bunnimew · 5 months
"Oh yeah," Robin said dismissively, waving her hand. "Eddie told me about that yesterday."
"You hung out with Eddie yesterday?" Steve asked.
"Yeah. We watched a bunch of horror movies." Robin grinned. "Why? Are you jealous?"
"No!" Steve said quickly. Then he leaned forward and demanded,
"Yes. Tell me everything."
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kroosluvr · 5 months
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guy in the computer
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scottxlogan · 1 year
Me, who reblogs your stuff and reads all your fics but is to shy to slide into your Tumblr DM's and talk comic stuff:
Also Me: Is halfway finished with a long scogan fic I'm planning to gift you for the holidays on AO3 around Halloween
Um surprise bestie?
*Jazz hands*
That is incredible! I love your enthusiasm for the ship and sharing it with me as I always get so excited to see what people are inspired with on scogan! I just love it truly and always welcome the conversation. This month has been a really stressful one for me thus far so I haven't been around much (as most of what people see is queue'd stuff on here lately on my end), but this is very exciting! I'm eager to see what you have been working on!
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Keep me updated on how it's going!
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blissxjj · 8 months
Lucifer X MC that got summoned in hell while holding a pet bunny
Featuring: Lucifer
When MC was summoned she was faced with Diavolo that startled her into falling backwards on her butt As they looked around everyone was looking at them they felt so embarrassed and scared causing them to hold their pet bunny tighter.
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Was standing there when you locked eyes with him, you looked away and got up fast when he approached you, his eyes held no emotions as he took the bunny from you and said
"No pets are allowed here"
You didn't want to argue with him because you were affraid of him, but you couldn't let your bunny go so easily, you snatched thebunny back and backed away from him
"Who are you? And where am i?" Despite your brave tone you were shaking in your shoes
"Give me the creature and I'll tell you what's going on" Lucifer said stalking towards you
You kept walking backwards clearly intimidated by him, Diavolo stepped in and said
"Hello Y/N welcome to the devildom my name is Diavolo princeof hell"
"Hell?!!" You said
"You are our new exchange student and Lucifer here is going to guide you through it" he said
You look at Lucifer who had a poker face on
"I am not giving him my Mr. Hop though" you said looking at Diavolo
"Yes you will-" Lucifer didn't get to finish his sentence before Diavolo said
"You can keep your bunny as long as you behave and listen to our instructions" he said
"Ok!" You said all happy again.
'What a strange human' Lucifer thought.
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juliepowersss · 9 months
“Juuliie uhi”
“Dooyou have turrky inn your frridge”
“Tgiis iss thebunny thaat kim breoughy btw”
“Aalsoo jkim fdidint gimme youurnumber”
“Yyour houyse issweirtd wwhere am I”
-🐇 (She’s baked out of her mind and just wants a sandwich)
(Ooc i assume this is a text message from what i saw on the other blogs, sorry if i got this completely wrong)
Yeah probably.
She didn’t expect THIS much chaos, but she quit questioning it right around the fifth matthew showing up.
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bobwaynesblog · 11 months
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#lauraallie #thebunny
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reindeergames3000 · 2 years
The girl who tried
"Wake up! It's half past six, don't prove your deadbeat father's words to be true, don't be a disappointment" Lying on the bed, Preesha stared aimlessly at the ceiling, as her mother's usual rant flowed through her ears. She had been long awake, even before the sun rays had filtered through her window pane illuminating her room, in perfect contrast to the darkness that filled her heart. The clear morning sky with only a few fragments of clouds was battling with her tears to reflect itself on her retina, which blurred her vision.
She felt a suffocating weight on her chest, a pain piercing her heart and unlike the sky, her mind was cloudy, like the perfect storm. The storm that promised pain and misery, the storm that uprooted everyone's life. The storm that was surely followed by a rainbow but no one left to appreciate it. She was having a hard time and it was not a phase like her 'friends' had referred to. She felt lonely, deserted and worthless. It took her everything to drag herself off of her bed to face her mother, not even caring about brushing her teeth, it seemed pointless.
After what felt like counting on stars except for the fact that she had no one she could count on, she was finally free from the morning chores. The breakfast was cooked, the dishes were done and in a family of three members, two plates were presented at the dining table.
Preesha, who once loved eating, ignoring her mother's constant taunts about how she was getting fat and bulky, stayed away from food. The dopamine that was released in her body relishing her favourite cuisines did not excite her much these days, she had lost half of her weight, hollow, sunken eyes with prominent dark circles, chapped lips and skin so dry, that it had started to shed off, but only if anyone noticed. Her sibling was way too young to understand all this while her mother was so caught up in her own bubble of grief that she failed to notice her own daughter's longing, lifeless eyes.
She fell on the bed with a thud, as she grabbed her duvet to cover herself completely, curling up as if she was shielding herself from her intrusive thoughts. Her mind ran wild and though her eyes were dry, her heart wailed, it screamed silently, even breathing seemed hurtful. Each heart beat was excruciatingly painful, each gasp for air felt like a torture to her lungs, each pulse in her vain seemingly added a load of burden upon her worn out soul.She wanted to end this, she wanted peace, it was getting overwhelming to live in a world where she did not feel appreciated, a world where she was casted aside as if a punctured tin can, deserted by her father, treated like a burden by her mother, she felt uncared, unloved. Even the closest of her friends failed to understand her, maybe they never cared, maybe she had always been delusional, believing she was wanted. She should have known that her existence was just a mere burden, no one would have cared she disappeared or better, died. She felt like an obligation that everyone just had to fulfil, like paperwork that nobody enjoyed doing, but they had to do it, like a job, a duty.She stumbled upon something as she made her way to the drawer, deserting her bed ridden with piles of clothes, loads of laundry, the walls of her room had scribbling all over, 'Papa', 'Mumma' and 'Preesha' 'Happy family', the scribbling said.
A section of her white painted wall had a bit of red to it, the red which flowed through her veins, the red which caused her misery, draining that red, she knew would end her misery.She picked up the object that made her steps falter, it was her bunny, her Toto as she and her father decided to call in while he was still there beside her. Thebunny was a precious relic to her, she had once loved it dearly but as she crossed her adolescence, Toto was just another stuffed toy kept in her drawer that she hardly opened. Toto reminded her of herself. It reminded her of her childhood days, the days where laughing did not require any reason unlike the present where even tickles fail to crack her up.
She compared herself to Toto, who was once loved but now deserted, a friend whom without holding close, the goddess of sleep never visited her, but now a toy hardly dreamt about. She hugged it closer to her chest as a sob erupted from her throat, loud and distinct followed by her helpless scream for relief. She wailed her eyes out, shrieked with all the air in her lungs, and after she had no energy left in her vocal chords, she rocked herself back and forth with her knees folded up close to her chest and her hands hugging her knees. All the memories started to play like a movie in her head, from her earliest giggle to her recent grief, from the memories about the coffee she and her friends shared to the memories she did not dare to share with her friends, from her father's loving pats to her mother's sweetest kisses, she started shivering, her body started to heat up, her voice seemed to have frozen, her limbs started burning, loud voices started to ring in her head, "YOU'RE WORTHLESS" "NO ONE LIKES YOU" "DISAPPOINTMENT" "UGLY" UNWORTHY ""UNGRATEFUL" she felt lifeless but her heart was still beating, she wanted to stop it, put her heart to rest, she needed to end this, she had to end this, she will end this.
With Toto tightly clutched close to her heart as if assuring herself that there was someone listening to her heartbeats, she aimed for the upper drawer, the one with the magical weapon that would end her misery. The one with a blade sharp enough to drain her out of the red that caused this pain. Glancing one last time at the door of her room, she used the weapon on her pulsating vein not before shifting her eyes to watch herself for the last time in the mirror, she felt a warm liquid gushing through her wrist as she fell lifeless on the floor to sleep but this time with Toto clutched beneath her arms to summon the Goddess of slumber for a good lifelong sleep. She finally felt at peace as the voices fell still and her heart paced down.
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carl-kemp · 4 months
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#allie #thebunny
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thebunnednun · 4 months
New Community!!!
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Tumblr has now given me the ability to create a new community so I wanna know what you'd like to be called as a fanbase!
Yes, they are mostly pirate puns, I fricking love puns.
Then I'll have you all vote on the banner for the community and if it should be public or private. Lemme know in the comments.
Okay, Mihawk should be dropping soon. 5/25/2024, thinking about dropping two chapters tonight and the request line needs to be fullfilled.
Seen you soon my loves!!~
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babyawacs · 2 years
#stateofmind .@law @law .@judge @judges .@harvard_law .@sun @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @deutschland @dw @phoenix_de @bild @sz itis inthebook the ambiguity say as zombi what is differentmeaning in theme: rocket ready tolaunch fluffy rabbits to mars or sth and the theme is : say shoot the bunnies #keypoint zombis rebabble without knowing meaning and they obey on automation whatever the theme me: deedtype morning afterwoa a theme was shoot thebunnies whatthe hell isgoing on realdeal realtime
#stateofmind .@law @law .@judge @judges .@harvard_law .@sun @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @deutschland @dw @phoenix_de @bild @sz itis inthebook the ambiguity say as zombi what is differentmeaning in theme: rocket ready tolaunch fluffy rabbits to mars or sth and the theme is : say shoot the bunnies #keypoint zombis rebabble without knowing meaning and they obey on…
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byeolverse · 2 years
#elfie part 2
Did she just hear the globe talk?
Minji pokes it with her finger and her other arm on her chest to guard her beating heart. And the minute glances ahead , she slips on their floor due to the jump scare a figure meant to cause her.
“ W-Who are you? ”, Minji asks confused.
“ what am I? I am an elf , you see? ”.
“okay....", Minji breathes looking up to the figure.
“Er...are Elfs s'pposed to be so tall? ”, she gulps.
“ why? Does height matter? ”.
“ N-No , I mean you look really cool in your Elf costume, Dani ”
It was none other than Danielle , Minji's neighbour.
Not an actual elf.
Dani chuckles as she explains her outfit for the day. It was for her first day tomorrow! Sure , Minji bets , she could just become anyone's bestfriend dressed like a Christmas tree with quirky boots and douche bag.
“ do you hear something...?”, Minji looks at the globe. “what? ”, Danielle asks confused.
“that noise....”, Minji points at the globe which shakes violently.“What the hell? ” , Danielle scurries behind Minji when they hear the snow globe burst open with an array of sprinkles infront of them. Minji gulps. Danielle's pranks had gone too far.
“what? It's not my fault!", Danielle defends as she clings on to the older tightly.A small voice blooms as there walks out a tiny , unidentified creature too less to be a an rodent. The next minute , it stands up on its two feet , revealing herself and her tinker Bell attire.
“ My name is Hyein , an elf from the land of the elves—if you guessed, you're wrong ; it's bunnies , thebunnies ”, she affirms.
Minji and Danielle give each other a look as they crouch down near the elf.
“do you grant wishes ? ”, Danielle asks , unfazed because she thinks she's tipsy—on orange juice from earlier.
“Quite perhaps ”, Hyein nods with a smile blooming on her peachy face.
“but I don't do it for free ”, she adds.
“ what do you want in return? ”, Minji pops.Hyein gives them a smile before tapping in the pocket of her skirt for her favourite item. Her mobile Phone. Believe it or not , the elf world is full of surprises and a bit of technology wouldn't ruin the fun of it
.“...a trade of this memory ”. Minji observes Danielle before clasping her hand tight.
“i wish , we can be together tomorrow ”.
Hyein smiles as she waves her hand in the air for a few sparks in the sky. The sparks bloom into a array of fireworks that blow into complete darkness until Minji jerks on her bed. Eyes wide open , she settles her sight inside the cold dark room. She places her hands against her eyes to finally break out of her vision.
Minji was dressed and at the college gate by eight. And to her surprise , she sees Danielle waving at her—with the same elf costume from her vision
.“...We're in the same class, I'm so happy! ”, Danielle smiles.
She chuckles reaching her friend, “let's take an elfie in this memory...”.
“A what? ”, Minji laughs.
“I'm dressed as an elf today! Let's take an elfie! ”.
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bunnimew · 4 months
Package Deal
Jack said, "And I'm not really an ultimatums kind of guy, so…"
Tooth's wings drooped. "So either we accept Pitch, or you leave us?"
"I took a vow. I mean to keep it," Jack assured. "But if you draw lines in the sand…"
Bunny scoffed. "You choose Pitch."
Jack shrugged.
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bunnimew · 2 months
Stars & Stripes
"You asked to see—" Kylo stopped short just inside Hux's door.
"You're out of uniform."
"I do that from time to time," Hux drawled, unimpressed.
But Kylo didn't stop staring.
Hux glared at him. "Did you think I slept in it?"
Kylo finally tore his gaze away. "Of course not."
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bunnimew · 2 months
It was hilarious, Thanatos thought.
Zagreus had been staring at him for long minutes, gnawing on his lip and looking outright dazed.
Thanatos didn't fight his smirk. "You know you're allowed to touch me, right?"
The gentlest of pinks rose to Zagreus' cheeks. "I forgot I could do that now."
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bunnimew · 4 months
False Hope
"So," Thanatos began, running his fingers over the gold frame of Zagreus' lyre, "when will I get to hear you play this?"
"Uh, very soon," Zagreus answered. "Definitely soon."
Thanatos smiled and looked back over his shoulder at him. "You suck, don't you?"
Zagreus nodded readily. "Like canal water, yes."
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bunnimew · 10 months
Jack tapped at his lips. "I wonder if I could get the wind to lift Jamie like it does me?"
Pitch didn’t look up from his reading. "It would probably kill him."
"Why?" Jack asked. "It works for me just fine."
Pitch glanced up over his glasses. "You're already dead."
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