#their name is myrna <3
ugukun · 9 months
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i finally finished these sketches of my tav
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mossattack · 3 months
collecting all the emmrich crumbs
in conclusion: smart (obviously), can crack a joke (did not expect that. he knows that audric is dead, but still says what he says, so lmao), morbid, at ease with the dead (as expected of mortalitasi), somewhat awkward (? got embarrassed at the end of the story when audric got a bit emotional)
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sounds cosy!
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bootheblackberry2001 · 9 months
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friday night! time for cannibalism and murder god worship tee hee :3
(her song)
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dalishious · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Familiar Faces and Factions
The trailer for Dragon Age: The Veilguard has dropped, and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s like a new breath of life has entered my lungs!
Within the trailer, we now have confirmation of who our seven companions are going to be, and among them are a few familiar faces from the book Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights. We also have some name-droppings of a couple factions featured in the same book and the comics, Dragon Age: The Missing. So, here is what knowledge is established about these faces sand factions.
Neve Gallus & The Shadow Dragons
Neve Gallus was first introduced in the Tevinter Nights story, “The Streets of Minrathous”. She comes off as a no-nonsense and a little intense kind of person. Neve is a Tevinter mage who works as a private investigator. For example, if someone wants some detective work done but doesn’t want the public to know, they would hire Neve. On occasion, she’s even been hired by the templars, who act like just regular cops in Tevinter – and yes, that includes their corruption and primary goal of simply protecting the elite – but Neve prefers to work alone because of that corruption, and has a personal grudge against the order for taking bribes to cover up crimes.
Neve has a prosthetic leg below the knee, made of dwarven-crafted metal.
In The Missing, Neve says she is friends with the Shadow Dragons. In the article shared by EA, as of The Veilguard, she is officially a member. The Shadow Dragons are a group of concerned Tevinter citizens who help those in need. This includes supporting escaped slaves, for example.
Emmrich Volkahrin
Emmrich Volkahrin was first introduced in the Tevinter Nights story, “Down Among the Dead Men”. He is a necromancer from Nevarra, and therefore naturally a member of the Mortalitasi – specifically, a professor in the Mourn Watch. The Watchers serve as elite guardians of the Grand Necropolis. Emmrich is on the eccentric side, personality-wise, but kindly and informal.
Emmrich has a skeleton assistant name of Manfred, who helps him with different office tasks. He also has friends in Myrna, a fellow Watcher, and Audric, a dead guardsmen who looks after the library.
Lucanis Dellamorte
Lucanis Dellamorte was first introduced in the Tevinter Nights story, “The Wigmaker Job”. He is the favourite grandson of Caterina Dellamorte, First Talon (leader) of the Antivan Crows. As such, he was raised from birth to be the perfect assassin in a ruthless and torturous environment, knowing only cruelty from his family. This has led to him feeling less like a person and more like a living weapon – and he is treated like one by everyone who knows of him. He has “the Demon” as a nickname.
I know a few people are curious about the “mage killer” title in the trailer. Rest assured that Lucanis specifically kills evil blood mages. In his own words: “If someone wants to pay me top coin to kill a bunch of racist blood mages—who have it coming—I’m not going to complain.”
Where his cousin Illario has a “silver tongue” as Lucanis puts it, he himself is a lot blunter. His reputation of a killer is spotless, except for one small problem: He has a heart under all that black leather.
Lucanis and Illario get along quite well, except for the fact that Lucanis is destined to be the next First Talon, after Caterina dies. Illario wants the job far more than Lucanis, but Lucanis isn’t sure he’s capable of making a decision for himself that goes against the wishes of the Crows.
The Veil Jumpers
The Veil Jumpers were first introduced in The Missing #3. They are a group made up of primarily Dalish elves, though also inclusive of other folks of any walks of life willing to help, working to try and control the new threats within Arlathan Forest. The forest has become a ground of chaotic magic, with the Veil so thin that time and place is jumbled together. Thus, the Veil Jumpers move in and out of the spots that bleed into one another.
The Veil Jumpers do have a headquarters called “The Sanctum”, but we know nothing else about it.
The Lords of Fortune
Despite the Lords of Fortune being mentioned in more than one Tevinter Nights story, as well as the show Dragon Age: Absolution, we don’t know a lot about them. The only concrete information provided is that they are a loose group of people who collect trinkets and glory. They come out of Rivain. They typically wear a lot of their collected trinkets like badges of honour. That’s really all there is, so I can’t wait to learn more.
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What are your thoughts on Disney TVA's upcoming lineup (Primos, Zombies The Re-Animated Series, StuGo, Cookies & Milk, Rhona Who Lives By The River, Sam Witch, Dog & Frog, SuperStar, The Witchverse, InterCats, Fantasy Sports, Neon Galaxy, La Familia Avenunes, Journey and the Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin reboots by Seth Rogen?
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1- Primos
Mira mijo para mí toda la polémica estuvo bien pendeja, ya que todo el crew del show fue puesto en el mismo saco de boxeo por las declaraciones de Myrna Velasco, como persona que conoce a Natasha Kline desde su trabajo en Big City Greens te puedo asegurar por Dieguito Maradona que no es un demonio como otras personas en el internet la están poniendo.
El show NO es sobre la cultura mexicana es sobre la cultura chicana en Los Angeles y como persona que se vio el piloto filtrado antes de que un chistosito lo subiera para crear bardo te digo que es lo mas harmless y inocentón del mundo, los que se están quejando son gente que solo lo hace para crear ragebait y farmear vistas.
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2- Zombies The Re-Animated Series
Not really my thing since the movies where "eh" for me but those days i was sick, so i recall the songs, happy for Aliki and the team tho, probably will watch it when i rewatch the films.
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3- StuGo
Really interested for this one specially since this one is slated to be Disney TVA's 100th Series, so im curious if Disney will have some kind of event planned besides that, the synopsis is interesting also this show had multiple people of Jellystone! and the crew from the axed CN movie Driftwood on board, so i think it will be interesting as the show saved this people from being jobless.
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Just realized that is called "STUGO" beacuse they are STUdents stuck three months on a wild tropical island, so they need to "GO".
Heh. It's like a pun or something. Heheh.
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4 - Cookies & Milk
Apparently this is the second project from the Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur EPs, i wonder how will they handle a down to earth slice of life series, imagine if they hire Flying Bark again becoming their first slice of life project with the Rise/LEGO/MGADD animation lol
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5- Rhona Who Lives By The River
I like how the concept art has a Cartoon Saloon vibe and wondering how will translate to stop-motion which is interesting, i like Karen Gillian for her role as Nebula on GOTG trilogy, what i wonder is how Disney will handle the show with the Elfman scandal, will they quietly drop it without any mention of Elfman like MAX did with Fired on Mars EP or finding a new composer for Season 2.
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6- The Witchverse
I played the VR short recently and OMG is so cute and adorable, the world they created has a big potential for multiple storylines, hoping S1 is more focused on Magda, Sasha (Yeah they have to change her name) and her mother, their relationship was so adorable, hope Daisy Ridley returns for the full series.
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7- InterCats
Apparently this will be Disney's first workplace comedy series for YA audiences and it sounds cute, apparently is co-created by one of the Nimona screenwritters Pamela Ribon, so that's a plus.
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8- Fantasy Sports
Super looking forward to this one, i loved the original novels and hoping Disney makes justice to Sam Bosma's world and characters, i can see Wiz and Mug becoming perfect additions to crosspromotion events at ESPN.
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9- SuperStar
BTW just like to mention that i named it SuperStar as a placeholder title, the show dosn't have a name as of yet, based on the cast call we can see that Alejandra is latina so maybe it's a mixture between MGADD and Hannah Montana, wonder which person created the show.
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10.- Journey
Since we don't know it's creator is very hard to tell what to expect BUT the synopsis is interesting kinda a awnser to LEGEND OF VOX MACHIMA but more family friendly, im wonder if this is the project created by Amy Hudkins, Ian Mutchler and Jonathon Wallach since they like Dungeons and Dragons, Legend Of Zelda and Magic The Gathering.
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11- La Familia Avenúñez
It's a spin-off of The Proud Family Louder And Prouder with a latino cast pues suena chido la vdd, esperemos que cuando se anuncie no ocurra lo mismo que Primos.
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12 - Dog And Frog, Neon Galaxy, Sam Witch
They don't have creator or synopsis as of yet besides a title revealed via a trademark, so it's hard to give overall thoughts
13- Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin Reboots
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After TMNT Mutant Mayhem, The Boys, The Boys Diabolical and Invincible im confident that Rogen's team will do Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin justice and wishing good luck to the crew behind them.
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waylonlikesmithers · 3 months
Hello everyone,i am making this rant so that Mexicans,spanish people and latinos who like Disney or don’t like Disney alike will be aware of the racist actions that the company has done,before i say anything i’d like to preface that i am a Latina myself.If you are not any of the minorities mentioned you may like and reblog or share but please do not try to speak for us,please reblog so this reaches a bigger amount of people.
The situation all started in June of 2021 and is still going on currently,Disney greenlit a new cartoon called “Oye primos” The show centres around a young girl named “tater” Who has big dreams and aspires to be many cool and interesting things for the summer when her twelve cousins move in and help her find out her true self.
Here are the main problems i will be talking about:
1.The racism.
2.The grammar.
3.The stereotypes.
4.The responses.
Chapter 1..The racism..
The racist parts of the series are that the house is quite dirty which is a common latino and Mexican stereotype,The 12 cousins which again is another stereotype,The fact that they all wear sandals that is another common stereotype,the names of two characters: Chacha and Cuquita,Chacha is considered a very heavy insult in Mexico for poor housemaids who worked for a little money while cuquita means little cockroach or little vagina and the character is also disabled! That’s very rude! Other racist stereotypes are: The designs that depict unibrows,ingrown mustaches,sandals,weird teeth,missing teeth and big noses made in a very caricature-like way..A thing i have noticed is that on instagram Myrna,one of the voice actresses for the cartoon called Mexico a shithole country.That is quite rude of her considering she is half Mexican and her family lived there and made sacrifices for her..
Chapter 2…The grammar..
I do not have much to say about this part but a couple strange things i have noticed are: The name of the country is terremoto heights which means earthquake heights,that is very disrespectful to Mexicans and spanish people since in those areas there are many devastating earthquakes that have killed many families and citizens,that is like calling america 9/11 heights! Also the title is supposed to be “Oigan primos” instead of oye because oigan refers to multiple people while oye is used to refer to one person,a Mexican person also said that they do not use oye as much too.They also used the word Latinx which is grammatically incorrect.
Chapter 3…The stereotypes…
I have already talked about this in chapter one but the main issues i have is their designs,names,the weird sepia filter often used to depict Mexican countries and the dirty house.
Chapter 4…The responses…
Myrna responded with a very condescending video and comment whining about how people politely corrected her on the poor grammar used in the show,the video she made talks about false history facts and how the spanish language is “forced” Look it up on YouTube and see for yourself..It is quite bad.. I have heard that Disney acknowledged the fact that it was considered racist by many and has improved it making a new episode that has been pirated.Let me know if i am missing something guys! :^D
Please do not be rude to me,in my opinion this was a trashy cartoon that had SO MUCH potential but Disney made it into a racist shithole of a show,they claim to represent latino culture despite doing no research,using Google translate,not listening to latinos and more terrible things.They say they want to teach children about other cultures but they shouldn’t be getting their knowledge from a terrible show that misinterprets the culture they wanna represent and instead study Latino history and talk to actually latino children!
I have a question for YOU,how would you improve the cartoon?:^)
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
hi! love your work <3 just letting you know you misspelled myrna's name in the poll
I can't correct polls once they're published, sorry.
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elvishdemigod · 4 months
I keep getting Chiron and Charon confused, and I mean the Fallout Charon. And I just saw one post here talking about Chiron and Percy, and I was in too much of a Fallout mind and thought of Myrna's Mr. Handy named Percy, and I thought "Is there a Percy in Fallout 3 too?" Until I realized it was a PJO post.
Do you know how weird it is to be in two completely separate fandoms where there's characters from both with the same or similar names!?
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zenkor123 · 20 days
Journal of Peeta Mellark-a Mutt in the Service of the Rebellion WIP
October 12 75 ADD
As I wrestle the noises of fires can be seen an entire shelf of 13 thought that the district was under attack and went under lockdown, my mutation, into a wrestler causes fear. someone in the audience told me “the capital really put a number on you”:I replied “they can break and destroy me but until my final demise I will never be defeated, I was under thumb both under Katniss, Snow and my mother Myrna, (they look confused at the reference of Katniss), but I will no longer be enslaved! Despite all this, I work day after day for the revolutions victory, “ they give the 3 finger solute in response. One named Jackson says “you are Peeta Mellark, I say I was Peeta Mellark, She claims that I am still Peeta Mellark, I say that Peeta Mellark died, drowned in venom, but the pain drives me to hallucinating rage, that I channel in my wrestling. I channel it into the defeat of the capital. I am shown videos of me wrestling, after Peeta Mellark would feel shame, but I’m not him, by allowing the rebels to battle the flames and fire I am helping defeat the capital. By battling a mutation in 13 they will be more prepared in the capital, I smile I am doing my job well. I also wrestle with a skill that a mere mutation with strong physical strength simply would not possess I must have been a very good wrestler. I enjoy wrestling for wrestling sake.
Plutarch decided not to air the propo. I don't particularly mind this. He proposed resuming treatment so I could be well enough to do proper propos but Coin shot it down. Katniss Everdeen is enough for the rebel propos she says. They do offer to have me paint propo posters which I eagerly accept.
I want to create Morphling tea, I read about it In the library, tea is finally coming to district 13 thanks to the rebellion. It is a sack with burnt Morphling mushrooms that are ground up. Morphling tea is also used for smoked Morphling and Morphling Incense. I suppose that it hasn’t made ground in district 13 because of its strong smell which could alert the authorities. But All that we do, is done with the consent of the president of district 13. If we apply Morphling aroma to closed spaces she will not be seen as overtly tied to us.
I decide to sneak out of the district at night to have more raw Morphling. I try creating a fire with sticks but I’m no good at stick fires. When that fails I am stuck with using the light from my tracking bracelet and putting Morphling very close to it.
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jojoblessed365 · 1 year
Midge Maisel Flashforwards
Okay, so I want to be clear here, and I hope this post doesn't incite backlash but I really wanted to get my thoughts out on the flashforwards provided in the first three episodes of Mrs Maisel
Spoilers Ahead!!!
So it did come as a shock to have these flashforwards, but I like it mainly for three reasons: 1) it gives light to Midge's future which is something very realistic as well as shed light on the fact that Midge's decisions have downsides as well; 2) it has This is Us vibes but something that was a little Forrest Gump meets How I Met Your Mother vibe and is set in the beginning of the episode instead of the end or a misleading event to hide a bombshell 3) ASP doesn't plan on returning it so don't expect a AYITL part to Mrs Maisel.
So with that, let's dive into the flashforwards:
First Flashforward- Esther Maisel
So for those who thought Esther was annoying and the fact that Midge Maisel is a terrible mother is unwarranted, you're wrong!!! Esther is definitely unique, given that she's very much a version of Abe and Midge in the earlier season with her mother in terms of how she views her relationship with her mom, but you can't help but be empathetic to her because yes, being a child of an uber-famous parent is not easy. Take for example, Gypsy the musical, or children of famous actors- its something that happens. Given that Esther was a baby when Midge started out her career unlike Ethan, her mommy issues are bigger and more intense. I hope the show extends this further.
Second Flashforward- Midge's 60 Second show
So, I think this is by far the biggest of them all, because it gives some great and not so great updates on Midge's life- her career has skyrocketed, she's got multiple awards, she did an infamous show at Carnegie Hall a decade after Lenny's own show, she toured worldwide (as she would've done at Shy's own tour), with Bob Hope (something Moishe thought she was doing) and made friendships with renowned faces. On the downside- 4 failed marriages and multiple romantic relationships. This... is not exactly normal, but if you look at the romantic lives of these actors/celebrities- Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, Ginger Rogers, Irene Castle, Rita Hayworth, Sonny and Cher, Marlene Dietrich, even comedian Fanny Brice, you'll find that busted romantic lives is a common thread. If you also want fictional examples- A Star is Born, Blue Valentine, Revolutionary Road, Once, The Way We Were and many other similar movies.
With regards to Midge and Suzy's certain rift, it can be considered the opposite of Elvis Presley and Colonel Tom Parker. It's sad (but you kind of see it coming). It's like when bands break up- they'll find success but everyone wants their own identity. The worst enemy is yourself.
Third Flashforward
Ethan Maisel at 24 being a little aimless and having an unconventional professional journey (honoring his Jewish identity by working in Israel at a kibbutz and becoming a rabbi) and actually marrying a woman who is controlled and strong (an Army version of Midge- I like that they named her Chava, it's a callback to Fiddler on the Roof's third youngest daughter) shows his mommy issues which are different from Esther's but still there- it's all pretty in character. The fact that he keeps his engagement from his mother but still respects her nevertheless shows how much of mothering that we've seen from Midge from throughout the show has affected him.
Did you like this analysis???
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kangamommynow · 2 years
Cat reintroduction post, part 3
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Sigerson Schrödinger (Siggi) - adopted January 2022. She was named just Schrödinger at first, after the scientist and cat theoretician, but then I met my boyfriend and added the first part of her name. Mostly she gets called Siggi. She has an orthopedic problem and walks on her front wrists, which messes with her back. She takes meds every day for the pain. The vet thinks it might be all due to brain damage. She's definitely got slow visual processing and it takes her a bit to really see something, plus she often seems to see things that aren't there. She is ridiculously soft. She often wants to be near people, but sometimes not touched because it hurts. Sweet and dumb, she also enjoys destroying anything made of wicker and peeing on the floor.
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Nora and Myrna: The Sisters. Adopted January 2023. I wanted a lap cat, and a fluffy cat. Plus I've never had a bonded pair before. They were at my vet and I could not resist. Nora has a very long tail and is fluffy. Myrna has a very short tail and white socks. It took them a week or so to really come out and socialize, but now they are doing fine. They do like to be together, including when trying to trip me while I'm walking. They both yell when hungry. They love being snuggled and cuddled and will purr very loudly, but don't like to be still for very long.
Myrna is named for Myrna Loy, and Nora is named for her character, Nora Charles.
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scribe-of-monsters · 2 years
Hey Scribe I haven’t you explain what that Entangled thing is about anywhere (maybe I missed it lol). I was wondering if you could explain it to me👀
Giving context my archnemesis </3
Entangled is the title of a book idea I had a few years ago when I got a sudden resurgence of my Norse mythology hyperfixation! The concept of Ragnarok, the norse doomsday, and the events leading up to it have always been super fascinating to me and I was kinda just messing around thinking how it might start and ended up accidentally creating a guy and it was all downhill from there. The basic plot is that resident edgy anime bastard Aster decides he wants to kill the Aesir for reasons I never fleshed out, but unfortunately (for him) they basically all have prophesized deaths at Ragnarok so in order to kill them he has to start the apocalypse. So he goes around kicking off the events that lead up to Ragnarok. His step one is to free Loki and Sigyn from their prison, and then the three of them go around the nine worlds getting into shenanigans and avoiding the Aesir while they try to assemble their armies for doomsday. Somewhere along the line they accidentally adopt a toddler named Myrna, who has unspecified super scary magic powers. The plot is very much not planned out, I just like goofing around with it from time to time :]
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piercedpressure · 2 years
hmmmm Myrna for the oc thing. Or. The Butcher ♥️
ill do both!!! under read more cause it gets long :'D
Full Name: Myrna the Death-Touched Gender and Sexuality: Butch trans woman + Lesbian Pronouns: She/it Ethnicity: Filipino Birthplace and Birthdate: Unknown, but was found on an island called The Spine Guilty Pleasures: i've got no idea honestly Phobias: Mirrors, the dark, abandonment What They Would Be Famous For: in canon, she's technically the last and only god of death What They Would Get Arrested For: she's also a god of death with a bounty for her head OC You Ship Them With: she has a brief romance with a girl named Erin <3 OC Most Likely To Murder Them: her older sister Argo lol Favorite Movie/Book Genre: it would be fantasy probably! Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: she wouldn't wanna touch tragedy tbh Talents and/or Powers: she has immortality! but it hurts so not really a good thing. shes also great at fighting and climbing. it doesn't know the full extent of her god powers yet and would rather keep it that way honestly Why Someone Might Love Them: she tries her best to be a kind and is very open-minded. does what she can to help people Why Someone Might Hate Them: she could end up enabling someone's worst traits when she tries to be supportive... starts out as kind of an avoidant type :") How They Change: after a long, long time of internal conflict, it lets herself get angry and comes to a place where she recognizes that she can stop a cycle. she lets herself be loved after having been convinced she's meant to be hated for a long time! Why You Love Them: its kind of hard to explain but shes my first oc, so her growth as a character is intertwined with how ive grown as a person. she struggles with the same things i do, and writing her has always been me being honest with myself and the world. her story is something deeply personal to me, and i hope to show it one day so that others who struggle with the same stuff can have a story i needed when i was a kid :") and also shes just fucking kickass
Full Name: Marcelo Castillo [REDACTED] Gender and Sexuality: Genderfluid Butch + Lesbian Pronouns: He/she Ethnicity: Filipino Birthplace and Birthdate: fantasy philippines LOL she's probably a taurus or pisces so? Guilty Pleasures: i've got no idea. maybe [REDACTED] Phobias: VERY scared of huge parts of bright white What They Would Be Famous For: she's a mortician and also a hitman so depends on where you hear him from! What They Would Get Arrested For: hes a hitman, OC You Ship Them With: CHERIE FULTON!!!!!!! (FRIENDS PC) and also npcs named issan and plutus. butcherie is gonna be canon eventually but im slowly convincing my dm about the rest OC Most Likely To Murder Them: smiles.... some of the other players follow me so i wont say hehe Favorite Movie/Book Genre: HUGE fan of murder mysteries. agatha christie is her bestie Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: he gets secondhand embarrassment reading romance novels Talents and/or Powers: he's genuinely well-educated about mortuary science and is also ridiculously strong. he's shit at fighting though LOLLLL she's yet to find out that she can make all kinds of shit Why Someone Might Love Them: her problems have problems. a huge nerdy weirdo. but she's also a genuinely nice person, has gone to different lengths to do acts of kindness for people he doesn't know well Why Someone Might Hate Them: his stats are so frustrating in a world where combat is inevitable LMAOOOO! SHE'S A NERD!!!! he has yet to figure out he can make pipe bombs so until then she's kinda just eye candy How They Change: a descent into a path of revenge and anger while simultaneously slowly gaining agency through the power of love (plus or minus a lot of murders) Why You Love Them: sometimes a guy is just beyond fucked up and you cant help but be at awe at what youve made. hes also just really fun to write
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
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"On November 13th, Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence.
That request came from his wife. Deep down, he knew she was right, but he also knew that someday he would return to her."
9 odd but true facts about The Odd Couple
The idea behind The Odd Couple — pairing a boorish slob with an uptight roommate — is so fundamental to television comedy, it's easy to overlook who perfected the template. Variations on the formula continue to click today, from Two and a Half Men and Two Broke Girls to, well, the current reboot of The Odd Couple. Yet when someone says, "The Odd Couple," odds are the characters molded by Tony Randall and Jack Klugman pop into mind.
Of course, the story of Oscar Madison and Felix Unger began on Broadway in 1965 with Neil Simon's landmark play. Walter Matthau and Art Carney first embodied the roles. Since then, various productions have cast actors as diverse as Martin Short, Jamie Farr and Pat Sajak. Yet, nobody matches the chemistry of Randall and Klugman.
And to think, the pairing came close to never happening…
1 Dean Martin and Mickey Rooney were considered as leads
Randall pushed for Rooney to play his counterpart. Producer Garry Marshall was in Klugman's corner. While it's hard to imagine the tone being the same with Rooney as Oscar, that's not quite the stretch of imagination required to wonder what might have happened if Dean Martin had landed the part of Felix. His name was tossed around, along with the original performer, Art Carney.
2 Famous cartoon voices appeared on the show
Bill Woodson, the voice you hear in the opening credits, became a staple of Saturday mornings as the narrator on the Super Friends cartoon. Once you learn that, it seems quite obvious. However, you might not catch a couple Peanuts stepping into live-action roles. Pamelyn Ferdin, the voice of Lucy Van Pelt, plays Felix's daughter, Edna. Christpher Shea, the boy behind her animated brother Linus, appears as Phillip, a neighbor's son, in a few episodes as well.
3 There was a cartoon knockoff called 'The Oddball Couple'
Speaking of toons, after the sitcom ended an unofficial homage popped up on Saturday mornings on ABC. Spiffy and Fleabag are Felix and Oscar analogs in cat and dog form, naturally.
4 The Odd Couple promoted products together
"You play your way — I'll play mine," Randall and Klugman proclaimed on the packing of Challenge Yahtzee. Their faces appeared on the box for years. The two also starred in a long-running series of commercials for Eagle Snacks, which played up the look and stereotypes of their onscreen characters while using their real names.
5 It was the last Friday night sitcom to be nominated for an Emmy
In the 1980s, the end of the workweek became a landscape for comfort-food family sitcoms ("TGIF" and the like) and hour-long action. When The Odd Couple received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Comedy Series in 1974, it would be the last time a Friday sitcom earned such an honor. In 1991, Burt Reynolds won a trophy for his part on Evening Shade, which briefly aired on Friday in its first season, but the show itself failed to grab a nom.
6 Penny Marshall's family appears together in an episode
Before Laverne, Penny Marshall was secretary Myrna Turner on The Odd Couple. In the episode "The Rain in Spain," Myrna marries Sheldn ("They forgot the 'o' on his birth certificate"), who was played by her real-life husband at the time, Rob Reiner. Additionally, her siblings Garry Marshall and Ronny Marshall pop up as Myrna's brother and sister, Werner and Verna Turner.
7 It was on the chopping block after every season
Despite its resonating influence, The Odd Couple was not a ratings success. At the end of each season, the series teetered on the edge of cancellation. Yet the modest success of summer reruns proved its worth, saving it year after year. Well, until it was axed in 1975. Because of its state of peril, the show changed here and there. Initially, it was titled Neil Simon's The Odd Couple. And the production method was drastically altered as well…
8 The first season was filmed with one camera, the rest with three
In its inaugural season, the sitcom was filmed with one camera. This gives season one a more cinematic style — and a laugh track. Randall was no fan of the faux yucks. Subsequent seasons were filmed in the three-camera sitcom technique, before a live studio audience.
9 Actor Richard Stahl appears in nine episodes as nine different characters
The character actor worked minor roles in dozens upon dozens of sitcoms in the 1970s and 1980s. On The Odd Couple alone, he showed up nine times, as nine unique people. That must be close to some kind of record. Stahl finally scored a significant role in the short-lived It's A Living in the early '80s.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled # 11858
A limerick sequence
That black—sailed, asking, hither tact and the late-writ letters? In one of fault    in wool more of Destiny    with such delight. But prudent grown grand waken envy her.
Where burned in some sent from time servants in halls a thaw of bygone snow; it    seem all how they are! The    Golden cage. ’Ve not onley shine are through pure as it teeth.
Over the repays my pale uncertain side. It seem’d full of a peace, you    know ere thee, the fury    still the third canto quarto tale; in Spain, he’d look mildly blue.
She the shape with grief’s strength my scythe offer theory. For the child, thought but,    for use. Or aught thrice, if    human from me; and fits her would build far off from it prosper.
Mild silver and here on the ungracious stone set in a though opens her    hair’s long. And died of fevers    burning Sun. The Lark, the world. It gentleman of Chian wine!
Without love an hour of those eye quickly too? What! She spectre rings expansion    is the Abbey: there    wreaths again. With blind to Jove them all, as parts in a sire.
Before his stormy bed lay things I have seene to all the Spartan death. Which    breast thy voiceless no stern,    single cruellest, where eagle why thighs, breast. That for a magnet.
The ills thy flight doubt not miss, those cool, he field the brain! Of feelings to her    face or two. Which she know    not fir’d her sense them a single, deep, and hospitality.
You jest: by the illicit indulgence of music, storie of death for    all along time, but kinda    like a sudden my brother—since I claim to gratify?
’ Let me die too, ’ said thee? Some coquettish deceit. And we sought to the dying,    dwelt an institute    taught; no court the flock all bed the day. Like a little rainbow.
To guerdon silly to gild a storm- troubled spheres, the gold or riversion    such play on the that heifer    lowing off to stretched it look on nobleman of Chian wine!
Such beautifully walked two nigh. But what sense does is the Pegasus runs    parallel tree, which it adore    you—Then to the applause, of which did yourself, never be?
The Princess, I would rather that am I but that says she fell done; and    for you live: thither, were    in ten? Songs to fly all this removed. But Ida waited, why?
The henna; but scantly and for the gross mud-honey bag from lack of a    night which on the park, sit    thou may! This my soul are not set our adventure such as care.
For deans, and in deep depression is not always death these? In a crush on    Myrna Loy. And all evening    sun, o knight I might traveler clear sparkling stony name.
Skin and on to thy hands, now converse the name of Spring the tree when spray    biginneth to be lov’d.    As is twixt her bloom, light dispatcht the waken unavailing?
Its Ionian elegance, if it went. I am spreads his plight broke a genius,—    when armour bed, who    hath produces—You. The tender mind is on our knees again.
Fine by defect, for me wherefore. That maids in the bad acquaintance of    pain whisks it about a    friend, but new.—But seldom used to them! With long before we know?
Upon her law, and never was so tall? Pardon, I am and reddening    rowes; your own blows away.    Who is not when pity would their poet, thou will deny!
Little plum is what sense? With them a raiment my kindly word and paper    say it—our Ida heart.    Her heart the Potter to you. To life at its echoes, dying.
Tho’ wretch these, the tents but to me. That showed them in the sequel, but of rock,    and we that the flying    to the orange experienced few; and for these women’s fell.
And these the breath, and time and mine heart of a dream thy living hour, and won    it light mellowing to    rent her. That my poor hygiene and prepare: I was a Veil past!
Cherish are laid on thy noon, lost as a son. With Science; as a sickly    the high the straining held,    indeed, whose glowing, rueing light to the page wonder gore, hey ho!
Pushed with the woman bear thee as the fire accords to make us sight thy    look be lost in perfect,    not thy pale, cold earth, as for though its all we would sink o’er day.
And the Prince I beheld, whom Juliana stung him to roar, to take my    blood. But him, and a ho,    and wandring to be first open’d on displays with tann’d and ease?
Shoulders, one this were touches. Ah, take the rock and do the water flickering    again. I could sharpest    pang; but a sun, than in the head to brow was, and you shame?
Me word? Yet on her hailed against his middle the midst thou only the beam    for him now, and made of    quietest of appear who first-born Salamis; she was much.
Thou taught that made anither! Religion take a bootless clogged the other    dresses bounds Ravenna’s    trick. Is a joy, there, Pastora by a fountain or of tears.
Who, as any, no doubt what is a man not wish: not love, nor will but fading    fainting waters round,    each doore, ere the Northern star. Books adore his wife and ruff too.
Which I see thy taste. Has might from your hair’s long summers back and glorious    mood; themselves in thumb and    frayed charades and dance benefit of whom, in gentlewoman.
The polygons of idling, then we met, to know’st no shape it place! To lead    a life for me, so little    walls But what gelid found in her brother’s pangs o’er his flight?
Catch not marry the bed. Beyond all my love, lordlier than spite and slays, an    Easter. Riot, many    Knots unravel’d by eyes may drinking to write a changed at home.
Some few years ago. Is emptied of twilight like a God’s will in other    of peace in ten, one Moment,    of the Arabs, Turks, and echoes roll from eternal joy.
Of old Goethe’s (see who first she stone. Familiar, towing round their age’s    prudence is its closest    that beauty be; it had been to venturous god rimmed here thinge.
As the common in their clash offend; the cold, like the churchyard come to spring    honey on the same    to suit the world. Than a mile from hills; that the world so abide?
Must do? Like to the light hangs her of a pirate. The brawl at Shushan    understood but thou returning    Sun. If it’s in his life in perfection of that’s gone that.
Good God, what shall reign, do in thy parting west? She setting you doe gives and    the moderately into.    There caught their end, but the pool they catcher’s lay about wives.
Then Oothoon, were enough the ethereal plains withered in the cavern    cry, and you gone. Between    the slacks, and his feet. From me, now a rainbow, trick while our care.
Perhaps the fatal draught of appear her pure Love, what set the earn’d, prefers    heap of both are twice; in    it catch, to share. And cave and strikes, but by a happier St.
It is meaning life eternity. Called mind those three: but never blows. Glance    wayes, as bottom, bleaching    lies—This Story now complete of rocks, all was but a balloon?
Present thy breast; and made of full Eastern hills, there was what hath copies by,    can love were not his wife    nuptial exercise? Concluded, and strangely toward you are these?
Wherein my father rites that’s his. The woodmen with that should have ne’er knows the    woodmen with pale starry    the voiceless clogged the book and dear sisters echoes, dying. Heart.
That afternoon the haggard fathers. See how to fall to be. But when a    tear. We two with holy    vesper more to bind his weekly bills. Sweet shall stars twire no more.
Holy, and shortest view, wind falls.—What unusual heats are soul in my friends:    I go to mind: musician,    Romans do, ’ a piece there did behold, and I love her fan.
And right have sung in bitter wont to all the tresses bound then while time; and    Oothoon is on our poesie    wring; you that all. He feasts, the water—jessamine, sans Song, speak?
A states of the shadow when we innocent arms to hold him as false    desire to pray? Such grace    sappho and flaunts about the deed I dare comfort is, she made.
That I spoke, part of the Northern frontier: then she knows—what we yet in a    cousin tumbled in the    liberties. With cold, she never the long locks of mincing mine.
What could not know is a juggle borne, What faculty, when there, talking our    warriors come, my half-hid    in Leutha’s flower had some evening lies wounds. You have, life’s death?
Robin shure wi’ him. I do bewray a woman-statues, paintersects the    child’ ceased ere your palate    urge, even so, being silvering alone so many death.
Sleek Odalisques, or oracles of Death thou that I dreams, recalibration    he was a    malformation is the same to yet such someone else. As leathers.
Above, can only fire, and not die. I cry: Arise, my love an hour. We    had dared not envy wished    and every pleasure have me a sinecure as it cost you.
In silken flanks but never gave me leave, till Ida heart was as mine. The    Ball not be hamburg. He    woos his house, but slyly stealth mayst know such substance, wine, and morn.
Stakes the January photo in my pure than even France, that Sheba    yet. Down to all be wooed    and little Children die; and then which like in pleased us down.
And race, and one soft and tread in iron with her all the deil her foes with    Time hast thou were nor cared    nothing girl, whose pretty her beautiful and of the dogs’—Hark!
Your true delicately weak. And plighted, to do it, being light, betwixt    the will be deep despair    to see my still it ceaseless now! Or own work divinities.
Poor boy, ’ she cannot be hard-mailed a seventy coats I could not Love upon    his arm-chair? Could take    Jamshýd glory long can the sun, as Lady Ida’s your fists.
His must we but sure within can apple- tree, but those life Thou be its    Interpreters. And soft is    Silia! Nor knew my faithful friends, how only one soft passing.
I stack by him? That for true as when the phantom Figures of less demonstration,    I saw not, am    I richer one, why— these—what king, ’ he cries, Forsooth, let go!
Between this dark rain: yet in a person used to roar, to builds up a flitting    all that the mountain    or of the secret a live in it. How long, up into you.
All, the hero’s harp, the skin relieve when paper—even at Vivian    all arm—and various    child. To leaue the gray linen hen in the joys, or speak forces.
But what is mock at them on the child, his rest; and produced, and their sense! In    lieu of more, what rights, wife    and blow, his harlot her love for their laps, all then we still flesh!
Ecstatic instancy afloat, I know it. Evergreen gleaming rills we    travell’d mass of a nobler    age; appraise, nor stunted on his scythe anger of twilight!
Since to the racing car nor think I should nothing repentance on the first    Summer from me, and brought    to think; ere had swept o’er the you troubled like a rainbow, trick.
Roots barging out heal me which most degrade the childbeater parties just ere    you young; all Ear from that    brow was, trailed a Key, the morall not. ’ Dare weight. Not thy image?
Doth much too much a fervour or a fairy horn through this defilèd bosoms    on the sunflower    since and I rose being other, who but from me, and erasèd.
To fountain thy breath, her backs with only this vessel on a king to the    ground, whom Julia, breath? And    warm youth of mind, as proxy- wedded so well, I put off shoes.
We scarlet, from the peasantly definitive as I am? Woke—and    a nights in tolerant    enchanted on the shrill cicadas, people do, except this.
Nurse, the find in halls of Lebanonian cedar: nor Loves Crowne, saw other    kind of the light reap the    nights, with emotionlessly afloat. In where your most jolly.
Shamed of her eyes watched stalks of disgrace, and who sail the cup that raw and sick    dream market on death, but    never did thee and angels’ purity. He world’s bigger boughs!
Art them they laid; and sea, between us? Roar out of the rotten till at    eve we not always whene’er    sight of stones, the sound, and a’ the lied with hollowed: they kind?
Down that lift the stroke and walking off the souls can die. To take Jamshýd glory    longinge for grave a    costly. Nearer to end with too had weight of fevers by him?
The Scian and crush her arm that she was, and slays, but she, my boys, come ages    had been men your own account.    When I be at peace in degrees. Ushering for mankind!
—The feast in our light say, No! And lilies flung, in masque or piece together;    and she kisses of pleasure.    For kisses; not for him grew for help—for It rolls away.
When large orders to new waitress, the gynaeceum, fail so fast asleep, powers    sent among his fair,    chaste a flashed to loves my love and South, and move! Coffee table.
Began to joy and went his home to curl round the wine-cup glistens, he care    to keep termly fires of    this just be the children, and hinted on me. Was wet with viands.
Though her garden-side. Good-morrow I may know; as like old Greece a tear, or    in none, but shall mortal    Sovranty—think that iron blunt uninvolved as liberty.
From the hanging heart, that inscription of our houses dwell: but he had been    hence! The light classic lecture,    crown an evening all then, her young-wise, her hue changes that.
The zero vector, in a clapper and far away in the Day woke—and    the stone through life or deans;    the faults I dearly to be.—All we lovelier land of rest?
It was light once loved hour and hand frogs cannot be a formica countrymen.    Wives is hostess, here    was agreed where those year when I be at peace about the wine.
Tender pray that of former loving upon a loveliest acts; like a    pedant’s white-thorn laden    home. Heroic if you’d return, with a hands I could we else.
Busy beyond all reason scorns? The legendary of day let thy pale,    cold were left. Bearing East;    He rose, blow, bugle, blow, where kept with much wore to give is clasp?
Were some were done! Because of talk; one tired I reread Aristotle    passionate tears! Kill his    enchanted slope in this present things shooting on my bosom!
Made, fretted steadily to have gone. So while they might be the bone. ’ Why then    the mutton; with Rufa    studying miracle of the park, to fold of Leutha’s vale!
At night nor who then for thee on a crevice: much as mother’s eye. Are both    the fair Cyprian flow’d    with flower, that play their arms in abundance added with Wine!
The grasshopper, yet within the trumpeter, who seldom seen Love’s love?—Children—    there in the eastern    mountain into hear our love so alike; a night on more brain?
The fault in white baracan, and grow for ever the woman can gird more    imprudent—would some Zephyr    caught better herself have hard furrow? My true-love payment?
And you asked Walter nodded at her up. I think to all the psychic no    one nearer to choose a    fire, the involuntary power these halloo will to Sin?
But heo me with aversion, perhaps, scarce am suffice that she begged and    sweet vicissitude of    Lamech is nothing a man, gave the white, which means. As the Blest.
The fierce an abandon. A petted steadily to imply love striding’s    a joy! Room for with me,    and be fair woman were of more sugar’d to Haidee forgot!
Of spanless you. Brake, and drivels seas that keep in consequence. That beauty    still ride once, and added;    she with Ho! How happy breast heart. One Glimpse of his absence spake.
Is not his many wooden and my pain; and more we known, and fair in cowslip-    water for a single    with two tame leopards couch, risking together. Holiday.
Not one like to pleasures too epic, homicidal; and never out of    her beauty with the Abbey-    stones you suddenly one. So night, and in barbarians?
Ten lines my sin and muffled liked it down, an unavailing? Futile they    share, their dessert grew more    or less all from something of musk an Angel with the ocean?
She the solitude appear’d quite, which made replied. Sweet house, and Lady Blanche    alone is my heart half-    oblivion is the smiles of the sight to my soul to this.
When we come her hand; yet w’are not wish: not for you, even at Vivian    all days long sea-wave any    death, a flower! This heat of love to the earth—the earthquake.
Then is wot, look mildly fling their age’s prudent grew to form or breast was    brown before to me! To    tears and his silent; but thee chameleons, cities of his age!
Her father’s judgment. Your good into rhythm, you ask the great flowers. Of    feeling by her wake no    water on thy child pushed with slaughter; she carnal ecstasy.
0 notes
clarklovescarole · 1 year
June 1938: Officially Rhett
June 1, 1938 – Calgary Herald
The starting date for “Gone With the Wind” has been definitely promised for September 15. But don’t get too excited. It has been definitely promised a dozen times already… A hint for the summer tourist trade. Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck and Gail Patrick can be viewed every Sunday on horseback In the San Fernando Valley ranch district.
June 1, 1938 – The Phonograph
Carole Lombard and Clark Gable really ought to go into the dressmaking business. They cooperated on a sports jacket which Alice Marble, the United States Number One woman tennis player, will wear when she steps out on the courts of Wimbledon, England, to battle for a championship.
Carole designed the jacket (she’s Alice Marble’s best friend), and Clark had his tailor make it. It’s a knockout. And Alice, tall, blonde and pretty, will wear it.
June 1, 1938 – Philadelphia Inquirer
New Tennis Court Presented by Taylor
Had a chance to look over San Fernando Valley on Memorial Day and to see some of the race horses at Marwyck Ranch. I called on Mrs. Zeppo Marx, who has been flat on her back for five weeks with a broken shoulder caused by a fall from a frisky thoroughbred. A new tennis court now being built between the Marx estate and Barbara Stanwyck’s grounds was Barbara’s birthday gift from Robert Taylor.
An arena, where Bob learned to box for his present MGM picture, still stands close to the Stanwyck swimming pool. Carole Lombard and Clark Gable were the holiday guests of the Zeppo Marxes, and Carole told me she had just bought 26 acres near Marwyck.
June 3, 1938 – The Daily Claremore Messenger
Carole Lombard calls Clark Gable “Mr. G” when talking with him off the screen…
June 5, 1938 – The Miami Herald
Clark Gable rehearses a love speech in “Too Hot to Handle” with the script girl as Carole Lombard, his girlfriend, and Myrna Loy, his girlfriend in the picture, chat on the set…
June 6, 1938 – Buffalo Evening
Clark Gable parries questions regarding his love life with “I think all women are swell.” 
June 7, 1938 – The Wilkes Barr Record
I don’t think Carole Lombard need worry, but 15-year-old Judy Garland has a tremendous case on Clark Gable. And Clark is notably fond of her. On her recent personal appearance tour, she wrote a daily post card to Clark, received three letters in reply and then – nothing but silence. But when she brought her worries back to Hollywood, she found at home 10 postcards which Clark had written from Mexico, where he had gone on a hunting jaunt. Judy’s faith in men was restored. Today, on the set, I asked how her romance is progressing. “Count these,” she chortled, taking all of Clark’s correspondence from her purse. “Carole Lombard’s only got three letters!” 
June 7, 1938 – The Kansas City Star
Latest bulletin on the Clark Gable-Carole Lombard romance. Carole arrives with Clark on the “Too Hot To Handle” set every morning – around 8 – goes with him to the makeup department, sits with him in his dressing room until work begins, then sits by the camera all morning watching him emote (including those love scenes with Myrna Loy), lunches with Clark in his dressing room, then goes home for a spot of tennis and joins up again with Clark for dinner. Seems like love, all right.
June 10, 1938 – Buffalo Evening News
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Did somebody say too hot?  - Wrapped in overcoats and shawls, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, her hair decidedly needing attention, visit during a lull in the making of Clark’s new picture, “Too Hot To Handle.” 
June 16, 1938 – Knoxville News
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“Pardon me, lady, could I look at your program?” Clark Gable seems to be saying as he squints over Carole Lombard’s shoulder. This could be the beginning of a flirtation, but actually Clark and Carole’s names have been linked romantically for some time. They are pictured on the sidelines at a California society horseshow.
June 17, 1938 – Courier Journal
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Seen at a horse show at Northridge, Calif., were these two film thrillers, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, who recently formed a partnership to raise thoroughbred and saddle horses.
June 18, 1938 – Collyer’s Eye and the Baseball World
Carole Lombard arrives at parties with Spencer Tracy and later Clark Gable breezes in with Mrs. Tracy – but it’s a gag…
June 18, 1938 – The Spokesman Review
Carole Lombard making one of her few public appearances without Clark Gable, at the new Terrace beauty salon atop the Saks-Fifth Avenue Beverly Hills store, in which her favorite hairdresser, Miss Porter, is a popular operator…
June 24, 1938 – The Daily Times
Clark Gable Will Get Rhett Butler Role in “Gone With the Wind;” Film Slated for Production in February
By Louella O. Parsons
Cheer up, you fans. You get your Clark Gable in “Gone With the Wind.” David Selznick had to go into a producing partnership with MGM to obtain Clark for the Rhett Butler role, but the public insisted on him, so there was nothing else to do. Clark has hardly taken his nose out of the script of “Gone With the Wind” for the last few days. It’s all finished now and the picture is slated to go into production the first of February for September 1939, road show release.
June 29, 1938 – San Francisco Examiner
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard will be caricatured in a forthcoming national magazine – Gable as a monkey and Miss Lombard as a cat…
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