nerdyskeleton · 7 years
SO LIKE I was thinking about Klavier and Simon going to visit their boyfriends in Khura'in together, right? Only, I imagine that Simon - as the regent's consort - gets special and star-like treatment. Meanwhile Klavier, who is used to getting said star-like treatment at home, is kind of ignored in favor of Simon by the public/guards/etc. Would he be secretly jealous of the attention Simon is (unwillingly) getting, I wonder?
OKAY LET ME JUST SAY, I love the idea of them going to Khura’in together. Makes sense of course, like might as well tag along on this long ass trip if the other is going. It helps to reinforce their beautiful friendship.
Okay but anyway, I don’t think Klavier would get too jealous? Especially because he is so used to the limelight at home, so coming to Khura’in is like a breath of fresh air. He and Apollo can sneak off and not have to deal with crowds or people wanting to talk to them. Apollo probably appreciates it, too, since he might get his fair share of the spotlight, being the legit ONLY lawyer in the whole damn country. Klavier likes the visits to be low key, because he just is there to visit Apollo and see him and be with him and make sure he’s doing okay and is happy there.
Oh but then. Simon is, regrettably, a bit of a celebrity once he is Nahyuta’s official consort. And he hates it. He hates even more when Klavier, upon learning he has some bullshit regal title, refers to him with that exclusively for a very long time. Like maybe he and Klavier are out in the city just hanging around and seeing everything while those two LOSERS are in court but Klavier just whips out the fact that this merchant is speaking with THE Prince Consort, also known as Simon Blackquill the Radiant. Simon pulls him aside to tell Klavier that he will die before returning home. Apollo calls him that too, though he feels slightly bad about it. Klav also definitely calls him His Radiance even in the prosecutor’s office, and he’s like this close to throttling him.
And it helps that Simon doesn’t really want the attention, like he’s literally just here for Nahyuta and maybe to pick on Rayfa some, but otherwise he doesn’t need anything else. He likes Apollo well enough, too. Just let him rest and eat peaches with his terrible monk bf please.
okay anyway no I don’t think Klavier would be jealous and he would instead roll with it and use Simon’s fame to make fun of him until he can’t breath
also s/o to @mesa-verde who helped me come up with this garbage
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prozdvoices · 8 years
I finally watched your PWAA playthrough and it was hysterical and I will forever thank you for giving the world "big orange power man" as a descriptor for Damon Gant you have truly blessed us
i mean, i can’t think of a better way to describe damon gant than BIG ORANGE POWER MAN.  he’s gonna beat the shit out of you
you can watch our Ace Attorney playthrough here
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theuncannyallie · 7 years
name change
thearchangelcas  → theuncannyallie
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SPN writing challenge - prompt: Ruler
SPN Writing Challenge | city-of-fallen-castiels vs. thearchangelcas prompt: insert your prompt here general poem word count: 63 tags: poem, team free will
  How do you measure, An angel’s grace? Is their scales to weigh, The deeds they have done?
How do you measure, A good man’s pain? Is there device to record, The tears that he has shed?
How do you measure, The love of a brother? Is their a unit of measurement? For sacrifice and devotion?
There are no rulers, For men like these.
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holydean · 9 years
For the fandom questions, Supernatural and 1-4! :)
Who is your OTP?im a multishipper i have soooooooooooo many but i guess right now it’s a tie between deanbenny and sabrielWho is your NOTP?i don’t exactly know that i have one? i mean there are some ships in the fandom that don’t make much sense to me but i don’t hate on anything reallyFavourite OTP scene?when dean brings benny back from purgatory and they hug fuck me up ;-;Who is your OT3?wincestiel uwu
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nerdyskeleton · 8 years
Blackmadhi for the shipping meme!! :>
hey girl. let’s talk about our lord and savior, blackmadhi.
who’s the cuddler: It’s Simon FIGHT ME. But probably only when he’s dead tired, so he doesn’t even care he’s acting like a clingy baby and trapping Nahyuta to the bed entirely. He’s not big for hand holding or much touching in public, but he can get a little touchy in private, just because Nahyuta is so beautiful and ethereal he’s like “how is this asshole even real”
who makes the bed: Nahyuta, as Simon is a damn floofy disaster in the mornings and cannot even think of doing anything extra to ready himself to venture into the public. It takes a while, because they end up kicking the sheets and blankets everywhere through the night. Simon has, on occasion, purposefully messed it up, but he was met with a pillow to the head, so he doesn’t do that anymore. Nahyuta wants it in a very specific way, and he will beat you up if you untuck his corners okay.
who wakes up first: Simon, because sad sack Simon Blackquill doesn’t sleep well ever, so he’s up at all hours of the night just deeply suffering. BUT if he manages to get a good night’s sleep, he still wakes up pretty early in the morning. And since he is a secret cuddler, he’s crushed Nahyuta to him, so it’s very difficult to untangle himself without also waking him up. Cue some sickening bit where he just listens to Nahyuta breathe and hates how much he likes it.
who has the weird taste in music: SIMON AS WELL. He probably doesn’t listen to much music, since he missed a lot of it, but Athena burns him copies of her favorite albums, so he’s got such a bizarre mix of pop and rock and oldies. Everyone is so confused when they realize like Bruno Mars’ “Grenade” immediately followed by “Dancing Queen” is coming from his office.
who is more protective: Nahyuta!!!!!!!!!!! He’s always so on edge when Simon comes to Khura’in, but he can’t go out into the country with him. And Nahyuta is so used to it being such a hostile environment for so many people that he can’t help but worry about him. He tries to at least make sure someone is with Simon at all times, but his horrible panda bf loses them pretty quickly. He gets a lecture from Simon later that it’s really not necessary but is that going to stop Nahyuta????? No!!!!!
who sings in the shower: Mm, can I say neither and be boring? I don’t think Simon would see showering as a time to indulge or goof around, and Nahyuta doesn’t seem the kind of person to sing much, besides like Khura’inese hymns or whatever. Also it’s like a huge to do for who gets to shower first and therefore use all the hot water on their giant mane of hair.
who cries during movies: Nahyuta, I think. It’s not like sobbing or anything, but he’ll tear up at the end when things are all happy. He manages to keep it in check, but Simon always gives him this incredulous look and says something like, “The dog is fine, Nahyuta, calm yourself.” He probably cries about happy things and not sad things, though. Like vaguely crying about how happy he is for Mr. Darcy and Lizzy Bennett or something equally absurd. 
who spends the most while out shopping: Nahyuta, again! Being, you know, a king regent is pretty sick, so he can probably afford a lot of stuff. He probably buys Simon some stuff sometimes, but Simon doesn’t let it happen often. He will make Nahyuta buy food almost every time, though, because he’s the worst and kind of likes giving him a shy, secretive kiss to the temple as a thank you. But only if people won’t see him do it.
who kisses more roughly: SIMON SIMON SIMON. Literally just look at him and tell me he’s not intense as hell when he kisses Nahyuta. Their first kiss had to have been legit out of this world and so wildly passionate and frustratingly amazing. He crushes Nahyuta to him every time and holds on tight HE’S JUST SO SECRETLY DESPERATE FOR AFFECTION AND LOVE LET HIM HAVE IT 
who is more dominate: NAH-YU-TA NAH-YU-TANAH-YU-TA. Look into my eyes and tell me he’s NOT a filthy, disgusting monk who WILL tell Simon what to do and who fully expects obedience. (Also I can only assume this question means like ~in the bedroom~ so.) Simon resists for a while but Nahyuta knows what he’s doing and knows Simon’s going to like it, so he eventually gives in BYYYYEEEE
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 13/10, worst ship ever, I haven’t thought about anything else but blackmadhi in months, I hate how good it is
thank you for sending this!!! it was fun but I hate them also
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theuncannyallie · 9 years
Name Change!
lolalliecatz → thearchangelcas
Figured I needed an spn blog name since I’ve basically become that.
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nerdyskeleton · 7 years
thearchangelcas replied to your post “SO LIKE I was thinking about Klavier and Simon going to visit their...”
I LIKE THIS BETTER TYSM. (I sent this and was like "...but would Klav be jealous?" this is way better. ALSO HIS RADIANCE HDJKHDSJ BEST CONSORT NAME EVER.
yeah!!!! I would hope that they are good enough pals that Klavier would instead be happy for his scary friend, and he’s comfortable enough with his own self that he doesn’t need to be a big celebrity anymore.
I HOPED YOU WOULD LIKE THE CONSORT NAME I tried my hardest to come up with something just absurd enough
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nerdyskeleton · 8 years
I'm trying to sleep and can't stop thinking of Simon reacting to Nahyuta surviving (but being injured in) an assassination attempt. (Because I'm a terrible person at heart.)
OHHHHH MAN nothing like good old angst to greet you in the morning. I named this document “hurt nahyuta more”
Simon had been cross with Nahyuta all day. They had spokenyesterday before Simon had gone to bed, and perhaps it was the grueling timedifference or the fact that it had been two long, aching months since they hadseen each other, but they were both fairly hostile on the phone. Simon knew hehad been irrationally angry when Nahyuta sadly sighed he wouldn’t have the freedomto go to Los Angeles or have Simon come to see him for at least another month.
Long distance was difficult, and it was especially difficultfor two incredibly busy, emotionally-stunted prosecutors.
And as they had no logical way to deal with being angry witheach other for stupid reasons, Simon and Nahyuta had mutually agreed to take afew days of silence. An important court case of Simon’s would be over, andNahyuta would have a few hours to himself eventually, right? So it was rather ashock that Nahyuta’s number lit up Simon’s phone screen. He debated aboutanswering it, finally picking up at the last second.
“What do you want, Sad Monk?”
The other side of the line was nothing but static for a fewminutes, until someone responded. It was not Nahyuta.
“Is that how you always greet my son?” Queen Amara asked.Simon heard shouting in the background.
“On this day, yes.” Perhaps he should show some more respectto the woman. While it was a little strange she had called him from Nahyuta’sphone, it had also happened once before; she called just to chat, and it was oneof the funniest and most intimidating phone calls of Simon’s life.
“May I ask why I have been graced with this phone call, YourMercifulness?” he inquired, getting up from his desk. He did a quickcalculation, noting that it was just past 8 in the morning in Khura’in. QueenAmara must be bored if she was resorting to calling her son’s scary boyfriendthis early in the morning.
“Ah,” she sighed, “I have some…bad news.”
Simon paused, mid-filing away for his upcoming case. “Whatis it?”
“Prosecutor Blackquill, when I tell you this, I ask that yourefrain from outbursts of any kind.”
“Ma’am, what are you talking about?”
She drew in a deep breath and announced, “There was anattempt on Nahyuta’s life this morning.”
Something rather heavy landed on his boot. He looked down,finding the file he had been holding suddenly on the ground, its contentsscattered about. Had he dropped it?
“I don’t understand. What are you telling me?”
“It’s a lot to process, Simon. He’s alive…for now. But Ithink it might be best if you come to Khura’in within the next few days.Nahyuta is resilient, and the medical staff is highly trained, yet…”
“I’ll leave tonight.”
She asked him to give her an approximation of when he wouldbe there, and then she hung up. Simon sent Taka on her way back home beforeimmediately going to Edgeworth’s office. Dammit, the one time Simon needed hisoverworked boss to actually be there at nine at night, and he wasn’t! He calledEdgeworth’s personal number, feeling foolish and hot and stressed and on theverge of tears, embarrassingly enough. Edgeworth was clearly peeved, but whenSimon explained what little details he had, the man relaxed. He even said heexperienced a similar situation with Wright, years and years ago. His casewould be given to a different prosecutor, and he would have leave for as longas necessary. Edgeworth went so far as to offer to charter a jet for him, as heonce again stated he infinitely knew whatSimon was feeling.
One unacceptable tear fell as Simon contacted Athena next,going through the whole conversation again with her. She asked if she shouldcome with him, but he said no. It was tempting, but she was the defense on thatcase, so he told her to stay and help take care of Taka.
Simon usually hated the ungodly long flight from LA to Khura’in,but it was especially terrible this time around. His stupid, paranoid self keptimagining unpleasant scenarios. Was he going to be too late? Her Mercifulnesshad cryptically claimed that Nahyuta was still alive “for now.” Was he on theverge of death? Where had he been struck?
Simon hoped to ask her these questions the second he steppedonto the sad patch of asphalt that served as the country’s airport. Instead,battalions of guards greeted him and escorted him to the palace, which madesense – with one royal shot, the others were probably shut up in the palace to bekept safe.
Nahyuta’s mother stood in the grand entrance, pulling Simoninto a surprise hug when he finally got there. Her hands held his cheeks as shetold him, “You look worse than normal.”
Her own complexion was pale and rather blotchy, and herlilac hair no longer had such a glorious shine. “You look much the same, YourMercifulness.”
She huffed a hoarse laugh, and she was leading him down thehallways. She explained along the way that he had originally been at thehospital, but once he was out of immediate danger, Nahyuta had been moved oh socarefully back to the palace for security reasons. There were only a few minorcomplications as they put him back together, thankfully, but the monk had beendrifting in and out of consciousness for the better part of the day.
“I spoke with him earlier today,” Amara said as they reachedthe rooms he was kept in. “It was mostly incoherent, but he knew who I was, aswell as where he was.” She put her hand on the doorknob, but Simon stopped her.
“Where is the assassin now?” Perhaps if he committed amurder here and fled the country, he would be safe from prosecution.
“They killed themselves immediately after realizing Nahyutahad survived the first shot. I’m sorry to say you are unable to deal anypunishments to them. If they were still alive, however,” she said, finallypushing open the door, “you would have first rights.”
The room was noticeably colder. Rayfa sat on a couch next tothe bed, which Simon was doing his damndest not to look at. He could make outthe vague basic shape of Nahyuta, lying motionless there, but he was certainlynot ready to really accept what happened. Amara sat on the edge of the bed andpressed the back of her hand to Nahyuta’s forehead.
She added that he’d been running a high fever for some time.Simon stood by one of the wide windows, asking finally where exactly he’d beenhit. A frazzled looking doctor piped up, telling him he was struck in theabdomen, shattering a few ribs and puncturing a lung. Mother and daughterpraised the Holy Mother out loud, thanking her for sparing Nahyuta’s life. Simonwondered silently (he didn’t have a death wish) why they were praising her, ifthe Holy Mother had allowed it to happen in the first place.
It was so silent, until Queen Amara quietly cooed, “Good morning.”Simon did not turn around, despite Rayfa calling his name. He was not sure howto behave. He’d rather prepared himself to be faced with Nahyuta’s death uponarrival, so now that he needed to actually speak to him? He was not sure whatto say. Especially with his family still surrounding him – they were surelymore important to Nahyuta than Simon was.
Nahyuta croaked out a pitiful, “Mother…” Simon turned just ahair, watching him out of the corner of his eye. Rayfa sat on her knees next tohim, while Amara was still sitting by his waist.
“Skunk Head is here to see you, too, Braid Head,” Rayfasaid. She turned around and beckoned him forward. Simon reluctantly approached.Nahyuta’s eyes were normally that amazing bright green, but they were hazy andunfocused as he looked listlessly towards Rayfa. His eyes slid slowly torespond to Simon’s movements as he came up close. A sleepy, contented, preciouslittle smile formed on Nahyuta’s chapped lips as his eyes closed again. The frazzleddoctor said that he hadn’t been alert for more than few minutes at a timewithin the last few days.
Amara left after another hour, but she instructed the doctorto allow Rayfa and Simon to stay as long as they pleased. The doctorcompromised and said they would need to leave if his condition unexpectedlychanged, and Simon thoroughly did not like that implication.
He and Rayfa, now closer than he ever thought they would be,talked together peacefully. The poor girl burst into tears a few times unexpectedly,so Simon managed to convince her to get some sleep and something to eat.Nahyuta was not going anywhere, he told her. And neither was he, even thoughAmara came by again to insist he eat and go to sleep. He wasn’t leaving thisroom until the healthy glow of his skin returned. Except his boyfriend’sterrifying mother manhandled him and shoved him into his own guest rooms, so hewas able to get some rest.
An intense looking nurse that Simon had seen aroundyesterday came and found him in his rooms early the next morning.
“Prosecutor Sahdmadhi has been awake and alert for the lasthour if you would like to see him,” they said. Simon, vaguely tempted to notlook like a foolish moron, moved as quickly as possible without throwinghimself from the room and running down the hall. He didn’t bother to knock onthe ornate door.
Nahyuta was sat up in bed, looked a little pale still, buthe was smiling with a brightness in his eyes finally. Simon was infinitely glad that the Queen and Princess wereat the Dance of Devotion that morning, as he could commit fully to clinging uncontrollablyto Nahyuta. His hand was a little clammy as it weakly gripped Simon’s own whenhe sat down next to him.
“I don’t want this to happen again,” Simon commanded.  
“Well, I’m sorry to say, yet I have two more assassinationattempts to survive through to beat my mother’s record,” Nahyuta replied. Hisvoice was a little hoarse.
“I hate you,” Simon rasped. He was horrified to feel tearspricking at his eyes.
“As unhappy as I am that you skipped out on that importantcase to come and see me, I am very glad to see you, Simon.”  
He couldn’t speak and instead chose to lean in and holdNahyuta against him. He kissed at his tangled hair, and they stayed like thatfor some time. Simon tried to pull away, but Nahyuta’s grip on him wasconsiderably stronger already.
“There is one positive outcome to this whole ordeal,” Nahyutamurmured into his shoulder.
“What could that be?”
“I saw you far earlier than I thought I would.” He looked upat him, grinning widely.  
“You must be delusional from the pain,” Simon claimed. “The real Nahyuta would never be so kind withme.”
“I’m a changed man, Simon. I saw the light.”
“Please do not make getting shot at a habit, despite thischange for the better.”
“I will try my best.”
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nerdyskeleton · 7 years
thearchangelcas replied to your post “holy shit y’all School Daze reached 1000 kudos the other day that’s...”
Ah, congrats congrats!! :D that's awesome!
yoo girl thank you!! I had been really close for a few days so it finally happened I kind of freaked out a little haha
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nerdyskeleton · 8 years
thearchangelcas replied to your post “i am coming to you with a question thats just been nagging me this...”
YES THAT IS SO GOOD AHHHH it perfectly describes his weird ass personality and also yes he’s going to have to drag Nahyuta to the UK and be like “oh yeah spent so much of my childhood here” but ha jokes on Nahyuta, the Blackquills left when Simon was still an infant and he was just being a piece of shit about it bye
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nerdyskeleton · 8 years
16, 46, 71, 76, 92, 132, 185, 216! (I hope you don't mind me asking for a lot aha
hello my friend!
16. TV show I always recommend? 
Just answered this one in the last ask, but it’s Orphan Black!
46. Do I play any instruments? 
I play the cello! Really badly, but I kind of know what I’m doing! And also sort of the piano. I went from cello to piano to back to the cello haha
71. Something I wish I could do?
Oh man I have no clue. I guess sing? I can sing well enough like with music, but if you turn it off, then it’s just screechy and weird haha. And my cello instructor always asks if I sing so I can find the right note like oops sorry I can’t sing for shit girl.
76. Do I have any pets? 
I have a big cat named Rocket! He flops on the ground right in front of your feet, so you pretty much step on him all the time if you’re not careful. He’s an asshole
92. What was my favourite subject at school? 
I loved German when I took it in high school! Learning how to construct the language was so fun, and German is also so absurd. Sadly, the German department at my school sucks ass rip
132. Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? 
Frick I actually have no clue. I don’t know about the last two, but I would probably be Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? Who knows, I like never went anywhere to confirm it oops
185. If I could master one skill, what would I choose?
UGH THIS IS HARD. I’m going to say knitting haha. I like to knit but every time I make any progress, I always end up stopping for months, and then I lose all the progress that I had oops. Because I would love to make more things than just scarves!!!
216. Favourite fictional character?
GOD IT’S SO HARD. You know what? I’m listening to David Bowie right now, so I’m going to say Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth. Those tights are real form fitting and he really cracks himself up. Love that dude, honestly.
thank you for sending these!! and PFFFFT like I would mind answering these from such a nice person pffffptpfppttttt
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nerdyskeleton · 8 years
thearchangelcas replied to your post “hey i just wanted to say that the art you reblogged that had the...”
Ugh that is one of my biggest pet peeves like it's bad enough when she's older but stop tagging it with the ship name when she is literally a child and he's a fully grown adult GOD
YEAH!!! like okay fine if you are going to tag it as ship when she’s an adult, too, I guess I can’t stop you, I’ll just be here, silently judging. But when Athena’s a literal 11 year old still? That’s an additional billion issues and it’s honestly disgusting and I can’t believe it #unacceptable
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nerdyskeleton · 8 years
Top five writing tropes! :D
1. SHARING A BEEEEEEED (and then when they wake up tangled around each other it’s like 6000000x better) 2. Mutual pining, because the pain is so good 3. F A K E D A T I N G4. LAKJKDJF Person A being gravely injured and Person B rushes to their side and confesses their love because they think they are dying. And then either Person A hears them or doesn’t and TENSION JUST BUILDS UP5. When Persons A and B get together and they tell everyone and all their friends are like GOD FINALLY and A and B have no idea what they’re talking about like no we didn’t have unresolved sexual tension!!!!!
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nerdyskeleton · 7 years
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my dear friend @apxlllo tagged me in this business of posting a picture of your lock screen, home screen, last song you listened to, and a pic of yourself
Straight Up and Down by Bruno Mars is the greatest song to ever be heard by humans ears, just letting you all know. Also that pic of me I’m p sure I’ve never looked better ngl
I tag @thecheekybrunette, @mesa-verde, @famousinthatanonymousway, @aceprosecuties / @thearchangelcas, @sweetfiend and uh idk whoever else wants to do it!!
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nerdyskeleton · 8 years
So to add to Simon’s Britishness, apparently he wears a bar jacket which is a thing in the UK according to that post?  LIKE HE WEARS A COMBINATION OF BRITISH COURT DRESS AND HIS COAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE BASED ON A SAMURAI JACKET (I don’t remember exactly what) but basically he is a British/Japanese NERD and I love it @thearchangelcas
oh god how do submissions work what the hell
I literally can’t even deal with him he’s such a fancy dork alkjsdf He picked out his main court outfit and Aura was like “WE LEFT THE UK YEARS AGO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WHY ARE YOU COMBINING SO MANY THINGS” he’s like “it looks good on me I don’t want to hear it”
I guess I always could tell he was wearing a legit suit jacket because he’s wearing like three different shades of black and the sleeves and like chest part match.
I literally love that post so much it’s so funny I love the cartoon Simon to death. Has there ever been a more perfect phrase to describe Simon Blackquill besides “posh British weeabo” I THINK NOT 
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