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Height: 5'6"
Age: 1238
Race: Dragonoid
Power Lvl: Continent Destroyer
Threat Lvl: Orange
Real Name: Winona
Nationality: Canada
Job: Model
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birth date: April 1
Nicknames: Honey, Blue Fire, Blue, and Blue Star
Likes: Starry Nights, warm weather, Nicholas’ cooking, Nina’s baking, motorcycles, and honey
Dislikes: her cooking, spiders, small spaces, idiots, and extremists
Personality: Citana is determined, enthusiastic, honest, passionate but she can be petty, and vengeful when slighted. When she in acts her revenge she will draw it out as long as she can to watch the person squirm until she is satiated or bored.
Extra Information: Citana loves to snuggle with Joulupukki in winter for warmth. Citana picked that her new name due to Nicholas' first words in Cree was roughly 'Your beauty is greater than the starry night'. Even though been living over 1000 years, she still can not cook.
Bio: Citana was born on April 1, 784 CE in the territory that would later become Winnipeg the a Cree Tribe. For 25 years she would travel around the Americans with her Tribe as a Hunter and the spring of 810 CE is when her life was flipped.
In the Spring of 810 CE Citana's tribe was attacked by a rival tribe and Citana ran into the forest to gain advantage against her attacks. While looking back to see how far back her attackers were, she ran into a very tall and very lost viking, Nicholas Overland. Nicholas didn't hesitate to help Citana with the attackers and seeing the skill for fighting Nicholas she pulled him along to save what was left of her tribe.
With Nicholas' help her tribe fought off the other tribe and her tribe celebrated. In the celebration with some miscommunication and neither understanding each other, Citana and Nicholas were wed.
For 1 years they traveled together westward and learned from each other but it was Citana who picked up his tongue faster than him. She explained to him that they were married and he was shocked but accepted it. It was another 9 years before he could speak her tongue fluently.
When hitting the west coast Citana got interested in the lands her husband came from and Nicholas made a viking long boat to travel the ocean. They landed in China and with Citana's ability to pick up language they could travel China's countryside.
While in China Citana upset some guards and one of them cut open her stomach with a short sword. Nicholas killed the guards and took Citana to safety to give her a blood transplant. This blood transplant did heal her but also unlocked her dragon bloodline causing her slowly to transform into a dragon.
After leaving China they entered Russia and slowly made their way to Norway. Through the trip Citana stopped aging and gained the same lifespan and magical strength as a celestial dragon.
In 850 CE the two got back to Norway and met up with Nicholas' mother and her druid circle. Around 870 CE Citana killed the king of dragons due to him trying to force her to marry him and with her killing him, she became the Queen of Dragons. Few other dragons challenge her rule but the first three she killed by accident and after the four they stopped coming to challenge her for the throne.
Around 1785 CE they returned to Canada and were living in Canada to the modern year of 2022.
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thecanadianarchives · 2 years
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Just like the Seras Victoria redesign is not a ‘fixing’ piece this is more of what I would have done with Ilulu from 'Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid' if I were to design process. Her personality would be still the same. First off I did change her body to look closer to what a sixteen year old in my style.  I did kept her busty due most of jokes about her or she does are connected to it. I also made her muscular due to her being called one of strongest dragon in chaos faction. For clothes, this is after being tamed by Kobayashi and I was going for 'Rebel' and 'Punk' for her public outfit instead of that one piece dress. I did reused the markings on her cape on her shirt because I liked it, while using darker version of her dress color for the shirt.
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Thanks to the recent Spider-man movie, I went digging in my archives and was looking for my spidersona oc but instead found my symbiote oc. --- Name: Cassandra Fisher
Age: 19
Height: 6'0"
Sexuality: Homosexual
Identity: Public
Citizenship: Canada
Affiliation: Solo
Alias: Curse
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Likes: Pizza, Chocolate, Natasha Romanoff, Felicia Hardy, most meat products, and rainy days
Dislikes: Nightmares, Carnage, anyone tried to remove Curse from her, loud sound, and fire Curse’s Personality: Like Carnage, Curse is submissive and fiercely loyal to Cass. Though Curse has argued with Cass from time to time about what to do but nothing that make Curse leave Cass. Curse finds Cass to be the perfect host for them and loves all pizza and chocolate feeds Curse.
Cassandra’s Personality: Cassandra may lack intelligence compared to people around her but she picks up with having street smarts, which has helped her keep her alive. She is also very stoic, stubborn and spiteful of those who would betray her trust, to the point she made a shit list of traitors.
Powers: Curse's power reflects their father's power, Carnage. Even with all sharing powers of Carnage, they have three powers that either are unique or more powerful to Carnage's version of the power.
Tracking Evasion: Curse has power to prevent all kinds of tracking, and even cameras can’t record her. The only way to track Curse is using a magical tracking spell or physically seeing her.
Invisibility: Other Symbiotes have some form of camouflage but Curse can go completely invisible. This power isn't perfect as the moment they attack they return being visible.
Neurotoxic Venom: Curse produce a neurotoxic venom and often coat their claws or weapons in it. When Cass is in control the venom is weak and won't kill but when Curse is in the driver seat the venom becomes extremely deadly.
Bio: Cassandra’s story starts a bit before her birth and involves an unethical doctor, who wished to do a study of nurture vs nature. Dr. Robert Roth used his connections to get a sperm sample of the famous killer, Cletus Kasady, before he became Carnage. Dr. Roth paid ten Canadian families, who were desperate for a child, and they were lied to about who the sperm donor was.
Cassandra was born to one of those families, her mother was Native American and father was white man. Everything was fine for the first five years of her life but then her father lost his job and started drinking. He started to abuse his wife and her wife slowly mentally broke down in a year's time. Her mother finally snapped then killed her husband and went to kill Cassandra but slipped and killed herself. Her final words Cassandra remembers was called Cassandra a curse on their family.
Cassandra was found by police after the neighbors called them and she was put into foster care. Her stay wasn’t long luckily and adopted by the Fisher family, which gave her lots of love. For ten years she lived a peaceful life until Cletus Kasady got the Carnage symbiote and found out about the program.
Cletus went after seven of the families first to see if they were like him but was disappointed in seeing none of them were like him. His next target was Cassandra’s family and she was in the basement when he killed her adopted family. She came up to see Carnage over her mother and without a second thought she turned on the home system. The sound on the tv caused Carnage pain and Cassandra could escape Carnage but not unharmed as Carnage slashed her back.
Cassandra got outside of the house and jump started the car to drive off in a panic. For three days Cassandra ran from Carnage with just her wit and luck until the fourth day in St-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Quebec, Carnage had cornered Cassandra. Cassandra didn’t know how to get out of the corner until she felt something crawling out of her skin and a voice telling her to punch. Cassandra punched and sent Carnage through a building wall and Curse covered her body.
Curse told her to run and not even second thought she did that while Curse turned them invisible. Cassandra used this to go over the border to New York and once deep in the city and alleyway she asked who Curse was. Thanks to the genetic memory power all Symbiotes have and that is when Cassandra found out she was the biological daughter of Cletus.
For three years Cassandra is bound to Curse and running from Carnage. On the way Cassandra made few friends in heroes and few enemies in both villains and heroes. She has kept quiet about her being Cletus’ child and everyone thinks she’s being hunted because she escaped his claws.
Top 5 Shit List:
Cletus Kasady - Tried to kill her before she got Curse and still is hunting her.
Reed Rickards - Tried to remove Curse to experiment on it.
Maria Hill - Tried to remove Curse as she thought a child shouldn’t have that kind of power.
Scott Summers - Attacked Cassandra thinking she was Carnage and when this cleared up misinformation he still tried to remove Curse from her.
Norman Osborn - He tried to take Curse away to use it as a new bio-weapon.
Top 5 Trust List:
Natasha Romanoff - Natasha was the first hero to find Cassandra and like trying to gain a feral cat Natasha would use food to gain little trust. She would never lie to Cassandra and let her crash at her apartment. Natasha saved Cassandra and vice versa to the point Cassandra is very close to telling Natasha her deepest secret. Cassandra sees Natasha as a third mother figure.
Felicia Hardy - Taught her how to live on the streets and other skills to survive. Cassandra sees her as a big sister.
Steve Rogers - Steve’s leadership just sucked her in and he never lied or betrayed her, also he taught her how to fix a car. Cassandra sees him as a cool uncle.
Flash Thompson - He saved her from Norman and just like Natasha slowly built a bound, though it’s more of a sibling relationship.
Ororo Munroe - Ororo stopped Scott and used her powers to allow Cassandra to sneak off. Afterwards Ororo would buy Cassandra a pizza a few times and slowly build trust with Cassandra.
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Now it's Citana's turn for some emotions/reactions:
Pure Rage
Yawning [she likes sleeping in]
Depression state after another miscarriage
Feeling peaceful with Nicholas
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Name: Luna Dreamwalker
Lycan Name: Moonlight
Height: 6'7"
Age: 32
Job: Tribal Officer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Race: Werewolf (New World Breed) - The New World breed is different to the old world’s breeds of werewolves due to the fact that they transform into pure wolf forms. While transforming is still painful to do, it takes less time as they don’t bulk up in size, instead they stay at equal mass as their human forms. The drawback of their breed is they have a very powerful sense of smell, having no thumbs in wolf form, and high chance of being an insomniac. In the past they have been mistaken for skinwalkers but the tribe will quick to set things straight while not trying bring up skinwalkers in the correction.
Pronouns: She/Her
Birth: April 27
Likes: Pizza, most pork and beef meats, fresh cooked pickerel, working with her hands, and Amy
Dislikes: rotten meat, perfumes, scent of smoker, silver, and grapes
Personality: Luna is a strong-willed, practical and well-grounded young lady and she is patient enough to wait to twist the knife into someone who wronged her. With her voice damaged she uses more actions and they carry even louder than any word she spoke before. Her practical and grounded traits made her a great pack leader with the younger wolves on the reserve.
Extra Information: All the scars she had when younger faded to the point where they never were there but in the perfect light some will appear. One new moon is easier for Luna to sleep and the full moon she rarely gets any sleep.
Bio: At birth Luna was kidnapped from her real parents and the kidnappers sold her to a rich white family in Mortem City. The man, who paid for kidnapping, was also chief of police in the city and his wife stayed at home ‘mom’. They abused Luna and forced her to call herself ‘Annie Welsh’, the only relief from abuse was when her ‘grandma’ came to visit. Her grandma knew this abuse was happening and tried to make visits everyday as it was the only thing she could do at that moment. On the night of her tenth birthday Luna had a dream of her running all four and running away from the city straight into the forest. When she woke up, she found herself in the forest near the native american reserve and she was found by a pack of werewolves.
They took her in after she told them that she was abused by her family and her scars were proof enough for the pack to keep her. Her story spread throughout the reserve and it caught the attention of another family of werewolves, Luna’s real family. Unfortunately her mother had commit suicide from her mind breaking after losing Luna and heavy moral hit on her father, so when he saw Luna he broke down crying and hugging her as Luna looked like a copy of her mother. Luna hugged back with tears in her eyes as she felt a connection with her real father and later they had a reserve doctor test Luna’s blood to her father and it was a match. The wolf family happily returned Luna to her real pack and her pack told her her real name was Luna Dreamwalker.
Another unfortunate event happened a year later to Luna was her father died in a car crash but she was taken in by her uncle and aunt's family to keep her safe. Luna was home schooled and when she turned fifteen she joined the werewolf division of the Tribal Police, where she would patrol the borders of the reserve and forest close by at night. At age fifteen she was already a big girl and able to out pace any of the members. One night she got in a rough spot with a Russian vampire and the vampire damaged Luna's throat, leaving three large scars only noticeable in her human form. The injury healed over time but it caused permitted damage preventing her from howling in her wolf form and in human form making talking slightly painful.
At the age of twenty she was dragged to a club by her cousins and in the club he met Amy Smith. Amy nervously flirted with Luna and Luna would have flirted back but one of her cousins got into a loud shouting match with some white rich boy. Luna had to grab the back of her cousin’s neck and dragged him out of the club with other cousins following, understanding Luna wasn’t in the mood. Once outside she let go of their neck to point to the van they drove up in and they were about to get into the van but stopped when someone called out ‘Annie Welsh’. Luna turned to see her grandma’s very loyal and personal butler and he was holding one arm behind him and the other a letter with her grandma’s personal seal. Luna took the letter and the butler bowed before leaving.
The drive back Luna opened the letter and started to read it causing her heart to tighten and tears running down her face and letting out silent hiccups. Her grandma was dying from cancer and hoping that Luna was safe and happy now. Her cousins were there to be emotional pillars at that moment and once home they turned into their wolf forms to fit in the largest bed of the house to cuddle with their grieving cousin. The next night she took off to the city in her wolf form and easily sneaked into the Welsh mansion, straight into grandma’s room. She found her grandma hooked up to machines and her grandma was awake when Luna transformed into her human form.
To make sure she wasn’t dreaming her grandma pinched herself and smiled, understanding how Luna was able to escape years ago. Luna told her grandma everything and her grandma told her that her butler would find Luna when she passed. Luna left just as easily as she came and returned home.
A week later Luna would return to the club and run into Amy once more. The two flirted in a short time and started to date and by the time Luna turned twenty two, Amy moved in with Luna. Luna had moved out of the pack house due to her size and needing her own space, she picked out the fixer upper and with Amy’s help they fixed it up perfectly. A few days after Amy moved in her grandma’s butler came and told Luna the funeral’s date as well she should be at the reading of her will. Luna went to the funeral with Amy, and she hung in the far back of the church and graveyard so no one asked who she was. At the will’s reading the butler sneaked Luna into the room as everyone was more focused on the lawyer about to read the will. The lawyer read out the will and everyone was confused when they heard all the mansion, land, and money the grandma had gone to Luna Dreamwalker and they demanded to know who this Luna was but their voices were silent when Luna let out a loud whistle. They turned to see Luna and everyone knew the moment they saw this very tall blue hair native american was ‘Annie Welsh’ the missing granddaughter. With the silence Luna walked up to the lawyer’s desk and gave him her phone number, and to contact her with more details as well said out loud she was planning to liquefy everything. Everyone was stunned as Luna left and Amy already had the rental car ready to go for a quick get away.
   Within a month she was able to sell all the land, and mansion, she used the money to improve the reverse, basically making it a small town safe from the city. Her abusive family tried to talk her into giving them some money but she refused and told them to get off their butts to work for their own money. Some threatened to sue, she called their bluff and one tried to physically threaten her but that went flatten when they felt twenty or more eyes on them.
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A rework of old picture Luna and Amy kissing at the club and just in time of Valentines Day too.
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Even though winter still here I drew up my sona's shell form in spring/summer mode.
I drew up Nora's human shell finally and she always returns for spring/summer to be a seasonal lover to my sona and living at the start of winter.
Also height difference between the two when in their shells.
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thecanadianarchives · 2 years
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Amy doing the Jack-O pose and clapping her large booty when she heard Luna about to enter the bedroom.
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thecanadianarchives · 2 years
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I had to shower thought this morning and it was called 'Traveling Mode' for Ulirec. Since both Zalorcaal and Olnwiehx have faster ways of travel in water or sky, I thought the Ulirec should have faster way to travel on land. This form is from older days before they had faster ways of travel and males would use this form to travel on their wandering ways. While females didn't wander they would often use this form for extra weight in fights against others. Now a days this form is more used for aesthetic reason, for a job, sporting/festival events, or bedroom delight.
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Height: 6'8"
Age: 1238
Race: Void Warden
Power Lvl: God Killer
Threat Lvl: Red
Real Name: Fenrir
Nationality: Canada
Sexuality: Demisexual
Birth Date: March 13
Likes: Dogs, mother’s baking, working with his own hand and cold weather
Dislikes: Estella’s cooking, spiders, small spaces, traitors, and extremists
Personality: Nicholas is a stoic, calm, and competent man but can be a very stubborn man. Though when enraged he will get tunnel vision causing him to be an unstoppable force until he cools off or Citana tells him to stop.
Extra Information: Nicholas can only speak Norwegian, Cree, and English but he does understand some Russian and German due to him fighting in WW1 & WW2. His Void Warden name is 'The Smiling Wolf' but he dislikes being called that. Citana calls him Darling and they have tried other pet names but both agree Darling just sounds right.
Bio: Nicholas was born March 13, 784 CE in Norway by his druid mother and raised by her and her druid circle. His father was a Scottish young lord that happened to get lucky with his mother and didn't know about his birth.
In the circle he was taught how to cook, clean, fight and sail, which opened the gate to him becoming a Viking at age of 16. He joined a small group of vikings and from there he started to climb the ranks of this band of vikings.
He got to become leader of this band of Vikings at the age of 20 and with him at the helm, the small group transformed into a small army. This small army of vikings would raid England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland for 4 years. Unknown to Nicholas, jealousy was forming into his second commands and they started to scheme.
The last raid of the year was to hit a Welsh stronghold and in the heat of the battlefield one of his second in command stabbed in the back. The blade went straight through him and killed him the moment he landed on his knees. The horn was blown to retreat, leaving Nicholas' body in the fields, where in the middle of the night he would be reborn.
Waking Nicholas was enraged and let out a loud roar of rage before rushing towards where he knew his men would retreat to safety. Once at the camp, he bulldozed straight towards the tent where his second commands were set up. His men tried to talk to him, wondering where he was at but he violently shrugged them off before entering the tent. Once in the tent he killed all his second in commands with his bare hands and once done he left the tent, heading straight to the boats. He took a boat by himself and set sail back to Norway but he got turned around.
With his luck he found himself in Hudson Bay of Canada and from there he wondered around what would be Manitoba in modern times. In the Spring of 810 CE he would run into a Native American named Winona but later be called Citana. Citana was being attacked and Nicholas didn't hesitate to help Citana with the attackers and seeing the skill for fighting that Nicholas had, she pulled him along to save what was left of her tribe.
With Nicholas' help her tribe fought off the other tribe and her tribe celebrated. In the celebration with some miscommunication and neither understanding each other, Citana and Nicholas were wed.
For 1 years they traveled together westward and learned from each other but it was Citana who picked up his tongue faster than him. She explained to him that they were married and he was shocked but accepted it. It was another 9 years before he could speak her tongue fluently.
When hitting the west coast Citana got interested in the lands her husband came from and Nicholas made a viking long boat to travel the ocean. They landed in China and with Citana's ability to pick up language they could travel China's countryside.
While in China Citana upset some guards and one of them cut open her stomach with a short sword. Nicholas killed the guards and took Citana to safety to give her a blood transplant. This blood transplant did heal her but also unlocked her dragon bloodline causing her slowly to transform into a dragon.
After leaving China they entered Russia and slowly made their way to Norway. Through the trip Citana stopped aging and gained the same lifespan and magical strength as a celestial dragon.
In 850 CE the two got back to Norway and met up with Nicholas' mother and her druid circle. Around 870 CE Nicholas killed the king of Fairies due to him trying to force Citana to marry him and with her killing him, in the fight Nicholas' eye was damaged. The queen of the Fairies gave him the title 'Lord of Ashes' to prevent any other fey to take revenge on Nicholas.
Around 1785 CE they returned to Canada and were living in Canada to the modern year of 2022.
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A redo of old picture of Iris at her public job as a bouncer for a strip club called 'Love-Nest' and her inhuman features appearing in her shadow.
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Meet Eislyn Moore, the child of Tearlach and Rhian Moore, and if she was part of a five man band she would the 'Powerhouse/the big guy'.
Meet Horatio Liena Feng XIII or Liena for short. She was unfortunately victim of lycan attack and was saved by Eislyn than taken in by the Moore pack as a new blood.
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An updated reference sheet of Rhian and Tearlach Moore, a Welsh vampire and a Scottish lycan, both ruler class of their races and both are happily married living in Canada.
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Suzume's turn for emotion/reactions:
Scheme smile
Pissed off
She likes to lit a cigarette once and while
First time joining Nicholas and Citana bedroom fun
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thecanadianarchives · 2 years
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Nicholas and Suzume dealing with some cultists that been playing with forces not meant to play with and could cause problem for the universe.
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thecanadianarchives · 2 years
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Meet Suzume Kita, a non combat Void Warden, she is one of the information gathers for the Void Wardens. While she isn't doing her Warden duty, she is running a Sushi-ya [a restaurant that specialize in sushi] or spending time with Nicholas and Citana.
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