incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
AA: kids, have y0u applied the minty paste t0 the exp0sed part 0f y0ur skelet0n? yes? well n0w its time t0 g0 lie in a dark r00m f0r h0urs 0u0
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axverelalol · 2 years
Bowser x Fem!!1! Reader Chapter 3
sorry for not writing i got kinda lazy and forgot about it, and due to school and stress and other shit but anyway i’ll start writing more and just suggest any x readers thanks! (also i kinda forgot the story line tho i do have the last chapter under this one aka in my notes app where im writing at so it may or may not make sense at first) btw heres something if u dont know it already but ok 
N/N = Nickname
F/C = Favorite Color 
F/V = Favorite Vehicle
D/C = Dress Color
H/C = Hair Color
E/C = Eye Color
V/C = Vehicle Color
yeah im not gonna continue cause yk laziness
WARNING ⚠️ - chapter Cursing, Blood, Betrayal
                                             Y/N POV
its been a hour since the.. yk- i’ve walked around still looking for  roma since he was up to….Something. and im still scared knowing about the so called ‘Wine’ after that you reached roma near a room then.. “ROMA!? ROMA WAIT-“ and with that said, roma left. i questioned why he always ignores me…
maybe its because i left for 4 years?
maybe its because i ignored him when he tried to talk to me?
Maybe its because i left the mansion?
maybe its because i never said goodbye…?
maybe its because….i dont know…..  i arrived to where roma was and there was a note on the door saying…
Hey N/N! Sorry for yk- But moving on! this is where you’ll find the F/C Dress At! And theres…. Other..things you might just need…THO IM NOT SUPPOSED TO DO IT BUT ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! tho we may never see each other again..But lets save the goodbyes for later! But anyways stay save N/N! who knows what else lies..ahead! 
       Love Roma~ 
Huh…what does he mean by… “We May Never See Each Other Again…?” i was very confused but i walked in the room seeing a F/C Dress with Red Pearls On The Top and The Dress Itself Had Sharp Pearls That looked like…teeth? idk.. then i saw my name on it “N/N”… Huh..? whatever 
                         After putting on the dress
wait..How does Roma know my dress si- Oh, right i told him  before prom night for me since he was gonna surprise me…i miss him alot- but anyways i walk out the room almost tripping on those goth punk metal Black and white boots with spikes(or pearl spikes if you know what it is-) you get near a door with spikes and spiked pearls on the door saying ‘N/N’s R00m’  “Huh..?” you shrugged it off then walked in and saw who you thought you would never see again….”FELIX?!??!11!?”
“Long time no see! Y/N…..” suddenly everything went black…
did Felix just..
betrayed you..?
                                              FELIX POV
i hated betraying people, especially if its...Y/N..but hey? she deserved it! b!tch left without saying goodbye. and said one time she’ll come back and its been 17 years…pathetic. finally i dragged her to her bed in my Yk, human form… Y/N Slowly opened her eyes so i had to leave quickly in my Yk form.
(Small pov ikik im not good at them if it isnt Y/N’s Pov)
                                             Y/N POV
I Woke up in..My room?- i dont know anymore. i got up and looked around, the carpet was blood pink (or whatever color it is?) and the walls were pinkish blood red (stop dont bully me i dont know my damn colors just pretend i meant theres blood on the walls and carpet and whatever else im gonna put) i saw a broken mirror with hello kitty case around it..they knew my favorite Sanrio character..? (if u dont like hello kitty then pretend its someone else like Melody or Cinnominroll or Kuromi or whatever) i looked into the mirror and i saw..a whole different version of me..dark hair, red eyes, and horns (like tords but longer aka eddsworld character i simp for but ANYWAY-) … what happened to me..? and there was blood on the side of my face then…i felt a sharp pain in my back..and blood came out my mouth and everything darkened….no..i cant..die..Mario.. Peach..Rose…Daisy.. Luigi…? am i.. dying….? then everything went black..
Short chapter, yeah get used to it im lazy. this isnt even a x reader anymore this is just death itself 😭
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b3nny h3ad cann0ns cuz iv3 watch3d th3 l3go m0vi3 5 tim3s in a r0w xD
-has gl0w in th3 dark star 
stick3rs all 0v3r his r00m!!! (h3 jus lik3 m3 fr xD)
-has a stick3r c0ll3cti0n x3
-mak3s scrapb00ks with unikitty!!! :D
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bisexualbeetlejuice · 5 years
Hey!! I read your fic (it’s great so far btw) but what headcannons do you have for Beetlejuice’s “childhood”? Or just about Juno I’m not picky
hey! thank you so much! 
every bj fic writer seems to have their own idea of what it means to be a born-dead; personally, I think he was a child at some point, and that once he was fully-grown, that’s how he remains unless he becomes human. 
my hc’s are under the cut! this ended up more as a bio of his life instead of a list of hc’s lmao
his dad never even knew juno could have a child. he left their relationship after one too many instances of juno’s treatment, the whiplash of emotional switching between kind and cruel, and never looked back. within my ‘verse, the netherworld is a mirror of our world, so in this case, he moves far, far away from her, intet on never seeing or hearing about her again. 
she finds out she’s with child weeks after he leaves. she doesn’t tell him.
as for bj’s childhood, it’s the definition of a trauma conga line. juno never directly hurt him, in terms of physicality, but it was a mix of emotional neglect and abuse. she never wanted a child, especially with the one man who’d managed to completely leave her, and once bj was born, that didn’t change anything. she viewed him as something all she had to do was keep alive, i.e feeding him and clothing him, but leaving everything else up in the air. 
I’m a fan of the “it takes a village” trope, and I think that there were at least a few entities who saw her treatment, or lack thereof, of bj and tried to step in. nothing major, as juno’s the head of all of them, but trying to be extra nice to bj and say a few kind words here and there. they might pop up in a future fic!
anywho, he grows as a kid, and is exceedingly bad at talking with the few kids the netherworld has. they’re weirded out by him, both as a born-dead and by his extreme personality. he comes on too strong with everyone in an attempt to show that he can be their friend, and it’s off-putting. everyone is generally creeped out by him. he’s a product of his upbringing; he’s rash, loud, and intensely emotional. no one really knows what to do with him. since he was born dead, he can’t relate to anyone else. born-deads, in my ‘verse, are rare to the point of nonexistence. bj was a fascinating case that no one thought could ever happen. 
there is an education system in the netherworld, which is where teachers go to if they die on the job. because of this, there aren’t many elementary school teachers, and bj isn’t really the brightest bulb in the box, academically speaking. later in life, he tries to fix this via living world education, but it’s hard, y’know? but he does learn how to read/write/do math, even if he’s slow at it. 
juno’s frustrated with him, seemingly all the time. he isn’t smart enough, isn’t good enough, for her, and she tries to be around him for the least amount of time she can be. 
[she has nights where she remembers her own mother, and how she treated her the way juno treats bj. she doesn’t like to think about that, which is where the alcohol abuse comes in.]
as he grew older, juno would inevitably realize the power he has, and she decided to try to play the mom game with him, if only to get him on her side. bj, the definition of heart on his sleeve, immediately took to her and did anything he could to get her to laugh/smile. he’s an extreme people-pleaser, which was only amplified by the knowledge that, if he tried hard enough, maybe his mom would smile at him.
juno uses this for a long time, possibly centuries. she keeps him under a tight leash, and fucks him up pretty bad emotionally. when he does something that she wants, she’ll smile at him, maybe compliment him, but the second he goes against what she wants, it’s the silent treatment. she’ll cut him off, refuse to talk to him until she needs him again, and at that point he’s so desperate for affection he’d do anything to get her to be nice with him again.
they’re something of a “dream team” duo to everyone else in the netherworld. juno’s drive/goals are nearly impossible to fail when bj’s abilities are in the mix, and for centuries, they’re unstoppable. they’re on top of the world, so to speak, even while all of this shit is going on between them.
like many others who grew up in situations like this, he never really realized that this wasn’t how people, living, dead, or other, are supposed to grow up until he sees otherwise. sometime around the mid-1800s, he ends up in the living world on a mission for his mom and sees a family. he lurks around for a few weeks, watching as the kids interact with their family, and he’s just confused at what he’s seeing.
going back to the netherworld, he asks around and, yeah, that’s what most people’s families were like. he,,, doesn’t know what to do with this information. tl;dr he goes to juno, and when he tries to talk to her she starts shutting him out again, and in a fit of rage, he quits. he tells her that he isn’t working with her anymore, and if it isn’t a professional matter, he doesn’t want to speak with her again. he goes solo as a bio-exorcist, and for a bit, he’s doing well.
one bad day, after an even worse week, he’s called to juno’s office. she’s nice to him, knowing that she needs to be kind if she wants him back, and he crumbles. it ends up as a vicious cycle where they’ll be back together, then he’ll quit, and once something bad happens, he crawls back to her because she’s all that he has.
after a particularly bad experience with juno, she “banishes” him to the living world, something she did whenever she couldn’t deal with him. during this solo period, he finds the maitlands. he hears them talk about how they’d raise their child, how they’ll do their best, and he falls for it all. once they die, the rest is history, so to speak.
when lydia comes along, he realizes that he doesn’t have to be alone. he has a friend now, and hey, she likes him! they’re best friends; she laughs at his jokes and treats him nicely and gives him nicknames and -
yeah. when she gets serious about finding her mom, his emotions take the best of him. he’s angry and thinks that she’s just like juno, like everyone else who saw his abilities and used them, only acting nice to get him to do what they wanted, and goes off the edge. 
the marriage is his finale ultimato, his worst-case scenario, but he needs to use it. he needs to get away from the netherworld once and for all, needs to get away from everyone and just be himself. he’s tells himself he’s perfectly fine with being alone once he’s alive, but the maitlands and deetz’s playing with his emotions ends up convincing him to stay. of course, he’s killed right after.
juno taunting him about it all is the last straw for him, hence the sandworm. 
I’d love to write this out as a story in the future, but my current goals for this ‘verse are a sequel to take me where my soul can run and, possibly, a story of bj finally meeting his dad.
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hivemindomega · 5 years
Another void cult au question: what exactly are they going to do to ghost to “purify” them from PK’s influence? (Tbh feel really bad for ghost, eldritch horror just wants to take a nap and a foreign cult ends up kidnapping them))
Good question!
They are erasing Little Ghost’s identity from the Shade Lord to reduce them to a merely elemental nature. :)
I guess it’s not very obvious from the sketches, but the blue chains are meant to be more than actual chains- they’re more like brainwashing and mind control devices in the form of physical restraints.The Shade Lord (as well as partial void entities like vessels) is too powerful for the chains to have any effect on them other than just keep them chained. By erasing the source of their willpower -their identity, the Ghost of Hallownest- the cultists hope to contain their God from turning against them.
(This does not end well for the cult, but more on that later.)
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hermittoy · 5 years
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mcmansionhell · 7 years
50 States of McMansion Hell: Boone County, Indiana
Hello Friends! If you, like me, are currently enrolled in higher education, I’m sure you are probably in what is known as academic hell, AKA the last few weeks of April. I hope that this post cheers you up as you are undoubtedly procrastinating doing something extremely important and also time-sensitive because you are so physically exhausted that you have entered a state of nihilism you did not think possible until this very moment. 
But hey, it could be worse - you could be this:
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This house, built in 2000, boasts a whopping 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms - which can be yours for the low price of $1.1 million dollars. Onward!
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This is an A) really cramped and B) really confusing cathedral of wasted space. I know that architectural symbolism tells me that I go out of the door with the bits of mass-produced art glass around it, but what if I’m feeling defiant? What will I walk into? (It’s probably coats.)
gr8 r00m
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I know there’s no such thing as absolute proportions, but Blondel was kind of right when he said that letting up on the rules would invite architectural chaos. It just took like, a few centuries. 
not so gr8 room
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I knew a lot of people growing up who were not allowed to eat Thin Mints because god forbid they get a little chubby when they went to college - oh how then will they ever seduce a wealthy doctor/lawyer/financier to marry them only to buy a huge house and get divorced ten years later? Ah, the cyclical family traditions of the Southern Nouveau Riche™~
Dining Room
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“Mom, I’m not taking your dumb china. Bryce and I are moving into a tiny house.” 
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What do you mean Rem Koolhaas didn’t write Junkspace about kitchen end cabinet displays? (I’m real into Rem jokes these days. Must be the season.)
Master Bedroom
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OK, I spelled gingham correctly this time do not yell at me in emails anymore. Also, don’t yell at me in emails about dumb B- political jokes because I mercilessly laugh at said emails with my friends over drinks. Mercilessly. 
Master Bath
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woo, I’m on a roll also those lights are in fact upside down
Bedroom 2
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Ah, it’s always fun times when McMansion Hell and Actual Hell converge.
Bedroom 3
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yeah, this was a little dark. Also can we all lol @ the idea that adult coloring books are supposed to be zen and chill but in reality you end up spending an hour meticulously planning your color scheme and fretting over coloring tiny repetitive bits the wrong color???? Or is this just me?
Bedroom 4
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The saddest thing ever is people telling boys they’re not allowed to feel. The other saddest thing ever is this room. 
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god it really is exam season if the jokes are this dark. Almost as dark as that brown carpet.
Rec Room
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team booze kitchen
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(resists urge to make PBS funding joke because it kills me inside)
Finally, our favorite part:
Rear Exterior
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Ah my fun new article for [clickbait]: You and your siblings reimagined as bay window layouts on a garbage tract home (Number 3 is sooo true!)
Well, friends that does it for this particularly cruel iteration of the 50 States! Stay tuned next week for an Iowan McMansion, and for Sunday where I don’t get distracted by chocolate this time and post about dead guys who argue about architecture. Have a great rest of your week!
If you like this post, and want to see more like it, consider supporting me on Patreon! Not into small donations and sick bonus content? Check out the McMansion Hell Store - 100% goes to charity.
This month, McMansion Hell donated $100 to DoCoMoMo US, to help aid in the fight to preserve important icons of Modernist architecture. 
Copyright Disclaimer: All photographs in this post are from real estate aggregate Zillow.com and are used in this post for the purposes of education, satire, and parody, consistent with 17 USC §107. Manipulated photos are considered derivative work and are Copyright © 2017 McMansion Hell. Please email [email protected] before using these images on another site. (am v chill about this)
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j0gger-blog · 8 years
sleep, reverie
sleep: what is the most comforting thing at night time for you?
reverie: think of somewhere otherworldly u wish to be within, what is it like there?
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hivemindomega · 5 years
Your void cult AU? amazing. Did you think that Hornet or the Pure Vessel was going to save/free ghost?
That would be the idea, yes!The AU was originally my personal theory on how the ‘Hornet DLC’ might go. Thus the whole idea was that she would’ve had to heal an increasingly more void-consumed and alien Hallownest, and eventually descend into the depths of the Abyss sea to find it’s source.With THK as her sidekick, of course.
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