sonarstories · 1 year
MHA|Hawks x Villain GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Y/N returns to their small apartment after another night of activities, but upon arriving they realise they aren't alone. Finding a hero in their kitchen who had helped themselves to their food during their wait. But instead of apprehending them- instead the hero asks for help...
A/N: I had this in my head for awhile and I'm not entirely proud of the end result. I'm still getting used to writing a gender neutral Y/N. I wasn't sure who to pair them with for this but decided on Hawks because- yes. No thoughts just- feathered boi. Also on another note V/N= Villain Name. This also took longer then I'd like to admit- and if you'd like to request something go ahead! I need more ideas of things to write.
A mastermind they called them, someone who had a strong distaste for heroes and society. They received a name from the public, V/N; the one who would finish the job. The name ended up sticking, as the barer grew to like the name bestowed upon them by the public.
Managing to slip away on countless occasions, each time the villain would send them on a wild chase as if it was nothing more then a game. It had been going on for weeks, like a game of cat and mouse.
They slipped back into their apartment through their bedroom window, the apartment itself was small but accommodated for everything they needed.
Y/N stripped themselves of their villain attire, changing into more comfortable clothes as the early hours of the mornings light crept through the curtains of their window.
It had been a tiring but long night that consisted of a load of work and running from both the heroes and the police. It was like they were closing in on them, it felt suffocating. Knowing they could be getting closer to their capture felt anything but pleasant.
Once Y/N finished changing they threw their villain clothes into the nearby clothes basket before exiting their room.
"Guess I was right after all wasn't I?" Someone asked, the voice coming from somewhere behind them. They knew that voice, they heard it a few times before on the news.
Y/N whipped their head around to be met with a blonde man with red feathered appendages leaning their arm's on the kitchen island. The current number two hero; Hawks. Who was best known for the efficiency and speed.
"This is a nice apartment you got here, seems like the work pays well huh?" He asked, as he stood up straight and walked towards them. Several feathers detached from his wings.
Hawks wore an innocent smile across his face as he stepped away from the dimly lit kitchen. Y/N glanced at the kitchen island he had been at, seeing a plate with what they could only guess was a half eaten slice of the leftover pizza from the previous day.
Y/N wondered how long the hero had been there for, just wait for them to get back and confront them.
Y/N found that they were walking backwards upon the hero growing closer to them, until they stumbled. Nearly falling back when the hero caught them.
He couldn't help but laugh, "careful, don't want to be damaging the cargo." He joked, as if he was deliberately toying with them to try ease their guard.
"I didn't expect the great V/N to be this easy to find."
"Alright, you found me. Now what do you want?" Y/N snapped, jerking their hand free. Keigo laughed, he was laughing?- Y/N appeared caught off guard, wondering why he was laughing.
"Sorry for scaring you, I had to see for myself what you were like and- honestly? You don't look like much." Keigo shrugged.
"Well here I am, in the flesh. So out with it."
"Fine, fine... Straight to business I see, here. Take a look at this, it might be of interest to you."
Keigo held out a folder, but pulled it back when they went to grab it.
"Not to fast, if I hand this to you? I want you to work with me. Let's catch this guy together, got it?"
If anything he had them right where he wanted, as he finally handed them the file.
Skimming through it Y/N's eyes darted to meet Keigo's.
"Fine, count me in bird."
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sonarstories · 1 year
Infamous in the support department| Support course Izuku
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Rumours tend to lurk about UA concerning the support department, but what's the truth behind it all? When the very boy; Izuku Midoriya is seen as extraordinary for his work efforts and favoured by students for his keen eye and somewhat creepy fascination for quirks and heroes alike.
Tokoyami witnesses first hand himself the amount of truth and dedication behind what he's heard. As he asked the infamous student to help him with a new gear.
Word Count: 715
A/N: I had this in drafts for ages and only now deciding to post it after so long.
He didn't mind offering his assistance. Especially when it came to helping his peers with anything, it didn't even have to be anything specific. But on most occasions it was related to the support class itself. Whether someone needed a repair, a new gear, or had questions about possible gears. Even his direct classmates needing help with a project they were tackling. He always made time.
Currently he was in the workshop with Tokoyami, a student who resided in the infamous 1-A. The class somehow always causing some type of trouble.
"Hey, so can you tell me again what you were wanting? Something to help in close combat right?" Izuku asked, walking over to an unoccupied station where Tokoyami had sat at. Just to make sure he had it right.
"Yes, while Dark shadow can take care of most of my foes on the battle field. It can't always handle close range."
Speaking of the entity itself Dark Shadow hovered by its host.
Izuku nodded, reciting the information in his head that he already knew about the student who sat across him.
"Hm… Alright, how about we start off with something simple?" He suggested, already drawing up a sketch before he could recieve a response.
His work efforts was admirable, that was for sure.
There were rumours about the kid throughout the school, some said the guy was a quirk fascinated freak. Quirkless even. Envious of the powers that others had. Some held pity for him, saying his dreams were crushed and his resting desire was to instead aid them through his knowledge and skills.
The kid had a large knowledge of quirks, that was for sure. A keen eye for observation at that too, being able to tell more about a quirk then the user itself.
But he decided on something simpler for Tokoyami, a pair of claws- well rather a glove like design that resembled sharp claws.
Tokoyami couldn't help but watch, it wasn't neat, the initial sketch being messy with scribbles to cover quick mistakes and sloppy notes written in uncovered space.
But Tokoyami also couldn't help but glance around at Izuku's work space while the kid was distracted by the current sketch. Talking about other things he wanted to implement into the rather simple gear.
He had a few other gears, most it seemed like he was still working on.
One was a gauntlet of sorts, a hose nozzle-type design that extended from the wrist. Another was a headgear, similar to Hawks but the ear cups having been taken apart. Like he was fitting the manufactured piece with something else.
"Uh- Tokoyami?… Hello?"
Izuku was now presenting Tokoyami with a finished- albeit sloppy sketch of his idea. Pulling him back to the current agenda and the reason he was there in the first place.
"Sorry- you have a lot of gear here. But looks great."
He hadn't meant to become distracted. Not having heard half the stuff Izuku had been talking about.
"Yeah- I'm a bit busy with a few projects for other students. But that's not my focus! I mean- they are… But I'm just waiting for Mina to stop by so I can see how her new gear works…" Izuku explained, before further delving into other details.
Repeating certain aspects he had already stated previously, though Tokoyami having confessed to not having listened.
They spent awhile discussing the gear, Izuku making some further changes. At least until they were interrupted, when Mina came bursting into the room. Apologising for almost forgetting about her gear and wanted to try it out!
"Oh right- Tokoyami if everything's fine for you I'll get started on your gear as soon as I can." Izuku said as he stood up, grabbing Mina's gear. Seeming to be leaving to go watch her trial runs, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
"Of course, me and Dark Shadow can wait." Tokoyami nodded, watching as the two left quickly after that.
He also took it as his time to leave, glancing again at the gears piles up Izuku's desk.
Yes- an admirable student at that… It was a shame somethings he heard weren't pleasant. He was sure others heard the same thing. But decided to just leave. The very least he could do was appreciate the help.
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sonarstories · 2 years
MHA|Denki x GN!Y/N|Fluff
Summary: Denki sneaks into Y/N's room when they aren't there, demanding to be cuddled upon his feathered classmate's return. Without much arguing this time around Y/N complied.
A/N: I love Denki- god dammit, he's so perfect for this and it wasn't even planned! Uh- Y/N has a wing mutation type quirk and that's about it. It's honestly just fluff and I'm here for it.
It had been a long day, Y/N sluggishly entered their room after helping out with cleaning up after dinner. Something they had come to regret and would never be volunteering for again.
"God- I am never doing that..." They groaned, moving their hair from their eyes.
They didn't comprehend Denki was in in the room until they were at the end of their bed, noticing the energetic blond sitting cross-legged on their bed.
"How long have you-" shaking off the question they sighed.
"Never mind- Denki, I thought I told you not to come into my room without telling me," Y/N sighed as they rubbed their eyes.
The blond frowned hearing that, the guy acted like a child when faced with being confronted for sneaking in.
"Come on, you know why I'm here!" He protested, as if that was meant to tell them anything.
"How long have you been waiting for?- Don't lie."
"Uh-... Not long I swear!" He said, his hands raised up to his head. A stupid smile soon finding its way onto his face.
On some occasions when Y/N was sat on the couch watching something and minding their own business someone would plop down beside them. This was usually Sero, Mina, Tsuyu, Denki or surprisingly enough Todoroki. Which in Denki's case usually resulted in similar situations like the one they were currently presented with.
The boy was persistent Y/N could say that much, this plan of his didn't usually work. While on the rare occasion they just gave in to his somewhat childish antics.
Did Y/N know why he started doing this? Absolutely not, they just figured it was similar to how he'd play with Ojiro's tail during normal classes. He found their wings to be equally as soft, making up some ridiculous set of excuses to cuddle in general.
Y/N sighed, they were too tired to tell him to leave this time. In the end they caved and just nodded.
"Alright, move your ass over. It's my bed after all." They yawned, causing Denki to smile like an absolute idiot as he claimed his victory with a small happy dance on the bed before scooting over.
What an idiot they discovered their classmate to be, but in a way Y/N enjoyed these types of things. It just felt like they were wanted, as they got into the bed beside Denki who moved just enough for their wing to slip behind him and pull him in.
Denki continued to smile from ear to ear, as he curled up close to them. Silently moving his fingers through the feathers, being careful not to ruffle them too much.
That was how their night ended, with Y/N resting their head on top of Denki's. Soon the pair fell asleep that way, both smiling as one succeeded in getting what he wanted and the other because they could finally sleep, hopefully without being disturbed for a few hours.
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sonarstories · 2 years
MHA|Hawks/Keigo x Gender Neutral Y/N (Platonic)| Disaster strikes
Warnings: Angst| Implied Character Death|Major Injuries|neutral Reader| Platonic Relationship!
Summary: Y/N worked under Hawks as an intern, though a tad slow for the hero. They were accompanying him during a patrol along with Tokoyami, that was all it was meant to be. Neither of them expected to run into a disastrous situation, where Y/N had become reckless...
A/N: I mostly based Hawks on how I think he would react to the type of situation, believing that it is HIS fault. Y/N is a minor in this piece! Keigo/Hawks has no romantic intent with them!
"No..."Keigo said in a murmur, as he shook his head in disbelief of the scene in front of him. His wings drooped behind him.
How hadn't I seen this coming? He thought to himself, his hero persona was breaking. The hero everyone saw as a calm, unfazed individual was disintegrating.
The yellow tinted visor he wore was cracked, seconds away from being broken as he surveyed the scene in front of him.
He knew they were a bit too reckless for his liking, yet he had allowed them to accompany him on what was meant to be a simple patrol. He stood in the streets, before him stood piles of rubble and large debris from two buildings that were parallel to one another.
The hero who was known for being too fast wasn't fast enough to save his own intern from their own recklessness behaviour.
Keigo snapped back to reality when he felt an excruciating pain in his wings; the pain he felt when a feather was broken. Causing him to slightly stumble, hunching over slightly and unfurl his wings.
It only took a few seconds for Keigo to push away the pain and catch his bearings as he darted towards the rubble. Overturning debris, with the slight hope. That the feather he had given them had broken in their hands.
Eventually he found them, his body grew tired as he tried to lift up the rubble. His feathers nearly breaking themselves just trying to lift it, despite their strenght.
"Hey! Someone come help me!" He shouted to the heroes that were also on the scene. another hero that was on the scene. Hearing hos voice two heroes hurried over to assist him.
"Careful, Y/N is underneath-" Keigo warned them, as the concrete slab was lifted and one of the aiding heroes carefully removed them from underneath.
He could have almost cried after seeing the injuries Y/N endured, until he noticed they had something in their hands.
"Hey Hawks- isn't that one of your feathers?" One of the heroes asked, the only response the hero gave was nothing more then a nod as the hero transferred Y/N to Keigo's hold.
He immediately checked their pulse, letting out a sigh of relief when he felt that they were alive. A part of him knew that they were too young for his line of work and far too young to die.
"When will the ambulances be here?" Keigo asked, as he removed the broken mask that they wore. He tried to keep a calm face as he saw the damage. The mask had penetrated parts of the skin along their jawline, while he didn't dismiss the other injuries his intern had sustained. All because he couldn't keep them on a short leash.
"Not for another while, with all the damage my guess is that they'll have to take an entirely different route."
The winged hero was anything but pleased, the one time he decides on taking people on for internships. The one time he allowed himself to leave them to their own devices. Tokoyami approached after making sure there were no more civilians, only to see his classmate in the hero's arms.
"Hawks-" He began but shook his head, as if he changed his mind in what to say.
"Get Y/N to the hospital, I'm sure we can take it from here." He said, clearly he was just as worried as Hawks hesitated. He knew he couldn't leave Tokoyami, he'd get in more trouble.
The other heroes reassured that they'd send Tokoyami off after things were finished up, they could use the extra set of hands. So it hadn't taken long for him to be persuade and take off to the skies with Y/N, their destination being the nearby hospital.
"Just- hold in there kid..." He murmured, maybe more to himself. Hoping he'd get there in time, while knowing he'd have to put a stop to his schedule to ring Aizawa and inform about the state of a student.
After arriving to the hospital and explaining what happened Y/N was immediately taken away from his hold. Leaving him with time to give Aizawa a call. Something he didn't think he'd ever have to do, bracing himself for a lecture as the phone buzzed.
"Hawks? Why are you ringing? Did something happen?" Came a tired voice on the other side of the phone.
"Erasure! You sure took your sweet time-" Hawks said, trying to keep up the act he was so used to putting on as selfish as it would seem.
"What is it?" Aizawa asked, the question was followed by a long pause. But he could hear the others tone as clear as day. He could only guess that something had happened.
"It's... Y/N- " There it was, the carefree persona was gone. As hard as he tried to hide it, as much as he wanted to hide how he felt about it.
"They- got trapped under some rubble and... were seriously injured. I thought I'd let you know, Tokoyami's fine as far as I know. He stayed at the site to help out," Keigo continued as he awaited to hear what Aizawa had to say.
Maybe he expected a lecture from the older hero, for not only endangering two students but for abandoning one at the site to take priority of another.
He was on the phone for awhile, going back and forth with the hero discussing things. He trembled with relief when the call ended, thankfully it seemed like he only got a slap on the wrist. Aizawa had been understanding about it, but he figured he'd give them a break from their internships. Let them both rest up and try put it behind them.
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sonarstories · 2 years
Bakugou x OC|MHA
This is a commissioned piece, the OC in this story does not belong to me! The wonderful OC belongs to BlackRose on coincommission amino. With that being said let's continue!
Summary: After a patrol at their internships goes south the 1-A trio find themselves in hospital. With Bakugou having the most severe injuries. Alecia; his best friend, keeps him company during his stay.
Pairing: Bakugou x Alecia(OC)
Warnings: Mention of Injury
It wasn’t meant to happen, after they had returned to their internships Bakugou had gone to Endeavor’s agency with Todoroki and Midoriya. It was during an encounter on a scheduled patrol that led to the hospitalisation of the three students; an unsuspected nomu attack.
Midoriya and Todoroki were said to have sustained the least injuries. Midoriya ended up with a broken arm like he used to get when he used his quirk past his own capability along with a sprained ankle. While Todoroki received a few burns on his left side along his forearm and his knuckles. An injury the two had in common were marks that were caused by Bakugou; sustaining burn marks along different sections of their bodies, the marks having been expected to fade as they recovered.
Bakugou on the other hand had nearly blasted his arm off, despite his resistance to his quirk and explosions. He had gone too far, with his gauntlets having been destroyed during the fight. Both his arms and along his chest were raw in colour and heavily bandaged. Along with the fact that he had needed someone to stitch parts of him back together, a process that was difficult to accomplish even for someone skilled.
Word had gotten around to UA students and teachers, and unfortunately the media had also found out. A group of reporters stood outside the hospital after being denied access to speak with any of them, staff having asked them to leave on multiple occasions before having police involved for trespassing and blocking hospital entries. Putting a hold on any friends or relatives visiting the trio.
Eventually things died down after a few days and visits were available for the three, where they ended up finding out that Bakugou was in a coma-like state because of Recovery Girl’s quirk. His injuries were pretty severe for hero student standards.
After Alecia found out she started to pay the three a few visits in her spare time, with the plan to keep them caught up in school work and keep them updated on things. But she found herself visiting Bakugou more often, sometimes even running into Mitsuki.
“Oh Miss Bakugou- I didn’t know that you’d be visiting.” Alecia said, once she had opened the door to Bakugou’s hospital room, seeing the woman seated by the bed.
“I’m sorry I’ll come back later-” she added as she started to back out of the room.
“Hold on a second, I don’t bite.” Mitsuki snapped, she wasn’t as harsh sounding as Bakugou made her out to be. Causing Alecia to stop in her tracks and look back at her; she had met his mother a few times. When she visited him when they were younger, she always had a different tone, a different way that she carried herself. But now it was like she was a different person, her son was in the hospital bed beside the small chair she sat on; still out cold with a heart monitor by the side of the bed in place of a nightstand. Mitsuki’s hand rested on her sons.
“And call me Mitsuki, come on now. We’ve been acquainted with one another on more than one occasion.” She stated, her expression grim as she gestured for her to close the door.
“Right- so how’s he doing?” She asked, doing as she was told before making her way to the other seat beside her.
“The doctors are saying that he’s doing a lot better, that woman stops by every now and then to use her quirk on him.” She explained, Alecia figured that she meant Recovery Girl. Which relieved a bit of her worries when she heard that.
“I wish my own quirk wasn’t acting up right now… I would help him otherwise.”
Mitsuki spared her a glance, before rubbing her back in a reassuring way.
“Please… Wake up soon Katsuki…” Alecia spoke under her breath, just barely audible to Mitsuki.
The two didn’t speak much to each other after that, Alecia decided to visit the other two; who were set to leave the hospital the next day.
They had asked about Bakugou’s state, when she informed them that he was still out Midoriya held some type of guilt.
“If we stopped him then maybe-” he trailed off before shaking his head. Dismissing the thought, but if Alecia had the chance to have been there she would have had the same thoughts as Midoriya did.
She squished his cheeks, as she looked him in the eyes.
“Don’t think like that! Yeah I wish I was there, then maybe we could have prevented it. But we couldn’t! As much as I hate to believe it, it’s his own doing and- I want him to wake up just as much as you two do!” She said, feeling her eyes well up with tears and her lips slightly quivering.
That was right, the only thing she could do was wish she could reverse time and prevent it. But that wasn’t how things worked.
Alecia pulled her hands away as she went to wipe her tears,
“You two are getting released tomorrow right?” She had asked, the two responded with a nod.
“Then I want you both to be more careful, I don’t know what I would do if you ended up in a similar position.”
After that was said she noticed Izuku seemed close to crying, without realising it her quirk had made the two feel sad. Even Todoroki looked close to crying.
“Wait guys?-” She looked between the two
It had been a few days since that encounter, Midoriya and Todoroko had been released from the hospital the very next day in the afternoon. Alecia had made another visit to see Bakugou, where she found that his condition had gotten better. But he didn’t show any signs of waking up, at least not that she noticed.
Recovery Girl had stopped by from what she heard, using her quirk to the best of its ability. In the end she couldn’t do much and stopped all together, he clearly wasn’t in any state for her to continue her efforts.
Alecia was on her way to the hospital to visit Bakugou, a bag slung over her shoulders that had some flowers poking out the top. The others told her to give it a rest, she was exhausted from worry. Her own internship and studies had suffered from it, as she entered the hospital building. The waiting areas were nothing short of busy, half of the seats were filled with waiting civilians as she walked to the front desk.
“Alecia, here to visit Bakugou Katsuki again?” Asked the woman behind the desk, giving her a small smile. It was the same woman who had been behind the desk for most of her visits, the same tired and overworked expression and messy bun she had often seen.
“Yes I am- is it okay if I head up?” Alecia asked, her eyes were glazed over like a fog with exhaustion, with predominant bags under her eyes.
“Of course, go right ahead. He has one other visitor at the moment I believe.”
Alecia nodded in acknowledgment, silently thanking the woman as she made her way towards the elevator. She wondered who else would be visiting him, she knew the others in the class sometimes paid him visits to see if he had woken up. But she didn’t recall anyone mentioning it that morning.
She was thankful that it was a weekend, meaning she wasn’t meant to be at her internship or in classes. As she pressed the button and waited anxiously for the elevator doors to open. Her eyes turned a slight silver in colour as she slipped on her headphones, listening to music to steady her quirk. A habit she had started to do more often whenever she felt strong emotions. In hopes of not causing others to feel the same thing. It helped calm her wait as the doors opened, stepping to the side to allow a man using crutches to leave first.
She received a nod in response to her simple act, before she slipped in and pressed the button for the floor. Feeling the slight judder as the small compact room made its slow climb up the building. As she waited for the door to once again open before she made her way through the halls in search of Bakugou’s room, the door cracked open by an inch. Indicating someone was there with him. Alecia pulled her headphones down, resting them around her neck as she neared.
The closer she drew to the room the more she could hear someone, no- not someone. It was two voices, one sounded a bit raspy and harsh while the other was more friendly. She recognised them both, as she stopped outside the door. Her heart fluttered with a sense of warmth, that voice only meant one thing as she knocked gently before opening the door.
Sitting up on the bed was Bakugou, he was awake, breathing on his own without the use of any machines and of course complaining. Sitting beside him was none other than Kirishima, whose smile widened.
Alecia couldn’t help but smile wide, it looked partly awkward and before she knew it she had hurried over to him and pulled him into a tight hug. Ignoring any protest of pain from Bakugou. Kirishima smiled at the two, unable to hold back a laugh from watching Bakugou’s face contort from the pain of the hug.
When she pulled away she squished his cheeks, mentioning how happy she was that he was awake.
“Yeah- Kirishima was telling me you were pretty worried idiot.”Bakugou said, as he tried to pry her hands away from her face.
She smiled before she remembered what she wanted to do, stepping back and putting the flowers into the vase. She had asked on another occasion and from what she had found out the staff didn’t mind.
“What did you expect? Do I have to remind you that your arm was nearly blown off!” She exclaimed, receiving a cross look from Bakugou as 
Alecia still kept visiting him, knowing that he would be in hospital for the next few days so the doctors could make sure that everything was okay.
It was after a busy day of her internship when she decided to pay another visit. This time bringing a few spicy snacks she had gotten from some of the vending machines. After all she knew how much the blond enjoyed spicy food, something she knew he strangely liked for whatever reason. Although she also brought some less spicy snacks for herself.
She entered the building wearing her hero costume, which consisted of a high collared black sleeveless leotard and silver details that partly resembled armour with detached sleeves and gloves along with matching combat boots. Her mask hung around the base of her neck as she followed her routine of walking to the front desk before taking the elevator to the correct floor where Bakugou’s room was.
She lightly knocked on the door before hearing the harsh voice of her best friend; “come in!” He shouted out, as she walked in and smiled happily. Where the two spent the visit both trying out the spicy food, usually the two spent the time catching up with Alecia rambling on about things half the time. Even if he tried to shut her up so he could speak it hardly worked half the time and resulted in her teasing him.
“Hey Alecia, when I’m out of here we’re going on a date you got that?” Bakugou asked, the male was known for getting straight to the point but it didn’t sound like a question. Seeming more like a demand if anything. It still felt out of the blue, as Alecia didn’t realise the pinkish hue that became of her eyes or the blush that appeared on her dark skin.
She couldn’t tell if the other was serious, his expression didn’t change apart from the slight pinkish colours in his cheeks and the way he sat in the bed. She was seated on the edge of the bed beside him, the heart monitor had been taken out of the space awhile ago, since it was no longer needed.
“I’d- like that a lot!” She beamed, causing him to sigh. So the planned the day; which would be the same day he was free to leave the hospital.
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sonarstories · 2 years
Gojo x Namami|Confession and Date|JJK OneShot
Summary: Gojo confesses to Nanami after a mission, leading to the two going on an awkward date. Only to have a small run in with two familiar sorcerers.
Nanami looked at Gojo, his usual stiff expression was replaced with wide eyes, feeling his cheeks grow hot as they dusted with blush. He didn’t know what to say, or even if he had heard him right; Gojo actually confessed to him.
The two stood outside the school gates after reporting from another mission with the students. Originally Nanami had been called in because they were splitting the students into groups. The two didn’t see each other often, even on the field.
It took Gojo a second to realise what he had said before he covered his mouth, maybe worried in case he let something else slip out. As straightforward and careless the man was, it was the last thing he expected himself to say, especially after a mission.
The man fixed his tie, as if it wasn’t already in perfect shape. Coming to the conclusion that he heard him correctly, as the confession was followed by a strained silence.
“Gojo I-”
“How about I treat you to a day out?” Gojo cut him off, his usually demeanour having returned. Like he was trying to get rid of the unfamiliar atmosphere surrounding them. Surprisingly Nanami agreed, he’d have to check his schedule but he could easily dish it out to someone else if it concerned curses.
The two had decided to meet at the local aquarium for their first date, neither of them wanted to admit it but they weren’t used to relationships. Being sorcerers didn’t really allow much time for much dating.
Nanami waited impatiently for Gojo, he knew how often the other bailed on missions or arrived at the last minute. A part of him hoped that for once he would be on time. He wore something a bit more casual than his usual attire; a black turtleneck paired with a light grey coat and navy dress pants. He was strangely nervous, after hearing Gojo’s confession it was all he could think about. Checking his phone every so often to see if Gojo had messaged him about a cancellation or if he was coming; nothing.
“Nanami!” Called a voice, causing Nanami to turn his head towards the voice like a stiff but curious kid. His eyes soon met with Gojo; it seemed like he had a similar idea in outfits, his blindfold having been replaced with small rounded dark blue glasses.
“So you can show up on time?” Nanami asked, trying to hide the relief that briefly crossed his features. The question caused Gojo to smile, his hands stuffed into his pockets.
“Of course I do, what type of person do you take me for?” He retorted, he wanted to ruffle the others' neat hair out of reflex, he was used to doing it to his students. But he managed to stop himself before the idea grew any further.
“Well, shall we head inside?” Gojo asked, pointing to the aquarium sign above them. Nanami nodded, not trusting himself to say something he’d later regret as the two made their way inside.
It felt like he was babysitting a child, watching Gojo move quickly between the tanks; amazed by the different groups of fish swimming around.
“What are you doing?” Nanami asked, his tone betraying him, causing him to come off as irritated. He caught up to the other, allowing himself to peer into one of the tanks. It looked empty, he couldn’t spot anything on the other side of the glass. Until he noticed something from the corner of his eye; moving. Nanami jumped back, the action causing Gojo to laugh as he pointed to the sign in front of the tank that had information about the fish in question.
“Hey, it's a Marine Betta fish.” Gojo said, while trying to hide his smile when Nanami looked back at him.
“Very funny, and get rid of that stupid smile.” Nanami complained, if it wasn’t for the slight blush that tinted his cheeks the man would have come off as irritated. He took a deep breath before straightening himself out.
Gojo looked at him, frowning as he watched. A part of him wished he wasn’t so uptight about things, when he envisioned the date he had expected Nanami to loosen up. But he looked surprised when the other listened, it made him feel bad.
“Sorry- I shouldn’t be so rude. Your smile is alright I suppose,” Nanami said, looking away from him. What a strange first date it was.
They continued through the aquarium, this time staying closer together and admiring the different fishes and other types of aquatic creatures that the place housed. Sometimes Gojo would take hold of Nanami’s hand, pulling him along to one of the tanks if he saw something interesting. He acted as carefree as he always did, on the odd occasion he kept a hold on his hand for longer then he should have. One of them always pulled away when it started to feel like it was a bother to the other.
The two had just gotten some drinks, with Gojo getting a slushie and Nanami getting a coffee. He was quick to notice the look of disappointment on Gojo’s face when they left the small set up shop.
“Don’t tell me you’re sad that I didn’t get the same as you,” Nanami said. Even Though the man looked displeased about it he’d rather the other didn’t sulk about it.
“You’re so up tight. Come on, at least try it then.” Gojo said holding out his to him, surprisingly Nanami gave in after little thought and took a small sip; watermelon and raspberry. But there was something else that he couldn’t figure out.
“It’s not bad I suppose,” Nanami admitted as he wiped the corner of his mouth. It made Gojo smile more than he already had been.
“What’s with that face? You look stupid,” Nanami mentioned, before he turned his attention to something behind Gojo. Where he thought he had spotted someone, causing him to sigh.
“How long are they going to keep following us?” He asked, gesturing his cup of coffee to one of the nearby displays behind Gojo; peeking out from behind were Itadori and Nobara. He recognised the two as first years, specifically the ones Gojo looked after. The two must have been tailing them for a while. Gojo’s cheeks became flushed when he looked over his shoulders, when they knew they had been spotted the two ducked behind the display. Trying to appear out of sight.
He couldn’t help but sigh, he knew what they were like as he gestured them away. They were getting a few odd looks from people walking by. Figuring there was no way to avoid it, he looked back at Nanami.
“I’m really sorry about them, I had no idea they would be up to… This” Gojo apologised, he wasn’t ashamed of his students. But sometimes he felt like they too crossed the line, even with the shenanigans they all got up to as a group.
But it was like that moment never happened, as Gojo swung an arm around Nanami’s shoulders pulling him closer to his side.
“Now where were we?” He asked, as they continued on their way through the aquarium. He soon released his hold and casually drank his slushie, a hand in his pocket. It just seemed like it got awkward between the two after that, neither of them were used to relationships, let alone dates. Unsure how to break the silence, it was obvious the two were still trailing behind them.
The date continued after that with a few more awkward moments, sometimes Gojo felt Nanami looking at him. But each time he looked at him the other seemed to have looked away.
Other times consisted of when they stopped at the small booths to get something to eat, one time Nanami mustered a laugh after Gojo had gotten icing on both his nose and above his lip.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” Gojo asked, it seemed like he didn’t notice. But he did, the man always noticed things, as he watched Nanami grab a napkin. Where he made the unexpected joke of Gojo inhaling the cold delight.
Sometimes they didn’t know what to say to each other as the day neared to an end and they had exited the building.
“Thanks for today, I honestly thought you would have ditched-” Nanami admitted, feeling slightly ashamed it was the thought that had come to mind when he was waiting. Even if the feeling didn’t really come across on his face. He didn’t know how to properly end the date, Gojo seemed to have the same thought process.
“So… Erm, did you have fun?” Nanami asked, he seemed a bit hesitant. He didn’t want the day to end but there wasn’t much else they could do at the aquarium.
“Of course I did, well minus the two who are watching behind the sign right now…” Gojo sighed, pointing to show that Itadori and Nobara hadn’t left them alone. What was up with those two?
“They’re your students Gojo, but we should do this again sometime. Maybe without them around.” Nanami said, ruffling up his white hair before they parted ways. Figuring that neither of them wanted to rush into things, during the date it had been painfully obvious the two weren’t used to anything like it. While Nanami wished he hadn’t been so uptight, but there was always next time as he heard a buzz from his phone.
Gojo:You didn’t let me answer, but I’d love that second date.
Reading the message from Gojo Nanami felt his cheeks heat up again, as much as he took him for an idiot he had to admit he liked him too. But he wasn’t quite ready to really admit it to him.
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sonarstories · 2 years
An AOT Piece commissioned by Bunnix on amino.
Summary: A love behind closed doors, kept from the sight of their comrades. Erwin is sent outside the walls on a mission. But like half of the scouts he didn’t return. When Levi finds things aren’t the same.
“Hey, don’t worry. I’ll be back before you know it.” Erwin had said, standing before his short lover and captain. They were alone, in Levi’s office. Having decided to tell him of his departure before he went, placing a tender kiss on his lips. Unbeknownst to the secret couple that it would be the last soft contact between them.
“Promise?” Levi said, his usual dull eyes filled with sadness. He knew what it was like to go outside the walls. He did it many times, he knew that Erwin was able to handle himself.
“Of course.” He said, but something about it didn’t seem right as he turned to leave. Something coming over Levi as he hugged him from behind, a part of him didn’t want him to leave. While the other knew it was his duty, no matter the risk, in the end they both suffered the same faith.
“Just- Be careful okay?”
Erwin didn’t say anything, except ruffle his neatly kept hair.
“I will, I love you.” He had finally said before he left, closing the door behind him. Not giving the other the chance to return the phrase.
It hurted, the feeling of goodbye before one of them went on a mission. Knowing the chance of victory was slim each day.
Levi headed down to the canteen later that day, noting the familiar faces of the scouts who had left. Realising that there were fewer than what had left. He looked around to try and spot Erwin’s familiar face. The one he had gotten so used to loving, yet when he couldn’t find him in the canteen he decided to approach one of the cadets and find out.
“Cadet, where is commander Erwin? He was with your group on your mission, correct?” He asked as he approached one of the cadets who were seated and eating their half-assed made meal. Taking a mental note that they didn’t look so good, their eyes didn’t tell much but he figured if anything people had clearly died, he just wasn’t sure who.
“Captain Levi sir!- Erwin… He didn’t make it sir- In fact, a lot of us were ambushed by a titan… You should have seen it, I’ve never seen something so fast.” The cadet had said, their voice low; barely above an audible whisper. Nobody had bothered to report it to him, after all to them he was the same as a valid and skilled comrade; not a lover.
He had promised, he promised that he’d come back. Levi thought, unfamiliar emotions starting to flood over him like a river. His hands balled into fists as he thanked the cadet for telling him.
He didn’t eat dinner that day, his stomach churned as he headed to his personal study. The room felt cold that evening, as he spotted the sun setting from the window. The pleasant sight did nothing to numb the pain he felt, as silent tears began to fall down his cheeks that were usually held in a still expression.
The cruel reality of their world had never hit him like it did, he had lost cadets, friends because of their duty. He had never imagined that he would lose the very person he loved, as he collapsed into his chair that was slightly ajar to the desk.
He had lost track of time, having passed out from the silent tears. Unaware of the visitor that had come in to check on him before they themselves turned in for the night.
Hange approached the captain's desk, her footsteps quiet and barely dragging behind her, she carried a blanket slung over her forearm before she draped it over his shoulders. She just figured that he had lost so many cadets; that maybe it had finally hit him, that he had reached his breaking point. Unaware about how wrong she was.
The weeks that followed Levi had begun to bury himself with his work, he always had something that kept him busy no matter what it was; writing out documents, cleaning, killing titans, you name it. Anything that would make him think about something else.
It took awhile for people to notice the differences, nothing had seemed out of the ordinary until they noticed the dark bags under his eyes. He had become more snappy towards them outside the walls, critiquing every little thing they did whether it was a little miscalculation or risk they took. Every time someone died outside the walls he could never forget what happened, the words that came from the cadets mouth haunted him daily; Erwin was dead, the titan had ambushed them, still roaming somewhere outside the walls..
He stayed up most nights due to the insomnia he had developed, leaving him awake in his room staring at the ceiling, reminded of the incident in the lonely room. He remembered when Erwin would sneak over, so the two could cuddle up if the night was cold and leave in the early hours of the morning before anyone else woke up, or when Erwin stayed up because Levi had papers he had to finish for the higher ups. He didn’t have to but he did. Sometimes the two sat in one of their offices to get it done together, but now from Levi’s room to the offices were dull. Despite the summer sun the rooms felt cold and bare even with papers cluttered on top of one another on the desk.
He missed those times, a small relief from the cruel reality they lived in. He held those memories like a trophy in his head, never letting them get too far out of reach. He basked in those times on days when things were low, while he didn’t take notice of the other cadets slowly taking notice of the small changes.
The scout regiment seemed like a dry and cold place, at least to him even if it had nearly been a month since it had happened.
“Is it just me or is the captain more distant than usual?” Mikasa said, speaking with Armin and Eren outside in the yard. A sword resting over her shoulder, as she held the other.
“Now that I think about it, he’s been stuck in his office outside of missions. I heard Hange complaining about how she found him passed out while working on some papers, at least on a few occasions this past few weeks.” Armin chimed in, who was sitting on one of the unused crates with a book in hand.
“Isn’t that how the captain usually is anyways?”Eren asked, kicking over a few loss stones that broke from the dry earth.
“No it’s not, I mean have you seen how he acts on missions? He’s always looking around for something,” Mikasa pointed out, sheathing away her swords.
She recalled each mission that she caught him looking around aimlessly after killing a group of titans, while he was high in the air, looking for something like a lost puppy. At times he had even had a few close calls with them, Hange had lectured him, saying that he should be more careful, that he was acting just like Eren for it. But he couldn’t help it, Erwin was dead and he was thirsting for the day he found that titan and slayed it with his own blades.
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sonarstories · 2 years
A Pleasant Reaper- A Black Butler Fanfiction
This was a commissioned piece from Kylin on amino, the OC Adust belongs to them.
SUMMARY: Adust comes into town hunting for a particular soul to end. When she finds her target has a family she leaves her be. Deciding to venture through the city, the people around her wary as she then needed to visit The Undertaker.
Time had really gone by fast and a familiar and friendly reaper arrived in town. Some would say that the way she went about things was sometimes dishonourable, giving reapers a bad name; after all they were human-like creatures who were ominous and said to take the unfortunate souls of the dying when their time was up.
Adust wandered the town, searching for the poor soul who would meet their faith as she adjusted the scarf that covered her face. She soon stumbled upon her victim when she stopped at one of the parks; it was spring, the leaves were starting to turn green and the flowers started coming to life once again after a dreadful winter.
She stopped in her tracks when she noticed a child that accompanied her, and a man who held a hand with them as did the woman, swinging the child as if they were on a swing. They were laughing, enjoying the simple walk in the beauty around them, the noise from the town seemed to have been drowned out by the scene.
She didn’t have the heart to do it, not when she had a family who would miss her dearly without a doubt.
“I suppose it doesn’t have to be the end today…” Adust spoke, as if there was someone she was talking to, though merely speaking to herself. The woman was young, what she knew was that she suffered from a heart condition. But Adust smiled underneath the scarf, as she turned away from the loving scene and left, finding no reason that it should be ruined; not yet.
She left the park, making her way towards the city, thinking about what she had to do next; to pay the infamous Undertaker a little visit, but she figured that taking a look around wouldn’t hurt as she went.
The large buildings felt strange and unfamiliar to her; it was different but somehow it felt comforting. The scenery wasn’t something she was used to in the present, but as times were changing it was something she would have to grow accustomed to.
Her black scythe in hand as she rested its handle on her shoulder as she went. Receiving wary looks from the people around her, their eyes watching her like lions stalking their prey before pouncing. They seemed alarmed by the ordeal, a mysterious figure dressed in black and covered nearly from head-to-toe was sure to draw attention, especially during the fresh change into a warmer season. The looks caused her to hide the weapon she regularly carried as she continued her path to the Undertaker’s shop, stopping every now and again to take a look at other places around her.
It wasn’t often that she had time to wander, with the new found mission and strange activities concerning souls growing it had kept the task of the well deserved quiet time out of reach. Adust soon found her way to her destination, the area that surrounded it was quiet and dull, of course people hardly stopped by as he took it upon himself to conceal his grim reaper nature and association with the Phantomhives under the title of a  funeral director.
The shop was quiet, eerie as she looked around the door swinging shut behind her with a loud ‘bang’ before she heard something. The sound of creaking wood moving as her eyes fell onto a coffin that stood upwards, as a familiar figure was revealed inside, an estranged smile creasing his lips as he stepped out before he spoke.
“It seems another dog is trying to catch the fox."
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