#then again i am an ao3 slut. but still. still
Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 2
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Part 1: Linked Here!
AO3: Linked Here :)
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Shoto Todoroki x Fem Reader! 💋
Genre: Fluff, Romance, S*xual Tension, Making Out
CW: MDNI!, A18+, kissing, romance, sexual tension, semi-spicy scenes, lemon
Link to My Master List
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Scenes from the afternoon hookup replay in your mind over and over as you sit in the library at a battered old desk in the history section. All you can think about is Shoto’s mouth. And his hands. And his abs!! And his sweet face.
You twiddle your pen in your hand as you try to draft out an essay for class. Unfortunately, every time you try to jot down a few thoughts your mind goes blissfully blank and you remember the tender way he spoke to you.
"How am I going to get anything done now, knowing that you can kiss like this?"
“You’re so beautiful. Your skin is so soft…I never realized how great it would be to touch you.”
“Find me later so we can discuss this.”
You look down at your watch excitedly – 7:55 PM. You eagerly wait for Shoto to appear so the two of you can talk and – with any luck – canoodle amongst the history textbooks. You sit patiently as the time ticks by.
Soon it’s 8:30 PM. You’re not worried, though. Shoto probably assumed you’d want to get some work done first.
9:15 PM rolls around and you start to get worried. You try to distract yourself with school work as doubt creeps into your mind.
10 PM – Shoto still hasn’t showed.
“Shit shit shit.” You check your phone again and again as you wade through the endless wave of homework your teachers have assigned. You keep losing yourself in a math problem or in a passage of your History textbook, only to remember with a jolt that you were expecting to see Shoto and the bastard hasn’t showed.
At 10:30 PM you realize with a sinking feeling that it’s almost past curfew. You pack up your things and prepare to head back to the dorms. There’s a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach that you can’t shake.
You slide your books into your bag as a anxious thoughts dance through your mind like annoying fruit flies: Does Shoto regret your mid-afternoon hookup? Is he going to pretend it never happened? Did you push him too far? Does he think you’re a slut for stripping off your shirt and basically pressing his face into your naked breasts!? The synapses of your brain jump through dozens of equally horrid and embarrassing scenarios as you march back to your dorm room, blushing furiously with humiliation.
You run through the afternoon’s events in your head for what feels like the hundredth time, trying to find a clue as to why Shoto would have left you waiting alone in the library. Your cheeks burn hotter as you recall the gentle way Shoto had kissed your neck before leaning in to capture your lips in one of his first kisses. "How am I going to get anything done now, knowing that you can kiss like this?" You shiver as you think back to how gentle he was, how each caress felt so loving and intimate.
You shake your head to clear it. Shoto must have a valid excuse for not meeting you in the library as he had promised – no boy could kiss someone that intimately and then instantly cast her aside, right?
Before long, you’re walking through the doors of Class 1A’s dorm building. You shiver with discomfort as you recall how earlier that day you essentially scaled the side of a building for a boy. Does Shoto think you’re an absolute fool with the extremes you went to for a quick make out session? You hope not.
You walk up the stairs and past the common area. You see most of Class 1A studying quietly. Sero, Izuku, Kirishima and Ida sit around one of the kitchen tables reviewing their math homework while some of the girls compare English notes on the couch. To your relief, Shoto isn’t there. Mina waves to you enthusiastically, beckoning you to join her and YaMomo as they review the finer points of Hamlet. You politely decline and make a beeline for your room. You turn the key in the lock and it clicks – within moments, you are blessedly alone.
You toss your heavy book bag to the ground and prepare to wallow in self-pity. It’s 10:56pm and Shoto still hasn’t reached out to you. Your phone is vacant of text messages and your brain is absolutely fried from schoolwork.
You dim your room lights and switch on the favorite fairy lights for some peaceful ambiance. Time for some self-care, bitch! You think resolutely as you swap your uniform for your favorite pair of pajamas. You toss your phone to the floor with abandon and climb into your comfy bed. You breathe in deeply, allowing yourself to revel in the coziness of the dorm room.
You take out your five-minute bullet journal and write a quick list of things you're grateful for: 1. The opportunity to study at UA 2. Your lovely and encouraging friends and classmates 3. Your cozy room and the roof over your head 4. Shoto’s mouth 5. Shoto’s abs 6. Shoto’s goddamn hard AF dick
Um. No.
You snap the journal shut before you get too derailed.
You pull your comforter over your head and sit in silence for a moment. You’ve never been the kind of person to go completely boy-crazy. You always used to make fun of those girls who would go gaga over pretty boys and their texts and their kisses. But as you recall the searing way that Shoto kissed your lips earlier that day, you suddenly understand what all the boy-crazed girly hype was all about. Oh my god. You have a crush. A big sloppy embarrassing crush.
In the silence of your room, you suddenly here a buzzing noise coming from the general direction of your book bag. You struggle to disentangle yourself from your sheets and your journal goes flying. You ignore its crash landing as you slip from your bed and collect your phone from where it lays abandoned on the carpeted floor.
It’s Shoto.
Your heart skips.
Todoroki: Y/N. Are you awake?
You bite your lip, unsure how to respond. Did Shoto just send you his version of “U up?”
Y/N: Yes, I’m still up.
Todoroki: I know it’s late, but can I stop by?
You tense. Oh God – he’s going to come by to tell you that he’s not interested. He’s going to thank you for your time making out and say that you probably should avoid hooking up in the future because it’s a huge distraction. You’re sure that whatever he has to say is going to be negative and leave you feeling embarrassed. Why else would he have skipped out on your rendezvous in the library?
You take a deep breath. You have always been fairly practical with a mind for strategy, two qualities that had really set you apart when you had taken the UA entrance exams. You know that the best course of action here is to rip off the Band-Aid sooner rather than later. Better to know how he feels about your hookup now
Your heart sinks as you type out:
Y/N: Sure, I’ll leave the door unlocked for you. Just come in. Try not to be seen by anyone.
Todoroki: Of course. See you shortly.
Your heart beats double time as you look down at yourself. Your pajama set consists of a silky blue top with matching shorts that don’t leave much to the imagination. You chew on your thumb nervously – should you change into something more appropriate? No – Shoto has seen your boobs. A little bit of leg is not going to kill the half hot half cold hero in training.
You quickly remake your bed and kick your book bag beneath your desk so that the floor is clear. You plop down on your smooth comforter and wait, knotting your hands together as you anticipate Shoto’s arrival.
A few anxious minutes pass, and then you hear gentle footsteps pad down the hallway outside your door. The knob turns quietly, and in a moment Shoto Todoroki steps across your threshold, quietly closing the door behind him. He reaches down to turn the lock with a gentle snap of his wrist.
You take him in – he’s wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a soft white t-shirt. You’ve never seen him dressed so casually before and you assume that these are what he wears as pajamas in the privacy of his own dorm room. His hair is tousled and damp from a recent shower, and the burned side of his face shines where he’s clearly applied some kind of scar cream or moisturizer. His outfit projects a comfy air, but his expression is dark and stormy. Your heartbeat quickens in fear – what could possibly have caused him to be in such a tempestuous mood? Was this about your kissing?
You bite at your lip with worry. But when your eyes lock, his expression softens. In two quick strides, he’s at the bed. He leans in close so that your noses almost touch.
“Hi.” He says softly, before dipping his mouth to meet yours. You blink in surprise as your mouths melt together. His eyes flutter shut as he sinks into the kiss. Pleasure radiates up and down your spine as you kiss him back. He places both his palms on your hips and pulls you closer, letting out a small moan of satisfaction as he slides his tongue into your mouth. How silly you feel for thinking he didn’t want you like this!
After a few moments, you break apart.
“Hey there.” You whisper, bringing your hands up to cup his beautiful jaw. He leans in to kiss you again and you hold him in place. He stops and looks down at you inquisitively.
“I waited for you in the library, you didn’t show.” You say slowly, softly.
“My father decided to take me through some drills in one of the school’s gyms. I only finished a half hour ago.” His expression becomes dull as he speaks. “I’m sorry to leave you waiting. I wanted to see you - but I’m not allowed on my phone during training.”
Relief must have flooded your features, because he tilts his head to the side questioningly. You hold back a giggle – the way his head is tilted makes him look like a sweet dog asking its owner for a treat.
“What’s wrong?”
You sigh and pull yourself further onto the bed, patting the spot next to you as an invitation. Shoto climbs up next to you, sinking into the deliciously soft fabric. His eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“This is so comfortable.” He says, pressing his palm into the plush fabric beneath him. You recall his sparse traditional bedroom and realize that he’s never laid on a proper puffy mattress before.
“Hold on – it gets better.” You say pushing him off the bed so you can pull down the covers. You slip beneath the comforter and gesture for him to rejoin you. He climbs in clumsily, unsure how to position himself within the sheets. You prop a pillow beneath his shoulders as he lays down on his side. You toss the comforter over the two of you and lay across from him, feet almost touching beneath the warm layers of bedding.
“Cozy?” You ask as Shoto settles into the bed.
“Yeah.” He says in quiet voice, propping himself up on an elbow. “I always thought beds like this were excessive but…maybe there’s some merit to this.” He eyes a blue Squirtle plush that sits next to you in the bed. “Can I…hold that?”
You grin, biting back a laugh as you reach over to grab the Pokémon plush. “This is Squirtle – he’s one of my favorite plushies.” You hold up the stuffed animal and wiggle it in front of Shoto’s eyes as if it’s dancing. “Squirtle, Squirtle” you say in a low tone, trying to emulate the television character’s voice the best you can.
Shoto gives you a weird look. “I don’t get it. Why are you just repeating its name in a strange voice?”
“Shoto…have you…have never seen Pokémon!?” You almost screech in disbelief, before throwing a hand over your mouth to quiet yourself. You quickly remember that you are in the dorms and the walls aren’t super thick.
“No, I wasn’t allowed to watch television unless it was about Pro hero work.” Shoto says, a tinge of sadness flowing along with his words. “But it looks cute and round and I really just want to hold it and squish it?”
“Yeah, that’s the general reaction to plushies. Dude, we need to get you that whale pillow you liked on Pinterest. You need more cuteness in your life.”
“Well I have you, don’t I?” Shoto smiles softly. “You bring more than enough cute into my life.” He reaches out and grabs the plush from your hands and squishes it a bit. “But this is pretty nice, too.”
Your face grows hot at the compliment. Shoto tucks the Squirtle under his arm and shifts around in the sheets until he finds a comfortable position. He looks adorable and soft as he cradles the bright plush in his strong, muscular hands.
When he finally settles in, he looks up at you enquiringly. “What’s wrong?” He repeats, looping you both back to the conversation form earlier.
“So…” You sigh with embarrassment. “When you didn’t show up and I didn’t hear from you…” You pause and Shoto gives Squirtle a squeeze. “I thought you didn’t want to see me again. Or at least that you didn’t want to make out with me again.”
“Oh.” Shoto wasn’t expecting this. “I thought I made it very clear how…enthusiastically…I enjoyed our time together this afternoon. I didn’t realize I had left any room for you to question my attraction to you.”
“That’s nice to hear…but when you didn’t show at the library or send a text, I assumed the worst. My mind kind of went into full-blown panic mode. I thought maybe once you had time to reflect on our hookup, that you realized you didn’t like it or that you didn’t really like me. To be perfectly honest, I’ve never felt that way before. Usually something like this wouldn’t bother me.” You take a deep, steadying breath. “But I think I really like you and want to be close to you, and the thought that you might not feel the same was tearing me apart for the last couple of hours.”
The words come tumbling from your mouth before you can stop and think them through. Why are you saying all of this!? Why does being around Shoto make you feel so comfortable and open to sharing? It’s so weird – and you’re absolutely sure he’s going to think you’re some kind of over sharing freak for telling him all of this.
Shoto looks at you thoughtfully for a long moment before speaking. “Something I have always admired about you is your ability to be straightforward about what you’re thinking and feeling. Most people aren’t like that, and I have a hard time navigating more subtle situations. Thank you for telling me exactly what you’re thinking – I value it so much.” He runs a hand through his slightly damp hair, moving the bangs out of his bright eyes.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I had abandoned you. I wanted to come to the library so badly. I want to kiss you so badly – it’s all I’ve been thinking about tonight.” His voice is so earnest that you believe him.
“Let me match your honesty with some of my own - my father is extremely strict. Ever since I was born, he’s pushed me to be better. To be stronger. He wants me to surpass him. He wants me to take All Might’s place as the number one hero.”
You gasp at this. Of course you knew that Todoroki was ambitious, but this…
“I don’t have any intentions of becoming harsh and cruel like my father. I’m not even sure if I want to go for the top spot on the hero charts.” He admits, almost bitterly. “That’s the path that my father has laid out for me. He’s obsessed with my training. With my ‘potential.’ But he doesn’t seem to give a fuck about how I feel. Excuse my language.” Shoto looks so sad, so despairing. He hugs the plush close, his chin tucked into his chest as he continues.
“I just want to help people and make them smile – just like All Might. But my old man just doesn’t seem to get that. Today, when he noticed how distracted I was… he didn’t ask if something was wrong. He just pushed me even harder.” Shoto avoids your gaze. “I think he purposefully pushed me to train into the night to keep me from meeting up with you. In his eyes…you’re a huge distraction for his prized creation.”
Suddenly you notice how exhausted Shoto looks – there are pale bags beneath his eyes. You scan his body and see light bruises beginning to form on the exposed skin of his arms. You wonder - just what kind of training has Endeavor been subjecting him to?
You had never guessed that behind Shoto’s calm and collected exterior, there is just a normal teenage boy trying desperately to please his father, while simultaneously trying to defy him. The whole relationship seems complicated and messy and you’re sure what Shoto is telling you is only the tip of a chaotic Todoroki family dynamic iceberg.
“Oh, Shoto.” You say softly. You scoot forward and wrap your arms around him. He freezes, unsure of what to do but nevertheless comforted by the sudden closeness. You reach behind him and card your fingers through his hair. You see goose bumps emerge across his skin, and realize that he likely hasn’t been touched this way before.
“Is it okay to touch you like this?” You whisper.
He breathes out a shaky “yes” as he moves to toss the Squirtle plush to the floor. Once his arms are free, he works to wrap them around you. He rests one strong hand on your back and slings the other around your delicate waist. He draws you close to him and holds you tightly as you continue to run your fingers softly through his two-toned hair.
He’s silent as he buries his head into your shoulder. There’s an emotion that’s radiating off of his body that you can’t quite place – sadness? Frustration? Maybe even relief? After a few moments of running your fingers through his hair and gently up and down his back, he finally starts to relax. The tense muscles in his shoulders loosen, and he seems to come back to himself.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He whispers, muffled as he turns his face into the crook of your neck. “I’m not great at expressing my emotions. I can try to put it into words…I’m feeling so weighed down right now.”
“Because of your father’s expectations?” You prompt, running a light fingertip down his spine. He shivers a bit in response, but not in an unpleasant way.
“Sometimes I wonder if he sees me as a real person, as a son. Or am I just his big project?” Shoto wonders aloud, his voice a bit strained. You feel his eyelashes flutter against the sensitive skin beneath your jawline.
“Shoto...that sounds like a lot to carry. You’re just a high school student – your father shouldn’t be putting that kind of pressure on you. It’s not normal.” You tuck a lock of red hair behind his porcelain ear. “This situation sounds so complicated. It’s no wonder you feel so conflicted. I’m here any time you need a friendly ear to listen as you work through it.” You continue to caress him softly over his clothes. He begins to lean into your touch hungrily. “But right now – at this moment – you’re safe. In this room, in my arms, you don’t need to hold other people’s expectations of you in your heart. When you’re with me, I want you to feel that you can just be Shoto.”
You still your fingers as you let your words sink in. Shoto is radiating a deep sort of sadness that you wish you could smooth away with your fingertips.
“Thank you.” He says, his voice breaking a tiny bit as he processes your words. After a few beats Shoto exhales deeply, his breath ruffles your hair. “I’m not used to talking about these things. Actually, I’m not really used to talking much at all. Or being touched.” You can feel the blush on his delicate cheeks warm the skin of your neck.
“I can tell.” You say before you can stop yourself. To your surprise, he chuckles.
“I don’t know why it’s so easy to do these things with you – talking, touching…kissing.” He lifts his head off of your shoulder to look you square in the face. “There’s something about you…”
Suddenly, the room feels as if it’s charged with Denki’s electrification quirk as his bright mismatched eyes meet your own.
“I think I’d like to continue exploring this with you.” He says matter-of-factly, moving his legs to intertwine with yours.
“W-what does that mean?” Your breath catches in your throat as he dips forward to kiss down your neck.
“It means…I want to keep doing this. Kissing. Talking. I suppose I want to keep getting to know you like this? Intimately.” He places a soft kiss in the hollow behind your earlobe. “Would you like that as well?”
“Yes.” You breathe, with zero hesitation. He smiles into your neck before running the edges of his teeth lightly across your smooth skin. You let out a soft moan in response.
“Good. Then we’ll figure this out together.” He moves to kiss your cheek soundly before releasing you from his embrace. “But right now it’s well past midnight, and we both need our sleep if we’re going to continue to be top of our class alongside YaMomo and Ida. If we both let our grades slip, it might tip people off.” He moves to get off the bed.
“Hey – wait!” You grab his arm and pull him back under the covers. “I have no problem with you staying here for the night.”
“But wouldn’t that be inappropriate?” Shoto’s face reddens, but he lets himself be drawn back into your gentle embrace.
“Would it be anymore inappropriate than you making out with my tits?” Shoto’s face burns an even brighter red at this question, but he also looks quite pleased with himself (you assume he’s recalling the way he kissed down your breasts earlier that day as he smirks). “Sharing a bed should be perfectly responsible as long as we keep all of our clothes on. You said you want to explore? Well get over here and let’s figure out if you make a good big spoon.”
This earns one of those rare full smiles from Shoto – he practically glows. “Alright.”
He pulls himself close to you. You reach above your head and switch off the string lights that wind their way around your room, and the tiny dorm fills with darkness.
You turn to face the wall and scoot your body back until you feel Shoto’s solid warmth. He reaches around to pull you close until bodies are touching, flush together. You tuck yourself into Shoto’s warm, muscular body and sigh with contentment.
“So do I make a good big spoon?” He questions, tentatively nuzzling his face into your hair and inhaling deeply. “Mmm, your hair smells like lavender.”
“We’ll need plenty of practice to truly ascertain the full range of your spooning abilities.” You say in a faux-academic voice, causing him to snort out a laugh. “But so far you’re doing great.”
You interlock your legs and pull his strong arms around you. You wiggle a bit as you try to find the comfiest spot in the mattress. You unintentionally grind a bit against Shoto and jolt when you feel something hard pressed against the curve of your ass.
“Sorry.” He mutters softly, embarrassed.
“Maybe I’ll take care of that for you tomorrow.” You yawn as you close your eyes and settle in for a good night’s rest. You grin into the darkness as you feel Shoto’s dick get even harder as he mulls over your response, wondering at what you could possibly mean by “take care of that.”
You didn’t realize you were so tired. You’re dimly aware of Shoto’s breathing growing slow as he drifts off into a comfortable sleep. You smile softly to yourself as you slide further into his embrace. This poor, touch-starved boy has been through so many terrible things and your heart aches for him.
Even in sleep he’s tense, his jawline stiff and his muscles almost locked around you. But he’s warm and soft and smells like jasmine and mint tea. You hope that for the next few hours you can provide him with a safe harbor to rest and escape his troubles. You let your eyes flutter close and breathe in deeply, dreaming of Shoto’s sweet face as you fall gently into sleep’s embrace.
Part 3
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roosterr · 11 months
Heyyy! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests rn.. BUT if you areee, can I just please get a john price with the prompt “why are you avoiding me?” (Bc I’m a slut for angst) with a large fry on the side? IF NOT I TOTALLY COOL
outside it starts to pour
note: two posts in one month? who am i? i hope this is angsty enough lol, i re-wrote it 3 times bc i wasnt happy with it, its a love hate relationship 🥲 but anyway pls enjoy anon!!!
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pairing: john price x gn!reader
wc: 1.5k
summary: in your dreams, you're more than just someone who warms john's bed
warnings: fwb, implied smut but no actual smut, angst, miscommunication (i cant help myself), hurt/no comfort, no happy ending
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"why're you avoidin' me?"
the question echoes in your ears, drowning out the war drum of your heartbeat despite the heavy silence that settles between you.
john has a hand around your arm, gentle and barely there but still anchoring you in place like a vice with just his light touch. the back of your mind screams for you to rip yourself free, get as far away from the familiar timbre of his voice and the near-stifling comfort of his smoky scent as you can before he can get you in his web again. but just like always, he's got you right where he wants you.
how many times have you been pulled behind the door he was halfway out of? and how many times have you been ushered back out again with your hair and heart a mess, just to pretend like nothing happened? always one foot in your little secret and one in his reputation, never fully with you; that's how the captain operated, and you feel like a fool for ever believing otherwise.
a squeeze to your arm brings you back to the present, suddenly all too aware of his fingers against your skin and his eyes boring into your own with an intensity that has your heart fluttering – against your mind's better judgement.
"i'm not." your response is a mutter, your gaze dropping from his to the hardwood ahead of you. it's unconvincing, even to you, but he had no right to question you like this.
"you are." he shoots back, gruffly and without a second of hesitation. from the corner of your vision you see his brow furrow, casting shadow over those eyes that always captivate you so mercilessly.
a sigh escapes his chest at your lack of response, his eyes darting from one end of the hallway to the other before giving your arm a miniscule tug, nodding his head back towards his office.
that's how it always starts. the thought makes your heart clenches painfully. "stop. i don't want to–"
"no." he interrupts firmly, with a shake of his head so resolute it almost has you believing that was never his intention to begin with. your eyes gravitate towards his again, and there's a spark of something, under the surface, when his thumb strokes your skin, dipping just below the hem of your sleeve. "talk to me, what's wrong?"
the urge to give in is tempting, to fall into his arms like you always do, just how he wants, how he expects you to. this time, however, you're determined to avoid his trap.
"it's nothing," you avert your gaze again, sighing in the same moment you take his wrist and slowly pull his touch from your arm, "just leave it."
john tuts. "it's not nothin', though, is it?" he asks, sidestepping into your line of sight again and ignoring the pointed look you give him. "talk to me."
if he cared for you the same way you do for him, his persistence would be endearing, but you know better. you're a good soldier who just so happens to be a good fuck too; that's all you are to him, and that's all you'll ever be.
"i told you. drop it." you shake your head, face creasing into a frown as you turn on your heel. if you have to endure any more of his deceiving sympathy, you know you'll only end up caving to his desires. you're not that strong, and that's why you need to keep as much distance as possible between you.
"you're somewhere else, lieutenant." he calls after you, stopping you in your tracks before you can get too far. you don't bother to turn around, but he continues anyway. "if you can't get your head back in the game, i can't risk havin' you out in the field."
your indignant laugh bounces off the walls.
"it's just that easy for you, isn't it?" there's a lump in your throat as you force the last two words over it, one you hope neither of you will acknowledge.
"and what's that supposed to mean?" he scoffs, the sound of his boots taking a few damning steps closer to where you stand, still with your back to him.
"i don't know why i'm offended, you always do this." you mutter, bringing your hand up to smooth over the crease of your brow, the tremble there barely noticeable but telling of your fragile state.
he doesn't respond this time, waiting for you to elaborate with what you're sure is a glare directed at the back of your head.
"you find something to take, and take, and take from," you spin around to face him again, which proves to be a mistake because the second you meet his concerned eyes, you can feel the sting of tears in your own. "and as soon as it's not useful to you anymore, you chuck it away like yesterday's leftovers."
the silence that follows your outburst is so tense it weighs you down. you can't will yourself to move, to tear your gaze away from him even when your vision blurs. it takes a moment for you to realise just how ragged your breathing has become, feeling the hard rise and fall of your chest over your racing heart as you come down from your anger.
"that… that's not what this is." john utters, his face morphing into something you coin as pity, and it makes your heart squeeze all over again.
"don't. i told you to fucking leave it…" your voice is weaker than before, and you curse yourself for showing this amount of weakness in front of him, because now you know he knows that it was never just sex to you. he never meant that little to you.
by some miracle you manage to blink away the tears before they can fall and embarrass you further. you wait for him to say something, in a painful sense of awkwardness that's never been there before, but all he does is stare at you.
"i can't do this anymore." you whisper, the words muffled through the blood rushing in your ears. you fix him with another scathing look before turning to leave for the second time tonight.
"wait." he calls your name as you walk away, quickly moving to catch up with you, but you have no desire to listen to him, not anymore. he gives you no time to react when he rushes to stand in your path, grasping both your shoulders to stop you when you try to sidestep him. "for fucks sake, just hold on."
there's a conflicted look in his gaze that seems to pull his expression down with it. if you had anything left to give you might've felt bad for being the cause, but it's been months of this game of cat and mouse, and you're drained.
"it was a mutual arrangement," he urges, his eyes search yours, something you can't discern muddying the deep blue as they dart across your face.
you give a watery scoff, rolling your eyes in an attempt to rid yourself of the ache his touch brings you. "there was no arrangement. you're not an idiot, john, you knew how i felt about you."
"what?" he has the audacity to sound confused, and you have to resist the urge to scoff again. "how you felt about me? what're you saying?"
"i think it's pretty obvious by now." you mutter, folding your arms over you chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. he hasn't taken his eyes off you once, your skin prickling under his intense stare. "i'm an idiot for thinking this would go any other way."
there's another heavy pause, john opens his mouth and closes it again like he was fighting with himself on what to say. the way your throat has constricted makes it hard to breath without sobbing, your breath coming out laboured and uneven.
"do you regret it?" he finally asks, his fingertips pressing into your flesh almost imperceptibly, leaving your skin tingling even though your shirt.
it was self-destruction, giving in to him every time even though it felt like a thorn in your heart. to allow yourself to live in the fantasy that he loved you while you were in his arms, just to have that warm feeling shattered when he told you to get dressed.
you regret falling for someone who would never love you back.
"it's over. let me go, captain." you whisper, a plea for him to release you from whatever spell he's got you under, even if you don't really mean it.
his hands drop from your shoulders, letting one curl into a fist at his side and bringing the other up to scratch his beard in an uncharacteristically nervous gesture. you know it's for the better, but the knowledge couldn't stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks. you brush past him, feeling his gaze burning into you as you lean away to avoid touching him.
he doesn't stop you when you walk away this time.
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sundrop-writes · 9 months
Missing You
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Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd
Gar misses his two best friends. When he calls the two of you, he certainly doesn’t expect to find you in such a… compromising situation.
Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd. Accidental Voyeurism. Smut. Canon Divergent AU of Season 2.
Word Count: 2,800
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: there is a lot of Gar/Jason (emotionally and sexually), dubious consent - Gar listens to the reader and Jason having sex without their consent (but they don’t mind when they do find out), invasion of privacy (but again, they don’t mind it), would this be considered eavesdropping?, accidental voyeurism (and then on purpose voyeurism), Gar masturbates while listening to Jason and the reader have sex over a FaceTime call but Jason and the reader don’t know Gar is listening, Gar feels slightly guilty about being horny in this situation, lots of dirty talk, Jason is more dominant, reader is definitely submissive, Gar is (slightly?) submissive (though he is not ‘involved’ for most of the sex act), the reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina (though she is not really the ‘center’ of this fic), Jason has a filthy mouth, p in v sex (between Jason and reader) - actually protected sex this time (which is a surprise for my fics) (it’s my headcanon that Jason is a big proponent for condoms/safe sex), degradation kink (towards the reader), terms used to describe the reader: slutty/slut, cocksleeve, hole, fucktoy/toy, cumdump, good girl; slightly possessive Jason (but it’s clear that he doesn’t mind sharing with Gar), spanking (very light, no severe pain kink) - mention of clit spanking, mention of orgasm restriction, mentions of sexting/sending nudes. I believe that’s everything.
A/N: This is a repost. Again, to complete my Titans Masterlist on this blog. I did some tweaking to it, but it is still mostly the same. So if you have read it before, I hope you enjoy it. And if it’s your first time reading it, I hope you like it again.
The concept of butt-dailing was something that still mystified Gar. 
He understood why it was a thing in the 2000s, sure. A time when people’s phones still had tactile buttons on them, when you could sit on your phone in your back pocket and start pressing things by accident. But these days? Why was the term even still used? 
How can you call someone by accident? How can you have an entire phone conversation with someone by mistake? 
On that day, it hadn’t been Jason that called him - no, Gar was the one calling Jason. 
Gar hated to admit it, but he was fucking lonely. He had a soft heart and if he went too long without talking to his friends, without hearing their laughter, then he wilted like an unwatered plant. It wasn’t something that he ever said aloud, but it was something that was very easy to tell for the people who were closest to him. 
So Jason had taken to calling him on a regular basis. And ironically, because of it, the two had actually grown a lot closer in the Robin’s absence. 
Their friendship bloomed because of the long, late-night phone calls where Jason’s tired voice mumbled things to Gar as he fell asleep, admitting things about his past and the pain he sometimes felt that he never would have told anyone else. And they often spent hours on Discord calls as they kicked ass together playing COD or some other stupid game like Mount Your Friends. Even though on that day the Tower was practically empty, Gar found himself missing Jason the most. 
Ever since you had gone to Gotham to visit Jason, Gar’s other closest friend abandoning him, Gar had practically gone mad with loneliness. Rachel was off on a ‘girls trip’ with Donna, Dawn, and Kory, and Dick was attending some kind of ‘League’ business. Hank was leading a ‘be a better you’ sobriety seminar in another city, and Gar still found himself feeling like an outsider when hanging out with Rose and Jericho. 
So where did that leave him? 
Alone in his room, sprawled out on his bed. 
He had thumbed over Jason’s contact in his phone several times before he actually decided to put in his earbuds and give the guy a call. Surely his best friend wouldn’t consider him needy after the three hour long timestamps on their other calls. If Jason was busy, Gar could simply find something else to entertain himself. He could probably best his Resident Evil speedruns. Again. 
But selfishly, he was hoping Jason would pick up and talk to him for a while. Maybe you would be lounging around with Jason and he would get to talk to the both of you. That would be really nice. 
When the FaceTime call was answered on the other end, the screen was dark. Gar thought for a moment that Jason was just busy - that he was pressing his phone to his chest until he could get into another room to take the call. But for a few moments, all he heard was deep breathing, some grunting. The sound of Jason training? 
He was definitely inside Jason’s pocket. 
See, Jason hadn’t even noticed the incoming call. He had his phone on silent, and he had answered it completely by mistake. Turns out, the rapid, rhythmic thrusting of his hips had somehow successfully pressed the ‘answer’ button, even with the phone shoved deep in his back pocket. 
And Jason wasn’t really in a position to have a friendly, ‘let’s chat about COD’ video chat with his best friend. 
He was balls-deep inside of you. With his thick, hard cock out through the zipper of his pants with his phone still inside of his back pocket. He was thrusting into you where you were face down on his bed, on your knees exactly how he wanted you. 
It was a huge part of the reason you had come to visit him. The two of you had been fooling around for as long as you had known each other, and you couldn’t seem to go for very long without fucking the other person. It brought you both relief from your stressful vigilante lifestyle, and it was the best sex either of you ever had. Not that any of your friends knew that you had a ‘thing’ going on, of course. 
Gar was about to hang up the call, believing that he had caught Jason at a bad time and realizing that the guy didn’t even know his phone was on. But he froze completely still when he heard it. 
“Fuck, babe, take my cock.” Jason groaned, his voice absolutely thick with sex. “Fucking take it.” 
It was something that instantly made Gar tremble, made blood rush to his cock as he heard his friend’s voice in a way that he never had before. The sound was rough in his headphones, distant and not nearly as pure as it would have been in person. But it made Gar’s blood run hot in seconds, made him so turned on so quickly that he became dizzy. 
Gar’s hand itched to reach down and grip his cock through his pants, but he knew that he shouldn’t. He knew it was wrong. He should just hang up the call and hope that Jason never saw it in his call history. The longer he stayed there and listened, the more suspicious the timestamp would look in the call history if Jason ever saw it. 
But Gar was frozen in his tracks when he heard something that absolutely made his head spin. 
“Yes!” It was your voice. “Fuck, I fucking love your cock. I’m just a slutty little cocksleeve for you, Jay!” 
High pitched and needy, moaning out - it was you. You, screaming those entirely pornographic words, followed by a deep grunt from Jason. 
Gar let out a sharp breath. It hadn’t occurred to him who Jason might be fucking. Or that he was fucking someone at all, and that he wasn’t just alone, fucking his own hand. 
Gar almost couldn’t believe that this was happening. The two people that he had been attracted to for so long now, playing out an epic sex fantasy for his own ears. He knew that it was so horribly wrong, but he probably wouldn’t have hung up the call if someone had pointed a gun to his head. 
“Yeah, you are.” Jason replied, his voice slightly obscured from the phone being in his pocket. “You’re my perfect slut. Such a good fucktoy, aren’t you, Y/N?” 
Jason saying your name with such a deep, possessive need, paired with the way he spoke so confidentially - it forced Gar to imagine how long the two of you had been in a relationship like this. How long the two of you had been playing around behind everyone’s backs to know each other’s kinks so well without crossing any boundaries. Even with his brain so lust-clouded, his thoughts flashed through all of the times you and Jason had snuck off together, or made lame excuses to go to bed early when Jason had still been living at the Tower. 
Gar was upset that he hadn’t found out about this sooner. His brain conjured up a fantasy of him sneaking into Jason’s room late at night, and seeing you on your knees for his best friend. He easily imagined Jason inviting him to stay, telling Gar what a slut you were, how much you would love to have two guys at once. Him and Jason passing you around, your wetness making both of their cocks shine. If you were the ‘fucktoy’ that he claimed you to be, it probably wouldn’t be that far from reality. 
There was a wet, slapping sound - Jason fucking into you harder as you moaned and struggled for breath. 
Gar’s cock pulsed with need. 
Something in the back of his brain screamed that it was wrong and that he needed to hang up, but his cock screamed louder. So he untied the string of his pants with haste and racked them down over his aching balls. Just to be safe, he muted his end of the call so that Jason wouldn’t hear any noises he made. 
(If he had been thinking a bit clearer, he would have realized that any noise he made, especially echoing into Jason’s back pocket, would have simply gotten lost in the haze of sweat and sex that the two of you were making in Jason’s bedroom. But - better safe than sorry, right?) 
In his mind, muting the call seemed even more reasonable when he let out a deep moan the second he took his hard dick into his hand. More beautiful sounds from you and Jason came in through his headphones as he began to jerk himself off. 
“Fucking love how you take my cock, fucking love how this slutty pussy gets so wet for me.”
Jason’s dirty mouth continued as Gar’s hand started a steady rhythm. Gar was already leaking precum that easily slicked him up - he was absolutely dizzy at the sound of Jason’s sex-graveled voice. 
“Just a fucking hole for me to cum in.” Jason growled. “You love it, don’t you? You love being my fucking toy. My fucking cumdump.” 
The pure filth coming out of Jason’s mouth surprised Gar, just as much as his own reaction did. The way his dick jumped in his hand and his lungs released a moan, his tip leaking even more precum at the words. He had no fucking idea that you and Jason were so dirty, that you liked being… degraded so much. Because clearly you loved it, with the wailing moan that you echoed back in response. 
“I love it!” You told Jason, your tone desperate and breathy, worn with sex. “I love being your cumdump. I’m just a hole for you to use!” 
Gar tried to imagine what the two of you might look like in that moment. Were you on your back, your legs spread wide for Jason? Were you completely naked with your tits swaying with his every thrust? Were you on your hands and knees, ass out like a bitch in heat for Jason? 
Gar pumped his cock faster at the thought, his precum making it sound absolutely slick, unrestrained grunts coming from his parted lips as he continued to listen you and Jason fuck. He would feel guilty for this later, but right now, he was absolutely dizzy with lust and needed to hear more. 
“You gonna cum on my cock, slut?” Jason’s voice was sharp, demanding. 
It sounded like Jason was holding back the urge to cum himself and he needed you to get there first. There was a sharp sound - skin hitting skin, higher in pitch and less muffled than the constant pounding of Jason into your cunt. Jason had spanked you. Gar’s orgasm swelled in his belly as he imagined Jason’s hand coming down against your skin, making the fat of your ass bounce or - fuck, Jason’s hand blooming against your wet clit. (Gar hated that he would never know which it actually was.) 
“Be a good girl. Cum for me.” Jason demanded, throat strangling his voice as he drowned in his own arousal. 
And just like that, you dissolved into a fury of sounds. Gar caught you chanting ‘I’m a hole! I’m a hole! I’m a hole!’ as though it was the only thing on your mind, increasing in volume as your orgasm overtook you, but it was muffled after a moment and Gar heard Jason grunt the words ‘shut up’ in the most sharp, dangerous voice he had ever heard from his best friend. 
Gar’s mind was immediately struck with the picture of Jason’s hand on the back of your head, shoving you into the bed to quiet your whorish moaning, and this was what sent him over the edge. His stomach curled so hard that it practically made him nauseous, his body drawing up off the bed as he pumped his cock hard and fast. He pumped himself dry as cum splashed up over his (thankfully) naked stomach and dirtied him in hot, white waves. 
Gar’s body was still trembling when he heard Jason rattle out a shuddering moan, a sure sign that he was cumming too. 
Gar should have rushed to end the call. 
But it seemed impossible to move at this point - his bones were practically made out of jelly from the intensity of his orgasm. The hand holding the phone had dropped it against his chest, the sound still coming in clear from his earbuds. He was desperate to catch his breath, and his cum still warm against his stomach when he heard it. 
There was a shifting, a rustling sound - fuck, Jason was taking his phone out of his pocket. 
Gar panicked. 
But his orgasm had been so spectacular that it had knocked all the sense out of him, including his usually good reflexes, so he was slow to pick his phone back up. When he did, his heart jumped in his chest when he found Jason staring at him, wearing a wide smirk. 
In the time it had taken Gar to recover, Jason had taken his phone out - with the original purpose to check the time. Alfred always had a very specific time for dinner, and always became cranky if anyone was late. Jason certainly didn’t need anyone to come looking for you and him, seeing the compromising position that you found yourselves in. 
Jason was surprised when he found the call with Gar going. And once he had checked the timestamp on the still ongoing call, he immediately knew what had happened. 
“Did you enjoy the show?” Jason said, his voice slightly rough from the sex, but entirely confident, unshaken. 
“Uh - I - I -” Gar stuttered. 
When Jason saw his lips moving and didn’t hear any sound, he quickly spoke up. 
“Unmute the call, dickhead.” Jason told him, giving a small chuckle with the offensive, affectionate nickname. 
Right. Gar had muted it to participate in his perverted voyeurism. 
As Gar reached up to find the button, he realized his hand was still covered in cum. 
Jason licked his lips as he saw substance smeared all over Gar’s palm and saw his friend reaching for tissues off to the side. As Gar raced to clean off his hand, you appeared behind Jason’s shoulder in the frame of the call. You were wearing a bra, your skin slightly slicked with sweat and tear tracks coming off the side of your eyes - clearly from pleasure and not from pain. 
“You had Gar on a FaceTime call?” Your tone was a breathy giggle, clearly not at all upset at the idea that your friend had been listening in on you being fucked and called degrading names. “Kinky. Did you call him while you were putting the condom on?” 
Gar unmuted the call with his now clean(er) hand, but waited in silence for you and Jason to finish your conversation. He was surprised that you didn’t seem to care; that you seemed to think it was some kind of pre-planned kink that Jason had executed. Gar’s stomach twisted at the thought of it, that you and Jason had discussed inviting another person into your sex life and you were more than okay with it being Gar. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” Jason told you. “Go get cleaned up for dinner.” 
You simply nodded, and leaned in to give Jason a kiss - a soft, gentle sight that was entirely arousing in contrast to the rough, filthy sex that Gar knew the two of you just had. It was even more arousing when you walked out of frame and Gar heard another spank to your bare skin (clearly you weren’t wearing bottoms) - and heard you let out a delighted squeak in response. 
“Look, I can explain-” Gar began his groveling, but Jason quickly cut him off. 
“Quiet.” Jason said, his tone taking on a kind of authority that made Gar’s stomach jump. “Next time this happens, we get to watch you cum, or you don’t get to cum at all. Got it?” 
Gar’s cock was quickly filling with blood again at Jason speaking to him this way, so boldly, making sexual demands over his body. His mouth was dry and lost for words so he simply nodded in response. He opened his mouth to attempt to speak - to apologize, to ask for clarity, to ask Jason when ‘the next time’ would be. 
But now that Jason had Gar’s simple affirmation, he hung up the call. 
Gar - unable to help himself - stretched an arm out and took a picture of his half hard cock and his shirtless body, still covered in his cum. He hesitated to send it, though. After a long mental debate in the shower, it came back to his phone sitting on his nightstand, and sent it to Jason with a caption that read ‘I really did enjoy the show’. 
It pinged Jason’s phone when he was sitting at the dinner table with you and Bruce. And as he looked at it under the table, he choked on his peas.
329 notes · View notes
musings-of-a-rose · 6 months
Not Without You
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Pairing: Lucien Flores x f!reader (nickname: Poppy)
Word Count: 2800+ 
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Listen. I saw that clip of him making out in The Uninvited. That's it. That's the explanation. This is not betad. This one is for the sluts.
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Main Masterlist
Lucien Masterlist
I get out of my car, staring up at the ridiculous mansion in front of me. The sound of the ocean, just out of sight behind the giant home, is soft and gentle in my ears, calming me. Giving me a little mental boost before I sigh, smoothing down my dress. I make my way to the front door, weaving between a few cars that were parked out front. Expensive cars.
It's not that I'm jealous of my childhood friend. Emilia deserves to be happy and she's happy that she married money. Some fancy producer out here in LA that fell for her big eyes and bright smile the second he saw her.
But that doesn't mean I wanted to come to one of her dinner parties, having to schmooze and pretend to be interested in what everyone has to say. I've been here before, met the people, fucked the party boy actor that eventually broke me, and yet here I am, unable to say no to Emilia.
I raise my hand to knock, dreading what the evening will bring but the door flies open before my knuckles touch anything. Emilia stands before me, a few rollers still in her hair, stress all over her body.
"Poppy, you're early! Thank GOD!" She pulls me inside and hugs me, the door closing heavy behind me.
"I always come early because you need me," I smile as she chuckles, lightly punching my arm. "What can I do to help?"
"You're angel, I swear! Can you make sure the table settings are right? There's extra silverware in the-"
"I know, Emilia. Everything like normal?" I'd been to so many of her parties, I know exactly what the set up is.
She nods, her smile growing wider. "Keep it simple and classy. You know me!"
I nod. "So what kind of party is this one? Another schmooze for Mr.?"
She waves her hand. "Yeah something like that. He's meeting with a bunch of actors for some upcoming project. He's hand selected them."
Emilia thanks me again before running off to finish getting ready. I pause for a moment, looking around trying to remember where the dining room is. I head down the hall and into what I think is the dining room. It turns out I remembered correctly, my eyes roaming over the table and making small adjustments to the settings already there. I end up pulling out more silverware, fixing them to Emilia's standards. I hate that I know this stuff, but I've saved her ass more times than I can count at these things so it helps to know what to expect.
As I work, my mind goes back to all the parties past. The ones she brought me to when she first started dating the producer several years ago. She had been so nervous, as if the producer wasn't already head over heels for her. That's where I met-
No. Not going down that road again. I can't do that to myself.
I shake my head and finish the settings, adding some minor touches to the decorations and finally lighting the candles. A knock at the door brings me out of my head and I walk over to answer it. An older gentleman stands there, putting out a cigarette with his shoe. He introduces himself as the director. What an ego.
Several people arrive after him, a mix of actors and a screenwriter. They all mingle in the sitting room for a few minutes before Emilia and the producer make their way in, everyone doing introductions.
The producer claps his hands together, looking around. "We're still missing one, but I doubt he'd mind us getting started. Who's hungry?"
Everyone gives their approval but as they move towards the dining room, a knock raps on the front door.
"That should be him. Guess I tried to start too soon!" Polite laughter at the producer as Emilia moves to answer the door, a quick glance in my direction before she disappears down the hall. The producer is telling some little story about a prior movie he was involved in, one I've heard a zillion times. But his story is short and he motions behind me.
"Just in time! We were about to eat. Welcome, Lucien."
My back stiffens. The room starts to spin my chest heaving. He didn't say Lucien. Did he? Maybe it was another Lucien. It couldn't be my Lucien? No. He's not my Lucien. He made that very clear when he wanted to continue partying and I wanted to settle down.
"Perfect! I'm starving."
Fuck. There was no mistaking that voice, the one that sets my skin ablaze, makes warmth pool between my thighs, the one that told me he needed to focus on his career and couldn't be with me. Not in the way I wanted him.
A small hand on my elbow squeezes me and I know it's Emilia, gently guiding me towards the dining room.
"I'm sorry, Poppy. He invited him and I didn't make the connection until the last minute."
"You couldn't have given me a heads up?" I yank my arm from her grip and swallow hard. I can't let him see how he makes me feel. He doesn't deserve that. I turn, letting the others file past me until he stops in front of me.
"Poppy. I..I didn't know you'd be here."
I'm determined to show him how much better off I am, that he means nothing to me now. I look up into his eyes and all of my resolve goes completely out the window. Were his eyes always that big? That round? So soft? I want to yank him to me by the thin chain around his neck, press my lips to his and never let go.
Way to show him, Poppy.
"I didn't know you'd be here either."
A silence stretches between us, a heavy, loaded silence. His eyes soften the longer he looks at me and is that regret I see? No. I'm projecting. But then he offers me his arm, taking me completely by surprise.
"We can be adults. Shall we?"
Don't do it. Don't take his arm, Poppy. Don't do it, don't do it, don't-
My fingers close on his offered up arm. "I'm sure this is a great opportunity for you."
Fuck, he's still warm. His skin smooth where my fingers touch him. Way to go, Poppy.
He escorts me into the dining room and I feel Emilia's eyes glued to us. He pulls out my chair and I sit, him scooting the chair in behind me before walking around the table, looking for his name card. Which was conveniently placed directly across from mine.
The producer clears his throat after everyone sits and starts making some speech about the project, about handpicking everyone here, blah blah blah. I zone out, trying to use my peripheral to steal glances at him. It's been several years since that night we split, the yelling match that had devolved into quite possibly the hottest sex I'd ever had. No, don't think about that. I need a better look so I turn my head to take a drink and chance a glance at him, only to find him already looking at me, still with the soft eyes. I nearly choke on my drink, managing to swallow it and clear my throat.
He finishes his speech and everyone claps politely, starting to eat and talk amongst themselves. I sit, deciding to choose silence while eating but then Lucien looks directly at me.
"So, what do you think?"
"Uh what?"
Fuck him with those big, stupid eyes.
He gestures towards the producer with his fork. "The project."
"Oh. Well I'm not involved so," I shrug. "I'm just here for Emilia."
He chuckles. "How many rollers were in her hair this time?"
I laugh, my body betraying me. "Four."
"But seriously. A good project?"
"I think..I think it's an honor he hand picked you. I'm not sure what the project itself is, but I'm sure it would be great for your career."
His eyes study my face as I take a bite of my food. "It's not always about the career though."
Anger surges up through me. "Isn't it?"
"How are we doing over here?" Emilia had walked up, cutting off whatever Lucien was about to say to defend himself.
"Great, Em. I'm just going to get something from the kitchen." I set my napkin on the table and push my chair back, Emilia giving me the smallest squeeze to my arm before I turn and head into the kitchen, the door closing behind me and effectively cutting off the sounds of the dinner party.
I lean over the kitchen island, my hands splayed out over the cool marble, trying to calm myself down. I hear the door open, the chatter from the party momentarily loud again before the door swings shut and it's quiet again.
"Em, I'm fine. Really. He just...caught me by surprise. I can hold it in."
"What if I don't want you to hold it in?"
My head snaps up, meeting his gaze, embarrassment making my skin heat up. "Oh. I thought you were Emilia."
Lucien takes a few steps towards me, the light glinting off the thing chain around his neck. "You didn't answer my question."
I stand up straight, crossing my arms. "We've done this dance before, Lucien. It didn't end well."
He smirks and I want to slap him. "I think it ended just fine. In the doorway, on the floor, in the front yard. I had to move my neighbors were too jealous."
My body betrays me with a small smile at the memory but then I reign it in. "I'm still not paying for that end table."
He's closer now. When did he move closer? Almost close enough to touch. His voice is low and raspy. "I'd destroy every end table on this planet if it meant having you under me again."
Fuck. Me.
I turn away from him, not giving him the pleasure of seeing what he does to me. "Flattering. But you made it very clear I was not number one in your life."
"I was stupid. I guess I needed to prove to you, to myself, that I could actually do this acting thing."
Finally composing myself, I turn to face him. "And how'd that work out for you?"
His eyebrows furrow together. "Have you not seen any of my films?"
I had. I had seen them all. I know I shouldn't have, that it wasn't helping me get over him. But Lucien has this pull, this hold on me I've never been able to fully shake.
"Some. But I'm asking your opinion. Off camera."
His jaw ticks a moment before he takes a swig from the glass I only just realized he was holding. "It brought me here."
I scoff. "Yeah, the producer hand picking you is actually a very high honor. I'd be-"
"No, you misunderstand." He shakes his head and sets his glass down on the counter. "I lied earlier."
It was my turn to furrow my eyebrows. "When? You've lied to me a lot."
"Earlier, when I said I didn't know you'd be here. I knew, well...more like hoped you'd be here. Knew it was a long shot but the only way you'd talk to me again."
My heart was racing, nearly bouncing out of my chest as he takes another few steps right into my personal bubble, my lower back against the counter. "I already told you I'm not replacing that end table."
He's right in front of me, the warmth from his body radiating onto mine. "I was a fool, Poppy. I..I love you."
I've waited years to hear him say those words to me again, to hear him actually mean them. To hear them not sandwiched between things like "but I have to focus on my career".
His lips are so close to mine, his breath fanning over my face.
"You broke my heart, Lucien."
"I know. I'm sorry. Let me put it back together."
"Lucien, I-" but he cuts me off with the softest touch of his lips I've ever felt, a whole slew of emotions flooding my body, including the one pooling between my legs.
"I can't do this without you, Poppy."
"Do this?"
"Life. I don't want to do it without you."
I grip that chain around his neck and pull him to me, our lips crashing together, his body pressing into mine. But then the counter scrapes across my spine and I jolt, breaking the kiss to gasp in pain. Lucien steps back, offering me his hand.
"Let's go somewhere where we won't break the furniture."
I shouldn't take his hand. I can still back out. But a small voice in the back of my head believes that he means it. That he wants a life with me, wants what I wanted all those years ago. And right now, I'm letting that voice win. I take his hand and he smiles, that smile that makes me feel like I'm the only person in the world. He guides me out the back door, past the pool, past the changing tents between the pool and the beach, and down the walkway alongside the neighbors cement wall that leads down to the beach.
He spins me and I laugh, tasting the salty ocean air on my tongue. I back up towards the wall and he follows me, lowering himself to my level. His large hands wrap around my hips, gliding down to cup my ass, and I moan into his kiss, my hand gripping his shirt to pull him closer to me. He kisses me, his tongue sliding into my mouth like it had so many times before. One hand still firmly on my ass, the other slides up my side, cupping my face so tenderly, full of love. He pulls back slightly and looks at me, like he's shocked I'm really here. That he's really kissing me.
"I love you, Poppy. I never should have let you go."
"Then don't let me go. I've always been yours."
He kisses me again, his hips pressing into mine and I can feel him hard, my cunt desperately throbbing, begging to feel him inside me again. Somewhere in my haze of desire, I hear myself begging, whispering pleas in his ear to take me, that I need him inside me before I die. His hands slide my dress up my thighs, reaching under and ripping my underwear in two, tucking them into his pocket. He had ruined so many good pairs of my underwear that way, but I honestly couldn't care less. My fingers fumble with his zipper, but I manage to get it down, reaching in to grip him, a sharp intake of breath when my fingers close around him, pumping him a few times. His hands slide under my ass, lifting me up as he presses me against the wall. He slides into me and the world stops moving, colors are brighter, and I finally feel right, like I'm actually here on this planet. Every thrust of his hips brings him deeper into me, holding me here, holding me to him. His breath comes out in short pants, desperate pleas of love and apologies between our moans as he fucks me against the wall.
And then the light blooming inside me breaks, my head pushing back, my nails digging into his skin, my entire body tingling as pleasure radiates out from where we connect. Lucien follows suit, moaning my name as he spills himself inside of me, pushing as deep as he can. We stay like that for a moment, trying to catch our breaths.
"I want to stay inside of you but my legs are fucking shaking."
I laugh and he yelps, quickly trying to pull out of me as my laughter contracts my body around him. He sets me on the ground and zips his pants as I smoothe out my dress, my laughter slowly fading. I look at him and he looks back at me, his eyes still soft and gentle. He tucks some hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek again.
"I wasn't kidding, Poppy. I was fucking stupied before. I need you next to me. When we're together, I feel...right. like I belong here. I don't think I can face this life without you."
I know it's a possibility this will end the same way it did before, but something in his eyes is different this time. He's had time to think, time to experience life without someone with him. Without me. He's grown, matured - well, matured some at least. But do I want to open my heart back up to him? Knowing that he could shatter it again at any moment?
"I'm still not replacing that end table."
He smiles and it lights up my entire world. "That's ok. I have plenty more furniture we can ruin with our love."
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @booksarekindaneat @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings  
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𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄: Hate Sex w/ Ex!Fratboy!Bucky Barnes (ft. sorority sister!reader
a/n: i cannot begin to tell you how fucking aware i am that this is late and i'm almost falling behind but ohmygoodness i've been literally exhausted for the past two days. i'm lowkey pissed about it because i was super excited to write for this day and actually writing for it felt like i was dragging my feet behind me.
masterlist | kinktober masterlist | AO3
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Fuck James Buchanan Barnes.
He’s a piece of shit, an asshole, a womanizer, a player, a liar and a dirty fucking cheat, but goddamn it, why do you always find yourself here? 
You hated him – no – you do hate him! 
Even people that hate their exes like the fact that they catch their eye, that they can’t find it within themselves to look away from them, that in some way, some capacity, they will always want them, that they will always be theirs regardless of whoever they get with in the future. 
Bucky knew you’d come to the party at his frat, and you knew that you would go with every intention of fucking with him. To everyone else, you were just bitter exes - that needed to fuck out whatever was going on between the two of you - so when you showed up in a dress that fell just below your ass, your friends figured you were just trying to get laid; but no one knew that this was his favorite color on you, let alone his favorite dress.
You just so happened to pick it out, that’s all! Couldn’t a girl want to pamper herself nowadays?
You fake laughed at whatever the dude that had fallen right into your trap said, a manicured hand lifting up to slap him on his arm gently, making extra sure to graze the naked skin of his arm that was exposed by his muscle tee with your acrylics. You fluttered your eyelashes at him innocently, a faux sweet smile on your face. 
Subconsciously, you knew that you wanted Bucky to take you home, or to his room, or to wherever the fuck he wanted too – but you’d never admit that to yourself. You couldn’t. He couldn’t win this game of cat and mouse, not without a fight, and you just so happened to love playing dirty.
You could feel Bucky’s stare burning into your back. Your bodycon dress was completely strapless, leaving little to nothing to the imagination as your breasts threatened to spill out over the top. You weren’t a sorority slut by any means, one of your sister’s had that covered, but still, you were going to go home with somebody tonight.
Even if he was an idiot.
“That’s so funny, Aaron.” Aaron laughed nervously, cheeks blooming a deep red as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s uh- actually Eric.” Right. “Sorry.” You giggled, raising the neck of your beer as if it was some sort of explanation for the fact that you don’t really give a shit about what his name is and more about what’s in his pants.
Before you could speak, your eyes raised up to meet Bucky’s, who was standing across the pull, two ladies vying for his attention as he puffed on what looked like a blunt. It looked like he was in the same boat that you were; that he didn’t care about what they were saying, only you.
Biting your lip, you turned your gaze back to Aaron – Eric. 
You knew you’d have to up the ante in order to get him to move, because right now you know he thinks that you’re all bark no bite. You’ll show him.
“You know…” You made a finger walking motion up his arm, the tips of your nails now slightly digging into his skin. “How about we get out of here?” You fluttered your eyelashes up at him. “It’s too crowded… and loud.” Your hand finally rested on his upper bicep, giving it a soft squeeze. The poor man’s jaw was slightly dropped, as if he was a fish out of water. 
“Yeah, yeah, I-” He attempted to say, but when you raised your gaze again, Bucky was gone, and you had forced yourself to bite back a wolfish smile because you knew he was on the move somewhere.
“What’s goin’ on over here?” Bucky’s voice sounded as he approached the both of you from behind. Eric looked as if he had seen a ghost, but the poor boy had no idea that he was just a pawn in your game. 
“Oh- uh- nothin’ man, just talking.” You raised a brow at Eric’s shaky excuse. Internally, you rolled your eyes. What a pussy. 
“Really?” Bucky asked in amusement, not even bothering to hide the face splitting smirk that contorted his face. “Yep.” You responded, popping the ‘p’ as you took the blunt from him. You wrapped your mouth around it, your gaze almost challenging him as you sucked, pulling the smoke into your lungs. It burned but it was worth it to see the tick in his jaw and the slight twitch in his eye at the sight of your pursed lips.
“I think that I um- I’m just gonna go.” Eric squeaked awkwardly. All lustful intention slipped away from him as he grasped his hand and shook it. From the poor man’s wince you can tell that Bucky put a little bit too much force in his shake.
When the random guy slipped away you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Real smooth.” You commented. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” 
“I’m talking about you trying to act like you weren’t trying to fuck me right in front of him.” The way you said it was as if it was the most casual thing on earth. “I almost forgot how possessive you get when you know someone else wants me.” You tilted your chin up to finally face him, and you caught yourself from almost stumbling over your words at the primal look on his face. 
You did it. You won this game fair - enough - and square.
“Too bad my pussy doesn’t belong to you anymore, isn’t it, James?”
“Shut the fuck up.” He growled, taking an intimidating step towards you. But you weren’t scared, if anything you were turned on. 
“Don’t get mad at me because I’m right, even though anger does look good on you.” 
You went to step away, but he was quick to snatch your wrist, “Were not done talkin’.” You made a noncommittal attempt to tug yourself free. “I am.” 
The tension between the two of you sizzled like oil on a pan, beckoning, calling for someone to do something, anything, to appease the burning desire that was coiling in Bucky and yours’ guts.
“If you’re not done then I guess we should find somewhere quiet to talk then.” 
He didn’t give you the chance to offer a rebuttal because he was already dragging you away from the prying eyes of party goers, his frat brothers and your sorority sisters. You already had an idea of where he was taking you, pushing the both of you through the sea of people that flooded the house, most of them drunk or high or a hammered off of a little bit of everything that was rotating throughout the home.
When he’d found his room, he was grateful that no one had decided to fuck in it, because that was what he was supposed to be doing.
He let your body be the thing that slammed the door shut with a loud bang!
He kissed you harshly, his left hand grasped your chin while the other hiked a full leg over his hip, grinding his erection onto your needy core.
“Fuck!” You gasped, your back arching off the wood as you broke the kiss. The friction of his jeans against your pulsing clit sent you staggering for balance, your inhibitions clouding your mind when you allowed your self-control to completely flee from within you.
“Bucky baby.” You whined. The man practically preened at the sound of his old nickname, his humping turning harder and calculated. He clearly had an end goal in mind. 
“What were you sayin’ about this pussy not bein’ mine no more?” He quipped. “I still mean it.” You gasped. He growled, but nonetheless, that didn’t deter him from shoving his face in the corner of your neck and biting down on the skin. Hard.
You yelped at the pain, but it shot down straight to your stimulated core. The bite only drew you closer to your embarrassingly fast approaching orgasm. It had been so long since you’d been touched by him, and God, you missed his hands, his voice, his touch, his smell, his cock.
“‘M close, Buck, ‘m so close.” You murmured, waving your fingers through his brunette hair and tugging on the strands. You felt a burning bitterness well-up in your gut when the tips of your fingers brushed against the hard plastic of the silver crown on top of his head. You sneakily took it off before throwing it somewhere in his room.
“No need to be jealous, honey.” He teased with a smirk on his face. “Shut— shut up!” Your rebuttal only came out as a whine. You could feel the cloth of your laced thong stick to your wet labia with every grind on his jeans – which also now sported a dark spot on his pants.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You swore as you came. “There you go. That’s it, good girl.” Small whimpers slipped out of you as he worked you into overstimulation. 
“God,” He groaned. “I’ve gotta fuck you.”
Guiding his face up to yours, you brushed your lips together, holding your intense eye contact with one another. “Then fuck me, Buck. I think you have a point to prove.” He leaned forward just a bit to nip at your bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth. 
“Fuckin’ naughty.” Bucky grunted, forcing your leg down from his hip for a moment to snatch your panties down your legs. Your hands shot out to his belt buckle, slipping the leather out of it and unbuttoning his jeans. It was your turn to shove his pants down and grab his hard on, his hot cock pulsing in your hand.
The air in the back of his throat caught at the feeling of your stroking, “God– turn around.” You did as he said and felt his large, calloused hands pushing up your dress.
“Gonna make sure everyone at this fuckin’ party knows you’re mine.” He says lowly, pulling down his underwear to his mid-thigh and prodding his tip at your entrance. “Even if you fuckin’ hate me.” With that, he entered you, splitting you in half on his cock.
You cried out at the feeling, false nails scratching at the surface of his door in an attempt to keep yourself steady. “Feels so good, Buck. So, so, good.” You mewled, your hips pushing out on their own accord to try and take your own pleasure. “Always so fuckin’ greedy.” He chided. His hands grabbed at the fat of your ass, pulling out of you only to slam back in, sending you up the wall.
Your bodies moved in a familiar symphony that had been sung numerous times before, as they hadn’t forgotten one another, they were just simply waiting for the both of you to press play.
His dick repeatedly prodded at your g-spot, the friction sending you into overdrive as you moaned, and cried and begged. “God, I think ‘m gonna cum, Buck!” You exclaimed, walls repeatedly clenching down on him. “That’s right, doll. ‘Fuckin squeeze me.” He bellowed, his own thrusts growing sloppy as he neared his end.
Your noises raised in pitch before your arms gave out and you collapsed forward, instead opting to cross your arms and rest your head on your forearms.
“Gonna cum in this sweet pussy, sweetheart.” He said through gritted teeth, his thrusting growing sloppy and uncoordinated.
“Do it, fuck, I-” Your words died out, your body wracking with shivers as your second orgasm of the night overtook you. 
It wasn’t long before you felt his seed warm your insides, painting your womb white as your eyesight went white, and your pussy sucked him up for all he’s worth.
Your chests heaved.
“I still hate you.” You huffed.
“I wouldn’t have expected anything less.” He said through a smile.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @zippertwat @hallecarey1 @zippertwat @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl
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monstrousvoice · 6 months
Bar Snack
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Relationship: Husk X Female Reader
AN: It is 4am and I wake up. I see this post and am struck with the desire to write smut.
I do so.
Tags: PWP, Female Reader, Reader has a vulva, Cunnilingous, Sex in a Public Space, Daddy Kink, Mentions of Husk being on the chubbier side, If I missed any tags please let me know
Read on AO3!
“J-just hold still, alright?”
“You mister, have had too much!” You laugh, even as you let Husk manhandle you onto the bar top. The tips of his claws prick at the soft flesh of your hips and the sting has you biting your lip and hissing in pleasure. Husk's ears twitch and rotate to face you, taking in every noise you make. His golden eyes lock on to you, pupils dilating and contracting rapidly. He lets out a low growl.
“So what? Just…just need to hear you, need to-...to taste you a little, baby-” He leans forward, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck, breathing your scent. You wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him closer to you. You feel his teeth ever so gently graze across your neck, following the coarse feeling of his tongue as he licks you without shame. A sudden nip has your hips bucking towards the counter edge and against his own, your legs wrapping tight around his hips. 
You can feel him, his hardening cock slipping out of his sheath and pressing against you. His wings flutter before you, tense with the muscles in his back as Husk makes it his mission to suck a hickey onto every available spot of your neck and shoulders. His claws, still on your hips, dip underneath the edge of the dress you have on, pushing the fabric up to stay bunched up around your waist.
“W-what if-what if someone comes in-?” Your voice is no better than a whisper, your breath stolen by the attention being lavished upon you. Even as you worry, your hand moves from its clawed grip on his shoulder to travel down, and you smirk in victory when you find your prize. You cup Husk's growing bulge, outlining the shape of his hard cock and balls through his pants. You give his balls a gentle squeeze and are rewarded with his hips bucking into your hand, wings flaring, and a bite on your shoulder that does nothing to muffle his possessed growl. 
You keen, proud of yourself. 
“F-fuckin slut-” He hisses against your tender new mark. “Acting so worried but you go and do that.” His tone is harsh, but the gentle lapping of his tongue shows he's anything but angry. 
“Just because my Daddy doesn't-” You moan, interrupted as his paw moves to your cunt and presses. “-m-make the best decisions, doesn't mean I'm not gonna take care of him~” Husk chuckles, a deep, low sound that vibrates through your body. Your hips are moving on their own, rocking your hot core against the fingers still pushing that maddening pressure against you. Your slick is leaking through your panties and you know he can feel it. 
“You do take care of me, don't ya baby doll?” The tenderness in his voice is unexpected but not unwelcome. Husk hooks a finger from his free hand under chin, turning you to look him in the eye. “You’re always there for me, bad day or no…my good girl.” His pupils are wide and fuzzy, and the tenderness you see directed at you is almost too much to bear. You practically freeze, locked under those eyes as he leans forward and kisses you with such softness it feels dream-like. You press back, welcoming his affection with a moan of bliss and fluttering eyelashes.
His tongue meets with yours as the fingers pressed against your cunt move again. You feel the pressure ease away and almost whine into the kiss, before feeling his claws hook under the fabric of your panties. The sound of seams ripping hits you, and you're distantly aware that you are, yet again, down another pair of panties. You don't really mind though, not when losing them leads to situations like this. 
Husk's claws are back to your drooling slit, tracing up and down with a sort of reverence. Your pussy feels hot and slick, and Husk groans low in his chest when he uses two fingers to spread your lips, your arousal drenching his fingers. He pulls away from kissing you and you pathetically chase after him for more. He presses another quick one to your bruising lips, then another when you keep following after him. 
“Alright baby-” He grunts, and you press more kisses to his muzzle, trying to bring him back for more. “C-c’mon sweet girl-no more…” You stop, leaning hard into his chest, the weight of his tummy pressing into yours. You whimper and bite your bottom lip, wanting to protest but knowing better than to do so. You try to plead instead. 
“Pl-please daddy? Just, fuck, just a couple more while you f-fuck me? Please?” You grind your cunt against his fingers as you beg, unashamed at the possibility that someone else in the hotel could walk in to find you moaning like a whore for the bartender's touch.
“No baby, no, cause I'm not gonna fuck you-” Your heart drops at his words, desperation and fear immediately setting in. Your mind races with things you could have done to deserve a punishment tonight, and you watch with wide eyes as Husk lowers himself to his knees before you. 
“Yet.” He hisses. Relief floods you instantly, and by the mischievous glint in his eye, Husk knows how worked up his words made you. He chuckles and moves his hands to your thighs, cupping them and pushing them apart to give himself a first-class view of your cunt. You bite your bottom lip and look away, closing your eyes as your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. You can feel his paws move closer to your pussy, until his thumbs are suddenly touching. He plays with your lips for a moment, his thumbs spreading your slick everywhere before hooking them and spreading you open.
Your cunt is forced to gape before his eyes, fluttering with arousal despite the mortification burning you alive. 
“Fuck, what a pretty cunt. Already this wet from some kisses and rubbing? Heh, you're dripping on the floor at this point.” You whimper and keen, peaking an eye open to look down at him. His eyes are like molten gold as he stares back at you. 
“Don't be embarrassed baby girl, it's alright. Daddy’s gonna clean up your mess.” You barely have time to process his words before he leans forward and trails one long lick up your pussy. Your hips buck immediately at the feeling of his rough tongue against you, pushing your hips up into his muzzle. 
“S-s-sorry Daddy-!” You whimper, but Husk doesn't stop. He simply wraps one of his thick, heavy arms over your hips and pins you to the bar top, licking away at your cunt like he doesn't have a care in hell. You shudder and gasp, your hips twitching to grind against his mouth for more than rough kitten licks but unable to with his arm pinning you down. The knowledge makes your blood burn hotter, seeing how easy it is for him to control and manipulate your body to his will. His claws dig into the fat of your thigh and hip as he eats you out like a five-star meal. 
You feel his tongue wiggle inside, your gummy walls clenching down in response to squeeze a cock that isn't there. Husk lets out a purr in response, the only sound in the hotel bar besides the slick ‘slurp’ noises he makes as he sucks your clit like it's his favorite piece of candy. You can only throw your head back against the bar and endure his assault, wishing that the sweet torture would never end. 
“D-Daddy, fuck-! Please, please d-don't stop, please-” Your words start to slur together as you beg for more. You bring a shaking hand from your face to your hips, gripping the paw holding you down like a lifeline. A sharp nip to the hood of your clit has you gasping, sitting up straight to look down at your boyfriend with shock. He doesn't stop, still lapping away at your fluttering cunt. His eyes are hooded, taking in the sight of you sitting above him, losing your mind on his talented tongue. He pulls away from his feast only briefly to rumble a command at you. 
“Hold my head baby, don't let go.”
You do as you’re told, taking your hand not holding his and carding it through the fur on top of his head. Husk lets out a pleased rumble before diving back in, suckling your swollen clit without mercy. You cry out, throwing your head back and gasping at the sensation. 
You're so close, you can feel the coil in your cunt, the pleasure shooting through your veins that lets you know your orgasm is on its way-you just need-need a little more-
A new sound reaches your ears, wet and slick like the sounds coming from your cunt, but just off ever so slightly-
You look down at Husk, his eyes closed as he loses himself to your taste. You can see his breath steam up as he snorts from his nose, drowning in your smell. Looking down further you see it, past the wonderful thick belly you nuzzle into every night. Husk has undone his pants one handed while eating you out, and his free hand, you hadn't even noticed it leaving your thigh, was fisted around his cock. Pink and red peaked at you from between his fingers as he tried to jerk himself in unison with his mouth as he ate you out. A thick glob of precum was drooling from his cock head, getting swiped up by his thumb to make his hand move slicker, only to be immediately replaced by more. 
A full body shudder tore through you at the sight, your own mouth drooling with the desire to have that fat cock shoved down your throat as Husk moaned for you. It was enough, and your cunt squeezed tight around nothing as Husk licked and sucked your clit.
“C-cumming-” You gave a breathless cry, hips bucking in vain against Husk's strong grip, your orgasm tearing through you with an intensity that had your toes curling and thighs squeezing tight around Husk's head. He simply moaned low in response, lost in the feeling of your thighs squeezing and your hand pulling his fur as you lost yourself to him. He continued lapping at your swollen and puffy cunt, making sure not one drop of your cum was forgotten by his tongue. Even as your body fell boneless under him, he kept licking and sucking, moving to the meat of your thighs to leave hickeys and bite marks as you recovered and learned how to be alive again. 
“How ya feeling baby doll? Talk to me.” He spoke, his voice sounding gravely and deep even to himself, thick with lust he hasn't had a chance to relieve yet. He tucked his still hard cock back inside his pants, zipping it up just enough to keep himself from popping back out. He stood back up, leaning over your limp body on the tabletop. You gave him a dazed smile from where you lay.
“G-good…thank you Daddy, for letting me cum…” Husk smiled, pulling you in for a kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue. You whimpered into his mouth as his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you off the bar top and into his arms. Your legs wrapped around his hips immediately, your still sensitive pussy being pressed against his hard cock, covered in fabric. He pulled away from your kiss, adjusting you in his grip as he began walking towards the hotel elevator. 
“Glad you enjoyed yourself, baby.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek as he walked. “Now, you're gonna be a good doll and let Daddy have his turn, yeah? I need a tight little hole to fuck~” He growled in your ear. You felt the vibrations from his chest travel through your whole body. Despite cumming already, your pussy throbbed at his words, and you moaned. 
“Y-yes Daddy, whatever you want-” You managed to whimper, burying your face in the crook of his neck as he carried you to your shared bedroom.
The following morning, Husk walked behind the bar to find a note folded with his name on it. He raised a feathered eyebrow, feeling curious as he opened it. It was Charlie's neat cursive. 
Nifty found a rather…interesting piece of clothing early this morning when cleaning. I frankly don't want to know what you two were doing last night, I don't need details, but I do ask that you clean up after yourselves at least. 
Thank you! 
Husk snorted, pocketing the note to show you and laugh about later. He supposed now he and the princess were even, considering the sight he had walked in on in the kitchen just a week ago.
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thomasisaslut · 1 year
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Loki Laufeyson x Reader
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Breeding — Kinktober
Word Count: 1.4k
Includes: Breeding, Begging, Rough Sex, Hinted Handcuffs, Marking, Biting, Hickeys.
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On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50455189
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/353310470-𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝐊𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫-𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢-𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧-𝐱-𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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You have been dating Loki for years now, with him being a god it had both it's positive and negatives however there was one specific perk you loved the most—the sex. It was, well, godly.
Shifting your position on the king-sized bed you feel a weight move off of the bed, looking over your shoulder you see Loki fleeing to the bathroom, over-sized Midgardian pants covering his toned legs. Odd... he hates mortal clothing.
The bathrooms door slams shut, shaking his bedroom. Your feet quickly carry you over to the door, you knock.
"Loki? Are you alright?" You ask, your tone laced with concern for your lover.
"I'm fine." He grumbles, you hear the sound of cabinets being opened frantically before he snaps his fingers.
"What are you doing in there?" You question.
"Nothing." He replies quickly, you hear a bottle squirt some sort of liquid, your guess was soap... or it was until you heard a sloshing sound.
"Loki open the door." You demand, tugging and turning the handle of the door.
"No." He snaps, his breath hitching as he continues to make whatever noise.
"Loki." You warn, suddenly the door flies open and your pinned against it as it shuts. Looking down you see his hardened cock in his large hand, lotion lathered over it.
"Shut it, slut." He snaps before kissing your harshly.
"Lo-" Before you have a chance to protest you're being turned around, his bulge rubbing against your rear.
Then suddenly the feeling is gone, he has stepped back. You turn to face him once again when you see his skin changing. His once pale, creamy skin is now rough and blue—lapis colored lines along his arms and chest down to his still very hard dick.
"You need to leave, [First Name]." Loki demands, now in his Jotun form.
"No." You argue.
"Darling, please." He pleas. "It is for your own good..."
"Tell me what's wrong, Loki." You step closer to the now 10 foot tall man, your hands come up to his abs—the cool feeling of his torso cause you to shiver—and you hear him suck in a breath.
"Get. Out." He warns again, begging you to leave.
Your eyes dart down to his penis that is now leaking with pre, your right hand travels down his abs to his V-line when it is suddenly yanked away. Loki quickly grabs your other wrist and pins both of them back against the bathrooms door. You look up at him, waiting for an explanation.
"I am going to tell you this once more, darling. If you do not leave I will fuck you, claim you, breed you." His now red eyes meet yours, they're filled with lust.
"Breed me?"
"Fuck..." He pulls you over his shoulder before walking out of the restroom and throwing you back onto the dark green, satin sheets. "In Jotun it is summer, meaning, it is a heat season."
"So?" You ask, your head tilts—like a confused puppy.
"So, It is how it effects animals... a heat cycle."
Your eyes widen, cheeks flush. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I thought since we are on Midgard it wouldn't.." He groans and rocks his hips against you instinctively. "Effect me."
"Well, if you need sex all you had to do was ask." You smile.
"It's not the same, darling... I have the urge to claim you, fuck you so hard you're seeing stars, breed you, make you pregnant with my heir." He growls, blue hands find your wrists once more, pinning you to the bed.
"I am more than ready for that, Loki." Your smile remains.
"What?" He laughs.
"Breed me, Loki. Claim me as yours." You tease him, locking your legs around his bare waist and tugging him closer so his cock is aligned with your clothed cunt.
"You don't know what you're saying, pet." He grunts as he moves his hips—his pelvis rubbing against the back of your thighs.
"Please?" You smirk.
Without another word your pants are shucked down along with your panties, his hard cock now resting on your nude cunt.
"Are you sure, darling? I will not hold back, my cock will lodge so far into your little pussy there will be no possible way to avoid being bred." Loki smirks.
"Y-Yes.." You whimper, squirming under his hold.
"Good, pet." His smirk grows, his red eyes swarm with lust as he looks down at his prey—you.
His cold, blue hands trail down your sides, his palms rubbing against your waist, hips, down to your thighs before they dip into inner thigh. The pads of his fingers slowly caress your cunt before dipping in one finger. You whimper.
"What happened to not holding back?" You smirk, trying to get more of him from your lover.
"You'll wait, slut." He snaps before inserting two more fingers, now pumping into your tight pussy. "You're not allowed to cum until I allow you."
You nod, your hips rocking to match his fingers thrusting into you. He smirks at your reactions before he brings his face closer to yours.
"So eager... so wanting." He mumbles against your throat before nibbling on it, you moan.
His left hand tightens his grip on your wrists before you feel a heavier force on them, you attempt to look up when his hand slides down your arms to your chin—forcing you to look at him as he marks your neck.
"Don't take your eyes off me, pet." Loki demands.
You whimper in reply, his right hand continues to pump in and out of you. His lips trail down your chest before finally reaching your hard nipples. Loki takes one of them into his cold mouth, the sensation causing you to moan loudly.
"Let me hear you." He smirks before continuing to bite and toy with your tits.
"Loki!" You whine, wanting more of his mouth, his hands, him.
"Louder, slut." He inserts a fourth finger into your dripping cunt then takes your nipple back into his mouth, his cold tongue lapping on the hard nub.
"I need you! Loki! Please! Do what you promised, breed me, cum inside me!"
He finally snaps, his hands come off you—leaving your cunt aching and wanting. Your juices left on his hand he uses as lube, stroking up and down his cock before he inserts it into you and a harsh thrust. His hands find your hips and he begins to pound into you.
"Loki!" You moan, the sound filling the Midgardian room.
"I'm going to breed you... cum inside you until you're filled, make you pregnant with my heir... oh fuck, pet." He grunts, his head flies back as he picks up his pace.
"Yes! Fill me.. oh fuck.. please, please, Loki!" You beg, chasing your own release. When he stops.
"Remember what I said, slut. You cum when I say you can." He smirks as he thrusts harder into you.
"No... Loki, please!" You whine.
"Oh... fuck, pet. I'm so close..."
Loki moves one of his hands from your hips to your clit, stroking and rubbing gently. Much different than his cock.
"Take it, take it!" He shouts before shooting his load into your cunt. He continues to pound you, not daring to stop until you cum. Loki strokes your clit faster.
"Say it, say my name as you cum, pet." He demands.
"L-Loki!" You scream as you release.
He slowly pulls out, there are marks all over your hips, your throat marked with hickeys, your wrists bruised. Loki slowly shifts back to his normal form, the blue fades from his skin.
"You did so good, princess." He smiles before hooking his arm under your back. "We're going to have a child... a little us." Loki grins, happily.
"Mm... yes, we are, Loki." You smile back. He quickly lifts you up then carries you to the bathroom. Placing you in the tub he sinks in the hot water beside you.
"I love you." He mutters, taking you into his lap as he caresses your back.
"I love you too, my god."
He laughs. "Yes, I am your god."
What a perfect way to start a family... your perfect lover with you, forever, a little version of both of you. You smile as you kiss him.
"Yes, you are."
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yaut-jaknowit · 6 months
Hear me out… the reader pegging Uihoy or Vic’tao 🤔
Tables Have Turned
Pairing: Vic'tao (male Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: pegging (Duh), knots, anal, sub!Vic’tao, Dom!Reader, praise, pet name (Pretty boy, love, lover boy, etc…), talks about milking (like draining him of his sperm). Let me know if I miss any!
Word Count: 3580
Summary: Vic likes to act all dominate, like he's the top dog on the ship. If you know his hidden spots, you can turn the dominate male into a begging slut.
Author Note: So I’m choosing Vic for this. I looked at my master list for him and it’s looking a bit bare compared to Uie. Poor boy needs some love. And he’s not as much into pegging as Uihoy but he’ll indulge you. I also want him to be tied up some more at our expense.
Like the position he’s place you into countless times, Vic’tao was stuck, tied, and restrained. These ropes, tested at their full strength, held up to peek male Yautja strength. A pair of cuffs held his hands behind his back, entwined in rope as well. Said material was soft against their scales. Though durable, it was wrapped beautiful to create a pattern that worked well to keep him trapped.
A few tools were laid out by his side. Everything needs to work a well endowed Yautja-like cock into his ass. It took a little convince and reassuring to make sure he was comfortable with this.
Once you got the go ahead, you were already planning everything you would do him. Anything to get him back on his knees, in this same position. Ass up, face down.
Between his slightly opened legs hung his long, bright green cock. It fit his stature. Tall, lean, agile. The green the same shade as the color of his blood. Perfect to reach all those spots deep inside of you and even further to reach your guts. You softly grasped the thicker base of his cock, his dormant knot slightly squeezy in your hold.
A large vein was popping out underneath his knot. You ran the soft pad of your finger against it and watched at the Yautja at your mercy squirmed and writhed at that touch alone. Despite loving the way the two of them pound you into the sheets or whatever surface was suitable for, seeing either of them like this did things to you.
“Look at you, so sensitive just from that,” you teased with a light tone and squeezed his knot again.  He growled with clicks and pulled at his restraints. All it would take was one word to stop all of this, Vic knew this.
“Of course I am, touching my dick like that,” he snapped back you, hands flexing in the cuffs but unable to break the metal. You ran both your thumb and dull nail down the length of his twitching shaft. Vic’tao grunted and struggled more against his bonds but couldn’t get the material to snap like last time. Trial and error to get you here. “By Paya’s name, you’re going to be the death of me, little hunter.”
You couldn’t help the sly smirk on your face. “If all it takes is a single finger on the underside of your cock, you might need to toughen up, love.” Vic’tao growled again, lean muscles flexing still. Determined as he was, the rope would not bend to his will.
“I could say the same about my fingers filling that tight hole of yours. It’s dripping, isn’t it?” he snarked and still tried to act tough in a position he was at your will in. You giggled and pinched the cone shaped head of his cock. It jumped in your grasp and slapped against his belly. His hips rutted down into your hand and rubbed the precoat slick covering his cock onto your skin.
The Yautja gave an undignified cry. Small beads of precum drippled out to coat your fingers. You swiped what you could and licked it off in one fell swoop. Salty with a tang that just Vic’tao, Vic’tao. “You could easily beat me with how much your leaking yourself, lover boy. You need to save some for me though. Don’t you want to fill up my hole?” You leaned down to his ear while a hand ran up the length of his spine then back down. “Breed me? Full me with your seed? Watch as if leaks out only for you to fuck it back into me to make sure it takes?”
Vic’tao howled. His pulse shooting skyward. He pulled together every ounce of his strength together and strained once more against both the rope and cuff. They groaned and rattled under the peek male in his prime but thankfully held. True to Uihoy’s word, these ones would work for the occasion.
As his mate for the last two years, you knew what did it for him. Breeding for Uihoy and Vic’tao are extremely high. It comes down to their very DNA. Yet, for Vic’tao, its worse. Want to get him riled up? Talk about breeding you. His seed deep inside of you. Then, if you don’t have him in a position as of now, you would be bent over just the same and filled. Just like how you said. Bred.
Vic’tao doesn’t kid around when it comes to breeding.
Deep, lung filled breaths panted from the straining male. Yet, he realized he could not get out of ropes on his own. “Untie me, now. Tressure. Now.” Without the safe word in the mixture, you brushed him off with a grin. He snarled so loudly it vibrated the air itself, like a gator bellowing. “I’m going to pauk you until you can’t think, can’t walk, can’t pauk-de talk. All you’ll remember is my name. That’s all.”
See? Just a mention about breeding has the male more than ready to stuff his cock into you, knotting deep. You giggled and patted the plush fat of his ass. “I love seeing you like this. Thinking you’re the one in charge. But when I’m milking you of your worth, it’ll be you who can’t even think. Nothing more than my cock plowing your ass into tomorrow,” you promised and ghosted your fingers over the tight ring of muscles. His lower back muscles tense and drew that part away from you touch.
“You won’t shy away from my touch much longer. I’ll have you bouncing back to each of my thrusts in a little bit, love.” The Yaujta growled again and strained against the ropes but with less strength this time. He must be finally coming to the realization he can’t win.
Watching as the male submit to your control was sweeter than candy. A grin was plastered to your face and nothing could wipe it off.
With one of your hands, you pulled his cock out from between his legs and leaned down. Soft, supple lips encased his pointed tip and sucked. Precum dripped into your waiting mouth. Your tongue ran a line on his slit.
A pitiful whine surpassed his lips. He wanted more. You smirked around his head and suckled like a calf on the head. His thigh muscles tensed and trembled. But even if he could close them despite the small bar keeping them open, you were just out of reach. You pulled back, saliva and precum connecting you to his hard cock. He released another weak noise. “Little hunter, please,” he pleaded, already.
The slit of the head of his cock was extremely sensitive. You knew to use this against him to get him begging in seconds.
Over to the side, you reached over and pick up a rubber zip tie of sorts. With their different anatomy, it took a little experimenting to see what works best. Then, you tied it around the very base of his cock, further down than his deflated knot and tightened it accordingly. He squirmed in your hold.
“Don’t-don’t use that. Please, anything but that,” he mewled and panted.
You laughed and patted his backside. “I can’t have you spilling so quickly. I want this to last. You know how the end is when you wait.” With their balls internal, this is the best you could to edge him with less worry of him coming before you wanted him to. You leaned down and gave a sucking kiss on his knot. He choked on a gasp, whole body shuddering.
Vic’tao knew this. Being edged and forced to wait for the inevitable to erupt from inside of me. He would never admit it but he loved it.
Along the sides of his cock were these small round bumps. They helped stimulate a spot inside of a female Yautja, different compared to a human. For you, they still felt good. You tilted your head and ran a stripe from your tongue up from the base back up to his tip. Your muscle running over each little nub then teasing his slit again. He jumped in your hold.
At this point, he looked painfully hard. His veins growing more prominent the long you teased him. Drool freely poured from his panting mouth. His eyes glazed over and dazed. A sight you were happily drinking.
Cool lube coated your fingers generously. You placed a clean hand on the plump flesh of one of his cheeks and rubbed the lubed digits around his puckered hole. The bright green cock between his legs slapped against the taunt muscles of his belly. You softly petted his butt. “Relax, I’m going to take good care of you, okay?” you cooed to the blissed male in your hands.
He whined and dazedly nodded his head, wiping more drool on the sheets below him. “Such a good boy,” you praised your lover. In return, he keened, head raising off of the bed. “There he is. You ready for my fingers?” Vic’tao rapidly nodded his head and pushed back on your hands.
Carefully, you slowly prodded his hole and pushed only a finger in. Instantly, you knew he could handle two but decided this time to go slow. It was rapture the way your digit disappeared inside of him. You slowly pulled out and began a soft rhythm that would loosen him up.
It didn’t take long for him to rut back on your single figure. You stopped him though and slickened up another digit before using it to stretch him all the same. He clenched down on your presence inside of him. That caused the muscles to flutter around your fingers, nearly forcing you further into him if it wasn’t for your knuckles.
Between his legs, you ghosted the tips of your fingers down the underside of his cock. Your lover jumped then tried to grind down on any part of you giving him friction. You decided to push him and added another finger. Three in total stretching hole for when you pull out the strap on that was the size of a Yautja, it would only give pleasure. As your good boy, he deserved it.
Once all four of your fingers fit comfortably inside of him, you withdrew them. His hole clenched down on nothing. “It’ll be okay. You’re ready to take my cock, love.”  You stood up after grabbing the harness and slipped it on while putting on a show for him.
The thick shaft hung heavy from its own silicon weight between your legs. Lube was used to slick up the whole thing. You stroked it in front of Vic. The Yautja watched with hooded eyes, rapture clawing at his insides. His muscles again squeezing around the lack of fingers or this cock inside of him.
False concern passed over your features. “Oh, what’s wrong? Needing something to fill you? Need my thick cock to stretch you open?” you cooed and knelt in front of him to rub your thumb over the bridge of his brow. He whimpered again and leaned up.
With his long, forked tongue, he licked just the tip of the lubed silicon. If this thing was real, you would’ve probably be groaning and plowing into him immediately afterwards. Which, you were planning to do anyhow. You gave another stroke of the strap on before grabbing at his tresses and pulling them back. This forced him to keep his head more up. “Spit on it,” you growled out.
A dangerous look passing over your features. You shuffled a little closer to and forced more of the dildo into his awaiting, already drooling mouth. In his state, he did his best to slobbering over the material until it dripped with his saliva. You released his dreads and pulled back your hips. “Such a good boy. Getting the strap on all ready for yourself,” you praised him again. He purred choppily and attempted a grin up at you.
You ran your fingertips along his brow again before shuffling behind him again. Due to the height difference, you forced him to sit down on his knees more. This was a beautiful sight to behold. If you had a camera on you, you would happily snatch a photo of this for both you and Uihoy. It wasn’t one you see very often due to the fact he wasn’t very submissive. Uihoy, he likes when he can be lazy. He does get his moment is random energy and plow you until you can’t think. But, Uie’s an old man who wants to live out the rest of his life peacefully.
Slicked up digits prodded his hole again. The muscles around it fluttered in reaction. “Okay, pretty boy. I need you stay relaxed for me. Can you do that?” you cooed softly to him
Underneath you, Vic whined and wiggled his hips the best he could, enticing you. You sat up and grabbed the base of the strap on. It was hefty in your grasp as the pointed head was pressed to his hole. He flinched again. Your other hand came up and ran the length of his spine a couple of times. “Relax, love. I’m going to take great care of you. I’m going to milk your balls dry, take every last drop for my own. Then maybe, I’ll let you breed me before the end of the night.” You grinned as that got the reaction out of him. He tugged at the restraints even though he knows they won’t budge this time.
Both of your hands gripped his narrow waist. Then, you began to push the head into him. A combination of his slobber and the lube easily slid it in until you hit a thicker part of the shaft. Not even your fingers could stretch him that much. Your eyes were glued to the sight of him splitting open for this fake cock attached to your hips.
“I know you can do it, Vicy boy. You’ve done it with Uie before. And he’s got a bigger one than this dinky thing.” The Yautja grunted at the reminder of the stretch his other mate gave him. Uihoy’s size fits his stature as well.
It was the praise he need to allow the rest of it to sink further into him. Your hips pressed skin to skin against his rounded butt. In tandem, the two of you moaned out. Your nails dug into the flesh of his hips, forcing him stay. He wasn’t allowed to move, wasn’t allow to control anything about this. You were in control and he had to take it, take the entire cock yo his ass.
“Yeah, that’s it. Took so well. Got the entire thing inside of you, pretty boy. Such a pretty boy. Want me move?” you questioned and rubbed at his hips again.
“Please, move. Fuck me!” Vic pleaded and strained the metal of his cuffs as the groaned. The material stayed strong though still shook. You grinned and pulled back your hips until only the head stayed inside of his stretched hole. His fingers curled into fists and panted. With a single, strong thrust, the cock was buried deep into him again.
The Yautja howled his cry again. In this position, all he could do was take and take and take. There was no rutting back, no pushing into each thrust. He was strictly at your mercy. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
A grin was plastered to you features as you thrusted into him countless times. You aimed your hips down to ensure the length of shaft rubbed along that sensitive spot deep inside of him. You loved the fact males of both species had their similarities as such. When he groaned, you knew you found it and focused on that spot even more.
Every thrust in, flush with his butt, allowed his digits to touch your stomach. He attempted to grab at what flesh was within reach. Yet, there wasn’t enough for him to hold to. You knew he was scrambling for purchase before the inevitable hit him. Unless the cock ring did its job and kept him from disobeying you so soon.
Between his legs, you reached around his torso and grasped the painfully hard cock. Steel in your hand, you ghosted your fingertips up the underside. Vic twitch in your grasp, cock slapping against his chest again. All the while, you don’t stop moving your hips, driving the thick shaft into him.
You leaned back up and gazed down at the beautiful sight before you. Dulled nails dug into the plush flesh of his cheeks and held them, using them to pull you back into him.
The noises echoing back to you in the safety of your room were downright dirty. The slaps of your hips to his flesh were loud. Vic’tao himself was stentorian. About the loudest you’ve heard him before.
His muscles fluttered around the silicon again, trying to either push it out or swallow more of it. If you had to bet, it was the latter.
“Gonna… gonna come. Let me. Take-take off the damn ring, please. Let me. Wanna breed my little treasure. Let me fill that tight hole,” Vic mumbled and ranted to you in a voice you could barely understand. Even when he’s below you, taking a dildo up the ass, he tries to act like he’s in charge of the situation. Breeding with him is always a big thing for Vic’tao.
“Oh, sweetie. You want to breed me, don’t you?” you teased him and aimed your hips downward again. The muscles that lined his arms flexed with great strength. Your Yautja began to chitter in his language, losing himself to the pleasure. His brain turning to mush.
Once more, you encase his cock with your hand and slowly pumped at the throbbing muscle. He was on the edge; you could tell by the way his moans grew in pitch. More whinny than before, almost like a bat.
One handed, you undid the ziptie clamped down under the growing knot at the base of his cock. “Okay, pretty boy. You can come. Come all over my hand. Then, you’ll get a treat. Be a good boy and come for your mate,” you commanded of him. Your hand returned to stroke his cock, now trying to milk your love for all he’s worth.
His voice cut out as he pitched his head back with a cry. Loads of cum spilled onto the sheets below, staining the material and soaking your hand. You didn’t stop, both in stroking and thrusting. You were determine to take everything he could give.
The sight was beautiful. His muscles clenching around the dildo lodged into him, hitting that special spot that made him see stars.
At this point, his cum just leaked out of him onto the ground. You stopped moving and titled your head to glance at his face. His gorgeous eyes were hidden, closed as he gather whatever was left of him. “You okay, Vicy?” you asked in a softly, low voice. All he gave was a low groan but nothing else to supply he was in pain or discomfort.
A soft smile replaced your grin. You reached with your clean hand to rub your thumb along his cheek bone. “You did so well for me, Vic. Such a good boy. Look all the cum you produced. Imagine that inside of me next time. Don’t you want that.”
“Fuck, treasure. You’re gonna start something I know you can finish,” he grunted. One eye flicked open, still hooded over while he gazed at you. Instead, you shook your head in response.
Carefully, you withdrew your hips and pulled the shaft from him. “No. What we’re going to do is drag your sore ass to the bathroom. Then, I’ll wash you clean, change the sheets, and snuggle you,” you promised the yellow and blue Yautja now in your care. He rumbled deeply in his chest and slightly tugged on his restraint again.
Slowly, meticulously, you unwrapped the rope from his body. Each time a spot had been rubbed raw, you placed a kiss on the area and apologized.
After the last little bit fell, he stood up on his knees first and stretched his arms high above his head. Vic turned around then latched his arms around you and pulled you close to him. At first, you thought he was getting pay back for all the teasing you gave him. But, instead he just held you.
Well, until he rubbed his slick and sticky cock against your stomach, getting the clothing dirty. You scoffed and pushed him away, which he allowed for you to. “Vic! That’s gross,” you scolded and glared at the dark spot on your shirt. “That stuck is hard to wash out properly.” It takes a whole week of soaking in water and some sort of soap to get it out.
Vic chortled then stood, always towering over you. You got to your feet as well. “You know, I’m supposed to be bravely carrying you to the bathtub for a soak,” you mumbled with a teasing smirk. The yellow Yautja raised a brow at you.
“If you want, I can just collapse onto you and see how that words for you,” he jestered back. You set a unheated glare at your mate.
“You and your superhuman strength.” Vic laughed once more at your misfortune.
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angellayercake · 1 year
face down in décolletage - chapter 2
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Papa Emeritus IV x Fem Reader | NSFW | AO3 | Chapter 1
Disclaimer: Copia talking about being face down in tits has all the feminism leaving my body. I am sorry but he can leer at my boobs any day and I would thank him. So TW for Copia being a fucking perv and kind of degrading but if you are into that we are golden! (check AO3 for full tags) And now ... what happens in his dressing room. I think this is the most NSFW, NSFW thing i have ever written so here you are. Massive thank you's to @ghostchems and others on discord who i have been torturing with parts of this over the last week. You guys are the best 💜
The door opens with a bang startling you as you sit nervously, waiting. Your thoughts had been warring in the time since you had set yourself up in his dressing room, entirely naked as he had requested. The way his eyes had been following you had been irritating you all day and yet you just allowed him to fucking motorboat you in your place of work. There’s something about him with the paint and the costumes that you just found irresistible, as if you are compelled to do as he tells you. You had been debating just leaving but as his eyes land on you as he closes the door you feel no regret. A look of dark satisfaction crosses his face and he slides his hand down his body drawing your attention to the thick bulge already forming at his crotch. 
‘Brava ragazza,’ he moans as he palms his dick through his trousers. ‘I do enjoy an obedient slut.’ You sit up straighter and open your mouth to object but the look he gives you has your jaw snapping closed. Part of you wants to argue still but then again you are sat naked in his dressing room after a handful of short conversations and half a day. Perhaps you don’t really have a standing there, and the way your body is already reacting to him, you don’t want to put an end to whatever is happening prematurely. He stands up straight and crooks his finger at you. ‘Come here cara.’ You rise slowly from the sofa, fighting the temptation to cover yourself. It is pointless you know, he will just insist you show him all of you anyway. He raises his hand bringing you to a halt in the centre of the room and he starts to pace, slowly, leisurely, around you, still not having taken his hand off his cock. 
‘Not just a nice pair of tits, eh?’ He comments as he circles you, taking in your body from every angle. You feel like a piece of meat, like prized livestock being inspected and again part of you wants to object but something tells you that if you do he will stop. And you really really don’t want him to stop. You start in surprise when he kneels down in front of you. That was not what you had expected him to do. 
‘Now let’s see how ready for me you are Cara, before I decide what to do with you.’ He doesn't break eye contact as he pulls off his glove with his teeth, one finger at a time before dropping it to the floor. He slides his now bare hand between your knees, encouraging you to spread your legs, then tracing his fingers up the inside of your thigh. ‘When I have finished with you, you will be soaked down to here you know.’ Your legs start to tremble at his touch.You want to press your legs together, to ease some of the ache in your cunt but you hope if you are patient you will get to feel his fingers at any moment. They are almost all the way up your thigh when he stops and sighs in disappointment.
‘Oh cara, I thought you wanted me, no?’ Looking down at his face you can still see the teasing look in his eyes. ‘Do you not want my touches? Is that why you are not already leaking down your thighs for me?’ He starts to pull away and in a panic you clamp your legs shut against his hand keeping him in place. He looks at you with a raised brow, questioning your audacity and you know you must do something to appease him. 
‘I’m sorry Papa, please don’t stop,’ you beg as you spread your legs once again. He doesn’t remove his hand from you thankfully continuing his path up your leg until the back of his fingers graze your pussy. It feels incredible already but as he slides his fingers between your folds you struggle to stay upright, your knees threatening to give out from that alone and you have to grip his shoulder for support when he teases at your entrance. But it seems he really is just checking how much he has turned you on because he pulls away, his smug satisfaction returning as he inspects the way your slick coats his fingers.        
‘This is a good start, si, but you are not ready yet Cara. Not for my cock, not here anyway.’ He slips his soiled fingers into his mouth groaning at the taste of you. ‘You taste sinful,’ he tells you. You gasp at the thought of his mouth on you but instead he stands leaving you still wanting for now. ‘Perhaps you want a taste of me too?’ He doesn’t wait for an answer, pushing you backwards until your legs meet the sofa forcing you to sit down and affording you a full view of his thick ever growing bulge. It must be painful with how tightly his trousers are laced and you want to free him but you look up first, feeling like you need permission. 
‘Go ahead cara.’ As soon as he says it you scramble to get him free. While lovely to look at the laces are frustrating and working them loose feels like it takes forever, that is, until you catch a glimpse of skin and hair and realise he isn’t wearing any underwear. You redouble your efforts knowing your prize is so much closer. You work them loose enough that you can pull his tight trousers down far enough that his still growing cock is revealed to you. It crosses your mind that this could be why he wants to make sure you are wet and ready enough because that thing has the potential to split you in half. You reach forward, eager to get your hands wrapped around him but he knocks them away. 
‘Hands down Cara. You have to earn being able to touch me.’ You quickly drop your hands to rest on your legs looking up at him impatiently. You want, you need, something so you decide to just look instead. It’s long, but also thick, so thick you think you would struggle to grasp it with one hand and it is so hard now that if you lean only slightly forward you would be able to take the pink head in your mouth and swallow down the precome gathering at the tip. Your mouth waters in anticipation of tasting him but you wait for his instruction, only able to pull your eyes away when he grasps the base with his own large hand. 
‘Open up Cara mia.’ He laces the fingers of his spare hand through your hair, guiding you forward as he directs his cock to your mouth but instead of sliding straight inside he traces the shape of your lips with the tip, groaning as he coats your mouth with his precome. He pulls away just enough that he can see your glazed lips. ‘Taste it,’ he commands so you lick your lips savouring the salty bitterness and he lets out another deep rumbling groan. ‘Bene cara, so obedient for papa.’ He strokes his fingers through your hair and you keen at the touch. ‘Now open again for me.’ This time he pushes the head through your lips letting it rest on your tongue. You want to close your lips, suck him in deeper but you wait for his direction. Both his hands cup the back of your head encouraging you to take him and although you can’t take all of him, you will be damned if you don’t try to take as much of him as you can. 
He is watching raptly as your lips stretch around him and you are impressed by his self control. He is a visibly holding back from fucking your face, you can tell from the way he is gritting his teeth but he must appreciate having to give you time to get accustomed to the size of him. Breathing deeply you focus on relaxing your jaw and easing him deeper and deeper, willing your gag reflex not to kick in as you do. He feels so good in your mouth you can feel your slick building between your legs as you imagine how he will feel filling your pussy. You moan around him, the size, the taste and the commanding way he is treating you already doing more than most of your past encounters.   
You pull away momentarily, a string of spit keeping you connected as you struggle to catch your breath. Deciding not to take him all the way down straight away, you kiss and lick your way down his considerable length, taking note of his low moans and hitching breaths. As you get to the base his tight trousers restrict you moving any further and both of your frustration is palpable. Before he can stop you, you grab at the waistband working the laces further open and giving you better access. His fingers tighten in your hair but he doesn’t stop you as your mouth finds his balls. 
Letting your hands wander along with your mouth you get your first feel of his thighs below the ripped fabric. You can feel the strength in them but there’s enough give that you can dig your fingers in as you pull him closer. You kiss your way back to his tip eager to get another taste of him but as you suck on his head his grip tightens encouraging you further and further down. You trail your hands around his thighs and up to his perfect ass, squeezing and hoping he understands the permission you are giving him to use your throat. He groans as he guides you further and further, all your concentration on keeping your throat as open, as relaxed as you can even as the burning stretch intensifies. You want to do it once, take him fully, to prove something. To him or yourself you aren’t sure but despite the discomfort you aren’t ready to stop quite yet. 
‘Can you take it eh?’ You hone in on his voice letting his slightly mocking encouragement help you to relax. ‘Just a little further cara and you will have all of me.’ His thumb comes to brush your cheek, massaging your stretched jaw. 
‘You look so good like this, look at me.’ You flick your eyes up to meet his intense gaze. ‘If I knew you were this good of a slut I would have had you earlier.’ You swallow around him as you realise how close you are, eyes going out of focus when you try and look how much of him you have left to take. 
‘So fucking eager aren’t you?’ His self restraint impresses you again as he lets you work your way down at your own pace. ‘You want to please your Papa don’t you by swallowing me all down.’ After what feels like forever you feel your nose against him and you have done it. It feels like there is no space left in your head for anything but him, consuming all your senses, all your thoughts. You feel a rush of something, satisfaction, pride or it could just be the lack of oxygen but it makes you moan around him which must be a step too far for him but in the next moment he has pulled out of you, leaving you coughing and spluttering as he grips the base of his cock and turns away from you.  
‘That is enough of that Cara. Touch yourself now.’ His back is to you so you know you don’t have to follow his orders instantly but as you try and steady your breathing you find yourself doing it anyway, dipping into your entrance with a groan before teasing your clit with slow slick circles. You watch intently as he peels his clothes off layer by layer. The jacket first, still sparkling in the overhead light. He takes care, hanging it on a moulded hanger hooked on the back of the door, straightening the lapels and smoothing out the creases in the sleeves. Next his boots, a simple zip inside of each and he is able to pull them off with ease lining them up first left, then right next to his scuffed brogues. 
When he reaches for his shirt buttons your mouth goes dry. He starts at the bottom, unbuttoning each button with a slow deliberate motion as more and more of his body is revealed to you. The groomed hair at the base of his cock thins out to a salt and pepper trail up his soft stomach and connects with his thick chest hair and you have to fight the urge to leave your position so you can run your fingers through it. The shirt gets discarded with little care and he moves on to the trousers. You are intrigued how he plans to get them off with any grace but you say nothing as he turns away again. 
The waistband is already sitting half way down his perfectly rounded ass thanks to your efforts but it takes some time for him to work the material down his thick thighs. You wonder if you should offer to help but before you make a decision he has managed to work them down to his knees and from there much less elegantly kicks them off. You have never felt so desperate to get your hands on someone in your life. He looks at you at last, as naked as you are, well except for the socks and notices you have paused your touches. 
‘Do you need me to take over now cara?’ He questions with a knowing smirk. You nod dumbly as you watch him saunter towards you, unable to settle on where you most want to look. His still achingly hard cock, his toned thighs, his broad chest or his handsome face. He was a feast for the eyes and you wanted him. Just as you think he is going to stop in front of you again he moves to drop down on the sofa beside you. He shuffles closer, laying his arm across the back of the sofa behind you and the other creeps across your thigh and underneath your own useless hand. 
‘Let me get you ready then.’ It seems he is done with his teasing as his fingers easily seek your entrance, sliding in with little resistance. He pumps them in and out, pressing down and spreading his fingers in an effort to stretch you enough to take him comfortably but not neglecting your pleasure either. His thumb grazes over your clit deliberately and he curls his fingers inside you as he finds your spot. You grip the arm rest as he pleases you, playing you as easily as he had played the crowd earlier in the evening. He adds a third finger and you start to feel the stretch but his whispered reassurances and stroking thumb work you through it until you are ready for more. 
‘I think you are ready now Cara.’ You keen at the loss of his fingers but he is already helping you into his lap, positioning you just so you will be able to control how much you take, at least for now. You grip his shoulders as you sink down so ready, you find yourself rushing. ‘Ah ah, now, we take our time or you might regret your haste tomorrow.’ You take a deep breath to steady yourself but you can still feel your limbs begin to shake as you struggle to hold your position. The long day and prolonged teasing make it hard to resist your exhaustion. You rely on him to guide you instead and one hand on your hip and the other directing his cock to your entrance. The first brush against you sends shivers through your body but you wait repeating to yourself over and over that it will be worth it. The tip breeches you and you feel your eyes roll back the stretch so deliciously overwhelming in spite of his preparation. 
‘Oh fuck yes,’ you hiss out as he allows you to press your hips down, taking him deeper and deeper. You want it all, just as you did in your mouth, greedy for the feel of him inside you. When you are fully seated you grind your hips slowly in his lap allowing yourself to get accustomed to the feeling. His eyes had slipped closed as your wet heat had enveloped him, his arms winding around your waist, keeping you close and not allowing you much movement but on a particularly deep grind he fucks directly into your sweet spot making your pussy clench down on him like a vice and his eyes snap back open. 
‘You feel so good cara, so fucking good,’ he growls taking a moment to bury his face between your boobs now you are at the perfect height. ‘I need more though, si? I need to fuck you hard and deep.’ Just his words have your insides fluttering, you need it as much as he seems to. 
‘Please Papa,’ you whisper against the top of his head. It takes all but seconds for him to lift your hips, turning you until you are bent over the arm of the sofa. He moves you like a ragdoll coming up behind you gripping your ass and spreading you open so he can survey the state of you, humming in satisfaction as he lines himself up. The stretch isn’t so all-encompassing the second time so you can appreciate exactly how well he fills you, although not for long as he picks up a driving rhythm, jolting you forward against the armrest and making your head spin. You had thought you had had good sex before, even great sex but you had never had anyone that managed to play your body so fully. There wasn’t a part of you that didn’t feel affected by the way he was fucking you and as much as you craved the climax you could feel building quickly within in you, you really did not want this feeling to end.  
‘Make yourself come on me Cara,’ he leans down to whisper in your ear somehow able to sense how close you are already. You don’t react straight away, not wanting to bring your inevitable end even closer but he is insistent, grasping your wrist, directing it to his chosen destination and leaving you with little choice. He switches his vice like grip to your shoulders, not only giving him enough leverage to slam into you but also helping to keep you upright and keep you working over your clit with quick sloppy strokes. 
Your orgasm crashes over you like a tidal wave but he gives you no respite.  His fingers dig into your shoulders, as he pulls you against him with every thrust. The sounds of slapping skin fill the room as he maintains the intensity with a spine shaking rhythm, the head of his cock pounding against your sweet spot over and over and over again. You think you might be screaming but as he fucks you through your climax you can't hear over the blood rushing in your ears. Your whole body convulses  and if it weren't for his bruising grip on your shoulder you would collapse. You are in a suspended state, pleasure clouding your mind completely as he fucks you to heights you have never before experienced and you can’t stop shaking. 
Your arms give out but he is there anchoring you against his chest, the coarse texture of his hair only adding to your over stimulation. He barely falters though, kneeling back and pulling you on top of him. He shifts his vice like grip to your hips, using your body weight to fuck you even deeper. With the change in angle something happens. Your last orgasm hasn’t fully passed but you can feel something else building, something far more intense. You start babbling nonsense not sure if you want him to stop or to please please continue but he just laughs, the vibrations travelling through your body where your sweaty skin is pressed together. You can feel your pussy clenching as he thrusts into you harder, faster, deeper and it builds and builds. 
‘Come on cara,’ he growls into your ear. ‘I can feel how close you are. Do you need something a little more?’ Unsure of what more he could possibly give you, you let your head loll back  onto his shoulder. His fingers creep down from your hip bone, inching lower and lower. As he reaches your cunt he doesn’t even graze your clit instead circling where you are stretched wide around his cock. ‘Fuck, I’m going to ruin this pretty pussy of yours.’ He pulls his hand away, relishing in your whines of loss but you weren’t prepared for his touch to return with a sharp slap directly to your clit. Once, twice and on the third time something inside you breaks. 
‘Oh fuck yes!’ he moans when the first wave squirts out of you, a brief panic crossing your mind until you realise what is happening. Wave after wave comes as his thrusts keep hitting home. He moans, feeling your spend drip down his thighs, milking you until there is nothing left and his pistoning hips start to slow. He presses sloppy kisses to your shoulder and neck, his arms coming to lock around you and keep you pressed against him. You cling to him as your strength leaves you and he eases you down until you are resting on the arm of the sofa once again. When he is sure you are settled he pulls away, sliding out of you completely and you whine at the sudden emptiness you feel. 
‘Hush Cara, just give me a moment.’ He eases you over on to your back, arranging your shaking limbs to his liking, bending you almost in half and holding your legs together. He has a perfect view of your already well used pussy, tracing around it softly with his finger before lining himself and fucking into you with a steady rhythm. ‘I love seeing a cunt like this, all pink and puffy for me.’ Grasping an ankle in each hand he spreads your legs apart giving him an even better view every time he sinks into you. ‘You are wrecked.’ He pants between thrusts. ‘Because I fucked you so well.’ You writhe beneath him moaning and gasping. You would have thought your last orgasm was your limit, the intense pleasure almost making you numb but now as he slides into you with so little resistance you can feel it building again. 
‘You almost ready for me to fill you up eh?’ He asks with a dark chuckle. He must sense how your body is starting to respond to him again, involuntarily clenching around his girth.   
‘Please,’ you whimper barely loud enough for him to hear.
‘You want me to fill you so when you go home back to your normal life you can still feel me dripping out of you,’ he whispers to you but you feel his words down to your core. He was determined to ruin you, completely and utterly you were sure of it. ‘So when you fill yourself with your fingers tomorrow, as you think about me, far away with the next willing hole, you will remember how no one has ever filled you so good.’ You can only moan, so far beyond words and so drunk on pleasure you can't even deny the vulgar things he is saying. You can’t imagine thinking of anything but him. He slows down, fucking into you with slow deep thrusts that fuck the air out of your lungs. 
‘I asked you a question.’ You groan as you realise he is waiting for some response. 
‘Do you not want to come again?’ His slow hard thrusts don’t falter and again you marvel at his self control. ‘Shall I just stop and jerk off until I can paint you instead?’ He stops moving all of a sudden, your full attention now on his words. ‘That option works for me too.’ Your eyes widen in panic as he starts to pull out until just the tip of his cock is still inside you.
‘Please,’ you say, not sure what you are begging for specifically but you need him to do something.
‘Please what?’ With what little strength you have left you try a wriggle back down his cock, enough of the tip inside you that if you could move just a bit he would slide straight back in but another stern look stops you. 
‘Please please Papa please.’ You are babbling again but you can’t stop yourself. He wants something specific from you and you want to give it to him so badly but you just can’t think.  
‘Please. What.’ His eyes darken when you fail to answer properly again. He lets go of your legs which drop against his shoulders now you no longer have the strength to hold them up and pinches your nipples cruelly. Your back automatically arches up off the sofa as your eyes roll back in your head. The sudden unexpected pain brings enough of your brain back online that you are able to form a somewhat coherent thought.   
‘Please please fuck me. Please let me come and please fill me up Papa please.’ You need him to fill you up, more than anything. 
‘Brava ragazza, that wasn't so hard was it.’ He strokes your now tingling nipples soothing the burn but as he massages the pain away he gets distracted by your breasts once again. He leans down between your legs burying his face between them, sucking and nipping and licking at your already abused skin. ‘Oh Cara, they are so beautiful,’ he laments into your chest. ‘I wish I was a younger man that I could fill you up and paint your perfect décolletage but no. I must choose.’ He drops a sloppy kiss to each nipple before sitting back up and smirking at you. He looks absolutely devastating, his face paint smudged and hair in disarray. 
‘And you begged so nicely.’ You were a whimpering mess by the time he began to fuck into you. He had been seated as deeply as he could have been inside you as he had been lavishing attention on your breasts but he had kept up the slow grinding circle of his hips, pushing the head of his cock impossibly deeper and massaging spots you never before knew existed inside of you. But as he picks up the pace again, short sharp thrusts angled perfectly to make you see stars, you know you won’t last much longer. 
‘Come for me cara, one last time for Papa.’ He almost sounds like he is begging now, needing to wring one last orgasm from you before he can take his own. You can already feel it building like a crescendo inside you. Every slap of his hips against you, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. He reaches for your clit circling it in time with his thrusts and you are so close it barely takes a moment and you are there. 
‘Yes Papa,’ you breathe with the last bit of air left in your body. It ripples over you and you feel yourself clamp down on him. Nothing registering but blissful rolls of pleasure and his faltering thrusts as he joins you, tipping over the edge. He rides you both through it, filling you up just as he promised and as he collapses against you, face buried in your chest once more you start to drift away. 
You come too to the feeling of a gloved hand stroking your hair and gently scratching your scalp. You stretch, enjoying the delicious burn of well used muscles. Tomorrow is going to be a struggle but it was so worth it. You start to take in more of your surroundings. You are still naked but a blanket has been placed over you and your head is resting on what you decide is probably a soft warm thigh. Your eyes blink open and all you see is burgundy cotton until you look up and see his paint free face smiling down at you having noticed you are finally awake. 
‘Welcome back Cara Mia,’ his voice sounds different, more like the man you first met this morning. You would be confused if you weren't so blissed out so you return his nervous smile as you try to sit yourself up. He looks at you in slight alarm quickly placing the silly little juice box you hadn't noticed until now so he could use both hands to help you get upright. He pulls the blanket up over you so you are still covered and reaches down beside the sofa, struggling to find whatever it was he was trying to reach. You watch quietly wondering what the hell he is doing when with an exaggerated 'ahah' he produces a new juice box and offers it to you with a flourish. 
‘For you? To help after all the screaming?’ You look between him and the little carton of apple juice. This guy, you can't control the half hysterical giggle that escapes from you at the absurdity of the situation. That this absolute sex god that may have just given you the best fuck of your life wound down afterwards by sharing apple juice. You accept it because why not and try to subdue your giggles but he doesn't look offended, the slightly nervous yet content smile still on his face as he picks up his own juice box. 
‘Thank you Papa,’ you say after your first sip, pleasantly surprised at how well it quenches your thirst. Maybe he is on to something with the juice.
‘Copia you can call me Copia,’ he offers, ducking his head down to try and hide the flush of his cheeks. ‘If you want that is,’ he adds, managing to make eye contact with you again. He is nervous and you are confused but you feel a warm feeling of affection towards him for reasons you don’t have the brain capacity to pick apart right now. 
‘Ok Copia,’ you say with a tired smile. ‘Thank you.’ You both lapse into a comfortable silence with your juice and the aftershocks of pleasure still coursing through you when the odd thought pops into your still somewhat addled head. This was the best consequence to being lazy about your washing you had ever experienced.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
hello I am a slut for forehead kisses so may I request that prompt if it inspires? 🥺
I know I said reunion kiss was next but I have conflicting ideas about that one and this popped into my head and google doc nearly fully formed, so here you go. On ao3 here!
By the time Eddie has locked his car and is bolting up the stairs so fast he very nearly trips and eats shit, he’s 23 minutes late.
“Sorry, Cap,” he says, trying not to sound out of breath and discretely tugging wrinkles out of his uniform. “Water main burst near Chris’ school, must have happened after I left the house ‘cause I didn’t get any traffic alerts.”
Bobby snorts. “As your captain I have to say ‘try to be punctual next time,’ but as someone who also lives in Los Angeles… it happens.”
Eddie sighs in agreement and slides onto one of the bar stools. At least it’s not a day where they got called out immediately, he’d feel terrible if he arrived and everyone was already out on the truck. A coffee mug — Eddie’s favorite at the station, a deep speckly green handmade number somebody had found at a farmer’s market — lands next to him, along with a familiar warm presence at his side. He smiles as he looks up at Buck.
“Hello, husband,” Buck says, grin so bright Eddie thinks he might be bioluminescent if they turned off all the lights.
“Hi, husband,” Eddie says, figuring he’d probably glow in the dark, too.
Eddie supposes he’s probably had more eventful 72 hour time spans in his life, though he’s hard pressed to remember one where the majority of the events were this good. It’s not like it started fantastic, his shoulder still hurts like hell from landing on it when the factory floor went out from under them, and there were the three horrifying hours where no one could find Buck and it felt like the world was ending. He hadn’t kept his cool very well, he’ll admit it, and he’s fully expecting teasing to set in any time now that they’ve had a few days and Buck is perfectly fine.
They’d found him in a little pocket in the debris two floors down, not a scratch on him. He’d lost his radio, but otherwise he was sort of just waiting around. Legs crossed, hands behind his head, chill as anything. He could have been at the goddamn beach.
And he’d looked at Eddie, a happy little smile on his face, and said “I knew you’d find me,” and Eddie — who’s lungs hadn’t been working right since he’d tried to call Buck on the radio and got silence in return — had kissed him instead of saying I always will.
And when they’d got back to the station he’d gone ahead and said it out loud, too, and I don’t know how to be without you and I love you, I’ve loved you for so long and move in with me and marry me, we should get married, please marry me.
Buck’s knuckles had been almost creaking with how tight they’d been gripping the sleeves of Eddie’s uniform. “Why? I mean- we haven’t- you never- how could you want that? It’s me, I-“ he’d laughed, trying to make it into a joke. “Won’t you get sick of me?”
“I want to share my whole life with you,” Eddie had said, and then laughed a little breathless. “And Buck, I- I think we already do. Your toothbrush is in my bathroom and I have a green lawn chair because you said it looked like a frog and- and you fixed the holes in my wall and you’re raising my son. We share- my house feels most like a home when you’re there. So. You can be there, forever, if you want. You want a couch? I have a couch. You like my couch.”
Buck had laughed, tears in his eyes, kissed him again, and said “I love your couch.”
So Friday evening they’d been sitting on the aforementioned couch as best friends eating pizza and drinking beer, and Sunday morning they’d got married, and had an all day long party in their backyard with people dropping in and out whenever they weren’t at work or had other places to be and Eddie had smiled so big and laughed so hard his cheeks still ache, and Sunday night he’d had sex with a man for the first time. He, Eddie Diaz, had sex with Buck (who’s last name is now sort of a toss up until he decides how he wants to change it, a process that turns out comes with a lot more paperwork and waiting than a marriage license). Not even just sex- Buck fucked him into the mattress so hard Eddie thinks he may have had some sort of religious experience. He came so hard he got a little mad about it after. Like. Is this what it’s supposed to be like? He could have been having sex this good the whole time? Buck had laughed at him, loud but not unkindly.
He’d learned what it’s like to sleep in a bed beside the man that he loves. Buck is warm and his feet are cold and he is delightfully solid and unmovable. He snores, especially when he curls up in his sleep, but Eddie has spent years sleeping in a big shared room in a fire station and years before that falling asleep in a war zone, so it doesn’t bother him. This morning they’d woken up holding hands even though they hadn’t gone to sleep like that, and Eddie is in love, in love, in love.
Sometime about halfway through their first shift as a married couple they’re called to a car gone over a cliff in the hills. It’s not gone very far over the cliff, and is resting on stable ground, and the occupant inside seems more shaken up than anything, but someone’s still got to get in a harness, and like usual that person is Buck.
Eddie can feel Chimney smirking off to the side as he triple checks Buck’s harness and line, but this is something Eddie always does and not a new feature of some sort of honeymoon phase. Buck’s life is precious, has been since the beginning, he’d never risk it with something as preventable as an improperly secured strap. Back last year, when Buck had been in the coma, it had been the one thing he’d not felt guilty about. The harness had caught him. Eddie had triple checked it. He always has and he’s not going to stop now.
"Be careful,” he says, darting in to give him the quickest kiss he thinks he can get away with. So, that part is new, sue him.
Buck's eyes get wide, and then he nods very solemnly. "I will," he promises, looking at Eddie for another long minute before he goes over the side.
To his left Bobby lets out a huff of air, and he's making a face and shaking his head when Eddie turns to investigate. Eddie raises an eyebrow.
"It's that easy?" Bobby gestures down the side of the cliff, amused. "I should have had one of you marry him ages ago."
Eddie laughs, and turns back to keep an eye on the line.
“We’re going to the roof,” Eddie says, after they’re back at the station. “For fifteen minutes,” he concedes to Bobby’s raised eyebrows. “To engage in strictly pg13 activities,” a final plea.
Bobby sighs, and Hen cackles as he waves a defeated hand at them to go ahead. Eddie hooks his arm through Buck’s and they stumble up the stairs side by side, laughing like they’re getting away with something.
They only got twelve minutes before the alarm rang again, and it was non stop after that till the end of the shift. Eddie’s shoulder is almost too stiff to move at this point, and Buck looks dead on his feet.
“You wanna just come home with me?” He asks, leaning on the locker next to Buck’s as he changes.
“Uh…” Buck looks tempted when he emerges from his t-shirt, hair all ruffled, but then he shakes his head. “Nah, we took both cars for a reason, I should go grab stuff from the loft.” The logistics of very suddenly moving in together are still working themselves out. Eddie thinks he could probably push — Buck practically lived with him before, anyway, what could be at the loft that he would miss so terribly it couldn’t wait another night? — but they’d planned their day like this so they could both go on Chris’ beach day field trip tomorrow without having to squeeze packing around it.
“Alright,” he agrees, though he can’t help feeling a little reluctant about it. He hasn’t been apart from Buck for more than an hour since he’d been lost in a pile of rubble, and he doesn’t really want to go separate ways now. He leans in for a kiss, and the way Buck smiles into it might be able to tide him over for just a little while. “I’ll go get the kid. See you at home.”
“Okay. Goodbye, husband,” Buck says, a little sparkle back in his tired eyes.
“Bye, husband,” Eddie laughs, soft, kissing him again.
There’s three unpacked boxes pushed to the side of the living room and two others empty by the recycling, contents dispersed around the house. By mutual, exhausted decision they’d agreed to deal with the rest some other time and collapsed into bed. They can’t even really make out properly, one or both of them yawning into it repeatedly until Eddie laughs and rolls onto his back, setting his alarm for the morning and settling more comfortably under the covers.
“Night, Buck,” he breathes, leaning onto his pillow to kiss his cheek. “I love you.”
Buck does the little smile with startled-wide eyes he’s done every time Eddie’s said it so far. “I love you, too. Uh- sweet dreams.”
And that should be that, another happy night of wedded bliss, but the thing that Eddie knows and kind of forgot is that after a long and hectic shift Buck gets a little restless no matter how tired he is, brain running overtime, so after trying to wait out his tossing and turning and yawning Eddie eventually sighs, turns the bedside lamp back on, and pokes him in the side.
“What’re you thinking about?”
Buck frowns at him. "Eddie. What if I die in my sleep?"
He doesn’t think it’s a real question, but it still makes his stomach lurch a little. "Why would you do that?"
Buck makes a face. "I wouldn't mean to."
"I mean- why are you afraid of that?"
Buck frowns harder. “I don’t know. I heard once you yawn because you’re falling asleep and your brain thinks you're dying, so it tries to get you a burst of oxygen to save you.”
“Okay, but- you’re not actually dying.” Eddie reaches a clumsy hand under the covers till it collides with Buck’s chest, where his heart is somewhere inside beating steady. “You’re okay. Just tired.”
Buck nods, but he hasn’t stopped frowning. “What if you die in your sleep?”
Eddie hums, shuffling onto his side to face Buck more fully. “I don’t plan to.”
“Okay,” Buck says, trusting Eddie’s word even in a hypothetical he would in actuality have no control over. “What if Bobby dies? Or- or anybody. What if… a meteor destroys the station and we can’t go to work?”
Eddie snorts, and then feels bad about it until he sees Buck grin a tiny bit. “I think we’d still have jobs, Buck. They’d rebuild the station, we might all just have to work at different houses for a while.” Buck frowns again, and Eddie winces at introducing this new worry. “Hey. If a meteor destroys our station I promise I will beg on hands and knees to get transferred to the same place as you.”
Buck laughs, just a small exhale of air through his nose. “Feel like you might wanna stay upright. They might cite professionalism and all that.”
“Okay,” Eddie says, kissing his cheek. “I will beg on two feet to stay by your side whenever I can, as long as I can.”
“Alright,” Buck says, a little choked. He slings an arm over Eddie’s side and settles in close against him, and Eddie thinks that might be it until he says, very quietly, “What if I’m not a good husband to you?”
“Oh, Buck.” This question is a real question, the one that was hiding behind all the others. “You're doing pretty great so far.”
“It’s been like two days.” Muffled, somewhere around Eddie’s collarbone.
“Yeah, and they’ve been a pretty great two days.” He drags his hand around Buck’s ribs, everything made soft sandwiched by blanket and sleep shirt. “I asked you to marry me because I wanted to be married to you. I wanted- you to be married to me. My husband.”
“Yeah, that’s usually why people ask that question,” Buck mumbles, not, apparently, in the mood to easily accept comfort. “But what if-“
“Are you afraid of me?”
“What?” Buck reels back in surprise to look at him. “No. Of course not.”
“Then why are you scared I’ll change my mind?” Eddie can feel the raised line of a scar on Buck’s back through his shirt. The one from getting tossed from the board the first time he’d gone surfing, Eddie’s pretty sure, years before they met. “I won’t. I’m not going to get tired of you, I’m not going to leave you behind, you’ll never be too much for me. You-“ Eddie takes a breath, tries to get his thoughts in order. “You make my life better by being in it, and that has always been true, and you know we’ve gone through some shit before. Even… even when you were suing the city because you were a lonely little idiot and I was pissed at you because I was a mean little idiot, all I wanted was to be by your side. When I was bleeding out in the street I just wanted to be with you. When you were- when you were dead on that ladder I’d have done anything-“ Eddie exhales, hard. Buck is on his left side, birthmark buried in the pillow, so Eddie has to snake his hand up to tilt his head for access to it. They’ve only been able to kiss each other for a tiny handful of days, but it doesn’t feel new, really, when he presses his lips to the pink blotches of skin. “I don’t know how else to explain it to you, but I will keep trying every day for the rest of our lives, if you’ll let me.”
Buck kisses him, hard, holds him tight. “I- yeah, I-,” another kiss, slower. “As long as I can- I’ll tell you, too, I- I’ve never been anywhere I’ve felt- it’s so easy to be here, in your- in our home.” Buck’s fingers find Eddie’s scars, twin bullet holes, touching them so reverently he thinks the scars might heal right up and vanish. “You make me-“ He kisses Eddie’s cheek, up by his eye, his nose, right between his eyebrows. “I don’t know how to say it. If you try every day, can I try, too?”
“Anytime,” Eddie vows. “Every day, anytime you want.”
“Alright,” Buck says, tail end of the word getting swallowed by another yawn. Eddie kisses his forehead again, or maybe just smiles against it. “I love you, Eddie. So much.”
“So much, too.”
It’s a little bit of a stretch to be able to turn the light off again with Buck still wrapped around him, but he gets it on the second try. He’s not sure how well he’ll be able to fall asleep tangled together like this, but that’s fine. Buck is warm. His feet, where they’re bumped here and there into Eddie’s legs, are cold. They breathe in, and on this inhale are entirely synched. There’s no place he’d rather be.
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nekovmancer · 2 months
Pairing: Ramattra x f!reader Summary: It was never in your plans to love a heartless being, and yet there you were: aching for something you could never have  Warnings: pure angst ‘cause I like to suffer over things I create in this silly head of mine. Insecure & rejected reader etc etc to not mention it’s been a while since I wrote anything in English so… maybe the poor writing is a warning itself thanks to insecure writer also lol Word count: 685 A/N: just found this in my drafts, which was supposed to be the fic I would post for my comeback but- before being such a drama queen, I am a shameless slut and always needy for a big robot guy who would surely ignore my burning passion… anyways, delight in the pain as much as I did while writing. Also posted at AO3!!
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Sat alone on the bed, hearing your own hasty heartbeats as a requiem to your daydreams, you felt miserable once again as memories cursed you, echoing in your head until they ached. A common sentiment over the past few weeks, maybe months, since you’ve come to realize something that scared you to death: you’ve been in love with someone who could never love you back. 
Omnics, especially those like him, weren’t made to feel, only to destroy. And Ramattra was being formidable in crushing your feelings without a clue. No, maybe not so bluntly. The Null Sector leader surely wasn’t stupid, just as he wasn’t one to care about humans, mostly their questionable emotions: hate, disdain and anger he could cope with, but affection? That was too far from his purview.
Since you’ve met a long while ago, you had stood by his side like a pet, a very obedient one for the record. Once a discarded experiment from Talon who was staring into the precipice of loneliness long before he came along, now more like a tool with something akin to a porpoise. He gave you something to live for, to love, so you fought along Null Sector, gave them your blood, sweat and tears, and none of it seemed enough for you to be loved back, or cherished at least. So, why sacrifice your heart over a lost cause? They, or better, he would never, ever express any kind of gratitude for your commitment.
Or nothing at all, to the matter. 
You actually envy Ramattra. His faceplate is unable to conjure any emotion that could betray his feelings, if he held any. Your face, on the contrary, had plenty to show whenever your feelings threatened to flood from every pore of your being. That’s where the problem began. It was any morning like many others, after so many sleepless nights, but instead of holding back, you’ve made a decision, one that would cost more than you thought at first. 
It began with slightly flushed cheeks, a restless tremble on your fingertips, and that uneasy sensation on your stomach, sometimes cold, sometimes warm enough to heat your skin to a fever pitch. Feeling more exposed than ever, like your chest was being ripped open right in front of him, you thought he deserved to know, to recognize every little thing you felt… so you vocalized them, without a single hesitation. For what? A cold quietness followed.
Maybe he was thinking, maybe he would consider everything you had sacrificed… maybe you’re the one to blame. And still, you came to him with nothing but your bare passion, and returned to your solitude with something else: shame. 
“Why would you say that, human?” his tone was nothing like you thought it would be. Surely wasn’t amused, nor mad.Thing is he acted like it was nothing at all, remaining placid and untouched, as everything you just said meant nothing at all, despite the aching in your heart threatening to consume your very being. “Whatever you have in mind, forget it immediately. You should not be distracted by such frivolous sentiments.”
Shrinking, your mouth fell agape, but no words were poured. Instead, they found themselves stuck to your throat, and the overflow you’re expecting turned to your eyes, sight now blurred thanks to the tears. Your last efforts are invested in holding them back, only a single drop finding its way through your cheeks, meeting your lips with a salty taste that turned bitter on the tip of your tongue. “But, I–” your voice was shaking, lips also trembling to pronounce those two simple words.
“Enough,” Ramattra cuts you off, so sharp his words could be a blade. “I do not wish to hear about it. I can’t have whatever you think you’re feeling interfering in Null Sector’s plans.”
And with that, he buried your heart. Rest in peace, this terribly broken thing, whose shattered pieces may never come together, and shall the endearing pain haunt you from now and forever as you lay in your bed, alone to revive that moment again and again. 
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rottencherrypie · 6 months
R-18+; Trapped in Silk (Vampire!Thranduil x Human!Fem!Reader)
Summary - After some time alone to stew in your punishment, the elven king returns with two offers…offers you did not quite catch. Now after mindlessly blurting out a number, you must deal with the "punishment" at hand.
Warnings - Smut, language, female reader, afab reader, vampire!Thranduil, brat!Reader (not as apparent), female genitalia (reader), male genitalia (Thranduil & Guard OC), name calling, pet names, praise kink, voyeurism, threesome (not as noticeable), oral (both male & female receiving), choking, implied mind-control, mention of blood, mention of drinking blood, biting, impact play (slapping), sensation play (Thranduil being cold, Guard being warmer), size play (brief), blind-folding, bondage, sex toys (pretend they exist in middle-earth once again), slight dom!Reader, slight sub!Guard OC, unprotected sex, rough sex, creampie, orgasm control & denial, overstimulation, & a crappy fluff scene. (I hope this is all, I apologize if I missed anything!)
Pronouns & POVs - She/Her (Reader is also called a woman a few times), third-person-ish
Word Count - 8,800+
A/N - Here I thought the warnings for the first chapter were bad…this took ages to write when I first posted due to utter chaos breaking out while I was in the middle of writing. I apologize if there is any grammar or anatomy errors, I use an online checker so it does miss a few things & I am genuinely awful at anatomy! Pure smut under the cut!
Read on AO3 Read on Wattpad
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
That familiar heavenly static spread throughout your entire body, starting from the tips of your toes up towards the heated flesh of your cheeks. Your lower body mindlessly rocking against the speeding silicone - the muscles within your stomach clenched and trembled in harmony alongside the muffled hums.
A faint sheen of sweat glistened upon your forehead as you writhed in pleasure against your restraints, beads of sweat trickling down your temples. Your hips rocked in slow, steady circles against the heavenly silicone as the corners of your lips further dampened with salvia.
"Holy shit!" The gasp fell out of your plump lips as you were dragged further down the endless rabbit hole of pleasure, again. Every atom within your being trembled alongside the speeding vibrations that rested between your thighs.
 The speed that your chest rose and fell quickened as you began to come back from your last high. Was this number four or five? Was there already a five? You had lost count of the endless times that heavenly release graced your body, and yet, you still desperately yearned for more.
"Having fun, pet?" The sudden warm vibration against your neck made your desperate form tremble further; the beautiful blur of your bobbing head made the familiar pair of thin lips curve upwards into a faint, mischievous grin.
How he wished it was bobbing for another reason- patience, Thranduil. That would come soon enough, and so would he.
"Such a responsive little slut." He purred as the tips of his frozen fingers began to glide up your sprawled out arms; a trail of goosebumps was left behind each inch of flesh he touched upon the steady path towards the restraints.
His hands were quick to loosen the smooth ribbon around your wrists - only enough to ease the tightness and tension it held upon them but not free you from them, never freeing you from his cruel grasp. 
A shiver roamed down your spine at the sudden cold glide of his fingers tracing your sides - the cooling sensation against your burning skin was a brief distraction from the unlimited pleasure that rested between your thighs.
His slender hands came to a halt as they hovered above your thighs, his hungry-pale eyes feasting upon your bare flesh for a moment as he attempted to restrain himself.
The bare sight of you was utterly addicting, one that could pull him away from the realities of his cruel job with ease no matter the endless times he had seen you like this before; he had to admire it - he had to feast upon it.
The corners of his lips began to dampen with saliva as he remembered that heavenly taste. Bitter, metallic, and far sweeter than any fruit he had ever tasted before. More addicting than any wine that had graced his lips and far more heavenly than any meal any had prepared for him prior. It was his source of life as much as it was yours.
His hungered thoughts were soon broken at a pathetic whine that slipped through your plump lips, his back teeth sinking into the inner flesh of his right cheek as his freezing hands continued on their steady glide down your burning flesh.
An equally tortuous action for you as you yearned for nothing more than to touch him, truly feel him if not inside of you - then the simple sensation of his frozen flesh upon your fingertips would do as well.
A desire that grew stronger at a familiar soft click, the silicone suddenly falling in all motion as the once addicting view of you morphed into something far more divine, far more otherworldly as pure, unfiltered desperation began to spread throughout your body.
A disappointed groan slipped out of your parted lips as your thighs began to tighten around the silicone as your hips started to sway in slow, circular motions.
Silently praying it would restart as your thighs tightened around it or that any being who was listening would restart it for you, to gift you with an ounce of pleasure that you so desperately craved - so desperately needed.
But, your prayers went unheard. After all, the only being that could grant them within these twisted halls preferred your whining pleads over your joyous cries from answered prayers.
The sudden aching boom of his ice-cold palm coming down upon your throbbing clit echoed throughout the silent halls, a loud yelp flying out of your mouth as you writhed against the smooth restraints. Yearning for more of the bitter pleasure you knew that only he could truly bring you.
"Now, now, pet." He tsked - the sound of his voice reminded you of the rattle from a venomous snake's tail. His chilled hand hovered above your heated, damped flesh for a moment before continuing its steady descent down your legs.
Taking in every curve, indent, and scar they met upon their journey, each feather-like touch a silent reminder of how much he adored you - anger and all.
"I think you've had enough fun,"  The low snarl of his voice cut through the harsh static that filled your ears, his hands quickly busying themselves with freeing your ankles from the tight silk that restrained them. 
The action was a mindless attempt to restrain himself for one last time before caving to his inner demands to corrupt you - to feed his thirst. "however, I believe it is my turn for some fun as well."
Though you could not see him, you swore you could hear that mischievous grin that he had plastered upon his face as the silk dropped onto the bed. Your thighs were quick to squeeze around the silicone even tighter, holding your breath as you attempted to squeeze down upon any button your skin touched while you mindlessly ground against the smooth silicone tip.
The scent of pure, utter desperation danced within his nostrils as he watched the addictive, primal-like sight before him burning into his mind for a later date. The speed at which your hips rolled, the indents and curves your body made to each motion, the quivering of your lower lip as you felt even a mere spark of pleasure, and the scent of pure - utter desperation that filled the room. A memory he would surely be fond of later on, but for now-
"Don't you think so, my starlight?" He hissed, yanking the dampened silicone out from the tight grasp of your inner thighs. He could not let that thing replace him; how funny. The elven king was jealous of a pathetic piece of plastic.
The blurry sight of your head rapidly bobbing eased the burning jealousy within the pit of his stomach slightly. Good, he was still your top priority. The corners of his thin lips rose into another mischievous grin as the soft whoosh of his clothes falling onto the floor danced caught within your ears.
"That's a good little slut." The cold purr against your neck sent a shiver down your spine as your inner thighs began to dampen further; it was as if a switch within you flipped as nothing seemed to matter anymore except earning yet another praise from his majesty. 
A familiar soft click danced throughout the heavy room as you felt the heat of his breath sinking into the crook of your neck, part of you knowing all too well what heavenly sight lingered outside of the rouge silk that filled your view.
The way his breath hitched against your neck furthered this image within your mind, how the pattern of his breathing wavered every other second due to the addictive scent of your blood dancing within his nostrils - the things he would do to bury his fangs into you. How his silk-like strands of hair would graze upon your neck and chin as he groaned under his breath, his limbs must have begun to tremble as his grip upon his throbbing cock tightened.
The bed creaked as his weight shifted again as the unsteady heat of his breath grew closer towards your neck, his inner-self screaming at him to sink his fangs into your flesh and claim you again. But - it quickly faded away alongside the soft clicking of his hands gliding upon his cock. No, not yet. It was not time yet.
The tension that danced within the air was tighter than the restraints that prevented you from aiding his majesty in his current endeavors. The things you would do if these damned restraints were on him, hell, the things you would do to that idiotic guard if it meant you would get a moment of pure, unfiltered pleasure again. 
"Open." The low command quickly pulled you away from the tight grasp your depraved thoughts had upon you, your back teeth freeing the hold they had upon the inner flesh of your mouth as your lips parted open. How long have you been chewing on your cheek? 
A question you would never find an answer for, nor did you desire one the moment the throbbing tip of his cock slid into your mouth - everything else fading into nothingness as the familiar tang of him graced your tongue.
An odd taste, one bitter and salty that made your eyes well with tears and your mouth water, and yet, you could never truly get enough of it.
The corners of your lips further dampened with escaping saliva as he continued to push his cock further inside of your warm, wet mouth. "Fuck." He hissed in pleasure as the damp heat of your mouth fully encased his cold, throbbing flesh. This time, a faint shiver roamed throughout his body.
His slender fingers tangled within the back of your hair as he began to thrust his cock into your mouth at a slow speed, allowing you to adjust to the familiar taste and sensation before the pace of his hips quickened.
The hot tears which once welled in the corners of your eyes began to trickle down your cheeks, dampening the silk which shielded them. 
As the speed of his hips began to quicken, you felt the built-up mixture of saliva and precum within your mouth begin to spill over - rolling down onto your chin and slowly trickling down onto your neck.
The sight of your pure, utter corruption left the elven king completely hypnotized as his limbs began to move on their own accord. The once soft grip upon your head tightened as he picked up the speed, tangled fingers bobbing your head back and forth as he continued to ram his cock into your mouth - fucking it as if you were nothing but a toy to him.
Your pathetic gags were completely muffled upon his cock as he watched your plump lips swallow it whole; his moans were quick to mask the noises you were making within your ears alongside the wet slap of his cock thrusting into your mouth.
The pair of hungry pale eyes burned into your skull as he slowly slid his cock out of your mouth, the throbbing tip resting upon your lips as your lungs began to fill with air. Your chest rose and fell in sync with the pulsations of his cock, small gasps expanding within your lungs as he watched you - waiting for a signal that you were okay or needed more time. 
One he quickly received as your lips parted and a nod of your head, a brief wave of relief washing throughout his body before he shoved your head back down - towards the base of his enlarged cock.
"Fuck. Good slut." He hissed in pleasure, holding your head in place as he watched your lips swallow him whole - barely hugging the base of his cock before he began to puppet your head again. The knot within his stomach began to twist and strain as you hollow your cheeks, giving him control but with a brief twist.
The warm twitching caress of your tongue curling around his chilled cock with every thrust he made, made his thrusts quickly grow more unhinged. His muscles tensed with each thrust of his hips as he continuously rammed his cock into your mouth, the throbbing tip hitting the back of your throat with each motion making new tears spill out of your eyes with a choked sob and gag.
The strained not within his stomach threatening to snap at the new vibrations against his cock, his eyes darting around the room in an attempt to control himself, an attempt which failed as his gaze fell back upon you -
A string of saliva and precum clung onto your chin and his cock; the once rouge blindfold stained a muddy gray with your tearful makeup. And finally, the rouge-hue that once enhanced your lips had been smeared across your face and the base of his cock; faint impressions from your plump lips decorated the king's lower abdomen amongst the veins and scars.
The divine sight of your corruption was the final push that sent him over the edge of bliss and into a shallow abyss of pleasure. "Shit!" His hips came to a halt as he held your head in place, a muffled gag falling upon your cock as your lips wrapped around the entirety of his base one last time, your nose pressed firmly into the toned, lower flesh of his abdomen as white ropes quickly flooded your mouth.
The familiar salty-bitter taste of it made you gag again as you squirmed within his grip, but he held you still as rope after rope continued to flood your mouth to the very brim - threatening to spill out of the bruised corners of your lips.
"Don't waste a single fucking drop, slut." The pressure upon the back of your head eased ever so slightly as you stopped your squirming, yet, the pressure quickly traveled elsewhere - the sides of your nose. The unsteady flow of air you had came to a halt as the salty liquid swished around your hollowed cheeks, giving your tastebuds no room to escape from the unpleasantly addictive taste.
Your nose scrunched upwards within his grip as you squeezed you swallowed, your face scrunching up in brief disgust as the pressure upon your nose faded away.
"Good whore." The king hummed contently while lightly tapping your cheek before he began to back away, the bed creaking under his shifting weight as his cock slid out of your mouth completely - the string of saliva and cum that was once attached to it had dripped down onto your chin and chest.
An onslaught of coughs and gasps escaped your mouth as you attempted to regain your breath, the bitter sting of cold air filling your lungs amongst the onslaught of coughs. The harsh sound of your ragged breaths appeared to silence everything around you or nearly everything. Beneath the coughs and unsteady gasps, you could have sworn you heard the tap of covered feet entering the room, but it must have been your imagination! Right?
"Easy little dove. I've got you." His loving coo eased away most of your worries as you felt the comforting glide of your lover's hands trailing your trembling body, a pleased sigh escaping your lips as you felt yourself drifting away within the waves of his coolness. Your breath returned to a steady pace as you listened to the sweet nothings your lover whispered as his hand continued to roam your body.
"You have been such a good girl. I think you have earned a reward." He hummed, pressing a kiss on the tip of your nose as his hands began to reverse their trail - now roaming towards your upper body. "What do you think, my dove?" A question quickly answered by the sight of your head bobbing rapidly, finally. You would get what you deserved.
"Good girl." The heat of his words gently caressed your lips as the bed creaked beneath him, his weight shifting forwards, his lips hovering above yours - a mere breath away, as he released your wrists from the cruel silk that encased them. 
Freedom that went unknown to you the moment his cold lips encased yours, static ringing within your ears as time around you came to a halt, lips becoming one while everything faded away. 
The dizzying scent of pine and tobacco swarmed in your nostrils as his cold tongue slipped into your mouth, the once steady pounding within your chest and veins rising in speed as he breathed you in.
A low satisfied hum vibrated against your lips as your tongues began to tangle with each other, the graceful dance masking the delicate, cold pull of your hands towards him.
The bitter-metallic scent that lingered beneath your skin became even more alluring as a tingling warmth began to flood your veins. Biting back a hungry snarl, the elven king began to lead the once graceful dance into a battle between your tongues - neither side daring to back down as did neither side within himself.
A quickly short-lived battle as the cold pressure that once laid upon your lips had faded into the static of the background, your last moan tingling upon the plump flesh. Every fiber within your being vibrating but, something felt off.
As your hands began to glide upon his toned body, you felt a familiar smooth cling upon your wrists; when had he put these back on you?! Each twisting attempt to free yourself from them fell flat as the silk began to squeeze into your wrists tighter.
A low chuckle broke through the tense static that roamed the air as a faint heat grazed the crook of your neck. "Now, now, pet." The words vibrated into your neck as his hands began to trail down your sides again.
The cooling glide of his fingertips tracing each curve and indent your flesh held sent a shiver down your spine. 
"Either you stay still like a good girl, or-" The last word clung to his lips for what felt like an eternity. The coolness of his hands radiated onto your flesh as they now hovered above your hips. The sound of your heavy breaths swarmed the air. Odd, it did not feel like you were breathing that hard.
"I will leave you tied to the bed. Alone." The empty threat made your voice rise in pitch as an endless spew of whining pleads escaped your lips, a crashing wave of promises to be a "good girl" quickly followed. Your mind raced with thoughts of his cold touch back upon you, or better - within you.
"That's what I thought." He hummed into your neck; the sensation of his soft, ice-cold lips gliding down your skin left a trail of goosebumps behind. His cold hands lightly traced small circles upon your hips as his lips glid across your body.
From your upper abdomen down towards your lower navel, the elven king laid a kiss upon every curve and scar - ensuring to paint over each old, drab indent with a fresh, vibrant bruise from his soft lips before making their way upwards.
Though you could not see it, you could feel the smugness of his grin with each kiss that pressed into your soft skin. "Now, about your reward." The heat of his words fell back onto your lips as the tips of his fingers slid up your sides, a swift movement that made you tremble momentarily.
"You have two choices." His hands began to trail up towards your head, fingers roaming through your hair towards the silk strap as the bed creaked under the shift of his weight. "Pick one." The room fell flat as the words bounced around in your skull, had you missed the options he had given you or was this another game?
"I-" Words caught within the back of your throat and formed into a lump as you laid there, motionless. Just pick anything, Y/N! He said two choices, two, so pick one- "I choose the second option." The words wavered once they finally escaped your plump lips - it was now your breath's turn to catch within your throat.
Static began to refill the air as everything fell flat, your words circling in your head as you laid against the silk, wondering if you had made the right choice - or if there was even a choice at all. 
"Very well." The simple hum of words allowed the bottled-up breath to escape your throat and replace it with a fresh one; a soft tap echoed throughout the silent room as his hands busied themselves within your hair, finally freeing your eyes and returning your vision. "Sit up. Eyes stay closed." 
A simple command that went unquestioned within your lust-drunken mind, the bed creaking softly under your shifting weight while your eyelids remained heavy. "Good girl. I will tell you when to open them." The heat of your breaths ghosted the others' lips, your heart stalling for a beat as you felt the warmth slowly grow closer and closer until it completely encased your lips.
A pleased hum vibrated against his lips as you further surrendered yourself to the cooling meld of his lips against yours. A sensation that lasted upon your lips only as long as the vibrations of your pleased hums against his. "And open."
The simple command bounced around your mind as the heavy lids of your eyes flew open before closing a few times, allowing your blurry vision to focus on the fiery-haired man who stared up at you from in between your legs. Wait, fiery-haired?!
A vocalized squeak slipped out of you as you backed yourself into the silk pillows, your gaze shifting from the emerald pair watching you curiously towards the sapphire ones that watched you hungrily.
"Now," The cold voice began, a mischievous twinkle flashing behind his darkened eyes. An ice-cold hand cradled the side of your burning cheek. "you do not have to do this, however," He paused again as he lowered his hand slightly, his thumb now resting upon your plump lower lip. "he has agreed to serve at your command for the night. Only tonight."
Only tonight. The words bounced around your skull while you tried to wrap your mind around the situation. Or whatever was left of it.
"I..." A knot began to weave within your stomach as you felt both pairs of eyes burning into your form, one that managed to weave itself in-between the strings of pleasure and worry that rested within the pit of your stomach. "Are you sure about this-" "Entirely." The eerily calm tone of his voice further weaved the knot within your belly and stirred the confusion within your head.
"After all, I gave him quite the show earlier. It is only fair he returns the favor." The king stated as if it was a well-known fact you had forgotten. "However," He began, the cold glide of his thumb swaying back and forth upon your lips soothingly. "if you are not comfortable with it, I will send him away and let you rest for the night-" "NO!" 
The heat within your cheeks burned hotter than you had felt prior, the corners of your lips curving upwards into a nervous grin as you felt both pairs of gemstone-colored eyes further burn into your flesh - into the darkest depths of your soul and desires.
"I meant, erm, no." The words escaped your lips in a breathy laugh. "I wanted to ensure that you were okay with it because, well, you are a bit-" "Possessive?" His grip upon your face tightened for a moment, the frozen sensation of his palm rubbing into your skin as you attempted to nod your head.
"Why, of course, I am possessive." The corners of his thin lips curved upwards into a smug grin as the bed creaked beneath his shifting weight, the heat of your breath caressing his lips. "I have the prettiest woman in middle-earth; I'd be a fool if I were not." The gentle tone of his words made your lips curve upwards; he always knew what strings to tug at within your heart to make you smile.
"Now, tell him what you want, dove." The breeze of his breath graced your lips again as his cold hand continued to caress your face, a soft hypnotic attempt to reveal your true desires. "He is under your command." "I want him to eat me." You breathed against his lips, your smile transferring onto his at your innocent request.
"Tell him, pet, not me." The hypnotic command sunk into your lust-drunk brain, making a string of nearly incoherent words fly out of your plump lips and vibrate against his cold ones.
Though the elven king would never admit to it, he loved watching you command his subjects, treating them as if they were beneath you only to slip away with their king not far from their posts to have their sensitive ears filled with another form of your screams. 
"I want you to eat me." Though your words wavered, the command remained firm. The shimmering emerald eyes adverting from your gemstone ones up towards the pale blue pair, waiting for the nod of his head so he may begin. One he quickly received.
Unlike your beloved king, he started far more gently with you - his warm lips pressing delicate kisses upon your inner thighs as his hands hovered above your hips as if you were a fire ready to burn him.
"You may touch her." His lightly calloused hands rested upon your hips upon the king's approval. The warmth and gentleness of his touch felt rather peculiar compared to the frozen, rough chill you had grown accustomed to from your lover - not that you were complaining.
His hands delicately traced circles upon your hips as he leaned further in between your inner thighs, the flesh of his cheeks quickly matching the fiery hue of his hair the further he went. "Hurry up before I change my mind." The king's cold tone boomed throughout the tense air, the heat of the guard's breath jolted forwards at the sudden outburst.
And with a final look shared between both men, the guard's wet, warm tongue finally found itself against your aching cunt. You could not help but gasp at the new, strange sensation - far too accustomed to the bitter chill of your lover against you - but you could not help but sink further into him the more he lapped against you.
A slew of pathetic whines fell out of your parted lips, the lids of your gemstone-colored eyes growing heavy while the weight of your head tilted back onto the silken pillow as you sunk into the hypnotic sensation of the guard's warm tongue against your core. 
The warm tickle of his hands gliding up your thighs sent a shiver down your spine as the speed of his tongue against your throbbing cunt began to slow. His attention shifted from the entirety of your pussy to swirling slow, delicate circles against your aching clit. 
"How is he, my dove?" The vibration of your lover's words against your neck distracted you from the smooth warmth slowly inching closer to your core. "So good." Every syllable of the two words hovered upon your lips, barely falling out of them, as your body threatened to tremble again.
"Tell him, not me, pet." The lids of your eyes snapped open at his words, your lips falling open further as his command slipped through your lustful mind unquestioned. "You feel so go-fuck!" The sudden warm stretch of the guard's fingers entering your aching core brought everything to a halt.
Not only was he far warmer than the king, though even the bitter winter air was warmer than him, his fingers were also longer and thicker than the chilled slender ones you had grown so fond of.
Each thrust of his skillful fingers stretched out your inner walls in a way you had only known your lover's cock to do so; you could not help but wonder about the sizes elsewhere.
The weary pair of emerald eyes locked onto yours as he continued the steady pace, his lips and tongue still paying keen attention to your aching clit, blissfully unaware of the loud moans falling out of your parted lips.
"That's it slut." The king purred against your neck, the vibrations making your inner walls clench further around the thick fingers that roamed deep within you. "Sing for us, songbird." And you did.
The weight of your skull sunk further back into the silken pillows as you melted further into the glide of the guard's fingers, a faint twinge of guilt forming within your belly alongside the weaving knot of pleasure as you realized you never quite caught his name. Though, that was the least of your concerns now.
 "Ah!" The whining gasp echoed throughout the silent halls as the guard's fingers struck your core repetitively, the suction around your clit growing more intense, your thighs wrapping around his skull while your tied hands began to glide upwards.
"Do not-" A thwack echoed throughout the room as your hands neared your face. "-cover your face." The heat of his breath drifted away from your neck as a familiar coldness encased your wrists. "You will show him how pretty you look when you cum."
The knot within your stomach tensed further as you laid there at the mercy of the two men, forgetting that you were supposed to be in control. 
Your hips began to raise and lower in sync with the guard's motions as a familiar static-like heat began spreading throughout your body, thighs trembling against the sides of his fiery skull as the waves of pleasure rose higher. Threatening to whisk you away, the ties within your stomach tightening further, nearing the breaking point until-
"That's it, songbird. Cum for us." With that simple command and a loud whine, you broke. Static roaming throughout your entire body as your toes curled, slipping away into the rabbit hole of endless pleasure as the rest of the world began to fade away.
The pressure of your thighs upon the guard's head tightened as your lover lifted your wrists to his face, the scent of pure lust roaming throughout your veins overwhelming his desires. The last thread of strength he held within himself began to fray the further you fell, and this time, he did not try to fight it.
"Ah!" The sudden sting of the skin upon your left wrist tearing made your body tense as you were brought back to reality for a mere moment; any thoughts you had regarding the pain upon your wrist faded away the moment your lover moaned into it.
The bitter-sweet metallic tang of you flooded into his mouth as his sapphire eyes glazed over; a sense of relief roamed through his stilled veins as he continued to claim you, claiming you in a way that he never could.
The endless, bitter sting of blood flowing into his mouth furthered the electricity that roamed throughout your pounding veins as you laid there - sprawled out for all to see, desperately fighting to come down from the high you once yearned to reach.
His moans stifled into pleased vibrations against your wrists as your life source continued to seep into his mouth, the last drop far tastier - far more lustful - than the previous one as he verged on the edge of draining you dry. Desperate to quench the thirst that roamed deep inside of him if it was not for one thing, the one thing that led to this situation to begin with - his love for you.
And with a final reluctant suction, the bitter pinch of his fangs departed from the sensitive flesh of your wrist. The chilling sensation of your lover's tongue against the open wound sent a brief shiver down your spine, unaware of his desperate attempt to catch the final heavenly droplets that escaped from your bruised wrist before allowing them to rest on your panting chest.
The uneasy speed at which your chest rose and fell gradually subsided as the cold air began to fill your lungs, your previously tense figure sunk into the smoothness beneath you as your thighs loosened around the redhead's skull.
"Good girl." The chilling tap of your lover's fingers against your cheek aided you back down from your high, the corners of your lips curved upwards into a blissful smile as your lustful gaze shifted upwards to meet his.
His pale sapphire eyes burned holes into your skull as he drank up the heavenly sight, wishing he did not stop the physical drinking as his desperate thirst returned the longer he gazed down at you.
The sudden smooth sensation of the guards' hair gliding against your thighs drifted your attention away from the elven king, watching as the fiery head of hair departed from your legs alongside the slender, now glistening, fingers that once roamed inside of you.
The previously worry-filled emerald eyes now blinked up at the pair of you just as mindless, if not more, as you - patiently awaiting his next command.
"Come here." The low command was nearly instantly acted upon as the guard quickly scurried next to his king. Silently hoping his majesty would not notice how tight his trousers had become and how his eyes drank in every ounce of you.
Gazing upon every bare inch that was on display as if he were a parched traveler who had finally come across a waterhole. Desperate to quench his ever-growing thirst, as was the creature who stood beside him.
"Clean them." The king now commanded you, yanking the damped hand to rest not far from your face allowing the slender, glistening fingers to fill your sight. 
The corners of your lips curved into a mischievous grin as they parted open, allowing the peculiar, bitter tang to fill your mouth.
Your tongue danced between the crevasses of the warm flesh that rested in your mouth, sucking against them as you had your lover's cock not too long ago while you mindlessly blinked up at the guard. 
The flesh of his cheeks still burnt as brightly as his hair, his lower jaw clenched as his molars grasped at the inner flesh of his cheeks from the sensation, and his emerald - once fear-filled - eyes quickly shifted their burning gaze onto the ground.
Once again, silently hoping none would notice how tight his trousers had become as he was far more fearful of the torture your lover would bestow upon him for his enjoyment than what the painful restraints he called pants were doing to his aching cock.
It was a miracle that any blood flow reached his lower body, let alone his cock.
The pressure upon his fingers eased as they left your lips with a pop, your tongue grazing over the tips of his fingers a final time - the mischievous grin never leaving your soft lips.
"That's a good slut." He purred, watching as the slender fingers now dripped with the wetness of your saliva. "Now, get up. On all fours." The command made your lips fall into a disappointing line, yet your gaze stayed glued upon the lustful man before you, pushing yourself upwards into a seated position.
Your gaze never left his as your sweaty palms sunk into the smooth silk beneath you, nearly slipping yet managing to make it appear as graceful as always - or at least that was the tale they spouted to others when discussing their latest conquests.
"I said, now." The boom of his hand coming down against your clit bounced echoed throughout the tense room. A loud yelp flew out of your plump lips as your body jolted backward at the static feeling.
The familiar electric sensation roamed throughout your veins as if the simple flick of his palm against your aching clit had shocked you into feeling every atom that roamed within your veins.
“Now, slut.” He warned lowly, though only two words - they dripped with the same amount of lust as something else dripped within the guard’s pants. “Or do you want to start counting?” 
The question made you hesitate for a moment, wondering if the strikes against your aching bundle of nerves would all be worth it to push his buttons a bit further, but you had promised to be good for an ounce of pleasure and - you intended to keep that promise; for now.
The bed creaked as you shifted your weight into your wrists, rising onto your knees and allowing your palms to slide against the silk - inching closer to the guard as your lower half remained up in the air. Your burning gaze never left his even as you felt the familiar cold stretch of your lover's cock entering you.
"Fuck." The heat of his breath graced your neck as his aching, cold cock continued to push further into you, stretching out of your drenched, sensitive inner walls. The bed creaked under his shifting weight as the cold flesh of his hips met the warm flesh of your arse, the faint slap of flesh hitting each other echoing throughout the room.
A small gasp of pleasure escaped your lips as his throbbing cock continued to push further into you, the once steady gaze breaking as your eyes looped upwards into your skull at the ice-cold stretch.
The rhythm of his hips continued to rise in speed with each thrust he made, the thin string of restraint within him already threatening to snap as his cock carved itself deeper into your drenched, sensitive cunt.
A familiar tingle began to arise throughout your body, starting at the very tips of your toes, as the lids of your gemstone-colored eyes began to flutter shut. Becoming lost in the rough motions deep within you, taking in every rough jab of his throbbing, cold cock against the deepest spot within you while your arms began to glide down against the silk. Arse fully on display, up in the thick air.
Yet another heavenly sight that would forever replay in their depraved minds, one seeking it out for his fix of pleasure while the other sought it out for anger. Nonetheless, both could agree the sight had been far too short-lived.
The cooling glide of your lover's hand slipping beneath the silk and your flesh sent a shiver down your spine, his entire weight sinking into you further, allowing for a higher-pitched whine to fall out of your plump lips.
Your lower abdomen sunk into his cold flesh as his thrust grew more rapid and unhinged - if they were hinged to begin with - while another pressure wrapped around your neck, the warmed backings of smooth gems sunk further into your neck.
The melody of skin slapping against each other dancing throughout the less than silent halls, a sound far too familiar for all yet never expected, as he pulled you back into him. Arching backward, the guard became further lost in the trance of flesh bouncing with each sharp thrust of his majesty's cock.
His hand stayed firmly pressed against your lower abdomen, pushing down upon the small bump that would appear as his cock carved itself deeply into your aching cunt.
A knot began to weave within the pit of your stomach as his hand pressed down upon the little bump in your lower abdomen, making you feel every thrust and stretch his cock made far deeper than before.
"Thranduil," His name fell out of your lips in a choked moan, the weight of your head falling back towards him as your body arched into him further. "I can't. Please, I-" Your pleas for pleasure caught in the back of your throat, stuck somewhere between the tightened grasp of his cold palm and the smooth gems that sunk into your skin.
The loud sound of skin slapping against each other echoed loudly throughout the halls, catching within every ear it stumbled upon alongside the pathetic squeaks that managed to fall out of your lips.
A familiar burn began to rise in the king's hips, a burn he paid no mind to as his thrusts grew more and more animalistic. 
The knot within your stomach began to strain, the edges threatening to fray and break as each rough, unhinged thrust of his throbbing, cold cock hit that spot deep within you - nudging you closer towards the endless abyss of pleasure.
The overwhelming scent of your sweet, metallic lust filled his nostrils and earned a hungry growl from his thin lips; the remaining strand of restraint within his depraved mind threatened to snap as the movements within his hips began to slow.
The entirety of his length glid out of you slowly, stalling at every inch, until nothing but the swollen head of his tip rested within you. His hot breath caressed the crook of the left side of your neck while the grip upon your neck eased, allowing the tense air to grace your lungs before leaving them with a gasp as the flesh of his hips slammed into your arse.
The lids of your gemstone-colored eyes flew open at the sudden stretch deep within, your body jolting forwards slightly, his grip around your neck tightening to keep you steady as he repeated this action a few more times. 
With each cruel thrust of his hips, he added an extra faint amount of pressure upon your neck, ensuring you would remember you were his even when the gems were "missing" before his hips returned to the previous, unhinged pace.
The corners of his thin lips curved upwards into a mischievous grin as his burning sapphire eyes finally met your desperate, pleading gaze. The remaining sparkle of restraining within his pale-colored eyes faded away as quickly as the pace his hips held, dimming into a familiar darkened shade you yearned to see again, knowing what would soon happen.
His name was a choked prayer stuck upon your lips as your toes curled further, the nails from your left hand pierced into the flesh of your right palm as your knuckles began to turn white, desperately grasping at anything to stall the straining knot within you from snapping -  even if it meant your flesh.
And with the simple narrowing of his darkened gaze, it snapped.
An unspoken command which threw you over the edge allowing you to sink into the deep abyss of pleasure, hot tears forming in the corners of your eyes as the static that roamed your body grew more intense.
The weight of your body slumped back into his as waves of pleasure rang throughout your overly sensitive body, yet he did not let up.
His mind had been overwhelmed by his thirst, his hips moving on their own accord, far more feral-like than before. Nostrils flared as the heavenly metallic scents of your life source mixed with the wetness that dampened your inner thighs.
Unable to control his thirst any longer, his grip upon your neck tightened further for a final time as the aching tip of his cock crudely hit the deepest spot within you. An act of his affection before his sharpened teeth buried themselves into your shoulder, tearing at the overly sensitive flesh, letting that sweet, hypnotic liquid spill into his hungered mouth.
The static that roamed your body turned into a bitter sting as your inner walls trembled around his stilled cock, being swept away by another drowning wave of pleasure as white ropes flooded deep into your womb. But that was not the only sting you felt.
The pressure of your nails sinking into your palm pulled you back and forth from reality alongside the stinging suction on your shoulder; droplets of crimson trickled down your palm as ounce after ounce of the same liquid flooded his lips.
Hot tears streamed down your cheeks as the dampness between your inner thighs began to trickle down further; a mixture of your wetness and his cold cum dripped onto the bed alongside the familiar rouge of your life source.
A spew of ineligible moans caught within the back of your throat, escaping as a faint whimper as the weight of your head began to grow heavy. The colors surrounding you began to blur as the weight of your body mindlessly swayed against his.
The suction upon your neck came to a halt as the scent of your blood grew weaker as sound attempted to reach your ears but was silenced quickly by an overwhelming ringing.
A sharp pounding bounced around your skull as your limbs grew heavier, visual static formed within your eyes which grew larger and darker until everything faded away.
The hiss of fire caught within your ears as the ringing within them began to die down.
The warming glow caressed your features gently, making you look like the most stunning piece of treasure within the king's eyes even as your nose scrunched upwards in disgust at the light that peaked through your lids.
An annoyed groan fell out of your swollen lips as you rolled onto your opposite side; a pained hiss quickly replaced the displeased sound as you placed pressure upon the fresh wound.
"Careful, songbird." The lids of your eyes fluttered open at the gentle warning, blinking away the familiar pale shades until they melded together into the stunning sight of your beloved. "I do not want you to strain yourself." He hummed as he placed his palm against your cheek, allowing you to melt into the cooling embrace. 
The two of you stayed in that position for a few moments, the weight of your skull sinking further into his cold touch as the whispers of sweet nothings danced alongside the soft crackle of fire across the walls.
"I know you are rather comfortable," The words escaped his lips in a breathy whisper, the tip of his thumb gliding back and forth upon the warmed flesh of your cheek. "however," He continued, slowly stopping the soothing motion. "you do need to eat, my dove." He finished, pressing a kiss upon the top of your head before sliding his hand away from your cheek.
The soft tap of his feet against the floor was masked by your disappointed muttering, earning a soft chuckle from the typically stoic man. 
"I know, I know. I am horrendous for worrying about you." The corners of his lips plastered upwards into an amused grin as he made his way back to the bed with a plate full of fruits and a glass of water. "I am fine-" "Then prove it. Eat." 
His slender fingers inched towards your face, a pale green orb rested between his pointer and his thumb, before stopping a breath away from your lips. "Open." A command you hesitated at, the sound of food was not appalling, but the pounding within your skull made any action appear dreadful.
Your gaze shifted from the small grape to meet his pale sapphire eyes. The soft sparkle revived within them as they observed you patiently, knowing well you would eventually cave to his command but fearful of pushing you any farther than he had already. After all, you had fainted only a few hours prior.
Eventually, your plump lips parted open, allowing his frozen fingers to slip the sweet fruit into your mouth. The action repeated a few more times as he carefully observed you, gently guiding you into a seated position after the first few grapes and ensuring you chewed it thoroughly before offering you another.
"Good girl." He hummed, placing the bunch back onto the silver platter that rested on the bed. "Now drink." Bringing the cold glass onto your soft lips, allowing it to rest against them until you opened them again.
The cooling flow of liquid reaching the back of your throat eased tension you were unaware you had been carrying, a pleased hum vibrating against the glass as you swallowed down every drop.
The pounding within your skull began to ease as he returned the glass to its tray, offering you a few more grapes before placing the silver onto the same nightstand where a familiar piece of silicone rested.
"How are you feeling, my love?" The bed creaked under the new weight as a sturdy arm embraced you, pressing the smooth silk of his robes into your flesh - robes you had not noticed you were wearing until now. "Did I hurt you? How is your head? Should I get a healer? I can go bring one right now if-" His anxious questions silenced as you placed your finger upon his cold lips, softly shushing him as you curled into his side.
"I am fine, my head is a bit sore, and I do not require a healer." The words escaped your lips in a yawn as you rubbed your cheek into his robe, earning a soft chuckle from him. "But there is something I would like." "Oh? And what is that?" A low chuckle vibrated against your finger as he encased your wrist with his hand, lowering your finger down from his lips before pressing a kiss on the back of your hand.
"A bath." The corners of your lips curved upwards into a blissful thought of washing away your tension in the warmed water. "A bath? Is that all you want?" The blur of your head nodding rapidly at his question made another chuckle escape his thin lips as he shook his head softly.
"Well then, if that is all you need," The bed creaked at the missing weight as he rose from the bed before quickly hooking an arm under your legs and another behind your back, lifting you up into his sturdy grasp. "shall we?" He asked, not giving you a chance to answer outside of a small laugh while he carried you to the pool of water.
His graceful strides were far slower than they typically were, giving you some added time within the comfort of his arms before placing you back onto the wooden floor to disrobe you.
The soft swoosh of robes falling onto the floor echoed throughout the peacefully silent room as your tired frame slumped into his, soaking up every ounce of cold he had to offer as your arms wrapped around his waist. 
"Oh, my love," He began with a chuckle, watching as you buried your face into his lean but muscular frame. "what am I going to do with you?" His lips were frozen into a permanent smile as he lifted you back up into his arms with ease, your face staying buried into the safety of his toned chest as he slowly entered the water.
Clear blue, warm waves brushed against your lower body as the two of you sunk further into its soothing embrace. “Is this better?” A pleased hum vibrated against his chest the moment the question left his thin lips, lips that softly placed yet another kiss on the top of your head as his cold, slender fingers roamed your hair as you snuggled into him. An arm sliding out from under your legs allowing him to hold you closer against his chest.
These blissful moments like these were far more precious than any jewel or gemstone in his possession. It was something that soothed the jealousy that lingered inside the pit of his stomach because he knew no matter who he allowed to touch you or gaze upon the heavenly sight that was you, none could make you feel as loved and secured as he could nor could any maiden do the same for him. 
You were his peace within the cruelties of the world. You were his life, his air, his blood. But most importantly, you were his heart.
A soft yawn brought him back from his loving trance, a hand mindlessly drawing shapes upon your upper back. "You can rest, my heart." He whispered, pressing another upon the top of your head. "I promise to be here when you wake." "You promise?" The question came out as another strained yawn as you leaned your weight further into his, the lids of your eyes growing heavier as each second passed. "I promise."
And you did, the lids of your eyes drooping closed as a long, pleased sigh escaped your lips as the welcoming embrace of sleep finally enveloped you.
Snuggly rested within the chilled, safe embrace of your lover into the deepest sleep of your life, blissfully unaware of what cruelties the elven king had in store for that poor, unsuspecting guard. 
But you would make it up to him later .
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
< Previous Part
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Bad girl
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Pairing Professor!Robert Downey Jr. x Student!Fem!Reader
Word count ~ 800 words
Summary Your grades have been slipping, and your professor is happy to help you raise them back up. However, this comes with a price you're more than willing to pay because you've had a crush on him since you first set foot in his classroom.
Warning(s) RPF, large age gap ~ Robert is in his mid to late 50s, and Reader is in her mid to late 20s, use of pet names (Kitten, Princess).
Smut | Porn with minimal plot ~ unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), Daddy kink, hair pulling, dirty talk, oral ~ M receiving, deepthroating, cum swallowing, aftercare.
Rating E (Explicit)
A/n This fic is dedicated to my dear friend @ccbsrmsf1, because this blog and my fics wouldn't have been here without everything you do for me! This is proofread by @buckys-wintersoldier, for which I am forever grateful, I love you both with all my heart 🩵
Events Masterlist | O5. ''Hands behind your back'' | @anyfandomfluffbingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF credit: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Robert Downey Jr. Masterlist | Read on AO3
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You're bent over your professor's desk, completely bare for him, and his tie is shoved into your mouth to keep your noises down. What you two are doing is highly unethical, but the fact that you're fucking your professor is worth every last second.
''Look at you, such a dirty fucking slut for me,'' Robert groans out between thrusts, his giant, veiny cock driving into you with a relentless pace, making you see stars and the tears running down your face.
Some whines and moans are trying to escape past your lips, but the silky material makes it practically impossible and only makes Robert harder. Knowing he has you under his total control, his head reels with a power he's never felt before.
Since your grades started slipping, he decided to tutor you in his subject, but it took only a short time for the two of you to create a relationship that was more than just student/teacher.
''You're going to cum again for me, huh? Will you be my good girl and cum on Daddy's cock?'' he asks as he wraps your hair around his long, thick fingers and yanks it back so your back is flush with his chest. His pace does not falter even once.
You try to nod in answer to his question, but his grip on your hair is so tight you can barely move, and Robert lets out a mischievous chuckle.
''What's wrong, Kitten, are you too fucking dumb to answer a simple question? Have I truly fucked you dumb this time?'' he asks, tugging again for good measure before he quickly releases, and you collapse onto the desk, unable to hold yourself up.
Not that you mind, because you love this rough treatment. It always makes you crave more, and he's more than willing to give it to you.
Your fingers grip the edge of the desk when Robert sets an iron grip around your hips, surely bruising, but you don't care. All you can think right now is how badly you want to cum, and Robert can feel the grip you have on his cock.
''Cum for me, Kitten, cum all over this fat cock you love so much,'' he says, one of his hands leaving your hip to rub his calloused fingertips over your clit, making your legs tremble and cum with a muffled shout.
The tears are still streaming down your face from pleasure, and you're fucked out already, but Robert's not done with you just yet. He's riding out your high slowly, and once you've come down from it, he pulls you carefully back up.
''On your knees and hands behind your back,'' he orders, and even though you're still trembling, you wouldn't dare to go against his wishes, so you do as he says.
Your pussy is completely sore, and you might not be able to walk properly for a while, but that will be something to worry about later; right now, all you care about is Robert and his pleasure.
As soon as you're on your knees, hands folded behind your back, he pulls out the tie in your mouth and quickly replaces it with his cock, and you start sucking him off in earnest.
His right hand has pulled your hair in a loose ponytail this time, while his left one is wrapped loosely around your neck, feeling how he fucks you deep into your throat.
The groans leaving his mouth are unmistakable, and when you look up at him with watery eyes, mascara running down your face, and your mouth wrapped around his cock, he finds himself cumming down your throat, forcing you to take all of it.
With one last loud groan, he pulls out as he's almost reaching oversensitivity. He lets himself fall on his desk chair before pulling you up into his lap and holding you close to him.
''You've done so well for me, Princess, such a perfect girl. Let's get you cleaned up and under a blanket, you're shivering,'' he coos at you, and it's true. Now that the adrenaline has gone down, you're trembling in his lap, and he first wraps his jacket around you before cleaning you up with some tissues.
''You've done so well for me today; you might have just earned yourself an A after that,'' he tells you, and all you can do is give a small smile. Too tired to do anything else.
In his office, there's a couch, and after he's put on his underwear, Robert picks you up bridal style before sitting down and positioning you so that you're straddling his lap, and a blanket is put over your back.
''Take a nap, Princess, you deserve it,'' and you fall asleep in his arms, enjoying his warmth and touch. You never want to leave his arms ever again.
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blitzwhore · 2 months
Hi! First, congratulations on achieving 1K followers! Good job, mate! Second, who am I to lose almost free fanfic))))? Let's say, hmmm, romantic, two words will be... "hot night", and word count will be... 427.
PS.: sry for probably bad English!
PPS.: night here is really hot, lemme look..... 37°C (idk what's that in Fahrenheit, sry my Russian ass please 👉🏻👈🏻)
Thank you :3 and please don't apologise for your English, it's not my native language either! I also don't understand Fahrenheit 😂 37ºC is really hot, please take care!
Also, you didn't specify a ship, so I took the liberty to write some Martha x Ms Mayberry because I felt like writing toxic femslash <3 here are your 427 words!
On AO3
Warning: mature
“Fuck,” Mayberry muttered to herself, “heat waves were supposed to be an Earth-specific problem.” 
With two fingertips, she peeled the front of her drenched shirt from her skin. Even her shorts and thighs were soaked with sweat, fuck's sake. 
A scoff came from the floor behind her. “You're in Hell, darlin’, in case you needed a reminder. It's supposed to be hot.” 
She rolled her eyes, refusing to dignify that comment with a reply. 
“Anyway, I thought you were tryin'a kill me? Again? I'm gettin’ kinda bored here.”
Mayberry spun around to glare at Martha, who hadn't bothered to get up after being stabbed repeatedly on the chest. Her shit-eating grin almost made Mayberry want to finish the job, but… what was the point? It wasn't like she could make it stick. The bitch always came back annoyingly fast. And it was way too hot for it to be worth the effort. 
“Just get the fuck out before I change my mind,” she muttered. 
“And boil to death? No, thanks,” Martha scoffed. “At least your floor is sorta cold.” 
The audacity of this bitch—
“Listen here, you whore.” She straddled Martha and grabbed her by the collar, which was sticky with blood and sweat. Martha's coy smile didn't falter. “If you don't shut the fuck up I swear I'll—” 
“You'll what?” Martha leered. “Bore me to death? This is gettin’ a bit old, darlin’.” 
Mayberry growled. 
“Don't call me that.” 
“Why not?” Martha teased. “Does it turn you on?” 
“You fucking—sex-crazed freak,” Mayberry spat. 
“Maybe.” Martha's fingers were suddenly trailing up her bare thigh. “I'm not the one who gets off to killing you, though.” 
Mayberry growled, hating the way that touch made arousal pool in her crotch, which was very much still pressed flush against Martha.
“Not that I'm complainin’,” Martha said. “I always thought you were pathetic, but I gotta admit, it's kinda hot when you go all crazy on me, darlin’.” 
Mayberry grabbed the dagger still lodged in Martha's chest. Martha just grinned defiantly and trailed her hand up to the front of Mayberry's shorts, tickling. 
With a snarl, Mayberry let go of the dagger and slid her hand down. 
It's the heat, it's just the heat, she told herself as she groped Martha's boob, squeezing her nipple hard through her drenched blouse. 
The slut never even wore a fucking bra. 
Martha grinned triumphantly. “That's more like it.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” Mayberry barked. 
Martha unbuttoned Mayberry's shorts. She gripped Mayberry's hips, pulled her closer—licked her lips. 
“You'll have to make me, darlin’.”
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lackablazeical · 2 years
I'm kinda new to this au (I first saw it on ao3), do you have like a rundown of what exactly it is? lore and such? I'm super interested in this au jut i have 0 idea what the story is lmao
Since the masterpost is taking so long I'm editing a previously made post as a placeholder until the ACTUAL masterpost is finished enough to post
As for what the AU is, it's meant to be a horror/comedy but that also tackles dark themes in a (hopefully) well-written way. It's meant to take rottmnt and twist it much darker, and just to be something enjoyable to those who like spooky and disturbing things!
With that disturbing things mentioned, this AU also has a lot of TWs, including (but not limited to): underage drinking/smoking, violence, experimentation/abuse of animals and humanoid beings, dubious/no consent to activities such as kissing or cuddling, disassociation, toxic relationships, stalking, self harm, slut-shaming, useage of queer slurs, and more. Be careful with this one!
Also with that: this AU is not meant to glorify, romanticize, or endorse any of these relationships, warnings, or characters behavior. I do not want anyone finding the relationships cute, thinking they are redeemable, etc. None of my content is meant to be taken that way, it is not created to be sexual/suggestive, etc etc. These are MINORS. In ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. don't be gross.
Lore is iffy in this AU, especially future canon. So good luck and I am sorry lol
Basically, for the Hamatos:
Splinters backstory goes the same, just he was also involved in the yakuza. Him and BM reconnected and ended up together when the boys were young (Raph was 11, L & D were 10, Mike was 9). Mikey starts going/working at the Nexus around this time, and drinking too. I Want to say the gang met April when she was 9 (so R8, LD7, M6) and they do shenanigans for a while. Leo meets Usagi at 16, goes wild.
The foot/kraang in this world are not exactly a threat, as the Hamatos themselves own the key and a large part of the Armour. None of them know what it is or does.
Usagis backstory:
Leo and Usagi are a 'romantic' relationship of the dynamic of stalker and victim. Usagi is a victim to Leo, who is obsessive, can't understand 'no', etc etc. Usagi is codependent further into their relationship. They are forever toxic, this will not change.
Donnie and Ishida aren't romantic, but still a toxic dynamic of sadist and masochist. Ishida wants to feel pain to 'prove' himself, Donnie provides and studies. I may use the term Donnida for these too, but again, not romantic. They are close friends.
Mikey and Kenichi ('Michi') are probably the most functional of the 3 dynamics. They are friends by circumstance, but find they both bond over their hatred of 'Leosagi' and often enjoy gossiping/shit talking together. They also play fight occasionally.
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Characters such as Draxum, Evil league of mutants, Cassandra, and Mona Lisa all exist as well!!!!@ tumblr just has a FUCKING IMAGE LIMIT.
Draxum isn't close with the boys, and he works with BM closely. Only Mikey and Don are aware of the fact he made them.
Cassandra is still with the Foot, crushing on April hard, etc etc.
I promise I'm working on the masterpost, I'm just slow and. A little stupid
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mayhem-neverending · 11 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Summary: Obito survives the fourth shinobi war, and with Kakashi's help, is sent to live in the forest surrounding Konoha. He's a prisoner in his home, the property warded so that no one can enter or exit without the Hokage's explicit permission.
After two years, Kakashi can't ignore the fact that his old friend is wasting away in his home. Thankfully, though, he finds someone (reluctantly) willing to help bring him back to health.
Also, I know that his hair turns white, but I'm keeping it black here. Annnd there are cell phones in this au. I'm pretty sure those are the only major changes I'm making.
Obito Uchiha x Fem!Reader
Warnings: single mother reader, slowburn, angst, canon violence, depression, Uchiha bullshittery, mentions of abuse, alcohol usage, sexual themes
Part I
Word count: 1266
Note: New WIP because my brain can't focus. This is incredibly self-indulgent, because I am a slut for Obito. I will be back on my other WIP soon, I promise. This came to me after I read a fic on AO3, although I can't remember the name.
The Hokage’s tower was intimidating. It was your first time stepping foot anywhere near it in years, and you wondered if it had somehow risen in height. You adjusted your button up and slacks, took a deep breath, and stepped inside.
You navigated the busy hallways swiftly, muscle memory kicking in when your brain wanted to give up. You found yourself in front of the door to the Hokage’s office in a flash, and knocked before you could psych yourself out.
“Come in,”
You opened the door and stepped through, eyes wandering around the room. It looked much the same as it had a few years ago and the familiarity eased some of your nerves. The man in front of you wasn’t necessarily an unfamiliar face, either, and his smile further calmed you.
“Y/n L/n, it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen you,”
You smiled politely at him from your spot near the door. “It has,”
He gestured you forward. “Come, sit,”
You settled yourself down in the chair across from him, and he folded his hands on the desk.
“Thank you for coming in today,”
“Thank you for having me, Lord Sixth,”
“Call me Kakashi,” He waved his hand.
You just managed to keep your disapproving look from fully forming on your face. “Yes, sir,”
He rolled his eyes playfully. It made you shift a bit uncomfortably. You had never been close to the man, and when you had known him, he had been much more serious. He seemed to sense your discomfort, and switched back to a more professional tone.
“So, you’re here for the personal assistant position, correct?”
You nodded.
“Before we continue, I would like to make you aware that this position is not as an assistant to me,”
You frowned, confused. Who would be so important that the Hokage himself would interview for them? Surely he was incredibly busy. It was clearly evident that the aftermath of the war was still weighing heavily on Konoha’s government, even two years later.
He continued, “A close friend of mine has been struggling, and I believe hiring him some help is the least I can do,”
You nodded, curiosity replacing the nerves that had lingered. He drummed his fingers on the desk, eyes cast aside in contemplation. After a moment of silence, he started again, “I suppose I should re-title the position,” His eyes slid to yours. “It’s more of a caretaker job,”
Now you were really confused. “What exactly would I be doing?”
“Cooking, housework, grocery shopping, etc,”
Your lips quirked up and you nodded. You would call yourself an expert in those things after the last two years you had had. “And what would the hours look like?”
“Monday through Friday, starting at 8:30am and ending when you finish your tasks. The position is salary,”
He was ticking off each of your boxes the more he spoke. But, after struggling to find a job that fit all your needs for the past six months, you were quick to hold back your excitement. You were tired of being disappointed when you either didn’t get it, or something just wouldn’t work.
“That sounds like a good deal to me,”
His eyes crinkled into his little half-moon smile. “I’m glad to hear it. I have to ask, what brings you here today?”
“My current job just isn’t a good fit, and I want something that feels more rewarding - like I’m making a difference… I wouldn’t be upset about a pay raise, either.” You half-shrugged.
Kakashi chuckled. “I hear you. What do you think qualifies you for this position? I know it’s a bit different than what I advertised, so don’t worry about taking a second to answer,”
You shook your head, a little smile on your lips. “I’m more qualified for this type of work than what you advertised, so I can answer easily.”
You straightened up in the chair. “Before the last six months, I was a stay at home mom. I handled every piece of housework, managed our finances, did the shopping for the three of us, and took care of my son. It’s almost second nature to me to manage a household now,”
Kakashi nodded. “I was wondering about the gap in your resume,”
You quirked a brow. “Are you telling me you didn’t do a thorough background check before bringing me in here?”
He smiled widely, a sparkle in his eye. “Now there’s the little chunin I remember,”
You smiled bashfully, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“No, I have extensive investigations performed for each person before they enter this office for an interview. I like to see who is honest with me when I ask questions, though,”
You ignored the urge to roll your eyes. “Well, based on mine, how much of a chance do you think I have to get this job?”
He hummed. “Pretty high, I’d say,”
You perked up.
He tapped a tinger to his chin. “Actually, since you caught me, I think it’s only fair to offer it to you, if you want it,”
You blinked in surprise. “Really?”
He nodded, his face sobering quite suddenly. “Although I can’t divulge why at the moment, you are my first choice out of all of the applicants.”
You looked at him in bewilderment, but held your questions in. His eyes flickered around the room. He scratched the back of his head, and brought the smile back to his face.
“Starting pay is seventy-five thousand a year, would that be sufficient?”
It took you a moment to respond. Your head was spinning with the possibilities that would open up to you with that kind of money. The foremost thought in your mind, though, was: I won’t have to struggle anymore.
You finally managed a nod. “More than,”
“Perfect, how soon can you start?”
“Uhh, Monday, probably,”
He started to say something else, but you accidentally interrupted him with your next question. “Who am I supposed to be taking care of?”
Kakashi met your gaze with intensity. He searched your eyes for a long moment, and you tried so very hard not to shrink into yourself. After an eternity, he let loose a heavy sigh. His reaction was making your nerves rise back up at full force.
“Your.. ward, for lack of a better term, is.. Obito Uchiha,”
Your jaw dropped and you stopped breathing, your mind going completely blank. When your thoughts finally filtered in again, your first coherent thought was: So that’s the catch?
Why would you be his first choice for a war criminal’s babysitter? Kami, what would your family say if they found out just who you were working with? Despite your negative internal dialogue, you couldn’t help but think about the money. It would do you so much good, even if you only worked the job for a year or two.
You scrubbed a hand over your face in a jerky movement. It wasn’t much of a debate. You would benefit far more by taking the job than denying it. A sudden thought popped up - something that you should have thought of right off the bat.
“What if he tries to hurt me?”
Kakashi frowned, but his eyes were understanding. “He won’t. I wouldn’t have created the position if I thought he would try something.”
You nodded slowly. It tracked. He didn’t fight at the frontlines during the Fourth Shinobu War to put his people in danger. You knew he was a good man.
“Okay,” you said quietly.
“Okay,” It was hardly more confident than the first.
“Alright, let’s go over the details then,”
Part II
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