northern-passage · 1 year
Hey could you gimme a uh... "dressed" from the 𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 & 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 prompt list... perhaps with an injured Lea?? Or "lean" would also be lovely 💜💜 Thank you you're amazing!!
"Can you stand?"
"Yeah… just give me a minute."
Lea ignores you as you hover over them. They have their eyes closed and their head bowed, taking a few deep breaths as they slowly push themselves onto their hands and knees.
You crouch down in front of them, and they open their eyes just to give you a look.
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine."
"I said just give me a minute."
You purse your lips as Lea slowly eases back to sit on their heels. They grab at their side, suddenly hunching forward a bit as their face contorts in pain.
"Lea," you move closer, put your hand on their arm to keep them from toppling back over.
You can tell they're hurt bad when they don't push you away.
"Give me a minute," they say again through gritted teeth.
Your hand tightens around their arm, and they bow their head again, but you can see how pale they're getting, their dark eyes losing focus, and you can feel their weight shift as they start leaning into you.
"Okay," you huff, dropping to your knees to catch them and stop you both from falling over into the snow.
You sit for a minute, Lea struggling to stay conscious, and you quickly look over them - and you're only more concerned when you can't see any obvious injury.
"Come on, Lea," you say, lifting their arm up and wrapping it around your shoulders before looping your own arm around their waist. You brace yourself before standing, grunting under their weight and wobbling a bit from your own injuries.
Lea's arm tightens around you, and their head rolls to the side as they peer into your hood.
"Sorry," they mumble.
You don't respond, too preoccupied with putting one foot in front of the other and making sure neither of you collapse.
Thankfully, the horses aren't far, and you whistle loud through the trees, calling both of them over, trotting through the snow and peering at you curiously.
You approach Gambit cautiously, though with Lea's arm slung over your shoulders he doesn't try to bite at you, and you're able to get to Lea's potion belt before he can change his mind. You and Lea both stagger over to the nearest tree, and you do your best to ease them back to the ground, dropping hard onto your knees beside them.
"Which one is it?" you ask, pulling various potions out of their little leather pouches.
Lea feebly points one out for you.
This will keep them together at least until you can get to a surgeon or a healer. You trust their potion more than yourself, especially with what you can only assume is an internal injury.
You sidle up close next to them, roughly taking the back of their head in your hand while you pull the bottle's cork free with your teeth. You lean them back, lift the potion to their lips and help them drink.
Lea splutters a bit, and you pull back, tilting their head forward as they cough painfully.
Your hand stays at the nape of their neck, and you find yourself hesitating to let go, your thumb drawing slow circles through their hair, damp with sweat and snow.
They close their eyes at the touch, their frantic breathing slowing a bit as the potion takes effect, and one of their hands blindly reaches out to grab a fistful of your shirt, white-knuckling as Lea pulls you close.
"Alright?" you ask gently. They open their eyes, and you can still see the pain there, in their furrowed brow, but they nod before tucking their face against your shoulder, their breath hot on your throat.
Your thumb keeps drawing circles.
You set the potion aside, propping the bottle up in the snow before reaching up to wipe at Lea's mouth. Their brow furrows even more as you wipe the spilled potion from their chin, but they don't pull away, just staring at you with those dark eyes.
Your hand shakes slightly from the leftover adrenaline. (That's what you tell yourself, anyways.)
But Lea suddenly lets go of your shirt, sitting up and grabbing at your wrist, their fingers cold and tight as they pull your hand back. They say your name, a low whisper that ghosts over your knuckles - then they let go and slap your other hand off of them, their eyes flashing before they turn away from you and grab at the nearby tree to pull themself up onto their feet.
You let them stand, staying on the ground for a few more seconds as you recork the potion bottle and stow it back in their belt, along with all the others you pulled out. You avoid their gaze as you help them climb up onto Gambit, and neither of you say anything as you start off through the trees and back to town.
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dcvina-claires · 8 months
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i am a tragedy enjoyer before i am human
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mademoisellegush · 9 months
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Shoves this in the gortash tag.
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bigfatbreak · 17 days
Would any of the changeling characters be able to do that trick from mythology where fey can cast illusion spells on leaves to make them look like money and then scam random shopkeepers? I can just see a. fey trying that on Marinette when she's working at the bakery, only for her myriad fey admirers to flip out at the fey who pranked her.
they can definitely do that! unfortunately, fae don't usually make it into the bakery.
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Dressing Gown
United States
Peabody Essex Museum (Object Number: 133939)
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mydaylight · 3 months
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THE GILDED AGE (2022- ) | George and Bertha Russell + art
Couple in the Drawing Room | Carlo Stratta Unknown title | Vladimir Pervuninsky Romeo and Juliet | Frank Dicksee Dance in the Country | Pierre Auguste Renoir Finally Alone | Edoardo Tofano
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cinematic-phosphenes · 6 months
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THE GILDED AGE (2022-) + ART [6/∞]
🌸 Bertha Russell in S1E2 | Mrs Hugh Hammersley (1892) - John Singer Sargent 🌸 Madame Paul Poirson (1885) - John Singer Sargent | Marian Brook in S1E9 🌸 Maud Beaton in S2E2 | Before the Ball (c. 1870s) - Alfred Stevens
Dress inspo found by: @tomcraweley + @whartonists
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lousolversons · 6 months
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Denée Benton as Peggy Scott in S2E07 of THE GILDED AGE
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mulatto-macchiato · 5 months
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Gawd, I love their designs so much! Silly inconspicuous jesters~
Royal Jester AU -> @head-in-the-icloud
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deepmarrow · 11 days
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Spiritual Rebirth v2
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isjasz · 5 months
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[Day 198]
ITS TIME WE FIGURED THINGS OUT Meet (some of) the Gilded Peak kids!! :)
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bartowskis · 8 months
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"I hope you're pleased to see me." "Very. For several reasons."
— BERTHA & GEORGE RUSSELL in The Gilded Age, 2x02, "Some Sort of Trick" (2023)
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nancy-drewdles · 6 months
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THE GILDED AGE (2022 - ) - Bertha and George Russell | 1.03 "Face the Music" - Marian Brook and Larry Russell | 2.08 "In Terms of Winning and Losing"
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ave661 · 6 months
Simon 'Ghost' Riley - "Gilded Reaper" skin
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nailsonblackwomen · 5 months
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elisefrost · 6 months
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Larry Russell & Marian Brook The Gilded Age Season 2
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