#then Raph again for Bayverse movies
oozedninjas · 6 months
random question that was pacing my mind…
who would you choose? bayverse donnie or 2007 raph? and why 🤨
98% of times I'm choosing 2007 Raph. I like his personality and I relate to him so much. Also I love all the nightwatcher arc for his character in that movie. So yeah, Raph!
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
wait when mikey starts singing and raph says he's gonna hit mikey leo just straight up says "knock him out" i'm HOLLERING and then raph. counting down. "three two if i get to one-" but then he keeps mikey from falling out of the shellraiser anyway. impeccable fucking movie holy shit
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Fucking Period (Fluff)
Bayverse!Raphael x reader
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Your period is back, as annoying as ever, so your big brute of a boyfriend decided to make your time a little more comfortable.
Warnings: Periods, period pains.
The city was quieter than usual as the night settled in, causing the four turtle brothers to call their patrol short that day. In the lair beneath the city, came through the opening to their home, each of them scattering out, seeking out their favorite post patrol activities. Leonardo going straight to his room to take care of his katanas, Donatello going to his lab to work on his newest project, Michelangelo going straight to the kitchen to find snacks, while Raphael looked around for you, his girlfriend, while taking off his protective gear.
You lay curled up on the couch in the common area, wrapped in a blanket. The soft glow of the TV illuminated the room as you winced, clutching your abdomen. It was that time of the month, and the cramps were hitting you hard. You tried to distract yourself with a movie, but the pain made it difficult to focus. You cursed the nature of your human anatomy, before growling in pain, hiding your face further into the pillow on the armrest, pulling the blanket closer around you.
Raphael entered the area, his eyes immediately locking onto you. He could tell something was wrong from the way you winced and held your stomach. Concern washed over his usually tough exterior as he made his way over to you.
"Hey babe, you okay?", he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle as he crouched down in front of you. You had always loved that side of him. The big teddy bear hiding beneath all his muscles and roughness.
You looked up, offering a weak smile. "Just dealing with some killer cramps".
He frowned. “Cramps?”
Another wave of painful pressure fell against your pelvic area, causing you to groan out in pain and annoyance, closing your eyes shut. “Fucking period”.
Raph's expression softened further. One of his big hands made its way under the blanket and found your hip, making small soothing circles with his thumb. You shivered slightly at the feeling of cold air under the blanket, but hummed in delight at the feeling of Raph’s hand.
Human periods weren't a new thing for Raphael. Even before the two of you started dating, he had experienced times where you would be sprawled out in the lair, groaning in pain. Back then he learned that the best thing he could do for you was to be there. Be there for you, and bring you anything you asked for.
Raph leaned forwards, placing a soft kiss on your hip bone, before once again letting his fingers soothe your skin once more.
"Thanks, Raph", you replied gratefully, already feeling a little more relaxed by your boyfriend's sweet care.
Raphael smiled softly at you before taking a seat next to you on the couch, his large frame providing a comforting presence.
"Anything else I can do?", he asked softly, his hand still providing a comforting feeling against your skin.
You hesitated for a moment before responding. "Actually, some cuddling would be nice".
A hint of a deep green blush crept across Raph's cheeks. It was amazing how after so many years of friendship and dating, Raphael would still blush when you asked him to cuddle you.
He nodded. "Sure thing, Shawty".
He shifted on the couch, sliding down between you and back of the couch, lifting the blanket to make room for himself. You scooted your back closer against his plastron, and he wrapped his muscular arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. The television continued to play in the background, becoming white noise in your ears. You had already forgotten what show was playing, being more focused on the comforting feeling your big boyfriend provided.
As you nestled against his plastron, Raph ran his fingers through your hair soothingly. "You should've said something sooner", he muttered, his snout pressed against the back of your head. “Nothing happened tonight, so I could have stayed with you”.
"I didn't want to bother anyone," you admitted.
"You're not a bother," he replied. "I love you and want to take care of you, just like you take care of me. We take care of each other".
You turned over on your other side, now facing the hazel yellow eyes you had fallen so deeply in love with.
“I know”, you said, before nuzzling your head under his chin. “I’m just happy that you’re here”.
Raphael chuckled lightly, once again continuing the comforting circling of his hands in your hair and on your hip. You let out a relaxed breath, melting closer to his form. The pain of your period didn't disappear completely, but the warmth of his embrace made it more bearable.
Hours passed as you drifted in and out of consciousness, comforted by the steady rise and fall of Raphael's breath and the small kisses he pressed against the side of your face. It didn’t take long like this before you finally fell asleep against Raph’s plastron, comforted enough to forget the feeling of your period for a moment.
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akesdraws-blog · 7 months
Finding one of the turtles asleep on the couch
Version: 🎞️TMNT Bayverse🎞️
Who hasn't fallen asleep on the couch at some point? It happens to all of us, it could even happen to turtles.
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Like Donnie, it is very strange to see him asleep on the couch, but not impossible.
But for what you want, don't walk near this turtle if you see him collapsed on the couch.
Maybe you will say, why?
Well, Leo usually falls asleep on the couch only when he had a specifically heavy patrol and was also punished in the Hashi, and maybe you will say, What's wrong with that? Well, Leo ends a a little more tired than normal, which causes him to fall asleep, but also his reflexes to take over.
That's how it is.Walking near Leo when he is like this will probably only cause some accidental bumps. (Almost all in the abdomen and legs)
Casey was unlucky to find out after spending almost half an hour writhing in pain on the floor while he hugged his aching stomach.
Only Splinter is able to wake him up to go sleep in her room. (He is the only one with enough reflexes to avoid a blow)
Another thing, although it may not seem like it, Leo would be the guy with a very heavy sleep, Mikey could be playing his drums with all his energy, Donnie could be using one of his loudest tools, even Raph could be using the blender to prepare his protein shake, no one knows how Leo can sleep like that, but he'll wake up practically right away if a little bit of light hits his face.
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He is one of those most likely to see you asleep on the couch.
Maybe there was a “Fast and Furious” movie marathon.
But everyone will know he's in the room by the loud snoring that echoes through the sewer.
No matter how hard you try to wake him up, it's just not possible.
Raph will just say 5 more minutes and he'll fall asleep again.
Although he is also an honest grump.
You could ask him anything and he'll grumble back at you.
And he will literally say anything you ask him.
Last time Mikey asked if he loved him (at first he just wanted to see him frown and take a picture), and in response he received an honest reading of how much she adored his little brother, no matter how many times she made him angry. (Mikey almost cried after that)
While asleep he is so honest that sometimes his brothers use him as a kind of psychologist.
Leo even apologizes for the times they have fought, Donnie sometimes lets out some insecurities, Mikey just wants to hear his brother say that he loves him.
But changing the topic.
If you want to wake up this big turtle, just move one of his weights and he'll be there in a second.He does not like the weight to be modified or altered if he has not been notified beforehand.
Do it and he'll be checking every weight he has for about an hour.
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⚛️Donatello ⚗️
Seeing him asleep is practically a miracle, because this adorable mad scientist doesn't sleep unless his body screams it at him.
So when you enter the lair and discover that the one on the couch is none other than Donnie, it's a huge surprise.
Of course, that also comes with certain caveats.
1. Don't try to wake him up or tell him to go to bed. (If you do, the thought of going back to sleep won't cross his mind again.)
2. Don't try to prank him when he's in that state. (Everyone learned the hard way that they shouldn't do it, and I'm talking about EVERYONE, even if you are their partner, revenge will come to you if you dare to do it)
3. Do not touch anything that has been left lying around.
The last one is the most important. Don't try to tidy it up, don't try to pick up the trash, don't even think about moving that plate with a half-eaten slice of pizza on it.
For heaven's sake, don't do it.
Because when Donnie wakes up and notices something different, he'll spend a full hour complaining that it wasn't a mess, it was a materialized brainstorm.
That's right, it seems that the empty soda can that Leo had thrown over had a purpose.
So if you don't want to have a dramatic Donnie, don't move anything around him.
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He is the one we will always see asleep on the couch.
Most likely, he tried to defeat a final boss from his most recent video game. (Courtesy of April)
So sometimes you could see his fingers move.
Donnie discovered that it was a combo that Mikey creates in his head and he writes it down so when Mikey wakes up he applies it. (And he copies it for when he wants to have an advantage)
But you should be careful if he stayed up late because of a horror movie marathon.
Because at any moment you can hear him screaming as loud as his lungs allow... and then he falls asleep again.
That's something everyone has experienced when Mikey is asleep after a horror movie.
Leo almost always loses his balance due to his brother's unexpected scream, but in the end he considers it as involuntary training for his reflexes.
Raph ends up breaking his comic book, or his water bottles burst from the force with which he crushes them in surprise.
Donnie ends up breaking his keyboard, or an experiment explodes.
Hello everyone!, here returning from the lowest of my emotional state.
But here we are!
Tags: (Because it hasn't been tagged for a long time)
@turtle-babe83 . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon . @leosgirl82 . @tmnt-tychou .@little-bunny-in-space . @happymoonangel . @lazyafgurl . @kikithedreamerwriter .@androidships007.
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ashtheketchum · 6 months
Comfort Bayverse TMNT
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A/N: Somehow I only see stories in which the turtles are comforting us, but here it's the other way around! How would we make the turtles feel better? (Picture from Pinterest!)
Warnings: Maybe alittle bit of angst, fluff, Injury, GN.Reader
Leo had argued with his brothers again, but it didn't end as well as it should
He was angry, but above all disappointed, so he went into a quiet corner
You had heard them arguing and you wanted to comfort Leo
You saw him meditating, so you quietly walked over and sat next to him
"You wanna talk about it, Leo?" "No, not really..."
So you just sat quietly next to him and watched him meditate
However, after a few minutes, he sighed loudly and started talking about what had happened
You comfort him by telling him that arguments are normal and that he shouldn't always take everything to heart
You then hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, which made him relax
Thanks to you, he can think about something else
Raph was seriously injured on a mission and was now no longer allowed to go on missions (for a certain time only).
It made him angry and he even argued with you, with the end result being sent to his corner
The other three were off on a mission again while you were supposed to look after Raph
You had made him something to eat and taken some bandages with you
"Raph... are you hungry?" "... yeah, maybe..."
You had put the food in front of him and while he ate you had taken care of his wound
As you tended to his wound, you had hugged him tightly
Raph returned your hug and apologized to you for the argument
Of course you forgive him and then he finishes eating
While he ate, you explained to him why you insisted he rest and he promised you to take more care of himself <3
Donnie had spent an entire week working on a project that was very important to him
However, it went completely wrong and he was completely devastated
Leo had told you and asked you to take care of your boyfriend
So you had bought a few puzzle books and filled out a few things
As soon as you didn't know anything anymore, you made your way to your boyfriend
"Dove, not now... I don´t feel so good..." "But I need your help, please..."
So, unmotivated, Donnie sat down with you and you showed him the puzzle books
After only a short time, Donnie had forgotten about his old project and he enjoyed spending some time with you again
When you had finished all the puzzle books, you kissed him lovingly and hugged him tightly
Afterwards you always took a little time to fill out a few puzzle books
Mikey was a little sad that he couldn't go out on Halloween
It was the only day he could go out without being called a monster, but Leo had forbidden him
You didn't want to spend Halloween without your boyfriend either, so you decorated everything in your house and put on a costume
You then invited Mikey over while you ordered food and got out a few snacks
When Mikey arrived he was incredibly happy and he could already smell the pizzas you had ordered
"Happy Halloween, Mikey!" "That's awesome, Babe!"
You had spent the whole evening together and also looked outside to watch the others
One time even small children rang your doorbell and Mikey gave them candys
You also took a lot of selfies together and watched a few movies together
He wants to do this every Halloween now
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yorshie · 2 years
Bayverse turtles x fem reader
Turtle fluff, kinda petty jealousy, nothing sexual
Second Person, no Y/N.
Inspired by a pinterest post I saw about having an office turtle and the punch line was "does the big man want his appy slices?" and it just snowballed from there
Aged up turtles
Your first vacation in a year, and you were stuck with a house guest for part of it.
Well, sort of a house guest.
You stared at the plastic kiddie pool taking up half of the living room, shoved between your TV and the L shaped desk you used as a work space. A sandy colored shell moved slowly around as Romeo explored his temporary digs, the large tortoise taking everything in with long, slow blinks.
“Boy, does your mother owe me one,” You informed him lowly, shaking out tired arms that still ached from carrying the large cat carrier up the stairwell. “Though, I guess she should be worried you won’t wanna go home on Monday. After all,” you leaned down, watched as Romeo turned those large, multicolored eyes in your direction, “I seem to have a growing collection of turtles.”
He let out a loud huff, the air whistling through his nostrils, and you snorted. “Sorry, tortoise, though I’m pretty sure the rest are turtles.”
He turned back to ignoring you, making slow movement towards the heat lamp you had attached to the back of a stool and swung over a part of his pad earlier per his owner’s instructions.
You hummed, watching him, then glanced over at your phone when it dinged from the couch.
Orange Crush: Hey babycakes, we still good to come get you after patrol? Donnie got ahold of that movie you wanted to see.
Uh oh. You bit at your nail absently, thinking, then typed back:
You guys are welcome to stop by, but I might have put a snag in movie night. I’ve got a house guest I have no idea what to do with.
You hit send, waited a beat, then hit accept before the phone even rang, expecting Leo’s name.
“Everything good?”
You decided not to comment on the speed dial. “Yea, everything’s fine. I’ve just… got a house guest.”
A beat of silence, “are you in danger?”
You frowned, stared across the room at Romeo, then had a light bulb moment as you replayed what was said. “Oh, god, Leo, no I’m fine! This isn’t a ‘help, there’s someone in my apartment’ type of thing.”
“Well that’s good,” he breathed, and you could hear his dry humor creeping in, “Though you almost gave Raph a heart attack just now.”
“Spiders almost give Raph a heart attack,” you deadpanned back. “But seriously, I’m just babysitting a pet for a friend. Um… actually.” You squinted at the tortoise sunning himself. “Don’t- don’t be weird when you guys get here.”
A longer beat of silence. “O-kay.” The word was drawn out. “We’ll be over in ten.” He hung up before you could squawk about cutting their patrol short, and you were left holding the phone comically to your ear.
Romeo chose that moment to let out a questioning chirp, his beak opening and clicking shut.
You turned your attention back to him. “Hm? You hungry, big boy? Let me go get your food.”
You got Romeo his salad, watching with slight amusement as he once again slowly moved toward the plate of offerings next to his sunken water bowl, high pitched chirps coming from him as he started to eat.
A light tap at your window pulled your attention, and you crawled over the couch to unlock the window, letting Leo do the heavy lifting to actually get it open.
“Heeeyyy,” You said, smiling brightly, trying to block the view behind you while leaning against the frame.
Leo rolled his eyes, “hey yourself. You gonna let us in?”
You pursed your lips, looking over the four of them crammed onto the fire escape, Donnie half hanging off the railing as he avoided Raph’s shell. You held up a finger threateningly. “Don’t be weird.”
You heard Raph scoff as you moved to press against the couch cushions, letting them step in over the furniture. “‘Don’t be weird’ she says to the mutant turtles.”
“Uh.” Leo pulled up short, one foot still on the couch, letting Mikey bounce off his shell as he noticed the kiddie pool.
Romeo looked up from the salad, took in the towering turtles staring back, and let out a low grumble that somehow managed to thrum through the room.
“Wow. That’s impressive.” You popped up on the couch, leaned over the arm, watching as the four turtles spread out a little, all still eyeing the kiddie pool.
“Sheesh, that’s nothing, babycakes,” Mikey said over his shoulder as he backed to the side to perch on the couch next to you, baby blues fastened on the tortoise like he’d disappear if he blinked. “That little rumble ain’t got nothing on Raph in the morning.”
“Huh. Really?” You glanced at the red turtle, but he shrugged, moving towards the kitchen counter and the cans of soda you’d set out while waiting for them.
“It ain't nothin special, sweetheart. How long you watchin mr. grumpy pants?”
Leo still hadn’t moved from his spot half on the couch, and with a huff Donnie pushed past him, the only one to take a step closer to the kiddie pool and crouch down to get a closer look.
“I have Romeo until Monday morning.” You tried not to sound too intrigued with what was happening, or not happening, but you probably failed judging by the quick look Raph threw your way, slight smirk curling his mouth as he watched you peer between Romeo and Donnie.
The tortoise had one eye on Donnie and the other on Leo, his head swiveled to the side to keep them both in sight as the ominous grumble sounded once more.
“Oh, goodness.” Donnie chuckled, perched as close to the plastic lip as he could get without touching the tortoise’s turf.
Raph whistled, long and low, as the noise lowered deeper until it was a threatening burr. Romeo snapped his beak at the sudden noise from Raph.
“Ok. What’s happening?” You asked, looking from Mikey to Raph for answers.
Mikey winced, fingers drumming out a fast staccato on his bent knees, so you turned your question to Raph, who simply shrugged.
“Donnie,” you whined, and heard him hum in answer. “What’s with the weirdness?”
“Oh, well, I suppose we’re making him a little uncomfortable.” He supplied, twisting around to address you from over Leo’s hip. Romeo let out an angry hiss, and Donnie swayed back out of sight. “Oops.”
“Now you done it,” Raph joked. “Touched the big man’s pool.”
“So I should have coached him instead of you guys?” You smirked, the notion that the bigger turtles were all being trash talked by Romeo amusing.
“Eh, probably wouldn’t have changed much,” Donnie chirped back at you, pulling another threatening beak snap from Romeo.
Raph chuckled. “Careful, Don. He might think you’re after his girl.”
“Oh so now I’m part of the problem?” You put as much sarcasm into the query as you could, moving to sit up on the couch, swaying into Leo’s space.
“Sure.” Leo answered, finally moving his foot off the couch as you brushed against him. “Bunch of big ugly rivals come into his place, touch his home, chirp at his girl. I’d be pissed too.”
“Would you?” You tried not to sound too amused, hand coming up to press against your mouth at the uptick in Leo’s cheek even as his gaze was kept on the tortoise. “So is he gonna get even more cranky if I leave with his ‘rivals’?”
“I’m sure he’ll live,” Raph pushed away from the counter, snapped his fingers under Donnie’s glasses. “Genius, quit harassing the poor dude. He’s stuck in a pool, we get to go watch a movie with his girl. Don’t rub it in.”
“Pretty sure I’ve known you guys longer than him,” You kicked out at Raph playfully as he passed close, connecting with his thigh and making him sway to avoid the pressure. “Think that makes him the interloper.”
“Ah, ok, I see how it is, you’re our girl. You want us to avenge your honor, teach this creep a lesson?” He jerked his head toward Romeo, grabbing your foot with ease as you went to kick at him again. You let out a quick giggle, jerked your foot away from his grip, leaning towards Mikey for protection as Raph made a grab for your retreating foot again.
“Hey, it’s all good babycakes, I’ll hide you from your loverboy’s rival.” Mikey lifted his arm, flashing the charm as he let you wedge yourself between his shell and the couch, feet tucked in the cushions where the larger brother couldn’t reach.
“We better get going before we rile your house guest up even more,” Leo commented, ignoring the playful banter as he stepped sideways out of Raph’s way. “You have everything you need?”
You hummed, twitching further behind Mikey as you felt the youngest brother’s fingers reach back and ghost your far side. “My bag’s in my room. Obviously, I’m gonna have to come check on Romeo tomorrow, but I think he’ll be ok for the night.”
“Especially if he doesn’t have to deal with us,” Donnie added, straightening and stepping around the pool to head down the short hallway leading to your room.
“Oh, shoot, hold on. Can’t forget.” You popped out from behind Mikey, wildly grabbing onto Leo’s arm to steady yourself as you overcorrected on the couch cushion. His forearm tensed under your hand, giving you something steady to push off of as you headed for the counter.
As you turned around with an apple and a knife, Mikey gasped. “He gets appy slices?”
“Yup, every Friday.” You responded, not looking up as you carefully started cubing the fruit.
“He’s get a treat after being an ass?” Raph sounded incredulous, and you blinked, looking up finally to find all three bigger turtles staring at the apple in your hand.
You took in the various looks of envy and mild offense, and reached behind you for the bag with the rest of the apples. “Do… do you guys want some?”
Donnie rounded the corner at that moment, stopping so hard his shoe squeaked on the floor. “He gets appy slices?”
“O-kay.” You pulled the word out long and slow, conscious that they were tracking you and the dish of apple cubes across the room to the kiddie pool. It had to be your imagination, but Romeo almost looked smug as he hurried over for the treat you set down.
Behind you, Raph made a noise of disgust deep in his throat, and you fought to keep the smile from your face as Mikey echoed the sentiment.
“I promise,” You rose and turned to face them, “I will bring the whole bag and make you guys as many appy slices as you want tonight.”
Raph took the few steps to the kitchen, grabbed the bag of apples, and crossed back over to the couch and window. His brow raised as though daring you to laugh as Mikey opened the glass and hopped out onto the fire escape.
You fought it successfully until Leo purposely bumped into you, a gentle reminder to get moving, and you followed Donnie out into the chilly air, careful as you pulled yourself over the edge of the window.
Donnie offered you a hand, grip cool and firm as he tugged you up the flight of stairs and passed you off to Raph, whose arms you curled into as he picked you up effortlessly.
“Where’s Fearless?” He asked, stepping up to glance back over the edge, and you gripped tighter as the buildings swelled down to meet the street.
Leo stuck his head out of your window as though summoned, taking a moment to close the latch before he scaled up to where the others were waiting. At Raph’s questioning look, he huffed, the lights catching briefly on his teeth.
“Just reminding Romeo down there that he’s only a house guest.”
You blinked, your face going loose with shock, “Leonardo, did you growl at that poor tortoise?”
The only answer you got was a smug smirk, and Mikey’s bright belt of laughter.
Much later, in the lair, you sat slumped in the middle of the couch, fingers sticky as you peeled yet another apple. You didn’t even bother to lean forward as you offered a slice over the edge. You weren’t sure how they knew it was there, the only light coming from the soft jewel tones of the older movie on the big screen, but the slice was always accepted, much larger fingers grazing your palm the only indication. 
You smiled, and cut off another slice.
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Bayverse Tipsy HCs
I went to a fun lil bar with some friends tonight and as I was looking around, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of drinkers the guys would be...so here we are. Everyone is 25+ (drink responsibly)
mentions alcohol, obviously
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-Raph is a lightweight. Like a few drinks, and he's laughing and goofing around with Mikey like he's 16 again, messing with his brothers and telling stories; like a weight comes off his shoulders and he can relax, a lopsided smile plastered on his face.
-Leo only drinks sake (for the aesthetic). Mikey makes fun if him relentlessly (he calls Leo a weeb, in sibling name-calling fun). Leo claims he likes the taste, but Mike has compared the spirit to sweaty socks on multiple occasions. Leo will roll his eyes as he sips from his cup, Mikey and Raph giving him endless shit- but no one misses the wince as he swallows.
-Mike is the party dude- always has been, always will be. When he's feelin' it, he's all smiles and laughter until everyone else goes to bed for the night; sometimes staying up even later to play videogames by himself, or to text a friend, so the fun doesn't end too soon. He's the party instigator, turning movie nights into drinking games, or card games into waterfall. The guy loves to have a good time- and to turn his brain off so he doesn't have to think for a while.
-Don is a wild card. He likes whiskey, scotch, or bourbon- but doesn't drink to get drunk, he just genuinely enjoys the taste (Mikey and Raph know better than to make fun of Donnie, cause of threats that will be followed through on). When he wants to party, though, he rolls a joint in the back of his lab and lights up a fat one; and the man is alllll giggles when he's stoned- just a happy high going on while he watches his brothers with amusement on his face, and a bag of pork rinds in his hand.
-Mikey knows that Donnie smokes, and the brothers occasionally sneak off together to a tunnel far away enough from the lair that mother hen (Leo) won't smell anything (Leo knows, he's not an idiot). Leo doesn't really care, he's mostly just annoyed that they feel like they need to hide it from him. Raph smoked with them a few times, but it just made him paranoid- so he just sticks to what works.
-Raph gets goofy when he's tipsy; sometimes singing along to the music Mikey puts on the stereo, sometimes dancing to it in the middle on the living room- but always having a good time. He would 100% put the lampshade on his head and dance around to Elvis if he felt like it (90s movies). Loveable drunk guy energy.
-Leo is the sad girl drunk- getting emotional for seemingly no reason, abruptly leaving the room, then coming back an hour later and demanding an apology when every one else has forgotten what in the hell he's talking about. He feels things so much deeper when his guards are down; much quicker to anger, quicker to cry. He also wants to talk about deep things when he's tipsy, much to Mikey's irritation.
-Mikey has jackass energy when he's trashed. Like, let's ride this shopping cart off this ramp and see how far it goes into the street. Or what will happen if we shoot fireworks off in the tunnels? Or let's go down to the Hudson and see if we can spar underwater. Raph is his ride or die when it comes to his drunken schemes, but Leo always manages to shut down their plans somehow (he's not afraid to tattletale).
-Mikey can drink all of them under the table though, even Splinter.
-The guys' favorite game to play is beer pong- Raph is the undisputed champion of singles, but Mikey and Leo have won doubles every tournament for two years in a row. Donnie and Raph together can't focus long enough for the competition; Raph getting distracted by the music, and Donnie laughing too hard at him to aim the ball.
-Once Donnie set a glass of six raw eggs in front of a hungover Mikey, sliding it to him and mumbling about a hangover cure as Raph recorded them on his phone from the hallway to the kitchen. Splinter walked in as Mikey spit the mixture everywhere, and they were cleaning up egg yolk from the walls for a week.
-When Leo does let go of the control and anxiety, he has so much fun goofing around with his brothers like they used to as kids. It warms his heart to see them all gathered around a table, playing games and spending time together, as adults. He loves them so much. No Mike, I'm just a little tired, that's why- yeah, don't worry about it.
tags : @thelaundrybitch @sophiacloud28 @zombiesnips-blog @4evrdreamin5 @gornackeaterofworlds @the-cauldron-witch @pheradream-15 @iridescentflamingo @scholastic-dragon
this was so fun lol :) as always, hit me up if you wanna join the tag train 18+
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First I Love You
Bayverse TMNT × Fem!Reader
This is self indulgent garbage I have made to keep myself distracted.
It varies from Drama to Fluff to Angst and Pre established relationship to a fucking year into being official to Y/N to she/her. No spicy tho. Good luck lol
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It wasn't panic.
It wasn't. He felt excitement. Raphael was bursting with energy. Stomach in knots, head pounding, chest pushing and pulling oxygen as if it was hard.
It wasn't panic. Leo concluded the huddle with a nod. "Let's do this!"
"Turtle power!" The group shouted. Turtle and human alike branched off in different directions.
Raph looked over at you.
"Raph, I-"
"C'mon people, let's go!" Vern called.
Raph didn't know what to do, heart racing and blood surging. Making him jittery. He half-heartly ran after his brothers.
He couldn't help but glance back.
You had taken a step back closer to Vern. You were watching them go, frightened. He understood.
He could die or get taken away- this might be the last he would ever see any of these people ever again. Last time he would ever see you.
"You don't have to do that." You had laughed, smiling as he lifted your couch.
"You're not gonna do it." He teased, watching your dog fetch it's toy happily.
"It's an upper east side candy shop." Raph explained one night. "I know you like sweets."
You gave him the biggest puppy eyes, smile ear-to-ear, holding the snacks to your chest. "You're my hero."
God, had he wanted to kiss you. He almost did one time. Almost spilled his guts when you blinked tiredly up at him. The scales of his arm were imprints along your face. Marks a movie lengths worth in the making. They wouldn't fade for several minutes. It was so cute.
Your hand grabbed his once. Tugging him to the edge of the water, in an effort to show him something. Probably. He couldn't remember. He hid his shyness under the banter. Soaking up the feeling of your hand in his.
Raph couldn't stop thinking about you, anymore. He knew you felt something too. He was more than happy about that.
But it wasn't meant to be. He knew better.
"We can't do this." Raph had whispered two days ago. Pulling his hand away from your fingers. Pulling away from what had almost been a kiss. "It's wrong."
Something numb fell over your expression. Blocking him out. It broke his heart as you pulled your lips tight. Looking down and nodding. "Okay."
Raph had faced impossible odds before. But this was bigger. Scarier. He knew there was a chance he could never make it. A good one if this plan doesn't go well.
He needed to do this.
His feet started to do their own thing.
"Raph?" Donnie called. Confused.
You turned back around, suddenly swallowed up in Raphael's shadow. "Raph, w-"
"I love you."
Her eyes widened, staring up at Raph.
"I'm fucking crazy about you." He whispered, terrified. "I fell in love with you, and I'm sorry I-"
"You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I've been wishing I could be the guy you deserve, but I'm not, so...so I just want you to know -"
"I-I love you too." She whispered, rushing forward.
Raph blinked. Relief overwhelming him before he could register what had been said.
"I love you so fucking much." His best friends small hands were quickly on his cheeks; the sensation like lightning on his scales.
It...probably wasn't the best kiss, in hindsight. He had done nothing but stare wide-eyed in disbelief as it happened, was happening, and happened.
She pulled back, her hands petting his face. His hands holding her head too. Her eye contact made his limbs go numb when she whispered, "Just come back to me, okay?"
Just come back to me.
She choked out a laugh, letting go of his face and pushing at his chest. "Now go get 'em tiger." It made Raph choke and smile back.
"Raph!" Leo shouted.
Ignoring Vern's expression of horror. Raph nodded to himself. "Okay." He said again. "Okay." He sprinted after his brothers on legs he couldn't feel, new energy driving him forward.
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You weren't naive.
You knew he wouldn't be accepted by most of your family. You knew that a few individuals might even be dangerous to Mikey and his family.
But the key word was most.
The newest generations, relatives your age, were much more accepting of many things. Within reason.
With your boyfriends...predicament- it took some extra effort on your part to set up a meeting of some kind. A meeting in which both parties had nowhere to go but through the uncomfortable interaction. With no room for reactive actions. No access to immediate exits, phones, or weapons-
Good thing you were dating an actual angle.
Mikey could work a room so easily, it overwhelmed you. He had your siblings charmed within seconds; cracking wise while the first gawking and terrified reactions were water off his shell.
Now, your boyfriends social circle was that much bigger.
One thing led to another. Weeks went by, then months. It's how you two ended up here. You on your siblings couch curled up with a book. Chaos all around you.
"Aaand...boo!" Mikey leapt out from behind the doorway.
"AHHahah!" One of your neices squeeled and ran away, hands covering her face.
"C'mere, you." Mikey growled, his smile just as wide as he dramatically stomped after the four kids, his hands perfect T-rex claws. His shadow easily swallowing them as they hurried away.
"Mikey, you can't eat them!" Your nephew wasn't older than five, but he chased after the giant turtle man as they rounded the couch you were sitting on.
Mikey tackled your nephew to the ground expertly, the boy roaring in delight; getting tickled ferociously.
"Ahhh! Stopp!!" The boy was desperately trying to worm away from your boyfriend. "That hurts!"
Mikey let go, and the boy continued to giggle as he caught his breath, struggling to get up.
"Ya a'right?" Mikey smiled.
"AHHH!" One neice came out of nowhere, pouncing on Mikey's arm.
"Oh NOO!" Mikey cried as he fell expertly over, making the little girl laugh. Your nephew screamed in triumph, jumping on his shoulders.
The other two saw the action, and pounced.
"We gotchu!!"
"Oh no, oh no!!" Mikey whined, struggling carefully for their entertainment as the kids climbed on top of him. He went limp, a gross sound in his thoat.
The kids squeeled, tiny hands slapping him playfully. "We know you're not dead, Mikey!"
He didn't reply.
Your neice shook his shoulder. "My-ee?"
"RAH!" Mikey jolted awake, and they all screamed and scrambled away.
"Get back here!" He called.
The kids scrambled to another room, leaving you and your boyfriend facing each other where he was kneeling on the carpet.
"How are you doing?" Mikey asked, still smiling. He had glitter stickers all over him. And marker ink was all over his shoulder.
Your heart had swelled, closing your throat and misting your eyes. He looked good like this. Happy.
"I love you." You muttered.
Mikey jolted, his eyes blowing wide. "...W-what?"
"I love you." You repeated with a smile, voice breaking.
Mikey's jaw dropped, his hands lifting a little from his knees. "We're- I-I-I love you-"
A pool noodle slapped Mikey's head from behind.
You laughed.
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"All done." You whispered.
"Thank you."
You didn't look at him, setting down the needle and blood-soaked fabric.
You and Donnie were sheltered in the lab. Curtain drawn. He sat maskless and blind in his chair. Hands clasped between his spread knees.
He'd been quiet. Avoiding your gaze.
You stared at what would be a new scar on his face. Down his cheek and neck. You mourned the marring of some turtle stripes under his jaw.
Blood was crusted between scales around your messy stitches; and you slowly got to work of gently dabbing it away. One hand on his other cheek to keep him still.
You couldn't handle it alone anymore. Hurt that had weld up in your chest suddenly surged. Your voice began working again.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You whispered.
He didn't answer. But you felt a muscle clench under your fingers.
You bit your lip. Tears welling up at last.
Your proposal that fateful night hadn't been unique. At all. But the offer of another date night was ignored by him completely.
Ghosted. You had gone to April. Worried that something might have happened.
April's number apparently didn't exist anymore. Her face gone from her regular network. Nothing was said about it. As if you had made everything up.
You didn't have any other numbers. You didn't know where to find anyone. You'd begun to accept he had let you go. All of them. Suddenly. But they were gone, none the less.
You were not needed; and Donatello hadn't wanted you.
Then tonight, two hours ago; you'd received a mystery caller. Three times. Leo. Imploring. Needing more hands, because Donnie was down and out for the count. You had never heard the leaders voice like this.
Karai was now dead.
Everyone is home safe.
You felt tears finally spill down your cheeks. You pulled away, sniffing as you scrubbed harshly at your cheeks.
Donnie reacted to the sound as if shot.
"Y/N it wasn't -"
"You didn't tell me." You hissed. "That's all I need to know."
"It's not like that!" Donnie said urgently. "I couldn't -"
"I needed one text. N-not even that, just... something. Anything." You hissed. "I don't even ask for an explanation! Just saying it's unsafe to talk would have been more than enough. Y-you and I even have a safeword-!"
"I couldn't do that!" Donnie said. "They had tracked Splinter and April through our communications. My firewalls should have prevented the Foot from - I didn't - I didn't know, and I couldn't endanger another person I love the same way."
A person I love.
You gasped, chest heaving with built-up sobs. Physical pain struck you at his words. Shock. Denial. Two weeks. Nothing -
"You don't love me!" You choked. Insistant.
Donnie blinked, mouth dropping slightly open as he stared at you wide-eyed.
He took in a shaky breath. "Yes, I do."
You sobbed, squeezing your eyes shut as you scrubbed some tears away. "No, you don't, c'mon." It was the weakest you've ever sounded.
Donnie's hands snagged your elbows. Pulling you to face him so his hands could rest on either side of your head.
"You were in danger." His voice shook. "You were in so much danger - and I'd rather you think I left or was gone than ever - ever, see you hurt. Especially because I was too fucking s-stupid to protect you or my family."
You were silent. Staring at him like he was the last thing left alive.
He bit his lip, wet eyes sparkling with the most conviction you'd ever seen. "I love you so much. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I promised myself I would keep you safe, no matter what. If...If I could redo all of this, I wouldn't change anything." His voice broke. "It'll be different from now on, but...the thought of you somewhere out there hating me is better than the thought of you...not being here at all."
You hiccuped, face wet with renewed tears as you pushed forward. Kissing him.
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Leo hadn't liked you at first. At all, really. Comes with the territory, you thought. You didn't blame him.
The trust built slowly every month. Half a year went by before you could easily call him your friend, and you were good friends.
The problem was that you had started crushing on him. Hard.
One night, Leo had stopped you; rain pouring down as he - very awkwardly...asking you out.
You could tell that he had been terrified. It made your smile that much wider. Because you were terrified too. Over the moon. Finally.
You later found out the guy had actually the corniest, cutest list of dates he had been hoping to take you on. All written in a neat, dorky list in one of his notebooks. When you confronted him - he couldn't meet your eyes he had been so embarrassed.
Leo had been the one to ask if he could kiss you.
You had fallen in love. Not quickly. But you had admitted to yourself - looking up into those pretty blue eyes - that you were crazy in love.
And yet...
Leo still hadn't taken off his mask.
You asked once. "Am I ever going to see you without it?"
"Hell no." He huffed at you while he set your house plant back down.
"Scared I might find out you're a turtle?" You scoffed. "I have some crazy news."
"Nice try, but that kind of show-" Leo reached above you to grab a cup, then pointed it at your smug grin. "Isn't for free. VIP only."
"I'm not a VIP girlfriend?" You were outraged.
The curiosity was always there. But you didn't push. You knew it would happen eventually.
That moment came a week later. When you ran your nails across his scalp.
You quickly did it a second time after his tiny noise of happy surprise. A gentle scratch. Only slight pressure to the green skin.
"What're you doing back there?" Leo twisted, peering up at you from where he sat on the floor infront of you.
You kept at it. Smiling as you switched between scratching and petting his scalp, adding a second hand. "Just touching you. That okay?"
Leo's eyes fluttered before he turned back to the TV. His shell between your knees.
As time passed, Leo's head lowered. His neck weakening. He obviously wasn't watching anymore.
"You okay?" You giggled quietly.
"C'mere." You pat your lap. "Turn around."
Leo did. He paused, facing you. You stared back, smiling before pressing a hard loud kiss to the side of his snout. Pushing his head slightly with its force, making him smile and laugh.
God, you loved that laugh.
Your hands opened and closed dramatically over his form as he slumped his head into your lap, curling up close. You nearly giggled at how large his head was as he rested his cheek on a thigh.
There was one problem....
"Hey," you whispered. "May I move the mask?"
Leo froze.
"I can work with it." You quickly said, cringing. "You're okay."
"No," Leo said. "No, it's okay. Hang on."
Your heart leapt into your throat in surprise. But you bit your lip. You didn't want to scare him as he sat up and used one hand to loosen the knot.
Leo pulled it off swiftly. Never looking at you.
You stared.
You had convinced yourself it wouldn't be a huge deal seeing his face. It was a small mask. How much could it really hide?
Apparently, a lot. You felt your brain adjust to the ridiculous fact that it had been unprepared to have so much green to look at.
Leo moved to lean back down. You stopped him. That's when he looked at you.
Leo's eyes hadn't changed a bit. You realized that they looked even more gorgeous like this.
You're heart squeezed.
You'd been dying to tell him. Now more than ever.
"Hi." You whispered, smiling and petting his cheeks.
"C'mon," Leo winced. "It's not..."
"Tell me it at least feels better off..." the backs of your fingers pet down his cheeks before you pushed your nails along each side of his head. Across his temples and then along his scalp again. "It sure looks better off."
His eyes rolled closed. He pushed further into the contact, a pretty groan slipping out.
He stayed there. Leaned a little bit forward as he sat on the floor. His head being pet and scratched from where you sat in front of him on the couch. You pressed a few kisses across brow and nose when you felt his weight going lax once more.
Then holding his jaw, you pressed your lips firmly against his forehead.
Leo signed.
This was it. Time to tell him. You took a deep breath.
"I love you." Leo whispered.
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Could you maybe write a first kiss with bayverse raphael and his s/o like I feel like raph would get shy kinda? You know, like he really wants to, but he just keeps getting nervous and flustered.
Your work if amazing 👏 And I hope you are doing well btw👋 have a great day!!
Yes just yes
Bay!Raph x Gn!reader
Feels Like Forever
Warnings: aged up turtles, first kisses, insecurities, spelling mistakes, talking through your problems, yay a healthy relationship,
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Raph was many things.
Brave. Powerful. Strong. Stubborn. Kind. Considerate.
But shy was never a word you'd thought you'd say.
And yet it was the only one that best described him these last few weeks. More specifically when you two started dating, a few weeks ago.
Before you vocalized your affections to the big brute, it was constant and incessant, flirting and teasing between you two.
And then it suddenly stopped. What you couldn't figure out is why.
Why had he stopped flirting? He used to look you dead in the eyes, say the dirtiest pick-up line in history, and then wink. Now, he couldn't even glance your way when snuggled up on the couch.
You lost your cool a few days later during movie night at the lair. You sat at the end of the couch and he sat on your left side, thighs just grazing each other.
At first you figured he was a bit shy because his brothers were in the room, then he suddenly had a comically large bowl of popcorn in his lap.
Every time you looked at him, hoping to make a move, he was doing something that stopped you.
It was Raph's choice for the movie(s) and he chose the Lord of The Rings franchise, but given how late you all started, one by one his brothers called it a night and left for bed.
You, Raph, and Donnie were all the remained at 1 AM in the middle of the second movie. And your fuse had completely dissipated, you desperately wanted him to make a move, hell you were ready to pull him into your lap and call him baby girl.
Donnie shoveled a handful of popcorn into his mouth, laying down on the opposite couch, long legs extended out. Damn you, cock blocker.
Finally, Raph finished his bowl of food, leaned forward, putting it on the coffee table, then reclining back. His stupidly large bicep on the couch behind your shoulders.
Huffing to yourself, you rip your hand out from your blanket and put it on his thigh. His whole body went ridged, inhaling sharply. You saw him peer down at you, but you kept your eyes forward.
He was bound to figure out that you wanted someone to make a move.
"Oh geez," Donnie glanced at his watch, reaching above his glasses to rub the space between his eyes. "It's really getting late and Sensei wants me up early for extra training," Donnie pulled his blanket off, standing up and nodding to you both. "I'm heading to bed, night guys,"
"Night, Donnie," You smile, you know Donnie saw your hand on Raph's thigh. His eyes shifted from your legs to both of your faces, a small smirk creeping up before he left the room.
When you heard Donnie's bedroom door closed, your thumb scratched the inside of his thigh. Oh how wonderful it was that tonight he decoded to wear small shorts.
Raph leaned in, his voice very very quiet. "What're ya doing?" A few months ago had you done this, Raph's tone would have been playful and teasing, a promise of what would have come if you were his. But right now, it was....scared? No, Raph wasn't scared of you. Perhaps, embarrassed?
"Watching a movie with my boyfriend," You turn your head, looking up at him. "What're you doing?"
After an embarrassed chuckled, Raph rubbed the back of his neck, looking away.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" You whisper, the movies long forgotten, looking up into his large green eyes.
He swallowed thickly, meeting your eyes again. "No, it's not that,"
"Then what is it? You've....you've been acting a bit weird lately," Rubbing gentle circles on his thigh, you scoot back, turning to face him more.
"Ya know how...a few weeks ago you said I could be honest about anything?" His voice was still hushed, as if afraid someone else that wasn't you might hear.
You nod. "And I still mean it, you can tell me anything, baby, you don't have to be embarrassed."
"Well, I....I just," He sighed, looking down into your awaiting eyes, seeing nothing but admiration. He swallowed his pride and opened his mouth. "You're my first relationship and I....don't really know what I'm doing,"
You rest your head against his bicep, pulling your blanket over his lap as well. "You were a lot....flirtier? I don't know if that's a word, but you were more open about what you thought, what changed?"
"It was easy 'cause I was just acting, I didn't know you actually felt the same, it was just banter back then, but now if I say something I have to mean it, and I don't want to disappoint ya,"
"Oh, baby," You coo, taking your hand off his thigh and cupping his face.
"I just want whats best for ya," He mumbled, leaning into your palm, laying gentle kisses onto the skin.
"You are whats best for me," You smile up at him, sitting up and touching foreheads. "I just want you baby, and whatever you can give me,"
"Even....even if it's a clumsy first kiss?"
You smiled, fingers dancing along his jaw. "Those are my favorite," You leaned in, closing your eyes and pursing your lips. You let him take the leap, pressing his hesitant lips to yours.
You were immediately hooked, tasting the salt and caramel from the popcorn, the nervousness of his hand creeping up your leg, the way you felt the subtle shake it his broad shoulders.
You pulled away, face as red as his mask, you smiled kissing his chin and leaning back slightly.
He had a dreamy and far away look on his face.
"Everything you were hoping for?" You giggle.
"And more," He leaned in, kissing you softly as the movie became nothing more than white noise.
tags: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @sketch-and-write-lover @mysticboombox @leosgirl82 @strawberrycakeblog @dilucsflame33 @happymoonangel @tmnt-tychou @m1dnyt3-w0lf @sewerninno @eveandtheturtles
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
The slight confusion and humor on which versions of the turtles can actually fully retract into their shells.
Not very original I know, but it's just the disconnect between what realistically happens with the turtles, and how the official animators/artists behind the TMNT handles this idea.
We know that the 12, 14, and Rise can fully/mostly/partially retract into their shells, but the 87, 03, and tottmnt can't and I don't think it's brought up in the comics, maybe.
I haven't seen every version, like the 90s live action series/movies, but still.
The fact that it really does make much sense with Rise, given that Donnie and Raphs species don't have the right kind/size shell to retract into, yet they have sceens where they pop into their shells.
The Bayverse turtles can pop into their shells, even if it doesn't really look that great. Though the only one shown was Raph in the second movie as far as I remember, and it was only his arms and head.
Looking back the 12 turtles only worked because they claimed to possibly be Box Turtles, and the 3D animation.
The overall humor is just the idea of the versions who can't pull into their shells being confused by those who can, and how ridiculous it looks. Like one of them pulling a prank of setting off a blast of some sort and visibly leaving just their shell behind.
Any ideas, or things you want to add on are welcome. Because again I know this is a pretty common discussion with TMNT, but I still like hearing others ideas.
Opinions are Welcome and the Inspiration is Intended!
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lotus-duckies · 1 year
i think the key difference between leo and raph is that
leo has the vibes of an autistic who adheres a routine but like. forgets he's a person with needs and feelings
in the comics for example (issue #11) his day is depicted
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And this Seems like the normal day of someone who's very disciplined. He gets up early, he meditates, he trains, he fights and hangs out with his brothers. But!! He isn't shown eating, (important because his brothers are either shown to be eating or at least in the presence of a meal time), implying eating isn't considered to be part of leo's routine, and the last panel is likely there to imply he's going to sleep but he looks more like he's going to Wind Down and Meditate again.
and we all know they aren't exactly strict with their bed times see: every adventure where they're out all night
All of this and more give me the impression Leo is someone who forgets he has like. a mortal fleshy body that needs to do things like. eat? and. sleep? definitely someone who'd neglect going to the bathroom because sensei is giving them a lesson and he doesn't want to interrupt because that's Against The Rules TM
(don't get me started on that one clip from the second bayverse movie and the implications on Leo's opinions on emotions)
meanwhile raph has the vibes of an autistic who adheres to a routine to maintain his person. While his routine might not necessarily look like a good and healthy routine, or even gauge that it's all scheduled from the outside, it's what works for him and if he doesn't fulfill the routine, he just kind of explodes.
He needs to have breakfast at this time and train in this block of time and have his me-time at Roughly Around Here and go to sleep at this time or else he knows his body is going to argue with him and he'll blow up at his family and it's going to Suck So Much.
do you understand my Vision
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dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
What is your favorite and least favorite version of all the turtles?
I feel like it’s fairly obvious who I favour the most if you read my chat fic, Too Many Turtles (I have a lot of bias, oops) but I shall break it down.
Ok so favourites:
1987: Michelangelo (come on, he’s a surfer dude and actual angel)
90’s: Donnie (the snark he has with Casey makes my day, though Mikey is still second because he genuinely has the best relationship with Donnie I love watching those two interact)
2003: Mikey, duh. Just look at my blog and my fanfics. I love this chaotic gremlin.
2007: Mikey (again! Especially after hearing about the cancelled sequel of him joining the foot, his brothers demutating, etc. I will say I am looking forward to finally getting to the 2007 plot line in my chat fic, it’s gonna be great >:) )
2012: Raph (I haven’t watched much 2012 at all, I just can’t. I don’t know why people think it’s good in all honestly aside from a few episodes, but from what I’ve seen and mostly read about Raph gets way too much abuse dude, someone give this turtle a hug)
Bayverse: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (Idk why but the “younger sibling energy” they give these two is actually great. And Donnie’s little stims and the fact that he licks the icing off pop tarts and puts them back in the box just about pushes him above Mikey.)
2019: Mikey (again. Come on. Have you seen him in that movie?)
Rise: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (For me they are both pretty much even in different ways. I love Donnie’s chaotic neutral status and Mikey got boosted quite a bit after the movie, and the rage I feel whenever I hear about hall the episodes he was the star of but then they cancelled almost all of them.)
Mutant Mayhem: Mikey (Something about seeing him sadly look through a sewer grate at the humans with that music in the background made me want to protect him forever. Also I love his effort to try and be a comedian but his jokes are…um yeah. As a second I would actually say Leo - I know, strange for me - but idk, he’s just an anxious mess.)
And now least favourites, strap in boys:
1987: uuuh Leo I suppose. Kind of a fun sponge
90’s: again, Leo (though this doesn’t mean I dislike him; I really liked how happy he got when Raph woke up and the way he guarded him before then. He’s just the least favourite.)
2003: Leo (again, the same reasoning i iterated with 90’s. I really like this Leo but compared to the other brothers…he falls a little shorter.)
2007: Leo (Patronising Asshole)
2012: OK, this one is weird. I dislike Donnie the most by far only when he is simping for April. When they let him not have this as his only character trait he’s actually fun to watch but DEAR GOD I hate him when he kept being a creep to her.
Bayverse: Leo (He insulted Mikey, he must die /jk)
2019: Um I guess Raph? I like all of them pretty much equally, don’t really have a least favourite at all.
Rise: Leo (yeah I don’t like him. Don’t get why the fandom does. Still an ass)
Mutant Mayhem: Donnie (idk why, I like everyone else much more. Don’t get me wrong, I still like him though)
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A Memorable Kiss
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
Not your first kiss, but a kiss you or he often think about💙❤️💜🧡
Warnings: None other than kissing lol. and spelling
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Leo’s kisses was always filled with meaning, but one night, he took that to a whole new level. After a stealthy rooftop mission, Leo came to your apartment. He had had a long night filled with danger and hard decisions, and wished to spend a tranquil moment with you. He had poked his head in through your bedroom window, and asked if you wanted to spend some time with him on the roof. Of course you would. You loved spending time with your boyfriend on the roof. So you followed him up the fire escape to the roof. There Leo took your hand, led you to the edge. The city lights flickered on the street below as he turned to you, his blue eyes locked onto yours. Leonardo had many emotions in his eyes. He had seen a lot that night, and through it all, he just wished to come back to you. Like he had done so many times before, Leo leaned down and pressed his soft lips to yours. His kiss was a promise, a silent pledge of protection and passion. A promise that whenever he went out at night, he would always come back to you. You felt the weight of responsibility in the way he held you, and it's as if the city itself approves. No matter how dangerous life could be, Leo would always come back home to you.
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Raph's kisses were up on till that point a secret shared in the shadows. Late at night, when the city and his brothers were sleeping, he would steal you away to a hidden rooftop. There, surrounded by the distant sounds of the city, he would kiss you with an intensity that spoke of hidden vulnerabilities. But you would never forget the day he kissed you in front of his whole family. You were sure that his family already had caught on at that point and made their guess on your and Raphael’s relationship. You were sitting on the couch with his brothers, watching a movie that had been chosen a few days in advance. Raph had gone out to the kitchen to get a few more snacks, after Mikey had eaten the last. When he came back, he placed the snacks on the coffee table, before retaking his seat next to you. He wrapped his arm around you before he leaned down, giving you a peck on the lips, before sitting back turning his attention towards the television, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. You turned into a blushing mess while brothers stared in surprise. You would definitely never forget that kiss.
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Late nights in the lab with Don were surprisingly intimate. It was a place you often found yourself in. Either you were there to act as a playful distraction for your boyfriend, or you would be there to help with whatever project he was working on. Your fingers - being smaller than his - often proved useful in working with small computer parts. It wasn’t uncommon for Donnie to show affection for you during these times. A hug, a hand somewhere on your body, or a kiss. But one day was different from the others. Surrounded by gadgets and gizmos, Donnie looked at you like you were the most fascinating puzzle he had ever encountered. You were working on something he had asked you to help out with. It was a computer part, and you knew no more than that. But you sat there, concentrated, doing exactly as Donnie had told you to. He enjoyed watching you like this. It was there he once again realized the many sides and the depth to you. He then kissed you. His kiss was a gentle inquiry, an exploration of the unknown. You tasted the lingering flavor of curiosity and intellect, a concoction that left you craving more of his unique blend.
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Mikey's kisses were often like spontaneous bursts of sunshine. In the midst of training or a pizza-fueled game night, he would catch you off guard with a peck that was as carefree as he was. It was a reminder to live in the moment, to savor the simple joys of life. The taste of his laughter lingers, and you would often find yourself falling for the infectious happiness that is Michelangelo. But one day was different from the others. It was fairly early on in your relationship. You and Mikey were laying in his bed, tired from a long day of jokes and laughter, lazy draped in each other’s arms. You were talking. Just talking. Smiling, chuckling, but differently. It wasn’t as carefree as it usually was, but it felt as if there was something emotionally deeper to it. Emotionally vulnerable even. You were talking about something - you don’t even remember what - with a hushed voice and a small smile. Mikey looking at you, listening as you were talking. He looked tired yet tranquil. He enjoyed listening to you, because he loved your voice and the way your mouth moved when it spoke. Then he asked if he could kiss you. That took you a little off guard, as Mikey usually wouldn’t ask. You told him yes, and was greeted with a deep passionate kiss, that showed you a new depth to your new boyfriend.
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Can you write a first kiss with bayverse raph and his s/o (she/her) it's been running in my mind that raph would be kinda shy? You know like he really wants to but is so nervous and flustered about it.
Nonny, I am so sorry this took so long. Hope you find it LMAO.
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Bayverse Raphael x Reader imagine
Info + Warnings: No gendered language, pronouns, or Y.N used for Reader. Set post movies.
Commentary: Nervous Raphael owns my ass. I hope I did him justice.
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"Woah, Red," You said as he abruptly pulled back from your space, crossing his forearms one in front of the other. Your hand found his one closest to you, where it rested on your table, and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You OK?"
"Yeah. Yeah, o'course," He muttered, voice low and gravelly and doing nothing to disguise his nerves. His eyes- bright, stunning, dangerous green- were wide and shadowed by a knit brow as he quickly wet his lips with his tongue. "Just- are you- you're sure about this?"
You fought to keep the smile off your face, not wanting him to think you were laughing at him. "I'm very sure," You said warmly, squeezing his arm again and dragging your hand back to find his and play with his fingers like you always did. "But we can stop-"
"No," Raph said quickly, turning his hand over and looping his fingers through yours with his signature little shake of your joined hands. "Just... c'mere."
You obliged happily, pushing yourself up out of your seat and leaning over the corner of the table, leaning on your forearms to look him in the eyes. "Hey, handsome."
"Hey yourself," He muttered lowly. His free hand came up to brush knuckles against your cheek, slowly, lightly tracing back towards your ear before unfurling and cupping your jaw, his eyes trailing the motion.
Then, Raphael pulled you forwards.
Really, it wasn't a pull. He was as gentle as he ever was with you, meaning he was barely even suggesting you lean forwards.
Luckily, you were well practiced in reading his small suggestions.
You were fully smiling when the suggestion stopped just shy of his face. Less than an inch separated the two of you, and you allowed yourself a moment to study those gorgeous half-lidded eyes of his as he watched you, silent and waiting.
Then, you closed the gap, and your lips met his.
Somehow, the coolness of his lips surprised you, despite his hands being the same temperature. Just a few degrees below your own body temperature- a feature of his turtle roots, one Donatello had explained to you months ago, back when you helped him winter-prep the lair- but enough to be a pleasant chill against your burning skin.
They were rough, too, but that wasn't a surprise. Neither was the gentle way they pressed to yours. Raph's kiss was hesitant and stilted, and his hands were ever so slowly relaxing against your skin, and you were somehow falling even more for the red-clad hero.
This side of him- soft, pliant, gentle- made fondness explode in your chest, and you squeezed his fingers as you kissed him.
He pulled back after a few seconds- too soon, in your opinion, but the way he squeezed your fingers back made it worth it- and you slowly opened your eyes to meet his.
"Hey, handsome," You repeated softly, making him chuckle.
"Hey, yourself." Raphael gave you a half-smile, searching your face. "You, uh... that okay?
You let a small laugh escape you this time, warmth and love bubbling out of you. He tensed, and you hurried to reassure him. "It was more than okay."
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tmnt-tychou · 2 months
Yeaaaaah! Here we go now with some turtles! Because there are so many, I think I may tier them instead of ranking them. There are so many good Raphs out there, it's impossible to pick a favorite A Tier: Bayverse Raph: Big dick energy, but really just a soft boi. Protects his brothers, tries to do what's right. Loves New York. A very Raphy Raph. 2007: Great Raph. Love this voice actor. Would have him back again. Satisfying character arc. 10/10
90's movie Raph: Paved the way as a model for the red-clad hotheads that came after. He's perf. B Tier: 2003: Love this Raph even though he sounds like a 50 year old smoker. Though I it does get a bit annoying when he's forced as the butt of jokes for laughs. MMPW Crossover Raph: Love his relationship with Casey.
2012 Raph: Raph just being Raph.
Rise Raph: Look, he's a cute patoot and I love him. But also making him team mom was a choice. If I were developing Rise, I would have made a few different decisions with this character, but all in all, I still like him. Mutant Mayhem Raph: Also a very Raphy Raph just at the beginning of his hothead career.
IDW Raph: I've only read a bunch of the beginning and then most of the Reborn series. He's Raph, but blandly so. Nothing about him that really stood out other than he 'grew up' away from his brothers but it wasn't something that ever affected the story. He's fine. He's just Raph. C Tier:
80's Cartoon Raph: Before he was the team hothead, he was mouthy and sarcastic. Sometimes this worked, but I specifically remember watching the Red Sky seasons where he was no longer sarcastic and just bitched the whole time. So it depends on when you get him and how much of him you can stand.
D Tier: Next Mutation Raph: God, he's such a little bitch. Sir, get your shit together. You're legally an adult.
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yorshie · 2 years
Pick Up The Phone
Bayverse x FemReader PART TWO
tags/summary: violence, torture, cussing, hurt reader, angst, uhhhhh symptoms of shock? (I'm not to the point where I am writing an outright relationship but the undertones are there)
Reader has a date go sideways and the turtles come to the rescue, but there's a difference between seeing violence on tv and seeing someone you care for commit it.
Set in 2023 (Turtles aged up)
Leo would have called this an 'I told you so moment’. 
You wished he was here, would have listened to his lecture on being more careful and not letting your guard down, if only for the fact that suffering through a powerpoint on ‘fifty ways today could go wrong’ would be happening on the way to the med bay, where hopefully Donnie would inform you that your arm was, in fact, not broken, and you were just being a little bit dramatic.
You deserved a few moments of dramatics at this point.
Your phone buzzed again, loud and angry in your hand, but you ignored it, knowing it wasn’t the number you wanted, needed. The screen was cracked, half the touchpad dead, and you weren’t even going to try to answer unless it was one of your friends. 
Your face felt hot, sticky, but it was your arm that gave you worry. It had settled into a prickly pain that felt like a coiled snake, skin feverish and swelling quickly to the point your long-sleeved shirt felt constricting. Thank god it was dark outside, not many people around, easier to hide the side of your body that felt like it had shattered when you went down the stairs.
You paused under a street lamp, looked left and right, behind. The coast was clear, you felt far enough away. Your right hand pressed, shaky, on the screen, and you cursed, your fingers catching on the cracks as you fought with the half dead technology to hit a number, any number, on your short list.
Finally, failing, letting out a rough hiss, you jammed the phone on its side against your chest and held the button for assist.
It dinged, and you tucked your chin, whispering, “Siri, call Leo.”
“Sorry. Did you say ‘Call Leo’?” The answer, loud, carrying, had a shiver break across your shoulders, a cramp starting in your neck as your body tried to compensate the weight of keeping one side stationary.
“Yes.” It came out angry, even quieter, but the phone heard, and you watched as the screen changed, for once not trying to hit the speaker button.
The damaged screen was hot against your face, and you cradled it against the right side, unconsciously moving away from the light as you caught the distant shadow of a figure moving towards you.
The voicemail beeped, and you felt your face fall, not bothering to listen to the whole automated message. You set the phone back on your chest, pressed firm on the half lit ‘hang up’ button, fought a sniffle as it didn’t work. 
You hissed out a breath again, pressed your forehead against the screen, and gritted out, “c'mon Leo, please- please, get your phone, please.”
“Hey, we on for movie night tonight?” Raph’s voice echoed throughout the lair as he hopped the turnstiles into the main room, depositing a pack of soda onto the common area table as he went.
“Don’t know,” Mikey’s voice floated from far above, and Raph ducked as his brother swooped down, the propulsion on his skateboard whining as he banked hard and jumped over a pipe. “Babycakes said something about having plans, told me and Donnie to not wait up.”
“Plans?” Raph frowned, cast his brother a look over his shoulder as he paused.
“Yea, Dee thinks it’s that guy we’re suppose to pretend to not know about.”
“Well, you’re doing an excellent job of that,” Raph sassed, already moving, knowing a lost cause when he saw one. He stuck his head into the lab, careful not to move past the neon tape marking the entrance. “Hey, Don? You hear from girlie tonight?”
“No, not recently, but that’s not surprising.” Done answered, popping up from a workbench and moving towards his brother. “I sent a couple messages to her earlier, but I think she muted her phone, hasn’t answered.”
Before Raph could comment, he heard Mikey’s voice again. “Yea, she hasn’t even responded to the epic battle of cat gifs today, and we’ve had that thing rollin’ since Tuesday.” 
Raph snorted, loudly, just to let Mikey know he was ridiculous, but Donnie hummed, brows shifting in confusion. “Hm, well… maybe Leo knows something.”
“Knows something about what?” Came the reply, the eldest stepping out from the dojo, swords clasped in his hand instead of strapped across his shell. 
Raph jerked his chin towards him, “You talk to princess today?”
Leo paused, looked from Raph to Donnie. “No, but my phone’s been up in my room. Usually if she wants to talk, she does it in person.” 
“Just go check your phone, numskull.” Raph gestured, and Leo scoffed, walking up the ramp to his room. 
Donnie was already returning to the lab, grabbing his phone where it sat on the main desk. He frowned at the screen, calling back over his shoulder to Raph. “Got a missed call from her, just now.” The phone buzzed again, lighting up slightly brighter in his face. “Aaand now a voicemail.”
Raph moved to Donnie’s shoulder, crowding up into his space, as Donnie flicked the device open and navigated to the phone app.
They both froze, twin shivers working across their shells and down their legs like ice water at the hissed voice.
“Donnie, please, please- I need help-.” 
It sounded like - like crying. 
Raph was suddenly alone, a Donnie shaped hole next to him, as the taller brother all but teleported to his main station and started typing furiously on one keyboard. 
Muffled, a harsher voice in the distance, and then your breath heaved out across the speaker, loud and uneven, the slap of footsteps echoing in the background. Raph could hear the next words from clear across the room. 
“I’m not going back with you, leave me alone!”
“Donnie! We got a problem!” Leo was back. Raph spared him a glance, feet cemented to the floor, and saw the flash of an Otterbox in his hand.
“She called you, too?” 
He saw Leo mouth the word too, before Donnie’s voicemail started up again, and he went silent, still.
It was that harsher voice again, this time clearer, closer. “Hey, c’mon, at least let me take you to the hospital-”
Raph felt something knock into him, saw Mikey shrug his shoulder out of the way, uncharacteristically solemn as he asked: “Donnie, where we goin, bro?”
A loud ringtone blared throughout the lab before Donnie could answer, and Raph all but ripped the seams on his pocket trying to get his phone out. He cut off the cheery jingle about sunshine, Donnie’s hissed “speaker, speaker” reminding him to hit the extra button instead of just screaming into the receiver:
“Raph?” And oh, the pain in his chest at that one word.
“Where are you, talk to me.” He felt crowded, Mikey against one shoulder, Leo at his back, but he fought the urge to shake them off.
“Who the fuck is Ra-”
“Your worst goddamn nightmare, if you don’t quit following me, asshat!” He could have kissed you for that, but that ball of ice in his gut solidified at the angry answer fired back:
Oh, so this is why you were guarding your pho-” The voice cut off, and they all heard the painful gasp that followed, your hiss audible.
“Donnie, work faster!” Leo all but shouted, but Donnie was already flying, grabbing gear as fast as he could. They scrambled out of the lab, Raph and Mikey racing for the dojo, hot on the others’ heels as they leaped the turnstiles and raced to see who would get out to the tunnels first.
Your call with Raph got disconnected in the struggle, but at that point all the despair, all the pain, got balled up in the center of your chest and turned into rage. You had minutes, maybe fifteen at the most, before the calvary arrived, and the idiot currently trying to haul you back to the street by your good shoulder would be in for a world of hurt.
“Stop! I don’t want to go anywhere with you!”
He ignored you, still pulling you away from the alley, from the manhole cover you’d been trying to pry open.
“You aren’t thinking clearly, why the fuck are you trying to go down into the sewer?” 
“Let. Me. Go.” You stepped forward quickly, stomped his foot, jerked back just as fast. 
“Fuck, you little bitch-”
The manhole cover behind you rocketed off the ground, disappearing into the dark with a loud crash and you felt like laughing at the sheer relief, your arm suddenly free as the man grabbing you was unceremoniously jerked away.
He was emitting a high pitched whine, the sound disappearing the harder Raph squeezed.
That relief bubbled away at the sight of violence, big hands slowly squeezing. You looked up at his face, expecting murder, bracing for it.
Devastated by the look of hatred in its stead.
Someone's arms wrapped around you, Mikey, you distantly thought, but you pulled against the warm push of muscle. “Stop- stop him-”
“Back off, Raph,” Leo barked, and you shivered as Raph dropped the man with a thud.
A quick glance around made you realize that, while relief had been your first emotion, something much darker had a hold of the turtles.
Donnie took up your vision as Leo moved past, large hands cool as he took your face between them and together with Mikey tried to turn you away.
Craning your neck, you could just make out the hiss of steel being drawn as Leo stopped over the crumpled figure on the ground.
A fear wormed its way into your heart, beating louder and louder. “Wait, wait- stop. Leo! Stop!”
He pulled up short like a puppet on strings, and you curled your good arm across Mikey’s bicep, trying for just a little wiggle room. Donnie’s thumbs still tracking across the bad side of your face as you fought to keep your eyes open.
“I need-I need you guys to take me to the lair.” The words left in a rush, your tone almost panicked, desperate that they take the bait. “Please, Raph. Leo. Please, I need you all to take me to the lair.”
“She’s got a broken arm,” Donnie called, as if you hadn’t spoken. “The head wound seems superficial, but it’s a lot of blood.”
You swatted away his hands, kept your eyes over his shoulder, tip toeing, pulling against Mikey. “Leave him, its not worth -”
Wrong thing to say. Raph moved faster than you could think. The crunch of bone against pavement the only warning before a high pitch scream left the man still on the ground. 
The near growled whoops was darker than you had heard his voice before, but Leo only huffed a low chuckle that did nothing to ease your fears.
“Don, She’s nicked here,” Mikey’s murmur jerked you back, made you realize the calloused hands on you had moved. His grip had shifted, one arm across your chest, the other pulling at the hem of your shirt, thumb tucked into the crease of your hip.
Donnie’s finger moved to cover the broken skin, and you hissed, breath broken, babbling: “Stairs. Stairs- I fell down the stairs leaving-”
“Oh?” Leo’s voice reached you, and you cut yourself off, jaw snapping shut despite the fact that the tone wasn’t aimed at you. “I didn’t know you were called ‘stairs’. Nice to meet you.”
You couldn’t see what he did, but whatever it was pulled out a gargled whine. 
Your hand finally unlatched from Mikey’s wrist, grabbed a hold of Donnie’s arm, tightened until you knew your nails were digging in. “Donnie- Donatello! Listen!”
Hazel eyes snapped to your face, and you continued, desperate to establish contact. “You are better than this, you all are better than this. Call it, Dee. Get me to the Lair."
His eyes flickered, you felt hope. “I’m really tired, Dee. My arm hurts so bad, please.”
His mouth pulled up at one corner, as if he knew what you were doing, saw straight through to the panic. He straightened to his full height, and you let that relief blossom, felt the pain in your arm again as he turned.
He whispered something, low, to Leo, and you watched, helpless in Mikey’s grip, as they turned in unison to your failed date.
“If.” Leo lowered himself, and you saw the sway of the blade in his hand, saw the way the man seemed hypnotized by the threat. “You. Ever. So much as think ill of her, we will know. And we will find you.”
Mikey’s chest vibrated under you back as he chuckled, his lyrical tone causing you to shiver. “Look at the big man quiver. Fucked up the wrong tree, bro.”
You bit your tongue, hard, fighting the urge to try and hurry them, goad them into leaving faster, knowing it might snap whatever hold you had and they’d go back into torment mode.
You didn’t release your breath until you all were in the tunnel below, good arm coming up to wrap around Mikey’s neck as he shifted you, careful of your bad side, gait long and even as they ate up miles.
Finally, a good ten minutes in, and you finally raised your head from his neck to ask, “Is my arm really broken?”
Heard Donnie hum an affirmative, and lowered your nose back to tuck against the juncture of Mikey’s neck. “Just one break, in your forearm. I’m hypothesizing you stuck it out to break a fall?”
“I really did take a trip down the stairs,” it felt wrong to try to inject humor, but they were so silent except for the sound of their feet on the cement. You tried to fill the silence again. “He only pushed me against the wall, only tried to get my phone. If I’d been smarter-”
A heavy hand, finger curling under your chin, and you let him, met Raph’s gaze, “If you say ‘only’ one more time, I’m turnin’ round.”
You made a strangled nose, disappeared back into the safety of Mikey’s hold, felt his hand soothe the shiver that had started in your shoulders, down your spine.
Donnie kept the med bay sterile, bleach clean. The white tiled walls boxed you in as Mikey set you on the patient bed, gently removing the grip you had on his wrist so Donnie could take his place.
They filled the room til the space was fit to burst, and you felt the tension, drowned in it with every pass of the soft cloth Donnie rubbed across your face, every brush of your knee against his leg. You had no idea who was wound tighter, you or them.
Finally, when Donnie moved back and you blinked at the harsh light after minutes of keeping your eyes clenched tight, Leo sighed. A deep, chest rattling exhale of breath, and it was like those imaginary puppet strings were finally cut, and you slumped your good shoulder against the wall behind you.
You could almost see him open his mouth even though you were faced the opposite way, and belatedly remembered how you had looked forward to his powerpoint presentation earlier. A smile worked its way onto your face, a twisted thing, gone as soon as you felt the atmosphere shift again.
“The fuck you smilin’ about?” Raph. And you swallowed heavily, mind flickering back to big hands squeezing.
“Raph.” Leo’s reprimand was soft, different from the bark earlier. You suddenly wanted him to snap, wanted the anger. Wanted them to at least stay on one page so you had a hope of processing it.
You felt tears, now of all times, escape their ledge, start tracking down your face as Donnie moved to your arm. You stared at a point over his shell, where the wall met the ceiling, and held it.
“Ah, shit, princess. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” That big hand again, cupping your cheek, and without thinking you curled your face away, heartbeat painful, imagining the strain to squeeze the life out of a man with one grip.
His hand hung in the air, suspended, then dropped, and you tracked it all in slow motion. 
Donnie interrupted, “I’m gonna look at your ribs now, kay?”
You nodded woodenly, sucked in a breath at how cold his hands felt against broken skin.
“You’re gonna feel a little out of sorts for a bit,” he continued, and blessedly Raph moved away. For a heart stopping moment you thought he was leaving, but he only leaned back against the closed door. You tracked over him, then around the room, realized he had gone to the wall furthest from Leo.
Donnie pulled your attention again, “you’re likely already experiencing some shock symptoms-”
Donnie was almost always right, you realized, because at that moment you blurted out: “Thank you, for- coming to-” The words stuck, and the tears wouldn’t stop, and you could still see Raph’s hand hanging in the space next to you. Your arm burned, your ribs ached, but you needed to say it, needed them to know that-
“Hey, babycakes, it’s ok. It’s ok.” Mikey was on the bed behind you, legs sliding on either side of yours, holding you steady with a warm hand on your good hip, and you breathed in sharp, your shiver turning into full body quakes.
Donnie kept a hold of your bad arm, held it out, kept it steady as he continued to work on it, probing the break carefully.
Leo moved, silent, in between a long blink, grip on your calves soft as he dropped to his knees, caged you in between Mikey’s thighs and his plastron.
Raph sighed from where he stood, and you heard more than saw him push off the door, steps loud as he moved to your free side and once again raised his hands.
They curled along your jaw, too big, too strong. Grip careful as he wiped away the tears, cradled your head to keep your chattering teeth still. 
An echo of the earlier violence, but at this point you didn’t care.
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