#their arms touching liiiiiike
lilac-hecox · 1 year
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I just love this shot of them both sitting at the piano~
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poorly-drawn-akira · 2 years
Dr. Cross had come to the hospital. She settled into a chair next to Eijiro, "Hello, Eijiro. How are you feeling?" "fuh-fine... i-i guess you heard about everything." "Yes..." Eijiro pulled back slightly, he didn't like the look on Dr. Cross's face, sad, no, reproachful? ... ... Regretful... "That's not why I'm here, Eijiro." She shot her stand's wire out. However, unlike with Diran and Arden, instead of plugging it into his neck, the plug firmly lodged itself in his forehead and Eijiro slumped over. There. Direct access... She could see anything, but she'd have to be quick: If she held it for too long... She'd be careful. There it was... She knew it was this one... She could feel it... A little... Little tap... There-
It was dark.
Cold and dark.
Eijiro's footsteps were hollow sounding on the ground.
there is the pretty boy...
Eijiro froze.
He couldn't speak.
He listened instead.
we're glad he is. what is he doing here? he shouldn't be here. the pretty boy... on our terms... in our world... in arms reach.
Eijiro slowly started to move.
Footsteps hollow on the ground.
Gaining speed.
His breath was heavier and heavier.
He couldn't tell how far he was getting.
Or if he was getting away.
He couldn't get away.
he doesn't like it. see how he likes it... our turn.... he doesn't like his grabbing game when it's done to him... it's our turn. our turn to grab him. our turn to play.
Closer and closer...
A hand shot from the darkness and grabbed his arm.
It jerked downwards.
Eijiro violently hit the ground.
he doesn't liiiiiike it... we'll play. we'll play his game.
Eijiro scrambled to pull himself up.
More hands gripped him.
He sank.
He was sinking into the floor.
it's a fun game. we're glad he made it. glad he did. our turn to touch. our rules this time. he'll keep playing.
Eijiro screamed as his mouth began filling with muck.
He was managing to keep himself afloat.
Eijiro's free arm gripped desperately against the soft earth.
The voices continued to whisper softly to him.
His leg braced firmly against the ground.
He screamed.
Again and again.
He knew no one was coming.
No one was coming.
Like this for days...
Dr. Cross abruptly pulled out. She gasped for air. She needed to breathe. She gently positioned Eijiro on the bed. He was out cold. Mariana carefully tucked him in. She brushed his bangs out of his face. He was so small... So young... She didn't leave. Not yet. She knew she was going to get kicked out when the hospital closed. She wasn't family. But she didn't want to leave. She carefully took his remaining hand in hers. It was cold.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
HH Daniel and Christian as teenagers discussing about soulmates ~T
They weren’t as much teenagers as they were little boys but 🥰
March 30, 1950
“Good night, boys. Right to sleep now, please.”
Christian and Daniel chorused their good nights to their mother and watched her close their bedroom door behind her. Her footsteps disappeared down the stairs and the bedroom was silent, the street lamps seeping in slight illumination into the otherwise dark room.
“Is she gone?” Daniel whispered.
Christian slipped quietly out of his bed and tiptoed across the carpet to press his ear to the door. The boys paused.
“Yeah.” Christian breathed and scurried back into bed.
The brothers grinned cheekily as they both sat up in their adjacent twin beds and faced each other, tucked up under their blankets still and wrapped warmly in their matching striped pyjamas. It was the evening that was directly between their birthdays; two days since Christian’s eleventh and just about two until Daniel’s tenth.
It was always an exciting week for them since having two birthdays in their house in one week and every night it was so hard to sleep. As they were coming up on their teenage years – Daniel was more than thrilled to hit double digits in a few days – the concept of soulmates starting to really plant seeds in their brains for dreaming of the future.
Daniel especially was incredibly impatient to find his soulmate and it was his birthday wish every single year since he was a little boy. Christian wished for fun things over his birthday candles like a new bike or an extra hour of television for a night but he never minded to gush with his younger brother about what the universe had in store for them.
“Think they live near us?” Daniel asked quietly, wrapped up with his blanket right over his head.
“Maybe. What if we passed by them before but didn’t know it? At the supermarket with Mum maybe.” Christian said.
He smiled as his little brother’s eyes went wide with realization.
“Gosh.” Daniel breathed, flopping sideways on his bed. “Ten seems like a swell age but I’m dying to be eighteen.”
“I’ll be eighteen before you.” Christian taunted.
“I know you will! Not fair.” Daniel huffed.
“What do you want your soulmate to be like?” Christian asked, laying back down on his own bed too.
The boys both thought for a moment, staring up at their shared ceiling in their matching twin beds and underdeveloped minds and bodies, dreaming about what their perfect girl would be like.
“I hope she doesn’t like chocolate.” Daniel finally said, breaking their silence.
Christian giggled and looked over at his brother, “I hope mine does.”
“Yuck.” Daniel shuttered.
Christian looked back to the ceiling, “I hope mine is pretty like Mum. And likes to watch television too.”
“What program will she watch on the television?”
“Howdy Doody.” Christian giggled.
The boys smothered their laugher into their pillows and hands to keep from making too much noise and alerting their mother that they were still awake.
“I want my soulmate to be grown up.” Daniel retorted coolly. “Howdy Doody is for babies.”
“You are still a baby.” Christian jabbed, propping himself up on his arm to look over at his younger brother. “You’re still only nine-years-old. I’m eleven.”
“Nine for only two more days.” Daniel glared at him and looked back to the ceiling, crossing his arms over his chest, “Never mind it.”
There was a pause and Daniel’s young mind whirled. Christian and Daniel had a very close relationship and they could turn to each other for anything and everything; especially things their parents couldn’t know about. Daniel looked to his older brother again.
“Would you…would you let your soulmate…k-kiss you?”
Christian giggled at the terribly blunt and risqué question but he looked over at him again, “Probably. Would you?”
Daniel’s cheeks flushed pink and he glanced back to the ceiling, “Maybe. If I really like her enough.”
“You are going to. The universe made you for each other so it’s obvious you’re going to like her.” Christian smirked at his brother’s wide eyes and blushing cheeks, and he pressed him on, “You’re going to like her so much that you’re going to kiss her on the mouth and you’re going to hold her hand in front of Mum and Daddy and you’re going to hug each other so close that your pants touch.”
Daniel pressed his hands over his ears and shut his eyes tightly, “No I won’t!”
“Yeah you are.” Christian laughed pridefully at making his brother squirm. “And you’re gonna liiiiiike itttttt.”
“Stop it!” Daniel scolded loudly, his hands still pressed over his ears. “That’s so disgusting, Christian!”
But the older brother wasn’t finished, quietly singing over to him, “Daniel and his soulmate sitting in a tree; k-i-s-s-i-n-g-”
“You shush up or I’ll shout for Mum!” Daniel whispered sharply. “I mean it!”
“I’m only joking around. Gosh.” Christian quieted down quickly, habitually looking towards their bedroom door in a bit of a panic in case their mother was to come in at any moment. He shuffled back under his quilt, “I’m at least going to kiss my soulmate.”
“Good for you.” Daniel grumbled. “I bet yours is going to like chocolate. O-Or something else gross like…like olives.”
Christian only smiled at his younger brother’s attempt at retaliation and rolled over in bed to get ready to sleep, “Good night, Daniel.”
“I’m not going to kiss her.”
“I’m not. I mean it.”
“Okay.” Christian chuckled.
Daniel turned to face away from him and frowned in the direction of the closed window across the small room.
Silence fell again. Until seconds later when Christian started making kissing noises through the dark.
Daniel sat right up in his bed and screamed as loud as he could, “Mamaaaaa!”
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stardewitagain · 5 years
Could we get some fluffy Sebastian h/cs? Our precious emo boy deserves more unconditional love~
Bold of you to assume there’s a condition in which I’ll stop loving Sebastian This was originally supposed to be generally cute and fluffy but it ended up more like “hiding his crush on you” headcanons...which imo is equally adorable
Please carry him, he won’t say it but he really likes being carried around
He stares at you a lot when you’re not looking because he liiiiiikes youuuuu
Sam teases him relentlessly about his crush on you and his face is literally >:( it’s adorable
Sometimes if you say something just right he’ll just dissolve into little giggles that can’t stop and he’s trying to hide it because it’s embarrassing but you’re so sweet and he’s so cute and-
He literally doesn’t know how to ask for a hug. At least, not with words. He’ll kinda tug on your shirt and open his arms, but that’s all he knows.
He just wants to spend as much time as possible with you but he doesn’t know how to say it
Totally platonic excuses to touch you, like “hey you have something in your hair, let me get it for you”
One time you touched him and you’re pretty sure he caught on fire
Will start the weirdest/most interesting conversations just to keep talking to you, which is how you know he’s passionate about cryptids (but who’s surprised really)
He lov u
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Hot Sauce
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The bell over head chimes once then twice as you and Kirishima enter behind a determined ash blonde.
The shop is small and filled with all sorts of spices from mild to tear inducing hot. You grimace slightly apprehensive as you stand hesitant in the door way.
"Why the fuck am I here?" You grumble as Kirishima's sharp tooth laugh echoes behind you.
"Because you must want to impress him." He smirks, ruby red eyes fixated on Bakugou's strong back as he stalks down the aisles. You nudge him hard in the ribs and a small oof escapes his lips followed by another untamed chuckled.
You let your eyes wander the shop as your feet guide you to your other bestfriend. You spy peppers from all over the world dried or advertised on bottles. Jalepeno, Bird's eye, Indian Tezpur, ghost pepper and even the Carolina reaper. Their levels of heat indicated by fire embloms or skulls.
All with different types of hot from immediate reaction to the slow burn that is surprisingly good until the whole back of your throat is burning.
Your eyes water just from the smell of some of the oil extract and dried peppers but you push on, running into the toned back of Katsuki.
"Ah sorry." You blush, *tsk* is his only reply as he spies what he wants around the corner.
You give yourself a moment as you damn your body for reacting this way.
Why was your heart racing over acxidnetly touching him? Weren't you straddling him in training just last week?
But no Eji just had to make a comment last weekend.
You and Eji were cuddled on the couch, your cheek resting on his chest, hips tucked as he flipped through the channels.
But it's not like that, you two had always been oddly close to each other and hell, you even tried dating but there was no chemistry between you two.
It was strictly platonic and it baffled you both considering you did such couple things with one another so every now and again you would test your platonic relationship with a kiss.
Just to be sure nether of you were dense and well someone was home when he shouldn't have been the time you tried to test it.
"Eji-kun." You look up at him and try. You try to imagine that electrifying calm that you've read about that seems to never go away no matter how long you stare at them or feel the butterflies that swarm in your stomach but you feel....nothing.
Just his warmth and that you were thankful that he was your friend. So thankful that he let you try to figure out if there was anything for you two depsite him feeling nothing like that as well.
"Can we?" You ask and he gives you a sharp toothed grin.
"I'm staring to think *you* do feel some type of way." When he sees your cool expression and no blush dancing on your cheeks like it has when a certain someone uses his flirty tone with you his smile grows wider, "Guess it has been awhile."
It wasnt that you weren't attractive and it wasnt that Kirishima wasnt attractive it was just when he leaned his head towards yours and you pressed your lips to him no fireworks exploded behind your eyes.
It was more of like kissing a pet on their forehead than anything else. When the two of you pull away you both stare at one another with a slightly awkward almost cringing smile.
"Oi!" You jump ten feet in the air from the sound of a gruff voice behind you. You spy a snarling Katsuki and your palms sweet.
"You two dating now?" He cocks his head towards Kirishima while his crimson eyes are glued to you.
"Ahh..we..." You stammer, one of the few times in your life.
"Nah, we just test the waters now and again." Kiri offers the truth to which your face burns.
From embarrassment or rage you do not know.
"Good cause you both look like you just kissed dog shit." He bites darkly before laughing, "Though I'm sure its Eijirou who's the bad kisser."
The blonde stalks away and Eji has a huge grin on his face. He leans towards you whispering haunty in your ear.
"Oh he must liiiiiike you."
And here you are now standing in a spicy pepper shop all from some bullshit claim that Kiri isn't even sure of himself.
You sigh finally collecting yourself and trying not to stare through the bottles to the sharp blood red orbs that search deftly.
Kiri stands behind you, hands in his black jeans with a mean smirk on his face.
"Dare you to try this hot sauce, Y/N." He says picking up a test bottle with two flames and a skull, waving it in your face.
"No, too hot." Katsuki says flatly still looking for whatever spice brought him here today.
"Go to hell." You snarl softly to Eiji who chuckles, looming behind you much too closely while Katsu is watching. He leans to your ear and you barely hear him say
"Its either that or kiss Bakugou to test your feelings." He emphasizes the syllables in Katsuki's name and you glare at him harshly.
"Give me the fucking hot sauce." The red head is beyond giddy, delighted even in what may or may not be your down fall.
You had no tolerance for heat, in fact you called green bell peppers "spicy" but drinking a fourth of this hot sauce had to be far better than embarrassing yourself by kissing the ever so strick on any type of emotion Bakugou Katsuki.
You unscrew the cap with shaking but determined fingers, it was *only* two flames and *one* skull, honestly how bad could it be.
"I'll pour for you." Kiri laughs glancing towards Bakugou to see if he's watching.
Oh is he watching as you huff but close your eyes obediently for the red head.
You hardly ever listen to him when he commands you in training but here you are standing before a guy you had to "test the waters" with not even questioning his obviously dark motives.
You hold open your mouth and your tongue in this certain suggestive way that has Bakugou gripping his forearm tightly to keep from imagining anything more especially when the dark red sauce hits your tongue in spurts.
He growls, hating to see you like this for Kirishima when it should be for him. He turns his back on you both with a scowl to finish grabbing the ingredients for his famous spicy ramen.
The second the sauce hits your tongue you pull it in, cheeks reddening deeper than Eji's eyes that are lined with mischief. You begin to sweat, whine softly even as you grip onto the wooden shelve that groans from your strength. You'll be dammed if three drops of hot sauce has you on the floor.
But Kiri knew what he was looking at considering how many times he's been here with his equally as spicy friend and he picked an instant heat that turns into a slow burn.
Once it hits the back of your throat you fall to your knees, suppressing your coughing as plump tears push past your closed lashes, streaking your sun kissed cheeks.
You let go a slow breath that feels as if you're exhaling fire, sweat accumulating on your brow and hell even your upper lip.
"Ki...Kiri please...." Your voice is all whine as he looks down at you.
This was it, this is how you go huh?
In the middle of an old mom and pop shop in a forgotten traditional district with your maybe not fucking maybe crush standing in the other aisle while your supposed best friend caused and encouraged your pain.
You lived a good life you guess.
That is until Bakugou rounds the corner to see you on your hands and knees moments away from rolling on the weathered wood floor. As if the old elementary saying of stop drop and roll could put out a spice fire.
"Kirishima." His voice comes out so dark you almost forget how fuck all hot your tongue is as your gut clenches. Kiri winces in pain as Bakugou holds his bicep in a vice grip, "Out."
Kiri shuffles past you rubbing at his arm, the bell above the door chimes.
Bakugou pokes his tongue in his lower lip as he looks you over for a moment.
You were wearing a pink crop top that said Kitten in back bleeding letters across the front (he knew that was your favorite top, it was secretly his too) and a very rare black skirt that you wore on your natural waist.
When he catches site of your laced black underwear he blushes, growling as he yanks you to your feet.
"I said it was too hot for you, dumbass." He snarls, voice tight while his hands feather over your skirt to wipe away the dust, "And if you wanted to show Kirishima your laced underwear you could have stayed home."
"Wha..what?" Your face flushed further even with the linger spice, "I...I"
The bell chimes over head and a few other people wander the aisles around you but avoid the ones directly beside you. Katsuki is not done yet and pullss you to him, firmly swiping his hand over your ass to make sure your skirt is down before it finds your ribs squeezing tightly as his lips are pressed to your ear.
"You what? You ignored *me* and obeyed *him*. Opened your mouth wide so he couldn't miss." He growls in your ear, "Then you get on your hands and knees in front of him."
He sucks his teeth but continues, angry.
"If I hadn't watched and known the liquid hitting your tongue was hot sauce I would have thought you were begging him for something else especially with your frustrated tears and blush." His tone darkens and yet your core ignites from his closeness, his scent, his skin and voice. Your breathing hitches as he sends it home, one hand moving to your hip to pull you closer the other moving to the nape of your neck pulling the hair there to tilt your ear towards him better and you let out a small whimper.
"When you should be on your knees begging *me* for relief." He notices the flush that goes down your throat, eyes lingering to your shirt with a devilish smile as he pulls your hair a bit harder. "Isn't that right, kitten?"
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@koala-soap I hope this is kinda what you wanted. I wanted to make this cute and that was my intention but then the story wrote itself like this 😅😓😫
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oxnardsart · 4 years
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New chapter, new story, starring Lesbuni~! boxer-beats.com
Love Bunny Lesbuni
    Lesbuni opened her eyes at dawn. She was so nervous about the first day of Boxer Beats that she could barely sleep!     There was someone special that Lesbuni wanted to meet today. She hadn’t seen or talked to them in a very long time. She didn’t know what it would be like when the two finally saw each other again.     The short little bunny must have slept in the pink boxing outfit that complimented her teal fur. She had tall rabbit ears that bent forward and bounced as she walked, and they did a lot of bouncin’ as she hopped outside and headed out to Boxer Beats.     A cute little bunny like her didn’t seem like the typical, muscular beast you’d see sweatin’ it up in a boxing ring. But Lesbuni was aggressive and fought all the time! ...Online. She uh, didn’t really get along with animals online. Or offline. In fact, Lesbuni looked cute and pleasant, but she had a hard time getting along with most animals. At least that meant fighting came naturally to her!     “Lesbuni!” her friendly dino-butt buddy waved to her as she approached the Boxer Beats stadium.     “Aw cripes...” Lesbuni thought quietly to herself. Sure, he was her friend, but any form of social interaction was stressful for her. “Hey Nishi.”     The silly orange dinosaur stomped on over to her, wrapping an arm around her back - but no touching! That was one of the many things that made Lesbuni uncomfortable. Thankfully after years of friendship, Nishi had perfected the art of not bothering her. He hovered his hand over the bunny’s shoulder as he showed her a piece of paper.     “You should probably see this!” His goofy voice had a tone of caution to it - there was bad news approaching.     Lesbuni closed her eyes, “If you drew something without clothes, I don’t want to see it.” The bunny huffed, raising her snout.     “Come on, I know you well enough by now!” He waggled the paper in front of her, “It’s about a hiiiiighly controversial thing that people aren’t going to liiiiiike~”     Lesbuni’s eyes shot wide open. That was the stuff! She held the paper and read it, but her big excited smile sunk into disappointment. It wasn’t the kind of controversy she was expecting.     “Haha! Awww, what a nerdy bunny~” Nishi giggled, sorta surprised that worked. “But yeah, looks like Boxer Beats isn’t actually doing teams? I was really looking forward to teaming up with Fuxie again after all this time!” The chubby dino frowned, “I know you were looking forward to teaming up with someone too...”     Lesbuni’s lips quivered, “I... I didn’t even want to join this competition. But when I heard she was going to be here...” The bunny’s ears started to droop over her face. “I was willing to fight and get hurt, just to be with her again...”     Nishi instinctively pat Lesbuni’s back, seeing how disappointed she was.     “Oops.” He realized he’d touched her physically, “Sorry.”     “It’s okay, I don’t mind this time...” Her hand instinctively slapped his away.     “So... if you can’t be on a team with anyone, are you still going to fight?” Nishi wondered - Lesbuni looked a little uncertain.     “...Yeah.”     “Really!?” Nishi grinned and jumped up and down, “Awww, that’s great! You’re so brave, Lesbuni. It’ll be okay! We still don’t have to worry about professional boxers fighting in this competition - most critters competing are a bunch of normal girls and non-girls like us.”     Lesbuni smirked, “Not sure you qualify as normal.”     “Normal enough!” the dino dork whined. “Hehe... I’m really happy you decided to join Boxer Beats. You and my other buddies are all here - it means a lot to me!” Nishi gave a flirty wink, “You might still see that special someone too...”     Normally, Lesbuni would feel sick seeing a guy wink or act flirty around her - but she didn’t have to worry about Nishi. He knew who she was really interested in!     Lesbuni’s little heart lit up with hope. It was so hard finding animals she could relate to. All she wanted was to be with that special someone that made her feel like she fit in with the world again...
    The two found their seats in the stadium, and as the competition started, a group of dancing rodents paraded themselves around on stage! Lesbuni gasped and looked away from their bouncing buns.     “Aww, Les, you don’t have to look away - you might like this.” Nishi chuckled.     “I don’t want to see girls dancing around in underwear for a male audience, it’s-”     “It’s equal!” Nishi went wide-eyed, “There are girls AND guys dancing in their underwear out there! And uh... some are inbetween? Or neither? Hard to tell!”     Lesbuni peeked one suspicious eye over to the dancing rodents - she looked and noticed that it wasn’t your typical, skinny ladies dancing around in undies. It was a big and varied group of rodents! Some were thick, some were thin. There were girls, guys, and some that weren’t easy to identify.     “Oh, I kinda... I like that.” Lesbuni thought out loud before looking away. “But eh, too many guys.” Maybe she couldn’t be completely content, but Nishi appreciated her appreciation of the competition’s curvaceous consideration.
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mdelpin · 5 years
To Kill A Dragon - Chapter 3
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Previously: Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Next: Ch 4
Chapter 3: The Red Dragon Pt 1
Natsu entered the Fairy Tail guild hall early in the morning. He was in good spirits, the team had just returned from a successful mission, earning enough jewel to allow them to rest for a few days. He was in the mood for a fight.
He looked around for either Gray or Gajeel, but neither of them had arrived yet. It was just as well, his stomach had started rumbling so he decided he might as well eat while he waited. He got Mira's attention and ordered some breakfast.
Natsu wandered over to the table where Lucy was sitting with Levy and sat down to wait for his food. They were talking about Lucy's novel again, and though he tried to join in the conversation, Natsu soon found himself losing interest. He couldn't be bothered with complicated plots about romance, he much preferred action and adventure. He slumped down on the table, bored out of his mind and wondered where Gray could be.
"What's the matter, Natsu?" Lucy asked, unused to seeing him sit quietly.
"I'm bored," He whined, "When's Gray gonna get here?"
"You're looking for Gray?" Lucy asked in disbelief. Considering how often the two of them were at each other's throats she'd think Gray was the last person he'd be waiting for.
"Well yeah," Natsu replied absently, his mind already full of the fight he was eagerly anticipating. "There's a couple of moves I want to try on him."
He'd been working on one move in particular for weeks now which combined with his magic should wipe the smirk off Gray's arrogant face. The last time they'd fought, Erza had interrupted before he'd had a chance to use it, but she wasn't here now. He grinned, anticipating his victory.
Both girls stared at him in surprise before bursting into giggles.
"What's so funny?" Natsu glanced at them, his eyes narrowing in confusion.
"Natsu's going to put the moooooooves on Gray!" An excited Happy exclaimed, "He liiiiiikes him!"
Natsu knew better than to give any importance to Happy's teasing, all it would do was encourage his Exceed, so he pretended not to hear him and glanced towards the kitchen instead as his stomach gave another loud rumble.
Happy quickly lost interest in the conversation when Natsu didn't react to his teasing and made his way back to Carla.
Lucy and Levy laughed even harder. Mira finally brought his food to the table, and he ignored the two girls in favor of eating his breakfast. He shrugged to himself.
Girls are weird. What's so funny about wanting to fight Gray?
Gray and Gajeel had yet to arrive by the time he'd finished eating. Now that he had even more energy, there was no way he could sit still for much longer. Natsu tried to think of other options. He considered going fishing, but one look at Happy's infatuated face as he talked to Carla was enough for him to realize he was out of luck.
Since there was nothing for him to do at the guild, Natsu decided to walk around the city, there was bound to be something exciting going on.
It was then Natsu remembered Romeo mentioning he was taking magic lessons from Totomaru. With no other plan in mind, he decided to seek him out. It was always fun to fight against another fire mage, and Totomaru's flames were more interesting than most. He headed out in the direction of Totomaru's school, conveniently ignoring that the Rainbow Mage hated his guts.
Tiamat couldn't believe her luck, the dragon slayer was finally alone. She seized the opportunity, swiftly walking into a dark alley and transforming into a perfect replica of Erza Scarlet.
She was confident she could get what she wanted quickly, after all, it had taken almost no effort to seduce the White Dragon Slayer. Even though it was risky to approach Natsu in broad daylight, she felt they were far enough away from the guild hall for it to be a problem.
She approached her target with confidence, already looking forward to the pleasure she was sure to experience before absorbing his magic.
Natsu felt a hand touch his shoulder roughly and tensed, ready for a fight. He turned to look at his would-be opponent and relaxed when he saw it was only Erza, wearing her usual Heart Kreuz armor.
"Oh, hey Erza. What do you want?" Natsu ran his hand through his hair awkwardly. As much as he admired his older sister figure, he didn't always know how to talk to her without others around.
"You," Erza spoke in a tone of voice Natsu had never heard before. It was oddly throaty, making him wonder if maybe she wasn't feeling well.
"I'm so hungry," Erza stared at him intently, as though he were the only thing on the menu.
"Oh," Natsu smiled at her in understanding. Well, that explained it, Mavis knew he could act oddly when he was hungry. He checked his pockets, relieved when he found some jewels. "Come on, I can help you with that."
The dragon slayer grabbed her by the arm and started leading her away.
"You can?" Tiamat licked her lips in anticipation, "I know a place nearby we can go to."
She was thrilled, she'd known this would be easy. She ogled the dragon slayer's body shamelessly, as Natsu dragged her along with him, already thinking of some of the things she planned to do to it.
"No need to wait, there's a place right here!" Natsu smiled at her happily, utterly unaware of her intentions. He led her inside a building and walked up to the counter.
"Can I have a large piece of strawberry cake for my friend?" Natsu ordered for Erza, eagerly paying for her dessert, something he was seldom able to do since he was almost always broke. A dragon slayer's appetite was not cheap.
Tiamat could only stare at him in bewilderment. Why the hell is the fool buying me cake, doesn't he get that I'm trying to seduce him?
They sat down at a table in the busy bakery, and she ate her cake, watching him warily as they sat in uncomfortable silence.
"Feeling better?" Natsu asked her once she'd finished eating.
She nodded at him slowly.
"Well then, it was nice bumping into you. I'll see you later," Natsu got up, waved and left the bakery. Tiamat ran after him.
"Wait!" She exclaimed, hurrying to catch up to her prey. Natsu stopped and looked at her expectantly. She led him to a nearby alley.
"I want you," She told him, placing emphasis on you and once again trying to insinuate her intentions with her voice.
"What do you want me for?" Natsu couldn't for the life of him figure out what the hell was up with Erza, but he was growing weary of it. "Are we going on a job or something?"
Tiamat peered at him with no understanding as to why her plan wasn't working. What was wrong with this guy? Clearly, it was time to change her approach, maybe the girl's usual violence would be the answer. She punched him in the jaw and waited for him to react.
"Hey, what the hell?" Natsu complained, "What's wrong with you?"
"Aren't you going to hit me back?" she asked, perplexed when Natsu didn't immediately retaliate. This wasn't going at all the way she'd expected.
"Why would I?"
Tiamat punched him again, this time harder.
"Seriously Erza, quit it," Natsu snapped, getting fed up with Erza's strange antics, "You're starting to piss me off."
This was clearly not working, Tiamat bit her lip in frustration and decided to change tactics once again. The dragon slayer seemed a bit dense, perhaps she needed to be bolder to get him to understand what she wanted.
She started to move her hand slowly up his right arm, squeezing his bulging bicep and tracing his guild mark with her fingers. She moved her body close enough to touch his.
"Don't you want to show me how strong you are?" She whispered in his ear in that same husky voice.
Natsu raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
Unknown to them, Gray had noticed Natsu leaving the guild just as he was arriving and had decided to follow him. He was in the mood for a brawl, and he could see from the way Natsu was walking that the fire mage had a lot of excess energy.
Gray was anticipating a good fight when he noticed Erza walk up to Natsu. He was a little disappointed. This probably meant they wouldn't get their brawl, but maybe they were going on a job instead.
He hurried to catch up to his friends but lost them in the crowd. He finally spotted them leaving a bakery, and when he witnessed Erza feeling up Natsu's arm muscles and practically throwing herself at his friend he rubbed his eyes to make sure he didn't imagine it.
'What the hell?' Gray thought as the circumstances in front of him remained the same.
Nothing was making sense, so Gray decided to hold back and watch for a bit longer, ignoring the ache he felt as he watched what was transpiring between his two friends.
Tiamat snuck one of her hands inside Natsu's black waistcoat and started running her fingers over his bare chest suggestively while tracing the bulge in his pants with the other.
"You know," She purred as she squeezed the bulge in his pants lightly, "I could make you feel incredible, why don't we go somewhere more private and I'll show you."
Natsu grabbed both of her hands in his and held them away from his body. "Okay, that's enough. I don't know what's gotten into you, but this is seriously weirding me out," Natsu declared, brow furrowed in concern.
"Let's get you back to the guild, you're not acting like yourself."
Gray was following all this, his mouth gaped open in utter disbelief. What the hell was Erza doing? Did Erza like Natsu? Even if she did, this wasn't like her at all. A voice behind him made him startle.
"What are you doing standing there like that?" Erza asked him curiously.
"I'm watching Erza try to get into Natsu's pants," Gray muttered absently. "I can't decide what's stranger, her coming on to him, or him not being interested."
He was so perplexed by the whole situation happening in front of him, he couldn't be bothered to even notice who he was talking to.
"WHAT?! That's impossible!" Erza screeched indignantly. Her face had turned a bright red and in no time at all she had requipped, one sword in each hand.
"Erza?" Gray immediately recognized Erza's distressed voice and turned to look at her.
"How can you be here?" Gray turned back to the scene so quickly he almost gave himself whiplash as he desperately tried to make sense of the situation.
"Where are they?" Erza yelled, eyes darting around the area as she searched for what Gray had seen.
Gray pointed to where Natsu had been only moments before, but he was no longer there. Erza and Gray ran to the alley, but neither could find any sign of Natsu or Erza's doppelganger.
"Tell me everything you saw," Erza demanded as they rushed back to the guild.
Natsu looked around, hoping to spot someone that could help him get Erza back to the guild while she was in this state. Finding no one, he started moving them in the direction of the guild, dragging her behind him.
Natsu was worried about his friend, he knew she'd never act like this towards him. Erza had always been more like a sister to him.
He was also furious. Someone had done this to Erza, and once he'd gotten her to safety, he intended to find out who and make them pay.
Tiamat struggled to free herself from the dragon slayer's firm grip. She was furious but even more humiliated. Tiamat wasn't used to being refused.
The dragon slayer's reactions confused her, he wasn't acting as a red dragon would, and this left her in a definite quandary. Nothing had gone according to her plan, and she was at a loss as to how to get at his magic, given the constraints inherent in the transfer.
Why was it always the damn red dragons that gave her trouble?
Tiamat thought with irritation as she focused on Natsu in a last ditch effort to figure out how she could salvage this situation. That's when she felt it, there was another presence inside of the dragon slayer.
It reminded her of what she'd sensed inside of the White Dragon Slayer. Tiamat focused on that presence, realizing it felt familiar. She cackled evilly, not quite believing her luck.
Igneel. Fucking Igneel was inside of the Fire Dragon Slayer.
Almost giddy with delight, Tiamat disregarded her original plan of taking the dragon slayer's magic and letting him go as she'd done with the Sabertooth Master. She was being given a chance to exact her revenge on the so-called Dragon King for all his transgressions, and she was not about to waste it.
With her White Dragon magic, she formed small lances of light that shot out through her eyes. She carefully aimed them at Natsu's skull rendering him unconscious, quietly and painlessly.
'Your pain will come later,' Tiamat thought with malice.
Natsu's world faded to black, and he collapsed.
Erza and Gray called out to Natsu as they ran back to the guild, but there was no response from the dragon slayer. They slammed through the doors of the guild hall, forcing them open as they ran inside. The guild watched in silence as everyone took notice of the pair's troubled expressions.
"Has anyone seen Natsu?" Erza yelled urgently, placing her hands on her knees as she caught her breath from the run.
"He was here for breakfast earlier," Lucy responded, immediately concerned, as she noticed the obvious distress on her teammates' expressions. "What's wrong?"
"Master!" Erza called out, ignoring Lucy for the moment.
"Gray, go check outside. Happy fly home and see if he's there. Max Speed!"
"Aye, sir!" Happy knew better than to ask questions, he immediately flew out of the guild and headed home, going as fast as his magic would allow.
Gray nodded and ran outside, followed by Lisanna who kept watching his face, as if she could figure out what was wrong just by looking at him.
"Gray, what is going on?" Lisanna entreated after a few moments of silence, "Is Natsu okay?"
Gray ignored her questions in favor of searching all around the guild building, it's not like he really had any answers to give anyway. He had no idea what was going on, and his search came up empty, just as he'd expected.
Lisanna continued to look at him with her big earnest blue eyes, obviously wanting to do something to help and it gave him an idea.
"Lisanna, can you fly around the town and see if you can spot him?"
Lisanna nodded, she was worried, but she would save her questions for later. She changed into her Animal Soul: Wings takeover and flew away in search of Natsu.
Gray went back inside, meeting Erza's eyes and shaking his head. They were both baffled as to how they could have lost the fire mage when he'd been so close.
"I asked Lisanna to fly around Magnolia."
"Good thinking, Gray." Erza praised the ice mage, but her voice lacked any enthusiasm.
Happy returned at that moment. They looked at him expectantly, but he shook his head.
Makarov finally came out of his office, drawn by the uproar that seemed different from the general rowdiness of the guild. "What's all the commotion about?"
"We think Natsu has been taken," Erza announced, finally giving voice to her and Gray's biggest fear. "I'm sorry Master, we lost him."
"What happened?" Makarov demanded, Natsu was not exactly the easiest person to get a drop on, none of the dragon slayers were.
Gray recounted what he had seen, much to everyone's amusement and Erza's embarrassment.
"I lost sight of him for a moment when Erza showed up, and then they were gone," Gray finished, he still couldn't get those images out of his head. The woman had been a perfect replica of Erza, good enough to fool even a dragon slayer's enhanced senses.
"There are a lot of hotels in that area, maybe they just checked into one," Makarov suggested evenly. It sounded unlikely, based on what Gray had recounted but they should investigate every possibility and time was of the essence.
"Gramps, I'm telling you, he wasn't interested. I heard him tell her he was bringing her back here," Gray pointed out stubbornly.
"Wendy, I'm sorry to ask this of you, but Laxus and Gajeel aren't here. Do you think you can track Natsu?" Makarov asked, "At least that way we can rule out the hotel angle. Gray and Lucy will go with you."
"Hai! I'll do my best, Master, " Wendy agreed nervously.
"Take communication lacrimas with you and keep me up to date," Makarov ordered as he tried to think of what else they could do.
Wendy, Gray, and Lucy hurried out of the guild, communication lacrimas in hand.
The guild was quiet and tense. Everyone waited for the search parties to return. After some hours had passed everyone returned to the guild. Lisanna had seen no trace of Natsu anywhere in Magnolia. Wendy and the others hadn't been able to pick up his scent past where Gray had last seen him.
Natsu had simply disappeared.
It was official, their beloved dragon slayer had been taken. Makarov went to his office to call Sabertooth.
Tiamat had changed back to her regular appearance after Natsu lost consciousness. She was quickly joined by a cloaked member of the Penta Dragons who teleported them back to Margaret Town. He was pretty sure that taking the dragon slayer hadn't been part of the plan, but he wasn't about to argue with the deity. He placed Natsu inside of a magic sealing stone, it was the same kind used by the Magic Council to incarcerate mages. Natsu wouldn't be able to use his magic while contained. He hurried to inform his Master of their return.
The Penta Dragon's Master stormed out of his office in search of the Dragon Goddess.
"What were you thinking?" The Master snarled, "This was never part of our plan.
"You need to absorb his magic and return him to his guild," He demanded.
"I will do no such thing," Tiamat replied haughtily, "I have my own plans for the Fire Dragon Slayer."
"We can't risk the wrath of the Fairy Tail Guild just because you want to keep a pet."
"Pet? Oh, no, nothing like that." Tiamat laughed, and the sound sent shivers of fear down the Penta Dragon's Master's back.
"Don't worry, they have no way to connect me to you," She told him, in an attempt to alleviate the man's fear.
The Master wasn't convinced, he seemed unsettled, and Tiamat allowed him to place her back into her own magic sealing stone. She needed time to plot her revenge properly. She was going to take her time with Natsu, by the time she was through with him, Igneel was going to suffer dearly.
She'd already come to a decision, after she'd absorbed Natsu's magic she would no longer need her "caretakers". She would burn everything to the ground and go forth on her own. This world would soon be hers.
A/N: Ok so this is the first big difference, I cringe at how much work this chapter needed. All action is the same, it should just flow smoother and there is a bit more description. About 909 words were added, I hope you enjoy the changes.
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questionable government spies chapter 10
ANY AND ALL PREVIOUS PARTS ON THE MASTERLIST ORRRR UNDER #SPY BOYS __________ ship: eventual sprace, the great spelmer bromance
warnings: pineapple pizza, very minor injuries like bruises and dried blood. also liquid cats
editing: ehhhh
words: like 1000 not very many tonight welp _________
Spot slammed open the door of the apartment and fell onto the floor in a heap of hopeless romanticness.
“Oh hey Spot,” Elmer called from the kitchen. “How was it?”
“Terrible,” Spot moaned from his position on the floor. He felt like one of those cats that had turned into liquid. Actually maybe he was a cat. That would make this whole thing better anyway. That way he wouldn’t have to look at Phillip’s stupid face again.
There was the sound of Elmer’s footsteps walking into the entryway. Then they stopped. “What the hell happened to you?” Elmer laughed.
Spot groaned loudly. “I think I’m having a feeling. How do I make it stop?”
“You know, I’m not an expert in this category, but if you get off the floor I may be able to help.”
Spot sighed and hauled himself up off the floor.
“Okay, change of plans,” Elmer said, taking in Spot’s appearance. “You tell me what happened while I clean you up.”
“But I’m fiiiiiiiine!”
“That may be so,” Elmer paused to grab a roll of paper towels, “but we can’t have you bleeding all over the carpets.”
“We only have one carpet? And also there isn’t that much blood.”
Elmer rolled his eyes and nuged Spot forwards. “C’mon, tough guy. No first aid, no therapy session. Those are the rules.”
Spot considered. “Can the therapy session include the therapist ordering a vegetable pizza?”
“Only if half of it has pineapple on it.”
Spot wrinkled up his face. “Ew, no. I’m not contaminating my yummy pizza goodness with your gross pineapple. You’re going to have to order your own.”
“Well then I’m not gonna let you rant to me about your boyfriend.”
“Well then I won’t let you clean me up and I’ll track blood all over the apartment.”
Elmer narrowed his eyes, finally breaking. “Fine. But this better be a good story.”
Spot shrugged as he drifted towards the bathroom while Elmer made his way to the kitchen to order the pizza.
In a few minutes Elmer reappeared, grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink and tapping the spot on the counter.
Spot sighed and hopped onto the counter, still slightly salty that Elmer insisted on fixing him up. He tore off his shirt and threw it forcefully on the ground.
“So,” Elmer began, dabbing at the dried blood around Spot’s nose. “Tell me about this Prince Charming.”
“He’s a pain in the ass.”
“Is that his name? Pain In The Ass?”
Spot slapped Elmer lightly. “No you shit. I….actually don’t know his real name for safety reasons but he goes by Phillip.”
“Mmmm and what does he look like?”
Spot closed his eyes. “Blonde wavy hair, blue eyes. Really strong, but kinda skinnyish. Taller than me.”
“There are children taller than you.”
“Rude.” Spot leaned away from Elmer’s hold to glare at him. “He would have gotten along great with Alex. They’re practically the same person. His code name is freaking Rapunzel!”
“Is it now?” Elmer began cleaning Spot’s busted knuckles. “I hope you call him blondie.”
“I do, actually.”
“Really?” Elmer looked at him skeptically.
“Yeah,” Spot laughed. “I can’t tell if he likes it or hates it though.”
“Well, you don’t know how to flirt so I’m gonna assume he must hate it.”
Spot gave Elmer a long look. “You really do suck at this.”
“I’m trying my best!”
“Uh huhhhh.”
Elmer reached for a roll of gauze. “Well then, I don’t know, tell me what he did tonight to make you a pile of melted goop.”
Spot crossed his arms. “I am not a pile of melted goop.”
“You are too, you literally melted into a pile of lovesick goop as soon as you entered the apartment,” Elmer said forcefully. “He must have don’t something to make the emotionless Sean Conlon feel something.”
Spot groaned, despite himself. “Well, he was making these terrible snow puns. They were gross and sexual and yet somehow funny?”
“That’s exactly the kind of thing you would find funny.”
“Would you shut up?” Spot spat. “I don’t really know, it’s just the way he says things, he’s got this way of...talking that makes you look at him and listen to what he has to say. Even if it’s a dirty joke about snowmen.” Spot paused. “And, we almost got caught. A security guard was chasing after us and I was behind him so I ended up fighting him while he ran and I was thinking the whole time that I had to take that guy down so that he didn’t hurt him. And when I got down off the roof and caught up with him he had still managed to injure himself. So I put my arm around him and made sure he made it back to his partner okay. But when I was touching him, I don’t know, it just felt so right. Like there was this spark and I’ve never felt anything like that before.”
Elmer smiled at him. “Awwwww,” he said finally after putting away the first aid kit. “Spottie’s in looooooove.”
Spot jumped down off the counter. “I am not!”
“Are too!” Elmer squealed as Spot began to chase him through the apartment. “You liiiiiike him!”
“Maybe I do, but I don’t love him!”
Their chase was rudely interrupted by the doorbell ringing with their pizza delivery. Elmer went to open the door as Spot grabbed them plates from the kitchen.
“Okay so maybe you don’t love him yet, but you’re definitely far gone for him,” Elmer said as he placed the box on the table.
“I know,” Spot sighed. “I’m not even supposed to like him. He’s supposed to be the person I should be against. And I’m not….” he trailed off, looking at the pizza box on the table. “Weren’t you ordering two?”
Elmer looked at him sheepishly. “I maaaaayyyy have ordered halfsies….?”
“If there is one piece of pineapple touching my veggies, Elmer Kasprzak, I’m feeding you to the wolves.” Spot said threateningly.
“But there are no wolves in Brooklyn…?”
“The homeless, then.”
Spot is in loooooove
also Elmer is an emt in case you forgot and they co own a tattoo place, a longer post about their tattoos is coming in the future.
buckle up y’all, cause 11 is a r i d e please don’t kill me
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the tag list
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impracticaldemon · 7 years
The Festival of Love ~ Fairy Tail Fanfiction ~ With Time Travel! ~ Samurai Natsu! Barbarian Gray!
by Impracticaldemon | FFnet  | AO3 [Chapter 1 rated T] [Ch 2 will be M]
March 1 Prompt: Time Travel (Past) AU @fic-writer-appreciation
Author's Note: This story was intended to be a Valentine's Day gift for the lovely @nalufever. Actually, it still is! However, since it is very late, I have incorporated a wee touch of Saint Patrick's Day to go along with it.
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Warning: Shameless use of faux ancient brogue (probably faux Scottish, but definitely faux), and a weird combination of canon Magnolia, sixteenth century Japan, and faux Olde English. I have totally abused "ye", since it sounded better than plain old "you". Thou, thee, thy / thine are generally used correctly, but no promises. This story has its occasional serious moments, but should not be taken too seriously.
~ Impracticaldemon
The Festival of Love, Part I - The Perils of Fairy Cakes
"So…" Lucy slid onto the bench next to Erza and rested her beer and elbows on the scarred wooden table. The tables were new—again—but they already looked like they'd seen several ugly bar-fights. Fairy Tail was like that.
Erza glanced up from her slice of cake in surprise. "Lucy? I thought you were off on a mission with the guys?"
Lucy frowned. "They were being even more difficult than usual, and after the third fight I told them to handle it on their own."
"Oh. I thought they were doing so much better these days, too." Erza sounded genuinely disappointed.
"Don't worry about it—really. I think all the pink hearts and glitter of our Valentine's Day party got to them, and now they feel the need to prove their, ah, macho-ness or something. Which brings me to my question—"
"The decorations were lovely," Erza murmured. Lucy shot her a suspicious look, but Erza had a dreamy expression on her face, and didn't seem to have interrupted on purpose. In the same kind of pensive tone, the red-head continued: "I thought that you looked very nice, Lucy. Also, Natsu was much better behaved than usual, which meant that Gray was as well. Or vice versa, perhaps…"
"Erza." Lucy took a gulp of beer and prepared to take the plunge. "Jellal's going to be pardoned any day now. Nobody's trying to lock him up any more. Why didn't he come to the party?"
Erza stiffened, and her cheeks gained a tinge of red.
"He was… busy. As well he might be, with everything that has happened. I completely understood, of course." She poked absently at her cake—a rare sight. "Besides, we are good friends who have overcome much adversity, but we are not… not… lovers." The red tint returned to Erza's face, but she continued with her usual resolve. "So there was no reason to attend such a party, really."
Lucy had to forcibly restrain herself from using Happy's line of "You liiiiiike him!" Instead, she chose her words with care, glad that she was only halfway through her beer.
"Well, we were sorry not to see him, of course. The guys are over any hard feelings, you know—if nothing else, they were seriously impressed with him for taming most of the Oracion Seis single-handed. So I was thinking that you might want to invite him—and anyone else from Crime Sorcière of course—to Fairy Tail's upcoming Lucky Shamrock Dance. Just as friends, of course." I can't believe Mirajane actually called it the Get Lucky Shamrock Dance, and I'm not going to share that information just now.
"We're having another party so soon? It's only been a week since Valentine's Day."
"Erza. You're my friend and I love you, but you really need to lighten up." When Fairy Tail's most dangerous sword-swinger tensed again, Lucy smiled reassuringly—or hoped she did. "Erza, don't worry about it, we all do. Need to relax, I mean. Hence the socials, or whatever weird name Mira's calling them these days."
There was a rather long pause, and then Erza took a deep breath and nodded firmly. "Yes, of course. And it is important for the members of Fairy Tail to be in the best possible condition for the challenges ahead." Whatever they may be, thought Lucy to herself. "Very well," continued her companion. "I will ensure that Jellal—and the other members of Crime Sorcière—are invited to the Lucky Shamrock Dance. I expect that he—or they—will attend, once I explain how important it is."
They'll attend if they know what's good for them, you mean. Lucy nodded gravely, but surreptitiously flashed a thumb's up to Mirajane at the bar. The white-haired woman glided over a moment later, as cheerful and friendly as ever.
"I saw you mangling your cake, Erza, so I brought you a fresh slice."
"I didn't mangle it."
All three women stared down at the sad remains of Erza's cake.
"Yup, you did," stated Lucy. For once, Erza accepted her conclusion without further protest.
Erza and Jellal arrived together at the Lucky Shamrock Dance. Erza had been on-hand to greet all of the members of Crime Sorcière when they first arrived in town, and she'd intended to make sure that they were happy with the accommodations she had chosen. However, Richard had smiled gently and left immediately for Fairy Tail, saying that he wanted to find out whether Jura had arrived, and Meredy had gone with him, though not before giving her blue-haired guildmaster an encouraging pat on the shoulder. There was a new sadness around her eyes, which Erza ascribed to Ultear's disappearance not so long ago, but for the most part she seemed as cheerful as usual.
Since Richard and Meredy were the only members of Crime Sorcière who had elected to come to the Fairy Tail party, their departure had left Erza alone to chat with Jellal. Social small-talk was never an easy thing for either of them. Their feelings for each other ran deep, and Jellal seemed hell-bent on accepting unrequited love as his probable fate, which angered Erza, since she returned his love, and therefore his supposed self-denial was as much a penance for her as for him. She had yet to find a suitable way to express that sentiment to Jellal, since part of her understood his need for penance and absolution.
Fortunately, Lucy and Juvia had also been aware of how awkward the pair's meetings could be. They had ensured that Erza was prepared with the finest in "Lucky Shamrock" attire, all of it green, glitzy, and sure to break the ice, whether through laughter or revulsion. It had worked, too. Erza had to give her friends points for that, and it didn't hurt that she secretly—or not so secretly—loved kitschy clothing.
More than a few people turned and stared when Jellal arrived in a sparkly green top-hat, form-fitting white trousers with sequinned green bell-bottoms, and a matching t-shirt that read "Who Needs Luck When Your Hands Are Pure Magic?" Coaxing him into the outfit had taken some doing, but Jellal was always gracious when it came to Fairy Tail—and Erza. Erza's glittering green leprechaun jacket and hip-hugging mermaid-style skirt were really quite normal in comparison. She liked the giant, shamrock-shaped hairpin thrust through the top of her sweeping red up-do, however.
The "not actually a couple" made their way through the laughing, chattering crowd in search of drinks. Drinks duly obtained, Erza immediately moved to acquire two of the delicately frosted cakes piled high on a table near the bar. She made sure that Jellal took a couple as well.
"Now we're all set," she murmured with satisfaction.
"Alcohol and dessert—a well-balanced meal if there ever was one," Jellal agreed gravely. The wary tension that was now second-nature to him was gradually fading. Being at Fairy Tail and around Fairy Tail mages always relaxed him—at least, it did on the rare occasions that he visited for reasons that didn't involve the imminent end of the world, or Life As We Know It.
"Absolutely. Now then…"
They both raised their glasses. The sign above the cakes proclaimed that a toast had to be made for every treat taken from the tray.
"To good luck." Erza touched her glass to Jellal's and drained half the contents.
"To good friends." Jellal smiled at Erza, the weariness in his eyes replaced with soft appreciation.
"To true love." Shocked by her own words, Erza hurriedly clinked Jellal's glass and drank down the rest of her improbably verdant beer. (1)
A moment later, the world spun around her, vanishing in a haze of grey fog and glittering stars.
"What the bloody hell?!" Not Jellal's voice—Natsu's?
"Ignarr' them, peat-fer-brains! Get thy demonic arse o'er here tae deal wi' th' bluidy arrows!" Gray?
There was a lot of yelling going on, and the distinct sound of sword striking sword with unfriendly intent. Erza struggled to sit upright, but somebody had their arms wrapped around her and seemed reluctant to let go.
"Don't move. We seem to have landed in the middle of a battle." Of course. It would take a battle for Jellal to hold me like this.
"So I see—and hear." Erza looked around cautiously. A partial—and rapidly melting—ice barrier rose nearby, and had probably saved them from being the unwilling recipients of the business-like, near-meter-long arrows they could see arcing overhead. In fact, it was clear that the extreme arc was being used to get around the ice.
"Whoevairr y'arr"—the speaker seemed unnaturally fond of his 'r's—"ye'd best dae somethin' tae protect yer lady. We're in a rright bit o' trouble heerre, ye ken?" He looked like a slightly shorter, leaner version of Gray, although he wore an eyepatch over his right eye. His visible eye was a stormy, dark indigo.
"Aye—I mean yes—I can see that," replied Jellal, cautiously sitting up and eyeing the knots of combat around them. Most of the men involved—and the one woman—were wielding katana, the curved-bladed, single-edged swords of the country's past. And every person but themselves—and Eyepatch-Gray—wore kimono and hakama, and the brightly-lacquered armour of the ancient samurai.
"No, we are not in trouble!" The young man who looked like Natsu ignored Jellal and responded directly to his comrade. "Don't be such a poltroon, thou northern seek-sorrow! And thou didn'st even thank me for takin' out ye bows!"
"Watch thy tongue, tha fiery bastarrd! Bows or no, they've got mair men, and the Stairm-bringair ain't one tae trifle with! Not tae mention his warr-witch!"
"Is that Laxus?" Erza interposed, gazing intently out over the battlefield. Samurai-Natsu's camp was situated on a low rise, backed by dense forest. The combatants—about twenty or twenty-five a side—were fanned out in a slight u-shape less than twenty meters away.
Erza was quickly (if regretfully), slitting her dress up to her hips and stripping off her high-heeled emerald slippers. The turf was definitely too soft for stilettos. Nobody seemed to notice—or care—that she'd grabbed a long knife from a nearby pile. She was having difficulty summoning her own weapons and armour.
"Who, now?" The pink-haired warrior gave her an odd look. "Surely ye know the name of that blond menace out there? And the she-devil, his war captain? Meaning no disrespect, milady."
Jellal cleared his throat. "They both look familiar, but we're strangers here."
"Oh. Well, don't know how you ended up in the middle of our camp, but I've got to get out there before Graeg yells at me again—even though he was the one to insist on coming back here to check on the prisoner. If ye want to help, feel free to borrow a sword, although"—the warrior paused, as if seeing Jellal properly for the first time—"ye don't exactly look arrayed for battle. Funny, I thought ye were when I first saw ye."
"We were dressed for a party, not a fight," Erza snapped, although there was often little difference between the two at Fairy Tail. "We'll be fine. Before you go—what's your name, and why are you and Storm-Bringer fighting?"
"Well, we have his other captain, ye see." Natsu's near-twin gestured at a hanging cage, from which a deceptively slender, green-haired man was surveying the battle, his expression sardonic rather than concerned. "I mean… it's the Love Festival this evening starting at sundown, right?"
Noting Erza's darkening expression at the obscure explanation, Jellal paused in buckling on a belt and scabbard. "And capturing Free—I mean that man—has to do with the Festival? I take it that the other side is trying to get him back before the sun sets?"
"Well, of course. Freed the Dark and Jana the Fair—though she'd be a whole lot fairer in my book if she wasn't so fond of torture—they're the Storm-Bringer's chosen companions, right? So obviously—"
"Whut, in the names o' ae the de'ils art thou doin' now, ya gorrrmless twist o' hot airrr?" Graeg was back and clearly irritated. His face might be familiar, but the leather bracers and body armour, and the massive, ice-edged broadsword were new. "Twas thy bacon-brrained idea that brrought us heerrrrre! Thou wanted tae 'test' the Staerrm-Brringair! Weel then! Gaet thysel' out therre an' test him, ya—"
"Coming, coming! Thou knowest what, Graeg? Thou should'st use thine ice to calm thy temper!" Their 'host' unsheathed his katana and swung it up onto one armoured shoulder, casually flicking the blade to set it on fire. He looked back at Jellal and Erza. "I'm called the Salamander, or Fire-Bringer, but if ye want to join our cause, then just Dragneel is fine. Good? Good!"
Salamander-Fire-Bringer-Just-Call-Me-Dragneel grinned at them, and then ran off toward a spot where the fighting was getting especially serious for the 'Capture-Freed' team. Graeg the Title-less eyed them suspiciously.
"Jest tae be clearrr"—Erza decided the extra 'r's got worse when Graeg was agitated—"if ye ain't on ourr side an' ye trrrrry tae pull anything, I'll drrrrive ice spikes intae yerr eyes."
"That's very clear," responded Jellal, face suddenly grim.
"Weeeell, a-rright then. Talk tae ye latairr, assumin' we're ae alive, eh?" With a last, measuring look, Graeg raced off after Dragneel.
"I'm all set," declared Erza. "But the question is, what should we do?"
"I'm really not sure." Jellal looked out at the approaching chaos of melee battle, which flashed with intermittent gouts of flame and arcs of lightning. "I don't think we know enough to pick a side without endangering possible innocents."
"There really aren't any innocents among us," called a cultured voice from the cage not far behind them. "But I don't recommend wasting your lives in a futile attempt to prevent Lord Dreyar from reaching me. Dragneel's a young fool, and the ice-maker is desperate to prove his worth, being a foreigner and all. I don't see why strangers such as yourselves should get involved."
"Is that so…" Jellal said softly. He walked closer to the cage and peered up. "Tell me, what about the Storm-Bringer's grandfather? Why isn't he resolving this problem?"
Thin green eye-brows arched in surprise over pale blue eyes.
"Lord Dreyar's grandfather is dead—he'd be eighty or ninety if he weren't—and my lord would never get His Royal Highness his father involved in a personal matter."
Erza was starting to get twitchy. As important as it was to learn the rights and wrongs of the situation, she found herself rather keen to challenge 'Jana the Fair'. Plus, Dragneel's embattled forces were starting to fall back toward them. In a few minutes, she and Jellal would be pitched into the battle no matter what. There were only modest, wooden fortifications in place, and nothing that would stand up to lightning. This was a field camp, no more, although it had clearly been set up ahead of time.
Fortunately, Erza thought that she could finally sense the magic of this place. It felt very raw to her, and difficult to control, but it was there. She hurried up to Jellal, and he gave her a knowing look, which she returned with a faint smile. To her surprise, he moved closer and gently squeezed her hand. It was odd, but… nice. With one glance and a touch, she knew that he was aware of what she was thinking.
"You're Freed the Dark?" Jellal turned his gaze back to the captive, keeping his face scrupulously neutral.
"Yes. And you and your lady?" The light eyes were keenly interested, and cold as graveyard marble.
"I'm Siegrain, and this is Lady Scarlet."
The caged man's eyes narrowed. "How odd. You are telling the truth, but saying very little. Most people aren't good at that—they like to talk about themselves, even when it's unwise."
"We all have our skills."
"Yes… I sense great power from both of you. Perhaps even enough to turn the tide for the hothead and his barbaric friend. Not that they're alone, of course, but they're the major players on the field today for their side. Right now it's not an even fight—they won't be able to hold me for another ten minutes, let alone the hour until sunset. I only gave my word to stay put until my lord reached this cage. You could change the outcome, perhaps."
Erza and Jellal exchanged looks. This version of Freed was distinctly different from their own. He spoke smoothly, and apparently honestly, but there was an undertone of malice to his words. It was as though he were evaluating them as interesting objects, not human beings. Siegrain had been rather similar; it was not a comfortable thought.
"What will happen to Na—Dragneel—and Graeg if they can't prevent Lord Dreyar from rescuing you?" Erza wasn't as smooth as Jellal, but she rarely felt the need to hide anything.
The chilly gaze seemed to sharpen for a moment, and then Freed's evil twin shrugged elegantly and looked down to brush a speck of dirt off his handsome, wine-red kimono. Both kimono and hakama were made of expensive cloth, judged Erza. Not surprisingly, the narrow scabbard—it wasn't made for a katana—was empty. She waited patiently for a verbal answer, despite her awareness of impending battle.
"Dragneel will be punished, but not killed, if that's what you're worried about. He's kin to the Dreyar family, and strangely well-liked for such an arrogant pup. He gets away with a great deal, though he's strayed far beyond the line this time out. As for Graeg, who knows? He's been a thorn in my lord's side for more than two years now, and is undoubtedly talented. He also has a knack for creative strategy, and I suspect that he was instrumental in my capture. The Salamander is extraordinarily strong, and quite intelligent, but impatient."
By the time he had finished, Freed was speaking to thin air. Moving with the sure understanding of those who have known each other, and fought together, since childhood, Erza and Jellal had already entered the fray at the pallisade.
(1) Verdant, in this case, meaning not only green, but sprouting foliage (a four-leafed clover on long, slender stem). It was a little odd, but more ecologically sound than little paper umbrellas.
Author's Note:
 I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! Please stay tuned for Chapter 2. Notes, comments, and reviews are always appreciated. Hearing from readers—in whatever forum—always makes my day.
@shell-senji @hidetheremote @hakuyamazakisensei @cherryb0mb79 @strawberrysweetlove35 @eliz1369 @canadiangaap @unashamed-shipper @dat-jerza @fury-ous @kazama-hime @sabinasanfanfic
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chanacha · 7 years
haechan au
enemies to lovers; you've known him basically since birth, he was always a brat but highschool changed things
· so haechan was possibly the most annoying person on earth
· he literally got on every last nerve in your body (on purpose)
· he loved your reactions every time he did something stupid, to him it showed him you cared (even if you were scolding him and calling him an idiot)
· he loved when you waited for him at school, so you could go to class together
· even though you said it was only to make sure he did the homework you had spent hours on tutoring him on
· he assured you that he did it
· for the two of you highschool changed many, many things
· he got more annoying but in a clingy 'I need to be by you at all times' 'I'm a lost puppy' type of annoying
· you... developed a tiiiiny crush on the 'lost puppy' (to which he retaliated but both of you are oblivious)
· one day he just really needed a friend and of course, he came to you
· you thought he was just trying to be annoying per usual but then you heard the tone in his voice
· your whole demeanor changed,,, 'hyuk, whats wrong?'
· he had failed a test and he was so upset because he studied really hard for it and he just didn't want to disappoint his parents, so he came to you
· your 'I got this hyuk' kind of attitude popped out and you grabbed his hand cause that's what you always did as a kid, considering your older than him... by only a few months but nonetheless older
· but his cheeks turned bright ass red and he just internally squeaked because you were actually touching his hand
· what is wrong with this kid?
· oh that's right, you were his moon and stars, the kid was totally in like with you
· cause love was too old for him
· you two made it to your house and you helped him study
· he passed that test btwwww
· so naturally when he ran up to you, hugging the life out of your body you smiled and squeezed your arm up to pat his head
· but then he pulled away and kissed you,,,, what?!
· you kinda froze but slowly kissed back before he yanked his body away and was like
· 'donghyuk what was that? ' you slowly let out
·'....I like you and you helped me pass my test so I like you even more, you must be magic'
· he just kinda rambled until you giggled, shutting him up
· his eyes wide and his lips tightlined shut
· 'I like you too' you said poking his cheek
· making his heart kinda go asdfghjkl
· wow is this even real, his whole body kinda goes numb before you're like ?????
· 'hyuk? you okay?' you asked shaking his shoulders lightly
· he snaps out of it and nods, grabbing you and pulling you into a bone crushing hug
· 'lets go home hyukkie, I'll make you your favorite snack'
· 'wow I have the best girlfriend ever'
· and from then on, you and haechan were inseparable but this time it was because you were iiiin liiiiiike
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years
6:56pm. In an uber.
How's life going for me?
Friday, February 14th of 2020.
Happy Valentine's Day. It was rough as hell earlier due to the general angst of giving a person who I admired, and sadly could live without, a letter explaining why I find it absolutely necessary to leave them alone.
It was a smart thing to do. Its better to spend a day feeling rough over a mild guilt related to abandoning someone else that never needed you around in the way you wanted them to, versus abandoning my own wants and needs for the guy.
A.k.a., "I'd rather sit at home, sweaty, depressed, crying, and fully single with my hand down my pants, than to have all of the above with the inclusion of a FWB that doesn't like me purposely ignoring me with comfort for a whole day."
Why even have a FWB, if I'm just gonna touch my own cat, anyway?
Not to degrade him to JUST a fwb..... but, he didnt want to be more, and i needed to put myself first for once.
A letter worked best. Since face to face has never worked out.
The first time I *almost* asked for us to take a break, it resulted in me going to cry and have a panic attack in the bathroom, at least four times. And I didn't like how despite avoiding eye contact, I still saw his hand tense up hearing me say that.
I didn't wanna leave him then.
We talked it out almost immediately after. We had good terms. He went to work. Got off, and I was ecstatic to keep on seeing him. The calm before the storm. :)
And theeeeen, the betrayal that could have been ultimately avoided.
I still blame him for that, i really do.
I broke up with him, but its not like I looked him in the eyes and broke up with him. It doesn't make me a coward, it just means that I don't want to see a man cry, or be totally apathetic to me leaving him behind.
Then, we got back together.
Ended.... again. And that time, it was definitely not my choice.
Hell, the whole two days, I thought, "I'm 100% leaving him, hes gone too far."
But then stepping out to his car.... the feelings changed.
And stepping into it.... Well, I saw him. He didn't smile, and he always smiled when he saw me, so I knew what was on his mind before he had even said it. And all I could think looking at him as, "I don't want things to end with him. We can work it out."
I'm crying in my uber, yall! Turn up! *blasts Lucid Dreams*
LMFAO I'm stupid, anyway, back to the point that I was making.
But, I liked him too much.
Hell, even being on his porch with the letter the other night made it difficult.
Mentally, I was thinking, "Here goes nothing. You deserve better. There's literally no difference in the timeline of you letting him treat you low priority, and you leaving him; the only thing is now you have some positive respect for yourself being gained."
And emotionally, "God, I love his smile."
So, one could say I was conflicted.
(Ironic, remembering the time Patrick literally had his arm wrapped around me in his car, as he was like "Yeaaaaaah, I don't think we should start this up again", in terms of dating.... And once I said, "Dude, thats kiiiind of..... really weiiiiird to say, as you're holding my hand, with your arm around me.... and your head on my shoulder, liiiiiike....", and all he could was, "Well, I have conflicted feelings here, too, yknow.")
He was such a fool. We ended up redating two weeks later.
A handwritten letter, that gets out all the negative feelings in a way that isnt dripping in spite and threats? Check. Lines about all that i like about him? Check. A positive ending? Check.
And will it prevent me from either trying to woo this man in the single minute it should take to give the letter to him, from my hands, to his? Absolutely the fuck not.
I deadass just went "Hey like, you dont want a kiss right now, right?" He said no, not really. I gave a mini lecture on how i appreciate him letting me know, and that i wanna respect his body and consent. (Life isnt a romance movie, kissing strangers unprovoked will get you stabbed or arrested. Or herpes, like that one guy, who luckily i did not kiss, or else my life would have gone a different direction.)
"Why ask him if he wanted to kiss", you wonder, dear reader? WELL, first off, i was mildly horny infatuated, and figured that a kiss and a letter would be a decent send-off, from someone I used to adore.
I figured he would say no. But I knew I needed to hear the "no, not really", for myself.
Since 60 years from now, do i wanna look back at this memory and go, "Damn, i gave him the letter and walked away???? Not even a goodbye kiss?????"
Or "Damn, I really violated his autonomy that night. I kissed him without permission. No wonder i have sixty cats and my seven adopted kids never call me."
Do I want those memories? HELL no.
So, no shame comes from asking for consent from a "what if" situation. He didn't wanna kiss. I took the L politely, gave him the letter, and nothing big came from that.
7:18pm, leaving uber soon.
He tried to read the letter in front of me the second it was handed to him, and I had to be like "Don't read it in front of me!", and he kinda blushed and got all meek about it. A cute dude, truly. (But if i wanted you to read a letter of my emotions, i couldve had a much easier time saying it to your face dude....)
We hugged, and I reminded him how good of a friend he was to me.
Since truly; he was.
NO, I'm not crying, leave me alone. Shut up. Dear lord, im literally on my way to a date, i cant show up with red rimmed eyes like that.
But, it was easy.
I don't wanna go in depth about everything, since.... life is difficult, and, emotions are clearly too high to talk about without choking up a bit.
7:22pm, my Uber driver was crying at the classical music. He just changed it to an upbeat Joji song. Don't worry bro, i know how you feel. Stay strong, my friend.
I am glad I made the decision I did.
I can't hold a space for someone that they don't want, and if only when I give it up is when they want it.... they have issues.
Thats all.
Peace out.
0 notes
nautilusing · 7 years
hey Ep. 67 fucked me up here’s why:
“One particularly poetic title some use is The Day of the Unseen Invasion.  Though, I take umbrage with that one.”  OKAY WHAT IS THIS ‘I’ STUFF????  HE USES ‘WE’ AT THE END LATER, TOO, IS THE NARRATOR AN ACTUAL CHARACTER???  DO WE KNOW THEM???  like before this ep I thought it was just Griffin himself but the specific use of that word and the way it sounds like this is someone recounting these events from some point in the future is weird right??? I’m trying to think of who it could be otherwise if it’s not Griff.  like, what if it’s John?  or Istus?  WHAT IF IT’S GROWN-UP ANGUS?????????  OH MY GOD WAIT NOW I NEED IT TO BE GROWN-UP ANGUS.  TELLING THEIR STORYYYYYYY.  OH MY GOD GUYSSSSSSSS I NEED IT SO BAD
Kravitz is gonna bring back all the baddies to join the fight against the Hunger and I’ve NEVER BEEN MORE HERE FOR ANYTHING IN MY LIFE LIKE SUICIDE SQUAD FUCKING WHO???  TAZ did it better and it’s not even recorded yet bye
(also I just really need to see Magic Brian again PLS GRIFFIN)
‘the outright panic in the bustling cities in the Plane of Thought’ made me lol bc isn’t that our plane?  don’t call me out like this Griffin
Carey nervously kissing Killian’s forehead over and over again as she’s helping her bandage her arm TEAM SWEET FLIPS GOT ME FUCKED UP they’re so cute help I’m dying
“Ten... nine...” “Taako, I know you’re upset--” “Eight.”  “Listen--” “Seven.”  “Please, listen to me, please--” “Six.”
Taako’s flat, “I don’t care anymore.”
“Listen, running away?  That’s not how we do things here in the fuckin’ B.O.B.”  hey Carey???  is the best????
“I am going to jump onto the back of the rhinoceros.”  “Of course you are.”
I can’t.......... believe........ he hurt............ my boy.............
I’m in a rage
the only good that came of this was Magnus seeing it and retaliating in the most bamf way possible
also - backing up a bit - Griffin totally fucking hesitates when Trav asks him if the rhino is evil and I got major “Are you my friend?” flashbacks from it.  fuck John’s such a good villain.  fuck.
GRANDPA’S OLD SHITTY KNIFE MAKING A COMEBACK I diiiied.  especially since Trav says in the first episode that it would be important later.  a m a z i n g
Lucretia protecting her family even though she’s mid-spell and knows they probably hate her now I’m fine I’m great
“I know.”
I NEED. TO TALK. ABOUT. THE “I KNOW.”  BECAUSE LIKE ALL I CAN PICTURE IS TAAKO STARING AT THE STAFF AS HE SAYS IT.  blank-faced and cut up and probably not even breathing as it sinks in and he realizes what he needs to do.  what he’s waited so goddamn long for.  after thinking he lost her.  seeing all the pieces slide into place.  the cave and the trial and The Raven and magic lessons and Wonderland - all those times it saved him, helped him, had his back.  of course it’s her.  of course it’s Lup.  of course he never lost her.
"I snap the Umbra Staff over my knee.”  AND THAT?  THAT MOMENT?  that moment is everything I love about TAZ.  Justin’s slow exhale bc he knows how big this is, Clint’s excited laughter just before he says it, his gleeful ‘THATTA BOY!’ when he does, Travis’s “Yep.  YEP.”  THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THIS.  just this in-the-moment storytelling where everyone is so palpably, AUDIBLY on the edge of their seats and somehow the out of character elements only enhance the in-character ones, to the point where I feel like I’m in the room with them too, like we’re all sitting around the same campfire like little kids going, “What happens next??????” oohing and gasping and it’s such a joyful shared experience made all the more so for it being told by a real life family who are just as enthralled with it as we are and IT JUST.  god it gets me, man.  it’s so so special.  it’s such a special special thing.
“Are you the one who’s been hurting my brother out there?”  “Am I... where are we?”  “I’m gonna fucking kill you now.”
AND THEN BARRY BEING LIKE, “I’M GONNA BLOW MYSELF UP JUST SO I CAN HOLD YOU AGAIN,” SHUT UPPPPPPPPP Barry’s the hugest fucking sap.  they’re ruining my life.  they’re life-ruiners
I’m so fucking worried about Lucretia.  please don’t die, moon mom :(((((((((((((((((((((((
“There’s no easy way to say this.  You gotta find some way to disable this little guy and Fisher’s memory altering field.  And... if you can’t... you have to--” “No.”  “You have to term--”  “No.  No.”  MAGNUS JUST REPEATING ‘NO’ OVER AND OVER AGAIN COMPLETELY UNWILLING TO EVEN HEAR THAT OPTION.  dude I was saying it with him.  no.  no no no no no no
“Court’s in session.”  how dope was that line though
“It works both ways!!!”  Taako gives me life
of course shit goes down in the elevator Griffin’s COMMITTED to this BIT and it will make me laugh FOREVER.  what a fucking troll I adore him
JOHN INITIATED PARLEY.  FUCKKKKKKKK.  fuck.  shit’s ‘bout to get real.  (how much you wanna bet Clint completely slays that scene again though.  I can’t wait)
Magnus’s soft, sad, “Aw, buddy...” when Griffin was describing Fisher and how hurt it was... I legit curled up into a ball I CAN’T DO INJURED VOIDFISHES GRIFFIN DON’T MAKE ME
“I’m so sorry I forgot you, buddy.  I’m so sorry.”
forehead touch.  humming to it.  I’m dead.  I’m gone
god for real though that whole last sequence is described so beautifully like I can’t emphasize enough how fucking gifted Griffin is at this. it’s a gift
this podcast is a gift
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rollinsbabe · 7 years
Car Naps and Feelings (Seth Rollins) - the reader rides along to the next location for the next WWE RAW show with Finn Balor, Sami Zayn, and Seth Rollins. Things get a little cozy and personal in the car with the reader and Seth, causing some feelings to get exposed. fluff
another seth rollins story for y’all as requested! this is primarily just fluff, with little bits of sexual tension here and there. enjoy
WARNING: language
I just had one of the most grueling matches of my career so far and was looking forward to the 5 hour drive to our next RAW location. I was thrilled to be able to relax and joke around with my friends, but if we’re being completely honest, I was most looking forward to sleeping in the car. 
I gathered my bags and set out on a search for my driving buddies: Finn and Sami. It took me a while, but eventually I heard the cackling laugh that could belong to none other than my little ginger Canadian. I rounded the set of equipment trunks and saw the two losers leaning against the wall, near the exit door. When they saw me, they both raised their hands and called my name. 
“So y'all can talk to me when I get here but you can’t answer my calls?” I crossed my arms and scolded them jokingly. 
Finn pulled out his phone and saw the “3 missed calls” notification. He shrugged his shoulders and glanced up at me sheepishly. “Sorry about that.”
I rolled my eyes and wheeled my gear towards the door. “Well, all is forgiven. Let’s just get in that car and get going.“ 
Sami grabbed my upper arm, stopping me. I furrowed my eyebrows in question. “What? Why aren’t we leaving right now?" 
Sami looked at me guiltily and mumbled, "Someone else is coming too." 
I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly, so I turned to Finn and said, "Huh?”
“Well you see, the thing is,” he began, “Cesaro rides with Sheamus most of the time nowadays so Seth has been hung out to dry a bit and since me and Sami are both really good friends with him, we offered for him to come with us." 
Both Sami and Finn looked at me pointedly, trying to gauge my reaction. 
Honestly, I knew Seth and had worked with him before, both in NXT and here on RAW, but I didn’t have much of a personal relationship with him. I’ve never been one to turn away new friends, so I didn’t really care. It was sharing the backseat that I most annoyed about. 
"Well pretty boy better hurry it up if he’s trying to catch a ride with us. I’m hungry and tired and he’s wearing my patience. Him and his slow moving ass,” I said. 
Sami’s cheeks turned red and he looked as though he was holding in a laugh. I turned my attention to Finn and he looked the same. I felt a hand on my shoulder and his voice was in my ear faster than I could comprehend. 
“Pretty boy and his ‘slow moving ass’ is here and ready to go. Sorry for keeping you, your majesty,” Seth huskily whispered to me. 
I flinched away and turned to see an obnoxious smirk plastered across his face. The other two boys broke out in laughter and my cheeks heated with my slight embarrassment. "I’ll forgive you,“ I muttered and then added more clearly, "just don’t let it happen again, pretty boy." 
Eventually we all made it to our car with our bags loaded. Finn was driving with Sami in the passenger seat and Seth and I occupied the back. Before we got going too far, I begged Finn to stop somewhere to eat and Seth and Sami jumped to my defense, so we made a quick stop at Arby’s before getting on the highway, en route to Knoxville. 
"So (y/n), I saw your match tonight,” Seth started in between bits of a roast beef sandwich. “That was some pretty badass stuff you were throwing out in the ring. You really gave Sasha a run for her money.”
“Thanks. We really push each other to be our best and most extreme selves." Me and Sasha loved any excuse to kick each other’s asses and we both had a love for nitty gritty, hardcore wrestling like the Attitude Era. It made us both better at our game and that’s why we were on top of the Women’s Division. 
"Ya know," Finn piped up from the front, "if the hardcore title was still around, you would definitely be the holder.” 
I smirked, my ego boosted. That was my favorite belt the WWE had ever had. When I was little, I made my own Hardcore belt and wore it to school everyday.
Seth snorted, "Guess the Women’s championship belt will just have to do for now.” He side eyed me from his seat and gave me a wink. 
My face flushed and Sami caught my gaze from the rear view mirror, giving me a questioning look. "Guess so,“ he said with a smile. 
Small talk ensued from there. Talk of us all missing our homes, our workout routines, cheating on calories, etc. 2 hours into the trip, I began to get sleepy, so I grabbed my small blanket from my go bag and covered myself up. 
"Going to sleep?” Sami asked. 
“Yeah, just a small nap. I really had my ass kicked tonight,” I yawned.
“Sleep tight, ugly." 
I fell asleep relatively quickly to the soft hum of the car moving and the sound of the boys voices. I woke up not much later to the same noises. My neck was surprisingly not stiff from sleeping in the car, but I felt like I was overheating. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the small car to try to establish my surroundings.
It was dark, but I quickly realized that my head was leaned over onto Seth’s shoulder with one of my legs tossed over his. I sat up so quickly I got dizzy and slid myself off of him. 
"Good morning, sleepy.” Seth sounded bemused at the situation, which only added to my utter embarrassment. 
“Hey,” I mumbled. 
Sami turned so he was facing us in the backseat and I regretted making eye contact with him. He had a shit-eating grin plastered across his face and he wiggles his eyebrows at me. “Did you sleep well, dude? You sure looked comfortable." 
There was a small silence before all 3 guys bust out in laughter. I ducked my head and pretended to answer a text from Bayley. "Fuck you, guys." 
Seth playfully hit my arm. ”(y/n), it’s okay. I know I’m irresistible,“ he joked. 
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and continued to pretend as though I was preoccupied. "Yeah, that’s what you are. Irresistible. Not annoying or egotistical or slow as hell. Not at all." 
By this time their laughter had started to die down, but at Finn’s comment, it immediately started up again. "If he really was those things, then you wouldn’t be moaning his name in your sleep and cuddling up to him." 
My head snapped up and a look of horror passed my features. I hadn’t remembered dreaming, much less dreaming about Seth, but I wouldn’t put it past me either. I was definitely a sleep talker. "Are you serious?” I asked. 
Seth threw his arm around me and pulled me in for a side hug. “It’s okay, princess. Really. I’d be moaning your name in my sleep too, if I had the chance to sleep,” and he winked at me again. 
I pushed his arm off of me like I was disgusted with him, even though my chest tightened with excitement at our closeness. He didn’t buy into my attitude though, because he just continued to smirk at me and moved his hand to my knee instead. I slipped out from underneath his grasp and slide back to my side of the backseat, my cheeks still flushed, but this time with more than just embarrassment. 
The car quieted to just normal bickering and talking again so I seized the opportunity to tell Bayley and Sasha about what happened. I furiously typed the message out to our group chat and waited for a response from the girls.
My phone pinged a few minutes later and I opened the message: 
Sasha - “HOLY SHIT! I just wanna say that I called that! I told Bay that you’d be doing Seth by Wrestlemania time.” 
Me - “Wait, why did you think that I’d be doing Seth by Wrestlemania???”
Bayley - “Hahaha!! Because Seth is definitely into your crazy ass. He liiiiiikes you, loser.”
Me - “What???" 
Sasha - "Yeah, I don’t get it either, babe. lol" 
Bayley - "Cesaro told us about Seth’s crush when we went out for drinks after the show in Pittsburg a couple weeks ago.” 
I locked my phone and shoved it roughly into the front pocket of my bag. Seth raised an eyebrow at me, but I just shook my head at him. 
While he was talking to Finn and Sami for the rest of the ride, I watched him from the corner of my eye. He was pretty handsome, but I had always thought that. He had a warm laugh and seemed to be a really big nerd. In all honesty, I had a crush on him. And apparently he had a crush on me. Eventually he caught my eye and I looked away before he could smile at me and make me blush again. 
We finally arrived at our hotel in Knoxville around 1 am. The boys were already heading into the hotel while I was still getting my bags. I lifted the heaving suitcase out of the back of the SUV when I felt a hand on my waist. I spun to come eye to eye with Seth. This time I didn’t have the time or want to pull away from his touch.
He pulled me in close to his chest and brought his lips to my ear. "I really didn’t mind your little nap in the car earlier,“ he whispered. His voice was thick and full of lust. "I could go for another nap like that sometime.” My breath caught in my throat when he bit my earlobe. 
He pulled away and gave me a charming smile, pulling the rest of my bags out of the car for me, “Here you go.”
I thanked him quietly, my head still reeling with what just happened. We walked into the hotel together and checked in to our rooms, discovering we were right across the hall from each other. The ride in the elevator was quiet, thick clouds of sexual tension hanging over us. 
We came to our rooms and I paused, my hand resting on the doorknob. I looked over my shoulder and saw Seth was staring at me. A small smile appeared on my lips and I opened my door, pausing at the threshold. “Goodnight pretty boy,” I said smugly.
“Goodnight, princess. Nap with you later,” he joked. 
 And just like that, we both retired to our rooms for the night. I laid face down on the bed and groaned. Fuck Seth Rollins for being so damn charming and making me fall for him.
I only laid for a while before a knock on my door sounded. I don’t know who or what I expected, but I checked my hair in the bathroom mirror before opening the door. Sasha and Bayley stood in the hall, giving me mischievous and questioning looks. 
Bayley spoke up when they both pushed their way into my room. “Dude, what was all that? We saw you from down the hall and it looked like maybe someone has a little cru-”
“Shut up!” I cut her off. “It’s nothing." 
But that night, I found myself dreaming about Seth and I realized that it was slowly becoming something.
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procellasdracon · 8 years
Natsu x Erza emperor and empress of Alvarez
Beware, this is kind of a long one. :3
“Um, your Highness…! We servants can do this-”
The redheaded woman glanced up at the maid, who immediately recoiled from the fierce glare she received. After a moment, the woman took a heaving breath and let it out. “I’m sorry, you must be new here,” the Empress’s expression changed to a gentle smile, “but on Fridays, I make it a point to do my daughter’s hair when I am home.”
“Oh,” was all the maid replied, momentarily stumped. “For something so small?”
The little girl who sat at her feet gave a pout. “I like Shelly, but I want Mommy to do my hair too!”
“Aah, That’s right - a mother and daughter should bond as much as they can.” The woman put a hand on the little girl’s shoulders with a smile.
“Yep!” The little girl kicked her feet up and down as she hugged the stuffed bear, a big, contented smile on her face. “‘Cuz I love Mommy~”
“I love you too, my little flame.” Erza’s smile became melancholy as she pulled the comb through her daughter’s ruddy locks. “If I can’t even do this much, then I’d be a failure as a parent.”
The maid’s eyes bugged out. “I meant no disrespect, your Highness!”
“It’s fine,” Erza gave a chuckle. “I’m well aware of the sacrifices I must make now that I am in this position. However, there are certain things that I refuse to hand over. I’m sure my husband will understand.” She looked back up at the maid. “Shelly, was it? Let the head maid know that you can take the day off. I know you are her designated caretaker but you also need a day off as well.”
“A-are you sure, your Highness…?”
“I’m sure. Don’t worry, you’re not being fired. Irene here wouldn’t forgive me if I did that.” She smiled ruefully as the little girl turned around in her seat to pout up at her mother.
“Don’t you dare, Mommy. I like Shelly! She’s nice! She gives me sweets too.”
Shelly blanched. “Shhhh!”
Erza gave a hearty laugh. “I see! Well, I certainly can’t fault her for that since I have a horrid sweet tooth as well.” Her daughter laughed along with her mother, perplexing the maid even more. “Okay child, enough stalling. We must get your hair done before your father makes it back.”
“Look Natsu, we’re almost there,” Happy called out, flapping his wings enough to keep them aloft. “Haaah~ fish, how I have missed thee~”
“Dude, you just ate fish 15 minutes ago,” Natsu gave a glance up his mount.
‘Sir Happy’ just turned his head. “There’s something about fish from this place that’s just right. That and the one shop really knows which ones I like~!”
“Fine, whatever,” Natsu gave a dismissive laugh. “Man, I can’t wait to get back…”
“Erza’s gonna want to grab you as soon as you get back,” Happy snickered. With that, the blue haired feline increased his speed two-fold. “We don’t want to keep Erza waaitinnng~”
“Hey!! Don’t fly faster because of that,” Natsu called out.
“But she liiiiiikes~ youuu!”
“Damn cat!”
 Down below, the head of the accompanying troop of cavalry assigned to Natsu’s ‘protection’ gave a familiar sigh. “…looks like we’re getting left behind again.”
“Why do we even do this,” a fellow Knight glanced over at the Knight Leader. “It’s not like he, of all people, need protection by the likes of us.”
“It’s more of protecting the everyone else from him,” a 2nd Knight rode up alongside them. “Besides, do you want to explain to the Empress why yet another town was destroyed while her husband was around?”
The young Knight winced but with that wince came a very prominent blush. “D-doesn’t she like to punish her knights ‘directly’…? If that’s the case, I’d like to take my chances”
The two older knights shared a knowing look and laughed.
“I thought that way too, young man. A beautiful young woman wanting to punish me herself… I learned quickly that Empress Erza was not called ‘Titania’ back in her younger days for no reason. That woman is even more of a brute than that guy!”
“Re-Really now,” the young Knight seemed to be immediately regretting his initial stance.
“Oh yes,” the Knight Leader nodded solemnly. “Just were do you think we got the idea for the ‘Punishment Wheel’ from? It was mandated by the Empress herself. She likes ‘punishment’ a bit too much…”
“She’s a sadist?”
“More like a masochist…” the first Knight looked around first before leaning in conspiratorially. “I heard that the first maid to walk in on them was so traumatized, she had to seek treatment just from witnessing them in action!”
“No way!”
“It’s true. When they engage in their ‘activities’, the rooms are magically locked and they can only be reached via intercom. Truly the palace did not know the meaning of the word ‘terror’ until they started to go at it.”
“You guys are screwing with me…”
“But it’s not all bad,” the Knight Leader, chuckling. “It was the Empress who made it mandatory that we get a beautiful young woman to wash our backs at the hot springs when we go.”
“And she also made my wife go on a diet. I wish I could have seen the look on her face when the Empress herself pulled up in a carriage and took my wife away to ‘relearn the pride of a woman’. I heard it was glorious~”
“You certainly haven’t been complaining about the results,” The Leader smirked.
“And why should I? She’s not drowning herself in sweets all the time and I actually like going home now just to see what ‘surprise’ is waiting for me.”
“You’ll understand when you’re older,” both men replied.
“Mommy! Look! Daddy’s riding Uncle Happy!”
Erza covered her eyes and squinted. Sure enough, there Happy was, tearing through the sky at a high rate of speed right towards them. She gave a rueful smile. “Looks like they won’t have time to play the ‘Announcement’,” she spoke to one of her bodyguards. “Have them forego it and prepare for his landing.”
“As you wish, Milady!”
As the guard ran back and another took their place, Erza held onto Irene’s hand and walked down the carpeted steps into the northern courtyard. Within moments, the cry of ‘You damn cat,’ rang out as Natsu crash-landed in that same courtyard.
“I swear I’m gonna shave him bald one of these days,” Natsu grimaced, rubbing his neck as he stepped out of the rubble of the broken cobble stones.
“Must you demolish everything you touch,” Erza sighed. “It wasn’t so bad we we could go on jobs to get the money to repair it but now, we rely on the citizens to pay for us.”
“Hey! I’m not the one who dropped me just now,” Natsu ran up to his wife with a pleading look.
Irene giggled. “Uncle Happy dropped Daddy,” she said, suddenly covering her mouth. “I’m sorry!”
Natsu laughed and picked his daughter up in his arms. “Irene, did you make fun of Daddy just now…”
The little girl covered her mouth and shook her head.
Natsu grinned. “I think you did~ Punishment time~” With that, he began to cover her face in a flurry of kisses, much to her delight.”
“Daddy~ Stop it!”
“Yes ‘Daddy’ stop it,” Erza deadpanned, the barest hint of a pout on her face.
“Aww, Mommy’s jealous,” Natsu grinned, getting a hug from Irene.
“Mommy’s jealous,” Irene repeated with a smug look towards her mother, who gave a sudden twitch.
“Why you little-!” Erza’s fingers found her ribs and began to tickle her mercilessly.
“Daddy save me!”
Natsu held Irene up above his head and gave Erza a full kiss on her lips. She instantly ceased trying to reach for her daughter, instead putting her arms around his neck. “I’m back, ‘Flame of my Heart’.”
“Welcome home, Natsu.”
I reaaaally wanted to write more, but I only have so long on this at a time. XD Enjoy!
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yougainedlove · 3 years
Just a small lancer x reader (he’s 12 in this at first, reader is same age) Before she leaves with Susie, Lancer admits he has a crush on her. She plants a small peck on his cheek then promises him that she’ll come back for him one day 5 years later, she finally sees her again. He had nearly given up hope. They’ve both changed; he’s grown significantly + has a tail. She’s grown her hair and lost the baby fat in her cheeks. The first thing she says is “I never forgot” followed by a kiss scene.
aaaaa this was fun! it’s my first time writing anything in detail for Lancer so I hope I did ok
also I made it 6-7 years later just so both he and Reader-chan are 18+, I’m just more comfortable that way!
I hope you like it!!
“Oh, I… guess you gotta go home now, don’t you? Both of you?”
It kind of breaks your heart when you look at LANCER. The two of you have become such good friends over the past few days, plus Susie has become almost like a big sister to both of you. At least you’re leaving with her, but… you’re leaving Lancer behind.
Ugh. This sucks. Even though you really like him, you can’t stay here forever.
You look pleadingly at Susie, unsure of what to say. How can you say out loud that, yeah, the only friends he’s made in a long time are leaving him alone?
“U-uh,” she stammers as her gaze darts between the two of you. She looks just as uncertain as you feel. “Yeah… we gotta split. I mean… it’s not like we’re never gonna come back, though! So if you get all sad and sappy on us, I’ll… I’ll just have to… d-damn, beat you up, I guess!”
He snorts, although there’s a clearly unhappy expression behind it. “In your dreams, Susie!”His tongue flickers out briefly, then he gives a huff. “Well…that’s fine, then! I’ve got a bunch of new important king stuff to do, anyway, now that my dad’s in the dungeon. When you do come back, I’m gonna have it all figured out!”
You can’t help but giggle at him, and you run over to give him a hug. The least you can do before you go, right? “You’re gonna be the best king ever, Lancer! I’m gonna miss you.”
You hear him hum as he returns it, nuzzling his nose against your cheek. “Aw, gee…(Name)… I’m gonna miss you, too. Y-you know… it’s probably not very kingly to tell you this… but I really like you.” He scoots himself even closer, seemingly just so he can whisper in your ear. “I mean, in a different way than I like Susie! You know? Like I wanna… do gross stuff… liiiiiike… hold your hand.”
“Oh…” That’s news to you; Lancer’s always treated you like another friend, the same way he treats Susie. But… you can’t say you don’t like him in the same way he apparently likes you.
After a moment of thought, you pull away so you can plant a light kiss on his cheek. It looks like he’s blushing, which makes you grin. “Don’t worry.” Before you move back toward Susie, you give his hand a squeeze.
“I’ll be back! And then we can hold hands all you want!”
The last time you saw Lancer was… six, seven years ago? The memory is still fresh. You remember every bit of it as if it just happened.
But it’s been a while. The two of you were just kids in a crazy situation, and sad to part at the end of the adventure. Even though your life hasn’t been short on drama, it’s been incredibly short on Lancer. There were long stretches where the only thing that got you out of bed in the morning was the thought of eventually returning to the Dark World.
Susie’s been a big help, and so has Kris. In fact, they were the ones who suggested that the three of you should go back now that it’s been a while. There’s no more school for any of you, you’re taking a year or two off before doing anything else, and they both have vacations from work coming up.
As it turns out, a pleasant surprise, you don’t have to go into a dark school closet to go back to the Dark World.
Funnily enough, Rouxls greets you at the Castle with overwhelming familiarity, like he’s glad to see you all. It looks as if things have changed a bit… for the better. A lot of things look the same, but everyone seems… happier.
Boy, the throne room is really something, too. It’s set up exactly how you think Lancer would set it up, and in the middle of everything, looking to be discussing plans about something with a couple other Darkners… there he is.
Although he hasn’t noticed you yet, your eyes are firmly planted on him. He’s at least a foot taller than you now, and ―oh, wow, is that a tail?
Of course…you look different too. Your face isn’t as round as when you were a kid, your hair is longer, and part of you wonders if he’ll even recognize you.
Still. It almost feels like a dream. Or one of those scenes from a Disney movie, where the princess finally meets her prince and it’s a magical moment and nothing can ruin it.
Susie nudges you with her elbow. “Hey, queen-to-be. You gonna go hold his dumb hand, or what?”
“Ah!” You look up at her, silently asking whether or not she wants to go over first. After all, Lancer is her friend, too, and Kris’. (Though. Kris is… probably in the dungeons… eating moss… again.) When she gives you a gesture that clearly tells you to go on ahead, you don’t need to be told twice.
The footsteps from your shoes echo on the tile as you run forward, practically launching yourself at your lost love. “LANCER!!”
It’s a little surprising that when he turns around, in clear shock, he still manages to catch you in his arms. You nearly knock him over, but, eh, details. He actually spins you around like people do in the movies, and that smile on his face is wider than you’ve ever seen it.
He looks a little like his dad, except… much, much kinder.
“A-ah, (Name)!” He’s laughing as he holds you close, undeniably happy to see you again. If you had to guess, you’d say he’s been waiting for you. He presses his forehead to yours and hums, a similar sound to the one he gave all those years ago before you left.
“Oh, my God, I missed you,”he chuckles. Despite that his overall personality appears to have mellowed a bit over time, he’s definitely still the same Lancer you knew. “You’re… you’re really here. You’re here!! I…” Just like you remember, his tongue pokes just a little out of his mouth.
“I was… haha… I was starting to think you were never coming back…”
You feel a little bad…because you can see how he might have gotten worried. When you said you were coming back, who knew that it wouldn’t be for years? He probably thought you’d be coming back, like, the next week or something.
You let your hands fall, and carefully grasp his.
“Hey,” you murmur, “I never forgot.”
He seems to have grown a little shy over the past few years, so you make the first move and lean forward. As soon as your lips touch, he relaxes immensely. It takes a moment for him to return the kiss, but slowly, surely, he does.
Even though it’s not necessarily perfect, it is magical. It’s everything you’ve been wanting, the subject of every good dream you’ve had since you left, the only thing you’ve truly craved in the past several years.
God, you missed him so much.
You can hear Susie whistling and shouting encouragements at the two of you, and it sounds like Kris is clapping in support.
It’s too bad that Lancer really thought you could have forgotten about him… he’s the most unforgettable person you’ve ever met.
Well, anyway, it’s okay now.
You’re not going to leave him ever again.
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