augiewrites · 7 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society
summary: y/n receives yet another profession of love under their door—too bad the hallway is always empty when they open the door
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 591
i am back two years and one english degree later to write a fic that no one asked for! now that's what i call self care!
part two
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Winter proved the student body of Welton wrong when they thought the school couldn't get any more dull. The cold can be cruel like that.
Just like the winter stripped the North of all life, Welton stripped it's students of all identity. In a place where boot licking is the norm and conformity is the goal—Y/N's only retreat was the 200 square foot box they called home for ten months of the year. The only place anyone in Welton was allowed to be themself.
That was exactly where Y/N and their roommate—Quinn—found themselves on a particularly cold Sunday morning.
Y/N sighed and looked from their homework over to Quinn, who had yet to get out of bed, "Do you know that guy that's like...scary good at latin? What's his name? Minks?"
"Hmm," Quinn hummed, wrapping the blanket closer to their body, "the ginger kid? Always hanging out with that tall dude?"
"Yeah, him," a pause and yet another sigh from Y/N, "I think I need a tutor if I want to keep an A this semester. I—"
Suddenly an envelope skidded under the door and across the floor. Rapid footsteps followed soon after and Y/N could hear a door slamming further down the wing.
Quinn rolled their eyes, "God. Not another one."
Y/N just shot them a look and picked up the envelope—one of many addressed to them and left unsigned.
"You wouldn't be rolling your eyes if you were the one with a secret admirer."
"You wouldn't be rolling your eyes if you were the one with a secret admirer mehmheh blah," Quinn mocked in a high tone, "Yeah. If they were for me, they'd be romantic. For you? Prepare to be murdered."
"Shut up."
Y/N opened the letter and dove in. Their heart was beating much faster than they would like to admit.
Lovely Y/N,
She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
I couldn't help but think of you when Keating had us reciting Lord Byron's work last week. The sun was so bright for a dreary winter day, and the rays illuminating from the window painted an image of heaven around your silhouette. You looked so lovely, I could barely register Byron's words.
I would happily go toward the light if I knew you were waiting for me within it.
Y/N could feel Quinn's eyes on them as their cheeks burst into a rosy flame.
"He's in my English class."
Quinn gasped, "Finally! We have a lead!"
"Quinn, I really don't want to play detective on this...what if I think it's the wrong person and make a fool of myself? I think I would have to drop out. Die, even."
But Quinn kept rambling on, completely ignoring their roommate's apprehension, "it's too bad I'm not smart enough for AP English—I would for sure be able to catch that creep staring you down. You're so oblivious. He could be telling you all these things to your face and you would doubt that he's into you."
"I'm not that oblivious, Quinn."
"Oh, please," Quinn exclaimed, "you're so romantically challenged! This guy has been right under your nose and you don't have a single clue!"
Y/N scoffed and returned to their homework.
"Whatever you say, Quinn. We're just going to have to wait and see."
a/n: who could it possibly be?? 🤯
part two
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hopelessrromantix · 9 months
Okay, but sandman is SO GOOD. Maybe the reader being good friends with Morpheus and getting secret admirer notes delivered by ravens? And obviously Morpheus has Absolutely no idea who might be writing these letters to his friend. No, the ravens look nothing like *his* ravens. He has no idea what you are talking about.
I AGREE anyway more sandman reqs pls
(reader is personification of Love)
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If you didn’t know Dream of the Endless as well as you did, you would’ve been insulted.
Sending love notes?
To Love?
Usually notes to you were full of empty promises and false feelings. But did he truly think sending a love note would give him any sort of anonymity? You could practically feel the love soaking the page the second the paper touched your hand. And though the letters were only signed “One Who Loves You” you weren’t as oblivious as Dream seemed to think.
In the beautiful, intricate realm that you ruled over, full of your beloved roses and the array of other lovely flowers, a jet black raven stood out. Especially when the people of your realm knew their ruler was friends with an Endless known for his ravens. Plus, they loved gossiping about you and Morpheus.
Echoing footsteps brought your attention down the steps of your throne to the entryway.
“Eros. What news?” You questioned, recognizing the man at the door.
He was one of your most trustworthy cupids and he'd been working with you ever since you created him. He was shorter than you, but obviously very physically strong.
“Ah, well…” He trailed off a bit before he was interrupted by a caw, a pair of black wings entering your throne room. “... he sent another, your majesty.”
“I can see that,” You hummed. You held out your arm, silently giving permission for the bird to land on you and hand over the letter in its mouth. “I take it I still don’t get to know who these are from?” You asked, your tone light.
“Nope. Sorry, uh, your highness.”
You laughed at the bird (it hadn’t even told you it’s name). “Princes are ‘highness’, you mean ‘your majesty’.” You joked, smirking at the alarm that flashed through its eyes.
“Right. Knew that. Sorry, your majesty.”
“Love works just fine, my dear.” You waved off his apology, letting him fly off.
“You’re still playing along, my lord?” Eros questioned, a wide smirk on his freckled face.
You chuckled. “It’s sweet, don’t you think?” You unraveled the tied letter, your eyes scanning the scrawled text. “‘Your features steal the breath from my body and your words the heart from my chest.’ I don’t think even I could write better.” You smiled. Morpheus was not a man you imagined would pour his heart out like this, but in fairness, maybe he really did think you didn’t know.
You could hear Eros mumbling under his breath. “You only think so because you love him… your grace.”
You sighed. Love could drive people mad, you were very good at it. But when you were the one in love, it didn’t seem quite so mad.
“You dislike him?”
“I dislike his pathetic idea that Love themself is not capable of knowing who sends ravens to their doorstep.” You raised a brow at him. “Your eminence.”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t care about the title, Eros.” You huffed, smiling at your second in command. “He’s not pathetic, he’s in love. Love makes everyone just a bit dizzy, hm?”
“You mean love makes everyone pathetic?”
“Love only makes you pathetic if you ignore it. So how about I give Morpheus a push.”
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"Dream Lord." You greeted, nodding as he entered one of the many rooms in your Haven.
You smirked at the formality.
You laid back against the rather dramatic chaise you owned, the blood red color complimenting the robes you wore.
He took a seat on one of the chairs by your legs, the deep color contrasting his pale skin. He looked beautiful.
You swung your legs around, leaning toward him on the seat. "You know, you are my closest friend, Morpheus." You began, dropping the titles.
"A position I hold with pride, Y/n."
He was always charming for a man so cold.
“As such I must confess to you, I’ve been receiving love letters as of late.” You watched him tense slightly, a movement you doubted anyone else would be able to catch.
Your finger met his thigh, tracing whatever patterns came to mind. “Don’t you always?” He questioned.
“These ones are special.” You smirked, your eyes glimmering as you felt the familiar feeling of love in the air. “They’re beautiful. Written by someone who’s fallen in love with me.”
He smirked to himself, “Doesn’t everyone who writes you say the same things?”
You nodded and sighed, letting your cheek rest on his thigh, internally smiling at the way he instantly froze. “They’re never truly in love with me. Just the concept of Love itself. But these letters, whoever writes them truly loves me.”
“And what do you think of them?” His attempt to question you, clearly struggling on where to put one of his hands. You helped him out eventually, grabbing it and holding it in your own.
“I think they’ve insulted me greatly.”
“Insulted you?”
You didn’t miss the worried look in his eye. You could feel how fast his heart beat, how the love persisted, but fear tainted it.
“Yes,” You sighed, allowing the panic to seep in a second longer. Perhaps you were a bit petty that Morpheus didn’t think you were strong enough to sense when someone was in love with you. You were Love itself, after all. Plus, not many deities were known for their talking ravens.
“And how have they managed this?” He questioned, his voice quieter than before.
“For some reason, they have assumed that I, Love themself, cannot sense when someone loves me.”
“I see.” He opened his mouth to say more but you stood up from the chair, now standing over the man before you.
You brought a hand up to his chin, fingers tilting his head up to look at you. You felt the rush of love in the room, love he had attempted not to show. “Only the overconfident or the hopelessly romantic send letters to Love,” you explained. “Tell me, Dream of the Endless, which are you?”
“Me?” He questioned. Perhaps he was too shocked by your question, but you wondered if he really didn’t think you knew.
“Did you think a raven flying through my palace wouldn't start up rumors? Besides, even now I can feel your love pulsing beneath your skin.” His eyes left yours, feeling less confident under your gaze. “You really thought I wouldn’t recognize someone in love?”
"I meant no offense," he nervously clarified. You chuckled at his tone, far less commanding than you usually saw from the Dream King.
"I know you didn't, Morpheus." You reassured, smiling down at him. "If I loved you any less I might have been upset."
You watched as your statement set in, his demeanor softening. The relief in his soul was palpable.
You gripped his chin softly, still tilting his head up to face you. His skin was warm against your fingers, the love he held for you burning just beneath the surface.
"You return my feelings?"
"‘Your features steal the breath from my body and your words the heart from my chest'." You smiled softly, watching him melt into your hand. "That is what your most recent letter said, correct?"
He only nodded, too caught between how softly you held him and how lovingly you looked down at him.
"Will you kiss me?"
"Only if you let me love you."
"I'd be a fool if I didn't."
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships ...DID YA MISS ME, TOOTS?
Me too 😔
Anywhooo.. here. Have a nice chapter of my story since it's summer (almost?)
~ill-fated reality~
Chapter 1 - Marianne's lament.
Sage Yarrow..
Henry Langston..
Christoffer Hernandez..
I stare at the names with such calmness that not even a looking glass would see the boiling fire seething in me, in which people mainly refer to as "rage".
I folded the piece of paper after settling down the ink-filled quill, and placed it inside my sacred hiding place, my small drawer in which no other person has found, and they never will.
Not a single person missed.. and I will remember their names.
The evil spawn, the evil's right hand men, dare to meddle with an innocent life that was once an innocent flicker of light, now burning into flames taking themself along to fade into ashes. An innocent life who meant well but the world had been so miserable they drowned her in it.
A lost piece. An other half.
It's only a matter of time. If I have to play my ace I could atleast play my cards right. If this happens.. and the wind blows in the right direction, then what comes around will eventually come back to them.
I stare at the fire, guiding me through my writing.. giving me the power to plan out a bite back to those men. Men of lower classes yet they think highly enough of themselves to go against me.
I have spent years. Years of trying to please everyone. It's not like serving wasn't of my free will, but small parts of it had to be me putting on a facade to think that I don't care whatever happens to the innocent they believe is guilty. My mother gets to have the final call as I watch the wrongly accused be burned and killed.
But this.. this I'll never accept. This I'll never let time heal. Let the anger fester in me and the wound fresh for they shall know how badly they've scarred me. How much they took.
I have spent many lives and many years.. the lesser known to me does not make injustice any less infuriating, but this..
They shall know just how vengeance does her job.
"Your highness?" I hear someone call.
"Yes? Do you need anything?" I say, as I half-meant concern towards what I might be needed for.
"Her majesty wants a word with you." The servant stated, making an inch of my flesh begin to crawl. What could she have possibly wanted with me now?
My throat forms a lump inside, and as I inhale a bit of air I can feel it shaking. But if I don't answer now, I might be paying for something as valuable as mother's time. If she needs me, I will come to her.
No matter what she does. Her approval is the one thing that matters.
I give a small nod as I stand from my seat. "If it is her majesty's orders.." I released a breath I'd been holding for so long for a certain reason. "Then I am willing to obey."
{Years ago..}
[Lady May]
"Hello." I hear a lady speak to me from behind, though I'm uncertain it was for me. I've never had a lady converse with me.. only the lords who are very fond of me they call me such names. I don't know why, though. I do enjoy their company!
I turn around, only to find a lady looking my way. Her hair was laid back in waves, its color reminding me of the sunset. She studied my figure as one would a stray animal. I've felt nervousness that I've never felt even with one of the lords. I quickly dust myself and curtsy, musing about wether what I've been feeling is intimidation or anxiety.
She was the crown princess, out of all people. How could I not? She was most popular among the people, not much as her younger sister. Yet how could she not embrace the power of being in the higher position.. how could she act like a person who lived by, not caring about status..
A screw-up, I was. I've always behaved like this when a lady stares, yet I seem to be confused as to why. Men are ought to be scarier by physical advantage. I admire simply the intelectual traits a person could have, one that most men lacked. Logic, perhaps.
"Your highness.." I greeted, though a bit sheepishly. "Do you need anything?" I look at her intently, and she shakes her head.
"So yu are my lady-in-waiting.." She spoke, rather casually for a princess. A princess should care about the issues surrounding her, not a lady-in-waiting she barely knew.
"Yes. I'm aware her majesty has told you.." I respond.
All she did was chuckle before she made an attempt to reach out for my arm, and soothed it gently before I felt a different rush of adrenaline at her touch. It was so gentle. I felt blood rushed into my cheeks as she gives that knowing look again, and her touch made me shudder, almost as if it was my first time meeting someone. It was a good different kind of shock.
"It's alright, I don't bite." Princess Marianne stated rather casually.
I laugh it off and give her a huge smile, my hands delicately placed at my front as she furrowed her brow.
"There's no need to be uncomfortable." Princess Marianne said to me once more, and I get a sense of relief though something still hits my nerves.
"I suppose so.. your highness. Apologies." I speak, words getting caught up in my throat everytime I dared to.
A small giggle erupted out of her, and gracefully she took my hand. "Though, I didn't catch your name.. could you tell me? You are to attend to me after all."
"Selene May, your highness. Though the full name's too informal.. but you may call me Lady May." I respond.
"I see.. do I need an introduction?" She asks half-jokingly.
I grin at her, feeling a bit more relaxed. "My lady, you wouldn't even have to say a word! I'm no lady compared to you."
She started to walk me along the corridors, her hand holding mine. "We don't have to compare, now.." for someone close to my age, she spoke like an adult! Like her mother! "We have our own greatness.. and it lives in us. It's what we'll carry on in our great death." She said as she looks solemnly at the sky, a sense of connection with the wind slightly blowing onto her. Then she looked back to me. "And I think you'll have something in you that I don't.. we all have something."
I suppose she's right.. but why is she telling me this?
"That is.. deeply flattering." I say, and I watch her smile. "Though I don't know what greatness I would have that you already don't have..  you have everything! You're beautiful, and.. you have great courage! You're making a fine queen when you come of age!"
She laughs heartily at my statement. "You're not even sure about that. Don't think highly of someone solely for their position. You don't know if they're noble by character.. which is why despite my mother still ruling, I still present myself to the public and voice out my thoughts and plans for when the time comes."
True, I always thought of monarchs highly sinply because they were monarchs. Royalty. And people feel the moral obligation to respect them.. and adore them. But princess Marianne wanted respect her way. She wanted not a moral obligation but a deep connection and trust with her people. That's why everyone adored her. For someone who seems a bit laid back and soft spoken, there's something flaming inside her, as some poets might say.
"Then you truly are noble by character." I respond to her as we walked on.
Silence embraced us for what seemed like moments, before she stopped at a door. Her room. Her hands twisted the knob open and I was met by a sight.
It was like any other royal's room. It was fit for a princess. Old rose met with gold, if I may say something about the theme. It was beautiful.
Pricess Marianne spoke through the silence. "Old rose.. my favorite color.. counterparted by.."
"Marianne?" A young lady looked up from her book on the other side of the bed. I caught sight of her rosy cheeks and her short hair, moving in motion as her head turned to look at the princess.
My cheeks went red as crimson, as I caught sight of her. Unlike princess Marianne, her aura was something else. Not very intimidating, but it was something..
"Elizabeth.. I would like you to meet Selene May."
If it may be informal, I could explode like a fired cannon. My mother had been queen Catherine's lady-in-waiting, and she never even showed me off to one of these ladies-- princesses.. but that seems unimportant now, for I feel as though with them I can finally have somewhere to belong.
Elizabeth acknowledged my existence, studying every fibre of my being before she stood up and gave me a knowing grin. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Selene.." she held both of my hands, and I had to take a moment to process the warm welcome.
"Please just call me Lady May.." I say in a shy manner. Meeting a beautiful lady was one thing, but an even gorgeous one keeps it hard for me to be on my feet.
"Oh, right!" She says-- if I may say so, she chirped happily. "Lady May, it has been an honor meeting you, and it will be a greater honor to get to know you. Though it is strange I never saw you before.. despite being the daughter of mother's lady-in-waiting.."
I felt an all too familiar sting at the mention of my mother. A sting I brushed off. "She figured it was time for me to be at court. I'm only fifteen years old.. a little sprout, I know. But it is a responsibility that was passed onto me.. she plans everything out! Even what gift would I get for my sixteenth!"
Elizabeth let out a giggle. "I like you. You're something else!"
I smile at her, my heart swelling as I feel like I've made new companions. "Nobody's ever called me like that.. so, I like you too." Now it was my turn to hold her hand. "I like both of you, and it will be an honor to serve."
Marianne wrapped an arm around my waist and as did Elizabeth. As a lady-in-waiting, I imagined them ordering me around while they sit on their crowns, but this seems to have a deeper connection. I feel like we'll be three peas in a pod.
..and we will stay that way.
{Present day..}
I hear mother's call as the door closes, and the servants leave.
"Mother." I respond rather monotonely, the atmosphere almost unlikeable it mocked me. It was not even half of her intention on meeting me, yet tension had already built up.
"You know why I called you here, my sweet?" She says, sarcasm coating the sugar of her words. Her eyes were the daggers threatening to pierce my chest. Something she always wielded.. and something she knew very well how to use.
"No, mother." Still I kept my composure.
Her eyes studied me, a looking glass seeing right through my nonchalant facade. "Very well, then.. sit down." She gestured to the chair before her like I was her hound.
I did a small curtsy before calmly taking a seat.
"With all that was happening.. these past few days.. I hope I can still trust you." She said, taking a seat as well. "With the Amnon prince still on the loose and the sinners.." She grimaced, with mutual disgust for both subjects she had brought up.
I ponder on her words for a moment, a part of me thinking she would say more and wait for it to hit.
But it never did.
"I trust you still can, mother. I have confessed my sins.. and for everything I did I have deeper regret each day.." I speak to my mother's satisfaction. "Is that all you'd like to hear, mother? Or would you like to discuss about the prince?"
She inhaled sharply at the mention of him. "Ah, yes. The prince." She went silent for a moment. "It's been a long time since you caught him sneaking around in our castle.. at your party, even! Two years and no sight of him."
I listen attentively to what she had been saying, and all I could make out was an escape plan just in case. The words to persuade her.
"I believe he won't cause any harm at the moment--"
"Remember the things you said to me on the day she was gone?" Her words felt like a gag on the mouth. "Your reasonings and persuadings won't work on me anymore, young lady. You should know that I am not only your mother, but your queen."
"And I'm your heir." I took the chance to voice out myself and speak my mind. If I can't persuade her, then atleast I can make her listen to my honesty. Wether she liked it or not, she brought it upon herself. "When I become queen, all that's yours will pass onto me, and I can break as many laws, as many injustices that you've caused all for the reason of your incapability to think about your actions."
Her brows furrowed. "You dare talk over me?"
I kept my composure even though fear threatened to spill out of my expressions. "I dare.." I mutter under my breath, but loud enough for her to hear. "And I say that the prince of Avarron are the least of our concerns at the moment, and if I spot a single disguise, then I will keep an eye on it." I look down for a moment, before facing her once more. "And if that is all you've wanted to discuss, then we are done, your majesty.."
She looked at me for a moment, before turning away with a cold shoulder. "Then we are done, Marianne." She stood up. "Off you go."
I said nothing as I stood up as well, and left her to mope on her balcony, accusing other people of her own sins.
My mind flew back to the prince of Avarron..
{Two years ago}
"Prince of Avarron, is it?" I say, and I watched him turn around to face me. His green eyes flashed on my very sight as he gives me a look of confusion, but somehow comes to a realization. His composure shifted, giving me a mocking glare before he tilts his head. "And what's  a princess like you doing here at her big party?"
"I could say the same to you, your highness." I cross my arms. "After all, this isn't your kingdom."
"I can't go and sail off to another kingdom? I don't think I've ever read a law about that." He challenged me with his book knowledge, for a cocky man who has probably spent his whole life at a library.
"You know you can't. This isn't just some other kingdom you can sail off to whenever you want. The kingdom of Elona is highly restricted to people of.. frauds, if I may say so." I turn down his cocky attempt of embarrassing me.
"Oh, you may say so, alright!" Damian laughed in a mocking manner. "And.. what are you going to do about a person of frauds sailing off to your kingdom highly restricting us, princess?"
He was testing my patience. And no man should ever get the nerve to do so. "Guards!" I yell, and as everyone turned to my direction, they spotted the prince and his disguise. Murmurs scattered all over the hall, and as the guards appeared, Damian attempted to make a run for it, but the situation was too helpless for him to do so.
"Send him back to his kingdom. I refuse to accept uninvited guests.." I say to them as I turn away from him, whom I can feel is giving me a glare with storms in his eyes. I couldn't care less.
I make my way to the corner with Lady May and Elizabeth, catching sight of the scene happening at the moment. I can hear them dragging him away as he surprisingly never said anything, or made attempts to yell at me given how short-tempered his father was.
I sigh, as I raise a glass to apologize for the sudden discourse.
And from here on then..
I swear to keep an eye on any prince Damian that my sense spots.
{Present day..}
I quickly hid behind the wall of a street, a cloak covering my entire body. It helped with the cold, and the hiding. I didn't want any more trouble before I could sleep. Not that I wanted to anyways.
I can't move. I don't know if I could even do anything.. I could barely breathe..
What just happened was still fresh on my mind.. I can't escape the feeling of the sharp sting all over me both physically and emotionally. I've still had scars from my third dose of it, but it gradually keeps getting worse.
It just.. won't stop. I can't make it stop.. I need to..
I need to get up.. if that's the only thing that can make me survive.
I limp towards the same tavern where a nice lady works at, and was kind enough to give me something to eat, drink, and nibble on. My legs were killing me, and I had wanted to cry all day so badly. I was catching my breath as I reach the place, cuts and bruises covering almost all of me.
I open the door, hoping no one would spot me. Ofcourse they did, but the real me I hope they never sensed.
"Ava.." I say casually, and she turned around to face me. I looked at her concerned brown eyes for a moment and she came over to assist me on walking. "Oh, Eliza.. you poor thing.."
Eliza. That's what she knew me by. I never introduced myself as Elizabeth to her, not that anyone would have cared where I went anyway.
But I know a single person did.
"Come here.. I'll get you some water. You must've gone a long way.." Ava examined me all over. "New cuts?"
"Obviously.." I mumble.
She sighed, before gently soothing my back. "I'll get something to ten them, okay? Come here.." she gently ushered me to her place and called someone else to take over.
As she walks me to her place, she just wondered why I never quit the "job" I've been working on. I just told her it was a very hard labour I have to do in order to fend for myself, when in reality of all this, she fended for me somehow, and I didn't even have a job. I never needed it back then, because I had everything.
I had it just in the palm of my hands.. yet I lost it.
The familiar rain of acid once again threatened to fall down my eyes, and I just closed my eyes.
I am terrible at coming up with names on the spot as you can see by the very first three names. It was so bad but men deserve to have bad names. Lol.
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Winter Moments — Diavolo
Day Eight of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: After agreeing to run an errand for Lucifer, Mc finds themself helping Diavolo with festive decorations at the Demon Lord’s Castle.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Diavolo & Main Character, Diavolo & Reader, Diavolo & You
Characters: Diavolo, Main Character, Lucifer
Additional Tags: Satan (mentioned only), Barbatos (mentioned only), Luke (mentioned only), Simeon (mentioned only), slight reference to Satan’s story, running errands, Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, tinsel, mistletoe and holly, candy canes, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Eight of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Click Here for Series Masterlist
Winter Moments — Diavolo
Day Eight of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
You passed through the RAD corridors with Lucifer, having a much needed catch up as you told him about the various activities and outings you had shared with his brothers throughout the first two weeks of December while Lucifer shuffled through the papers in his hands and offered you warm smiles and nods to show that he was listening intently to your every word.
“It sounds like you’re making the most of the fest— hm?” Lucifer’s sentence fell short and his footsteps faltered as he picked out an envelope from the papers in his hand and stared at it with a perplexed expression.
“What’s wrong?” You asked as you eyed the envelope in Lucifer’s hand.
“It’s an envelope addressed to Lord Diavolo,” Lucifer said with a weary sigh and shook his head, “he must have accidentally mixed it in with the paperwork for the RAD winter festival. I’m worried that it may be something important.”
“Why don’t you head back to the council room?” You suggested. “You might find him there.”
“Lord Diavolo left RAD earlier today to attend to important royal duties, I’m actually taking over detention in Barbatos’s place today so that he didn’t have to return to RAD.”
“In that case, why don’t I deliver the letter to Lord Diavolo for you?”
Lucifer stared hesitantly between you and the envelope for a moment before he finally extended it towards you and watched as you carefully stowed it away in your bag.
“Thank you, Mc.”
You ascended the stone steps that led to a set of large, wooden doors with iron forgings.
You gave the dark wood three heavy knocks, giving a startled jump as the door opened quicker than you expected and Diavolo peered out at you rather than the familiar demon butler you were expecting.
An excitable grin spread across the demon prince’s face as he spotted you.
“Ah, Mc!” He greeted you in his cheerful voice. “You’re just in time!”
“I’m just in time for what?” You asked with a bewildered expression. “Wait, where’s Barbatos?”
“Come in! Come in!” Diavolo opened the door wider and beckoned you inside without answering your question.
You did as Diavolo instructed and stepped over the threshold into the Demon Lord’s Castle only to find that the usually spacious entrance hall was now occupied by a large fir tree that stood in the centre of the room, you glanced up and felt sure that the top of the tree almost reached the high ceiling.
“What do you think?” Diavolo asked as he folded his arms across his chest and admired the tree proudly. “Isn’t it wonderful?”
“It sure is,” you replied, despite your confusion deepening.
“I’m glad that you agree,” Diavolo chuckled as he turned to you, “I overheard Satan talking to Luke and Simeon about the Christmas tree that you saw in the human world, so I thought that I’d try to recreate that magic here in the castle,” Diavolo explained as he then motioned towards heaps of colourful tinsel, strings of lights, and boxes of baubles and other festive ornaments that had been set down on the floor nearby, “I’m about to put the lights on the tree, if you’re not busy you’re more than welcome to help me with the decorations.”
You gave Diavolo a warm smile and nodded before you set about sorting through the boxes of baubles and ornaments while Diavolo began to unravel the lights.
“Did you have a specific colour scheme in mind or did you want to…?” You let your question falter as you turned towards Diavolo to find that he had somehow managed to tangle himself up in the Christmas lights in the few minutes that your back was turned.
Diavolo gave a sheepish chuckle as he stared at you helplessly while you tried to stifle a laugh.
“Here, let me help you,” you said, you tried your best to keep the mirth out of your voice as you stepped towards him.
You and Diavolo loosened the tangled wires of the Christmas lights and stepped around each other, laying the lights out to keep them from becoming entwined again and slowly freeing the demon prince as you shared laughter and directed each other’s next movements.
After you finally unravelled the last of the Christmas lights, you carefully wrapped the lights around the fir tree, letting Diavolo tackle the highest, harder to reach branches using his magic.
You helped Diavolo pick out the colours of the tinsel for the tree as well as the placement of the baubles and ornaments before you turned your attention towards making green bows that you attached to red and white peppermint candy canes.
“They look great!” Diavolo enthused as he admired your handiwork. “Do these candy canes go on the Christmas tree too? I think we should put one right… here!” Diavolo took one of the candy canes and hung it on the branch between the tinsel and a bauble before he turned back to you for your opinion.
“It looks too cluttered there,” you pointed out, “try moving it over a little more.”
“How about here?” Diavolo asked with a playful smile as he barely moved the candy cane. “Or here?” He moved it back to its original place. “Maybe I should put it on top of the tree?”
“That’s where the star goes,” you returned his smile as you shook your head.
Before you both knew it, your decorating had expanded to the rest of the entrance hall. Large, red ribbon was entwined between each bannister of the grand staircase complete with bows while garlands of mistletoe and holly were hung above every doorway or archway that was connected by Christmas wreaths.
After darkening the room so that the only source of light was from the bulbs on the Christmas tree, you and Diavolo sat cross-legged on the marble floor of the entrance hall and watched the twinkling lights.
“This truly is a marvellous tree,” Diavolo said in an awed voice, “even more so because I got to spend time and decorate it with you,,” he added as he flashed a grin in your direction, “I hope that I can share more memories just like this with you in the future, Mc.”
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angbandsgeneral · 1 year
To Vanimóre, 
Revered General of our King,
Masterful strategist and sorcerer,
Crimson rain in the twilight. 
☾。・: 。✩
For all your foresight it appears to escape your notice that you have caught the gaze of a fellow Maia. 
At present I will not reveal myself, since I know not if our Lord accepts such conduct among his servants; but still I could not resist. 
Not all who chose this path have managed to retain their form, yet your beauty is beyond compare, even among the greatest of us. 
The color of your eye reminds me of freshly spilled blood, the loveliest shade of crimson, a sight I could admire for hours. 
The tune of your flute haunts my dreams, sweet and deadly at the same time. 
Which song would you play to ensnare my fëa, I cannot help but wonder, and I both dread and desire to find out. 
The truth is that it might be yours already, if only you will it. 
Perhaps it was a mistake to address you in such a way, dearest Vanimóre, yet I suppose those of our kind who walk in the darkness may be cursed and damned either way. 
Keep your eye open, and you might see me soon. 
Your secret admirer 𖤐
☾。・: 。✩
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“oh, how adorable,” muses vanimóre, going over the letter once more as he leans back into the chair of his desk. his brow arches at the high praises but his smirk clearly indicates his satisfaction, only for him to sigh and fold the parchment, placing it neatly in his drawer rather than tossing it out.
“a cute little thing, I must say. . . wonder if I could coax them into revealing themself. . .” he purses his lips for a second before pulling out a new parchment and starting to scribble a few notes down. come hell or high water, he wished to find this secret admirer — give them credit for their boldness. hopefully this wasn't another silly prank from mairon
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lady-cayleen · 1 year
Cayleen's Cheese Sheet pt 6.
Mental Attitudes and Beliefs
Emotional, psychological, and/or social peculiarities: while naturally reserved and prone to internalizing distress of any sort, Cayleen has also been prone to public outbursts since before she was a worgen, and now that she is one, she's that much more so.
Phobias: none
Philias: none
Intelligence level: 
Self-confidence: not especially high
Optimist or pessimist? Cayleen assumes everything will usually try to go wrong but will shake out okay in the end. Both? Both. Both is good. 
Emotional or logical? Cayleen strives to be logical but most often takes the route of emotional reaction.
Dominant or submissive? Depends who it is!
Patient or impatient? Both, situationally. 
Compassionate or Narcissistic? Compassionate.
Sense of trust: almost non-existent 
Sense of humor: Cayleen laughs easily at most humor, but appreciates dry amusement in otherwise joyless countances. 
Favorite thing about themself: If Cayleen takes any pride in herself, it's in being dependable. 
Least favorite thing about themself: Her temper
They are most comfortable when: Spending leisure time with close friends
They are least comfortable when: expected to lead
Approach to life: do your best whenever you must as often as you must and live every joy between to the fullest
What do they value? People
Whom do they love best? Her father (deceased though he may be), her mother, Declaryn Milvain, Rory Gallagher, Grayson Duskford, Orla Goldenmane, and Magee Farthing
What would they die for? King, country, duty, family, friends, in defense of the defenseless 
Personal philosophy: “You must be the person you have never had the courage to be. Gradually, you will discover that you are that person, but until you can see this clearly, you must pretend and invent.”
–Paulo Coelho
If granted one wish, what would it be? To give everyone else in the world back the person they loved most.
What is their greatest fear? To lose everyone she cares about.
Prejudices: Cayleen does not look at other businessmen and nobles through the kindest lens. She also harbors a particular if understandable disdain for the Forsaken. 
Explain: a life of bad experiences has left Cayleen with a bad taste in her mouth for those who misuse or abuse people for their own gain.
Political beliefs: 
Greatest Strength: Extremely organized, emotionally aware, very hard worker
Greatest Weakness: easily annoyed, can be uncooperative, somewhat reckless
Fatal flaw: Loyal to a fault
Less-fatal flaw: self-critical
Strengths: sympathetic and empathetic, good listener, team player
Biggest vulnerability: criticism from those close to her
Biggest regret: biting Hurley
Other regrets: almost getting herself and Rory drowned, clawing Rory's face in a temper tantrum, not coming to Drustvar sooner
Biggest accomplishment: Cayleen has better than usual teleportation skills, for a mage, though not on par with the Lord Admiral's…yet.
Quirks: eyes glow when angry, night walks or jogging, up all hours of the night in general, tendency to sleep through morning, binge eating.
Biggest secrets: knows that she was engaged to Harbin Blackstead, that Decla was in love with him, and that Harbin was in love with and actively involved with a rival family's daughter.
Does anyone else know? Hurley Blackstead, Aishatou Harwell, and Grayson Duskford are aware she was engaged to Harbin. She has kept Decla's affection for Harbin to herself. Rory entrusted her with Harbin's secret after both Harbin's and his lover's death.
Short-term goals: Kill the witch(es), impress Grayson's parents (or at least don't piss them off).
Long-term goals: Forge an alliance and safe haven for the peoples of House Duskford and House Hartwell.
What is stopping the character from achieving these goals? A decided lack of ship- and experience.
What does the character work to gain, keep, or protect? People
Which person would the character like to emulate the most? her father
Which person would the character like to emulate the least? Lady Taische Blackstead and Lady Mailsi Hartwell 
What occurrence does the character most fear? Losing her mother.
Write a paragraph as if you were the character talking about themself:
"I'm a Gilnean, a noblewoman, and a mage. I'm blessed and cursed and everything in between. I'm a bit of an anxious person, but I like to think I'm patient, a good listener, and rational- most of the time. I'm afraid I have a bit of a temper, but I'm usually rather friendly."
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nordleuchten · 3 years
🖋📷 for the asks :)
Thank you for the ask :-) I am going with La Fayette for this one because I already answered one for William Pitt (and because I have never really seen a documentary solely about Pitt)
6. An excerpt from a letter they wrote:
There are so many wonderful letters I could choose from but I think I will settle with La Fayette’s letter to George Washington from October 6, 1797. It is the first letter La Fayette wrote Washington after being released from the prison in Olmütz.
(...) in Vain Would I Attempt, My Beloved General, to Express to You the feelings of My filial Heart, when, at the Moment of this Unexpected Restoration to Liberty and Life, I find Myself Blessed With the opportunity to let you Hear from me. This Heart Has for twenty Years Been known to you—Words, that, Whatever they be, fall So Short of My Sentiments Would Not do justice to What I feel—But You Will Be Sensible of the Affectionate and delightful Emotions With Which I am Now Writing—to You, and I know also it is Not Without Some Emotion that after five Years of a death like Silence from me, You Will Read the first Lines I am at Last Enabled to write —With What Eagerness and pleasure I Would Hasten to fly to Mount Vernon, there to pour out all the Sentiments of Affection, Respect, and Gratitude Which Ever Bound me, and More than ever Bind me to You—Your paternal goodness to My, to Our Son Was not Unexpected But Has Been Most Heartily felt
9. Quote from a documentary about them:
There is a quote from the very begin of a documentary about La Fayette that I would like to quote. The documentary is in German (but should also be available in French). It is called “La Fayette - der verblasste Held” (“La Fayette - the faded Hero”).
Das Gedächtnis der Geschichte ist lückenhaft und so mag es unglaublich klingen, dass ein Franzose, ein Aristokrat, namens La Fayette einst einer der populärsten Helden Amerikas war. Ohne ihn hätte Amerika den Unabhängigkeitskrieg vielleicht nie gewonnen. Als er 50 Jahre nach dieser erfolgreichen Revolution durch Amerika reiste, standen Millionen von Menschen am Straßenrand und jubelten La Fayette wie einem Rockstar zu. Wie also konnte einer der Gründerväter der Vereinigten Staaten in Vergessenheit geraten? Heute beschwört der Name „La Fayette“ nur noch vage Erinnerungen herauf.
My translation:
The memory of history is imperfect and it therefor may sound unbelievable that a Frenchman, an aristocrat by the name of La Fayette was once one of America’s most popular heroes. Without him, America may have never won the War of Independence. Millions of people cheered him on like a rock star as the travelled through America 50 years after the successful revolution. How could one of the founding fathers of America be so forgotten? Today, the name “La Fayette” only conjures vague memories.
I think this was one of the first documentaries about La Fayette that I ever watched and I it is a rather good one. I like this quote especially, because it shows the two sides of La Fayette’s legacy. For a long time his name was one of the most well known in Europe, Canada and Northern America. You could utter his name and people would recognise it. They did not necessarily know every last detail of his life and work but the name would nevertheless ring a bell for the majority of people. Today I count myself lucky to receive a “Oh, that guy from Hamilton?” or “Oh, that guy from the warehouse chain?” La Fayette really did fade away over the last century.
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10,12,13 for the asks! :)
Thanks so much for the asks!!! :) I have several people from history I'm extremely interested in, but since I've repeatedly posted about Samuel Graves (1713-1787), I've picked him:
10. What is your favourite quote by / about them?
Not so much quotes as experiences reading his, alas few, accessible private letters that give a little more personality and context to the naval officer. Have a little something from a letter to his cousin William, dated 12 October 1775:
Very much have your friend Lord C. and other Lords of that party to answer for. Their necks are too small a forfeit to their country. As to their heads, the Americans have sucked out their brains: they made use of those ready tools to prevent, till they were prepared, the indignation and resentment of Britain from being poured out upon them; [...].
I think the quote speaks for itself and illustrates why people found him a bit crass and rude. That said, contrary to the picture of the senile dodderer several fathoms out of his depth some contemporaries attempted to paint of him, the letter I quoted from also reveals a very thoughtful, aware and militarily able commander constrained by factors outside his sphere of influence.
There is also an interesting letter he wrote to a midshipman in 1775, containing this young man's orders for his first independent command that I find quite touching because it differs in tone from the orders he gave other officers as it has a politely distanced, yet distinctly paternal tone. You can tell from his detailed explanations and cautions to the young man he actually cared about those under his command and strove to reassure a likely excited, yet also nervous young man asked to take on a great responsibility for the first time.
If I had to go with one specific quote however, perhaps something that could be taken out of context and twisted enough by adding the obligatory picturesque landscape background and a terribly original cursive font until it looks and sounds like the kind of post you might get likes on Instagram for, I'd pick this one:
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Go off, embrace whatever you want to do and don't hesitate or waste your opportunities because you're overthinking and waiting for time, place or other related factors to be perfect; this one dead dude tells you to anyway.
12. Let us know the three best books about your favourite historical figure!
The sad answer is, there is none. A lot of my research has involved primary documents or records thereof, the Naval Documents of the American Revolution (NDAR), the biographies of his ward and godson Elizabeth Posthuma and John Graves Simcoe with whom he was extremely close and, particularly regarding his service, various articles and publications relating to the Royal Navy in the mid- to late 18th century. One I found quite helpful is a dissertation by the title The Royal Navy in North America, 1774-1781. A Study In Command (Tillney, John Andrew, 1980).
13. If you had the chance to meet them, what is the first thing you would ask them?
It depends! Given I would have to travel back in time to meet him, the question of when exactly our paths would cross would impact which questions I would be able to ask him.
Suppose now I successfully managed to travel to, say, 1782 and found myself a person who can formally introduce me to Admiral Graves as the convention of the times dictates, I would probably ask him something completely inconsequential first to get a conversation going before slowly moving on to more intimate or controversial questions.
So, knowing he and his wife had a pretty metal taste in decorations (dark paintings and black sofas) I would probably compliment the sofa, ask him where such a tasteful piece of upholstered furniture might be got, before plopping down 'pon the same and ensnaring him in a longer conversation.
...might I return the ask and propose 5, 8 & 20?
Image credit:
Elizabeth Simcoe, A Bend in the St. Lawrence, c. 1792, wash on paper. Archives of Ontario via Wikimedia Commons [accessed 18 July 2021].
...just had to pick something by her because Samuel, quite the proud parent, showed off her art to his friends and acquaintances when she was a child.
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
True Divinity
#HappyBirthdayLucifer2021 ! This was another piece written as part of a collab project for Lucifer’s birthday -- you can check out all the artist/writer combos at the Lucifer Birthday Collab Twitter!  --- Words:  886 Lucifer contemplates on what it really means to be a fallen angel turned demon. Can be found on AO3 here.
For as long as Lucifer can remember, the angels were warned of the evils of demons, of the immorality and sin that seeped through every fiber of their being which twisted them into hideous creatures undeserving of the light. Demons were not to be trusted, nor respected, nor least of all revered. They were foul beasts, wickedly devious and constantly thirsting for power and blood.
For an angel to fall, to become such a monstrosity themself, was the ultimate disgrace. Wrenched of all purity and morphed into an abomination -- what greater punishment was there than that?
Lucifer stares at his reflection, his glowing halo long since replaced by the curve of two horns, sharp and rigid. Four feathered wings that used to be six, white silk now dipped in the deepest black. An onyx diamond resting perfectly in the center of his forehead where there used to be only smooth, unblemished skin.
A monster. That is what his father would now call him.
A scoff nearly leaves him at the thought, and he finds himself momentarily lost in a memory. That fateful day, where he had been forced to go in his father’s steed to visit the Devildom Prince. He had come woefully unprepared, his father not even bothering to mention the letter he had received that detailed the plans for this diplomatic visit, and thus Lucifer treated everything with suspicion. After all, he was in the home of those he had been taught to disgust! To what trickery would they subject him, the Morning Star, one of the greatest of the Angels?
And yet, he was treated with all the dignity and respect he would have never expected a demon to possess. Prince Diavolo was courteous, accommodating, and honest. Barbatos, ever his Lord’s loyal servant, kept his word and made sure to take care of Lucifer’s Armor of Light which had become literally soiled when he crashed into the Devildom dirt. They continued to treat him graciously even after a scathing remark after another would leave his lips. He tried to find the cracks, tried to pick and prod and find the twisted meaning of their words or the deceit in their actions -- but there was nothing of the sort to be found.
Which of us is the angel, and which of us is the demon?
That was the question he had that day, one that planted the seed of doubt. It rooted itself into his mind and took a hold of his heart. Gradually, it grew, and grew, and grew until it flourished and brought him to take a sword to all that he had been taught to obey.
His act of rebellion, unthinkable for an angel of his stature, was not without its painful loss, without its overwhelming grief, without its punishment -- but one thing it did not bring him in the end was regret. He wished -- oh how he so desperately wished -- that the outcome had been different, but his resolve was cemented in stone. He would have taken arms one hundred times over, for he would rather suffer sorrow and agony than to live a complete lie.
It was the Prince of the Demons who had come to his side when all hope seemed lost. It was not without its price, but he would rather swear loyalty to Diavolo than to his father, and he understood that such a cost was for the sake of the Prince’s realm. It was the Demon King who welcomed Lucifer and his brothers to the highest offices of the kingdom, recognizing their power and potential. It was here, in the Devildom, that they were able to carve out a new home and future, which gave them a second chance.
Crimson eyes gaze back at him as Lucifer returns to the present, the raven locks of his hair neatly framing his high cheekbones. A finger gloved in red leather traces his chiseled jawline, then moves to his sculpted lips. He was supposed to be one of his father’s greatest creations, one of the most beautiful and perfect beings to exist -- as an angel. But here he was, transformed and tainted, and still treated as perfection by demons and humans alike.
It was pride that made him fall, they said. It was pride which he now embodied, the very Avatar of his sin. Arrogant and conceited, or as he liked to call it, self-assured and confident. It should have corrupted him whole, turned him into the very abomination and monstrosity they were told demons to be -- nevertheless, here he stood, still admired and revered despite the darkness that swallowed him, despite the fangs and claws that lied in wait behind a disarming smile.
A monster, the angels he fought against above would call him now.
But was it so bad to be considered as such? Weren’t the very angels he once belonged to, the angels that still peered down with judgement from above, also horrific in their true nature? There was a reason angels so often spoke the line “Be not afraid” when encountering their precious little humans. Divinity so often equates to unimaginable horror and wonder -- awe-inspiring, formidable, grand.
A smirk formed on his lips, feeling his pride swell in his chest.
He had never felt more divine.
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goldnnavy · 3 years
I'm horrible at text posts, but now tis the season of Cheer and Thanks, so I feel like this appropriate.
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To all my followers I want to extend the wish of a very happy holiday season, especially to these blogs (who've literally followed me from place to place, bless them):
@a-british-guardsman @clove-pinks @benjhawkins @song--of--patroclus @msbyfour
And to these blogs who've been on my dash and in my notifs very frequently:
@twice-told-tales @ltwilliammowett @beggars-opera @importanttreefox @pathfinderswiftpen @the-lord-high-admiral-themself @elyksina
And thank you to all my other followers/friends!!
(Feel free to add on to this with the Tumblr people you're thankful for/want to wish a happy holiday!)
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vankeppel · 2 years
Anyway lmao I sort of revived my “main” blog and changed the name, so if you see “bentincks” in your activity that’s me, formerly “the-lord-high-admiral-themself”!
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simplysummers · 3 years
Cast your mutuals as clones
You got it anon.
Bearing in mind, I am *very* sick, so for once I am not requesting feedback on these choices, just take your clone, hold him/her close, and cherish your new doppelgänger :)
I’m also not gonna give any explanation because I hurt everywhere and words are nonexistent, so just take my word for it :)
Rex - @binch-i-might-be
Bly - @princesspreze7
Cody - @ms-march
Fives - @floatyteabag (this is the greatest honour I could ever bestow upon a person)
Echo - @the-lord-high-admiral-themself
Boil and Waxer - @that-veela-girl and @treasureofmy-heart
Jesse - @vive-le-revolution
Hardcase - @imgaybut
Tup - @quillsink
Droidbait - @fructidor
Dogma - @karate-cat
Gregor - @torivikachu
Hevy - @queenbottomless
99 - @photogirl894 (on vibes alone. The sweetest person I know 😌)
Hunter - *debates tagging Helo…tags Helo* @talizorahs
Kix - @gothicsprinkles
Tech - *cries in doesn’t know Wwheeljack’s tumblr*
Wolffe - @eat-th3-rich
Wrecker - @76historylover
Omega - @hopeless-bisexual-queen
Crosshair - @thisistheendtimes
Axe - @d1n0-dan
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pizzaboat · 3 years
Man. Raine's situation before was a really tough one. They were basically one person fighting in a terrible situation with only hope as their motivator for the longest time..
Firsr off, the chances are very high that Raine was essentially alone at the start of the rebellion.
Think about it. They let people join the fight if they have nothing else to lose. Raine had nothing to lose by that logic.
I'm guessing they had no people to lose because they distanced themself from others to protect them. Knowing they could be found out at any moment and executed. Any friends or loved ones they had, could've been used against them.
I think Raine might've stayed alone to protect people. Which shows their selflessness. Fighting for something and making their life somewhat miserable just so the right thing could be done.
Sure, they had kids join the rebellion but I'm gonna bet they were only new. They looked like, 19 or some shit. We know food girl couldn't have been apart of it for long, because she was only inspired to fight in ep 1. And the kids would've been too young to do anything just a few years ago.
They would've been going to hexide or some shit. Not fighting back against dictators.
Another thing is. It's a very small rebellion. Like, they only started fighting recently considering they had to introduce themselves.
The seeds of rebellion were always there in Raine but it looks like they were biding their time for something. They didn't end up as a coven head by accident (A position surrounded by two faced blue bloods, out to get people like them by the way. Again. Loneliness).
Maybe they thought they could finally start manipulating the system at this point, but the second they saw Belos's plan they panicked and realised their plan built up over 20 or 30 years, wasn't gonna work.
Realising they didn't have much time, they switched to getting as many witch's out as possible. Feeling a bit helpless when they couldn't even do that. as the kids mentioned, they only started to help people when Eda was making the plans. Until they met Eda the rebellion wasn't going anywhere.
Anyway, Eda gives them the opertunity to take out two coven heads and finally give them a shot at stopping this fucked up day of unity plan, but they stop her at the last second because they know she has a family to go back to.
Okay. So I wanna say while this is sweet. It also shows the rebellion was kinda doomed. Raine's sharp and hardworking, but not a cold or calculating person. They don't do "the needs of the many out way the needs of the few.". For all they know that could've been their last shot at delaying things. Because well.. as much as they said it would stop Belos, I think it only would've delayed him until he made time for a new coven head.
Buy yeah, with Eda back in the picture I guess they figured that anything could be possible and they could fix things together.
They helped Eda get away to protect her and were almost planning that the possible execution they could be getting for themself would put off the day of unity..
Raine is a really soft and selfless person. Dear lord. But they were way in over their head. Doing all that alone was gonna leave them screwed. I don't think they were built to lead a rebellion on such short notice or finite resources.. they're really something tho. Like really admirable, holding out like they did for the longest time was impressive.
But through no fault of their own, they were basically only playing damage control for the day of unity..
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floatyteabag · 3 years
okay it’s not 02:24AM and i’m turning off my phone
@karate-cat @were1776 @critical-endangered @lisholmes221 @the-lord-high-admiral-themself you got your WISH /j
i’m outta this joint
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Meeting the Man-Ape
So @sleepsentry made this amazing AU and my childhood Tarzan phase came back like a vengeful ghost and teamed up with my current GF obsession to deliver this ficlet and an entire outline. 
Anyway, here’s how I imagine Fidds’ and Tarzan!Stan first meeting. 
Fiddleford should have said no when his old college friend had invited him to a scientific expedition to study anomalies in other countries. Maybe if he hadn't been so disillusioned with his lap computers, or if he hadn't gone through a divorce, he would've had enough sense to stay at home.
Instead, here he was, in some god-forsaken jungle in the middle of nowhere on a tree of all things, hugging the massive moss-covered trunk for dear life.
The humidity was suffocating, making him sweat to the point where his button up stuck stubbornly to his skin. He felt wet in uncomfortable places, itchy in others, and overall decided he did not, in fact, want to be here. To make matters worse, he was sure he would stumble onto camp smelling like wet socks. The ominous chirping and roaring in the jungle around him did nothing to alleviate his stress  nor did the occasional shufflingnhe'd heard among the trees.
He'd gotten chased up a tree, lost his shoe and lost track of Stanferd and their incredibly untrustworthy guide, (a poacher of all things) and he was pretty sure he was about to fall to his untimely demise.
Wonderful. They'll probably never find his body in this unholy mess. His tombstone will read “Fiddleford Hadron McGucket, the Biggest Damn Fool to Ever Live”.
He huffed, holding onto the tree he was in the process of climbing. The tips of his toes were on the one he'd stood on. He stretched, pulled his weight up...and found himself stuck between both of them with no way to move.
"Well," he muttered. "It ain't like this can get any worse."
As if the Lord Himself had heard Fiddleford, a clap of thunder shook the sky, followed by a heavy torrent of rain.
"You know what? I shoulda known better."
He slumped, hanging his head between his shoulder blades. Against his better judgement he decided to see just how high up he was to assess just how bad he messed up.
One can imagine his surprise, then, when another human face floated inches away from his own.
Fiddleford yelled, pushing himself away from the stranger. He immediately regretted the knee-jerk reaction when he felt his body swerve downwards. Apparently, he was high up enough that the trunks of the trees felt dizzyingly tall. He flailed his arms in an attempt to regain balance.
A single finger poked his nose, then gently pushed him back. The gesture sent Fiddleford toppling backwards, until his butt landed on a steady surface.
Oh thank goodness. He exhaled in relief, allowing himself a few moments to regain his composure.
The soft thud in front of him jolted him back to his current situation. Or rather, the person whom he was with.
A masculine figure with thick, long locks of brown hair and hunched on fours much like an ape, observed Fiddleford with curious, child-like wonder. The only thing this person wore to preserve their modesty was a loincloth. The rest of their body had impressive muscles, their fingers and toes wide-spread to better their grip on the trunk they were on. Which meant they not only climbed their way up, they must've done so quickly, because Fiddleford certainly would've noticed a person like this around him.
Right. The fabled man-ape. Of course Stanferd would've actually been right about this one thing, and of course Fiddleford had been the one to find them.
No matter. His momma had taught him manners, and he wasn't about to throw those away just because he was in unfamiliar territory. "Er, howdy," said Fiddleford, cautiously. "It's a pleasure to meet ya, the name's Fiddleford Hadron McGucket." He extended his hand to the stranger.
The ape-man cocked their head to the side. Fiddleford couldn't help but notice how eerily similar this person was to Stanferd. Aside from the fact that they haven't shaved, they still had the same broad nose, the bushy eyebrows, the brown eyes alight with excitement.
Please, this ain't some movie. Stanferd havin' some secret twin? That would be ridiculous. But back to the situation at hand--he probably don't understand a thing I'm sayin'. This'll be tricky…
The man-ape cleared their throat. They pointed at themself, and with a shocklingly deep voice, said: "Er...howdy. The name's Fiddleford Hadron McGucket."
Now that was interesting. "Fascinating...ya even copied the inflection of mah voice."
The man-ape copied Fiddleford's sentence again, looking pleased with themselves.
"That still spells the question of whether or not ya understand--now hold on just one second!"
The ape-man had crawled over and admired Fiddleford's shoe-less foot, a process which entailed pulling Fiddleford closer for inspection. They were mighty strong, too, judging by how easily he moved Fiddleford.
The scientist slapped the ape-man's hand away. "See here, there is no need for that kind of tomfoolery!"
The ape-man grunted. The message didn't come across, because he went back to touching him, albeit more carefully.
"No, no, that ain't what I meant!" A giggle escaped Fiddleford as he touched each of his toes, soon replaced by full-on-laughter.
This startled his companion, who drew back for a moment, giving Fiddleford enough time to catch his breath. They stared, watching Fiddleford intently.
They suddenly widened their eyes. Approaching Fidds once more, he placed a hand on his own chest. Then he slowly moved his own to Fiddleford's, waiting.
Now intrigued again, Fiddleford placed the hand over his chest. Once a few moments passed, they brought Fiddleford's entire head to his own chest and good lord they were hairy.
They also smelled like a sweaty mess. Fiddleford was quick to push them away. "Yes, that's a...mighty fine heartbeat ya have. Very healthy."
If this is what the anomalies felt when they studied them, he couldn't blame some of them for wanting to rip he and Ford a new one. He himself felt more than a little irritated at the bold-faced intrusiveness.
They extended their hand, but this time stopped in mid air, and held their palm towards Fiddleford.
With some hesitation, Fiddleford went up and held his own palm up. They placed it right against his. When their fingers interlaced Fiddleford's, he felt his face flush.
He drew his hand back towards himself, coughing. "Well, I-I think that's enough of that."
Fiddleford blinked up at his new companion. "Say what now?"
They pointed at themselves. "Tarstan." They pointed at Fiddleford. "Er...howdy. The name's Fiddleford Hadron McGucket."
Fiddleford chuckled. "That's too much of a mouthful, I reckon."
"That's too much of a-"
Fiddleford shook his head. "No, it's. Now, wait, look at me," he said gesturing at their eyes and then himself. "Fiddleford."
"Fiddleford," they said, pointing at the scientist. They gestured at themself. "Tarstan."
Fiddleford nodded, his mouth split into a grin. "That's right! Now we're gettin' somewhere."
The sound of a gunshot had him jolt upwards, cursing up a storm. He was thankful Tarstan was too occupied glancing at the source of the sound to repeat any of it.
"That must be Bill." His lips curled into a disgusted frown. "Damn fool, shooting all over the place, he'll hurt somebody…"
Tarstan imitated the gunshot, an amused smile playing on their lips.
An idea formed in Fiddleford's head. "Do ya think ya can get me over there? To where that noise is?"
They grinned, which he took as a good sign as any. Tarstan looping his arm around his waist was considerably less reassuring.
"Er, what're we doing--sweet sarsaparilla!"
Tarstan leaped onto a vine,  keeping his grip on Fiddleford as he did so. He managed to not only keep his grip, but also swing them from vine to vine in the direction of Bill's shooting.
He couldn't describe it then, but later on he'd reflect on the ominous twist in the pit of his stomach as they approached the camp. If Fiddleford had known just what would've happened in the next few months, he probably would've never brought them anywhere near Bill.
Extra Ideas that I Have:
-Ford secretly has been hoping to find his lost twin, who “died” in the same area as the fabled “man-ape” because he was separeted from his brother at a young age when [insert whatever idea one may have to explain how Stan could end up in a jungle being raise by apes, because I don’t have one]. He is estatic that not only is his brother alive, he’s an anomaly just like him! 
-I imagine Bill’s motives being very similar to the Tarzan villain (whatever his name is) . Fidds in this AU is more suspicious, but is still unable to stop him alone.
-Fiddleford ends up falling for Tarzan!Stan and vice versa much like Jane does in the OG film.
-Stanford also is intent on having his brother return to civilization, but Tarzan!Stan is unsure about leaving.
-I imagine them having an ending similar to the film. 
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zi-i-think · 3 years
Request Prompt List
*Disclaimer* Some of these prompts are from Pinterest, some inspired by social media and tv/movies, and most of them are created by me. I have no problem with other creators using my list.
You can find my prompt list with the hashtag #zi prompt list
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How to request:
In my asks
Tell me the universe and character (characters not included in this list are fine, but I do reserve the right to refuse to write for a character for any reason).
AU (optional)
Prompt (max of 3)
Any information about the reader (Gender, Hogwarts House, appearance, etc.) I will write the reader as y/n unless otherwise specified.
If you want any specific plot or event, just let me know. Whatever isn’t specified will be left to me and my creative freedom.
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Harry Potter Series
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Bill Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Remus Lupin
Serius Black
James Potter
Lily Evens
Regulus Black
Merlin BBC
Sir Leon
Sir Gwaine
Sir Elyan
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier
Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
Sam Wilson/ Falcon/ Captain America
Scott Lang/ Ant-Man
Steve Rogers/ Captain America
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Xialing
Eros/ Starfox
Lord of the Rings
Avatar: TLA + LoK
Ty Lee
Lin Beifong
Fallon Carrington
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Headcannon: word length varies
Drabble: 100-500ish words
Short fic: 500-2000
(If you want me to write something longer, please know that they take me more time)
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AU’s (optional)
High School
Certain time periods (ex. 1940’s)
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Gen Z Prompts ✵
1. “This is going to sound controversial, but I think that went well.”
2. “You have no idea how to make toast?”
3. “I haven’t showered in four days.”
4. “Tell them how you screwed up.”
5. “Try not to gasp.”
6. “Well, this just scrambles my eggs.”
7. “Look I’m not the brightest tool in the… toolbox.”
8. “Please be quiet, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live.”
9. “Chile, anyways.”
10. “Why does he have to be so fucking hot!!! And respectful!!!”
11. “That sounds neat, my guy.”
12. “So sad. Alexa play Despacito.”
13. “Well, there goes the fucking plan.” “Wait there was a plan?!”
14. “I want you to park that big mack truck right in this little garage!!!”
15. Teaching them how to do the WAP dance.
16. “Why can’t I throw it back?!”
17. “That wasn’t very g-money of you.”
18. “Yeet!”
19. Playing Among Us.
20. “It the ___ for me.”
21. “You are such a [zodiac sign].”
22. “Sorry, I only simp for Corpse.” “You’ve never even seen his face.” “I’ve seen his hands!”
23. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
24. “Might I request thy hand in-” “Marriage?” “No, I was wondering if you want to go to McDonald’s with me.” “Even better.”
25. “I’m here for you bro.” “Really bro?” “Really bro.”
26. *giggles* “Rawr.” *more giggles*
27. “Please pardon my french, but what the diggidy dang was that.”
28. “When will you learn! That your actions have consequences!”
29. “Calling all the Monsters by China Anne Maclaine is a bop and you can’t convince me otherwise.”
30. “Eat the rich!” “[name], I am rich.” “I make no exceptions!”
31. “You’re being very calm right now.” “Oh, that’s just because I haven’t processed what happened. Give me a minute.”
32. “I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you. Bitch.”
33 “I am in love with you and I’m telling you straight up. I want you to be my boyfriend/girlfriend. Do you accept or deny!?... BItch get out the way.”
Fluff ❁
1. “Boyfriend and girlfriend right now?” “No.” “Boyfriend and girlfriend eventually?... You didn’t say no.” “I’ll play the long game.”
2. “I crave physical touch. Please cuddle me.”
3. Kisses on the nose.
4. *sneeze* “That is the cutest sneeze I’ve ever heard.”
5. “How long have you been flirting with me?” “Only since we’ve met.”
6. Playing with their hair.
7. Dancing in the kitchen.
8. “Did you just boop my nose?” “Yes… boop”
9. Y/n going off into a rant and character just stares in admiration.
10. Waking up in the morning.
11. Cuddles after a stressful day.
12. Teaching character or Y/n how to ____.
13. Character or Y/n having a long day and is given a massage.
14. “Sorry I’m late, have you been waiting long?” “Darling for you, I’d wait for centuries.”
15. “Care to give me a back scratch.”
16. “I’ll always be here to annoy the hell out of you.”
17. “I think I love you.”
18. Passing notes in class/in a meeting.
19. “It’s always been you.”
20. “Shush and go back to sleep.”
21. “Your bedhead is really cute.”
22. “I will murder you.” “Of fun?”
23. “You are my new pillow.”
Angst ☁
1. “I said I’d die for you”
2. “I never loved you.”
3. “I trusted you!”
4. Y/n or character sacrificing themself for the cause.
5. “If one of us doesn’t make it-” “Don’t say that.”
6. “I am not weak.” “Yes, you are. And you know what else? You’re stupid too.”
7. “I’ll see you again. One day.”
8. “Is that all we’ll ever be? Friends?”
9. “It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
10. “Where did all those bruises come from?”
11. “You could’ve died, you know?”
12. “You want to know the truth? I’m not okay.”
13. “I’m your friend of course I care!”
14. “Let me clean your wounds.”
15. “Can you please come and get me?”
16. “I can’t love you anymore.”
17. “Stop telling me you’re okay!”
18. “Because no matter how much I tried, I can’t stop loving you!”
19. Character or Y/n being reminded of the other, despite them being dead for years now.
Spicy (18+ characters) ♛
1. Hands
2. “You know you’re awfully red for someone who supposedly isn’t attracted to me”
3. Character or y/n training and taking off their shirt.
4. Soft sex
5. Bondage
6. Drunk sex
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