#then again im not sure of the lore myself haha
shinewonder · 1 year
Whats ur interpretation of fnafs lore
All of it? Well, i'm no good theorist, so most of the things here might be wrong and are just opinions, really! Won't even go over the steel wool games because ruin is about to come out...
>Bite of 83 happens first (Why: It gives William a motive to kill; Gives a reason for Henry to make the security puppet; "Don't you remember what you saw?" doesn't mean it was a murder that he saw per se, this could relate to "What's seen in shadows is easily misunderstood in the mind of a child", what was misunderstood might've been an employee putting on the fredbear suit; "Not until i undo what he has done and heal this wound. A wound that was first inflicted on me" doesn't necessarily imply that this "wound" is the very first thing to happen in the story, just that Charlie was William's first victim, the Crying child's death could be left out of that speech since that wasn't something William did; Midnight motorist's name in the game code is "Later that night", what night? The night Charlie is murdered, maybe. Her death is also a minigame in pizza sim, so it works as an allusion to it and in Midnight motorist we play as William driving around, he steps out of his car to kill her as seen in "Take cake to the children". This minigame, however, shows some things that make me believe CC is already dead and is golden freddy, which i'll mention later) >Crying child was always in agony, this amplified his remnant and gave the Fredbear plush sentience (Why: Fredbear plush's presence in fnaf world [Which is canon! Not the gameplay part, obviously Freddy Fazbear and his gang aren't throwing giant pizzas at Rainbows, but the hidden lore in it] relates to his "I'll put you back together" promise; The color change in text. Why would William show up to see his son in the hospital and refer to himself as the fredbear plush? It's not him anymore) >CC possesses golden freddy and haunts Michael (Why: Midnight motorist's person watching tv is far too understanding to be Mike, considering the things he does in fnaf 4's minigames; The place that makes the most sense for the son to go is the grave, why else would it be there if it wasn't important?, but Mrs Afton is never really mentioned anywhere, what would be the purpose of making her be dead and never even show that that's the case?; The bigger footprints aren't human, this can't be an animatronic or a springlock suit - it's raining, golden freddy has far more supernatural abilities, he teleports to the office and jumpscares you with his head flying towards you; Fredbear plush uses the same words on fnaf world's clock ending as he does on CC's death and on fnaf world we are seen making the fnaf 3 minigames which lead to the happiest day, implying that the kid with the golden freddy mask and that possesses him is CC, recieving the birthday he never got to have; Why can't the son go to "that place?" If it's CC's grave and he's coming back to taunt him, maybe Mike's going there to check his grave, and William who doesn't believe his son's soul is tormenting his brother is angry he just won't stop going there no matter how many times he's told him not to; "It's me") >William becomes an alcoholic and kills Charlie in a drunken rage
>Discovers Mike might've been right about fredbear showing up to haunt him and deduces that's his son through seeing the puppet being possessed and decides to put him back together >The MCI happens >Charlie uses CC's remnant to give life to the MCI kids (Why: Give gifts, Give life's last kid, golden freddy's kid, never is given any masks by the puppet, he already has one; When CC dies we can see the main 4's plushies disappear one by one; "Why would the tiny toy chica be missing her beak" because the crying child's memories had an effect on the souls; Why do we only have to put CC back together? Maybe "you're broken" refers to his remnant being taken away from him; this one's a stretch, but maybe the "was it me?"s and "1987"s on fnaf 4's teasers relate to cc's memory of how he died having an influence on the bite of 87 happening) >Jeremy Fitzgerald suffers the bite of 87, with Mangle being the one to do it >(This one's more of a headcanon, really, but) William convinces Mike to help him collect remnant without telling him what it really is. remorseful over what he did to CC, he agrees and becomes Fritz smith and later Mike Schmidt (Why: "It was right where you said it would be" and "I'm going to find you" mean William was still around and in touch with Mike before sl, which places that game after fnaf 1, since the minigames that have William getting springlocked show that the animatronics he dismantled were the originals. Considering that, the popular notion that Michael was working as Mike S and Fritz to find his dad doesn't really work. The logbook shows sketches of fnaf 1 and 2 animatronics so he was around by then, but what were his motivations? What does tampering with the animatronics entail in-universe? My best guess is since he went along with what his dad said in sl, couldn't he have done it before? While his dad was killing on the dayshift, he was helping him by night, analysing the animatronics and extracting remnant from them, and when he ultimately got fired in 1, his dad went back to get the remnant Mike couldn't and got springlocked. i don't think Michael would approve of helping the murders, if we consider him Fnaf 3 and pizza sim's protags. plus i don't think the tone he uses regarding his father on that cutscene was particularly fond, though it was kind of vague. so if this is the case, then he had to have accepted due to not understanding the reality of the substance they were getting, believing he was atoning for what he did to CC and putting his family back together, only realizing what really was going on on sl)
>The funtimes are made and Elizabeth dies (Why: this one has to be placed later for the progression to make sense - killing with the suit -> robots that kill for you) >Fnaf 1 happens, William becomes springtrap >Sister Location happens and Mike turns on his dad >Mike lives due to Elizabeth believing he's her dad (Why: "You won't die" = remnant transfusion; "They thought i was you"; Baby's desire to make her father proud) >The box had Fnaf World in it, Michael plays it so he can put his brother back together and give him his happiest day as Fredbear plush guides him during fnaf 3 (Why: "What's in the box? It's the pieces put back together" -> Fnaf world is about putting CC back together - Clocks = memories, "i will put you back together", relation to happiest day, map looks like a brain; Open box on fnaf world's files; Mike's Fnaf 3's protag [considering the logbook's drawings] + Fnaf 3's minigames = Mike's fnaf world's protag) >Pizza sim happens >UCN follows Mike being held in purgatory by CC (TOYSNHK) while the other kid that forms Golden freddy torments William (Why: "The one you should not have killed" Why shouldn't you have killed this one in particular? If it's Michael who we play as, CC would fit as he's the only one Mike's killed; The roster - Why would william be haunted by the nightmares or the mediocre melodies if he didn't have any connection with them?; The character that approaches Old Man Consequences in Ucn has the same sprite as fnaf world's protag character; "Leave the demon to his demons" as William screams on the background; Old Man Consequences is an alligator, Andrew wore an alligator mask in "the man in room 1280", but this character does not seem to have any issues with the player, Mike didn't kill him)
Another thing that i believe, but doesn't really change anything is that CC is Cassidy (Why: SenshiOfSadness on reddit found that the logbook's foxy grid's answer is "is springtrap"; Faded : "The party was for you", Altered text: "It was for me" = the altered text's writer's name isn't decided by the foxy grid, William afton isn't ever celebrating his birthday after all, so the other name that was found on the logbook, Cassidy, is the Altered text writer's; It makes very little sense, narratively, to introduce one character that's heavily associated with his birthday [Dying on his birthday, Fnaf world + happiest day connection] and just have some other kid also have a party be for them; The altered text knows far too much about CC's life; To me, Afton family reunion works better as a story than William and Mike are having a conversation and Cassidy just likes to gossip. I still do believe in golden duo though, it's just that Cassidy is the Afton and the other one has no name yet, maybe it's Andrew?)
Wow this got long...
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superineffable · 2 months
let me yap for a bit. i'm tired but have thoughts so i'm gonna let it out here.
i've been a member of dropout for only 5 months so far (been a fan longer but decided to buy a membership as a birthday gift to myself 💙 best gift ever) and i knew i wanted to get into d20 because i keep seeing out of context clips for it and i find them so funny even though i've never had any interest in dnd or any ttrpg content. so i started watching fantasy high because it was the first released season for d20 and because junior year was being posted/teased at the time. my thoughts were that by the time i finish the two seasons of fantasy high i could get to junior high in time for the finale. unfortunately, i did not expect to have my attention span challenged 💀
i loveee the characters (gorgug is so beloved to me) and i love the stories and the quests but sometimes the lore takes a serious turn for way too long than i can pay attention for and i zone out, so i'll be honest, there are parts of the story that i only piece together by context clues. but i enjoyed s1! and i'm still at s2. it's a bit harder to get through because there aren't any of the props or editing they had back then and it's a full livestream so i'm taking longer than i expected to get through the episodes. but i'm liking the story (though there are still some moments where i don't pay attention haha)
anyway! that really ruined my plan to watch junior high around the same time everyone else was watching it. prior to realizing junior year was ongoing, my plan was to watch the d20 shows in order of release, but, evidently, that isn't possible! i cannot pay attention despite wanting to 😭
i decided i'll finish fantasy high on my own time, put all the other d20 shows on hold because i cannot handle them together (i promise you, i don't think i fully understand the mechanics of the game yet). then watch one of the following once im done with junior year: dungeons and drag queen (cause i saw that clip of twyla and her thinking she's invisible), mentopolis (first d20 ep i watched when it was one free ep + i liked that clip of alex's character selling newspaper to a pretty aggressive man), starstruck odyssey (cause it sounds so cool), or a crown of candy (probably my first choice of the list, genuinely what i think would be my favorite based from clips i've seen of d20)
so tell me why d20 decided to do an action based story during a time in my life when i'm binging through action movies for no reason other than i felt like watching actions movies?! i had gone through the realization i didn't enjoy action movies as much if there's no comedy in it, so they really made sure to make an action comedy themed d20 show for me to enjoy (though i know brennan made it for izzy which makes this 100000x better). when i saw the trailer i kinda lost my mind, which was so weird because i genuinely haven't kept up with d20 shows except when i figured out which one was best to watch. then i made the decision to watch the first ep when it came out and i laughed so much 😭 it was the first d20 ep where i was genuinely devastated i finished an episode because it hit me that there isn't a next one until the next week. and then i was again devastated because it was only going to run for a couple of episodes 😭😭
but i am soooo obsessed with nsbu! paula is my everything and izzy plays her so wonderfully i am laughing as much as all the players when i'm listening to the show which is not good since i listen at work 😃 there's still very tiny moments where i get lost but i get swept up in the action again and it's soooo fcking cool and funny and i love all the characters so much oh my god im so happy there's another episode soon sjfhwknskks this really ruined my plans to watch everything in order, but i cannot hate it. i love this show so much.
i'm still watching sophomore year in between! almost donee !!! because i'm watching ally playing on nsbu & sophomore year at the same time, i really get the comments that are amused about the irony of ally being the one to keep the table on track. (actually wanted to watch d20 shows in order of release because i liked seeing someone's growth in learning a skill and wanted to see ally slowly get better at playing, but this is real good too.)
ok this went on too long i am Exhausted now. i really just wanted to say how much i love nsbu and that it's given me a whole new appreciation for d20 & other ttrpg (even though i think they mentioned they've done something different mechanics-wise)! if there's anyone who also wants to enjoy this veryyy long shows but get lost in the deep lore or the serious moments sometimes pls give nsbu a try because this is one of the most fun things i've watched in a while 💛
edit: also very cute i'm watching d20 live and they keep saying "when you're here, you're family" and i keep hearing nsbu saying "la familia" in my head
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campbyler · 1 year
HELLOOO firstly CHAPTER 4 WAS SO GOOD HELP IT HAD ME BUSHING MORE THAN ANY IRL PERSON COULD EVER BE CAPABLE OF. There was a lil sentence that was like ‘for some reason it had a lightswitch at each bunk, Mike supposes its practical.’ AND I WAS LIKE 🤭i think i know where this is going🤭 BUT IT WASNT THEM KISSING?! IT WAS NOT THEM FULLY HAVING A MAKE-OUT SESH WHILE SWOON BY BEACH WEATHER PLAYS. I didnt enjoy it any less tho 🤭 i was texting my friend like 👹GO READ IT. GO READ IT ITS SO GOOD.👹
When will someone prey on MY neurodivergence and propensity for liking kissing and being kissed and partaking in the all-around act of kissing 😭 (im aroace so i dont even like kissing or being kissed OR partaking in the all-around act of kissing BUT IM STAYING DELULU 🫡)
Also figure you out by djo being in the playlist was such a pleasant surprise cause its one of my favorite songs AND ALSO i listened to it recently, said to myself ‘hey this is kinda acswy byler coded 😌’ AND THEN FORGOT ABOUT IT?? 🤦‍♀️ so thanks for reminding me about the acswy byler coding of it, it’ll be (even more) on repeat now 🙏 LIVE LAUGH LOVE DJO ✊
Anyways I luv this fic so so much (if you hadnt noticed yet lol) its consuming my every waking thought (im so normal.) I HOPE U GUYS ARE DOING WELL!! 🫶🫶
LOL i think when i wrote that in (because the kiss scene was the first part written of ch04/acswy in general) andi commented on it like HEHEHEHE as well! we'd been vocal about the parent trap references before so i think it was a nice easter egg to put in there! there were definitely some people who knew the kiss was coming but maybe not a full blown make out while swoon by beach weather plays in the background 💘
i will remain silent on all of the intricacies of mike and will's 13 year old kissing and the fearless lore BUT i can at least reiterate what ch04 confirmed: they have kissed before! they were 13! it was mike's first kiss! at this time, i cannot confirm or deny that it was will's first kiss as well!
loving the way this neurodivergent line is probably the standout of ch04 because when i initially wrote it, it was definitely somewhat of a joke -- and then suni and andi said NO LEAVE THAT IN and it's everyone's favorite HAHA
ok thank you SO much for saying that about figure you out because it was the one song on the playlist i wasn't sure about! i think that it fits so well lyrically, but sonically i wasn't super sure, and then suni yelled at me so it stayed on and i'm glad because i also love it! glad you pegged it as an acswy song before it even got put on the official playlist!!
thank you again for your comment!! we are obsessed with you!!!!!!
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brick-a-doodle-do · 3 months
y'alllll i wanna start taking fic requests again :3
it's summer and the summer depression is hitting me full force ... plsss pls pls can we do some requests 🙏🙏 lemme just .. give the layout
mostly g/t , i can't see myself doing a normal length fic that isn't g/t
vore (safe) is a-okay !!!
im fine with any fandom/movie/show as long as the plot is clear and i'm familiar with it !!!
im most comfortable with the characters in:: hanninal, dsmp (some characters (COUGH wilbur COUGH) i will plain out say no to. but you know i love the dsmp), stranger things, i guess harry potter, bfu/ghost files/watcher, and pretty much any horror movie. but i can adapt to pretty much anything as long as there isn't crazy lore that i need to study haha
also if anyone has seen the fall guy. oh god. my g/t thoughts are through the ROOF.
so pleeeeease send some asks! i have 240 followers im sure i can please at least a few of them :D (and no promises on the wait time. you know me 😢😝)
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synthwayve · 8 months
Who are your FIVE favorite Bloodborne characters and also why? (Yes sorry there are three more to choose from besides Micolash and Laurence 😞)
Thank you for the ask!! This really made me think tbh
1. Micolash (to nobody’s surprise)
He was actually not the first bloodborne boss fight I ever saw, but his fight captivated me nonetheless. His design is just so COOL. I can’t get over it. I always saw him as a gigantic meme but then I got into the lore more and realized wow, this character has a lot to him! Medical malpractice, insanity, possible regret, you name it! I always thought his contrast against what I’d heard of Laurence was interesting too, and now that I’m deep in the trenches it just gets better haha.
2. Rom (okay this might be a bit surprising)
As much as I draw other characters, Rom is super close to my heart. Im not the sharpest crayon in the box(and never have been) so her character is very endearing to me: I see her as having been the sort of person who yearns to be useful. To be good at something. Everyone could reassure her that “you don’t have to be smart or talented, you’re kind!” But when you’re surrounded by the extraordinary, the bar of “decent person” just doesn’t cut it. I think she ascended in an attempt to fix this, to be “special” like her peers, and not the sometimes-funny airheaded woman she thinks they take her to be. Also, her design is just very cool x,D
3. Laurence
His character has a lot of sides, which is ironic since he is a dlc boss and has maybe 4 lines of dialogue total lmao. I think that he had good intentions that rotted under the weight of his leadership, and he’s definitely super fun to work with on his own even outside of other character dynamics. If he’s manipulative and bordering on cruel, why is he like that? If he’s sweet but just misguided, why didn’t he give up on the blood before it blew up in his face? Should we feel bad for him? Should we feel angry? There’s a lot to think about- he’s a fun character to both design and interpret!
4. Caryll
I love Caryll’s entire concept, and the Caryll-rune system is particularly interesting to me. I like how many sides there can be to this character! I’ve always been one to heavily reference lore, but not tie myself down to it, so I just like their general vibe and the possibilities of their placement in the story. I’m sure if I stuck to the lore religiously I’d actually like them a bit less, since to me, the mystery around them is a big part of the character! I like to imagine their relations with the others too :)
5. Edgar
This was really hard to pick between him and Damian tbh, I put them at about the same level. Edgar is very flexible as a character but he has solid lore points that can’t be easily ignored, which I really appreciate! His possible dynamic with Micolash is always super interesting and I love the juxtaposition of a very accountant-coded character lugging around Ludwig’s Holy Blade with the full intention to punt you into the moon. As for Damian, I just have a particular soft spot for characters that are “right-hands” to a leader, left to mourn or act in their absence. The coolheaded assistant type has always been appealing to me, and I like that both of them have a very short presence in game but the fandom has widely made them bigger players!
Thanks again for the ask! It was a lot of fun to think about :) I love a lot of the BB characters honestly, narrowing down to top 5 made me *sweat* haha. If we had a top 6, Maria would be next!
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
Just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE Lady of the Lake and I've reread it so many times that I should be lowkey ashamed haha BUT
I'm also very curious about Nyneve's interactions with other ghouls like Delta or Dew. How did Dew find her?
You can absolutely take this as an opportunity to ramble about it if you want :)
okay so. i admit that technically the ghoul i call Water in my fic i guess is Delta? im terribly bad at tracking who's who in the water ghoul 'lore'. but Terzo called his bass player before Mist 'Water' so thats what i went with. so please call him whatever you'd like lmao.
for anyone who needs a refresher, this is sort of all i've established about Nyneve's past interactions w/ghouls or otherwise:
Uh, how long has it been? Since you’ve met a ghoul, I mean. Rain isn’t sure what to do with himself—what to do with his hands, his limbs, any of it. He dangles in front of her like a worm on a lure, and he supposes he is one, in a way. A slice of life outside the murky waters she inhabits. But he knows he’d be her catch of the day, not the other way around. 
Many years, Nyvene says wistfully. I can sense those who venture into the water at any depth, as well as those close to the shore. But the ones who seem most closely aligned to you have never traveled as far as yourself. They were surface dwellers. Rain gives her a confused look. Not all are drawn to the depths, and that is perfectly fine for a being such as myself. But I did begin to wonder who would come next.
Dew had been telling the truth, then. Who was before me?
His name was simply Water. He was quite robust in his search, perhaps a little impatient. But he was kind to me. So I cannot fault him too much. She seems wistful, reminiscent. Rain realizes he doesn’t know much about the water ghouls before him and Dewdrop, let alone any of the ghouls that came before their current pack. 
How many before him?
Many, she says simply.
Rain swallows, more bubbles escaping his gills. How, uh—how old are you, exactly?
Hm, age is a funny thing. That can’t be good. I have existed for a long time, longer than your congregation. 
So, we didn’t, um, create you?
No, my child. Though, the dark magick running more frequently through these lands has been . . . refreshing, to put it simply.
You’ve always been here? In this lake, I mean. 
Well, as long as I can remember, yes. She chuckles.
so, you'll notice, and as a gentle reminder, Dew and Mist did not interact with her. to me, they are not a deep-water alignment as Rain is. that's not to say Dew never meets her. because he does. but he didn't interact with her prior to Rain.
i think water ghouls, and ghouls/demons in general, have more specified alignments within the elements they are 'made' of/from. just water itself can be saltwater, freshwater, deep sea, rivers/streams, storms, ice, and things of the like.
so not all of them will have desired to go to the bottom of the lake (i think its pretty deep, think some of the deeper american great lakes depth despite its overall size). the elder ghouls may have passed down the knowledge about her, and some, like Water i think, dont. maybe theyre a little selfish about her, feel like theyve been 'chosen' and that everyone else should have to discover her too. with Water (again, Delta, w/e), it was turbulent with the new summonings, the changing of ghouls and even elements. there simply wasnt time to be like 'oh yeah also theres a big tentacle lady in the lake if you want to have a fun time' you know? not his fault.
so Nyneve's def had a relationship with many a ghoul, but it hasnt been linear. it hasnt all been water ghouls either, but i think the interaction of other elements has come and gone throughout time. i havent decided if any of the 'more recent' ghouls beyond the others mentioned have met her, or just know of her.
certainly there'd be urban legends passed around amongst humans that live in the surrounding areas, so they may have heard about something in passing. esp if any of those humans happened to become siblings of the church. but humans that do know of her have never truly known who she is, and mainly just call her varelse, creature. a monster.
the poem at the end you may have noticed uses her real name, Nyneve. so we can assume someone more personally familiar with her wrote it. scribbled it in some tome somewhere about local myths and legends, or historical drafts about the abbey itself.
she's very mysterious and not even i know everything about her, haha! dark magick gone rougue, some creature that crawled up from the depths, or something created by some long forgotten god.
all this to say, Rain had to introduce Dew to Nyneve. once he got over the fact that he'd have to tell everyone else about her, considering hed come home with sucker marks all over with no real logical explanation. i think Mountain is the first one he tells, but Dew is the first one he introduces.
i really appreciate that you enjoy LOTL so much; apologies for taking a little bit to answer this, but thanks for stopping by xx
if you havent already read about Nyneve and Rain, and this sparks your interest, you can do so here:
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spamtoon · 2 months
DCRC Paperinik Week 6
Day of the Cold Sun gaming, some would even say. Raider gaming...
Hold on let me just get the book... ah here we are.
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Club Pe.nguin Jumpscare sorry I've been sitting in the lofi room a while but uh. If you played the game as a kid i'd recommend cp.j wholeheartedly i've had fun with it ANYWAY paperinik time
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hi camera 9... i've only been told one thing and that its that we May or May Not get camera 9 lore this issue so ooh. hohoh. autism hands
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oh poor lyla. i'm sure there is actually a suspicion here considering its lyla lay but i'm sure they're selling power to st. canard. and other cities outside of calisota and into other states, because lord thats what real plants do sometimes
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JFIOEAJFIOEAJ THE STUPID JESTER HAT im so mad. a bright green suit okay. alright. the most suspicious thing ever but sure
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i love the way the "portable neutralizer" is just a machine gun.
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the setup is intriguing in this one... donald choosing to stay for uno and smiling when scrooge is assigning him work, unlike what he'd usually do
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i love the way he's just like Donald, Please. There's crime afoot, which is More Important Right Now i'm so. uno's so silly...........
camera 9 :((((( another you can see both their perspectives situation like lyla has to erase the tape to maintain the space time continuum but camera 9 :(((((((
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omg... i know this is probably another situation where its like haha! we don't appreciate you and i just. lyla standing up for him because she KNOWS nothing is his fault and he's just trying to do his job and vnbvnxb.
the little raider winds look cool... sorry the way they show the juxtaposition of the two reporters and their personalities and their philosophies here--for the greater good utilitarianism versus public duty--sorry i took a class on visual communication and it counted as journalism so there was some journalism ethics stuff in there
im so mad. the way the raider did a perfect angus fangus because he can just. act like a total jerk and the only slipping was in. the vocabulary
i just realized it uses a truffula tree style text box to showcase the fake one thats silly
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camera 9...... i dont have anything to add just camera 9.....................
the scene where lyla talks to donald as uno while teleporting him there is so stupid. goofy ahh dramatic irony im so mad OH NO WAIT IM STUPID ithought she was doing an uno impression. and she's WHAT A CLUB PENGUIN UPDATE
sorry i just. i accepted wholeheartedly that uno was in the future for a second (thinking lyla was immitating uno and duck avenger just saw uno in his vision because i jumped sentence to sentence) forgetting it was in the past like. if nobody knows about the stuff in ducklair tower and its that advanced before scrooge bought it either this ducklair guy must have been the third richest duck in the world or there's some kind of time-alien something going on. but thats for the larger plot
spamtoon g spamtoon gets confused by obvious time skips more at 5
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i love how she waits until he's like full on his swing and focused determinately to be like man. that sure sucked that conversation i just had! relatable lyla
ough... her robot eyes are so cool sorry like i know shes more android because shes supposed to blend in but the litle hints like this are so cool
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sick panel....... once again commenting paperinik's use of action lines and hatching
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she's cute in these panels... i love how much faith she has in donald
nooooooo dont call her inefficient she likes having a personality....... caring about people..... you cant replace lyla lay....... i do wanna know what death you want to give her to you know convince people she's still definitely a normal duck
bro the robots are beefing. uno please lyla can think too
so thats why the time police said In Our Future... i am admittedly owndering why paperinik gambled on taking a Deal with the guy--maybe because he's like okay well i dont know how to stop you right now if the time police can't so um. i'll make myself look bad because theres no other way probably. but i guess they needed a safe space for donald and the raider to talk in. sorry boys this might be my fisrt misconception of the day
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raider paperinik bonding... im glad everyone in this universe does not like angus fangus until proven otherwise
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the panel integration in pk. this shot in paritcular ooh. sorry maybe this is because im not used to comics but i like when they get playful with the panel format
the little camera nine hints... sorry i am actively engaged in this story right now. good time travel dilemma they've presented here
the stupid fucking raider text bubble im so mad. i almost wish it was cloaked when he's disguised but i suppose its supposed to be the same voice the traditional raider has so characters like lyla would be able to tell
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donald's so Smug in this little panel bit... interesting that he's here despite y'know. fate of the universe and stuff. but maybe he's gonna try and convince them for both outcomes--duckburg Doesn't explode and yet they snatch the thing from raider. we fucked up time but like for good! we hope.
oh hey! they actually did explain how they would have killed her right here right now actually--so i guess we're going Against the space time continuum now neat, and the future's going to be up in the air again. donald and the police are at odds now thank cog
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get their ASSES paperinik!!! this replacement looks pretty cool though just maybe send them back a few decades
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sorry i love this panel the way they end pk issues... ough. i like how much she tries to make it up for camera 9 knowing she can't actually tell him what's going on to all the footage and the pictures and ough. oughghuhg. she has her own decisions and she geuninely cares about people even though she's not supposed to and its beautiful
i thought several times about continuing in this but i think i may need to like. Not and thats okay. i'll get paperinik another time boys but at this rate i might catch up! one could hope! maybe next week i'll read that week's issue on the actual week rather than the first day of next week or far far later
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djarinova · 4 days
sweetest em !! i hope life and the world and everything in it has been treating u well tehe <33
i am appearing like a little stray cat at your doorstep to ask about a mr mandalorian... please tell the great story of how u and din met + any cute hcs u would like to share ⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i wanna know more abt u guys !!
ahhh ada!!! 🫶 thank you much much for the well wishes tehehe i appreciate them very much <3 sending you hugs rn
i am petting your stray cat form and granting your wishes because i very much want to gushhhh about my most beloved husband<3 and i thank you for this opportunity (it's a long one folks so buckle up<3)
okay so, i was working in a small cantina on the outskirts of the town i lived in (i have no specific place names atm bec i have not delved that far into my specific lore yet tehe). it was not the roughest pub in the neighborhood but it was rough enough that when din came in looking to collect a bounty quite a few people looked uncomfortable (almost like they thought it couldve been a bounty for them). the guy din was looking for was sat right up at the counter closest to me and as soon as din got close and disclosed his business and said that he was going to bring the guy in I could tell there was going to be fight. somehow i end up twigging it exactly at the right time and i jumped down onto the floor just a blaster fired toward the shelves behind me. it was a rather intense 10 minutes and then suddenly the two men were gone. which i felt weirdly sad about for some reason... but before i could really figure out why i felt like that my boss was yelling at me to clean up the broken glass, as if it was my fault.... and i said to myself right then that there was just no way i could work there anymore. so i quit haha. and that was how we, well..maybe not "met" as we didnt really say a word to eachother but that was the first time we ever saw eachother.
our entire relationship is very very slow burn though. it was almost 8 weeks after the bar incident until i saw him again and then a further couple of months until we had a steady friendship and even at that point i still hadnt seen the razor crest, let alone live on it...
i can definitely give you some cute hcs tehehe, lets bullet point them real quick
1) he brings me something every single time he comes back from a bounty collection or a trip somewhere (gifts ranging from a rock he thought I'd like to a plant I'd been asking about to a bracelet or necklace to a bunch of flowers)
2) he was the one to confess to me first. I was always scared that I'd misread his feelings or that i was only seeing what i wanted to see, and it wouldve taken me a long long time to finally get the courage to tell him how i felt (although it still took a long long time because HE was also worried about misreading me and making me uncomfortable ahdjdkdk)
3) we sit together every morning that we're together and have breakfast (although breakfast is a bit generous as he usually doesn't eat and im much too tired for food so i just grab a hot drink and sit close to him)
4) we had a lot of very serious conversations fairly early on in our relationship (before he'd even fully taken his helmet off in front of me) because we both wanted to be as clear as we could with our intentions and avoid any miscommunications that might have lead to regret (i especially wanted to make sure he never felt any pressure from me in regards to seeing his face, i wanted him to know that i was happy to wait as long as i needed to)
5) his favourite petname for me (besides beloved of course) is moonlight 🥺 he called me his moonlight one evening when we were laying together and i swear i almost died! it was so cute:(
this was TOO fun 🥺 thank you for letting me talk about my wonderful husband <3
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zeeposting · 4 months
tired eepy rambler wamring very long and not good spelling I'm tired how do I add this in why isn't it working :( YAY I DID IT :D I'm so tired.
eaipugapbjnlkwe43uo3thfqww; keyboard= asmh
im tired
typing feels weird like my fingers feel heavier or something idk how to explain It
oh my golly gosh every time I blink like. not manually it feels sliike the lights fligkcerd like huh why do my eyes do that
im so tired yet hardly tired at the same time
my typing is so bad (sign of eepy) Im tearing up a bit I think (either sign of eepy or I got an eyelash in my eye) but also I don't really feel all that tired. but I am tireed
i wanna go home but I KNOW my parents are gonna be talking for SO LONG so I'll probably go home at 10 or something
i wish more of m friends were open to talk I want to annoy multiple of my friends like I wanna talk
im rambling but ioh well
irihhherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pok uhhh what happening idk
maybe its home time? no I don't think so :(
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just wanna hold my finger on one key I'm eepy
dude I forgot to write. LAC is postponed again, sorry gator you and the actual characters are going back to the "I always forget them" side of my brain oh my golly I coulda written more camp of keys!! except I have no idea where I'm going with that. uhh think think thinks what is this Pepsi ad??? anyways uhh.... what could hppen that would make sense.... maybe uhh... maybe wait is Ella going with them?? I don't think so. yeah no. okay so maybe storme says something and Clarissa basically goes back to depression mode?? but what would bring her back there. maybe Leah just starts getting all sad. and that makes clarissa sad. dude what if like I had an eepy story that I wrote more of every time I was eepy. like. no typing corrections, no thinking about it in the day, just every night when I think "oh I'm kinda eepy" I continue the story suighs I don't like having praces
bee Kay have it your way. you rule!
i want to write scroll and Quill lore but I don't at the same time. like I want to write it all out but also I have like no idea how that would work I have like half of it figured out what happened on that day I dunn!!! i love scroll and Quill sm like dude I justwant to hold them and talk to them and idk I just love those little gay freaks so much I love them and their lore and everyone involved in their story
when someone tells me they like one of my characters I have to draw thme nore tlike especially one o y friends like ryu ryu likes floe and that's why I'm gdaing globe so much more fonten because I want to make ryu happy like I just want to make my friends happy I don't really care about myself I just want them to be happy. i tell my friend that she can spam me jer worries int he private chat of this ma and her because I want her to feel btert, I don't really care I just want her to feel better.
m yypung is so bad because I'm so tired I guess but I don't really feel like fixing it. sorry I can translate in the morning but no ones gonna read this because who actuallycareas
i mean maybe ryu but like.why idk. maybe Milly. man idk
this is gonna turn into an acicnela vent or something but idrc I'm just tired ok??
tbh I don't feel like a good friend lately. idk o don't feel like elaborating but I do
in science we got to play jeopardy and the team names were so stupid
Jackie Likes Pencils, TikTok Rizz Party, Skibidy Stephen, The Billy Bus, Team Chicken Leg
(yes all of those are spelt properly I made sure of it. yes it was spelt skiidy ask inki.)
guess what team was me, inki, Ezra and ratthew comet? haha. team chicken leg. SOWA CREWMA!!!!!
man I'm tired. like eepy. super epy.
i love rue so much shes just a cute lotel pony and like she sjst so cute and I love her so much shes oh my gosh I miss Chico he's so cute and silly and goofy and funnyand I miss him.
i love my friends sm thank you
friend I wont name #1, bubblez, inki, Ezra, ryu, Milly, kit (asktrianglesblog rn), Abb, rabbit, friend I wont name #2, sapp, Ollie, zoe/fishy (I don't remember sorry) I love you all so so much
i want to cry a bit. so lets yap about something happier
should I make another character. yes
im thinking TANA melatonin for some reason. no not them stop it. dude I love TANA so much especially mug and battery and valentine they're so cool I cant wait for the actual thing to come out. or for it to come across my path idk if its actually gonna be a thing okay hmm what objects are around.
what abotu a gouwer. no that's basic plus I already have night. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why si this kids bday party football themed dude you don't like football at least uve never said anything about it at least around me???
what aib0ut uhh.. random object generator help
yk I don't have a lot of characters with names that end in uy! so. hmm jammy. like a jar of ja,. what jams are there I don't think iev ever had jam
plum han!! jammy!! !rhehe silly. any pronouns. just a silly guy.
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look at her shes so silly and so funny I love her already I don't want to give her lore she's just a silly farmer that makes jam and she gets soopu eepy like me when she doesn't have his jam beucae I said so. he's my eepy character. my ltiel eepy friend. I love him already just a silly farmer wait should he have a love interest? NO. aroace jammy. #aroacejammyforpresident2024
im rambling so much but I don't want to put on a keep on reading because do I care no. read to learn about jammy. lol what if someone read it as jimmy. Jimmy jammy. hheh,o orphan in black?? tv what are you talking about who is that.
oh no someone approaching AAA!! haha other side of the couch they are. why is my batter on re dnoo oh yeah hour 54 left
dude I knew I was gonna leave at 10 its 941 nd I'm still here.
jammy is so cute I love them so much. I should draw them more
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hegegehe happy jammy
i don't like that noise :( loud
dude in so tired I'm fighting the urge to say dude in every sentance
what is arm lasseration? dhters a guy and he's a police guy or something familyy friend and he just got a call thing on the walkie talkie II and uhh he said "ooh lovely!{" "what" "arm lasseratioin" what does that mean.
ohh its like a cut. it breaks the skin. okayyy!!!
im gonna draw sad jammy because I feel like it :(
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i love drawing on my d=touch screen computer its so fun
i fee like jammy should be my comfort character like I love them somuhc they're just my eepy gal
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jammy no your half filled with juice jammy you need more jam your gonna die!!1 of EEPYJNES!!
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aww look eeping jammy I love them so much I keep saying that but I love jammy they are a part of me I drew eepy jammy because I want to go jhome and sleep and think about scroll and Quill I don't think I'm gonna read tonight because I'm so tired and its interesting but dude I'm so tired I wanna go to sleep :(
i know I'm talking way too much but I don't care I'm eepy. there you get your keep on reading because I guess its too much
jammy I love you
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i just wanna hug jammy and go to sleep in a /p kinda way I love them so much
dude jammy is just so cute I love them they look so huggable
pleas draw jammy guys I love them.
dude I'm gonna look a this tomorrow and be so concerned
honk mimiii honk mimiii goodnight
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utilitycaster · 1 year
@burr-ell replied to your post “Just saw someone posit that Bor’Dor is secretly a...”:
hold up i think im missing something, what's moon theory??
So: it's been long enough and we've gotten enough actual moon lore since that I no longer go full Kill Bill sirens, and I've had several dubious wine cooler freezer pop...things so let's do this.
The basic gist of the most well-known moon theory is that Fjord is from the moon. I do not recall if it specified which moon. I am not, to be honest, entirely sure if the people who put forth this theory were aware that Exandria had two moons. I think they were aware it had multiple moons but I am not positive that at the time of the theory they could name them.
Of course, there is lore. I'm not up on all of it and as mentioned, drinking, and it was like, not quite three years ago when it reached its height and I haven't rewatched the video that caused this to circulate on Tumblr since. If you want to watch the full video, which is very stupid and poorly edited, you can watch it here.
Anyway: the theory was that Fjord, a half-orc, was actually one of the space orcs from the Spelljammer setting, which are "cleverly" called Scro. (This is also the origin story on why I immediately assume that anyone super into Spelljammer has the cognitive capabilities of a grilled cheese sandwich, an assumption that has not yet failed me.) The reason why was that he was "too small" to be a half-orc (he's on the small side but, contrary to what fanartists will have you believe, well within normal bounds of half-orc sizes) and also he was too smart to be an orc. This, when you realize this video was made in August 2020, ie, many discussions about racial essentialism in general and in D&D specifically are being had, really gives you a sense of the brain trust we are working with here.
The basis of the theory beyond that is...incomprehensible. It mostly rests on panels in which Matt is like "yeah Spelljammer sure does exist" or the fact that Travis, when asked point blank if Fjord was from the moon, gave the sort of "what the FUCK" stare one might expect. Apparently the video is about other moon theories as well but I could not tell you what they were because it's mostly just a series of (poorly) edited clips in which the moon is mentioned. There is no thesis. There is no argument. It's the Moon Moon of YouTube videos. I do distinctly remember that Keyleth being a Circle of the Moon druid is mentioned for no particular reason other than the word "Moon" is there. It's essentially a compilation of times the word "moon" exists. It's so fucking stupid. It also, as I recall, and I want to note at this point that I've done a significant amount undergrad-level work in astronomy and cosmology so you can see how painful this is to me, rested heavily on not understanding that the Astral Plane and Outer Space are different locations. But it is almost an hour long, and again, it aired in August 2020 with all that entails, so it unfortunately caught on like Circle of the Moon Wildfire.
Anyway. The point is that some people took "if you can't blind them with brilliance, dazzle them with bullshit" very much to heart and there was a month or so in the CR fandom where everyone was like "lol Fjord is an alien from the moon haha" which very much sucked, but fortunately, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, the shipping discourse of Rumblecusp served as a fucking balm in comparison since at least it was fandom bullshit as usual rather than a no intelligent life on this planet scenario, though it was definitely being unfunnily joked about for quite some time after. I'm sure it has pockets of supporters somewhere but I think anyone watching Campaign 3 can feel confident that it's been soundly debunked.
Anyway I searched my blog and I found this from that era which, if I do say so myself, is pretty funny.
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namelessdeceased · 2 months
my return means i NEED a new pinned post like a returning king needs his servant (except im not a king im a peasant returning from illness scrambling for little breadcrumbs)
my actual pinned post DOWN THERE!!! ↓↓
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𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑠 (𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡! 𝑝𝑙𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑)
call me theo (pronounced th-ee-oh). might update tho
he/him pronouns ONLY. please 😭
i'm definitely a minor. i'm turning 14 this year. be careful. (i'll update my age ofc)
DONT FLIRT WITH ME. i feel like that does not need to be said. dont do it tho
i'm pretty uncomfortable w obsessiveness, like stalking, yanderes etc
masc terms please 😭
i do still take moodboard/stimboard reqs!
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divider credit to @.enchanthings on tumblr!
more info about me is below the cut
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i have quite a few. im sorry 😪
im having a name conflict rn. call me theo. maybe ren.
he/him. no honorifics unless you have to/its a joke
trans boy! not transmasc like im a trans boy.
aroace i think
^ boyliker though. achillean i think, though i do just call myself gay. boys are fire
autistic 😪
intj, 4w5 last i checked but im not so sure
first, music! have some 😁👍
𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠!
star next to it means my main interests
☆ astrophysics
☆ particle physics
most other science-related things
studying culture (if that makes any sense)
𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠! (𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠, 𝑡𝑣, 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠 𝑒𝑡𝑐)
bolded are the ones i mainly interact w
ensemble stars (crazy:b-P!!!)
vanitas no carte
horizon forbidden west/zero dawn
the goldfinch
bungo stray dogs
paper girls
the promised neverland
rick riordan universe
six of crows
probably a lot more but im way too lazy to rmb them all
bears in trees. FOR LIFE
midwest emo
dark ambient (nobody on youtube? GAS.)
the occasional lofi
lemon demon!!!
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𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑖 𝑑𝑜!
i do like. a bunch of crap. but currently im very academic, im studying like all the time ever. maybe every month or so i'll post a vlog (will link probably). i love doing research on things people 10 years older than me are. projects on things like QGP or colour charge are fun.
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when two people love each other
nah its ok im fw you but like i do have a buncha lore.
i showed up a few years back and made some friends. some of said friends made me a little uncomfortable after some time and we drifted. i never touched tumblr again for a MINUTE. its now what. two and a half years later. im old and not caught up with the latest tumblr hahas. please educate your old man on your new kid slang
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aint no way i spelled that right
i love almost every aesthetic. theyre all nice. currently im very dark academia though.
i still take moodboard/stimboard reqs if anyone still wants em!
dont be surprised if my texting style has changed, its been two years😁
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milksuu · 3 months
deeply disappointed in myself i'm sorry in advance 🩵🩵 trying to form questions in my head as i type this like ?? wgat was that key doing in us but that'll probably be revealed in the next part ?? unless im an idiot and phel just got 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 like that 😶‍🌫️ sorry but i need him to get mc pregnant RIIIGHHHTTT NEOWWWWW 🙏🙏🙏 i beg of you please js put it in i'm so sorry i'm down bad rn but uh anyway !!?##]^ i anticipate what u have in store for pt 3 too bc anon had the right idea omg .. pregnancy ,,, repopulating the clan uchiha style u have my heart . AND MC MY SWEET ☹️☹️ so kind despite literally . being a captive ⁉️⁉️😭 free my girl (lying through my teeth btw, need to b stuck there forever). ALSO HELLO WHO WASHED US 😨😨 was it phel or some other lunari but oh my god , during that scene!!!!!!! the way u describe everything (vag😍) is mmmphhkjgf all i can do is gush over ur writing w no shame bc i need phel so bad, uhh chp dedicated towards eating mc out ?? ur insane actually. i love u sm ☹️☹️ the language n atmosphere lord save me bc what do yoy mean these rn't canon descriptors of lunari grounds, if riot isn't putting in the work then we hve writers like you god bless ☹️
also . LMFAOOO LOSER 😭😭 idiot stuck in the bath (need to b in there w him), oh and was it the noctum rhat paralysed him (he can paralyse me from my waist down 🩵) ? silly question but im a lil deranged rn after reading that my bad . mc was honestly such a sweetheart though, for treating him so well but we'll ignore the prior murder attempt. can't lose a baddie tonight ykyk ‼️‼️ what would happen though if . mc committed to it though err would phel just be a goner considering his state in the bathtub n all 😭
thats it from me rn bc it's late !! 🦦🩵
LMFAO! i loved reading this omg.
OK SO--yeah phel was just being a weirdo and decided to 'hide' the key inside of mc, cause why not.
ALL YALL WANTING BABIES WITH THIS MAN HAHA. hes literally insane. and you know what? VALID. but i'll be upfront and say it won't be happening in part 3, soowwwyyy. </3
also phel 100% washed mc. like, he literally made sure that mc had a warm bath, to the point he let the water get cold for himself. and well, yeah, he's a DUMMY who ran out of time before the side effects of the noctum completely started fckin up his insides and got trapped suffering in a cold bath HAHA. i also hc that there's no way this man ISNT dying every time he consumes it. and this mf knows it and will do it till he legit dies and alune knows this too. [*insert tragic bad ending here*]
and we actually aren't at a lunari camp just yet!!!! mc really is just in a tavern in like a neutral territory/town rn. and dont you worry, you'll know when we do get there, because in my mind, the place is GORGEOUS. like a freaking jeweled city inside the mountain and its BREATHTAKING. MAGICAL. STREAMS LOOK LIKE STARTLIGHT. FLOWERS ARE BIOLUMINESCENT. THERE ARE POCKETS OF MOONSHINE IN DARK CAVERNOUS ROOMS WHERE THE LUNARI BATHE COMPLETELY NAKED AND BOND AS FRIENDS/FAMILY/LOVERS. i rlly dont fckin know i wish riot would give us so much more lore to their territory. for both solari and lunari honestly. but yeah, we'll know soon enough!
and uh yeah if mc committed we wouldn't have a part 3 LMFAO.
once again, ty for the lovely msg anon!! <3<3<3
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ahqkas · 4 months
helloo! i hope ur doing well ^^ (pls beware of very long message... sorry for the long messages btw im rlly talkative HAHAH)
OOH thats actually interesting, and i agree! it actually brings to light the parallels between both harry and mattheo! harry potter being this amazing child who survived voldy, and then mattheo riddle who's feared due to being related by that same man by blood. tbh, dumbledore was probably a bit hesitant and nervous to approach mattheo abt his situation with voldy but im not entirely sure abt it (im not that caught up with dumbledore lore, sorry 😭),, but i agree that he will give vv big special treatment to both mattheo and harry!!
YESYESYES. THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE LORE THAT IVE BEEN MISSING. i think this 'harry-mattheo' part tends to be overlooked (?? then again im not too sure, since whenever i scroll in tumblr i see mostly fics HAHAH, not that im complaining tho),, but my hcs were a bit related to the parallels i mentioned above ^^, it's like harry is in the light and mattheo's in the dark. harry's praised for his power (??) for surviving against the attacks of voldy as a baby and as the 'chosen one', whilst mattheo was in fact feared from being relatively tied, body and soul to voldemort. mattheo was never praised for withstanding the bs his father did and for being strong from the things he individually experienced as a son yk.
i'd like to think that harry actively avoids mattheo maybe, and he avoids him much MUCH more than draco. draco's whines he can tolerate, but the stare of riddle? HE'S RUNNING (jk). honestly potter and riddle would be the talk of hogwarts for a while bc yk:
"pspsps did u hear that 'you-know-who's son is quite literally breathing the same air and walking on the same hallway as potter, the one who survived his father's curse or whatever?!?!?! GASP' and they prob thought some big drama would happen but no, these two guys AVOID each other like the plague 😭. while harry avoids riddle, i don't think he'd sit by if he thinks that mattheo is doing something that actively hurts people.
for mattheo, idk tbh… but i was thinking that mattheo has this hidden jealousy deep down, since potter is being praised for his strength for surviving voldy's thing, but what about him that survived his father's antics and pressure? but its just my hc, i rlly rlly wanna look further into it though!!
i'm still trying to think of a dynamic, both harry and mattheo since im not sure of its accuracy and i rlly want it as lore accurate as possible to satiate my thirst HAHA, but thank you for coming to my ted talk!!
anw, i hope your doing and resting well <33 pls make sure to drink water and eat, and stay safe and healthy!! mwa <3 - c: anon
HII MY LOVE don’t worry i love listening to u !!! that’s okay i don’t really know much about dumbledore myself just the stuff i’ve seen online since i didn’t really pay attention to him when i read the books 😭😭 ,
that’s so true everyone looked up to harry bc of the whole voldemort & ‘the chosen one’ thing but no one noticed mattheo and when they did they’d either avoid him or let him know with their gazes that they don’t like him much , which is from mattheo’s pov unfair bc he obviously didn’t ask for being the blood of the dark lord && here comes the whole thing with him bullying other students at hogwarts when he was younger , yk how draco did so, mattheo would do exactly the same . he was finally feared at the school (kids bullied HIM at the orphanage bc he couldn’t stand up for himself) and he took the chance , i think he’d stop with the harassing during like 4th year when he matured and also bc there was the rise of voldy so he got afraid his father would try & success in finding him soooo his mind was occupied with other things like making fun of other students yk where i’m getting ? 😭😭
THEY WOULD TALK ABOUT THEM 😭😭😭 and you’re so right about mattheo being jealous , potter’s getting all the attention after all, professors adore him (especially the headmaster) && he’s getting praised for literally breathing ??? mattheo’s full of jealousy , although harry’s parents are dead , i think mattheo would often stare at him & the weasley family at the train station at the beginning and end of the school term bc suddenly they’re hugging him and kissing all over his face , something mattheo could only dream of ; the touch of love.
we should write our own rewrite of the hp lore and add mattheo as well 😭😭 may i use these hcs for my fanfics angel ?? u have no idea how much i adore talking about this w u <33
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immortaltale · 4 months
ship ask for the psg trio- neymessi / neybappe / kyleo (?)
hi anon 😌 despite owning a psg jersey i'm not actually a fan of the club itself so i'm not really too sure on the player dynamics over there, i can only really go on vibes haha. for ney/messi i know that a number of my friends like it! but im not knowledgeable enough myself to say anything else about them, and the same goes for ky/leo. but like if someone told me really interesting ideas or lore behind them then maybe i can see myself getting behind it you know.
anyway for ney/bappe, i'm not really a fan sorry ☹️ again i don't know too much about their History™️ but the way they are now/most recently, how neymar acts about mbappe, it sorta rubs me the wrong way. but i respect if anyone likes it tho ^^
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I’ve been rereading everything in the staticverse bc it’s honestly become like such a great source of comfort for me and ily so much for it.
but as i was rereading i was struck by just HOW MUCH i love it. so i compiled a little list for you 💗
1. you have put absolutely insane amounts of detail into this and i appreciate it so fucking much you have no idea. there is layers upon layers upon layers of lore and plot connections and just UGH.
2. static. that’s it. end of story. just static.
2.2 okay so i know that you have your concerns about creating a reader that might be interpreted as “too similar” to the author but fuck that it’s bullshit. this is your work this is your creation you get to do whatever the fuck you want with it.
2.3 also static is such a badass and it’s honestly so refreshing to see a x reader fanfic where she isn’t a total mary sue or just the human embodiment of a slice of white bread. static is NOT BLAND she is NOT BORING. she has her faults she has her flaws and it makes her so much more relatable as a character. it’s so much easier to like step into the readers shoes when they’re a fully fleshed out character as opposed to a blank slate to project yourself onto. the way that you write static and her interactions with everyone around her is honestly on a whole other level and i like cant describe it it’s just so ajsjfosnsnajakakadjd
3. adding onto my like static and her interactions thing, dude. the way you portray her relationships with each different character so differently and yet so HER is insane. it shows how phenomenally multifaceted she is and i just genuinely love it
4. whenever the story is being “narrated” by a different character, your writing changes tone so well without losing its quality. there’s a stark (haha get it) difference between the way tony narrates as opposed to say steve or harley or even static herself and that’s something that i love with my entire fucking heart. you’re able to so seamlessly blend these characters together to create a beautiful tapestry of a world within the MCU and have i mentioned that i love it?
5. the EFFORT you put into this is unparalleled. like genuinely you could wake up tomorrow and say “im done writing this forever” and delete all of your work and i would still be happy that i got to be a small part of it. everything about the way that you world built and character developed and connected events is just SO GOOD LIKE????
6. this is embarrassing lowkey but static has like become my personality now? if im in a situation where im nervous or intimidated i just think about the avengers ft static when she goes to recruit Steve and he says something along the lines of “people didn’t hold themselves like that unless they were truly very sure of themselves” (i BUTCHERED that ik and im so sorry about it but i hope you know what point im referencing) and it like HELPS A LOT!!!
7. i originally read this bc im a slut for bucky barnes but i adore the way that it’s expanded to become more of just a series about static herself. you’ve developed such an interesting and exciting character that just like reading about what she ate for breakfast would make my month. and i will shamelessly admit that when she said “steve wasn’t the love of her life, bucky isn’t the love of her life, morgan is the love of her life” (again butchering the quote i am so disappointed in myself) i teared up. bc like while i am simply a hole made special for james barnes it was just so nice to see that this was a (cliché alert) strong, independent, female character who’s life didn’t revolve around a love interest. and no one looks for that in x reader fanfiction but it’s such a blessing that you were able to make it and i was able to find it.
8. this series and these fics are literally like free therapy and i love you more than static loves morgan, harley, and peter
sorry for the essay but i need you to know that i love you so so so so much.
im right behind you babe ❤️❤️❤️
when I tell you, I sobbed on a random tuesday morning after reading this....
I had been feeling really fucking shitty and then I woke up, i read this, first thing in the morning and honestly? Depression? Cured. Skin? Cleared. Laundry? Folded.
This was so personal to me. I just.. I cannot express how much this means to me, no matter how hard I try. It moves me so much that you noticed all the little information I had scattered throughout the story thinking like, 'oh this will be a fun callback when i read it later' only to find out you were following along!!!! This is literally the best feeling ever.
Whenever I'm having a shit day, questioning my 'talents' at work (because my job is in a similar zone) I come back to read this and I'm like yeah, well. @third-broparcelicito loved my shit so I cannot be that bad lmao.
Anyway, all this is to say, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading whatever content I put out and investing your time, energy and love into it so deeply. I swear people like you are the only reason I keep coming back to the series and updating it randomly. You keep me going despite my overly busy schedule. Thank you so so much.
I'm right behind you. I've got your back.
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ai-kan1 · 1 year
What do I do if your magical boys first years making me want to write whole fic about them? I'll be waiting to see them again, but make sure to not burn out and take rest!!! 💖💖💖
Tell us three of your favourite things about Junoace/Juno!
Thank you!!!
HELLO?;!+( It might take sometime to drawing the designs (mostly cuz my attention span is very random and i start new stuff alot hafshd) BUT!! IF U EVER WRITE ANYTHING TWST MAGICAL GIRL(even if its not related to me i just love magical girl stuff) DO TAG ME!! I WANNA READ THATTT
Andd yahh!! I will take care of myself!! Drawing usually my go to relaxation along with games they are nice past time between work and school 💪✨✨
(I give 3 for each...)
-well for juni its his looks!! Im really happy of his design as of right now and its funny to look at the first time i drew him vs now
-thinking about him in general? Juno is only oc i have put alot of work on usually i just design a character and leave it at that but with Juno i love thinking up his lore like his home, his relationships likes and dislikes so on!
-Dressing him up!!! Events in twst give great opportunity to give him many outfits to look cute/cool on
-their dynamic!! Its (banter x banter) so alot of friendly teasing and playful kisses (homies being homies haha)
-How i can connect them to simple things like i can assign them animals( Fox and Tanuki!! ) Or fruits (🍒 🍌) and alot more etc. (Does this make sense?)
-Just in general how they look tgt!! Their colors go so well tgt (it wasn't intentional but here we are hahagsh) yellow and red makes that pretty dusk color... 🌇
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