#their parallels are insane. u guys realize that.
townslore · 11 months
thinking about gorosumi siblings again.... i am in tears. big bro goro. lil sis sumi. inseparable. wanna see how hard i can cry
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lazaruspiss · 1 month
Batman #408 and #416 are like. I know it's about how Bruce is scared to lose Dick and can see him growing up and becoming his own man, and Bruce in a real way never grew up because he never stopped being that scared little boy in the alley, and to him Dick was another scared little boy and they could be boys together (except Bruce was an adult when he met Dick and treated him as some weird amalgamation of partner and child, so it would never be equal!) And Bruce pushes Dick away with the flimsiest excuse because he's scared of Dick leaving on his own, and he lashes out because he wants to turn that inevitability into something he can control.
But. It's also very easy to interpret that through a brudick lens of Bruce realizing that he's in love with a now-adult Dick, except that was his ward and he knew Dick as a child and how can he be, and he pushes him away out of fear and self-loathing. Like I more perceive brudick for fun than actively ship it as something to write and explore, but man those issues are certainly a thing that makes u go hmmmm.
they have SO many issues and so many options for angles to explore said issues with and i am insane about them. like there really isnt an existing relationship to parallel them with because they do So Much all the time.
Dick is a child Bruce swore to protect, but he's also a proxy through which he sees his own child self, but he's also his equal partner who always has his back, but he's also a brother he's gone through so much with, but he's also an almost matriarchal figure who always takes care of him and comes back when he needs him, etc
Bruce is the man who saved Dick, but he's not a replacement for his dad, but he's not /not/ his dad, but he's also the partner he respects and values more than anything, but he's also someone he wants to protect, but he's also the kid who yells at him to leave while clinging to him and not letting go, etc
I could spend all day going on and on like have you seen these fucked up lil guys??? what's wrong with them!!! They need psychology papers written about them. I need to do their autopsys.
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mecachrome · 2 months
very selfishly would love more of ur thoughts on oscar accommodating and mirroring lando.... as an insane landoheadTM ive been watching lando slowly match oscar's energy in the past year and its been driving me insane and ur SO right that oscars done the same thing!! kind of crazy kind of losing my mind would love to get more thoughts out of u
!!!!!!!!! hi kira i would LOVE 2 talk about this. also this answer may or may not be 2k words long
god there are so many Angles and Frameworks and Contexts through which it is possible to examine 814's dynamic that i constantly feel unhinged about it. and probably sound unhinged as well…… pls note that all of this is pure insanity from my insaneperson brain ⚠️ ;__; ok where to begin.
to me the thing about 814 mirroring each other is that in reality it's actually a metaphor for many different things ❗️ on one hand you can interpret it Literally as in a strictly physical sense—the idea of mirroring someone as running parallel and positioning yourself firmly opposite each other, as constructing intricate rituals in order to NOT touch the skin of other men, being so specifically magnetically repulsed that any contact is accidental and fleeting and causes you to spring away as quickly as you'd met. but then there is also the other sense of mirroring that is….. more amorphous and conceptual, e.g. how oscar has in many ways indirectly orbited lando his entire career and how although they've only been teammates for a year now lando has technically been a primary reference point of his throughout a majority of his teens. AND what i think is so interesting about that too is that if you look back at oscar's Evolution As A Person, you could argue that he's been purely Himself As He Is Now for a very long time... yes there've been minute fluctuations in maturity and just general cringeness and muscle growth and cheek fat etc. etc. but at least outwardly in how he communicates with other people and displays his mentality / innate habits / mannerisms he's basically been his fully realized adult self since he was like 17??? which obviously cannot be said of lando norris who has grown massively in appearance and perspective and assuredness and so on from the ages of 17 to 21 to 24. yet this constantly evolving & changing your_choice_of_lorde_album Growing Pains lando has always been a sort of distant static fixed point in the future of oscar's mind… hmmm. that's just part of it tho
basically 814 as they are now are sooo fascinating to me because again They Do Not (Consciously) Touch but they've still very gradually managed to build off the foundations of oscar's subconscious teenage mirroring by turning it into something… well perhaps not quite fully intentional (and isn't that almost better in the end!!!) but certainly more self-aware and generally conscious. basically: the Negative Space of landoscar's demonstrated "affection" is where their reciprocity lies! if that makes sense.
and i guess what i'm trying to get at is that… on surface level, it's easy to say that 1) Oscar has always only ever been himself (generally true) and that 2) As the guy who came into f1 at 19 and was continuously expected to meet his more extroverted teammates' energies lando is the one who's habituated to experiencing marked change (also fairly true), but this still obfuscates equally important facets of their personalities: i.e. that oscar may be the more ~intellectually~ inclined of the two (which also who Cares. completely totally off-topic LOL but personal pet peeve of mine is people acting like there is a discernible difference between a-level maths and whatever private tutoring lando did after dropping out when their job title is lichrally F1 Driver…?! both are negligible fractions of fractions of whatever postgrad coursework the team's Actual engineers have done!!! but anyway), my personal argument is that really oscar is so consistently himself BY having zero concept of himself. whereas lando….. actually does possess a very strong inner character and intense, at times destabilizing self-awareness but also boasts a higher eq that enables a very high capability for social camouflage.
……????????? this is like a 10-paragraph intro. What am i getting at.
so basically. Yes. mutual accommodation……. i think my main point is that despite lando's strong baseline character and idiosyncrasies and particularities and fussiness and general weirdness, He Can, when necessitated, (as long as it doesn't completely contradict his moral impulse etc. etc.) soften that edge and adapt to another person's expectations—Even if just to maintain bearable social rapport & conversation. whereas on the other hand oscar can sometimes actually be a lot more malleable because he doesn't really hold strong conviction in much outside the few non-negotiables in his life ??? (read: racing...) like yes he's still competitive in challenges and is pedantic as shit but also he kind of just Doesn't care……. so basically he's the perfect fit for lando. because he DOESN'T expect anything from lando and lando DOESN'T need to camouflage himself for oscar and because oscar interprets things straight-forwardly and at face value and reads lando's intentions in good faith and honestly probably like 30% of lando's overthinking is a result of people constantly assuming the worst of him so i think on some level it's like 👉 👈 when you're both a little weird and also weird in these little different ways but in the end those minute shifts are what make you compatible and fit you back together again ?!?!?!? as i said it's the negative space of it all.
so really landoscar are not totally "opposites attract" but they're also not identical "mctwins" or whatever because Nuance and Secret Third Thing and what's truly critical about their mirroring is basically that 1) they don't EXPECT the other person to do it 2) they don't INTENTIONALLY do it and 3) it only happens because they're intensely aware of the other person's personality and mannerisms and appearances... bref IT'S ABOUT THE CATALOGUING!! like lando saw oscar in 2023 for the first time and immediately went oh you've gotten taller? oh you have big arms now? and they can't help pointing out each other's hair and ALSO >portrait painting (gets ko'd) "do you like purple?" "...uhhhh i can do now" like WHO SAYS THAT? ANDDDDD this was after oscar had picked purple to begin with but lando was like Nooo you can't do that :/ so oscar changed even though he'd argued that he'd "already committed to it" literal moments prior. Many such cases (i'm not finding a chair anyone?). they make me feel insane.
right let me just finish up with a few more moments (if you're still reading i'm sorry) but Vocabgifset is kind of a rough overview of how, at the very beginning, i think oscar did come in with a very undefined approach to How To Be A Teammate ? and was ready to treat lando as he'd treated rob and logan and fred and whomever and maybe even reflecting the atmosphere as reserve at alpine a little bit idk—essentially more visibly abrasive and pedantic and generally annoying. Also (ahem) perhaps how he'd seen lando act around carlos and daniel before... Guy who has carlando tweets in his twitter likes. 😔
but of course lando REALLYYY doesn't like being unnecessarily corrected over ultimately inconsequential things and again his demeanor is far from bombastic when it hasn't been demanded of him, so i think oscar quickly recognized that in his character and learned to just play along with what lando liked and wanted—not because he was preoccupied with lando getting annoyed at him or thought that lando was sensitive or whatever and not because he himself is a pushover because of course there is a healthy & endearing amount of push/pull to their dynamic but just because he sincerely respects lando and with that respect understood that he didn't need to "force" their dynamic when it would prosper by just being himself and more importantly letting lando be himself……….. Or something.
which imo is basically the basis of their current communication style: a lot of wordless meaningful looks & expressions (because they're both entirely honest people in different ways) (SEE: VIRGIN RADIO UK) (the thing Is that lando has no verbal filter but oscar is the one with 0 control of his expressions and deeply revealing permablush), oscar always folding to whatever lando says in an interview, jumping into frame and following along lando's message in the british f4 anniversary video, listening to lando's music through the walls of their driver rooms, and of course any instance of their Soft Talking Voices such as → "yeahhh you're up there" "aww (genuinely a little pleased and flustered)" and CAT 5 behind the scenes smoothie convo and oscar patiently waiting for lando to finish speaking and not wanting to enforce his presence but always being there and ready to help him….. like the worst part 2 me of the "well-represented" video is that andrea turns to lando first and tries to help him but lando is Still processing and Not listening so THEN he looks at oscar to be like um i don't know the word and that's when andrea looks back at oscar expectantly 🥲😭😩!!!!!!!! what if i dyed. honestly. the category is truly just oscar being susceptible to Lando Norris…………… i could go on.
also >RANDOM MOMENT TOTALLY NOT IMPORTANT but the yes/no challenge is so devastating on every conceivable level and yet One thing that i do not think is discussed enough! is the way oscar physically leans into lando's space on the table every time it's his turn to answer the questions and Specifically how in round 1 the media people were trying to get his attention to tell him to put the mic pack into his pocket but he was soooooooooo focused and fixated on lando's face right up until lando turned to speak to the camera that he didn't notice for like 3 minutes. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. argh. the problem with oscar is that he's SINCERE. truly. "are you ready oscar piastri?" [zero hesitation whatsoever] "i am ready lando norris 🥰"
of course it's not like oscar doesn't introspect whatsoever because obviously he is very capable of self-assessing when something is important by an objective measure of success (aka recognizing deficits over a lap), but relative to lando's specific brand of overthinking & online lurking habits then oscar very much does.... basically underthink??? yes he overcomplicates simple ideas by being too literal but really as a person & conscious being he's great at living in the Present and filtering out excess noise. er... i won't delve too much into the ojp Learned Behaviors of it all and why he's so charming to older people specifically but basically Wwyd if an F1 driver microdosed autisticswag? joking. mostly. but i def agree re: your tags that oscar is never actually consciously trying to be a WELL AKSHUALLY guy because it's just fundamental expressive compulsion alkdsfhaldfh.
also specifically one of my favorite tiny little 814 things OAT is when lando says something unexpected or ridiculous and oscar parrots it back all high-pitched and breathily and disbelievingly like? Girl. this is super jank but perhaps you understand....... 😔
in the end it's getting asked >what have you picked up from lando and oscar saying Well everyone hmmms but not in the Special Multifaceted Uniquely Expressive way that Lando does ! whom I not only know well enough to intimately recognize this mannerism from but have also elected to mention multiple times in this interview. and at the end of the day...? maybe that's romanze
is this anything… idk. also i offer you the jankiest gif ever because i had to remove zbrown to fit them together (Which perhaps is also a metaphor for reaching each other Across The Distance NO PHYSICALITY REQUIRED!! ok i can't just keep saying see: [another random ass example] so i'll stop now but also see: eyebrow raise knowing smile at the end of the sim city video.) anyway why's this such another crasyinsane little moment of how they communicate with each other?! is it just me ?????????
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alskfhsfd ok i'm so sorry. thank u for letting me ramble incessantly 🧡
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liquidstar · 9 months
do u have any recs for folks newer to the yuri genre? I've never really read any manga other than shounen and some magical girl stuff
Omg i can totally give yuri recs. (And which ones to stay away from. Sakura Kiss has cousin shit in it, Citrus has stepsister dubcon, Dragon Maid has lolicon, Happy Sugar Life is also lolicon but it’s edgy about it and tries to act like this makes it deep, we can do better)
Anyway here’s my actual recs! I'm going to give details but if you don't wanna read them I bolded all the titles.
YuriKuma Arashi (By Ikuhara of Revolutionary Girl Utena fame), is about lesbian bears. But it’s actually a metaphor for the simultaneous objectification and demonization of lesbians, the expectation both for purity and predation. There are some nitpicks I have with it like the sexualization being a bit too much to bring the point home, but overall I do like its themes and its message. And I think the ending pulls everything together really nicely. There is both a manga and an anime, and I believe the anime came first. I’ve only seen the anime so I’m not sure if/how the manga deviates!!!! 
Bloom Into You is an absolute must. Like, for real, I think it’s one of the best romances out there, yuri or otherwise. It gets really deep into both characters' respective psyches and the ways that they’re both Very Screwed Up when it comes to love and romance, or really just life in general. Giving details would be doing them a disservice honestly. Both characters are very messy but also do try their best to genuinely communicate, and what comes of that is a lot of teenage lesbian drama, but the growth they both experience though it TOGETHER is just great, and you can tell they care about each other so much.
Okay this one I’m not really recommending for the good writing, it’s more-so just really cool. Liberta (EXPLICIT) is a series about a vampire who can turn her body into guns and a human woman who is sick of being seen as lesser in her ordinary life. And then they fall in love and are vampires together. The artstyle and character designs are awesome and it has some really cool fight scenes. However it also has full blown barely censored sex scenes. A few of them. One of the women uses her tail at some point. If that’s not what your cup of tea is, give it a pass. 
Anyway for something more wholesome you should check out The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All, which I’m actually not fully caught up on bc life, but has still been a super fun read so far. It’s about a girl who works at a music store, and her classmate who gets a crush on her while she’s at work. The classmate doesn’t realize that they’re the same person, due to her looking different at work, and thinks her worksona is a guy. Hijinks ensue. 
Otherside Picnic is also highly recommended. Its manga adaptation is lagging behind the light novel, which I can’t find a translation of online (But if anyone can help me out w that 🙏). The story itself is about two college students who go on adventures to a parallel plane of reality, which contains cosmic horrors who can only communicate with humans through fear so intense it will make you go insane. They’re also looking for someone who went missing, and gain cool powers like Ghost Hand and Sans Eye. Yes this is still a yuri series and it’s also really really extremely fucking cool. 
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, is a slice of life story about… Well exactly what it says. A woman with a passion for cooking, making lots of food and sharing it with her neighbor, and they end up bonding through this. It’s also like, cool to see a big butch woman for a change! The story itself is very straightforward but I love watching the relationship progress as well as the mc question her sexuality. This story will absolutely make you super hungry though.
Show Me Your Bust (EXPLICIT) is also exactly what it says on the tin, though it’s technically a webtoon. Again this is a series with explicit sex scenes, but it actually does have a story and actual depth to its characters. Honestly there’s a lot to unpack with all of them and a lot of the relationships aren’t totally healthy but it’s a drama so that’s the point. 
A Monster Wants To Eat Me is actually hard to describe without spoilers. It’s about a girl who lives by the sea, meeting a mysterious girl with eyes that remind her of the ocean itself. The girl says that she’s actually been looking for the mc for a long time, and it’s revealed that….
And lastly I wanna mention Hanamonogatari, a story about an old widow who begins to regain confidence in herself as she experiments with make-up with the help of another old lady who works at a local cosmetic store. Honestly it’s very very very sweet, it’s rare to get romances like this of old women when so much of the focus of romances (yuri or otherwise) is often on the characters being attractive. I also really appreciate how the make-up is being used specifically to accentuate their wrinkles. Not hide them. Because aging is beautiful too. Sadly IVE ONLY READ TWO CHAPTERS BECAUSE I DONT THINK THE REST ARE TRANSLATED IF ANYONE OUT THERE CAN HELP ME PLEASE DO 🙏
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girldewar · 11 days
this is hate mail. i hate you.
(please give me a dissertation on boldy/newhook/byram i need it so bad)
this isn't going to be as organized as it could be, but i just think that these three are in such a weird and interesting triangle situation that is like. honestly closer in my mind to cole/trevor/jamie than anything else.
obviously, bolds & newy were roommates at bc and are still super close -- in alex's own words, "It was cool to come in, being in similar situations, drafted around the same area, and then to be roommates. We’ve been best buddies since then." (speaking of, that whole article is so, so good. watching team usa interact, i don't think you'd really guess how central matt is & how beloved he is by players like zegras & caufield, but that article gives us a really endearing glimpse into that particular dynamic.)
im always thinking about matt & alex's ice cream dates in particular, which are also covered in that article. obsessed with matt saying he'd go for ice cream 'every couple nights,' realizing how insane that sounds, and then walking it back to 'or twice a week' like you know alex was like babe can we go somewhere that serves real food. please. your diet is 90% dairy at this point. babe please.
anyway all that to say that in our little allegory i think bolds & newy parallel trevor & cole.
but then ! newy gets called up to the avalanche !! and matt goes to minnesota!!! matt has his insane obsessive romance with kevin fiala (think cole caufield & like. nick suzuki? maybe? or one of those father figures he keeps trying to fuck), so newy's gotta find someone else to fill that metaphorical (or not) hole. and conveniently enough, there's bowen byram.
alex & bo knew each other before getting called up obvs, since they both played for team canada at wjc 2021 & were drafted by the same team in the same year -- in an article from the denver post alex says, "Really close to Bo, I think ever since we got drafted together. I knew him a fair bit before we got drafted together and then, being in the same organization, it’s been great for both of us and we’ve definitely created a relationship over the years." thank u alex for the blandest way anyone has ever said 'we're besties.' truly a feat. anyway, all this to say that not only did they know each other before, but now they're finally in the same place full time, and alex's other bestie is off accidentally soulbonding with some random guy from switzerland.
tragically there really aren't a lot of other articles in my brief bout of research that i could find that center on alex & bo in the couple of years they were actually established on the avs, but suffice it to say that i think bo is a fantastic choice for an old friend-turned-rebound-turned-surprise genuine romantic interest.
& both of these relationships create SUCH a fun atmosphere for the boldy-byram fight!!! the fact that it's both of their first fights in the nhl (sooo interesting & suggestive & something i will absolutely be reading into -- is matt jealous? is bo? do they through some obscure connection via alex trust each other to be their first? etc etc etc), and the fact that they're somehow... kind of evenly matched? plus the delight of newy's reaction to it -- 'funny to watch' is such a classic understated comment to make about your two best friends trying to kill each other on live television. and then, of course, the kicker: "Bo was saying after the fight, ‘Boldy’s actually a pretty good guy. We were talking in the box.’"
like. oh. okay. yep. & that moment, colored by all those possible feelings & dynamics, has lived in my brain for pretty much a whole entire year :-)
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bartholomew-junior · 27 days
23 25 26... hmm. maybe sips ANd erina And gothi (unless you dont feel like that feel free to just choose one of them cause. 6 entire different answers to think) <3<3
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thank u circular 4 ur boon of kindness. it is appreciated. apologies for the wait, as i had to let the ideas for this ripen be4 properly answering. i’m gonna start the first ask off with gothi from ep.10.
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first of all, i just love her mask and am permanently sad that she never gets to wear it again. bonus for foreshadowing face reveal a few episodes down the line and making her an incredibly ominous cryptid like presence kind of. i just think she’s neat. next is erina in ep.32:
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honestly i was really tempted to use a frame from when she was xanu possessed cuz it looked real fuckin cool, but i think this one’s more meaningful. she’s sympathizing with sips for once instead of trying to one up him (at least after a bit) and realizing how tough shit must’ve been for him. agh they make me insane. next is sips from ep.15:
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from right after he ate bou claire’s heart. the buildup narration to him looking into the mirror is, ,, agghhh. the fact this was used to promo merch is funny also.
now for q. 25: technically, my first impression of gothi was her getting sips to do karaoke while drunk (lol) and that being the catalyst for EVERYTHING (this campaign is the equivalent of a snowball rolling down a hill). but now, it was her kind of managing and trying to quell sips’ anger best she could along with erina.
erina was just a memelord to me lol. sips wasn’t in the best condition the first few episodes, so my first impression was just that he was a bottomless pit of rage. now looking at the early episodes feels like looking at alpha minecraft in comparison to 1.21, especially without xanu or abby. sneeze was just a little guy.
ok freebie question time. i’m gonna pick q. 22 even tho there hasn’t been a new fic at all on ao3 since i updated my own fic (which makes sense considering we’ve kinda already met the goal of the series even if there’s a lot of stuff on the horizon). and i’ll pick all 3 of them + xanu for this cuz. why not
sips: a lot of the fics on ao3 4 this fandom are oneshots, so there isn’t much they’re able to explore if they’re low word counts, but my dream sips-centric fic would be like. a collection of missed/deleted scenes from his early life and time in ammurin with a kind of dream/void/death motif. bonus points if he’s trans
erina: i haven’t seen ANYTHING about her early life in kylandria being the child of busy royal entertainers, hell even her weapons are like a carnival trick, so i’d really like to see a bit of early life stuff again. are you sensing a trend. also her just dealing with royalty is fun and i have many ideas
gothi: early life again. listen she was a whole ass princess who was allowed to exist only because of her rank she was under so much pressure all of the time, especially with being buddies with xanu. did she ever talk to another defective foreclaimer. who are her parents. did they love her. ugh. also, seeing her interact with vicky is something i haven’t really seen before, so that’d be fun.
xanu: listen. i feel like he’d be the hermit on the high mountain type never interacting with anyone like thanos after killing half the universe. also, i feel like a lot of aspects of his character get discarded in favor of making him easier to digest and write, which i’ve done, and this does not do him any service. i think making all the fools gold cast kind of,, mlp headcanon designified is also fun and i want to do it. also bonus vicky
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in conclusion: thank u circular <3333333 :]] :), i hope this isn’t miserably long. i’ve been all worded out for the day. do u ever think abt how vicky and sips are parallels and
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remyfire · 3 months
I think the funniest thing about Hawk being Like That is that Alan Alda has writers credits on the show. This man voluntarily made his character the most touch starved needy desperate person on the planet and that's so fucking insane of him. But also Mr Alda I would like to give you a little hug and a kiss for giving him to us because I love him with my whole heart. And don't even get me started on the fact that Hawkeye yelled to a general "I want to have your baby!" In literally the first season. Like Hawkeye my love not everyone needs to know you want to be pregnant 😂 And truly he deserves to be absolutely smothered with cuddles, everyone loves him and he loves everyone and I think it could help fix him.
Listen my Trap brain is always on, he's my man, I am thinking about him quite literally daily. And now that you reminded me of the priest line I'm gonna think of that too! Like Trapper my love what happened in your past? Did your parents give you that many names in hopes you'd be a priest? Did you pick one yourself for confirmation? Why did you keep all of the names despite seemingly abandoning the religion? I am peering at him like a bug under a microscope and there's nothing he can do about it.
That little coffee through line with Margret is so cute! Even though I'm sure it was unintentional on the show's part I definitely couldn't help but think of it and flash back to The Nurses in both the scenes in Temporary Duty and CAVE. Margaret and cups of coffee representing her character growth is honestly so sweet and I love it. Also ooohhhh self proclaimed Military Brat Margaret Houlihan realizing that the Army Way isn't the only way or even the best way, and the things that would DO to her. The realization that what she's learned her whole life isn't necessarily good, and having to contend with what that means for her and her career and her personality. And also having to face her father after that, because we see in Are You Now, Margaret? that she cares very much about disappointing him and even affecting his career. Would such a realization maybe help her become more of her own person that isn't living only to make her father proud and keep up the Houlihan name? Or is her desire to be a point of pride for her family more important to her than her personal development? Truly she's so fascinating to me. And it's definitely an interesting parallel with Mulcahy, both of them having something so deeply ingrained in them that it h u r t s when it's finally inevitably broken out.
Everyone in this show suffered enough in the narrative for several lifetimes but damn if I don't wanna give them a little bit more hardship to really crack them open and wrap up their character development in the way they deserve. I'll definitely give them softness and love but first they need a little bit of pain I think 😂
(Also I am officially onto season 8! I finished Goodbye Radar last night and was a Wreck. Man I love this show)
Okay hi again anon, sorry for making this sit while thinking too hard about Hawk and Beje and Trap things.
I swear that Alan did more to break and attempt to breed Hawk than any of us fanfic authors have ever done. I am not entirely convinced that this man didn't start getting the bends once he couldn't whump Hawk anymore and instead pivoted to writing fanfics for the old distant zines that popped up in the '80s. He probably has multiple AO3 accounts right now just churning out agonizing pain. Alan we know what you are.
I do hate that we got so little development for Trap compared to Beej but it's also delightful because it means all of us get to sit here and rotate him on a merry-go-round that goes faster and faster and never stops. Anything is possible. He's so INTERESTING!!! He's like half a guy! No matter what anyone says, they could probably make it work! And that means I am in fact slam dunking the religious trauma into him at breakneck speeds. Sorry, bud (lie).
I'm so glad you mentioned Are You Now Margaret because that's one of those underrated episodes that always has its teeth so deep in me. We learn so much about her so fast. Her big friend group!! She had so many people who loved her and who she loves enough that she refuses to endanger them even though she hasn't spoken to make in years!! The fact that she will give her father that kind of deference even though we all know in our bones that he doesn't deserve it! God, Margaret.
I love people like you who run in with a wrecking ball just absolute decimating all these characters that we know and love so that I can come in after in my little clown car with hot chocolate and blankets. I am a simple author. I know what my duty is here. And it's getting everybody laid by everybody else but ALSO giving them extreme amounts of aftercare and pillow nests ;v; We all share such a vital role in this ecosystem.
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kamiversee · 3 months
oh em gee this whole fic has such a grasp on me??? i literally read this in one go and i have never felt more emotions in one sitting. AND HELLO? GOJO? CHOSO? who do i pick fr😝 but trust me its only because of how you write gojo because if this was a real life situation, i’m sending him to a fucking psychologist.
Anywho, I love how beautifully written your writing is to the point where it feels like I’m watching a MOVIE. I never want this fic to end and it’s definitely one of my favorites so far! Now, to talking about gojo and choso😈
I genuinely am so torn between the two. I know Gojo is straight up an obsessive manipulative weirdo who people try so hard to defend even though what he’s doing is so wrong?? and im not even gonna lie, sometimes i want to agree with them bc cmon..its my blue eyed princess :( and can you blame us when the way you write him is so core throbbing?? But regardless, I guess I have some sort of self respect to realize he’s very much CRAZY. But I still really want there to be a happy ending where he’s involved. I just really can’t help feeling like I need to defend gojo and his actions but i wont because yeah he’s terrribleeee😭 part of me still wants gojo=endgame though!
BUTTTTT, that does not mean we have to drag my beautiful husband choso down with us ?? Cmon now you guys, yes the tattoo was a little off and the apartment thing was a lill sus but choso still offered to get the tattoo removed AND there could be a reasonable explanation as to how he got back inside mc’s apartment. You gojo girlies just want to defend gojo so bad that you think flaming on my silly little guy choso will help with proving your delusions🙄.
AND WOOOW THIS RECENT CHAPTER?? Gojo almost made me feel bad for him..until he thought about blackmailing us again?? Like sir. And then that little moment with lord core throbber sukuna?? That was so very wholesome. Talking about wholesome, choso is just such a sweet boy isnt he?☹️ I am a choso defender for life, especially after how he talks to the reader. Also, I don’t really know what to make of Yuki and Choso..like i get what reader must be feeling but wasn’t she just kissing gojo like a second ago? But i can see where she’s coming from especially after having to put her feelings for gojo aside just so she can finally be with Choso and then she finds out that he’s hanging around with a girl he used to fuck around with? It’s all very very interesting indeed. AND KAMI. THE CLIFFHANGER?😓 I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IM GOING INSANEEE.
Anyways, enough of my rant❤️ and can i claim “🐼” anon?
Oh how I eat these long messages UPPPPP😩
2. I love that this felt like a movie for you, I personally ADORE movies & entertainment so it rlly strikes my heart nicely that I was able to give you tht feel through my silly lil fic <3
3. Gojo girlies are insane, there’s absolutely no saving or getting through to them.
And 4. The parallels babes, the parallels. Just as Gojo is to the reader, the reader is to Choso (to some extent)
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slenderverse · 11 months
love to see the watchmen stuff coming from you. i was working at the comic shop when doomsday clock and rorschach was coming out so i remember it pretty well :~) rorschach is my favorite character even though he's terrible. in every way. i kind of love him for it while dr manhattan is the worst guy ever. what are your thoughts
in a joking manner here r my thoughts:
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in all seriousness my favorite characters r probably laurie, dan and rorschach :) i want to pin adrian to a corkboard like a moth and study him. adrian himself isnt an interesting character (or atleast as interesting as the others) but lord his dynamics w others need to be put on trial i think there's so much shown potential there. comedian is interesting and manhattan is too i jut also hate them both w a burning passion. obviously both of them are insane parallels abt the lost of humanity due to trauma that is treated as the norm or seen as simply just "as things are" (u ever think abt how comedian was 16 when he joined the minutemen? the same age laurie was when she joined the crimebusters?)
love what happened w laurie in the hbo series. love the rorschach comics. complex emotions abt the movie its both insanely accurate yet also makes me wanna rip my hair out bc there are some choices there that are absolutely insane??? are you fucking kidding me???? WHY. WHY DID U DO THAT TO MANHATTAN AND LAURIE'S ARC. HATE IT HERE.
before watchmen is good. most of it is shit but what is good is amazing. i love the minutemen i love the lore established there. obviously we can't talk abt watchmen adaptations without acknowledging how DC fucked over alan moore and dave gibbons but like. i am happy to get more content that i get to pull apart and examine because lord knows we're never getting the same type of content other DC franchises get.
if prompted i could give personal reviews abt everything that ive read/consumed w watchmen. like detailed reviews. i think abt it constantly.
i actually have a watchmen oc/self insert bc thats how i consume media his name is jeremiah and he is. well! he sure is.
i dont like how most of the fandom writes dan and rorschach as a romantic relationship. not because i don't think there's something insanely homoerotic going on i just don't think they're able to be a functional couple. they've never gotten married but have divorced 20 times and 18 of those were rorschach's fault. i think there's a lot of untouched dynamics going on w adrian and comedian but i think that's just the watchmen that's in my head.
AND UHHH if i were to ever be in charge or have influence in a watchmen series i think we need something that focuses on the time when crimebusters first formed up until the keenes act. i realize that's been touched on in the comic but i found a lot of before watchmen rlly neglected that. i want more detail on backstory. my friend says that dev patel would play a great dan and honestly i think we should see where that goes. need more dan media. idc if he's "boring". he's my favorite war criminal.
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thelivingautomaton · 9 months
hello time of wheelies, i am still livetweeting the books but i am now done with book 2 and figured you all might want an update, the most important being: y'all were right about the religious freaks with coffee, good god
yeah so let's start there with the seanchan because hooooooooly fuck
literally every time any of the seanchan are on the page i just sat there open-mouthed going "oh my god these guys are such FREAKS". but it's also so galaxy brained of robert jordan to introduce another antagonistic faction but have them be completely unconnected to the ongoing battle of dark vs light + unrelated to all the other factions in the setting?
and all the insane details about their culture. the nails! the blood! the insect-like armor! THE GROLM? (they're dimension-hopping colonizers????) also i only picked up on it b/c i was on the lookout but when lord turak is talking about "caf" and saying that the aroma is almost better than the taste, i literally sat up and yelled THOSE FUCKS HAVE COFFEE
for real though it is so unbelievably funny/based for rj to be like, okay, the prophesied last battle between the forces of good and evil is about to take place, world-shattering apocalypse, make or break. meanwhile, some guys from across the ocean are gonna invade and Do A Colonialism.
also, the damane? UNBELIEVABLY fucked on every conceptual level. special shoutout to renna's cloyingly patronizing treatment of egwene though, that shit actually made my stomach churn. (also also, shoutout to nynaeve for immediately seeing the damane/sul'dam/a'dam for what they are and reacting with the extremest revulsion when she has to put the bracelet on, love u bb girl <3)
kinda wanted at least one comedic interaction in the battle of falme where a bunch of seanchan soldiers run into The Actual Ghost Of Artur Hawkwing and lose their shit though. actually i thought it was soooooo funny as a narrative choice to have the horn blown but you barely see what happens in the big clash on the ground cos you're in rand's pov and he's too busy fighting ba'alzamon in a giant laser light show in the sky
(i still. don't really understand how that worked exactly but WHATEVER, it's fine. sad about the heron blade though ;-; but at least rand got to "prove" he has/had the right to it beforehand when he defeated turak. without channeling, even! which makes it 5x more badass)
also i thought it was interesting that by around the midway point of the book you have the pov characters dealing with three different factions whose way of doing things seems strange and alien: the seanchan, the aiel, and the cairhien nobles with the great game. just thought it was an interesting parallel
also, rand trying his best to Not Participate in the great game and just getting pulled in deeper was never not funny, sorry not sorry. rand and co infiltrating barthanes's mansion to try and grab the horn and the dagger was Peak D&D Heist energy and i loved it
the other big thing that had me losing my shit was surprise! parallel dimensions
LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK. the moment that the realization hit that the washed-out otherworld that rand/hurin/loial found themselves in was an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE where artur hawkwing didn't defeat the trollocs, i fucking went crazy. and then loial talking about the excerpt from "mirrors of the wheel" and going on about worlds that are shadows of the real world! i was hooting and hollering and going "this is just like chronicles of amber" (which i highly recommend for y'all, VERY different vibe compared to wheel of time but they're super fun and you'll love them if you like the whack-ass stealthy sci-fi/genre blends in WOT)
and then the escalation to rand actively trying to use the stone and flickering through countless permutations of his own life? utterly fucking bananas. also: unbearably tragic! literally what if you lived out hundreds of versions of your life but despite the seemingly-infinite choices open to you, they all really boil down to one choice: play the role that's meant for you and be doomed by the narrative, or don't play and be doomed anyways. like. FUCK
robert jordan i am begging you to give me more insane alternate realities for your made up fantasy universe, i am begging you for more insane creepy shit like the otherworld being devoid of people and all the color washed out since it's a "weak reflection", it is SO GOOD
this is tangentially related but: i knew who """selene""" really was going in, but i did NOT know her introduction in the books was this fucking batshit, and also that she comes across as literally the shadiest motherfucker alive. "oooh, here i am in my pretty white dress being attacked by a beast, come save me! no i don't know how i got here, i was just riding! don't mind how i know a surprisingly specific amount about the portal stones! you're my hero! you can blow the horn and be a great man!" unironically i love her so much for this scheme, and how it plays off so well vs rand's insistence that he's just a shepherd + his starting to settle into the position of "lord" and/or "dragon"
but fr though i think this conflict is sooooo interesting as a central narrative theme, i.e. the choice to seek out glory and heroism for its own sake vs taking it upon yourself as your duty because there's no one else who can vs running away from that duty and responsibility. "We may be a poor pair of heroes, but we are what there is." "It was not what I was made for, but all was breaking apart, and they were alone, and I was all they had." everything with rand feeling the "threads" of his duties and "death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain" and the idea of choosing to sheathe the blade in yourself when the moment comes. and how that ties in with ingtar's final choice and his sacrifice!
it's all about the CHOICE!!! this is literally me irl rn:
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oh my god what else. i loved getting so much more detail on the aes sedai (who are basically underfunded academics constantly squabbling among their respective departments, i have decided) and how channeling works/feels. (the parallel between the girls imagining saidar as a flower vs rand feeling saidin as the flame and void with a sickly light in it. chef's kiss!!! but also, rand simultaneously craving saidin and being sickened by it? chewing glass about it, nbd) verin mathwin aka The Aes Sedai Ever is unbelievably great. a lot of this book felt like buildup so i'm hype for things to start popping off, especially now that rand has apparently accepted the mantle of dragon. these books are crazy and i love them
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crowning-art · 1 year
Tgcf spoilers
I am SO worried rn
jun wu is so powerful like how they gonna fight him??? Power of love???? MORE TRANSFORMERS?
Lmao I forgot about Ling Wen but now that He's back in the playing field...I CANT BELIEVE HE IS SUPPORTING JUN WU?? I DUNNO I THOUGHT HE MIGHT HAVE TAKEN A NICE ROUTE AT SOME POINT?
As said before, the ✨️parallels✨️ between Jun Wu and Hua Cheng are INSANE
The way he spoke to Xie Lian was still the same as before; warm, tolerant, composed, dependable, there were no changes. But the more he was like this, the more Xie Lian was confused and terrified.
Like again, Hua Cheng was described as all these things too and YET, it's NOT the same
Lmao Not hualian taking EVERY opportunity to act like shy newly weds, like yes, there is a grave situation, a plague is going to be unleashed but ummmm are u interested in going on a date with me later? 🥰😘😌😳😆
It makes me so so happy how easily Wind Master brightens the mood around everyone LITERALLY THE BEST
Xie Lian was speechless and choked out a laugh. “Can you not stand anyone?”
That line was directed to Hua Cheng. Shi Qingxuan replied, “He said: ‘Other than you, no.’ I say, Hua Chengzhu, that’s not very nice, I’m standing right here, yanno! You can’t stand me either??? What’s wrong with me???”
When this whole sequence started, I had my heart in my throat, cuz he has been hating Qi Ying VERY PASSIONATELY and there's no way he'll refuse Jun Wu's offer
However, Jun Wu replied, “That’s not necessarily true. There are many who know you. Even if they’ve never met you before, they know of you.”
Yin Yu was taken aback. “Really?”
“Because many know of your shidi,” Jun Wu said. “And when your shidi is mentioned, the subject of you would often be raised. The one that’s a foil.”
Yin Yu finally couldn’t take it anymore. He clenched his fists tight, his knuckles cracking, and he whipped around. “I DO RESENT HIM! I DO HATE HIM!!! BUT, SO WHAT??”
Quan Yizhen was flustered and ruffled, speaking as blood spewed from his nose and mouth,
“SHUT UP!!!” Yin Yu shouted.
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I was like shoot oh God, if Jun Wu figures out the ring OH GOD I can imagine Xie Lian how everything must have changed for him after he realized what he was carrying with him....
This part! Buddy, my pal, my dearest Xie Lian....
The moment Xie Lian saw him, he felt him to be incomparably dependable, and there was nothing left to worry about!
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crabcrabcrabmeat · 1 year
ten films i love, tagged by @javert
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack (1988) Utterly obvious to die girlies auf tumblr but don’t worry, it’s the only franchise gatekeepy one. God tier animation, OST that gives me heart palpitations, plot symbolically rich in a way that draws me back. Absurdly ambitious and largely pulls it off. Insane. Phantom of the Paradise (1974) I’m a sucker for leitmotifs being re-contextualized and this movie is exactly that. I think a lotta people are put off by musicals because they expect Glee shit, so a horror rock opera that plays w genres is a style that slaps. In fact, it’s style over substance to the point that while the character Beef was made with homophobic intent(?), he makes for killer camp. So influential it buried its own grave deeper, but when my drag career continues proper I WILL have it step out of RHPS’s shadow. Magnetic Rose (1995) This one’s arguably cheating, it’s a short film within a theatrical omnibus and the only one of the trio I rewatch, lol. Better experienced than described, but iirc it’s the first screenplay credit of Satoshi Kon and his style benefits the conceit greatly. The space physics are top tier too. Bound (1996) Genre fiction that fucks. Akira (1988) After watching this for the first time, I wore a rip of it on a USB necklace for like a good month, lol. If you’ve seen so many homages and #aesthetic gifs that its memetically weakened, the manga will be a better vehicle for experiencing the actual plot and themes. (Kaneda isn’t a cool protag! He’s not even in it for a full volume!) But I fortunately got to go into it w next to no preconceptions. Tampopo (1985) One of those art-house pics that’s fun to general audiences. I wouldn’t watch it with young kids or new friends tho given the prawn scene, lmao. The Terminal (2004) Not a masterpiece by anyone’s standards, but it was my fav for years as a child and I’ve been told “thats so you” or “that explains so much” lmao. I still do love seeing how peoples values and coping mechanisms materially shape their world, so, fair! As an adult, i think Tucci’s character holds up the best, his tone is comedically sound while being realistically mundane for an american authoritarian, lol. Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) A breath of fresh air in style and substance. It’s like a vaccine against MCU sludge. God I need to watch more new wave. The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970) Again, former obsessions here, not necessarily top quality. The first vignette is the only one that sticks with me, but boy does it! Gold standard for any fanfiction or diagetic media criticism. Mikey and Nicky (1976) Ough. Love me a good tragedy. This one manages to hit so hard it even overcomes Peter Falk being styled (‘styled’) like Columbo—italian accent and all— while playing a jewish gangster lol.) You know that post about how the more serious and well made a story is, the more likely its fandom makes unhinged memes? That’s me every time I make a “full of milk” joke abt this movie or realize it’s fundamentally changed my experience of taking antacids.
Anyways please note that i’ve structured this list so that the first and last entries form a niche parallel. That is to say, a personal fav scene in both Mikey & Nicky and CCA is where the lead guys fistfight and tumble onto the ground in a blur of violence-as-latent-homoeroticism. (George lucas voice): it’s like poetry, it rhymes.
I'm too shy to tag others but mutuals I Am Pressuring U lovingly. U don’t have to write as much as i did tho lol.
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temikoangie · 1 year
can you talk more about danganronpa 3 chapter 3… i’m very curious about your analysis on it and like, a slightly more detailed explanation of it bc i am deeply fascinated. only if it doesn’t bother you, of course
ohh anon u have No Idea what uve awakened in me .  Quick Side Note , i truthfully didnt know where 2 begin explaining ch3 So If it looks scattered i Apologize i am Trying. i have ay dee aych dee . also obv drv3 spoilers Ahead.
when it comes 2 ch3 thje Big Big Reason why i like it so much bc Come On im the tenmikoangie guy !!! thats their Focus Chapter !!!  but its also bc its just. different? from the other ch3 in other games ? while the past ch3s dont really have that much of a bond with eachother (as in the focus characters), in drv3 the focus characters are /deeply/ intertwined with eachother, including the killer to a degree. so much so, to the point that the ONE character who lived through losing Two of their Closest Friends, Grieved loudly on trial grounds, was able to start changing themselves so their deaths would not be in vain. Obviously it took more effort and trial and error on himiko’s part but hey, she’s trying!
also i feel like this is the chapter most people gloss over the most…? especially when talking about tenko’s and angie’s characters? this is where their personalities hit their peak!! most people tend to ignore the fact that tenko is a deeply caring and Very Emotionally tuned person  in favor of the more creepy narrative, and angie being someome who ALSO cares but because her decisions are more logic based, shows it in Extremely Weird ways. to the point where the people outside assumes she is manipulating people into her bidding ( while there IS the whole.. God thing, i say this because through her logical deductions, she realized that attempts of escape, accepting monokuma’s motives, flashback lights and nighttime stuff are probably factors in what will make somebody go for murders. she’s insanely smart and makes a very good foil to tenko, who may be Dumb sometimes but he is a good empath!!) 
their interactions r also pretty funny thru the whole chapter. why are they talking after one another is beyond me but i remember just whimpering and crying everytime they all talk . something is wrong with me !! 
ok aside from that tho bc of this chapter i genuinely do think that tenko, angie and himiko all do care for eachother  . tenko would not have gone out of his way to at least try to convince angie not to use the necronomicon !! angie couldve used the mole reveal to banish tenko from the council but she didnt !! and honestly we already know himiko's deal ( got closer to tenko during ch2 + was already closer to angie since liek . the beginning of ch2 ) . the point im trying to make is that they all had their reasons to just completely abandon ship and let the others to their own devices but they did NOT because to them their company or wellbeing is much more important! (actually angie not banishing tenko is probably bc her group is Moreso based on peace rathe thn fear BUT STILL !! she very much cares she just shows it weird . also she's lonely and tenko (aside from shuichi's fte) is like. the only other person who actively goes against her standing as a ''prophet''... Something She Herself  liked so. make that as you will) 
as for korekiyos . . . actually someone explained it much better thn i ever could but theyre liek . parallels to himiko . more specifically just as angie's and tenko's core traits really start to shine in her .. only albeit it turned into their downfall as they flounder harder and harder into the trial . everyone is a parallel of eachotherrr in their own waaayy . ............................. Sighs ? i wish more ppl went into depth into drv3 ch3 more i feel like there's a lot of missing stuff in there tht even I feel like i dont have much info on . ( this culd be bc i hadnt replayed drv3 in a while but . Not Right Now )
IDK i think thts most of what i wanted to talk about theres Definitely some bits and stuff i wanted to talk about but to add them here would 1) make it longer and 2) make it even Less comphrensible bc the way i write is so scattered and made even worse with me having to pause every now and then to try to recall details. sooo if there's anything specific u want me to talk about Please do Ask LOOL
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sukugo · 2 years
for today's dream we have: Homoerotic Twincest!
so!!! the dream was as if i were watching a show. the show had 2 eps and it went like this:
we have episode 1.
the story is about two twins. let's call them Twin A and Twin B. they look kinda like rin okumura from ao no exorcist, just for u guys to have a visual idea. A and B are twins, but they very much have a older brother-middle brother dynamic going on (id say younger brother but middle brother is more the vibe)
(it does end up being revealed they have a younger brother tho so i guess it's accurate but shhh spoilers for ep 2)
also as in classic shounen protag way, they don't have parents, so A is the one who takes care of them.
so yes, these twin brothers have powers. the source of these powers is a small blue crystal that takes place in their throats.
what happens is that Twin B kind of has special powers/is more powerful and Twin A wants to be more powerful. so what he tries to do is take the crystal away from B. and we have A, along with a few of his friends, going after B.
this brings me to the other cast! Twin A has a girlfriend, who is also part of the group chasing B. the other friends (i think they were 2) aren't really important lmao
so a fight breaks out! while Twin A has a group and Twin B is alone, B is still proving hard to catch. Twin A finally reaches, on the top of a high platform with some strips branching out. They fight, A tries to take the crystal, he comes really close BUT Twin B has mastered how to break down the crystal into little pieces and have it surge around his body instead of being lodged in his neck in one piece.
they keep fighting, both of them moving towards the edge of the platform, which looks down to a pretty high drop. A punches B, he kicks him, but B is too agile and he evades! throwing A to the edge of the platform, and following him. they struggle against each other, hits exchanged on the floor, UNTIL B pins A to the ground.
and now they're looking at each other, huffing breaths, A giving B a vicious glare, oozing hostility, while B has him trapped underneath him, A's leg pulled to his chest while B pushes against him.
the platform creaks under them from their weight
Twin A's girlfriend and all his friends can only stare at the exchange from afar, and the way the legs of the structure holding them start bending.
and the twins stare at each other, A raging, B solemn. and they stare, and the platform is kinda breaking and shit, its crumbling under their weight and fuck, panic rises in A, eyes widening as he tries to get B off him but B doesn't budge and the creaks under them get louder and fuck, B what are you doing, we're going to fall, get off me--
B presses their lips together.
A is stunned, he doesn’t move, while B presses further into the kiss. they separate and they share looks, longing on B and realization on A
the platform crumbles beneath them and they fall
-end of ep 1-
so the episode ends there but!! the dream was kinda interesting as in there were fandom/tumblr reactions running parallel to the show lmaooo
so like at the same time the episode was playing, next to it we had the fandom on tumblr reacting to everything as it happened. and boy did people (and me lmao) go fucking crazy with the kiss. we were all screaming bc holy shit, they KISSED and did this show fucking give us canon twincest??? it was insanity
but anyways let's move on to episode 2.
episode 2 takes place some days/week after the events of ep 1. things have cooled down after all that. they survived the fall obvs bc uh magic powers and all that 
so apparently the whole im tryna kill u and taking the stone from u was a spur-of-the-moment thing, A and B are literally super cool now (gay ppl and their dramatics i guess 🙄) but yeah things are all resolved between them they're Bros (TM) again
*coughs* perhaps a bit more than bros 👀
turns out after the whole revelation and B confessing his feelings with that kiss, Twin A has recognized that yeah, he wants to kiss his brother too!!! so yeah!! they kiss now!! and fuck too i guess idk we didn’t get to see that much 😔
so yes, for ep 2 we start with A and his girlfriend in an office/workshop at the university where they study. a teacher is there but he's on his own desk working.
A and Girlfriend are sitting on a table and Girlfriend says they need to talk. also for some reason B is also there with them lmao
so well by talk Girlfriend means she's breaking up with A. she starts telling A that it's not personal, that she just realized that their thing would not work out in the long run bc, and i quote, "you have brothers whose mouths u have to feed, whose bodies you have to keep warm" AND THE LOOK TWIN A AND B HAVE GIVEN EACH OTHER WHEN SHE SAID THAT I SCREAMED
(oh girl they're keeping each other's bodies warm all right)
SO THE FANDOM'S GOING CRAZY OBVIOUSLY. bc we're all stuck between did she see kiss or did she not see the kiss. bc why would she break up with him now, after that event, WHY would she frame it like that, like girl??? what do u know?????? (guess we'll have to keep watching to find out)
so yeah that happens, and the ep ends with a flashback of A and B the day before sitting on the floor of their bedroom making out 
and that’s the dream :D
stay tuned for ep 3!!! if i ever have it lmao
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rennyji · 5 months
remaining tweets part 1 (01/25/2024)
Desire is not a bad thing. It's about how you go about carrying out that desire that makes it good or bad. Intentions or best of intentions aren't bad. But evil things can be done w/the best of intentions. God gave man free will. Its the key theme in the Adam/Eve story.
Star Signs like Aquarius ( #Aquarius ) R suggested 2 predict future. But on a more useful level, they describe personalities of people associated w/those corresponding months. Can be used 2 be #mindful of pros/flaws 2 ur personality. Finders of astrology were 1st brain mappers. -
compatible potential friends/relationships, thru compatible star sign matching, maps/connects personalities. It’s like #Superman or something from #Krypton , where people are matched based on genetics.-
-U shouldnt depend on it; it’s flaw of current brain mappers. Cats/dogs R matched w/cats/dogs 2 click. But humans have #freewill , &ability 2 be #mindful &learn 2harness strengths/overcome weakness &use speech 2 better bonds instead of relying on genetics/brain-type-matching.
interesting Im only inanimate object in zodiac, aka #Libra ( Libra ): scale of #justice. Interesting b/c Im facing #Injustice lasting decade plus. Nice 2 think theres magic 2 world. Usually, we’re lawyers/diplomats; BUT, talking it 2 solve my situation hasn’t worked yet.
B/c of #COVID (Im guessing), not enough new releases of tv shows/movies. 2024 doesn’t seem like it has a lot 2 look forward 2, beyond #deadpool3 (Deadpool 3) & Spider-man 4 ( #SpiderMan4 ) . Ryan Reynolds is always great like in “ Free Guy or “ The Adam Project ”.
Whats happening 2 me: like something from a parallel universe where Nazis won World War II, instead. Its like an #anime ( anime ) . Maybe not Naruto ( #Naruto ), but something close 2 #DeathNote or #CodeGeass . Personally wouldve preferred #DragonBall or #TheSevenDeadlySins .
“Smooth Criminal” by #MichaelJackson & #AlienAntFarm ( Alien Ant Farm ), says u’ve been “hit by, u’ve been struck by…a smooth criminal…” On idea of a smooth criminal, no one smoother than mind readers/controllers. So smooth, u might not even know they’re in ur life.
Hindus ( Hindus ) or a #Hindu ( Hindu ), from #Hinduism, do something explicit, other religions hint at:disciplining mind thru meditation/yoga. Other religions, thru rituals or parables, train mind, ultimately 2 give us focus. If we focus w/o distraction, we can do anything.
I wonder: if I didnt go 2 state university, like Albany,&instead: Jesuit college like Boston College or 1 run by Irish Christian Brothers: Iona University, or private university like ManhattanCollege, i’d’ve been w/more disciplined/ambitious people w/exposure 2 better resources.
Everybody but the center of attention is aware of situation, 4 more than 3650+ days! How insane is my situation?! Young&old, not 1 noble person can open mouths w/proof needed 2 stop this. But, on a more primitive level, people like “community” stemming from a common goal.
Living #AmericanNightmare or #Nightmare like things #Voldemort , in @jk_rowling 's " Harry Potter ",put victims thru. USA not 2 visit, unlike #Ayodhya or any place else. Americans could cure #Ebola , #Diabetes , or simple #HairLoss ,but instead put funds/effort 2 harassing minds.
I look forward 2 day where I say strange kids who? Or #DoctorWho ( DoctorsWho ) or UAlbanyWho? Orchestrators who? whatever person or group is your #BiggBoss ( Bigg Boss ) , to get to say 2 them: ummm who R U? The day I get my freedom…the day they face consequences…cannot wait…
Really anyone, absolutely anyone can help me get a reservation as the “fighter” of a decade, who gets “advanced booking”/“pre advanced booking” to freedom … just say what you know #FighterAdvanceBooking
Adele 's ( #Adele ), song "Skyfall", played in recent Bond films, has a line resonating w/me: "this is the end, holdUr breath&count to 10." Gives me sensation of sky falling as I remember myself realizing Im going 2 be enslaved for yrs, despite best efforts, @ onset of this.
Newest chapter of #Marvel 's #Spiderman , connected w/Thanos &Avengers, was incredible w/its connection b/w PeterParker &TonyStark &Peter's access 2 tech like enhanced Spider-Man suit. Then,in " Multiverse of Madness ", storyline is reset w/all forgetting Peter-wasnt fan of that
The Flash ( #Flash ) w/access 2 Jedi ( #Jedi ) like force 4 speed, makes him 1 of the greatest conceived heroes, particularly w/his ability 2 travel alternateTimelines ¶llelWorlds. His good nature also adds up 2 a greatStory. The CW ( #CW ) should bring back super hero shows.
Best laptop lap desk, something with a flare to make you want to use it, but something as simple as this costs $60 plus tax. Associated screenshot:
Best under desk keyboard attachment, below. But, another $60 It swivels, it rotates,& stows under desk, giving more desk space, & if u get a phone call & want 2 leave your desk, just rotate under desk. Something as simple as this, no one conceives except the innovative Chinese. Associated screenshot:
A decent bag of pre ground coffee? $14. You may think coffee is coffee. But some coffee work better than others. You want to get, what starts off your day, right…
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749177064324772202?s=20
I just went to #ShopRite and came back. Look what I bought on the left (a handful of items). This much costs $51, as you can see from my receipt on the right. All below. #prices #grocery #groceryprices
Associated screenshot:
U wanna know how 2 have crash-free coffee experience, that won’t make U feel sleepy/like cr*p shortly after drinking coffee? Mix it w/Lions Mane & other such related legal everyday mushroom ingredients-not 2 be confused w/“shrooms.” But a tsp. from this small jar? That’s $30.
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749179475860791402?s=20
U wanna get jacked like Wolverine ( #Wolverine )? Membership @ #24HourFitness w/small swimming pools?Costs $40. #LAFitness in Yonkers area?
After charging $40 4 membership, they deemed it wise 2 put in mall where no normal parking (mall garage instead) &after 2 hrs U need 2 pay. Netflix for an ad free experience? Costs $23. That’s without paying for cable tv. It’s probably easier to catch a Pokémon ( #Pokemon )than catch a price that makes sense…I was a kid when the series 1st started…I feel there have been too many iterations of show…
TaylorSwift ( Taylor Swift ) … a truly talented singer, with personality … timeless people like #MichaelJackson ( Michael Jackson ) … an icon …
I agree with the news channels that addresses this: u should invest in a house … it’s part of the AmericanDream ( American Dream ). But this is the age of high prices leading to people living together 4 affordability.-
-But theres other hurdles like addressing basement flooding, shoveling sidewalks/footpaths 2 avoid legalBurdens, property tax up2 $10,000 4 small patch ofYard, heatingExpenses according 2 homeSize- it just seems sensible 2 buy luxuryFlat in suburbs like in Valhalla, NY vs NY, NY.
Floridians ( Floridians ) luck out with not having income tax, at least at the state level.
DeSantis ( DeSantis ) reported as dropping out of race..days after nominal victory over #NikkiHaley ( #Haley - Nikki Haley) in Iowa..all after spending 50 million in ads in Iowa - U gotta wonder Y so much 4 something integral like elections..-
-mySight limited2 #Haley ( #NikkiHaley )&
DonaldTrump (Donald Trump - #Trump )-months of migrants crossingBorder, getting, ofAllThings, freeSexChanges inMaine, freeHealthCare in-I think-California, freeHomes inNortheasternState I cant remember-currentAdmnstratn doesntMakeSense-
it doesnt make sense b/c you're accomplishing benefits for illegal immigrants while cutting budgets 4 citizens & legal immigrants in USA. Id like free housing & Im a U.S. citizen. I just don't get how current administration is prioritizing. Id like free health care w/o a job..
there are issues that pose problems with the other side … like abortion … there something clearly wrong when you're debating something like that for 50+ years. We're in the age of mind reading/mind control … and you still don't know when consciousness begins?-
-world mayNot B 5000 yrs old as Creationists say. But maybe answer is 2 let religion give guiding light 2science.W/something like abortion, mayB should B nationally allowed until point, where brainWaves detected, or when baby getting oxygen-like God giving breath of life 2 Adam..
and regarding current administration and the amount of time the current party has been in control, while this chapter of my life; situation has been occurring, I gotta wonder, would a party that hasn't been in power for as long a time, save me from my situation…
Maybe stars and how astrology influences personalities, is something that lays a foundation for how relationships progress or worsen. But it comes down to choice. -
-First you have to choose to sit down and think about, or listen to someone who shines a light on, a flaw, so that then, you can choose to make a correction.-
-In some Churches, they say a prayer of Confession: "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grevious fault…and then they ask to pray for themselves… What is that prayer saying? Be mindful: recognize your fault.-
-This is a fundamental tenet of Christianity. Yet so many are too bothered to think. To ask for forgiveness of sin, you need to recognize sin, or another word for it: mistake. -
-You need to recognize mistake, remember mistake, ask for strength overcoming the mistake and not repeating the mistake.-
-people need to realize what they're saying, what they're thinking, what they're doing. I was watching Thor: Ragnarok. The character #Loki ( Loki ), the god of mischief, Thor's brother, is an interesting character.-
-#Loki ( Loki ) is bent on causing chaos. It takes losing, getting beaten over and over, for him to stop and think: "Why am I such a bad egg?" -
Loki ( Loki ) realizes hes upset he was lied 2 on adoption, has inferiority/superiority complex where he needs2 show hes destined 4glory, even though adopted. He realizes pointlessness hisAmbitionIs. Once realized, heRose 2 trulyBeing "burdened w/glorious purpose," as heSays.-
It signifies something scary about most people. You're so glued to what you want to do and have to do, in going to bed and waking up, that you never stop to realize the things you think, say, do. No correction occurs.-
-Learn to consciously think, speak, perform actions. Now, from my situation, what you can get is that, if you fail at the above or are lazy about mindfulness, you may never realize that you were possibly mind read/mind controlled.
Donald Trump said he was going 2 be like a dictator on Day 1 of the office. Now U can read into that literally or understand the meaning behind what's he's saying: whether drilling into Alaska or something else, he's going 2 get some things done ASAP, regardless of opposition.
I'd like 2 be a dictator of this country, in terms of leadership power 2 enact some possibly time consuming changes. On Education, in college, we tackle 4 subjects, 'completely', in a semester. It's clear from existence of a GED for dropouts, high school shouldn't take 4years.-
coming from a guy who had a 4.0 gpa at a private college preparatory school, school structure needs to be organized. Children should learn to focus. Be it meditation or getting on the right ADD drugs, its something that should be beaten to death.-
I remember in school, there were the "smart kids." there were their peers who didn't get why they couldn't get good grades and doubted their ability to go to college. It's simply because they're not mentally strong yet. It can be remedied.-
early years should be directed to learning breathing techniques like alternate nostril breathing or box breathing. Sounds ridiculously corny, but children should see how long they can focus on a candle flame without distraction of intrusive thoughts -
if you can't even sit still to see only a candle flame in front of you, how can you be leaders, doctors, lawyers, engineers? how can you be policeman, fireman when you don't have the discipline to endure difficult schedules and people?-
gradeSchoolStructure needs2 B limited 2semester rather than yr.-It works in college regarding semester long course.HighSchool, if GEDs R possible, should B <2 yrs. Children shouldHave luxuryOfTime 2 play, haveFun, butAlso learn usefulTrades like woodwork, or wiringElectronics. Real world skills…
retardedBooks they make U read like Catcher in the Rye or The Stranger & its focus on existentialism, should B replaced w/books of children's choices. I'm not going 2 be an avid reader thru reading books of non interest. If its something I like, Ill B encouraged 2 do it more.-
life is short, life should be rewarding. Teach kids how 2 learn, how 2 focus. Get their heads in order w/o confusing them @ young age about gender options & sexuality options. Let them B free, let them make most of their lives b4 being expected hard working adults.
Regarding immigration, its been said a lot of those claiming asylum R facing political or financial turmoil in their countries. Rather than influxing all of them 2 the states, the United Nations should send people 2 make it better 2 live in places of origin. #maketheworldbetter
you want jobs that fuel the economy? That big beautiful wall Trump was talking about? Hire people to build one out of stone or bricks and make it into a tourist attraction like Great Wall of China. Start projects that need workers. Provide training to those workers.
Deku ( Deku) from #MyHeroAcademia makes me think how much #anime creators put out, a good number of which has amazing story lines. -
Following in relation 2 Betz Sphere , - something raising lots of conversation decades ago. I post this not b/c of controversial sphere, but b/c of how woman owning sphere denies the government & sets strict terms if they go against her-difference b/w Indian parents & American:
Associated clip: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749294429620334849?s=20
lady in prev. clip basically tells government 2 f* off. When govt. becomes insistent over whats in possession, she sets terms&has govmt. sign contract-I mean USA people especially from decade ago-feisty!They commandRespect w/govt., as they should, afterall Govt. serves people.-
as it’s…ummm…u know…been at least a decade?! I cannot help but think, unlike lady in last 2 weeks, my parents are letting orchestrators in youth/school/govt/army, just walk all over them…fearful of me, I can’t talk about situation, family can’t talk 2 me, i have no rights.
The company #Seen from Helloseen dot com, makes this amazing hair cream that restores oil to ur hair after shampooing everyday. 1 brush w/ hands, works like hair gel. A second, makes it look natural and full without the hard hair gel feeling. But like everything, $30
My main reason for it? Its noncomedogenic. If I ruffle my hair with hands and then my face, or clap my hands or something random, there's no weird feeling or grease that I'm getting in places.
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749297398726238266?s=20
Next pricy thing? If you shave and keep bleeding, or if soap becomes too much for your face, it could be because you need a barrier repair cream. This one is non oily from La Roche Posay. Great stuff, just wish it was bigger and not $22
A lip firming/hydrating alternative to chapstick, or vaseline (which make people think you're wearing lip gloss)? You go for Clarins Extra-Firming Lip & Contour Balm. How much is this thing that generally lasts 2 months? $50 This lasts between washes of your mouth after eating.
This one is good, and preferred, but it washes off too easily between eating…and it's $95, but it also lasts like 2 months.
"Chanel Smoothing and Firming Lip and Contour Care" https://www.macys.com/shop/product/smoothing-firming-lip-contour-care?ID=13124701
Wanna know how much a replacement head cover costs for an electric shaver? Shaver costs $80 and the foil cover, when torn from frequent use is $25
I have a Nescafé Dolce Gusto pod coffee machine. It’s what’s commonly used in Europe and Asia vs maybe Nespresso, although both are under Nestle. Can get pods and pods for reasonable price. Bought reusable. 2 reusable pods? $50
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749298494454501614?s=20
This manual coffee maker, the aeropress, not even electric. I think it’s $50 and the cover with the spout that outputs coffee better is an extra accessory that costs $25-33
If u’ve seen #Netflix ’s #StrangerThings , u no main character, #El aka #Eleven aka Jane, has thing 4 #Kellogs #Eggo#Waffles . Me? not a fan of their plain/regular waffle. But their Belgian strawberry flavor below?-Amazing. But 4 waffles are $6.- 1 Waffle costs more than a $1.
https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749300474967204112?s=20 I just went to #ShopRite and came back. Look what I bought on the left (a handful of items). This much costs $51, as you can see from my receipt on the right. All below. #prices #grocery #groceryprices
Four donuts at, from the bakery section at ShopRite? Costs $8.99. Three 8 packs of Gatorade is $19.99, but one pack costs $8.99 … I guess that's a deal…
U realize with frozen pizza being $6+, U might as well have real pizza? or if a movie ticket costs $15 on #Fandango, Y not wait a month more and buy the movie for $19 on #GooglePlay or the #iTunes Store. If ice cream costs $5 at grocery store, why not do #Carvel or #Coldstone ?
FantasticFour sounds like good idea as part of new set of tv series 4 the #CW. I mean for years, we had weekly episodes 2 #Arrow , #TheFlash , #BlackLightning , #Supergirl , #Batgirl , #Stargirl , #SupermanAndLois, #LegendsOfTomorrow…w/o these weeklyUpdates, life feels empty.
on a similar note #HBOMax or #Max (as its called now), should update/replace the #Titans (from Teen Titans), #DoomPatrol, & #Peacemaker with new episodes/or new super hero tv series. There used to be so much to catch up on, on a weekly basis- now nothing…
did anyone else know there is a 9th planet or possibly an additional sun in our solar system? its curious how much more there is, in our own neighborhood, if and when we can see farther than now…
U gotta wonder if situation lasted long b/c of disdain/hesitancy 2 lawsuit,by supposed representatives ofMe. Can it get more public/uglier than this?Maybe cuz spotlight, now, isOnMe. Probably deluding those inMyLife w/clearing this/that. -night/day, orchestrators still criminals
The Avengers ( TheAvengers) with #ChrisEvans , Sebastian Stan ( #SebastianStan ), Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and of course: Scarlett Johansson (an immaculate name), was a good run-hated how sequels took years…hope #Marvel outputs more w/shorter intervals.
I hope #Nintendo ( Nintendo ) & #Apple come out with their new consoles and VR glasses (respectively) before summer. It’s a hope, for both, as both are much anticipated. #AppleVision #AppleVisionPro
You know a movie will have a good storyline when it has actors like #AliaBhatt or @ameesha_patel … or on the male side: one of the Khans or Hrithik Roshan…
Original Digimon ( #Digimon ), aired on Fox 5, b/w 3-5 PM weekdays as well as Saturday mornings. Warp digivolving? Great idea, but sad digimon couldn’t digivolve. Whatever happened 2 #SaturdayMorningCartoons & b4 school/after school cartoons! Everything stopped coinciding, immediately, after 9/11/01…something happened to broadcasting.
Invincible ( Invincible on Amazon Prime) is an answer to the cartoons of old…we’ve been reusing Superman and Batman stories for at least 50 years. New heroes like Atom Eve and their stories? Great stuff.
Anyone else remember #Nickelodeon ’s Doug ( #Doug )? Classic cartoons for those of us from the 90s … kinda like #Jetsons or #Flintstones . ABC7 had another iteration of Doug on #OneSaturdayMorning. Nickelodeon aired it w/ #StickSticklyWithNickInTheAfternoon
IDontWantToOverreactBUT my reaction is justified and under, with my situation occurring for more than decade, without my say or rights factoring in yet, to finally ending it …
IDontWantToOverreactBUT how is there not a cure 2 hairLoss, 4 men &women? I think a scalp massager increasing circulation in pattern of male pattern baldness&a sourceOf adenosine (insteadOf minoxidil) is or part of answer. Stress/age/badDiets/meds usually decrease circulation.
How many of things we purchase R up-2 standards? #MoreRegulation ?! U spend arm & leg 4 something u’re waiting 4. & then, if it’s delivered from Amazon or wherever, U find out pole holding ur table is bent, making the tabletop crooked…then hassle of returns…#TheBadBatch
When long awaited & just announced ( #JustAnnounced ) movies like a new Thor movie or a Deadpool 3 movie come along, I realize that many more years have passed & I’m that much older. The 1st Iron Man came out when I was starting college. Now close to 40 &The Avengers story ended.
They need to make another #Hulk (Hulk) movie that’s connected with #MarkRuffalo ( Mark Ruffalo ) and The Avengers universe. A better origin story at the very least. They connected the #Xmen ( X-Men ) with one of the #Marvels in ( The Marvels ) movie after its credits…
If nothing else The Rock ( #TheRock ) becoming president would be iconic of the #AmericanDream , kinda like model turned actor turned governor: Arnold Schwarzenegger…from humble beginnings to being a world leader…
If #Pokemon , can have so many iterations, so should #DragonBall . Tie it in with the #multiverse . Ive heard its fans might like #OnePiece  . #CartoonNetwork , #Boomerang , #Nickelodeon need 2 up their game w/ series like #AvatarTheLastAirbender . Use 2 be so much tv-wise…
Margot Robbie … the perfect woman with so much personality … thank you Australia for Margot Robbie and Hugh Jackman (someone to aspire to be like, through a gym session)… Regarding #BestPicture ( Best Picture ), there aren’t a lot of movies, in recent times, like Shawshank Redemption, Argo, or Meet Joe Black. We went from moving movies to still good, but silly? but funny movies like Bullet Train…
Israel deserves 2 livePeacefully w/o worrying over using bomb shelters. News coverage been repetitive there vs. minimalCoverage in #Palestine / #Gaza . W/Israel, its about Kibbutz Be Rei &concert, but after, deprived of electricity/shelter/food, Gazan cities been decimated.-
news doesnt seem 2 cover how many more died in #Palestine vs. #Israel. Bad group of people started fight in Israel. Israel defends self. But while talks shifted 2 rapes&abuse of kids in Israel, 13000+ innocent people died in #Gaza, 2 eradicate 1000 terrorizers.-
Humanitarian efforts need 2 get in #Gaza. How can level of destruction B compared 2 #Israel. & Israel 4 some reason controls electricity in Gaza&they turned it off. Israel is sandwiched b/w Gaza. Needs 2 B reorganizing of territory like Israel against sea,&all Gaza near river.-
this results in anger from #Palestine ian protest groups, but they need better discretion 2 when & where protests held…like shouldn’t go to Rockefeller center @ tree lighting. #Israel has right mentality of organizing concerts & speeches, at least from perspective of media.
By being overlyAware of gender pronouns&being politicallyPolite inAll otherRegards, I think we, asPeople, drain our tiredMinds on prioritizingOur limitedAttention 2 forgivableThings vs our jobs&responsibilities. Heard teacher gotFired @ Fordham 4 mixingNames of 2 black students. I think minimum age 4 becoming President is 35. Idea is let person get some life experience. If there is a minimum age, why isn’t there a maximum age? I’ve heard 1st impression is best impression. Imagine predicting biases building over time. Invites idea of fresh perspective.-
but b/w #Trump & #Biden , though close 2 each others age, Trump definitely has more energy, a stronger voice, more pronounced movements when walking around…we need more active and mentally sharp people leading as well as carrying us (wrt non explicit leaders), whoever they R.
DarciLynne ( Darcy Lynne ) from #AGT ( #AmericasGotTalent ) should be encouraged for progressing from ventriloquism to new highs for that golden voice, like singing. She’s clearly talented and should be singing in higher notes.
So they cut off razor wire in relation 2 border control…Im sure there are other work arounds 4 whatever justification they projected. On tv, u see asylum seekers say Thank you Joe Biden. I think they also get ability 2 vote. Is this some elaborate plan to get more supporters?-
inRelation 2PastTweet, I think most people have RepublicanValues but its less cool 2B whats associated w/elderly caucasians or seeminglyHighMorals.-
Like when myParents emigrated here, they were of impression Democrats r “4 the people” Or average person, probably because the word Democrat alludes to that. But their values seem synonymous w/Republicans.
Barbie is a fun movie with mature characters like Margot Robbie and Ryan Gossling. It gives the same casual feel good sense like probably darker, but amusing Bullet Train movie with Brad Pitt.
So it’s ( National Pie Day) #NationalPieDay . #KrispyKreme donuts or donuts in general, and warm, as well as cold, apple pies fit every mood. Like there’s a mood or a day to chips and danishes, but donuts and pies are all day every day.
NewHampshirePrimary in #NewHampshire ( New Hampshire ) is going to decide as the clincher or game changer between #Nikki and #Trump … #HistoricMoments
U gotta wonder if situation lasted long b/c of disdain/hesitancy 2 lawsuit,by supposed representatives ofMe. Can it get more public/uglier than this?Maybe cuz spotlight, now, isOnMe. Probably deluding those inMyLife w/clearing this/that. -night/day, orchestrators still criminals
The sequel to Spider-Man: Across The Spider-verse ( #AcrossTheSpiderverse ) or volume/chapter2 , had the let-down ending of having 2 wait till volume/chapter3(very next sequel) 2 know how story ends. It sucks b/c thats at least another year, another year of getting older.
Anyone else notice, in like, the 2nd #Aquaman movie, or #BrothersSun on #Netflix , older siblings tend to be heavier/beefier, more loose, maybe more likely to have facial hair, than their depicted younger siblings?
So Im hearing in news a hint 2 school attendance. On college level, I remember people skipping classes b/c lectures were just too theoretical/ReadingsNotSimplified…it’s not like #LessonsInChemistry or #Oppenheimer where students learning/“debating” concepts w/worldClassFaculty.
Another #BestPicture ( Best Picture ) type movie is #TheAdjustmentBureau with EmilyBlunt ( Emily Blunt ) and Matt Damon , as well as #TheMartian (meaning filled/moving movies) . The Adjustment Bureau is a great #LoveStory with some magic & determination.
Last #FamilyGuy of 2023 made valid point. Cable TV is not dead-it’s still good 4 tuning in2, at end of long day, where U watch what’s on, whether or not it’s reruns of #ILoveLucy / #IndianaJones / #TombRaider / #StarWars ( Star Wars ). Takes away hassle ofSearching 4 something. . More than decade ago, after telling my suspicions 2 an FBI office and UAlbany officials in Albany, Probably w/hope Ill write, I got directed 2 unlimited complaint form: the IC3. 1st few updates: my suspicion, then a self bio so I’m not on FBIs radar, the rest? Just to get info.-
-when I wroteOn, ages ago, an unlimited IC3 form,Id write&look from atop aHill my apt. was on. Theyre able 2 see enough 2want2 lookUp,while looking@ phone. SameReaction in oldHouse atopHill, behind woods& parkingLot. That input/sounds/“vicinitySpeaking”/themes all paint a pic.-
while writing on IC3 complaint form, no one was acknowledging my situation to me. I don’t want to be on FBIs radar (who on earth does?) from input received, I wrote a short philosophy/parable conveying my point, hoping gist would be delivered and problem end.-
on IC3 complaint form, which last time checked is now only 3 updates vs unlimited, I kept saying I want attention of intended recipient of form, my apologies for troubling them, and please tell family/me what’s going on. Never happened.-
IC3 word soup complaint form, from ages ago (sorry if U tried 2 decipher it/but then no 1 understands intent or talking 2 me), was clarified as such, & a streamlined version, was sent as a series of crime tips (as 1 update per web page submission ), identified as such, 2 FBI.-
-when I submitted crime tips on FBI crime tip page, I submitted times/dates/call records/IC3explanation&usernames…& emailed all of it in a Word Doc 2 FBI after walking 2 federal plaza location-if memory serves me right-on visit. orchestrators should have email @ least I also called the Department of Defense, and it may sound funny, but I got their answering machine, and left a message. I complained to the Federal Trade Commission over hacked communications. I complained to the CIA, who investigate the FBI, when they're not investigating. I sent two complaints to the Attorney General, but on one occasion, got a letter saying I should contact a Pro Bono Lawyer. If the NY Attorney General isn't going to acknowledge my situation, why would someone working for free do it? I complained to the FCC. The Federal FAFSA site used to display social security numbers, without asterisks/plainly, while I think something is showing my computer screen contents as part of a show for other people. I contacted the SUNY system about what was happening at SUNY Albany and they kept redirecting me to the VPs at SUNY Albany, who put me on disciplinary probation and threatened that I cannot talk about my situation.
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
🤖 here!!!
Yoooo nah nah nah ur so correct on the orb heating up.... so cuteeee wahhhh
ALSO THE SPICY STUFF... 😳😳 going insane for it..... love it love it love it.
I've been feeling not too well the past couple days so ima talk about more soft and wholesome stuff.... he knows and can tell when ur anxious but he doesn't really.... know how to comfort people? I mean being around for so long and not getting close to anyone definitely did not help BDJSB. So he just kinda. Tries to make you laugh or even some fun teasing and stuff!!! Idk!!! I'm so normal about him.
Also quick note about the way his mushroom cap is animated because I'm insane: his head turns are so much more smoother than the others in the gang? Like the animation is pretty smooth regardless but his seems more refined which makes me think that either A) the animation team went really in depth to animate his body cause its different than the typical human puppet or B) its a 3D model?? Which is also my theory for the final episode of Part 1 with Bear-O, where it straight up looks like a 3D model was smacked into there. It's pretty cool.
More insane stuff I think about: Brett and Myc have soooo many parallels. Like. They were both bullied and/or outcasted and more hypersensitive to others but they went in two completely different direction and I think about it a lot? I've been wanting to post an analysis on it but. Beweh.... tired. Like Brett needs to have everyone like him whereas myc just went "Fuck you guys!" And peaced out. I'm so normal for this show.
Omg i hope u feel better! And i will indulge you with my Myc ramblings 💗
Oh he sooooo does not know how to comfort people. I think his immediate response to feeling bad and negative emotions (like sad not angry) is to retreat and get away from it, they make him uncomfortable and he wants to get out of the feelings as soon as possible! Buuuut once hes with his s/o, he eventually realizes he needs to help somehow, but he doesn't know how!!! So, he will just sit in their company, like, be around them and just hold, let them vent or wallow, and like u said, crack jokes. (Hes just like me fr)
The 3d model thing is an interesting headcanon to have! I personally dont agree and think the animation is just like that, its smooth and fluid. Comparable to how smooth all the particle effects are in the show.
AND YES! Wow! Agreed!! I also really think it has to do with WHO bullied them as well, with their reactions!! Brett, bullied by his family, HAD to trust them because theyre his family and he doesn't know any better, ALSO dealt with it in a more healthy way. Myc on the other hand, bullied by peers, knew he could leave and get away from the situation but held onto that in a very toxic way.
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