#theatre rp meme
memestockpile · 1 year
when we were young and unafraid (2015) feel free to change as needed.
you’ll ruin your eyes.
why are you up? it’s 5:30.
you’re [age]. you need to sleep.
everyone who drives a car is expediting the apocalypse by destroying the ozone.
i can’t think of anything more bourgeois. 
i packed it away, years ago. it’s up in the attic. 
it would look stunning on you. 
he’s an arrogant blowhard and nobody likes him. 
so you’ll get a little wet. it’s good for you.
go change your sheets. 
that needs stitches. 
you’ve got such a pretty face. 
don’t smile. 
i can’t go to the hospital. 
do i look like an idiot to you?
put that ice back on your face. 
i bet you’d be more comfortable if you sat.
do you have any whiskey? 
this is how we do things around here, darling. you don’t like it, you don’t have to stay. 
that’s a very pretty name. 
you want to think about that some more?
if you were to go out for a walk and disappear, whose house should i send the police to?
it’s alright. dear. it’s alright. 
breathe, sweetheart. just breathe. 
i can just stay down there in the basement.
what are you, a dog? 
you’ll sleep in a bed like a human being. 
we’ll bring your meals to you. you can read. you can sleep. you can watch television. rest. 
you can come down, help us with the cooking and the cleaning, if you like. though you don’t have to. 
when you’re ready, we can talk about what your next move will be. 
i can’t have someone walking around here looking like a ghoul, spoiling the view. 
you got to stay up there until your face looks normal again. 
something tells me you can take it. 
it will heal more quickly if it’s stitched. up to you. 
careful. they’re hot. 
i put the rest of the coffee in a thermos for you. 
why are you crying? 
i miss my mama. 
we don’t usually get along this well.
why don’t we clean up that face of yours, while we got you distracted.
we need to think about something happy right now. what makes you happy? 
i think it’s charming. 
i’m not asking for handouts. i want to work. 
tell me who they are. i’ve been here a while. odds are i know them. 
my god, doesn’t anybody read anymore? 
the shower knob, it has to go around once, then twice, and then it finds the hot water. 
i’m classically trained, see. 
you can’t smoke in here. 
i could sit with you though, if you’d like some company. 
do you want some coffee? i was just about to make some. 
that’s a nasty shiner he gave you. 
i’m not really interested in boys. 
tell me exactly what happened. everything you remember. 
if they knew what you were saying right now, they’d cut out your tongue. 
if you do that, i will never speak to you again. 
if you do that, i’ll kill myself. 
i don’t know what happened. we used to be such friends. 
it’s just that age. 
did you treat your mother like that when you were sixteen?
that’s one of the primary characteristics of abusive men. charm. 
you’re a smart girl. 
i know some people who might be able to help you. 
why do you do this? i’m a stranger to you. 
girls like you never had a chance. i’m not trying to work any miracles. i just think everyone deserves a chance. 
i want you to tell me first. in person and to my face. 
i spent the morning reading a very interesting article. 
trust me. it’s chaos. 
i don’t know why i’m talking so much. 
you better clad your balls in iron, buddy, because i’ve seen where you sleep.
you made a mistake. you married the wrong person. move on. 
wait! i have a rubber in my purse if you need it. 
any boy who asks you to meet him on the beach at midnight does not want to talk to you. 
why do you talk about dating like it’s warfare? 
men only approach a situation one way: what do i have to kill? who do i have to conquer? 
that is so depressing. 
i owe you money and i haven’t got any, so...how well do these cabinets swing? they could use some grease, that’s for sure. 
if you stay here, you get breakfast. for free. 
that isn’t a polite thing to ask. 
you know what a lesbian is? 
of course i know what a lesbian is.
okay, don’t get your knickers in a bunch. 
feminism is the theory and lesbianism is the practice. 
you’re really just full of smoke. 
can you get me the medicine kit? it’s right above the stove. 
oh, why don’t you go back upstairs and douche or something. 
isn’t there a convention of miserable people somewhere that you should be attending right now?
good luck, honey. 
you could have said no, sweetheart. you can always say no.
passivity is the minotaur every woman needs to slay in order to leave the labyrinth. 
it smells divine in here. 
i’ll play you something if you promise to dance for me. 
we might have ourselves an act. 
you’re in danger now. and you’ve put us all in danger. 
you can’t stay here now. you have to move on. 
what? i like musicals. 
i am large. i contain multitudes. 
what a stupid cunt. 
what the fuck does that mean?
love makes people do stupid things. 
you can never tell anyone what you saw here. 
you’re a good person. 
that’s not how the universe works. 
i wrote you a song today. 
you kiss like a dead fish. 
you’re a real tease, you know that? 
you know what i think your problem is? nobody’s ever been nice to you, not in your whole life. 
you know a little something about everything. 
listen to yourself. this isn’t you. 
i’m tired of being smart. it just makes everyone hate you. 
thirty? i might be dead by then!
i hate being a girl! 
they don’t see you. they’re just looking for reflections of themselves in your eyes. 
i know you’re frightened. but you’re a strong girl. 
i miss him so much, i feel like my heart is going to fall out of my chest. 
i am so sick of this place. 
i told him to shut the fuck up. 
you were sneaking away. you weren’t even going to say goodbye. 
i’m not a very interesting man. 
i may not be able to sweep you off your feet. but i will never, ever hurt you. 
i want to own my own house. i want children who will outlive me. i want a dog. 
you’re a good kid. keep your head on straight. 
would you like a muffin, for the road? 
i don’t understand why you keep trying to punish me. i haven’t done anything wrong. 
we were children together. 
i don’t know why everything fell apart. i was trying so hard. i always try so hard. 
guess it’s safe to say you didn’t miss me.
why are you reading a cookbook? 
it’s the kind of thing i’ve been looking for my whole life. 
everyone up there is so dramatic. 
i feel too much. much too much. 
i don’t want your sympathy. 
i’m not going to sleep with you.
i’m trying to love you, you thick woman. 
now hold-fucking-still. 
can i tell you tomorrow? i’m really tired. 
will you stay?
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Send me ‘Honey, if you love me...’ for my muse (the receiver) to try to resist smiling while your muse (the sender) tries to make them smile! The only rules of the game are: you can’t use your hands, and tickling is off-limits.
For the reverse, send in ‘I won’t just ‘smile’.’!
Please remember to specify who this is for for multis!
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@moonshadowed asked: 📺 for your character to watch a film / tv show with my muse 
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Several days ago, the Captain had introduced Data to the term “motion pictures,” and consequently roused an insurmountable and insatiable curiosity in the android to explore this phenomenon further. He was familiar with the on screen transmissions and pre-recorded messages to communicate with fellow Starfleet officers. Back on Earth, he had observed news flashes that were occasionally shown at the Academy, but he had never had the opportunity to indulge himself in what was commonly referred to as films or movies.
    Picard had invited Data to join him in holodeck 4, where they would experience watching a motion picture together. As the holodeck doors disengaged, and the scene behind it unfolded, the android tilted his head curiously to the side. He was fascinated by how spectating motion pictures had been integrated in human cultures, dating all the way back to the late 19th century.
    The Captain was already seated in what appeared to be a 20th century movie theatre. Data ascended the stairs to the row of red velvet — he was uncertain whether they were chairs, but Picard seemed to have manoeuvred himself in a sitting position, even though the supposed chairs did not have a seat — and became stationary beside him, observing the spacious and authentic theatre.
    ‘Most intriguing,’ Data whispered in awe, emulating a small smile in the process.
    His yellow eyes skimmed the rows of auditorium seating, before examining his own. It had been assigned the number 14, which was embroidered in gold thread and was located on the upper right corner of the back of the chair.
    ‘Captain, I am unfamiliar with this... ‘ — he gestured to the chairs — ‘construction of chairs. Do we just...’
    He carefully draped a pale hand over the seat and pushed it down until it assumed an angle of 35 degrees. Expecting it to maintain this angle, he discontinued to apply pressure to it, which ultimately caused it to slam against the back of the chair with a muffled thump. Confused, Data stared at it for 3.45 seconds, processing his error.
    ‘Mhm, intriguing,’ he murmured, glancing at Picard. ‘What motion picture have you selected to watch with me, Sir?’
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discoinfernos · 2 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
♡ NAME: romeo
♡ PRONOUNS: he/they
♡  TAKEN OR SINGLE: in a platonic polycule with my friend group slkdfj
♡ my BA is in 'Shakesqueer' — it really says that on my diploma. the full emphasis title is 'Shakesqueer: Marginalized Identity in Text, Composition, and Adaptation'. i also have a masters degree in 'Shakespeare & Creativity'
♡ my first rp muse was Zabuza from Naruto & i love him so much & i still think about him like all the time. he got so much character development he's like an oc now
♡ a play i wrote recently made it to the finals of a local New Works Festival; it's getting a staged reading in May!
♡  HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): about 12 years
♡ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, skype, discord
♡ BEST EXPERIENCE: met one of my best friends in the naruto rpc and we're still friends over a decade later. also rping with my qpp in undergrad was the best thing ever
♡ FEMALE OR MALE: i have some female muses but i tend to be drawn more toward male muses . . . it's the transgenderism lmao. no matter the gender of my muse they end up having hella nonbinary swag ♡
♡ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: they all have their place and it's good to have balance and all . . . but i am a slut for angst. i always end up drawn toward conflict and drama, that's where the character development happens
♡ PLOTS OR MEMES: both are good !!
♡ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i end up writing long things cause i can't shut up but it's nice to have short things interspersed as well bc they feel easier and it keep things active
♡ BEST TIME TO WRITE: any time i can find the time, usually in the evenings/nighttime
♡ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): do u mean am i gay, do i have anxiety & intimacy issues, am i a theatre kid & master of yearning, & do i love my found family more than anything? yeah n v n
TAGGED BY: @jizzlords TAGGING: everyone who wants to !!
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not-that-dillinger · 2 months
Tagged by: @starstruckxstray (Thanks Nashoba!)
NAME?: Elf
PRONOUNS?: they/them or e/em
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Ed, though I would love for Eos or my other OCs at @unwritten-identity-discs or @order-of-the-pharos-universe to get more attention... though part of it is Ed likes to hog the muse braincell....
RP PET PEEVES?: Godmoding, or characters knowing things about mine that they shouldn't, mostly. One-liners also annoy me if they're not a question directly asked to my muse. It's very hard to work with that.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: Just over a year here, though I once dipped my toes in rp forums when I was really, really young... Not that I remember much of those.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: It depends. DMs here are usually fine, though I am also happy to chat on discord.
BEST EXPERIENCE?: All of it? All of the amazing and kind folks who are part of the RPC, if that isn't cheating. Honestly I have had a great time here and though I have not met any of the folks I RP with, I feel like I have made some genuine friends here.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT? : Angst and Fluff! (Sorry, am a sex-repulsed ace, smut isn't my cupppa tea!) I also love a good adventure plot.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: I'm more likely to send in a meme that DM to plot, mostly because I feel like memes are easier to break the ice with and get the ball rolling, though I am always happy to plot at any point!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: ...both? I prefer longer replies because it gives me more to work with, but I will respond with whatever I feel is necessary for the reply, usually a paragraph or more.
TIME TO WRITE?: Mostly in the evenings, though I sometimes do a reply or two to take a small break from everything else around lunch.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: ...yeah. There may be more self-projecting on Ed that I care to admit to, though he has also... influenced me. (I got curious about crochet after I decided that was something Ed did, for example.) We both like theatre and musicals, though Ed has done more than me, we both like tea, and both have experience with coding.
Tagging: @computerwarrior, @evecolourshock, @enforcerrinzler, @riinzler, @iamnoprogram, @the-expatriate, and anyone else who wants to do it!
(As always... if I tagged you, you have no obligation to do it if you don't want to!)
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sirserpentine · 2 months
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|| NAME?: Luna or Lune!
|| PRONOUNS?: she/her!
|| MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?:  Considering that he's my only one, Sir Pentious... For now 👀
|| RP PET PEEVES?:  I'd say the one I dislike the most is not following the holy improv rule of "Yes, AND". Much easier to respond to a reply with something more given than just a reaction to whatever was pre-established. It can be a question, a physical movement, a proposal, nudge towards some direction, as long as it adds to what's going on. It drives me bananas if there's no ping-ponging. :D
|| EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: I think it's been around 12 years now that I've actively roleplayed. I did creative writing before, though!
|| FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?:  I need fluff and angst in equal portions. And all sorts of emotions for that matter. I think that comedy is a criminally underrated genre in roleplay. It's delightful and makes emotionally tough situations hit harder later. I don't write too much smut, but I'm not against it!
|| PLOTS OR MEMES?: Either goes!
|| LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?:  I tend to lean towards long (AND VERY LONG,,,) but I have no problem with shorter threads. As long as they aren't just one or two sentences.
|| TIME TO WRITE?:  Late at night when I'm supposed to be SLEEPING.
|| ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: A good question! I believe I mirror crumbs of myself in each of the muses I've had so far and there's definitely many hobby similarities when it comes to Pentious at least, haha! But being a theatre person too, one of my favourite aspects of character portrayals is to gauge into experiences I've never had. Acting and roleplaying open my heart to lives I don't have the opportunity, the background or the centuries to live through as myself and I find it so delightful.
tagged by: @spiderslvts thank you so much! tagging: I see so many people doing this today so if you haven't already, this is your sign to DO IT NOW!
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appljuiceboxx · 1 year
welcome, weary traveller, to my dark cave of weird puberty crushes and useless memes.
hi there! my name's appl or amirah and i'm a generic bookworm, history nerd and theatre kid from malaysia. i draw, write, roleplay, and use character.ai to cope with my problems.
i barely post my art tho, you know why? self-consciousness, that's why! but i write! my ao3 link (which also has some of my art too) under my list of other blogs :)
you can call me: amirah, appl i use: she/her/they/them i'm from: malaysia!! we goreng everything and eat nasi lemak!! my age is: well not old enough to do anything interesting i like: books and star wars and history and fairy tales and problematic men i speak: english, a little arabic, malay i believe in: uhh muslim. i think. stuff that is probably important for my personality: aquarius, entp, uhh im the oldest. uhm im also really not ok. and. i like my dad :)
please note that i'm a minor and that weird-ass behaviour will be blocked.
my other blogs: @ask-sound-studio-7 [shovelware's brain game askblog] @james-vane-stan [ literature blog] @antonio-the-merchant-from-venice [shakespeare blog] @agog-and-aghast-rn [les mis] @pantheonsofgaynessanddespair (previously location-homeric-greece) [history/mythology sideblog] @opheliaandlaertesbutvictorian [vane sibling rp/askblog] @danny-torrances-new-mom [movie sideblog] @the-light-guides-you [roblox doors sideblog] @wilbah-sut [dsmp sideblog] (i may or may not make a cookierun kingdom sideblog idk man my fandoms are killing me)
if you wanna, you can check out my carrd for my dni list and my byf (which is kinda unfinished but who cares) and my AO3, which i post at more. and my discord is juiceboxx#2545 if you wanna troll or whatever.
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enjoy this dumpster fire
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Blog is no longer active - follow @forestofforever​
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This blog is no longer active, but it will remain online as an archive of sorts. If you are interested in interacting with me, please follow: @forestofforever​
No godmodding
No smut
No interactions with child characters 
No pregnancy plots. 
I only interact with those that are 18+
I don’t mind seeing these themes on my dash but I don’t personally enjoy writing them.
All of my characters are OC’s so it only makes sense that I am OC friendly. I can usually alter my muses somewhat to fit with your universe, though some plotting may be required to make it all go a bit more smoothly.
Any threads that include Benjamin are bound to be at least a bit triggering. Specifically dealing with themes of abuse, gaslighting and straight up torture. If you do decide to interact with him, please be aware that things could get very unpleasant. We can always discuss the situation beforehand though, since I do believe in respecting those that I write with as well as their muses.
If I don’t receive a reply on our thread for over 2 weeks I’ll consider the thread “inactive.” That doesn’t automatically mean it’s dropped, but I won’t be expecting a reply from you.
The Mun
Memes have no expiration date and I love receiving them, the same goes for my open starters. You're welcome to reblog memes from me, I don't mind it at all.
I’m always open to plot and my inbox and dm’s are always open, so feel free to reach out if you’d like to start a thread sometime or even if you just want to chat!
I’m Lisa, 23 years old with about 10 years of RP experience (though at least 7 of those years are going to go unmentioned because teenage me was no Shakespeare by any means).
I generally reply to threads in about a day, but I don’t mind if you take a bit longer, I understand that people have busy lives. I am a mess at formatting things so I don’t bother trying to make my stuff look fancy. If that’s your thing, totally cool! I just prefer the writing itself and I don’t understand tumblr well enough to make it look any better than it currently does. I do cut my posts though, or at the very least try to. I don’t use Icons but I think it’s cool when others do it. 
The Muses
All muses are played as 30+ unless otherwise specified. Age can be flexible if the thread asks for it, however their age will never go below 20.
Etienne- The Black Cat
Etienne’s family owned a theatre when he was younger, and so he has grown up surrounded by fantasy and drama. Sadly the theatre burned down when he was 15, killing his family in the process.
The experience has left Etienne afraid of fire. Candles won’t cause him to panic, but firepits or fireplaces may cause some visible discomfort. He remains in love with the theatrics that he grew up with, and dramatic is probably a good word to describe him. He’s quick to flirt but slow to let his walls down.
Sylvester- The Crow
Sylvester was a brilliant surgeon until his brother died on his operating table. The guilt and anxiety that followed his brother’s death left Sylvester a shadow of his former self, a shadow which was then mangled even further by a man named Benjamin Forest. Benjamin put Sylvester through hell in an attempt to see how many times you could break someone until they stopped being able to put themselves back together. Sylvester is still going, though one may wonder if he’s still himself after all he’s been through. Sylvester barely considers himself to be a person anymore at all. 
Sylvester is a nervous individual with many odd tics and habits. At first he may seem distant and cold, but as soon as his walls come down (and really, showing him a bit of kindness is often enough for them to go tumbling), he’s the most loyal person around. He’s been starved of affection and struggles to have healthy attachments, which allows your muse the choice; will they show him kindness and try to remove him from an unpleasant situation? Or will they use his already broken psyche to manipulate and control him even further?
Wester- The Big Bad Wolf
Wester is a ray of sunshine, a Golden Retriever in werewolf form. Energetic and social, Wester is easy to get along with, if perhaps a bit difficult to get rid of. Wester is friendly but also a bit naive and an airhead. He enjoys sports and long hikes, and chasing tennis balls (though he tries to only do so while transformed). 
Wester is a werewolf, and he’s not great at keeping it a secret. He is still friendly when transformed, and he can usually control his transformation fairly well unless it’s a full moon. His eyes remain amber even as a human, and his hearing and sense of smell remain more sensitive than that of most. He’s also colorblind. 
Benjamin- The Deer
Benjamin is a pompous prick with more money than dignity and a severe lack of empathy. Getting along with him is a chore, and people really only ever get close to him for his money. Not that they’re going to benefit from it, because Benjamin absolutely will not spend money on anyone unless it benefits him somehow.He’s arrogant, manipulative and just generally unpleasant. That being said, he’s got a pretty face and dimples that might charm some unfortunate individuals right into his bed.
Now if you can overlook all of these significant flaws, you will find a man that might still have a soul after all. He can be very protective of those he loves, but this does come with a great jealousy and possessiveness that should not be taken lightly.
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ltcommanderandroid · 11 months
Get to know the author!
name : Eurybia
pronouns :  she / hers
preference of communication : IMs, Discord if I get to know you
most active muse :  Data
experience / how many years :  About a decade-ish?
best experience : So, so many. Getting to 500+ replies on a multi-para thread once was pretty awesome.
rp pet peeves : People being elitist or muse-possessive when we're all a bunch of nerds writing characters we love
plots or memes :  I'm old school - starter calls and opens
long or short replies :  Both, depending on the thread and partner
are you like your muses : Edit: Yes and no. Like Data I love art and theatre and humanity, but whereas he struggles to feel I struggle with trying to tell anxiety that what I'm feeling is not helpful at the moment, thank you very much. Also, we both love our cats.
tagged by : @dimensionalspades
tagging : @belovedai @therapardalis @ofstarfleet @exiler @sayonaradumbass
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viruslearnt · 1 year
dash game, get to know the mun. ( repost, don't reblog )
name: Hope pronouns: she / they preference of communication: d.iscord 100% single/taken: all by myseeeelf, don't wanna be-
— three facts.
I am so utterly boring as a person idk what to tell you here
I am a horrible s.tar wars nerd with very strong opinions on the franchise lmao
I once played the lead in our secondary school theatre production and the play we did was literally a stage adaptation of a book our teacher wrote himself
— experience.
I have been here for too long I started this when I was 12, took a break and got into forum rps for a bit and then came back.
— sub-genres.
why would I settle for one thing when I can be all over the place mood wise.
— plots vs memes.
oh that one really depends, if it involves muses that don't have a basis for interactions in canon, or if it involves OCs, plotting helps a lot but memes can be fun as an intro too.
— long or short replies.
I do tend to get more attached to longer threads but I also take way longer to reply to them so short things are appreciated as well.
— best time to write.
oh I don't have a set time writing happens whenever it happens lmao I can't schedule that shit.
tagged by: @deadaim tagging: steal it
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lastsurvivor · 1 year
*    knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,    repost,    do  not  reblog.
                                           meet the mun.  — basics
NAME:  johnnie!
PRONOUNS:   any :) 
SINGLE / TAKEN: single.
— three facts
1. I am a theatre person (derogatory /j) I've been in many, many musicals. I've only recently started plays. My latest role, however, was in Hamlet. I was Horatio!
2. I have far too many ocs at this point, but I keep making more. I am actually turning one of my alien guys into his own Star Trek race! If you ever wanna know more, please do ask. I love infodumping!!
3. I am a classically trained singer. I have sung in French, Italian, and German!
— experience
I started rp over TEXT MESSAGE with a friend from middle/high school. I moved to tumblr in 2016 maybe? Been on here ever since.
— sub-genres
I don't know what this means </3 But like I like a lot of everything. As long as it's fun, I will go with it.
— plots vs memes
I gotta admit, I'm not always the best at plotting, but I do enjoy it whenever I do have ideas. MEMES, however? Love them. They are SO fun.
— long or short replies
GIVE ME EVERYTHING. I don't care as long as we're having fun tbh.
— best time to write
Whenever I get the inspiration, tbh... I am not consistent enough to have a specific time.
tagged: @congregaticn <3
tagging: YOU!!!!
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we-eternal-rp · 2 years
☄ —   admin  !         + GUIDELINE ADDITIONS/UPDATES
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hola!  it’s admin skye back on the main, starting off with a mildly serious post. kind of?  anywho, after doing a full review of our GUIDELINES, i think it’s high time we had a little post about it — there are only a few changes to the page, we know it looks long and daunting but it really is all there to protect and support both the admin team and the muns. i also wanted to bring attention to one of our CHECKLIST items that seems to be getting overlooked:
get creative. + to begin please ensure that you post an open starter and reply to three existing opens, per muse; at least one of these two should be within 24 hours of joining. both the open starter and the three replies must be completed within 5 days of joining, and happy writing!
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SO!  under the cut is some rules... some new ones and some established ones we fear have gone by the wayside, and we would like everyone to read over and ensure they understand.   once you have read this post in full; leave an emoji in the replies, this will be how we tally who has read it and who hasn’t — yes, please drop an emoji as liking it will not count for this post!   and, of course, if you have any questions or concerns or need us to elaborate on something, fling us a message dears ♥️ 
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dropping threads: you must communicate with your thread partner/s directly if you find the need to drop threads, so they are not left in the lurch. if anyone displays a pattern of consistently dropping threads we will reach out privately, similarly, we will reach out if we receive mun complaints of this becoming a pattern.
post cutting: please ensure to cut your posts, there should be your reply and the previous reply but no more (unless in a group thread)
muse/media posts: a maximum of five muse/musing posts allowed per day; not including the reblogging of ask memes during the weekend nor the posting of tasks. do not reblog alternate FCs or ‘original’ deity FCs unless prompted by a RP task specifically.
gif usage: we highly encourage using visual aids in replies, such as gifs, giftangles, gif or rp icons, etc. note that we do not allow 'large' gifs (banner, full post width, etc), they should be medium or small-sized. please do not use the tumblr 'find a gif' option.
disallowed faceclaim resources: separate from our banned list as linked above, we are not allowing period/medieval, heavily sci-fi or heavily ‘bloody’ genre resources. we also do not allow performers, idols, singer, dancer or stage theatre FCs unless they have actual formal acting resources not just interviews.      example: you can use sophie turner but not as sansa stark, you can use john boyega, but not with a lightsaber.
muse diversity: we ask that you alternate your faceclaims or muses to help influence wider diversity, including ethnicity, age and gender binary, in this current order of preference (these will be changed to reflect imbalances):      — if your first character is a caucasian muse, then the next should be a muse of colour.      — if your first and second muses were gender binary, then your next muse should be outside of the gender binary.      — if your first or second muse is 25 then your next one should be 25+, if the first and second are both younger than 25 then the next should be 29+.
multiple muses, diversity: for those with 3-5 muses, in general we ask that at least one (or two if you have five muses) of those characters is 30+ years old, one (or two if you have five muses) are outside of the gender binary, and half of your muses should be muses of colour.
hiatus' cannot and will not be backdated without admin permission and is not automatically granted. your hiatus comes into play from when you ask for it and does not cover previous periods of inactivity. this rule is subject to individual circumstances.
new open starters: once every two weeks we ask that you post a new open starter. you may, on occasion, reblog an old starter into the blog again providing it has less than 4 individual replies and is more than two weeks old.
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shadowsong26fic · 1 year
for A-Z OC meme, L.
::pulls out mental list::
So, the obvious choice would be Lavinia, but I've talked about her here enough before so moving on XD
I did have an AtLA OC back in the day named Li-Hua; I don't remember much about her other than she was like the generation after the gaang; she was a firebender but barely used it, and she managed a theatre. She also ended up hopping timelines and getting written into a LOK RP at one point. (there were probably others; i had a lot of OCs in this fandom in particular, but most of the ones i'm coming up with do not have names starting with L)
Lariel is cheating because even though she was Kind Of a Supernatural OC she was really from another canon who was named for crossover purposes and then stuck around and became an Easter egg character (and I never actually wrote her into anything, just her demon counterpart Tesriel).
When we get to my original stuff--there's Lonura; mistress/girlfriend/paramour of a main character's older sister; is a sound-mage which mostly works out to be like Bardic Gift in Valdemar, but can also be things like mimicry and Directly Manipulating Sound (i.e., she can turn sound inward on itself, so something that should make a noise doesn't; also things like ventriloquism are Much easeir lol). She's sweet and steady and very much in love with Nolani; very aware of the potential pitfalls of her magic and rarely uses it.
Lif, from the same canon, is the youngest sister of two other major characters; she's an air-mage and a dancer, sometimes a prostitute. Her sisters are a War Hero and the eventual Clan Head respectively, but she's much happier with a quieter life. There's also some stuff tied into her story about the way Unthreaded mages (meaning mages with powers that are not the dominant/native element for that area) are treated in their culture.
Lux is. Well. She's Lucifer. A bunch of Our Angels Are Different tied into how this story works.
Laura Sanchez, from the same canon, is married to the Guardian, who keeps track of the family of humans who descend from Simon, an immortal (nephil) who keeps getting his memory erased. She ends up basically bullying the Archangel Gabriel into helping her track down her husband after the Horsemen (distant cousins of his) kidnap him. She's a reporter, the daughter of a diplomat, and she and her husband have two or three kids and a handful of grandchildren.
Larien is an extremely cold, calculating person--except where his wife is concerned. He's the king of a nation with a history of war with one of its neighbors; there was a treaty in his parents' generation that tried to solve it (basically, the then-kings; Larien's father and uncle; exchanged sisters as brides. It didn't work). Everything he does, he does for at least three reasons and he's thought it through (again, except for marrying Metanrye). He does love his brothers (half-brother Tahnrin and full-brother Idan; Idan is currently Missing) and his two daughters, but is mostly focused on winning the game, so to speak.
Landelye is the elder of Larien's two daughters. Elanhean succession follows essentially Salic law, meaning that she can't inherit, but she's aware her father is Considering changing the law--if she proves she's worth upending centuries of tradition. Her bastard uncle Tahnrin is the other candidate; they are having a very subtle war for the throne in the background of the wider political complications. Which include possible war with Nandere and some impending Major Drama with the Church. ...also, she and her uncle are both in love with/sleeping with the same main character. They like him (and the potential political advantages he could bring) enough to share, despite cordially despising one another.
...I think that's everyone whose name starts with an L, at least when it comes to Significant characters (or characters with close ties to Significant characters, lol). Though it's entirely possible I've missed someone...
Ask me about my OCs!
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✿ NAME: I’m Ari. I have used Ari Shae (and well ShadesOfLetters) as my pen name for years. 
✿ PRONOUNS: she/her  
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Guys, I am on discord if you’re ever interested. My instagram and twitter dms are also available. The messaging on tumblr isn’t as reliable for me because I don’t always have my Ipad on me or my laptop near me. I do tend to respond rather quickly when I have my phone on me. I’m a tad shy, but once you get me going... You’d be shocked because I do tend to get excited about talking about others characters and mine.
✿ NAME OF MUSE(S):   Isolde! My beloved. 
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  More like a couple weeks. A month even? I haven’t done this for long at all. I’ve been writing for years, but I have never really taken part of RP before. Oh! But I do have theatre experience. I think like five years of theatre? I was mostly a light techie, but I dabbled in acting. I learned I bounced off other people better.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  For RP so far I have only used tumblr. 
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE:  Okay so, first off. I think a mini shoutout is in order because @sylvctica actually got me going and told me everything I needed to note. Hell, I was given a google doc. Which was so nice. So, I’d say getting into it I had a good time. 
But with that said, dear lord. The harem conversation had me DYING. I said one thing and suddenly a downward spiral happened. It was just so funny seeing how things went down. I just had a blast that day, I sat back and watched everything go down until I realized Isolde probably should be hiding! I don’t, I have had a great time so far despite being a shy coffee bean. 
RP is like the OC version of social media, but everyone is unhinged and living their best lives.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  I haven’t experienced much to say I have a pet peeve. But the one thing I will say is when I check out a profile and they say to read their rules, they don’t have a link anywhere prominent and you have to dig through posts. If I don’t see them, it’s kind of a deal breaker for me.  
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:   I am cool with fluff, suggestive even. I am good with angst too. I’ll write a whole range of emotions. But... I. WILL. NOT. WRITE. SMUT. I have no issue seeing it. I just don’t like writing it. (sometimes people are really good at it though, like damn) 
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:  Honestly, I am cool with both. I have not really had a chance to plot with anyone yet, but I am always open to it. You can always message me and I’ll get back to you. You can also as for my discord if you want it. I have grown to really enjoy meme-ing the shit out of my characters lately. I do enjoy both very much. 
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I can do both. As of the moment I’ve only been doing shorter responses. I have not gotten a chance to write longer posts with people. If you want to do that, just let me know and understand the longer ones will take a bit of time for me to get out.  
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE:  Any time inspiration hits me. Most the time that inspiration comes during the middle of the night. There I am, at my laptop, typing away because I got an idea I didn’t want to forget in the morning. Right now it’s 7am when I am making this. It’s just whenever for me. Hell, I put off my school work in the middle of the afternoon yesterday to polish up a headcanon I wanna post soon.  
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I always seem to have a tiny bit of me in most my characters. In this sense, I would say the few things I share with me character are patience, asexual, and my love for warm beverages. Oh wait, and the fact that for the first time ever, I have a character that dislikes alcohol. It’s just some tiny things.  
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dreamsoffantasty · 7 months
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━━ ❀         𝕴𝖈𝖔𝖓 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕳𝖎𝖗𝖊    𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ( 2011 ) 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊         ❀ ( lyrical meme appreciation to Icon for Hire, with some of my favorite songs. please feel free to change the pronouns as you see fit  ! some of the lyrics changed to fit better for RP purposes. )      
                         TW: dark emotional theme may present. self-harm topics.             
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❛ My life is a musical. ❜
❛ I know how to put on a pretty pathetic show. ❜
❛ I hid backstage. ❜
❛ Keep the curtains closed. ❜
❛ 'Cause I'm scared. ❜
❛ I'm getting pretty good at feeding them the lines they like. ❜
❛ I don't recognize the girl that I face each night. ❜
❛ I can compromise till I'm convinced. ❜
❛ What happened to the girl who could overlook the world ? ❜
❛ She never gave a second thought to what the other people thought. ❜
❛ What happened to the dream of rejecting the routine ? ❜
❛ 'Cause they never worked for me. ❜
❛ I'm gonna burn this theatre down. ❜
❛ pray to God for the strength to help me face the crowd. ❜
❛ I wanna live like I lost the script and scream every line. ❜
❛ They say all the world's a stage. ❜
❛ Rewriting your identity is all the rage. ❜
❛ Well next act please, I'd like a change. ❜
❛ I don't really like pretending. ❜
❛ I'm gonna burn this theatre down and pray to God for the strength to help me face the crowd. ❜
❛ I wanna live like I lost the script and scream every line Like " this is it! ". ❜
❛ The sad thing is we're all in on the action. ❜
❛ We're all holding our breath. ❜
❛ Waiting for a reaction. ❜
❛ We're all holding our breath, waiting for a reaction. ❜
❛ You play your part. ❜
❛ I'll be playing with matches. ❜
❛ You play your part, i'll be playing with matches. ❜
❛ If you'd like a show, you can follow the ashes. ❜
❛ Somebody make a move. ❜
❛ Test my reality. ❜
❛ Check if there's a weak spot. ❜
❛ Clingin' to insanity, in hopes the world will ease up. ❜
❛ Try and make it look like it's all somehow getting better. ❜
❛ 'Cause I know how to play it pretty good against the measure. ❜
❛ Everyone started out a little insane. ❜
❛ We learn pretty quick how to fake it for the game. ❜
❛ Some of you never learned to drop the act. ❜
❛ Under that skin of yours: a heart attack. ❜
❛ 'Cause everybody's so scared. ❜
❛ We don't wanna go there. ❜
❛ We don't wanna make a move. ❜
❛ We got all our lives to lose. ❜
❛ Screaming in the dark while. ❜
❛ We just play our part. ❜
❛ I play right along. ❜
❛ I don't know what's going on. ❜
❛ We all know what's going on. ❜
❛ If I had the answers, I'd have written them out. ❜
❛ I can tell you what to do. ❜
❛ What this thing is about ? ❜
❛ All I've ever learned comes second-hand. ❜
❛ I dare not preach what I don't understand. ❜
❛ You and I: we share the same disease. ❜
❛ Cover up. ❜
❛ Compromise what we grieve. ❜
❛ I've let more than my share of revivals die. ❜
❛ This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight. ❜
❛ Pointing my fingers, the problems still linger.. ❜
❛ They keep getting bigger. ❜
❛ I hold the trigger. ❜
❛ Running with fire, I live like a liar. ❜
❛ We throw tantrums like parties. ❜
❛ We're not happy 'til everyone knows we're sick. ❜
❛ That's just how we like it. ❜
❛ We've hurt bad enough, right, we've earned it. ❜
❛ Don't tell the others but it's all getting old. ❜
❛ I mean how many more times must our stories be told ? ❜
❛ Being lonely's only fun in a group. ❜
❛ It sort of loses its charm when it's true. ❜
❛ I meant it when I said I wanna get well. ❜
❛ Are the rest of you so content ? ❜
❛ Stay where you are but it hurts like help. ❜
❛ I'm sure it's fun at first. ❜
❛ Test your pulse and check your vitals. ❜
❛ If it's only a game you lost me. ❜
❛ Now you know all my secrets. ❜
❛ I want out. ❜
❛ I know I don't need this. ❜
❛ Can you find me friends that don't rank me on what I've been through ? ❜
❛ The more battle scars the more attention it gets you. ❜
❛ Yeah we should've known it would end this way. ❜
❛ What did you expect ? ❜
❛ Pretend it all away. ❜
❛ All we've got left is a sorry pile of hearts. ❜
❛ I'm getting out. ❜
❛ Gonna write myself a new start. ❜
❛ Come on, dry your eyes. ❜
❛ Meet me on the other side. ❜
❛ Run as fast as you can and we'll make it out alive. ❜
❛ We know better now. ❜
❛ We don't have to live like this. ❜
❛ Go tell them all we don't have to live like this. ❜
❛ I say I wanna be healthy, but I turn up the noise. ❜
❛ The IV drips a steady stream of poison. ❜
❛ I think I'm just in love with the feeling. ❜
❛ Break my bones so I can feel them healing. ❜
❛ Crazy's, I believe, the medical term. ❜
❛ When we wanna recover, but we don't wanna learn. ❜
❛ Keep breaking what's been fixed a thousand times. ❜
❛ Give me some more of that iodine. ❜
❛ I can't make reality connect. ❜
❛ I push till I have nothing left. ❜
❛ If we want to wake up. ❜
❛ Why we still singin' these lullabies ? ❜
❛ I'll run in circles till I crash. ❜
❛ One day these steps will be my last. ❜
❛ I say I wanna be happy. ❜
❛ I quickly forget. ❜
❛ I sabotage all the good I've got left. ❜
❛ Depression's like a big fur coat, it's made of dead things but it keeps me warm. ❜
❛ I don't like pain. ❜
❛ I bring it to life. ❜
❛ I don't like scars, but I am good with a knife. ❜
❛ I don't like tears but I'm starting to cry. ❜
❛ I realize I'm destroying my life. ❜
❛ I do this to myself. ❜
❛ Stop blaming someone else. ❜
❛ We do this to ourselves. ❜
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izzysarchivedblogs · 11 months
I really want to rp with you, but I’m kind shy 😅
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Hey, that's valid. Reaching out to people can be tough.
Any time I reblog a meme, that's always a way to start something as long as you specify the muse, cause that helps me out.
I post interest checks regularly, for the next three days I won't as I have technican work (theatre), but I'll have memes reblogged and be around in the evenings.
Anyways, I hope that you have a delightful day!
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