#their boyfriend is an which i find funny bc i had been saying that he's an for MONTHS
haus-mom · 2 years
hi you reblogged one of our posts in like september talking about a wxs ego rock cover i just wanted to ask how it feels to be a prophet -mod tsukasa from prosekatextposting
i feel really honored that one of my fav proseka blogs decided to message me, first of all ;v;
i think i might've mentioned it before, but i have a very uncanny sixth sense for these things. people (@verypeanutalpaca mostly) have lost money over my scary future-seeing powers
i did not predict the most important part, though... that tsukasa wouldn't get a third fuck :(
if you do want to see more of my guesses, you can check them out here! i also have a cursed version with songs that have something very wrong with them. in what sense? that's for you to discover! ✨though they're mostly a wishlist... odore orchestra was going in but wxs already covered it! that's something else i guessed i... guess?
#i have also been way too insistent that n25 kaito will come in a kanade focus#solely bc my holy trinity of proseka kins is minori tsukasa and kanade#kaito came in a minori focus and he was already there in tsukasa's case#i also did a test which was like. which vocaloid would be your main sekai vocaloid#AND WOULDN'T YOU GUESS#IT WAS K A I T O#which is v funny bc i am a vocaloid oldie. been in the business since fuckin' 2011#and kaito's always been my fave gbjer#anyways i fCKING love your posts i'm annoying my irls with them all the time bc i assigned them a proseka character each#and i go look guys it's us!!!#i got one of them into proseka. they're kohane#their boyfriend is an which i find funny bc i had been saying that he's an for MONTHS#but one week of his partner playing proseka and he changed his discord name to 'kohane's gf'#bc we're named 'tsukasa tenma' and 'azusawa kohane' in our server#and i was like wow. the betrayal. he just answered 'idk man i guess i was simping for my boyfriend too much'#my brother is nene but he refuses to change his name. somehow this is nene behaviour. he has a gif saved that's like#'you can't spell you ruined my life without rui' and that is also nene behaviour#there's another friend and she's a mix of ena and ichika (she's also the person who lost money over my amazing super cool powers)#even though she started proseka she only stops by for free pulls and to play copycat#alex if you're reading this i'm coming for you. play proseka or i'll cry /j#either way i thank you for the frequent nene/tsukasa interactions! they make me happy hehe#alma answers
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websterss · 1 year
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓: Secretly dating Ethan for months but you get caught bc you walked with Ethan back to his dorm. He kisses you goodbye before realizing Chad is there.😭
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): SPOILERS, um cussing again lmfao. Implications but its pretty okay i guess...
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Ethan Landry x fem!Reader    
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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“You sure you don’t want to stay tonight? I can be the little spoon this time.” Ethan offered. His back pressed against the open door of his room.
“The last time we tried that you fell off the edge. You’re a giant Ethan. You hardly fit on your twin sized bed.” You pressed a fist to his bicep. The doorway was filled with echoes of your laugh combined with Ethan‘s grimace then followed chuckles.
“That hurt by the way. I swear I thought we could fit.” His eyes crinkled with an apologetic smile.
“Well, your calculations were wrong. I fit just fine. It was your dumbass who’s legs hung off the foot of the be-“ You were cut off by Ethan’s assaults of tickles. You squirmed in his grasp trying to push him away.
“Stop, stop, stop. Pleassse no more…no more no more no mor-'' You break out into another fit of giggles.
“S-Say you're sorry.” Ethan couldn’t contain his own fits.
“No-“ Your head falls on his chest in defeat. “Okay, okay. Fine, I’ll stop. I’m sorry...” You thank him out of breath. Patting his bicep graciously. “God, you’re mean.”
“I’m not mean.” He chuckles. “Just right.”
“Yes, mean. And you are wrong. Like half the time despite having a gorgeous brain.” You look up and push back his curls.
“My brain’s gorgeous now?” He nodded, a teasing raise of his eyebrows.
“Only when you're not being a dumbass.” You wrap your arms around his neck. You leaned in and pressed your head against his. Sighing as he pulls you closer up against him.
“Stay…” He mutters softly. “Or at least let me walk you.” He suggests.
“I’m literally the building next over.” You scoff out a laugh. Pointing into the hallway for the dorms.
“A lot can happen within that walk.” He shrugs.
“Like what, getting stabbed by ghost face?” You mock with a laugh. Though seeing his shoulders slump let you know otherwise. He didn’t find it in the least bit amusing.
“That’s not funny.” He dipped his head.
“Oh, would you stop worrying. I’ll be fine. I’ll even text you when I’m safe and sound in my dorm…not bleeding out from a stab wound.” You smirk and press a sweet kiss to his cheek. He leans into your lips. Then gives up trying to convince you to stay. He leans against the door again.
“You’ll call me right when you get there?” He starts letting the idea of you walking to your dorm process.
“I’ll even FaceTime, which you know I hate doing it. I’ll even do the BeReal shit, or whatever it’s called just for the kick of it.” You now hold him at arm's length. “I’m gonna be fine. Just like I’ve been fine for the past few months. I’m invincible.” You raise your biceps, trying to show your very visible lack of muscles. Ethan’s eye roll only makes you laugh further. “Now, shut up and kiss me stupid, so I can be on my merry way, and begin my daydreaming about you, and those muscles, and that hair I like to pu-“ You moaned in delight as he cut you off with his lips. He turned you guys around and pressed you up against the door this time. Your arms now pinned over your head. He kissed you hard and rough, and god it was fucking hot. You thanked all the women that rejected him prior to meeting you. The universe had really been looking out for you, blessing you with a six foot tall, hot brunette, gorgeous brown eyed loser of a boyfriend. But goddamn was he no loser in bed. You were truly blessed.
You pulled back with a gasp. Head tilted as he left trails of kisses up and down your neck. “Fuck…” You let out shaken and rocked to your core.
“Still wanna leave?” He breathed out with shit-eating grin.
“Please leave.”
The yelp you let out was quite embarrassing. You had jumped one inch off the floor, and you had never seen Ethan pull away from you so fast. Yours and Ethan’s head snapped to the source. You both walked further into the room. Your eyes widening as they fall upon Chad, curled over a text book. He wasn’t looking directly at you but he was highly aware that the doorway was being corrupted.
“H-How long have you been sitting there?” Ethan closed his eyes, as mortified as you were in that moment.
“Enough to know you two are into some kinky ass shit. By the way, what the fuck?” He scooted his chair back and looked at you two incredulously. “When the fuck did this happen? And please tell me it hasn’t happened in the sacredness of our room…”
You and Ethan exchange a look at each other then grimace and wince at Chad who looks at Ethan’s bed grossed out.
“I think imma throw up, but also, why didn’t you just tell us. What’s with the sneaky around?”
“Cause you and Mindy are fucking nosy as hell! Plus I didn’t- We didn’t want the group to meddle into our lives. I don’t need Mindy schooling us on the basis of scary movies 101 every second we want some time alone. Okay? We just wanted to enjoy the peace while it still lasted. That’s if you can keep your fucking mouth shut though.”
“I’m offended.” He touched his heart.
“You’re a goddamn blabbermouth.” You smack him upside the head. Ethan chuckles amused by this whole ordeal. Chad shakes his head. Then looks between you.
“You trust him?”
“I let him deflower me for three months. I wouldn’t let someone go that easily….but yeah I trust him.” You nodded surely. Arms crossed over your chest.
“Don’t ever say deflower again please. For the sake of our peers and my ears.”
“You want me to say he fucked me then?” You let out a small chuckle. “Defiled, corrupted my insides? I’m an English major dude, I’m loaded with synonyms.” You gesture to yourself.
“No!” Chad exclaims, mortified. “Don’t fucking say shit period! Get the fuck out already!” He points to the door but laughs nonetheless.
“Alright, I’m going!” You lean over and press a kiss to Ethan’s cheek. “I’ll call you later, okay.” Your hands separated as you walked to the door.
“You’re fucking unbelievable…You put up with her willingly?” He laughs up at Ethan.
“Everyday...” He nods. “You just have to catch her on a good day though.”
“See even Ethan’s done with your shit!” Chad leans over to see you halt at the door.
“Not when I’m offering up my pu-” You shimmy, but dodge out the way as he throws a football at you. Your booming laughter echoing in the hallways.
“Fuck you!” Chad yells after you.
“You wish!” Your voice could be faintly heard.
“That’s your girlfriend, Landry.” Chad points to the open door. “You’re unfiltered, crazy ass girlfriend.”
“That’s my girlfriend...” He laughs out loud.
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melswifeasf · 1 year
i saw your request for asks so i thought i’d try, if anything makes you uncomfortable/is weird to write then change it ofc and thank you if you do write it :) 
okay so i really love pissed off sam and was thinking about this: reader and sam are together but are keeping it a secret bc sam wants to (reader isn’t extremely happy about it but okay with it), reader goes with tara to this party from the beginning of scream vi and when sam comes to get both tara and reader back home, she sees someone flirting with reader but can’t do anything about it which pisses her off, reader shuts the flirting down but sam is still pissed, once they are alone reader tries to talk to sam and calm her down with a hug and sam lets her but then kisses reader and turns it into sex and leaves a pretty obvious hickey and tells reader not to cover it up
Marks (nsfw)
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: you’re Sam’s secret, it’s not your choice but you’ll deal. until Sam realizes being her secret means there’s nothing holding others back from chasing you.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI smut, breath play.
notes: i love jealous Sam. also let’s act like they aren’t attacked by ghostface after the party for the sake of this imagine. this might be kind of mid cause i’m not that used to writing smut yet but i hope you still enjoyed it:)
(not proofread)
(word count: 3433)
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this was never part of the plan. being in a secret relationship was never really your choice. you felt like her dirty secret but you loved her so you couldn’t find it in you to say no. she had to told you she didn’t want others to know the second things began getting serious. you understood why, her ex boyfriend turned out to be a psychotic freak who wanted to kill her and her sister because she was the daughter of a famous serial killer.
you were Chads friend in high school, he was on the football team and you were a cheerleader so it was easy to be mixed in with the same people. he was nice in your opinion, you found it funny that his name was literally Chad but he was always nice. thus started the friendship between you two and you slowly became part of their friend circle, you were a year older than them but even after you graduated you stuck around. you wanted to take a gap year between high school and college to figure out what you wanted to do for the rest of your life.
that meant you were there when the ghostface situation happened. that when you met Sam, you instantly thought she was beautiful. you’d heard stories about her from Chad and Tara but never in depth, it was a sensitive topic for the young Carpenter girl.
you had even been there when they were all attacked. you didn’t want to go to the party at first, it felt insensitive but Chad and Mindy had told you it’s what Wes would’ve wanted to you decided why not.
you regretted that pretty quickly.
you’d been stabbed twice, once in the stomach and the other in the back when you had been trying to attack Amber. it was shortly after that you and Sam began getting closer. she had thanked you for staying and not running when you had the chance.
unlike Chad and Mindy, she didn’t see you as her little sisters friend, she hadn’t seen you grow up and she had just you so she didn’t feel guilty to think you were rather attractive. being in cheer since you were a kid helped your body become more toned and Sam found no shame in checking you out whenever you were alone. she knew you had a crush on her, you weren’t exactly subtle, not that you even wanted to be. you were never the type to hide your feelings. it was on a random Friday night that those feelings really came to light, you had called her to come over so you could tell her how you really felt. one thing led to another and you hooked up. that continued up until you moved to New York when she finally asked you to be her girlfriend.
you always thought she wanted to keep it a secret for various reasons. one, you were Tara’s friend and four years younger than her. secondly, she wasn’t ready to have an open relationship after the shitty one she had before. so you accepted what you got and moved on.
once you all moved to New York you decided to go to college like the other three teens. at first you were going to form with a girl who was in a band meaning she would be up late practicing or writing music which was horrid. Tara had been the one to offer you to move in, you immediately turned to Sam but she quickly said it was a good idea. you’d be helping with the rent so she used that as her excuse. they only had three rooms and Quinn already lived with them so you slept in the living room (of course you’d sneak into Sam’s room once everyone was asleep and sneak back out in the morning) until you got enough money to get your own apartment. Mindy had said she’d be willing to move in with you during her sophomore year and you figured a couple more months of an uncomfortable couch couldn’t hurt. besides, sometimes Tara would offer her room as well.
loud music blasted around the house as young adults were talking to one another in small groups. you were talking to a girl who was getting a little too flirty in your opinion. you didn’t want to be there, you wanted to be with Sam out on a dinner date or at the movies - really anything as long as it was with her and you were out of her small room. but she had therapy so when Tara invited you to go out you didn’t have any excuse to say no.
you were dressed in one of your old cheer uniforms. it was basic but you didn’t care much for the party and you weren’t going to go out to buy a costume.
you listened to the brunette beside you talk about her high school years. truly you weren’t actively listening but you didn’t want to be rude by shutting her out or walking away. the brunette was cute, sure, but she wasn’t Sam Carpenter and you weren’t interested. she didn’t seem to be taking the hint though.
Mindy and Anika stood from their spot on the couch as they saw Tara about to walk away with some frat guy up to his room. you tried to move away from the brunette but she was still talking and you figured Mindy would be getting Chad which meant they did not need your help. you tried to seem like you were listening up until Chad approached you guys and aimed for the stairs where Tara was about to leave with the guy she met.
“hey partner” you heard Chad say. “Tara’s good down here”
you saw the douche glance at Tara and take a step down, “i’m sorry what? i didn’t catch that”
Chad chuckled, “uh, yeah. you did”
“Chad” Tara said quickly and walked down the steps until she’s up close to him, “it’s fine. i want to”
the dark haired boy mimicked Tara, “see Chad? she wants to” he said and turned grabbing Tara’s arm roughly to drag her up the stairs “come on”
“get your fucking hands off her” Chad was quick to grab the asshole and drop him down the steps making him bump into a stranger.
you quickly pulled away from the girl and walked up to Mindy as Chad and whatever his name is, began to shove each other roughly.
suddenly your girlfriend appears making them both stop to look at her. “guys. i’m sorry to interrupt i’m just gonna tase you in the balls real quick” you gasped in both surprise and awe. “don’t ever lay hands on my sister”
god she was hot.
you were finally standing near them and heard the asshole on the floor curse at Sam making you roll your eyes. what wasn’t so amusing though was Taras voice earning everyone’s attention, “Sam. are you fucking kidding me? you’re stalking me now” the younger Carpenter said and stormed off.
you sighed and watched your girlfriend look at her sister worriedly. you were so busy trying to make sure Sam was okay you didn’t realize the girl that had been latched into you the this whole time walk up to you with a flirt smile. shit.
“so,” she said flipping her hair to one side, “can i maybe get your number?” she asked with a smile that probably would’ve worked on her if she wasn’t completely enamored with someone already.
you cleared your throat now noticing Mindy and Anika looking at you in slight confusion. you just hadn’t realized Sam was watching the whole interaction as well. “im sorry,” you said with an apologetic smile, “if i gave you the wrong signals but im not looking for anything right now”
the brunette didn’t seem offended or she didn’t show it and simply smiled before taking her leave. you felt a sense of relief wash over you, you weren’t sure what you would’ve done if she didn’t take your rejection so lightly.
your thoughts were cut off by a voice, “holy shit. it’s that psycho girl” a random guy said making you glance at Sam, there were people with their phones out recording everything causing the girl to shake her head and walk away. you, Mindy and Anika immediately followed.
you weren’t sure if Sam saw someone ask for your number so you made yourself invisible throughout the whole walk to the apartment. you didn’t say anything when Tara blew up on her and you tried to hold yourself back when some bitch threw their drink on Sam.
when you guys got back to the apartment the door of Sams rooms slammed shut with the girl on the other side. you sighed softly as Quinn got out of her room with a questioning look but as soon as she saw everyone’s face she knew what had happened. you saw Tara quickly follow her sisters actions minus the door slamming.
you took your time before going to Sam’s room, waiting until everyone was doing their own thing and finally opening the door and closing it behind you. there the raven haired girl was, an obvious pissed off look on her face as she sat on her bed looking into space. you sighed softly and approached her.
“im sorry” you said although your not sure why. you couldn’t help that another person was flirting with you, although you were sorry that people were shitty and there was nothing you could do about it.
Sam doesn’t respond making you frown, you knew this was all extremely upsetting. you couldn’t imagine being in her position, already having to suffer something so traumatic and then having to hear people say that it was all her fault and she was the real murderer. instead of saying anything else you sit on the bed beside your girlfriend and wrap your arms around her. she stiffens at first but slowly relaxes into your touch, her own arms wrapping around your waist.
“i love you” the words leave your lips like a breath of fresh air.
“i love you too” Sam responded in a slight murmur, her lips pressed against your neck. a smile appeared on your lips at the feeling. you expected the moment to be short and sweet but instead you began to feel her press open mouthed kisses from her shoulder up to her neck.
a breathy whimper escape you, “Sam” you said and tangled your hands in her hair, “everyone’s outside. they might hear” you said in a hushed tone and glanced at the closed door.
but the older girls lips didn’t leave your skin and slowly her kisses began to grow sloppier and rougher, her lips nipping and sucking at your skin which your sure will leave a mark.
“fuck Sam. i’m serious, we said no hickeys” you said trying to push the girl off of you.
“why? are you trying to hide the fact that your mine?” she said in a low tone. you could tell she was still pissed.
you rolled your eyes, “seriously? your the one who wants to keep us a secret”
Sam raised her head from your neck, “maybe it’s time we change that” she said and brought her lips down onto yours in a rough kiss. her action was swift and quick not giving you the chance to even think about her words.
her hands roamed your body until they were on your thighs where she began to squeeze roughly. the feeling of her lips alone were enough to turn you on. her lips were rough and hungry, her tongue invading your mouth without giving you a chance to return the intensity of it.
you wanted more, needed to feel her hands on you in more ways than just one so you moved your body to straddle her but she quickly stopped you. “no” she said and pulled away completely. “stand up” she demanded.
you were slightly confused at first but the look on her face made you hold back any questions as you followed her orders. soon you felt her warm body pressed against your back. you understood pretty quickly why she wanted you like this as you stared at your own reflection. there was a body length mirror in front of you.
“you look so pretty in this” she whispered softly into your shoulder as she pressed small kisses on it. even though her words were sweet you knew that wouldn’t last long.
her hands moved up your body and under your shirt to cup your breasts, she squeezed them roughly making your legs press together. you just needed her to fuck you. it seemed as if she had read your mind as her right hand left your shirt and moved down your body until she reached your skirt. her hand maneuvered under your skirt making you shiver. she grabbed your panties and roughly pulled them down your legs surely leaving a mark on your thighs by the roughness of her touch.
“why are you so wet baby?” she whispered as she began to rub your clit with two fingers. a soft moan left your lips making you bite your lip quickly after, you didn’t want anyone else in the apartment to know what you were doing. “did that bitch turn you on? huh?” she asked aggressively and both her hand on your chest as well as the one rubbing you matched her tone.
you shook your head to the best of your ability, “no, no baby.” Sam chuckled darkly.
“who makes you this wet?”
“you. always you” that seemed to please her and she slowly entered you with two fingers instantly making you moan louder than you should have. you right hand slapped against your mouth to contain your moans but that seemed to piss Sam off even more.
she slapped your arm making it fall beside you again. her pace was rough and fast and your knees were beginning to give in but you tried your best to stand upright. the pleasure was so intense your eyes were closed but every so often you would blink them open and see your girlfriend leaving hickeys on your neck with one hand in your shirt twisting your nipples and the other up your skirt. it only made you wetter and the allude sounds echoing throughout the room was proof of that.
“baby fuck” you whimpered and tangled your hand in the girls hair as you pressed her into your neck, this felt too good for her to stop.
“you like that?” she whispered and added another finger. you nodded quickly.
“cause your all mine baby. only i can make you feel this way. not that bitch at the party. me” you frantically nodded your head at every word that left her lips.
“only yours baby. only you make me feel this good” your answer pleased her even more as she began to curl her fingers inside of you making you see stars. the feeling was too intense and you weren’t sure how much longer you could last.
“such a pretty little slut” she whispered and softly bit your shoulder. tears were beginning to form in your eyes by the intensity of it and by how hard you were trying to keep yourself standing.
“please don’t stop” you whimpered desperately making Sam chuckle. her hand left your shirt and trailed your chest until she reached your neck. an excitement began to build in your chest at the anticipation of what was coming next. her hand squeezed your neck making you open your eyes.
your cheeks were flushed, your forehead glistening with sweat and the veins on Sams hand were beginning to show as she choked you.
“that’s it. open your eyes, watch how pathetic you look when i fuck you” your face was hot from both the humiliating words leaving your girlfriends lips as well as the sensation of your oxygen being controlled. she had complete and utter control of you then and there, her hand only letting a small amount of oxygen inside of your lungs every couple of seconds before she squeezed even more. you were beginning to grow lightheaded. you wouldn’t be surprised if she left a hand print on your neck from the aggressiveness.
it was too much for you. “i’m gonna cum” you choked out to the best of your ability.
Sam shook her head, “tell me who owns you”
you moaned and threw you head back onto her shoulder as her thumb began to circle your clit slowly. she was making this incredibly hard. you weren’t sure if you could stop yourself from letting go.
“you. you own me. i’m yours and only yours” you quickly said a lot clearer than you had before considering she’d loosen her grip.
Sam had a pleased smile on her lips at your response, “come for me baby” she finally said making your body unravel at once. your hand slapped against Sams arm and you squeezed tightly as the other pulled at her hair. your legs began to shake and Sam tried to hold you up with her body.
her name was thrown out into the room breathily and your eyes squeezed shut. her fingers continued to pump inside you slowly as she helped you come down from your high.
her hand competent left your neck and she wrapped it around your waist to keep you standing. once you felt like you had riches the ground again you began to whimper as Sams fingers were still inside of you.
“sensitive” you whispered and she quickly pulled out of you. slowly she helped you walk backwards until you reached the bed. she sat down and shortly after she pulled your front toward her and down onto her lap.
you were blissed out as you laid your head on her shoulder.
“i love you beautiful” she said gently and rubbed small circles on your back. even with the state you were in, a small smile formed on your lips at her words. she was always so sweet to you.
“i love you too” you murdered.
“are you okay? did i hurt you?” she asked pushing your body softly so you’d look at her and you pushed your head up so you were making eyes contact with her.
“im okay. i promise” you guys stayed like that for a little while, just basking in each others presence.
until you couldn’t stop yourself from bringing up the elephant in the room. “you reek like Cherry coke” you admitted with a soft smile.
Sam laughed as you pulled away to look at her once more, “you don’t like it?” she raised a brow teasingly.
“absolutely not” you laughed. “come on. shower. i don’t want you smelling like coke when we’re sleeping”
she chuckled softly and patted your thigh to signal you to stand. you did so with slightly shaky legs but your girlfriend was quick to place her hands on your waist to level you.
once you told her you’d be okay she pulled away and went to her dresser to get clothes.
you fixed your appearance a bit as well, you’d make the offer to shower with her but you’re sure everyone else was still in the apartment and you needed to leave Sams room before it got suspicious.
you turned your body to look in the mirror, your intention was to fix your hair and makeup but instead your eyes were focused on the huge mark on your neck.
“Sam, what the fuck” you whisper yelled and flipped your hair to the side of your neck as you turned toward her. she looked at you questioningly until she realized what you meant. she smiled.
“what? it’s about time people know your mine” she shrugged as if it’s no big deal.
“that’s great babe. really. but you didn’t have to give me five fucking hickeys the size of my neck in the progress!” you exclaimed.
Sam chuckled with a slight shrug. “they’re cute” she said simply and walked into her bathroom.
she’d be the death of you. you’re sure of it.
turns out all you needed was a little jealousy for her to tell everyone about you. as soon you walked out everyone noticed the hickeys on your neck and when they asked what the hell happened, Sam simply pecked your lips and sat on the couch as if it were no big deal.
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bunny-eats-fox · 10 months
- miyamura izumi
warnings: mostly fluff ; physical violence mentioned (hori against miyamura in the past, like a slap to the face and hitting him) ; comfort wc: 1074 an: now... i get it, slapping ppl as a comedic relief is v anime-esque and shouldn't be taken too srsly and all, BUT... her hitting him, biting him and slapping him constantly is just... blergh. i dont find it funny nor cute n bc of that, here are my two cents how it could "affect" him bc i am a writer and i interpret way too much into everything especially regarding my favs... have fun!
Your day had been a catastrophe.
Your toxic boss yelled at you in front of everyone for a mistake that he did but blamed you for. Your heel broke off on the way home which made you stumble and drop the phone you always held in your hand, onto the concrete. This incident in turn, made you late for your commute home and the bus drove off the moment you rushed around the corner. And, if all of that didn’t already had you clenching your teeth and clutching your purse tight to your chest to not burst into tears, a crow then decided to relieve itself onto your shoulder, staining your brand-new blazer.
Safe to say, when you came home, Miyamura’s “Welcome back.” immediately got stuck in his throat when he saw you: Exhausted and on the verge of tears.
“How about you take a nice, long and hot shower and then we eat on the sofa tonight, hm?” That was all he said and you, sniffling, just nodded and limped away to your bathroom to clean the poop off of your blazer and wash away that horrible day.
You were thankful and content when you managed to just snuggle up against your boyfriend and enjoy the meal that he cooked. It was a quiet dinner while you watched TV and when you were done, you left the dishes on the living room table and just cuddled and enjoyed his company.
But then…
It was a minor accident.
So small, in fact, that it was wasted energy to even think twice about it.
Yet, that small thing finally set you off.
Izumi reached out to grab his glass, but, as he looked at the TV, he somehow managed to knock it over. All of it spilled over the table and your legs.
Was it hot and burned you? No.
Was it something sticky and gross? Also no.
Yet, that one, additional tiny inconvenience broke the camel’s back and you started bawling the moment the mere water dripped down your legs.
Once you started crying, you also started yelling at him for not being careful, for being so clumsy and how horrible your day was. Meanwhile, Izumi, who had already apologized and patted your legs dry with some paper towels, just let you vent.
Now. You were someone who had always talked with your hands. You gestured with your hands greatly no matter what you talked about and with what kind of emotion. Izumi knew that. Though, you had only dated for a few mere months at that point and he hadn’t heard you yelling and crying like that before. It did remind him of someone and he thought he knew what to expect.
Hence, when you finally turned to face him and you raised your hands for another big gesture, you were taken aback for a second and even stopped mid-sentence. Miyamura, who had flinched and visibly moved his head sideways with his eyes closed, looked like he awaited a punch or something. His reaction felt like someone had punched you though. Did he really think you would… hurt him like that?
Immediately, you started to consciously control your breathing to calm down again. This was no time to get so angry over something so small. Especially because to you, his reaction was concerning.
“I-I’m sorry. I totally overreacted.”, your voice shook still, “I had such… a horrible day today and… then this happened and… and I’m so sorry for blowing up like that because of… some stupid water. I’m sorry, Izumi.”, your voice broke at the end and you only whispered the last words as another unwanted sob escaped your lips, yet you still took deep breaths to calm down.
“No, it’s okay, please, don’t apologize. It was my fault I spilled water all over you. You can still hit me if you want.”, he immediately said and hugged you tightly afterwards.
“What?! No!”, you cried and pushed him away just enough to look at him, “Why would I do that? I would never. I do gesture a lot with my hands, so I’m sorry if it looked like it, but I could never. I love you, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh…Right.” Izumi looked truly baffled by that for a few moments. As if you had just told him you found the 8th wonder of the world.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n) I think… I’ve just gotten used to it.”, he laughed uncomfortably as he didn’t really know how to properly react now.
You just wondered what the hell his past girlfriend did to make him get used to getting hit in the face…
“Geez… don’t get used to that. That’s not okay.”, you whined and then jumped into his arms again, burying your face into the crook of his neck while you hugged him tight.
Miyamura didn’t know how to properly answer that, so all he did was hum in approval and squeeze you tightly. He, himself, didn’t even think that the hitting thing his past girlfriend used to do would even affect him. However, when he saw your big hand gestures, a sense of familiarity shot through his body and he physically got ready for another slap to the face… Hence, when you apologized and told him you would never do that, he was so surprised and speechless, since he was used to being blamed and apologizing for everything.
When you let go of each other, your tears had finally dried and you could smile a little again.
“Thank you and I’m sorry. You cooked for me and everything and I yelled at you like that over something so stupid. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course. I know you had an atrocious day, so that was just the last thing that pushed you over the edge. Don’t even think about it anymore.”, he reassured you and gently, but also teasingly, pinched your cheeks.
“Mn. Thank you. I love you.”, you leaned in to peck his lips.
Izumi quickly reacted and didn’t just let you escape like that, instead, he followed your movement to kiss you properly after he returned those sweet words, thus making you both fall back onto the sofa. Certainly, at that point and after all the things that had happened today, all you both needed were a tight embrace and some kisses and cuddles. And you, as well as your boyfriend, very happily provide those for each other.
all characters canonically under 18 are always aged up ; english is not my native language so i apologize for any mistakes ;
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ddejavvu · 2 years
just imagineeee steve as a sugar daddy to y/n and eddie. he would treat y’all like ROYALTY and always make sure you were okay. so so overprotective too😩😩
hnngh sugar daddy steve <3333
one of the things he spoils you the most with is food, believe it or not. he makes snack runs all the time, all you have to do is give him the puppy eyes before he gets gas and he's coming out of the store with 7 candy bars 3 bags of chips and 4 drinks for you all to share
he takes you guys shopping allll the time and you and eddie actually have a running game where you pretend to debate buying the most expensive ugly thing you can find and you wait to see how long it takes steve to break and tell you to choose something else
but when it's an expensive thing that actually looks good? try it on!! you all share one dressing room, it's really cramped so everyone is pretty much pressed against each other and you slip your shirt over your head to try a new one on and eddie looks down from in front of you and steve looks down over your shoulder and they just grin at each other before absolutely ravaging you in the dressing room. they're like leeches you swear you walk out with more hickies than you can count
steve has bought eddie one (1) polo shirt, and eddie almost threw a fit. steve had to grovel, swore he wasn't trying to 'throw off your style, Eds.' and eddie ended up wearing it as a halloween costume with his hair all straightened and poofed and tied up to look like steve's
one of your favorite things is going shopping with steve when he goes to get groceries, or toilet paper, or dish soap, anything mundane like that. He lets you climb into the cart and sit inside which leaves very little room for the actual groceries and then eddie rides on the end and it's one big gigglefest as steve piles bread and pasta sauce and noodles and veggies on top of you. they both have to unbury you in the end, you're staring the checkout guy down as your boyfriends dig you out of the food pit you've been consumed by
he buys you guys jewelry all the time!! he'll buy you pretty delicate necklaces or sweet little earrings, and then turns around to give eddie a studded bracelet with a leather band that looks more like a dog collar than jewelry. sometimes though, sometimes you switch and it drives steve feral.
seeing your hands covered in Eddie's gaudy rings and one of his black chokers around your neck while Eddie's got a pretty little silver chain tucked into the neckline of his shirt and one of your earrings hanging from his left ear?? ruined. he's toast.
steve funds eddie's metal obsession, and he funds your top interest too! sometimes he'll gripe about buying eddie another album or spending over a hundred dollars on books for you, but you always give him a big kiss on the cheek for being so good to you and you know he's not really angry, he's just a grumpy kinda guy. he grumbles a lot but all he needs is some lovin and he's fine again :)
okay but the overprotective thing?? yes. he demands to hold your hand when you cross the street. One time eddie just charged for an empty street and he was gonna be totally fine but steve yanked him back by the collar of his jacket like dude. and eddie just stared as steve bewildered because he was literally just halfway across the street how did he suddenly teleport back to the sidewalk?? steve jokes about getting eddie one of those leash backpacks bc he swears the man is bouncing off the walls and always getting lost but you're so good and you hold his hand so well :'(
sugar daddy!steve is always wearing sunglasses i'm sorry but i have to say it i need to speak my truth - sometimes you or eddie steal them and giggle while you try to impersonate him and he's sitting in the corner like :/ real funny you two :/ and you and eddie sprint at full speed towards him to smooch his cheeks until he's not grumpy anymore and he's blushing and he's laughing and argh you love your boy :(
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
No sex-ed Dream our beloved 😁 how about the reverse of that last ask? Dream was told as a child that only married couples have babies, and growing up somehow completely missed any evidence to refute that. Even when he later (barely) learns about sex, by the time he’s in college he pretty firmly thinks it’s sex + marriage = babies. He still wanted his first time to be special though, so he’s still a virgin until he starts sleeping with Hob.
When Dream starts having pregnancy symptoms, he simply assumes he caught a bad flu or something. At some point Hob hesitantly brings up the possibility of pregnancy, but Dream just rolls his eyes and says something like that’s impossible, or that he’s pretty sure he would’ve noticed if he was pregnant.
What he’s thinking is “It’s impossible obviously bc we’re not married, and I’m pretty sure I would’ve noticed if we had gotten married, very funny Hob (actually that sounds lovely, but we should probably wait until after graduation)”.
What Hob hears is either “that’s impossible” as in Dream can’t have kids (a bit of a disappointment, but there’s always adoption), or “I would’ve noticed” as in Dream has already checked and confirmed he’s not, maybe he already took a test and it came back negative or he’s on his period, so Hob lets it go, and the nausea quickly goes away anyway and they move on in blissful ignorance (btw if Dream is like me he’s really really bad at tracking his cycles, so he doesn’t even notice that he’s missed a couple months (I’m so bad, if I ever get pregnant missing my period is not how I’m gonna find out 😅)).
If possible for maximum comedy I’d try to keep Dream in denial up until the birth, but Hob will probably bring the subject back up a little more forcefully when Dream starts showing. At first it could be dismissed as a little weight gain (and that’s what Dream definitely thinks it is), but at a certain point it’s clear that that’s a baby bump, it’s literally a baby bump, Dream do you have something you’d like to share???
They finally sit down and clear everything up, then they can both have a little freak out as a treat, that Dream is pregnant, they’re gonna be dads, holy shit they are so behind they need to schedule all the appointments yesterday.
My love for this au never ends!!!! And I do have a huge soft spot for a Dream who is very obviously pregnant and very much in denial about it. Maybe he insists that Hob has just been feeding him too well! And Hob is staring at the very round very obvious bump (which occasionally ripples as the baby begins to move around and throw punches). Admittedly he likes to keep Dream eating plenty of nutritious meals, but his lasagnes definitely didn't do THAT.
I think deep, deep down Dream knows that he's having a baby, but he's very scared and kind of hoping the whole situation will go away if he ignores it. He still doesn't know HOW he got into this mess. Did him and Hob get married with out realising it? Dream is so confused and anxious and he wants a nine month nap and a hug. Instead he gets a baby (and a boyfriend who loves him very much and is who is NOT going to put his dick inside Dream without a condom for a very, very long time).
Nevertheless, the expectant parents are very very excited!!!! Hob is telling everyone he knows that his boyfriend is pregnant!!!! He's got a lil miracle in his belly!!!! Hob’s gonna be a daddy for real!!!! And Dream pulls off the most beautiful, iconic, celebratory trans pregnancy to the point where the entire campus is invested, and bigots everywhere are drowning in ire and envy.
It's especially nice that their baby, aged around 18 months, gets to be the guest of honour when they do get married. Dream and Hob get a night off from parenting their little one and have a very raunchy consummation of their marriage in their hotel room........ where Dream suggests that now they're actually married, maybe it's time to try for another baby?
Hob takes great pleasure in chucking the condoms out into the corridor. Time to make a baby with his HUSBAND <3
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writegoblin · 1 year
I have been severely craving my boy. No no, not Michael. Boseph uwu
Look at him. Unf.
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Bo Sinclair Headcanons!
- You ended up in Ambrose because your car alignment decided it had enough of these off road shenanigans.
- Your reasons for being out that way, for story purposes, are running from your old life. All your old family and friends are shitty so you an conveniently disappear bc smthn smthn deus ex machina
- HOW you find out about your car alignment is another story. Let's just say, tumbling in a car is much more painful than it looks. What's worse is landing in a roadkill pit. Yeah boy. You know what time it is B)
- Lester almost shit himself when you came from over the highway. He thought you were dead and was going to call Vincent when you punched out the front seat. That's hot. Alright stranger, you're coming with me!
- He tries to clean you up and get your name. Takes you back to his place because he doesn't want to catch the twins off guard. But the day you spend there is lovely.
- You get the Ambrose and immediately shits off. Long story short, you become something of a live in maid. They can't kill you because it would be a lot of hassle on their end (another deus ex. You're related to a cop or something idk), and they COULD turn this situation around. Get use out of you.
- Bo likes how witty you are. You don't like to be bossed around which is clearly why you ran away from home (what are you, 10?)
- At first he's very callous to you and makes no effort to understand you. As far as he's concerned, you're another spoiled out of towner, just impeding on he and his brother's strange get rich scheme (more on that later. I'll explain in end notes.)
- What's worse is you're argumentative. Whenever he asks you to do something (read: yells at you), you always gotta talk back. You say funny stuff sometimes but it's annoying mostly. Vincent enjoys it much more than he does.
- You make nice with Vinny first. When you aren't forced to do chores, he lets you help him with the wax. Bo sees this and eventually realizes that while you are certainly mouthy, you are human with like hobbies and shit.
- He's a chef he's a gourmand
- He cooks for he and Vincent because Vincent, due to some brain damage, has a weird palette. So anything he makes either has way too much seasoning, or it tastes like cardboard. Bo on the other hand, grew up running around the streets of Baton Rogue with his friends after school. He KNOWS how to cook good.
- He's also good at first aid. The actual surgery and medical stuff is Vincent's wheelhouse but once you broke your arm trying to fix some shutters he told you to fix. He felt bad so he very gingerly fixed your arm. It healed really nicely but you'll never forget the way those blue eyes of his were so warm when he looked at you, touching the bend in your forearm and his voice, gentle as the day you first met went, "does it hurt?"
- Yeah but you looking at me like that bout to get me pregnant hurts worse sir
- As a boyfriend he's only jealous/protective around tourists. But as a dude in a town with a population of technically 3.5 if you count Lester's visits, he gets it. He does not mind his twin ogling you. He does not mind sharing EVENTUALLY. At first, he's very apprehensive.
- Bo's love language is physical touch. Even nonsexual touch is nice. He likes laying his head in your lap while yall watch TV and you rake your nails through his scalp gently.
- When he gets night terrors he likes to hold onto you in the dark like hope. He puts his face in your chest and he's almost like a little kid for a second. You have no choice but to coddle aw noooo aw man can't believe I have this hot sexy guy in my lap crying ohbhughghh
- If you're pear shaped? He loves your hips. Man, woman, ethereal creature, it don't matter. He was born an ass man he'll die an ass man.
- If you like star gazing, he'll listen to you rattle off about constellations. He likes listening to people ramble about unique special interests because it gives him a little taste of variety in his quiet life.
- big. Thick. Cut.
- leftward pitch and he loves doing mating presses.
- much more inclined to rough sex (obviously)
- I do know he likely and unfortunately assaulted those ladies on the wall but in my HCs I like to think it was CNC instead. What stops him from doing the same here is you're too loud and mouthy, so the attraction is initially not there.
- As you soften up because of Vin though, and start opening up and smiling and being cute, he can't help but let his mind roam sometimes.
- Loves fantasizing you in different little costumes to dress up in. A visitor once visited and she was a cam girl! In your size! So lucky!
- please were garter belts this man will not be normal
- Loves intercurral. To punish you if he catches you masturbating, he'll fuck your thighs until he cuts, leaving you all hot and bothered.
- The basement does not come into equation until after the first time. And the first time is more of a gentle, romantic moment of vulnerability.
- Your first time was during a thunderstorm and you were telling him about your past and how so many people hurt you. Abused you. He felt so connected to you. You always held back your anger and he let you express it by throwing stuff and by the end of it you were a sobbing and screaming and laughing mess and he was standing in the debris and he saw himself and he reached out and kissed you in an attempt to ammend himself.
- When he made love to you that night, he decided your ass is never moving out sorry lol
- Exhibitionist. Likes to take you to Baton Rogue for little dates and fucks you in alleys and parks. The most exciting was a drive in theater he took you to where you gave him head. He fucked you in the wooded area outside after.
- Hahaha okay but what if you confessed and he fucked u in the confessional would that be crazy or what
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have a few HOW headcanons actually!
- the boys do the whole house of Wax thing in an attempt to get rich. Bo decided "oh I guess I could be mayor but hm no money here" and he rubbed two cells together and was like "WHAT IF WE MADE AN ATTRACTION THAT WAS THE BESTEST."
- tricked Vin into it cause "they're carrying Mom's legacy :(((( she'd love this trust me we're gonna expand the house into a town it'll be great."
- Lester's there cause he loves his brother's and is also admittedly a bit crazy himself. He's definitely tied a few people up and intimidated people, but that's not his usual job. He's too baby.
- Canonically, where Ambrose is located, it would be a roughly 30 min drive (or 2 hours I forgor lol) to Baton Rogue! So fun fact. They're Baton boys uwu
- I think even though Bo is a good cook, gumbo is Lester's wheelhouse cause he's just got that swagger to him. Like if I met Lester and he was like "do u want me to make you gumbo" I'd say yes, no hesitation.
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seresinslady · 8 months
Just Between Us - Prologue
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Bradley has been in love with you since you were thirteen. He would do absolutely anything for you, including fake dating you so that your parents didn’t find out about your secret older boyfriend.
High School AU Bradley Bradshaw x Best Friend Mitchell!Reader
Warnings: 27 year old OC dating a 17 year old Reader. Goose is alive…….. and he’s kind of an antagonist……. Oops. Not proof read bc it’s 4am and I have work tomorrow.
At seventeen years old you were old enough to know the signs of a guy liking you. And maybe Bradley had checked all of those boxes, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge it. Growing up as an only child, he was your person. A best friend, a confidant, a shoulder to cry on, a person meant only for you. “What if they get married someday” quickly turned to “they’re definitely gonna get married someday” in the conversations your parents would have about you behind your backs. Pete Mitchell, Ester Mitchell, Nick Bradshaw and Carole Bradshaw watched on painfully at every interaction the two of you had. Whether it was hanging out watching tv, doing a class project together, or miserably failing at baking, three things were always extremely evident to all of them.
1. Bradley was hopelessly in love with you.

2. You had no idea.

If Nick was honest, the intensity in which Bradley loved you scared him a little bit. There was a running list of reasons this incited fear in him, but he would never say it out loud. He was pretty confident that Bradley would come to him for advice about the situation one day, and he would use that moment to steer him in the right direction. Until then he would keep his thoughts to himself and he certainly wouldn’t tell his wife. She has been planning your wedding ever since she noticed that glint of lovestruck awe in her son’s eyes.
It’s not that he didn’t love you. You had always been like a daughter to him, in the same way Bradley was like a son to Pete. Nick just has a gut feeling that if you asked Bradley to walk into oncoming traffic, he’d do it with a smile on his face and that is what worries him.
“I thought y/n had a study group tonight?” Nick casually mentions to the small group of parents as he sees your figure blur pass the entry way and up to Bradley’s room.
“She was supposed to. It probably ended early or something…” Pete trails off and looks over at his wife who is giving him a queasy look. “I- I’ll go check on them. I mean her. I’ll go check on her.” He put down his drink and walked up the stairs.
3. You and Bradley were sleeping together.

A topic of conversation that had begun amongst the group when Carole walked in on the two of you curled up in bed a few weeks ago.
“Well, did they have clothes on?!”
“I don’t know, I just bolted out of there! I don’t think they even saw me, they were sleeping!”
“Did they have clothes on?”
Pete shoots his wife a pointed look as he bounces back down the staircase. “Yes, and not funny.” Pete was in extreme denial that his precious baby girl even knew what sex was. He was wrong. 
“She said her study group ended early because a few kids had track practice,” he explained.
Upstairs you were throwing yourself onto Bradley’s old leather beanbag, a giddy smile on your face. He was reading some magazine about airplanes that you had bought for him at the convenience store yesterday. “I have a secret!” Your mischievous smile beamed across the room towards him.
He eyed you with an unserious fearful look. “What…?” He said cautiously. It wasn’t often, if ever, you two kept secrets from one another.
“I wasn’t at a study group.”
“But you just told your dad-”
“I know what I told my dad, Bradley. But I couldn’t tell him where I actually was or he’d lose his shit.” You explained.
Bradley sat up on his bed, laying the magazine face down on the blue quilt. You had peaked his interest now. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to reveal your previous whereabouts.
He raised his eyebrows, “well are you gonna tell me?”
“Tell you what?” You said with faux confusion.
“Where you were!” Bradley laughed.
“Oh… sure I’ll tell you… for a price.” You bargained. 
“Ever the hustler, huh?” he rolled his eyes playfully. “What do you want?”
“I want your cookie tomorrow at lunch!” You seemingly pulled that out of your back pocket.
Your immediate response had taken Bradley aback, but he laughed at you as your eyes sparkled with pride. “Fine, now spill it.”
“I was on a date!” You whispered with excitement.
Bradley felt that ever so familiar heart drop. A date. You had been on a date. 
He couldn’t even get out a response before you started your way over to him, phone in hand. You plopped down next to him. Your perfume smelt so good today. Had you put it on for your date?
Bradley watches your side profile as you scroll through your phone, letting the screen illuminate your face. A strand of your neatly pulled back hair suddenly fell out of place, but before Bradley could reach up to fix it, you brushed it behind your ear without a second thought and quickly turned to face your phone towards him.
“This is him! Isn’t he cute? I mean, I know you probably can’t tell cause you’re a guy, and guys can’t tell when another guy is hot but-”
As you rambled, Bradley’s face morphed into terror while looking at the photo. He gently took the phone from your hand to get a better look. “Y/n. How old is this guy?”
“But I figured you’d– Oh, he’s only like twenty-seven.”
“Twenty-seven?!” Bradley shouted as he stood abruptly from the bed. 
“Bradley, keep your fucking voice down!” You stood up to face him, glancing at the door to make sure it was shut all the way.
“Twenty-seven!” He turned his full shout, to a whisper shout. His shock still hadn’t worn off. “Y/n, you’re seventeen.” Bradley reminds you.
“Oh thanks for reminding me, I didn’t know that.” Sarcasm twisted in your tone but he ignores you. 
“Y/n, this is serious, you’re a minor. He’s 10 years older than you. Does he know you’re seventeen?”
You huffed in annoyance. “Yes, he knows and he’s fine with it.” Bradley’s shock only grew more as he paced away from you. “Dude, can you just be cool about it? My dad is 8 years older than my mom, it’s not that big of a deal.” 
Bradley angrily turns on his heel to face you.. He was visibly stressed and pissed. “Dude, the big deal is that he’s a full grown adult and you’re in highschool. He’s a fucking pedophile, y/n!”
“A pedo- I’m not a child, Bradley-”
“UH, legally, yeah you are!” He interrupts you.
“Well, legally, I’m an adult next month.” You retorted, throwing your hands up. “So…”
Bradley seemingly loses the strength to fight with you on this any longer, as he sits down in his desk chair, placing his elbows on his knees and puts his face in his hands. He lets out a deep sigh.
“B…” You said quietly, walking over to him. When he didn’t look up, you sat down in front of him and gently pulled his hands away from his face. He looked at you, eyes full of anxiety and exhaustion from your mini fight. “B, I understand why you’re worried, but you gotta trust me. I’m being careful and we haven’t had sex or anything. I haven’t even kissed him, I just really like him and I think he likes me too.”
The mention of sex makes Bradley’s heart stop for a second. He was happy to hear you say you hadn’t done anything with this clearly disturbed man, but he still felt nauseous at the fact that you even had it on your mind.
“I-I don’t know what to say, y/n.” Bradley gives up.
“Just… say you trust me.”
Trusting you is far different than trusting this stranger, but it wasn’t a lie when Bradley responded “I trust you.”
“Good! Now, tell me about your magazine!”
And just like that, Bradley had gotten over his anger with you. Your sweet face looking up at him with a small grin. You were trying to cheer him up and distract from the argument that had just gone down. You both knew that this conversation would definitely pick up another time, but for right now  Bradley would just tell you about his magazine.
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Okay this is the first TGM piece I have ever put out but I’m pretty excited about it. I use to write Bucky Barnes fics before I deleted my account but I’ve been reading TopGun fics for about a year now. ANYWAYS!! lmk what you guys think.
It’s gonna be loosely based on Dear John and All Too Well.
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pillow4t · 8 months
These are just my favorite/main headcannons tbh
• HEAVY on the they/them Moria
• Cassidy is a girls girl™ If he's out on a mission with (insert literally any woman in ow) and some creepy guy is hitting on her/touching her, he'll go over and defend her, pretending to be her boyfriend so they'll back down
•Trans Junkrat!!! Trans Sombra!!!!
•Roadhog had a wife and kids before he joined the AFL idc what anyone says
•Baptist calls lifeweaver "Flè mwen" which means "my flower" in Haitian Creole (I used a translator so let me know if I'm wrong <3)
•Pharah stole one of Cassidy's hats back in his blackwatch days when she was 13, she still has it (and sometimes wears it around the bass)
•Genji has a drink named after him at the bar he used to frequent when he was younger
•Junkrats mom spoke Arabic so that's why he gravitated to Ana when he was first around her, he hasn't told anybody tho
•Mercy loves to harp on Cassidy about his smoking habits like she isn't living off of coffee and cigarettes (and sometimes a bagel bc of pharah😌
•Cassidy got Ana a "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt for Christmas, he bought it as a joke, she wears it regularly.
•Junkrat can swallow something then bring it back up, it's a great party trick, he thinks, but it usually grosses people out. It's come in handy on missions tho
•When Sojourn brings Murphy to the watchpoint, she gets SMOTHERED with pets, kisses and love from everyone. The same thing happens when Brigitte brings Mitzi around.
•Symetera and Lifeweaver have completely opposite tastes in music so they were CONSTANTLY arguing about who gets to put on music when they shared a dorm (sym usually won)
•When Hanzo laughs he snorts
•Lúcio has real bad arthritis and his skates are more braces than anything, he also has knee, hand and back braces at the ready
•Tracer gets Emily a souvenir from every place she gets deployed to
•Zenyattas favorite color is Yellow
•JunkerQueen carries around hamster treats in her pockets when Wreaking Ball is with her "For when the champ gets hungry!" She always says(in reality she just thinks it's cute how hamsters eat)
•Torbjorn sometimes brings his (older) kids around if the original group of Overwatch is there, he trusts the others...just not with his kids and is really reluctant with Brigitte
•Roadhog has been teaching Junkrat how to properly write and read and it's really improved how Junkrat functions when they're not fighting for survival in the outback
•Illari is a jewelry girl, but she cant wear to much because it gets in the way of training/fighting, but her collection of gold accessories is off the charts
•Sombra took the username D.va on social media and finds it SO funny that Dva has to use a different variation of her gamertag
•I feel like Reaper still has the same sense of humor he did in over/blackwatch and will constantly make witty jokes to Widowmaker or Moria who just give him a blank stare, Doomfist usually finds them funny tho
•Kiriko and Genji literally cannot cook to save their lives and usually takes two of them to make a small microwave meal
•B.O.B had his voice box removed when he was working for Ashes parents and even after all the years of her offering him to get his voice back, he chooses to use sign language instead but the offer is always on the table, Ashe says
•Lúcio has a 10k DJ set up in his room, and gets violent if anyone tries to mess with anything, literally almost took Cassidy's other arm off when he moved a bunch of dials, he'll show you around the soundboard if you ask tho!
•Kiriko is Hanzo and Genjis Cousin (Asa is their mom's sister <3)
•Reinhardt snores. LOUDLY. Brigitte had to get him a sleep apnea mask so she was able to sleep in the same vicinity as him
•Reaper is from Michigan🫶🏻
•Soldier76 gets made fun of by D.va for being old, but the second he's like "me and Ana are practically the same age" D.va gets all defensive "you just called a woman old!"
•Mei and Tracer share a room, they both sleep better with company
•(Blackwatch)Moria and Genji had an anime night where they would watch 10-20 episodes of any given series they were on, but
But yeah :) I'm incapable of liking something a little bit so yeahhhh
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dumbfilmstudent · 2 years
Watching a 14 year old 8th grader
Things I have been told/asked:
She showed me EVERY Pokémon and made me judge them and then told me I was wrong about every single one
Why Luka is a better boyfriend than Adrien Agreste (thankfully something I could understand)
Made me explain the entire plot of Steven Universe bc she saw one episode but couldn’t find the rest
That she is in love with a Splatoon character
Explained the full Five Nights at Freddie’s Lore (maybe better than MatPat who, by the way, she has no idea who he is)
Asked me about those Urban Legend Horror games like Bloody Mary and the Elevator game and then proceeded to have to sleep with every light on bc she was scared
Told me she doesn’t swear and doesn’t respect people who swear and that she has cut off friends who swear. I have to apologize every time I accidentally curse because of this.
She had me read 14 pokemon ffs on fanfiction.net to make sure there wasn’t any adult content.
In that same vein told me that she had learned how to use ao3 filters (something I had accidentally taught her how to do last time I watched her)
Asked me if I knew what Dokidoki literature club is and made me read 5 of those fanfictions too to make sure there was no adult content (there obviously was. How she ended up in dokidokiliterature is beyond me. She said it was because she is in love with Monika)
Made me read the ao3 ship stats and then asked me about every single fandom/show etc
Quick rundown of what she said when I explained them: Hannibal “remind me never to watch that”, Harry Potter “no one even cares about Harry Potter. Is Dumbledore gay?”, Supernatural “why are ppl shipping brothers” and then I explained destiel and how he got sent to hell and then she got mad at me for saying Hell, 911 “why does 911 have a fandom? People being hurt isn’t funny” I had to pick around a bit but realized she thought that 911 emergency calls were being made into fanfiction, BTS “who even are these people”, My Hero Academia “an anime? I don’t watch it. Is there any Comiket Communicate in the top ten?”, MCR “what’s that” I showed her some music and mvs “why do people like this it’s weird” to which I explained ppl were emo bc I didn’t know how else to explain and she said “my friend is a tall and skinny emo” and then wandered off
Made fun of me for thinking 53 degrees was cold. (We live in California. It is cold)
A dream she had where her friends are baking cookies but her one friend who she calls her little brother climbed into the oven
The fact that her friend group play house and she is the oldest sister
While roleplaying as a family they also roleplay that they can all turn into Eevees (this is not a one time game. They have done this for three years)
Asked me why there are so many fanfictions about BTS because she doesn’t understand how ppl can ship real people
While I was trying to explain it I accidentally mentioned the Dan and Phil real people shipping problem and she proceeded to ask me about who they are. I tried to be vague but she kept asking questions until I explained their whole online career.
Asked me what Doctor Who was and what he was a Doctor in.
Made me watch Friday Night Funkin modded videos for what felt like six hours and then had me watch her play animal crossing.
Told me that boyfriend from Friday night funkin was not good enough for girlfriend and that girlfriend should be with Sky from the Sky Mod (I don’t know what these words mean but I’m sure I agree)
Explained an Eevee YouTube fanfiction series in its entirety.
Wandered back and forth across the living room in front of me listening to music in headphones breathing incredibly loudly making me incredibly overstimulated (she’s got a cold it’s not her fault)
Explained her entire friend groups sexuality, gender and pronouns, mental illness, and the Eevee evolution they are when the rp.
Btw the first time I met her she asked me if I had ever had a fictional crush, I said yes, and she said “I only have girl fictional crushes” which through her mother for a loop she told me later, not bc she’s homophobic (she’s literally a lesbian) but because she had never met me before and was surprised how open she was around me.
Today proceeded to try to explain the nuances of bisexuality vs pansexualty. She has never been on tumblr or twitter but was definitely aware of the arguments.
Asked me what one direction is
Got mad that I named a character in a Pilot for a college film class after a girl who is her friend at a math tutoring place who I of course have never met and then yelled at me until I changed the name. I didn’t but she doesn’t know that.
Told me I need to vacuum my car. I do.
Handed me a warhead and watched me eat it with the most malicious look on her face as though she was tricking me or something.
Cooked all of her meals by herself, gets up and leaves for school on her own, does all her hw immediately, doesn’t swear, let’s the dog out every morning. Literally the most self sufficient child I have ever met (was able to do all of this three years ago when I started watching her) the only reason I’m here is in case of a freak accident or because she freaks herself out at night at can’t sleep.
Then she puts the pot she used to cook pasta on the floor for the dog to lick up…
Asked me what pecan pie is
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td-frog · 2 months
thoughts on dcas e7:
god this season is doing such a good job with jake. after last episode it'd make so much sense for him to just be jealous and upset, but instead he's genuinely trying to communicate. and literally saying "you always wanted me to do this, so i'm trying, please talk to me" is like. really good.
idk for sure but it does feel like tom's lying about the boyfriend. at the very least, not giving any more information (valid choice if it's true given they're on tv and that ruined his life in s1) makes it seem like he's lying, which sucks for jake because at this point he is doing everything right.
not really surprised that aiden's mad at jake about it given he and tom are friends and he and jake don't know each other, but it is a little disappointing given how clearly (to the audience) jake is Trying His Best
also i do kind of love that this very much could have been the end of it if it weren't for ellie intentionally fucking it up.
villains alliance
i fully forgot that alec didn't know about the letters. of course he didn't, he would absolutely have taken it seriously because he's the only person in the alliance trying to make it work. i do think it's funny that he and riya had a conversation about it without even checking if anyone was listening tho.
gabby finding out was inevitable, ever since the "ellie would've told me line" but i do feel bad for her. i'm worried this is going to backfire on tess tho, since she offered to talk to ellie first. their relationship is really sweet and it makes sense for the game to mess it up, but yeah :(
magenta team
prediction from last time: "if it's magenta team it's probably fiore, which makes me think it won't be magenta team." well i was half right!
i love fiore so much and i'm sad to see her go, but honestly i really really love what they're doing with jake here.
like the theme of his character is Trust Issues, and in s1 that was a lot more lashing out at people over tiny slights which was not the most likable trait. but now he's learned that that's not healthy and is trying to correct it, but the core issue is still there. the fear and worry at being hurt or abandoned hasn't gone away, he's just not externalizing it as much.
like i genuinely don't think ashley is wrong for hanging out with ally, not eliminating ally, not picking up on the severity of jake's anxieties, etc. in fact i think kicking ally out would've made it worse, bc what he needs more than immediate reassurance that he's her ultimate bestie is to build up resistance to the fear of abandonment- being able to experience the worry and have it turn out okay without needing ashley to do something dramatic will help demonstrate that it doesn't have to be as big of a deal as his relationship trauma is telling him.
but also i get it. and i'm not worried about ashley turning on him, but i do think he's not going to handle it well bc he needs to be liked so bad and is not having a good time.
other thoughts
yellow team took more of a backseat this episode (besides the villains alliance thing, but that was a bit more ellie focused), but yul continues to be the world's shittiest boyfriend. grett has grown so so much since s1 and it's gonna hurt so bad when this gets exposed i know it :(
#trevek confirmed ig, still kind of largely ignoring it for personal reasons.
cyan team should be high focus next episode, mainly bc of the villains thing. i think it's likely ellie will react badly to being confronted about it, and i can see it causing team tension esp with gabby. if they end up having elimination i don't really see ellie surviving at this point? mostly because tom and aiden are already biased against her and while i can see gabby sticking with her i don't think she could convince tess.
i don't think magenta will be up for elimination again, mainly because i think their current drama needs some time to marinate. ashley won't turn on jake unless he gives her a Really Good reason, and i don't see that happening in a single episode. and if they take ally out that kills the tension of jake not knowing how it'll go. so that (along with them having the smallest team) has me leaning against them.
if it's yellow, it's probably yul. riya and alec have not been subtle about their dislike, and there's no longer a non-villain option. i guess if grett hasn't figured out his act by then it could be a tie (in which case i think yulgrett would vote for riya, and yul would win the tiebreaker for narrative purposes (it not making sense for him to go home before being exposed to grett)), but it could go differently. i think it's more likely to be cyan tho.
i should note i have no idea when to expect the merge. it feels too soon right now though.
also! i don't really think tess is in danger (although as team mediator and the tiebreaker between gabellie and tomaiden, she is the obvious candidate for getting out via trickery), but i do think she might be out soon- mainly, i'm expecting ally to be the one from her trio that lasts the longest, and i'm really interested to see how she reacts to tess elimination vs hunter. i also think it'd be interesting if tess gets out before they get much of a chance to catch up, and how that would affect things. anyways not likely to be next episode but i can maybe see that coming up at some point.
also also! i will very much enjoy seeing alec's response to fiore's elimination :3c (not that there will be one, of course, because he does not care :3c)
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ttimecode · 3 months
MILOOOO IM ORDERING U TO GO HAM RN!!!!! JELATO, 3, 9, 10, 14 AND REYNOLD, 3, 9, 12 also i chuckled seeing you ask for aine WIWIWIWI WHIMSUR GF BEBE
AHEEHEE GIGGLE THANK YOUUU i had to.... for whismur wifeyy HAHAJFJJENFN
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
for jellatooo i think a lot of folks at the wild east would just be like. "oh yeah, the sheriff's boyfriend! he doesn't talk but he's real close with north star ☝️" HEHEHEHE he's just acquaintances with them, the kinda person who just waves in your direction if you say hi and thats it 😭 but they appreciate when jellato calms starlo down with just a tug on his hand (or a kiss to the cheek aha). plus he makes their sheriff happy, so he's good in their book 👍👍
as for reynold, i feel like a lot of the people at the manor would expect him to be stuck up since he's a noble but when they actually do talk to him they're like "huh. actually he's not that bad" HAHAHDNWND he has good manners ok..... and his music is nice to listen to so they're not complaining
9. who are your self insert's closest friends?
jellato's closest friends are, unsurprisingly, the feisty four and ceroba! maybe the feisty four took a bit to warm up to him (especially if starlo gave him special treatment 😭) but yk, just Look At Him. that guy has zero ill intent so ofc they accept him into the group!! they enjoy when jellato comes back from waterfall's dump with a bunch of movies for them to watch <3 i think ceroba and jellato have this silent truce like "thank you for making him happy" "thank you for taking care of him until i arrived" and they get along well
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o's relationship?
yeah i can see them teasing starlo for being gay HAAHJDJEJNFFN maaaybe it starts with starlo starting to be late for missions and the feisty four are, understandably mad at first but then starlo slips up and say smth that gives away the fact that he's been with jellato...... and they're like "OH?? WHO'S THE LUCKY GUY HUH" i think it would be funny to see the feisty four trying to be starlo's wingman. wingmen ?? idk. everyone's happy for them‼️‼️ i think it would be funny if jellato met starlo's family though. especially bc of the dialogue where his mom is like "he needs to settle down and find a wife" HELEPFJEJJGJR well... he's not a wife but a husband..... they show jellato starlo's baby pictures while starlo tries to make him look away like HAHA LOOK OVER THERE. THERE'S UH. A BIRDIE 🫵🫵🫵 he's embarrassed but jellato thinks it's cute
12. how would the fandom view your character?
they probably call reynold a composer ripoff 😭 which is understandable tbh i wasn't very creative with him 🚶‍♂️ but i'm sure they'll love purpleflowertrio at least.... fandoms love gay ppl ok. i can imagine everyone go insane over any official art where they're together or if they have matching costumes.... or if they have interactive emotes with each other auagsgfhfhghgh........ it's a cute thought
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
OOHH ok this one is interesting but i like to think that jellato likes drawing stuff with the notebooks/sketchbooks that starlo gifts him. i like to think that when jellato writes stuff he draws little doodles next to it.... like a heart next to starlo's name or smth yk. maybe before he migrated to the dunes, he would mostly sleep a lot in waterfall so he didn't do much until he met starlo and the others. figuring out what he likes to do with them is so sweet...... OH YEAH he probably likes singing too. especially with starlo or if he's playing guitar while jellato sings ueueueuee
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reel-fear · 1 year
Any shockbee headcanons you haven't shared here? 👀
GOSH,,, theres probably a few considering how obsessed with them I am and I certainly will never quite be done talking abt them KJNDSFKJGNSFDGKJNDFGSD.
I'm not sure if this is a hc or more speculating on a possible au but I think if Shockwave had told Bee who he was before things went all fucky with Wasp and such Bee would've been shocked yes but I don't think Bee would've wanted to turn him in. I think at first he very much would've underestimated how big of a deal dating a secret con would be and would just kind of treat it like a cool forbidden romance which would end with both side happily singing together. If you've ever heard "We See The Light"from something rotten yeah thats how Bee imagines it I think.
More on speculating on that idea I wish we had more fics exploring the idea of a world where in boot camp Shockwave came clean bc I think Bee being kinda ignorant in his understanding of the cons would be an interesting idea to explore. Bee tells him to just join the autobots bc they are the "good guys" and doesnt realize how tasteless that is. He insists the autobots would react better to Shockwave being a con than is likely bc Shockwaves 'not like the other cons' idk I think it would be interesting drama-
Bumblebee in boot camp was very prone to letting his insecurities and his inner fears make a fool of himself in their relationship. I think if Longarm started to get in good will with almost any other mech Bee would've started PANICKING thinking it would most certainly be the perfect excuse for Longarm to drop him like a piece of trash and ditch him. Which leads to him purposely doing dumb stuff to impress Longarm and try to keep his relationship a float. Sometimes its funny, sometimes its tiring and Shockwave was prolly relieved to see Bee go through a bit of development with not being so insecure bc yeah Bee kinda lets them get to him sometimes-
Bee has a HUGE tendency in boot camp to give into peer pressure and then drag Longarm into it. Ironhide brought vodka into the barracks? Well quick Longarm we have to drink it too otherwise we're chicken! Shockwave finds it somewhat endearing bc it leads to him doing things he never would have otherwise and its fun to be reckless sometimes but also Bee please put the fireworks away this isn't worth street cred-
Bee is very openly affectionate in front of others, Shockwave rarely stops him bc they are very touch starved and I think I've said this before but if the cons/autobots ever made a Warrior cats style 'its illegal to date people on the opposite faction' law punishable by death they would die first-
Bee has undiagnosed dyslexia, Longarm quickly becomes his proof reader for reports and boot camp assignments.
Bee has a ton of posters, decorations and strange things in his room, Longarm has those set ups people make fun of for being the pinnacle of single men having no decorations or furniture.
Longarm keeps a diary type book full of reports on day to day activities just for himself, Bee has started several diaries and uses them for a few days before ditching them.
As far as Shockwave is concerned every joke is funny as long as Bee is the one saying it and nobody agrees but Bee loves it.
Shockwave fidgets and moves his antlers a lot when he is thinking, he denies this but Bee has noticed it a lot. He's pretty much memeorized most of Longarm's fidgets and general way he acts
Bc of this I think if Shockwave were to meet Bee and just pretend he was unrelated to Longarm n such Bee would actually piece the truth out himself bc he was never observent in class, but he could stare at his wonderful boyfriend Longarm for hours...
Autism and ADHD love they have <3 their brains just click together a lot of the time and Bee helps Longarm unlearn his constant need to mask.
These are all the ones I can think of rn, really trying to avoid treading over ground I already touched on KJDNSFGKJDNFSGKJNFDGSD, EITHER WAY, I hope u like hearing me spill more brain thoughts-
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supermarine-silvally · 4 months
relationship asks: 40 to 50 for Portada?? emphasis on 48 bc potential Law interaction 👀👀 I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been down lovely :(( sending good vibes your way and there’s no way you can dodge them <33 -🍂
Aww thank you so much Alvita!!! I appreciate it a lot!! <33
40) What's a secret one would never tell the other?
Well, they know each other’s MAJOR secret (i.e. their parentage) and Yara also told Ace about what really went down on Phestris Island with Cipher Pol (when she acquired her Devil Fruit) so I feel like the secrets that they end up keeping from each other are really petty. Like, “I accidentally broke your favourite mug but you assumed Thatch did it and I never bothered to correct you because I didn’t want you to be mad at me”
41) If they had to spend a month apart, how would they fare?
They probably spent at least a month or more apart during Ace’s Blackbeard hunt (before the battle on Banaro Island and its, shall we say, “aftermath”) and while neither of them was happy to be apart from the other that long, they managed to cope alright. They had a piece of each other’s vivre card (Ace had folded his into the shape of a heart before he gave it to her) and could see that the other was doing well through that, and they wrote letters back and forth the whole time. Ace sent Yara a bunch of goodies from his travels, too. Mostly stuff he stole for her.
42) If someone else assumes they are romantic partners, how do they react?
I’m assuming this is before they’re officially together, back in the pining stage lol but Yara handles it with a shrug and a “he’s not my boyfriend, actually” (which Ace has to pretend doesn’t sting nearly as bad as it does). She gets a bit flustered, but is overall pretty good at keeping her racing heart under control (or at least not letting it show on the outside). Ace gets a lot more noticeably flustered. If he’s alone, he probably wouldn’t bother to correct the person (like if a merchant assumed he was shopping for a girlfriend) but if Yara’s there he’ll more vigorously deny it because he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable— for awhile he just couldn’t fathom the concept of her actually liking him back (poor boy thinks he’s unlovable)
43) If someone else assumes they are blood relatives, how do they react?
They’d think it’s more funny than anything. They look nothing alike. It’d probably become an inside joke about how they wouldn’t wish that fate (being the child of [Ace’s father] or Mihawk) on anyone.
44) If they had to squeeze together in a cramped space, what would happen?
Poor Ace lmao he’s trying his best not to think dirty thoughts (especially before they’re together). If they’re together at that point, though, he might take the opportunity to make a suggestive comment. Depending on the situation, he might even get his wish lol
45) If one of them was in trouble, what would the other do?
Well, Marineford lol — there’s a reason their otp tag is “I’d burn the world for you”— Ace in a more literal sense because of his Devil Fruit, but there’s no lengths Yara wouldn’t go to in order to protect the light of her life.
46) If they could each have one wish related to the other, what would it be?
Yara wishes Ace would be able to fully realize and accept just how loved he really is so he can start to love himself and understand that his life has worth, his existence isn’t a crime, and he deserved to be born.
Ace wishes that Yara and Mihawk would repair their broken relationship and by extension that Yara would accept and embrace who she is. He wants her to find that sense of belonging that she has been searching for her entire life.
47) If they had to solve a complex puzzle together, how would it go?
Yara solves it. Ace watches with his chin resting on her shoulder making unhelpful suggestions and getting shushed in return lol
48) If they swapped bodies, how would they handle it?
It’s too bad Ace and Law never met in canon cuz they’re both gunning for the competition of One Piece’s Most Traumatized, Mentally Unwell Man lmao (Law would probably win on the virtue of Ace at least having Luffy as a surviving family member whereas poor Law lost pretty much everyone, including Corazon ofc) but let’s just say they get hit with Law’s Room powers and that’s how it happens (for the sake of this question I’m also assuming they get full access to each other’s Devil Fruit powers lol)
Ace and Yara know each other’s bodies pretty well so it wouldn’t be completely traumatic for them. Ace is mostly amused by it and spends most of his time playing around with walking through walls and sticking his hand into solid objects. Yara also takes Ace’s powers out for a test drive— she’s always wanted to know just how powerful he really is, so she definitely goes to stand over by the ocean and lets out a few “HIKEN!!!!”s, just for the hell of it. They’re both relieved when they go back to normal, though.
49) If one of them wanted to split up, how would the other react?
If it was earlier in their relationship and they came to the realization that they worked better as friends, they would be able to go back to that state without too much grief. If it came after they’d been together awhile, though, neither of them would take it well at all lol if Ace initiated it, Yara would become petty and angry and vengeful and tbh would probably never speak to him again. If it was Yara splitting up with Ace, then he would get extremely depressed. It would make him hate himself infinitely more than he already does— just another confirmation that he doesn’t deserve to be alive.
50) If they had to write their future selves a note, what would it say?
“Dear future Ace and Yara,
Wherever you are, we hope that you’re happy together and that you both found the peace you have been searching for. We hope that you’re able to fully accept the love that the other person has to offer, and that everything turns out okay in the end. Sometimes it’s hard to see that either of us really will have a future, considering everything we’ve been through, but we hope it exists, and that you found it in good health and spirits. That’s a lot of hope, but times have been dark lately and hope is all we have that we’ll come out the other side alright. But maybe, as long as we have no regrets about the way we chose to live our lives, then that’s all we can ask for, even if one or neither of us makes it out alive.
Here’s to the future, and to hope.
Present Ace and Yara.”
ask game here!
One Piece nakama: @auxiliarydetective @daughter-of-melpomene @xoteajays
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rogersstevie · 9 months
i know it's just like, part of the show and like they probably did not realize what a monster they created with dean so of course they're not gonna have any of the characters acknowledge it and definitely not lorelai but it's crazy the things she does and how often she actually sides with dean over her own daughter
during the first breakup she's angry at him for hurting rory but then the second she finds out WHY he broke up with her she's like "oh i see now, i hate that you're afraid to say i love you" (which was a huge assumption on her part that it was all down to rory's fear and not that she just might not have been feeling it yet three months into her first relationship) instead of the reaction that she should have had which was: "that is a fucked up reason to break up with you and you should not ever feel pressured to say i love you back" AND THEN maybe she could get into talking about how it might be scary but if rory is actually feeling it, she should learn to take the leap and say the words anyway
there's at least two or three instances of mentioning how much he calls/making jokes about stalker behavior and i'm just like. okay i could sort of get it in the honeymoon phase if you're just that obsessed with each other but i don't see rory being that type in a relationship like she very clearly cared deeply and did fall in love with him but like, it definitely doesn't feel like a mutually obsessed with each other situation, it feels like he's the one in constant need of her presence (see how in 2x16 she says she wants a night alone and he shows up anyway)
but like 2x15 where she lays into jess about the bracelet and how important it is to rory (though he did not take it out of malice and he put it in her room BECAUSE rory was so distressed) instead of realizing how insane it is that rory is afraid to tell her boyfriend she lost something he gave her because she knows he'll make it a bigger thing than it is (like sure tbf she IS starting to feel less in that relationship than she once did but losing the bracelet has nothing to do with that)
or say 2x09 she sees rory freaking about dean and tristan interacting and dean potentially finding out about the kiss and lorelai herself acknowledges that it would hurt dean to find out rory and tristan kissed after they broke up even though ya know he dumped rory on their anniversary and she was heartbroken and even later she tries to help rory convince dean not to come to rehearsal to help her daughter prevent a fight that should not happen bc rory did not cheat on him!! like i understand it would be upsetting to find out your partner kissed someone the day after you broke up but like. rory was allowed to do whatever she wanted because she was single
and on a different note in 2x19 i think lorelai treats it differently because it's jess and she simply doesn't want rory to be connected to him but when she asks lorelai to tell dean she's with lane if he calls, she reacts instead like "oh i don't wanna lie to dean" though she knows damn well it will be a big thing if he learns rory is tutoring jess, that he will not be able to accept rory spending one on one time with him when he couldn't even handle her hanging out with him and paris in 2x16 ("he must have been crazy mad last night" lorelai says the next day when while she was not there to witness the whole thing she DOES know that rory was sharing a meal with two friends and dean showed up and freaked out) and that's proven when he returns home and finds out about the car accident and it shifts from concern at seeing rory injured to angrily kicking his duffel bag when she hands him a letter (because god she's too afraid to just say it and begs him to keep reading i hate it i hate it i hate it)
and it's funny that she "doesn't wanna lie to dean" when she gets involved in their relationship on other occasions like 2x13 he goes running to lorelai about jess and rory going off together when jess buys her basket and later lorelai goes on about her and dean's concerns about rory hanging out with jess like the two of them are teamed up to keep rory away from him it's just sdkjfks
it's so frustrating because fandom goes on about rory's infidelity (though it's yet another thing they ignore when it comes to paris cheating on her long time boyfriend in a full blown affair which hey if they were at least pointing out the way she was manipulated by an older man at only 19 then that would be different but they're really not or lorelai and christopher sleeping together while he's still very much in a relationship with sherry) and i HATE cheating i do but i will generally give fictional characters a pass for a slip up (like her kisses with jess while with dean and logan bc each were one time instances) so the only valid one to me to be mad about is sleeping with dean while he was married but even that he lied to her and told her the marriage was over even though it wasn't and also it was just a dumb plotline for the drama of it all but we're not gonna get into that now
but the point is like....at every turn everyone particularly lorelai was going on about how perfect her relationship with dean was and how good he is to her despite all evidence to the contrary so of course rory was confused and felt she had to stay with him. if not for lorelai being overly involved rory might've been able to just get out of that relationship, whether it was to be with jess or not, she could've realized how uncomfortable and arguably unsafe she felt and also that her love for him wasn't what it once was but instead she stayed because she felt obligated to and somehow rory is in the wrong for stringing dean along when lorelai was trying to push her closer to dean and away from jess (in fairness in 3x01 she did say rory had to decide between the two but she's also going on about how patient and supportive dean has been - not true - and sort of implying that jess couldn't be serious about her so like that along with jess/shane probably influenced rory's decision to try to stay with dean longer)
like it really seemed like she at least in part was trying to keep rory with dean just so she wouldn't be with jess but also even before jess came into the picture and was really a hindrance in rory and dean's relationship, lorelai saw all this shitty behavior from dean whether directly or just from rory telling her (who could have downplayed it but we didn't see a lot of those scenes in the aftermath of dean being shitty and possessive and whatnot) but it's just like oh my god how many times can you see all this and knowing your daughter and what kind of person she is still figure that she's in the wrong and dean is in the right instead of seeing that there are deep issues in the relationship that are not and never have been rory's fault
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beyondspaceandstars · 2 years
Treacherous (15)
Relationship: Druig x Reader Warnings: angst, such angst, bc of course Summary: Soulmate!AU - Soulmate tattoos are incredibly rare but you’ve never felt really proud to have one. Everyone else around you gushed over it while you found the whole thing ominous and a little inconvenient. Truthfully, you were never really convinced you’d find your other half… That is until a random camping trip leads you to a quaint village run by a dark and brooding man who just so happens to be your soulmate. Stuck in the forest with nothing else to lose, you agree to join his world, his little village, and see if there’s actually love behind the markings. A/N: I promise I will have other content to publish on this blog lmao this blog is not strictly dedicated to updating this fic I've just had another patch of writers block but what's new!
‘Treacherous’ Masterlist | Main Masterlist
The trip up to the apartment had felt nonexistent, much like your arrival back to New York. But you knew for a fact this time you weren’t under any spell. You were just in a bit of shock and your mind was going a million miles a second as your parents flooded you with kind words and questions.
The questions barely registered. All you heard was a swirl of: "Where have you been?" "Are you hurt?" "Why aren’t you saying anything?" "Did someone take you? Your dear boyfriend Eric has been saying…" 
What could you say? How could you begin to explain? In retrospect, the entire situation sounded completely unbelievable.
Everything mostly flowed from one ear out the next. It wasn’t until you were standing in the apartment kitchen, fiddling with the hem of your dress, did a question actually provoked a response from you.
"And where did you get that dress?" Your mother asked. It had felt like a silly question at first but you realized you probably just missed her going through the rest of her spiel. Your father turned to you, greatly curious as well. 
"It was… It was made," you explained, "for me." Your throat felt rough but you were glad to get out some kind of words. Baby steps, really. Soon you’d be spilling your guts. Although — you weren’t sure how safe that would be.
"It was…made for you?" Your mother repeated. Her eyes wandered over your appearance for probably the millionth time before she slowly nodded. "Oh… Okay, alright, got it." When she seemingly came to terms with this information, she slowly crossed the kitchen and engulfed you in another hug. She held on tight, desperately. "I’m so relieved to see you again. I’m — We’re — Everything is so happy you’re safe and here with us. You’re home. Finally."
You let yourself sink into your mother’s hold. Your father also approached, indicated by a hand suddenly patting you on the back. You heard some sniffles coming from them both. Guilt washed over you at the realization of what you had done. 
They didn’t know. You had to tell them. But how? How could you possibly sit here and explain your soulmate wasn’t some lawyer or doctor or whatever. He wasn’t living in a penthouse in the city or a mansion on the coast. He came from a group of immortals and had created his own sanctuary which he, in turn, wanted to share with you.
It was truly funny to think that just not too long ago, you had craved this reunion. Now, it only made everything more complicated.
"We, um," your mother sighed as she broke the hug and put some distance between you two, "are you able to tell us what happened? We should probably get you to the police station when you’re ready—,"
"The police?" You asked, dazed. They had gone to the police? You felt stupid now, of course, they would go to the police. You had…vanished, in a forest, no less. What else were they going to do?
Your mother nodded, looking concerned by your brief confusion. "We filed a report not long after you were supposed to be home. And then when you didn’t even arrive home with Eric, we knew something was…" Your mother let out another sniffle, her eyes watering instantly. "The police were having a hard time getting anywhere with the case. You weren’t exactly in the most reachable area of the world." She shook her head, regretfully. "I don’t think they tried, not really… But, I will say, your boyfriend was so helpful."
Your eyes grew wide and your heart sank at the second, kind mention of your…boyfriend. You didn’t even like saying the word in your head nor did you like the look in your mother’s eyes at the mention of him. 
"Wh—What about him?" You glanced over at your father, who had now left your side to lean against the counter across from you, and found he too seemed pleased about your boyfriend. 
"Well," your mother began, "when he returned he seemed a little…out of it, I guess, like he couldn’t remember New York or where he had been. What was even weirder is that he came here, to the apartment, first." She let out a little laugh, apparently wanting to take her sweet time explaining. You waited, silently egging her to continue. "We actually had to call his family, but, um… Anyways, when he returned, he kept mentioning a man, but he couldn’t give any details. He just remembers seeing a man and you." 
Your mother took a deep breath like she was preparing herself for a question she didn’t what to know the answer to. Meanwhile, your pulse was racing beyond belief.   She continued, asking softly, "Did a man take you, honey? Did… Did something like that happen?"
You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t know what to say. Your eyes were now watering, your head was pounding, and your heart was an unbearable weight to carry. You wanted to kick, scream, spill everything at that moment. But all that came out was a loud, frustrated cry. 
Everything continued to feel like a blur as next thing you knew, you were being escorted to an interrogation room in your local police precinct after your parents spoke with a few officers. Many of the officers appeared to barely bat an eye at your appearance despite your mother’s claims that she had reported your disappearance. But you started to understand their position when you passed a bulletin filled with missing posters. You felt like you were barely a blink on their radar. 
Besides, you hadn’t been missing. At least, not in the traditional sense. You certainly weren’t kidnapped either…right?
As you entered the interrogation room, the officer who had led you instructed you to have a seat and that was that. They shut the door, leaving you to your own devices for the time being. With the fan fair quite absent, you assumed they had to actually figure out who you were regardless of your mother practically reciting your police report to them from memory. 
Cautiously, you went to take a seat at one of the two chairs present, both situated around a rectangular table. But before you could sit, you caught your reflection in a mirror situated on one of the walls. Your appearance made your heart sink. 
You were still fitted in the days-old dress, now tattered and faded, a product of the disasters you had faced in such a short amount of time. Your hair was just as uncomfortable to look at, frizzy and unkempt. Your skin has light scraps on certain areas and you had a tough time recounting their origins. 
You didn’t know what you looked like but it sure wasn’t someone you recognized. Something in you had visibly grown, matured, and yet you had never felt more unsure of yourself. You didn’t like the feelings growing in you. You didn’t like feeling helpless. You didn’t like feeling lost. You especially didn’t like how that village suddenly felt more like home than your actual home. 
Before you could drown in your confusion and self-pity, the interrogation room door swung open and you were greeted by a female detective with kind eyes and a soft smile. Her eyes reminded you of someone you met briefly…but you had to shake off those thoughts immediately. 
The detective read off your full name from a thin file as she shut the door behind her. She then introduced herself but everything went in one ear and out the other. You gave her a short nod before finally taking your seat at the table. She took the other, moving carefully like you were a wild animal, seconds away from snapping. 
"Hi," the detective began, still wearing her comforting smile, "how are you doing?"
What a loaded question. You shifted in your seat, irritated. "Alright," you replied, short and sweet. 
The detective didn’t appear too surprised by your curt answer. She nodded, satisfied with your response, like you had replied with incredible enthusiasm, and opened the file. You couldn’t make out much besides what looked to be some random notes, a report, and your headshot from your old company employee badge. You were surprised to see they had even kept that photo of you after they tossed you out. 
"Would you like to give your side of what happened or should I begin with what we have here?"
What was she expecting you to say? And what on Earth could they possibly know? What had your boyfriend said?
"Wh-What’s in the file?" You asked softly. Maybe you could work with what they had. You didn’t know what giving up the truth would do. Chances of anyone, especially the police, accepting your story as truth were probably slim anyways.
The detective averted her gaze to the file and cleared her throat before telling your story like it was some tale. 
"On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, you and your boyfriend departed with two other sets of couples for an intense camping trip in the Amazon, partially funded by your local church and booked through a touring agency. Odd choice for vacation if I had to say so myself but, hey, we all have our things, right?" 
The detective looked at you as if gauging your reaction but you were still frozen, waiting. She continued, "Almost four days later, the two couples returned to the States. You and your boyfriend did not, as I presume you know. The couples, in an understandable panic, alerted your parents you are missing. Your parents, accompanied by your boyfriend’s family and the other couples from the trip, filed missing person reports, but right off the bat it was a challenging case." The detective shifted in her seat. "We deal with a lot at this precinct but young adults missing in the rainforest is not something we see every day. We got off to a slow start but we are very happy to see you were able to bring yourself home. That’s courageous, admirable. We are going to need to hear all about it when you’re ready, okay?"
Your stomach turned into vicious knots. You shook your head. "Escaped? I… I didn’t…"
The detective sent you a sympathetic look before moving along. "A bit into our investigation, we were notified that your boyfriend, Eric, had returned to New York. He and his parents came in for questioning and to provide statements. According to your boyfriend, you two had a fight shortly after you arrived at your campsite. You stormed off but he stayed behind, claiming he wanted to give you time to cool down. But then you failed to return that night. From our understanding, you are not a seasoned camper, correct?"
You shook your head again. The detective sighed.
"Your boyfriend and the couples started searching for you but said they were worried about getting lost in the first themselves. They claimed they had followed a designated path to their campsite and weren’t familiar with the surroundings. You weren’t familiar with them either, were you?"
"No," you replied. 
"We, um, can’t understand then why you would opt to walk in the direction of the forest."
You couldn’t believe you were just on the edge of explaining everything, of spilling it all out into the open. 
Trying to hold back, you responded with, "It just felt right."
"Felt…right?" The detective frowned. You nodded in confirmation. 
Despite being clearly unsettled by your answer, she continued reading from the file. "According to one of the couples, Eric was convinced he was getting closer to where you could possibly be. The couples didn’t understand this and tried reasoning with him, claiming they begged him to return home with them soon, but he refused. He said he didn’t want to go anywhere without you." She sighed. "Shortly after this, he too was gone."
The detective then produced another file, one you hadn’t seen immediately due to its thinness, but it had been nestled just beneath yours. When she opened it, the headshot photo of your boyfriend made your heart drop.
"Your boyfriend didn’t have much of a statement to give when he returned," the detective explained. "Unfortunately, he appeared to be suffering from some kind of memory loss. Doctors attributed it to potentially hitting his head at some point during the camping trip and all he could give us, according to this file, is that he remembered seeing you in some town with a man he didn’t recognize." The detective scanned the statement. "He also, apparently, couldn’t describe the man to us but the officer on shift that day underlined that part of the statement. He seemed pretty insistent there had been a man."
A man. They just kept unknowingly referring to him, to your soulmate, as if he was some guy out there who had done God knows what to you. They spoke of him as a mythical being, partially rightfully so, but they also regarded him like he had been nefarious. 
At each thought of your soulmate, the tattoo on your wrist itched and stung, so much so that you eventually had to try scratching it to calm down. This, unsurprisingly, drew the detective’s attention to your wrist. It was like fate was desperate to out you, forcing you to reveal all that you held within. The detective’s eyes widened as she realized what was on your skin. Her composure and professionalism almost seemed to collapse. 
"You’re…one of those?"
You scoffed. "One of those?"
The detective chuckled and shook her head in apology. "Forgive me, despite working with the public, I’ve only come across someone with a soulmate tattoo maybe a handful of times. Must’ve been nerve-wracking being apart from your boyfriend like that. His determination is heartwarming."
That comment, regardless of how innocent it was, was enough to push you over the edge. A fire erupted in your chest. You had never come across someone who had openly assumed your boyfriend and soulmate were one and the same. It was a reasonable assumption to make, which you probably would’ve understood better if you were in a better headspace, but something about it burned to hear.
"My boyfriend isn’t my soulmate," you finally snapped. 
The detective’s shock took on a whole new form at your statement. "Oh — I… Your boyfriend isn’t…" She rifled through the files, probably looking for something to backtrack with. "I’m sorry, I didn’t know that, I had just assumed… Oh. I don’t see any notes about a tattoo on him." She looked back up at you, regretfully. "I’m so sorry about that. We should, um, get back on track if that’s alright with you."
She was so on track and didn’t even know it. "Sure," you muttered. 
"Very well," the detective said and shuffled her papers again. "Now, I want to get more information on this man your boyfriend mentioned. Was his account correct? Were you…with a man?"
"Yes," you answered, hesitantly. 
The detective made a quick note before saying, "I want you to remember that you’re safe now, okay? You’re far away from him and whatever you say will do nothing but help us and yourself." She looked up from the papers and waited. When you didn’t answer, she asked, "Did this man kidnap you?"
You shook your head insistently. You swore your neck was gonna snap from all of this. Of course, they didn’t know your situation, they could only make assumptions based on their previous experience with missing persons, but why did they have to jump to such conclusions so quickly? The urge to set it all straight scratched at your skin. 
"No, absolutely not," you said. "He didn’t kidnap me. He…" The words were there, right on the tip of your tongue. You could taste them, taste that sweet admission. The kindest, grandest words someone in your position could ever say to another. 
The detective frowned. "He what?" Her pen hovered over the paper, ready to write down anything. You weighed your situation mentally. Once it was said, there was no taking it back. Everyone would possibly know. Your mother, your father, your boyfriend — or whatever he would be anymore… 
"The man…" You took a deep breath. "The man I was with is my soulmate."
You couldn’t look away from the detective as you watched her process the information. She placed her pen back on the table, no longer ready and eager to eat up what you had to offer. If she was anything, it was frozen. Emotionless, even. You had gone beyond catching her off guard. 
This entire "case" or whatever they considered it went up in flames because it no longer was anything. It was a kidnapping. It wasn’t a missing person’s report. It was really just the strangest soulmate story of all time. 
The irritation in your wrist’s skin subsided as the admission settled in the private room. 
At least, you hoped it was private. You glanced over at the "mirror" in the room. You weren’t stupid but you still prayed no one had decided to listen in.
"You weren’t kidnapped?" The detective asked again. 
You sighed and shook your head. 
"How… How did you know where to find him?"
Great question. You glanced down at your wrist. You felt the bond twitch.
"I didn’t," you admitted. "At least, not consciously. I… I didn’t go on the trip because I wanted to see my soulmate. I never would’ve thought I’d find him in the middle of the rainforest but once I got there… I don’t know." You shrugged. "I just felt something. Something irritated me. I had a short temper and an urge to get away. When my boyfriend and I had our fight, walking away felt right at first, then it was scary, and then… Well, then everything fell into place." Your mind flashed with vivid, exclaiming memories of the village. You had been so scared, so paranoid of everything when you arrived, but it was all sure captivating. 
The detective finally broke out of her gaze of wonderment. She looked away, down promptly at her files and forgotten pen. She appeared almost overwhelmed. You nearly scoffed at that.
"Why…" The detective paused to clear her throat. "Why don’t we take a break, okay? Get out of this stuffy room for a bit, grab some water. Would that be alright?"
The detective spoke with such a genuine tone you could tell it was maybe more for her than it was for you — but you certainly weren’t going to turn it down. This room absolutely did suck and you hated catching your appearance in the mirror every now and then. 
"Sure, that’d be nice," you said, standing from your chair. The detective also stood and you allowed her to take the lead as you approached the door. The turning of the knob felt almost terrifying to witness. You had bunkered down in this room, with this stranger, revealing anything and everything related to your…situation. Opening that door broke that seal you two had created on this cardboard box of a room. 
You couldn’t tell if the detective felt the same but she sure did let out a dramatic sigh as she opened the door of the interrogation room. 
You weren’t even halfway out of the room before you heard a man call your name. You, unfortunately, recognized that voice. 
You whipped your head around, understanding your fate as you came face-to-face with your boyfriend — your enraged boyfriend. 
You couldn’t even get a syllable out before he viciously asked, "That man was your soulmate?"
"We thought you were kidnapped but you had just run off with your soulmate!" 
With every word, he got closer and angrier. You, and apparently the female detective, were stunned, absolutely frozen in place, as you took in his justifiable rage. But even though it may have been understandable, you didn’t know how to respond. 
"I… I didn’t—,"
"You didn’t?" Eric snapped. "You didn’t?"
He was nearly fully in your space now and, thankfully, the detective with you could pull herself out of her own shock. 
"That’s enough," she said and began pulling your boyfriend away. He barely complied and let her lead him to an abandoned room. But he never took his eyes off you. His piercing, dagger eyes stayed on you as you stood helplessly in the hallway of the police station. 
A reunion you had actually wanted not too long ago suddenly was everything but a dream. 
And the worst of it was, you couldn’t blame him. You couldn’t blame his reaction at all. 
Maybe you had run off in some weird, twisted way of fate. Maybe it was always in the cards. 
You just didn’t understand how a bond that should’ve been everything to you could turn out like this.
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