#their env growing up
snekdood · 1 year
i think the problem with online political things is that people are more invested in coming off a certain way than they are about being honest and actually working on their bias’s
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catofoldstones · 10 months
I really fucking love The Bear, actually. I loved seeing Ritchie peel mushrooms with the head chef of a 3-star Michelin restaurant. Ritchie driving and singing along to love story. Him staging. Actually his whole character arc. Sydney joining work at the beef because Carmy made her the best meal of her life (and he doesn’t even know it). Carmy leaving the best restaurant in the world to work at this rundown one because his brother left him that. Carmy finding out that Michael wanted to franchise the restaurant with him and wanted to keep it a surprise and that’s why he was keeping Carmy at an arm’s distance. Nat joining the restaurant because she loves her brothers. Nat telling Carmy first about her pregnancy and telling him that no one else knows. Carmy, Nat & Syd actually turning it into a franchise. Them sending their cooks to culinary school and Marcus especially to Copenhagen. Syd wanting Tina as her sous and trusting her the most. Carmy not being able to see Syd in distress and building a non-verbal form of communication with her, despite being raised in an uncommunicative and abusive household, growing up feeling unloved. Nat deciding to be a mother and have a baby despite having a mother like Donna (& still choosing to believe in her). Carmy hugging Syd after the fire inspection and getting her a custom monogrammed chef’s coat. Everybody telling Ritchie he looks good after he starts wearing suits and no one making fun of him. Carmy thinking of Syd during his nervous breakdown and that calming him down. Ritchie apologising to Nat and her accepting. Carmy screaming to get Syd when he gets stuck in the refrigerator because he trusts her the most. Ritchie calming down Syd when everything goes haywire at the restaurant and helping her shoulder responsibilities to a smooth run. I am not okay.
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carrot-tea-time · 2 years
i wish theyd never made that fucking lorax movie
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crystal-overdrive · 2 months
Wip Wednesday
"It felt so good to let him have this, to let herself have this, a reprieve after all her Gods-damned resistance."
Since I complained to you all about having to write a sex scene the other day, I feel obliged to show it for this week's WIP. As always, this is very much spoilers for Towards Tyranny, so if you'd rather wait until the full chapter is published turn back now! Under the cut because it is very much NSFW.
When their lips met again, his tongue darted into her mouth, and she opened willingly for him, let out a soft moan. Gods, she wanted him. Thoughts of Wyll and the press and the disturbing identity of her patron were suppressed by pure desire. The hand on her lower back drifted down to her ass and squeezed firmly through the thin fabric of her nightgown. She didn’t want to think, just to feel.
He pulled her down onto him, and Tav gripped his neck, rolled her hips forward, his boxers the only thing separating their bodies. She rested her head on his shoulder as she continued to grind into him, and he began to grow hard as he peppered little kisses along her neck.
Tav moaned his name as a kiss became a bite, and she supposed he liked that, because she was suddenly pushed over, thrown on to her back. She sunk into the soft mattress as Enver climbed over her, and she let him guide her, let him drown her, as their bodies pushed together and the duvet tangled around their legs.
He grasped the flesh at one of her thighs and pushed her leg up, gave himself more access, pressed his clothed erection to her cunt and stuck his tongue back in her mouth. It felt so good to let him have this, to let herself have this, a reprieve after all her Gods-damned resistance. If he didn’t care, neither did she.
He dragged a hand from her neck to her breast, squeezed before he flicked his thumb over a hard nipple. His movement drew the scratchy lace of Tav’s nightdress against her skin, fire against her aching need, and she moaned into his mouth.
He drew back, panting, and Tav’s eyes fluttered open. There was a devilish glint in his dark eyes as he gave her a lazy smile and pinched. Exquisite pain shot through her, a lightning strike that darted from her nipple straight to her clit and she cried out, involuntarily, as her free leg shot up in response, curled around Enver’s back.
‘You like that?’ he asked.
‘Fuck. Yes.’
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dmenvs3000w24 · 4 months
Warmer Winters Ahead
This week, we’ve experienced some fantastic weather in the Guelph area, and it has been enjoyed by many. The sun has been out, there are no buckets of snow being dumped on us, the birds are chirping, and even some bugs are reappearing. Personally, I enjoy being able to open up the windows in my apartment to air everything out, letting the fresh air in without turning the space into a walk-in freezer. It feels as if we are already deep into April given the weather being so springlike, however we aren’t even halfway into February. Normally, I would be the biggest supporter of warm weather, as snow is not my biggest fan, nor am I a fan of it. However, between this class ENVS*3000 (Nature Interpretation), and a course I took last term ENVS*3010 (Climate Change Biology), it has impacted my way of thinking dramatically, and I am growing more concerned about the world around us and how nature will change due to the effects of climate change. 
In 2023, it was determined we would experience El Nino, which brings forth warmer, wet weather that could also bring more extreme weather patterns with it (ICL 2023). Its opposite, La Nina, does not commonly impact this part of North America, however the two tend to swing back and forth (ICL 2023). Together, they interrupt the natural atmospheric weather patterns and seem to only become more aggressive as the effects of climate change continue to grow more apparent (ICL 2023). 
While all these changes in weather and temperature are explainable through science, the impacts it will have on our environment are still unknown, which makes me very fearful of what our natural spaces will look like in the future. For us to have such a green winter this year, it makes one curious about how this will impact the health and survival of all of those found within our green spaces. How does this type of weather disrupt their mating season? Will the species of plants still blossom and sprout when needed? Would they be able to survive the cold fronts that unexpectedly appear? 
While this seems like an odd thing to think about, I am concerned about what nature will look like in just 10 or 20 years from now. What native species will no longer be able to live here? What will the forests look like years from now if events such as drought or wildfires become the new normal? Will we still have winters with the buckets of snow that we all loved as kids? As aspiring nature interpreters, I think it is our due diligence to be asking the big questions about the nature we find around us. I think it is important to live in the present, and enjoy what we have, but also look to the future and protect the environment for generations of nature interpreters to come.
[ICL]  Imperial College London. (2023). What is El Niño and how is it influenced by climate change? Accessed February 10, 2024. .https://www.imperial.ac.uk/grantham/publications/climate-change-faqs/what-is-el-nino/
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mbenvs3000w23 · 5 months
My Connection to Nature & It's Evolution
Hey everyone, welcome to my blog!
Today I'll be discussing my relationship with nature and its evolution over the years.
As I’ve progressed through university, I’ve found myself developing a greater appreciation of nature. Not that I ever didn't respect or appreciate it, but it was just always there, so I never took the time to truly immerse myself in its entirety. That's kind of the reality of growing up; you learn that life isn't simple and easy but rather that things can change quite quickly. When I was a kid I never thought about the future of the planet or of the colossal impacts we have on our environment. Now that I’ve grown up and taken classes detailing the science behind our planet and environment, I know how fragile it is and how unpromised its future is. 
I grew up in Sudbury, Ontario. Sudbury is a city in northern Canada known for its rich natural surroundings and historical significance. The city is located on the Canadian Shield, and as such, has an abundance of rocky terrain and greenery. My house was 30 minutes out of town and ‘deep into the bush’ as some would say (I've included a picture below for context). Due to this, I was surrounded by forests and lakes with really no urban influence. Living there, surrounded solely by nature, I found a “sense of place”. Nature was not just a backdrop in Sudbury; it was an intrinsic component of my daily life. The trees provided a safe place, the lakes brought serenity, and the hard terrain was like a huge playground. Growing up I had a deep connection with the land, creating memories that were linked with the rustling of leaves, the smell of fresh pine, and the cool winds that blew around us while we played outside. As we had no real neighbours and about 140 acres of land with our house, me and my brother were often left to do whatever we pleased outside. This allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in nature and, honestly, gave us no other choice even if we didn't want to play outside. There was nothing even remotely close; just us and nature. This led to me having a more recreational connection to nature. I think this is why as a child I never truly appreciated nature, as I thought that it was just standard to always have it around us. It was only when I was old enough to understand the realities of the world that I developed a stronger appreciation for nature. 
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Over the last several years, I've been fortunate enough to have taken various courses and learned a lot about nature. So far, Climate Change Biology (ENVS*3010) has by far been my favourite and truly opened my eyes about our impacts on the environment. As a result, my viewpoint on nature as a whole has changed significantly. I have also developed new kinds of connections with nature recently, including therapeutic, scientific, and sustainable-based connections. I now use my early memories as a source of reflection and thankfulness, displaying the long-term evolution of my relationship with nature. 
I also have such a love for nature as it allows me to spend time with my family. Going out for walks and looking at all the diverse scenery is a great way to clear your head and take in its beauty. Recently, I've been training my new puppy how to walk on her leash. My parent's house is up north still so there aren't any sidewalks. Due to this, it's been challenging to get her to stay on the side of the road and walk off the paved road when cars pass. She seems to love cars so this has been quite a challenge. Especially when she tries to run in front of them or after them 🙃
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thewizardtower · 11 months
You've got a really overwhelming situation. It’s a bit ancillary to my irl job (env health and industrial hygiene), so I wanted to toss some thoughts to the void to maybe make it less heavy? (Def feel free to disregard and delete)
Since the AC is too large for the house, the house will stay too humid because the AC doesn’t have time to “dry” out the air – it’ll kick on and off too quickly instead of running for awhile. I’m guessing this is also contributing to the fire hazard (power cycling of the unit). You may be able to find a company that will trade the unit for a more appropriate one, which could help recoup some of the costs for a new system, or maybe local rebates with the power utility provider if the new unit has a heat pump, or just for being smaller and consuming less energy overall (spitballing ideas)
If you have a dehumidifier (bit spendy), you can put this in affected areas to help the problem from getting worse. For an attic, you can try placing it near a central air intake or exhaust inside of the house, like near vents or the furnace, to try and catch the airflow (if you put the central air furnace to ‘recirculate’). Changing your furnace filters monthly if you don't already should also help with air quality.
Mildew will stain, like the plywood and drywall in the attic, but if it’s dry, it shouldn’t grow. You can also spray surfaces in a diluted bleach solution to help manage it. Just a small bottle of plain bleach (none of those silly laundry kinds) and a spray bottle. An N95 respirator and long sleeve shirt/pants would be a good idea if you go into the attic, but mostly for fiberglass (if you don’t have blown insulation) and potential critter dust (mouse droppings, esp if you’re in a rural area, which I assume if you have a well)
A “hot attic” will be that (hot), but it shouldn’t be “humid”. If it is, it might be worthwhile to visually check your roof or attic and make sure the PO didn’t leave you with a crappy roof and soffit venting set-up, or that the vents weren’t block by wasps, critters, etc.
Sending the best vibes I can, from one broke Millennial to another
Gotta stick together to survive in this shitty capitalist hellscape
Bless you honestly. 🙏🥺 Thank you for this advice! I'm definitely going to use the bleach solution on the mold.. it's everywhere and all into my insulation.
Exactly everything you said is what the repair guy just told me lol that's exactly why there's mold. The previous owners installed a gigantic unit for whatever unknown reason. Unfortunately the AC unit is roughly 20 years old, so I can't trade it in for anything because all the parts and coolant supplies it uses are no longer on the market/viable. We were able to measure what kind of AC unit we'd need and the smaller unit brought the cost down from $13k to...$11.6k. So, not much, but still a little. (I've been considering asking for ko-fi donations since I'm honestly and truly desperate, but I first need to wrestle the part of my brain that doesn't allow me to ask for help first lol).
Thank you, anon, for your advice on this. It truly means a lot to me that you took the time to reach out! People like you make being a poor millennial a little bit easier. Seriously, bless you.
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sonarstories · 2 years
Gojo x Namami|Confession and Date|JJK OneShot
Summary: Gojo confesses to Nanami after a mission, leading to the two going on an awkward date. Only to have a small run in with two familiar sorcerers.
Nanami looked at Gojo, his usual stiff expression was replaced with wide eyes, feeling his cheeks grow hot as they dusted with blush. He didn’t know what to say, or even if he had heard him right; Gojo actually confessed to him.
The two stood outside the school gates after reporting from another mission with the students. Originally Nanami had been called in because they were splitting the students into groups. The two didn’t see each other often, even on the field.
It took Gojo a second to realise what he had said before he covered his mouth, maybe worried in case he let something else slip out. As straightforward and careless the man was, it was the last thing he expected himself to say, especially after a mission.
The man fixed his tie, as if it wasn’t already in perfect shape. Coming to the conclusion that he heard him correctly, as the confession was followed by a strained silence.
“Gojo I-”
“How about I treat you to a day out?” Gojo cut him off, his usually demeanour having returned. Like he was trying to get rid of the unfamiliar atmosphere surrounding them. Surprisingly Nanami agreed, he’d have to check his schedule but he could easily dish it out to someone else if it concerned curses.
The two had decided to meet at the local aquarium for their first date, neither of them wanted to admit it but they weren’t used to relationships. Being sorcerers didn’t really allow much time for much dating.
Nanami waited impatiently for Gojo, he knew how often the other bailed on missions or arrived at the last minute. A part of him hoped that for once he would be on time. He wore something a bit more casual than his usual attire; a black turtleneck paired with a light grey coat and navy dress pants. He was strangely nervous, after hearing Gojo’s confession it was all he could think about. Checking his phone every so often to see if Gojo had messaged him about a cancellation or if he was coming; nothing.
“Nanami!” Called a voice, causing Nanami to turn his head towards the voice like a stiff but curious kid. His eyes soon met with Gojo; it seemed like he had a similar idea in outfits, his blindfold having been replaced with small rounded dark blue glasses.
“So you can show up on time?” Nanami asked, trying to hide the relief that briefly crossed his features. The question caused Gojo to smile, his hands stuffed into his pockets.
“Of course I do, what type of person do you take me for?” He retorted, he wanted to ruffle the others' neat hair out of reflex, he was used to doing it to his students. But he managed to stop himself before the idea grew any further.
“Well, shall we head inside?” Gojo asked, pointing to the aquarium sign above them. Nanami nodded, not trusting himself to say something he’d later regret as the two made their way inside.
It felt like he was babysitting a child, watching Gojo move quickly between the tanks; amazed by the different groups of fish swimming around.
“What are you doing?” Nanami asked, his tone betraying him, causing him to come off as irritated. He caught up to the other, allowing himself to peer into one of the tanks. It looked empty, he couldn’t spot anything on the other side of the glass. Until he noticed something from the corner of his eye; moving. Nanami jumped back, the action causing Gojo to laugh as he pointed to the sign in front of the tank that had information about the fish in question.
“Hey, it's a Marine Betta fish.” Gojo said, while trying to hide his smile when Nanami looked back at him.
“Very funny, and get rid of that stupid smile.” Nanami complained, if it wasn’t for the slight blush that tinted his cheeks the man would have come off as irritated. He took a deep breath before straightening himself out.
Gojo looked at him, frowning as he watched. A part of him wished he wasn’t so uptight about things, when he envisioned the date he had expected Nanami to loosen up. But he looked surprised when the other listened, it made him feel bad.
“Sorry- I shouldn’t be so rude. Your smile is alright I suppose,” Nanami said, looking away from him. What a strange first date it was.
They continued through the aquarium, this time staying closer together and admiring the different fishes and other types of aquatic creatures that the place housed. Sometimes Gojo would take hold of Nanami’s hand, pulling him along to one of the tanks if he saw something interesting. He acted as carefree as he always did, on the odd occasion he kept a hold on his hand for longer then he should have. One of them always pulled away when it started to feel like it was a bother to the other.
The two had just gotten some drinks, with Gojo getting a slushie and Nanami getting a coffee. He was quick to notice the look of disappointment on Gojo’s face when they left the small set up shop.
“Don’t tell me you’re sad that I didn’t get the same as you,” Nanami said. Even Though the man looked displeased about it he’d rather the other didn’t sulk about it.
“You’re so up tight. Come on, at least try it then.” Gojo said holding out his to him, surprisingly Nanami gave in after little thought and took a small sip; watermelon and raspberry. But there was something else that he couldn’t figure out.
“It’s not bad I suppose,” Nanami admitted as he wiped the corner of his mouth. It made Gojo smile more than he already had been.
“What’s with that face? You look stupid,” Nanami mentioned, before he turned his attention to something behind Gojo. Where he thought he had spotted someone, causing him to sigh.
“How long are they going to keep following us?” He asked, gesturing his cup of coffee to one of the nearby displays behind Gojo; peeking out from behind were Itadori and Nobara. He recognised the two as first years, specifically the ones Gojo looked after. The two must have been tailing them for a while. Gojo’s cheeks became flushed when he looked over his shoulders, when they knew they had been spotted the two ducked behind the display. Trying to appear out of sight.
He couldn’t help but sigh, he knew what they were like as he gestured them away. They were getting a few odd looks from people walking by. Figuring there was no way to avoid it, he looked back at Nanami.
“I’m really sorry about them, I had no idea they would be up to… This” Gojo apologised, he wasn’t ashamed of his students. But sometimes he felt like they too crossed the line, even with the shenanigans they all got up to as a group.
But it was like that moment never happened, as Gojo swung an arm around Nanami’s shoulders pulling him closer to his side.
“Now where were we?” He asked, as they continued on their way through the aquarium. He soon released his hold and casually drank his slushie, a hand in his pocket. It just seemed like it got awkward between the two after that, neither of them were used to relationships, let alone dates. Unsure how to break the silence, it was obvious the two were still trailing behind them.
The date continued after that with a few more awkward moments, sometimes Gojo felt Nanami looking at him. But each time he looked at him the other seemed to have looked away.
Other times consisted of when they stopped at the small booths to get something to eat, one time Nanami mustered a laugh after Gojo had gotten icing on both his nose and above his lip.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” Gojo asked, it seemed like he didn’t notice. But he did, the man always noticed things, as he watched Nanami grab a napkin. Where he made the unexpected joke of Gojo inhaling the cold delight.
Sometimes they didn’t know what to say to each other as the day neared to an end and they had exited the building.
“Thanks for today, I honestly thought you would have ditched-” Nanami admitted, feeling slightly ashamed it was the thought that had come to mind when he was waiting. Even if the feeling didn’t really come across on his face. He didn’t know how to properly end the date, Gojo seemed to have the same thought process.
“So… Erm, did you have fun?” Nanami asked, he seemed a bit hesitant. He didn’t want the day to end but there wasn’t much else they could do at the aquarium.
“Of course I did, well minus the two who are watching behind the sign right now…” Gojo sighed, pointing to show that Itadori and Nobara hadn’t left them alone. What was up with those two?
“They’re your students Gojo, but we should do this again sometime. Maybe without them around.” Nanami said, ruffling up his white hair before they parted ways. Figuring that neither of them wanted to rush into things, during the date it had been painfully obvious the two weren’t used to anything like it. While Nanami wished he hadn’t been so uptight, but there was always next time as he heard a buzz from his phone.
Gojo:You didn’t let me answer, but I’d love that second date.
Reading the message from Gojo Nanami felt his cheeks heat up again, as much as he took him for an idiot he had to admit he liked him too. But he wasn’t quite ready to really admit it to him.
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fluffy-critter · 2 years
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thedigibazzartdb · 3 days
Green Business Practices in Varanasi
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As global awareness of environmental issues increases, businesses in Varanasi are adopting green practices to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. The transition to green business practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances the reputation of businesses, making them more attractive to eco-conscious consumers. In this blog, we will explore some of the innovative green business practices in Varanasi and how the best digital marketing agency in Varanasi can help promote these efforts.
1. Energy Efficiency
One of the most significant steps businesses in Varanasi are taking is improving energy efficiency. By upgrading to energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, businesses can significantly reduce their energy consumption. Additionally, many businesses are investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels. These investments not only lower energy costs but also demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.
2. Waste Management
Effective waste management is another crucial aspect of green business practices. Many businesses in Varanasi are implementing comprehensive recycling programs and encouraging the reduction of single-use plastics. Composting organic waste is becoming more common, which not only reduces landfill waste but also creates valuable compost for local farmers and gardeners. The best digital marketing agency in Varanasi can help these businesses highlight their waste management efforts through engaging content and social media campaigns, attracting environmentally conscious customers.
3. Sustainable Supply Chains
Businesses in Varanasi are also focusing on creating sustainable supply chains. This involves sourcing materials from local, sustainable sources and ensuring that suppliers adhere to environmentally friendly practices. By shortening supply chains, businesses can reduce transportation emissions and support the local economy. Highlighting these efforts in marketing campaigns can position a business as a leader in sustainability.
4. Green Buildings
The construction and renovation of green buildings are gaining momentum in Varanasi. Green buildings are designed to minimize environmental impact through energy-efficient designs, sustainable materials, and eco-friendly construction practices. These buildings often incorporate features such as rainwater harvesting systems, green roofs, and efficient waste management systems. Promoting these green buildings can be an effective strategy for the best digital marketing agency in Varanasi to attract clients who prioritize sustainability.
5. Eco-Friendly Products
Many businesses in Varanasi are expanding their product lines to include eco-friendly products. This includes items made from recycled materials, organic products, and goods that have minimal environmental impact. Marketing these products effectively can help businesses tap into the growing market of eco-conscious consumers. The best digital marketing agency in Varanasi can assist in crafting compelling narratives around these products, emphasizing their benefits and sustainability credentials.
6. Employee Engagement
Engaging employees in green initiatives is crucial for the success of sustainable business practices. Businesses in Varanasi are fostering a culture of sustainability by encouraging employees to participate in environmental programs, such as tree planting drives and community clean-ups. Providing training on sustainability practices and involving employees in decision-making processes can lead to more effective implementation of green practices. Showcasing these initiatives through digital marketing can enhance a company’s reputation and attract talent who are passionate about sustainability.
7. Community Involvement
Businesses in Varanasi are recognizing the importance of community involvement in their sustainability efforts. By partnering with local organizations, businesses can contribute to environmental projects and raise awareness about sustainability in the community. These collaborations can include sponsoring local environmental events, supporting clean-up drives, and educating the public about sustainable practices. The best digital marketing agency in Varanasi can amplify these efforts by creating engaging content that showcases the positive impact of these community initiatives.
The adoption of green business practices in Varanasi is not only beneficial for the environment but also for businesses themselves. By implementing sustainable practices, businesses can reduce costs, enhance their reputation, and attract eco-conscious customers. The best digital marketing agency in Varanasi can play a crucial role in promoting these efforts, helping businesses to effectively communicate their commitment to sustainability and connect with their target audience. As Varanasi continues to embrace green business practices, it sets an example for other cities to follow, demonstrating that economic growth and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand.
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hb2envs3000w24 · 3 months
Blog 07: The Music in Nature & The Nature in Music
Hi everyone! Welcome back to my weekly blog for ENVS*3000, and this week’s blog will be focusing on the presence of music in nature, and vice versa. Before I begin sharing my views, it is important to truly understand what music exactly is. Music is defined as “vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). My interpretation of this definition is that music is not just limited to songs or albums, but it is in fact present everywhere, even if we do not immediately notice it. 
When I had initially read this week’s prompt, I had recalled my past experiences of when I was present in nature and truly happened to observe, as well as appreciate, its “music”. I believe that music is present all throughout nature and that music in nature is a reflection of how our environments and ecosystems work together to remain harmonious and keep balance constantly restored.  In terms of music in nature, we all may share differing perspectives on what music is. However, a key example that comes to mind for me, and I am sure for many of you as well, is the birds chirping at early dawn, since they are beautiful sounds that sound so melodic to the human ear, even though it is just a form of communication between birds. An essay published by Gray et al. discussed a rather interesting point about this which stated that our appreciation of bird sounds is due to the fact that sometimes the pitch is similar to the music we listen to (Gray, Krause, Atema, et al., 2001). This makes sense because I think that many of us would appreciate sounds in nature that are similar to our music preferences! The chirp of the birds is often an association that warmer weather is near and it also acts as a window to my childhood when I would often spend time outdoors with my cousins which serves as a fond memory when I look back, even though it sounds so melodic to the human ear, it is simply a form of communication for birds. Here is one of my favourite sounds from the Mourning Dove which takes me back to my childhood! I hope you enjoy it!
To answer the second prompt for this week’s blog post, I think that our personal views surrounding what is nature in music can shape how we identify it! I think that music has the power to reach many different individuals and convey a message or make people feel things on a deeper level. Although nowadays we have access to many different streaming platforms for music (e.g. Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora), I think for many of us our first experiences with music was through the radio, CDs, or even cassettes, and I found that “Radio’s greatest advantages come from its potential to reach many people, its high local interest, and its inherent flexibility in targeting specific audiences.” (Beck et al., 2018, Chapter 8: Interpreting to the Masses, pp. 175). In terms of nature in music, I think that this would include the use of certain sounds that can be found in nature, as well as through the use of literary devices to set the stage so the listener is able to use their imagination. 
For a fun add on, a song that takes me back to a natural landscape is a song from Taylor Swift’s album folklore called “the lakes”. This bonus track includes imagery to further support the themes within the song. Lyrics that represent nature within the song are  “I want auroras and sad prose / I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet” (Genius, 2020) and “A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground” (Genius, 2020) which adds an additional layer of depth to the woeful music and lyrics. An analysis of the track stated that “The lyrics allude to the necessity to disconnect from daily life and seek refuge in nature in order to recharge and rediscover one's way forward.” (Bushra, 2023, pp. 2) and this is how we often view nature since it acts as an escape from our daily rigamarole. 
I hope I was able to provide insight as to my views surrounding the associations between nature and music. I think that these simple observations can make life all the more enjoyable.
Beck, L., Cable, T.T., & Knudson, D.M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. Sagamore Publishing. Chapter 8: Interpreting to the Masses
Bushra, F.T. (2023). Deciphering Taylor Swift's Sentiments- Analyzing The Lakes and This is Me Trying through Discourse Analysis. BRAC University, 2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375061805_Deciphering_Taylor_Swift's_Sentiments-_Analyzing_The_Lakes_and_This_is_Me_Trying_through_Discourse_Analysis
Genius. (2020). ​the lakes. Retrieved March 2, 2024, from https://genius.com/Taylor-swift-the-lakes-lyrics
Gray, P.M., Krause, B., Atema, J., et al. (2001). The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music. Science, 291(5501), 52–54. https://link-gale-com.subzero.lib.uoguelph.ca/apps/doc/A69270354/AONE?u=guel77241&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=fb9366a8
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Music. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved March 2, 2024, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/music
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zkenvs3000w24 · 5 months
My Relationship with Nature and Sense of Place
Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog and my very first post. My name is Zeina, I am a third-year student in the Arts and Science program minoring in Biology and Family and Child Studies. I am very excited to be a part of the ENVS 3000 course. This week's prompt asked us to describe our current relationship with nature and how it has evolved over time and who our sense of place was.  
Growing up nature has always been my happy place, whether it was biking with friends, hiking with my mom, climbing trees or simply soaking up the outdoors in a park, the calming effect of nature was constant in my childhood.  
One spot that holds a special spot in my heart is my family friend’s cottage in Minden, Ontario. The times that we spent there were amazing, fishing, swimming in the lake collecting rocks, playing soccer on the beach and bonfires filled my days. The simplicity of being outside from sunrise to sunset shaped my love for nature and the outdoors.  
Being in nature is quite literally a breath of fresh air, a break from the chaos of the “real world.” Being mindful and present, in those moments, everything slows down and you can just be. It’s like a little escape, it always reminds me that sometimes simple is just perfect.       
A standout memory that deepened my connection with nature happened during a family trip to Barbados. It was around 11 pm, we were lounging by the beach at our resort, and suddenly, we noticed tiny movements on the ground. To my surprise, baby sea turtles had wondered our way, probably lured by the resort lights. I then carefully directed them back to the beach. The vulnerability of those little turtles left an unforgettable impression and a sense of responsibility towards these tiny creatures and creating a stronger bond with the natural world.  
My affection for animals led me to spend some time working at an animal hospital. The bond formed with each animal that came into the clinic deepened my understanding of how everything in life is connected. It reminded me that nature is more than just a pretty landscape.  
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Thinking back these experiences were the building block of my sense of place. The Minden cottage where summer meant being outside all day. Hiking adventures with my mom were all about laughter and discovering nature’s wonders, adding more layers to my connection with the outdoors. All those beach days at the lake with friends and family created core memories. Each of these places has contributed to my love for the outdoors.    
Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from everyone soon!  
Until next week :) 
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dmenvs3000w24 · 5 months
"A Sense of Place"
Hi everyone! My name is Denise and this is my first post for my nature blog for ENVS*3000!
My relationship with nature is currently one that is unfortunately sort of strained, as it has been for the past few years. Having a busy schedule, with trying to keep up with school work, errands, and working a part-time job is enough to make your head spin, and makes it hard to get out into nature more frequently. Sadly, I believe that as I got older, my connection with nature became almost fragmented, as getting good grades and working towards my goal of going to University became the most important part of my life. 
Growing up, I lived in different communities in rural Ontario, specifically in Grey-Bruce counties close to Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay. Living in these smaller communities meant I was constantly given opportunities to be surrounded by nature. My family was even lucky enough that our home in Hanover backs directly onto the public walking trails and the Saugeen river, meaning that that space was safe from the town’s growing infrastructure (or at least we thought). 
While no building can be conducted directly behind our family home, that has not stopped the town from building as close as they possibly can to the borders of the conserved area.Over the past few years of continuous construction, it is amazing to see just how much humans can interfere with the flow of nature. Our backyard used to be quiet, full of wildlife and an overall soothing environment to be in. However, due to the abundance of noise, the removal of woodlots and agricultural space, the wildlife has seemingly progressed elsewhere where it is safer for them to live. This is another reason as to why I feel I become more disconnected from my relationship with nature, as my quick escape from the world has been taken away from my community. 
I would say that the people that offered me a “sense of place” would have to be my sisters. While this initially was a difficult question to answer, I thought of all the times I have been out in nature in the passing years, and they have been with me every time. From walking on trials at the conservation area, to our overseas trip to Japan, every experience I have had has involved them. They have been there to make these experiences positive, happy, and fun memories and I believe that has helped me to try to mend my relationship with nature and get a true sense of the uniqueness of the atmosphere wherever we go. 
Overall, I now feel a sense of appreciation for the past courses that I have taken that at the time felt pointless or redundant as they had no connection to what I wanted to do with my career. I feel that as we progress through this course, I may learn more about myself and my relationship with nature than previously expected.
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climatehvac · 6 months
Energy Efficiency Unveiled: How HVAC Maintenance Can Slash Your Bills
In the realm of household expenses, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems often account for a significant portion of energy consumption. However, with regular maintenance, these systems can become powerful allies in reducing energy bills and promoting sustainability. In this article, we'll explore the ways in which HVAC maintenance can lead to substantial energy savings.
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Optimal Performance through Regular Check-ups Regular HVAC maintenance involves inspecting and tuning up the system to ensure it operates at peak efficiency. Over time, dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in the system, hindering its performance. A clean and well-maintained HVAC system runs more smoothly, requires less energy to operate, and can significantly reduce energy bills.
Cleaning and Replacing Filters One of the simplest yet most effective maintenance tasks is cleaning or replacing air filters regularly. Dirty filters restrict airflow, causing the system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. By ensuring clean filters, the HVAC system operates more efficiently, leading to lower energy consumption and reduced bills.
Efficient Heat Exchange For both heating and cooling systems, the heat exchange process is crucial. Over time, components like coils and fins can accumulate dirt, reducing their ability to transfer heat efficiently. Regular maintenance involves cleaning these components, allowing for optimal heat exchange and less energy consumption. More information on HVAC Service.
Calibration and Thermostat Efficiency A well-calibrated thermostat is key to energy efficiency. During HVAC maintenance, technicians can recalibrate thermostats to ensure accurate temperature readings. Additionally, they can advise on the optimal temperature settings for various seasons, preventing unnecessary energy usage.
Addressing Refrigerant Levels In air conditioning systems, refrigerant plays a crucial role in cooling. Low refrigerant levels can force the system to work harder, consuming more energy in the process. Regular maintenance includes checking and adjusting refrigerant levels, ensuring the system operates efficiently and economically.
Sealing Duct Leaks Ductwork is the circulatory system of an HVAC setup, and leaks can lead to significant energy wastage. During maintenance, technicians can identify and seal duct leaks, preventing conditioned air from escaping and ensuring that the HVAC system doesn't have to compensate by working harder than necessary.
Energy-Efficient Upgrades and Technology HVAC technology continues to evolve, with many energy-efficient upgrades available. During routine maintenance, technicians can recommend and install these upgrades, such as programmable thermostats, smart HVAC controls, and energy-efficient motors. These advancements can enhance system performance and lead to long-term energy savings.
Extending Equipment Lifespan Regular maintenance not only improves energy efficiency but also extends the lifespan of HVAC equipment. Replacing an entire system can be a significant expense, so ensuring that your current system operates efficiently for as long as possible is a cost-effective approach to managing energy bills.
Conclusion Investing in HVAC maintenance is an investment in energy efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings. By addressing issues proactively and ensuring that your system operates at peak performance, you can slash your energy bills significantly. Moreover, the environmental benefits of reduced energy consumption align with the growing global emphasis on sustainability.
In conclusion, HVAC maintenance is not just about fixing problems when they arise; it's a proactive approach to optimize performance, enhance efficiency, and reduce energy bills. With the right care and attention, your HVAC system can become a powerhouse in energy savings, contributing to both your financial well-being and the broader goal of environmental responsibility. Regular maintenance is the key to unlocking these benefits, making it a worthwhile investment for homeowners looking to cut down on energy costs and tread lightly on the planet.
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metricsviews · 7 months
Structuring Your Node.js Application: A Comprehensive Guide to Folder Structure and Key Components
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Organizing Your Node.js Project for Scalability and Maintainability
Quick Summary:
We'll explore the crucial topic of organizing your Node.js application in this tutorial. We will go over the significance of having a clear folder structure and examine important elements such as models, controllers, routers, database connections, and environment variables (env). Developing scalable and maintainable Node.js apps require a well-organized project layout.
Target Audience: The goal of this article is to improve the knowledge of Node.js developers on project organization and best practices related to Node.js application structure. It requires a basic understanding of JavaScript and Node.js.
The Value of Organizational Structure:
It is imperative that your Node.js project have a well-defined and uniform folder structure for multiple reasons.
Maintainability: Finding and managing your code is made easier with a well-structured code base. It makes teamwork easier and makes it easier to update and improve in the future.
Scalability: Adding new features, routes, and components to your application without generating mayhem in the codebase is made possible by a well-structured design.
Readability: A logical arrangement makes code easier to read and makes it easier for developers to understand the project's architecture.
Testability: It makes components easily accessible and isolated, which facilitates efficient unit and integration testing.
Let's break down the key components of a typical Node.js project structure:
Controllers: The logic of the application is managed by controllers. They communicate with models, decipher the router's requests, and produce answers. Arrange controllers according to the features they offer. You may have taskController.js, userController.js, and so forth, for instance.
Routers: Routers specify the HTTP methods and routes that your application is supposed to use. They link the appropriate controller methods to endpoints. Typically, every entity or resource has its own router. Take userRouter.js and taskRouter.js, for instance.
Models: Models are the data structure for your application. They perform CRUD operations by interacting with the database through their methods, which encapsulate the database schema. Model structure aids in keeping the division of responsibilities apparent. Consider taskModel.js and userModel.js.
Database Connection: Your selected database system (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL) must be connected to using the database connection file. It frequently contains connection pooling settings and configuration information.
Environment Variables (env): Keep environment-specific settings, database URLs, and API keys in a separate.env file for each environment. Security and portability are improved by the use of environment variables.
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Because each component in this structure has its own folder, managing and expanding the application is made simple. The app.js file is where you usually set up middleware, route handling, and Express. It acts as the entry point to your application.
To sum up, creating maintainable and scalable Node.js applications require a well-organized folder structure and the division of concerns into controllers, routers, models, and database connections. This structure guarantees that your application can easily grow and adapt while also increasing development efficiency.
Adding to the significance of the folder structure and the function of each part within it:
The Center of Application Logic are Controllers (The Heart of Application)
Your Node.js application's workhorses are its controllers. The logic of the application is contained in them, and they handle requests, process data, and produce responses. Controllers are essential for managing resources and coordinating database interactions within a RESTful API.
For instance, a user Controller.js might take care of tasks pertaining to users, such as profile management, authentication, and registration. On the other hand, a task Controller.js would manage tasks, including adding, editing, and removing tasks.
An organized controller ought to:
Keep the routing and request handling processes apart from the business logic.
As you adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle, make sure every controller is concentrated on a particular set of tasks.
Keep your codebase tidy and facilitate team member collaboration by being well-organized.
The coherence, maintainability, and extensibility of your application's logic can be preserved by effectively organizing your controllers.
The Route Map for Routers
The gatekeepers of the routes in your application are called routers. They choose which controller methods to use in response to HTTP requests. The router makes sure the HTTP request from a client gets to the correct controller so it can be processed by your server.
Generally, every entity or resource has its own router. For example, a taskRouter.js focuses on routes for task management, whereas a userRouter.js defines routes and HTTP methods specific to user-related operations.
A router's responsibilities include:
defining the HTTP methods that correspond to the API endpoints.
connecting the appropriate controller methods to these endpoints.
permitting maintainability and route separation.
It is simpler to manage and expand the endpoints of your application when your routes are arranged into distinct router modules. It also encourages a codebase that is organized and modular and adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle.
Models: The Data Blueprint
Models specify the behavior and structure of the data in your application. They carry out validation, offer CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation methods, and encapsulate the database schema. Models are essential when working with databases because they guarantee data consistency and integrity.
For example, a taskModel.js would handle the task-related data structure, and a userModel.js would define the schema for user data.
Important characteristics of organized models consist of:
well-defined schemas that accurately represent the data structure.
techniques for data transformation and validation.
Database operations are abstracted to improve code readability.
You can keep your application's concerns clearly separated by developing structured models. This division enhances the readability of the code and facilitates effective database interactions, which support data consistency and dependability.
The connection between a database and data storage
The task of creating a connection to the database system of your choice—MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL—falls to the database connection file. It frequently contains connection pooling settings, configuration information, and any other setup unique to the database.
A database connection is essential to a Node.js application in the following situations:
creating a connection between the database system and your application.
maintaining database connections to guarantee effective and regulated database access.
addressing exceptions and errors pertaining to databases.
All database-specific information should be contained in a well-organized database connection file, which will make it simple to modify connection parameters or adapt to other database systems as needed.
Environment Variables (env): Safeguarding Configuration and Secrets
Env, which is shorthand for "environment," is the file where configuration variables and sensitive data are kept. Because it lets you store environment-specific settings, database connection URLs, and API keys outside of your codebase, it's critical to maintaining the security of your application.
The env file offers a number of advantages, such as:
Enhanced security: Private information, including secrets and API keys, is kept secret and apart from your code.
Portability: Transfer your program with ease between various environments without having to change its code.
Centralized configuration: For simple management, keep all environment-specific settings in one location.
In summary, creating maintainable and scalable Node.js applications require a well-organized folder structure and the distinct division of controllers, routers, models, database connections, and environment variables.
Thank You Note: Thank you for exploring the importance of a well-defined folder structure and the key components of a Node.js project. We hope this comprehensive guide assists you in maintaining clean and efficient code as you continue to develop Node.js applications.
Credit – Kashif Patel (Backend Lead)
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MetricsViews specializes in building a solid DevOps strategy with cloud-native including AWS, GCP, Azure, Salesforce, and many more.  We excel in microservice adoption, CI/CD, Orchestration, and Provisioning of Infrastructure - with Smart DevOps tools like Terraform, and CloudFormation on the cloud.
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mfenvs3000f23 · 7 months
The OG Agronomists
Interpret (through this blog) the most amazing thing you know about nature – get us excited. This is your blog – you audience isn’t out in the field with you so bring the field to your armchair reader.
Most people that know me, know that I am a bug person. Sometimes, they ask me what the coolest thing about bugs is. I think there’s loads, however I usually always respond with the same answer. Insect agriculture! I first learned about this in-depth last winter semester, when I took ENVS 3090, Insect Diversity & Biology. Therefore, my source is Dr. Andrew Young, but I will cite and link some literature, so you don’t just have to take my word for it!
Insects have been doing agriculture way longer than we have! We think insect agriculture started somewhere between 50-90 million years ago. The origins of farming insects (phys.org)
Humans only started using this practice somewhere around 12 000 years ago. The Development of Agriculture (nationalgeographic.org). Granted, insects have been around way way longer than we have, but I still think this is a crazy feat.
Let’s start with leaf cutter ants. There are around 40 species, and they are characterized by their behavior of chopping up and carrying leaves. Their job of cutting the leaves is made easier by their specialized mandibles, which are like tiny insect power tools. Their jaws vibrate and are super strong, the equivalent of a person carrying a car between their teeth. Just absolutely wild!!!!!
It would make sense to assume that they eat these leaves, but they actually do not use the leaves themselves as a food source! They consume the sap, before carrying the leaves back to their colony. There, they crush the leaves, put them in piles, and inoculate the piles with fungal spores. The ants secrete a substance that protects the fungus from harmful microbes, insuring them a well-nurtured crop. This fungus grows and is fed to the immatures of the colony. To me, the craziest thing about this is that the fungus type is colony-specific and is not found anywhere else. They also have varying caste sizes and “jobs”, for example there are larger ants that clear the forage paths and carry the leaves, while smaller castes will hang out on the leaves being carried, to defend them from parasitoid wasps that want to lay eggs on the leaves. Super cool that they all have a skill that they were made to do!
9 Facts About Leafcutter Ants (treehugger.com)
Then there’s the Termitidae that grows the Termitomyces fungi. The termites forage around for plant material to bring back to the colony, and as they do this, they pick up fungus from the environment. This fungus will also find its way into their specialized gut, where it gets pooped out onto the plant matter they have brought to the colony. The fungus then grows inside the colony and is used as a food source for all castes and life stages. Multiple species of fungus often end up growing, and sometimes the termites will even select for the most productive and successful type. Even termites have a favourite dish on the menu! Termitomyces fungus combs—formation, structure, and functional aspects - ScienceDirect
The last one I will talk about is the ambrosia beetle, known for cultivating the ambrosia fungus. They use their mandibles to carve out galleries in bark, where they will end up planting their fungus spores. The spores are carried by the females in a built-in pouch they have on their bodies. The fungus is used to feed immatures, as well as the adults. The larvae are put in the galleries so that as they grow, they can feed. Before leaving their maternal gallery, they will fill their own pouches with the fungus so that they can grow their own source in a new gallery. Like the leaf cutter ant’s fungus, the ambrosia fungus is not found any place other than ambrosia beetle galleries! Our use of the word “galleries” makes me imagine these carved-out pockets as canvases that the beetles use to decorate with the fungus. Ambrosia beetles breed and maintain their own food fungi (phys.org)
I remember in one of our textbook readings, there was a chapter that explained how mentioning the fact that something is amazing or spectacular can sometimes take away from the information/presentation/view etc. So, I will not do that here.
I just picture these species being so content with their food choice that they’ve decided they’re going to have the same breakfast, lunch and dinner forever and ever and honestly, I relate because that is how I feel about pasta.
Animals big or small, we’re all just out here trying to feed ourselves and our families as efficiently as possible. Maybe we aren’t as different as it may seem. (continued in a second post)
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