#the wizarding world of EXO
scarlet--wiccan · 26 days
Are there any magic system ideas from other stories you have read that you would like to see implemented in Marvel's magic system?
Not necessarily. For one thing, I actually think it's important that magic remain somewhat fluid. The function of magic, specifically spellcasting, is to meet the needs of the story. So, it kind of has to be adaptable. Besides, one of the things I like about Marvel is that is there are so many different kinds of magic, and I think that imposing a universal system would kind of detract from that.
There are already some universal underpinnings in the Marvel world that I like, such as the breakdown of eco-, exo-, and ego-centric power sources. Fine-tuning that concept and using it more consistently would help magic feel more coherent and grounded across the board, but still leave room for each character or realm to feel unique.
Having said that, I think my favorite magic system, ever, is the one from the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane. It revolves primarily around a universal language, called the Speech, that can be used to name or describe pretty much anything in reality. Spells, therefore, take the form of complex sentences, equations, sometimes songs or poems, which describe, in detail, everything involved and what it needs to do, how it needs to change, etc. But beyond having the power command or transform reality, the Speech allows wizards to communicate and form relationships with almost any kind of life, any kind of matter, any kind of energy. It's incredibly versatile, and I really love that while it can be very exacting and clinical, it requires an empathetic, relational approach with a real human core.
Part of what I like about this system is that it bridges the gap between magic and science. It often requires wizards to have a detailed knowledge of whatever they're working with, and it provides opportunities to demonstrate that knowledge to the reader, which is an important part of how you make magic feel earned. That's something that's missing in a lot of modern comics-- we don't get to see the thought process or the effort that goes into spell casting. And because the system is simultaneously complex and intuitive-- it's just language, after all-- once your reader is reasonably familiar, you can actually get away with glossing over the details when you need to keep a scene moving. The reader will infer the detail on their own because you've taught them how the system works. It's just... brilliant. Duane is a genius to me, and I love these books so much.
Using universal language or code as magic works really well for characters like Doctor Strange-- I think they tried to do something similar in the movies, only far less artful-- and the correlation of practical knowledge to magical efficacy is perfect for something like Wanda's hex power. Importing the Young Wizards system into Marvel comics wholesale probably wouldn't work out-- it kind of relies on prose-- but there are a lot of great lessons and helpful ways of thinking about magic to be gained from Duane's writing.
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gnostichor · 1 year
That Cloud and Its Auxiliaries Are Forever
Heulog-12 drops herself onto the shaded bench, slouched shoulders heavy with inelegant worry. She had just returned from Titan by means of that disorienting portal installed aboard the HELM, and the nausea caused by whatever esoteric technologies that power that thing had yet to wear off. She wearily sets her helmet next to her, and when its clumsy placement sends it clattering to the paving stones she cannot bring herself to reach down and retrieve it. The helmet’s metallic ringing fades, giving way to the familiar silence of this darkened back alley behind the Tower Bazaar where she and Kysurax like to meet.
A nearby wall tears open with a green scream, and from between the bricks emerges the Risen Wizard herself. Gliding closer, she wordlessly picks up the helmet and lowers herself awkwardly on the undersized bench. At first she says nothing, looking down at the helmet in her lap as if it were Heulog herself, then asks, “Is it true?”
The Exo sighs, leaning back until the metal of her head pings against the brick. “It is.”
Kysurax fitfully runs her claws down through the grooves of the helmet’s shell, tracing its history through the etches, marks, and gouges found along its weathered surfaces. “When is it to take place—will it even work?”
“Soon, and I have no idea if it will work. There’s a small angry wound somewhere inside me that hopes that maybe it won’t.”
In response, Kysurax finally looks at Heulog, her eyes green-hot with some inscrutable emotion. “Why wo—”
“BECAUSE SHE HURT ME, KY.” She hadn’t meant to raise her voice, pulling herself from the wall to meet the Wizard’s gaze. She quickly realized that she had never actually said those words aloud before, and they simply had needed to get out. “She led me to believe that she wanted to change, that just maybe she saw ahead of her a possible path born by the fruits of honesty, reparations, and,” she struggles with the word, “...forgiveness. That there was space in the world for the likes of us, and that it was worth searching for.” She turns away, facing forward as the heat of her indignance gutters out. “That she was my friend. And I believed it.” 
After a moment she looks up at Kysurax, all anger given way to sadness. “I used to read to her. Off-duty, I would bring whatever I could from the libraries that week and just…read to her: novels, textbooks, old newspapers, poetry. She told me how happy it made her, how fascinating it was just how much she could learn about me merely by what I chose to bring down with me each time, how nice of a change it was to have a fulfilling relationship with someone after all those countless gray eons. A Cloud withdrew from the Sky. Pre-Golden Age poem. She told me it was her favorite of everything I ever brought to her.”
Heulog sighs, shaking her head. “And then she was Risen. A new start. Memories wiped clean. It broke my heart, finding out that that had been her plan all along: that every moment she spent with me was knowingly going to be tossed away like a shed skin.” Her voice catches in her throat. “But that wasn’t the plan, was it? She left a trail of clues for this desperate, heartbroken and guileless Warlock to follow, and got her memories back—some, but not all. Just the useful ones. Not the time we spent together, or the things she said to me, or all those supposed insights gleaned from my behavior. She just…she did not want it.” Heulog felt the modulation of her voice, the microtremors cascading through the tiny actuators that clicked and whirred beneath the plates of her face, the gentle flickering of the lamps behind her eyes: she was crying. 
“She could have, I don’t know, she could have made something else so she could remember, some—something different, for us, a new, different thing for us, for the altar, to remember with the altar, before she ran away. Before she ran away to die and forget—to forget about me. But she didn’t want it. She didn’t want it and she forgot about me. She didn’t—why didn’t she want me?” Her shoulders heaving with sobs, Heulog throws herself around Kysurax’s midsection as best she can, clumsy and awkward as her metal fingers tangle and catch on the chitinaceous cage of ribs and spines. Kysurax carefully extracts the Exo’s hands and gently lifts her upright into a more comfortable position and wraps her arms around her, pulling her in close while stroking a shimmering cheek with one claw.
“I am sorry. I did not know all of that,” says the Wizard as tenderly as her flayed throat will allow.
“That’s because I’ve never told anyone—I’ve never talked about this with anyone before; I suppose I never felt like I could. I am,” Heulog sniffles with a newfound sense of self-consciousness, “very sorry for throwing all that at your feet, all at once.”
“It was something you clearly needed to do, and it sharpens my bones that you trust me enough to have let it out.”
Heulog turns to look up at Kysurax, ducking under the claw caressing her cheek in order to readjust her positioning to rest her head affectionately in the Wizard’s leathery palm. “But this news clearly weighs upon you too, and it is unfair of me to dominate our conversation with my clearly-biased reactionary nonsense.”
Kysurax’s three eyes flash. “It is NOT nonsense. As the shape of the Sword defines the shape of the cut, so too does the cut in turn redefine the ever-wearing edge of the Sword. What we call a life is a collected series of impressions left upon us by those we touch and those who touch us. Your hurt is as real as the blade that gave it to you: the threat of Savathûn’s return manifests that hurt in ways you have not had to deal with in over a year.”
Kysurax haunts the alley with a soft sigh. “To clarify my own feelings: I also find myself wondering if it would be best if the ritual failed.”
“Really? Why?”
“I am afraid.”
“That she’ll come back and simply return to her pernicious bullshit?”
Kysurax laughs, or makes a sound that Heulog has come to recognize as laughter: gravel being sifted through with a rusty shovel. It’s one of Heulog’s favorite sounds, and she has made it a lifelong goal to hear it as often as she can.
The Wizard composes herself, returning to her usual, more serious affect. “No, I am afraid,” she takes a deep breath. “I am afraid that she will not. Afraid that the person you thought she was will finally arrive. Seeking redemption, forgiveness. What sort of future, then, would we have to look forward to? What does such a world look like? Is one even possible? What if she comes back to us seeking change and is denied it, held down and chained by a vengeful cosmos unwilling to move beyond the countless millennia of aggregate harm she has inflicted upon it, irrespective of any alleged motivations she may or may not have had at the time? What kind of world makes allowances for the existence of Savathûn the Witch Queen, Repentant? What are you or I in the face of such uncertain tomorrows? What would become of us? Would you still love me as you do now?”
With each enumerated concern, Kysurax’s words become increasingly pressured and frantic; Heulog has never seen her like this before. She sits up straight and reaches one arm behind the Wizard’s back to cradle her thorax, while carefully slipping her free hand between the ribbed lattice of her bony exoskeleton. She reaches around, searching for the dense nerve bundle deep within and finds it, recognizable by its faint, rhythmic thrumming. She places her palm on its tough surface, and begins to hum a softly-dissonant melody: a lesser invocation calling on the strength of the listener, normally sung to newborn Hive just as they are being administered their worm larvae—a lullaby, once used by Kysurax to calm Heulog after a particularly harrowing encounter down in the depths of the recently-returned Titan.
Heulog holds herself as close as she can and continues to hum. She couldn’t yet form the vocalizations, and maybe would never be able to do so, but she hoped that for now the acrid notes alone would suffice. That through the burgeoning haze of unchecked anxiety Kysurax would be able to recall the invoking words and hear the earnest appeal to her inner strength, the words that define that strength as extant and obligate it to come forth, to inhabit her bones and manifest as the truest form of her will. The words that assert that she, as a single unified force of will and body—in defiance of all existence—shall persist.
Heulog feels the thrumming slow, its rhythmic cadence aligning with her own deep breaths. She gently removes her hand from Kysurax’s torso and feels the Wizard’s arms close around her, pulling her into a tight embrace.
“I am afraid,” Kysurax finally says, calm returned to her voice. “But I temper that fear with the certainty that I will be alright, because you are with me.” She looks down at the Exo in her arms, into the starblue flames that are her eyes, and smiles. “I do not doubt, for I have seen your heart. As you have seen mine. That is the power intrinsic to the Yielding Inquisition: there is no obfuscating act of misdirection, no factor of deceit that can withstand the abrading blade of trust conjured by the ritual. Truly, I have known you, and that secret knowledge is a weapon with which I joyfully flense and cast aside any and all flesh given over to the rot of doubt.”
At the ritual’s mention, a sense memory comes rushing unbidden to Heulog: the sour burn of the soulfire clinging to her lips, the infracitrus sting pooling on her tongue. She nestles close, her face half-buried in chitin; a non-verbal reciprocation of Kysurax’s expressed sentiments. It had been quite some time since that night, and the memory of it was a constant companion in Heulog’s thoughts. Maybe she would finally allow herself to ask Kysurax if she wanted to perform the ritual again. Maybe tonight, Heulog thought to herself as she listened to the rise and fall of the Wizard’s calm breath, watching the clouds over the City recede one by one into the horizon.
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rivaldi22 · 1 year
Something a little different this time, instead of visual art, I wrote some words, wherein two women talk about planets and the gods they're named after.
Thanks for reading.
XII: Neptune
“The names you give your planets,” asks the Wizard, breaking the silence between the broken glass crunch of Heulog-12’s footsteps. “What is their meaning? What is…’Jupiter’, what is ‘Neptune’ or ‘Saturn’?” Heulog hadn’t noticed, but the Wizard had slowed their glide to stop in front of a stylized mural depicting the Sol System; such displays were not uncommon in the Cosmodrome.
Heulog hums in astonishment. “I didn’t realize you could read Old Russian.”
The Wizard hesitates for a moment, sinking a bit closer to the floor. “...I cannot. I have read the records of them in the World’s Grave. The Grave is replete with empiric information: names, locations, recent history, but there is little by way of semantic relevance. There is little there concerned with meaning.”
“Meaning?” Heulog is surprised to hear such soft concepts be sanctioned by such sharp teeth. She thinks for a moment, then sighs. “I don’t suppose this counts as Vanguard intel, but nevertheless let’s just keep these…encounters to ourselves for the time being, yeah? This is like the third time in as many months that we’ve bumped into eac—”
“Coincidences and nothing more.” The Wizard hisses with pressed urgency.
“As you’ve insisted. Repeatedly. Now, the planets. They come from old religions. Pre-Golden Age. I’ve read in the Cryptarchy about the mythologies of ancient Rome, though I am no expert; that was more Tyra’s thing. See, they were polytheistic, and came up with personified representations of natural phenomena in order to explain the sometimes capricious and unpredictable behavior of the world around them. Jupiter was the god of the sky, and thunderstorms. Neptune was the god of the sea. Saturn was the god of…time? And agriculture? Wealth? A lot of things, the man was busy.”
The Wizard turns to the Warlock. “Sad that your ancestors had to fabricate gods for themselves, whereas we the Hive are blessed with the knowledge that ours walk among us. It must have been a lonely time in Earth’s history, so removed were you from any and all divinity.”
The Exo scoffs. “You presuppose it would be better had our gods walked among us, implanting ontopathogenic parasites along the way?”
“I didn’t say our way was ‘better’, I said that yours was ‘sad’ and ‘lonely’.” The Wizard turns and resumes drifting down the hallway of broken glass. “So your planets are named for gods which were allegorical constructs representing concepts. But the meaning is still missing. Why is the planet Jupiter given the name of your thundergod, why is the planet Neptune given that of your god of—” She searches for the word. ”Waves?”
Heulog shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine. Jupiter is the biggest, Neptune is the bluest? I get the impression it was less about 1:1 semantic matchup, and more about a feeling. An emotion.”
“Do you name yourselves through the same heuristic?”
“Sometimes, sure.”
The Wizard thinks on this a moment. After stopping themselves short three times, they finally ask, “What is the emotion of ‘Heulog’?”
The Exo stops and looks directly at the Wizard. “How do you know my name?”
Curving away in recoil, the Wizard falters. “I—Your Ghost, I overheard it from your Ghost. It talks very loudly.”
Checking the pocket inside her robes where Alder likes to stay when physically manifested, Heulog is greeted by the sleepy, but very silent, glowblue grin of her best friend. Heulog smiles, mouths the word “hey,” and tucks her robes back into place, turning to face the Wizard. “We both know that’s not true.” Her narrowed eyes widen with sudden excitement. “Wait. Do I have an entry in the World’s Grave?!”
The Wizard, unsure, barely above a whisper, admits, “Yes. It is where I first heard about you. It was…intriguing to me. You were not at all like I expected.”
Heulog squints, amused, at the quavering Wizard. “We are going to have to have a sit-down at some point so you can tell me all about what sort of wild, exaggerated fan-fiction the Hive have scrawled about me. But to answer your question: it means “sunny” in Cymraeg, also known as ‘Welsh’ in English, because the provenance of English is one of naming things that already had names. The intent behind my name? I don’t know, maybe it was because of my winning smile and warm disposition. Unfortunately I cannot ask the last person who used this body.”
“I understand,” the Wizard lies, affecting a posture of thoughtfulness and introspection.
“Why this interest in the meaning of names? Is this an important subject in Hive cul—” She stops herself, smirks and shakes her head in self-admonishment. She walks over to the Wizard, reaches up, and gently tugs on her claw. Such is the size difference that she can only manage to grab a single digit. “Hey. What’s your name?”
The Wizard’s three eyes flash. “I am called Kysurax. Its meaning is that of sea-foam: sea-foam of the God-wave, the lingering impression of green logic left behind in the wake of final destruction. It means ‘beautiful,’ and it means ‘me’.”
“I understand,” Heulog lies. Her posture of thoughtfulness and introspection, however, is genuine. “Hell of a thing to be named after though, right? In the wake of, y’know, recent developments and all that? Finding out the wave was a lie?” She had been absent-mindedly pushing around shards of glass with the toe of her boot; they had now gathered together into a small pile. “So much fuss over fake gods, huh?”
Kysurax looks at the Exo, considering her rhetorical questions. “Like Neptune?”
Heulog looks back at the Wizard with a guileless grin. “Like Neptune.”
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thefirstknife · 2 years
As much as I hate to say it I wish Ana didnt mute Clovis because for once I was actually interested in what he was about to say.
I feel like there's an untapped well of using Clovis for golden age world building/explaining how some of the magic stuff works in a more "normal way" that Bungie isn't tapping into
Honestly yeah, in a way it would've been cool to hear alternative explanations, especially for things that obviously have roots in the real world. But it is important to remember that, despite everything, Destiny also functions on magic. No matter how many real phenomena are explored and referenced, at the end of the day, there is paracausality, which primarily allowed for all development in the Golden Age, so a piece of magic will always be involved.
I think that Clovis refusing to accept it is a part of why he's the way he is. His refusal to accept it is what led him to vastly underestimating the powers of Darkness (aka Clarity) and the Traveler. It led to all the issues and horrible mistakes in his manufacture and production of Exos. Clovis wants to boil everything down to simple and fully understandable terms that he can control and refuses to realise that there are things beyond him that he doesn't understand and never will.
He was very dismissive of the Vex, who are a species from the dawn of the universe. Clovis views them as nothing more than fuel for his own purpose and he would surely have things to say about stuff like Vault of Glass or the Infinite Forest. But no matter how much he thinks he understands, there will always be an aspect of them that he does not. He is the same with the Hive.
However, it's important to note that the term "magic" is relative. The Hive's grasp on manipulating the fundamental forces of physics is likely so beyond what we understand that their "rituals" with "crystals" are incomprehensible to us. The fact that the Hive themselves are presenting it as magic doesn't help either; we can only evaluate what we see and we see what to us looks like... well, a wizard doing an arcane ritual.
Clovis is largely correct in trying to understand the underlying physics behind it. Because there must be a foundation in physics, which there is. However, Clovis also must understand that there is always going to be something beyond simply physics, something that he will not understand and won't be able to control. That's the point where he becomes unbearable; he is dismissing any notion that there are people doing things outside of his knowledge and control.
I wanted to mention what he said in his little speech before Ana muted him because it piqued my interest when he said:
Crystals, rituals... [scoffs] This is absurd. That's obviously an emitted Casimir field with—
This is far beyond my regular understanding of things but luckily there are people in the fandom with a better grasp on it. Really good analysis of it with simplified explanations here. In short, Casimir Effect is a real phenomenon! Clovis is not speaking entirely out of his ass and this little detail is very helpful for overall understanding of what's going on.
I think Bungie deliberately won't ever go further. If they do, then they would have to scrap space magic and space magic is fundamental to the setting, even when there are real explanations buried somewhere beneath. Like this, they give us a glimpse which allows us to piece things together, but it also leaves an air of mystery to it which is necessary for the setting to truly feel like Destiny.
Clovis is a really good example for stuff that has basis in reality because he is fully grounded and relies only on that, but ignores all other aspects outright. The Hive definitely possess some vastly powerful technology that allows them to utilise this effect on a quantum level, but they also have paracausal powers which Clovis ignores. In all likelihood, the in-setting scholars probably know that the Hive are utilising this effect. The problem is that the Hive are also utilising powers, technology and methods specific to them and have been doing so for hundreds of millions of years.
It would be cool to sit down with some Hive and talk to them about physics though! Not that Clovis would stoop so low, but someone else might. Perhaps one day (this is me pspspsing Savathun).
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tiny-titan-exo · 1 year
Shasur-Tor had been a Knight for so long, he did not know how to be anything else. But, he didn’t need to be anything else than what he was, and he reveled in that.
Now that he has been Risen, it was harder not to be anything else. More was expected of him, more tithes were required of him, to prove his loyalty. He kept his head down. Do your own work, and no one else’s. It’s all you could do.
He did not remember his past. Unlike his brethren, he had not wanted to find out. He remembered that strange Titan that had been there when he was first Risen, how they had cupped his face and told him he was beautiful. He still felt those small hands on his chitin, even now. But why? He didn’t know. He wondered if he’d ever want to know.
His Ghost had been very kind to him. He had named her Wyrm, after an old tablet he’d read once that had told about the Worm Gods. It felt fitting, that such a small thing of Light should be given a powerful name. He kept her safe, and she watched his back. They were a good team, and he felt very strongly about his little light, and had threatened on several occasions to prove just how far he’d go for her.
But, thankfully, he hadn’t had a reason to follow through. Yet, anyways.
Shasur had been assigned to protect one of the temples that littered the underground of the Throne World. He was thankful for this position, for even though it was horribly dangerous, it came with a certain amount of prestige, particularly since this was one of the few temples that Savathûn had wished to keep safe from the Scorn.
He kneeled there, in the center of the cathedral like temple, his shredder held up in front of him. He felt an odd sort of peace here, like everything was as it should be.
Like a blade shattering glass, the silence broke. Something was flying above him, scrabbling to reach the terrace above, trying not to alert anyone below. It wasn’t a Wizard, and definitely not an Acolyte. It was a Lightbearer, a Titan. And a familiar one at that.
Shasur-Tor howls an alarm, letting a few warning shots loose, just missing the Titan’s arm, as he stands. He can feel a rush of movement around him, Acolytes rushing up the steps to cut off the encroaching Titan, Wizards hissing their songs, calling on their magic to stall the Lightbearer.
He had neither the Acolyte’s will to prove their valor, nor the Wizard’s magic. But, he did have something neither of them had.
He can feel his own Light burning within him, and with a single movement he had leapt up the stairs, leaving a trail of vibrant void energy behind him. The Titan had been backed into a corner, just a few feet away from the portal that would have taken them to safety. Their glaive flashes as they slice the Thralls down, making a desperate run for the portal.
The Knight growls with rage as the Titan disappears in a flash of green light, and he follows through the portal, running so hard he almost crashing into the Guardian.
The portal had closed behind them, and the Titan was making a lot of distressed noises, but Shasur-Tor did not rush his kill. He would savor this.
The Exo’s helmet had been dislodged, and it was babbling something in that grating human language, backing away from the giant Relic Blade held in the Knight’s hands. “Please, please, Shasur-Tor, you know me! Please.”
He raises the blade above his head, feeling the pause just before he swings it down, like the whole throne world was holding its breath.
Finally, a familiar voice breaks the Knight’s focus.
“Ah, yes. The Lovers; In-Anâhn’s Folly, and Clovis Bray’s Madness.”
Savathûn’s shade loomed above them both, the well of memory before them coming to life with the touch of the Titan’s hands.
“I knew you two would meet again, but when and where, well..”
A Knight had appeared, projected up from the well, and beside it, a Titan, clasping hands with the Knight.
“Now, I know you don’t remember, but that doesn’t mean your lover forgot. In fact, I’d go so far as to say your forgetting only made your dear Guardian remember all the more. Isn’t that just sad? Guardians are so caught up in the remembering and the forgetting that they don’t see everything in between.”
Darrix’s mouth was hanging open, eyes locked on the projections coming out of the well. Shasur-Tor felt his hands twitch. What nonesense was this? A trick of the Guardian’s? No, this had the Witch Queen’s magic written all over it. What was this, then?
“See, you two were once quite the pair. It’s funny, really, that two such different things could bond so closely.”
He lowers his sword, his gaze moving from the well to the Titan still on the ground before him. He could feel something rattling around in his brain. A memory, a thought, a dream.
“And what will you both do now, hm? Will you both part ways? Will you destroy each other, as all Hive will? Call me curious.”
He kneels down, slowly, letting his blade fall to his side.
“Who are you?”
The Exo’s voice was shaking when he finally responded, clutching the mark around his waist so tightly his hands were glitching.
“I-I’m Darrix.”
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bandit-prince · 2 years
“Well, this wasn’t what I thought I’d find here.”
Darrix felt a chill run down their spine as they pulled away from their lover, hand reaching for the shotgun at their side.
Shasur-Tor grunts, standing quickly, blade drawn. The two had thought they were alone for the moment, a flash of peace in the chaotic Throne World, but apparently not.
Awe was the second emotion to rush into them beside fear. Darrix had never once seen a Hive like this; a beautiful and terrifying combination of wizard and knight. A blade was held in one of their hands, a rune carved shield in the other, moth like wings flared out behind them in a display of their power and status. It took a lot for a Hive to gain their wings, and these were huge.
“No.” The word was a whisper from the exo as they stepped back from the giant Bishop, feeling the memories that they had suppressed bubbling at the edges of their mind. “No, it can’t be you, you’re dead!”
Shasur’s clawed hand grips the Titan’s shoulder, pulling them back away from the looming threat. Darrix, frozen with fear, stumbled backward, eyes pulling away from those horrible, hate filled eyes, and to his lover’s own teal green eyes. He knew Shasur wouldn’t run from a fight if that’s what this Bishop wanted, but he also knew they didn’t stand a chance, not even together.
“Yes, I thought you were long dead as well, half-breed. Didn’t Crota rip you apart to get answers about the Vex?” The Bishop snarls, taking several steps forward, blade held out towards the two. “Not that it did him much good in the end, did it? What a shame. He had so much..potential.” The sword lowers, just inches away from Darrix’s throat, though the Titan didn’t flinch.
“As did you. Well, in some ways. I really thought you’d have better taste as you’re made from a piece of myself, but to pair with another half-breed? I can’t say I’m too surprised, you were always..less then me.”
A howling snarl leaves Shasur-Tor as the Knight pulls Darrix away from the Bishop, putting himself between the two. “You don’t get to insult them like that. They’re more then you ever will be!”
“Shasur, no, please-“ Darrix felt his hands grip the chitinous armor, begging the knight to move away from that dangerous blade. Sparks illuminate the darkness, jumping from the knuckle joints of the exo as the wires and soft silicon snap and crack from the force of their desires to keep each other safe.
“Oh? And who are you to make such a decree, knight?” A horrible amusement laced the giant’s voice as they lean forward, glowering at Shasur-Tor. “I could crush you where you stand. I should, for your treason.”
“I am Shasur-Tor, Son of In-Anahn, Prince of the Tangled Shore brood, and Knight-Commander of the Throne World Defenses.” The words were a low growl, barely audible, but filled with malice. “I will not let you disrespect my mate.”
“Oh, so it is treason, wonderful! And of course, In-Anahn’s brood contains those tainted by the Mindbender; I can’t say I’m surprised by your choice of lackluster mate.” The jagged edge of the blade presses to Shasur’s chest, though the Knight did not pull away from the sharpness piercing his chitin. “Foolish Knight. You are always the ones to let your loyalties be your downfall.”
“I will teach you both a lesson you won’t soon forget.”
The blows were quick, painful, and faster then any eye could follow. Darrix knew deep down there was nothing they could have done to stop it from happening, it all ended too quickly. A single, heartbreaking sound echoed against the alabaster walls of that shrine, a gasp, a sob: “No!”
The body fell slowly, like time itself had slowed to allow the Knight to fall gently to the broken floor, the sword still gripped tightly in his hands. No breath left the beast, nor did the hands twitch to retaliate.
Darrix could feel his hands shaking as he approached the limp body, heedless of the towering Bishop.
“No..Shasur, no..”
Taûryx, the Right Hand of Oryx did not feel pity for the dead Knight, nor did they feel anything but satisfaction at the quiet sobs issuing from the Exo guardian. “Learn this lesson well, Lightbearer. Love none, for they will only be used against you if you are not strong enough to protect them. Choose your allies carefully, or their deaths betray you.”
The blade catches the edge of the metal chin, forcing it upwards, forcing those tear stained cheeks to rise, illuminated by those joyful green eyes.
“I won’t give you the honor of dying by my blade. You don’t deserve my pity.”
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bigballsofrice · 2 years
17 questions, 17 people
Tagged and cursed by the evil @kandradas and @psychedelicinsights
Nickname: Jak, Jakobie
Sign:  Sagittarius
Height: 5’10”
Last thing I googled: “ how much does it cost to eat at Hell’s Kitchen?”
Song stuck in my head: Exo-Politics - Muse
No. of followers: 363
Amount of sleep: usually between 4-6 hours
Lucky number: 47
Dream job: record store owner or a streamer
Wearing: Hoodie and sweatpants
Movies/books that summarize me: Scott Pilgrim vs. the world, school of rock, and dodgeball
Favorite song: this one’s tough but I’d have to say Mars for the Rich - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
Favorite instrument: drums or bass
Aesthetic: idk nerdy goth stoner?
Favorite author: Junji Ito
Favorite animal noise: whatever noise a capybara makes
Random: I play guitar hero on expert 😤
For my 17 cursed victims, I point the accusatory finger at:
@phhilophhobia @punkinspyce @xlicentious @resurrection-anti-christ @creatures-crypt @mind-of-a-st0ner @valley-of-sacrifice @incvmplete @littlesun111 @little-big-butt @marisavago @melanolia @starlet-sky @justdaydreamsawayy @smellslikelonelydays @bass-alien @estranged-empress
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xaracosmia · 2 years
omg hiiiiii mods it's Blues~ I just wanted to send in an ask officially stating that I sent in app ammendments for Mithra (promise of wizard) and Joshua (the world ends with you). Mithra can now be even more of a creature and Joshua continues to fucking suck. Okay thank you~
two of the traits i admire most in a person. god speed.
mod exo @u@
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kimjongdaely · 6 years
The Wizarding World of EXO [Chapter 1: The Sorting Ceremony]
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All EXO members
Summary: Welcome to the Wizarding World, ten years after the Second Wizarding War. Now, nine students at Hogwarts each have their own story to tell, secrets to discover and identities to grow.
Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5│Chapter 6│ Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│Chapter 11│Epilogue
Kim Minseok & Kim Junmyeon - September 1st, 2002
Minseok feels himself shaking. His hands tremble when he holds them out in front of him.
Taking a look around him, he recognizes very little of his classmates. The rest of the first years gathered in the chamber off the Great Hall are unfamiliar, adding another layer of dread onto his ever-growing list of anxieties. He’s heard of the Sorting Ceremony before, but what is it? He so desperately wants to talk to someone, but he’s much too shy to approach the others. He can hear them whispering urgently under their breathes. 
“Do we need to cast spells?” Someone asks worriedly, which makes Minseok churn with fear himself. He knows very little spells at his age—only barely able to change the color of his favorite shirt from blue to green.
“No, I think it’s a test or something.” Another answers, which makes Minseok even more worried. Math, he can do. But he highly doubts Hogwarts would make their students take a math test to be sorted into a house.
“I’m terrified.” Someone says quietly next to him, more to himself than to Minseok, but they’re all standing so close to each other Minseok couldn’t help but hear.
“Me too.” He says back, offering a small smile to the unfamiliar boy.
“I’m Kim Junmyeon.” The boy smiles back, offering his hand for a handshake. Deciding that he doesn’t seem like a bad person, Minseok shakes his hand and offers his own name. “Kim Minseok.”
Junmyeon couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “We have the same last name. That’s cool.”
Minseok manages a smile, his worries forgotten for just a tiny moment.
Professor McGonagall comes in with practiced ease, her face as stern as the first time he saw her at the gates. “Now form a line and follow me.”
The first years hurriedly form a line, following her into the Great Hall, seeing its magnificent glory for the first time ever. For a moment, Minseok forgets what he’s here for.
He watches in curious fascination as Professor McGonagall places a four-legged stool in front of them, and then an old, worn-down wizard hat is placed gently on top.
“Are we going to wear that?” Junmyeon whispers, and Minseok feels himself relax slightly. Just wearing a hat is something he can do.
Then he jumps when the hat starts to move, and then starts to sing.
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, it sings.
“Please come up and wear the hat when I call your name.” Professor McGonagall says as she unravels a long scroll, reading off the names by alphabetical order.
Professor McGonagall calls out names one by one, until she says, “Kim, Junmyeon” and he makes his way to the stool, trying to look more confident than he feels. The hat slips over his eyes, and the hat starts to speak.
“You have the ability to become a great leader.” Junmyeon flushes slightly at that. “You care greatly about your friends, have a strong sense of justice and chivalry. There’s no doubt, you are GRYFFINDOR!”
Junmyeon blinks as the hat is taken off his head, and he makes his way to his own table. The Gryffindors clap him on the back, shaking hands, welcoming him into their family.
He catches Minseok’s nervous gaze and gives him an encouraging thumbs up.
Minseok waits anxiously for his name, and it almost doesn’t register when she finally calls out, “Kim, Minseok.”
He scurries to the stool, trying not to make a fool of himself in front of the entire student body. The hat is placed over his head, dropping to cover his eyes.
“I see.” A voice says and he jumps involuntarily, feeling shaky and nervous. “You worry quite a lot, do you not?”
He was going to answer ‘yes,’ but the hat can already hear him say it without him opening is mouth.
“Yes, you are worried about many things. Many of which you cannot control. But you have no need to worry, for you are intelligent and willing to learn. RAVENCLAW!”
Relieved that it’s over, Minseok heads over to the Ravenclaw table where the older students are clapping and howling happily, accepting him as their own, feeling just the slightest bit disappointed he isn’t in the same house as his new friend.
Zhang Yixing & Byun Baekhyun - September 1st, 2003
Yixing isn’t so sure what to feel. He’s heard of the Sorting Ceremony, but the details are never revealed. He feels nervous, but excited at the same time. He’s curious himself as to which house he belongs in.
“Wow, you look calm.” A soft voice says, making Yixing turn in surprise. Standing next to him is a friendly looking boy, looking slightly younger than him with golden hair swept to the side. The boy smiles. “Hi, I’m Byun Baekhyun and my hand is already shaking so I won’t offer you a handshake.”
Yixing cracks a smile, almost laughing. “I’m Zhang Yixing.”
Baekhyun sidles closer to Yixing, accepting him as a new friend. “I wonder what house we’ll be sorted in.”
“Not sure.” Yixing whispers back, having the same question himself. He’s heard of the four houses, but isn’t very familiar with them.
Professor McGonagall comes in, “Form a single line and follow me.” 
The make their way to the Great Hall, looking at the old hat with great fascination. Yixing tries to stifle a laugh when Baekhyun jumps beside him once the hat starts talking—er, singing.
“Come forward and wear the hat when I call your name.” Professor McGonagall says, and Baekhyun fidgets, knowing he’s one of the first to be called. For Yixing though, being one the last actually makes him more nervous.
“Byun, Baekhyun.” Professor McGonagall calls and, jumping slightly again, Baekhyun hurries over to sit on the stool, the hat placed on his head.
“Bright.” The hat says immediately, even before it touches his head. “You don’t always follow the rules, I see.” Baekhyun flushes. “But is brave and chivalrous. GRYFFINDOR!”
Baekhyun lets out the breath he was holding, glad it’s over as he heads over to his table filled with reds and yellows of his new house color. They cheer and clap loudly when he takes a seat, a few friendly students turning to grin at him.
One by one, the students are called and sorted into their houses. Yixing, as expected, is the last one to be called. He feels himself shaking slightly as he makes his way to the stool, feeling everyone’s eyes on him. The tension is palpable in the air and he feels himself holding his breath.
“Hm.” The hat hums thoughtfully when put on his head. “You are a difficult one. You clearly know what you want to do, isn’t that right? You have strong thoughts, intelligent, and there’s only one house that can lead you to greatness.” The hat pauses, as if to listen to Yixing’s mind for a little longer to ensure the best and most accurate decision. Finally, it announces, “SLYTHERIN!”
Kim Jongdae & Park Chanyeol - September 1st, 2004
“Honestly, magic is great and all, but if I have to take a test to be sorted, I’d rather stay in the muggle world.” Jongdae says under his breath, his tall friend he made on the train laughing beside him.
“I’d trade being a muggle for magic any day.” Chanyeol wrinkles his nose.
“As if you know muggle life." Jongdae rolls his eyes. “You’re a Park, aren’t you? A pureblood. What do you know about muggles?”
“That they have trains?” Chanyeol offers and Jongdae laughs loudly, earning a few glares from the other first years.
“Right.” Jongdae teases, and although he feels more at ease with Chanyeol beside him, he’s nervous. Coming to the Wizarding world? Learning at a magic school and becoming a wizard? Jongdae still feels like it’s a dream even though he’s read his Hogwarts invitation a thousand times. Even though he’s standing right here, next to a pureblood and waiting to be sorted into his house.
Following Professor McGonagall, they enter the Great Hall nervously waiting for their name to be called. Jongdae finds the Sorting Hat to be rather funny-looking—not exactly the intimidating test he imagined.
But then again, the Wizarding World is full of surprises. A talking hat being one of them.
“My sister said it was hard to be sorted.” Chanyeol whispers to Jongdae. “Said there was a lot of hurdles to pass. I can’t believe it’s just a stupid hat.”
Jongdae chuckles lightly, though he feels his throat starting to contract with unease. He never liked standing in front of people, especially not when the entire student body is present, eagerly watching new students get sorted.
“Kim, Jongdae.” Professor McGonagall calls and Jongdae shakily makes his way over, the hat dropping over his eyes. At least I can’t see everyone watching me, he thinks.
“Kind.” The hat says, surprising Jongdae. “Caring towards others and patient. HUFFLEPUFF!”
The hat is lifted off his head and he’s met with loud claps of his table as he makes his way over.
Jongdae watches several students get sorted before it’s Chanyeol’s turn. The hat falls over Chanyeol’s eyes in the front, though it’s still propped up by his rather large ears, making Jongdae almost laugh at the scene.
“Brave.” The hat says immediately. “And a rule-breaker. Never afraid to do the right thing. You are most definitely a GRYFFINDOR!”
“I knew it.” Chanyeol grins as he makes his way to his table, waving at his sister who is sitting with her friends.
He sits between a boy with an adorable smile and an older, more confident student. “Hi.”
“Hi!” The one with a smile greets enthusiastically. “I’m Byun Baekhyun, second year student.”
“Kim Junmyeon. Third year.” The other student offers with a gentle smile. “Happy to have you in our house.”
Do Kyungsoo - September 1st, 2005
Kyungsoo tries to pace his breathing. In, out. Everyone else in the past has made it through, so what makes him different? Everything will be fine. 
His face becomes blank as nerves eat away at him. He always tends to look blank when he’s most nervous. His brother tells him that all the time. He feels so small amongst the other first years, standing shoulder to shoulder like this.
Professor McGonagall comes to lead them out, and Kyungsoo feels even more nervous now that he sees everyone watching him. He’s scared he might mess up somehow as he eyes the hat suspiciously.
The hat starts singing its introductory song, and Kyungsoo listens closely to the lyrics.
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw. He certainly recognizes the house names, but he doesn’t know which one he prefers, or if he’ll even fit in one. He feels like he might not fit in any and just get kicked out.
“Do, Kyungsoo.” Professor McGonagall calls and Kyungsoo carefully makes his way to the stool, his face still blank as the hat falls over his eyes.
“Quiet.” The hat points out. “Very quiet. You are talented in many things, I see. You have a bright future ahead of you. Let’s see...yes, I think it will fit you well. RAVENCLAW!”
Ravenclaw. Kyungsoo repeats in his mind as me makes his way to the clapping table, filled with blues and bronzes.
He sits silently next to another quiet-looking student. Out of the corner of his eyes, Kyungsoo can tell he’s a bit older than him, perhaps a third year.
The student catches Kyungsoo looking, and offers a small smile. “Nice to meet you, I’m Kim Minseok. Third year.” I was right, he thinks. But then again, he’s always been right.
Kyungsoo nods, feeling heat tingle up his neck in embarrassment for being caught staring. He shakes Minseok’s hand and offers his own smile, feeling as if he’ll be able to learn a lot in this house.
Kim Jongin & Oh Sehun - September 1st, 2006
“The Sorting Ceremony?” Jongin whispers quietly to himself as he’s forced to stand close to the other first years.
“Yes.” A foreign voice answers, and Jongin looks to his right at a fellow first year. His sharp jawline and an almost menacing expression makes Jongin gulp.
The boy narrows his eyes on Jongin. “Are you Muggle-born?”
“Me?” Jongin’s eyes widen, nodding slightly. “Y-Yes.”
The boy nods. “I had a feeling you are.”
“And you?” Jongin asks, feeling slightly defensive about himself, not used to being asked so directly. 
“Oh, I’m pureblood.” He says, pausing, before adding. “My last name is Oh, by the way. Oh Sehun.”
Oh. Jongin has definitely heard that name before. They’re almost as famous as the Parks, though not as friendly as the warm, kind Gryffindor Parks. Jongin struggles to remember which house their family consists of.
“Do you think you’ll be sorted into the same house as your family?” Jongin finds himself asking carefully, slightly nervous at talking to a pureblood.
Sehun shrugs simply. “Not sure.” He then adds under his breath, “I sure hope not.”
Before Jongin can say anything else, they are ushered out to the Great Hall. Students are called one by one to wear the Sorting Hat—which, in Sehun’s opinion, looks way too dirty to be worn. 
“Kim, Jongin.” Professor McGonagall calls and Jongin obediently makes his way to the chair, the hat placed over his head.
“You are a hard-worker.” The hat says in his ear. “And value friendship. You are true, and unafraid to accept yourself. HUFFLEPUFF!”
Jongin smiles as he makes his way to his house table, finding friendly students congratulating and welcoming him. He finds an empty spot next to a boy who looks slightly older, lips curling into a smile almost like a cat’s. “Hey! I’m Kim Jongdae, welcome to Hufflepuff!”
“Thanks.” Jongin smiles wider as he greets him. “I’m Kim Jongin—we sound almost like brothers.”
Jongdae’s eyes twinkle at that. “Maybe we’ll become so close we’re like brothers.”
Jongin feels warmth blossom in his chest at the thought. He would love having a close friend like that.
He turns back to the front of the hall to wait for Sehun to be sorted. It’s not long before his name is called and the hat is placed over Sehun’s head.
“You are very loyal to your friends, I see." The hat says after a short pause. “A little mischievous like a Slytherin, but true and fair...You are an Oh, aren’t you? Yes, Ohs have always been Slytherins, but I’m sure you will be better in HUFFLEPUFF!”
Sehun’s eyes widen, his heart racing as exhilaration fills his lungs. I’m not in Slytherin! He deliberately avoids his brother’s eyes from the Slytherin table as he makes his way confidently to the Hufflepuff table. He finds Jongin and sits down happily next to him, feeling like he’s finally found a place he belongs.
Next Chapter
The Wizarding World of EXO Mini Masterlist
A/N: I’ve wanted to do an EXO x Hogwarts fic for the longest time! And now it’s finally up! This marks the start of my Halloween mini(?)-series!
Tags: @g-exo @crazy-ladybug-lady @ugeuuupabo @watermonkey0 @baekfanapleintemps @justrinpcy @kkaebty
Tell me if you want to be tagged!
Request and let’s love!
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hillyberry · 5 years
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Advanced Potion Making / EXO x Hogwarts Classes
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tenebris-metallum · 2 years
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Child of Dunwich rise
You have your father's eyes
Child of Dunwich rise
End the world that you despise
Electric Wizard: Dunwich
[Please do not tag with terato/exo or variations, this character is 15 at the time of his death in the original Dunwich Horror by HP Lovecraft]
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gnostichor · 2 years
“The names you give your planets,” asks the Wizard, breaking the silence between the broken glass crunch of Heulog-12’s footsteps. “What is their meaning? What is…’Jupiter’, what is ‘Neptune’ or ‘Saturn’?” Heulog hadn’t noticed, but the Wizard had slowed their glide to stop in front of a stylized mural depicting the Sol System; such displays were not uncommon in the Cosmodrome.
Heulog hums in astonishment. “I didn’t realize you could read Old Russian.”
The Wizard hesitates for a moment, sinking a bit closer to the floor. “...I cannot. I have read the records of them in the World’s Grave. The Grave is replete with empiric information: names, locations, recent history, but there is little by way of semantic relevance. There is little there concerned with meaning.”
“Meaning?” Heulog is surprised to hear such soft concepts be sanctioned by such sharp teeth. She thinks for a moment, then sighs. “I don’t suppose this counts as Vanguard intel, but nevertheless let’s just keep these…encounters to ourselves for the time being, yeah? This is like the third time in as many months that we’ve bumped into eac—”
“Coincidences and nothing more.” The Wizard hisses with pressed urgency.
“As you’ve insisted. Repeatedly. Now, the planets. They come from old religions. Pre-Golden Age. I’ve read in the Cryptarchy about the mythologies of ancient Rome, though I am no expert; that was more Tyra’s thing. See, they were polytheistic, and came up with personified representations of natural phenomena in order to explain the sometimes capricious and unpredictable behavior of the world around them. Jupiter was the god of the sky, and thunderstorms. Neptune was the god of the sea. Saturn was the god of…time? And agriculture? Wealth? A lot of things, the man was busy.”
The Wizard turns to the Warlock. “Sad that your ancestors had to fabricate gods for themselves, whereas we the Hive are blessed with the knowledge that ours walk among us. It must have been a lonely time in Earth’s history, so removed were you from any and all divinity.”
The Exo scoffs. “You presuppose it would be better had our gods walked among us, implanting ontopathogenic parasites along the way?”
“I didn’t say our way was ‘better’, I said that yours was ‘sad’ and ‘lonely’. Two different things can be undesirable for different reasons.” The Wizard turns and resumes drifting down the hallway of broken glass. “So your planets are named for gods which were allegorical constructs representing concepts. But the meaning is still missing. Why is the planet Jupiter given the name of your thundergod, why is the planet Neptune given that of your god of—” She searches for the word. ”Waves?”
Heulog shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine. Jupiter is the biggest, Neptune is the bluest? I get the impression it was less about 1:1 semantic matchup, and more about a feeling. An emotion.”
“Do you name yourselves through the same heuristic?”
“Sometimes, sure.”
The Wizard thinks on this a moment. After stopping themselves short three times, they finally ask, “What is the emotion of ‘Heulog’?”
The Exo stops and looks directly at the Wizard. “How do you know my name?”
Curving away in recoil, the Wizard falters. “I—Your Ghost, I overheard it from your Ghost. It talks very loudly.”
Checking the pocket inside her robes where Alder likes to stay when physically manifested, Heulog is greeted by the sleepy, but very silent, glowblue grin of her best friend. Heulog smiles, mouths the word “hey,” and tucks her robes back into place, turning to face the Wizard. “We both know that’s not true.” Her narrowed eyes widen with sudden excitement. “Wait. Do I have an entry in the World’s Grave?!”
The Wizard, unsure, barely above a whisper, admits, “Yes. It is where I first heard about you. It was…intriguing to me. You were not at all like I expected.”
Heulog squints, amused, at the quavering Wizard. “We are going to have to have a sit-down at some point so you can tell me all about what sort of wild, exaggerated fan-fiction the Hive have scrawled about me. But to answer your question: it means “sunny” in Cymraeg, also known as ‘Welsh’ in English, because the provenance of English is one of giving names to things that already have names. The intent behind my name? I don’t know, maybe it was because of my winning smile and warm disposition. Unfortunately I cannot ask the last person who used this body.”
“I understand,” the Wizard lies, affecting a posture of thoughtfulness and introspection.
“Why this interest in the meaning of names? Is this an important subject in Hive cul—” She stops herself, smirks and shakes her head in self-admonishment. She walks over to the Wizard, reaches up, and gently tugs on her claw. Such is the size difference that she can only manage to grab a single digit. “Hey. What’s your name?”
The Wizard’s three eyes flash. “I am called Kysurax. Its meaning is that of sea-foam: sea-foam of the God-wave, the lingering impression of green logic left behind in the wake of final destruction. It means ‘beautiful,’ and it means ‘me’.”
“I understand,” Heulog lies. Her posture of thoughtfulness and introspection, however, is genuine. “Hell of a thing to be named after though, right? In the wake of, y’know, recent developments and all that? Finding out the wave was a lie?” She had been absent-mindedly pushing around shards of glass with the toe of her boot; they had now gathered together into a small pile. “So much fuss over fake gods, huh?”
Kysurax looks at the Exo, considering her rhetorical questions. “Like Neptune?”
Heulog looks back at the Wizard with a guileless grin. “Like Neptune.”
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clubtuan · 4 years
Sorry, I couldn’t get to you
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Pairing: Do Kyungsoo x female reader
Genre: The chilling adventure of Sabrina!au /witch!au /ansgt a lot of it/ mention of Swing Kids/ fluff / suggestive
Prompt : « I make my own happiness, and I hope you can too » - Sabrina Morningstar
A/N: I finish CAOS and I miss Kyungsoo. And I have Roh Kisoo feelings so yeah this happened, my first scenarios with EXO. And I totally wrote this listening to ‘’Say Something’’ by A Great Big World 90% of the time.
Word count : 5k
Rain was heavily falling that night, and your familiar, a black cat sitting next to you purring. Life as 24 year old witch in Seoul, but still a single 24 year old, life wasn’t that boring it was just that people were always asking you to introduce them to your boyfriend.. Hell who needs a boyfriend when their cousin is the king of Hell, or when your family is the known as the most powerful witches in this damn country ?
The smoke of your tea was long gone as the liquid turned cold, but a burnt smell came to your nostrils .. Park Chanyeol, the king of the under and your cousin.
‘’Hello cousin.
For the love of Satan, Chanyeol!’’ He laughed and take the place right next to you, taking off his crown. ‘’Hell is hella boring without you’’ he sighed.
The only thing you wanted to answer him was how earth was also a boring playground without him, and how Junmyeon wasn’t helping cause he probably was busy running the Academy of Unseen Arts.
You sighed, humans weren’t funny, working wasn’t funny, and plus your feet hurt, from working in Minseok’s small cafe. ‘’You’re a real drama queen Y/N’’ Said Chanyeol before readjusting his black oversized opened dress shirt. ‘’Go to a club, find a cute or bad boy looking guy and have some fun’’ He said picking up his bloody crown.
You couldn’t believe it, even your cousin was asking you to get .. well for the moment a one night stand, but still asking you to find a ‘someone’ ..
‘’Uh and before I forget honey, you may be a witch but black isn’t our only option here’ He disappeared before you could kill him or throw a pillow to his face.’’ -Unbelievable, was all you said after his exit.
You scanned your shelves full of spell books, ‘dark magic : a witchy way with demons’, other books about demons and others creatures you had to deal with, a big brown book caught your eyes and you smirk taking it in your hands. ‘’Boyfriend, here we meet’’ your cat meow looking at you ‘’I know buddy, but everyone says I should have someone so ..’’
To be real witches and wizards are known to have sex demons, and huge sexual orgies from time to time .. seriously what is the problem with witches and sex ?
Oh yeah Lilith was !
You find yourself in the bathroom that night, sculpting your future boyfriend in the wax of a few red candles. abs ? Check ! Cute looking butt ? Check ! Good look ? Check. Nice ?Also check !
‘’Let the doll sit in hot water for one to two days and your lover will be yours’’ you read out of the book.
The bathtub was full and ready, and your were casting the spell asking yourself the hell you were doing.
You clearly fell asleep, waiting to your full tub to see if anything would change .. but nope nothing really changed except the size of the wax doll, which was now a lot larger and not much looking like wax. Work was starting for another few hours but someone was ringing at your door at 9am. And the same someone didn’t wait for you to entered your apartment.
‘’Y/N? We know you’re here, the cat told us.’’ Aunties !
You exited your bathroom closing your door, they didn’t need to see your future love spell laying in hot water with rose petals !
‘’Aunties hi!’’ They both looked at you as if you were insane, well you totally looked like at the moment, your oversized black shirt, and dried mascara under your eyes !
‘’What are you doing ?’’
I’m creating my own boyfriend, cause people I work with, or I’m friend with ask me about my love life 24/7 .. nah you shouldn’t say that to your aunts or else they’ll kill you ..
‘’Nothing Aunt Zee ! I just need coffee cause I .. I .. Yeah coffee !’’
Both of your aunts looked at each other, but not in the suspicious way you tried to avoid, thanks Dark Lord ! ‘’Your cousin, ..’’ Aunt H started but you clearly were not listening to them. Looking at you bathroom door asking yourself a lot of question, does he has a name or you had to give him one ?
‘’Aunties, if you create someone out of .. never mind’’ you stopped yourself, they didn’t need to suspect you and your future « man »?
And the fact you wanted them out of here .. fast ! No need for them to see a stranger getting out of one of your rooms probably naked and confused !
You were bored to wait for anything to happen, and plus you received a text.
You small witch, don’t forget about the Coven party in 2 days.
If you’re not here, I’ll kill u under the full moon babe xox
What a best friend ! You once again totally forgot about this little Coven thing at Minseok cafe he was hosting with Baekhyun.
Witches parties were always too much, even more if Byun Baekhyun was the one throwing the said party. Going back to the 50s (like literally), ghosts ..
To be honest you wanted your Saturday night to be a rerun of « Sabrina, the teenage witch » under a plaid on your couch with pizza, beer and tteokbokki, not a extravagant party with all your Coven.
Get ready for the night of your witchy spicy life, cause your god fairy mother (me!!)
got some friend who are single & ready to mingle !
Baek, no more weird goblin or any magical creatures !
Plus you are late I’ve a date !
His only response was a few shocked emojis, and a few seconds later another text : I’m behind your door with food !
But Baekhyun, being Baekhyun he didn’t ring the bell and come into your home with a huge goofy smile on his lips.
‘’Don’t look at me like that, I’ve got your fav’’
Why everybody was coming to visit you today ? Normally your apartment was cozy and calm .. but not today ! For Satan’s love !
Baekhyun was one of your closest friend, but also a dark fairy and Chanyeol’s right arm.
And fairies loves to party way too much, it was in their personality ! But the cutest thing was his pointy ears.
‘’ So, my lil friend got herself a date ?’’
And fairy were all about gossips! You simply smiled and nodded at your friend. No need to say too much !
‘’Sooo ..’’ You tried to start another conversation ‘’ How is hell today ?’’
He lifted one of his eyebrow ‘’ Yeol was here last night, don’t try to escape my questions woman’’
Maybe you should have stuff your mouth with rice and onions !
Your fairy friend talked and talked, asking you a few questions about your date for the party. You nodded and made a few ‘’oh!’’ ‘’mhmm’’ but must importantly you were eating and trying to avoid his questions.
Until that one moment when Baekhyun suddenly stopped talking, and was looking behind you his mouth wide open.
‘’Sorry babe, I was a bit long’’
Babe ? You turned in your sit and your eyes dropped to a towel, one of your black towel hanging low on some hips, well defined hips to say, and as your eyes were going up to see who that was, you followed a happy trail, your mouth watered at the sight, happy trail being one of your weakness in a man. After his define stomach and sun kissed glowing skin. His heart shaped lips looked so kissable and full, his dark eyes hided behind tick black frame of glasses. God he was beautiful, more than that to be honest, his voice sounded like honey to your ears, his cute hand slowly scratching the back of his head. You watched a few drop of water running on his chest.
Next you saw a lot of beauty marks on his naked skin, a galaxy of beauty marks. The man got you hypnotized with one sentence, this spell was something !
‘’Hey, you must be Baekhyun ! Y/N told me about you’’ you were drinking his every words just like Baekhyun was. ‘’I’m Do Kyungsoo’’
Dark lord even his name sounded so heavenly (damn for a dark lord follower, you think a lot about heaven right now), after his introduction he excused himself to get dress.
‘’Is this your date ?’’ Murmured Baekhyun with too much excitement ‘’Damn girl you just hit the lotto !’’
Your first few days with Kyungsoo was surprisingly good, he already known a lot about you. Because to created him you dropped some drops of blood in the potion.
You asked silly questions to Kyungsoo, just to get to know him better: ‘’Bubble tea or Iced coffee ?’’ sure he was your creation but he still has his own personality. Your afternoon been filled with laughs, his hand in your hair, under your shirt, and finally you naked on top of him. His hands on your hips left some marks just like his plump lips and teeth drew love bites on your collarbone and others behind your ear. Your long black nails left marks on his back from the pleasure .. hell this man gonna be the end of your sanity !
‘’I’m glad you bring me to life’’ his arm was wrapped around your waist, and his lips continued their way in the back on your neck. You never expect anything with this incantation, you never expect the perfect man to came to life in your bathtub but here you were laying under your sheet naked, with Kyungsoo showing his love to you. Drawing abstract shapes on your skin, following your own moles creating a galaxy with his fingers.
Your friends and family were totally shocked to see him next to you, the Saturday night at the Coven party.
Even your aunt fell under his spell, and Chanyeol almost gave him his throne. Kyungsoo always had an answer to every questions about your relationship, his hand never left your side that night, or you find his lips on your cheek every other times.
Do Kyungsoo might be the result of your spell, but you totally were under his.
Days with Kyungsoo were sweet, full of adventures and funny. Sex was insanely good, (yes might be a witch thing but thanks Lilith) the feeling of his hand tracing your body, or even his lips on your skin. Or just his eyes on you were making you feel like the most wanted woman on the earth, Kyungsoo has his ways.
His moles were your favorite thing to kiss after his pillowy lips, but the must was the little mole on his top lip. And for Kyungsoo his lips found their home right under your breast, on ink saying ‘Witch’ he always said your tattoo was full of sarcasm.
Were you suppose to fall to your own creation ?
Your cat was laying on your bed, his head in Kyungsoo’s hand as his was caressing him. You watched him laying underneath your sheet, his chest on full display as your bedding was on his hips hiding a bit of his nakedness. ‘’You know I think he quite like you’’ you said to him ‘’Yeah he is purring, and I like him too .. he is like a part of you’’
You smiled looking at them, the sun was hitting Kyungsoo’s skin in all the right place making you craving him again, on the spot. His skin against yours, his finger interlaced with yours, his low groans .. he was hotter than hell.
Your black familiar exited the room as soon as you found a place on your mattress. ‘’You look cute with my shirt on’’ his hands traveled under the cotton of the shirt, tracing the shape of your chest. He smelled so nice just like lavender and woodland (a/n: if you ever smelled ‘autumn night’ by yankee candle this is the smell I’m talking about), everything about him was comforting, cozy and making you feel somehow safe. His lips right underneath your left ear, his right hand playing with the side of your black laced panty.
He was addicting just like a drug, now he was in your life you couldn’t imagine not having him anymore. Kyungsoo became a part of you, like a missing piece of puzzle and thanks to magic you finally completed the puzzle.
The way he made you feel was crazy, almost too crazy to be real. His breath hitting your neck made you moan even more than his hands running your body, and his length hitting every spots.
Days were brighter than before, spring was almost there cherry blossom were about to bloom, just like you now. And the night getting warmer but for once your bed felt empty and kind of cold without the raven haired boy sleeping next to you.
‘’Y/N ! ARE YOU ISANE ????’’
You woke up to Chanyeol screaming and tearing off his black hair. ‘’Yeol it’s 3 am, the fuck you want now ?’’ You asked, ready to kill him.
‘’Do Kyungsoo ? Huh ?? More like Roh Kisoo ! I can’t believe you invoke a freaking ghost to pretend to be your fucking fuck buddy’’
What ? A ghost ? Fuck buddy ? You were lost, totally lost and you cousin still panicked in front of your bed. ‘’ A ghost, what ? Who’s a ghost ?’’ He sighed loudly. ‘’Cousin, the aunties will legit kill you’’
Your only question was ‘who the fuck is Roh Kisoo ?’ He sighed once again before showing a beige folder (there’s folder in hell ? Anyway that is not the question)
‘’Cousin, he is dead, Do Kyungsoo isn’t real his name was Roh Kisoo, North Korean soldier. He used to tap dance, he was killed because he was about to kill an American soldier on stage’’
You couldn’t believe what Chanyeol was telling you .. you did not invoke a dead soldier, you created him out of wax. ‘’Chanyeol .. I created him. I do not fuck with dead’’
He stopped all his talking to look at you, dead in the eyes (no joke here). Your knees were against your chest as you sit on your mattress, ‘’He lied to me’’ you said softly. Your eyes filled with tears, you couldn’t believe you fell in love with your creation but he seemed so human, probably too human you were now thinking .. cause he been alive once.
Chanyeol wrapped his arms around you, even the king of hell could not bear to see his cousin and best friend crying. ‘’Love, do-does his heart beat ?’’ You looked up at him not really understanding why would it change if his heart was beating or not ? ‘’ If his heart beat, it means two things .. one he has feeling for you and second h-he .. he would become human, 100% human once again and believe his past life is just a dream .. Well his memories of the war and all being a dream’’
‘’And y/n..’’ He started again ‘’ you were in his past life .. his lover actually even if he never confessed or anything to you he loved you as Roh Kisoo .. that’s why he came to you as you created him’’
He put his hands on your eyes, and suddenly flashes of images, of him with shaved hair, kaki clothes, tap dancing, working on things, him stealing a kiss, stealing one of your kiss I the board of daylight, your death with two others persons you didn’t know and finally his own death.
The perk of being the king of hell was having ‘infos’ about people’s previous lives, and Chanyeol was shoving you Kyungsoo past life.
After your cousin exit, you didn’t sleep that night. You felt so small at the time watching the night lights by your window, thinking about everything that happened for the last two months of your life.. getting him, feeling happy and in love (a thing you never felt or lived before), how were you supposed to say all these things to Kyungsoo ?
Were you supposed to giving him up ? Send him back (yeah but were ?) ? Make him human ?
That morning Junmyeon made fun of you ‘looking like a panda’.
‘’ Y/N ?’’ He been calling your name for the last five minutes but your mind was anywhere but in Minseok’s cafe, jumping from memories to memories you created for the last 2 months.
The light was hitting your living room, a cup of coffee in your hand as you sit on your couch right next to Kyungsoo who was reading one your book. At the time everything felt right, as you were looking at him forgetting your cup in your hands, trying to find a single thing on him that was wrong .. but nothing was wrong.
‘’You know, I’ll not disappear love’’ you chuckled at his words, fearing that yes someday he’ll be gone.
His hand find it place on your knee, and his lips on your temple was comforting you and made you blush as a teenager.
At the time everything was simpler, you needed help .. but from who ?
You couldn’t bear to see Kyungsoo, not knowing how you’ll react in front of him, what to tell him, would you kiss him ? Let him make love to you ? Slap him ? Fall apart ? Break his heart ? (you didn’t know if his heart was beating .. if he was human or just the memory of his past life in wax)
We need to talk aunties.
You were adult and you needed to face your mistakes, and you were finally doing it. The drive to your aunt’s was the longest it ever was and you felt heavy.
You spent a long time sitting in your car before entering the house, feeling a lot of shame, heartbroken, facing your mistake was harder than expected.
The second you saw your aunts you couldn’t keep your feelings together and start crying.
‘’ Chanyeol told us Y/N and even if your aunt wanted to scold you .. it’s not right to do now’’ started one of your aunt.
Aunt Zee was smoking but not saying anything, you knew she was disappointed. You felt totally out of place if you teleport yourself in a volcano you would to it right away.
‘’ I suppose Chanyeol explain you, the two options you have ?’’ Was Aunt Zee first worlds, you nodded.
‘’ If his heart beat or not, I could send him back or I can make him human.. ’’ your were stop by Aunt H ‘’ If you make him human, you know he’ll not remember you and what you both lived’’
Hearing that broke your heart even more, he couldn’t forget you if wasn’t right.
‘’ But he will kind of stay connected to you, as he has a part of you being your magic. So he is and will be a wizard.’’ Said your second aunt.
All you needed was time, a thing you didn’t have. One last time with him before choosing send him back or making him human and forget everything about you.
‘’But most important if his heart is beating, your trace will forever haunt him. Without him know why and who you are, love’’ said Aunt H, caressing your arm as comfort.
‘’ I can’t kill him’’
Yours aunties listened to you, telling them why and how to ‘created’ him, how happy he was making you, how human he seemed and now you knew why .. you told them everything, even wishing you had a last night with him.
Aunt Zee granted your wish, but tomorrow morning you had to say goodbye to love.
You never expected finding him dressed in his favorite black jumper and his ripped bleu jeans cooking in your kitchen with a glass full of white wine waiting for you next to his.
Your eyes filled with tears when his scent hit you, your head on his chest. ‘’ Let’s stay like this for a moment, please’’ you didn’t want him to see you like that.
The smile dancing on his lips broke you inside one more time, he looked so innocent in front of you, not knowing, almost like a child.
‘’You know babe, tonight there’s a shower of shooting stars let’s watch it’’ Yixing told him, even if he never met the Chinese wizard in real like they met on FaceTime, your friend was crazy when Baekhyun, once mentioned you had someone.
You simply nodded, even of shooting stars couldn’t help you this time.
The time moved so fast as if it was teasing you, your eyes never left Kyungsoo, too afraid to forgot him or to miss a beauty mark or the way his eyes were when he was smiling, looking at you.
Looking at him was the hardest thing you had ever done that night, you were giving up on him and you couldn’t say anything.
The view from the balcony of your appartement was incredible but the only thing you watched was him not the stars traveling the dark sky.
Even the moon seems ridiculous next to him, his glasses sat on his nose and his hair was a bit longer, his fringe hitting the frame of the glasses softly.
He turned his head to look at you, his hand caressed your cheek and his lips collided on yours, his kiss was full of passion, slow. Time stopped when his lips met yours, and you felt his heart pounded underneath your hand.
His heart was beating ..
‘’ .. I love you’’ His eyes were still closed and his lips still so closed to yours, and his thumb caressing your face.
Once again his lips crashed on yours, more intense this time. Yours hands holding the material of his jumper. ‘’Don’t ever forget about me’’ you whisper. His fingers slipped under the coton of your shirt, he pulled you even closer to him, as if no one else in the world existed. ‘’Never’’ you knew his answer was a lie but you needed it.
The time actually stopped at that moment the last time he made love to you, the stars and clouds were not moving and no sounds were heard, a spell to stop time was dangerous and only a powerful witch could to do but at the time it was your last priority.
It was the softest Kyungsoo ever showed you the way he loved you, he was taking his time with you that night as if he knew it was surely the last time. Looking at you his eyes were full of stars and his hands felt like velvet on your skin.
That night you refused to fall asleep, your head stayed on his chest listening to his heartbeat, his words playing over and over in your head, the way he confessed on that night was the hardest to accepted to you.
I’m sorry cousin,
I tried to give a little bit more with him.
He make you happy I know.
You left your bed after reading the text to finally cried yourself to sleep in your bathroom, your hand on your mouth trying to muffled the sound.
The floor was freezing when you woke up, everything felt freezing in your house, in your body. Once you remembered, tears were running your cheeks and this time you didn’t shut yourself and screamed in agony.
He was gone.
He was gone and you were alone.
The first week was the hardest, you didn’t left your room and the last piece of him that was the shirt you wore that night.
The tissue did not smelled like him anymore.
Every day, every hour you were waiting for him to open your door arms full of bags from the grocery store ready to cook you something.
Chanyeol, yours aunts, Yixing, everyone tried to contact you, but you never answered them.
Every night Chanyeol wait for you to sleep and came, he was feeling guilty and you were his best friend. Every night he did the same, he tucked you and stroked your hair. Hoping one day you would be able to find peace with yourself, but that wasn’t the only thing on his plan !
You sat at your kitchen bar, you computer in front of you but all you did was staring at your window, your chin resting in your left hand.
You didn’t even watch Chanyeol sitting right in front of you searching something in one of his books. ‘’Cousin, aren’t you suppose to do mails stuff ?’’
‘’Chanyeol, aren’t you suppose to do king of hell stuffs?’’ Your sarcasm did in fact burn like hell !
‘’You know I became the king of underworld, so you selfishly could stay on earth and do selfish human things as the bratty witch you are’’
Why was Chanyeol even here at this point ? He wasn’t wrong, to be honest. All you did for the last few days was crying, sleeping, and being a brat to everyone who tried to help you what so ever.
‘’Cousin, life have so much to offer’’
‘’Fake, life sucks and I feel so done with it’’ He sighed loudly, feeling done with you.
Ignoring yours friends, cousin, aunts was purely selfish and you knew it but at this point you clearly didn’t give a damn .. but at the same time it was your fault and only your fault, if you didn’t use this spell, just to shut people and their needs to talk about your life.
It’s been 3 weeks, the first been the miserable one, the two second mark the start of the ‘new you’.
You were purely self-destructive at this point, losing Kyungsoo hurt you but what you did to yourself was worst. Invoking sex demons, trying spell to not feel anything, everything was good to ‘make you forget’.
‘’You know Sehun, fuck Satan and all that witchy shit’’
You were clearly drunk, and Sehun knew he shouldn’t give you anymore drinks but his pub had the best reputation with the witch population of Seoul, you lost the count of drinks you already drank.
‘’ You probably should go at home and sleep Y/N, I dont need the king of Hell to come and kill me’’
‘’Chanyeol ? He can kiss my ass ! Y’all can kiss my ass’’ your drunk behavior wasn’t a pretty sight.
After that Sehun didn’t understand a word you said, you were half crying, half mumbling. Poor bartender did not has the choice but to call Chanyeol to have an explanation and to get you back at your apartment.
‘’ Y/N you can’t live your life off ‘not feeling anything’ spells’’
Cold water woke you up, you stood in you shower fully clothed and your cousin holding the shower head.
‘’Why the hell are you doin’ that ?’’
‘’You asshole, needed a wake up call’’
Chanyeol was tired of seeing you being a danger to yourself, and decided enough was enough.
The heavy weight on your shoulders dropped suddenly and you body followed dropping in your cousin’s arms. ‘’ I just miss him so much Yeol’’
He watched tears rolling on your cheeks, not saying anything but his hand caressing your back.
Even if lives are connected Chanyeol couldn’t guarantee Kyungsoo’s comeback, your two souls might be connected since the beginning but the way they forced Kyungsoo into his human form couldn’t guarantee anything about their futur or life together. But he couldn’t tell you all that, like he couldn’t say he was following the man everyday.
And that you left your mark on him, he was now a wizard.
‘’ I’m here Y/N you can sleep’’
He laid you down on your bed, caressing your hair and projecting dreams in your head to give you a break, Chanyeol was the king of Hell, but he was hurt seeing his best friend and cousin living like that, he was ready to fight anyone so you could be happy again and to see you eyes full of stars just like when you were looking at Kyungsoo.
Chanyeol always knew that Kyungsoo’s heart was beating he felt it the first time he met him. And right after that he started his search about the man.
After that night you practically lived in the academy, teaching younger witches just like your aunts wanted. Reading books to perfect your magic. ‘’You know since you came to the academy everything seems simpler’’ Said your colleague Jongdae ‘’ Kids seems to like having one of the most powerful witch of the century teaching them stuffs’’ You nodded.
‘’Sorry Jongdae but I’m taking my cousin out for lunch’’
Chanyeol took you to Chinatown, celebrating one of his friend opening his own restaurant .. who were you to say no to free food ?
Lunch was nice, a private room for the two of you and all the best food on the menu. ‘’So the academy ?’’
‘’It’s good, kids are funny .. Yeol did you .. like killed someone for this guy ?’’
He laughed a bit too much ‘’ Not, it’s a guy a met not long ago and we became friends .. he is like us ‘magic’ he’ll come to see us’’
You nodded, finishing you plate and drinking a bit of the Chinese whisky that was left in your cup.
Chanyeol left you to go the to toilet, what type of cousin is he ? He need to go to the toilet when his friend was supposed to met the two of you ? Asshole !
The door opened and your phone vibrated at the same time a text from you cousin, why was he sending you a text when coming back in the private room ?
I find him for you ..
Who did he find for you ?
‘’Chanyeol ?’’ You knew the voice, you once again felt the time stop when you turned around finding .. Do Kyungsoo in a chef attire.
Do Kyungsoo was the friend of Chanyeol, the one he wanted you to meet ..
‘’You are ?’’ Right he forgot about you. ‘’Oh yeah you’re Y/N .. Chanyeol told me a lot about you and you’re like the most powerful in our coven’’
A single tear rolled onto your cheek, you find him .. he was in front of you.
You finally find him, thanks to Chanyeol.
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breakneckpeixe · 3 years
For the soulmate au! :3
Darrix: Titan, Void/Arc!
Corinth: Hunter, Solar
Shatter: Warlock, Void
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Darrix knew the dream was coming. The Techeuns They’d rescued warned him that the  assignation was at hand. And how could they doubt it? Who better to sense the upcoming dream than those born in the Dreaming City?
Still, They were surprised that it was a woman. 
In the dream, Darrix is wandering the Hall of the Exalted, following the almost bird-like whistling of a tune, a lilting rise and fall of marching notes, coaxing him deeper and deeper into the Lost Sector.
The Hive there notice their approach, but part for him to pass. Hive Knights lower their Splinters, Thralls sheath their claws. At one point, A Wizard drew close to the Guardian, but only to anoint their brow with something bitter and acidic.
In the heart of the hive, they find her. A female Exo with armor the color of bone, and the bluest, truest eyes Darrix has ever seen. 
She stops in her song, and smiles at them with a charmingly crooker grin. Smoothing down the front of her tattered dress, she motions for them to sit with her.
And the uncertainty falls away from Darrix, the timidity cast to the ground like shrugged off chains. They hurry to the Exos side, and she offers a hand to help them onto the little ledge shes’ seated on.
She apologizes for keeping them waiting. And Darrix only stutters a bit as he promises the exo she is worth waiting for.  She regards him with that smile, that twisted little razors edge that calls to Darrix like a high wire.
They talk. Darrix regaling the exo with the most recent runes they translated, and their soulmate doesn’t yawn, or look irriated. She revels in their interest, delighting in the lilting little details that Darrix presents to her like glittering treasures. When The Titan finally catches their breath, she takes a turn to speak. About her plans. Her dreams. Her family, and how she isn’t sure who she’ll be apart from them. Her uncertainty pierces their heart, fills them with a tangible ache.
It is without thinkin that they reach across the small space between them, and Darrix takes the exo’s hand in theirs.
And somewhere far away, a Witch Queen dreams of the Acolyte that has been visiting her. They are a strange creature, unyeildy in the way of all Acolytes so close to shedding their weakness and becoming a Knight. The power within straining at the smaller hives chitin, forming cracks and bulges here and there that she worries over, and traces with the tip of a claw.
The Acolyte is shy. And Savathun is delighted in such an oddity. There is no disappointment in her lower ranking soulmate. She can see at a glance that when this one goes through their metamorphiss, the Knight they become will be an eater of Worlds. A worthy consort, with a hunger great enough to devour even her worm.
She coaxes the Acolyte close, and they croon to her about books, and tomes, and Savathun wonders to herself if her companion might not change into a Wizard, instead. Something powerful and defiant, like her dear nephew Nokris. 
At one point, the shy little Acolyte reaches for her hand, for the fingers that unweave truths, and tangle eternities into knots, and she allows those small, clawed fingers to grip her own, and she finds a near-perfect contentment.
Tomorrow, she will speak with the Guardian. And once she is free of her Worm, she’ll began scouring the Universe for her shy little acolyte. Her seed of Destruction.
She’ll known them by those smouldering, golden eyes. 
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blackwaxidol · 3 years
categorically, the Dramaturgy's Deathsongs—
"Elegy of Withering"
Ru'thûn's personal Song, of which she relays to her victims in the slow stalking of prey as is custom of a Darkblade. it immobilises, it cripples, it is an infernal, rotting cadence echoed hauntingly by the grinding of ancient blades against stone floors, like the slow sharpening of an executioner's ax upon a whetstone.
Ru'thûn is ancient, her Deathsong first practiced when she was a subjugated half-shape decaying in the sunless depths of the Sea of Screams. it was her first weapon, and it is a part of her so intrinsic not by the willful reshaping of her larynx but by the manner in which it embodies her so deeply that perhaps it even hides her death, to an extent.
when the first notes reach you, wrap their claws around you, you are struck by a terrible paranoia, a primitive fear of the unknown... you are held by the crushing pressure of an ocean, the unpleasant squeezing of your ribcage. when she draws near, her slow crooning grows more frenzied, growing to a fever-pitch captivated and spurred by pure bloodlust. her blades strike the ground next to you in quick succession, and the interval between blows lessens... perhaps then, you will realise, that your luck was manufactured, her near-misses intentional, a deliberate ploy to add your growing fear to the choir of a thousand dying lungs that whisper between the notes...
"Requiem of Unbinding"
a Song woven together by a full Choir, weaponised to grant ingress into other Throne Worlds. an eerie, reverberant hymn composed of harmonious rounds that lend a maddening, endless quality to the Song.
a sharp, puncturing lance of sorts, it cuts away the Ascendant Plane like piercing the thin membrane beneath an eggshell and letting the yolk slowly drool out...
overhearing it prompts a creeping, unpleasant sense of thick clotting within the sternal blood vessels. excruciating pain that spreads outwards from the core of your chest, like the muscle strands are being slowly pulled apart cell-by-cell.
"Chant of Suppuration"
a sibling-song of the Requiem of Unbinding, perfected by Ru'thûn for schemes of ruination as inspired by Crota [by Her will]—to puncture the Throne World, and bring forth from such wounds the might of the Vex, subjugated and compromised to the very radiozoan core by the viral notes of Ru'thûn's commanding tongue.
performed in tandem with the precision of a needle by the teeth of Ru'thûn's twin blades, she moves and twirls with a speed that belies the mass of her heavy armour as the macabre flurry of soulfire and Darkness energy bleeds and spreads in a dense, coiling vapour. as the song progresses, her voice grows enumerous, and harmonises with a mechanical cadence that could come only from the machines she has called forth...
the Chant is not meant to be heard for the benefit of one's death, it has little effect on meat-things like humans and their starflung cousins. Exo, however, find themselves strangely compelled by the sharp, almost synthetic tones.
"Lament of the Unseen"
a funerary dirge woven by Mazôkar, Hand of Death, Hallowed Celebrant of the Unseen Sister, Master of Ceremonies...
a small, mournful heresy, it binds the permanence of a final death and weaves the last gasp of one's soulfire into a refined obol for the afterlife.
whilst every Guardian-known Deathsong has been performed by a Wizard, the Lament is traditionally a choral hymn performed by Knights and Celebrants.
the Lament is not a Light-draining melody by itself, but it does have a dampening effect on both the senses and one's willingness to call upon such power. it is a neurotoxic sedative, a poison of the kindest potency. interlopers, secretive listeners, to such a venerated hymn often feel a sense of being watched.
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content creator 2020 in review  ♡ ♡ ♡
the first thing that i am gonna say right now that i love you as much as i can for all your support i have received here. i’ve never thought that i can do something aesthetic & cool but also be appreciated because of that. it was such a great discovery to find myself through both amazing content and style that i’ve found here in every page of yours. i need to be more grateful to finally understand i can do smth that can make my heart trembling. thank you 4 this 2020 year on tumblr!
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the second thing i am gonna say that i’ve been tagged by an amazing @bbyunz ~
the tribute for my lovely and the best productive content creators that i’m gonna find so inspiring & talented: @bbyunz ; @kaibility  ; @sefuns ; @delhyun ; @yixing-zhang ♡ ♡ ♡
my friends that make me smile from time to time: @ladyyblue ; @changshapatrol ; @taiteaaa ♡ ♡ ♡
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the third thing i am gonna say that every person i’ve met here is so wonderful so i can say that i am proud of ppl i follow because they are growing every day ~
i wanna be a friend to all of you so i am open for requests haha ~
the thing i do regret: i’ve forgot about the challenge “13 songs tag!” i’ve been tagged by my muse @hanguangjunmyeon. i will do that next year!!!  ♡ ♡ ♡
the favorite person of 2020: Baekhyun  ♡ ♡ ♡
the favorite season of 2020: autumn  ♡ ♡ ♡
the favorite color of 2020: black & brown ♡ ♡ ♡
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1/ first creation and most recent creation of 2020: the recent one was a gift for my @changshapatrol: “exploring mountains in Russia with Oh Sehun”. i was so happy to see her shining because of my simple work. the first ones were exo edits with my ex-friends
2\ one of your favorite creations from 2020: i like living moodboards i’ve done as illustrations for my thoughts and feelings. my lovely one is “‘autumn in cotton’ series”. he looks here like a fluffy bear. “‘the letter is a matter’ series” are priceless. i’ve tried to write some concepts to the moodboards
3/ a new style you tried this year and a gifset/fic that uses it: i’ve tried to edit some pics of IU and make them living with some effects as a new content “PRINCESS IU x ELLEMEN -- AUTUMN EDITS -- RED AND BLUE” & “BUYN BAEKHYUNHARPER’S BAZAAR OCTOBER 2020 ISSUE” actually i love the result. i’ve tried also to do living moodboards & gifs because of your delightful gif content. it was such a fun! i am gonna try to be better in that kind of content! i promise!!! 
4\ a creation that took you forever: i’ve done some mv gif staff like “EXO - POWER MV (2017)” & “EXO SC - TELEPHONE (2020) WEIRD AND COLORFUL GIFS BY ME!” as a challenge for myself. it took me a year to do it but no one think it is a good content *crying in Russian & English at the same time*
5/ a creation you think deserved more notes: i think Baek & Hogwarts like in my post "BYUN BAEKHYUN AS A SLYTHERIN'S STUDENT DRACO MALFOY AUTUMN SEASON PART 1” deserve to be appreciated by creators as the main theme of Exo Wizarding World. i am not talking about my content but the idea of it. i wanna see lots of Slytherin’s staff & exo planet
6\ a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: exo liker but i love other fandoms as bts, got7 & other ones but i do not just create for them. the content that i’ve done for blackpink and nct fandoms as moodboards & gifs was great too. my favorite ones are “Providentia“ ; “ice cream & honey for my best bunny”
7/ a creation you made that breaks your heart: i love this concept “’cake is a fake’ series” doing cakes with Chanyeol. i also choose “BAEKHYUN : ICE QUEEN” as a dreamy moodboard for wintertime miracles
8\ a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: post “Sehun is my moon” because it is so simple and looks like a pink puzzle 
9/ a creation that was inspired by another one: i love the color choice in “Chen -- Dark Academia series” because i’ve put a soul in it. the real inspiring post was about “Dark academia x Irene” by @changshapatrol 
10\ a favorite creation created by someone else: i choose lots of them. “Capa "Tiger Inside" | D & F: @_ladyblue para EXOTOWN PROJECT” ; “jongdae’s bday ♡ d-12″ by my favorite content creators @ladyyblue & @delhyun. an amazing color choice here with edits “baekhyun - lined magazine” by @1oveyeol. ”SuperM — Tiger Inside” is so great and made by @freckle-lucas. “seventeen songs ⇢ moving movie posters (1/?)” by @mngys has broke my heart
11/ some of your favorite content creators from the year: i can not choose every person but i mean it so you are unique and loved by me if i follow you here
@juniwinkle @sefuns @delhyun @taiteaaa @tiatia @changshapatrol @ladyyblue @yixing-zhang @agehaflower @exo-stentialism @soyums @bbyunz @happybbh @j-pping @heoseoksgf @kaibility @1oveyeol @mngys @freckle-lucas @pupchanyeol @fckbbh​ & all ppl who wanna participate in it
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happy new year and very merry holidays on tumblr!!!  ♡ ♡ ♡
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