starkerhowlter · 8 months
I ammm very curious about #Masturbate 👀
Based on my notes (because I don't remember that fic) it was a fic where Peter is alone on Valentine's Day, and he decides to use the day to take himself on a #masturdate. Basically, it's a self-date where he does a day of self-love and spoils himself and while he's getting off with his new purchases, Tony comes into May's apartment and catches him and says "Hey, Peter what are you… Oh, you have got to be kidding me this is pitiful."
And smut ensues.
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starksvinyls · 2 years
Your latest post about fem Tony Stark brings me joy 😌
dosjfiejehajjdf thank you 🥺 i’ve been a huge fan of your fics for a while and this message brings me joy 🥹
but also yes. i need more fem tony in my life and i need it yesterday 😍
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the-mad-starker · 3 months
Starkercest Smut: Quick Tips For Satisfying An Alpha (1/3)
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For TSToT and Starker Battleship!!
Figured I'd post this in and I'ma try to finish chapter 2 so I can attack Spidey team over at @starker-battleship !! Not gonna reveal my prompts just yet but they're very typical of me haha 😮
Notes: Omegaverse, starkercest, alpha tony, omega Peter, intersex Omegas, Size Kink, ambiguous age but underaged, tags to be updated
Rating: E
WC: 2606 (AO3 Link)
When Peter Stark walked into Omega Ed., he wasn't sure what to expect but it surely hadn't been this.
The sex ed class for omegas that he'd been required to attend was just so dry. He hadn't had any real expectations though. If anything, he thought he'd end up leaving with a bright red face because learning about those things with his peers just seemed… embarrassing?
But no. Whatever Peter had expected, it was worse because it was boring. The omega instructor was a stickler for facts, which, yeah, those were super important, but Peter wanted to know stuff beyond what he could find in textbooks.
For the first week, they had to study the anatomy of all sub-genders. Peter learned a lot, for sure. He learned just how knotting happened, how female alphas’ pensies were different from males, and that male omegas had two internal erogenous spots compared to female omegas who only had one. That kind of information was an eye opener, but even then, it was all… very scientific and therefore, not at all what he thought sex ed would be like.
He'd been raised by a very sex-positive parent so it wasn't surprising that Peter had questions. Unfortunately, Peter realized pretty early on that what he had wanted from the class was guidance and a more real life approach than the in-depth diagrams and plastic models that his instructor showed them.
Like Peter now knew about the prostate and g-spot for omegas, but how do you stimulate them? What did that even feel like? He read somewhere that prostate stimulation for some males was uncomfortable but was that across all males? Or were omegas an exception? Or maybe just alphas? Beta males?
He had so many questions but the instructor didn't seem inclined to answer them. It was always a gentle but firm decision to turn back to the books and a dismissive answer that wasn't an answer at all.
It was great, then, that Peter had such an accommodating parent. His dad had never held back on giving him the truth, at least not since he was maybe five years old and had accidentally tugged Santa’s beard off only to be met with his dad’s chagrined face.
His dad wouldn't sugarcoat things for him and he’d finally get the answers he wanted.
Peter set his plan into motion on a nice Saturday morning. The freshly ground coffee beans were brewing and just as expected, the smell of it lured his alpha father out of his room.
Peter watched as his dad went straight for the coffee pot, eyes assessing the alpha over the rim of his cup of orange juice.
His father was the epitome of what an alpha should be, Peter recalled all the social media claiming. His classmates often teased him for having a hunk of an alpha as a father. Add to the fact that his dad was also single… and his father didn't discriminate between genders… and he was rich and handsome…
Peter frowned and took a sip of his OJ.
He tried to look at his dad like his classmates did. Look beyond his quirky lovable father to see the alpha that teens his age drooled after.
Surprisingly, it wasn't hard because as he already acknowledged… His dad really was the perfect alpha.
Alpha genes really were something. Alphas were just naturally taller, broader, and stronger. Put an alpha next to an omega, and these physical attributes were even more exaggerated. Alphas had a more muscular physique compared to an omega’s softer, leaner body.
And that was just the genes influencing an alpha. Of course, like any normal person, if they didn't take advantage of it, an alpha can squander those built in boosts and end up as unhealthy as any other. Not even superior alpha genes could help someone if they didn't take care of themselves.
But Tony Stark didn't have that problem. Peter’s gaze lingered over his lightly muscled arms, his broad shoulders, and the defined muscles of his back through his thin white undershirt. His dad, courtesy of Peter’s insistence, ate healthy and, despite his grumbling, worked out regularly.
“Morning, kid,” his dad's voice rumbled, rough from sleep. It sent something foreign but exciting shooting through Peter's body.
He stood up, setting his OJ aside, and like many sleepy mornings before, he hugged his dad from behind as Tony readied his coffee.
With his face pressed against his dad’s back, Peter breathed in the comforting scent of his alpha. This close, he could smell his own scent mixed in, and before he knew it, a purr rumbled in his chest.
His dad had never been able to resist Peter’s purring and it said a lot that his attention immediately went from his precious coffee to his even more precious son.
Tony turned and gathered Peter in his arms and the omega melted right into his embrace.
As a male omega, Peter stood at a respectable 5’7 height, but in his daddy’s arms, he felt so small and precious. He rested his cheek on his dad’s chest, the firm muscle of his pecs a perfect cushion. Their eyes met and Peter’s purr grew louder which only made the fond smile on Tony’s face grow wider.
“Alright, Pete, what is it?” Tony laughed, hugging him tight. “You've ambushed me before my coffee and you're purring up a storm so you're up to something. Give your old man a break and out with it.”
Peter pouted but he let his purring taper off before it stopped completely.
“First off, you're not old, Dad,” Peter had to protest.
Yeah, his dad had some silvers and grays in his hair and beard, but he was far from old. He was still in the prime of his life as far as Peter was concerned.
Tony wouldn't be so easily distracted so Peter adopted his best puppy eyes look. Wide round honey brown eyes and just the slightest downturn of his lips completed the pouty look.
“Ouch, pulling out the big guns,” his dad dramatically sighed.
“Dad… You know they put me in omega ed this year, right?” Peter started.
“Mhmm, I had to sign off on it 'cause you know how some parents get about that stuff,” Tony said then raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “Do you want out or something?”
Peter paused but then shook his head.
“No, not really,” Peter decided, “I'm learning some stuff but it's…” How could he explain that it wasn't giving him what he wanted?
“Not what you expected, huh?” His dad hummed in understanding.
Peter instantly lit up, pleased that his father just understood him right off the bat.
“Yeah! I mean, I've tried asking questions but it always goes back to–” Here, Peter pitched his voice to a soft almost condescending tone, “This is not that type of class, Peter. I don't think your parents would appreciate it if I indulged in those kinds of questions, Peter. This class is just to help you get a better understanding of how your body works.”
Peter huffed by the end of his mini rant and immediately, his dad soothed him with a few strokes to his hair.
“Yeah, I get it,” His dad indulged him, “So what can I do, hmm? The classes that’ll scratch that itch in your brain are probably college courses. Psych classes if you're interested in the bonding aspect or maybe those general Alpha-Beta-Omega classes… We can look into some AP classes or some online classes…?”
Peter briefly thought about it but then shook his head.
“I don't think my interest is that deep,” he explained to his dad. “At least not yet? I just want… something more informative or uhh… something more real life than diagrams and stuff…”
Throughout the entire exchange, Tony maintained eye contact with him, probably to show he took Peter’s concerns seriously. Peter loved that about his dad but for the first time, the young omega hesitated. He didn't think it was weird for him to ask his dad but maybe it was weird in general?
They had a strong bond but surely, there were limits and lines between father and son that couldn't– shouldn't be crossed.
He's already gotten this far, though, and with his dad now alerted to a problem, Tony definitely wouldn't let it go unless Peter begged him to drop it.
But the thing is… Peter didn't want to drop the subject. This was his life, his future, and his understanding of what being an omega meant. He trusted that his dad would always have his best interest at heart, that he loved him no matter what and no matter what questions Peter asked.
There was no one he trusted more so Peter took the jump.
“I thought maybe… you can help me?”
There, it was out there in the open.
There was a moment of silence where Peter felt blood rush up to his cheeks and flush down his neck. This was probably the craziest thing he'd ask from his dad.
“You… want me to talk about my, uh, dating…. life…?” Tony asked, puzzled.
With that, Peter instantly relaxed but he did make a sour face at the question itself. He didn't want to know anything about the many alphas, betas, or omegas that had caught his father’s interest in the past. He didn't even try to parse the fact that it was other people getting intimate with his dad that bothered him, not the fact that it was his dad at all.
“Nooo thank you,” Peter denied very quickly. Rando strangers getting their grubby hands all over his amazing father? Gross.
“Not like I have much of one,” Tony sighed then ruffled Peter’s hair again, this time a little roughly, “Too busy with this little troublemaker here.”
Peter grabbed his dad’s wrist and set his teeth to the skin there in a playful bite. And like the good daddy he was, Tony pretended to be seriously injured.
“Oww, what a feral feisty omega I've raised,” Tony bemoaned as he tested the hold that Peter’s teeth on him.
Peter let go but still held onto his dad’s hand. The embarrassment had died down with their interaction. His dad always knew how to make Peter feel better.
“I don't wanna know about your past flings,” Peter told Tony seriously. “But I wanna know things about… alphas… And I've looked into some stuff but none of them were…” Just thinking about all the ridiculous porn he’d stumbled across in his research made him feel hot all over.
“...Credible…” Peter coughed.
His alpha gave him a look, no doubt realizing what his sources were.
“So what… you want like… tips?” Tony asked hesitatingly. “About alphas?”
“Maybe?” Peter answered, also a bit doubtful. He wasn't sure tips was the right word because he wanted something more than that. “...Would it be too much to like…”
Why was this so hard! Peter wanted nothing more than to bite his dad’s hand again, just so the words wouldn't come out. But he was a Stark and even though they were bonafide geniuses, they were also idiots with idiot planning at times.
Maybe he should've put more thought into this. His dad would never do anything to hurt him or make fun of him for his questions. The worst that could happen would be his father saying no and setting up some online learning and getting actual credible sources… But this was what Peter wanted.
He just wanted his emotional support alpha, who happened to be his dad, to hold his hand through all of it.
That was what he wanted. If he could have it. But first, he'd have to ask.
Peter firmed his resolve and then looked up from where he’d been staring at their clasped hands.
“I think I do want tips and… maybe some… hands-on experience…?” Peter tacked on the last bit, unsure of what his dad’s response would be.
Tony’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline.
“Oh,” was his dad’s response. The request was definitely a surprise, but it wasn't a no.
Peter looked at his dad, hopeful and uncertain. Terrified but excited.
Maybe… maybe…??
His daddy took in his puppy eyes and Peter could see the second he gave in.
“Ohh, boy,” his dad groaned, “you're so vicious, Pete. At least let me have my coffee before you throw something like this at your old man. I can't believe my baby boy would pop this question before I've even had a sip to wake up.”
That sounded like a yes! Well, not a definite yes, but Peter knew his dad and that was a yes for sure.
He pecked a kiss on Tony’s cheek, his face making some weird expression because he was trying not to smile.
Peter quickly retreated back to his OJ, leaving his father to his coffee. He did have a bounce in his step.
He watched eagerly as Tony poured way too much sugar into his coffee. He didn't even make a peep as his dad stirred for a bit before taking his first sip.
He waited patiently and when his dad finally looked at him, their eyes met over the rim of their cups. It felt like something seemed to sizzle between them, some irreversible change that Peter didn't understand.
“Alright,” his dad said once he'd gathered his thoughts. “So my baby boy wants his daddy to teach him about being an omega and what to expect from alphas. Is that it?”
Peter’s breath hitched as he saw the look in his father's eyes. Dark and calculating. The mood was entirely different now and Peter’s heart fluttered as anticipation took over.
“Y-yeah, I mean, yes, Daddy,” Peter tried to sound so confident like a strong omega who knows what he wanted but the words came out coquettish and shy.
That only made his dad hum thoughtfully.
“Alright, Pete,” Tony affirmed, “This… Whatever this is… You gotta be sure, kid, that this is what you want. I’ll always stop if you want me to or you decide to call it off– but some things you can't pretend never happened once you've done ‘em. If you know what I mean.”
Peter did know. Theoretically. Or at least he’d thought about it briefly. Even now, he was sure this was what he wanted.
“I'm sure,” Peter said with all the confidence of a teen who only had a tiny inkling of what he was getting into.
“Good,” his dad said and Peter sighed in relief at the acceptance. He smiled at his father, only for his breath to catch because…
For the very first time, the person looking at him wasn't his patient loving father, but an alpha assessing a potential omega.
His dad was already starting without realizing it. With just that one look, Peter was already learning what it meant for an alpha to look at an omega like that. It made him feel… he wasn't sure what but he liked it.
His gaze dropped but then flirted back up. His dad smirked at him, knowingly, and Peter agonized over what that smirk meant. His dad always seemed to know what was on his mind, did he know what he was doing to his own son, even now?
Peter’s hands tightened on his drink, cheeks flushed like he'd been drinking wine instead of juice. Was this how omegas felt when alphas gave them attention…?
If so… Peter liked it. He liked it a lot.
The omega squirmed in his seat, surprised but excited by the indescribable look in his father's eyes.
He couldn't wait to learn what it meant.
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starker-sorbet · 10 months
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Mad hatter Peter x Alice Tony
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frogdottir · 2 years
Ok I saw this reblog about how Irondad doesn’t work because “Peter ‘eat the rich’ Parker” would never, and yes! I agree, /that/ comic canon Peter Parker wouldn’t vibe with it.
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However, we’ve gotta acknowledge that the Marvel Universe has become an endless stream of fanfiction— and no, I’m not talking about AO3.
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You have MCU Peter - which is who all the irondadders are referencing. He’s a teenager. Yes, I agree the dynamic is more hardheaded than not, but he’s looked up to Tony his whole life. Tony saved him from being blasted at an expo. Theres some hero worship going on there fs, but he’s his own person too whos gotta figure himself out.
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You have Spiderverse Peter. Specifically Peter B. Parker. He has a baby now :) He has probably never met/heard of ironman and wouldn’t get along with him. They’re both too far on the stubborn asshole radar imo.
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You have Tobey!Peter and Andrew!Peter - both of which have no idea what an Avenger is, nor do I think being apart of a team would float their boat. Maybe Andrew!Peter, but I’m positive the dynamic would be different.
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LETS NOT FORGET BILLIONAIRE PETER PARKER FROM THE SPIDEYPOOL SERIES. The guy IS the rich. Honestly, as much as I love that series and the Spider-Man Deadpool dynamic, not my fave take on Peter.
Edit: it has come to my attention that this Spider-Man is same universe as Superior Spider-Man (who wasn’t mentioned purposefully) Which makes a lot more since IMO.
multiverse multiverse multiverse
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Then theres comics where Peter asks Tony for rich people favors— like borrowing his private space pod thing to get away from the world for a hot minute with Mary Jane??
Edit: yes, he’s terminally ill and he deserves a break— but going to space in multimillion dollar tech is different than a beach weekend and you and I could not afford that !!😭
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Theres just /so/ much content
- Superior Spider-Man
- The Darkhold one shot
- the original TASM comics
- the infinity comic series
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And theres like a shit ton more that I’m just not gonna mention.
My point — there are so many variations of this character that saying “never” about certain dynamics fails to acknowledge the version of Peter Parker people were introduced to. Personally, I read stories and comics from a ton of different angles, but if you don’t, thats alright.
Your Peter Parker is yours <3
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graceful-starker · 7 months
For AUpril, can I request some lesbian starker? And if you want, mix in some omegaverse cause I've been low-key desperate for top omega/bottom alpha lesbians 🥺 but no pressure 😂
I can do both!!! I’ll tag you 🥰😘
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Debt Pain in Soul Epilogue 2
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For the second day of Christmas, this author gave to thee: Epiiiiilooogguuueee two ~
Summary: Tony fully intends to go to the Parker residence simply to claim his latest acquisition, one Peter Parker. When he finds out Peter is in fact his soul mate, things change in ways Tony couldn't have planned or expected. Not that he's complaining. Instead of just another worker for his clubs, he found a smart sexy omega that he's going to keep for the rest of their lives. This is an omegaverse hybrid mob au with a different bingo prompt per chapter.
Tags: Mafia AU, Mob Boss Tony Stark, Soul Bond, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Hybrid AU, Serval Peter, Black Tiger Tony, Dub-con first time, Soulbonds made them do it, Lots of spice and smut, Some fluff too, Dark Tony Stark, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Intersex Omegas, Tony is not a nice person, except to Peter, mention of sex work, Human Trafficking, In that tony makes people pay off debt while working for him, and some of those people work in sex clubs, Size Difference, Tiny Peter, Large Tony, Mild milk kink, Breeding Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, stuffing kink, Size Kink, Tony loves how huge his cock is and making Peter take it, Nipple Play, I don't know, theres lots of omegaverse typical sex tropes, eventual kidnapping and rescue,mild angst but always with a happy ending
Read on AO3 Here Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
View Art Here And here And here
Ever since Peter had admitted to wanting more kits, Tony had been making plans. He had Bucky and Nat on the hunt for nannies to help with the older three, as well as more security for the penthouse. Pepper and Rhodey helped him schedule his meetings and business so that he’d have Peter’s heat free but also so that he could step away a bit during the pregnancy if he needed to. Tony hoped Peter would be spared any complications, but, just in case, he called the specialists and made sure they would be ready too.
When Peter’s heat hit, Tony had made arrangements with everyone. Well, everyone except Peter. The serval hadn’t mentioned it again, but Tony saw the longing glances now that he knew to look for them. Clearly his mate wanted more and was letting social pressure or something equally ridiculous hold him back. So Tony would remove every barrier for him instead.
Tony found Peter curled in their bed, not quite in full heat but close enough that he was shaking and whimpering. Tony climbed in the bed behind him, sliding his hand up Peter’s body until soul mark met soul mark. Then he reached down with his other and started loosening his mate up. While his little omega had gotten better at taking his cock and knot, he still had to be stretched before they could play.
Not that Tony minded at all as slick drenched his hand and Peter whined as he tried to ride Tony’s fingers. It was so fucking hot watching his lithe kitten so lost in want, taking whatever Tony deemed to give him.
“Why don’t you play with those cute tits for me, baby, since my hand’s a little busy?” Tony asked as he briefly tightened the hand on the omega’s neck.
Peter whined but his hands came up, cupping his small breasts and squeezing them. Then he used his thumbs to rub at the nipples, squirming and clenching around Tony’s fingers as he did.
“Such a good omega for me,” Tony growled. “Knew you would be the minute that collar formed on your skin though.”
Peter whimpered but didn’t argue as he rocked harder onto the alpha’s hand. Tony slid another finger in, drawing a choked moan from the younger man.
“So wet and loose,” Tony murmured. “Perfect for taking my cock until your cute little belly bulges out like you’re stuffed with my kits.”
His omega flushed and writhed more as Tony got yet another finger in. He was just about ready for Tony to impale and the alpha grinned.
“Almost, ‘mega mine, and then I’m gonna shove my cock in you. Gonna knot you again and again,” Tony whispered darkly, twisting his fingers to put pressure on the spots Peter liked. “I’m going to pump you so full, make sure the seed takes and put another litter in this little hole of yours, omega. And you’ll beg me for more the whole time like the good omega you are, won’t you? You want to give me what I want, don’t you?”
His omega was panting, eyes glassy with heat and want when Tony pulled his hand out and arranged Peter into the proper position for breeding. He took a moment to admire the view, Peter’s ass in the air with his hole on display. Tony reached down to play with Peter’s cocklette one last time, trailing his hand up to grab his omega’s ass before shoving his cock in. He sheathed himself in single thrust, pulling a broken gasp from his mate.
“Alpha, alpha, please, alpha,” Peter begged as Tony thrust, first slowly and then faster into the omega’s body. He kept their soul marks touching as he caged the omega with his body. His hips drove his cock deep into Peter while he pinned the omega’s upper body with his own, ensuring he got as deep as possible.
Peter was incoherent beneath him, gasping and moaning in pleasure even as his hands scrabbled for purchase on the sheets.
It didn’t take long for his knot to form, not that Tony was surprised. The first one during a heat never did, spurred on by needy omega hormones and his own need to breed his mate. With one last thrust, he buried himself in Peter and felt his knot inflate fully, locking the omega’s body on his. Peter gasped and trembled, tightening around him as he came just from the knot.
“You should see yourself,” Tony groaned as Peter milked another mini orgasm out of him. “You’re just hanging off my knot, stuffed so full.”
Peter whined and then groaned as Tony ground his hips against Peter’s ass. All of a sudden, he felt the need to mark his mate again, so he pulled Peter as straight as he could while arching his own back to reach the omega’s neck.
The bite had Peter coming again beneath him, trembling from over stimulation but unable to resist the alpha while the heat sang through his body. As Tony was about to lay them down, he caught sight of the dressing mirror they kept in the room and changed his mind.
It took some careful maneuvering, but he managed to get them in front of the mirror, Peter supported by an arm across his chest and the knot that kept them together.
“Look, ‘mega mine, look at how debauched you look on my knot,” Tony commanded and Peter’s eyes rose to the mirrors.
Peter gasped at what he saw. He knew he was tiny but seeing his body pressed against Tony’s, held only by a single arm and the cock buried in him, had him flushing brilliant red across his whole body. His body clenched around his mate’s cock, and he panted at the combined feeling of fullness and helplessness. 
“That’s right, baby, so tiny, just like this little cocklette of yours,” Tony said, sliding his free hand down to fondle Peter’s cocklette for a minute before grabbing Peter’s hand. “Come on, baby, give us a show.”
His alpha kept his hand over Peter’s and guided him as he fondled his cocklette.  Peter whimpered at the overstimulation but didn’t-couldn’t disobey the alpha. His head fell back against Tony’s chest as his hand was pushed faster and faster. Pain turned to pleasure and the heat built higher and higher until he came around the alpha again.
“That’s a good omega,” Tony murmured in his ear. “You made a mess though. Clean it up for alpha.”
Tony lifted Peter’s hand to his lips, and Peter shuddered as he obeyed his mate. He started with little kitten licks but soon was taking bigger swipes with his tongue until his and Tony’s hands were clean again.
“Good boy,” Tony growled. The alpha still didn’t release his hand though, instead drawing it down to his belly. “How about you help your alpha out now too.”
Peter was confused at first, too wrung out from his heat to understand what his alpha wanted until Tony pressed their hands down and Peter felt something hard inside. He looked down and moaned as he saw the outline of Tony’s cock pressing against his stomach.
“That’s right, kitten. Still so tiny that my cock has to stretch you everywhere to fit,” Tony said darkly. “So go ahead, give it a good massage for me, baby.”
Peter whimpered but obeyed, rubbing his hand firmly against his stomach even as Tony lifted him in micro movements, stopping when the knot pulled too much before dropping him back onto his cock. The pressure was odd, and Peter wasn’t sure how he felt about it but Tony’s pleased rumble drove him to continue despite that. It didn’t take long before Peter felt the cock inside him spasm with bursts of warmth. His body clenched around it, instinctually milking it even when the stimulation was too much,
“Don’t you dare look away,” Tony commanded suddenly, startling Peter. “I want you to watch, watch as I breed you again while you wear my mark on your neck. Watch as this tiny body of yours grows rounder with my cum until you look ready to burst. And then, I’ll fill you even more until I know there’s kits inside your womb again.”
Peter panted, body exhausted and stretched so full, but his eyes stayed glued to the mirror as Tony used him to come twice more before finally letting them lay down and rest. Peter only stayed coherent long enough for Tony to get him a few drinks of water before he passed out.
Tony let his mate rest even after his knot went down. He used the break to move the mirror closer to the bed. The alpha had meant every word when he said he was going to make sure Peter watched as he was bred over and over like the good omega he was. And after, when his kitten realized he was pregnant again, he’d be reminded of this heat every time he looked in the mirror.
Peter woke up exhausted, as he normally was after a heat. Yet something kept niggling the back of his mind, something important that he had forgotten. His thoughts were interrupted when Tony slipped his cock into Peter’s body, no stretching needed with how wet and loose he was.
“Good morning, omega,” Tony murmured, and Peter curled back against him, loving the warm feel of Tony’s cock inside him. He loved doing this, just cockwarming while they cuddled and his body flushed the rest of the hormones out.
A jolt went through him as he realized how warm Tony was.
“Shit,” he tried to jerk away but Tony held him tight.
“What’s wrong, omega?”
“Condoms, we didn’t use condoms and I couldn’t find my heat meds, and-”
“Shhhhh, it’s ok, omega,” Tony said with a chuckle. “I didn’t refill your heat meds or the condoms.”
“But-we, I’ll-”
“End up pregnant?” Tony asked, his voice amused. “That’s the point, kitten. You wanted more kits and I promised you at our wedding that I would always give you what you wanted.”
“But, work and the kits-” Peter spluttered, only for Tony to nip at his soul mark and thrust into him, silencing him with a moan.
“I’ve already taken care of that,” Tony said smugly. “Bucky and Nat have vetted a few nannies for you to meet, Pep and I have already started shifting responsibilities so I can be here the whole pregnancy, and the whole team has been briefed.”
“You told everyone?!” Peter squeaked, and Tony chuckled darkly.
“All I did was say my mate wanted more kits, and they all got to work to make it happen,” Tony said, kissing the top of Peter’s head. “They adore you almost as much as I do, you know. And as much as the kits drive them nuts, they love them too. So of course they’re going to support you. They’re your family too.”
Peter let it wash over him as he realized his mate had arranged everything. A part of him was uneasy because Tony had done it all without him, and yet, it was what he wanted most if he was being honest. Like a surprise present, it had been arranged without his knowledge but with the intent to bring him joy. 
Peter decided to just accept it for the gift it was as he relaxed against Tony again. The alpha continued cuddling him, pleased that everything had gone to plan. Including that hint of sweet honey in his omega’s scent.
When they welcomed two beta black tiger kits into the world 8 months later, Tony stood proudly beside his mate. They introduced them to their siblings, and Tony watched as all three of his eldest children promised their mother to look after the new babies with him. He bit back a smirk as James looked over their heads and nodded, his own promise, alpha to alpha, that he’d look after them. Rhodey and the others came by as well, cooing over Morgan and Penny.
Eventually, everyone said goodbye and Peter curled up in their bed. Tony climbed in behind him, his warm presence soothing to the tired omega.
“They’re just as perfect as you,” Tony whispered as he held Peter tight. “And when you’re ready for more, I’ll be sure to give them to you again. As many as you want, Omega mine.”
“Alpha,” Peter groaned, not at all interested in the thought of anything but sleep.
“Just when you’re ready,” Tony promised, and Peter huffed but didn’t argue. As he drifted off, one of Tony’s hands slid down to cup his belly, and Peter couldn’t help but imagine it being full again. Not right away, because the girls would need him. But someday.
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sodamnradd · 3 months
“I dare you to kiss Hermione,” said Ginny, grinning conspiratorially in her friend’s direction.
Hermione turned her attention to Malfoy, her stomach fluttering in anxious anticipation. But then she noticed the obvious discomfort on his face and her excitement fizzled. Weeks of studying together, late-night lab sessions—their prize-winning Potions project!—and he couldn’t even stomach the thought of one measly little kiss?
The common room fell silent when Malfoy didn’t budge. A dozen seventh and eighth-years sat around an empty Firewhisky bottle, its neck pointed in Malfoy’s direction like an accusation.
She wished the ground would swallow her whole.
Seconds later, Theo re-entered the room, donning a Slytherin jumper and a lumpy knit scarf, cheeks red after flying a lap around the castle starkers to fulfill his dare.
He looked around, confused. “What’s up?”
Hermione felt a sharp stab of betrayal seeing Theo in the scarf she’d knit Malfoy for Christmas. It wasn’t the cashmere or spider silk fabric he was used to, but Malfoy had seemed genuinely touched by the gesture, immediately replacing his Slytherin scarf with the one Hermione had made for him. In turn, Malfoy had tied his Slytherin scarf around her neck, stepping back to admire her with an affectionate look. The scarf had smelled like him, so naturally Hermione had kept it on all day. Even inside.
And now here was her gift, draped haphazardly around Theo’s neck like he’d grabbed the first thing he’d found on the floor to warm himself up. Message received.
Glaring daggers in Malfoy’s direction, Ginny replied coldly, “Nothing. Malfoy just thinks he’s too good to kiss Hermione on a dare.”
“Oh?” Theo eyed his best mate curiously.
Malfoy opened his mouth to reply, but then his gaze flicked down to Theo’s neck and whatever he’d wanted to say died on his lips as his eyes narrowed.
“I’ll kiss her.” Theo walked up to Hermione and cupped her cheeks. His hands were like slabs of ice, and she shivered, but then his lips, cold and hard, met hers and approximately five seconds later it was over and Hermione felt like crying.
The room seemed to heave a sigh of relief as Theo settled at the foot of Hermione’s armchair and spun the bottle again.
Hermione jumped off her seat and bolted for the dorms, not slowing even as footsteps followed her up the stairs.
“Granger, wait!”
“I just want to be alone right now,” she cried, nearly at her bedroom door.
A hand grabbed her arm.
She glanced down at his pale knuckles and the expanse of blond hair that disappeared beneath a bunched-up sleeve. She recalled the way he'd trembled when she’d traced the protruding veins of his forearm last week, waiting for their potion to boil. His gaze following her touch intricately.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked quickly.
She yanked her arm back, refusing to meet his eyes. “I’m humiliated. You made it seem like I was diseased!”
He made a painstaking groan. “I just didn’t want to kiss you like that. In front of everyone.”
“Right. Heavens forbid they catch you snogging a Mudblood.”
“No.” He shook his head. “It’s not that. Not at all.”
“What is it then?” She looked up, catching the familiar warmth in his eyes when he looked at her. Even mid-argument they held that affectionate sparkle. Seeing her.
He stepped back, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It’s just that—when I kiss you, I want you to know it’s because I’ve thought of nothing else for weeks.”
Her mind snagged on how he’d said ‘when’ and not ‘if’.
Smiling nervously, he touched her hand, stroking his thumb over the swell of her palm. Because of course, on top of his boyish good looks, astute ambition, and effortless sense of humour, the boy had to be sentimental, too. Gods.
He tugged her forward until their legs touched, eyes never leaving her face.
Heart hammering against her ribcage, Hermione lifted her head as Draco descended.
The next morning, he was waiting for her at the foot of the dormitory stairs. His scarf twisted delicately around his neck and tucked into his coat. When she reached the last step, he captured her chin between his fingers and kissed her with breathtaking confidence.
A stunned silence filled the common room as everyone watched Hermione and Draco leave together, their hands firmly intertwined.
(736 words, loosely inspired by a scene from 'Every Summer After' by Carley Fortune)
p.s. hi i missed writing dramione ficlets so here we are.
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
This is only the first of what I hope will not be too many, but here we go! 🗝 Joel Miller + Country cowbow aesthetic. Because why not?! <3
CountryCowboy!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: soft af, made my heart ache, playful flirting, literally such southern stereotypes written by an English Woman. Dry humping. 18+ ya nasties!
summary: Retired Rodeo-Cowboy Joel Miller settles down on his ranch with his number one fan.
joel masterlist I| main masterlist |I follower celebration I| ask |I
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“They’re more hassle than they’re worth, y’know?”
A smile pulls at the edges of your mouth the moment his complaints reach your ears. His gruff voice drips with sarcasm, but you keep your eyes on the horses that prance around the paddock. They lift their hooves with synchronised grace, performing a dance as they clopped across the dried soil.
“That may be,” you muse, brushing your palms over the planks of wood that contained the mares. They’re beautiful beasts, their coats shining beneath the sunshine that the rim of your Stetson shields your face from. “But they’re mighty fine.”
The mocking southern accent you respond with has Joel pushing his elbow into your side.
“Hey!” You burst into a fit of giggles, the laughter bubbling from your throat before you’re able to suppress it. When you look up, Joel’s face is flat, that typical ‘Clint Eastwood Stand-off’ vibe that he always emanates, but his eyes betray him. There’s amusement swirling in his deep tan-leather irises.
Joel rests his palms on the wood, too, casting his gaze over the field. He’s handsome like this, you think, the dying gilded sunshine painting his face golden. It’s clearly crawled under his skin, cheeks glowing a subtle pink with sunburn and making the greys of his beard starker amongst the brown. His matching salt and pepper hair is windswept from working all day in the summer breeze.
It’s ridiculous, you think. All these years together, travelling to rodeos and spending most of your time hiding behind your fingers when he wrestled steers, you still felt the butterflies erupt in your stomach when you looked at him. He’d since hung up his bulldogging boots, ‘far too old to be wrangling bullocks’, and had taken up a much quieter life breeding horses for racing.
“You know,” Joel smirks, not bothering to look at you when he teases you, “You’re always talkin’ ‘bout how pretty they are but spend all your time lookin’ at me.”
“Shut up,” you scoff, tearing your eyes away from him and folding your arms across your chest with an indignant huff. The rumbles of a chuckle reach your ears, and you can feel your cheeks heat up.
“It ain’t so bad, you know,” he speaks softly, trying to ease your embarrassment, “It’s nice to know an old man’s still got it.”
You can’t stay mad at him for very long. That southern charm that effortlessly and unknowingly bleeds through each word works its way between your ribs and lassoes your heart with such ease. Again, you find yourself smiling, turning to look at him again. He’s unable to smother the grin that’s threatening to stretch across his lips, the edges of his mouth twitching.
“You’re not an old man,” you promise, reaching your hand across the small space between you. You hook your finger under the metal of his belt buckle and pull him towards you with a grin. He arches a brow at you pointedly, and you shrug with a grin. “Mhm, okay, maybe you’re a little old.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks, watching you smooth your hands over his hips and waist.
“The kind of old that makes a man even more handsome,” you promise him, unable to look him in the eyes and choosing instead to drag your eyes over the tanned skin that glistens with sweat just beyond the collar of his flannel, “You age like whiskey, Joel.”
“Jack Daniels or Southern Comfort?” He asks, and you can feel his gaze dancing across your face, burning into your mouth and tracing your lips.
“Mhmm…” you hum softly, finally braving his stare and looking up at him. His eyes are dark with a rich need, hungering for your lips on his. “Redbreast.”
He can’t stand it anymore, you think, leaning down suddenly to press his lips to yours. They’re slightly dry from the heat, and you can taste the salt of his sweat. His body heards you against the fence, his work-worn hands dragging over your thighs and hips with a delicious hum that pools arousal between your thighs.
“Joel,” you breathe into his mouth. It comes out a little more desperate than you’d like, a little needier, but Joel doesn’t complain. His hands are hoisting you up, settled just beneath your ass, so your legs wrap around him.
“These fuckin’ jeans,” he huffs, frustrated when he lightly slaps your ass. Again, you’re laughing, knowing he hates them. They hug your figure just right, too tricky to get off in a hurry. “Just gonna have to make do, aren’t I?”
You’re unable to question him, to ask what he means, because he’s immediately grinding his hips against your own in a way that adds just the right amount of pressure to your clit through the seam of your jeans. Fuck, he’s rock hard beneath you, clearly turned on by your ridiculous teasing and the way you melted at the sight of him.
He swallows your moans with heated kisses, tongue dragging against your own. Fuck, his hands are squeezing at the flesh of your ass through the denim, enjoying the handfuls he steals.
It’s deliberate. The slow, heavy arcs of his hips when he grinds into you, focusing all the pressure on your clit with expertise only he could offer. He’d mapped out your body after all these years, the peaks and troughs of your structure memorised like the landscape of his ranch. Joel knew every pleasure point of your body, how to work them to his advantage and to your detriment.
“Fuck,” you whine softly, feeling him smirk into your shared kiss. Leaning your head back, you sigh when he pulls his lips across your jugular, pressing open-mouthed kisses against your pulse.
“Kiss your mother with that mouth, Darlin’?” He questions you, and you answer with a pointed, open-palm slap against his shoulder. He chuckles again, but responds with another heavy drag of his hips.
“Ohfu-“ you choke out, tears welling in your eyes. He just ruins you, just picks you apart and puts you together again so that all you can think about is the throbbing arousal that shoots up your spine.
“You gonna give it to me, Darlin’? Come on, Sugar. Come on,” he whispers to you, that gravelly tone sparking something honey-sweet inside of you. It’s not the lighting crack that he usually produces. No, it pours through you like molasses, slow and rolling and dripping between your thighs. A soft, drawn-out moan of Joel’s name pushes its way from your lips, and he praises you as your thighs squeeze him tight.
“Mhmm, Good Girl,” he hums, planting kisses along your jaw with a grin. “Don’t think I’ll have to work hard to wrangle you into bed, will I?”
He doesn’t.
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madeforstarker · 3 months
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Story written for @starker-battleship prompt: THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED and @pparkerbingo nsfw prompt: FACE-SITTING ♡ sfw prompt: BED SHARING ♡
☆ Moments of Madness ☆
College vacations are always fun. Proven and tested. But when you got a scheming group of friends who finally wants you to get the guy... then that's another baggage to unpack. "Why do they always book couple rooms?" Peter huffs. Oh, because I'm in love with you. Tony thinks.
《 read here. ♡ 》
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, There Was Only One Bed, Sharing a Bed, Foreplay, Mutual Masturbation, Mutual Pining, First Time Blow Jobs, Face-Sitting
— cards below cut ♡ —
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Tell and show the world // Lina Magull
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a/n: based off this request. Please enjoy:D
"Lina" you said as you stood behind the kitchen counter, chopping the vegetables for dinner. "Ja, liebe?" the brunette asked, eyes looking away from her laptop screen. "I‘ve been thinking…" you mumbled, suddenly feeling shy, cheeks slowly turning red, "what‘s wrong?" the german was immediately by your side, "stop the chopping, baby" her fingers laced with your own as she turned you around. When you didn‘t answer her, her hands cupped your cheeks while you started playing with your wedding ring. "When are you going to tell the world about us?" you mumbled, shy, afraid. She seemed confused, jaw tense, eyes that asked many questions. You never had a problem keeping your relationship secret or private. Lina did not tape her ring nor did she wear it during games or ever mentioned that she was in a commited relationship. Her private life was private. Where did the change of heart come from?
"Lately, umm" your voice was shaking - you didn‘t know why, you knew that Lina loved you, she was your wife but something was making you nervous. "Comments. The comments under your posts are getting worse. And- and these ship videos with G, I don’t like them. I like G, don‘t get me wrong, she’s awesome but-" you rambled on about the thirsty comments under her instagram posts, the ship edits you had on your for you page and your hurt feelings. In no way, you were mad at Lina, just hurt with the whole situation. "Hey, hey" the bayern munich player pulled you close, her hands firmly resting on their usual place around your waist while your head hit her shoulder with a quiet thud, "my love, look at me" she demanded softly. With tears in your eyes you looked in to the orbs you‘d loved for so long, "Is that what has been bothering you the last few days?" one of her hands cupped your cheek, wiping away the tears that spilled. You didn't want to admit it, it still hurt you a lot and seeing her do nothing about it was just another little stab in your heart. You knew she didn't read most of the comments except those from her friends and family, so you couldn't blame her - you didn't even want too. Your heart just stung.
In respond, you nodded, biting your lower lip to contain yourself, "Stop crying, please" the germans heart ached at sight in front of her, the way your body shook as the tears ran down your cheeks, "i would tell the world in a heartbeat, liebe."
Your eyes grew wide, only a sniffle coming from your throat, "really?"
You chuckled at the determined look the midfielder had on her face, "do you want me to post something on instagram or a tweet or what? Tell me, baby, I‘ll do it" she pressed multiple kisses over your face, a nose scrunch in reply as you giggled along. "You‘re my wife and I love you, okay? I would tell every person in the world myself If that‘s what makes you happy"
Match day.
Champions league semi final.
Bayern Munich vs Chelsea.
Lina was sitting at the press conference table with Alexander Straus as media teams were behind the cameras, many with notes and a mic in their hand.
"Der FC Chelsea ist ein starker Gegner, glauben Sie, sie können gegen so eine starke Mannschaft gewinnen?" an older man asked Alex and Lina, both sharing a look. With a tilt of his head the Bayern coach asked the midfielder If she wanted to answer or If he should - he answered. He told the interviewer, "From goalkeeper to striker, the most diverse talents have met - Guro Reiten, Sam Kerr, Millie Bright and so on - pooled together and formed a high class team. They are very good but not unbeatable. That's what we're trying to show today."
There were some more questions which Lina and Alexander answered before the last question before the game was asked.
"Nächste Frage an Lina Magull: Was motiviert das Team und Sie persönlich den Sieg heute zu holen?"
"Der Titel" she chuckled, "Wir alle sind super motiviert und haben ein hohes Interesse daran, den Titel mit nach Hause zu nehmen und das Halbfinale ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Am Ende des Tages, kämpft jede für das Team und hat seine eigene Person für die er kämpf, das variiert von Spielerin zu Spielerin. Für mich zum Beispiel ist es meine Frau. Ich betrete heute - immer - das Spielfeld, um meine Frau zu beeindrucken und ihr Strahlen am Abend zu sehen"
The whole room inhaled sharply - wife?! Why didn't anyone know that? Alexander had a smile on his face, of course he knew about you, all the Bayern people knew about you and they loved you - you were great.
Only then did everyone notice the ring the german was wearing on her finger; it was simple yet beautiful - it suited her.
Tell the media she had a wife? check.
Lina loved the faces she saw behind the cameras, there were shocked ones - jaw to floor, there were confused ones - huh? Did she say wife? and there were happy faces.
Sitting in the stands next to Sydney‘s mum you saw the girls walking out of the tunnel. The Allianz Arena was sold out, red shirts everywhere. Even the mens team came to support the girls - a rare sight.
It was just wow. The girls played their hearts and showed their talent. It didn‘t matter that Chelsea got on the score line first, Erin Cuthbert with the header.
Bayern was eager and hungry.
After the first 20 minutes, Bayern played better than their best. Pernille Harder scored the equalizer, she didn‘t celebrate though, she turned to the few Chelsea fans, raised her hand a little and apologized silently. The Blues were her home and family once and still are, even If she doesn‘t play for them anymore.
Georgia was the next to score a banger - outside the box. It was beautiful, AKB had no chance. The stadium went crazy.
Last but not least, was the third goal of the game. The game had built up from Grohs, the Bayern keeper. The girls played a Tiki Taka, the opponents could only watch the ball, there was no chance of taking it. Bühl then converted it to 3-1, the ball slipping past her national team mates fingertips.
When the whistle blew, the stadium got louder and louder, fans were signing chants as they jumped around to celebrate.
When everyone finished shaking their opponents and talked to their friends, the girls swarmed out to sign jerseys and to take pictures. Lina though, she had only one goal in mind. She wanted to see you. You were often at the Bayern games but never in a jersey or at least never in a jersey with 'Magull' on the back of it.
Not until now, this morning the german had told to wear her jersey later, she was very clear with her demand.
"Hi, my love" she whispered after she had jumped over the barrier, her arms going around your waist. Your smile was brigther than the sky while you cupped her cheeks, proud of your wife and her team, "Baby! That was amazing!" The brunette just grinned at you, loving the big wide smile that covered your face. Shortly after your said words your arms looped around her neck, your head on her shoulder as you hugged her dearly. Her own head was hidden in your neck as she pressed soft kisses to it.
First kiss: i‘m so happy.
Second kiss: thank you for being here.
third kiss: i love you.
the multiple kisses after: wow!!
Many eyes and cameras were on you, multiple people taking pictures of the two of you. Yet it didn‘t matter, your heart fluttered at the sight of your wife, the way she interacted with you in front of the fans. Normally it was the bare minimum but not now, she had accepted the concerns you told her about and implemented your wishes, your request. She would do anything, absolutely anything, for you.
And If it wasn‘t clear enough, the kiss on your lips was. She gave you a passionate yet gentle and appropriate one, it was like in the movies; your hands resting on her neck, her own hands placed on your hips as she leant forwads, yourself leaning backwards in return. Lina felt euphoric, like she was high. High on love, high with happiness, high with everything.
It was safe to say, Lina‘s announcement at the press conference went viral, multiple clips across the internet. As well as various edits of the scene in the stadium.
The german international broke the internet, yet it wasn‘t enough for her.
She had announced it to the media, she had demonstrated the fans and she was about to show the world.
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stanwaygeorgia and 36.047 thousand others
linamagull ❤️
it was that simple. 4 pictures with more or less the same gesture. You in her arms, just with a different view. The pictures were taken over the years, they still gave you enough privacy but a clear statement was made: Lina Magull was happily married.
Der FC Chelsea ist ein starker Gegner, glauben Sie, sie können gegen so eine starke Mannschaft gewinnen? - Chelsea are a strong opponent, do you think you can win against such a strong team?
Nächste Frage an Lina Magull: Was motiviert das Team und Sie persönlich den Sieg heute zu holen - Next question for Lina Magull: What motivates the team and you personally to win today
Wir alle sind super motiviert und haben ein hohes Interesse daran, den Titel mit nach Hause zu nehmen und das Halbfinale ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Am Ende des Tages, kämpft jeder für das Team und hat seine eigene Person für die er kämpf, das variiert von Spielerin zu Spielerin. Für mich zum Beispiel ist es meine Frau. Ich betrete heute - immer - das Spielfeld, um meine Frau zu beeindrucken und ihr Strahlen am Abend zu sehen - We are all motivated and very interested in taking the trophy home and the semi-final is a step in the right direction. At the end of the day, everyone fights for the team and has their own person to fight for, it varies from player to player. For me, for example, it is my wife. I step on the pitch today - always - to impress my wife and see her bright smile in the evening.
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starkerhowlter · 7 months
Performative Dom
Ship: Starker Rating: E Contains: Language, Blowjobs, collaring, Lingerie, Dom/sub, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dubious Consent (But corrected by Tony to give Peter the right to consent), Objectification (Not by MCs), BDSM Posing, Collar pulling, Coming Untouched, Daddy Kink, Peter Parker is 18, leashing Initial prompt: @starkerfestivals Valentine's Day exchange prompt 1: Peter is a sub but they won't let him go to college without a Dom sponsor.  Tony thinks he's too brilliant for those dumb rules to ruin his life so he takes up the role only to fall in love with how beautiful Peter looks on his knees. Words: 5426 Summary: Peter needs a dom. And the perfect candidate is right in front of him. But what if they fit better together than either of them ever expected?
AKA: Five Times Tony realized this was a mistake, and one time he embraced it.
Gift for: @the-mad-starker
Read Below or on AO3
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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for this prompt and for giving me the opportunity to write it! I hope you love it and I hope this does your prompt justice! Also I hope you love the bonus moodboard I custom built for you! A number of the images were made just for you ♥♥
Also also, hi Starker fandom! It's been a minute since I've been back! I've been on a "fandom tour of the world" recently and joined 3 fandoms since July. You haven't gotten rid of me yet!
This was edited by one of my fave humans @starkerkitty! Thank you so much, Jacy!! <3
note: any underlined words are links
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The entire thing had been a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Peter bursts into the lab seething, and Tony's met with a fire he's never seen in the younger boy's eyes. 
Tony's brow furrows as he kicks his feet off the desk, "Peter?" 
"I thought we were past this as a society," Peter shouts, dropping the envelope on the desk in front of him. He continues pacing the length of the garage, stepping onto the walls to pace across the ceiling.
"What? Acceptance letters?" Tony smirks, raises an eyebrow and picks up the envelope. He pulls the paper out, reading. "’Dear Peter Parker, you have been accepted to MIT.’" Tony murmurs, "I mean that was expected..." He continues, "blah blah blah... Orientation is on Monday.. blah blah blah... ‘Unfortunately, we can't allow you to enroll in classes until you present a Dom to sponsor your journey with MIT to allow for you to be enrolled and to keep you accounta’-- Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me," he scoffs, tossing the paper on his desk. "They're really holding you from a degree because of *that*?! Just because of the little pink heart on your license?! Maybe I can call my associates, surely they know I'm the one who recommended you. They can't possibly be holding you for anything at all." He scoffs, "I'm going up there. If they want to play this game, we'll play this game."
"Or..." Peter starts, hopping down from on top of one of the server towers.
"Or?" Tony asks, arms crossing over his chest as he looks up at the boy. 
"Never mind."
He sighs, "I have a plan. But you... you have to trust me, Mr. Stark."
"Peter, we can't do this. I mean, I'm all about fucking over tradition, but you do realize they do checks. And not just one. They do them throughout the entirety of your time in the program." Tony stares at the younger man from behind his sunglasses, frowning, "We can't possibly make them believe that I'm your Dom."
Peter's shoulders fall, "You don't want to..."
Tony scoffs, reaching over to clasp a hand over Peter's shoulder, "Now when did I say that? I'm just worried because you're just a kid. I don't want to be preying on you because you're vulnerable."
"You're not. You're just helping me to get into a prestigious university. Speaking of, we need to go get some supplies."
Peter shrugs and nods, "Y'know... A collar, whatever outfit you think fits your standards, Mr. Stark. If you feel it's appropriate, you can even pick it." 
At the mention of an outfit, Tony's mind fills with images of Peter wrapped in ensembles of his dom's choosing. He considers a suit but settles for something more casual. And Peter in his mind looks stunning. 
This is a mistake.
"Oh. We can uh... go tomorrow, deal?"
Peter nods, "Sounds good, thank you, Mr. Stark! Goodnight!" He skips out of the penthouse, leaving Tony alone with less-than-appropriate thoughts about his young mentee.
There are a few times in Tony Stark's life when he knew he is well and truly fucked before the consequences happen. 
This is one of those times.
Before him, Peter’s standing on a fitting platform presented for Tony. 
"Now, Mr. Stark, what collar are you thinking for your sub? Have they earned a lock? Have they leveled up to a buckle, or is he still in training where they haven't earned more than a snap? As you know, your sub must earn a place beside you."
He allows himself a few deep breaths, glancing at Peter to confirm he's okay with this. 
Instead of a nervous disposition, Peter looks almost comfortable. His eyes are glazed, lips parted as he waits for Tony -- his dom-- to decide what he's worth. 
"I think he's earned a lock." Peter's chest shudders at the words and Tony smirks, "And let's put my name on it. He should bear my name since he belongs to me."
The worker nods, hanging on to Tony's every word. "Done! Give me just a few minutes to get the collar together for you. We can cut it today and size it so you can walk out with the piece before you leave the mall today!"
"Sounds good. I think my sub and I are going to do a few other errands but we will be back. If you wouldn't mind giving me a call?"
"Sure thing, Mr. Stark. I will start on your piece immediately." The worker takes the black metal card from him, disappearing into the back room to swipe it and get his receipt, but Tony isn't interested in the receipt. 
He turns towards Peter, hands resting gently on his arms, "You alright, kid?
Peter nods, mutely, and takes Tony's hand. "Do we need to... show our status while we're in public?" 
"It's probably a good idea. What are you comfortable wearing?"
"Whatever you'd like me to wear... daddy?" Peter tacks on the title as an afterthought and Tony fights the urge to react visibly. 
"I think that they will believe us more if we put you in a lingerie set and then dress you in a nice outfit on top of it. We can pass it off like I picked the outfit to match your collar, and if you are comfortable, some harnesses latch onto the type of collar I picked for you. But honestly, it's whatever you--"
"Mister Stark? I apologize for the interruption. Here is your card back and your receipt."
"Oh! Thank you!" He takes the card, putting it back in his wallet before taking Peter's hand and leading him out of the shop. 
Holding Peter's hand feels far more natural than it should as they walk through the mall. No one gives them a second look, and Tony wonders if they pass as a couple. 
"Follow me," Tony states, leading him through the mall toward the lingerie store. 
"Mr. Stark..." Peter tries, voice cracking with nervousness, "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. If you aren't, we don't have to do this. But I will tell you from experience, they are going to want proof."
This was a mistake.
Peter's standing in the middle of the store, surrounded by a rainbow of lace and tulle, and staring at Tony with wide brown eyes.  
"What is the-- um--" His voice cracks and Tony's heart melts. 
This was a mistake.
"How about we start you in a simple lace playsuit? Do you have a favorite color?"
"I... You should pick." 
"Alright, deal." Tony approaches one of the racks, sifting through the outfits to pick out a couple of styles in various colors. "What do you think about red?" 
"L-like Iron Man red?" 
"I mean... If I'm going to be 'owning' you, it'd make sense to have you wearing my colors," he replies, "Just seems appropriate."
Peter nods and follows after him, hands shoved in his hoodie pockets. 
"Your clothes are in there," he states, pointing into the third fitting stall, pulling the purple curtain back. "I'll wait for you out here. If you feel comfortable, I'd love to see how you look in the outfits... baby" 
Peter's eyes widen at the title, but he steps inside the booth before he can splutter out a reply and begins stripping off his hoodie and jeans, dropping them onto the gaudy cheetah print chair in the corner of the stall. 
Tony hadn't held back. 
The pieces before him held no semblance of modesty, yet would show off every curve and muscle of his body. One’s black and frilly, another’s pastel silk, and behind them is a hot rod red harness and lace playsuit.
"Holy--" He whispers, running his hand over the black, lace, off-shoulder negligee, pulling it gently off the hanger. The piece weighed next to nothing, but it felt like it'd shatter into a million pieces if he wasn't careful. He lifts it, pulling it over his head and down over his body.
It wasn't a piece of clothing so much as one long-sleeved lace sock, in Peter's opinion.  The bottom of the negligee touched just beneath his ass, and the sleeves pulled down over his hands to leave just his fingers bare. 
The lace covered nothing. His nipples and boxers were visible through the lace and at that second, he felt very, very exposed. 
"M-Mr. Stark?" He ekes out, peeking his head out of the curtain, keeping his body covered. 
"Yeah, Peter?" 
"How's this look?" Peter pulls back the curtain, revealing his lithe muscular form wrapped in the delicate lace dress. 
Oh... Tony fucked up. 
The kid - the one he had told himself he wouldn't drool over - was standing before him in a skin-tight lace bodycon dress, and Tony wanted nothing more at that moment than to devour him. 
"You look-- The lace and-- and your figure... um..." He clears his throat, "You look good. Can I see the next one?"
"Oh! Of course!" Peter replies, rushing back into the room. 
Back in the room, Peter removes the lacy garment and picks up the silky one. It doesn't even make it off the hanger before it's dropped to the floor. 
"No on the silk."
"No?" Tony replies from outside the door, "Just don't like the color or...?"
"Texture," Peter replies bluntly, picking it back up to hang it on the hook. "I can't do it."
Tony huffs what sounds like a laugh, "That's alright, sweetheart." 
The title slips out, and the younger man blushes as he picks up the next piece. 
On the hanger is a lacy bright red harness playsuit. Bands cross along the back and front, over where his midriff would be, and he shivers slightly at the intricacy of the piece. He steps into it, slowly pulling it up over his thighs, hips, and stomach, spreading the lace over his form. 
He turns towards the mirror and the sight of himself catches him off guard. Peter's breathing hitches at the sight of Tony's colors, his red, stretched over Peter’s pale skin. His hands ghost down the front, and the feeling causes him to shiver.  
"You okay in there, kid?" Tony calls, shattering the moment, "Didn't get tangled did you?"
"Uh... no!" He calls out, turning away from the mirror and towards the curtain. "Did you want to see this one? It's a bit... much isn't it?"
Tony gives an affirmative noise, and Peter pulls open the curtain, revealing himself to him. 
"Holy shit..." Tony whispers.
"That bad?"
"Look at you..." He steps forwards, and reaches for his hips, but stops just a few inches shy. "I-- Sorry." Tony inhales and steps back. "You can uh.. get dressed. I'll meet you out front."
He is so fucked.
A few days later, Tony's sitting on the couch next to Peter, reading paperwork on his tablet. "Okay, kid, we need a game plan for this Thursday. I mean... how are we planning on convincing them?" He swirls the bourbon in his glass, sipping it slowly. "Are you just thinking you'll sit in my lap or was there something else you thought might work better? What's the move?"
"I figured I'd sit on your lap, um... maybe we can have me wear a button-down shirt so they can see the lingerie and collar you picked? Just... basically... um... what do people usually do?"
'Fuck.' Tony's brain unhelpfully supplies.
"They tend to use less... orthodox methods. Some bring their subs in on leashes or feed them from their hand, make them sit down on the floor at their feet... It really depends. All I know is that when the day comes, I need to know what program you are going into and why so that I can vouch for you. Because as much as I hate it... in that room, you have no voice."
Peter shivers at the implication and nods. "Noted. Would you like me to uh... put on the outfit again so we can practice? I don't think it'd do us well for either of us to be stumbling and shy the day of."
'Oh, fuck, please put the outfit back on...' Tony thinks. 
"Good idea. I expect I will wear a usual suit, so there really isn't any need for me to change, right? I mean the entire thing is just a meeting. Nothing major. What's the worst that could happen? I mean, it's just an interview."
This is a mistake.
Whatever they'd planned for, it wasn't this. 
"M-Mr. Stark..." Peter whispers, eyes wide as he's led into the room, feeling small in the cavernous space. Their shoes thud against the floor as they walk, and he takes note of many famous art pieces along the walls as they're led to the office. 
At the last second, they'd decided on a leash, and now Peter realizes that may have been a mistake. The skinny chain is connected to the D-ring of his collar, and the other end is held by a wrist strap in the same metallic red leather as his collar. The weight of the piece creates a heady feeling at Peter's core and he finds himself thinking of taxes, his grandma... anything to keep the bulge in the front of his pants minimal.
Tony pulls on the chain, leading Peter through the halls, following a woman with a tight black bun who's talking far too fast for Peter to keep up with. 
"This school is one of the most prestigious in the country, you're not going to regret sending your sub here. We do offer a few check-in options if you want him to live on campus, but at the end of the day, it's about whatever works for you, Mr. Stark."
He replies with a simple, "As you know, I was a student here when I was younger. I think I want Peter here to have the same experience. Back then, we knew I was going to be marked a dom, just as my father was, and I didn't need any sort of sponsor. I'm not quite sure how this process works." Tony's entire being exudes confidence, and it puts Peter's racing heartbeat at ease. "Do you need to verify my 'status' or is that just understood?"
"I will need to verify your designation when we get to the office, but at this time it's not a major issue." She gives him a tight smile, not sparing Peter a second glance. "Oh, I should remind you, there will be a confirmation test before the meeting begins, will you be needing supplies for it or have you brought your own?" 
Tony scoffs dismissively, "What the hell is a 'Confirmation test'? You don't believe that I own my sub? That's ridiculous!"
"I do apologize, Mr. Stark. We've had a recent spike in subs acting as doms to get into college or having others of different designations pretend to be their dom to try and bypass the system. Therefore we've had to implement a check. There will be an agreement signed by all parties present if you're worried about it being leaked."
Peter blanches at the concept, heart racing when he hears that others have tried and failed to do exactly as they are. 
"Ah, that makes sense. We won't be needing supplies, my sub here is trained well enough to take it no matter how I give it." He shrugs, "Well then, where should we wait?" 
"Just through here," she replies, ignoring the snark in Tony's voice. 
He sends her a fake smile, pulling Peter closer to him to wrap his arm around Peter’s shoulders. Peter's racing pulse presses against his wrist. With a whisper, he soothes Peter, "It's okay. I've got you, baby," putting on the facade of a doting dom, much to the woman leading them's approval. 
"My dom is the same way when I get nervous," she muses mindlessly, opening a large white door to lead them into the office. "Have a seat over here." She leads him over to one of the plush velvet chairs sitting before a large wood desk, "Your sub can wait by the door." 
Tony frowns, "Absolutely not, he stays with me. No questions asked." Unconsciously, his hand tightens around Peter's leash, keeping him close as though someone would steal him away. "He'll sit at my feet." 
"If that's what you choose. Mr. Donahue and Mr. Arroyo will be in soon. Would you like any coffee while you wait?"
"I think we're alright. Thank you." She nods, leaving them alone. 
"Hey, kid, are you okay?" Tony asks, helping Peter to sit comfortably on his knees by Tony's chair.
Peter nods, shifting slightly to ensure Tony's shirt parts over his chest to reveal the lacy bodice of the lingerie. 
He runs his fingers through Peter's hair, "You look good. I don't know what this 'confirmation test' is, but we'll get through it together."
"I trust you. We can do whatever we need to to get through this. I want to go to MIT so bad, Mr. Stark..."
"I know, Peter, and I will do whatever I have to to make it happen. Even if it means lying to the panel at my alma mater." He smirks, ruffling the younger man's hair, "We will get through this... together."
Before long, the large door at the side of the room opens and two men walk inside. 
"Good morning, I presume you're Mr. Donahue and Mr. Arroyo?"
"Yes, and is this..." He lifts his clipboard, "Peter Parker?"
At the mention of his name, Peter looks up from his place on the floor. 
"Yes. We're here to get Peter set up in the program for biochemistry and chemical engineering."
The two suited men before them snicker, "That's quite the program... Are you sure it's for him?"
Tony frowns, chewing his cheek to keep from mouthing off and blowing it for the younger, "He's actually quite brilliant. But let's be honest, any sub worthy of me would have to be more than just a pretty face." 
His words pinken Peter's cheeks, and he blushes, leaning against Tony's leg. 
"If you're sure, we can progress to the next part of the meeting. Before that though, I have this sheet of terms and conditions for you to read." 
The man on the left hands Tony a sheet of legalese. 
It's a basic NDA, nothing he really needs to worry about because he's sure he could break it with a check and some lawyers if needed. Rolling his eyes at the places saying that he and his sub consent to the test, he moves to sign it, and then hands the pen to Peter, but notices at the last second there's only one line.
"Oh, we don't need his signature, your signature of consent is enough."
"Yeah, well I want his signature of consent next to mine." Tony glares, pointedly dragging the pen along the paper to create a line for Peter to sign. "Baby," he summons, snapping his fingers.
"Yes, Mr. Stark?" Peter replies, just as practiced, "How can I service you?"
"I need your signature on this NDA."
Peter obediently rises to his feet, leaning over the table to sign the paper. 
"You don't even need to read it?" The man on the right asks.
"Of course not. If my Sir read it, I trust him to know what's best for me." 
Clearly, that was the right answer, as Tony's hand wrapped around his hips, pulling Peter back to sit on his lap. 
They hadn't discussed this.
Tony smiles softly at him, left hand running up his chest, and under the shirt. 
Neither of the men before them seem bothered by the display. If anything, they're pleased. 
"Before we begin, I need to see your IDs. Just to confirm your designations." 
"Of course." Tony nods, pulling his wallet out to produce both of their IDs from the pocket they'd tucked them into the day prior.
The men look over their ID cards, confirming the black heart on Tony's and the pink one on Peter's. They hold them up to the light, confirming the words etched beside the icons aren't forged. 
When they seem satisfied, they stand at the desk, handing Tony back the cards. 
"Now, for the next part of this process, we're going into this room next door. There will be some equipment for you to use, should you need it. Essentially, we just need to see how you and Mr. Parker interact to confirm that you are actually in an agreement."
"Sounds like a plan. Let's go," Tony replies calmly, following behind them and leading Peter into the room as well.
The giant room is simple, with dark red walls and black wood flooring. There’s only a few pieces of equipment Tony's never seen outside of an obscure sex club he frequented in '05 in the room. 
"When you're ready Mr. Stark." They take a seat on the black couch in the corner of the room.
Tony nods, "Alright. Peter, I want you to strip out of my shirt and head to the display platform over there." He unclips the leash from his wrist and the chain falls against Peter's front. 
"Yes, Daddy," Peter replies obediently, unbuttoning the shirt the rest of the way and allowing it to fall off his shoulders. He folds the garment, setting it on the floor next to him. Silently, he steps onto the circular acrylic platform and waits at attention with his head down and arms behind his back. 
"Inspection," Tony states, crossing his arms, and standing just off to the side of the stand. 
Without a second thought, Peter raises his arms behind his head, spreading his legs to wait for his next command.
Tony walks behind him, circling the platform as the world shrinks to just them.
He nods, dropping his hands in front of his crotch, patiently eyeing Tony for the next word."
"Good. Nadu."
'Fuck.' Peter thinks, dropping to his knees. He kneels back, spreading his thighs just enough to place his hands palms-up on them, eyes trained at the floor just before him. 
It feels like the room has suddenly grown 800 degrees hotter as Tony watches the younger man drop to his knees from just his command. He fights the urge to respond. To go over and take control and ownership of Peter, but instead, he coughs and delivers the next command, "Collar."
Peter lifts his head, presenting his throat as though Tony were to place or pull on the leather wrapped around his throat. 
He drops forward, chain hitting the ground with a dull thud as his nose touches the floor, arms sliding before him, and his ass pushed out into the air for Tony or any passerby to inspect him.  It wracks shivers down Peter's form as he lays there. 
Tony's eyes widen.
This was a mistake.
Had Peter's ass always looked that good in those jeans or was this position just stretching the light fabric over his form? He clears his throat, glancing over at the suited men writing notes in the corner. 
"Ready position," he commands, snapping his fingers to grab Peter's attention.  
Peter pushes up, pulling his hands back towards himself, sitting on his knees with his lips slightly parted. The chain of the leash runs down his body as Peter raises his gaze to just above where Tony's face would be if he stood over him. 
The thought fills Tony's head with more visuals than he's prepared for, and he feels himself going lightheaded. 
This was a fucking mistake.
"Last one, Peter..." he states, "Captured."
Gracelessly, Peter rolls onto his back, spreading his arms and legs to present his body to Tony, inviting him to take control. His breath leaves his lungs. If it weren't for the jeans obstructing his view, Peter's cock, hole, and balls would be on display for him. 
Tony chokes out a simple, "R-Released." Clearing his throat, he adds, "Good job, Peter." He offers him the button-up from next to the platform, helping him put it on, but stops him before he can button it. 
"Thank you, Daddy, I'm glad that I could please you."
He presses a gentle kiss to Peter's temple and reattaches the chain leash to his wrist. 
One of the men interrupts the exchange, catching Tony's attention, "Well, Mr. Stark, I can say that we are thoroughly impressed with you and your training of your sub. If you wouldn't mind having a seat with us over here, we can sort out his schedule for this semester." 
"Gladly." He leads Peter over, dropping into the white chair across from them, and pulling Peter into his lap.
Two hours later, they arrive outside with one sheet of classes for Peter to begin in a week. 
"We did it!!" Peter squeals, wrapping his arms around Tony in a tight, celebratory hug. 
"We did, kid! You are now officially a student of MIT," Tony replies, "Congratulations! Wanna head home?"
"Please..." Peter replies. 'Just a little longer.'
The air in the penthouse is thick as Tony drops his keys on the counter in the kitchen. 
"Now what? I expect you want to change into something more comfortable?"
'Please do, before I eat you alive,' Tony thinks.
"Um... I thought..." Peter walks around the counter, standing before Tony, "I thought I might stay in this a little longer. If that... I mean... If that's okay?"
"Fuck, kid... Of course it is," he murmurs, hand reaching out and stopping just before Peter's cheek. Peter's breath ghosts across his wrist, crushing the last of Tony's reserve. He places his hand on Peter's jaw, running it down toward his throat.
They'd removed the leash once they'd gotten in the car, and Tony mourned its loss, but instead reached for the ring at the center of Peter's collar. 
"Is this okay?" 
"Please..." Peter whispers, eyes falling to Tony's lips before flicking back to meet his eye. 
"Fuck, kid..." Tony grabs the D-ring with his right index finger, pulling him forward into their first kiss. It grows heated almost instantly, as Peter presses his body back against the counter, caged in by Tony's left hand. 
Peter whimpers against his lips, licking into Tony's mouth. 
"I've wanted this so badly... For so long," he murmurs, sharing breaths with the older man, "Please, Mr. Stark, let me have it?"
"Of course, you can have whatever you want, Peter. Anything." He kisses the younger again, reveling in the soft whines slipping past Peter's lips. "What do you want?"
"Can you... Tell me what to do again?" His voice cracks, nervously and Tony smirks at the sound. 
"Of course I can. You can say stop at any time. I won't hold it against you and it won't affect me sponsoring you for college, okay?"
Peter nods, waiting for his first command as soon as Tony lets go of his collar. 
"I want you to go into the living room, strip out of your outside clothes, and pick one of your kneeling positions. Either Nadu, Collaring, or your Ready position. I will be there in a moment. Also, you will call me ‘Daddy.’"
"Yes, Daddy." Peter rushes out of the kitchen, and into the den, stripping and kneeling in his ready position, just like he was trained. He watches the kitchen door, patiently waiting for Tony to come through. 
Tony pushes open the door to the den, and there in the center of the floor is Peter kneeling in the Iron Man red lingerie Tony'd picked a week prior, waiting patiently for the older man to claim him for his own. The red elastic bands wrap diagonally around Peter's center, and the lace at his crotch and chest stretches over the skin perfectly. 
He looks edible.
"Fuck, look at you..." Tony gasps. "I swear it took everything in me earlier not to step up on that platform and kiss you earlier." 
As if imagining it, Peter shivers. Tony smirks, and runs his fingers through Peter's hair. "I have a feeling you would have liked it if I had, baby." 
The title makes Peter's eyes widen and he blushes. 
"Noted." Tony chuckles, "How far do you want to take this?"
"All the way. I just... I want your cock so bad, Daddy..."
"Fuck..." he groans, "Yeah, we can... we can make that happen. Fri, lock down this floor, make sure no one gets in." 
"On it, sir," she replies.
"You have my full attention, Daddy," Peter whispers, shyly, "Do what you think I am worthy of."
"Honey, you've had my full attention since I put my name on your neck. And as for what you're worthy of? I think you've earned being spoiled on my cock until you're begging. How does that sound?"
Peter shivers and nods, "Please, Daddy... Make me yours."
He chuckles and unbuttons his slacks, watching as Peter tracks every single motion of his hands. "Desperate?" 
The younger man blushes, and lowers his gaze to Tony's shoes, not replying.
"I'm going to take that as a yes."
"Can we just... Can I--?" He raises his hands to Tony's belt.
"Fuck, of course you can, Peter." Tony nods, pulling his cock through the front of his boxers. "It's all yours."
Peter pushes forward, taking the tip into his mouth with practiced ease. 
"Have you done this bef-- Oh fuck there..." Tony groans, hand falling into Peter's hair.
"Never kiss and tell, Daddy." He winks, licking along the side of Tony's length, sucking kisses into the skin. 
"Fuck, Peter..." His hips jump when the younger man takes the crown into his mouth, sucking slowly down until he's buried the hilt of Tony's cock in his mouth. "How... did you... get to be so good at this?" His chest rises and falls as Peter watches through a hooded gaze. "You're so good for me, Peter..."
He pulls off, lips swollen and pink, "Say it?"
Tony runs his fingers through his hair, catching on the curls, "So good for Daddy." 
Peter whimpers, taking Tony’s dick back into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks and suckling sloppily. Slowly, Tony's hips push back against his sucking, creating a slow rhythm. 
"Can I fuck your mouth, baby?" 
He nods as much as he can, dropping his jaw to allow for space. 
Experimenting with a thrust, Tony pushes his dick further into Peter's mouth, reveling in the tight heat surrounding him. He pulls back, repeating the motion a few times, gasping when Peter's gurgles vibrate around his length.
Releasing his hold, he allows Peter to pull off and catch his breath, watching as the younger man wipes drool from his lips, and tears from his eyes. 
"When you're ready, sweetheart. You're doing so good for Daddy, baby. I'm going to go a little faster."
As promised, he speeds his rhythm up, thrusting into Peter's mouth, each breath carrying a desperate moan. "Fuck, Peter..." He tangles his hands in Peter's hair, pulling Peter's head in an opposing pattern to his hips, "Just a little more, sweetheart... And then I'll make you feel good too."
"Don't... Don't have to." Peter croaks, pushing his hips down against the ground. "'m good."
"Are you getting off on this, Peter? Enjoying me using your mouth? You enjoy being used by Daddy?" Tony purrs, tangling his hands in Peter's hair, pulling him forward again, "Good. Because Daddy loves using your pretty mouth." 
Peter whimpers, sucking Tony back into his mouth, licking the beads of precum off the tip and down the side. He shivers, fucking his own mouth. 
"Fuck, sweetheart... Can't... Can't fucking do that, I'm too close." 
Tony swears he sees Peter's eyes sparkle when he says that, but he couldn't be sure. Not with his head falling back in a louder-than-necessary moan. 
Peter shivers at the sound, and the vibrations of his own moans are what brings Tony over the edge. 
He shouts Peter's name, bucking sloppily into his mouth, groaning loudly. "Fuck, so good for me baby... So fucking good." 
Peter swallows around him, licking the remnants away, pulling off with a soft pop. 
Tony tucks himself back into his boxers and sinks next to Peter, "God... Why haven't we done this sooner?" 
Peter shrugs dazedly, head falling against Tony's shoulder. He wraps his arms around Peter, kissing him softly. The man tastes himself, and he smiles against Peter's lips. 
"As for you..." he reaches down, slipping his hand into Peter's lingerie, and is met with a wet spot, and Peter's hypersensitive cock. "You-- You came untouched?"
"Fuck, kid..." Tony gasps, "What did I do to deserve you?"
"Everything," Peter whispers back, nuzzling closer, feeling completely owned.  Just as he should be.
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Thank you so much for reading!!! Likes, Comments and reblogs are MUCH appreciated!
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the-mad-starker · 7 months
Starker Fluff: LUV U, from Morgan💗
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For @starksvinyls in @starkerfestivals Starker Valentine's Day Exchange 💗💗
I chose this prompt!
Prompt: Their kid’s first valentine’s day in grade school and them helping prepare
I hope you like it and that my fluff was sufficient 🥺 I don't write fluff much but I had fun writing this!! And of course, the hardest bit was finding a title and I finally went with this 😱 the LUV U, from Morgan💗 is supposed to be towards the entire starker fandom cause I love you guys 💗
Rating: G
Notes: Omegaverse, married starker, mpreg (Peter is currently pregnant in the fic), domestic fluff
WC: 2662
(AO3 Link)
Tony Stark, perusing down the aisle of a local Walgreens? More likely than you think. Especially when he's being led by the hand by his 6 year old daughter, Morgan.
The little alpha girl was determined because she had seen the softest, prettiest blankets and had wanted to get them for her best friends.
“There! There!” She did a kind of hop skip, jerking impatiently in place because of her grip on Tony’s hand.
For such a little girl, her grip was strong but even then Tony just grinned and hurried along. Once they were close enough, Morgan let him go and eagerly reached up on her tippy toes to get the large throw blanket.
Tony could've easily gotten it for her but she was at that age where she wanted to do everything by herself so Tony let her when it was possible.
The blanket was almost bigger than her, a cute turquoise blue that was decorated with cute candy hearts. Once Morgan had it in her hands, she rubbed her face against a candy heart that said “LUV U.”
“It's so soft,” Morgan marveled, “just like Mama’s nest blankets.”
She ran her little hand over the blanket’s surface and looked up at Tony with those honey brown eyes she inherited from her mama and Tony’s mate, Peter.
“Do you think they’ll like it?” she asked with all the seriousness a 6 year old was capable of.
Tony knew a simple yes wouldn't do it so he bent down on a knee and held out a hand.
Morgan offered it to him and Tony took it. He ran a critical eye over it and let out some serious sounding hmm’s and ahh’s.
The blanket was soft and warm, the fabric especially tailored to omegas and meant for their nests. There was even a little pouch area where an alpha could insert an included heart candy shaped pillow. An alpha could scent the pillow and it could be inserted into the pouch so that the alpha’s scent could soothe the omega it was given to.
It was a popular gift given by alphas for good reason.
Of course, the price for it reflected that but money had never been an issue. He could easily get something of much better quality but this was the one Morgan wanted to give. And so, it was the one they were getting.
It really was a cute gift and even though Morgan and her besties were far from the ages where such gifts were really intended for, blankets were common gifts given between friends. Besides, just because it was tailored to omegas didn't mean alphas couldn't receive it as gifts too. Sharing scents between friends was a common gesture of affection, after all.
Overall, Tony thought it was a thoughtful gift for Morgan’s best friends.
“They’re gonna love it, Morguna,” Tony announced, showing his approval.
Morgan gave a large smile and proudly said, “I like it too! And look! There's a few different colors!”
Morgan took back the blanket with a happy smile and Tony smiled too, infected by her enthusiasm.
This time, Morgan watched as Tony pulled a few more blankets, each color getting the young alpha’s approval.
Once their main objective was secured, they checked out the rest of the aisle. Besides getting her besties their gifts, Morgan was also handing out Valentine's Day cards along with a small little gift baggie.
The Valentine's Day aisle was full of gifts. Fuzzy blankets, slippers, and of course, lots and lots of chocolate and candy. Across from the gifts was an aisle completely full of plushies of various sizes.
Tony had the pleasure of helping her load their little basket with goodies to make for goodie bags for the rest of her classmates. For the most part, he indulged Morgan’s choices, especially since she mostly went for cute pencils, stickers, erases, and mini notebooks. They were sold as sets, all intended for the little goodie bags that the Stark family would be setting up.
The little Valentine’s Day cards that sported the Avenger’s faces were ignored. Morgan had seen so much Avengers merchandise that she was mostly immune to it. Plus, for some reason they always made Iron Man’s face a little funky.
Instead, Morgan’s eye was caught by cute little animal themed Valentine’s Day cards which she happily put into the basket.
Tony did turn a blind eye to the little Spider-Man and Iron-man pair of plushies she snuck into the basket. It wasn't exactly easy to ignore when they were as big as her arm.
“For Mama and Daddy,” Morgan told him anyway. Then she held up a squishmallow of Spider-Man that was the size of her hand and asked, “For Morgan?”
Tony was supposed to be the stern parent but he quickly melted to Morgan’s puppy eyes. “How can we have a Spider-Man and Iron-man without a little baby Spider-Man?”
At Tony’s comment, her eyes lit up and she quickly went back to where she found the baby Spidey, only to come back with another little Iron-man of the same size.
Tony should've known and yet, when she looked up at him, offering the toy with the question, “For baby Benny?” Tony could only melt at her request.
Even mentioning the baby that Peter was carrying had Tony turning into a pile of mush. The baby in Peter’s belly was, according to Google, the size of a papaya at week 21. Their second pup, Morgan’s little brother that she was already spoiling.
Peter often blamed Tony for it, but they both knew that their little Morgan was just a thoughtful and excited Big Sister to Be.
“Of course, baby girl,” Tony smiled wide, lowering the basket so she could put the toy in. “We can't forget baby Benny.”
“Course not!” Morgan nodded oh so seriously, a satisfied smile on her face.
While they waited in line, Tony took a quick picture of their haul and sent it to his mate. Peter’s exasperated but fond response had Tony grinning.
My Love, My Mate, Hubby ❤️
We’re going to have a whole room dedicated to plushies of us and the team, aren't we? 🧐
Tony Stark
Guess I shouldn't spoil what Pepp and Rhodey got the kids.
The conversation ended there as Tony and Morgan were next in line. A few minutes later, the two left and returned home.
There were plans. Plans which involve Morgan going to bed at 8 PM, the latest, but of course, things never panned out the way they wanted.
Morgan was too excited for Valentine's Day and even more so when they returned to find cupcakes waiting for them. Tony and Morgan had gotten the goodies while Peter had gotten the bags and cupcakes.
What followed was a night of chaos, as Peter, Tony, and Morgan worked together to put the goodie bags together.
Between the two of them, Peter was the genius as he set up the empty goodie bags on the table. Tony was regulated to organizing the packs of stickers, pencils, and erasers.
Their Morgan was fairly popular but she only called maybe two other kids her besties. For these, she personally picked out their stuff, but for the rest, Tony took over.
It was messy. It was a little chaotic.
Tony could've easily just gotten some grunts to do this or even easier, just bought some standard goodie bags. But as he was dropping pieces of candy, one by one, into each bag, he couldn't help but watch his two favorite people.
Morgan and Peter were across from him, working on the cards.
“This one for Parker?” Peter held up a card with some cute little frogs and read the front, “I hop we stay friends forever!”
“Oh!” Morgan giggled at the words and nodded. “Yeah, they’ll like that! They like frogs!”
Morgan took the card and focused on writing her classmate’s name with Peter’s supervision.
“P-A-R-K-E-R,” Peter instructed gently.
Morgan’s pencil was steady as she wrote and she echoed back each letter.
“...K… E…R!” She cheered as she finished. “Like this?”
A sweet smile crossed Peter’s face and kissed the top of Morgan’s head.
“Good job, baby.” he said then smiling down at the name, he added, “Did you know Mama's last name used to be Parker?”
Morgan looked up at Peter with a surprised look.
“Your last name’s Stark though! Like mine,” she said, 100% confident.
Peter just laughed and smiled. “Yeah, it's Stark now but before I met your Daddy, my name used to be Peter Parker.”
Morgan’s mouth formed a little O as she thought about it.
“I like it,” she decided, “But I like mama as Peter Stark too.”
Peter laughed again before agreeing wholeheartedly. “I like it too.”
Their laughter and soft giggles had Tony looking up, pausing in his own task. He had caught the tail end of the conversation and couldn't help the warmth that spread throughout his body as he looked at them. His pup. His mate. This moment… It was just part of their daily lives. It wasn't even Valentines Day and all they were doing was preparing for a little kid party.
A moment in time, something normal, and just every day. And yet… Tony felt like he could capture this moment, have it become one of his core memories. Morgan and Peter, their heads bent low as they worked together. Morgan’s little fingers curled around a pencil while Peter watched her, one hand on his pregnant belly, and the other fiddling with another Valentine's Day card.
“Love… M… o… r… g… a… n…!” their daughter cheerfully completed the card.
Morgan then looked up, as did Peter.
“Tony?” Peter asked curiously. He arched a brow even as Morgan reached over to hand the card to the alpha. “Anything wrong?”
He took a second to reply, just taking in the sight of Morgan looking at him curiously and Peter’s familiar and much loved face.
“Absolutely nothing, sweetheart,” Tony replied.
He took the card and continued putting the goodies in the bag. This time, he focused so they could get everything done in time. Even then, he had one ear listening to his mate and pup and occasionally, if he looked up and watched them joke around and write the cards, no one would blame him.
Truly, there was absolutely nothing wrong in his world.
His heart was full and he was not lacking anything in the world when he had these two– his family, his loves. His smile only grew wider when he thought of baby Benny.
There was absolutely nothing wrong and everything right.
After they finished, they were left with several neat rows of goodie bags, each one tucked by hand written cards by their sweet alpha girl. They made sure to praise her. Morgan had inherited Tony’s busy mind so being able to sit down for the hour was an accomplishment. It helped that Peter coached her and kept her attention by engaging her about her classmates.
Once dinner passed and then bedtime, Tony carried their kid to get washed up and from there, Peter took over.
Tony caught a glimpse of them, Morgan squealing as she ran into her room. Her arms were full of the plushies that were bought earlier, as well as the little heart shaped scent pillows for her best friends.
Peter tucked Morgan into her own big girl bed. There were a few blankets from their nest because even though Morgan was a big girl now (her words, not Tony's), she still couldn't fall asleep without the scent of her mama and papa. Tony hadn't protested the loss of their stolen blankets. He may even shed a tear when the day comes that she no longer needed or wanted to be scented by her parents but that day was somewhere far in the future.
By the time Tony came by, Morgan’s eyes were sleep heavy. They only fully close once Tony and Peter each give her a kiss on the forehead, exchanging “I love you”s and sleepy good nights.
Tony left the door open a crack and led his mate to their own comfy little nest with an arm around his waist.
When the lights turned on, Peter let out a soft little gasp when he was met by a huge bouquet of roses set by the bedside table.
“Oh…” He turned a pleased little smile towards Tony. “You know I don't need roses, Tony.”
Since Morgan was born, it felt like sometimes there was a fast forward button pressed on their days. There was just so much to do and so much to plan for. With the arrival of baby Benny, it would only get busier. And yet, Tony was determined to do his best to show how much he loved his mate and to do even these little things like get his roses whether it was Valentine's Day or not.
Tony hummed and wrapped his arms around his mate’s waist.
“I know, darling, but you deserve them,” Tony said. His hands slid towards Peter’s belly and he gently caressed the small bump there. “You're my partner in crime, the omega to my alpha, the mother to my kids– I love you, Pete. You've given me so much, let me give you flowers once in a while?”
“You give me so much more than just flowers, alpha,” Pete said in return. He cupped Tony's face in his palms, and the kiss they shared was as sweet as chocolate.
Tony sighed in contentment and breathed in the scent of his mate, his home.
“Wait– wait, don't distract me,” Tony huffed, pulling away to Peter’s surprise. “I have another gift for you.”
“Oh?” Peter questioned.
“Yeah, sit down,” Tony told him and Peter, with a healthy amount of curiosity, did as he was asked.
He only understood when Tony knelt down and took a hold of his foot, one hand cupping the sole whole the other rested on top.
“Oh!” Peter gasped, almost melting back into their nest of pillows and blankets.
“I learned a new thing,” Tony said as he massaged his mate’s aching foot. “I know it was around this time that it got particularly hard when you had Morgan and I felt bad that I couldn't help before… So just lay back and relax, babe.”
Peter had no complaints and by the time Tony was done, he had a fully relaxed mate cuddling into the pillows.
Inside him, Tony’s alpha was very pleased at being able to relieve some of Peter’s pain. He was even more pleased when he came into the nest and spent some time with the baby.
He caressed his mate’s pregnant belly, talking to baby Benny and peppering kisses on Peter’s belly. His soft words were mixed in with soft hmm’s from Peter and those words turned into a wordless pur when the omega started running his hand through Tony’s hair.
“Goodnight, baby Benny,” Tony whispered and pressed one more kiss to Peter’s belly. “Be good and let your mama rest, okay? You can go nuts when you come out, Papa will take care of you.
Peter chuckled, the soft laugher making his belly quiver beneath Tony’s touch.
“You say that now, but remember when Morgan came? You were a mess,” Peter teased him gently.
Tony kindly didn't mention that they had both been a mess as new parents but they had eventually found their way, hadn't they?
Morgan, being a great kid, was evidence of that.
Tony settled behind his mate, spooning against him so he could continue petting the soft skin of Peter's belly.
“I’m a pro now,” Tony protested quietly. “And I'm sure Benny will be a little angel.”
“Mhmm…” Peter murmured, already slipping into sleep. Tony nuzzled in close, kissing the spot right behind his mate’s ear.
He fell asleep to the sound of his mate’s purring, feeling content with his lot in life.
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starker-sorbet · 1 year
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Alice in Wonderland au with Mad Hatter Tony and Peter as Alice
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muse-of-gods · 7 months
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When Omega Peter comes home, the most gorgeous rose bouquet he has ever seen is sitting in front of his apartment door. Between the flowers he finds a small card saying 'For my little spider', but there is no indication about who the sender might be. Peter immediately notices a very distinct smell on the card and his instincts tell him that the flowers come from an Alpha. And though he can't quite figure out who the smell belongs to, it feels very familiar to him.
The thought keeps Peter up all night, texting with Ned and MJ and speculating about his possible suitors. But when he finishes work the next day, he still hasn't figured it out. That is until he enters Tony's lab to work on his suit in the evening and sees the Alpha standing there, focused over a hologram. The smell hits Peter and he feels stupid for not figuring it out right away. But maybe the possibility of his childhood crush sending him a courting gift on Valentine's day has just been too far fetched?
Peter tries to compose himself and takes a deep breath, which is a mistake because the Alpha's smell is messing with his head. "Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful", he finally mutters, to which Tony turns around with a smug smile on his face. Peter will never not be affected by the confidence the Alpha oozes.
"I'm glad you liked them. I wanted to ask you out properly yesterday because it was Valentine's day, but Pepper forced me to do boring company stuff all night. So... can I invite you to dinner today? I booked a table in my favourite restaurant for us if you want." Still completely overwhelmed and now properly blushing Peter only nods, a big smile forming on his face.
This is my Valentine's gift for @the-mad-starker for the @starkerfestivals Secret Starker Valentines Event! ❤ I hope you like this little snippet of Peter receiving roses from a secret admirer ❤
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graceful-starker · 11 months
Tony the Friendly Ghost
Summary: Peter's house is haunted by a very friendly, very horny ghost.
Warnings: mild dub-con for a second there, Tony is a ghost, mild come inflation, mostly just an excuse to write ghost porn ngl.
Notes: Blame @the-mad-starker for this one, ngl lol. I might add more to this AU, but I wanted to get the first installment out on Halloween. Happy Halloween!
Peter isn’t crazy, okay? His apartment is just haunted. He doesn’t care that MJ rolls her eyes in disbelief or that Ned laughs at him for believing in ghosts. There’s definitely, 100%, for sure a ghost in his apartment. 
Peter winces as his ghost moves his couch loudly, the legs screeching horribly against the floor and thudding into the wall. “Okay, that’s really unnecessary!” Peter yells, walking into the living room and putting his hands on his hips. “I can’t afford to leave, you’re stuck with me, okay? You don’t have to rearrange all my furniture in protest.”
He doesn’t get a response; he isn’t sure his ghost even can. He’s never seen it, never heard it. He can only see what it does to his home. So far, at least. The couch is pulled back from the wall and slammed back into it again.
Peter sighs in annoyance, cocking his head to the side and staring at the couch. “Whatever, it looks better there anyway.”
The couch skirts across the floor, back to its original position, and Peter rolls his eyes as hard as he can. “Oh, fuck you. You’re just being annoying for the sake of it now.”
There’s no response, and Peter puffs out another sigh. “Stop rearranging my furniture, we’re going to get a noise complaint.”
There’s no response yet again, and Peter hums and turns to go back to his room. “Thank you,” he mumbles softly. He opens his door and gasps. “You asshole!” he yells, looking at his clothes flying out of his dresser. “Stop that!”
His ghost doesn’t, so he angrily grabs a towel and slams the bedroom door behind him to leave his ghost to their temper tantrum. 
He locks the door to the bathroom as if that will stop the ghost from coming in and turns the shower to be extra hot. He strips and puts his clothes in the hamper, grumbling to himself under his breath. 
He takes perhaps the angriest shower of his life, scrubbing furiously at his body and aggressively lathering his hair. “I should have known the rent was too good to be true,” he mumbles to himself, getting out of the shower and grabbing his towel. He’s calmed down a bit, has resigned himself to his fate of refolding all his clothes. 
He finishes drying off his hair and wraps it around his hips, looking up at the vanity. He blinks, cocking his head to the side. In big blocky letters, drawn out in the steam on his mirror, is TONY. 
“Tony?” he asks, and watches it be underlined. “Oh, your name is Tony,” he mumbles. “That’s a nice name.”
He doesn’t get a response, and Peter hums in thought. “I’m Peter,” he offers, feeling a bit silly. But Tony started it. “This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, you know. We can get along.”
YES appears on his mirror, and Peter smiles at it. “See? This’ll be great.”
Tony likes to talk to him, Peter has discovered. He likes leaving messages on the mirror whenever Peter showers, likes to ask questions and get Peter talking for long periods of time. 
It got to the point where Peter decided: why limit this? He buys three white boards, sticks them to the walls in his kitchen, livingroom, and bedroom. Tony is very happy with these purchases, and has a preference for the red marker. 
Peter has decided that Tony is an asshole, but he isn’t all that bad really. He’s kind of sweet too, and a good listener. He cares about Peter’s life, asks questions about it and encourages him to talk about it to Tony. 
As far as ghosts go, Peter is sure he’s lucked out. 
Peter laughs as he reads the question left for him in the bedroom, shaking his head fondly. “No, MJ isn’t my girlfriend. And she doesn’t even believe me when I tell her about you, she’s a real asshole like that. She’s not coming over any time soon.”
“No, I don’t have one,” Peter says, shrugging. “I was dating Wade for a while, but we decided to just be friends instead.”
Peter frowns. “Oh, god, what time period are you from? I didn’t think to ask. People can do that now, it’s fine to be gay or whatever else now.”
“Oh, good,” Peter says, grinning at the board. “Because you’ve really grown on me, it would be a shame to find out my favorite ghost is homophobic.”
Peter snorts, rolling his eyes fondly. He sits on the bed, crossing his legs. “Jealous?” There’s no response, and Peter giggles softly. “I don’t know any other ghosts, it was just a joke.”
Peter frowns, taking in the words slowly. Tony must have been terribly lonely, before Peter came around. “Well, I’m here now. And you aren’t getting rid of me any time soon, we’ve already established this.” He tries to joke, but it sounds sad. 
It’s quiet for a long time after that, the marker hovering in the air as if Tony is holding it limp at his side. Then the marker is placed down, and the door to Peter’s room shuts. 
Peter sighs sadly, deciding to use the privacy while he has it; since Tony is invisible, he never knows for sure if he’s watching. He only knows if Tony does something like that; closes his door, or moves stuff around in another room. 
Peter hums to himself as he gets out of the shower, drying off and wrapping his towel around his waist. His toothbrush is knocked over, and he looks at the mirror with a frown. 
“No where,” Peter says, turning and opening the door. “I just wanted to get clean.” He makes his way to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He opens a drawer in his dresser, before he looks over his shoulder at an insistent tapping noise. The marker is tapping against the whiteboard, and Peter sighs and walks over. 
“Nope,” Peter says, turning back around. “Let me get dressed, we can talk-hey!” 
Tony has ripped his towel away, throwing it across the room and leaving him naked. The marker is back on the white board, so Peter doesn’t know for certain where Tony is. 
“Asshole,” he mumbles starting to walk towards his towel again. “You don’t-hey!”
Tony’s never touched him before this; it’s a little unsettling. Everywhere Tony touches him is extremely cold, and it sends a rush of adrenaline through him. One hand is wrapped around Peter’s wrist, twisting his arm behind his back and the other is on Peter’s hip. He’s bent over the bed, and the position brings a blush to Peter’s face. 
“Hey!” Peter says, trying to wriggle free. “What are you doing? Let me go!”
Tony doesn’t. Instead, he moves his hand from Peter’s hip to his ass, petting at the flesh a couple times before spreading Peter’s cheeks apart. 
Peter gasps and shivers at the feeling, trying to close his legs. “Tony! What are you doing?!”
Tony’s leg must go in between his, kicking his feet apart. Peter gasps and shivers, his legs shaking. Tony’s finger pets over his hole, and Peter whimpers. 
“Tony, you can’t-you can’t! What are you-let me go, Tony!” Peter whines, trying to push off of the bed. Tony has never tried to hurt him before, not even when they weren’t talking yet and Tony was still trying to get rid of him. He’s more confused than scared. 
Tony pushes his knee in between Peter’s thighs again, pushing up until his own thigh is pressing against Peter’s cock and rubbing back and forth. 
Peter chokes and gasps, his hand clenching the sheets. “O-oh,” Peter chokes out, grinding down against Tony’s thigh. It feels so fucking wierd, so very cold but still so very good at the same time. Tony’s thigh rubs against him for a few minutes, and Peter continues to grind against it until he’s fully hard.
Tony pushes his finger in to the first knuckle, and Peter gasps. “Wait, don’t-oh god, oh,” Peter groans and pushes back into it, his cock leaking on Tony’s thigh. He can feel Tony’s cock hardening against his hip, and it’s so weird. This is so weird, he can’t even see Tony and Tony is about to-
Tony’s finger pushes deeper, and Peter whimpers. He can’t decide if he’s scared or not, can’t decide if he wants Tony to stop. He wants to tell Tony to wait, at least, to use lube. But then he realizes-
There is no friction. His hole is just stretching around nothing, there’s nothing really there. 
“Oh, fuck,” Peter gasps, hanging his head and arching his back. “Oh, please, more. Tony, please.” 
Tony pulls his finger out and Peter whines, but then he’s pushing two in. Peter’s head throws back, and he gasps loudly. Tony’s fingers start moving in and out of him quickly, already scissoring him apart. 
Peter wonders if Tony can see himself, or there’s nothing there for him as well. If he just has a view of Peter’s hole being stretched around nothing, or if it looks normal for him. “Oh, fuck, Tony. Please Tony, please, more, I need-oh fuck, please!”
Tony lets go of his wrist for the first time since this started, pulling his fingers out abruptly. Peter whines at the loss, scared that Tony’s going to leave now. He worries himself for nothing; Tony simply picks him up and turns him around, and Peter lands on his back halfway up the bed. 
He doesn’t like this position as much; he can see that no one is there. It’s freaking him out, making him think too much. “Tony,” he chokes, chest heaving. He gets up on his elbows, digging his heels into the bed.
Invisible hands push his thighs far apart, and Tony’s cock presses bluntly against Peter’s hole. It pushes and pushes, until it slips past and slides up Peter’s balls. 
Peter gasps loudly, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. It feels so weird but so good, and if he closes his eyes he can just pretend it’s fine. “Oh, fuck, Tony. Please, please fuck me, please get inside me, I want-oh my god!”
Tony had pulled his cock back to try again, pressing insistantly until the head finally popped past Peter’s rim. 
Peter’s mouth falls open, and he has to fist the sheets to stop himself from screaming. It feels so fucking good inside of him, so incredibly strange but in a pleasant way. “Oh, fuck,” Peter gasps, sucking in a desperate breath. 
Tony starts to slowly push forward, and forward and forward until Peter feels like he can feel it in the back of his fucking throat. 
“Oh god, Tony, oh fuck, how fucking big are you?” He can’t see it, can’t know how much there is left to go. “Oh, stop, it won’t fit!” Peter cries. 
Tony doesn’t listen, continues pushing in until his hips finally slap into Peter’s ass with an audible slap. 
Peter groans loudly, his legs shaking, his chest heaving. “Oh god, Tony,” he gasps, opening his eyes and regretting it immediately. There’s no one there, there’s no body attached to the cock currently splitting him in half, no hands keeping his thighs apart. He’s just being filled up by nothing, his stomach is protruding with a cock that isn’t there. 
Tony starts to slowly pull back out, and Peter watches in fascination as Tony’s head visibly moves down his torso. “Oh,” Peter moans.
Tony only pulls halfway out before pushing back in, his hips slapping hard against Peter’s. 
“Oh, fuck,” Peter gasps, throwing his head back again as Tony sets up a brutal pace. He feels like he might actuall die, like Tony is actively fucking him to death. He’s so fucking big, and the pace is brutal, and he’s fucking Peter so hard he’s being pushed up the bed.
Tony’s left hand leaves his thigh, after moving Peter’s leg around to grip around his waist. Instead it presses down harshly against Peter’s stomach where his head reaches when he goes as deep as possible. 
Peter moans, almost screams, watching his torso with dark eyes. It’s the only visible proof he has, the only thing proving that he isn’t batshit crazy. He’s being fucked by a ghost; a ghost hung like a horse besides. “Tony!”
Tony somehow speeds up, slapping his hips so hard against Peter’s that it hurts, and he knows he’s going to be feeling this for days. 
“Please,” Peter moans, moving one hand to wrap around his cock. “Oh god, please, I want it. Please! Please Tony, please come inside me, I want it so bad!”
Tony’s right hand tightens on his thigh, enough that the skin goes white and he’s sure it’s going to leave a mark. His hips stutter, and he fucks into Peter a few more times before burying himself balls deep and grinding there. 
It feels so fucking weird. It’s still cold, but it’s definetly real and wet inside of him. Peter’s eyes go lidded and he strokes himself quickly, enjoying the feeling of being stretched, of how deep Tony is, of being filled up.
Peter almost doesn’t notice at first, but Tony hasn’t stopped grinding into him and filling up for longer than a human would have. His eyes widen as it hits him, his hand stilling on his cock. “Oh, god, Tony?” 
Tony pulls half out and slaps his hips back in, grinding again. The hand on Peter’s stomach leaves to start stroking Peter instead. 
Peter’s stomach starts to distend, and his jaw drops as he realizes just how much Tony is filling him up. “Oh, fuck, Tony! Tony, it’s too much!” 
Tony speeds his hand up on Peter’s cock, and Peter whines loudly. He finishes to the strange feelings, hands gripping the sheets desperately and head thrown back. He comes so hard that it hits his chin, and Tony wrings every last drop out of him. 
Peter pants heavily once it’s over, groaning at the sight of his come painting Tony’s fist white. He can kind of see it now, see the outline. He already knew from the way they felt inside of him, but Tony’s fingers are thick. 
He’s still buried to the hilt inside of Peter, and Peter whines as his stomach continues to grow. He feels some being fucked out of him as Tony grinds, and he’s so overstimulated at this point. “Tony, ‘s too much!”
Tony finally finishes filling Peter up minutes later, when Peter’s stomach is pudged and he looks like he has a small baby bump. Oh, and isn’t that a new idea? He grinds into Peter once more, keeping him plugged up apparently. He really wishes that Tony could talk to him.
“I’m too full,” Peter complains, nudging at Tony’s torso with his knee. “Get out of me.”
Tony pets at Peter’s stomach, and maybe he’s just as turned on by the sight as Peter is. Peter’s spent sock twitches, but it’s way too soon for him to go again. 
“Tony,” Peter whines, clenching around him. “Out.”
Tony hesitates once more, but finally pulls out slowly. He leaves his head insides, teasing Peter’s rim with the widest part.
Peter moans at the feeling, before whimpering again. “Tony, please, it’s too much!”
Tony finally takes mercy on him, popping his head out but keeping Peter’s thighs spread open. 
Peter whimpers, face red with embarrassment, knowing that Tony is staring at his hole. He wonders what it looks like right now; wonders how much of Tony’s come is leaking out of him, how gaped open he is. 
He reaches around himself, ignoring Tony squeezing his thighs, and stuffs a few fingers into himself. Tony squeezes tighter, before finally letting him go. 
Peter pulls his fingers out, eyes lighting up when he realizes he can see Tony’s come on his fingers. Physical proof of what Tony did to him. 
He clenches around nothing, winces when he feels some more of Tony’s come slide out of him and onto the bed. “Fuck, Tony,” he whispers, bringing his fingers to his mouth and licking curiously. It tastes about the same as normal, it’s just cold. A little gross. 
Peter pulls his fingers away and gasps when Tony’s hand cups his cheeks, and he thnks Tony is kissing him because his lips are cold. He tries to kiss back, closes his eyes so he doesn’t feel like he’s kissing air. It’s much easier when his eyes are closed for his mind to accept this. 
Tony finally pulls away, and Peter falls back on the bed with a final pant. “Fuck,” he whispers to the room. 
Peter looks when at the tapping noise against the board, snorting when he sees it. “Now you ask?” he snarks, rolling his eyes. 
CAN WE DO THAT AGAIN? Stays on his board, unerased, even the next time they do this.
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