#and goro opening up to anyone is Sweet.. but with her its like. it just makes so much sense to me
townslore · 1 year
thinking about gorosumi siblings again.... i am in tears. big bro goro. lil sis sumi. inseparable. wanna see how hard i can cry
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ajaxstar · 4 years
ah, im glad your requests are open! ^^ so,, this is my request ; so one day akechi and his s/o is maybe arguing or akechi is just stressed out and he just like snaps? like his ‘everyday’ akechi appears and the reader is just stunned but just smiles and basically accepts him & akechi just sits there, stunned, about to cry bc its the first time someone actually accepts him and loves him? basically fluff bc our pancake boy deserves lots of love
hi!! tysm for requesting but i’m also sorry for not being able to grant your request sooner! anyway, i hope you enjoy this <33
akechi goro x fem! reader > fluff
small mentions of spoilers!
Akechi was beyond exhausted. Today has been a rougher than any day of his. He woke up earlier because he had a TV interview earlier morning before attending school, he had to study under pressure and little time for a test he forgot about (which he luckily passed), getting flooded with homeworks, tended to his detective work after school, attended as the guest speaker of Shujin Academy’s culture festival, and even had to deal with Shido’s orders.
And now arriving in front of his apartment building, he didn’t expect his girlfriend to be waiting at the entrance wearing a casual outfit as she sat on one of the near benches with two plastic bags beside her.
He held back his physical features to reflect his feelings as he almost let a frown show and a sigh leave his lips. Akechi felt quite happy to see her there, probably waiting for him, but he couldn’t help but feel too tired to even associate with anyone as of today—mostly during the free time on his own at home.
Before he could get closer to her, she had already noticed him and waved with an enthusiastic smile. Y/N stood from her seat and one of her hands had the two light plastic bags full of ingredients for dinner.
Akechi stopped in front of her with a charming smile on his face to cover his exhaustion. “Hi, Y/N. I’m happy to see you but it’s already late. Why aren’t you home?” His words was accompanied with a small kiss that he planted on her cheek. She smiled at his sweet gesture and lifted up her busy hand, “Here to make you dinner since I figured today must’ve been tiring after the culture festival you attended!”
“Let me.” He smiled at her as he gentlemanly took the pair of plastic bags from her hand despite her protests and held it with the same gloved hand that held his attaché case.
Akechi led her into his apartment, showing the same charming actions and features fit for an ace detective prince.
"I'm going to go ahead and make some dinner for you, Goro. Do you want me to fetch anything before I start?" Y/N offered sweetly, her personality really did reflect on her. Although Akechi's real personality wanted to tell her to just leave him alone so that he could rest and do his work alone without having to be wary of himself. Being alone was the only time he could express himself outside the metaverse.
But he settled on telling her he wanted nothing, that he'll be waiting for her, that she's free to call him if she needed some kind of help (although he couldn't cook and she's fully aware of that fact), and that he'll be by the living room to start working.
Akechi loves her more than anything and anyone in this fucked up world, but he could never risk the fact of her leaving him if she were to find out his inner secrets that he would rather keep to himself till the day he dies just as long as his beloved wouldn't find out.
Around half an hour in, Y/N smiled to herself as she finished making dinner for the both of them. She set it all down on the dining table as well as making everything needed on the table.
"Goro, dinner's ready!" She called from the kitchen but received no response. Upon this, she stood behind the couch where he sat, clearly busy with work and repeated her words yet softer. But he merely hummed his response—too focused on the case files he brought home.
"Goro? Do you want me to set dinner here instead?" She offered with a smile but careful with her words as she received the silent message that he was too busy. "I can also let dinner wait until you finish but—" She stopped talking as he slammed his palms on the table he worked at, a loud groan leaving his mouth, before he looked over his shoulder for his eyes, full of annoyance and irritation as he glared at her. "I'm busy, Y/N. Can't you see that?"
She widened her eyes at the loud sound and his sudden attitude change that she have never experienced before before she spoke her reason, "We can have dinner after you finish your workload but you know it's better to prioritize your health before work, Goro."
"And your point is?" Akechi stood from his seat this time, facing her completely as she had already positioned herself beside on his side; he looked down at her with the deepest frown, eyes glaring daggers, and his brows knitted irritation.
"It could ruin your health." Just as she finished her sentence he had already responded with a sinister laugh. "I'm already ruined as I am, Y/N."
"I'm sorry, what?—"
"Oh, do you want an easier way for me to explain to you whatever I mean so that someone stupid like you could understand?" He had a sarcastic, mocking smile on his features with his arms mocking, showing sarcasm.
"I'm telling you to leave me alone." He indicated each word harshly, his glaring eyes getting more intense, his chin up to show who was on the higher ground. "I'm just concerned about your well-being. I can also help you—"
"You? Help me? That's absolutely hilarious coming from an idiot."
"Goro, I know how you feel. You're stressed. You can always count on me to help you out—"
"No. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Y/N's concerned eyes widened in shock, her mouth slightly agape, and her brows raised in panic.
"You do not absolutely know anything about what I do in this joke of a job! This world is so rotten that it had ruined my entire life ever since! Don't you even dare say you know how I feel. You don't know anything—anything at all—about me nor about how I feel and you will never know!! You have it easy and that's because you were raised better and you have not experienced anything horrible that could ruin your life for eternity. Don't ever—EVER—say that you know everything about me because you don't!!"
Akechi huffed, breathless after he had released all his anger. But once his eyes met her wide open E/C orbs with her mouth agape, he then only noticed that he had backed her up against the wall with both of his arms trapping her at where she is.
He gasped silently as his eyes widened with a mix of worry and shock of the mistake he had done and as the thoughts of her leaving him out of fear. His mind told him that he may even have traumatized her. He started fidgeting and feeling nervous of how she may have silently decided on leaving him at this moment. He took shaking steps back until his legs gave up and he landed on the floor as he watched her frozen state. He knew if he were to speak, he would stutter. "Y-Y/N, I-I, I-I'm so—"
Akechi couldn't find his strength to speak when she smiled sweetly and slowly approached him, careful to avoid shaking him up more. Y/N kneeled down in front of him, her smile beaming positivity. One of her hands carefully held his hand, her other carefully placing it on his cheek before pressing a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Are you feeling better than before, Goro? Do you want me to get you some water?" Her voice was so gentle, it was literally oozing out her love for him.
"Y-You're not scared of me? You're not leaving me?" His voice was still shaky and didn't hide the fact that he was still scared, but her smile only widened. "Of course I won't. I'm glad that you opened up more. I'm more than happy to know how you truly feel. Thank you for trusting me, Goro."
Akechi couldn't believe it. He was absolutely sure that if he were to show her this side of him, he would only scare her away and would be the reason why she would leave him. But why is she kneeled in front of him? Why are her hands still holding him as if he was still the love of her life? Why are her eyes fearlessly looking into his brown-red orbs full of adoration? Why is she still giving him one of her brightest and biggest smile?
Why isn't she cursing his life? Why isn't she gathering her belongings? Why isn't she terrified of him? Why isn't she walking out of his apartment?
Why isn't she leaving him?
Y/N's arms wrapped around his head, pulling him in her chest for an embrace as she stood on her knees. "I love you very much, Goro. If you're thinking that I would leave you for letting me know how you really feel and who you really are, you're wrong. I love you and I wouldn't leave you. If anything, I'm more than happy to know this side of you and I would never give up on you." As she spoke softly, she placed kisses on his head while he had already started shaking and sobbing with his arms around her waist.
"Let it all out. I'm here. I will never leave you." She comforted, her hand smoothing his hair in a comforting manner.
After a while, Akechi looked up at her with his tear stained face, eyes red and puffy. "May I kiss you?"
Y/N smile's widened, her teeth showing, as she leaned down without breaking eye contact. "You don't even have to ask, Goro."
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mercysought · 2 years
@neophoria​​​​​ . it takes courage to admit fear.  [ takemura ] . from one of these memes // dark tower . accepting
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   “Well, that’s sweet.” and that was pretty close to what she’s heard him say about good things, even if she needed to squint to see it. Johnny and Valerie had both called her, in many different words, a love sick idiot. Vivian knew many things, one of them bein’ that she didn’t think this was love per se. It sure felt nice to be seatin’ next to him and hearing him talk, but that might simply be because the sound of the city in the background and his voice was as close as nice white noise as she could really afford these days.
Or maybe it was, who knew at this point and why did it matter? She needed someone to be with her in that moment because she was this close to just jumping right off the wagon. Johnny had taken her choice and her streak of keepin’ herself fuckin’ clean so now she felt herself shaking like a leaf. Angry at the air, angry at herself for trustin’ Johnny Silverhand like a fucking gonk. She didn’t even know what the fuck he had actually gone off to do with all the details and that was probably for the best. In the end, it didn’t help with the shaky hands and cold sweats that came from making her walk right back into the Afterlife and asking for a Jackie Wells. 
And that sounded divine. No time like this to feel oblivion bless you. 
   “Takes more courage to admit when you’ve fucked up though.“ she snaps herself back, looking up to Goro with a smile, flickering the hair off her eyes Vivian adjusts the weight she had been putting on the rail. Opening the plastic bottle, she takes a sip from the water, keeping her eyes on him “Not that I’ve ever done anything wrong” snorting, V. winks “ever.“
Not that she was about to admit any fucking up, and even from him. He was just as out of his depth than her though he’d do well to keep rememberin’ that if he was to talk shit he would get hit just as quick. A love sick puppy, just a massive dumbass. Viv looks at Takemura with a smaller smile, less intense in its snark and fun. She takes a large sip from the water, emptying it in a single go and crushing the plastic with a satisfying crack. She wasn’t a love sick gal, she was a dying one that had a pretty helping hand. 
Hey, you can’t really taste heartbreak or disappointment if you’re a dead woman walkin’! Especially if you just came off the wagon and are carrying about the whole NC’s weight of sin in the shape of shame on your shoulders.
   “I’m a pretty big coward, though.” clearing her throat, she leans towards him who hadn’t moved a single muscle since they had arrived. Resting her elbow again on the rail, she leans now towards him, closer than she would have otherwise. He was surprised, but didn’t move or try to leave which was encouraging regardless if it was right or not “Pretty big shame really” her shoulder brushes against him and her voice lowers to a whisper as she smiles. His lips are close and she can hear his breath being held. “a girl like me could have absolutely killed it with a bit more courage.” 
She could kiss him, in this run down apartment complex overlooking a sea of trash in the neon light. Viv really could and she was tempted, boy was she tempted if nothing else to see how he would have reacted. Looking at Takemura it was a good fifty fifty that he would kiss her back but she was feelin’ those odds.
Instead, she just smiles into the curled fingers that cover her lips before she straightens her back and pushes herself off.
   “Anyway, gotta spin.“ she needed to find Vince, or Val, or anyone else that might convince her that cracking a beer open was as bad of an idea as just hanging from the edge of the building. Twirling the dark blue helmet, she turns to Takemura as she walks away “I even brought my helmet!“
She guessed Johnny put the hard line in the sand at unsafe bike riding. Hand jobs while driving and both drunk as shit? All good but a bike ride? Oof, no ma’am, that’s a hard line.
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Phantom Thieves Headcanons
oughh this started as brainworms over Yusuke and Makoto while I was playing earlier but i decided to just do the whole group because the brainrot is stronggg. I hope everyone enjoyssss
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Akira Kurusu/Joker
okay first off idk what to call him for his real name LMAO so we’re going with Akira
He’s not crazy ticklish, but he can definitely get laughing pretty hard
His tickle spots are probably his sides, ribs, and underarms
He has a really cute laugh, it’s a bit higher than his regular voice but not by much
He wasn’t tickled much before transferring to Shujin, but after making friends with Ryuji he was often met with random tazes or tickles
Ryuji is his primary ler because Akira doesn’t really mind because they’re friends, even getting him back sometimes
Akira is a pretty good ler himself, though he doesn’t tickle people very often unless they intiate it
He had Ryuji nearly in tears one time after a prank though, and Ryuji has (sort of) learned his lesson
He’s also tickled Yusuke a couple of times, though he’s gotten him back plenty
I feel like after a little bit he and Akechi would also get into some tickle fights, Akira probably winning most of them
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it feels so odd adding Morgana to this but i figured i might as well just since he’s part of the group lmao
I feel like he’s not really that ticklish? but he does enjoy it
He loves like tummy tickles or tickles behind his ear, and even though he barely even chuckles (it’s more like purring) he really likes it
He only lets Ann do it though, anyone else is a no-go
Futaba tries constantly because she sees Ann doing it all the time but Morgana always hisses at her
She does get him every now and then, but Morgana isn’t a huge fan because Futaba can be a bit rough
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Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
Ryuji my baby *sobs*
He’s really ticklish because I said so and he has a really cute laugh because I said so
His laugh is really loud and frantic when he’s being tickled, and he giggles if you wiggle your fingers at him to threaten to tickle him
some of his tickle spots are his hips, knees, and tummy
Akira and Yusuke tickle him a lot, either because he’s being a dork or they just feel like it
When he was still on the sports team he got tickled by his teammates every now and then to help him destress but not anymore
Now if Ryuji’s feeling a bit antsy before a mission, all he needs is a few tickles to ease his nerves and he’s good to go
He loves to tickle Akira and Yusuke omg they probably get into tickle fights every now and then aaa
Ryuji loses ofc because he’s too ticklish for his own good and Yusuke and Akira can easily gang up on him
He tickled Ann once and got punched, so he doesn’t anymore lmao
so basically what I’m saying is he deserves a few tickles hehe
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Ann Takamaki/Panther
okay kinda like Akira she’s not super ticklish but she has a few spots that have her laughing
She has literally such a pretty laugh omggg its like an angels laugh yaaas
she’s ticklish on her hips and under her arms
everywhere else she might giggle, but those spots she’ll definitely laugh, especially if you catch her by surprise
Ryuji’s tried to tickle her before, and that was just an epic fail so the only people that really tickle her now are Makoto and Futaba
Makoto doesn’t tickle her very often just because she’s very shy, but when Futaba comes out of her shell she’s definitely a huge tickle monster with Ann
Ann gets them back too! She’s more of a ler than anything so she’s good at tickling people
She can have Makoto and Futaba wheezing but she never really tickles any of the guys
She does occassionally poke Yusuke or Akira, but after Ryuji snuck up on her it’s a no go with tickles for Ryuji
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Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox
okay so since he’s one of my favorites he’s naturally really ticklish and that’s just how it works
His tickle spots are his ribs, tummy, and under his arms!
He doesn’t really like being tickled by people, but he doesn’t complain if it’s his friends
he has a pretty loud laugh, and it can be a bit squeaky if you get him in a bad spot
After he’s been tickled to bits the first thing he says is something like “That was embarrassing” because he just knows that he looks like a dork when he’s tickled lol
I meant that in a loving way, he’s a cute dork
Ryuji and Akira tickle him the most, and sometimes they even gang up on him which just has this poor boy absolutely reeling
Ann and Futaba also occasionally tickle him, and he can get a bit flustered when they tickle him
He doesn’t tickle others very much, buuut he does tickle Akira and Ryuji and occassionally gets into tickle fights with them!
He also might poke Ann or Futaba back a little if they poke him, but sometimes they full on tickle him if he does that and so he refrains most of the time
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Makoto Niijima/Queen
Makoto my beloved
I feel like Makoto would actually really like being tickled! With both her parents being gone and her sister being busy most of the time she’s a little touch starved like me lol so when met with tickles she doesn’t mind at all
Her tickle spots are her tummy, ribs, and hips! But her neck and shoulders are also ticklish~
She’s never fully admitted to enjoying tickles, but it’s kind of obvious because of how she keeps her squirming to a minimum and only asks to stop when she really needs it
Ann and Futaba tease her about it sometimes and she gets really flustered and denies it, but they know
Haru is a bit nicer and gentle with her tickles, and Makoto is thankful for that but it’s still a bit embarrassing hehe
Haru was one of the people who very bluntly asked if she liked it, and Makoto did eventually admit to it but only to Haru
She’s also really flustered tickling others aaa she only ever pokes or very quickly scribbles up someones side, and even then, it’s only with the girls, Yusuke, and Akira
TLDR; absolute lee and absolutely deserves the tickles she wants
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Futaba Sakura/Oracle
AN ABSOLUTE BABY she’s so sweet i cry
She’s veeery ticklish, but she’s not really used to being tickled
She can get overwhelmed easily with tickling, but the group knows when to stop with her when they tickle her
Akira, Haru, Ann and Yusuke are the ones who tickle her most often, though they do it in small intervals to make sure she’s completely comfortable
Her tickle spots are her tummy, hips, and knees
meanwhile, she’s a totally ruthless ler who loves to “torment” (her own words) her friends
They were hanging out in the cafe one time and Futaba just dug her hands under Ryuji’s arms (a constant victim of tickles from everyone it seems) and he just screeched
And he got yelled at by Sojiro which was probably Futaba’s plan in the first place
Futaba finds tickling as a way of pranking people, and she’s a huge prankster so she just loves to mess with her friends using tickles
so all in all, she’s the phantom thief to avoid when it comes to being tickled, she’ll wreck anyone that comes into her range
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Haru Okumura/Noir
ahhh Haru she’s so cuteeee
I feel like she’s one of the wild cards, where she seems really sweet (and is!) but can be a pretty big ler when she wants
She’s ticklish, but mostly on her tummy, sides and waist
She has the SWEETEST giggles they’re super bubbly and a bit squeaky but so so cute
She loves to tickle the other Phantom Thieves too, especially Makoto!
She’s gentle with Makoto because she knows she likes it (sometimes she uses her nails which makes Makoto squeal) but with everyone else...
She just needs to wiggle her fingers at the other group members and they’re already giggling
She’s like infamous for her tickles, and after she got Ryuji that one time in front of everyone it was like,, they were fearful of her lol
Like not actually scared because they know she would never tickle them beyond their boundaries, she’s just so good that she can get all of them laughing really easily
She doesn’t really tickle anyone without a reason though, she’s nice about that
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Goro Akechi/Crow
ahh i don’t know too much about him yet since I just got to the Palace where he becomes a Phantom Thief but I’ll do my best!
I feel like since he’s new to the group he’s not tickled as often, and because of his previous remarks to the Phantom Thieves there’s a bit of distrust
That said, when the group starts to trust him more he quickly becomes one of the tickle targets
I feel like he’s most ticklish on his ribs, sides, and hips!
Akira was probably the first person to tickle him, claiming it was “initiation”
After that Ryuji, Yusuke and Futaba poked him every now and then
Futaba and Akira ganged up on him once and the poor boy was a flustered, giggling mess by the time they were done with him
Yusuke and Ryuji mostly stick to poking him, but Ryuji’s gotten him pretty good a couple times
Akechi doesn’t really want to tickle the others because he doesn’t want them to be upset with him, but he does tickle Akira every now and then
They have yet to get into a serious tickle fight, but Akira would probably win anyway
Ahhh that’s all I have for right now! But prompts should be opening soon~ (probably after I get back from my trip hehe) so if anyone wants to send in any Persona related thing feel free! :D
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Whenever commie is no longer busy and have time (and ofc would want to write it), would you be willing to make a complete list of those who would kabedon; and the list of "who would and would not say the f/curse word"?
Oh man, you want a complete list? Well, ok, let’s go show by show here, I’m gonna get really lengthy with it. Like, I can’t go through every character in every show, but I’ll hit what I think are the major points.
Fair warning before you mash the read-more: I did, in fact, go through nearly every show I’ve seen. This post is long.
We will start with Kamen Rider.
Kamen Rider 1号: I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me you heard my grandpa say a cuss. Go on. I dare you.
Godai Yusuke: is capable of saying fuck, but does not, because he’s too polite. He might kabedon, but not for any romantic or sexual reasons, just because he likes to be close to people and he gets excited about stuff.
Ichijo Kaoru: says fuck on a regular basis. I think he would kabedon unironically but only in the heat of the moment.
Ra-Baruba-De: doesn’t cuss because it’s beneath her. She’d kabedon Ichijo, but would follow this up with an attempt to kill him.
Tsugami Shouichi: does not swear and cannot kabedon, although someone else might do it to him.
Hikawa Makoto: might say fuck in a moment of stress, but rarely swears otherwise. He could and would kabedon, but only in situations where doing so would get a comedic result related to his strength and clumsiness.
Ashihara Ryou, the sexiest man in the world: probably swears like a sailor and would absolutely kabedon. The very thought makes me go weak at the knees.
Kino Kaoru: definitely says “fuck,” but I don’t think he does fuck, and he certainly doesn’t kabedon.
Ozawa Sumiko, however: both says “fuck” and does it. She will kabedon, and she will stand on Omuro’s shoulders to get enough height for it.
Kido Shinji: always wants to swear, but doesn’t actually do it. He could kabedon, but only in anger; the thought of doing so in a romantic or sexual context would make him blush and stammer.
Akiyama Ren: can and will say “fuck” at a moment’s notice. You know he kabedons.
Kitaoka Shuichi: says “fuck” quietly, when no one can hear him except maybe Goro. He would kabedon gently and think himself very sexy.
Yura Goro: is a sweet, sweet man who neither swears nor kabedons.
Asakura Takeshi: is saying “fuck” at this very moment. He would only kabedon as a prelude to stabbing.
Tezuka Miyuki: is on this list because I love him, but he does not say “fuck” and could not be induced to. He could be kabedon’ed.
555 (we haven’t finished this one so I can’t guarantee that all characters will be included)
Inui Takumi: I’m pretty sure he could say “fuck” but I don’t think he’s actually inclined to. Kabedon’ing requires a level of investment in whatever situation that I don’t think he’d want to admit to.
Kusaka Masato: oh, absolutely.
Sonoda Mari: swears all the time. Doesn’t kabedon because she expects someone to do it to her.
Keitaro Kikuchi: is a very nice boy who does neither of these things.
Kiba Yuji: contains vast lakes of suppressed rage, and if he says “fuck” even once it might all come out. Does not kabedon for the same reason.
Osada Yuka: says “fuck,” but only in her heart. Does not kabedon.
Kaido Naoya: says “fuck,” but only when he can’t find a more ridiculous option. Absolutely kabedons at a moment’s notice.
Smart Lady: does not say “fuck.” Will definitely kabedon you, and moreover she’ll do it with her leg to make sure that the situation is just, uncomfortably sexual.
Kenzaki Kazuma: is breathtakingly earnest but nevertheless does, on occasion, say “fuck.” Doesn’t kabedon because he’s too sad.
Aikawa Hajime: has neither the inclination nor the desire to say “fuck” or to kabedon.
Tachibana Sakuya: can say “fuck,” but mostly doesn’t. Also too sad to kabedon.
Kamijou Mutsuki: would say “fuck” to get someone’s attention. He wishes he could kabedon.
Kurihara Amane: is in so much trouble with her mother for saying “fuck.”
Hibiki/Hidaka Hitoshi: is An Dad, and thus is theoretically capable of saying “fuck,” but if he does then it means the situation’s gotten pretty serious. (Or he’s hit his thumb with a hammer.) He can definitely kabedon, but we’ll never see him do it, because that means the situation’s gotten a different kind of serious.
Ibuki: has too much self-control and dignity to say “fuck,” but said it when he was younger. Doesn’t kabedon because it’s just...not the right vibe for him.
Todoroki: has considered saying “fuck,” but the prospect makes him blush. Cannot kabedon to save his life but desperately wishes that he could.
Zanki: comfortable with the word “fuck” but uses it sparingly. Doesn’t seem like a kabedon type.
The Children: Asumu, Kyosuke, and Akira can all definitely say “fuck” just by dint of being high schoolers brimming with all kinds of messy emotions. Kyosuke would definitely attempt to kabedon someone, although he might not do it well.
The Tachibana Sisters: anyone who runs a restaurant can say “fuck.”
Kabuki: like Miyuki, above, is included because I adore him, even though he’s a movie-exclusive character. Definitely says “fuck.” Might kabedon in the process of tricking someone, but wouldn’t do it seriously.
Tendou Souji: feels that saying “fuck” is beneath him. Wouldn’t kabedon so much as he’d very gently brace himself against the wall and lean in, which, let’s be real, is much sexier.
Tendou Juka: you know that comic that people have done all those redraws of? I think this one is the original? This is an accurate representation of what would happen to someone, possibly Kagami, if Juka said “fuck.”
Kagami Arata: is all the time saying “fuck,” at least in his head, but doesn’t often say it out loud because it would draw the wrong kind of attention. Would kabedon Souji, probably, who would be surprised and then quietly delighted.
Kusakabe Hiyori: unlikely to say “fuck,” and if she did I suspect Tendou would take it badly (see above entry for Juka). Might be kabedon’ed, but would definitely knee the perpetrator in the groin.
Kamishiro Tsurugi: my beautiful son does not know what the word “fuck” means, but would definitely kabedon because he’s excitable.
Yaguruma Sou and Kageyama Shun: get one line because they do things together--imagine, if you will, Yaguruma saying “fuck” and Kageyama echoing him quietly a moment later. They would also kabedon together.
Kazama Daisuke: would say “fuck” very quietly. Does not kabedon.
Nogami Ryotaro: cannot say any swear words without suffering a potentially fatal nosebleed. May have kabedon’ed once in a dream, but the thought of him attempting it in real life is actually laughable.
Hana: says “fuck” as an adult. As a child, says it more. Does not kabedon, because why bother?
Naomi: can do whatever she likes and I will support her.
Momotaros: says “fuck” regularly and with gusto. Kabedons as a greeting.
Urataros: does not use any curse words because women find them off-putting--unless the woman he’s with swears, in which case he does too. Will kabedon if it is situationally appropriate for getting laid.
Ryuutaros: see, again, this comic, but this time the person doing the shocked face and then later the punching is me. He does not know what a kabedon is.
Kintaros: is probably asleep. Believes that excessive swearing is unmanly. Doesn’t see the point of kabedon.
Sieg: believes that excessive swearing is unfit for a prince, but will very occasionally say “fuck” if it’ll get every eye in the room on him. Unaware of kabedon.
Kurenai Wataru: does not.
Kurenai Otoya: does both, vigorously.
Asou Megumi: says “fuck,” doesn’t kabedon. Would encourage someone else to kabedon her though.
Asou Yuri: absolutely says “fuck” all the time, might kabedon Otoya to shut him up.
Jirou: I actually don’t think he swears? Definitely kabedons though.
Nago Keisuke: says “fuck,” but feels bad about it afterwards. Might kabedon from anger, or if induced to by Megumi.
Nobori Taiga: is far too polite to say “fuck,” but occasionally thinks it. Does not kabedon.
Kadoya Tsukasa: there is no question that he says “fuck” all the time. Not the romantic kabedon type, much to Daiki’s disappointment. May kabedon in other situations, though.
Kaitou Daiki: says “fuck” only occasionally, but with feeling. Would like Tsukasa to kabedon him.
Hikari Natsumi: says “fuck” regularly and energetically. Will sit on Yuusuke’s shoulders to kabedon Tsukasa.
Onodera Yuusuke: does not say “fuck” at all. Cannot kabedon because he is too busy giving Natsumi a boost.
Hidari Shoutaro: believes that saying “fuck” is unbecoming of a true man, but still says it if he stubs his toe. Kabedons unintentionally and then blushes when he realizes what he’s done.
Philip: has said “fuck” a total of once and then went down a rabbit hole looking into its etymology. Kabedons intentionally and with forethought, and then completely loses the thread of things as soon as Shoutaro starts blushing.
Narumi Akiko: says “fuck” just to shock Shoutaro. Definitely kabedon’ed Terui at least once, which he was unspeakably charmed by.
Terui Ryuu: is not open to questions about whether or not he says “fuck.” Only kabedons out of frustration.
Hino Eiji: neither says “fuck” nor kabedons.
Ankh: both says “fuck” and kabedons, and both are generally directed at Eiji. In fact, since he is only a hand, kabedon is an important part of his physical vocabulary.
Izumi Hina: does not say “fuck.” Would break a wall if she kabedon’ed, and thus it’s fortunate that she isn’t inclined to anyway.
Gotou Shintarou: would blush terribly if he ever said “fuck,” or for that matter if he attempted to kabedon.
Satonaka Erika: considers the word “fuck” an important part of her vocabulary, to be used sparingly. Kabedons Gotou, and at least once Date.
Date Akira: says “fuck,” but not in, like, an aggressive way? Just as an expression of mild distress. It does not occur to him to kabedon.
Kisaragi Gentarou: is not legally allowed to say rude words. Would kabedon out of an excess of enthusiasm and then be deeply confused if the recipient blushed.
Sakuta Ryuusei: says “fuck” sparingly and only when it’ll have an impact. Does not kabedon.
Utahoshi Kengo: says “fuck” frequently and with enthusiasm. Doesn’t see the point of kabedon.
Jojima Yuuki: like Gentarou, is not legally permitted to curse. Kabedon would not occur to her unless it could be some way related to space.
Kazashiro Miu: says “fuck” occasionally. Kabedons when appropriate, which is rarely.
Daimonji Shun: wishes he could say “fuck,” but can’t quite bring himself to.  Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but he used to.
JK: only says “fuck” deniably. Strictly a receiver of kabedon.
Nozama Tomoko: doesn’t use curse words, she uses curses. Doesn’t kabedon, but appreciates it when she sees others do it.
Souma Haruto: definitely says “fuck” sometimes. Prefers a flirtatious lean against a convenient wall over kabedon.
Nitoh Kosuke: says "fuck," but only if his grandma can't hear him--unless there's a notable archeological discovery in the offing, in which case all bets are off. Thinks he's too slick to kabedon, but he's not.
Fueki Koyomi: no.
Nara Shunpei: absolutely not.
Daimon Rinko: has said "fuck" on occasion and would certainly do it again. I can't imagine a kabedon from her though.
Kazuraba Kouta: seems like he secretly swears kind of a lot. Does not kabedon because he is, at base, a deeply non-aggressive individual.
Kumon Kaito: says "fuck" at least once a day. Absolutely kabedons, but mainly because he's annoyed and slapping a person seems tactically unsound.
Kureshima Mitsuzane (Micchi): says "fuck" to sound edgy. Would like to kabedon but no one would take it seriously.
Kureshima Takatora: will use the word "fuck" sparingly, and only to indicate that The Situation Has Gotten Bad Indeed. Does not know what kabedon is.
Sengoku Ryouma: says "fuck" occasionally, and with malicious good cheer. Does not kabedon, but if he would like to give it a shot, I am available.
Takatsukasa Mai: says "fuck" quietly but with frequency. Doesn't see a good reason to kabedon anyone.
Oren Pierre Alfonso: only swears in French. Dismisses kabedon as a thing for callow youths, but despite this he did once have a heated dream of doing it to Takatora.
Tomari Shinnosuke: says "fuck" if he's hit his leg on a table or something, but in more serious situations he does not curse. I cannot possibly imagine him trying to kabedon, it's impossible.
Shijima Kiriko: doesn't swear as much as one might think; "fuck" is for special occasions. Will use a kabedon to get someone's attention.
Shijima Gou: says "fuck" all the time. Would like to kabedon, but hasn't found the right person yet.
Chase: does not swear. Does not kabedon--he's interested in human behavior but that's just nonsense.
Sawagami Rinna: is a professional engineer and thus uses the word “fuck” as punctuation. Might kabedon, but it’s unlikely.
Mr. Belt/Krim Steinbelt: mutters “fuck” quietly when Shinnosuke isn’t paying attention. Does not have arms.
Heart: has said "fuck" experimentally but didn't like the mouthfeel. Delighted by the very concept of kabedon but hasn't done it yet.
Brain: believes that swearing is a sign that you have nothing constructive, intelligent, or amusing to say. Provided Heart with the comics from which they both learned about kabedon, and since then the thought of Heart doing it to him has occupied his every waking moment.
Medic: has thought about saying "fuck" but isn't sure that she really wants to. Stole those comics from Brain and now she, too, would like Heart to kabedon.
Tenkuuji Takeru: the thought of saying “fuck” has genuinely never entered his head. More someone who is kabedon’ed than someone who does it himself.
Fukami Makoto: can theoretically say “fuck,” but mostly doesn’t. Would maybe kabedon if the moment seemed appropriate.
Alain: thinks saying “fuck” is sort of uncouth but does it anyway. Wants to know what kabedon is, please tell him about it.
Tsukimura Akari: does not get enough sleep or lab time for anyone to be able to stop her from saying “fuck.” Has kabedon’ed out of excitement, but never for romantic reasons.
Yamanouchi Onari: tries not to say “fuck” because he’s supposed to be setting a good example, but sometimes it just slips out. Definitely doesn’t kabedon, but that’s more out of cowardice than a sense of restraint.
Fukami Kanon: see the comic previously linked to for reference for what would happen if Makoto found out that someone had taught Kanon how to say “fuck.” Reads comics in which there is the occasional kabedon, kind of wishes Alain would do it.
Hojo Emu: doesn’t say “fuck” because he works with children. Doesn’t kabedon because it’s not his style.
Parad: absolutely says “fuck,” if only to see Emu drop something in surprise. Thinks kabedon looks fun.
Kagami Hiiro: is too uptight to say “fuck” and too shy to kabedon.
Kujou Kiriya: uses “fuck” as an expression of low-key dismay. Does his best flirting from across the room, but might kabedon if it seemed like the reaction would be entertaining.
Hanaya Taiga: barely even thinks of “fuck” as a word, it’s just a noise he makes when he’s annoyed. Kabedon’ing would require him to get much closer to people than he wants to.
Dan Kuroto: definitely says “fuck,” are you kidding? Even before he was a cackling supervillain he was, at least partially, a software engineer. Does not kabedon.
Poppy Pipopapo: no.
Saiba Nico: says “fuck” all the time as long as Taiga’s not looking. Will not admit to reading the kind of comics where a kabedon might occur, but definitely does.
Graphite: thinks all of this is human nonsense and yet is, despite himself, intrigued.
Kiryuu Sento: probably says “fuck” more than any other main Rider. Yes, even Tsukasa. Is kabedon’ed.
Banjou Ryuuga: says “fuck” because MMA guys have foul mouths, although he did clean up his language a bit when Kasumi was still alive. Kabedons.
Isurugi Misora: if Misora says “fuck” then something terrible is about to happen. Would laugh at anyone who asked if she knew how to kabedon. Would knee anyone who tried it on her in the groin. Kazumi knows this well.
Takigawa Sawa: considers the word “fuck” an essential part of her vocabulary, to be used frequently and sometimes at a great volume. Knows how to kabedon due to spy training but does not use it in her personal life.
Sawatari Kazumi: says “fuck” all the time, unless Misora is paying attention to him. Thinks that kabedon is very sexy and that he’s very good at it; mileage may vary on whether this is actually true.
Himuro Gentoku: says “fuck” softly and solemnly when something really bad has happened. Maybe he kabedons, I’m genuinely not sure.
Evolt: probably does both, but I’m not getting close enough to check.
Tokiwa Sougo: doesn’t swear because it’s not kingly. Does not kabedon.
Myoukouin Geiz: surprisingly, does not tend to curse. Definitely kabedons, not always romantically.
Woz: doesn’t say “fuck,” because there are more roundabout ways to express his frustration. Kabedons, sometimes for romantic reasons and sometimes just to be weird about things.
Tsukuyomi: specifically uses the word “fuck” to indicate that things have gotten serious. If Geiz isn’t going to get around to kabedon’ing her, she’s going to do it to him.
Hiden Aruto: look obviously I can’t really comment on these characters because I haven’t watched that show yet but just from the clips I’ve seen I think Aruto would spontaneously combust if he said “fuck.”
Kamiyama Touma: says “fuck” sometimes, especially if he’s very tired. Thinks kabedon is kind of a tired plot device.
Sudou Mei: doesn’t think saying “fuck” is that big of a deal, uses it to express irritation. Agrees with Touma that kabedon is overused as a plot device, but likes it nonetheless.
Shindo Rintarou: oh my god no, definitely not.
Fukamiya Kento: uses the word “fuck” the way other people might use the word “moist”--it’s not a word he likes to say, but it has its place. Not generally aggressive enough to kabedon, but might if it seemed useful.
Akamichi Ren: is a teen edgelord and thus says “fuck” a lot. Talks a big game, but is secretly too shy for a successful kabedon.
Ogami Ryo: has tried to clean up his language since becoming a dad and been pretty successful with it. Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but did once.
Daishinji Tetsuo: says “fuck” when he’s working on things. Kabedon generally involves prolonged eye contact, so no.
Sophia: good heavens no, can you imagine?
Tassel: might be a divinity of some kind, can swear if he wants although he’d probably do it in French, but if he kabedons then I’m a walrus. I love Tassel.
All right, that’s Kamen Rider done! Now on to...
Super Sentai
AkaRed: if AkaRed ever said “fuck” I think something in the multiverse would be profoundly damaged--oh, hell, this is how Zenkaiger happens, isn’t it?
Ryo of the Heavenly Fire Star: doesn’t say “fuck,” but you might when you taste his gyoza. They’re the best in the world, you know. It has never occurred to him to kabedon.
Daigo of the Heavenly Illusion Star: is too gentle to say “fuck,” or for that matter to kabedon. (Besides, anyone who tries to kabedon Kujaku is going to be in for some difficulty.)
Bullet Shoji, Warrior of Love: used to say “fuck,” because he used to be in a gang, but doesn’t anymore. Doesn’t kabedon because he tries not to intimidate people.
Kazu of the Heavenly Time Star: doesn’t say “fuck,” he just kinda makes a hiss noise if he’s irritated. Doesn’t object to kabedon in theory but not interested in doing it himself.
Rin of the Heavenly Wind Star: does sometimes say “fuck,” much to her uncle’s dismay. Does not kabedon.
Kou of the Howling New Star: is a horrible child and says “fuck” regularly. Too immature to be allowed to kabedon.
Tsuruhime: does not say “fuck,” because if she’s mad she can just smack someone. She is fairly sure that people don’t actually kabedon in real life.
Sasuke: has said “fuck” once or twice but mostly tries not to. Too friendly to kabedon.
Saizou and Seikai: get one line because they’re attached at the hip. They are too goofy to say “fuck,” and would only ever manage to kabedon each other.
Jiraiya: not only does he say “fuck,” he will actually be saying “fuck” and not a Japanese equivalent, because he is more comfortable speaking English. I cannot imagine this man attempting to kabedon.
Ninjaman: is tremendously excited to learn about modern cursing, but never actually uses the words he’s learned because his teachers would be mad at him. Naturally too large to practice safe kabedon.
Please know that I’m not very far into this series yet, so this is based on fairly early impressions.
Shiina Yousuke: does not say “fuck” but often wants to. Doesn’t kabedon because it seems really aggressive, especially if you’re trying to kiss someone.
Nono Nanami: sometimes thinks the word “fuck” but doesn’t say it. While she’s read a few comics which contain kabedon, the thought of putting the concept into practice has never occurred to her.
Bitou Kouta: would never say “fuck” because children might hear him. Doesn’t kabedon because he’s a gentle soul.
Kasumi Ikkou and Kasumi Isshu: I just met these boys last night but I know in my heart that they both say “fuck,” and moreover they mean it. They also definitely kabedon.
Furabijo and Wendinu: can call me, please, I’m apocalyptically in love with you both.
Same as Hurricaneger--I’m not that far in, we don’t even have the extra guys yet, but I sure do have some thoughts about the folks we’ve got so far.
Kando Jan: doesn’t even know the word “fuck,” probably has some cute repetitive term for sex that he uses instead. Doesn’t know what a kabedon is either.
Uzaki Ran: may say “fuck” very occasionally if she sustains an injury during training. Not inclined to kabedon.
Fukami Retsu: will pretend that he’s too in control of himself to swear, but does on occasion say “fuck.” Sees no reason to kabedon.
Mele: says “fuck,” but never when Leo can hear her. Doesn’t kabedon, would like someone else (*coughcoughLeocoughcough*) to do so though.
Leo: says “fuck” like he’s chewing on something and spitting it out. Definitely kabedons, but has no idea that this might have romantic or sexual implications.
Shiba Takeru: does not say “fuck” anymore, because once he said it in front of Jii, who lost his mind. Could kabedon, he’s capable of it, but he’s a little too wound up in himself.
Ikenami Ryunosuke: would never say “fuck.” Not a kabedon type because it seems rude.
Shiraishi Mako: used to work with children, and thus didn’t say “fuck” for years, but now does occasionally--mainly while cooking. Doesn’t kabedon because she has other ways of getting in your face.
Tani Chiaki: is a Gamer and thus definitely says “fuck.” Nonetheless, respects women too much to kabedon them and the only men he might kabedon he is slightly afraid of.
Hanaori Kotoha: is a sweet, precious girl, very dear to my heart, who certainly does not swear or kabedon.
Umemori Genta: only says “fuck” if he cuts himself while preparing fish, or while arguing with fish vendors. Might kabedon to be goofy, but never seriously.
Kusakabe Hikoma/Jii: definitely had kind of a wild youth. Takeru once heard him say “fuck” to a kuroko while working on the clan accounts and has never recovered from the shock. Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but he did once.
Shiba Kaoru: doesn’t actually know the word “fuck” or anything about kabedon, and isn’t going to learn if Tanba has anything to say about it.
Gokaiger--one of the ones I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for
Captain Marvelous: I think we all know that the answer is yes on both counts.
Joe Gibken: says “fuck” quietly in serious situations, and loudly if Marvelous is deliberately getting on his nerves. Does not typically kabedon.
Luka Millfy: uses “fuck” as a general intensifier. Likes guys she can intimidate a little, so she does kabedon, but she mainly does it to Doc and Gai.
Don Dogoier/Doc: if you hear Doc say “fuck” it’s probably the middle of the night and he’s repairing an engine problem. Certainly does not kabedon.
Ahim de Famille: cursing is unladylike--not that she always tries to be ladylike, but she just doesn’t see the point there. Doesn’t kabedon.
Ikari Gai: probably uses some sort of goofy minced oath like “fudge” unless in the actual throes of passion. Doesn’t really have the poise to kabedon.
Basco ta Jolokia: only says “fuck” when no one is listening, because otherwise he might seem less than poised. Would kabedon Marvelous to get a rise out of him.
Sakurada Hiromu: seems like he’d probably drop the occasional “fuck.” I’m of two minds on the kabedon thing; I think that he could, but I’m not sure that he would.
Iwasaki Ryuji: says “fuck” if he’s working late on some problem. Doesn’t kabedon because he doesn’t want to scare people.
Usami Youko: says “fuck” specifically because it gets Ryuji to make a shocked face at her. Might kabedon if she found someone short enough. She will never find someone short enough.
Nick, Gorisaki, and Usada: no, definitely not.
Masato Jin: says “fuck” with the casual manner of a man who has definitely not just dropped a wrench on his foot. Doesn’t kabedon, but has joked about doing so.
Beet J. Stag (the “J” stands for “Jueki”): says “fuck,” but doesn’t know what it means. Who would he even kabedon?
Enter: only swears in French. Would kabedon with one of his creepy tentacles.
Kiryuu Daigo “King”: is a ludicrously perfect shoujo manga love interest, and thus does not say “fuck” but does kabedon in a sexy way.
Ian Yorkland: says “fuck” on dig sites but not in polite company. Might kabedon if it’d make the girl in question smile, does not kabedon men.
Udo Nobuharu: used to say “fuck” sometimes, but doesn’t now that he’s helping to raise Rika. Too busy and tired to kabedon.
Rippukan Souji: is too uptight to do either.
Amy Yuzuki: doesn’t say “fuck,” just makes irritated noises. Might kabedon if it would get someone to stop screwing around and pay attention to her.
Utsusemimaru: is familiar with neither the word “fuck” nor the concept of kabedon, although he might learn about the latter from some of Amy’s manga.
Yayoi Ulshade: says “fuck” when she’s working. Perpetually disappointed that she will never get Daigo to kabedon her.
Candelira and Luckyuro: my beautiful wife and her adorable son have no knowledge of these things.
Right, Tokacchi, Mio, Hikari, and Kagura: are all children and thus are barred from engaging with these things. Although I suppose now they’re all fifteen or sixteen, so maybe some of them have started cussing, but I refuse to contemplate it.
Nijino Akira: doesn’t know the word “fuck,” but if he did he’d use it. Doesn’t know about kabedon either, and wouldn’t use it if he did, because that involves getting way too close to people.
Wagon: much like Smart Lady, would kabedon with her leg, but in her case she’s trying to be cute and fun, not creepy. Does not say “fuck.”
Emperor Zett: can in theory say “fuck,” but hasn’t found an occasion to do so. Would kabedon to intimidate, I think he’d kinda puff up like a little angry wren.
Kazakiri Yamato: will only say “fuck” if he’s just been bitten by an animal he’s taking care of, and even then only if it really hurts. Doesn’t kabedon.
Sera: doesn’t say “fuck” because there’s always something more cutting available. Would bite anyone who kabedon’ed her.
Leo: says “fuck” as long as there are no girls listening. Has been bitten by Sera at least once as punishment for kabedon crimes.
Tusk: says “fuck” about paper cuts, but nothing else. Doesn’t kabedon.
Amu: doesn’t say “fuck” because there are cuter ways to get mad. Doesn’t kabedon herself, but will take any kabedon from someone else as an opportunity to get them to do something for her.
Mondou Misao: says “fuck” sometimes, always apologizes directly afterward. Far too nervous to kabedon.
Bard: says “fuck” at least once a week. Isn’t clear on what kabedon is.
Uncle Mario: you leave Uncle Mario alone.
Lucky: does not say “fuck.” Might kabedon in a moment of high spirits.
Garu: is a polite man who neither says “fuck” nor kabedons.
Stinger: says “fuck” frequently. Kabedons with his tail.
Hame: says “fuck” quietly but often. Doesn’t kabedon, and would just vanish if someone did it to her.
Raptor-283: says “fuck” very rarely, but at great volume. Dreams of being kabedon’ed, this is canonical.
Champ: doesn’t curse, and thinks kabedon looks dangerous.
Spada: only says “fuck” in the kitchen, where he can say whatever he pleases, grazie. Could be kabedon’ed.
Balance: says “fuck” if he’s panicking, but only then. Might kabedon for fun.
Naaga Rei: doesn’t do either, and would be terribly puzzled if someone kabedon’ed him.
Shou Ronpou: said “fuck” once when he got his finger caught in the Kyuulette. Isn’t familiar with kabedon, but thinks it looks fun.
Kotaro: is ten years old.
Ootori Tsurugi: doesn’t say “fuck” because it’s not grandiose enough. Definitely kabedons, we see him do it at least once in the show.
LupinRanger Vs. PatRanger
Asaka Keiichiro:  might say “fuck” if he’s really angry, but would feel bad about it. Would blush if he kabedon’ed Kairi, but would still do it.
Yano Kairi: has been saying “fuck” on the reg since he was twelve. Would kabedon to make Keiichiro squirm.
Hikawa Sakuya: might say “shit” on occasion, but never “fuck.” Wishes he was the kind of guy who could kabedon.
Yoimachi Tooma: doesn’t say “fuck,” but does think it loudly. Too reserved to kabedon.
Myoujin Tsukasa: could potentially say “fuck,” but chooses not to. Not a kabedon type.
Hayami Umika: mostly has pretty clean language, but will say “fuck” when she’s sewing, especially if she’s just stuck a needle into her finger, which hurts like a bitch. Doesn’t kabedon herself, might giggle if someone did it to her.
Takao Noël: only swears in French, but does so in extensive and exacting detail. Kabedons, but in a chill way.
Zamigo Delma: thinks the word “fuck” is extremely funny. Would kabedon Kairi to make him uncomfortable, but if Kairi’s unavailable then he’s welcome to look me up.
Koh: has never said a swear in his entire life. Doesn’t kabedon.
Melto: says “fuck” often, but quietly, so that the others don’t hear him. Seems kabedon’able to me.
Asuna: doesn’t actually know the word “fuck.” Wouldn’t kabedon, like, on purpose? But she’d definitely do it unintentionally, please see this comic for reference.
Towa: will say “fuck” sometimes if his brother won’t catch him at it. Overconfident enough to kabedon, but I don’t think it’d occur to him.
Banba: says “fuck” if things have gotten very bad. Kabedons only rarely, when he needs to be very serious about something. Yes, sometimes that something is “I think about kissing you with such frequency that it’s interfering with my ability to focus.”
Canalo: doesn’t say “fuck” because Mosa Rex would be disappointed in him. Would never kabedon, if he even knows what that is, due to his overpowering Respect for Women. (It has never occurred to him that one might kabedon anyone but a woman.)
Oto: might say “fuck,” and if she did then Canalo would specifically blame Melto.
Nada: uses “fuck” as an expression of dismay, like, “well, fuck.” Not into the whole kabedon thing.
Tatsui Ui: might have said “fuck” once, but then was so embarrassed that she got a case of hysterical giggles. Absolutely does not kabedon.
Super Sentai is done! That was exhausting! Wow! On to...
Ultra Series
I have seen very few Ultra shows, so this section’s gonna be short.
Kurenai Gai: doesn’t say “fuck,” does curse in some kind of alien language. Doesn’t kabedon, I bet it’d make him blush, although mostly he doesn’t seem like the blushing type either.
Jugglus Juggler: says “fuck” regularly and with relish. Was once described by someone very wise as having “big kabedon energy,” which is to say, of course he does.
Yumeno Naomi: definitely says “fuck” and doesn’t care who hears her. Will kabedon Gai and Juggler simultaneously, one with each hand, and they will both be impressed and maybe a little turned on.
Hayami Jetta: says “fuck” sometimes, but not as frequently as he’d like people to think. Might try to kabedon, although he wouldn’t necessarily succeed at it.
Matsudo Shin: does neither of these things, as they have no relevance to science.
I can’t really say much about Geed, since we’re not even ten episodes in, but what I can say for certain is:
Asakura Riku: is too nice a boy to say “fuck” and not intense enough to kabedon.
Toba Laiha: definitely says “fuck” on occasion. Would kabedon with her sword.
Pega: is a child.
Igaguri Leito: does neither of these things, he is a sweet man. And I think Zero would disapprove.
Fukuide Kei: says “fuck” with frequency. I think he would, theoretically, kabedon, but there’s no one on Earth he’d do it to.
Belial: I haven’t actually, like, met Belial, but I’m fairly sure his existence is a concentrated dose of the word “fuck,” in the sense of, “oh, fuck, it’s Belial.” If he kabedon’ed he could destroy the planet, please do not let him.
I’m even less far into R/B, since I’m watching it by myself.
Minato Katsumi and Minato Isami: they do not.
Aizen Makoto: is too weird to do either of these things.
All right, we’re done with the brief foray into the Ultras. Now, last but very much not least, we have...
Of which I have only watched the original continuity, none of the Ryuuga stuff yet, so it’s a slightly limited take. However, I love all of these characters dearly, so here we go!
Saejima Kouga: is way too upright (and uptight) to say “fuck.” Doesn’t know what kabedon is, wouldn’t do it if he did.
Suzumura Rei: is a man who swears colorfully and at length and uses “fuck” to add a little bit of pep to things. Definitely kabedons, with varying levels of success depending on who he’s trying it on.
Fudou Leo: is a soft-spoken man, but nevertheless does occasionally mutter “fuck” quietly when he’s working on a Madou device. Blushes and stammers at the very suggestion of kabedon.
Mitsuki Kaoru: might say “fuck,” but only in the absolute heights of fury, which are rare for her. Not inclined to kabedon, but even if she was, who could she even do it to? The shortest person she might kabedon is Rei, who is seven inches taller than her, and it only gets worse from there. She’d need a boost to reach, and my dude Gonza’s back is not good enough for that.
Jabi: believes too strongly in the value of language well-used to say “fuck” except when absolutely necessary. Could kabedon with her leg, probably, and would if she thought it’d be useful.
Rekka: says “fuck” sometimes, mostly to express irritation. Most likely to kabedon with a knife or something.
Saejima Raiga, Mayuri, and Crow: I only barely know these kids but I adore them. None of them are allowed to do any cursing. They do not kabedon.
Madou Ring Zaruba: is a ring, so obviously he can’t kabedon, but he can say “fuck,” and I think sometimes he does.
The Moral Of This Story Is: never ask me for a comprehensive list of anything, because I cannot be trusted to do anything but go completely overboard.
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samarecharm · 4 years
Everyday i think about your ryugoro post 🤠
Hey! That makes at least two of us! Lmao
Maybe youd like to hear some (pego)ryugoro hcs based around that pic?
-Makoto is the first person who notices the crush; the three of them hang out the most because of their sparring sessions. You could say the pov of that pic could be Makoto, as in, she sees that Very often while cooling off from the sidelines. Knowing how prideful and sensitive he is to being made fun of, she doesnt bring it up. Besides, it doesnt impede on their sparring/training; Goro is absolutely in the zone w his head in the game until the end where Ryuji chats w him back to the benches.
-Makoto DOES bring it up eventually, bc he looks like a lovesick puppy, and other thieves are starting to pick up on it. Mainly Ann and Akira; the other two people Goro really likes to hang out with. She doesnt really say anything per se; rather, she makes sure she gives him Unflinching Eye Contact while Knowingly sipping from her water bottle when they come back to take a break.
-That fucks him up tho for awhile, bc now its like ‘noticeable’. He could pretend he didnt have a silly crush on this loudmouthed brat but having Makoto see the flush on his face when hes chatting w Ryuji was like a massive eye opener. He actually stops sparring for awhile; and he admits to Makoto (begrudgingly, and flustered) that its bc he doesnt want to see an opening and accidentally wind up pinning Ryuji. Or vice versa. And he looks so UPSET and red and Makoto cant even laugh like she wanted to bc he looks miserable.
-“I had that thought cross my mind maybe a week ago, and i havent stopped thinking about it since. I dont even want to be in a situation that could possibly allow that to happen.” And Makoto is like, upset for him, bc Goro Really Likes sparring, and it really helps him with literally every other aspect of his life. So she doesnt want him to lose this bc of some crush. Neither does he !
-Ryuji doesnt really hit it off w other girls when he TRIES to be forward and talk to them. But he has Alot of quiet admirers 😌 Ryujis with Goro and Akira at LeBlanc when he whines about maybe not being good enough or pretty enough to get anyones attention. Its a comment wild enough to make Goro choke on his coffee, and Akiras eyes snap to him w the speed of a cat spotting prey. Goro cant get that piercing gaze out of his mind and off of his back for days.
-Akiras the second one to know. And Goro really doesnt know how to feel about that. Because Akira is like. All Knowing. He sees Everything. He watches Everything. You really, REALLY cant trick him when it comes to emotions bc he just has a sixth sense to this kind of shit. And he doesnt Want to have a conversation with him bc hes going to ripped open with his heart exposed whether he wants to or not.
-He knows hes got it bad when like. It doesnt go away. The crush that is. Ryuji laughs and Goros chest literally feels like its going to implode. Every little touch makes his skin buzz in a nice, weirdly pleasant way. Ryuji hits him up in the dead of night when he cant sleep to play some games on their switches (Ryuji plays smash and is actually really fucking good, so sometimes Goro just spectates and Yearns. Other times Ryuji willingly visits Goros island in acnh and they get to go fishing together.)
-Akira learned about this via Ryuji inviting him to their late night gaming sessions. Its late and Akiras not in the Best headspace so of course he invites his best friend to help him feel better. Goro expects to be teased a bit bc he Knows that Akira knows that he has this awful puppy crush going on, but later that night when Goros ready to go charge everything and call it a day, Akira messages him. And hes like. Really sweet about it? Hes happy that Goro has this space now to have his walls come down so easily w Ryuji (and the thieves in general) bc thats what he saw in Goro all those months ago. He saw the potential to be a Normal Teenager™️ along with the rest of them and hes seeing it unfold in real time.
-Ryujis also got such a massive crush on Goro. And Akira. Akira may only know about the crush on Goro but he relentlessly teases him about it bc theyre besties and also assholes.
-“Oh thats right i forgot you made plans go get sweaty and wrestle w Crow. Because thats what bros do right?” 🥰 Ryuji just sits there flustered bc he knows any way he tries to fight it will just make a deeper hole for himself; Akira just has a way to turn ur words against u like that.
-Akira tells Ann “and then he tried to invite me to go train with him. I told him no?? I dont fight like they do, i dodge and flip and spin and hope nothing hits me.” And Ann is like “after u teased ryuji about getting all hot n sweaty training in wrestling with his literal crush, he asked You to join them?”
-And hes like yes. Thats weird isnt it? He knows how i fight. And Ann is like ‘please repeat what i said in your head; you cannot be this dense’. To which Akira pauses. Thinks. Turns just the faintest shade of pink, and goes ‘ah.’
-Ann just sips on her smoothie. Akiras like ‘...so i guess uh. So i guess Goro inviting me to his favorite jazz club to relax and play pool is um. The same thing then.’
-“He WHAT???”
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thepancakeboi · 3 years
124. “You seem like a friendly face, mind if I sit with you?”
When I had walked into one of the many cafes in Shibuya for lunch, I had not expected the visit to be anything noteworthy. I was going to get something quick to eat and leave just as quickly. That is until I looked around the place. It’s never been a very crowded cafe, even at its busiest. It’s one of the hidden little gems Ann had shown me a few months ago that I’ve started frequenting somewhat regularly. But, at one of the tables closest to me, I see Ann herself sitting with someone. The other person, probably a friend of Ann’s, is unfamiliar to me. I decide to approach them, greeting them as I say, “Hello, Ann.”
Ann’s face lights up as she replies, “Oh, hey Goro!”
It’s days like these when I’m glad I have her as a friend. She was the first of Ren’s friends to accept me for who I am. Once she found out that I did, in fact, have a sweet tooth despite saying otherwise, she constantly dragged me with her to have whatever dessert she fancied that day. I’ve grown to genuinely enjoy her company. Even if I already know the answer, I ask, “What are you doing here?”
“We’re gonna get some cake! Can you believe she hasn’t had the cake here? If I had known you weren’t busy, I would’ve asked you to come too!”
“That’s all right.” I turn my head to look at the person Ann’s with. She has short black hair that fluffs out a bit. The rest of her face is obscured, her head turned as if to avoid making eye contact with me. Compared to Ann’s vibrant outfit, this girl’s is much more subdued. Even so, her long-sleeved gray top that exposes her shoulders and the black skirt seem to suit her, for some reason. I wonder why I haven’t met this girl until now. I look back to Ann as I remark, “I don’t think you’ve introduced me to your friend. What’s her name?”
“Ah! The name. Um...it’s Akira! Akira Kurusu.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet, Kurusu-san. You seem like a friendly face, mind if I sit with you?” The girl only shakes her head in response, not even looking up at me. Her reticent attitude gives me pause. I didn’t mean to offend her. “My apologies. Did I say something wrong?”
“No no! Sit down,” Ann says reassuringly. I sit down in a chair between the two girls as Ann stammers, trying to explain Akira’s behavior. “Uh, it’s just...that...she...she’s a huge fan of yours! Yeah. And we didn’t think we’d be seeing you.” She laughs awkwardly as she finishes, twirling a lock of hair in her fingers.
“Oh? I’m honored,” I reply, pulling out my typical TV-perfect smile that’s as fake as the personality it belongs to. Even if Ann knows that I’m very much unlike my detective prince facade, Akira likely doesn’t know that. I figure it’s best to keep up that pretense around her. “Most people seemed to forget my name after the Phantom Thieves incident ended. So, how do you two know each other?”
“I, uh, met her at one of my photoshoots! She’s wanted to be a model for a loooong time.”
“A model? I’m certain you’ll do well in the industry. You have the looks befitting a model.” Akira still doesn’t look at me, her gaze glued to her hands in her lap. Her nails are painted black, and I think I can see her blushing? Or perhaps it’s makeup. Either is possible, all things considered. She is rather flat-chested for a model, but there is nothing wrong with th-okay, why am I even noticing this? I really hope she didn’t catch me looking. After a few seconds of silence, I turn to Ann, who didn’t seem to notice my earlier gaze. My voice is hushed as I gently ask, “Are you sure she’s okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. She’s really shy at first.” Ann doesn’t seem too surprised at her friend’s behavior. Maybe it’s normal for Akira. Ann seems to remember something as she quickly adds, “But she does talk about you a lot!”
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm! I don’t think she’d be able to stop talking about you. She goes on and on about how great you are.”
The laugh I give, while mostly fake, is a somewhat genuine one. “Surely, you exaggerate.”
“Nope. We went to get crepes, and once she found out you were my friend, she talked about you the whole time.”
“I see. Well, a friend of Ann’s is a friend of mine,” I say, looking over at Akira. She’s still staring at her hands as she fiddles nervously with the chain attached to her skirt. Hold on, why am I still noticing these little details? That thought gets shoved aside. Right now, I need to find out what exactly is making Akira act so quiet around me. Is she perhaps intimidated due to my former popularity? If that’s what the problem is, I need to try and get her to open up to me somehow, get her to see that I’m not as unapproachable as she thinks. Well, not unapproachable due to being the detective prince, that is. I doubt someone like her would be comfortable around my true self. “It’s all right. You don’t have to be shy around me. You and Ann are probably much more popular than me.”
“Oh, don’t say that! You’re the second detective prince. Even she knew about you after being in Tokyo for only a couple of months.”
“You’re not from here?” Akira shakes her head, starting to play with the chain hanging off her black choker. I can’t see much of her face, but I think I see a smile starting to form. At least she seems to be more at ease, even if she hasn’t said a word thus far. “Are you enjoying Tokyo so far?” A nod this time. “How long have you lived here? Or are you just visiting?”
“She’s been here for about two years now,” Ann says for Akira. “Likes it so much better than home.”
“In that case, perhaps I know the area where you’re living? I’ve been to a lot of places in Tokyo.” As I finish my comment, Akira’s chest starts to heave. Is she...laughing? What a strange girl. It’s clear she’s trying to hold her laughter in as if she doesn’t want anyone to hear it. I don’t understand. What’s so funny about what I just said? “Kurusu-san? Are you all right?”
Akira finally looks up at me with brilliant gray eyes accentuated by a lot of makeup: eyeliner, pink eyeshadow, and even a little black heart under her left eye. Her gaze is sharp, and it feels like she’s staring right into my soul. It almost reminds me of- Wait a minute. I get a closer look at the person sitting next to me. I recognize those eyes. My own eyes narrow instantly as I drop the detective prince act entirely.
“Akira” gives me a lopsided smile, their identity finally revealed to me. I know exactly who this person is. “Hi, Akeppi~” the “girl” who is none other than my boyfriend, Ren Amamiya, says before quickly kissing me. His lips, I notice, are covered with lipstick, and the blush I had noticed earlier was indeed a lot of makeup. Now that I know exactly who this is, I understand why I was so drawn to the mysterious person next to me. I allow myself to notice that he’s wearing black thigh highs over fishnet tights. Well, I suppose this being Ren explains the flat-chestedness observation from earlier. “Are you enjoying yourself, staring at me?”
My eyes dart up upon hearing his question, seeing the devious look in his eyes. Damn it, did he notice earlier then...? I groan, “Shut up. Just...explain. Now.”
“We didn’t mean to trick you!” Ann says, trying not to giggle now that the charade is done. “I just wanted to see if Ren could pass off as a girl, and he let me dress him up.”
“It must’ve worked if even Akeppi didn’t notice,” Ren says as he scoots his chair closer so that he can hug me. So much for that reserved personality from before. “You should’ve seen the look on your face when you realized it was me.”
“You are a menace,” I snap, trying to pry his arms off of me with no success.
“Yup! But I’m your menace.”
“Damn you both.”
Ann and Ren both laugh at that. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had been trying to hold it in during the entire conversation. How they made it so long without laughing, I have no idea. Despite how annoyed I am that I fell for their spur-of-the-moment prank, I can’t help but join in, chuckling under my breath. Their laughter is infectious. Well, at least they’re enjoying themselves.
“This was fun, Ann,” Ren comments after he’s had his fill of laughing at my expense. “We should do this again.”
“For sure!” she replies. “We could try another style and see how it looks.”
“Wait, I have an idea. You should do Akeppi next time,” Ren suggests, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Oh, that would be amazing!” Ann immediately looks at me, her excitement at the prospect all too obvious. “Can I? Please?”
“Not a chance,” I snap, refusing to entertain this latest scheme of theirs. “Ren may have agreed to it, but I’m not Ren.”
“Come on, please?” Ann looks at me, doe-eyed, pleading with me to allow her request. “At least let me do your hair and paint your nails.”
“Fine,” I groan. I can put up with that much, I suppose. They both grin simultaneously, sharing a quick glance. Something tells me I should be concerned about what they’re plotting, but I can deal with that later. “So, are you both actually planning on having cake, or was that as much a lie as Ren being a girl named Akira Kurusu?”
“Oh, yeah! That was true. Do you want some too, Goro?”
“I don’t think I’ll have much of a choice, considering someone probably won’t let go of me.” I pointedly look at Ren as I say this, who is still hugging me, might I add.
“No~” he hums as he tightens his hold, confirming that much for me.
“Well, in that case, I suppose I’ll have some cake. If it’s as delicious as it was last time, then I look forward to it.”
We talk for a while longer while eating cake, Ann having more than enough pieces for the both of us. How she can eat so many sweets with no problem, I have no idea. Eventually, we part ways with Ann, Ren holding onto me the entire way home like a cute, clingy girlfriend head-over-heels in love with me. That is a mental image I never thought I would apply to my own life. I can’t help but affectionately ruffle Ren’s hair, the action earning me a jubilant grin. I truly am blessed to have both Ren and Ann in my life.
Prompt source
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Mortal Kombat Ending Explained
Simon McQuoid was given an interesting challenge directing the 2021 cinematic reboot of Mortal Kombat. While it does have an R-rating to help prop it up, this is hardly the first adaptation in this universe. The story has been told in movies, comics, novels, TV shows, and even the games, which were rebooted for the sake of retelling the first few chapters in a more detailed fashion. Hell, they just came out with an animated movie a year ago that explained the first game’s plot from Scorpion’s perspective.
The new movie certainly finds its own route into the mythos, and barring some bad luck, we’re probably going to get a sequel out of this. After all, it is coming out during a nice, sweet spot where people are getting vaccinated and are equally parts confident and desperate to see a movie in theaters. When they’re bored with Godzilla and Kong’s brawling, I imagine this is the shiniest prize.
The Big Prelude
One of the surprising developments of the movie is that, while it’s called Mortal Kombat, it isn’t Mortal Kombat. It’s ABOUT Mortal Kombat. All that talk about the tournament and protecting Earth from Outworld and last chances, it’s really all setup for the next installment. It’s not so much a remake of the 1995 movie as a full-length remake of that scene on the boat where Raiden gets mad at Shang Tsung for sending Sub-Zero and Scorpion after his champions.
It’s probably more comparable to Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins, the laughable animated movie that came out as a tie-in to the first movie. That one also showed off Sub-Zero killing Scorpion and ended with Raiden yelling at Shang Tsung for trying to screw over the heroes pre-tournament.
It also lines up a little with the Mortal Kombat novel by Jeff Rovin. The obscure 1995 release had various characters from the first game meet up in what ended up being a prequel to the story. Not only was it noticeably missing a certain movie star (more on him in a moment), but in this telling of the story, Scorpion was the ghost of Sub-Zero’s slain victim merged with the body of his son. Not quite the same as Hanzo and his descendant fighting alongside each other, but similar enough for someone like me to connect the dots.
The Return of Scorpion
Hanzo Hasashi is killed in the opening scene but his baby daughter survives under Raiden’s watch. We learn that a prophecy claims that his bloodline will one day unite a new group of heroes to prevent Outworld from winning their tenth Mortal Kombat in a row. Eventually, this is revealed to be our protagonist Cole Young, Hanzo’s descendant. This prophecy ends up being more literal than expected in the final battle against Sub-Zero as Cole is stabbed with Hanzo’s iconic kunai and it magically allows Hanzo to return from the Netherrealm (Hell) to exact his revenge on Sub-Zero.
After succeeding in getting his vengeance, Scorpion shows respect to Cole and vanishes. Presumably, he’s returned to the Netherrealm to he can rest as well as anyone can in a world of pain and fire.
We obviously haven’t seen the last of him. In the games, Scorpion returned once again due to what appeared to be the resurrection of Sub-Zero. It ended up being Bi-Han’s younger brother, Kuai Liang, who was actually a good person and ended up reforming the Lin Kuei clan for the better. Scorpion became rivals with this Sub-Zero but later made peace with him, their clans fighting alongside each other against evil threats.
Read more
Mortal Kombat: 15 Most Powerful Characters
By Gavin Jasper
Mortal Kombat and Bloodsport: The Strange Connection That Changed Gaming
By Matthew Byrd
This is where things get interesting because in the movie’s continuity, Hanzo existed centuries ago instead of in the present. Bi-Han never aged during that time, presumably due to some magical reward of Shang Tsung’s. There would be no reason for him to have a brother taking his spot.
On the other hand, giving Sub-Zero his own Cole Young counterpart would make plenty of sense. Perhaps Kuai Liang will appear in the sequel as Sub-Zero’s conflicted descendant, having to decide between the duties of blood and virtue.
The Rise of Noob Saibot?
During Shang Tsung’s final speech, he mentions how death is itself like a portal. He then teleports the corpses of Sub-Zero and Goro into Outworld. He could have left them to rot, but he appears to have plans for them.
For fans of Mortal Kombat lore, the follow-up for Sub-Zero makes enough sense. In the games, Bi-Han went under his own Scorpion-like transformation after death. He returned as the all-black shadow assassin Noob Saibot, acting as a more warped and sinister version of his human self. Noob was also closely aligned with Quan Chi, Scorpion’s main nemesis and former handler, so we’ll see if that guy pops up down the line.
As for Goro, there’s no real instance in the games of him being resurrected, but it’s not like this movie doesn’t take liberties as is. Goro can have a little necromancy, as a treat.
The Replacements
Barring resurrections, Shang Tsung has lost Reptile, Goro, Sub-Zero, Kabal, Nitara, Reiko, Mileena, and Kano. He notes that these soldiers can be easily replaced. That opens up a lot of possibilities for who could pop up in a sequel. Perhaps Ermac? Skarlet? Erron Black? You could easily put money on Baraka.
Raiden also tasks the surviving heroes with searching for other champions for the tournament. Unlike the villains, there aren’t too many Earthrealm heroes to choose from. The blind swordsman Kenshi is very likely to join the crew. Nightwolf was also briefly referenced on Sonya and Jax’s wall of research, so don’t be surprised if he’s on the team.
Considering Mileena is a grotesque clone of her “sister” Kitana, you should expect Sisi Stringer show up in the sequel in a more heroic role.
Johnny Cage Cliffhanger
The money shot comes in the last scene. Cole quits his low-level MMA lifestyle and announces that he’s going to Hollywood. As he leaves the gym, we see a poster for Citizen Cage with the tagline “Fight For Your Rights.” The movie stars Johnny Cage (complete with large “CAGE” belt buckle), who we only see from the chest down due to the fact that the character hasn’t been cast yet.
Since the movie’s cast was first announced, fans have noted the blatant lack of Johnny Cage. Not only was Linden Ashby’s portrayal one of the most popular parts of the original movie, but Johnny’s the only character from the original game to not appear in this movie. A prominent theory before the movie’s release was that Cole was going to be Johnny all along and change his name at the end of the film.
But no, Johnny Cage is sequel bait and I’m right there chomping on the hook.
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Jonathan Carlton is a talented martial artist who used his skill to become a popular action star under the name Johnny Cage. Due to his outrageous skill and moves, he’s been accused of being a fraud who uses camera tricks and stunt doubles to pull off his fight sequences. He initially entered the Mortal Kombat tournament because he was under the impression it would revitalize his career and prove his legitimacy, not quite understanding the severity or even secrecy of the event.
Mostly portrayed as comic relief and the audience’s POV character, Johnny became a regular in the Mortal Kombat series. When they rebooted the games’ story, it was revealed that in case of Liu Kang’s death, Johnny was a back-up “chosen one.” He’s the descendant of a cult of warriors dedicated to making the most badass offspring possible capable of slaying gods.
Funny enough, when Street Fighter did its cinematic reboot with Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, it also ended with a sequel hook about an upcoming fighting tournament and a quest to look up a series staple (in that case Ryu). I can’t help but feel that Mortal Kombat will be a little more successful in following up on its cliffhanger.
Now let’s see who they can get to fill those sunglasses.
The post Mortal Kombat Ending Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ew5Bup
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 10
Read Ch. 9 | Masterlist
SPOILER ALERT: We in S4 territory now guys! Also, sorry for the delayed post on 9 this week. I tried the schedule thing with Tumblr and couldn’t edit the date.
Also, early post and backstory time for Ren!
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Until Eri’s location can be confirmed, the U.A. students were on standby. During the debrief with Eraser Head, he reminded them it was forbidden to talk about their internships and wanted to reaffirm their conviction with the plan. Hadou reasoned the fact they let the first and second year in the meeting meant their strengths were acknowledged. He also reminded them to stay in their lane should things go south and can’t complete their objective.
Because of the NDA, Ren canceled her late night training sessions with Bakugou and Todoroki until the mission was over; what pained her the most was she couldn’t talk to Tomoe and Seri about it. Without saying much, she sent them a text message in their group chat, promising to explain everything in a few days to assure them she wasn’t emotionally relapsing. Everyone’s hearts were on edge and heavy with anxiety while the chess pieces slowly moved into motion by the efforts of the pro heroes.
She laid awake on her bed in the dead of night yet again and could hear light rain showers pattering on her balcony.
Not even the sweet release of slumber would allow her mind to relax. Sitting up and rubbing her face, her eyes met with the closet door at the far wall. Unable to do anything else, she threw the blanket off of herself and walked to it on tip toes. Gently sliding the door open, she stared down at the box with hesitation.
Ren sat on the floor in the nook between her bed and the closet. Opening the lid with shaky hands, she took a steady breath and reached in to take out the large ledger book, old photographs printed on paper bound by a now dried out rubber band, and a family photo of the four of them outside of their old house.
This box was the physical manifestation of all of her bad childhood memories. She couldn’t forget it even if she wanted to.
It took a while for the dust to settle after she moved cross continent; she and her mom applied to become citizens in Japan under the guise of asylum for the sake of formalities and to keep good relations between the two countries. Ren was eight when their citizenship finally got approved. She decided to wait for a year to take matters into her own hands to research Chisaki Kai on her own and his ties to the Hassaikai.
It wasn’t until she was twelve she was almost able to act on her justice.
Being the new kid at school was the perfect cover-up for her where nosy adults or students couldn’t even fathom someone like her investigating the yakuza. She learned how to use the computer on her own through reading books in the library and researched untraceable hacking methods on the internet in order to gain access to the Dark Net. It was her only usable resource.
Wandering the streets at night in hopes of catching any useful leads in person was too risky; she would stand out too much in the world of twilight adults being a child. There was also the matter with the truancy police if they spotted her; sure, she could use her quirk to get away quickly, but she’d be done if anyone caught wind of her abilities.
Then there was her mom. She uprooted her entire life for her in California and was grieving the death of her husband and son; she didn’t want her heart to break any more.
She sacrificed enough.
For three whole years, she gathered information on her own, not once letting slip of anything in order to keep her façade as your run of the mill international student and obedient daughter.
All to protect her mom and deliver the justice where the government couldn’t.
Just when she thought she could finally act on her “justice”, the big wheel of fate spun and put a stop to her movements. Eraser Head, Fourth Kind and Gang Orca reprimanded her on her way home from school one crisp autumn day. She tried to talk herself out of the situation by feigning ignorance to no avail.
They were pro-heroes after all, smart ones at that.
Fourth Kind made his move to grab Ren, she instinctively activated her quirk and appeared behind him to give him a swift kick to the head, knocking him off balance. Using her momentum, she showed up in front of Gang Orca and punched him in the gut with all the strength she could muster before making her escape on foot.
“For someone that small, she hits pretty hard,” Fourth Kind grunted out and rubbed the dulling pain where Ren hit him.
“A teleporting quirk, huh,” Eraser Head muttered out and scratched the back of his neck. “That’s gonna be annoying to deal with.”
Feeling her lungs burn from pushing her body to its upper limit, her small frame was close to collapsing. Her wavy shoulder length rose-gold hair swung wildly from movement.
She really did it now: she attacked pro heroes.
Stray crocodile tears threatened to spill out of her hazel-green eyes, trying to think of a plan to get out of this situation and pushed on. Wiping the sweat from her head, she ran until she could find a hiding spot to shake off their tail.
Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on her side as Eraser Head easily spotted her from above. He was wearing his goggles and felt herself freeze in place, unable to use her quirk to escape. Fourth Kind and Gang Orca lurked not too far behind. The three heroes managed to surround her in a triangle formation. There wasn’t anywhere she could go for safely.
“We just want to talk,” the goggled man assured.
“That’s what they all say,” she bit back with ferocity and tapped the bangles on her wrist together, forming a pair of T-clubs too large for her small forearms. Her small frame got into position, the fire of fight burning in her eyes. If they were here to reprimand her, she was going to go down swinging no matter what.
“Whoa, there.” Gang Orca held his hands up in neutral. “We’re not here to fight you.”
“Oh yeah?” she challenged. “Then why was Goro over there trying to grab me?” Her eyes gestured over to the intimidating four-armed man.
“Goro?” Fourth Kind was confused and pointed to himself. “That’s not my name. And I wasn’t trying to grab you,” he explained. “There was a bug on your book bag I wanted to brush off. I’m sorry if you misunderstood.”
Sensing the genuineness of the apology, Ren relaxed her frame a little and released her hands. The T-clubs transformed back into her accessory. Eraser Head jumped down from the utility pole he was perched on and made his way over.
“That’s a nifty accessory you got there,” Gang Orca remarked, trying to make peace and conversation with the young child. “Where did you get that?”
“It’s a present from my friend,” she mumbled out and rested her hand over one protectively.
“Could it be Melissa Shield by any chance?” Eraser Head asked.
Her head immediately jolted up and gave him a defensive look.
“Why do you know her name?”
“We know a lot of things, little girl,” he bluntly replied.
“Don’t ‘little girl’ me, you sallow-faced mophead!” she growled out and stomped her right foot down.
Eraser Head stood there dumbly taking the insult while Fourth Kind and Gang Orca had to turn away, stifling their laughter with shaking shoulders. The man dressed in black sighed and squatted down to meet her face to face.
“I’ll cut to the chase: we’re here to let you know you should stop investigating Chisaki Kai.”
Her voice audibly hitched at her throat, her eyebrows furrowing. The other two heroes quickly calmed down and turned back. They... weren’t here to take her to the cops? She was supposed to feel relief, but they wanted her to stop chasing the man who killed her dad and brother?
“There’s rumors on the street they’re close to finding out who you are,” Gang Orca explained with a gentle tone and crossed his arms. “And I’m sure you don’t want that.”
“But-but-” she stammered out in disbelief, her lips quivering. “I made sure I was untraceable…”
Fourth Kind also took a knee to meet Ren eye to eye.
“I’m sure you did, little one. It’s just that someone out there want to hurt you and your mom; we don’t want that to happen.”
“I… I can’t give up now. I’m so close!” she desperately cried. Her shoulders shook uncontrollably, trying to maintain what little control she had left over her feelings. “I don’t want my mom to be sad anymore! I want… I want…” she stuttered and broke down in tears.
Four years of repressed emotions suddenly burst out an overflowing dam.
“I want fair justice!”
The three pro-heroes rigidly stood as she wailed her little heart out and hiccupping. Her face was flushed from the lack of oxygen entering her body. Damp with fresh tears streamed down her small, red face. From a fly on the wall perspective, the adults looked like they were bullying the child. Ren walked up to Eraser Head and used his Capturing Weapon as her tissue.
The three heroes truly sympathized after reading her file; her story was well known in the pro hero circuit. Those who caught wind of it knew the real situation instead of what the media spun. Having gone through such a traumatic experience only to be left with nothing but disappointment by adults bound by the red tape of secrecy, they didn’t blame her for doing what she’s done. 
Even they were impressed with the amount of tenacity and drive this girl had; it was much more than your average kid and to keep up with it for this long under disguise was an achievement.
“Have you calmed down?” the ebony haired man flatly asked, with the girl nodding and hiccuping still. Her eyes were puffy and red with snot running down her nose. Gang Orca took his handkerchief out from his breast pocket and handed it to Ren. She thanked him by nodding and cleaned herself up, blowing her nose loudly in it.
“Listen, we’re not saying what you were doing is wrong; it’s just risky,” Eraser Head picked up where he left off.
“You’re still a child and we don’t want to see you hurt. If you really want the fair justice you seek, go about it a different way,” Fourth Kind gently suggested. “Go about it the right way.”
Her damp and puffy hazel-green dejected orbs looked up at the kind and encouraging eyes of the three men.
“You have the makings of a great hero.” Gang Orca looked down at her and rolled his hand into a fist. “Be one for those where justice failed them.”
“Get stronger,” Eraser Head firmly stated. “Strong enough to enter the ring to face him head-on as a hero, Remy Hayes-Takahiro—no, Takahiro Ren. Only then will you be satisfied with your way of ‘justice.’”
The firm words of these three heroes engraved into her heart.
They acknowledged and saw her in what she could be.
Ever since her encounter, she heeded their advice and stopped investigating out of safety for herself and her mom. Packing away all of the intel she gathered, she stuffed them in a box and buried it in the back of her closet at home. 
No one will ever know.
Two days later, the U.A. students received a text in the dead of night.
The operation has started.
It’s go time.
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i-w-p-chan · 6 years
Summary: Akechi Goro and Kurusu Akira are just two reincarnated souls who simply go about their life while life happens to them.
AU!Akechi Goro and AU!Kurusu Akira are reincarnated in P5 ‘verse. Crack happens.
Note: This is basically a vent fic where I write crack just for the sake of winding down after having four final exams in two days. One right after the other. So this is a mess…
Warnings: Crack, Self-Indulgence To The Extreme, This Is A Mess, Zero Effort Went Into This, Things Finals Make Me Do, Reincarnation AU, Mentions Of Kamoshida And Kamoshida-esque Asshole-ness (By Which I Mean: Very Brief Mention Of Past Attempted Sexual Assault. It’s Very Tiny And Not Detailed), Akechi And Akira Be In An Open Relationship, Implied Sin, Brief Discussion Of Sugar Daddy-hood And Sugar Baby-hood, Insufferable!Akechi To Akira’s Sane Man, Too Much Fun With Warning Tags.
Disclaimer: Don’t own P5.
Akira stared pensively at the TV screen, taking in the features of the ‘second coming of the Detective Prince’; brown hair, reddish-brown eyes, a sweet smile, a gentle demeanor.
No wonder he already had fans.
Akira sighed.
The door to the apartment he lived in opened and a voice called out, “Honey, I’m home!”
Akira merely grumbled under his breath.
He could easily hear the footsteps approaching the living room where he was currently, and come up behind him.
“Oh, you’re watching that? The Detective Prince thing? My, oh my~ Do you have a thing for cute, brown-haired high school detectives?”
Akira huffed as a body climbed over the back of the couch to drop into his lap and wrap arms around his neck.
“Aren’t I just mysterious?” Akechi Goro purred, fluttering his eyelashes up at Akira.
Akira deadpanned and poked Goro’s cheek with a finger.
Goro sighed forlornly, “My sweet, charming beloved won’t even pay me any attention.”
“Attention whore.” Akira rolled his eyes and Goro gasped dramatically.
“Oh, woe is me~ My beloved just called me a. A. An attention whore! How scandalous! What if someone heard you?”
“You didn’t seem that concerned about it last week when we went to that new restaurant and called me an attention whore out loud because I was trying to get the waiter’s attention for my order.”
Goro’s eyes glinted mischievously, “Your order was, as I recall, ‘one hot waiter spread out for me on the table please’ with a wink added at the end for good measure.”
“Oho?” Goro raised himself up to press his body flush against Akira’s as he looked at him through half-lidded eyes, “Well, I know what you can have spread open for you on your bed~”
Akira poked Goro’s cheek again, “Not today, not in the mood.”
“Oh, darn.” Goro pouted and climbed off Akira’s lap, “You know where to find me in case you change your mind~” With a wink thrown over his shoulder, he sashayed his way to the bedroom.
Akira sighed for what must have been the umpteenth time that day and fished around the couch’s pillows, looking for the TV’s remote.
(At least Goro didn’t make any comment about having the body of a fifteen year old giving him more stamina and energy to go for a long while, this time.)
He let out a small victorious nose as he wrenched the remote from between the couch’s cushions and flipped through the rest of the TV channels. He blinked as his eyes caught sight of the new episode of the TV drama, Steal Yo’ Hearts and cranked the volume up to its highest settings as he settled down to watch.
Goro was bound to be finished messing around with himself by the time the episode was done.
He could hear the sounds of his neighbors as they scrambled about to increase the volume of their own TVs and music players to the highest setting possible.
Their next door neighbor living in the apartment on their right screamed, “GOD, NO! DON’T START YET! AT LEAST GIVE ME A FIVE-MINUTE HEADSTART!”
Akira could then hear her slam open the door to her apartment and storm outside, her footsteps loud as she rushed to the elevators.
If Goro found out he basically had the neighbors, uh, trained to his moods, he’d be even more insufferable.
Did he have to be so loud?
At some point during the episode, Goro had slipped out of the bedroom and into the bath to clean up, emerging fully showered after the episode ended and the credits were rolling, and heading straight to the kitchen.
“Akira! We don’t have food in the fridge and I hunger!”
“Tough luck! Remember it’s your turn to get groceries!”
“Ugh. I’ll get them later. I’ll just go get some food now.”
Akira called out as he heard Goro head to the door, “That food better not be paid for by one of your sugar daddies!”
“I don’t have sugar daddies!” Goro shouted as he was leaving the apartment.
“Tell that to the guy living a couple of blocks over!”
“Oh, come on!” Goro shouted again as he closed the door behind him, leaving to get food.
Akira sighed yet again, and then he straightened and his eyes flew open in shock before he vaulted over the back of the couch, rushing to the bedroom.
Goro had better not have left a mess on the bed behind! Akira slept on that bed!
Akira had lived a whole life in the company of Akechi Goro. Heck, he even followed him after death, reborn into a new life and a new world, and met him yet again, only to be sucked into Goro’s life again with disturbing ease.
(Not that Akira minded, but he thought he was the hurricane of the duo, not Goro.)
(It was probably the rebirth process that was making Goro a bit more… unrestrained.)
Besides, it wasn’t like it wasn’t fun to tease Goro and poke fun at him from time to time (okay, most of the time).
“You graduated from being a sugar baby to having a sugar baby?” Akira asked, amused, as he watched Goro pose for a Kosei student who wanted to (nay, needed) Goro to become his model.
His nude model.
“I told you.” Goro sniffed indignantly, “I didn’t, still don’t, have sugar daddies! And similarly, I’m not anyone’s sugar daddy let alone Yusuke’s.” Goro blinked and frowned contemplatively, “Not that Yusuke won’t benefit from me becoming his sugar daddy… actually…”
“And that’s your cue to stop right there, honey,” Akira drawled as he saw the wide-eyed look on Yusuke’s face.
“Don’t mind Goro, kiddo.”
Yusuke’s face scrunched, “But aren’t we the same age, Akira-san?”
“I see you haven’t dropped the –san yet.” Akira pouted, “But, yes, we are. I just have more Goro-based seniority.”
Yusuke blinked, “Alright, senpai.”
Akira pouted harder and Goro had to restrain the urge to laugh out loud, “Congratulations, Aki-kun, you’re now a recognized senpai.”
Akira let his eyes droop to half mast and leaned towards Goro, “Well,” He purred, “You’re still senpai, senpai.”
Goro blushed and chuckled breathlessly.
“Well, aren’t you a flirt?”
“Always have been, babe.”
The two turned their attention at Yusuke when he hummed thoughtfully, “Would you model for me as well, senpai?”
Akira blinked, “Me?” His plain ass?
Goro nudged him in the side. Hard.
(Akira highly suspected that Goro had a sixth sense for every time Akira called himself plain-looking.)
“Yes.” Yusuke nodded, “It seems your presence brings out another side of Akechi-san. You complement each other.” Yusuke looked deep in thought as he added, “Like you are each other’s foils.”
Goro cocked his head to the side with amusement, and Akira had to repress a chuckle.
“Akechi-san. Your pose.” Yusuke snapped out of his thoughts to send Goro an absolutely adorable reprimanding look.
When Akira had managed to convince his parents to let him move to Tokyo after he finished middle school, he applied and was accepted to Shujin, while Goro attended Kosei.
Goro had suggested that Akira apply for Kosei, but Akira had shot that idea down fast.
(Goro with his usual insufferable self would make some dramatic scene with him and cause rumors to spread about the whole school grounds, so no thank you.)
The decision to apply to Shujin turned out to have some unexpected… not exactly upsides but…
Let it be known that Akira did not tolerate people like Kamoshida Suguru, and the mere thought of what he could do in Shujin if left to run unsupervised due to how lax the principle was, made Akira shudder in disgust and rage.
Akira had never stopped nursing a grudge the size of the universe against sexual offenders since he was fifteen back in his previous life and had seen a temple priest attempt to drag Goro off to a secluded corner; since he was fifteen and had thrown himself at the priest, all claws and teeth to get him away from Goro, uncaring that the priest could literally call forth heavenly wrath to strike him where he stood.
Kamoshida was no temple priest, he had no access to any magic whatsoever, and had no contact with any deity he could seek protection from. Akira would tear him a new one, and he’d make him regret-
“-speaking of strange incidents.” The show hostess smiled blindingly, “There is the news of what happened with Kamoshida Suguru, former Olympic medalist and current teacher at Shujin Academy. What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?”
Goro smiled back at the hostess, just as blindingly, “I have seen his face, and it looks like he ended up in a spat with a cat. A cat with quite the impressive set of claws; the scratches looked deep.”
“A cat?” The host chuckled, “You believe it’s a cat.”
“It’s highly likely, as anyone who’d seen his face could guess. Besides, I’ve had my fair share of scratches from my cat as well.”
“My!” The host honed in on the new bit of information, “A cat, you said? You own a cat?”
Goro chuckled, “I own the cat and the cat owns me, we have a mutual understanding between each other. He’s such an adorable, handsome floof with sharp eyes. Unfortunately he’s camera shy.” Goro pouted slightly.
“You called me a cat! On TV! I can’t believe you called me a cat!”
“But it’s the truth!”
Goro frowned and pressed his lips together into a displeased line, dragging Akira closer to him to bury his head into Akira’s messy hair.
He felt Akira turn around in bed to face him and wrap him in his arms, “Bad dream?”
Goro grumbled and let one of his eyes crack open slightly, “It’s that dream again. The one with the blue room and short man with long nose.”
Akira raised his hands to tangle them in Goro’s hair before he raised himself to press his forehead against Goro’s, letting their mental link open up and allow the memories to flood into Akira’s mind.
The two only rarely used their mental link due to the risk of information overload that could happen to either or both of them, but the recurring dreams Goro had been seeing for a year now about that very same blue room and the long-nosed man were worrying, as they seemed to press heavily on Goro’s mind, as if they were attempting to influence it in some way.
Akira was willing to take the risk to use the mental link to see for himself, so that they could find clues because Goro could never remember any other details. Hell, it was lucky he even recalled the few details he did.
Akira pulled back with a frown, unfortunately, the memories were already slipping from Goro’s mind, and so Akira couldn’t find anything he didn’t already know.
Goro took one look at Akira’s face and his frown deepened, “Nothing new, yeah?”
Akira nodded, “I think we should start actively looking for the cause.”
Goro pressed a hand to his own forehead and closed his eyes, digging deep into his psyche, if they were looking to confront whatever asshole trying to but in on their lives, then…
This world didn’t have the obstacles that demanded the two use their skills from their previous life to counter them; this world didn’t have people who could use magic, period.
And so, both Goro and Akira never had to call on to the power lying dormant in their cores.
But now…
“The word of the day is deicide.” Goro declared as he sat down on Sae’s desk and started flipping through the file in his hand.
Sae looked up at him, eyebrow raised, “If you’re referring to the mess with Shido, then I’d like to tell you that it’s completely inaccurate as Shido is no god and no one had killed him, not even in the metaphorical sense. Someone leaked information about his immoral dealings, true, but it’s the outrage of the public that’s causing the problems for Shido more than anything else.
“Now, get back to work on Madarame’s file, you personally asked to take care of his case and I indulged you, so you better not disappoint me.”
“Oh, that’s not what I mean.” Goro chuckled before he gestured towards the screen in the office, broadcasting a news coverage about a protest calling for Shido to go down, “It looks like someone killed the god of apathy, and suddenly, everyone cares.”
Sae snorted, “I told you to get back to work, didn’t I?”
Goro saluted her, “Yes, ma’am.”
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busket · 7 years
i wrote a story about aita and his old pal goro
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this motherfucker
read it here
and in case i ever delete it from my drive, here it is under the cut too
“Here we are, home sweet home!” Link jokes as he leads Aita into the bare structure. It’s a decrepit old shack out on the open field of the Great Plateau. He looks at the canvas roof and the collapsing walls and sighs, turning towards his friend. “I know it’s not ideal, but apparently I spent 100 years on this plateau without the Yiga finding me. And it’s only until I can calm Vah Naboris; I’ll come right back for you!”
Aita kicks a chunk of half burned firewood on the ground. He still felt weak, but was doing his best to hide it from his new traveling companion. It had only been about a week since he’d committed his great treason; assisting the hero in infiltrating the Yiga hideout, and then saving his life and allowing them both to escape in front of all his former comrades. The whole clan knew he was a traitor now. It had been so sudden and so stressful that Aita had come down with a nasty fever, forcing Link to drag him out of the desert and postpone his quest to return the thunder helm and conquer Vah Naboris. Aita barely remembered the past week. There was only bouts on confusion and scattered memories of Link taking care of him. As soon as he regained some of his health back, he insisted that Link return to his quest. So the question became: where would Aita be safe while he was gone?
Link frowns at a bit of the roof that’s come undone. “No, you can’t stay here, you’re still sick.” He says. “Listen, there’s a house for sale in Hateno that I’ve been saving for. If I just sell some things and buy it, you’ll be able to-”
“Hateno’s on the other side of Hyrule, and that’ll take too long. That Gerudo queen is waiting for her heirloom, isn’t she?” Aita interrupts. “Besides, they’re gonna find me no matter where I am. At least there’s no one here.”
Link ponders for a moment before answering. “That’s very noble of you, Aita.”
“Is it?”
“Sure, you don’t want anyone to be threatened by them.”
Aita shrugs. “If I have to fight, I just don’t want anyone getting in the way.”
After several hesitant goodbyes and more “Are you sure?”s from Link, he was alone on the plateau.
Aita was furious when it happened. Angry and embarrassed, he teleported back to the Yiga hideout. His first encounter with the hero wasn’t supposed to go like this. He hadn’t expected to win right away. He knew that a battle was best won after a long time, wearing down your opponent, learning about them, finding their weaknesses. He would have accepted a standard defeat and returned to kill him later. Instead, the Hero, cunning and cruel, had broken his mask and knocked him unconscious. To add insult to injury, Aita awoke beside a campfire with bandages on his wounds, and the hero cooking his rations.
And now Aita was maskless, nothing to hide the bad scrape on his forehead where the shattered porcelain had cut him during the impact. To the Yiga Clan, the mask was considered one’s true face. A singular unified identity shared by every member. To be seen outside the hideout without a mask or without a disguise was a huge taboo.
He stormed into the hideout. He needed to find his supervisor; the blademaster in change of his particular group of footsoldiers. If he could find him and get another mask, then he could be spared more embarrassment.
“Woah, Aita! What the hell happened to you?” Aita rolled his eyes. Like flies to a dead animal, other footsoldiers gathered around him as he walked.
“Where’s your mask?” Someone asked, a voice he didn’t recognize. “Did you drop it? Learn to take care of your things, Aita.”
“That’s pretty gross!” Someone reached up to poke at the scrape on his forehead and he slapped their hand away. “I wonder if that’ll leave a scar.”
“Shut up.” Aita snapped. “You’re giving me a headache.”
“We can see that!” they laughed.
They turned the corner and came face to face with a blademaster, and the laughing instantly stopped as the group stood to attention. Aita felt the man’s eyes bore into him through his mask. “...Well?” he asked. The voice of his supervisor.
Aita took a deep breath. He couldn’t tell them about his encounter with the Hero, not a chance. “...A lynel.” He lied, smoothly. “I unknowingly wandered into its territory, and it attacked me. While I tried to escape, it fired an arrow that hit my mask. Had I not been wearing it, I would have died.”
The other footsoldiers were dead quiet as the blademaster deliberated. He spoke. “You have been trained to fight the legendary hero, the greatest threat to the world, and yet you run from one of Hyrule’s beasts? Did you lack the ability to kill it, or just the nerve?”
Aita felt his cheeks and ears turn warm with embarrassment while he tried to think of an excuse to cover up his story. This was better than admitting the truth, at least. Before he could speak, there was a voice from behind him.
“Blademaster, if I may…” A footsoldier made his way to Aita at the head of the group. He recognized his voice; it was Goro, a member of the team that Aita used to train with. While they hadn’t grown up together, he was always pleasant and complementary, and quick to make friends.
“With utmost respect sir, Lynels serve Calamity Ganon, don’t they?” Goro continued. “Im sure Aita had the capability to defeat it, but doing so would be counterproductive to our goals. Killing a monster out in Hyrule just means one less enemy to the Hero; one less soldier for Ganon’s army.”
The blademaster considered this for a moment, and said “...Fine. But you won’t let it happen again. This way, you’ll receive a new mask.” No punishment, no reprimanding.
Aita turned and nodded thankfully towards Goro as he followed the Blademaster away, and Goro gave a low thumbs-up while the other footsoldiers dispersed.
Aita snaps back to his senses. He’s sitting by a smouldering fire just outside the old hut on the plateau. These dreams were no surprise to him. Ever since he left, he’d dreamed of nothing but the Yiga Clan; memories, his old ambitions, his new fears. It’s nighttime now, and he’s not sure when he dozed off, or whether it was from exhaustion or his lingering fever.
He looks through the low flames out into the darkness. It’s only the first night. Link could quickly travel to Gerudo Town using the Sheikah Slate, but it must take more than one day to regain control of Vah Naboris. And he was to remain here in hiding, until the hornet’s nest named the Yiga Clan settles down after being kicked.
Aita feels himself begin to doze off again, but snaps to attention. He picks up the bow beside him, and aims it into the darkness. He lets loose an arrow and hears it lodge into a tree with a quick THUNK.
“Come out. I know you’re there.” He orders.
A thin figure silently emerges from behind the tree. The white mask of the Yiga stands out stark against the darkness.
“You’re as sharp as ever.” Says a familiar voice. “There’s no getting the drop on you is there, Aita?”
“Goro?” Aita asks, lowering his bow slightly.
“You recognize me on voice alone! How flattering.” he says, and much to Aita’s surprise, removes his mask. Goro’s sleepy eyes and thick eyebrows always made him look a few years older than his peers.
Aita sneers and levels the bow again. “Sure. You talk so much I couldn’t get your voice out of my head.”
“That’s cold.” Goro responds, frowning. “I thought we were friends.”
“A friend that’s come to kill me?”
“Hey, don’t jump to conclusions.” He ignores the bow aimed at him and casually sits by the fire with Aita. “Maybe I came to say that...I think what you did back there took a lot of guts. You’ve inspired me, I want to join you and the Hero, and save Hyrule.”
Aita stares at him, frowning and eyebrows furrowed. It’s an expression of confusion that Goro clearly interprets as annoyance, and laughs.
“There’s no getting past you, is there!” He gives his old friend a hefty slap on the back.
They sit together by the fire in tense silence. Aita, still as a rock trying to anticipate an attack, and Goro, relaxed, taking pleasure in making him nervous. Aita nearly flinches when he finally speaks.
“You know. A lot of us were really upset by what you did. Our supervisor was completely speechless. And Kei, oof. She’s not taking it well.”
Aita hoped to hear more about her, but Goro didn’t elaborate.
“And me too, y’know? I’ve always been supportive of you, helpful, when I can. And that’s because I saw that you had some potential. I thought you were going places. That’s why I stuck around; you always root for the winning team, Aita. So when you pulled a stunt like that, I was like, shit! I’ve put all my bananas in the wrong bag. How the hell am I going to use some shameful defect like you to get up in the ranks, right?”
Aita stares into the coals as he prattles on. He should have guessed. No one in the Yiga Clan is kind just for the hell of it. There’s always a motive. There’s always a trick.
“But!” He lightly punches Aita in the shoulder, a playful gesture. “Turns out this was just the opportunity I’ve been waiting for! Everyone’s so furious with you, they’re just desperate to see your head on a stake. And, since we’re friends, everyone’s suddenly expecting me to take care of it! Can you imagine that? Everyone’s always had great expectations of you and Kei, you’ve always been a pair of prodigies, but now I don’t even have to worry about killing the hero. I can easily take out a weak little traitor like you, and get just as much glory. And hey, since Master Kohga’s gone, there’s a new opening for clan leader, too. But maybe I’m just getting my hopes up.”
Aita smirks and glances over to the Yiga. “Well, great job Goro. Obviously since you failed at stealth killing me, your next tactic was to bore me to death. It almost worked.”
Goro returns the smile. “Still just as cold, huh?”
From behind his back, Goro grabs a large, spiked, ring shaped weapon and quickly uses it to slap a cloud of burning coals and ash towards Aita. He reels back, shielding his eyes and brushing off the hot charcoal, and barely has enough time to grab his sword and block Goro’s strike.
“Cool weapon, right?” he says, standing over Aita and pushing him into the dirt. “They call it a Demon Carver. They gave it to me, specifically to kill you! You’re not even dead yet and I’m already reaping the benefits.”
Aita moves to kick Goro’s legs and disrupt his balance, but he anticipates it and jumps back away from the fire, giving Aita enough time to stand up. As he brings himself to his feet, a sharp pain forces him to flinch and cry out. An arrow is stuck in his thigh; his opponent had shot at him from the darkness. And just like that, Goro is rushing forward again to attack. It was a classic Yiga strategy that they both knew well. Keep moving, alternate between melee with a blade and ranged with a bow. Disable your opponent to make sure they won’t keep up. Aita is forced to block again, pushed down to one knee as the pain in his thigh erupts.
Goro disappears in a cloud of smoke to teleport away and repeat the technique. Aita has only a second to respond and pick up his own bow. There’s a flash of light several yards away as Goro reappears, and Aita uses the strobe to aim and fire. He hears a grunt of pain out in the darkness and after a brief hesitation, there's another flash of light and smoke.
Suddenly, Goro is behind him and Aita has to twist to block his attack. The red of his uniform hides the blood, but there’s a tear in the fabric of his left shoulder where Aita’s arrow hit. The yiga could no longer use his bow, and to compensate, he was quickly teleporting behind his target to sink the demon carver into his back. But Aita blocks the attack again, this time refusing to let his injured leg give in.
“I know why you needed to use me to try to get up in rank.” Aita grunts through the pain. “You’re too much of a weak, lazy coward to get there on your own! I always knew that, and even if I wanted to be a blademaster, I would have left you behind to stay a footsoldier forever. You’re not good enough!”
Aita withdraws his sword and then quickly stabs it forward. He threads the blade through the center of the Demon Carver, and with a single swing, rips it from Goro’s hands and sends it flying. Goro jumps back, certain that Aita would swing at him now that he’s unarmed, but he does nothing. The traitor stands there panting, arrow still sticking out of his thigh.
For once, Goro has nothing to say. He forms the symbol with his hand and teleports back to the hideout, without the trophy he hoped for. And once again, Aita stands alone on the plateau.
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twxntrash · 6 years
Discern the Truth ch. 1
Regular Day in an Irregular Scenario
The warm air tickled Shio’s face as she slowly came to, a breeze brushed against her skin and she slowly opened her eyes to stare up at the clear blue sky above her, white clouds gently rolling by above. The day was nice, beautiful even.
Pushing herself up to sit, Shio rubbed some sleep from her eye and swiveled her head about to look at her surroundings. The dorms looking as pristine as ever, a few students talking by picnic tables and a few were walking towards the university centers building. If things were different, she would have just shaken it off as a regular day at a college as freshman. Though a problem with that was she was still in high school, so it was hardly regular.
Shio turned her head to look forward, a frown forming on her face as she stared up at the towering metal wall that left her and the others trapped on this campus.
Nothing about this day was regular, nothing about this situation was regular.
One week ago Shio had been preparing for a violin recital, something she enjoyed greatly, it was her talent after all. Six days ago she woke up on this enclosed campus with fifteen other students. Six days ago she found she was forced to participate in a killing game forced upon them by a twisted black and white bear.
Of course that caused strife among the students forced here and it was no easy task for Shio to get the others to calm down and worth together. Though she wouldn’t really call it working together for some as much as it was a tolerance and uneasy peace. Still, she wasn’t sure how it happened, but she had become the de facto leader of the group after taking charge on the first day when everyone else was in a confused and scared mess.
It wasn’t a role that Shio wanted to take, but if it meant she could prevent someone from being killed like Monokuma wanted, then she’d gladly take the reins and try to keep everyone safe.
Her classmates were… oddballs, some of them. But, Shio was sure that they could get along and be friends. It might be hard with some, but she had hope and determination on her side! She even already had a few she could consider as a friend.
Daichi Akemi in particular she thought as she spotted his messy blue hair and red neckerchief as he headed out of the door to the dining area of the university center. Unlike the others, who’s talent they knew and remembered, Daichi seemed unable to remember his which painted him with some suspicion early on. Some of the others refused to trust him simply because he couldn't tell them what his talent was, but Shio had been able to dissuade the mistrust, or at least get them to keep it to themselves. Even Shio remembered her talent with the violin. The two just gravitated naturally to each other on the first day, working to explore what parts they could together of their prison, getting to know the others, she liked to think that her and Daichi made a pretty good team.
And she wanted to help him, help him remember his talent and help him find his confidence. The guy always looked like he was about to jump out of his skin and she could only imagine that if the tension rose in their situation, it would not affect him well. He was a ball of anxiety and she wanted to help keep him grounded.
There were others of course. Yuu Kobayashi was sweet, she didn’t seem to hold any sort of ill will towards anyone and Izumi was a force of energy and cheer. Even among the guys, Hayato Himura, though he kept to himself, seemed genuine, he had no interest in participating in a game where they killed each other and Takahiko Saikawa made it clear that he wasn’t afraid to give a black eye to anyone who even tried. The others, she couldn’t say for sure, she didn’t want to distrust her friends, but she couldn’t say she knew what went on in their heads.
But she knew that they could work together. It might be hard, it’d take some work, but Shio was confident that they could work together and put a stop to this horrible game they had been put in.
She’d even begun to notice that some had even began moving towards each other, developing little pairs and groups of their own, and that pleased her. She rarely saw Takahiko and Yuu separate, for example, and she often saw Aito lingering near them like he wanted to join but wanted to keep a distance at the same time. Even Hikaru and Kasumi tended to stick near one another, and of course there was herself and Daichi. It was nice to see the others were making their own friendships and teams, and not isolating themselves from the others.
What really worried her though, wasn’t just the fact that they were trapped in this campus and being told they have to kill each other to get out. It was the crucial piece of all of this that no one else seemed to remember, the part that made this so much worse than what it already was, the similarity to-
“Uehara-san,” Shio looked up, her train of thought broken, to see Daichi had reached her and gave him a smile. He didn’t meet her eyes, running a hand through his messy blue locks and keeping his other in the pocket of his jacket. “Do you want to head to the meeting spot? It’s about time we all get together.”
The meeting spot. It was nothing more than an outdoor seating area a little off to the side with a stone bench in a U shape. Shio had suggested that they keep some form of regularity in their lives while here, and among the ideas had been a daily meeting to discuss anything they had discovered or any problems they found. Its purpose was to try and strengthen bonds among each other while also working to find ways out of this prison.
They’d meet up every day at five, right before dinner, and so far over the two days it seemed to be working well enough. Only Mitsuru complained about it, but Shio had a feeling Mitsuru would complain about everything if given the chance.
But she kept smiling as she pushed herself up, brushing some black locks of hair behind her ear, “It’s that time already? I guess I lost track of time, thanks for reminding me,” she hadn’t actually forgotten, she’d been well aware of the time, but the gratitude made Daichi feel better so she’d give it to him. “Let’s get going, Akemi-kun, it’d be awkward if we were late.”
He didn’t say much, but smiled and walked at her side as they made their way across the grass to the area just hidden behind a corner of the dorm.
There were a few already there.
Aito Shigaraki was sitting on one end of the stone bench, his white hair as messy as always with the heavy bags under his eyes and disheveled clothes. He was the Ultimate Forensic Pathologist, and from what Shio understood that meant he studied dead bodies. She hated to admit it, but Aito kind of creeped her out. Sometimes he looked unhinged and he made it clear that if someone died he’d love to take a look at their insides.
On the other side of the spectrum was Izumi Hayasha. Despite earning her talent for being a thief, she wasn’t a bad person as far as Shio could tell, if she looked past the whole being an actual criminal thing. When Mitsuru challenged her on the first day for “trying to control them” or something, Izumi stepped in and backed Shio up with how she was the only one trying to do something other than panic while Mitsuru was doing nothing. She even promised not to steal anything from the other students, unless they did something to make her mad, and so far she’d been trustworthy. Daichi seemed to like her well enough, too.
“Hello, Hayasha-san, Shigaraki-kun,” Shio greeted with a smile as she took a seat at the bench, the stone felt warm against the bright sun. Daichi took a seat beside her, situating himself between herself and Shigaraki, as though the lanky individual would try and attack her. She knew that he distrusted Aito and a part of her wanted to chastise him for not having faith in their friends, but chose to bite her tongue. It’d do no good to draw attention to him right now when Aito didn’t seem to notice or care.
He didn’t even respond to her greeting with more than a small hum as he fiddled with mangling the flower in his hand.
Izumi on the other hand smiled brightly and leaned over the stone bench, “Aah~! Shio-chan, it’s so nice to see you again, it’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it? Though these past few ones have been just lovely as well. Not nearly as lovely as you, though,” she smiled and it was brighter than the sun. “And Daichi-kun, you’re looking as handsome as ever, though I still think it’d be nice of you if you’d give me your neckerchief, the warehouse in the campus doesn’t have one like that.”
Daichi blushed and didn’t look at her but gripped the red fabric around his neck, “Sorry, Hayasha-san, but, like I said before I’m not giving it up.”
The thief just giggled and waved it off. Shio was happy to see her in such good spirits like usual, she’d be worried if Izumi suddenly became solemn.
Gradually the other students started filtering in, some on their own and some in groups of two or three until all sixteen were seated and the meeting was ready to commence.
Beside Izumi sat Hayato Himura the survivalist, and beside him was Ren Taikiyo an actor. The screenwriter, Yuu Kobayashi sat between him and Takahiko Saikawa, a Taekwondo champion. Goro Kobe, an obnoxious Go player was between Takahiko and herself while Daichi was stuck sitting next to the figure skater herself, Mitsuru Kita.
From there it went to Hikaru Yoshii the residential adrenaline junkie and racer, and Kasumi Sasaki, a graceful dancer. Eisuke Watanabe, the Ultimate Archer sat next to her, and next to Eisuke was Tsubasa Watanabe the basketball player and then Kousuke Nakamura, the photographic memory. Taiyou Adachi sat between Kousuke and Aito, being the only one to not disclose his talent but rather keep saying he had a different talent whenever asked.
There was some murmuring among the group and Shio brought her hands together in a clap to quiet down the chatter and start the meeting. Monokuma had begun breathing down their necks lately about no one being killed, they needed to come up with a plan.
“By the sounds of things, no one’s found anything new,” Shio began which was followed by a few disgruntled mutters and sly remarks tossed about by her classmates. But she clapped her hands again to bring attention back to herself. “That’s fine, that’s fine, we’re still trying so that’s what matters.”
There was a loud groan and she turned to look at Goro. “Some are trying harder than others, but not like that matters,” he responded, his eyes on Mitsuru.
The figure skater let out an offended gasp, “What are you insinuating?” she demanded.
“Exactly what it sounds like.”
“Mitsuru, everyone is putting in more effort than you are,” Kousuke snipped, his eyes narrowed at her, “last I checked, all you’ve been doing since we got here was eat in the dining room and complain. I don’t think you have a right to be insulted when someone calls you out on it.”
“I would have thought that as someone from such a rich and fancy home as yours that you’d know; some people are meant to work while others are meant to sit back while others do the work for them,” Mitsuru retorted, crossing her arms over her chest, “Obviously I was not born into this world to do menial labor and hard work like the rest of these bums. But I guess your upbringing wasn’t nearly as proper if you’d let yourself fall to there level.”
“Of maybe I’d like to get out of here more than I’d like to hang onto egotistical pride like a certain pretentious brat.”
“Why you,” Mitsuru curled back a lip, “I have half a mind to slap you right now.”
Taiyou began laughing as he leaned forward to watch, “Oooh~! Are we gonna get to see some rich brats duke it out?” he asked loudly, a wide grin slapped across his face, “Ten monocoins on Mitsuru-chan!”
“Please! Q-tip can take her, hands down,” Hikaru shot back, “Twenty that he wins !”
“Excuse me? Who are you calling a q-tip?” Kousuke snapped, almost rising from his seat, his attention moved from Mitsuru to Hikaru. A few snickers and cackles turned into laughter from multiple people and the arguing started to spread.
So the whole everyone being friends was clearly still in the works.
Trying to dissolve the situation quickly and get things back on track, Shio raised her voice, “Guys? Guys!” she yelled over the bickering, they gradually quieted back down to look at her. “Please guys, we’re friends here, we don’t need to be arguing when we need to stick together, right? How do you expect us to take on Monokuma if we start arguing so easily?”
A few of the students murmured but no one really spoke up, all looking at the ground or away from Shio, some bitter and others guilty.
Trying to raise the mood, Shio smiled at them all again. “Even though it’s not going to help us find an exit out of here, I was thinking we could do more things as a group than just the daily meeting,” she said, fanning her fingers out and tapping them against each other. “Just something to help us grow closer, help keep a unity among the groups.” It was vital to forge a strong bond with everyone, strong enough that no matter what Monokuma might throw their way, it won’t cause them to betray one another.
“Eh?” Taiyou asked, raising a brow, “What sort of activities did you have in mind, my dear Shio-chan? Don’t tell me you want us to scrapbook together, or sit around a campfire singing songs, I don’t know if I could handle that much friendship!”
“Hey, come on the campfire sounds pretty fun if we throw in some smores,” Ren snickered harmlessly, sticking his tongue out a little so that the metal stud at the tip peeked out past his teeth.
So maybe she shouldn’t bring up that digging up a pit for a campfire and spend some time at night together was one of her ideas. Didn’t seem like the group was going to take that one seriously right now so she’d push it off to a later date.
“I don’t know about that, but, we do have a lot of space outside,” Shio said as she began thinking, “we could find some kind of game to play. The gym has lots of sports equipment in there, so we could find something that would let everyone play in there.”
Tsubasa raised her hand after Shio said that, “There’s a lot of baseball gloves and balls in the gym closet, as well as plenty of baseballs and a few bats. There’s also some flags if we want to play capture the flag, and a few footballs, as well as the American ones,” she said and then scratched her cheek, “though I don’t know the rules to that one.”
“That’s fine,” Shio grinned as she looked at the athlete, “I shouldn’t be, but I’m surprised you remember everything that’s in there.” Tsubasa blushed when she said that and Shio took that as a cue to turn to the others again, “Even if we don’t want to get dirty playing a sport, between the school store and the warehouse, I’m sure there’s plenty we can do together.”
Hayato gave a small laugh from his end of the bench, “You sure are intent on keeping us as a united group, aren’t you, Uehara-san?” it was less of a question and he had a smile as he said it, but it looked tired.
She didn’t falter and with a feeling of determination in her gut, Shio nodded her head. “Of course I am, Himura-kun. You guys are all my friends, so I’m going to do everything I can to keep us all alive,” the words were genuine. Even though she only knew the group for a few days, she cared about them like she knew them for longer. They were her friends, even if they didn’t feel the same, and she wanted to keep her friends safe.
What was so wrong about that?
But as soon as she finished speaking, someone began gagging from behind her, a fake retching noise in response to her desire for all to survive. “Uuuugh! How boring!”
She felt a chill run over her, and beside her she saw Daichi go pale in the face at the familiar, overly cheerful voice. He wasn’t the only one, others had gone pale, while some went red in the face from anger, heads swiveling to stare at the intruder.
With a walk that was more of a waddle, Monokuma marched around until he was right in front of the group, staring at them with his mismatched eyes and ever present grin. “All this talk of unity, bonds, friends and sticking together, ooooh! I can feel my stomach churning. You’re going to make me sick at this rate!”
“Why should we care about your health?” Takahiko asked dryly, eyes narrowed at the robot. “You don’t seem too concerned with our wellbeing, so why should we be with yours?”
“Yeowch, you cut me with those harsh words,” the bear complained, an air of gloom surrounding him, but it was gone as quick as it appeared. “But that’s not what I’m here for, not at all! My health can wait because I’m sure that your talk of friendship and teamwork will be ending soon!”
Shio stood up, hands on her hips in a defiant stance as she stared down at the bear, “You’re wrong, we’re not going to stop working together just because you want it,” she said firmly. She was the leader of this group, she had to make sure she always stood up against Monokuma, here was no different. “Why are you here if it wasn’t to complain? If it’s to tell us to kill each other, we’re still not going to play your twisted game.”
But the bear let out a long sigh, “Man you are no fun, no fun at all,” he whined. “But you’re right. As things are now, there’s no way you guys will start the killing game, and that’s just so boring. So I had to think long and hard, I skipped sleeping last night just to come up with this idea, you know?”
“What idea?” Kasumi asked from where she sat, playing with the sleeves of her shirt, Shio noted they were becoming increasingly more frayed as her nails picked at the strands.
Monokuma let out a maniacal laugh as he stared at them all good and hard. “I was thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and then it hit me! You guys have the place, the tools, the possible victims, but no reason!” he exclaimed. “Now, I would have thought the Graduation rule would have been reason enough; kill someone to get out of here, but nope! You guys are pickier than that!”
A reason? “Are you talking about a motive or something?” Shio asked, feeling her heart beating louder in her chest. Did he come out all this way to give them something to motivate each other to kill? Whatever he was going to throw at them, it wasn’t going to work. They weren’t that easy, they were stronger than him and wouldn’t fall for the devil’s temptation like he wanted them too.
“Oooh, that’s exactly what it is,” Monokuma sang, “I thought it was about time to give you all a motive!”
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stuffandsundry · 7 years
Lemme preface this with a big hello there! I didn’t actually expect anyone to reply to this post, and so comprehensively either, haha!
dynamojacks replied to your post: Alt. P5 Justice Confidant
Hrrrrrmm. Can’t say I agree with all of this. It’s not like ‘being foil to the protag’ is the flaw with the interaction - or characterisation, of all things - it’s mostly the way said interaction is framed. Also, he’s less of a direct foil to him and more an 'equal and opposite’. Goro isn’t supposed to relate to the protag entirely, that’s kind of the point. He envies him. But he’s on his level, so to speak. It’s that aspect that draws him to him.
I think we’re using foil in a two different ways here. I use it as shorthand for “we, as third parties to this story, are supposed to compare and contrast these characters”. So, yeah, he’s set up as an equal and opposite you are totally correct there, but Goro aint the one relating to the protag, we as the audience are the ones comparing them. And that’s when problems arise, because quite a bit about the protag is so open to interpretation.
He also kind of KNOWS he’s special because he’s.. seen him, and Morgana, in the Metaverse (see: pancakes ‘gaffe’). It’s not just a one-sided perception, he’s absolutely right and this is a big fuck-off hint that he’s a wildcard in hindsight.
yo what seriously? i thought that the pancakes thing happened in the hallway of the TV studio how the hell did i misremember that badly holy shit
I agree that this should have been dealt with better, and that we needed more interaction with the PT to build a collective bond. A WHOLE, WHOLE lot more. I live and breathe any writings that bring them all together, like really. But to narrow the issue down to the protag being foil just seems flimsy. They ARE fated rivals per se and for good reason, it’s just that this aspect was shafted to buggery when it got down to it.
It’s not protag being foil that’s the problem, it’s “protag is the foil, focused on almost exclusively to the detriment of any meaningful interaction with the rest of the cast.” like, yeah, it does work, to a point. but it also could be a lot better, by giving the others a chance to shine.
The ‘god’s game’ apparently meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. That was exceptionally bad writing. To build up shit like that, but for Goro’s role as wild card to mean next to zilch.
Oh yeah, that resolution was very much so missing, which is a massive pity. Like you said, the whole fated rivals chosen to duke it out by god is a pretty interesting concept. I’m interested to know more about why you think that Goro’s role as a Wild Card mean zilch, though. Personally, I’ve been looking at it as: “Goro did had the potential to choose many different paths that could shape the world around him, signified by the Wild Card, but he locked himself very quickly into one path where he was simply being used as a tool by Shido. This, in combination with him holding everyone at arms length, meant that he didn’t form any significant bonds either aside from the real fucked up one with Shido, and so he inadvertently crippled his own Wild Card ability from the beginning” Actually, on that note, maybe he couldn’t have formed confidants. Whenever you initiate a Confidant in-game, it’s Lavenza’s voice that you hear, not Caroline + Justine. Would Lavenza have reached out to Akechi? Hmmm...
Also regarding Goro and fame, he’s not as hung up on it as Ryuji is/was, not NEARLY as much. One, mistranslation (not ‘public image’ or 'celebrity’, but 'reputation with adults’ and 'charisma’), and two, he knows his fame is fickle and dangerous in itself, having lived it for long enough. Ryuji romanticises it, Goro does not. Goro resents that those people do not know him for who he is, Ryuji thinks that fame will make him beloved.
Yeah!!!! This right here!!! This is a great contrast to have, they’d be amazing foils!! Ryuji and Goro are practically complete opposites, but they also share a lot of similarities too despite that. I spent like 5 min on this section the first time, so these are just the things that instantly popped into my head, but you could also draw parallels btwn the fact that Ryuji’s dad being in his life made it worse, while Goro’s being absent made his worse, or they way that Ryuji always had his mother with him vs Goro who’s mother left him alone, or the way that Ryuji is very bluntly honest about everything vs Goro who tries to keep everything hidden behind a veneer of politeness, or public perception of ryuji as a no good thug even if he honestly just wants to do the right thing vs the perception of goro as the person who would uphold justice/stop the breakdowns even if he was the very same person who was causing them, but DESPITE ALL THIS CONTRAST, ryuji is one of the most empathetic members of the team and absolutely would have tried to help Goro if he’d only known sooner what kinda trouble he was in (re: first impressions of makoto as a prick vs jumping in front of a car in order to rescue her)
(Speaking of Makoto, she’s absolutely the person that has the most parallels to Goro, and she should have been his rival. Both joined the team through some form of blackmail, both have incredible pressure but on them by the adults in their lives, both very similar characters vis-à-vis approaches to life in general, actually wait one second i have a quote from a friend on this.... “But I think Makoto works really well in terms of how they’re narratively set up as opposites? idk, like Makoto’s approach to subterfuge is to orchestrate the people around her while Akechi’s approach to subterfuge is to manipulate the people around him, Makoto’s impulsivity means she can be prone to direct confrontation while Akechi is on guard until he’s literally right at the breaking point, I just think…. it would’ve been so much more interesting to explore more of this than putting the burden on protag to carry Akechi Interest”)
and oh god im babbling sorry I HAVE OPINIONS
As for Yusuke? Madarame’s exploiting of his talent to his own ends (check), Yusuke wanting to please him but also trapped and nigh desperate to leave (check), Madarame being essentially responsible for his mother’s death (check), Yusuke having to rely on him to survive, for roof over head (check), and would be ruined, and even die one way or another if he tried to escape (check, check, and double check).                                                                      A comment Yusuke makes in Okumura’s Palace is extremely telling- about how someone who is oppressed will ‘desire for it’ (paraphrase). What’s even more telling, is when Yusuke said about Goro, quote: 'had I not met you all, I would have turned out like him as well’.   Haru? They’re both puppets to their fathers. Both are manipulated for the sake of political goals. Both are actually sweet by nature- at least, not ruthless, and really have to be pushed to be (SIU Director’s comments about the plot to FRAME the PTs as being ‘too brutal’… imagine how much more actually KILLING would be..). And both started out with a naive(ish), idealistic core, if Robin Hood and his fixation on Featherman R is anything to go by.
And part of the reason why opinion changed per se, was realising just how flimsy Goro’s own resolve was, and how vulnerable. He wasn’t hell bent on bringing disaster, he was clinging on to straws in desperation. Ryuji’s comment, urging him to realise that he was his own person, makes this much clear. Their ire was more focused on Shido at this point. Still, they did not really forgive Goro, and made this much VERY clear. In any event, the last point might have been down to cultural differences. I’m.. not sure, but to those who understood this scene, it didn’t come ‘out of nowhere’, so you can’t necessarily say that’s a writing flaw on it’s own.    
Mmmm, sorry if I was unclear, but the two times I used ‘out of nowhere in this post were in regards to how i dislike goro approaching protag with little prior warning? So.... im not quite sure what you’re trying to say here. Out of nowhere is too strong of a term to use for this scenario, so if its a thing I’ve said someplace else in regards to the last scene then sorry, I’ll clarify now. It’s not out of nowhere, however, it stands in stark contrast to the entire team’s opinions of Akechi up until this point. Not necessarily a terrible, awful choice, but it is certainly jarring in a way that is completely avoidable. Which, again, brings me back to “give Goro and the other PT a larger share of attention instead of focusing on Protag”. Sae’s Palace would have been a perfect place for Goro’s facade to slip a little bit, and give the rest of the team a little bit of an idea of how he’s like when he’s not constantly on guard. Instead, Sae’s Palace focuses on setting Goro up as smart which............. he’s a teen detective that works with the police. We know that he’s smart already. We should have gotten more characterization in there instead! Giving us some form of transition, like, “he’s an enemy of the Phantom Thieves” -> “hmm, there seem to be some circumstances that we can relate to that made him the way he is now” -> “we understand why you did the things you did. we still can’t agree with it, but we know now.” ...Granted, the reason that I think of it as an abrupt about face could have been due to the face that they never mention Goro again after his battle. A short scene after Shido’s Palace had been cleared to look back on the impact that Goro had had on the PT would have been a great help.
thank you for your thoughts! c:
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one step forward, one step back
 Persona 5 | Goro Akechi, Haru Okumura | AO3 Summary: Haru helps Goro through a moment of darkness. It works for the moment, anyway. Notes: Prompt for this one was “hug”! Relevant Mementos dialogue here.
The moment he steps into Leblanc, the downpour starts.
He closes the door quickly, looking back for a moment to observe the sheer force of rain. The clouds had been threatening to break all day—it was lucky that he made it to his destination without being caught within the storm.
“You cut it close, eh?” Sojiro says from behind the counter, a wry smile on his face. “Guess I have two customers for the next couple hours, then.”
As Goro walks to his usual spot, he nods his greeting to the other person sitting at the counter a seat away.
“Hello, Okumura-san,” he says with a smile, which she returns.
“Hello, Akechi-kun,” she replies, “Lucky break out there, huh?”
“Indeed,” he agrees, then notices the little pink box sitting in front of her. “A gift?”
“Of sorts. For everyone, though, not for me,” Haru says sheepishly, opening it and showing him its contents. Inside are cookies shaped like flowers, some of them beautifully decorated with icing. “I was experimenting, and thought I’d bring them for everyone to share, but…”
She looks outside, at the thick sheet of rain obscuring the view.
“It’s probably safer to stay at home today, huh?” Goro finishes her thought for her.
Haru nods.
“Akira-kun and Mona-chan went out to buy some books earlier. Futaba-chan was really excited when I said I brought cookies, but even though she’s just down the street it would probably be better to wait until the rain lets up at least a little bit, if she’s that determined to come by.”
“If she tried right now she’d probably get pummeled and swept away by all that water,” Sojiro chuckles, but then frowns a little as he also gazes outside. “Sheesh, it’s really coming down…business will be slow today. Anyway, coffee for the two of you? And Haru-chan, set aside two of the chocolate and almond ones for me, will you?”
The two confirm their coffee orders, and Haru reaches into the box to pull out the requested cookies and sets them on a napkin. She slides the box towards Goro afterwards with a smile.
“If they’re to your taste, please have some,” she says shyly, “I made a few different kinds and would love feedback, if you’re willing.”
Goro smiles and selects the topmost cookie in the box, which happens to be one beautifully iced with small floral details and lacework. He examines it before looking back at Haru.
“These are…exquisite,” he says, “I’d rather admire it than eat it, to be honest.”
Haru laughs. “The experimenting also included working with royal icing. It’s quite fun, and therapeutic. Well, if the designs aren’t too complex.” She smiles and looks sheepish again. “I confess that is one of the few presentable ones.”
Goro raises the cookie in a bit of a salute before he takes a bite. It’s pleasantly chewy, and not overly sweet despite the icing. There’s another flavor he can’t quite name—some type of spice, surely—but it’s a nice touch.
“It’s delicious,” he says, after he’s finished chewing and notices Haru’s expectant look.
She smiles, but before she can say anything, Sojiro places their coffees in front of them.
“Should be expected,” Sojiro says, pouring a cup of coffee for himself. “Haru-chan’s gotten pretty good at making coffee and pastries.”
“Oh, no, but I’m nowhere near as good as you or Akira-kun,” she protests, though she flushes a little at the compliment.
Sojiro smiles wryly as he lifts his cup.
“I should hope not, you might run us out of business,” he says, chuckling, but then studies her with a thoughtful expression. He takes a sip of coffee before continuing. “You  know, you don’t have to have the same flavor we do, Haru-chan. You have your own touch, and it’s a good one.”
She ponders his words for a moment before tilting her head.
“I’ll…take some time to think about that a bit more,” she says solemnly, and Sojiro chuckles again.
“Alright, then. I’m gonna do some dishes and prep work in the back; you two enjoy yourselves. Give me a holler if you want more coffee.”
With that, Sojiro plucks the cookies Haru set aside for off the counter and brings them with him into the kitchen.
Haru and Goro glance at each other and smile politely. It’s a little awkward—they don’t talk to each other very often, as they don’t seem to have very much in common or any similar interests to bond over more extensively. But they mutually acknowledge that they aren’t going to force a conversation at the moment; Goro turns his attention to the TV, while Haru reaches into her bag resting on the seat and brings out a notebook, textbook, and pencilcase.
They pass about thirty-five minutes in relative silence, save for the background noise. After a while, Goro glances over at what Haru is doing. She seems focused on taking notes, the occasional small diagram littering the page amongst bullet-points of information. She writes quickly and in very small letters—he can’t see what she’s writing, but she also seems to have an eye for leaving white space amongst the page so that they are less overwhelming to look at later.
He smiles a little; it’s method and style that looks terribly picturesque—one that he isn’t used to seeing, though it’s not as though he’s seen several peoples’ notes before.
He has seen Sae-san’s notes, primarily preliminary notes on cases that she prefers to handwrite because it allows her to visualize things better before she types up a final version on the computer. The pages are crammed full of writing, extra things scribbled in the corners in addition to the text on the lines. The majority of the notes are impeccably neat, though the quality starts slipping a little once Sae-san has been working for extended periods of time. Makoto’s is similar—he’s seen her school notes before, when he’s stopped by the Niijimas’ apartment briefly— though her handwriting is a little more fluid, with a little more bend and looping to her letters.
Goro’s own notes are almost unreadable to anyone else—his handwriting looks neat outwardly, but people have trouble actually reading what he’s written. At present, Sae-san is about the only one who can read his handwriting without trouble. But there’s also the fact that he doesn’t organize things particularly well—he knows his own files and papers, knows what his own notes refer to, even though things written on the same sheet might not correspond to one another. Someone else might find it quite a puzzle to piece the information together, were they to take his notes.
That suits Goro just fine.
He hasn’t noticed he’s staring until Haru lets out a little sigh—not one of frustration, but simply tiredness—before she puts her pen down and traces the rim of her coffee cup with her finger.
“It’s good to take a break every now and then, you know,” Goro comments mildly, feeling compelled to say something. His words are hypocritical, he runs himself to the ground as a lifestyle, but she doesn’t know that.
She turns to give him a half-smile, though it comes out more as a wince.
“It is,” Haru agrees, “But there’s so much I need to learn in as short of a time as possible…”
She trails off, but she doesn’t need to explain much more. The general populace knows the gist of her state right now—with her father dead and her being the largest shareholder of the company, Okumura Foods was facing internal strife in terms of people battling for control of Haru’s power, or attempting to make her give it up.
“That sounds…difficult,” Goro says, knowing it is an understatement.
Haru looks at him, silent for a moment, as if measuring him. He blinks, briefly taken aback by her sudden scrutiny, before Haru glances away. She rests her hands on her lap, lacing her fingers together.
“It is,” she admits, sounding pained. “Akechi-kun, how long have you been working as a detective?”
Goro pauses before answering, thinking back to when he could claim he officially became a detective.
“I’d say about two years or so?”
“I see. I am sure that you went through your own difficulties during that time, so please forgive me for saying this—but there is a part of me that is…a little envious of  you.”
Goro raises an eyebrow, curious at what she means, and Haru finally meets his eyes.
“You’ve been at your craft for awhile,” she states, “Detective work is about solving cases, yes, but there are other processes involved in that, with the police and recordkeeping and interviewing. It’s more laborious than people know based merely off of watching your interviews, or crime dramas, or suchlike . But during those two years, I’m sure that you grew as a detective and became more comfortable in the role, perhaps learned knew skills to aid you in your work, and you certainly must have honed existing ones. The longer you work at something the better you become, after all.”
She pauses, gritting her teeth for a moment before continuing.
“I did not have that. All those times I was at my father’s side…and I have nothing to show for it. It is true that some of it could be blamed on my father—after all, I was not allowed to attend meetings of worth or do anything directly in relation to the company. Most of the time, I was for image—to talk to his guests, build connections…to be a bridal candidate for sons of his business partners.”
She sounds a little bitter at the last part, but she sighs and shakes her head.
“But I also could have insisted more—either in learning what he did, or asking him to spend less time at work—had I been less eager to please. I…might have been searching for his approval—maintaining my grades, being charming to his guests…accepting Sugimura-san as my betrothed without complaining. But in doing so, I may have only pushed him further into what he became.”
Haru’s eyes are distant and pained, and suddenly, Goro’s throat is dry, his throat tight. Her story is familiar, too familiar, and he balls his hands into fists to hide the fact that they’re trembling.
(Mothers who aren’t his Mother, fathers who aren’t his Father—what do those words mean, anyway?—eyes, cold and judging, constant and circulating…no one could say he wasn’t smart, not with how quickly he learned to devote himself to an image of himself he created, but intelligence didn’t help cuts or bruises…
Learning to breathe quietly, a fear of dark spaces—yet a comfort in them, which act was better? Which would have made them happier? Had it become like this because he was wrong, because he did it all wrong, could he start over—)
Haru’s voice is sharp—not panicked, but geared specifically to get his attention—and snaps him out of the past immediately, but while his mind knows where he is now, his body doesn’t seem to be cooperating.
“I’m sorry?” Goro says, intending for it to be a polite apology for zoning out, but something about the tone must be wrong because Haru’s eyes are even more worried after he speaks. He tries to repeat himself, licking his lips in case their dryness is the reason why his voice isn’t coming out. He fails again, once more, twice more, and he stares at his hands so that he doesn’t have to meet Haru’s gaze.
It takes him a moment to realize that he’s shaking, not just his hands, but his entire body is trembling violently. Stop, he tries to command himself, it’s a sign of weakness, and he knows where weakness gets you—
“Akechi-kun,” Haru says, softer this time, as she slowly slides off of her seat. She takes cautious steps towards him, though he’s closed his eyes and can’t see her anyway.
“Please,” Goro croaks. He can’t bear this public humiliation, even if it’s only the Okumura heir, but suddenly he is unsure of what his own plea means, what it’s for. His breath is coming too fast, or too slow, he can’t tell, only that he needs to stop, before—
“Akechi-kun, will you let me touch you?” Haru asks carefully. Startled, Goro raises his head. She’s standing in front of him now, brown eyes grave, but even with her usual smile gone her manner exudes comfort. It takes him a moment to register what she’s asking. He wants to say no, wants to ask why she would ask such a thing when she barely even knows him. He wants to tell her not to look at him, to leave him be—
“Yes,” he whispers instead, and Haru takes his hands in hers.
The contact is warm, even through his gloves, but she carefully tugs them off and entwines her fingers with his, grip firm. The warmth is almost shocking, but he tightens his own grip as if he can absorb more of her heat that way.
“I was taught a magic chant for ramen the other day,” Haru says quietly. “It went something like…veggie-garlic-extra-extra…”
She says it very slowly, and repeats it once more before Goro catches onto the pattern. He breathes, in and out, in and out, following the rhythm of her words. She says the silly chant until his breathing becomes a little more even, though he’s still shaking. He lets go of her hands soon after, and attempts to straighten his posture.
“I’m sorry,” he says, clearly this time, “I don’t know what came over me.”
Lies, he knows exactly what happened, though he’d never been in someone else’s presence before when it’d happened. Haru tilts her head, her body language inquisitive, but her eyes aware. Goro’s lips tighten, though he knows he must not make a very convincing figure right now at all.
“Akechi-kun, will you let me do one more thing?” Haru asks, and holds out her arms.
Goro looks confused, and mimics her stance, unsure of what it means.
“I…suppose?” he answers, when she doesn’t move without a response.
Oh, he thinks, when she moves in and wraps her arms around him firmly, chin resting on his shoulder. He hesitates before doing the same, hands hovering over her back for a moment until he finally rests them on her gently, completely out of his element.
“I’m trying to grow camellias this year,” she tells him, “I did a lot of research on what kind of soil they prefer, and I  found that they do best in more acidic soil rich with organic matter. I’ve plenty of compost to help with that, and I could obtain extra fertilizer if necessary as well…”
She continues talking and he relaxes in her hold, all but burying his face in her hair. She smells like jasmine, her sweater and her hair both soft against his cheek. He is half-paying attention to the details of what she’s saying, but he knows she’s only chattering for his sake. He’s stopped trembling, and ultimately feels like he’s returned to a normal—or at least manageable—state after a while. But he gives in to himself and stays in Haru’s embrace just a little bit longer before pulling away.
Haru observes him, and he gives her a weak smile.
“Thank you,” he says, even though saying so means fully acknowledging what just happened. He can’t meet her eyes. “I…”
He wants to make excuses again, but before he can begin doing so, Haru slides a finger under his chin and tilts his head up gently.
“Akechi-kun,” she says, smiling softly, the corners of her eyes turning upwards. “I am your friend, and you may ask me for anything you need.”
He clenches his teeth, unable to find the words to express what he’s feeling. Haru releases him, though she doesn’t go back to her seat yet.
“Would you like another cup of coffee? I was going to ask Boss for another one, myself,” she says, and Goro merely nods, though caffeine might not be the best at the moment.
Haru calls for Sojiro, and when he steps out from the kitchen he doesn’t act like he’s aware anything happened since he left the counter, though Goro knows that he must. The café isn’t that big.
He’s thankful for the owner’s silence.
Goro drinks his second cup of coffee a little too quickly, though he appreciates the scalding heat sliding down his throat and into the pit of his stomach. He takes his leave soon after that, claiming that he has work that he should get back to now that the rain has let up, and Haru and Sojiro give him friendly goodbyes.
Just before he closes the door, her glances at Haru, who meets his gaze evenly. She gives him a hint of a smile and inclines her head, and Goro clicks the door shut.
When he gets back to his apartment, he doesn’t bother turning on the lights as he strips out of his outside clothing and into more comfortable attire and throws himself onto the bed. He pulls his blanket over his hand and curls up in the darkness, thoughts swirling, Haru’s words echoing in his head.
I am your friend, and you may ask me for anything you need.
If only she knew. She wouldn’t have said such a thing if she knew who he really was, what he’s done.
He curls tighter once he realizes a tear is sliding down his cheek, burying his face into the pillow. No more weakness, he vows, or tries to. He recalls Haru’s warm hands, how he showed a raw part of himself that she accepted without judgment, the easy comfort that she provided him with no strings attached.
A tiny hidden part of him feels relieved, that perhaps showing weakness isn’t so bad—
No, the greater part of himself says, with gritted teeth and nails digging crescents into his palms. Considering that is already a step towards disaster. If he becomes comfortable with help, then that will lead to seeking it, and it will only bring ruin. Really, he’s already halfway there, with being in this position at all.
He needs to remember what he’s here for and fix the grave mistake that he’s made by shutting that tiny voice up.  
Some sleeping pills and a while later, he falls into a fitful sleep, remembering the scent of jasmine, dreaming briefly of flowers.  
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i-w-p-chan · 6 years
Entering the Playing Field Blind
Summary: Akechi Goro confronts the Thieves with the incriminating evidence he’s gathered on them. Unfortunately for him, it doesn’t mean he maintains the upper hand for long. Prequel to Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro.
Note: one day I was like, what if I do a prequel to Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro? and this happened. Enjoy :D
Warnings: Self-Indulging Yet Again, Prequel To Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro, Feels In Hindsight, Goro’s Raging Crush On Akira, Info Dump, These Kids Are Very Chatty, Not!Black Mask!Akechi.
Disclaimer: Don’t own P5.
“I know you’re all the Phantom Thieves of Hearts,” Goro declared as he stared down Kurusu and his group, “And I have proof!”
Kurusu’s group looked dubious, so Goro smiled sickeningly sweet and continued, “When you were at Okumura Foods’ HQ, and transported yourself to the other dimension, whatever you call it, I was incidentally close by and pulled along with you.”
As the group stared at him in varying degrees of shock, he added, “I was almost attacked by a robot.” He crossed his arms and scrutinized them all, “But I somehow managed to leave the place.” He reached into his pocket and removed his phone, unlocking the screen and scrolling until he reached the page containing the ‘MetaNav’ app, he showed them his phone’s screen, and they all zeroed in on it, their eyes widening as they no doubt caught sight of the app.
“I assume this app is linked to your work as the Phantom Thieves, as it contained only one bookmark when I found it on my phone after I escaped the robot and that strange space station- Okumura Kunikazu, Okumura Foods HQ, space station- which disappeared ten days later. I assume it indicated that you stole his heart?”
Goro pocketed his phone and took out the photos he took of the Thieves’ incriminating presence at Okumura Foods HQ, “I even have photographic evidence that you were there.” He placed the photos on the desk near him and stared intently at the Thieves.
They opened their mouths, no doubt to deny, but a high-pitched voice interrupted them, “He has a lot of evidence against us, it’s no use denying. Besides, we can’t have him run around the Metaverse freely.”
Goro pressed his lips together and prepared to respond scathingly to the speaker about his last remark when he stopped cold, “Wait… who said that?”
He scanned the group and room around them but he couldn’t find anyone else except for himself, the Thieves, and Kurusu’s cat.
There was a sigh, “I’m right here.”
Goro frowned; while the voice came from the same direction where Kurusu’s cat was perched on top of a box, there was no one else there.
“Jeez, aren’t you supposed to be some kind of smart detective?”
Goro’s eyes widened in shock, “Kurusu-kun” He spoke faintly, “Did your cat just talk?”
The cat frowned at him, and there was no mistaking the expression for anything other than a frown, while its tail lashed through the air behind it in agitation, “I’m not a cat!”
“He does that sometimes.” Kurusu chose that moment to speak up.
Goro turned his attention back to Kurusu, “And the talking cat is connected to the other world?”
Kurusu nodded; the Thieves around him were just as agitated as the cat, clearly disliking the direction this conversation was headed in.
Goro nodded and gathered the photos into his hand, “Alright, I’m going to make a deal with you: I don’t turn you in, and you take me with you to the other world and answer my questions.”
“Answering your ‘questions’ is too broad a phrasing,” Niijima interrupted, “Please specify what kind of questions.”
Goro repressed a sigh, but it wasn’t like he was in any position to make any more demands- especially since they were the only source of information he could find at the moment, “Questions about the other world, the app, how you steal hearts.”
In different circumstances, he may even ask them to disband, but he was already pushing it with his requests, so he had to settle for just this.
The Thieves looked at each other and started murmuring between them.
“What do you think, Mona-chan?” Okumura asked the cat softly.
“I’m afraid we don’t have any other option,” The cat spoke, tone regretful, and the Thieves shared on last look between them.
“Alright, we agree to your terms,” Kurusu said, tone as neutral as ever.
Goro suppressed a smirk; the first step was complete, now to the second.
“Good. Where to begin with the questions?” Goro hummed thoughtfully.
“Are you sure it’s a good place and time to have such a long discussion?” Kitagawa wondered.
“We should go somewhere else,” Takamaki mused.
“Ugh, but where?” Sakamoto questioned.
“How about Leblanc?” The cat interjected, “We already gather there, one more person won’t be that out of place. And Akechi already frequents the café, no one bat an eye at him going there.”
“That’s a good idea. All in agreement?”
And that was how Goro found himself in Leblanc’ attic.
Otherwise known as: Kurusu Akira’s room.
Goro regretted so many things in his life, walking with his own two feet to his crush’ room without knowing so beforehand ranked pretty high up that list of regrets.
Someone kill him already.
His eyes darted around the place, taking in the box of clothes near the stairs (holy shit this was where Kurusu changed out of his clothes!), the couch (oh god that was where Kurusu would recline!), the work desk in the corner (Kurusu worked on that desk!), the clothes lines above his head (in the name of all things holy, Kurusu was naked in this space!), the bed-
(For fuck’s sake, Kurusu slept there! Kurusu probably did dirty things there! What if he brought partners to this room?! What if he Did The Deed with Other People right on that bed?! Maybe that couch too?! What if on the desk or-?!)
Someone fucking kill him already!
“Hey, uh, yo, you okay there?” Goro’s head snapped to the side to stare uncomprehendingly at Sakamoto who was giving him concerned looks (and it had to be bad if Sakamoto noticed, snap out of it, Goro!).
“I’m perfectly fine.” Goro all but chirruped, his smile unnaturally wide on his face, “Why wouldn’t I be? I mean, I’m in Kurusu-kun’s room why wouldn’t I-“ Goro snapped his mouth shut and cleared his throat, surreptitiously checking the Thieves’ expression and seeing all of them sans Kurusu, who was blank-faced as usual (did he notice? Oh god, please no), were giving him concerned looks. Takamaki was giving him a sympathetic smile as she looked between him and Kurusu, and Sakura snorted.
Goro’s faker than Kurusu’s glasses smile almost twitched at the corners; he had to salvage the situation- and fast.
“My questions?”
“Right,” Kurusu said before he silently started rearranging the furniture alongside the Thieves to turn it into a suitable meeting space.
“Your questions.” Kurusu pulled the chair near his work desk towards the table he sat up in the attic and sat on it, “You can start asking them now.”
Goro looked around the space, wondering where he could position himself so that he would be close enough to hear and be heard, before he slowly stepped to stand behind Kurusu, a hand tentatively settled at the back of the chair.
The Thieves sent him amused smirks, as if something in where he chose to stand entertained them greatly; Kurusu didn’t even twitch.
“So, the app. What can you tell me about it?”
The Thieves shared a look before Niijima spoke up, “It allows us to move into and out of the other dimension, and check for the names of people who need a change of heart.”
“And this other dimension is called what, exactly?”
“The Metaverse,” Morgana piped up, blue eyes boring into Goro, “It’s another layer of reality that is based on human subconscious and cognition.”
“Cognition?” Goro zeroed in on the term, “Do you mean by that a manifestation of people’s perception of reality?”
“Indeed.” Kitagawa nodded his head, “Our bigger targets tend to have quite a distorted view of reality.”
Goro frowned as he digested the information, his brain linking it with the facts he knew, “So, that distorted view of reality is what you change by changing someone’s heart?”
“Yes.” The Thieves nodded.
“How do you change someone’s heart?”
“It’s a bit complicated to explain?” Haru wondered out loud, “When someone’s heart is quite distorted, they form what we call a Palace.”
“Consider the Palace like their very own corner of the Metaverse,” Takamaki added.
“And they’re the rulers of that place,” Sakamoto interjected.
“We infiltrate the Palace, and look for the root of the distortion,” Sakura spoke up, and Goro almost jolted; he almost forgot that she was in the room with them.
“After we find the Treasure-“ Sakamoto picked up after Sakura, and Niijima interrupted.
“Which is the aforementioned root of the distortion.”
“-we send the calling card.” Sakamoto completed.
“Why do you send it? Why not just take the Treasure, as you called it?”
“We can’t steal the Treasure if it’s not manifested,” Morgana responded, “We send the calling card to make our target aware that their heart is something that can be stolen, which will cause the Treasure to take a form, and then we can take it, which will cause a change of heart after we leave the Palace.”
“How long does it take you to take a Treasure?”
“It depends on the obstacles we face while infiltrating the Palaces,” Kitagawa said, “Aside from fatigue, some obstacles require from us to leave and cause a change in our target’s cognition.”
“And that would be?”
“When we were going to steal Kaneshiro’s heart, we couldn’t even access his Palace before we made him see us as ‘customers’ of his,” Takamaki said.
“I see…” Goro hummed thoughtfully, “So, how long do you take to steal a heart after sending out a calling card?”
“Not very.” Okumura shook her head.
“We do it within the next day,” Sakamoto said, “Because the Treasure doesn’t stay in a shape for long.”
“The effect of the calling card isn’t permanent.” Morgana nodded.
“And if you fail, can’t you try again?”
“We can’t, because we can only cause the Treasure to manifest only once,” Niijima added.
“And that’s for your bigger targets; people like Kamoshida, Madarame, Kaneshiro, Okumura. What about your ‘lesser’ targets?”
“They’re the ones we pick through our daily life or forum request. We hear about someone causing harm to others and we check if they have a distorted heart, and then we steal it.”
“I suppose they have their own Palace?”
“A collective Palace, if you will,” Morgana said, “Their distortion isn’t strong enough to form an independent Palace, so they reside in Mementos: the collective human unconscious and shared Palace of the populace.”
“And they’re easier to handle because we only have to confront their Shadow selves, instead of all the details we have to go through in each Palace,” Takamaki said.
“Shadow selves?”
“Their subconscious, their selves that reside in the Metaverse.”
“Oh? Have any of you met any of your Shadow selves before, then?”
The Thieves all shook their heads.
“I have.” Goro heard Sakura say and he turned his head towards her; she was staring in front of her at her linked hands, “It was only short lived, though, and my Shadow self disappeared soon afterwards.”
“Does that mean that meeting one’s Shadow self causes it to disappear?”
The group shared a look between them, “We don’t know that for sure,” Okumura said, “None of us ever met our Shadow selves aside from Futaba-chan.”
“And her Shadow self didn’t so much disappear as change,” Niijima interjected.
“A metamorphosis.” Kitagawa hummed.
Futaba looked Goro in the eye, a first, and her eyes burned with a familiar fire that both fascinated and terrified him.
Being face to face with your subconscious… Goro couldn’t imagine meeting the manifestation of all of his innermost thoughts and desires.
(He figured his would look ugly and repulsive; it made sense with the desire for revenge lurking under his skin, and the rage burning in his veins.)
Shaking his head as if to dispel the thought, “And how do you check your targets? You mentioned that you use the app for that, but you didn’t explain how.”
“We enter the name of the target we have.
Sakamoto took out his phone and opened the app before he put his phone on the table.
“For example,” Niijima started, “If you start with someone like, say, Futaba.” She leaned forward, “Sakura Futaba.”
The app remained as it was, and Goro frowned, “Is that because her Shadow self changed?”
“More accurately, it became an integrated part of me now, so she’s not dwelling in the Metaverse anymore. But if you take the name of someone normal, no strong distortion whatsoever. Like Sojiro.”
“Sakura Sojiro.”
On the app, a destination bookmarked as ‘Mementos’ flashed once.
“See that?” Takamaki waved at the phone, “That tells you that Boss has a normal Shadow self in Mementos.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s a viable target…?” Goro wondered.
Morgana shook his head, “It’s only natural for people to have a Shadow self, it’s just when their desires become distorted that they become a viable target.”
“I see… How does the app react when you do have a target in… Mementos, was it?”
The group looked between them again, “Well, we don’t have the name of a target right now, so.” Takamaki shrugged, “We don’t have a name to check.”
“Hey, I have an idea!” Sakamoto grinned widely, “How about we try your name, Detective Prince?”
Goro felt his stomach twist into knots and his heart lodge into his throat, dread filling him up at the sight of the hesitant looks the Thieves sent him.
He let out a deep breath and spoke clearly, “Akechi Goro.”
The app pinged.
Goro averted his eyes, not daring to meet the eyes of the Thieves, not under these circumstances.
“Detective?” Kurusu’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and caused him to turn his head to stare at his crush’s face; a futile endeavor, as he had never been able to read Kurusu’s face, but still- the sight of it made him gather his courage again and take a deep breath before he returned to facing the Thieves, meeting their concerned stares head on.
“So, is that how you figure out a target in Mementos?” He asked, and the Thieves nodded. “I see.” He swallowed thickly, “If that is the case, does it mean you are going to change my heart then?”
The Thieves shared meaning-laden looks before they turned to face him again.
“I don’t think we should,” Takamaki started, “You’re not hurting anyone. So, no, I don’t agree to changing your heart unless you want us to.”
“I’m in agreement with Ann,” Kitagawa said, “Even if your heart is distorted, it’s not the only target criteria we have.”
“I don’t think we should change your heart unless you ask us for it, as well.” Niijima nodded firmly.
“Same,” Sakura interjected.
And so, the Thieves all chorused a similar opinion between them.
Kurusu turned to look at him, “You know our stance on the idea now. We won’t change your heart just because you have a distorted heart.”
“Why?” Goro frowned, “Your criteria?”
Okumura smiled, “Yes. It’s not just having a distorted heart that makes us pick targets. We only change the hearts of those who hurt others, because our goal is to help those who are in need of help but don’t have the strength to help themselves yet! Just like we were.”
“That said,” Morgana added, “We will stage an intervention and change your heart if your distortion ends up hurting you.” The Thieves all sent Goro determined looks, appearing to be in agreement with what the cat-like creature just said.
Goro had to take a deep breath and do his best to suppress the blush climbing up his neck.
After a moment of silence, Goro cleared his throat, “There is something else I need to ask you all for. It’s about a potential target.”
After hearing what Goro just said, the Thieves stood at attention, “A target?” Sakamoto frowned.
“Yes. It’s…” Goro hesitated before he forged on ahead, “Niijima Sae.”
“Candidate found.” The app chimed, and Niijima bowed her head.
“That… That means she has a Palace?”
“Yes.” Kitagawa looked grim as he and the rest of the Thieves looked at Niijima.
“Mako-chan?” Okumura asked, her tone full of worry.
Niijima took a shuddering breath, “I knew for a while but…”
“You didn’t know how to bring it up?” Takamaki asked softly.
“What makes you ask about Makoto’s sister, Akechi-san?” Kitagawa asked.
“A lot of things are happening at the moment. You’ve heard about the reward for capturing the Phantom Thieves, yes? Furthermore, Sae-san is leading this case with quite the determination; there is a lot riding on her success, but I have heard whispers in the SIU’s head quarters and I fear there is a high chance they may resort to planting evidence to frame someone innocent just to have a scapegoat.
“And there is more to what’s going on than that. What happened to Okumura was suspiciously timed. It doesn’t match what usually happens during confessions induced by heart changes, but with mental shutdowns. Besides that, it happened at just the right moment to make you all fall from favor with the public, and, this is conjecture at the moment, make you take the blame for the mental shutdowns.”
The Thieves stared at him, wide-eyed.
“That’s…” Morgana’s tail twitched behind him, “There is someone pulling the strings, and we played right into their hands.”
“And you think changing Sis’ heart is going to help?” Niijima stared at him with a terrifying glint in her eyes.
“Not changing her heart,” Goro corrected, his expression grim, “Not like you do. From my investigation, each of your target ended up out of commission for some time while they recovered from the effects, and afterwards came clean about their actions, wanting to repent. Can you make a guess about what would happen to Sae-san if she underwent such change?”
Niijima gasped, her mind whirring with the implications of what Goro said, “If someone is pulling the strings, and they’re not above murder and framing someone else for it, they might…”
“That’s correct.” Goro clenched his jaw, his hands flexing with the need to punch something; god, he hated corrupt people in position of power with fiery passion, “They may kill her to avoid her causing trouble for them in the future.”
“Then what do you suggest?” Kurusu spoke up, jarring Goro from his angry haze.
“I… is it possible to make her undergo a gradual change?”
The Thieves perked up, “Gradual change?” Sakura looked particularly interested.
“Yes.” Goro smiled thinly, “Can we make her change her mind by herself without stealing her treasure?”
“I’m thankful that you’re considering my request,” Goro said as he walked along with the Thieves, heading towards Sae’s Palace.
“Yeah?” Sakamoto said, “Just stay back. Don’t want you to get hurt in the process.”
Goro pressed his lips into a thin line at the reminder; the Thieves had filled him in about the other type of Shadows, the ones they had to fight during their work.
It was one part he was going to be absolutely useless in.
It didn’t take long for the group to reach the Palace proper, and Goro grimaced at the sight, because a casino? Sae saw the courthouse as a casino?
Granted, a part of him knew where she was coming from, what with the corruption and money changing hands, but it didn’t change the fact that it made anger surge through his chest.
Goro hated coming to the Metaverse with the Thieves. Didn’t regret it, because he needed to see firsthand how they worked in the Metaverse, but it sure as hell made him want to punch something, preferably Kurusu’s- Joker’s- handsome mug.
(No one had any right being that attractive, doubly so while wearing the same attire Joker paraded around in.)
The rampant cheating made him clench his teeth, Sae’s Shadow made him scowl, but the thing that made him snap was his… ‘Cognitive Self’.
A card dealer, polite and nice to a fault, with a gentle, soothing voice, and a comforting smile.
Goro hated him on the first glance.
“Ah, welcome!” The Cognition spoke, features soft and welcoming, but they soon turned into worry, “Not to be rude, but what are you doing here? It’s not safe. You shouldn’t be here.”
Goro bristled and strode forward, not letting any of the other Thieves respond (because this? This was personal.)
“Oh? And why is that?” Goro ground out.
“You’re standing out. You’re not listening to orders. You know what happens to those who don’t conform.” The Cognition’s eyebrows pinched together in concern.
“And you do?” Goro snarked.
“But of course!” The Cognition looked surprised that Goro would even ask, “I’m a teenager working for the police, I already stand out as it is. No need to bring more unwanted attention my way.”
Goro clenched his fists, “What about our goals then?”
“Goals?” The Cognition looked surprised, “But you can still help the weak like this, right?”
“Help the weak?” Goro spat out, his voice rising in pitch as pain lanced through his head, but he ignored, “Don’t make me laugh! I’m not some selfless knight in shining armor who is there to help others!”
A voice whispered into his head and he began chuckling, the ominous sound slipping from his lips as he bowed his head, feeling a weight settle on his face.
“That doesn’t mean shit to me! I’m going to throw corrupt people in power of their high horse and watch them suffer in the aftermath of their fall. No one is going to stop me, not you, and not Sae.” His fingers curled around the mask that formed on his face and he tugged it off, uncaring for the pain it caused or the blood that splattered to the ground.
He raised his head to stare at his horrified Cognitive Self in the face, a deranged grin spreading across his face.
I am thou, thou art I.
“So, Loki. The Silvertongue.” Joker stared at Goro contemplatively, “Is this because you’re skilled with your tongue?”
Goro spluttered, his face exploding into a violent shade of red.
Casual reminded that this is a prequel to Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro :D
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picnic baskets
Persona 5 | Goro Akechi, Haru Okumura | AO3 Summary: Goro runs into Haru amidst a crowded street. They have an outing together. Notes: Drabble two! If it can still be called that, given that it’s like, 2,000 words... 
He’s in Shibuya to check out the crepe stand today, as magazines have been boasting about its new selection of summer flavors. Goro always makes a point of keeping up with food trends—he doesn’t really need to, but he finds that it helps with maintaining his charismatic detective prince character, and being knowledgeable about such things provides him with more connections than people think.
Plus, as crowded as Shibuya gets, he’s rather fond of the city, because it’s easy to hide amongst all the bodies here. On occasion fans will recognize him, but because people are constantly moving and shifting on the streets, it doesn’t take much effort to lose them. There are also plenty of alleys to slip into, as well.
But today’s one of the particularly busy days, likely due to the influx of new seasonal additions to Central Street’s shops in addition to the crepe stand’s soaring popularity. It’s harder to navigate, and it’s easy to jostle others or be jostled, or both at the same time. As Goro makes his way towards the crepe stand, trying to keep close to the sides of the street, someone crashes into him and causes him to bump into someone else. Quickly, he puts his hand out to stop himself from falling further, inadvertently catching the other person beneath him against the window display of one of the shops.
“Sorry, dude!” the teenagers who’d crashed into him say as they hurry off, more focused on their destination than the people they had almost knocked over.
“I’m terribly sorry, I…” Goro says as he turns to see the other party of the accident, trailing off once he recognizes who he’s caught.
“Oh! Akechi-kun!” Haru Okumura says, eyes wide as she looks up at him.
“Okumura-san,” he returns politely, stepping back to free her. “What a way to run into each other.”
She giggles, bringing a hand up to her cover her mouth. “Indeed! A more exciting way than usual, isn’t it?” She adjusts the strap of her bag to rest on her shoulder better as she tilts her head, politely inquisitive. “Where were you headed off to on such a busy day?”
“Ah, I’ve been hearing many things about the new crepe flavors, so I thought I’d satisfy my curiosity and come to taste one,” he says, smiling.  
“What a coincidence! I was on my way there too,” Haru says, eyes gleaming, “Shall we head there together?”
There isn’t a reason for him to refuse, so they travel the short remainder of distance together. They discuss the new crepe flavors as they wait on line—lilac cream, peaches and cream, hazelnut and honey, tiramisu, strawberry and orange, amongst a few others, debating on which ones to get.
“I definitely want to try the lilac, it isn’t so often you get a floral flavor,” Haru nods, “But the hazelnut and honey one seems good too…”
“Ah, those do sound quite nice…but for me, I think I’d like the tiramisu,” Goro muses, putting a hand up to his chin as he thinks, “it would be interesting to taste the dessert in crepe form. But the peaches and cream doesn’t seem as popular as a choice, so I’d like to try it as well…but the same goes for the lilac flavor you spoke of…”
“Oh, I used to love peaches and cream as a child! And the tiramisu flavor seems to be quite popular, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose the coffee flavor appeals to an older audience in addition to the younger customers. My coworker was speaking highly of the honey and hazelnut as well though, for it not being too sweet either, which I’d also like to try, but…”
“Deciding what to get is proving to be more difficult than anticipated, isn’t it?” Haru says, and Goro agrees absentmindedly.
They both ponder for a while until Haru brightens, clapping her hands together as she turns to face Goro.
“I know! How about we get all of the flavors we mentioned and share?”
Goro blinks at her, perplexed at her suggestion.  
“That way, we can taste a majority of the flavors,” Haru explains, “I do this with Ann-chan and Mako-chan when we go out for dessert—Ann-chan has a very sweet tooth and always has a hard time choosing, so we usually end up just getting a lot and splitting.”
It takes him a prolonged moment before he realizes that she’s waiting for an answer.
“I…that sounds…acceptable,” Goro finally says, but with hesitation in his manner. He’s had meals with Sae-san, but their conversation tends to be about work. Otherwise, it’s rare that Goro eats with anyone else. He’s not entirely sure how to get along with Haru Okumura, but her suggestion is reasonable, and it would be rude to refuse at this point. And it would help him to taste more flavors in one go—and add more information in his arsenal.
She smiles at his choice of words, amused, and steps forward to order the two crepes she initially mentioned as Goro orders the other two. Once they have both dessert boxes in hand, Haru looks around for a place to sit, though with the day’s crowd she knows she won’t find one.
“If you don’t mind a train ride, what do you say to Inokashira Park?” she suggests.
Goro shrugs.
“That sounds fine.”
They ride in companionable silence on the subway, making occasional remarks on the passing scenery or today’s weather. When they finally arrive at the park, Haru guides him to a shaded area with a nice view of the lake, asking him to hold her crepe box as she digs into her bag. She pulls out a square of cloth, then opens it wide, laying it on the ground before taking a seat. Goro raises an eyebrow, but follows her actions and sets the crepe boxes down in the center. Haru opens them both, flattening the boxes and cutting the crepes with the provided plastic knife. She gestures for Goro to take first pick, and he shrugs and takes half of the tiramisu crepe, while Haru takes the other.
“Hmmm…this taste…it’s not quite what I expected,” Goro says thoughtfully as he chews.
“You’re right…the texture of the crepe itself doesn’t quite take the place of the traditional ladyfingers, does it?” Haru replies. “Still, it is quite good.”
Goro smiles, then chuckles when he realizes that he’s permitted himself to do so.
“I thought the same thing,” he says. “Shall we try another?”
They move to the honey and hazelnut, which they find to be a lovely blend of flavor and texture. After this one, Haru digs into her bag again and brings out a thermos of green tea. Goro raises an eyebrow.
“You’re certainly prepared, aren’t you?” he says with a smile, accepting a cup from her.
Haru smiles back.
“I just enjoy taking full advantage my personal outings,” she responds, sipping from her own cup. “I don’t…get them very often, you see.”
Haru seems to hesitate before replying, looking as if she has already said too much. But Goro wants to know more about the member he knows least about (except, perhaps, the cat) and waits for her to continue instead of providing her a change of topic. She seems to deflate a little before squaring back up, rubbing a finger on the side of her cup absently.
“When father was…still alive…I was only allowed to interact with the people that he deemed appropriate. And after his passing, there are numerous things to deal with in regards to the company, and someone is often trying to find me for one reason or another. But it is more often than not that I cannot answer their questions, or do not have a detailed enough answer when I do…at present, everything is extremely stressful and it is difficult to find solace from it.” She falls quiet for a moment before smiling again, though it is weaker than her usual ones. “So quiet and peaceful outings are something of a treasure at the moment.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, averting his eyes. He’s not sure if it sounds genuine enough, just that it’s the right thing to say. “I interrupted such an outing today then, didn’t I?” Goro continues, looking somewhat apologetically at her.
“Not at all, I was the one who invited you, was I not? The company of friends is always appreciated.”
Goro pauses, his cup halfway to his lips. A friend? So she considers him a friend, his company appreciated. The feeling of being called as such is distinctly odd, and…also painful.
“Besides,” Haru says, quieter this time, “I said I wanted peace and quiet, but I did not mean silence. I’ve…had enough of silence.”
Goro thinks of his empty apartment and thinks he knows what she means.
The two of them are quiet, listening to the birds chatter and the distant voices of other parkgoers.
“By the way,” Goro says eventually, “This is very nice tea. It’s a bit different from standard green tea, isn’t it? Might I ask where you bought it?”
Haru smiles. “I’m glad you like it. It’s my own blend, actually. I can give you a tin of it the next time I see you, if you’d like.”
Goro inclines his head, surprised.
“I would…like that. I didn’t know you blended your own tea.”
Haru holds out the thermos and refills his cup.
“Uh-huh, it’s…a hobby, I suppose? I’ve grown to drink coffee more since we meet at Leblanc, but I suppose I’m more of a tea person in general. I keep about forty types at the house for different times of the day, you see, and I suppose when I was younger my curiosity got the better of me so I played around with the brews. I’ve gotten pretty good at it now, so if it’s tea, I can pair it pretty well, like the way Boss pairs his coffee with curry.”
Goro smiles.
“You’ll be formidable if you can also prepare coffee the way Boss does, if you’re his equivalent with tea,” he says, and Haru laughs, pink dusting her cheeks.
“I still have a lot to learn, but I hope to match Boss’ and Akira-kun’s skill one day,” she says. “Oh, if you have time, you should come join our lessons! Boss says you frequent Leblanc, and though it’s always lovely to be served a cup, it’s fun to know the process and details, too.”
Goro’s throat tightens, just a little. She includes him so easily, almost thoughtlessly, as if he might belong there, learning how to brew coffee with her, the owner of Leblanc, and Joker.
“Perhaps, if I have enough room in my schedule,” he demurs, taking a long drink of tea so that he doesn’t have to speak further.
Haru doesn’t press, and changes the topic to the flora around the park area, which she read about in a magazine, wondering if she might be able to add some of the flowers to her garden. Goro asks questions and learns that she grows vegetables on her school rooftop, and he permits himself a laugh at the thought of her breaking the school rules for such an innocent reason.
The time passes easily, and they decide to leave just before sunset. After they ride the train back to Shibuya, Goro offers to walk Haru home, which she politely declines.
“Scandal, you see,” she says apologetically, and a bit sadly. “I, uhm…the process of negating my marriage with Sugimura-san has been…overshadowed by company matters, at present.”
“Ah,” is all Goro says, and wonders if he might be disappointed that they are unable to continue their discussion on exotic plants. “Then…I wish you a safe journey home.”
“You as well. Thank you for today, I enjoyed our outing together,” Haru says with a warm smile, and walks a few steps before turning back to wave.
Goro waves back slowly, watching her silhouette disappear into the distance.
It was enjoyable, he realizes. Peaceful and relaxing. Usually he’s not one to sit around to relax—he prefers more physical exercises so that he doesn’t have to think. But while conversing with Haru, the dark thoughts were kept at bay just as easily, if not more easily. The thought is surprising. He spent quite a few hours with her today, and not once did he wish he hadn’t accepted her invitation.
Perhaps, then, this is what hanging out with friends was like, why his classmates and people in general want to meet up with others and spend the day together.
He feels strangely refreshed, pleased with today’s events.
He thinks he’ll try not to let this happen again.
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