dream he lost weight and during the karlnap meetups he was getting a lot more positive reactions, suddenly now that his cheeks were a little less round he's hot instead of cute (or "friend shaped" or "looks like he give nice hugs" or other back handed compliments, god forbid people who aren't skinny be called attractive) and there were a lot of "I'm proud of him" and "he's so much healthier now" posts going around that really showed how people really viewed his weight loss. But fatphobia is never just about someone's weight there's always other aspects aswell. The idea that sapnap was grosser than Dream or George continues even now. Sapnap does gross things sure but he's also clean too, it goes back into putting people into defined boxes. Dream multiple times talked about how clean sapnaps room is, and even just looking at the effort that sapnaps put into his stream room it's clear that sapnaps not this purely messy slob, also during George's birthday stream at Hannah's house sapnap was constantly washing/rinsing his hands. The idea that sapnap is soooo much grosser that the rest of the dteam was tied into the fatphobia, especially considering that multiple times is was said that George wouldn't shower for weeks (but if you called him gross for that then you're ableist)
As I've said before this fandom (and the general young online community) has the tendency to put people into character boxes and give them set traits, they fall into the trap of black and white thinking and can't entertain any grey areas. This is especially apparent with the biphobia dream, and other multispec people, face. There's a lot of "clocking" gay people and "tells" that young people use as a way to determine who is queer and who isn't. Saying that queer people look a certain way has always been a way to alienate people, and it's homophobic, full stop. Whether it's denying that someone is queer because of they way they look/act, or if it's insisting that people are queer, it never has been and never will be a fool proof way to "figure them out" (and it's speculating sexualities which is incredibly invasive).
I'm not going to get into a sexuality debate and I'm not speculating sapnaps sexuality, but sapnap has always read somewhat queer to me (as in relatable as a queer person) and at the very least he has always been very vocally supportive. He's never shied away from play flirting with his friends, he's an adamant homiesexual, and he's always been supportive of dnf. The notion of "sapnap is homophobic and hates dnf and he hates his queer fans" has always been unfounded.
Something that I've seen people say a lot is that karlnap/dreamnap/any sapnap ship with another man, is never going to happen because sapnap is so straight (as if shipping always has to be serious) and it usually comes off as somewhat defensive, I see it a lot after a lot of ship content happens, like the georgenap meetup or the karlnap meetups. People use "sapnap is straight" as sort of a shut down for ship content they don't like. I'll never forget the post seriously calling sapnap "the straightest man ever" and including a picture from the time sapnap was blushing while watching karl change. It comes off as "I don't see you as queer so clearly you aren't" which feeds from the putting people in boxes.
The young queer community has such a hard time viewing queer people as more than skinny attractive feminine white people from progressive areas. Being a queer person born and raised in the southern usa (in a red county in a red district in a red state with a homophobic governor with homophobic laws) I see so much dismissiveness towards the south and marginalized people in the south. Years ago I was in the group of queer people that didn't look queer because we couldn't look queer.
Sapnap is from Texas, he's a southern boy, he used to have a Texas flag hanging up in his room. He's also a sweaty gamer who yells and plays aggressively. He doesn't fit into the twinky gayboy that people try to put George and Dream into, he doesn't fit into the stupid boxes that define what's gay, so obviously he's so straight (especially because he like women and when you like women as a man you're only allowed to be straight because multispec isn't real it's just a middle point before people realize who they truly are, right)
Anyway, this is getting really long and I haven't even mention everything I could talk about, but I'm gonna end it here. To summarize, people mistreat sapnap because they can't fit him into predefined boxes and they don't have any nuance, and I think they should take some time to reevaluate people and the way they think about and treat others <3
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drama-glob · 6 months
Holly, be careful!" A kind male voice called and soon after a Blonde girl came bouncing up the slayground steps, plasters on her knees covering scratches and scrapes, her wide toothed smile making her warm and inviting. The pink haired girl scooted away from the steps looking over the side of the rails so that she could see the triclops that was her mother absently absorbed in her phone, obnoxiously talking and drawing weird looks from the parents around the Slayground as their kids played. "Hi! I'm Holly!" A hand was thrust into her face with plasters on and a smiling face beaming behind it. "Fuchsia.." she said pushing the Blonde-"Holly"'s hand away. "As in a Fuchsia magellanica? That so cool!" "Holly" giggled, sitting by the pink haired girl, patting her knees. "Why are you talking to me" Fuchsia ordered even though it probably came out as a question by the way that Holly didn't answer right away. "You seemed sad and no one should be sad at the slayground, whose going to have fun if we were all sad?" her green eyes shined with overwhelming positivity, infecting Fuchsia and making her smile aswell. Fuchsia mumbles a affirmative and the Holly stood up, holding her hand down. "Wanna go play?" The Blonde asked head tilted to the side slightly. Fuchsia nodded took her hand and got up, the two went to play.
"Holly, time to go!" The same male voice called out and Holly's ear seemed to perk up. "I need to go, Fuchsia, bye bye!" Holly quickly gave Fuchsia a hug and ran off. Fuchsia's eyes drifted to her mother however seeing the complacent look on the triclops's face couldn't change the warmth that Holly had created in the 35 minutes she had.
AWWW!!! This is such a precious "How they met" story and Holly just being so kind right off the bat is heartwarming. ^_^<3<3<3 Glad Fuchsia had a nice time with her. <3<3<3
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Anon Requested: Could you imagine dating Eddie Brock/Venom and then bringing them home to meet your father & mother figure Peter B. Parker and MJ? Like- maybe the reader is a spider-person aswell, who is/was Peter's mentee/unofficially adopted kid, like- the awkward tension. (Especially if this is a universe where Peter knows Venom's identity, but Eddie doesn't know Peter is spider-man)
Pairing: Eddie Brock/Venom x Spider!Person Reader
A/N: Day 15!! Halfway through October already? Shucks. Also this prompt had too much comedy potential for me to not write it ASAP. I hope you enjoy it! Also Spider-verse!Eddie/Venom has been on my mind since I saw the movie. I think they'd look neat in that style. I could draw them myself, but I would not do the idea justice I don't think--
"All I'm saying is-"
"Knock knock!" You called, opening the door, "I brought a very special guest, but you knew that."
Peter looked at the door, "Whose the guest?"
You threw open the door, "Ta-Da!"
You stepped out of the way and gestured to your "special guest," who was really just your boyfriend, Eddie Brock. Mj knew that, Peter knew that, however, Peter had no idea what the guys name was. He just put two and two together with your texts and shrugged it off as, 'Oh, the boyfriend introduction. Great.'
Peter stared at Eddie, no emotion or, in fact, any lights on upstairs. It's like the film reel just stopped turning.
Mj didn't get it, nudging Peter's arm, "Hey, don't stare. You're going to give the poor guy the creeps."
Peter looked at Mj, and then back to Eddie, rinse and repeat, "Really?"
"What?" She replied.
Peter looked at you, "Really?"
"What?" You echoed Mj's confusion.
"This guy?"
Eddie stepped over and held his hand out, "I'm sorry- Forgot to introduce myself."
Peter didn't have much of a choice, so he took the other man's hand. It didn't feel right, but it had to be done.
"I'm Eddie Brock. I work at the Daily Bugle-"
"I'm aware." Peter said flatly, immediately catching himself, "Ah, I just...Mean. Big fan...Your biggest fan."
"And where are my manners!" You half shouted, sliding over, "I'm so sorry. This is my dad, Peter, and this is my mother, Mj! Uhm, Uh, this is Eddie. He just said that- I- Anyone want something to drink?" You slinked away into the kitchen.
"This is awkward." Peter sighed, getting up from his chair, "I'll go help with the drinks- Make yourself comfortable. Not too comfortable though."
Eddie stood as still as a post. He's never been invited to meet anyone's parents, so he wasn't too sure if making himself comfortable was really a good idea.
Peter walked into the kitchen, nearly bumping into you as you prepared a few glasses of lemonade.
"Can you at least pretend to like him?" You were begging but you refused to look at him, "Please? I really like him."
"Does it have to be him?"
"Yes. It does. He's really nice."
"I'd beg to differ." Peter scoffed.
"You say that like you know him."
"You're saying you don't?" Peter scratched his face, "Really? No, uh, no bells or whistles? Hairs don't stand on end? Nothing?"
"No." You sighed, "Should I?"
"You aren't connecting any dots?"
"No, did you hit your head again? Do you need an icepack?"
"I'm being serious."
"I am too."
You grabbed the tray with the cups and walked back to the table. You sat down next to Eddie and he aided you in passing out the cups. Him and Mj were getting along, which you knew they would, since naturally she gets along with everyone. You just hoped that Peter would at least attempt to do the same. It would mean so much to you if he did.
Peter came back out and sat across from Eddie, continuing the blank stare. He really wasn't meaning to, but he couldn't help it. Like, how the hell does this happen. You and Him were literally beating the snot out of this guy like two days ago. Peter's secretly hightailing this guy to see what his problem was.
And now he's in his home. At his table. Enjoying everyone company but his. Peter was certain that Eddie had ulterior motives, because why else would he be here. Eddie probably wanted to watch Peter's world burn- Probably. Maybe Eddie figured out Peter's whole identity thing, and this is payback.
Eddie, on the other hand could not, for the life of him, figure out why Peter was just staring at him. It was making his skin crawl. Of course, Eddie wasn't going to say anything, seeing as this was very important to you. He didn't hate Peter, mostly because he didn't know the guy until now. Yet, despite that, Peter seemed to have a pretty good idea of who he thought Eddie was.
Eddie knew first impressions were everything, and he absolutely sucked at them. What the hell was he supposed to do in this situation? His coping mechanisms said to crack a joke, but the other voice in his head just said to eat everyone, except you, and go home. Obviously, that was not a viable option. There was an odd nagging feeling throughout the whole thought process.
"I enjoy reading your stuff in the papers." Mj said, trying to ease the extremely obvious tension.
"I'm glad you like it." Eddie replied, "I'm still new to the company- Uh, but I hope to do my own photography. I just have to keep pestering my boss until he gets sick of me."
"You should see some of his pictures," You added, "They're all so great! I was thinking of having him teach me so that way we could work together!"
Eddie really liked the idea of working with you, you were great to hang out with so why not be work buddies too. It just made sense to him. Oh, he thought, maybe that's what was bugging Peter. He was probably just jealous, and maybe felt replaced. Eddie figured that he'd have to make it up to him- Maybe not today, but maybe he'd invite Peter out to brunch or something.
It all made sense to Eddie now. Of course he's jealous! He was used to being the only guy around, and now he had to share the attention. For a moment, Eddie was worried that he had already done something wrong.
"I'm really glad I got to meet you guys." Eddie said, "You seem like wonderful people."
In that moment, despite every bit of knowledge that Peter knew to be true, he saw that look in your eyes that he's only seen one other time... And he knew, he had maybe misjudged, well not misjudged, but hell he's trying to feel guilty here- Perhaps he was jumping the gun. Maybe Peter had to separate alien from host- Oh, now there's an idea.
"We plan on visiting more," You said, "Since you mentioned that the basement needed some work."
"You two really don't mind?" Mj said, "I'd hate to-"
"Ma, please. We'd love to! Besides, I think looking around and doing some work here would be good for us." You reassured her, "We gotta get house ideas from somewhere, right?"
Peter let out a rather high pitched yelp, thinking that it happened in his head. You three looked at him, all concerned, Eddie more nervous than worried, though.
"Oh, did I do that? Out loud?" Peter asked, "Yikes. Sorry, you said house ideas- Which means that you'd- Oh boy, live together and I guess I panicked." He tried to nervously laugh it off, "Wow, I really did not mean to do that. Out loud. For everyone to totally hear."
This guy is a nutjob.
Eddie scratched his neck, looking over at the clock. Has it really been that long already?
Peter continued to laugh as he got out of his chair, "I think I hear my phone ringing."
You looked down at the table, seeing that his phone wasn't doing anything at all.
"It's not, but alright."
"It could be. It might."
You stood up and took care of the empty cups, "Eddie and I have plans tonight, so we'd better get going anyways."
"How exciting." Mj said as she too got up to give Eddie a quick hug, "I do hope to see you two again!"
"Definitely." You smiled, giving her a hug, "We can make dinner plans once I'm done with unpacking my stuff at his place if that's cool-"
Peter let out another yell, again, garnering all the unwanted attention that follows. He began laughing again, "Oops, there I go doing it again. Maybe I should get that checked out."
"Does he normally do this?" Eddie asked quietly.
Mj chuckled, waving you two towards the door, "He's just being himself."
You walked over to Peter and gave him a hug, "See you later, dad."
It bugged him to send you off with that guy, but it's not like there was much he could do about it now. He hugged back, "See ya around, kiddo. Don't be a stranger."
You walked to the door, waiting for Eddie, who was saying his goodbye to Peter. Shaking his hand once more, thanking him for his time, you know, the works. The nagging feeling continued until Peter caught on.
"You alright?" Peter asked, "I didn't ruin anything, did I?"
"Oh, no, no." Eddie replied, "I- Sorry, I just have this weird feeling."
The next words out of Eddie's mouth were said in a lower tone, but were said out of curiousity and not out of malice or even knowing anything.
"Do I know you from somewhere? It feels like we've met before."
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sugawaraxo · 4 years
sex tape
warnings: smut ofc
characters: yu nishinoya, ryu tanaka, tetsoru kuroo, koutarou bokuto
request: Hc of asking your man to make a sex tape with you? With Nishinoya, Tanaka, Kuroo, and Bokuto please! 🖤
a/n: i really like bokuto’s, his was fun to write lol
- with nishinoya traveling all the time because of volleyball, it gets extremely hard not to miss him a lot when he’s gone
- especially when you’re craving his touch 
- most times you’re able to satisfy yourself decently well, but sometimes it’s just not enough
- and porn does absolutely nothing to help you because watching other people fuck just isn’t the same as watching as nishinoya fucks you
- so you get an idea that sparks both yours and nishinoya’s attention
- he’s very excited
“babe, can i ask you something?” you say while you massage noya’s scalp, his head resting in your lap comfortably as you two lay on the couch.
“hm?” he hums, teetering on the verge of sleep at the gentle feeling of your touch.
“what if we made a sex tape?” you question and noya’s head shoots up to look at you, eyes wide with interest.
“is this a joke? like some sort of prank? please tell me it’s not a prank.” he begs and you laugh at his response.
“no, it’s not a prank. i was just thinking about it and sometimes, when you’re away, i get really needy and it’s hard to get the kind of pleasure i’m looking for without you here. so maybe if we make a little sex tape, i can have something to watch and help when you’re away.” you explain. nishinoya stares at you blankly, his brain slowly processing each word you just said. the thought of you getting all needy when he’s not here and touching yourself while watching a video of him fucking you was more than enough to make him and his mini noya very excited. 
“is that even a question? i’m so down, can we do it right now?” he asks eagerly causing you to laugh at him again. 
“i mean, i don’t see why not.” you shrug.
nishinoya props himself up so that he’s hovering above you and he kisses you deeply. your lips always work together so perfectly, synchronizing in a nice steady rhythm. his hands are traveling all over your body in an attempt to get you as aroused as he already is, and it works without a doubt. noya continues kissing you and lightly grazing your sides with his fingers or rubbing small circles on your inner thighs until he earns a moan from you that makes him grin. 
“i know how i want to start the sex tape.” he says confidently.
“grab your phone and start recording.” is his only response. you grab your phone from beside you on the couch and open the camera app, pressing record and waiting for noya’s next move. he slides down your body and effortlessly discards your shorts, tossing them off to the side somewhere. he looks down in between your legs then up at you, you watching him through the screen of your phone. he gives the camera a small smirk before pressing a kiss on the lower part of your tummy, trailing more soft kisses all over your thighs, hips, and waist. he then lightly moves his lips over your core which was only being covered by the thin lace of your underwear. you begin to grow a bit impatient at nishinoya’s teasing, writhing under his gentle yet alluring kisses.
“noya, please.” you whine softly and he looks up at you for a quick second before pulling your panties down and tossing them somewhere unknown. he wastes no time pressing his mouth against your warm folds, licking circles around your clit repetitively. you to let out an airy gasp of his name and he continues to work his mouth around your clit for awhile, progressively sucking and licking more and more aggressively, just so he could selfishly earn more moans from you that make his dick painstakingly hard. and as if his tongue relentlessly moving around your clit wasn’t enough, he sticks two fingers inside of you and curls them upward to hit your spot. 
“holy shit noya.” you moan, reaching your free hand down to grip onto his hair lightly while trying to maintain a steady grip on your phone with the other. he looks up at you and you nearly cum at the sight. his eyes are blown with lust and his face is flushed a pretty shade of pink. you just know this part of the video is going to constantly be on replay when it’s finished. you absentmindedly start jutting your hips against noya’s tongue, a thing you do when you’re about to unravel.
you giving him the clear sign that you’re about to cum is noya’s cue to stop, so he removes his fingers from your soaking hole and wipes his mouth clean as he sits up between your legs. you whimper a little at the cum denial, but you know exactly why he did it.
“wanna see you cum with me inside you.” he mumbles, confirming your guess. 
“me too.” you respond and he smiles down at you softly which makes your heart jump. he pulls his pants down along with his boxers revealing his member. his tip is dripping with precum and you feel your pussy clench as you look at it. nishinoya takes his shirt off before saying, “yours too” and you remove yours aswell. he looks at your now fully nude body and sighs,
“how’d i get so fucking lucky?” he coos and for the second time, your hearts jumps and you can’t help but smile at his words. he presses himself at your entrance, teasing it slowly and you adjust the camera angle so that you can get more of noya’s face and body in it because that’ll come in handy later. he slides into you at a teasingly slow pace, drawing out the loud moan that’s leaving your lips. once he’s all the way in, he looks at the camera and winks before pulling out and thrusting back into you, hitting your spot perfectly. you planned on rolling your eyes at his cockiness, but your eyes end up squeezing shut at the sudden excess of pleasure.
“that feel good?” noya asks, already knowing the answer but still wanting to fuel his ego. you can’t even answer in actual words as he continues to thrust into you deeply, so you just nod and moan in response. he grins in satisfaction and thrusts into you a bit harder, not letting up on wanting to milk you of every moan you could possibly utter. he wants this video to be really nice for you since he feels guilty about being away for so long sometimes. he wants to make you feel so good so that every time you look back at this, you remember how amazing he can make you feel. he reaches down to play with your nipples a bit, making you squirm in pleasure. you use your free hand to start playing with your throbbing clit, not being able to hold back the lewd noises building in your throat. you’re a moaning mess beneath him, shaking and struggling to keep the camera steady as you get closer to your orgasm.
“here, let me take it.” noya says, grabbing the phone from you as he notices you struggling. he focuses it down on you, watching himself go in and out of you on the screen and he lets out a groan.
“noya, i’m so close.” you whimper, your chest heaving heavily as you start rubbing your clit more aggressively.
“good girl, cum for me.” nishinoya coos, making his thrusts sharper and deeper against your g-spot.
a few more thrusts and you’re arching your back off the couch and practically screaming nishinoya’s name. he smirks as you tremble beneath him, the sight completely destroying him aswell. he pulls out of you and cums all over your stomach, grunting and panting while he reaches his peak.
he wipes his mess up with his fingers then places them at your mouth, you sucking all of his faintly salty remnants off obediently and his cock twitches. after getting that all on camera, noya stops the recording and collapses next to you.
“that felt so good.” you sigh before placing a kiss on his cheek.
“it really did.” he replies, returning a kiss on your forehead. “now you can watch it whenever you want. and you better send me that video, i need it too.” he continues, handing you back your phone. you laugh at his statement and give him a quick peck before sending him the video.
you guys definitely watch it that night and go for another round.
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- he would be the one to bring it up actually
- tanaka just enjoys taking lewd photos of you in general
- he’ll come up behind you as you look at yourself in the mirror after getting ready and take a handful of your boob before snapping a pic
- or he’ll have you sit on his lap, facing towards him so he can take a mirror pic of him grabbing your ass like that
- he doesn’t post them or anything, but just likes looking at them every once in awhile
-  he did print out the ass grabbing one and put it on the dash board of his car though
- it makes him feel a sense of security that he’s the only one you’ll pose in pictures like that for 
- and he’s always had the desire to film you guys while having sex, to have a permanent memory of the encounter
- which is no surprise to you
tanaka is balls deep in your mouth, fucking your face at a slow yet rough tempo while muttering all sorts of nonsense as he does so. he’s leaning against the edge of the kitchen counter and you’re resting on your knees in front him, pleasing him the way he loves the most. your eyes are shut tightly as you try your best not to choke on tanaka’s length, them beginning to brim with tears a bit at the feeling of him continuously thrusting into the back of your throat. you open your eyes so that the tears would fall and you could wipe them away. but when you open them, you’re met with tanaka’s phone camera facing down at you and him looking at you with a shy smile.
“is this ok?” he asks, motioning to his phone.
“mhmm.” you hum, your mouth too full to talk.
you think it’s kind of hot being recorded actually. knowing that tanaka will go back and watch this vid countless times the same way you always catch him looking at the nsfw pictures that you two take every so often. it also gives you the motivation to be a little extra with your sucking. you wanna make tanaka weak with moans so whenever he goes back to watch the video, he’s reminded of just how crazy he is for your lips around his dick.
you hollow your cheeks a bit more, moving your wet mouth down his shaft at a teasing pace, maintaining eye contact with him in the process. he throws his head back and lets out a deep groan as your nose touches his abdomen, you completely taking tanaka’s length down your throat. 
“holy fuck y/n.” tanaka pants and you smirk, now circling the tip of his dick with your tongue. you suck the tip gently, remembering to slide your tongue over the slit occasionally which causes tanaka to grip your hair roughly as he moans your name. he watches you through his phone screen, basking in the fact that he knows this will be his favorite video on the planet.  
“i’m not gonna last very long if you keep this up.” he sighs breathlessly, looking down at you through hooded eyes. it’s taking every bit of his strength not to just release in your mouth right then, because you look so destroyed on his cock. there’s saliva and precum on your swollen lips and rolling down your chin in thin clear strands, your face is stained with the tears that spilled from your eyes whenever you took tanaka’s full length down your throat, and your hair is a little messy from tanaka instinctively gripping it whenever he feels his tip hit the back of your throat. it’s definitely a sight to see, a sight that has tanaka teetering on his edge. you’re about to try deepthroating him again, but he pulls you off by your hair and gestures for you to stand up.
“bend over the counter.” he grunts.
you get up and rest your stomach on the edge of the cold counter, bending over for him. he lifts one of your legs, placing it on the counter while you maintain balance with the other still planted on the floor. now your cunt is fully exposed to him and both of you shiver, you at the feeling and him at the view. tanaka makes sure he has a decent camera angle before thrusting into you. no teasing, no gimmicks, just straight to it. your body lurches forward a bit, tanaka is not taking it easy on you today and you don’t mind at all. his eyes are glued to your ass on his phone screen, watching it bounce every time he thrusts into you.
“fuck.” he moans, the grip that his free hand has on your hip growing a bit tighter. you’re whimpering with each thrust, each and every one of them hitting that spot that makes you feel dizzy. if anyone were to speak to you right now, anything you tried to say would sound like a bunch of babbling. that’s the power tanaka’s cock has over you, and he absolutely loves it.
“you ok down there baby?” he asks but you can hear the smirk he’s carrying in his tone. you say nothing, just continue to let your sweet, loud moans bounce off the walls of the kitchen. tanaka pulls you up so that your leg is still lifted on the counter, but your back is pressed flush against his body. he switches to the selfie camera and sets the phone down, resting it against a vase on the countertop so that both of you are in view.
“i want you to cum like this, ok?” he says and you nod eagerly in return. he begins thrusting into you again, placing tender kisses on the sides of your neck while his hands roam all over your body. you watch him on the phone screen, he looks just as fucked out as you do which makes you pulse around him. you move your hand down to your clit, knowing that neither of you would last much longer. tanaka slows the speed of his thrusts, but increases the precision as he aims directly for your special spot. 
“oh my god ryu, i’m gonna- fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” you moan, throwing your head back against his shoulder and he looses it, just as well as you do.
he pulls out of you and cums all over your backside, some dripping onto the floor as you use the counter to stable yourself from your weakening legs. he kisses your shoulder before reaching down to grab his phone and stop the recording. then he grabs your hips and turns you towards him and plants a gentle kiss on your lips.
“that was insanely hot.” he says as he uses the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“you’re telling me.” you sigh, still shaking slightly from your orgasm. he cleans up the mess he made on the floor with a paper towel, then makes his way back over to you and picks you up bridal style. 
“well let’s go shower and maybe we can record another one while we’re in there.” tanaka smirks and you shake your head as you laugh.
i guess that’s what happens when you have a boyfriend with high stamina.
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- like tanaka, kuroo would initiate it
- kuroo loves to take pictures and videos of you to show you off
- like he’s definitely one of those boyfriend’s whose instagram has more pictures of their partner than themselves
- he just thinks you’re so cute and wants the whole world to know you’re his
- but he doesn’t want them to know what you guys do behind closed doors
- so those pics and videos stay private, for his and your eyes only
- but he definitely loves taking them while you guys are in the heat of the moment
- is 100% the type to fuck you while watching your own sex tape
“kuroo, i’m kinda in the mood to ride you.” you say bluntly to your boyfriend who is sitting across from you on the couch. he pulls his phone away from his line of vision so he could look at you, searching for any signs of a joke in your expression. but you’re dead serious.
“i mean, what am i supposed to say to that? no?” he smirks that infamous smirk of his and you have to force yourself not to roll your eyes.
“just wanted to give you a heads up is all.” you say, climbing your way over to him and straddling his lap. he lays his phone on his chest and his hands instinctively find their way to your thighs, rubbing the smooth skin gently. 
“hm, go for it. i’m all yours.” he grins then lifts his arms above his head as if permitting you access to his body. you smile down at him amusedly, desire eating away at you as you process his appearance. he’s shirtless, so his muscular build is on full display for you to inherently drool over. he’s wearing a pair of shorts made of the same material sweatpants are made out of, the fabric loosely resting on his hips dangerously low now that you’re sitting there and unintentionally pulling them down a bit. he catches your wandering eyes and chuckles at you.
“you know you can look and touch, right kitten?” he teases and you allow yourself to roll your eyes at him this time.
“sheesh, can i not just admire my hot boyfriend?” you huff jokingly before rubbing your hands up his chest and down his torso tenderly. you don’t fail to miss the slight blush raising over the bridge of kuroo’s nose which makes you smile.
“only if you let me admire you back.” he says, tugging at the hem of your shirt as a signal for you to take it off. you do, bringing the piece of clothing over your head slowly, quite literally feeling kuroo’s gaze burning through you the entire time. once your top half is just as naked as kuroo’s, he starts massaging your boobs lightly and you let out a sigh at his touch. he moves his hands down your sides and over your thighs, letting them rest there again while rubbing his thumbs over your now tingling skin. 
“can’t wait to watch you fuck yourself on my cock.” he groans as he scans over your entire body with eager eyes and a flush of heat runs through your body. 
“yeah?” you question, beginning to roll your hips over his clothed shaft. his breath hitches and he picks up his phone that’s still laying on his chest.
“mhm, i’m gonna record it. so put on a show for me.” he grins and you feel a surge of arousal flow through you. you pull off the only piece of clothing you have left which is a simple pair of underwear, and pull down kuroo’s bottoms just enough so that you can get what you need. you grind your damp cunt against kuroo’s now hardening member in an attempt to get him fully erect. it works with ease, him getting hard for you in just a matter of seconds as he watches you desperately rock your hips against him. 
you reach down beneath your body, grabbing his length and giving it a couple strokes before placing his tip at your center sinking down on him and feeling every inch stretch and fill you up perfectly. you let out a shaky breath and kuroo holds back a moan by biting his lip harshly. you begin to set a steady pace for yourself, lifting your hips up and letting them fall back down slowly enough for you to get used to kuroo’s above average size. you sturdy yourself by placing your hands on his chest, now picking up the pace of your movements. 
“you’re so hot.” kuroo groans as he reaches down to grab your ass before giving it a harsh spank. you wince at the pain, but also moan at the pleasure from him massaging the cheek afterwards. you lift yourself a bit higher off of his length and sink back down quickly, causing you and kuroo to moan in unison. you continue this, lifting your body all the way up to his tip and then crashing back down to take all of him inside of you, making you both just a jumble of moans and pants. 
“fuck, turn around. i wanna see that ass.” kuroo smirks and you follow his order. your now facing away from him, reverse cowgirl style, while he teases your hole with his tip. he has a firm grasp on his dick as he rubs it against your glistening folds, admiring the view in front of him.
“you ready?” he asks.
“mhm.” you hum. you move your hips around, eagerly waiting to feel him fill you up again. he chuckles at you before pushing himself into you, thrusting a couple times before letting you take the lead again. you start bouncing your hips up and down his shaft and kuroo nearly passes out. watching you ride him with your ass on full display for him is testing his strength, but he pushes through. he grabs onto your ass tightly and guides your hips to move at a bit of a slower pace.
“jesus, fuck.” kuroo moans, his grip on his phone faltering a bit as he begins to feel overwhelmed with pleasure. he tightens his grasp on the phone and starts fucking into you, matching the movements of your hips. 
“yes kuroo, just like that.” you sigh, throwing your head back at the sensation. 
“touch yourself, i want you to cum first.” kuroo breathes and you do as told. you rub your clit as you continue to grind on kuroo’s cock, meeting his thrusts halfway. 
“mm, kuroo-” is all you manage to get out before you’re trembling and moaning, your core pulsating as you orgasm.
“fuck.” kuroo pants as he pulls out of you, giving himself a few tugs before spurting warm cum all over your ass. you two sit like that for a few seconds, letting yourselves regain stability. once you feel as though you can move again, you turn around and lay on kuroo’s chest. he’s still recording so he flips the camera to face you guys, lifts your chin, and presses your lips together lovingly.
“probably the hottest one we’ve recorded yet.” kuroo says after ending recording.
“yeah?” you laugh at his enthusiastic expression.
“mhmm, because you’re the star of it.” he smiles. 
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- he comes home from practice and finds you waiting on the bed naked with your already recording camera set up on the side table
- babie is FLUSTERED
- like he just stands in the doorway, mouth gaped open, as if he’s too scared to walk in
- he’s seen you naked numerous times but you still take his breath away every time
- he’s so adorable 
- finally snaps out of his trance and joins you on the bed
bokuto removes his shoes and climbs into bed with you. the contrast between him being fully clothed and you being completely naked makes both of you blush a bit.
“what’s all this about?” he asks with a quirked eyebrow, scanning your entire body which makes you tense under his stare.
“umm well, i was thinking about it and i thought it’d be really hot if we made a sex tape.” you explain.
“you wanna make a sex tape?” he questions.
“i mean yeah. it’ll be nice to have something to look back-”
“say less.” he cuts you off and practically tears off his shirt. you giggle at his excitement, already knowing that he was probably going to react this way. within the next few seconds, you aren’t the only naked one anymore and your eyes trail down bokuto’s body. just like how you never fail to amaze him, he never fails to amaze you. the way his toned muscles flex whenever he moves makes all your heat rush to your core. 
“the view’s nice huh?” he teases and flexes his biceps a bit.
“shut up.” you laugh, “but yes, it is.”
bokuto grins at your compliment, then cups your face in his hands and captures your lips with his passionately. your lips mesh together effortlessly, as if you guys were made to kiss each other. bokuto deepens the kiss by swiping your bottom lip with his tongue, alerting you that he’s about to insert it into your mouth. he does just that and you let out a breathy moan that shoots right down to his dick. he hardens at your noises, kissing you deeper just to earn more. you could honestly kiss bokuto for hours. the way he always makes you feel like you’re the most fragile and precious thing he’s ever touched when he kisses you makes you feel overwhelmingly loved. though today’s makeout session is unfortunately cut short when bokuto pulls away and flips you over onto your stomach as if you weigh nothing. you let out a gasp, a little startled by the sudden force.
“sorry babe, i just really need to be inside you right now.” he admits and you laugh a little. you prop yourself up onto your elbows and knees, preparing for bokuto to insert himself into you.
“mm, look at that. all pretty and perched up for me.” he groans, rubbing your exposed cunt with two fingers. you tense at his light yet arousing touch, desperately wanting him to do more. as if he read your mind, he inserts those fingers inside of you at an antagonizing pace. you move your hips back in an attempt to speed up the friction but instead he pulls his fingers out and rests his hand on your ass.
“be” he spanks one cheek, “patient.” he finishes as he spanks the other. you whine at the stinging yet pleasurable pain and bokuto smiles sadistically while entering his fingers back inside you at a much faster rate. you moan as you watch yourself on your phone screen. you intentionally set it up using the selfie camera so that you could watch as bokuto fucked you senseless on the screen, and boy are you glad you did that. the smug look on his face while he fingerfucks you and thrusts into his own hand makes you clench around his fingers, craving something a bit bigger than the two digits.
“please just fuck me kou, i need it.” you moan. bokuto tries to pretend he’s not flustered by your words but is clearly taken aback. he could be the dominant one all he wants, but it’ll never change the fact that he goes completely weak when you beg for him.
“yeah? you want me to fuck you?” he grins, pulling his fingers out and replacing them with the tip of his painfully hard member.
“mhmm, please kou.” you hum, knowing that begging gets you anything you want with him. this instance just further proves that statement because he begins pushing into you at the same antagonizing speed he moved his fingers at. but you can’t complain since it helps a lot with getting used to his size, because he most definitely does not have the smallest tool in the shed. he continues slowly pushing his way in until his lower abdomen is pressed against your ass, his cock buried deep within your tight hole.
“fuck, you feel so good.” he moans. you glance at your phone to see what he looks like and his head is thrown back, eyes shut tightly and mouth open slightly. your body tingles at the sight, pleasure is written all over his expression and you love it. he pulls out of you and thrusts back into you with brute force. his favorite thing to do ever since he learned that it makes you scream. he pulls out of you exceptionally slowly, waits a short second, and then slam back into you relentlessly. your toes curl at his his little trick and you bury your face into a pillow in an attempt to muffle your loud moans of his name and plenty other profanities. he does this a few more times, smirking at the way you’re completely falling apart beneath him, then takes a break and fucks you at a more steady pace. though he’s no longer pounding into your sweet spot, his tip is still brushing against it and your head goes fuzzy with pleasure.
“you fuck me so good kotaro.” you moan into the pillow, gripping the sheets around you tightly.
“only the best for my pretty girl.” he smiles “here, turn over. wanna see your face.”
you flip over onto your back, now looking up at bokuto who’s smiling down at you lovingly.
“beautiful, so beautiful.” he coos, rubbing his thumb over your cheek softly. your heart drops into your stomach. you know you probably look a hot mess right now. makeup ruined from you shoving your face into a pillow, face flushed from the immense pleasure, and hair a bit messy from it all. but he still thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in existence and your heart almost can’t take it.
“can’t wait to make you cum.” he finishes and without any warning, he grinds his hips into you smoothly yet assertively. he has a tight grip on your hips as he rocks into them and you are just about losing it beneath him. you’re gripping onto his biceps, surely leaving bruises that’ll form by tomorrow. but he doesn’t mind whatsoever. he loves seeing you all fucked out as he pounds into you, sputtering all sorts of moans and lewd words here and there with each thrust. he can tell you won’t be able to hold on for much longer, so he brings his thumb to your clit and rubs small and quick circles on it. he matches the tempo of his thrusts and watches you turn into a blabbering mess at his touch.
“fuck kou, jesus christ. i can’t-you’re gonna make me-oh my god-i’m gonna-“
you’re grip on his arms gets a bit tighter as you succumb to your forceful orgasm. your eyes roll back, your back arches off the bed, and you swear your vision goes dark for a few seconds. bokuto can almost never get a full thrust in after seeing you cum and this is no exception to that. as soon as he sees you come undone, he pulls out of you and releases all over your stomach with a rich moan of your name.
“i came so hard i went blind there for a second.” you admit and bokuto busts out laughing.
“shit sorry. not really though.” he shrugs, collapsing next to you.
“hush. i’m just glad we got that all on camera. i’ll definitely be watching that soon. speaking of, can you hand me my phone?”
bokuto reaches over to grab your phone of the nightstand and you stop recording.
“twenty minutes of gold content.” you say as you look at the length of the video.
“wanna make it twenty more?”
“say less.” you reply smugly.
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captainhotch · 4 years
Dress | Jess Mariano
Jess Mariano x reader
Summary: Based on the song Dress by Taylor Swift
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You flattened your palms against powder blue, paisley covered cami dress you were wearing. It fell right below your mid thigh and you absolutely adored it. You spotted it shopping with your best friend the weekend before and just had to have it, even if it cost you half of your paycheck.
As much as you hated to admit it, your first thought after sliding it on was what Jess’s reaction would be. Not that he was the most expressive guy out there— but a part of you hoped he’d at least tell you that you looked nice.
You didn’t need validation— you knew you looked good. You just wanted to hear it from the dark haired boy who occupied your mind way more then you’d ever admit.
Somehow the pair of you had become best friends, much to the surprise of everyone in Stars Hallow. You had quite a few arguments with Taylor defending the boy.
You spent so much time at Luke’s that you practically lived there and eventually Jess was forced to talk to you. Turns out you actually had a lot in common, specifically in the relm of music and movie taste. He’d spend his lunch and dinner breaks tucked away with you at your designated table towards the back of the restaurant, with a window facing the gazebo. You liked to look out on the lights while you listened to music on your walkman.
The second you layed eyes on Jess Mariano your stomach swarmed with butterflies. While you were looking at him, he was looking at Rory Gilmore.
You didn’t want to be just best friends.
You grabbed your bright pink purse, tossing Kafka’s Metamorphosis inside along with your walkman and slipped on a cropped white cardigan. A part of you hopped it wasn’t too dressy— the other part didn’t care.
You had sat in Luke’s in a full Wolf Man costume before, so it didn’t exactly matter.
The walk to Luke’s was short, with you sharing pleasentries with various townsfolk that you passed by. Miss. Patty was sure to compliment your dress.
Your headphones were already pulled over your head by the time you entered the dinner, shooting Luke a quick smile and wave as you settled into your normal seat. You always came after rush hour so you wouldn’t have to worry about it being taken— by then everyone knew who the seat belonged to.
You didn’t notice Jess’s gaze on your back as you stood facing the table, pulling the book from your bag as you took a seat.
An itch at the back of your neck prompted you to turn your head, catching his wide eyes looking in your direction. Knowing better, you didn’t think anything of it, only shooting Jess a grin and opening the book to your latest spot.
Luke shoved his nephew’s shoulder as he passed by, ripping the damp cloth from his hands, “Close your mouth before a bug flies in there.”
Luke thought you were both idiots. When one of you wasn’t staring, the other was. He had just about had it, honestly.
“I’m taking my lunch,” Jess muttered, throwing his notepad on the counter and sitting opposite of you at your table. His own book was in his hand, some Jane Austen novel that Rory recommended.
“Right,” Luke sighed, watching the two of you take turns looking over your books at the other person, “ridiculous.”
“Why are you dressed like an extra in Clueless?” Jess finally questioned, thumbing the pages of his small book.
You rolled your eyes, moving your headphones to rest on the table, “You watch romcoms often? Didn’t take you for the type— but no judgement here,” you threw up your hands, book still clutched tightly in the left one.
“Shut up, Rory made me watch it.”
Your jaw clenched at that, not that Jess would notice. “Right, well it’s called a dress. People wear them when they don’t wanna wear pants,” you replied, eyes returning to your book.
Not exactly the reaction you had imagined.
“What, you gotta date or something?”
“Yup,” you confirmed, not noticing the change in Jess’s demeanor, “Luke and I have been dating for weeks. We just didn’t want to freak you out, probably should’ve told you sooner,” you smirked, holding your blue checked mug out for the diner owner as he passed your table.
“Thanks, hun,” you winked at the older man.
“Never, ever do that again,” he instructed, pointing a finger in your direction before quickly walking away with the coffee pot.
“Then why are you wearing it?” He pressured.
Honestly you didn’t understand the big deal. You were half tempted to slap the back of his head and scream ‘i’m wearing it so you’ll notice me, idiot,’ but the fear of embarrassment quickly took that off of the table.
“It’s just a dress, I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal out of it,” you shrugged, pulling at the sleeve of your cardigan.
Jess huffed out a laugh, “Whatever.”
“You know, you can just tell me I look nice and we can move on. I know you have the communication skills of a fifth grader, but I promise it won’t kill you. I’m not gonna mount you over the table if that’s what you’re worried about,” you replied, raising a brow in challenge. Something about the dress must’ve been helping your confidence.
Even Jess was surprised, coughing out loud for a few seconds before settling down.
“What, don’t know how to compliment a girl?”
“I know how to compliment a girl,” he finally smirked, leaning over the table with his arms crossed. Jess’s face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath fan your face.
“Oh really— shit,” you hissed, recoiling as coffee spilled down the front of your pretty new dress.
Jess quickly leaned back with wide eyes, realizing what he had done. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he stood up, walking over to you and helping you stand.
“What the hell happened?” Luke questioned, his eyes shifting between the two of you— more specifically the coffee all over you and his semi-clean floors.
“Slick over here,” you hissed, pointing a finger at Jess, “didn’t like the dress apparently.”
“So you poured coffee on it?” Luke questioned his nephew in exasperation, not putting anything past the boy.
“Wha- no! I like the dress, it’s a very nice dress. I just knocked the coffee over. Accidentally.”
“Very nice, huh?”
“We’re not doing this,” Luke interrupted what was probably about to be more flirting, “you two go upstairs. Let her clean up and borrow some of your clothes. And then you’ll pay for her very nice dress to be dry cleaned. Capiche?”
“Got it,” Jess replied, grabbing your arm gently and pulling you behind him.
“I knew you liked the dress,” you whispered as you made your way through the small diner and up the stairs.
“Shut up,” Jess grinned, opening the door.
You looked around curiously, waiting as he rummaged through his dresser. The space was very small— it was obviously a squeeze for both of their belongs plus the little kitchen and living room area. But it was very Luke. You imagined it was much more tightly before Jess came to town.
“Here,” he gestured for you to hold out your hands, handing you a tee shirt, some sweatpants, and a washcloth. The clothes were too long but it would work for the walk back home. “The bathroom is in there,” he pointed to the only other door in the apartment beside the closet and front one. “I’ll wait for you out here.”
You looked in the mirror, rolling your eyes at your appearance. Of course coffee would spill on your new dress because why wouldn’t it? You reached around back to pull down the zipper, cursing when your arms wouldn’t reach.
And now you’d be forced into the cliche of asking the cute boy to help you unzip. At least your initial intentions were coming true, even if they weren’t in the way you had hoped. The idea of Jess removing the dress had definitely come up in a fantasy while you waited in the checkout line.
You opened the door, sighing loud enough for the boy to hear. “I need your help.”
“You need my help?” He repeated with a question mark, looking over at you. He felt bad, sure, but the desire to laugh at your coffee covered frame was definitely present.
“Yes Polly, I need help. I can’t reach the zipper.”
You turned around, pulling your hair over your shoulder. Your eyes closed as you braced yourself, listening to Jess’s footsteps draw closer. You could feel his presence behind you as he came to a stop— seemingly a little unsure aswell.
“Speed it up, Mariano,” you grumbled, cursing the heat that rushed to your cheeks, “I don’t have all day.”
“Shut up,” he quipped, placing a hand on your waist to steady himself before grabbing the zipper with his other one.
He was slow to pull it down, the heat from his knuckes dancing down your spine as more skin was revealed. You could feel his breath hitch against the back of your neck, making your brows furrow.
He stopped right above the end of your spine, hands lingering in place as both of you refused to speak. The air was palpable, the heat of his hands permiating the thin cotton fabric against your waist. Slowly you turned your head, your eyes meeting his as you held your breath.
He brought the hand that was unzipping your dress up to cup your neck, gaze lingering on your once gloss covered lips. “You look really beautiful in this dress,” he muttered before pulling you in for a searing kiss.
It was fast, both of you out of breath after almost a few seconds— “I look really good without the dress too.”
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slytherinbangchan · 3 years
Kareshi, okarishimasu!✨ (SKZ Hyunjin Fake!Boyfriend!Au)
A SKZ (all members) Fake boyfriend!Au where there’s an app where you can easily rent the perfect guy to play the role of your boyfriend. Guess the hard part will be not falling for him.
The reader is different for each one of the SKZ members. There’ll be smut in some of the chapters. (The first chap of this Au was Kareshi, Okarishimasu! Seungmin)
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Pairing: Hyunjin x femreader Word Count: 2.5k (I made it a One-Shot this time.) ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ 1st Date So, there you are. Waiting right where your friend told you to. She insisted so much on you doing this but what's the big deal? How is dating a  fake boyfriend going to help you out with your actual romantic life? Plus, it's not like you have any problem with being single. Actually you only agreed to do this cause your friends were so annoying about it and they said they'd shut up if you tried it. They even paid for you.
You look around as you wait. You hate this. You were so anxious about it that you left an hour early but it's getting even worse as time passes. There's a girl next to you who seems nervous aswell. She must be waiting for her date too. You sigh as you look around a last time, then you see him, the guy your friends chose for you from the app, walking towards you. Your heart skips a beat even if you were trying so hard for it not to do that.
  The guy is a bit early, guess that'd be a good sign if he was actually your boyfriend.  As he comes closer you notice he's not exactly looking at you and, with a confused face, you watch how he stands in front of the girl next to you. 'Hey, I'm Hyunjin, are you y/n?' He asks and the girl looks at him practically with heart eyes. 'Yes, yes I am'. She says, almost mesmerized, and you click your tongue as you roll your eyes. 'No, she's not. I am.' He looks at you and apologizes to the girl then to you. 'Sorry, your friends forgot to send a picture.' He says as he scratches the back of his head and smiles a bit nervous for his mistake. 'It's fine.' You soothe him then you look him up and down. 'What are you a model or something?' You ask and he chuckles. 'What?' He laughs and you start walking. 'There's a lot of people turning around just to look at you, it's annoying'. You say, making him laugh again, but he's flattered. 'I'm sorry'. He apologizes as he catches you up to walk by your side. 'I wanted to look good for you'. He says making you feel a bit guilty. 'It's whatever, I just don't like people looking at me'. You explain. 'But you do look kinda nice.' You mumble as you blush making him chuckle again. 'What was that?' He asks as he pokes you with his elbow, making you blush even more. 'Nothing, I said you're ugly.' You say and he laughs.
  You thought it'd be a bit awkward to maybe start a conversation but it's not. He listens to you carefully but still participates in the convo. He looks at you a lot while you chat and even if you think it's cause he's just being polite, he actually finds everything you have to say very interesting. 'Let's get in here.' You suggest as you walk by an arcade and he gladly follows you inside.'Hey, what about this?' He asks as he points to the race cars game. 'Sure.' You say as you smile and sit on one of them. He sits right next to you. 'I'll destroy you'. You say and he smiles as he moves his head to a side. 'Okay.' He ends up winning the first race though. You bite your lower lip as he snickers poking your side at your waist level. 'Thought you were going to destroy me'. He teases. 'Let's go again.' You say, not even looking at him. Your cheeks blushed. A smug smile draws on your face as you stand up to move to the next game after destroying him on the second race as you promised. 'Hey!' He exclaims as he follows you. 'Did you let me win the first time?' He asks and you chuckle. 'Maybe'.  He gasps. 'Really?' You giggle at his face. 'Nah, you were just lucky'. You say as you swipe your finger over one of the guns on the zombie shooter game with your eyes fixed on his. 'What? This one?' He asks and you nod. 'Whatever you want, princess'. He says and you throw him a look making him nervous. 'W-What?' He asks. 'Princess? Ah, did my friends tell you to call me that?' You guess and he nods. 'You don't like it?' He asks as he distractedly looks in his wallet for some coins for the game. 'Nah, it's fine. I'd rather be called queen though'. You inform him and he smirks. 'Yeah, I feel like that suits you better'. He says as you both wait for the game to start.
  'How long have you been doing this?' You ask as you take a scoop of the ice cream you're sharing and he tilts his head. “What do you mean?” You roll your eyes. “The fake boyfriend thing, what else?” He smiles at your question. 'I don't know what you're talking about'. He says, making you smile. “So you are my boyfriend”. You remark. “Of course.” He smiles again. “Yeah? Would you kiss me then?” You ask. You know he won't kiss a stranger. But he chuckles. “If that's what my Queen wants.” You scoff. “No way! Do rental boyfriends really kiss their clients?” You ask and he smirks once again. 'What's a rental boyfriend?' You chuckle softly. “Okay, I give up. I'll allow you to be my boyfriend for today, no more questions about it.” He seems happy about that.
“You know there's more than one person following us, right?” You ask him as he walks you to the station and he nods. “I'm sorry about that.” He apologizes and you sigh. “Will you be okay?” You ask and he smiles as he tilts his head. “Are you worried about me?” He asks and you frown a bit confused. “I mean, there's a bunch of people following you...” You say and he chuckles. “Right. It's fine, I'm used to it.” He smiles but you can tell he doesn't like the situation one bit. “Are they your clients?” You ask and he sighs. “Get home safely, okay?” He says, then pats your head. You purse your lips but nod. “You take care too.”
You don't hear about him after that, but that's the thing with rental boyfriends right? You didn't even have the app to begin with, your friends were the ones managing everything. Why do you feel so bad though? That goodbye felt so bittersweet. Maybe you should have ignored those people as he was trying so hard to, but you couldn't just let that go. At first it was only one person following you two around but little by little the number went up to even five people. How can he live like that?
Anyway that's none of your business, is it? He didn't look like he wanted you to even mention it so that's it. It's not like you're seeing him again.You had fun today though... More than you thought you'd do.
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2nd Date
Okay, maybe you ended up downloading  the app, and maybe after a few weeks you finally gave up and rented Hyunjin again. And now you're walking towards him as he waits for you at the same place where you waited for him last time.
“H-Hey...” You wave at him even if he's looking at his phone, but he looks up as soon as he hears your voice. “Oh, it's you!” He exclaims. His eyes shining. He looks like a happy puppy right now “I should have known when you asked me to look ugly for the date. Why didn't you tell me it was you while we chatted?” He chuckles and you blush lightly. “I didn't think you'd remember me, and by the way is this your idea of looking ugly?” You ask as you point at his outfit. “Of course I remember my girlfriend? And what do you mean? I'm wearing the first thing I saw and I barely did any makeup.” He smiles and turns around proudly, showing you his entire outfit. “Huh?? I look just like any other guy!” You want to complain cause he doesn't look any uglier today but he's just so cute and he's so excited about his clothes... “Right... Yeah, you did a nice job actually, thanks.” You say and he smiles again. “Okay, where should we go today, my Queen?” He asks as you both start walking. “Well, they opened a horror house nearby.” You say and you can see the panic in his face. “What?... Wait, are you afraid of that kind of stuff?” You ask and he nods. “Horror movies too?” You ask again. “Well, yeah? Isn't that what they are made for? To scare people?” He says and you laugh. “I guess so, but I don't think any of them are actually scary.” You say as you chuckle and he blushes lightly. “Okay, let's go then.” He says and you lean on him bumping your shoulder against his arm playfully, then holding his hand with both of your hands. “It's fine dummy, we don't have to do that.” You say as you blush. Your eyes glued to the floor. You really decided to embrace you role as his girlfriend today and it's making him feel all kind of ways. “W-Well... I want to do it now, so you better take me there.” He says, not looking at you either.
An hour later or so you're both coming out the horror house. “Well, that was terrible.” He says still grasping on your arms with his huge hands as he walks behind you. You chuckle and turn around to take off his cap and fix his hair a bit. “C'mon it was fun.” You say but he doesn't say anything. He's blushing though. “I'm sorry. I guess you really hated it, huh?” You ask, feeling a bit guilty about dragging him there but he shakes his head. “Nah, I liked it cause I was with you.” He says and you scoff as you smile. “Liar.” You say. “I'm not lying.” He argues and you hold his hand as you start walking, dragging him again. “Let's watch a horror movie then.” You suggest, not looking back so he can't see the blush on your cheeks after holding his hand again and he whines. “Can't we just go to the amusement park? Maybe karaoke night?”
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??? Date
“How long do we have today, Jinnie?” You ask as you play with the puppies at the dog cafe. “Look here, I'm taking a picture.” He says and you pose with the puppy making Hyunjin chuckle. “Hey, don't ignore my question.” You pout but he's looking at his phone. His smile slowly fades as you keep calling his name to get his attention. “Don't worry about that y/n.” He says and you tilt your head. “I'm not worried, I just want to know.” You say and he looks at you and puts on a fake smile. “We've been here for a while, let's go somewhere else, yeah?” He says. Your heart sinks a little after that interaction. Did you upset him somehow? You know he doesn't like when you make it difficult for him to play your boyfriend's role but that question could have been easily responded without mentioning his actual schedule as a rental boyfriend.
“Can I see the pics you took?” You ask while you walk to the movies and he smiles and hands you his phone. “Ah, that one was my favorite.” He says as he scrolls back to the pic you just passed. “Ah really? I look ugly though.” You giggle. “No, you don't, dummy.” He chuckles and holds your free hand lacing his fingers with yours. “You look perfect, and the puppy too.” He says, then an alarm on his phone startles you. “Omg, I almost drop it, sorry. Here.” You say, handling it back. “Is that an alarm for your next date?” You ask and he frowns as he turns it off. “Of course not. Why would I have other dates?” He asks. “Hyunjin, it's fine, you can tell me. I haven't paid you for the next hour yet.” You say and he lets out a frustrated sigh then smiles again. “I don't know what you are talking about, let's get inside already, the movie is going to start.” He says and a chill runs down your spine. “Omg, that's so creepy, stoop!” You say and he sighs again and drags you to a hidden alley with no people around.
“Why did you call me creepy? I'm not creepy!” He complains and you make a point by looking around the place where he just dragged you. “Okay, but I wasn't being creepy before!!” He says and you chuckle. “Yes you were, you looked annoyed and then a second later you smiled like nothing.” You say and he rolls his eyes. “I wasn't annoyed I was upset that you kept asking about when our date was going to end!” Well, he looks annoyed now for sure. It's the first time you see him like this though and you can't help but to chuckle for some reason. “Why are you laughing? I'm serious!” He complains. “I'm sorry. It's just that I feel that this is the first time I'm seeing the real you and I think it's cute.” You say and he blushes. “Well, this is just frustrated me. Just so you know, I'm my real self around you all the time.” He says, then lets out another frustrated sigh. You're a bit surprised right now at what he just said but before you can even notice yourself you're pulling from his shirt and kissing him.
You push him away immediately, covering your lips with your hands. “Omg, I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from.” You apologize as a very blushed Hyunjin stares at you, making you blush too. But before you can apologize again he's pulling you into another kiss.
Your body against his as you keep making out until you're breathless. You can't believe you've been kissing Hwang Hyunjin in a creepy alley for like an hour now.
“So, you do this with all your fake partners?” You ask and he clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes. “There's no other dates or partners, I told you.” He says and you sigh. “Are we still playing the perfect fake boyfriend game?” You ask and he smiles. “I haven't been accepting dates for a while now, dummy.” He confesses and you frown, confused. “But you took my money...” You say and he laughs softly. “I gave it back everytime after our second date. I knew you wouldn't even notice.” He laughs again. “Are you serious?” You ask and he nods. “I just wanted to see you so I played along.” He says and you raise your eyebrows. “Shut up, that's not creepy, it's cute.” He says and you laugh. “Pfft, yeah, only cause it's you.” You say and he smiles before pecking your lips. “Shut up, you love me.” He says and you peck his lips back. “Nah, you love me.” You say while he kisses your neck and he smiles against your skin. “Yeah, I do.”
Blog’s Masterlist
Taggies: @princewonwoo​​​​​ ♥
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
First Date(s) With Mr. Compress
Request: such lovely dates, all of them! you're spoiling us darling <3 now this really put me in a mood, would you consider making a first date for mr compress aswell? i would just love to see what this gentleman would have in store for us
A/N: I want him back,, i just wanna see him and his theratics again (also takes place little after mva arc) (i also did two parts for this because i wrote one as already having an established relationship but the first date for the brothers wasn’t established so you get two!)
The Very First Date:
Atsuhiro has had his eyes on you for a while now, but he’s never quite made the move to go after you. It’s difficult to do so with his reputation and lack of actually being able to go and do something with you. His anxiety comes in waves, his hands fiddling with a marble letting the small, cloudy object roll over and under his knuckles as he approaches you. His words catch in his throat, his mouth drying and the fears of humiliation roll over, heating his body and lighting him aflame. It’s difficult for him to try to be composed- he usually is and he can keep a level head but asking you out on a date is something that he just can’t do. It was a spur of the moment that he had come up to you and asked if you would like to go out, nothing that he was able to plan out and he regrets taking this leap; he wishes that he had planned what he could ask you. The marble is held in his hand, his eyes meeting yours and he asks you if you’d like to go on a date with him; something simple, his smile appears for a moment- crooked and charming as ever.
Taking the initial leap to asking you out- while proved to be effective considering you did agree- also proved that he should always plan before leaping into action. He doesn’t have a clue as to where to take you. He wants you to have fun on this date and the goal of it is to have you go out on another date with him. However, he can’t figure out where to take you. There’s only so many places a villain can go out without being reported to the authorities and he doesn’t want to risk you being caught up in his affairs. He’s been on plenty of dates before, so he does have an idea of what to do and how to entice you, but it isn’t seduction that he’s seeking- at least not yet. He just wants to take you out and show you that he’s fun and that you can have a fun time with him.
On the night of the date, he arrives with a bouquet in hand. He’s made sure to choose flowers that mean only good things, that establish love to prosper and to be long lasting. He gifts it to you, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles, telling you that you look lovely tonight. With you in hand, he leads you outside, helping you into a car and closing the door behind him. He didn’t want a classic date, he wants to show you off and he manages to find the perfect location. He takes you to go play pool and while it’s more him to show off his skills and watch you lean over in order to get the perfect score, it’s something fun and new for the both of you. After so long in hiding and not being able to do anything in public together, this is the perfect place. He wants to watch you struggle for a bit so he can come be your savior- he’ll lean up close behind you, wrap his hands around yours and let his lips brush against the shell of your ear, only to have you miss your shot. His grin is cheeky and he’ll shrug it off, not wanting to tell you that he wanted to win the “playful” game.
The aim for this date is to be something that you’ll remember. He wants to show off a bit with you, to have you roll your eyes at his antics but still notice him. The bar is less than perfect, a few unsavory guests that he would rather not have you associate with, but it’s what he has to work with. At the end of it, he pulls you to a somewhat secluded table, a shared platter between the two of you as you eat and chat among the low music. You two joke over a plate of half-finished food, your arms crossed above the table as you lean towards him, your eyes closed as you laugh at a story of his. The tips of his ears burn, his cheeks colored red as he stares at you. His hands twitch at his sides, his eyes glued to your smile, only to dart to your hands and lift back to your eyes where you finally open them. All air has left his lungs leaving him feeling constricted, a tight feeling that coils around him and leaves him breathless as his heart pounds against his chest. He wonders for a moment, a fear that settles at the base of his stomach, that his heart is giving away how he feels at that very second just looking at you.
Of course, all good things must come to an end. He takes you by the hand and interlinks your arms once more. Staring straight ahead and speaking so quickly that his words slur together, Atsuhiro sneakily holds your hand, palms touching and his fingers covering yours, only to stop speaking and smile widely when you interlink hands together. He listens to you talk about your woes and lows, watching as you wave your hand in the air, and he must look so love-stricken because you turn to him, a heavy flush against your cheeks as you ask him if he has anything to say. The corner of his lips twitch upwards and he simply asks if you would like to have another date. It’s too early for all the deeper kinds of emotions that he should express or even know what he’s talking about, but he knows that he wants another date, he wants to spend more time with you. At your door, he raises your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles once more, bidding you a good night and behind closed doors, he swears that he can still smell your perfume.
The First Actual Date In A Long While:
It’s rather difficult for Atsuhiro to take you out on a date given his status. He really wishes that he had met you earlier in his life- when his identity wasn’t plastered and he could simply just take you out during a late night. During the relationship, he does his best to mimic an actual date with you. He’ll set up a nice table for two, have white candles with dried wax at its side, light up the room, and offer you a meal that he could best prepare for you. He does what he can for you but to him, it isn’t enough- it’s never a proper first date. He wants to take you out and show you off. He wants to interlock arms and help you into a car without it resulting in a high speed chase. If he could, he would have taken you out so many times, visited various places and gave you the life and fun that you deserve, but he’s here- he’s fighting the long fight and he knows that one day the winner will be decided, but for now, it’s just you two together and without a proper date night.
When the League of Villains evolves into the Paranormal Liberation Front, he’s finally found a way to have a date with you. He’s a high ranking officer and the city is able to cover for his identity- at least most of it. So, he comes to you, eager and his smile wide underneath his mask. He doesn’t just want to tell you to get ready- he wants to have the joy of asking you and having you accept his offer. With a nervous heart, he walks to you, his breath held and face kissed red with ears hot as he calls your name. He holds your hands in his and sits you down, and with your hands in his, he asks you out on a date- something simple, just to test the waters of this new city. It isn’t until he’s in his room that he’s realized that he doesn’t have a date planned. It’s been so long for him that he doesn’t have anything planned. He doesn’t want the classic dinner and a movie, he wants something special. He wants this date to be considered one of the best ones that you’ve been on.
On the day of the date, he arrives at your room with flowers in hand that he gives to you gracefully. He holds his hand out, a cheeky smile on his face as you place your hand in his. The city is safe enough for him to go out without the fear of being arrested or at least an attempted arrest. While the city may be damaged, there are bits of it that have remained relatively untouched that he’s grateful for. The point of the date is to have fun and you’re going to have fun and enjoy every minute of it. You both eventually arrive at a community theater house. The play is fine- nothing too grand, and the performances fine, but he likes to sit at the back with you, hold you close and hear you hum along to the few songs sung. He’ll whisper snide comments to you, let his lips linger close to you for a moment, his hands curving around your tummy. He’ll back away when you smack his arm playfully, his laughter muffled by the palm of his hand so as to not draw attention. The play ends and it's nothing noteworthy, your comments about it as polite as can be while he can merely roll his eyes and change the topic on the way to the next location that he has set up.
You both arrive at a secluded area of the town- right at the edge, the trees blocking the view from the city lights and the faint sound of the city life still in the air. The trees are stung up with lights, white and yellow twinkling lights that dangle from the trees and the debris round clear, few flowers freshly placed at the ground if the dark soil is anything but a give away that he had worked on this- the only other give away is the flowers matching the ones he gave you. He fiddles with his phone for a minute, a marble expanding until a speaker is revealed, and there’s a short pause of silence where the wind brushes against the nape of your neck. When he turns back around, the phone connects, a loud beeping ruining the quiet mood as he walks towards you, his hand held out a song playing. The lyrics are unheard, only the sweet melody of the song played as he holds you close to him. There’s no real dancing, just simple swaying as you rest your head against his chest, your hands resting and grabbing loosely at his shirt. His words are delicate as he tells you what he wishes life was like, promising that one day, it will be like that, a gentle kiss is placed against your head, acting as a promise and as gratitude for coming along with him.
Once home, he rests beside you, under the covers and grabbing at your body, pulling you close to him. Atsuhiro will always like to think of you being the dependent one- to fall for him first and wanting him close by- but he knows that that isn’t the truth. He’s the dependent one in the relationship, the one that needs to be held and kissed, to have your lips brush along the scars that decorate his body. He needs tenderness, he yearns for it. A show is played in the background, the voices garbled in his ears, his head resting on your chest as your hand holds his. His free hand traces shapes along your body, goosebumps pricking your body from the cold feel of him, as he offers a kiss as an apology, letting his eyes close slowly, as you twist an end of his hair around your finger, the apology taken. He falls asleep to your beating heart, the way that you chuckle as the television plays and how you continue to play with his hair, letting the tips of your fingers scratch along his scalp and soothe him.
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marvelmana · 3 years
-Mumza goddess of death prompt
TW: suicide attempt
So after Wilbur's revival Dream with his God compex realizes that the power to bring people back to life isn't enough. So while Wilbur prepares to break Dream out of prison, Dream sits down to remember what more was in the revive book. His eyes shoot wide open as he remembers a short but powerful ritual to summon the goddess of death herself.
So after Wilbur breaks him out somehow. Wilbur and Dream are met by the rest of the SBI family. They didn't come together. Tommy came to stop Wilbur and maybe kill Dream. Techno and Phil just came to get Wilbur so Sam doesn't kill him. As always with this family they start arguing and Dream runs away. They follow him to the L'manhole where he manages to preform the full ritual to summon the goddess of death. Now all the others are terrified because they don't know what Dream did. All they know is that the nice and chill night suddenly became the worst storm they've ever experienced and a weird portal looking thing has started to form on the glass. Tommy starts yelling at Dream to stop. Philza aswell because Dream doesn't know what power he's messing with. Dream explains that he knows exactly what power he's messing with and tells them what or...rather who he has summoned. To Dream's surprise everyone but Tommy seems relived that he's summoning the goddess of death. Tommy's worried because he has no idea that he's the son of the goddess. Before any of them manages to say anything a dark figure emerges from the portal with dark wings as she flies up to the night sky. The wind that had made it hard to stay on your feet suddenly stops and the portal disapears. Dream does his evil laughter and then does his evil monologue but gets cut off by the goddess of death striking him down with one hand and pressuring her foot against his neck. Phil watches her and falls in love all over again. But before there can be a wholesome family reunion Tommy draws his sword out and points it at the goddess' neck.
"Who are you!? What do you want!?" He yells demanding answers.
The goddess melts at the sight of her youngest. He's so cute with that diamond sword, thinking he's so cool. When she doesn't answer Tommy gets frustrated and yells at the top of his lungs
He was meant to intimidate the goddess but his yell only comes out as a broken cry. The goddess' heart breaks as she sees all the pain and frustration in her youngest son's eyes. There's something in his eyes that is not supposed to be there. There's something that's not meant to be seen in the eyes of a 16 year old. Before she can ask, Phil steps forward.
"It's been a long time, love" he says and takes off his hat.
The goddess smiles at her angel.
"About 16 years, but who's counting?" She jokes completely unbothered by the blade at her throat.
Then the twins comes in to have a small talk with their mother. None of them mentions that she's their mother. Tommy slowly takes away his sword and starts backing away. He takes one look at the unconscious green man by the goddess' feet and then at his brothers and father. This is their business. He should get going. He only gets a few steps away when one of his family members ask where he's going. He tells them that he's going home. The issue with Dream seems resolved and they're all busy with and old friend Tommy doesn't know. At first the goddess is confused as to why her youngest doesn't recognise her. But then again. When he left the end he was only a few months old. The twins had been just around 7. The goddess, who's name was Kristin smiles gently at Tommy and slowly walks up to him. She tells him that she's his mother. Tommy looks at his father and brothers who nods confirming. Normally you'd think Tommy would be excited to meet his mum. But when all his family has brought him is pain, he's not excited to see what a new family member who's also a goddess, can do. So he does the most rational thing he can think off. He runs. He runs with fear of his life. Tommy doesn't wanna die again. The mere thought terrifies him. So he runs, hoping to find someone to help him, anyone. Tubbo, Ranboo, Puffy hell he'd even take the help from Sam now. As he runs past his house he looks behind him to see 4 individuals chasing him. He starts screaming for help as he jumps out the edge by the bench with a water bucket in hand. Kristin who doesn't know Tommy's incredible skill with water MLGs panics and dives after him with her wings. She catches Tommy before he reaches the ground. Tommy starts squirming in her grip hoping to get away. Kristin tries to reassure him that she's got him. Tommy begs her not to hurt him. Telling her that he won't get in her way, that if she just lets him go she'll never have to see him again. Kristin feels as someone shot through her heart with an arrow. And she tells Tommy in what she thinks is a comforting voice, that she's never gonna let him go and that he's safe. Tommy's beyond terrified but lucky for him Tubbo and Ranboo is on a walk towards them. Tubbo and Ranboo immediately gets their armour on and orders Kristin to put Tommy down and that if she hurts him, she's gonna regret it. Kristin gets put off guard by the sudden company. Tommy uses that to his advantage and gets out of her grip and runs past Tubbo and Ranboo who's like protecting wall in front of him. Wilbur tells them to fuck off and that it's a family buisness. That just angers Tubbo even more.
"Family buisness!!!?" He yells almost in shock "You gotta be kidding me! Tommy just started healing after everything Dream did to him and after everything YOU did to him!! Why can't you just let him rest!?" Tubbo yells in anger
That's when Kristin's had enough. She demands an explanation and Tubbo just answers "I'm not gonna explain shit. Who do you think you are?" To which Krstin stretches out her wings and says in a lower tone
"I am the goddess of death. Protector of the end. And his mother" she says and looks at Tommy.
Tubbo and Ranboo looks back at Tommy who just shruggs. Because honestly he has no idea if it's true or not. But Tubbo and Ranboo decides to play along. They answer with a bit of attitude what has happened to Tommy since he came to this server. Everything from the disc war, to L'manbrug, to exile, to the egg trying to kill him and then celebrating his death, to what happened in the prison. After everything is explained the goddess of death is furious. She shoots up in the air and Phil has a very troubled face expression. When asked what's wrong he tells them.
"A father's rage is strong enough to conquer the world. But a mother's rage is stronger"
Kristin is mad at the server for driving her family apart and hurting her baby. So with the power within her she pulls up the egg and it's roots, along with the enire prison, Eret with his castle and Dream's unconscious body. The storm comes back, this time with thunder and rain. Tommy sees this and is terrified. But he's also worried about Eret. It's true he wronged him but Eret has changed.
"We gotta stop her!" Tommy yells.
"She's the goddess of death, you can't stop her!" Techno yells.
But it's no use. Tommy grabs Ranboo's trident. He launches himself in the air and jumps from bits of earth and structures in the air. His main focus is to help Eret out. Eret is ready for his doom. He knows he's not been the best person. But before that happens he hears someone call out his name. It's Tommy. Tommy gives Eret the trident and tells him to get out of here. He hears distant screams of the eggpire and the egg. Tommy doesn't care that much for the egg. But as annoying as Badboyhalo is with his no swearing rule, he's a good guy and Tommy do have good memories with the him. So with no trident Tommy jumps between the rising blocks to get to the people. He sees Dream's unconscious body and for a moment he thinks about it but then shakes his head. Dream is not his priority. Tommy doesn't see himself as a hero. But he's not one to simply watch someone die if he can do something about it. Tubbo knows this. He curses when Eret gets down on the ground and tells them what Tommy did for him. Tubbo looks to Ranboo who nods. He brings up a water splash potion and splashes himself. His eyes widen and a foreign language comes out of his mouth. Tubbo grabs ahold of his husband before he can teleport away without him. Ranboo has gone complete silent. If you can even call him Ranboo anymore. Tubbo has only seen Ranboo like this once. It was terrifying since the half enderman hybrid had been walking towards Tubbo's cabin in snowchester where Micheal was. Ranboo had been covered in water scars and yet he wasn't talking. Just calmly walking towards Micheal. Before he could get there though Ranboo collapsed and woke up with no memory of how he got to Tubbo's cabin. So now, on a floating piece of earth, in the eye of the storm Tubbo had to trust whatever this version of Ranboo was. He called for Tommy but got no response. Suddenly the foreign language comes out of Ranboo as he points with his free hand to some egg rootes. Tommy's jumping between the broken peices towards peoplenof the eggpire.
"Let's go and help that idiot out" Tubbo says and Ranboo teleports them behind Tommy.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Tubbo yells which scares Tommy. He turns around and smiles at the sight of maybe the two only people he trusts.
"I could ask you the same!" He yells back to be heard over the load weather.
"We came to help you. Ranboo can you get those guys back on the ground!?" Tubbo yells
Ranboo doesn't say anything but when he teleports closer and grabs badboyhalo and Hannah Tubbo knows he got through to him. Tommy's confused at how strange Ranboo was acting. Ranboo's not much of a fighter but still here he was, standing tall. And how the hell can he teleport without enderpearls? Tommy decides that there's a better time to ask. Instead him and Tubbo keeps the rest of the eggpire safe. During that the egg starts speaking to Tubbo and Tubbo is obviously trying to shut it out but it's hurting him. So once Ranboo gets back Tommy is quick to push his best friend onto his husband and yell at Ranboo to get him to safety. Tubbo doesn't get a chance to object before he's suddenly on the ground again. He struggles against Ranboo and begs his husband to take him back. Tommy knows what's keeping Ranboo from coming back. He can see it. So instead of wasting time, he makes a waterfall with his only waterbucket and puts the rest of the eggpire in it. In his head he repeats the same three words over and over again "Please don't drown". When the people is as safe as they can be in a situation like this Tommy turns to his mother who has definitely grown a couple of feet. Tommy gulps and watches as Dream's body literally explodes in front of his mum's dark eyes.
"Hey!!" He yells and draws his sword again.
Kristin turns to see where the voice comes from and her gace immediately goes soft. But it turns confused when she can't see the rest of the wronguns.
"I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else!" Tommy says with his blade in front of him
"The mortals needs to be taught a lesson. You'll come to understand when you're older. You're just a mere child" she says calmly
Tommy smirks. He may be young, but he's not stupid. Tommy knows the blade would do nothing to his mother. So he takes a deep breath and holds the sword against his own throat. He doesn't want this. But he won't let his mother hurt people because of him.
"I may be young! But I have seen wars, I have witnessed my best friend's execution, I have been exiled, I have been tortured and somewhat manipulated. I'm not a child anymore!!" He yells
"You wouldn't. I can see the fear in your eyes son. I can feel it. You don't want this" Kristin says but her voice is everywhere as she gets closer to her son.
"I am not a child. I'm a soldier without a mission. Which makes me desperate. So if I have to die to protect them that's something I'll have to do" Tommy says and stares at the eyes of the beast
"I would never hurt your fatber or brothers" Kristin reassures
"I wasn't talking about those idiots. Listen this place is a hell hole! And sometimes it's hard to get out of bed. But you know what!? It's my home. You've just killed the guy who were the source of my problems. You've done enough!!" Tommy yells and pushes the sword closer to his throat. He can feel it slowly digging into his skin. The goddess of death panics and does a quick movement with her finger and before Tommy knows it he's flying in the air, unable to move an inch. His sword is still in his hand but he can feel an invisable force trying to take it from him.
"Tommy. Drop it!" Kristin hisses
Tommy won't drop it. He could see the fear in her eyes once the blade was pressed against his throat. If he could just move his arm he could put the sword back at his throat. But he can't the force pulling away his sword is strong. But Tommy's always been a fighter. He actually manages to withstand the force but doesn't notice the goddess shrinking in sice and flying up to him to grab the sword herself. After taking the sword she throws it down and stares at her youngest. One thing's for sure, her family is not safe here.
Good ending: Tommy and the others talks Kristin down and she goes back to the end but visits every now and then
Bad ending: Kristin sees how much this place is hurting her baby and the rest of her family. So she takes them to the end where they can't leave. Phil would've been able to, if it wasn't for one of his wings being broken.
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yoshkeii · 4 years
"𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚎𝚜"
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࿐ character(s): Oikawa Tooru
࿐ genre: sfw, soft/fluff
࿐ type: imagine | scenario
࿐ requested by: anon
⌦  male!reader (he/him)
⌦ ‘hii could i maybe request oikawa or iwaizumi with a s/o (he/him) who volunteers regularly at a animal rescue center and he takes oikawa (or iwaizumi) with him one day and shows him around and introduces him to his fav rescueshave a nice rest of your day/night :))’
A/N: i realized i didn’t have this request drafted and thought i lost it AHHHHHH- im sorry if these requests are l a t e creativeblock says no.
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Oikawa stood outside of the gym, finally getting done with practice for the night. He was often the one staying way later than his teammates but this time he agreed with Iwaizumi to stay with him so he can lock up the gym. While he waited for his boyfriend, l/n y/n to join him at the gym.
The light was still on within the gym, casting a warm light on Oikawa’s back. His breath was clearly seen in the winter cold air, hands shoved in his pockets of his track jacket and face snuggled into a red scarf that was given to him from y/n as a gift. He stared up at the peeking moon over the roof of one of the school’s building, its at its waning crescent with some bright stars littering the dark sky.
“Ah- ‘kawa sorry for letting you wait out in the cold..!” a h/c male called out as he was jogging towards Oikawa. he looked at him, the school uniform still signaled he hasn’t left the campus similar to himself. 
“Thought you left home to change? Did you lie to me y/n~?” Oikawa hummed teasingly.
“I-.. Kinda?? B-but I didn’t mean too of course! I had to help out with something” he laughed softly, fixing the light brown scarf Oikawa gave him as soon as winter started. “..it’s really cold though.. you really sure you wanna go with me?”
“Of course! You always talked about bringing me one day anyways- why’s my animal lover backing out now~?”
“S-shut up.. let’s hurry on then-” y/n spoke before taking Oikawa’s hand with his own. Fingers easily entwining with eachothers as he started to walk, making the  messy bronzed hair boy to pursuit after the h/c one.
“So eager~”
“Shut it, shittykawa!”
“Aye- you’ve been around Iwa-chan too much honey!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The walk to the shelter was rather normal. Having the usual banter of Oikawa nagging you with his flirts, retorts, and pick-ups. You flustering up on occasion and hitting him softly. Just like the many walks you had together before but instead walking home together... or the same way at least.
“Are you excited to meet some of the rescues, ‘kawa?” you broke the cold silence as you unlocked the shelter’s door. Holding the door open for him to walk on in first and so he did happily, turning on the lights from the switch next to the doorway like you told him.
“Honestly.. I really am.” he softly muttered.
“Really!?” your eyes shimmered slightly in thrill as you bounced a little on your feet.
Oikawa blinked, his heart had skipped a fucking beat at your reaction. you were so adorable with something your passionate about, and he knew, knew you were passionate about volunteering at local shelters. he found you oddly and coincidently like a puppy, a tail wagging in excitement from a passionate hobby.  in general, loving animals of all kinds and rescuing them made him swoon for you more. “..y-yeah..” he stuttered, a familiar warming heat flushing his face.
He watched you scurried off down a hallway before he followed behind slowly, gazing at the cute painted walls of pawprints, puppies, and cats. seeing the hanged decorations and drawings made by little kids who came to visit to see the animals too. the sudden couple of barks made Oikawa jump as the door at the end of the hall was slightly open, a light pouring into the dimly light hallway. approaching the doorway he opened it slowly to find you petting blueish-gray pitbull puppy, cooing at it like it was child.
A Labrador Retriever slipping past Oikawa’s legs sniffing him which made him tensed quickly, but watching the dog do so. “Uh-uh..?”
You looked over at him, seeing the retriever “Oh! That’s Bear, he’s one of the eldest within this shelter- by that I mean.. uh.. the one of the longest sheltered?? He’s really really sweet too and look! His tail is wagging babe, he likes you already~” you laughed lightly a beaming smile across your face distracted Oikawa as he was already knelt down petting Bear, slowly stopping as he admired you as the Pitbull ran around you to catch your attention instead. “H-hey okay okay- everyone’s excited since you’re here ‘kawa”
“Wanna go meet a few more?” you stood up and looked over at your boyfriend, catching him staring. “Hey, stop staring- the dogs want attention too!” you joked.
“Well..” he had stood up aswell, stepping towards you and planting a kiss on your lips. “..seeing my boyfriend being so cute with animals..” another kiss, “..seems to catch aaallll my attention right now.”
his hands were softly on your waist, his forehead pressed against yours. his amber eyes staring back at your e/c ones, blush deepening on both of your faces. before Oikawa could give another kiss, Bear barked at you both.
“Bear-! We w-were in a moment!!” Oikawa whined childishly.
his response earned a laugh from you, “..it’s okay Tooru~” you softly gave him a peck on the cheek, slipping out of his grip and holding out a hand to him.
“Shall we meet the others before heading home?”
“I’d rather have your attention on me.. than the dogs- but fine. Anything for my prince”
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earthboundscenarios · 3 years
♥ High school ♥
sc plot : 4 new students, attractive point of views
wc : 1694
add-on : basically you in my life without the kids from earthbound
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Play song while reading for best experience!
I sighed as I clutched my backpack. Another boring day
Is life always gonna be this boring?
I hopped off the school bus and made my way towards the giant public school with the crowd
" Where do you want me to set this Ms. Mills? " I looked over to my calculus teacher and she pointed towards her front desk. I nodded and got up. Earning a few snickers from the girls in the back.
" Put some pants on, girl. "
Maria said sarcastically.
I laughed.
I was wearing my favorite oversized black sweater on top of my shorts which aren't buttshorts. I hated the girls in the back.
Fucking assholes.
I heard some new students were coming today. I looked over to my best friend Neila , the desk beside mine. She just gave me a shrug and went back to work. I sighed and made my way to the front of the room, feeling some eyes on me, I dropped the work on Ms. Mills' s desk and returned to my desk at the corner of the room, leaning against the wall facing the whole class from the side.
I heard a scoff beside me so I turned. One of my friends named
had the desk in front of me, and held up his assignment in my face. 95%. I pushed it away and he looked at me with a smug grin. " What'd you get? " He asked with a mix of curiosity and assholism in his voice. I rolled my eyes, smiled, and pulled out my sketchbook. I opened it and looked at my anime sketches trying to ignore RJ laughing before turning back to the side of the room and return talking to his other friend Riley.
After a few minutes , I leant over my desk and tapped on RJ's shoulder. He turned halfway and replied with a half piercing glare in the corner of his eyes. I gasped exaggeratedly which made him turn all the way around facing me with a ' Really? How lame ' look. This time it was my turn to shove something in his face.
My sketchbook.
He grabbed it without actually looking at what was on the page and was about to get up and throw it out into the trash but as he was getting up
" Please RJ, please please please I'm serious just this onceeeee. " I said startling him and after a minute he sighed and mumbled something under his breath and sat back down bringing the sketchbook up near his face so he can actually examine it.
" What the fuck is this? " He looked up at me with the most pissed off look ever.
I grinned devilishly at him and pointed to the page that was being revealed. " You, getting bombed and shot by some mini guns in your favorite game warzone. Like it? " I asked raising my brows like a idiot trying to be funny.
He sighed, face palmed, set my sketchbook back on my desk and turned around pretending I didn't even exist.
Wow thanks, I mouthed and laughed to myself. Neila looked at me with a thumbs up and mouthed, "draw me and garmadon". Which made me nod historically thinking about the movie of her fictional 174 year old husbando from Ninjago.
Suddenly the door was met with a knock which caused some of us to be at ease and started instantly whisper-chatting as this gave us a chance to, while the teacher would go to the door and open it, expecting it to be a kid or a teacher I sighed and relaxed in my chair a little more putting one of my airpods in my ear again and hit play, starting to play my favorite playlist. The teacher did certainly open the door and I was correct.
Or was I
The teacher turned back to us,
" Alright everyone, these are going to be our new students. "
Everyone's attention glided back to the teacher and the door that was slightly opened.
4 kids walked in after a moment or two. 3 boys and 1 girl. They looked completely different then what I had pictured. The 3 guys looked very different compared to each other aswell. One was dressed very nice, another very casual, and one... genie styled...? The girl dressed very pretty though. Definitely got all the boys attention too. Some people snickered. Guessing it was the girls.
" Please introduce yourselves to the class " Ms. Mills nodded to the group of kids. The kid in the blue and red baseball cap looked really excited to, while the girl looked quite shy, so did the kid in the nerdish glasses, but the guy in the white robe looked very chill.
" Heyo! I'm Ness. A pleasure to be here! "
Ness said tilting his cap sideways like, as if he's greeting someone, which looked really cute.
I did hear some girls kya in the back. But I ignored them.
Ness was 5"8. He had black and short messy hair above it was a red and blue cap with a pin, he also wore a red and white high school sports like jacket, assuming that it was the schools jacket he went to before he came here, and underneath it was a blue and yellow shirt. A nice and tidy pair of jeans, white socks tucked in and his sport like jacket was matching with his sport like red and white shoes. He looked very casual but manly.
All this time I was thinking, he was scanning the room while some people asked some questions. But what I didn't notice is that he eventually laid his eyes on me. I felt my face heat up in a few seconds. He grinned at me widely.
He looks Fun.
Once Ness looked back to the class and finished answering some other random questions, he stepped aside and the next one stepped up,
The girl was up next.
" H-Hi! My name is Paula! I hope that we can all get along! " Paula exclaimed with a small curtsy holding the tips of each end of her skirt like dress. Some boys laughed and stared at her recent antics. Their was a audible whistle in the background which caused Paula to squirm a bit with her hands and shuffle her feet around. But people just laughed it off. Jeez, the pressure here.
Paula was 5"4. She had blueberry blue eyes, vibrant blonde hair, bangs that went to her eyebrows, her hair was wavy and tied in a long ponytail with a small red bow. She also had makeup on, not too much, just a bright red lipstick and mascara. She also wore a white turtle neck and over top was a strapped pink dress but the length was like a skirt. It also had a tiny teddy bear icon on it at the bottom. She wore knee high white socks and red low heels.
She nodded her head and then she quickly looked away and hid behind Ness, he obviously laughed, causing her to hide her eyes behind her bangs and a small but noticeable blushed crept on her face which was very cute. She looks adorable.
She peeked over his shoulder and watched as the next one stepped up.
The nerdish boy.
He stepped up very awkwardly which was hilariously cute.
" Uh, Hi. I'm Jeff... I u-uh.. like guns? " This caused the whole room to go quiet which turned to loud laughter erupting from everyone's mouths. I looked over to Neila , she looked like she felt bad for the poor guy. Then to Rj, who was laughing with the rest of them. I felt bad for Jeff
Jeff was 5"7. He wore his hair nice and neatly placed, he had a slightly visible mustache, his eyes covered by his glasses. He wore a long white collar top and over it a green woolen tank top sweater, a nice red bow aswell but placed in the middle of where the collar parts. He had navy blue jeans around his waist that held up tight with a plain black belt and brown classic shoes. He also had pink and blue socks you assumed his mother forced him to wear. He also had a brown backpack around his shoulders. In back which looked like a satellite.
He looked very shy but it was cute
Now it was the genies turn
He looked very chill, he lightly placed a hand on Jeff's right shoulder as if he was there to support him and they both nodded. Jeff shuffled behind the genie man and the genie man stepped up.
Hands was placed in his pockets he looked up to the classroom with a unreadable expression. The classroom was very quiet at times like these. Then he had a polite smile plastered on his face. " G'day to you all, The Name is Poo. "
was all Poo said with a nod and kept his mouth shut as if he didn't care. Some snickered at his name. Although his smile was still set on his face he didn't really care for it,
he was trying to be as polite as possible.
Poo was 6"1. He had jet black colored eyes, a slightly visible mustache like Jeff, and a tied mini black beard at the bottom of his chin. His hair was shaved off though it was a buzz cut and he had some hair in the front popping out and a tied ponytail in the back. He also had a single hoop on his left ear. He wore a sleeveless like, white body suit, type of robe and a black belt around it. He wore blue big but thin wristbands and white socks with black genie like shoes.
I smiled in enthusiasm which he had noticed and nodded to me before stepping back to join the others. He looks sexy.
I shook my head at those thoughts. Maybe I can go talk to them later I thought and smiled to myself before looking back to my sketchbook.
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Hello there! Can I request a Male Reader x Robotnik where Robotnik wants to slow dance with their reader for the first time and eventually have the reader get their first kiss from Robotnik?
Of course!! This is!!! So cute!! :))!!Warnings: none. There are none. It’s all fluff. I guess there are a lot of repressed feelings and mabye some repressed homosexuality.Male!Reader!!
---[+]--- It had been a while since you’d been hired by one of the biggest, strangest tech lords in the ‘’fantastic’’ united states of the great America. Of course, this was.... Sarcasm. You didn’t really like it in the USA. But, it was whatever. The Doctor wouldn’t exactly let you leave. He made sure to have you by his side at all times. For some reason. He was always either stoeic, or absolutely unhinged. So you made sure to keep him calm. His actual name was Ivo, but he wouldn’t let you call him that. It was all Doctor and Sir and Dr. Robotnik. Weird names for a weird guy, you assumed.  But, of course, there was something that ruined this otherwise... Normal-ish assisstant job. You were sort of into The Doctor. Aka your boss. He was just... Your type. Tall, lanky, a bit nonsensical, dark eyes, a bit dark in general.... Kinda evil. It wasn’t your fault that every single movie villain was so goddamn sexy. You sighed, looking down at the tray you were holding. God, sometimes you felt like a butler. Honestly, you didn’t really mind, but... Whatever. You quickly knocked on the door, hearing a muttered ``come in....`` from the other side of the metal sliding door. It opened, and you walked in, giving the Doctor a quick smile. ``Your lunch, Sir. I got your red bull, that one chicken salad you requested last time, a ham and cheese sandwich and some painkillers.`` Your posture straightened up the second you walked into the room, and your voice became more clear and proffessional. You had learned from many run-ins with him that being meek wouldn’t make him happy. He’d just tell you to pin yourself against the wall and lecture you on the importance of standing up for yourself. Usually followed by a sort of sad look from him, and then being thrown out of his office. So yeah.... Best to stay proffessional.  ``Just leave it on the table, Agent.`` The Doctor replied, clearly busy with something. He waved a gloved hand toward a messy table, and you held back a sigh, seeing the mess of old plates, utensils and old cans of redbull. You moved it all out of the way as best as you could, placing the tray down. You could feel his eyes on you. Strange. Usually he’d be much too absorbed in his work... You looked back, seeing him fiddling with his hands, leaning on his workstation. ``What are you working on, Sir?`` You asked, seemingly snapping him out of his thoughts. He shook his head, turning back to his work, looking at it for a moment. You walked up behind him, looking at the work. It was messy. Just a clump of wires and a red eyeball looking thing. You shot a worried look over at him, and he seemed to flinch a bit, straightening up. ``It’s... Not important.`` He answered, waving the thoughts away with his hand, the leather squeaking slightly as he curled it into a half-hearted fist. You walked back to the table with the tray with a light smile, starting to pick up some plates and such, looking back at him. He was looking at you. His eyes were set... A bit lower than usual. You were probably just imagining things. This wasn’t about you anyways. He seemed.... Really out of it today. And not the normal sort of out of it that he could usually get into. He seemed... Nervous. ``Wait. Agent. Set the plates down. I have a request..`` You did as you were told, placing the plates down and folding your arms behind your back, calmly looking at him. ``I’m all ears, Sir. I’m here to help after all.`` You said, giving a light chuckle. For a second, in the bright glow of the floating screens, he looked almost... Embarrassed. Shy, even. God, you needed to stop imagining things. He was probably just going to ask for an extra sandwich or something. But why would he be so nervous about that? Something had to be going on. ``Well.... I was wondering if you.. Perhaps. Wanted to... Dance. With me.`` He said, grabbing a peice from the unfinished robot, fiddling with it. You didn’t even notice the suprise on your face before Ivo jolted a bit, tossing the peice. ``Augh- Forget it. Forget it. That was an idiotic question. You’re... free to go.`` He said, whirling back to his creation. You could tell he wasn’t actually working when his hands started moving. He was just tearing the thing apart. ``Sir I-`` You started, taking a deep breath. How could you possibly make this sound proffessional at all... ``I would love to have this dance with you.`` You slowly said, reaching out your hand as you moved a bit closer. Ivo turned slowly, looking down at your hand blinking. You gave a smile and a slow, encouraging nod. He took your hand. He actually took it. The leather of his gloves felt soft against your hand. It felt nice.. You pulled him in a bit closer, smiling up at him as you took the first step of a dance you learned long, long ago. Before any of this. He sheepishly followed along, learning the pattern of the dance just as quickly as you had hoped. You brought him in a bit closer, feeling how tense he was. His shoulders were pulled up so high, they damn near touched the top of his head. You brought up a gentle hand to his shoulder, and he seemed to flinch just a little before slowly lowering his shoulders. ``Relax, Doctor. You’re doing amazing.`` You muttered, smiling yet again, rubbing your thumb against his shoulder, drawing small circles with it. Slowly, you closed your eyes, starting to hum a gentle melody, syncing it up with the steps of the dance. This seemed to relax him a bit more, and somewhat helped his rythm. He really couldn’t focous when he wa nervous and you knew this. So it was your job to make sure he was relaxing. You figured you were doing a pretty good job. Plus, he didn’t need to know how much you were enjoying this. You leaned in, resting your head on his chest, feeling his hand shyly drift down to your waist. That made you shiver... He must’ve noticed. You could feel his heartbeat pick up ever so slightly. Different music started flowing through the lab. The same song you’d been humming, but it was the actual version, the one with instruments and shit. Not just you, humming aganst your Boss’ chest. You looked up, and Ivo was smiling. You smiled back, laughing lightly as you pickd up the pace, causing him to trip a little. A mischevious laugh escaped you, and he laughed aswell, pulling you in. ``Oh, you’re getting it now, Mister.`` He said, his voice teasing and filled with a mischeif that was highly unusual for him. Before you could reply, he was spinning you around, leading the dance. He was a really good dancer, and you knew, but you didn’t know he could dance like this. You barely even thought he liked other people, much less dancing with them. But here you were, laughing as Ivo spun you around, bringing you in before spinning you again, Sometimes the dance slowed down a bit, but there was always a sense of humour to it. Always a whirring sense of energy in the air. Up until the song ended. He spun you around, dipping you down as the last note hit. You gave a laugh, calming down a bit, slowling your breathing. It was quiet for a bit, nothing but the two of your catching your breaths. Then you looked up at him. At his face. At his eyes, hiding behind those dark, intimidating glasses. And you saw him. Fully saw him. Not as a two-sided coin of either manic energy or stoeic nature, but as the complex being he always had been. He looked so much.. Smaller now. Tired. Nervous. Just like you.  You slowly brought a hand up to his face, hesitantly removing his glasses. he let you. His eyes were greyish, a little darker than you would’ve thought. You met his eyes, and knew what was going to happen. You had both been waiting for it for so long.... He hesitantly moved in, and you closed the gap, feeling him melt as he brought you up to a standing position, pulling back a bit. ``I..... Thank you. For the dance.... And.... That. I’ve never.... Done that before. It was.. Enjoyable. You’re good at it.`` He said, awkwardly coughing as he turned to look at the screen, his face almost entirely flushed. You gave a light laugh, turning his face and gently pressing your lips against his. He melted yet again. What a big softie... ``You’re not bad yourself, Sir.`` He gave a chuckle, bringing you into a light hug. ``Please... Call me Ivo.`` ---[+]--- Wowa wowa!! Uhhhh Mad pogz, Ig??  Honestly, I just love writing soft Botnik, and this was perfect. Thank you so much for the request!! I hope this scratched your Jimbotnik Fluff itch!! #jimbotnik #dr robotnik #fluff #x reader #x Male!reader #dancing #slowdancing #fanfiction #sonicmovie #thesonicmovie #jimbotnik x reader #jimbotnik x Male!reader #dr robotnik x reader #dr robotnik x male!reader
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angelicichor · 5 years
We really really really need a pt 2 nsfw slasher hc’s , maybe this time include Jason aswell ? Only if you want to of course 💋
more N//SF//W it is.
Don’t worry the yearning is strong today so I’m more than willing to continue. 
Starting soft:
Bubba Sawyer:
• He’s an obedient boy, always looking out for you, be it during the day or at night when finally, FINALLY his brother/s leave you alone.
• And then you’re sitting on the bed, he’s below you, doing his best eating you tf out, that sloppy tongue making you a wet, slippery mess. And be sure that Bubba goes DEEP. 
• He’s a strong man, so his hair is your driving stick, pull him in when you want him deeper, tug it when he’s going too fast, growl at him if his teeth touches your sex, you’ll soon find out that he’s very, VERY responsive.
• He’ll worship your body, from your magnificent hair, through your beautiful face, your waist, your fingers, even your feet if you want him to, he’ll make you feel like a divine being with his shaky touch, his unsure hands that have touched you so many times but still feel like you’re going to disappear if he touches you wrong. Gosh, he’s adorable.
• Ride him, for god’s sake! He’s a mess underneath you, squirming, whining, moaning something that sounds like your name and when you smile at him, replying to his call, he literally melts. 
• Through all this adorable stuff it’s often difficult to remember that this man is an absolute beast if you let him off the leash.
• The last time you told him it’s okay to take the lead he was groping you in a heart beat, trembling hands squeezing your curves through your clothing, making you bend under his weight, the room just filling with his arousal as he ripped your poor shirt from your chest and you squeaked in surprise. Well, there goes that.
• He grabbed your hands above your head, keeping both in his one, as the other palmed your face, exploring it’s features closely and if you didn’t know better you’d think he was thinking of making a mask out of you.
• He wasn’t, but he thought it would be absolutely stunning if he did and he’d never make another because you’re just too perfect for him.
• Soon enough his tongue’s over your nipples, licking, sucking and biting, taking in your smell and taste, his hand squeezing onto your thighs, awestruck at how soft they felt in his calloused hands.
• He’s a messy lover, that’s for sure, but his hot breath makes everything just so much better.
• You felt more of his weight moving onto you as his hips grinding against your leg, the tent in his pants way too obvious to be ignored and you couldn’t help but whimper, wondering what he was going to do to you.
• He’s quick to answer your mute question, as he rips your pants off you and janks his own belt and clothes down, pushing your legs apart before him, a nervous yet aroused giggle leaving him just before he slips into you, taking your breath away.
• Excuse him, he isn’t that well versed in preparing a lover for his adoration. Good thing you were already horny as all hell.
• His thrusts are fast, uneven and heavy, with every move you can feel yourself sink into the mattress, his weight crushing your frailer body and it’s just too fucking good. He’s so big, so damn warm and smells so goddamn sweet and the way he squeezes your breast is so hungry you’re afraid he’s going to bite it off.
• He doesn’t but his teeth find their way onto you anyhow as he moans and grunts with your neck in his mouth, leaving a big, fat mark and drawing just a tiny bit of blood. It’s adorable that he’s afraid to hurt you even when he’s allowed to.
• When he’s about to cum he cups your face and whimpers nervously, asking for your allowance. Nod and he’ll have you dripping with his head, shake your head and he’ll pull out with a cry, heartbroken that he has to abandon your warm insides and leaving a hot, thick trail of cum on your belly.
• He quickly perks up watching you breath heavy underneath him, covered in his come. Bubba will never get over how beautiful you are, NEVER.
Jason Voorhees:
• Fight me on this, but I believe Jason is actually less reserved about sex than what people often think. I believe he understands what’s the main focus of the activity and what is means for the people involved, his mommy was a smart woman, she most likely explained to him all the stuff about birds and bees.
• But tell me you wouldn’t feel like murder if a group of unattended teenagers/young adults invaded your place of death and started fucking? It’s the worst thing and after that is somebody screwing on your front yard. In Jason’s cause, it’s both.
• Still, he’s definitely a virgin, so starting off everything is pure instinct. 
• That’s a good thing though, because instinct is how he learned to kill, to hunt and to survive, that and probably some books.
• Starting off he’s gonna fuck like he hunts - Holding you in his iron grip, squeezing your body tight, his gaze focused on you and you only, it’s as terrifying as it is arousing, and his relentless thrusting ain’t helping nobody. 
• Good thing he actually cares about your consent and instructions before, preparing you with his long tongue and thick fingers, following your every demand, not breaking eye contact, so he can see that he’s doing it right, that man rarely blinks, get used to it. 
• By the way his tongue is AMAZING?? If you gave him a cherry he’d definitely be able to tie a knot, it’s just that goddamn good and once it leaves you it’ll leave and empty, needy void that he’s more than happy to fill with his enormous cock.
• And here’s the bad thing - no matter what, you’re gonna be so sore after your first time. Jason’s a tight fit, probably not even coming in fully, because as the slasher community is well aware of - Momma’s boy is one of the biggest guys around.
• So you’ll be definitely moaning and screaming his name into the woods, overcome with joy, pleasure and sweet pain.
• Don’t worry, he WILL carry you to bed. It’s his fault that you’re outside anyways, he just couldn’t handle you being so close and so adorable anymore, so he hopes his jacket is thick enough to counteract the harsh wood behind you.
• Once he learns that you can enjoy a slower pace too, he’ll make sure to take his time with you, teasing you lovingly with a bright smile on his face, it’s really unfair, but don’t complain, you love it.
• While he’s a good boy™ don’t expect him to be as submissive as Bubba. He’s well aware of how strong he is and isn’t afraid to use this strength to overpower you and make you shiver under his touch.
• Jason isn’t a sadist, at least he swears he isn’t, but there is a certain glint in his eyes when you tremble as he closes his huge hand around your neck, aware that he could snap it in a second, but trusting him not to do that.
• Don’t worry, he’d never hurt you without your consent.
• Still, Jason’s a playful boy. Rough house with him and if you win (aka. he takes mercy on you and let’s you win) he’ll give you a bit of control. You lose it as soon as his dick slips into you though, but enjoy the moments of glory he’s happy to provide you with.
• His biggest kink though, which he’s a bit ashamed and disappointed with himself to admit, is hunting. He’s been literally resurrected to hunt and damn it if it doesn’t make his cold heart beat faster when he sees you put on some more comfortable shoes and look at him to start counting 5 minutes, giving you a head start. You’ll need it.
• You can’t see his amused head tilt as he cheats a bit and watches you run into the thick of the forest, but not following you yet, it’s always more fun when you think he doesn’t know where you are.
• It’s during those hunts that you remember that he IS the Crystal Lake Killer. Everything about him scream terror as he scans the surrounding for you, his heavy steps completely silent, how, you have no idea. He’s tall, muscular and dressed to kill, if he took of his jacket you can see how his muscles shift under each breath he takes. You realize how powerful his arms are when with one swift motion he hurls a bunch of boats down to see if you’re not hiding under one of them, his senses sharp enough to catch a small crunch of leaves under your foot as you shift towards a building and he follows. 
• The wooden boards creak in complaint under his weight and you hide in a closet in alarm, your breathing quick and uneven, you can feel your whole body tensing as he passes the old piece of furniture and moves onto the beds. There’s a quiet squeak as you can hear him lifting one of them, letting it fall down with a loud thud when he realized nobody’s there.
• But the sound was just loud enough for you to let out a silenced squeak. Don’t worry, he heard that.
• You can see his shadow in front of the wardrobe and you’re trembling, fear mixing with excitement, part of you screaming that you’re going to die and the other adding “in the best possible way”.
• And that thought makes you whimper almost silently, but his quiet laughter let’s you know he heard, knocking onto the slightly open door politely, mocking you for losing. In a fit of rebellious spirit you stand up and pull the wardrobe closed, there’s a moment of silence.
• There’s a huff and before you know it he has pulled both doors open, leaning inside with a small head tilt, eyes smiling devilishly.
•“Not fair…” you whimper and his body shakes under his voiceless chuckle. He knows, you little cutie, you!
• He takes you right there and then, making your clothes nothing more than garbage with the precise cut of his machete, the cold metal making you shiver, arousal building even more as the realization that you’re at his mercy hits you, hard. “Be nice… okay?” you ask and he lifts his mask up just enough for you to see him mouthing the word “no” and smashing his lips into a heated kiss with you, squeezing your ass in his huge hands, lifting you up onto his cock. 
• You tear up at the sheer size of this thing spreading you open and you know you’re in trouble. He knows it too, but in his attempt to humor your wish just a little bit he lets you adjust, pushing you back into the wardrobe and pressing his hand onto the old wood to stabilize himself as he still held you, warming you with his length, pressing his masked forehead against yours, watching as your eyes flutter closed and then open, gaze filled with lust, but don’t worry, his is exactly the same. 
• Once he can feel you getting wet around him there’s no more mercy, he thrusts into you, relishing in your offended gasp, his eyes sparking with amusement, before he starts fucking you senseless.
• You ain’t leaving until cum’s spiling out of you, darling.
• When he’s done with you, however, you can expect a load of kisses, hugs, nuzzles and gentle caresses in the cabin. He’ll make you tea too and once he’s sure you’ve calmed down he’ll go around the camp looking for books for you to read. You ain’t gonna be walking tomorrow.
• Once you can walk you can go to his momma to tell her that her son is a BULLY.
• How rude.
Trigger warning for the next boy: blood play, bdsm, abuse??, some might call it that, cutting, hitting, Mikey is a nasty fuck ok?
Michael Myers (OG)
•  When I think about the original Shape of Haddonfield all I can think of is one word - Beg.
• Mikey is the definition of a dom, rough, cold, decisive, unshaken. Some may argue you’d be better of if he just killed you, but one way or another you ended up as his fuck toy obsession.
• Call him Daddy, Master, Sir, any of those will get you on his good side during sex, but even his good side is BAD.
• This man has barely any limits when it comes to using you, sure, sometimes he’ll just push you onto the bed and lazily take you, his hips hitting you like an iron pump, but that’s rare. Most of the time he comes to you is to ruin you and you’re lucky if you live alone.
• He loves fucking your face, tilling your face back and making you choke on his dick repeatedly, only giving you seconds to breathe or to swallow back puke if it comes to that. If you see him grabbing a knife in the morning or just notice on of your missing, don’t eat that day. Just a precaution. 
• No matter how he takes you choking is a must and not just lightly gripping your throat, no, he will make a mark, you’re his and the world needs to know. Nobody else is allowed to touch you, he’s even showing mercy by letting people talk to you when he’s around. You threw a fit about it at one point and while he made sure to leave you bruised and used as punishment, he understood.
• There’s just no back talking him, ever. 
• While he’s well capable of destroying you with his bare hands a knife is Michael’s best friend and some friends are worth taking to bed.
• There’s many scars on your body and only one or two are from before meeting him, you can’t count the sheets he ruined when something in his head sang for you to bleed, his hands painting you in red, pushing your blood deep down your throat, a raging bliss in his eyes as you cried underneath him, getting dizzy, weak, cold. That man doesn’t know how much blood you can lose and honestly he just doesn’t care. If you faint he will patch you up, but most likely not because of concern, he’d just hate to lose a grateful toy like you.
• Speaking of which, he LOVES it when you thank him for fucking you, when you beg for him to fill you up or to let you finish, if you don’t beg, you ain’t getting anything.
• He’ll make you sit on all fours before him, gripping your hair tightly, forcing you to look him in the eye and slapping your face if you dare turn your eyes away, but don’t worry, the slap is almost loving, your face is the only thing he won’t scar or bruise, he actually likes it, well, he likes all of you, won’t admit it though, but you can’t make those adorable expressions if your face is all swollen, right?
• His biggest kink is fucking on corpses and YES, he has forced you to do that, you should know what you’re singing up for when asking MICHAEL-fucking-MYERS to be your mate. Yeah, mate, that man ain’t boyfriend material, I’m sorry.
• Surprisingly he isn’t that much into tying you up - why waste tame on that when he can keep you still with his hands and a simple knife?
• Bitting, hitting, pushing and pulling his hair are forbidden. He can accepts scratches though, they feel pleasant. Also if he ever get’s high or drunk you might get to cut him. He’s a daredevil when intoxicated and seeing how much pain his body can handle sets something off in him. Still won’t submit to you though.
• To be honest the most docile you’ll ever see him is from the morning in the kitchen. He’ll laze up to you, enveloping you in his arms, pressing you firm against his powerful chest so you can feel his body rumble in a sleepy purr. 
• While he never takes time to do aftercare with you (unless you get a panic attack, then he’ll just pin you down until you calm down), at those times you can sometimes hear small, caring phrases like “mine”, “you okay?” and “darling”. I know, shocking, but there’s SOME human in there still. 
•“You okay?” he asks, voice deep and hoarse form the lack of use, but so damn handsome. You stop breathing, unsure if you didn’t accidentally die and go to heaven, but no, the way he grips you makes your bruises from yesterday hurt, this ain’t heaven, darling. “Y…yes, I’m fine…” you murmur back and all too suddenly you can feel his nails digging into your skin. “I’m fine…what?” he growls and you search your head for an answer, panicking lightly. Finally something clicks. “Yes, I-I’m fine… Sir.” you say and he hums in approval, letting you go for a second to turn you towards him, his mask lifting for a millisecond so he can kiss your forehead. “Adorable.” you hear him say, before he shifts away, grabbing one of your knives and leaving.
• And all you can think is - ‘but… my hips are still dying…’ Because you know damn well what will happen when he comes back tonight.
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draconica · 4 years
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25: Keeping the other person warm
pspsps I wanted to see that praise kink too, bro  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nick shut the front door on the howling wind as it tried to follow them indoors, having to grunt with the effort but managing to hear the click of the lock. He slumped against it with a breath of relief and turned to Ellis who was shaking the snow from his coat.
“Damn, that blizzard came outta nowhere!” Ellis remarked and removed his beanie hat, shaking out his hair.
Nick nodded as he reached out to grasp Ellis’ shoulder, steadying himself as he toed off he shoes. They were only his loafers – he hadn’t planned on wearing them for snow, so now his feet were freezing. “God damn it,” he mumbled, taking off his jacket and hanging it up in the closet by the front door, then moved both his shoes and El’s boots into the shoe racks. “Crank the heat up, would you, sport?”
“Already done,” Ellis called as he turned up the dial on their thermostat. The young hick then moved through into the living room, peering out their front-facing window. “Shit, would’ya look at it! Looks like Narnia out there already.”
Nick joined him, placing a casually affectionate hand onto Ellis’ lower back. “Well, no poker for me tonight,” he sighed, mentally ripping up that evening’s plans to go to a buddy’s house for a few games.
“I’ll go put the groceries away,” the southerner remarked, rubbing his hands to try and warm them up a little.
“Do that,” replied Nick. “I’m gonna sort something out in here.”
Ellis waved a hand at him, not really paying enough attention to ask what the ‘something’ Nick had in mind would be. He just busied himself with putting away the food they’d bought and trying to keep moving, hoping it would warm him up a bit.
“Jeez, Nick… why’d you buy so many jars o’ pickles?” Ellis grimaced – he’d always hated pickles, but Nick loved them. Just one of many compromises they’d had to settle over the last year. The mechanic continued to unload the groceries until his hand found a bottle and blushed upon pulling it from the bag. It was a bottle of lubricant, a new kind they hadn’t yet tried – a special tingling variety. Nick… that sly bastard. He must’ve slipped it into the cart when Ellis wasn’t looking. Instead of setting it aside to take up to the bedroom later, Ellis slipped it into his pocket, biting his lip a little as he imagined what it would be like to use it. He wondered just how long it would be before they did.
Once he was done, he tossed the paper bags into the recycling and walked back into the living room, pausing when he noticed something was different. First of all, the fireplace had been ignited for the first time since they’d moved in, bathing the room in luscious orange warmth. And secondly, a bundle of thick white blankets had been laid across the couch. In amongst them was his boyfriend, the blanket pulled up to his chin as he looked up at Ellis expectantly.
“Well, I’ll be a bull’s breakfast,” Ellis chuckled, shaking his head. “So this is what’chu were up to in here?”
Nick said nothing. Instead he simply pulled the blankets away from beside him, leaving the space open for Ellis to shuffle in. It wasn’t too often that Nick was willing to cuddle, and would go to such lengths to do so. Perhaps this was just his ingenious way of dealing with the cold?
“El, you coming in or not? The longer I leave a gap in these covers, the colder we’ll be under here.”
He thought so.
Ellis rolled his eyes a little and removed his hoodie before pausing, shrugging, and removing his jeans and t-shirt aswell. Now in just his boxers, the Georgian climbed onto the couch and crawled next to Nick, tugging the covers back over them both and making sure they were tucked in nicely. The younger man looked up at his lover with a smile as they snuggled up closely, both their arms around each other. “This is one o’ yer better ideas,” he murmured.
“What?” Nick opened one eye, tilting his head slightly. “All of my ideas are good ones.”
Ellis had to chuckle again, rubbing his cheek against Nick’s shoulder and allowing one of his hands to gently smooth over his lover’s chest. “Oh yeah? What about that one time you put that Chinese takeout in the microwave while it was still in its cardboard container?”
The conman snorted a little, looking away. “It was only a small fire.”
But Ellis wasn’t finished compiling a list of Nick’s past accidents. “Or that one time the barbecue wasn’t lightin’ so you poured, like, a whole can of gas onto it?”
“Alright,” Nick turned and hushed his lover with a kiss. “Just be glad this fire turned out okay.” He nodded to the fireplace in front of them, blazing away with the occasional comforting crackle. The homeliness of the situation was incredibly charming.
“Love you,” whispered the mechanic, tilting his chin upwards so that he could bury his face into Nick’s neck, something the gambler liked and accepted.
“Love you too, kiddo.” He turned his eyes back to the window. It was almost dark outside, the sky was so gray with heavy cloud, even more snow flurrying down. “Shit, I wonder how deep it’s gonna get?” he chewed the inside of his cheek. “It’s a good thing we just went food shopping, we might be stuck at home for a while if this keeps up.”
Ellis peeked out from his bundle of blankets to have a look for himself. “Man, look at it out there. Hope we don’t get bored.” He shuffled slightly under the covers, nuzzling his lover’s shoulder again. “Lord, and I’m still cold…”
Nick sighed, feigning annoyance, as he tugged Ellis even closer. “C’mere,” he whispered, turning the tables on his lover slightly by moving his face into Ellis’ neck, beginning to kiss and nuzzle there. He was starting to get another one of his brilliant ideas on how they could turn up the heat even more.
And Ellis seemed to warm to the idea very much so, sifting his hand through Nick’s hair and encouraging his affections. With a hum, he turned his body a little more towards the gambler’s, trying to gather as much heat between them as they could. Fortunately, it also meant their chests could press together, Nick’s slightly furred pecs grazing over Ellis’ smoother ones.
“Nick,” whispered Ellis, by now trying to get as much contact between them as possible. “Please tell me we ain’t gotta be anywhere anytime soon.”
“Take another look outside,” Nick chuckled, his hand finding Ellis’ and trailing slowly up his arm. “We probably won’t be leaving the house for a fucking week.”
Leaning back into the couch, Ellis pulled Nick with him until he was almost on top of him. “More than enough time for what I’m thinkin’.”
There was a small glint in Nick’s eye that sparkled just before he leant in for a heated kiss with his lover, pressing him into the back of the couch. It wasn’t always that Nick and Ellis were on the same page about something (more often than not, Nick wondered if Ellis was on the same fucking book) but one of the things they agreed on the most was the right times for sex. Though Nick did like to initiate such things more often, Ellis tended to get more touchy-feely while the pair were in bed together after a long day and they both needed winding down. This time it was ingenious. They could kill two birds with one stone, finding a way to combat both the cold and the boredom.
Ellis gave a long hum of content as Nick’s hands began to wander over his body, trailing over the deep-set lines of his chest muscles. Eventually, as Nick’s fingers went lower to his hips and stomach, Ellis couldn’t help it – he started to giggle.
“C’mon, Nick,” the mechanic blushed harshly, trying to move back slightly from his fingers. “You know I’m ticklish there.”
Nick pulled away from where he’d been kissing his neck. “That’s exactly why I did it, babe.”
“I hate ’chu, sometimes- oh, Nick…” Ellis writhed a little closer to Nick again as the older man’s hand rubbed between his legs, teasing the tent of his boxers even higher.
Nick grinned against the golden skin of Ellis’ neck, his plan set in motion quite nicely. The hick began to buck his hips into the stroking, pawing motion of his older lover’s hand. It soon became clear that Nick was intent on teasing him as he usually liked to do, drawing the foreplay out for as long as possible. And so the smaller man initiated his own plan.
Bracing one hand onto Nick’s shoulder, Ellis pushed his lover until they rolled on the couch and he ended up straddling Nick, pinning him to the cushions with his knees on either side of the man’s hips. The sudden manoeuvre had caused the blankets to fall away slightly, revealing more of their skin to each other. In the orange glow of the fireplace, it was even more inviting. Ellis got immense satisfaction from seeing Nick’s expression turn from surprise to arousal in a matter of seconds.
“You ain’t the only one with tricks up yer sleeve, fancy suit,” purred the Georgian, his hands rubbing Nick’s shoulders as he leant down for a hot kiss. The conman returned it with full fervor, hands travelling over Ellis’ body now that he had more room to do so and in turn the kisses grew more hurried, both men already feeling the heat like it was contagious.
Nick grunted and pushed the blankets off the couch entirely, the bundle falling to the floor unneeded. “Too hot,” he murmured against Ellis’ lips as the younger man cupped his face.
“Perfect,” Ellis replied and began to move his hips against the other man, panting at the friction caused by their underwear. Nick gave a strained noise at the back of his throat at the movements, as his hands went straight to Ellis’ ass and tugged him even closer, encouraging his lover as much as he could. The only times they broke apart from kissing was to moan and whisper sweet come-ons to each other.
Ellis knelt up a little, his head rolling back as Nick’s lips moved across his chest, purring against the smooth skin. He carded his fingers through the thin hair at the back of Nick’s head, scratching his scalp lightly. And Nick responded in kind, slipping his hands beneath the band of Ellis’ boxers and pushing them over the curve of his rump.
“Jeez, Nick,” panted the kid, gasping as his erection finally sprung free from his underwear. He gave his lover a slight smile before backing off the couch to fully undress, pulling off Nick’s briefs while he was up. Another purr left this throat as he stood up before the older man, looking at him with a cheeky smile as he caught those green eyes rake up and down his naked body. “Like what’chu see, mister gamblin’ man?”
Nick responded by licking his lips, gesturing to his erect cock. “What do you think?”
Ellis bit his lip and reached to the floor for his coveralls, his mind going back to the lube in his pocket he’d unpacked from the groceries earlier. Guess they were going to be using it sooner than he thought. “Tingling lube, Nick?” He held it up in his hand.
“I’d try anything once,” shrugged the conman, by now rubbing himself.
The sight urged Ellis on, not wanting to wait any more for the both of them. Not breaking eye contact with his lover, he slowly got down on his knees until he was between Nick’s legs, the man’s erection rising to greet him. There was a knowing glow to Ellis’ blue eyes and Nick recognised it instantly – it had sent his arousal spiralling many a time before. There was only a small flash of a boyish grin from Ellis before he took a hold of Nick’s cock and guided it to his lips, teasing the head with his tongue as if licking up ice cream.
“God damn it, El,” huffed Nick as his head fell back, eyes closing. It wasn’t frustration – anything but – it was more a realisation and rediscovery of how kinky and dirty Ellis could get. His tongue could work true worldly wonders on whatever part of Nick’s body he decided to lavish with it. At the moment, it was curling around his dick head, tracing the dips and curves of the shaft, his eyes occasionally flicking up to give him a predator gaze. Nick returned it with a look of his own, one that begged Ellis for something else – silently so. Nick rarely begged out loud. Thankfully, Ellis took the hint, well versed in their mutual language, and came up for a small breather before sinking his mouth down onto his erection and bringing him in as far as he could.
If Nick hadn’t been aroused beyond hell, he would’ve been completely embarrassed by the noise that he’d made. Mind you, he took complete credit for how good Ellis was at giving blowjobs. Before they’d met, the mechanic had never sucked a dick in his life. While it did make for some awkward first times when Ellis would nearly choke on the length, mumbling timid apologies, now, two years down the line, he easily rivalled any Las Vegas whore who did it for a living. And Nick was proud to say it was from his own valuable teachings that Ellis picked it up so naturally. Like now as he swallowed Nick at the back of his throat like it was nothing. The conman couldn’t quite pinpoint the moment in their relationship when Ellis’ gag reflex had stopped working, but he was just glad it had.
Judging by his moans, he was very glad.
On one particularly good suck, Nick could feel the pleasure in his lower stomach start to coil up and acted quickly, reaching for his lover and tugging his hair gently. “Ngh, off…”
Ellis obeyed and pulled away, licking his lips and admiring the work he’d done. He was pretty pleased with himself to say the least if the grin on his face was any indication. But he wasn’t about to stop there. Gingerly, he picked up the lubricant one more time and squirted a little into his palm. “You were the one so keen to use this,” he reasoned, rubbing it between his hands and feeling it tingle already.
Nick gave a shrug, though had a smug look on his face. “Thought it might be fun.”
The younger man winked at him. “Well, let’s see, shall we?” He leaned in and wrapped his hand around Nick’s cock, paying close attention to his lover’s face. It was rewarding when the older man gasped, his hips melting back into the couch slightly, and gave a small chuckle.
“Shit… it feels kinda nice,” he surmised, and Ellis knew what would make it better. Gently, he began to move his hand up and down, slowly massaging and coating Nick from top to base. It was a move that seemed to meet with approval when Nick hissed and leant his head back. “Overalls,” he moaned, one of his hands going up to cover his eyes.
Ellis rested his chin on Nick’s thigh and watched him dreamily, his lubricated hand never stopping. There was something so delicious and satisfying about being the one to break the conman like this and also being the only one to see the more submissive, intimate side of him. The young Southerner flicked his gaze between Nick and his erection, purring as he watched it shine in the fiery orange glow. Moving it slightly towards himself, he subtly licked the head, tracing the tip with his tongue. “You had enough, yet?”
Nick’s mouth was open, breathing shallowly at all the sensations assaulting him at once. “Holy shit.”
With a triumphant smirk, Ellis moved up to kiss his boyfriend some more while at the same time climbing back aboard to straddle his lap. Moans and short breaths filled the room as well as the smacking of their kisses, the intensity growing by the second. Reaching around, Nick grabbed Ellis’ ass in a squeeze and tugged him closer, a dominant purr leaving his lips.
“Baby,” he crooned as one on his hands curved around the cheek, his finger finding and teasing Ellis’ pucker. The action had a desired effect when the hick gave a small whine, his backside cantering back into the touch.
“Yer a damn tease,” Ellis gasped and Nick just gave him a look that promised more. A promise he kept moments later when he penetrated the hole with one finger, teasing in a second not long after. And if Ellis thought he was winning the game of who could make their lover moan the loudest, then he was sorely mistaken as a particularly loud moan was torn from his lips.
Nick broke into a triumphant grin, opening his mouth against the younger man’s in a soft sigh of satisfaction. “Hold on tight, killer.”
Obediently, Ellis clasped his hands behind Nick’s neck and leant back on the man’s lap, using his knees to lift himself up a little. He levelled the gambler with a lusty look, pinching his lower lip between his teeth as he felt Nick’s hands part his behind and guide him down, gently and carefully. It was a frequently practised act for them to say the least and Nick knew exactly what Ellis liked, how to go about doing it and most importantly how to read his lover’s reactions perfectly. Right now, his eyebrows were pinched in concentration, the corners of his lips quivering a little as they gradually became joined together in the most intimate way possible. It amused Nick to no end.
“Feel good?” he asked around a chuckle, running both his hands up and down Ellis’s waist.
“Y-yeah,” replied the hick, showing Nick a smile of his own. “Sure does tingle.”
Nick was a sneaky bastard at the best of times and barely gave Ellis a chance to get used to the feeling before he bucked his hips up into Ellis roughly. The mechanic yapped and grabbed a hold of his lover’s shoulders while his mouth hung open. “Down boy,” he teased, making Nick smirk.
“Never heard you complain about that before,” the gambler chuckled before readjusting his grip and bouncing Ellis in his lap.
The mechanic soft moans filled the fire-lit room as he rode his lover’s cock like a practised rodeo rider. Nick bit his lip as he watched his young boyfriend’s face begin to relax, eyebrows pinching in pleasure and pillowed plush lips parting. Ellis could see just how much this was ticking Nick’s boxes and leant in to treat his lover to hot kisses. He began to pant against his mouth.
“You’re so fuckin’ good, Nick,” he purred, melting into a moan as he continued to grind his hips down. Nick let out a groan, and Ellis smiled as he went on. “So good to me… ain’t no one better than you, darlin’.”
Nick grunted as he pushed his shoulders more firmly into the couch and kept up the pace of his thrusts, trying to fuck Ellis into more talk just like that. “Yeah?” he responded, eyebrow twitching upwards. “Tell me more, sweetheart.”
Ellis opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by a sudden strike to his prostate, bringing a gasp to his lips. “Christ. N-Nick… ain’t nothin’ better than when yer inside'a me. Y-you… you’re the best I’ve ever had…” The younger’s head tipped back as he desperately seek out that perfect angle again.
With a gasp of his own, Nick reached up and grabbed Ellis’s hair to give him a tug. “Say it again,” he husked while his gaze was transfixed down, watching his boyfriend ride him like he was so good at doing. Ellis was all too happy to oblige.
“Yer the best.. I’ve ever had,” he panted, feeling the sting of Nick’s hand on the back of his head. “I love ya so much… you get me so goddamn hot… ah, Lord, Nick!”
By now Ellis was rolling his hips like thunder in search of release, helped along when the older man offered him a hand, curling his fist around the mechanic’s cock and giving him something to fuck into. Nick was already lost in the heat as those song-like praises hit his ears but now that Ellis was taking control the way he was, the end was getting closer and closer. There was just something about his Southern lover spouting praise during sex the way he did that was like pornography.
Nick let go of Ellis’s hair and reaffirmed his hands on the younger’s hips. “El, I’m close,” he warned.
“Inside me,” Ellis replied, looping his arms around Nick’s neck once he settled into an angle that worked wonders for him. He panted against Nick’s lips. “Please!”
With a roar of pleasure, Nick’s fingers went white around Ellis’s hips as he hit a climax that touched every nerve in his body. He made good on Ellis’s wish and filled him up just as a long moan arrived from his lover, his cock convulsing between them as he released at last. Nick moved his hand back to pump him through his orgasm until Ellis humped his last and fell forwards. Nick caught him easily and shut his eyes.
“God damn,” he husked, feeling Ellis’s head nod a little before kisses were pressed to his shoulder. He looped his arms around his lover, brushing softly over the smooth and slightly sticky skin. Nick chuckled. “Guess that warmed us up, right?”
“Yeah.” Ellis eventually moved back and off to look at his lover, not wasting time to kiss him as their lust subsided. He then looked back out of the window at the blizzard that was blanketing the world in white. “Don’t look like it’ll let up anytime soon.”
Nick had just finished wiping them both off with a tissue, throwing it to the trash can across the room (and missing) before looking up also. “Reckon we’ll be doing this for a while, then.”
Ellis gave him a look. “Nick, if we’re gonna be spendin’ the entire snow storm havin’ sex then can I at least make some snacks first?”
The gambler snorted, reaching up to tuck a loose curl behind Ellis’s ear. Leaning into the touch, Ellis curled himself back into Nick’s side but not before reaching down to retrieve their previously forgotten blanket, wrapping them both up in a nest they would be reluctant to leave.
“Hey Nick?”
“Yeah?” The man opened one eye to peer down at him.
Ellis blushed, pushing his face into Nick’s neck. “You’re also the best at cuddlin’.”
Nick chuckled and brushed his lips against El’s temple softly. “It’s because I’m cuddling you, Overalls.”
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michiieewrites · 4 years
Shigaraki - Love You For Everything I Hate You For (fic)
A/N: Well damn… Crusty man gave me some feels these days, so have this smut-filled fic, ya filthy animals!
The rain came down pouring like a waterfall. Heavy and accompanied by the loud thunder. Rain soaking through ones clothes, only to grip them tightly with their ghostly cold fingers. The smell of the earth and sea overpowering mingled scents of animals and humankind alike.
But the outside world could not reach you, no. Where the birds outside were clinging together in their small nests, you were engulfed by the warmth of your lover’s long limbs. Trapping you closely in his lap. Your legs wrapped around his torso, your hands bound together behind your back, your face buried in his neck. Warmth spread through your body as a result of your actions. The need to comply to his demands bigger than the need to beg for your own selfish wishes.
Tomura’s fingers speeding across the buttons on his controller. Concentration in his eyes and victory on his mind. He would stop at nothing to defeat this final boss. He had spent hours upon hours, trying to collect and level up all his rare armor items. Just so he could end this boss.
“Remember what I told you, you needy bitch,” he spoke directly in your ear, “you have to make me hard as fucking steel before I finish this guy off or else you won’t get anything stuffed inside that greedy cunt of yours.”
A pitiful whine left you. The sound reverberating against the damaged skin of his neck. Grinding your crotch deeper against him, hoping to create any type of friction for the two of you. For him, to get stimulated; for you, to find some sort of release. Both are easier said than done. ‘Cause when Tomura games, he barely acknowledges anything or anyone else. Meaning that getting him to fuck you was a near impossible task. His mind completely elsewhere.
The task he gave you nearly an hour and half ago was to get him stiff as a rod before his finishes his final battle. If you did, you would be rewarded by getting ravished beyond this world. If you failed, you would have to sit on this couch for the rest of the evening with a vibrator attached to your clit. Only problem was you are not allowed to cum. If you did cum, Father would get a new job besides shielding Tomura’s face.
“Come on, I thought you were desperate for my cock. I’m almost done with them. I know you can do better, my little whore.” His words somewhat degrading you, only fueled your resolve to complete your task.
Your hips rolling against the outline of his tip. Still only half hard, but with his size he already looked like he could split you in half. Whenever he would use your mouth, he always made sure to have you gagging and nearly choking you to death. And you loved every second of it.
The peaks of your naked nipples rub deliciously against his shirt. Your teeth seek out his earlobe, tugging hard at them while you let out a long moan. You had to step up your game as you were quickly running out of time. Digging your heels against his back you pulled him closer. With a little ‘pop’ you let go of his lobe.
“I am, I’m only hungry for your fat cock,” you groaned out.
Delirious need now runs through your veins as you think of the feeling of having him inside you. You have done worse, more humiliating things before just get him in bed. You didn’t mind, though. You know what he felt deep inside. Even if you were on your knees, sore from rubbing against the carpet, tears streaming your face, throat hoarse from screaming and gagging, and chest and face covered in cum. You were the only one worthy enough to blow his load on.
Stretching you arms a bit, your fingertips search. Slowly tracing the area beneath you. A hitch of breath from the player in front of you telling you they had found their target. Finger tips grazing the underside of his balls. Gently fondling them. A hardness forming against your thigh. And that’s when you strike.
Thumb and pointer finger pinching on his ball sack and give it a quick tug. The sound of the controller dropped behind you. A low groan coming from his lips. See, you weren’t the only one in this relationship who enjoyed a little well-intentioned pain.
Your vision changes in a flash. You eyes now directed at the ceiling above you. Thrown on the bed, the only view Tomura now had of you was a panting and bound mess. Hair spread around you, cheeks flushed, legs open wide.
“Look at you,” he says breathlessly, “haven’t even touched you and you’re already soaking the fucking bed. Thought you could probably get away with pinching my balls like that, huh?”
Leaving one pinky up, his hand comes down to smack the inside of your thigh. First the left one, then the right one.
“Although you did get what you wanted.”
You dare to sneak a little peak at him. The onslaught on your thighs continue. Tomura slightly hunched over to get a good look at your pussy. The tent in his boxers telling you he’s enjoying this as much as you are. His hand coming closer to your heat, still slapping your skin a delicious cherry pink. Spots of blue slowly forming, only making you even wetter.
“Can’t even let me play my game without wanting me to fuck you, pathetic slut.”
The smacking and his words bring tears to your eyes. And he was right. The poor man can’t even play a nice afternoon of Diablo III without you trying to suck him off. Your desire for him just to heavy to bear. The only remedy was getting your brains get fucked out of you.
“Answer me, slut!”
“Yes, yes, you’re right. I’m a pathetic slut! Please, I need it, Tomura, I need- Ah ah aaahaa!”
Your breath hitches in your throat. His hand finally came down where you needed it. The walls of your pussy squeezing around nothing. Lungs sucking back oxygen, but only momentarily. A hand wrapping around your throat, preventing your body from getting the air it needs. Mouth falling open, you can only give in to the feeling of pleasure you’re about to experience.
A little further down the bed you can hear Tomura shuffle around, probably taking off his boxers. When his face comes into your view, you can already feel the heaviness of his cock resting atop your stomach. His balls rub against your clit and you try to chase the movement. But that only earns you a long pinch on your nipple with his free hand. Your eyes focus back on his face and see a devious grin.
“If you wanna act like a cum hungry bitch, then fine. I’ll fucking breed you and I won’t stop ‘til I say we’re done,” He spat out.
Hoarse and whimpering, you strain your voice: “Yesyesyesyes, please Tomu, ye-e-ee-es.”
He aligns himself at your entrance while coating his dick with your overflowing juices. From all he’s done to you before, the moment he slips in there isn’t any resistance. Walls greedily suck him closer and closer, until he bottoms out. One hand still on your throat, the other pushing back your legs into a mating press, he takes a moment to collect himself. His fingers slightly ease up on your airway before pressing down again. Sure, he loves choke play, but he has no interest in fucking you when you’re unconscious.
“Greedy, greedy little cunt I’ve found myself in,” he pants out.
Drawing back slowly, only to slam back in hard. Setting up a brutal pace, not caring about slowing down any time soon. He leans his weight onto you, his hot breath fanning across your drooling face. Small little whimpers are drowned out by the sound of his hips slamming into yours. His eyes never leave your face, wanting to see every tiny detail as he takes total control over your body. How you tongue lulls to the side of your mouth, your drool smeared across your cheek, your eyelashes fluttering as your eyes roll back.
He loves it. He revels in the feeling of having you beneath him at his complete mercy. Seeing sides of you no one else ever sees. And they won’t. He’ll make sure of that. Only he is allowed to see your pretty face twisted in the throws of pleasure. Only he can touch you like that. Him and him alone.
Feeling your walls contracting, trapping him like a vice. He can feel the head of his cock slam up against the spongy part that leaves you speechless every single time. He swears he’s in heaven. Fucking the love of his life, his perfect little cum whore, within an inch of her life. The feeling of dominance it gives him is addicting. Your body is addicting. You are addicting. And he’ll be damned if he ever has to part from you.
“Think you’ve earned it to be filled with my seed,” he barely manages to get out.
You don’t respond. You can’t. All you can do is try to do is follow his cock as he uses you like cocksleeve. Wrapped around him forever.
“Fucking right, you’ve earned it. My good girl, spread open just for me… Take it, take what I allow you to have.”
The words of small praise and demand send you over the ledge. Falling in a white, blinding bliss of euphoria as his hand releases your throat. Your lungs filling with air as you’re cumming on Tomura’s cock. Your cunt sucking him deeper and deeper ‘til he can’t move anymore. He ruts against your soaking wet hole to chase his own release.
His hands grip the back of your knees. Leaving bruises in their place as he fills you up with his seed, all the way to the brim before it spills back out of you. Chants of your name spill out his mouth like it’s the only thing he can remember.
Slowing down and regaining his breath, he pulls out of you. Strings of mixed juices still connecting you two. As he lays down, he rolls you on your side to unbind your wrists. Throwing away the panties he used to tie you with, he pulls you against him.
With sleep at the forefront of your mind, you hug him lazily. The beating of Tomura’s heart slowing down aswell, as sleep tries to overtake him. With a fond smile on his smile and you in his arms, he allows himself to drift off.
Two bodies, joined together as they lay with the sound of the ending rain.
Tagged: @reinawritesbnha @thots4daze @aizawascumslut @hipster-merchant-of-death
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