ecoterrorist-katara · 3 months
“It’s gross if Katara marries Zuko since he’s her colonizer” she overthrew the last Fire Lord to put Zuko on the throne. If anything the Fire Nation would be worried that he’s Katara’s puppet
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dixieandherbabies · 2 months
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Dixie and her babies.
Here I am! Waiting for all of the attention!!!
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asiansinboots · 5 months
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Is there anything I can do for you Sir ?
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golden-headband · 8 months
Lady Time… and your new helpers.
Fem bodied!Reader x ESAU Wukong and Macaque
AU created by @emelinstriker
Macaque appeared as if he was about to whine like a puppy, looking up at you as you lay on the bed, unmotivated, and without energy. Uncomfortable. And slightly irritated.
“Are you sure you don’t need anything?” You heard Wukong ask gently to your right. You turn your head into his arm. You had assured before that just lying down with them near you was enough to sooth you in this time of… well… being born a female.
After they discussed-many times-how they could help, you came up with a position that both of them could stay by your side and help you. Knowing they liked the closeness and that feeling of helping you even when there wasn’t really much they could do. Macaque could lay on your left side, using his portal- or shadow powers- to bring chocolates to you while Wukong laid on your right with his hand over your tummy. Where your pain was centered on. You knew that period pains were different for everyone. For you? It felt like your bladder was turned into a vortex of dull knives. You knew the remedies were either painkillers first thing in the morning, or just having something to eat. Hot beverages, heat over the pain. That’s what worked for you before. And chocolate. Lots. And Lots. Of Chocolate. Hence why they had caught you making chocolate chip cookies a few days ago. You were the kind that kept a calendar marked for every time so you could ready yourself for that messy week- or in your case the first few days of the more extreme pain. And since then, they had been eager in helping you in your time. Apparently they had gone through enough Master Incarnations that they had familiarized themselves with more remedies than even you had thought of. You were honestly amazed at how attentive they were. You had only been with them for about three weeks. This was your first time being their Master with your menstrual cycle arriving.
You had always been told guys get uncomfortable with the mention of periods, so you were more used to dancing around the topic, but here they were talking about all the remedies like you were coming down with the common cold and they would be there to help you the whole while. It was endearing.
“The warmth is enough I don’t need any pain killers…” You assured them. Feeling Macaque nuzzling into your side. Making you smile, almost laugh. “I’m better than I was this morning, I’m thankful for that.” You reassure them, moving your hand to lazily scratch Macaques head, feeling him leaning into your touch. On your right you could feel Wukong nuzzling into the crook of your neck. It was all so soothing.
“You sure you don’t want to hit us?” the dark simian offered, making your heart sink. And making him lower his head. Right. You always forget they can ‘feel’ your emotions through this whole ‘bond’ thing that made them insistent on serving you. You wondered if they also feeling this period pain. You sure hoped not.
“That won’t make me feel better. If anything it’ll just make me worse.” You reminded Macaque. You cared too much about them to take your anger out on them. “Besides, I’m not all that angry. I’m just uncomfortable. The chocolate helps though… thanks for making another batch of cookies. It really helps.” You turned and he rose up, knowing exactly what you were going to do. Your lips touched his forehead, and he melted. Both of them curled into you. Their soft fur soothed you. And gosh darnit feeling their tails around you filled your heart with butterflies all over again. They stayed close… until you had to get up.
“Are you alright?” Macaque hurriedly asked. You knew they already missed the excuse to cuddle with you.
“I’m fine. I’ll be right back.” You didn't look back at what face Macaque was making or the probably concerned look on Wukongs face.
“Do you need us to do anything? We’ll do it right away!” You heard Macaque try to reassure you as you stood up and almost wobbled-the price to pay for not using your legs for so long-focusing on the specific door.
“I don’t think this is something you can help me do.” “Why not?” It would’ve made your heart sink hearing how distressed he was. Like you were dismissing his abilities, no confidence in him after all he's done. But then you turned, and he saw which direction you were headed.
“I’m just gonna use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” You heard how deadpan your tone was. And seeing their expressions almost made you laugh. But you really did need to go. No matter if you had chocolate, pain killers, or heat… if you needed to go, your pain wouldn’t subside.
You knew as soon as you were done, Wukong and Macaque would be there to be your lil snuggle buddies and take care of you while you ride out this whole period thing. You planned on giving each of them a kiss as thanks for everything they did. But where though? Head? Cheek? Lips? ... eh. All of them. Yep. All of them. You concluded with a smile.
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idanit · 2 months
Dear Jeeves and Wooster fandom, lovely fic writers, my betters in bertieprose. Why are we sleeping on Lady Malcolm’s Servants Ball, held annually in London from 1923 to 1938 specifically for people in domestic service, with a reputation of drawing in queer and gender-nonconforming working-class crowd? A servants' ball where people were, for a time, "allowed" to crossdress and dance with same-sex partners? (Before it drew too much attention and got banned.)
Where are my fics about:
Jeeves moving his day off around so he can attend the ball, crossdress, and/or dance with other men?
Bertie finding out about the ball and asking questions?
Bertie sneaking into the ball pretending to be a servant and crossdressing in order to dance with other men? Perhaps he has been doing this for a few years until the year he hires Jeeves, and that year they accidentally meet at the ball. Perhaps they're both in drag, or only one of them is in drag. Perhaps only one recognises the other, or both of them do (I believe this was a costume, though not necessarily a masked ball). Perhaps Jeeves has to explain that if he has questions, they're not precisely objections, and he only worries that Bertie might be recognised and blackmailed — or perhaps Bertie has to explain that Jeeves is not in any danger of losing his job and Bertie doesn't mind him crossdressing at all. And they dance.
Bertie ordering a fancy bespoke dress for Jeeves so that he can go to the ball? ("Wealthy households would fund their workers to go, with some even loaning them evening dresses." [link 2 - though it probably means dresses for maids]) Bertie getting some jewellery for Jeeves and watching him apply make-up?
Bertie finding out that this is the best ball for servants around and telling Jeeves that he should totally go because he always has to attend the fancy parties as a butler or Bertie's valet, not there to have fun, and Jeeves agreeing because he's very insistent? Perhaps Jeeves is very secretive about the costume he's preparing even though Bertie's dying of curiosity. Perhaps once Jeeves leaves, Bertie starts having all these Very Strange Feelings, and after suffering in the flat for a few hours, he ends up going as well. And then he either can't find Jeeves until Jeeves chooses to reveal himself to him, or he finds Jeeves and almost perishes on the spot. And then, of course, they dance.
or whatever silly plot come on this is so juicy
ADDED: I wrote all this and then I discovered a great Jeeves fic that does make use of the ball, except it's not Jeeves/Wooster, but Wooster/Haddock (which is how it initially escaped my notice). If you don't mind that, go read it and enjoy the queer dancing, the crossdressing, and a delightful version of Jeeves: We Want Haddock.
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baltharino · 2 years
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angelbitezzz · 5 months
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this was meant to be a doodle OOPS lol
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beartes22 · 1 year
all respect to lady danbury and i certainly liked lord ledger and their friendship but fuck off u already gave her an old ugly man to be married with r u trying to give her another older man as a lover? a MARRIED one? When her maid is RIGTH OVER THERE??
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agoraphobic-artist · 1 year
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My next two finished pages in The Bitter Project ૮( • ༝•)ა⁩
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honeycollectswhump · 3 months
Like Blood and Oxygen
CW: mental breakdown, obsessive thought patterns
The chandelier casts a golden light across her bedroom, a candle spreading the sweet smell of vanilla, and it makes Mireille want to vomit. It makes her want to reach into the fire, to take it into her palm and squeeze and choke the light out of it. It makes her want to rip the chandelier down, execute it on the ground, stamp on each jewel until it cracks and shatters beneath her bare feet. 
Instead Mireille paces in front of her mirror, as tall as the ceiling, golden frame like artwork –fucking artwork, it’s fucking art, she is fucking art–, money spent on a horrid shade of gold, more money than her stupid fucking servants will ever have, and
Why care at all. 
Because her stupid fucking nightgown sits horribly on her curves, silky red doing nothing but making her skin crawl and no one will see her anyways it doesn’t matter but it does. For the hundredth time she fumbles with the fabric, draping it on her breasts, flowing over her hips, just long enough to cover what it has to. Maybe instead it should cover her whole like a grieving widow or a burial shroud for all she’s worth. 
She could rip her skin off with her teeth, undress herself to the bone, bare veins and sinew if that would make her be something. Mireille knows what she should look like, she knows, every fiber knows, and yet the gown hides her waist and there is no one to touch her, to see the work of art she has spent her fucking life creating and what worth has art if it isnt being looked at. 
They should be grateful, grateful to lay eyes upon her smooth skin, shining blue eyes, luscious hair, her voice and her body and– 
And yet they don’t. They do, but not really. 
Not. Enough.
It’s not enough, none of it is, but how is that her fault? It’s not. Of course it isn’t.
Mireille has friends, and they love her, they fucking love her. She’s gorgeous and elegant, each movement deliberately poised, it's like second nature, it’s her nature and her job. She leaves kisses like burns and burns like kisses and both leave a mark on the world that will never fade. 
Instead, it will twist and scar, a never healing wound but at least it is a reminder.
Mireille should be at the center of their thoughts, the center of their world, their universe. She should be their star and their sun, granting them warmth and light when she feels like it. They should strive for nothing more than to please her, read her thoughts and treat her right, touch her right and kiss her in worship that comes from the heart. 
She doesn’t need to ask for it, she shouldn’t! If they were the right people, they would know, instinctively. They would know the meanings she so carefully covers in words and jewelry, would read it like the bible, would examine every intention. They would know and they would love her.
Love her like she was created to fit their souls, to fulfill them. Only her closeness is sweet relief, wishful satisfaction. Love her like warmth, like the sun, like blood. Love her like oxygen. 
Love her.
Love her.
Love her.
Taglist: @whumpsday, @2in1whump, @sodacreampuff, @webbo0, @toyybox, @sowhumpshaped, @clickerflight let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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tianalaurence1 · 2 months
HRH Royal Highness The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence visited beautiful British Columbia this past weekend.
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mmag-translations · 1 year
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quotidian-oblivion · 2 months
For the Merlin asks
8, 11, 13!
8. One off character you wish had a bigger part.
11. Random Knights Headcanon.
13. Random Servant Headcanon.
Freya. She's not exactly one-off but I so so desperately wish she played a bigger part.
Magic beautiful water cat woman who guards the gates to death.
She deserves more than just being a mysterious hand who held and caught a sword. And Merlin deserved to have a secret water wife (i also love Freylin <33). Just think of the many possibilities and plots that could have happened. Just- just imagine. This is why i'm depressed.
I told this to @tireddruid in conversation once and put it in one of my fics too, but I believe that after the Lamia incident, Gwaine woke up in the middle of the night after being recovered from what the Lamia did to him and then realized what he had done to Merlin. So he immediately went to Merlin's hut in the village they were staying in and just. starting crying. Silently and hard, beside Merlin's bed, full of remorse because damn it Gwaine's whole concept was that nobility came from the heart, not by blood. And what he did under the Lamia's spell wasn't noble at all.
Besides that, Merlin was his friend. The first person who took him to his home - gave up his own bed - to look after him while he was heavily drunk and barely capable of standing without support and didn't resent or rob him after that. Merlin was kind, caring, loyal and never - never - deserving of that kind of treatment or close to it. He was his first friend. He was why he became a knight. He was why Gwaine risked his neck to protect a noble and a royal. He was why Gwaine enteres the lands of hell. He was why Gwaine jumped into a battle against an undead army. Simply because Merlin asked. Simply because Merlin cared for him without cost when no one else did and wanted him to stay.
Who would want to lose a treasure of a friend like that?
Merlin then woke up 30 minutes later to find the crying mess of a knight and immediately knew that whatever doubts he had been having about the knights since the Lamia was untrue and Gwaine (and later the others too) would never willingly hold him in that regard. They fortunately didn't harm him too much, and it would take a while for Merlin to not flinch every time any of the knights made sudden movements towards him, but he would recover. And he would remember, just why he decided to befriend them.
Agh. I thought about this one. And I don't particularly think much about characters beyond the main ones unless they relate to a plot of mine.
But one thing I assumed (but the show never confirmed) is that Merlin is quite popular among the servants.
I mean, does anyone remember Tyr Stewart? The guy evil!Gwen killed? He was outright threatened with death and his mother too, the poor man was traumatized and scared and anxious. Yet, he opened up to Merlin after some coaxing.
I don't think just anyone would open up to a random stranger, even in a higher power with the potential to end your life (cuz Merlin is tge manservant to the king), and trust them with information regarding yours and your loved one's lives. But he did with Merlin.
And this just proves to me that Merlin is in fact quite popular and friendly with the servants and patients and other commoners. The cook hates him, hey, but none of the other servants snitched on him when he snagged a pastry or dumpling or two. Especially not after Merlin sneaked them a piece ;)
Thank you so much for the asksssssss! I had loads of fun thinking them up :D
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lottievanclaire · 8 months
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The many expressions of Lauren Ambrose / BUILD, 2019
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Finally started reading the apothecary diaries
And everyone in the ascendance of a bookworm fandom that recommended this to me you were completely right I absolutely loved it and for the exact reason so many of you said I would
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applejongho · 8 months
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this is tickling my neurons in all of the right ways I'm screaming
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